invest in the best - wh software - locksmith software gemini, kaba quattro, medeco biaxial, mg,...


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Post on 15-Mar-2018




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Page 1: INVEST IN THE BEST - WH Software - Locksmith Software Gemini, Kaba Quattro, Medeco Biaxial, MG, Mottura Champions and Mul-T-Lock MT5 among others. Matrix and tree-based coding ProMaster


Page 2: INVEST IN THE BEST - WH Software - Locksmith Software Gemini, Kaba Quattro, Medeco Biaxial, MG, Mottura Champions and Mul-T-Lock MT5 among others. Matrix and tree-based coding ProMaster


“ProMaster 7 has the most versatile array of useful features on offer”

As the need for heightened security increases each year, there has never been a better time to invest in the most comprehensive master key management software.

ProMaster Master-Keying 7 is a powerful, versatile and robust software suite that allows you to design, create and manage master key systems more quickly and easily than ever before.

The latest release of ProMaster Master-Keying includes new features and connectivity designed to enhance your business capabilities and simplify your workload. It is the perfect tool for total master key system control.

Page 3: INVEST IN THE BEST - WH Software - Locksmith Software Gemini, Kaba Quattro, Medeco Biaxial, MG, Mottura Champions and Mul-T-Lock MT5 among others. Matrix and tree-based coding ProMaster

Simplified data entryProMaster Master-Keying 7 features predictive key and door numbers so creating even large master key systems is quick and simple. You can even import directly from an Excel spreadsheet, or a text file. The user interface is easy to understand with clear graphics and data field information.

Professional reportsProMaster Master-Keying 7 generates professionally designed reports that are clear and concise with consistent layouts, allowing for simplified information sharing of the master-key system.

The ProMaster Master-Keying 7 advantageProMaster Master-Keying 7 keeps a full history of all key orders, who authorised the order, and the staff member who processed them – all vital information that can be recalled in seconds when needed. The system makes it easy to log:

• Datesandtimeswhenkeys are cut

• Whendoorsarepinned or re-keyed

• Whenauthorisedsignatoriesare added or changed

Every aspect of your master key management is recorded and can be printed out or emailed to your client. ProMaster Master-Keying 7 can even record non-keyed hardware (hinges, door closer, etc) for each door.

Standardised reporting formatsTo make information sharing seamless, ProMaster Master-Keying 7 exports reports as PDF files.

Automatic codingEven the most complex master key systems are simple to code using ProMaster Master-Keying 7. With its unique calculation algorithms, it automatically assigns codes and guarantees that they are phantom (ghost key) free.

DesignanymasterkeysystemProMaster Master-Keying 7 designs all standard inline master key systems as well as Abloy Classic, Abloy Disklock, Abloy Protec, BiLock, Binary Plus, EVVA DPE, Galaxy, Kaba Expert, Kaba Gemini, Kaba Quattro, Medeco Biaxial, MG, Mottura Champions and Mul-T-Lock MT5 among others.

Matrix and tree-based codingProMaster Master-Keying 7 automatically generates matrix (for large and complicated selective systems) and tree based coding (for standard hierarchical systems).

Intelligent featuresProMaster Master-Keying 7 has an array of useful features that improve security and enhance operational efficiency:

• Backgroundphantomchecking

• Autokeyheadcolourassignment

• Avarietyofdisplayoptionsfor flexibility of key codes

• Powerfulassistantstoguidecomplex operations

• Simplemodificationtomatchyour individual requirements

• Supportsmulti-profileandrotating constants

• Comprehensivesupportfortherules of each lock system

Seamless integrationProMaster Master-Keying 7 is designed to download directly to all popular key machines and makers:

• SilcaUnocodeandUltracode

• SilcaTriax

• SilcaQuattroCode

• SilcaLeonardo

• ITL9000

• OrionEMC200

• HPCCodeMaxandBlueshark

• SilcaMarker2000(forkeyandcylinder making)

• Galaxy

• Custommanufacturinginterfaces

Check our website for the latest lock systems and machine additions as we are integrating new features regularly.

Teamwork is keyProMaster Master-Keying 7 runs on both local and wide area networks (LAN or WAN) and can support any number of users at once. It even allows multiple users to work at the same time on the same system.

Security access rightsTo ensure complete system security, your administrator can set up rights for authorised staff to access specific areas of ProMaster Master-Keying 7 – such as data entry, coding and manufacturing. You may even restrict who can access particular master key systems.

ProMaster 7 // Premium Master-Keying Software //

ProMaster Master-Keying 7 is designed for:

•Theworld’sleadinglock manufacturers


•Anylocksmithwhowants to increase service capabilities and win the big jobs





ProMaster Hardware is designed for:





ProMaster Key Manager is designed for:







Page 4: INVEST IN THE BEST - WH Software - Locksmith Software Gemini, Kaba Quattro, Medeco Biaxial, MG, Mottura Champions and Mul-T-Lock MT5 among others. Matrix and tree-based coding ProMaster



Created for use by architectural hardware suppliers, with costings, alternatives, variations, claims, installations, shipments and more.

ProMaster Key Manager

Allows your customer to fully control key issues and returns. This software is of paramount importance to any organisation where key tracking and restricted access security are operational requirements.


InstaCode is the most comprehensive locksmith management tool including codes, cards, transponder information and more.

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