introduction to panchakarma in ayurveda

Introduction to Panchakarma in Ayurveda Dr. Abhay Kulkarni Dr. Rajashree Kulkarni M.D. M.D

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Page 1: Introduction to panchakarma in ayurveda

Introduction to Panchakarma in AyurvedaDr. Abhay Kulkarni Dr. Rajashree Kulkarni

M.D. M.D

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Ayurveda Ancient Indian System of Medicine

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Millions of people suffering from….

• Diabetes• Arthritis• Asthma• PsoriasisAnd many other diseases…

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• Can we make a difference to them….

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• You can prosper only if people need your services…

• You can be successful only if you are useful to the society

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• Speciality of Ayurveda

• Thoroughly researched at Ayushree

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Panchakarma are..

• Highly sophistacted• Carefully crafted• Miraculous results• Unbelievable cure• Marvelous feeling• Absolute beauty...

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Panchakarma @ Ayushree

• These extremely pleasant relaxing treatments enhance the body's own self-healing powers, bringing about a profound and lasting regeneration.

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Panchakarma @ Ayushree

• Ayushree Ayurvedic Hospital & Research centre offers you one of the most sophisticated of all therapeutic concepts from Ayurveda, in its classical form.

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What is Ayurveda ?

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What is Ayurveda ?

• Traditional System of medicine...• Herbal remedy...• Home remedies ...• Philosophy....• Religion..

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Ayurveda is....

• Ancient Indian system of medicine, which is in practice since 5000 years.

• More than medicine it is a science of life or a way of life.

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• Useful to any body and everybody

• All over the world irrespective of any country, religion, caste or creed.

• Natural way of treating diseases, holistic approach.

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• No side effects.• Ayurvedic system relies on

making the body strong and pure from inside rather than relying completely on external medicines

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• Ayurveda is based upon a deep understanding of natural phenomena in the outer world and the inner body.

• It believes in restoring the harmony between the nature and the body.

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• Principles of Ayurveda help – in achieving profound understanding

of the movement of vital forces – cosmic energy – and their manifestations – in the entire mind-body system.

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Basic difference is...

• Ayurvedic system awakens the divine healer inside the body, rather than treating only the diseases.

• It is Nature’s Own System of medicine

• We treat....He Cures !

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Terminology of Ayurveda

• Dosha• Dhatu• Mala• Pancha Mahabhuta• Ojas• Agni• Ama

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Philosophy of Treatment

• Wise Person – Able to identify the health problem at a very early stage

• Deals with it immediately by proper internal & external remedies

• Internal medicines – herbs, powders, tablets etc.

• External medicines - Panchakarma

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Philosophy of Treatment

• Fool –• Due to ignorance and negligence• Fails to identify the breeding enemy in his

own body

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Philosophy of Treatment

• All major diseases....• start as a minor health problem....• If ignored it creeps deep into the body...• slowly encroaches and eats up all the

immunity, strength & even our life..

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Philosophy of Treatment

• No Suppression• Restore Normalcy• Use natural substances• Holistic Approach• Treat the Root Cause not the symptoms• Long lasting & Permanent cure

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Ayurvedic Treatment

• Proper medicines – right choice of drugs as per diagnosis

• Disease specific diet• Appropriate Panchakarma• Specific Instructions for Do’s & Dont’s

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Treatment in Ayurveda

• Daiva vyapashraya – Spiritual • Yukti Vyapashraya – Medicinal• Satvavajaya - Counselling

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• Adhi daivik – Due to past deeds• Adhibhautik – Physical• Adyatmik - Spiritual

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Medicinal Treatment

• Internal - Antahparimarjan• External - Bahihparimarjan• Surgical - Shastrapranidhan

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Internal Medication

• Shodhana – Elimination – Panchakarma• Shamana – Palitative - Medicines

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Ayurvedic Medicines

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• Natural – Herbal– Herbo-mineral– Animal origin

• Safe & Effective• Dose• Time• Anupana

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Introduction to Panchakarma in AyurvedaDr. Abhay Kulkarni Dr. Rajashree Kulkarni

M.D. M.D

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Ayurveda Ancient Indian System of Medicine

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Millions of people suffering from….

• Diabetes• Arthritis• Asthma• PsoriasisAnd many other diseases…

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• Can we make a difference to them….

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• You can prosper only if people need your services…

• You can be successful only if you are useful to the society

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• Speciality of Ayurveda

• Thoroughly researched at Ayushree

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Panchakarma are..

• Highly sophistacted• Carefully crafted• Miraculous results• Unbelievable cure• Marvelous feeling• Absolute beauty...

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Panchakarma @ Ayushree

• These extremely pleasant relaxing treatments enhance the body's own self-healing powers, bringing about a profound and lasting regeneration.

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Panchakarma @ Ayushree

• Ayushree Ayurvedic Hospital & Research centre offers you one of the most sophisticated of all therapeutic concepts from Ayurveda, in its classical form.

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What is Ayurveda ?

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• Ayurveda is based upon a deep understanding of natural phenomena in the outer world and the inner body.

• It believes in restoring the harmony between the nature and the body.

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• Principles of Ayurveda help – in achieving profound understanding

of the movement of vital forces – cosmic energy – and their manifestations – in the entire mind-body system.

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Philosophy of Treatment

• Wise Person – Able to identify the health problem at a very early stage

• Deals with it immediately by proper internal & external remedies

• Internal medicines – herbs, powders, tablets etc.

• External medicines - Panchakarma

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Philosophy of Treatment

• Fool –• Due to ignorance and negligence• Fails to identify the breeding enemy in his

own body

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Philosophy of Treatment

• All major diseases....• start as a minor health problem....• If ignored it creeps deep into the body...• slowly encroaches and eats up all the

immunity, strength & even our life..

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Philosophy of Treatment

• No Suppression• Restore Normalcy• Use natural substances• Holistic Approach• Treat the Root Cause not the symptoms• Long lasting & Permanent cure

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Ayurvedic Treatment

• Proper medicines – right choice of drugs as per diagnosis

• Disease specific diet• Appropriate Panchakarma• Specific Instructions for Do’s & Dont’s

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Treatment in Ayurveda

• Daiva vyapashraya – Spiritual • Yukti Vyapashraya – Medicinal• Satvavajaya - Counselling

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• Adhi daivik – Due to past deeds• Adhibhautik – Physical• Adyatmik - Spiritual

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Medicinal Treatment

• Internal - Antahparimarjan• External - Bahihparimarjan• Surgical - Shastrapranidhan

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Internal Medication

• Shodhana – Elimination – Panchakarma• Shamana – Palitative - Medicines

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Ayurvedic Medicines

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• Prevention• Therapy• Rejuvenation

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Choice of Drug

After care


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Pradhankarma Paschatkarma


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Preparation for panchakarma

• Snehapana – Internal oleation• Abhyanga - warm-oil massage • Sarvanga Swedana – Medicated

steam bath•

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How do they work

• The medicines penetrate externally thru the pores of the skin

• Internally from the digestive tract loosening and dislodging impurities and toxins

• Brought back to the Stomach, Small or Large intestine

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Is detoxification necessary

• Our body needs cleaning internally and externally.

• Metabolism generates toxins• stored in Lipids • Accumulated toxins pose a serious threat• Extremely sticky & Coated• Body’s efforts to eliminate are inadequate• Panchakarma is the solution

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Panchakarma extremely useful in..

• Arthritis, Back Problems, musculo-skeletal • Diabetis• Obesity• Heart diseases, Hypertension• Psoriasis • Eczema & other skin diseases• Asthma• Beauty related problems

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Panchakarma extremely useful in..

• Infertility• Planning to have a baby

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Arthritis, Back Problems, musculo-skeletal

• Pindasweda• Tailadhara• Swedana• Basti• Janu basti• Upanaha

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• Major – To be done under supervision of a Vaidya

• Minor – Can be done without supervision of vaidya after proper training

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Major Panchakarma

• Wamana• Virechana• Nasya• Basti• Raktamokshana• Pinda sweda• Taila Dhara

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• Agnikarma• Shirobasti• Uttara Basti• Yoni Dhavana• Hrid basti

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• Massage• Udwartana• Steam bath• Padabhyanga – Foot massage• Shirobhyanga – Head massage• Mukha bhaynga – Facial massage• Mukha lepa – Facial packs

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• Upanaha – Poultice• Pratimarsh Nasya• Kati basti• Janu Basti• Shirodhara• Karna Purana - Ear• Nabhi Purana - Navel

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Benefits of PanchaKarma

Reduced StressImproved Digestion and AppetiteImproved Sleep PatternIncreased Vitality and AlertnessEnhanced Flexibility in Joints and MusclesNormalisation of Weight without Strain

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• Strong Immune system• Good quality tissues• complete elimination of unwanted

metabolic products

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Wellness Parameters

• feeling of control of – destiny, – health practices, – spirituality, – family,

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• environment, • work, • money and security, • health services, • social support and leisure.

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factors contributing to wellness

• living in a clean environment, • eating organic food, • regularly engaging in physical exercise • balance in career; family & relationships

developing religious faith.

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Workplace wellness

• gym full of exercise equipment• manage nutrition / weight• personality development• stress mangement• health risk assessments, • health screenings.