introduction to radio waves vincent l. fish source: windows to the universe (ucar) image courtesy of...

Introduction to Radio Waves Vincent L. Fish source: Windows to the Universe (UCAR) Image courtesy of NRAO/AUI

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Page 1: Introduction to Radio Waves Vincent L. Fish source: Windows to the Universe (UCAR) Image courtesy of NRAO/AUI

Introduction to Radio WavesVincent L. Fish

source: Windows to the Universe (UCAR) Image courtesy of NRAO/AUI

Page 2: Introduction to Radio Waves Vincent L. Fish source: Windows to the Universe (UCAR) Image courtesy of NRAO/AUI


Light is a transverse wave phenomenonElectric and magnetic fields are perpendicular to direction of travel (and each other)

Waves can be characterized by a few parameters:Amplitude AWavelength λ (or frequency f, also called ν)Phase φ

Wavelength and frequencyare related

λ · f = v (velocity of wave)

For light, v = c =2.99792458 x 1010 cm s-1

2.99792458 x 108 m s-1

2.99792458 x 105 km s-1

Page 3: Introduction to Radio Waves Vincent L. Fish source: Windows to the Universe (UCAR) Image courtesy of NRAO/AUI

Energy of light

Quantum mechanics tells us that we can think of light as a particle

Energy of a photon: E = h νh = 6.626068 x 10-27 erg s = 6.626068 x 10-34 J s (Planck's constant)

We can equivalently talk about wavelength, frequency, or energy

Page 4: Introduction to Radio Waves Vincent L. Fish source: Windows to the Universe (UCAR) Image courtesy of NRAO/AUI

Radio waves

Radio waves are the longest wavelength (lowest frequency, lowest energy) portion of the electromagnetic spectrum

Wavelength > 0.3 mmFrequency < 1 THz (1012 cycles s-1)

No sharp cutoff to definition of “radio” – usually defined by hardware/technique or atmosphere


1 THz1 GHz1 MHz

Page 5: Introduction to Radio Waves Vincent L. Fish source: Windows to the Universe (UCAR) Image courtesy of NRAO/AUI

Blackbody radiation

Thermal emission shows a characteristic spectrum

Peak of emission (per unitwavelength) is atλ

max = 2.9 mm / T[K]

Room temperature300 K: λ

max = 10 μm

(ν = 30 THz)

Cosmic microwavebackground3 K: λ

max = 1 mm

(ν = 300 GHz)

Radio can see colder thingsthan can other wavelengths

source: Giro720, wikipedia

Rayleigh-Jeans approximation valid

“Classical” behavior

Planck's law required

Page 6: Introduction to Radio Waves Vincent L. Fish source: Windows to the Universe (UCAR) Image courtesy of NRAO/AUI

Atmospheric transmission

The atmosphere is transparent to most radio waves

Water vapor is a problem at millimeter wavelengths – requires going to very dry (usually very high) site

Page 7: Introduction to Radio Waves Vincent L. Fish source: Windows to the Universe (UCAR) Image courtesy of NRAO/AUI
Page 8: Introduction to Radio Waves Vincent L. Fish source: Windows to the Universe (UCAR) Image courtesy of NRAO/AUI


Polarization can be linear, circular, or elliptical

The two linear polarization modes (horizontal and vertical) are orthogonal – if you have two crossed polarizers, no light will get through

The two circular modes (left and right circular) are orthogonal

However, linear and circular modes are not orthogonal

Terrestrial radio signals are usuallypolarized

Some astronomical radio signalsare polarized also

Page 9: Introduction to Radio Waves Vincent L. Fish source: Windows to the Universe (UCAR) Image courtesy of NRAO/AUI


Page 10: Introduction to Radio Waves Vincent L. Fish source: Windows to the Universe (UCAR) Image courtesy of NRAO/AUI

Doppler effect

The apparent frequency of a soundwave is shifted when the sourcemoves relative to the observer

The same is true for light

Source moving away:lower frequencyredshift

Source approaching:higher frequencyblueshift

Image courtesy Windows to the Universe

Page 11: Introduction to Radio Waves Vincent L. Fish source: Windows to the Universe (UCAR) Image courtesy of NRAO/AUI

Doppler effect

If v << c, ∆λ/λ ~ ∆ν/ν ~ v/c

Rule of thumb: The fractional Doppler shift in frequency (or wavelength) is the speed in relativistic units (c = 1)

source: TxAlien, Wikipedia

Page 12: Introduction to Radio Waves Vincent L. Fish source: Windows to the Universe (UCAR) Image courtesy of NRAO/AUI

Applications of Doppler effect

The Doppler shift gives the line-of-sight velocity of an object

Examples:radar (reflection off moving object)exoplanet detection (through reflex motion of star)

Page 13: Introduction to Radio Waves Vincent L. Fish source: Windows to the Universe (UCAR) Image courtesy of NRAO/AUI

Spectral lines

Energy levels of atoms and molecules are quantized

Energy can only be absorbed or emitted atspecific frequencies – a “fingerprint” of theatom or molecule

Page 14: Introduction to Radio Waves Vincent L. Fish source: Windows to the Universe (UCAR) Image courtesy of NRAO/AUI

Doppler effect on spectral lines

Spectral lines give velocity information

Rest frequency (wavelength) is knowna priori – every atom and molecule hasa fingerprint

Measuring the frequency (wavelength)of emission or absorption line givesDoppler shift

Doppler shift is proportional to velocity

Direction of Doppler shift tells us whetherthe source is moving toward or awayfrom us

At radio frequencies, the frequency (thus, velocity) can be measured very precisely

Not moving

Moving toward receiver

Moving away from receiver


Page 15: Introduction to Radio Waves Vincent L. Fish source: Windows to the Universe (UCAR) Image courtesy of NRAO/AUI

Mapping Galactic structure

Milky way has fairly well known rotation curve – far away material is Doppler shifted, and line-of-sight velocity can be used as proxy for distance

Map of galaxy in CO (115.271203 GHz rest frequency) observed with 0.0005 GHz resolution (1.3 km s-1)

CO is abundant in molecular clouds, which trace the spiral arms of the Milky Way – these stand out in the longitude/velocity plot

Dame, Hartmann, & Thaddeus (2001)

Page 16: Introduction to Radio Waves Vincent L. Fish source: Windows to the Universe (UCAR) Image courtesy of NRAO/AUI


Radio waves are frequentlyused for communications

Example: AM and FM radio

AM = amplitude modulation

FM = frequency modulation

Remember, even thougha car radio produces soundwaves, the information is broadcastusing light waves (radio waves)

Phil Erickson will talk more about AM/FM

source: Berserkus, Wikipedia

Page 17: Introduction to Radio Waves Vincent L. Fish source: Windows to the Universe (UCAR) Image courtesy of NRAO/AUI
Page 18: Introduction to Radio Waves Vincent L. Fish source: Windows to the Universe (UCAR) Image courtesy of NRAO/AUI

Standing wavesConsider a wave travelling in a cavity(e.g., sound in an organ pipe,radio wave in a waveguide)

In general, allowed propagation modeswill have one of two boundary conditions:node (zero) oranti-node (maximum displacement)

Reflection off surface causes wavesto travel in both directions

Peaks at multiples of λ/2

Source: Brews ohare, wikipedia

Page 19: Introduction to Radio Waves Vincent L. Fish source: Windows to the Universe (UCAR) Image courtesy of NRAO/AUI

Phasing and interference

Many radio stations have antenna arraysto allow directional broadcasting

Altering power and phase at each antennachanges the beam (broadcasting pattern)

AM stations may have different beampatterns (and power) for day and night

KMTI photo: reception maps:

Page 20: Introduction to Radio Waves Vincent L. Fish source: Windows to the Universe (UCAR) Image courtesy of NRAO/AUI


Radio astronomy uses arrays of telescopes called interferometers

These are analogous to phased broadcasting arrays, except that they receive radiation

Altering the delays (phases) between telescopes changes the reception pattern

Image courtesy of NRAO/AUI source: