introduction to sociology 1


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Post on 13-Jan-2015



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Drugs abuse is a social problem

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What are Drugs??? A drug, broadly speaking, is any substance that, when absorbed into the body of a livingorganism, alters normal body function.

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They include drugs such as:

● Cocaine● Marijuana● Chars● Bhang● Opium● Morphine● Alcohols● Benzodiazepine Etc.

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Why People become addicted of narcotics?

● Medical/ Accidental● Psycho neurotic● Psychopaths● Psychotic

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Narcotics addiction reasons

Due to poor group association

Due to bad relationship or breakage in past

Disorganized family Bad relationship with

their parents Peer pressure Rejections by society Frustration Death of dear one Unemployment Inter familial conflicts

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Narcotics addiction reasons (contd.)

Lack of goal direction in life Mental punishment or torture Rigid teaching techniques Easy access to drugs Addiction to prescribed medicine Involvement of administration in drug

mafia especially The Police


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Recent surveys reveal that

Drug addicts are usually between ages of 21-30 years.76%  heroin addicts,61% tablet addicts and 43% opium addicts became addicted through their friendsOnly 13% addicts were found educated55% of addicts were married24 year age is average addicts age in Pakistan

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Brain Storming…

attitude of drug addict towards his family or society???

feelings of an addict when he is on drug???

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Why drugs are considered as Social problem???

Sudden deaths Broken homes Lost productivity Economic pressure

to maintain habit Development of

criminal behaviors Changing attitudes

towards others

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Anti-social diseases like HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis etc.

27% of total HIV positives are injected drugs addicts

125,000 injected drug addicts and most of them share common needles.

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Situation in Pakistan???

In 2003 cultivation of 6703 hectors in Pakistan, in 2004. 2005, 2006, and 2007 it was 6694, 3145, 1909 and 2306 hectors respectively.

628,000 heroin addicts in Pakistan(2008)

100% increase in injected drugs addicts (2007)

63,938% increase in tablets narcotics addicts(2006)

heroin seizures in Pakistan increased to 187,909 kg from 32,228 kg(2007) (United Nations)

There are 90,000(0.7%) addicts in KPK, 200,000(0.4%) addicts in Punjab, 87,000(0.4%) in Sindh and 45,000 (1%) in Baluchistan.(2008)

34% bhang addicts of total drug addicts(IDDRP)

there are 100,000 more heroin addicts in Pakistan every year.(HEC)

affect their 20 million dependants also by psycho-social pressure.(UNESCO)

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Organizations in Pakistan to check/control Drugs addiction/

business in Pakistan??? Police Rangers Pakistan Coast Guards Airport Security Force Frontier Corps Federal Investigation Agency Inter-Services of Intelligence Anti Narcotics Force

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Resolve this social problem???

Psychological solutions/ Contra normative control

Sociological solutions/ by compensation of feelings

Socio-psychological solutions/ scientifically learning how gradual withdrawal is possible

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crash programs through mass media

drug screening test should be introduced

Anti Narcotics Force should be given power of attorney

FIA’s anti narcotics wing should be screened

Treatment and rehabilitation

Pakistan Penal Code should be reconsidered

Court trail system should be quicker

Campaigns for HIV/AIDS should also be run

A sensation of equality Education awareness Employment chances Every individual should

avoid to play with emotions

After their treatment society should accept them  open heartedly

Parental control Society should treat drug

addicts also in a peaceful manner

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THANK YOU Very Much…..