introduction to the muslim world - nla humanities · introduction to the muslim world ... the...

1 Introduction to the Muslim World What is Islam? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Muslims (Moslims) believe that all biblical “prophets” from Abraham to Jesus were prophets with Mohamed being the last and greatest. ______________ means “peace” or “submission to God” There are two main sects of Islam: _____________ and ________________ There is also a third “mystical” sect: ____________________ When and When did it start? Mohamed ___________ was born in 570 AD in __________ (Saudi Arabia) Before his time, Arabs were tribal and there was constant fighting/war; Arabs also believed in one god, _____________, with many god and goddess children (360 dieties) At the age of 40, during the month of _____________, Mohamed had a revelation from the angel, Gabriel, that he was to be a messenger for the one true god He began to preach ______________ About Mohammed: Full name was Muhammad ibn Abdullah Born 570, Died 632 AD Born in _____________ Raised by an uncle Shepherd and merchant Mohammed’s first wife was ______________; they were married _________________ for 25 years Mohamed had _________________ marriages after that; 12 of them. The youngest wife, _______________, was the favorite Mohammed was tired of Arab societyfighting, greed. Retire to mountain caves to pray Began having visions of the _____________________ telling him to be a messenger for God The Holy Books of Islam: The _______________ is the Muslim holy book; it is a compilation of the revelations given to Mohammed by the angel Gabriel The _____________ or _____________ are also holy; they are compilations of Mohammed’s sayings and his traditions _____________ believe that ______________ (Mohmmed’s youngest wife) was instrumental in compiling the _______________________ The Holy Books of Islam: The key themes of the early Qur'anic verses included: the responsibility of man towards his creator; the resurrection of dead, God's final judgment followed by vivid descriptions of the tortures in hell and pleasures in Paradise; and the signs of God in all aspects of life.

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Introduction to the Muslim World What is Islam?

• ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

• Muslims (Moslims) believe that all biblical “prophets” from Abraham to Jesus were prophets with Mohamed being the last and greatest.

• ______________ means “peace” or “submission to God” • There are two main sects of Islam: _____________ and ________________ • There is also a third “mystical” sect: ____________________ •

When and When did it start? • Mohamed ___________ was born in 570 AD in __________ (Saudi Arabia) • Before his time, Arabs were tribal and there was constant fighting/war; Arabs also

believed in one god, _____________, with many god and goddess children (360 dieties) • At the age of 40, during the month of _____________, Mohamed had a revelation from

the angel, Gabriel, that he was to be a messenger for the one true god • He began to preach ______________

About Mohammed:

• Full name was Muhammad ibn Abdullah • Born 570, Died 632 AD • Born in _____________ • Raised by an uncle • Shepherd and merchant • Mohammed’s first wife was ______________; they were married _________________

for 25 years • Mohamed had _________________ marriages after that; 12 of them. The youngest

wife, _______________, was the favorite • Mohammed was tired of Arab society– fighting, greed. • Retire to mountain caves to pray • Began having visions of the _____________________ telling him to be a messenger for

God The Holy Books of Islam:

• The _______________ is the Muslim holy book; it is a compilation of the revelations given to Mohammed by the angel Gabriel

• The _____________ or _____________ are also holy; they are compilations of Mohammed’s sayings and his traditions

• _____________ believe that ______________ (Mohmmed’s youngest wife) was instrumental in compiling the _______________________

The Holy Books of Islam:

• The key themes of the early Qur'anic verses included: • the responsibility of man towards his creator; • the resurrection of dead, • God's final judgment followed by vivid descriptions of the tortures in hell and

pleasures in Paradise; • and the signs of God in all aspects of life.


• Religious duties required of the believers at this time were few: • Belief in God • asking for forgiveness of sins, • offering frequent prayers, • assisting others in need, • rejecting cheating and the love of wealth • being chaste; not to kill newborn girls.

The 5 Pillars of Islam: • (1) _____________ (creed)

• A saying affirming belief in God and Mohammed as his messenger (most often heard during ____________– the call to prayer)

• “There is no other god but God and Muhammad is the messenger of God." • (2) ____________ (prayers)

• ________ daily prayers: performed at dawn, noon, afternoon, sunset and evening • Each prayer consists of 2,3 or 4 _____________ (recitations) • All prayers are recited while facing the _____________ (Kabbah) in Mecca. • Muslims must ____________ themselves before prayer.

The 5 Pillars of Islam: • (3) __________ (fasting during Ramadan)

• From ____________________ during the month of _______________ • No food or drink • Exceptions for health problems and children under 11 years old

• (4) ____________ (almsgiving/tithing) • Required to ________________ of one’s wealth to benefit the needy • Four principles of Zakat:

• Declare intention to give to God; must be paid on the day due; payment must be “in-kind”; must be distributed in the community from which it was collected

• (5) _____________ (the pilgrimage to Mecca) • To be performed at least ____________ in a lifetime if able and can afford • Requires wearing special white clothing, walking seven times around the

___________, touching the _____________, etc. • Must be performed during the ___________________: the 8th-12th day in the 12th

month of the Muslim calendar Muslim Holidays: • Calendar is ___________, therefore holidays change dates • Calendar is based on 355 day year • ______________

• Begins at ___________________ of the year, as viewed in Saudi Arabia • 9th month; __________________ • Celebrates the Qu’ran being prepared for Mohammed’s revelations • Fasting from Sunrise to Sunset

• ___________________ • Three day holiday marking the _____________ of Ramadan • Breaks the fast

• __________________ Four day holiday ___________ the month of _____________


The Main Differences between Sunnis and Shiites: • Sunnis believe that _______________, father of Mohammed’s favorite wife was the

true successor to the prophet • Shiites believe that _____________________, son-in-law of the Prophet (and appointed

by the prophet before his death) was the true successor • Shiites are the _______________ and often persecuted by Sunnis

What exactly is jihad?

• A noun translated as “_______________” or “striving in the way of God” • Refers to three different types of struggle

• Internal struggle to _________________________ • Struggle to _____________________________ • Struggle to ___________________________

• Appears 41 times in the Qur’an • Muslim scholars reject the western translation of “holy war”

Beliefs of Islam that sometimes conflict with the Western World:

• Muslims must stop everything to face west and pray _____________ times a day. • Islam preaches that any man dying for Allah will be ensured a _____________________ • Dying for Islam is “____________” • ______________ or any pork product is unclean • _____________ a woman outside your own family • Being associated with ______________ is unclean • Drawing a _______________ of a living thing, created by God is a sin • _____________ is the holy day

What is Sharia Law?

• Sharia laws come from the _______________ set out in the Koran, and the _____________ from the Prophet’s life in the Sunnah

• Sharia gives ________________ on dealing with crime, politics, economics, sexuality, hygiene, diet, prayer, dress, fasting

• Imams can issue ___________________– edicts interpreting the law. • After Westergaard’s cartoon, a qadis was issued for his death. • After the discovery of porcine geletin in vaccines, a qadis was issued against their use • The _____________________ and Iran are _________________ examples of

implementing Sharia law


Introduction to the Muslim World Vocabulary

Match the terms below with their definitions.

_____ .1 oasis _____ .2 nomad _____ .3 tribe _____ .4 idol _____ .5 bazaar _____ .6 pilgrimage _____ .7 Koran _____ .8 monotheism _____ .9 Islam _____ .10 Muslim _____ .11 Mosque _____ .12 Sunna _____ .13 caliph _____ .14 council _____ .15 Shiite _____ .16 Sunni _____ .17 Muhammad _____ .18 Allah _____ .19 muezzin _____ .20 Kaaba _____ .21 Hegira

a. A member of a group that has no fixed home and moves from place to place

b. An open-air market with shops and goods for sale

c. A religion based on the teachings of the prophet Muhammad

d. An assembly called to help determine the next Muslim caliph

e. Square building in Mecca believed by Muslims to be the house Ibrahim erected for God and the focus of Muslim worship

f. A small area in the desert watered by springs and wells

g. An image used as an object of worship h. The belief that there is only one God i. The civil and religious ruler of a Muslim state j. One that calls Muslim worshippers to prayer k. Muhammad's emigration with his followers from

Mecca to Medina in 622. l. Any system of social organization made up of

villages, bands, or other groups with a common ancestry, language, culture, and name

m. A journey to a sacred place or shrine n. The sacred book of Islam o. A believer in Islam p. Customary procedures of living, specifically the

ways and customs of Muhammad q. A place of Muslim worship r. Founder of Islam, prophet of God s. One who follows the way s and customs of

Muhammad, specifically those who accept that authority was passed down through consensus of the Muslim community

t. From the Arabic "party;" one who believes that authority passed from the Prophet Muhammad to his lineal descendants

u. Arabic word for God


Islam: Empire of Faith Video (PBS)


Insert pg. 16 of study packet


History of Afghanistan Lecture 1. What is the main religion in Afghanistan? 2. How did Ghengis Khan change the landscape of Afghanistan forever? 3.What is the Afghan landscape like? 4. What is Kite Running? 5. What is Buzkashi? 6. What does the Afghani vocabulary tell you about the culture? 7. What countries got land annexed for the creation of Pakistan? 8. What is Hazarajat? 9. Which ethnic group controls most of the land in Afghanistan? 10. Who is Daoud Khan and what kind of government does he run? 11. Which country aids Khan’s government? 12. Who are the Mujahideen? And who secretly supplied them for their war with Russia? 13. Which group grew out of the Mujahideen and took control of Afghanistan? 14. What is Afghanistan like today?


Ethnic Groups of Afghanistan

• Pashtuns

• Tajiks

• Hazaras

• Uzbeks

• Kyrgyz


The Kite Runner Themes, Symbols & Motifs

Racial Prejudice Treatment of Women Standing Up for what is Right (Courage) The Search for Redemption Friendship Guilt Honor/Pride Influence of the Past/ Past is Inescapable The Intersection of Political Events and Private Lives Kites Lambs Rape Tension between father and son Living in two worlds/Life as an immigrant


The Kite Runner Test Prep/Chapter Questions

Ch 1-3 1. PLOT Summarize the events of these chapters. 2.SETTING During what two time periods do these chapter take place? 3. CHARACTERIZATION Describe Baba. Give page and paragraph numbers of quotes to support your ideas. 4. CHARACTERIZATION Describe Amir. Give page and paragraph numbers of quotes to support your ideas. 5. CHARACTERIZATION Describe Hassan. Give page and paragraph numbers of quotes to support your ideas. 6. CHARACTERIZATION Describe Ali. Give page and paragraph numbers of quotes to support your ideas. 7.CHARACTERIZATION Describe Sanaubar.


8. THEME (father son relationship) Give three page and paragraph numbers of quotes that show tension in the relationship between Baba and Amir. 8. SETTING Describe the lifestyle of Baba and Amir. 9. MOTIF (racism) Describe the racism seen in these chapters. 10. CONFLICT What conflicts are you seeing that exist or are forming? 11. THEME(honor) What does Baba believe is the only sin?

ACTIVITY: QUOTE FINDING Find quotes for the topic assigned to your group. Be prepared to share your findings with the class. Setting: Honor: Guilt: Friendship: Courage:


Tension b/t father & son Racism

Ch. 4-6 1. MOTIF(racism) What does it mean to be a Pashtun? A Hazara? 2. CHARACTERIZATION Describe Assef. Give page and paragraph numbers of quotes to support your ideas. 3. CHARACTERIZATION Describe Rahim Khan. Give page and paragraph number of quotes to support your ideas. 4. THEME(tension between father/son) What is contributing to the jealousy of Hassan, felt by Amir? 5. CONFLICT What conflicts do you see developing in these chapters? 6. CHARACTERIZATION What is a harelip? What does Baba’s gift tell you about his character? 7. LITERARY DEVICE (irony) Why does Amir think Hassan’s new smile is ironic?


ACTIVITY: CHARACTERIZATION CHART Definition: Characterization is the method an author uses to acquaint the reader with the characters.

Authors typically reveal the personality traits of their characters in the following ways:

Narrator’s statements- descriptions of the character’s physical traits and personality (telling)

Character’s own actions— what the character does (showing)

Character’s own speech & thoughts – what the character says (showing)

Other characters’ actions & reactions to the character (showing)

Other characters’ speech about or in response to the character (showing)

Trait Evidence from Text Page

# Explanation of evidence

(this shows…) Method of


Character’s Name: Amir

Trait Evidence from Text Page

# Explanation of evidence

(this shows…) Method of


Character’s Name: Hassan

Methods of



Trait Evidence from Text Page

# Explanation of evidence

(this shows…) Method of


Character’s Name: Baba

Trait Evidence from Text Page

# Explanation of evidence

(this shows…) Method of


Character’s Name: Ali


Ch. 7-9 1. MOTIF (rape)/PLOT What happens to Hassan in the alley? Why does Amir feel guilty about this? 2. MOTIF (the lamb) There are several mentions of a lamb in Ch. 7, what is symbolic about the lamb/Hassan? 3. THEME (guilt) Give examples of Amir’s guilt. 4. THEME (friendship) What has Amir learned about friendship from Hassan? 5. THEME (guilt/influence of past)Why do you think Amir’s guilt turns to anger? Give examples. 6. THEME (redemption/friendship)/CHARACTERIZATION What is Baba’s reaction to Ali and Hassan’s leaving? Why do you think this is?

Ch. 10-12 1. PLOT Where are Amir and Baba headed? What historical events does this coincide with? 2. PLOT What are the major plot elements of these chapters? 3. THEME (politics and private lives) What hardships do the refugees endure?


4. THEME (two worlds) What are some examples of the indignities/ troubles faced by immigrants in these chapters? Connect some of your ideas to the things you observed in the STAR Power game. 5. THEME (guilt/influence of past) What are examples in this chapters that Amir still carries his guilt about Hassan? How is it influencing his life? 6. MOTIF What are some examples of how women are treated in Afghan society? 7. CHARACTERIZATION Compare and contrast Amir and Soraya. 8. THEME (honor/pride) What are examples of this in these chapters. How do Afghans feel about these things? 9. THEME (tension in father/son relationship) How is the relationship between Amir and Baba changing?

ACTIVITY: ISLAMIC AND AFGHAN MUSIC Listen to the following songs and music videos and reflect on the following questions. “Eid Song” by Sami Yusuf; from the Singles album Let us rejoice indeed For this is the day of Eid

CHORUS La ilaha illallah Muhammad rasulallah La ilaha illallah Muhammad rasulallah Alayhi salatuallah Alayhi salatuallah

Children are wearing new clothes Bright colours fill the streets Their faces full of laughter Their pockets full of sweets Let us rejoice indeed For this is the day of Eid

CHORUS Mosques are full of worshippers in rows straight and neat Their Lord they remember, His name they repeat Their hands are raised to the sky They supplicate and plead


On this blessed day Forgive us they entreat Let us rejoice indeed For this is the day of Eid

CHORUS People are giving charity And helping those in need In giving they’re competing Today there is no greed Let us rejoice indeed For this is the day of Eid

CHORUS Enemies embracing each other All hatred is buried Everyone is celebrating Greeting everyone they meet Let us rejoice indeed For this is the day of Eid

“Who is the Loved One?” by Sami Yusuf on the Al-Mu’allin album Who is the Loved One? Allah Who is Ar-Rahman? Allah Who is al-Mannan? CHORUS La ilaha illa Allah Muhammadun Rasulu Allah, Muhammad is the Messenger To Allah is our return La illaha illa Allah Muhammadun Rasulu Allah (2) Allah; Allah; Allahu Akbar (2) All praise is due to The One and the Only

He is the Master Of all creation (2) He’s the Sustainer And the Maintainer Of the whole universe CHORUS He gave us life He gave us light (2) He sent to guide us Rasula Allah Allah Rahmanun Jabbarun Mannanun Tawwabun Karim Allah Ghafurun Raufun Saburun Shakurun Halim [Some of the names of Allah] Who is the Loved One? Allah Who is al Basir? Allah Who is al Khabir? CHORUS Any one who fails To see all the signs Of His existence That He has spread around Will be completely blind Walking in the desert sands Having no peace of mindWho is the Loved One? Allah Who is al-Majid? Allah Who is al-Hamid? CHORUS

Music Questions 1. What do the tabla music videos tell you about Afghan culture? 2. What do the Farida Mushasha songs tell you about Afghan culture? 3. What do the Sami Yusuf pop songs tell you about Islamic culture?


Ch. 13 1. CHARACTERIZATION Compare and contrast General Taheri and Baba. 2. THEME (tension b/t father & son) How is the relationship between Baba and Amir evolving? How did it end? 3. PLOT what are the major plot elements since they arrived in America? 4. THEME (guilt/influence of past) How is guilt continuing to influence Amir? 5. MOTIF What observations do you have about the treatment of women? Examples? 6. THEME (honor/pride) What examples of Afghan nang and namoos do you see in this chapter?