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Introductory Physics Week 6 @K301 2015/05/22 Week 6 @K301 Introductory Physics

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  • Introductory Physics

    Week 6 @K301


    Week 6 @K301 Introductory Physics

  • Part I

    Summary of week 5

    Week 6 @K301 Introductory Physics

  • Summary of week 5

    We learned

    how to solve a differential equation ẋ+ ax = g(t)

    how to use Taylor series expansion to obtain anapproximation

    and utilized them to analyse the vertical motion under uniformgravity.

    Week 6 @K301 Introductory Physics

  • Vertical motion under uniform gravity

    Question 1

    A particle is projected vertically upward with speed v0 underuniform gravity ~g with no air resistance.

    The equation of motion is

    mz̈ = mv̇ = −mgBy solving this differential equation (and applying the initialconditions), we obtain v(t) and z(t).

    v = −gt+ v0

    z = −12gt2 + v0t

    Week 6 @K301 Introductory Physics

  • Vertical motion under uniform gravity

    Question 2

    A particle is projected vertically upwards with speed v0 underuniform gravity ~g. The air exerts a drag force −k~v, where k isa positive constant.

    The equation of motion is

    mz̈ = mv̇ = −mg − kv

    v̇ +k

    mv = −g

    We need to solve this differential equation.

    Week 6 @K301 Introductory Physics

  • Solving differential equation


    The general solution of differential equation

    ẏ + ay = g(t)

    is a sum of the general solution of

    ẏ + ay = 0

    and a particular solution of

    ẏ + ay = g(t)

    Week 6 @K301 Introductory Physics

  • Solving differential equation


    The general solution of differential equation

    ẏ + ay = 0

    isy = Ce−at,

    where C is the integration constant.

    Week 6 @K301 Introductory Physics

  • Vertial motion under uniform gravity

    We want to solve the differential equation v̇ +k

    mv = −g.

    The general solution of v̇ +k

    mv = 0 is v = Ce(−k/m)t.

    We can find a particular solution of v̇ +k

    mv = −g. It is

    v = −mg/k.

    Thus, the general solution of v̇ + kmv = −g is

    v = Ce(−k/m)t − mgk

    Using the initial condition v = v0 when t = 0, we obtain

    v = v0e(−k/m)t − mg

    k(1− e(k/m)t)

    Week 6 @K301 Introductory Physics

  • Vertial motion under uniform gravity

    ż =(v0 +



    )e(−k/m)t − mg


    By integrating with respect to t

    z =(v0 +




    )e(−k/m)t − mg


    Using the inital condition z = 0 when t = 0, we obtain

    z = (v0 +mg


    k)e(−k/m)t − mg

    kt+ (v0 +





    k(v0 +


    k)(1− e(−k/m)t)− mg


    Week 6 @K301 Introductory Physics

  • the maximum height

    The maximum height zmax is achieved when ż = 0. Aftersome calculation, we obtain

    zmax =v20g





    (1 +



    When there is no air resistance, zmax =v202g


    We expect when the air resistance is small, zmax ∼v202g


    How can we confirm it?

    Week 6 @K301 Introductory Physics

  • Taylor series


    When a function f(x) is infinitely differentiable in aneighbourhood of a, the Taylor series of f(x) is

    f(x) = f(a) + f ′(a)(x− a) + 12!f ′′(a)(x− a)2 + · · ·


    f (n)

    n!(x− a)n

    Approximation using the first few terms of a Taylor series hasmany applications in physics and other fields of science.

    Week 6 @K301 Introductory Physics

  • maximum height when kv0/mg � 1

    Using formulae


    dxln(x) =



    dx2ln(x) = − 1



    dx3ln(x) =



    We can obtain

    f(1 + x) = f(1) + f ′(1)x+f ′′(1)

    2!x2 +

    f ′′′(1)

    3!x3 + · · ·

    ln(1 + x) = ln 1 + x− 12x2 +


    3x3 − · · ·

    Week 6 @K301 Introductory Physics

  • maximum height when kv0/mg � 1

    zmax =v20g





    (1 +







    )2(kv0mg− 1







    )3− · · ·




    2− 1



    )+ · · ·


    (1− 2



    )+ · · ·

    )Indeed, when the air resistance is small (kv0/mg � 1), the

    maximum height zmax ∼v202g


    Week 6 @K301 Introductory Physics

  • ProjectileConstrained rectilinear motion

    Part II

    Motion under uniform gravity(cont.)

    Week 6 @K301 Introductory Physics

  • ProjectileConstrained rectilinear motion

    Projectile without air resistance

    Question 3

    A particle of mass m is projected with speed v0 in a directionmaking an angle θ with the horizontal. The particle is underuniform gravity, and no drag force. Find the subsequentmotion.

    Take Cartesian coordinate system (x, z).The equation of motion is


    dt= −mg~ez,

    with the initial condition ~v = v0 cos θ ~ex + v0 sin θ~ez at t = 0.

    Week 6 @K301 Introductory Physics

  • ProjectileConstrained rectilinear motion

    Projectile without air resistance

    In Cartesian coordinate system, we can think the motion of xand z direction independently.

    ~r = x~ex + z~ez

    ~̇r = ẋ~ex + x~̇ex + ż~ez + z~̇ez

    Because ~̇ex = ˙̇ez = 0,

    ~̇r = ẋ~ex + ż~ez


    ~̈r = ẍ~ex + z̈~ez

    Week 6 @K301 Introductory Physics

  • ProjectileConstrained rectilinear motion

    Projectile without air resistance

    The equation of motion


    dt= −mg~ez,


    = 0, mdvzdt

    = −mg

    Using the initial conditions,

    vx = v0x = v0 cos θ, vz = v0z − gt = v0 sin θ − gt

    x = (v0 cos θ)t, z = (v0 sin θ)t−1


    Week 6 @K301 Introductory Physics

  • ProjectileConstrained rectilinear motion

    the path of the projectile

    To find the path of the projectile, we eliminate t from theequations

    x = (v0 cos θ)t, z = (v0 sin θ)t−1


    t =x

    v0 cos θ

    z = (tan θ)x− g2v20 cos

    2 θx2

    This is an inverted parabola.

    Week 6 @K301 Introductory Physics

  • ProjectileConstrained rectilinear motion

    the range of the projectile

    The projectile will reach the ground when z = 0.

    z = (tan θ)x− g2v20 cos

    2 θx2 = x

    (tan θ − g

    2v20 cos2 θx

    )= 0

    x =

    0,2v20 cos2 θ tan θg

    =2v20 sin θ cos θ

    g=v20 sin 2θ


    The maximum range of the projectile is achived when θ = π/4.

    Week 6 @K301 Introductory Physics

  • ProjectileConstrained rectilinear motion

    Digression 1: Canon’s range

    It is Galileo who solved the problem of the projectile under theuniform gravity without air resistance (published in ”Two NewSciences” 1638).He also compiled a table of cannon’s range and the angle ofelevation for his patron, the state of Venice. Since the fall ofConstantipole (1453), the usage of cannons had widely spreadto Europe, and often was a deciding factor on war. His tablemust be very valuable for the state of Venice.

    Week 6 @K301 Introductory Physics

  • ProjectileConstrained rectilinear motion

    the Monkey and the Hunter

    A hunter with a gun found a monkey hanging in a tree. Themonkey releases its grip the instant the hunter fires his gun.Where should the hunter aim?We consider only uniform gravity. Air registance are neglected.

    (a) aim high (over the monkey’s head)(b) directly at the monkey(c) aim low (below the monkey)

    Week 6 @K301 Introductory Physics

  • ProjectileConstrained rectilinear motion

    the Monkey and the Hunter

    Week 6 @K301 Introductory Physics

  • ProjectileConstrained rectilinear motion

    the Monkey and the Hunter

    Week 6 @K301 Introductory Physics

  • ProjectileConstrained rectilinear motion

    the Monkey and the Hunter

    Week 6 @K301 Introductory Physics

  • ProjectileConstrained rectilinear motion

    the Monkey and the Hunter

    A hunter with a gun found a monkey hanging in a tree. Themonkey releases its grip the instant the hunter fires his gun.Where should the hunter aim?We consider only uniform gravity. Air registance are neglected.

    (a) aim high (over the monkey’s head)(b) directly at the monkey(c) aim low (below the monkey)

    Week 6 @K301 Introductory Physics

  • ProjectileConstrained rectilinear motion

    the Monkey and the Hunter

    (Loading Video...)

    Week 6 @K301 Introductory Physics

    MIT-Physics-Demo-Monkey-and-Gun.mp4Media File (video/mp4)

  • ProjectileConstrained rectilinear motion

    the Monkey and the Hunter

    Week 6 @K301 Introductory Physics

  • ProjectileConstrained rectilinear motion

    the Monkey and the Hunter

    Week 6 @K301 Introductory Physics

  • ProjectileConstrained rectilinear motion

    the Monkey and the Hunter

    Week 6 @K301 Introductory Physics

  • ProjectileConstrained rectilinear motion

    the Monkey and the Hunter

    The equations of motion for the bullet are

    ẍP = 0, ÿP = −g

    with initial conditions of

    ẋP = v0 cos θ, xP = 0, ẏP = v0 sin θ, yP = 0

    The equations of motion for the monkey are

    ẍM = 0, ÿM = −g

    with initial conditions of

    ẋM = 0, xM = l cos θ, ẏM = 0, yM = l sin θ

    Week 6 @K301 Introductory Physics

  • ProjectileConstrained rectilinear motion

    the Monkey and the Hunter

    The equations to describe the motion of the bullet P

    xP = (v0 cos θ)t, yP = (v0 sin θ)t−1


    The equations to describe the motion of the monkey M

    xM = l cos θ, yM = l sin θ −1


    Week 6 @K301 Introductory Physics

  • ProjectileConstrained rectilinear motion

    the Monkey and the Hunter

    xP = xM on t =l cos θ

    v0 cos θ=



    At that time,

    yP = (v0 sin θ)l

    v0− 1


    = l sin θ − 12gt2 = yM

    We proved that on t =l

    v0, both xP = xM and yP = yM are

    satisfied. The bullet hits the monkey.

    Week 6 @K301 Introductory Physics

  • ProjectileConstrained rectilinear motion

    the Monkey and the Hunter

    Isn’t it obvious?

    Week 6 @K301 Introductory Physics

  • ProjectileConstrained rectilinear motion

    the Monkey and the Hunter

    Isn’t it obvious?

    Week 6 @K301 Introductory Physics

  • ProjectileConstrained rectilinear motion

    the Monkey and the Hunter

    Isn’t it obvious?

    Week 6 @K301 Introductory Physics

  • ProjectileConstrained rectilinear motion

    the Monkey and the Hunter

    Let us write ~r = x′~ex′ + y~ey

    Then because ~̇ex′ = ~̇ey = 0, (just as in the case of Cartesiancoordinate system)

    ~̇r = ẋ~ex′ + ẏ~ey, ~̈r = ẍ~ex′ + ÿ~ey

    This means we can independently consider the change of x′

    and y.

    Week 6 @K301 Introductory Physics

  • ProjectileConstrained rectilinear motion

    the Monkey and the Hunter

    The equations of motion for the bullet are

    ẍ′P = 0, ÿP = −g

    with initial conditions of

    ẋ′P = v0, x′P = 0, ẏP = 0, yP = 0

    The equations of motion for the monkey are

    ẍ′M = 0, ÿM = −g

    with initial conditions of

    ẋ′M = 0, x′M = l, ẏM = 0, yM = 0

    Week 6 @K301 Introductory Physics

  • ProjectileConstrained rectilinear motion

    the Monkey and the Hunter

    Because both the differential equations for yP and yM aresame (ÿP = ÿM = −g), and their inital conditions are same(ẏP = ẏM = 0, yP = yM = 0), It is obvious that yP = yMholds for any t.

    Since x′P = v0t and x′M = l, the bullet hit the monkey (x


    becomes equal to x′M) when t = l/v0.

    Week 6 @K301 Introductory Physics

  • ProjectileConstrained rectilinear motion

    Constrained rectilinear motion

    block on a slope

    A block of mass m is placed on the inclined surface of a fixedrigid wedge of angle θ.

    If there were no other forces than the uniform gravity, theblock would move vertically downwards.

    Week 6 @K301 Introductory Physics

  • ProjectileConstrained rectilinear motion

    Constrained rectilinear motion

    There are contact forces which come into play only whenbodies are in physical contact.One is normal reaction force, which is normal to the slopeof the wedge. The other is frictional force, which is parallelto the slope. The normal reaction force is an example ofconstraint forces, which are not prescribed beforehand, butenforce a specified geometrical constraint.

    Week 6 @K301 Introductory Physics

  • ProjectileConstrained rectilinear motion

    Constrained rectilinear motion

    The equation of motion is


    dt= −mg~ez − F~ex′ +N~ez′

    We take components of the vector equation in the x′ and z′

    directions (parallel and normal to the slope).Noting ~ez = − sin θ~ex′ + cos θ~ez′ , we obtain


    dt= mg sin θ − F 0 = N −mg cos θ

    The second equation determines the normal reactionN = mg cos θ.

    Week 6 @K301 Introductory Physics

  • ProjectileConstrained rectilinear motion

    Constrained rectilinear motion

    When the friction force is neglected, we say the surface issmooth. In this case,


    dt= mg sin θ

    The block slides down the slope with the constant accelerationg sin θ.

    If x′ = v = 0 when t = 0,

    v = (g sin θ)t

    x′ =1

    2(g sin θ)t2

    Week 6 @K301 Introductory Physics

  • ProjectileConstrained rectilinear motion

    Constrained rectilinear motion

    The surface is smooth, and the block was at rest when t = 0.When the block slides down by l, what is its velocity?

    l =1

    2(g sin θ)t2l → tl =


    g sin θ

    vl = (g sin θ)


    g sin θ=√

    2gl sin θ =√2gh,

    where h = l sin θ is the change of the height of the block.

    Week 6 @K301 Introductory Physics

  • Work, Kinetic Energy and Potential EnergyEnergy conservation in rectilinear motion

    Part III

    Energy and Work

    Week 6 @K301 Introductory Physics

  • Work, Kinetic Energy and Potential EnergyEnergy conservation in rectilinear motion


    A force ~F is said to be a field if it depends only on theposition of the particle (~r = x~ex + y~ey + z~ez), not its velocityor the time.

    A scalar function U is said to be a field if it is a function of(only) position.

    Week 6 @K301 Introductory Physics

  • Work, Kinetic Energy and Potential EnergyEnergy conservation in rectilinear motion

    Examples of force field

    Gravitational Force ~F = −GMmr2

    ~er is a force field. The

    force depends only on the position of the particle ~r = r~er.

    Uniform gravity ~F = −mg~ez is a force field. The force isa constant function of ~r, and does not depends on anyother things.

    Air drag force ~F = −k~v is not a force field. The forcedepends on the velocity of the particle.

    Week 6 @K301 Introductory Physics

  • Work, Kinetic Energy and Potential EnergyEnergy conservation in rectilinear motion

    work and kinetic energy

    A particle P of mass m is under a force ~F . The equation ofmotion is


    dt= ~F

    take the scalar product with ~v,

    m~v · d~vdt



    2m~v · ~v) = ~F · ~v


    dt= ~F · ~v

    where K =1

    2m~v · ~v

    Week 6 @K301 Introductory Physics

  • Work, Kinetic Energy and Potential EnergyEnergy conservation in rectilinear motion

    work and kinetic energy


    The scalar quantity

    K =1

    2m~v · ~v = 1


    is called the kinetic energy.

    Week 6 @K301 Introductory Physics

  • Work, Kinetic Energy and Potential EnergyEnergy conservation in rectilinear motion

    work and kinetic energy

    If the particle’s kinetic energies are K1 and K2 at times t1 andt2,

    K2 −K1 =∫ t2t1


    dtdt =

    ∫ t2t1

    ~F · ~vdt


    The scalar quantity

    W =

    ∫ t2t1

    ~F · ~vdt

    is called the work done by the force ~F .

    Week 6 @K301 Introductory Physics

  • Work, Kinetic Energy and Potential EnergyEnergy conservation in rectilinear motion

    work and kinetic energy

    Energy Principle

    K2 −K1 = W

    The increase of the kinetic energy in a given time interval isequal to the total work done by applied force(s) in the timeinterval.

    Week 6 @K301 Introductory Physics

  • Work, Kinetic Energy and Potential EnergyEnergy conservation in rectilinear motion

    Units for work and energy

    Work and energy has the SI unit of the joule.

    1J = 1kg ·m2/s2 = 1N ·m

    Other units used for work and energy include calory.

    1 cal = 4.184J

    1 cal is approximately equal to the amount of energy neededto raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degreeCelsius.Confusingly, 1 kcal is sometimes written as 1Cal in foodindustry (often in the US)... be aware you convert these units.

    Week 6 @K301 Introductory Physics

  • Work, Kinetic Energy and Potential EnergyEnergy conservation in rectilinear motion

    Work in rectilinear motion

    If a particle P moves along x-axis under the force field F (x),the work done by F (x) is

    W =

    ∫ t2t1

    F (x)vdt =

    ∫ t2t1

    F (x)dx

    dtdt =

    ∫ x2x1

    F (x)dx

    Week 6 @K301 Introductory Physics

  • Work, Kinetic Energy and Potential EnergyEnergy conservation in rectilinear motion

    Potential energy in rectilinear motion

    If F can be written as F (x) = −dV (x)dx

    using its indefinite

    integral −V (x), then

    K2 −K1 =∫ x2x1

    Fdx =

    ∫ x2x1


    dx = −∫ x2x1


    = V (x1)− V (x2)V (x) is called the potential energy function of the force F .

    Week 6 @K301 Introductory Physics

  • Work, Kinetic Energy and Potential EnergyEnergy conservation in rectilinear motion

    Potential energy and its reference point

    The potential energy V (x) of force F (x) is the indefinitefunction of −F (x). This means V (x) is uniquely determinedexcept an integration constant, which can be determined forour convenience.

    For example, when we determined the constant so thatV (x) = 0, we say we took x = 0 as its reference point.

    The difference of the integration constant does not changeforce F (x).

    Week 6 @K301 Introductory Physics

  • Work, Kinetic Energy and Potential EnergyEnergy conservation in rectilinear motion

    Example: uniform gravity

    The uniform gravity F (z) = −mg

    The potential energy V (z) = −∫F (z)dz = mgz + C

    (Take the reference point at the ground)

    Take V (0) = 0 → V (z) = mgz(Take the reference point at z = z0)

    Take V (z0) = 0 → V (z) = mgz −mgz0You can confirm that

    F (z) = −dV (z)dz

    = −mg

    regardless of the choice of the reference point.

    Week 6 @K301 Introductory Physics

  • Work, Kinetic Energy and Potential EnergyEnergy conservation in rectilinear motion

    Mechanical energy

    When F (x) = −dV (x)dx


    K2 −K1 = V (x1)− V (x2)K2 + V (x2) = K1 + V (x1)

    E = K + V is called the mechanical energy of the particle.

    Week 6 @K301 Introductory Physics

  • Work, Kinetic Energy and Potential EnergyEnergy conservation in rectilinear motion

    Conservation of mechanical energy

    Energy conservation in rectilinear motion

    When a particle undergoes rectilinear motion in a force field,the mechanical energy (the sum of its kinetic and potentialenergy) remains constant in the motion.

    Week 6 @K301 Introductory Physics

  • Work, Kinetic Energy and Potential EnergyEnergy conservation in rectilinear motion

    Example: uniform gravity

    When we dropped a particle from height h0, what is theparticle’s speed at the ground?

    Because the uniform gravity is a conservative force, themechanical energy remains constant.Let us take the ground as the reference point of the potentialenergy of the uniform gravity. Then

    initial mechanical energy = final mechanical energy

    0 +mgh0 =1

    2mv2f + 0

    vf = −√2gh0

    (the minus sign is to show the particle is moving downward.)

    Week 6 @K301 Introductory Physics

  • Work, Kinetic Energy and Potential EnergyEnergy conservation in rectilinear motion

    Example: uniform gravity

    Another way to solve the problem.

    While the particle dropping from height h0 to the ground, thework done by the gravitational force is mg · h0.The change of the kinetic energy is equal to the work done byapplied force.


    2mv2f − 0 = mgh0

    vf = −√


    (the minus sign is to show the particle is moving downward.)

    Week 6 @K301 Introductory Physics

  • Work, Kinetic Energy and Potential EnergyEnergy conservation in rectilinear motion

    Example: uniform gravity

    You can solve the problem by making the equation of motion.

    v̇ = −gv = −gt (initial condition v = 0 at t = 0)

    z = −12gt2 + h0 (initial condition z = h0 at t = 0)

    Now we obtain the time tf when the particle hit the ground

    0 = −12gt2f + h0 → tf =


    vf = −g


    = −√


    Week 6 @K301 Introductory Physics

  • Work, Kinetic Energy and Potential EnergyEnergy conservation in rectilinear motion

    Not the case: resistance force

    The resistance force in medium is not a function ofparticle’s position, but a function of its velocity. In this case,we can not define its potential energy. In other words, theconservation of mechanical energy does not hold true.

    The force which exerts on a particle dropping under uniformgravity with linear resistance is F = −mg − kvIn this case, the work done by the gravitational force is notfully converted to the particle’s kinetic energy, but part of thework is converted to heat.

    Week 6 @K301 Introductory Physics

  • Work, Kinetic Energy and Potential EnergyEnergy conservation in rectilinear motion

    Work done by constraint force

    In most of idealized problems, the constraint force is alwaysperpendicular to the velocity of the particle (~F · ~v = 0). In thiscase, the work done by the constraint force is zero.

    Energy conservation in constrained motion

    When a particle moves under conservative force, nd is subjectto constraint forces that do not work, the mechanical energy(the sum of its kinetic and potential energy) remains constantin the motion.

    Week 6 @K301 Introductory Physics

  • Work, Kinetic Energy and Potential EnergyEnergy conservation in rectilinear motion

    Example: block on a slope

    The surface is smooth, and the block is at rest when t = 0.When the block slides down by l, what is its velocity?

    Since the normal reaction force does no work, and there is nofriction force, the energy conservation applies in the system.Let us take the reference point to the original position

    0 + 0 =1

    2mv2 −mgh

    v =√

    2ghWeek 6 @K301 Introductory Physics

  • Work, Kinetic Energy and Potential EnergyEnergy conservation in rectilinear motion

    Example: Downhill Skier

    The constraint force is often not known beforehand, so we cannot solve the equation of motion.When a skier descends a bumpy slope, the magnitude and thedirection of the normal reaction force changes so that the skieris kept on the slope. But when the slope is smooth, theconstraint force does no work, so the energy conservationapplies. The speed of the skier after losing attitude h isv =√2gh regardless of the shape of the smooth slope.

    Week 6 @K301 Introductory Physics

    Summary of week 5Motion under uniform gravity (cont.)ProjectileConstrained rectilinear motion

    Energy and WorkWork, Kinetic Energy and Potential EnergyEnergy conservation in rectilinear motion