inveterate seducer

Page 1 Inveterate seducer Elizabeth Thornton Copyright © 2004 by Mary George Originally published in 2004 by Kensington Publishing Corp. PUBLISHED UNDER AGREEMENT WITH KENSINGTON PUBLISHING CORP. NY, NY - USA All rights reserved. All characters in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is entirely coincidental. Original title: The Virtuous Lady Translation: Renata Bagnolesí Publisher: Leonice Poraponio Publishers Art: Ana Suely S. Dobón, Monica Maldonado Layout: Dany Editora Ltda. Cover illustration: Hankins + Tegenborg, Ltd. EDITOR NEW CULTURAL LTDA. Paes Leme street. 524-10 floor CEP 05424-010 - São Paulo - Brazil Copyright to Portuguese: 2005 EDITOR NEW CULTURAL LTDA. Scanning: Aphrodite Review: Josina Page 2 Summary: London, 1846 Determination and daring awaken the desire to live a great love! The Marquis of Ravensworth, considered the most profligate man in London was eagerly involved with their conquest of the moment when the library door opened. In front of the sweet and behaved Samantha. His harsh and bold words intrigued strongly Hugh Montgomery. The Samantha heart suddenly shot. Without understanding, she was attracted by the malicious gentleman. Could she change it? Page 3 Chapter I The soft chords of the orchestra rose by imposing Italian marble staircase, invading the tranquility of Samantha Langland room, preparing to sleep. - This waltz not like - Andie said, reproachfully, watching the pale reflection of Samantha in mahogany dressing table mirror. The love the brushed hair young every night, until soft as silk. - Hundred - she murmured, then putting the silver brush on mobile. The fact that it is happening a dance in the great hall of Broomhill House, in village of Richmond, near London, not even a little disturbed the balance of Miss. Langland. Samantha did not like balls. Had never been to one, believed that dancing was something frivolous and therefore hated this kind of festivity.

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Page 1

Inveterate seducer Elizabeth Thornton

Copyright © 2004 by Mary George

Originally published in 2004 by Kensington Publishing Corp.


NY, NY - USA All rights reserved.

All characters in this work are fictitious.

Any resemblance to persons living or dead is entirely coincidental.

Original title: The Virtuous Lady

Translation: Renata Bagnolesí

Publisher: Leonice Poraponio

Publishers Art: Ana Suely S. Dobón, Monica Maldonado

Layout: Dany Editora Ltda.

Cover illustration: Hankins + Tegenborg, Ltd.


Paes Leme street. 524-10 floor

CEP 05424-010 - São Paulo - Brazil

Copyright to Portuguese: 2005


Scanning: Aphrodite

Review: Josina

Page 2

Summary: London, 1846

Determination and daring awaken the desire to live a great love!

The Marquis of Ravensworth, considered the most profligate man in London was

eagerly involved with their conquest of the moment when the library door opened.

In front of the sweet and behaved Samantha. His harsh and bold words intrigued

strongly Hugh Montgomery. The Samantha heart suddenly shot. Without understanding,

she was attracted by the malicious gentleman. Could she change it?

Page 3

Chapter I The soft chords of the orchestra rose by imposing Italian marble staircase,

invading the tranquility of Samantha Langland room, preparing to sleep.

- This waltz not like - Andie said, reproachfully, watching

the pale reflection of Samantha in mahogany dressing table mirror. The love the brushed

hair young every night, until soft as silk.

- Hundred - she murmured, then putting the silver brush on mobile.

The fact that it is happening a dance in the great hall of Broomhill House, in

village of Richmond, near London, not even a little disturbed the balance of Miss.

Langland. Samantha did not like balls. Had never been to one, believed that dancing was

something frivolous and therefore hated this kind of festivity.

The love braided her hair and made a high bun, who held with a clip. The

final touch was a cotton cap, tied under the chin Samantha. The young man looked at

mirror and rebuked his image. It looked like a twelve year old girl, not a woman


- It's time for you to go to bed - said the nurse.

Samantha hesitated, thinking of you asking if they could read for a few minutes

before blow out the candles. However, something in the plump figure of the woman changed


idea. She lay in bed and covered herself up to her chin.

- You're too thin, my daughter - said Andie. - Is fading before

my eyes. I go to prepare porridge every day to eat you before your coffee

English breakfasts. - The nurse was Scottish.

- Okay, Andie - Samantha replied, resigned. He had no intention

to discuss with his mistress at the time.

Andie approached the bed, studying the young more closely.

- And those dark circles, then! Ah, my dear, you need to stop suffering. His father and

his mother, that God has, would not like to see her like that. Samantha, for more than one year

that the tragedy happened. Now that the mourning period is over, could you

show a little joy? Not happy living here with his uncles?

Samantha swallowed.

- Of course I'm happy, Andie. I just feel some nostalgia of our house and

Charlotte aunt. Nothing more.

Andie looked thoughtfully at the girl for a few moments.

- Take your time, my dear. It's only fifteen days you're here.

There was no way to be living with his father's aunt. A young woman of her age can not

away from the society. Besides, she could barely take care of herself, as

over you and Vernon. Here, you have the company of her cousin Harriet. London not

has much green as Shropshire, but you will get used.

- Richmond is not London, Andie!

- But it is almost, young lady. And there are many ladies and gentlemen interesting for


- Aunt Esther be disappointed if believes it will transform a girl

Quaker in a fine lady.

- His mother raised him to be a real lady. She was not a lady before

joining Protestant sect and become a Quaker?

- Mom was always a lady - Samantha agreed. - After all, she was

Uncle John sister.

- Then try to remember everything she taught him, but keep in mind that

you will learn other things with his uncles.

Andie thought of getting rid of all Quakers costumes Samantha, dresses

dark, gray, when hung one in mahogany cabinet. She watched with


- Oh, Andie, what would I do without you? I love you.

- Samantha! - Said the nurse, turning suddenly. - Watch your

words! Ah, my dear, you always like to show their feelings. But I

Page 4

I ask you a little caution from now on. What his uncles would say if they heard?

I thank the good Lord for his father would never have allowed you and your brother talk

as Quakers.

- Now, Andie! Do not you know that the Bible was written in Quaker language? And you are


- I'm not a prude, Samantha. I am Scottish Presbyterian.

- There is no difference - caused the young.

- Sassenachs Samantha smiled!.

- Andie, do you just use this incomprehensible Scottish dialect and deny me

privilege of talking in Quaker language?

- Not the same thing, and you know very well. His uncle is his guardian, and what

he tolerates me, never let you! And I do not even like to imagine what his aunt

would say. She's right would have a nervous breakdown.

Andie was right, Samantha admitted. His uncles would not like to see it using the

Quaker dialect. His father had never allowed the children speak in Quaker language, despite

to find charming when his wife employed.

Samantha expression has become thoughtful.

- Andie, you know what the Aunt Esther's intentions to me. Dresses

elegant, parties and dances, concerts, plays and tours, among other programs.

She wants Vernon and I we enter into high society. I do not want to sound ungrateful or

rebel, but how can I afford? How can I be loyal to everything I believe in, to all that

my mother taught me?

Andie MacNair was at the foot of canopy bed, staring intently at the face

of his beloved young.

- Your mother, as a good Quaker, educated according to the teachings of

God. She was always a very dedicated mother. His father too, though not quaker,

was God-fearing. So it's only fair that you also honor his memory.

Now your uncle is responsible for you. It is your duty to obey. Do everything you ask him,

without feeling that is sinning.

Samantha's eyes filled with tears. At that moment, she wished

most listened to his mother, wished he had been more lenient, more treatable. He wished he had

more passed the hours he had spent with family.

That sunny July morning, but when Samantha and brother

watched parents navigating the calm waters of Lake Windermere, who could

provide that a tragedy happen? Who could have guessed that the coming storm

West would turn into a swirl so suddenly? Who could have foreseen the

horror of that day?

Samantha, soaked from head to toe and terrified, had witnessed everything.

Never forget the scene that had become a constant nightmare.

Taking a deep breath, she gave a shaky smile.

- Good night, Andie. And thank you ... Thank you for everything. Andie MacNair approached

to kiss the forehead of the young.

- God bless you, my daughter. Have sweet dreams. Samantha was alone with

their reflections.

She and her brother, Vernon, had been educated according to the Quakers dogmas,

although the father remain Anglican. Samantha knew there were gay Quakers,

who enjoyed music and dancing, and they wore colorful clothes. But her mother did not

was so. Jane Langland followed the Quaker traditions to the letter.

The room started to get hot, leaving her shaken. She found herself and left the

bed, then walked to the open window. The cool breeze of autumn made running back

wear the robe. His room was located in the back of the house and the window, Samantha

could see the Thames shining with its mystery. She imagined the river waters at the time

Tudor, colorful barges full of carrying smiling courtiers and their ladies to

Hampton cut. Sir Thomas More had sailed by that river from your property

rural in Chelsea, through Richmond Palace, to the magnificent new residence

Henry VIII.

The orchestra played the second waltz the night. Samantha would have to learn the steps

of all the dances, but had no intention of dancing something so vulgar as one

Page 5


She did not censored uncles, Sir John and Lady Esther, by offering a ball in his

stately mansion. Also felt no envy for his cousin, Harriet, be in

middle of all those people in society. Samantha Langland rather not go to dances.

At least for now. And the uncles had allowed her not to attend. Vernon,

in turn, being seventeen years old, two unless she had not the same

scruples. Accepted the invitation without hesitation.

No, Samantha did not like balls. Enjoying a good book, but unfortunately,

there was none in the room that Lady Esther reserved for him. His books were coming from

Shropshire and only arrive at the end of the week. If only I had something to read, she

could postpone the nightmare that scared every night. Needed to find a


Decided, Samantha decided to go to his uncle's library, which was well away from the hall

dance, and choose something that pleased him and that made the time pass.

Avoiding the spiral staircase where he could find a guest, Samantha

moved with his usual elegance, heading for the staircase of employees. Then

went down to the ground.

Pressing the robe to her chest, bent down to pick up his slippers and walked

tiptoe through the desert corridor. The voices in the hall came to her. Samantha

took a candlestick from one of the tables against the wall and entered the great library.

Then shut the door.

Chapter II In the comfort of Queen Anne style chair, Samantha opened her eyes and tried to

remember where he was. For a long moment, stared at the flames of the candles

illuminated the mirror above the fireplace. The muffled groan from the other side of the door

library invaded his consciousness slowly, and Samantha tried to join forces to

up, to remove traces of sleep from his face.

- Hugh? - The woman's voice was low and sensual. - You do not care about my

reputation? The other guests will notice our absence!

The laugh that followed away any hint of censure. Samantha

heard the rustle of women's clothing, followed by a mild protest was soon muffled

by a male laughter. She frowned curiously. It was not so innocent

point of not understanding what was happening across the library door. The knob

turned, and Samantha senses went on alert. He had no intention of

face the couple who was about to ... The thought disappeared in his mind without having

formed completely. It would be an extremely unpleasant situation witnessed,


When he saw the door half open up, she pressed the book to her chest. Then

up. Suddenly, the door was flung open, and Samantha looked up, ready to

face the inevitable encounter. Nothing happened. For some inexplicable reason, the couple

took in.

- Hugh! Do not be in such a hurry! - More a mild protest ignored by the gentleman.

- As I recall, Adele, it was you who suggested this meeting. If you prefer that

I return to the game room, just tell me.

The conversation of the two provided Samantha enough time to look at your

back looking for somewhere to hide. Then she remembered the modern

contraption that his uncle had just purchased. The idea occurred to him when he visited the

Ostelery Park, the residence of his neighbors, the Earl and Countess of Jersey. The uncle

had analyzed the impressive George Villiers library and not settle down while

not installed a in his own residence. It was a matter of pride and joy.

Samantha slid up the wall on the other side. At the edge of one of the shelves

books, his fingers found a pin. Pulled it, and wall shelves became

in a door. She came in and closed it quickly behind him. It was not a hiding to it

pleased, after all it concerned the baths of his uncle room, reserved for men

when they wanted to relax a little, away from problems and all.

Page 6

Darkness enveloped her, and a little too late, Samantha realized

forgotten your slippers from the armchair by the fire. But would not go back to 'il get

them for the world. Now he could only have patience. And lots of it. She was determined

to expect the couple decide to go to another part of the house. A fourth, perhaps. And then, for

the ground

marble beneath her bare feet made her shiver. Samantha pulled her robe against

her slender body in an attempt to ward off the cold.

Long minutes passed, and his teeth began to chatter. The cold that

place was taking unbearable. Samantha put his ear to the wall, but not

could hear nothing but his own shaky breath. His impatience was


With the utmost care, opened the door, hoping that the intruders have

were far away. Sweet illusion. Was greeted by groans and murmurs of

lovers. She opened the door a little more of the secret passage and saw the couple settled

in silk brocade couch of her aunt. The gentleman had accommodated the young under their

body. Samantha stepped back, shocked with that kind of

behavior. Who were those two? What freedom they had to be there? More

a groan. It was enough for her to decide that's too endured.

Held up the book with leather cover holding and threw it with all his might against

fireplace, where it fell with a great crash. Adèle issued a hysterical cry, and then

everything was in the deepest silence.

- Damn! - Exclaimed Hugh Montgomery, the Marquis of Ravensworth.

With trembling fingers, Samantha closed the door and returned to his hiding place in

secret passage. There was a smile on his lips.

The marquis rose, disentangling himself from the hands of his partner. Standing,

he straightened his tie and looked around the spacious library, paying attention at all.

His eyes stopped on the carpet in front of the chair, and a smirk formed in

his lips. When looking at the woman at his side, however, the smile faded.

- Arrange up, Adele! - Ordered, looking at her with disdain. Adèle sat on the couch and

tried to smooth his crumpled silk dress.

- What was that? - She asked in a small voice, evidently fearing

discovery there in that state. Adèle focused on the man's face that made him company

that library. Hugh Montgomery exuded sensuality for all parts of the body.

She noted the relaxed aristocratic features, meditating on something. His air of confidence

unwavering made him even more charming. Adèle reached out, trying to pull him

down, back to the couch. Strong fingers clenched his fist and, seconds later,

she was standing.

- Now comes, Adèle. Our cache is no longer secret - said Hugh,

putting a finger to her lips. - Be a good girl and get out of here. Later in


She opened his mouth to protest, but one look at the expression of

Ravensworth was enough to make her change her mind.

- You promise? - She asked hopefully.

- How? - It was evident that the Marquis had lost interest in women.

- I think Avery Viscount is plotting something against us. - Adele tried not

control irritation. - Your friend does not like me much, do you?

The Ravensworth's tone was perfectly friendly.

- Since you're wondering, the answer is no. But do not worry, my dear.

Each has its taste, and it is reputed to be difficult, or rather impossible to please.

Adele could not tell if it was a compliment or not. Concerned about your

own problem, trying to decide whether the victim was backing up or answer if

could think of an answer, she was carried away to the door.

No, would not give in so easily. Adèle had used all their weapons

lure him back into his arms, even for a short time. And almost succeeded. Not that

the Marquis intended to be as constant as a lover. No, he made a point of not

hide women around him that several of them had the privilege of heat

his bed. Not just one.

His sincerity in this matter was outrageous, and offensive to

a woman of means. She, a real beauty, a legitimate Countess, widow of a

Page 7

Earl, could not be labeled as Ravensworth lover. It would be a stain on his


The Marquis showed no preference for a particular type of woman, and enjoyed

what each had to offer with a chance that other men would

considered a depraved behavior. But Ravensworth Ravensworth was a

womanizer, a bohemian a night owl. Nevertheless, a great seducer. There were few

women who resisted their charms. Adele St. Clair was not among them.

She smoothed the Marquis chest.

- You know where to find me? I still have that house in Duke Street.

- Yes, I remember - he answered evasively. Then he opened the door and practically the

pushed out.

- You will find me later - insisted Adèle.

- Where appropriate - said Ravensworth. His gaze was impenetrable.

Exasperated words appeared on her lips, but died without being

uttered, before the inflexibility in Marquis expression. Resigned, Adèle tilted her

consistent head, but before he could will bientôt, the door closed.

Ravensworth turned in the library and, with a few steps, took the chair before

occupied by Samantha. He then settled back and crossed his legs. After a few

moments of silence, the Marquis leaned to pick up the fallen book. It was a

Gothic romance of those who loved girls.

- You can leave your hiding place, cherie - he said, taking a foot slipper in

floor, which examined with the maximum attention.

In the depths of his hiding place, Samantha shivered. He pulled the door to her

refuge, holding that was away from the clutches of the man. It would be his

ruin. A pencil, dangerously placed on the edge of the shelf, rolled forward, shook

for a moment, then fell on the wooden floor. Ravensworth heard the noise and,

seconds later, was before the secret door. In a heartbeat, he opened it. At the

hands, holding a candle, which would allow him to see perfectly the person

had ruined his romantic encounter with the beautiful widow. When the Marquis saw the figure

a young looking at him with solemn gray eyes, the smile immediately disappeared from their

lips. In its 29 years of life, Ravensworth had never seen this woman.

After a few minutes of silence, he felt the anger rising within him. Expected

find something quite different.

- Who is the lady? And why was spying on me? Despite its appearance

say otherwise, Samantha was not a person who is easily frightened. Not

intimidated by the arrogant behavior of the man. Gathering all his

dignity, she went to the bath room.

- I beg your pardon. Long ago you waiting for? The bath room

is empty now.

- How? - Ravensworth proved to be perplexed by the question. He put the

chandelier on the nearest table.

Samantha had no intention of harassing the wrath of that young gentleman with

a conversation about amenities. The path to the library door was unoccupied, and

she took advantage of the situation. Ravensworth was faster, however, preventing it from


In other circumstances, Samantha would have admired the manly beauty of dark Adonis

barring its output. Suddenly she became aware of the power of his opponent, and

stopped as an unfortunate animal that unwittingly has awakened a sleeping tiger.

The man approached her. If she screamed for help, who could help her?

Who would listen? The ballroom was located upstairs, and there was no

reason to descend guests. Samantha tried to relax. The man was

guest of his uncle and thus implied up, a gentleman. In theory. The rationale


- Who am I? Would you believe in guardian angel?

Samantha realized, the tension in his jaw, his attempt to play


- Guardian Angel? - Repeated Ravensworth. - Could you do me the kindness to


- A guardian angel ... for a damsel in distress.

Page 8

- And what Miss intended to keep, if I may ask?

Now there was no going back.

- The virtue of it, of course. - Samantha forced herself to look at him tone determination. The

His expression remained impassive.

The Marquis supported the body against the door, which relieved some of the tension


The Ravensworth assessment look analyzed in details her trembling girl who

faced with such determination. The piece of lace attached to her head hid the

braided hair, and the robe, buttoned up to the neck, gave her grandmother air. His

accent was refined, but your clothes, somewhat simplistic. A housekeeper,

perhaps, or a chaperone.

- Who gave you permission to judge others?

- I do not remember be judging someone. In addition, I believe, think

well, you can not accuse me this way. The girl protested, but you do not

wanted to listen. She said "no", and you insisted. What kind of woman would leave a sister in

such danger?

- Miss is just a child! - Cried the marquis, shaking his

head the innocent figure standing before him. - The girl was not grudgingly.

- I heard refusing it. - Samantha was stubborn.

- Tell me, Miss. Virtue - began Ravensworlh controlled voice - his "no"

always meant 'no' "and her" yes, "always" yes "?

- Exactly.

- Miss can not be serious.

- Of course I am. As communication is possible between people say

something that means something? Imagine the confusion!

- Miss. Virtue, Miss is the most ingenious girl I've ever met in life, or

more naive.

- How come? What do you mean? - She asked, frowning.

The Marquis laughed.

- Do not be ridiculous! Miss know what I mean. What would happen

with compliments, flirtations, if people would say exactly the truth?

Samantha looked at him insolently.

- These facts, I suppose, would have its natural death.

- And Miss not regret?

- I? Of course not! Why should I?

Ravensworth seemed incredulous, then confused, and finally in disbelief.

- You telling me you never tells a lie, that never hides part of

Indeed, ever cheat when you are in a delicate situation?

- Never!

- I can not believe!

- Want to try?

That story was going too far. The Marquis of Ravensworth ever

refused a challenge. A fornicator brightness lit his gaze.

- With pleasure.

In a swift movement, he stepped away from the door and took Samantha in their

arms. She opened her mouth to express their protest, but before she could say a

single word, the mouth of Ravensworth came over and he kissed her.

Hugh Montgomery was an experienced lover. He knew how to end resistance

the most reluctant of women. His mouth slid over the shocked lips

Samantha, molding them with a calm burning, deliberate, smooth, experiencing,

savoring it with a persuasive pleasure.

Samantha was the first real kiss, and she was delighted. Relaxed against the

strong arms and more lips parted, even allowing this invasion. The Marquis,

in turn, was not to beg to take advantage of the unconscious gesture. Ravensworth

deepened the kiss, reveling in the sweet taste of Samantha. Feeling the answer

innocent, a slight tremor, he was even more delighted. Started to tease her,

awakening her to the male desire. Squeezing more and more against his body,

Marquis continued with caresses, wanting to know everything that Samantha had her

Page 9

offer. A storm of emotions, contagious and growing, both took account,

enlevando them.

It was the Marquis himself who ended the kiss. Away from his head, he concentrated

in Samantha's eyes. Of course she wanted to seduce you!

- Why do I kissed her? - Asked the Marquis, both surprised and


- I suppose you were trying to prove something - she said so

soon regained his breath.

- He was? Oh yes, now I remember! Miss want me to kiss again?

- No - Samantha whispered.

- Liar! - The word was a caress. He lowered his head to capture you the

lips again, but Samantha dodged.

- You do not understand. I do not deny that has not enjoyed the experience. How

could not? But do not think that kissing is healthy ....

- And I know why?

Samantha reached for the Marquis analyze.

- My fingers are tingling. Ravensworth enchanted up with the purity.

- Miss won. Miss really has no malice. Now, I think

I would like to kiss her again.

Samantha, however, had already recovered the Quaker composure. She declined the offer

with education and determination.

- Who is the lady? - He asked. - And do not give me that angel of history

the guard.

- Maybe I not your nemesis?

- My nemesis? - He laughed. - Not born woman yet who can overcome Hugh

Montgomery, my dear.

- I did it! - She gave a sheepish smile, and the heart of Ravensworth stopped

for one second. The most adorable dimples appeared in Samantha's cheeks. -

However - she said, looking at him now seriously - I do not wish her ill. In

Actually, I wish you all the best.

- Really? How come?

- And why not?

- Miss not even know me - he said. - Yet.

- Now, Mr. Hugh Montgomery! Since when does the fact that you want the good of a person

depends to meet her? I wish the good of all people in the world.

- Even bandits and murderers? - He asked mockingly.

- Of Course. That does not mean I twist so that they can do evil. It Would Be

very foolish of me.

- I agree!

- Now is the man who is making fun of me.

- Not at all. I would not dare.

His eyes were warm. Samantha did not dare to sustain that look.

Looking down, he saw his own bare feet and remembered the slippers. In a

demonstration of kindness, Ravensvforth picked them up and put on them at the feet of

Samantha. The

His hands were warm, and yet she felt a chill go you your

body. A burst of laughter served to introduce the reality back.

- Who is the lady? At least tell me your name.

Samantha turned serious. I did not want that man knew his name. By the

least for now. He opened the door and let her pass. His smile was the most

charming and engaging.

- Then, Lord Nemesis Ravensworth, be careful! I will not allow the

Miss overcomes me again.

The Marquis watched Samantha away for a door that imagined the entry

to the steps of the household. He admitted that his interest was keen, but only one

little bit. She was an ordinary girl. But his nemesis? Ravensworth had no time to

dealing with difficult women. There were other much easier and full of love to give.

Needed only reach out to get what he wanted. Still, he admitted,

reluctant, take some time to forget that kiss.

Page 10

Chapter III Lady Esther Grenfell was a beautiful and elegant woman forty-eight years,

in his youth, was considered one of the most splendid young at the time. That

moment, she found herself sitting on her bed drinking a cup of tea. What

seemed, would be a nice little morning. Her husband, Sir John, did not seem too

humorous. Like a caged tiger, walked back and forth in front of the

bed, giving her looks angry.

- Esther! - He said accusingly. - Your daughter has gone too far. And

incorrigible! You have no control over her behavior? Harriet need

a good beating, and if it does not change your ways from now on, is exactly what


Lady Esther nibbled a piece of toast.

- My dear - she began, in a calm voice - Harriet is young and

inexperienced. I know that sometimes their behavior seems to be ... daring, but it is

a girl with a great heart.

- It seems to be bold? Honey, Harriet behavior "is" bold. You do not

understand, my beloved wife, our daughter is gaining a reputation for flirt,

bold, unruly and messy?

- Do not overdo it, my love.

Sir John raised his index finger.

- Let us enumerate, my love. Item one: one broken engagement; Item Two: smoking

cigarettes in the gardens of Carlton House; Item three: an unbridled race to coach

Twicke-encased, when she almost broke her neck. Finally, item four: get drunk on

Almack's. In Almack's, by God! And on top, insult lady Jersey! No, does not have the

less relevant. The behavior of this girl is getting worse.

- You mean you also Sally Jersey was deceived? - Asked Lady Esther,

suppressing a smile.

- You do not want to understand what I mean, Esther. The misconduct of his daughter

is tarnishing the name of our family.

Lady Esther got out of bed and walked to the dresser.

- I do not really agree with some Harriet attitudes.

- And I do not agree with all! - Sir John continued. - It only causes problems. And it is

one after the other. Where we went wrong? Of our six children, she is the only one in

caused this problem.

Yes, all the other always behaved very well.

- Why Harriet can not be like them?

- Want to know why, my love? - Lady Esther said, looking with affection for the

husband. - For our youngest daughter pulled the father.

- Are you referring to my behavior in youth. Were nonsense of a

boy. Let me warn you, Esther, that the conduct is totally accepted in men

abhorred in women.

- Really? - Lady Esther took a gray lock of hair from the forehead

husband. - From what I know, the behavior of his sister Jane, Samantha's mother, was

clean in recent years. First, however, she gave a lot of headaches to his parents. Was

bad reputation of Grenfell that made my father was slow to agree with our

marriage. You only began to worry about his family's name when our

first child was born.

Sir John expressed the wish to say something, but Lady Esther went on quickly:

- You better, I know, if that's what he meant. And I have no doubt

that Harriet will also improve.

- And when we should expect this to happen? Today? Tomorrow? Next year?

- I'm hoping that she follow his father's footsteps, dear. When the right man

appear in the life of Harriet, she will do everything in its power to merit

consideration of it.

- Do you realize that the registration for the AImack Harriet's was canceled? -

Page 11

John asked, remembering to have another ace in the hole.

- Yes, and what's the problem?

- What is the problem? I do not believe you do not realize the importance of a

unprecedented move like that. She was excluded from one of the traditional dances of

London season.

- Bah - Lady Esther stripped sweater and wore a cotton blouse almost

transparent. The husband studied the slender body of his wife with appreciation.

- These patrons of Almack's believe that their powers are above all. The

Our family is in a much higher level. I do not really me

care to spend Wednesday nights with women so stupid pretending to be

good behavior models. They are all hypocrites! Everyone knows that the mother of

Sally Jersey was quite daring in the past. And no one dares to say anything. Worse,

Sally is considered the model of good practice for young people as our Harriet. - The voice

Lady Esther showed all his wrath.

Wisely, Sir John did not express his opinion.

- However, I believe that Harriet should see your mistakes alone.

Lady Esther put the blue chambray dress, and her husband offered to help-

her to button it. Blue always been the favorite color of his wife, he thought, watching her pass

the comb through the dark curls. Even now, after thirty years, John also thanked

for having managed to conquer a woman as incredible as Esther Woodward, the

beauty of his first and only season. Had to be very persistent to get

convince her to give in to her charms.

- My dear wife - John said, putting his hands on her shoulders and

looking at her in the mirror - tell me what you have in mind.

Esther went to the dressing room for convenience and privacy, they had

transformed into a private sanctuary. She sat on a chair and pointed to the

husband sit in front. Prior to taking, he took out a cigarette and lit it.

- You can start, my dear. You have my full attention.

- John, Harriet is not our only problem. In a way, a way well

different I would say, his niece Samantha will also be a major dilemma for us.

- Nonsense! - Sir John was emphatic. - Samantha is a virtuous young. She is sweet,

is not frivolous, we can trust what it says, and never get involved with subjects like that

seem to delight both our stubborn daughter.

- My love, it is a Quaker.

- And what is the problem?

- I do not know for sure, but you do not think Samantha is a bit moralistic

too much?

- How so?

- Well ... for example, the dresses we ordered arrived this week. Are

models beautiful, discreet and modest for a young participate in his first season.

They dressed to perfection. However I realized that something was wrong when she

began to try them.

- What?

- I realize that I cost to any dress cut down here - Lady Esther

indicated half of his lap - was filled with a piece of lace.

- It shows that my niece has adequately to a girl from

your age.

- My, how you've changed! And that's not all. Samantha is so honest that arrives

to be rude. If you ask someone's opinion on a subject, she replies without

think about the consequences.

- Do not be ridiculous. If someone asks the opinion of a person about

particular subject, it is expected that the answer is true. Samantha seems


- I agree, dear, but that's not how society works. She has a lot to

learn. So I think I found the perfect solution.

Esther smiled, pleased with herself.

- And I can know what?

- I asked our daughter if she would like to be a mentor Samantha and show

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how to act in society.

Sir John seemed to have lost speech. It was a moment in silence, reasoning.

- You lost your mind? Our daughter would not be able to teach a fisherman

join the society. Samantha does not need Harriet advice.

- Do not be so obtuse, my dear. - The words were harsh, but the modes of

Esther, calm. - Harriet will give a good example to Samantha. Or do you think that our

daughter would be able to teach something wrong to the press?

- Esther, I hope you know what you're talking about. I have my doubts

on the plan. For me, the more certain it would be otherwise.

- But, John, Harriet is too stubborn to be corrected by such a polite girl

as Samantha!

- Exactly!

- Do you have an opinion so bad about our daughter?

There was a flash of irritation in the eyes of Lady Esther.

- Of course not, my love. No need to protect their young from me. I just

I wish she were a little more like her mother.

- But Harriet is like you, John. How often will I need to repeat the same thing?

And it is because she is so much like the father I consider it more lovely and more

charming of our children.

- Esther!

- Do not scold me. I'm being honest, because you just confess

admiring. Harriet can be a bit rebellious, but she's a very cheerful and full girl

life. These were the qualities that enchanted me when I first saw it.

Oh, John, you were so full of life ... - She touched her husband's arm. - I would not want

the joyful spirit of our daughter broke.

- It will not happen, my love. - John covered the delicate hand with wife

a. Moments later, he pulled her, forcing her to get up and sit on your lap. -

Do you believe that this old man is a little less excited lately?

- You liar!

She looked at him with mock indignation.

- Let's fix this problem right now, my wife. - Sir John embraced

Lady Esther for long moments.

- Pay attention - asked Harriet Grenfell. Two pairs of eyes watched her

movements with great care.

- Everything must be done with the utmost elegance. Take snuff box with hand

right and pass it to the left. Like This. Then hit the box with your fingertip

forefinger of your right hand. - She played the gesture. - Now, Vernon, pay close

heads up. Here's the trick. Open box with a click of your left thumb. - Harriet

made with agility. - The wrist must be relaxed. If you open the snuff box with

hurry, all the powder may fall. Now, give the box to the person who is more

close to you. - She reached the open snuffbox. - Try a little press.

Samantha looked at the box.

- It seems cinnamon. How is it done?

- So - said the brother, proud of his wisdom. - - Take a hint

between finger and thumb. - He looked at Harriet, asking for confirmation. Samantha

followed the example of his brother. - I saw Lord Ravensworíh snuff during the ball - said

Vernon, trying to explain.

Samantha felt a shiver at the name.

-. No place directly in the nose - Harriet warned. - Rub between your

fingers before. Then gently inhale with each nostril. Like This.

The two repeated the gesture of the press. - It gostoso- said Samantha, splashing logo

below. - What did I do wrong?

- You too smelled - said Vernon.

- I hope to learn with practice.

- No you will not, dear sister. This is an exclusive enjoyment of men.

- How so? - Samantha looked at her cousin for help. Harriet gave the


Page 13

- One of the ridiculous customs imposed by society and which must be fulfilled.

Some women do not obey, but are usually older women, and not

young prey to such standards as us.

A clock on the fireplace of marble sounded the hours, warning Vernon.

- Damn! My tutor is waiting for me and I can not be late. I'm having a

bit of trouble with the Greek. Excuse me, guys ladies. - He stood up to leave

the little yellow room, which was used only by the younger members of the house. To

door, Vernon turned. - Samantha, you think you could help me for one or two

hours tonight with Mr. Greek lessons. Keith? Their explanations are more


- It will be a pleasure.

- Press Harriet, I can also ask for their help in the art of snuff?

- Of course - she replied, still delighted with the fact that the press be a scholar.

The door closed and Samantha went back to the matter at hand.

- Harriet, his movements are so delicate. I am wrong or you have practice

in the subject?

Harriet smirked.

- I would not dare snuff in public. But who can know that I do in

particular? Who cares? I've seen women sniffing snuff in public of the fingers of a

man, but never just that. Try again. - Harriet put a pinch of

snuff at your fingertips and held them to Samantha. This time she sneezed not so


- Beginners always exaggerate the beginning. The secret is to smell a little.

If the person sneezes or logo grimaces to smell, the effect is not the same,

- May I try it on?

- Of Course. - Harriet began to snuff box for the press, concluding that Samantha was

and braver than seemed at first.

Samantha repeated several times the movements, to have them perfected.

- I liked it and I see no harm in snuff from time to time.

- I agree with you.

- So, Harriet, who knows we can not snuff occasionally? It will be our


- Great idea - said the press enthusiastically. Samantha proved to be a

excellent company, and Harriet was delighted with her younger friend, for the press, despite

to be an extremely demure young, not blamed by certain attitudes.

However, in the question tell the truth, nothing but the truth, Samantha kept

firmly. Among the members of the Grenfell family, there was nothing wrong with that, since

she used to not express your opinion without being asked. Only those

wanted an opinion really sincere asked Samantha to manifest. This,

however, little happened.

The candid behavior Samantha could be seen as naughty

by society, and Harriet, in the role of mentor, used all his charm to help her out

some delicate situation.

Lady Grenfell watched, attentive, the interaction of young people, noting with joy

increasing intimacy between the two. Was pleased to note that, under the tutelage of his

daughter, Samantha Stark behavior had taken a little more relaxed.

Also could not help but note that the company's press was having an effect

beneficial on the attitudes of his daughter. He felt proud to be your plan

working. At least, before his father's eyes, Harriet had begun to behave

Mold a real lady of society. Both Sir John to let her

back to use the carriage for short trips.

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Chapter IV The Marquis of Ravensworth was in his office on the second floor of Albany

House in Piccadilly, Mayfair, in the company of his good friend, Avery Viscount. The

two smoked Havana cigars sitting by the fireplace. After a few moments of

silence, the dark-haired gentleman stood up and, straightening up, walked to


- The fog is a bit strong - he said, by way of explanation.

- It's true - noted the companion of light hair. Ravensworth returned

its place. The Avery Viscount resumed the conversation where they had stopped.

- Not that I wanted to suppress it, but I imagine that a husband should have some

voice in the conduct of his bride. I just wanted to contain the excesses of Harriet.

- I agree with you - Ravensworth said. - Being young luna cot and very

well-educated, Harriet Grenfell need to be a little more discreet. Your behavior

leaves much to be desired. - The Marquis slowly let out the smoke from his cigar. - In a

woman of another social class, this attitude would not cause any problems. People

perhaps even considered a provocation. In a high-born wife, however, would be

unacceptable behavior. How did you manage to convince her to end their engagement?

- I have not convinced - said the viscount with some regret. - It was Harriet's idea.

I just told her that she would have to choose between originality and me. Harriet was

with the first.

- You're sorry? - Ravensworth asked, amazed by notice

disappointment in his friend's voice.

- Of course I am! You think I want to get involved with one of these young people

embarrassed that my mother is playing on me? Marriage is for life

whole, my friend.

- Now, Avery, you know that men can have other interests, if the wife

is not as catchy.

- Yeah, I know. - The viscount shrugged. - The problem is that completely lost

interest in other women, even in the most beautiful. Realize the situation I am


- My God! - Exclaimed Ravensworth. - And more serious than I thought! It made

the idea that you were in love, my friend. Harriet managed to turn their


- I have to admit that yes - Avery replied with a smile, trying to improve


A servant came in and straightened the wood in the fireplace. Then asked

Ravensworth if they wanted something and then withdrew.

- Thus, the problem gets a completely different appearance. You do not

had told me he was in love with the young.

- And what does that change? Harriet will not make any effort to achieve my

desires, and I have no intention of giving in.

- Marry her first, then compel her to obey him!

- Have you gone mad, Ravensworth? - Avery was incredulous.

- Not at all, my friend. - I'm just using the gray matter between

my ears. Think about it! Why Harriet Grenfell behavior is so

exotic? Why did not she adapts to society's standards?

- It's in the blood. Her father, from what I hear, was the same.

- You're getting close, my dear. Miss. Harriet Grenfell is used to

manipulate parents. However, when she married, who is the authority?

- Do husband, of course.

- What if you were this man?

- Ravensworth, where you're going? - A twinge of impatience arose in

Avery's voice.

- Remember: a husband, if you know how to act, has the power to guide his wife.

It can threaten it in a number of ways. Deprive it of a new dress, to find

with her friends. You can even send Harriet to one of its properties in the North, if

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it does not behave like a married woman.

- Harriet did not like it one bit to be treated well.

- Of course not, you fool! This is the point in question. A woman is like a

filly. She needs you to put the reins.

The words of Ravensworth penetrated slowly in the viscount's brain


- And so you want to treat your wife when you get your time?

- Without a shadow of a doubt! That is, if I have the misfortune to marry one

young man who dares to challenge me. This day, however, is far from reach.

- What? Have you found someone who piqued your interest? I thought it was never

hear him talking about marriage.

- There is always a tail skirt around me, and you know that. But all

I continue to offer is my bed. Nothing more.

- One of these days, Ravensworth, you will find your nemesis, and I hope to be

around to witness the fact.

The Marquis, who took the cigar to his lips, stood still.

- What did you say? - He looked shocked. Avery repeated the comment.

Ravensworth let out a smoke ring that slowly rose to the ceiling of the room.

- I think ever met. - His voice did not contain the slightest emotion.

- Really? - The interest of the Viscount was kindled. - And?

- It was nothing more. I met a girl at the ball of Grenfell. As a matter of fact,

was not exactly at the ball, but in the library.

- What were you doing in the library of their home?

- I was with Adele?

- I Got You. Carry On.

Ravensworth was thoughtful, remembering that moment.

- She told me that my kiss caused him chills.

- You must be joking. You mean you kissed another woman while

with Adele?

- Of course not. She got rid of Adèle.

- How? She got rid of Adele? This young brave, huh!

- I would say naive.

- Who is she? - Avery asked, anxious to know the identity of the girl

who had charmed his friend.

- I thought you could meet her. The Grenfell hired some

housekeeper or chaperone in recent times?

- Not that I know. Hang On! Harriet told me that her cousin is here. And a young

Quaker Shropshire.

- Never heard of this place. - Ravensworth was quiet for a moment. - The

Quaker is?

- Quakers are members of a Protestant sect, the Society of Friends. I do not know

details. From what little Harriet told me, they are extremely virtuous people ..

- Oh ... What a pity!

- How come? Are you interested?

- Just a little. Did she is the poor cousin?

- I can not say. Maybe. But the training it is impeccable. I would like to see

family tree of this young? I can, if you want. - Avery's face

writhed in smiles.

- No need. I'm not planning on getting married.

- Do Not? So better take the girl out of the head. Ravensworth looked curiously

for friend.

- I'm serious, Ravensworth - he warned. - This young man is not of those who give

to its charms. I tell you, my friend, she is full of virtues. Do not even think

in trying to corrupt it.

- You forgot the girl allowed me to kiss her? Did not force anything. In Addition

addition, the result will not give you all I have to offer.

- I am confident that it will not accept anything that comes from you, nor

any man who is not with the blessing of the Church.

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- Avery, you are an incurable romantic - mocked the Marquis, staring at him.

- And you are foolish and cynical - said the viscount.

Ravensworth was silent.

- Let's see - he said after a moment. - Let's see.

After a long silence, Ravensworth leaned back in his chair. By observing the

smoky atmosphere of his office, he frowned.

- The environment here is unbearable - said. - Let's get some fresh air?

- The Marquis put out the cigar and rose with determination.

- Where? - Avery asked, grabbing his cloak. - In Hyde Park?

- No -. Ravensworth straightened his tie impeccable. - A little further. That

about going to Richmond? I would like to visit some friends I have not seen for some time.

Lord Avery smiled brightly.

- Really? Did your friends have some kinship with the Grenfell


Ravensworth slapped Viscount's back.

Richmond Park, a vast expanse of land that Charles I as reserved area

hunting, was a few minutes of carriage Broomhill House. Do not imagine that

any member of the beau monde is found there at that hour of the day because Richmond was

about nine miles from London and only the most enthusiastic riders

ventured that far. And usually in the early afternoon.

Samantha and Harriet did not have the park all to themselves, for the residents of

Richmond and the neighborhood liked to enjoy the charms of that wilderness.

However, in an area of more than two thousand acres, riders and carriages not

used to cross. Not early.

After a quiet ride in the carriage Harriet, where the two are

turns to lead her under the eyes of a servant on horseback, they stopped near

some Alamos. Harriet instructed the servant to take Duster to drink water. Evans obeyed

unblinking, leaving them alone.

- Do you mind if I smoke? Samantha did not know if he had heard right.

- How?

Harriet repeated the question.

- I do not see any harm. Make yourself at home.

- Excellent. - Harriet took a small cigarette inside your bag. - I did not

smoke at home because Dad does not approve. But from time to time like you afford. Whether

smoke with me?

Samantha thanked and noted carefully the raw light a cigarette and suck


- Dropping a cloud of smoke! - Said Samantha. Harriet laughed.

- I see you know the song of men. I expect you have heard of


- Yup.

A carriage approached and both accompanied her eyes. Two

fine young tract, observed Samantha. A dark, the other blonde. As the

carriage was slowing down, she focused her gaze on the dark gentleman. He will

seemed familiar.

A black hood covered his broad shoulders. Then he took off his gloves and hat and

rubbed his curly hair. His face was sunburned, and lips, which

began to smile, and were full ...

- Is Avery - Harriet said, referring to the blond man. - Get It! Take the cigarette! -

In the next instant, Samantha saw the cigarette between his fingers.

- Miss. Grenfeil, how are you? - Asked Ravensworth. - I imagine that Sir John has

forgotten your last ride, somewhat disastrous. How did

convince you? - He looked at Lord Avery and smiled.

Samantha recognized the voice and felt his heart race. She saw it Ravensworth

approaching with the coach and watching her carefully. It was a modest girl, but

no prude. Thus, the fact that not look away when the gentleman was looking at her

such intensity did not appear ordinary.

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- Let me introduce you ... - Harriet began, slightly frustrated.

- My nemesis - interrupted Ravensworth without taking his Samantha's face. -

I recognize those eyes anywhere.

- This is my cousin, Miss. Samantha Langland - finished Harriet. - Do you


- We have not yet formally presented. Ravensworth, at their disposal,

young lady. This is my friend Lord Avery.

Samantha greeted them with a gentle nod. Ravensworth,

remembering the night of the first meeting of both the confession that his kiss

left trembling, opened a beautiful smile. Just to Samantha. She, in turn, felt only the

cigarette burning his hand.

- Smoking, Miss. Langland? - Asked Ravensworth, with a note of censure. -

Careful with that cigarette in the middle of your fingers. Miss can burn.

- I imagine that Miss. Grenfeil is teaching him the exploits of the ladies of

society - said Lord Avery.

Samantha watched the color come in Harriet's cheeks and felt a strong impetus

to act on behalf of the press. Like those men dared to condemn it for being smoking,

habit they cultivated frequently? There was nothing bad, no reason to

guilt or shame, she mused.

- They want me smoking? - Samantha asked, assuming that was the

correct label on smoking.

- Thank you - said Ravensworth. - Do not let our presence

disturb this pleasure that seems to please you both.

Samantha felt compelled to continue. With elegant gestures to flip the press

doing, took the cigarette to pink lips. Then inhaled and exhaled almost immediately.

At that moment, he found he did not like smoking but would not give his opinion is not

you asked. She tried again.

- All right, Miss. Langland - commented Ravensworth. - At least one

first time. Now that we have proved that it is quite bold, why not get rid of this

ridiculous thing?

The comment prompted Samantha to continue with the indiscretion. Took the cigarette to his


once again. Unfortunately the chance, she breathed too deeply. So began

coughing nonstop. Samantha tried to catch his breath, and tears streamed down his face.

Suddenly Ravensworth was beside them in the carriage,

- 0-Obrigada- she whispered, still ruined with the cough.

- It was nothing - said the marquis, wiping his face with his handkerchief

Une. - Harriet, be a good girl and go with Avery. Someone has to be responsible for

these two. Avery! - Called it. - Let's get these maidens home.

Samantha held the handkerchief to her nose while recovering. As soon as

improved, she realized that Avery's carriage had disappeared. With its

Harriet press. When looking at Ravensworth, saw that he was smiling.

- Please, Miss. Langland, get rid of that odious object - he asked, looking at the

cigarette in her hand.

Embarrassed, Samantha gave a shy smile and was surprised by the look of

seriousness that suddenly saw the Marquis's face. She obeyed quickly, playing

cigarette out of the carriage. The cigarette made a circle in the air and fell on the back of one of


horses leading the vehicle.

For a moment, nothing happened. Then it was a general pandemonium. The horse came out

in shot, forcing the other to accompany him. Ravensworth held the reins

strength, while trying to pull Samantha to his side, preventing it from falling


She left guard by the strong hand of Ravensworth and closed his eyes,

preparing for the worst.

A few kilometers later, when he felt the frantic pace of the carriage decrease,

Samantha opened her eyes slowly. The horses seemed to have calmed down, and Ravensworth,

seriously, controlled them with ease. She waited, pale, by rage. With fingers

trembling, Samantha straightened his hat.

- It's all right, Miss. Langland? - He asked, his voice calm.

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- Yes, I think so - she said, holding his hands to calm the tremor.

Ravensworth took off his coat and put it around Samantha's shoulders.

- Ready. My cover will keep her warm. It was quite an experience

shocking, but Miss proved very brave.

- It was not the first time I was in a chariot racing. Please,

check the horses. I am responsible for everything that happened and I do not want these

poor animals suffer even more.

Ravensworth ignored the request and took a small flask from his pocket.

- Drink - he ordered. Samantha hesitated.

- Drink - repeated Ravensworth.

She took a sip and felt heat down her throat and almost choked

again. Shortly after the shaking stopped.

When he saw that Samantha had recovered, Ravensworth handed him the

reins. Came down from the chariot to look at the horses.

- Nothing happened to them. We were lucky. I'd better let them rest

a little.

With some dignity, Samantha began to apologize and to thank, but

Ravensworth interrupted.

- I knew that Miss is a Quaker, Miss. Langland.

- My mother was a Quaker - corrected Samantha. - I just try to follow the

principles it.

- The fact to have surprised smoking amazes me. Ladies Quakers often


- Now there are no rules. Each follows consciousness itself with respect to the

personal conduct - she said seriously.

- It is a convenient answer.

- Not so for all Quakers. For those who do not bother to

develop an awareness, you may want to. But not for me.

- Can I See. You mean I have no conscience?

- And you? - Samantha asked, remembering the scene in the library.

- Not much! How come? Is there a problem? There was a pause.

- Yes, for me it is a problem - she said sincerely.

- Really? And I know the reason? - Ravensworth saw the look of doubt

Samantha and laughed. - I know Miss is a lady prone to admit a mistake.

- If what you say were really true, Lord Ravensworth, you would be a


- And Miss really think I'm a cheeky? - I - Samantha was

surprised by the direct question.

- I do not know right. How could she say?

- Miss. Langland - he began more seriously - I ask you not to form

a hasty opinion about me considering our first


- Ravensworth coughed to mask his embarrassment. Samantha, in turn,

gave no sign that it bothered her, as would be the case for most


- Yes, continue.

- Miss may have misunderstood. This young know how I am and not

was with me grudgingly. Samantha was silent.

- I may not have much awareness, Miss. Langland, but I'm not a cheeky! I

I am an honorable man.

- I understand - Samantha responded with indifference.

- Miss accepts me as such?

- As an honorable man? If fact satisfies you ...

- It does not satisfy you?

- Since question, no!

- Why not? She shrugged.

- Honor! What is the code of honor that men follow you, my lord? It serves

Who? Who makes the rules? As honor can be satisfied through duels and

Page 19

disputes? However, that's what men believe. No, I do not believe that a man

honored to be compared to a man conscious.

Ravensworth was surprised by the disdain in Samantha's voice.

- The important thing, dear lady, is that if I give you my word, you must believe.

Samantha began to move on their sleeves, and Ravensworth realized she did not

want to prolong it. He, in turn, was not finished. Could not leave the

story end like this.

- Do you believe in fate, Miss. Langland?

- How come?

- Because I'm beginning to believe that Miss is my nemesis. The

the gods sent to me?

- And why the gods would send him such punishment? - For my bad behavior.

- You are the only person who repents of his bad behavior?

- I said that I regret?

Samantha looked deep into Ravensworth eyes, as if to read the

his mind. Honest blue eyes, topped by thick, curved eyebrows.

Expressive eyes, full of warmth, fun and something else hidden in its depths.

- Now, Miss. Langland, one can not expect that Urh conscious man repents

of his bad behavior.

- And an honorable man?

- An honest man does not behave badly. The gray eyes Samantha

Ravensworth analyzed the expression.

- And then? It does not respond?

- I do not understand - she confessed reserved.

- In clear terms - Ravensworth said, taking her hands in his -

I would like you to know that, as much as I am not as virtuous as other men,

I have scruples. You can trust me when I say that I am an honorable man.

- Thank you - Samantha thanked before indulging in another of his


Ravensworth took the reins back.

- I think the horses have recovered. Let's find her cousin? - The tone

Marquis was as natural as possible.

All the way back, has not said a word about

conscience or honor, but Samantha was meditating on his speech. The logic you

said Lord Ravensworth was a dangerous man, but his instincts sent him a

completely different message. She decided there was no harm in being

Friends, if he wished, of course, because his conscience was quiet.

Chapter V The chilly spring temperatures of the year 1814 did not influence the good

mood Lady Esther and Sir John. With Napoleon Bonaparte confined in Elba, England

enjoyed a period of peace with mainland Europe for the first time in more

twenty years. Public confidence had reached the point that many of the properties of

Wellington had been scattered, and other had crossed the Atlantic to join forces

with the loyalists of Canada against the United States of America.

Although the news of the colonies were not the best, the Grenfell had one

special reason for all that contentment. They were celebrating the birth of

youngest grandchild, daughter of son older couple, who lived with her husband and other


in the city of Bath. Lady Esther and Sir John decided to spend a few weeks in the house

daughter, who had never caused them any problems.

In the normal course of events, nothing would have persuaded parents as zealous to

let alone the naughty daughter and rebellious, but Lady Esther found herself blessed with what

called "transformation" in Harriet's behavior. It was someone else, not

could deny. Lady Esther did not know if this change was due to Avery Lord of investees

that seemed to be having some effect, or if the press Quaker exerted a beneficial effect

Page 20

in the character of the young. But it did not matter. The fact that the daughter's behavior in

public or private, to live up to a lady of society it was enough. Lady Jersey,

the lioness of Almack's, had even insinuate that Harriet would receive an invitation to one of the

meetings. The parents of the young were elated at the mere possibility.

The conviction both in relation to the transformation of the daughter was such that they

did not see reasons to Harriet and Samantha do not get to enjoy the season

London, since people in the city resumed. From the beginning, the intention of the couple

out host both the aunt's house Sophia, which would be the chaperone of young people.

Richmond, where was located the mansion of Grenfell, was too far for two

beginners who would like to be amid the hubbub of society.

With a clear conscience, members of the household took leave of

Samantha and Harriet, who came to London in the family carriage. Andie agreed to go

next to Bath to take care of the newborn baby, knowing it would be more useful there.

However, she made it clear that it would only be for a while, out of loyalty to

family Langland art. And although he had not been told, the former nanny had hoped to

take care of the children of his beloved girl. In the very near future.

Vernon was to remain in Broomhill House for a while. He soon

would enter in Oxford therefore needed to improve the grammar and syntax of the Greek


It was with a melancholy smile that said goodbye to the sister and cousin, promising that so

he finished with that "hell" he would appear in Half Moon Street. Samantha does not

liked to leave him alone in Richmond because since they had moved to the house

uncles, her brother had left the modest behavior of parents and showed all

evidence that would turn into a real dandy, like all the young people of his

new circle of friends. She knew there was not much to do to retain the impulses of a

young inclined to frivolity, since the influence of a sister does not count.

About a person, however, the proximity of Samantha was effective. Harriet,

during the months following the accident of the press in the carriage, had been suffering the


trauma. consciousness that had passed in life. The fact that Samantha never have claimed

by Harriet have put the cigarette in her hand Paia save his own skin still increased

more remorse young. She believed that his behavior was worse than just

reprehensible, but when he tried to apologize, Samantha insisted say no

was no need. Be excused so easily made her feel even worse.

Ravenswoith and Avery did not lose the opportunity to scold her for what happened.

Samantha, in turn, not uttered a single word of reproach. The awareness

Harriet stifled. Gradually, she realized that Samantha was so original and

unconventional as she always dreamed of being, and the fact did not like at all. To

Otherwise, the discovery has become a concern. In the past, Harriet never

cared about what members of society thought about their behavior

Cheeky. However not tolerate any kind of comment, no ostracism towards

materials to those who so admired. A decision was taken: none daring act on your part

Samantha would commit a gaffe in society. Harriet promised herself

that would take a girl model. His pride, however, was deeply wounded.

Lord Avery, whom Harriet had broken their engagement in a moment of rage after he him

given an ultimatum, broke his heart. Oh, how I missed it, .. From her boyfriend. But

Harriet was a very proud girl. Would do nothing to reverse the situation. The first

step would have to leave him.

Since the incident with the coach, Avery spent most of his time in his

company, along with friend Ravensworth. Her feminine intuition told her that her ex

groom was not completely immune to its charms. Moreover, their behavior

matched what he expected of his future wife. However, Avery gave no

indication that ask you to restart the romance. The concern tormented the poor


Samantha was also uneasy with Avery friend's attention. As

that her relationship with Ravensworth became more close, Samantha had the

impression that the Marquis began to nurture deeper feelings for her. That

notion, however, went out of his mind as he explained, with confidant of air, which

Dalbreck the Duke could not marry the woman he loved, as expected

to make a beautiful ring. Those words to a bit disappointed since

Page 21

Samantha thought the Marquis of Ravensworth the most beautiful man I knew, even

admitting that he was not a proper party for a young Quaker respect.

When he began to realize I was falling in love with a man with whom he had

little in common, a man who had no attempt to hide his side

libertine, she suppressed such emotions and tried to concentrate in one direction more

suitable for his modest education. However, it was not easy to avoid the company

of Ravensworth, as both he and Avery seemed to have many acquaintances in Richmond

and Twickenham. The two attended all meetings organized for small

ward off boredom of the long winter months. Samantha did not take to notice that even

one shady man as Ravensworth was very well received by

host parties. When he said it with Harriet's cousin explained that,

despite the womanizer of fame Marquis, he behaved like a true

Gentleman on these occasions, and it was an honor for the people welcome you in your home.

Samantha could not understand the reasons that led to seek Ravensworth

your company, as the Marquis had made a point to make it clear that the father intended

he married another woman. Therefore, she could not wait to go to London,

where he hoped to meet people and new environments. She wanted her attempts to avoid

man that made her so stunned not seem so obvious.

The Marquis of Ravensworth smirked before his reflection in the mirror

her dressing room at Albany House. His valet, Denby, awaiting

patiently to straighten his coat, noted the look of the boss and began to imagine

he was thinking.

With elegant gestures, the Marquis gave the knot in her silk scarf and studied

result with a critical eye. Disheveled curly hair fell on his face,

striking feature of all Montgomery.

He allowed the alisasse created the surface of his coat.

- What do you prefer? - Asked Ravensworth. - The diamond or sapphire?

Denby looked at the boss from head to toe.

- I think the sapphire would stand out more, my lord. - Ravensworth reached for

the wooden box that created holding. - Very predictable, however. May I suggest the


Ravensworth smiled at wit created while putting the pin

diamond scarf around his neck. Denby felt very proud when the boss a

extreme good taste man, asked her opinion about a costume.

- It is a special occasion, my lord? - Denby asked, seeing him pass perfume

he liked. The Marquis kept looking in the mirror.

- One can say yes, Denby. I think that will be an exceptional night. I would venture

even say unforgettable.

Harriet Grenfell was backing the lady of the press company to help her get dressed for

the small meeting to be both the first event of the season. She tried to straighten

Samantha's hair, wrapping them on their toes and securing them with clamps in

top of the head. The highlights, however, slipped from his fingers and fell by

back of the press.

- Holy God! - Harriet exclaimed in exasperation. - I'll never get the pack

your hair. Why not ask for Sophia aunt cut it? This cut is very off

fashion, my dear. Would not you rather a short hair like mine? - Harriet put her hand to

locks in the height of the neck, proud of their appearance.

- Let me - Samantha said, picking the locks with their skilled hands. Without

look in the mirror, made a loose bun and arrested him in the neck with a few staples. In

Then she opened a drawer and pulled out a lace shawl, which placed around the shoulders

to hide part of his naked lap. Harriet almost cried.

- Samantha, my dear cousin, you can not be thinking about going to a party

dressed like that!

- What's wrong with my dress? - She asked, examining the costume


- There is nothing wrong with your dress - said Harriet. - - Are the rings

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Additional who are not falling very well. Look at me. Is there anything wrong with my

appearance? Do you think my clothing is indecent?

Samantha looked at the dress material, which was very similar to yours, not

except for the color. It was light blue muslin, perfectly matched with the eyes of


- Of course not. You look beautiful, Harriet.

- So why do you insist on dressing like that? Why not dress like me?

- Because - began Samantha patient - I need to be true to myself. - Own

cheeks flushed as she looked at her cousin. But Harriet was not to be overcome

so easily.

- Samantha, I am thinking only of your happiness. I would not like

one bit to see her sad. Please believe me! You will never find a partner

dance as well dressed. I know what I'm talking about. The young gentlemen are ... Well,

they want away from girls who seem puritanical.

Samantha was enjoying the conversation.

- You think I'm a prude?

- Of course not! Who better than me to know that you are not a prude? But

is the idea that their appearance goes.

- When they know me a little more ...

- They will never know her, Samantha - interrupted Harriet, bringing the

tone. - Please excuse me for being so sincere, but its appearance is,

at least eccentric. In fact, it is worse than eccentric. You seem an intellectual.

No gentleman would dare to come talk to you.

Samantha was dumbfounded.

- Harriet, that's the style I adopted, and the gentlemen did not prevent me


- I agree with you. But where we were in Richmond? Only the parties

family in the houses, strolled through the park. It was nothing more. The meeting

tonight will be the first magnitude. It's not as big as a dance, but much more

important that the petting Richmond. Please Samantha, let me advise you

this matter.

Any Harriet persuasion Samantha could do to change his mind.

She did not believe that all the gentlemen could be so frivolous as to move away

a girl because of his prudish appearance. It was with a heavy heart that Harriet

accompanied her cousin and aunt Sophia the party Blaine Countess in his mansion on the square

Cavendish. It would be a disastrous night, she thought.

Chapter VI Samantha wanted only one thing: a dark, cavernous hole where he could

be alone and cry their misery in peace. At first, it seemed it would be a night

great joys and fun, a night full of news. To begin the guests

dancing in the adjacent hall. In a moment she was in the middle of a group

lively girls, talking and laughing, the other was alone, disinherited and for all that

had been invited to dance. Only Harriet got the material, surrounding her as

if he feared losing her sight. Ruin night Harriet was the worst of all. But nothing

Samantha say to convince to leave his side and to dance with one of the young

gentlemen. Even Avery managed to persuade her.

And so they were sitting among the widows, or walking Avery. Samantha,

however, was fully aware of sorrowing women looks in his direction. Never

expected to be a popular girl, but have a circle of nice girlfriends. All In All,

even this small pleasure would be denied. Life in society could be very cruel,

she found out.

Near the end of the night, Ravensworth appeared, leaving Samantha further

boring. Before his eyes, he was the most elegant and most handsome man of all

lounge. And with that thought came the memory of her cousin told her about their

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costumes. Fearing see pity in his eyes, as line seen in the eyes of so many people

that night, Samantha lowered his face.

She noted the ease with which the Marquis went from group to group,

greeted by talking to everyone, being a beloved member. When

Ravensworth looked up toward her, Samantha looked down remembering the

advice of Aunt Esther, saying it was rude to stare the other.

It was with great surprise that she received the invitation to dance Ravensworth.

Not had time to deny, to remember his promise to never refer to something as

ordinary. Not that did not enjoy dancing, waltz but specifically did not like.

The Marquis had not taken Samantha's eyes since he had seen her for the first time

party. Her clothes surprised. As Samantha had the courage to show that

way to an event in society? For a moment he was angry for being so

carefree over appearance. But after a moment's reflection, anger

disappeared. No gentleman approached her. And Samantha was to blame. The fact

not moved him. No, such a situation could be taken advantage for him.

Samantha would be more receptive at what he was about to propose him for the future.

Once she was under his protection, Ravensworth intended to wear it with the

best clothes, present her with the best jewels.

The Marquis had fun with the gentlemen who ignored Samantha. While

chasing diamonds believed to be first-rate, women who were only

appearance, Hugh Montgomery pluck them the prize of victory with great ease. He

involuntarily laughed to think about it. But it soon became serious, remembering that it was

just an accident of fate that had put in his way. Under normal circumstances,

he would never have looked at. His Samantha. Ravensworth repeated the name in silence. By the

name had powers to hex him.

He was pretty sure that prepared him for what was on his mind. His

conscience bothered him every time he remembered what he had said Samantha.

Half truth. It was a fact that his father expected his son to marry a young man

their environment, but did not believe it really happened. Hugh Montgomery never

allowed the others to influence the wishes. Always follow their inclinations, and his

father, the Duke and knew his son.

Ravensworth knew that one day marry, thus ensuring the succession. His

wife was a woman of her social environment, someone who would play with perfection

paper that would fit him. But he never expected to love this woman. It would be vulgar and

unnecessary. Find comfort elsewhere. With another woman.

Intended his relationship with Samantha was eternal. She was not a

young noble, but very well-educated and worthy of all consideration. This type

agreement was common among them. Try to be faithful, sure, but if it should fail, there would be

disposing Samantha. It would be a coward and inconsistent gesture with a man

honored. The place of Samantha in your life would be guaranteed forever.

The opening chords of the waltz interrupted his thoughts. Confident,

Ravensworth went to the group of widows to invite Samantha dancing. When the

looks both met, he opened a beautiful smile.

Samantha could not understand why the Marquis insisted that it

his family expected him to establish a suitable alliance with the standards of

society. She sensed the growing irritation of Ravensworth as he led with

elegance all the ballroom.

- You know - he said - the family of Montgomery is very traditional. Our origins

dating back to the Norman conquest.

- Really? - Samantha said, imitating the allocation that observed in

members of society who sought to belittle the intentions of their inferiors. - The

Langland are older.

Ravensworth looked startled.

- It is true?

- Yes - she said with a hint of indifference. - We are one of the families


- Langland? It is a Saxon name?

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- No no.. It's a much older family.

- Who were your ancestors, then? A glow lit her eyes.

- I think the name of our ancestor was Adam.

- Adam Langland?

- Not Only Adam.. You can find it in the Bible. Ravensworth smiled.

- Missy is terrible. You know perfectly well that I'm not the most familiar

with this book.

- I'm not surprised.

He pulled her closer and turned her so violently that Samantha almost fell.

Her eyes widened.

- I warned not to want to take advantage of me. If you're not careful with the

words, will I Miss repent of what it says.

- I'm getting dizzy - Samantha protested.

- That is my intention - said Ravensworth, turning it again. - I

leave it as silly as Miss left me.

The waltz ended and Samantha continued in his arms, trying to regain

composure. A few moments later, Ravensworth gave his arm and, without consulting her,

took her away from the dance hall.

- Why did you bring me here? - She asked. The two went to a small

room, after having gone through the buffet food.

- We need to talk - Ravensworth said, indicating the couch so

Samantha accommodate. Then shut the door. - In particular. Do not want to run the

risk in listen.

- May I ask what is the matter?

As I looked into the eyes of Samantha, he realized it would be much more difficult than

imagined at first.

- Well ... Miss know my father expects me to do a good marriage, not


- Of Course.

- It is a debt I have for my family.

- I guess it's something really important to them, because you have played

several times on the subject with me.

The Marquis began to say that, despite being unable to give her last name, she would

your heart forever. Samantha listened confused as enumerated Ravensworth

all the benefits that would fit her if she would accept to make a deal.

- An agreement? - Samantha repeated, trying to understand where he was going.

- My young - said the marquis, sitting beside her on the couch and taking him

the hands in his -, Miss know what my circumstances are. I'll

I offer my protection. I promise I'll take care of Miss with all my affection. It Will Be

my wife true in all respects, except officially.

Ravensworth watched carefully, trying to understand what was going on

Samantha's head. Will accept his proposal?

Samantha was sure not understood right.

- Be more clear, my lord, and tell what really expect from me - she said,

staring at him with determination.

The Marquis started again, trying to express his thoughts in words

that convince to accept your offer.

- An agreement like this is not uncommon when there is a great disparity

between a man and the woman he desires. Think about your happiness! - He continued,

persuasive. - Miss never be the poor relation. I will guarantee their future. Do Not

bear to see her living the charity of others. - Silence urged her to continue: - We

could travel through Europe. I would take her to Greece and when his relatives

used to the idea, we estabeleceríamos England, my home in Kent.

I'm sure Miss'd love to live there.

A cold fury took Samantha account. She could not believe that

was listening.

- But if I marry ...

Page 25

- It's very unlikely, my querida- interrupted Ravensworth. - I do not want

seem brutal, but Miss think this dream will take place? Missy is an orphan

without money. It has no dowry to offer. - His voice exuded confidence. - Tonight

Miss may have noticed as your chances of finding a husband are remote. To

appreciate its qualities, a man can not have prejudices. I am that man. The

Miss never get a better offer than mine. For your sake, I

beg you to accept.

- You're asking me to be his lover, Lord Ravensworth? The words were spoken

very clearly and for the first time, he felt a certain uneasiness.

- Miss. Samantha, do not put it that way.

- So you're not asking me to be your lover?

- If you prefer to analyze so, yes, I'm asking you to be my lover. But

in my heart Miss would be my true wife.

- Oh, of course! A wife who is not a real wife. We may have

children? - She asked innocently.

- If you want to Miss ...

- You want to?

- Yes - he said, taking his hands to his lips and kissing Samantha them with


- Do you want children bastards with me? Ravensworth gritted his teeth in anger.

- I prefer that Miss do not use this verbiage!

- Forgive me for the rudeness, my lord. And a Quaker usual. I was always very


Samantha pulled her hands and stood up. The tranquility of his countenance

transmitted expression was very different from his feelings. Anger, hurt pride and

astonishment mingled, compressing the chest-IHE.

- I'm sorry for being so clumsy, Lord Ravensworth, but a number of

reasons which lead me to refuse your ... your offer as well-intentioned.

Her voice had a slight tremor.

- First, I have not intended to be lover. Oh, forgive me for

rudeness. I did not mean to offend your feelings with my sincerity.

Ravensworth gritted his teeth and took a deep breath.

- I do not want a woman who is meant to be lover - he said

bitterly. - Why do you insist on insulting us? If I wanted a woman that

type, think you would have approached me Miss?

- Second - Samantha continued, ignoring him deliberately - I

never accept a connection with you, legal or illegal, even if the last

man on earth. - Samantha's voice rose slightly, revealing a hint of hysteria.

She dug her nails into the palm of the hand in an attempt to calm the tremor. I wanted to leave as

as soon as possible.

Ravensworth reached over and took her hand.

- Miss is mad at me. I think I was a bit hasty. I'll give you

a few days to think about it.

Samantha swallowed the words that came to his lips. Would not show as

was hurt. She tried to pull away, but Ravensworth not allowed.

- I do not need time to consider your proposal, my lord. You boasted

saying it was an honorable man, yes, an honorable man. And I believed. Oh, how I was

silly ... Honor! You insulted me in every possible ways. Get out with your


Furious, he held her tighter.

- Let go of me! - Samantha cried, about to lose control. Cruel fingers apertaram-

her shoulders.

- I release him from that Miss answer a question. A simple

question. Miss care about me? I want to know!

Samantha wanted to deny, but there was no way.

- Ah, Miss can not lie.

He took her face in his hands. Samantha did not move, knowing he could

go wrong if she resisted. For the first time, she gave the man power bill. And

Page 26

was afraid.

It was not the same person who had been concerned with their welfare in the last

months, which saved her from an accident to the carriage. It was a real strange.

- My Samantha ... - muttered the marquis, kissing her tenderly.

Despite doing his best to control himself, she could not contain her sobs.

Tears came uninterrupted. Ravensworth wiped her face and held her against her

chest in an effort to comfort her. Moments later, he continued with caresses,

IHE kissing her neck, her ear. When parted his lips to deliver the kiss,

Samantha knew he had lost.

- Goose bumps, my love? - Led to Ravensworth in a sensual whisper.

When he looked up, she was faced with the triumph of expression on the face of

Ravensworth, which made her feel the worst for women on the earth.

- Let go of me! - Cried in despair.

- Samantha ... Samantha ... do not try to run away from me - he said, holding the IHE

chin. - You belong With Me.

She met the eyes of Ravensworth.

- One day I believed we could be friends, but now ... - Samantha not

finish the sentence. - I never expected to hear such cruelty of a man, too

less than an honorable man. You are a scumbag.

Ravensworth dropped his hand as if he had been stung. Samantha

took the opportunity and ran from the room.

Running a hand through her hair, he sat on the couch. Expect ten minutes before

follow her. Did not want to raise the suspicions of the people. In addition, Samantha had to


The Marquis reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a cigar. While smoking,

thought about how he would act if intended to conquer Samantha. He closed his eyes. She

had lost his mind. Why had found the insulting proposal? It would be a duke and,

so we had to live up to future title. How could marry a woman without

possessions and without title? Will Samantha was behind his fortune, like many others?

No. It was a totally absurd idea. Out of place. Samantha was just Langland

a virtuous young. Why did not understand what was going on in his head?

It suddenly occurred to the Marquis that he had not lost one battle,

but an entire war. The word "Nemesis" bombed his mind. Ravensworth

bit her lip. Avery could not stop laughing when he learned of the incident.

Chapter VII When leaving the room, the only thought Samantha was to get away from all the

cruelty of those people who had humiliated from the moment he entered

that mansion. With certain steps, past the crowded dining hall,

expecting to feel the heavy hand of Ravensworlh on his shoulder at any time, but

nothing prevented his escape that wretched place. He felt some curious looks on their

direction, but the company had no interest in anyone but her


When he reached the entrance hall, Samantha hesitated, not knowing for sure what

the best way to escape. His robe was at the wardrobe, and she ran to

catch it.

Did not even think to warn Harriel or aunt Sophia of its purpose. The

emotions swirled in his head so that Samantha could not have a

rational thought. Took by anger and shame, was beside himself. Pressing the

robe to her chest, she walked out the Cavendish Square without knowing where he was going. I

just wanted

distance themselves from the most despicable Marquis of Ravensworth.

The wind blew in her small figure, and Samantha lowered his head to escape

the icy wind. His steps, however, have not diminished. In desperation, was almost

running, trying to control the confused thoughts that came and went in his mind.

She did not hear the carriage approaching, nor the furious cries of the driver to be

Page 27

right in front of the frightened horses.

The moment Samantha noticed the danger he was in, it was too late. Tried

run, but the hooves of the first animal hit her back, throwing it away. She fell

head on the ground and all the air seemed to vanish from his lungs. He heard voices in the


alarmed, then tried to get up. Not had the strength, however.

When he opened his eyes after a vertigo, Samantha found three faces

concerned. Were the three most beautiful women he had ever seen in his life. She opened a

tremulous smile.

- You are muses or angels? - Asked before losing consciousness.

Samantha's eyelids weighed. She really did not want to leave the security

his sleep, he thought, dazed. If he refused to agree, would never have to face the cruel world

again. Someone lifted her head from the pillow and pressed something against her


- Drink this - ordered a soft voice. Samantha opened her eyes and stared at the face


- I'm in heaven?

- No, young lady. But, if you keep trying to run down carriages, is there

you will. What your name? Your parents must be worried about their

disappearance. To inform them about his whereabouts.

- Samantha. My name is Samantha - she said before losing consciousness of


When he woke up some time later, Samantha groaned. Someone put a hand

cold on her forehead, and she recognized the woman who had helped before.

- Drink this liquid - said the woman, putting the hot broth mug against

Samantha's lips - will do you good.

- Where am I? How long have I been here?

- You are in my house - the woman replied. Last night, you got hit by

carriage of which I was a passenger. Could have died, you know? You ran out the

street with no regard for their safety. I was returning home with the opera

my sisters.

- The Three Muses! - Suddenly Samantha remembered.

- Do not be deceived, my dear. We do not come even close to the Muses.

- You are beautiful.

- It may be. But give us a tremendous fright. We could have it

killed! Now do be kind enough to give me the address of his parents' house, or guardians,

for me to know about it.

Samantha obeyed and, soon after, the beauty withdrew. Once laid the

head on the pillow, she remembered all the events of the previous night: a

shameful rejection of those present at the ball and the absurd proposal that you Ravensworth

done. His cheeks flushed as he remembered the caresses that man you

done. He hoped never to see it.

Scolded herself for leaving the party without telling anyone, but his pride was

been injured. And much. The memory raised the same feelings of mortification and rage,

She suppressed the knot that had formed in his throat and began to sob. How could

face the world again? Tears streamed down her face without stopping.

His saving resumed and stopped suddenly to see the status of your guest.

- My dear - she said, taking her trembling hands in his. - Please tell

me what afflicts both. Shall I call the dr. Pemberton again?

Those words to disarm completely. Before I knew what I was doing,

Samantha told him the whole story, omitting only the part of Ravensworth. Told

about his mother and the impossible task of reconciling his conscience with the frivolities of life

in high society. The woman cradled her in his arms and listened to in silence.

- People know be very cruel - she said so Samantha ended. -

You're right to follow the voice of his conscience. Never leave aside their convictions.

That way, never need to download the head. Look at the world from above, where

case, or click his fingers in front of everyone.

- That's what I did! - Samantha replied, smiling through her tears.

Page 28

- That's better. No self-pity. Do not waste your time. Be true to

same and let the world take its course. But really believe in its principles. Do Not

let the opinions of others to influence and away from what you believe.

Samantha felt comforted by that strange and was taken by a deep

sense of gratitude.

- Now you need to get dressed and go home. What I will say my cousin and

my aunt about my disappearance from the dance? - She asked, worried.

- Never explain too much, my dear. Stick to the facts. It is easier. Do You

went for a ride, and carriage hit her. That's all.

Yes, thought Samantha, is the truth but not the whole truth.

Samantha finished getting dressed when he heard urn carriage approaching.

He still could not walk alone, then waited for the servants of his aunt came

help her. The bedroom door opened, and the last man he wanted to see came before his


- Ravensworth! - Samantha said, noting the relief in his eyes.

- You can let me take care of everything now, Harriette - said the Marquis, with its

famous authoritative tone.

Samantha thought he was addressing his cousin, but it was the woman

that had saved. So they knew.

- When I'm better - began Samantha - I make a point to come visit her ...


- Do Not! - Both cried at the same time. Curious, Samantha looked at the


- It is not necessary - the woman said, holding the door open. - In addition,

I'm changing the city. This house is rented and will deliver it at the end of the month.

- But when we'll see each other again? I owe so much and would love to be able to

visit her one of these days.

As she spoke, Ravensworth took her on his lap.

- Please put me down. Do not treat me like an invalid. I can

floor. - All the nerves of your body recoiled at the touch of Ravensworth. He ignored

request and left the room.

- Thank you, Harriette. What else can I tell you? If you ever need a

friend ... you know where to look for me.

Ignoring Samantha protests, he went down the stairs and out of the house.

- Samantha, thank God you're okay! - Harriet said, wrapping her in

a warm hug. - We were so worried! What happened? Why did you leave the party

without telling anyone?

Samantha noted the interest of Ravensworth. However, there still had

courage to face him.

- I went out for a walk and was run over by a carriage.

Harriet screamed and laughed.

- Oh, Samantha! These things only happen to you.

- Harriet, because you waited here in the carriage? Why not joined

meet the woman who was so kind to me?

It was the Marquis replied:

- I was asked to care of the matter. We did not want to cause more problems

for women.

The answer did not satisfy because Samantha noticed the embarrassment of the press. There


one mystery there, and she did not settle down until I found out what it was.

The Marquis of Ravensworth sat in a waiting room chair the House

Aunt Sophia. Two days without sleep accentuated their dark circles. The Avery was not Viscount

far behind. The women of the house finally had retired to sleep.

- What shambles! - Avery said, analyzing the amber liquid in his glass. - If you run

the news that Miss. Langland was welcomed by the most famous courtesan of London, which

got to sleep in her bed, the reputation of Samantha will be ruined forever.

- The news will not spread - Ravensworth said. - Harriette Wilson is one of the

more discreet women I know. She never harms the innocent.

Page 29

- I hope so. I wonder what took Samantha to settle give

ride in the middle of a dance. - Avery looked at his friend curiously. - Oh, no! Do Not

tell me you had the courage?

Ravensworth finished drinking whiskey in his glass.

- You were right, Avery, and I was wrong. Screwed up.

- Good thing nothing happened more serious. With the time it

recover. In addition, there are many young people | there willing to accept the proposal.

- Stop bothering me, Avery. I have not given up Samantha.

- You can not be serious!

- Of course I am.

- Ravensworth, you lost your mind? I told you once and I repeat: Samantha is

a very virtuous girl for what you have in mind. Leave her alone. Accept the fact

some women prefer death to compromise her virtue. And Miss. Langland is ...

Well, it is very refined to what you have in mind.

- That's all you know - said the marquis, smiling. - You do not know what I

I have in mind.

The Avery Viscount was speechless. Shortly after, a malicious gleam came

in his eyes.

- Maybe she did not accept under any circumstances. Have you ever thought about the possibility


not make the kind of young?

Ravensworth almost responded to the provocation, but changed his mind at the last


- I had a very hard day. Do not know about you, Avery, but I'm going to bed.

They parted at the gateway, and Ravensworth walked in steps

fast. Was convinced that Samantha heart belonged to him, but

conquer it, he admitted, was an entirely different matter. She and her scruples!

Upon arriving home, the Marquis gave the jacket to the valet and went

stairs two at a time. With maximum discretion, Denby helped the boss

undress and disappeared before he even realized it.

Ravensworth knew I had a big problem ahead. What could

Samantha offer since made it clear that marriage was out of their

plans? How could remedy the situation? Ah, but how admired the scruples of

Samantha! However not let something as insignificant messed up his happiness.

The first thing to do was stop her to rediscover Harriette Wilson.

Samantha would never forget the generosity of this woman. However, if needed

protect their own innocence. Ravensworth instructed the driver of the carriage to return

for Sophia aunt's house for a very long way. In addition, it was night, and Harriette

had commented on an extended trip to Paris with his last protector. Everything would


Poor thing! He was responsible for the terrible night in the life of Samantha.

Ravensworth had not slept for 24 hours, and the feelings of worry, anger, grief and

remorse had consumed during all those terrible moments. He only calmed down

when the pick up in his lap, wrapping it in its protective arms. The idea of Samantha

out of his life was inconceivable. Do not allow her to get in the way of your plans tomá-

her his wife.

Chapter VIII For much of the next week, Samantha was in bed. Although

fully recovered from the accident, had no hurry to return to their

supposed place in society. Avery and Ravensworth appeared every day in the aunt's house

Sophia, but Samantha refused to receive them. Not Harriet managed to convince her. The

Marquis flowers she accepted by mere education, but decided not to press any

review, finding that the accident had affected Samantha far more than had believed the


His mood, however, had no connection with the accident. Their

Page 30

confused thoughts were completely occupied by all heard the

disastrous prom. Remembering the coldness with which he had been received in the first major

party of your life, Samantha groaned, mortified. And to remember the words of

Ravensworth, gritted his teeth in anger. As he had dared to offend her that way?

These mood swings were diminishing with each passing day, and she soon returned to

his normal state of mind.

For hours, Samantha sat in his room analyzing your situation.

Determined to act with logic, pondered all he had learned about the conduct

between the sexes.

Later in the week, had already come to their own conclusions. The beautiful woman who

helped had given him good advice. You have to be faithful to their convictions. Rather, it

blindly accepted the teachings of the Quakers mother. Only her mother, discovered

Samantha with regret, was not infallible.

Aunt Sophia did not notice anything wrong with the reclusive behavior niece. The

materials saw the lady as a very dear person, who never scolded them or

made them many questions. In the role of chaperone, Sophia was lacking.

There used to be party to the nieces attended, only accompanied the

two to your destination. She carried on with their own activities widows friends. It was a

inveterate gambler and spent most of the time in arcades with other

matrons. In addition to playing, they loved to talk of another's life.

Sophia accepted Samantha accident explanation as well as a description of

woman who had welcomed. When I said I would like to gratify this person had shown

generosity, Ravensworth commented that the woman had left the city for a

long journey. Sophia did not question the explanation. It was not a suspicious woman like

Sir John and Lady Esther. So when Samantha decided to sit at the table to

eat, Aunt Sophia did not realize that her niece had removed any

trace of income before hiding the rounded off his lap.

Harriet noticed the change in costumes of the press, but found good form to keep in

silence. Imagined Samantha humiliation in society had led to

abandon the rigidity of Quakers customs. Harriet was embarrassed by the experience

mortifying Samantha, but the admiration he felt for courage and common sense

the press was more important than any other feeling. Expected only that

Samantha decided to cut the hair according to the fashion. With the right clothes and well

tidy, she would leave the enchanted men.

The first Samantha ride in the carriage aunt was a small office in

Pimlico, to talk to the financial adviser of Langland. She explained to the attentive

Mr. Jackson, his father's agent for years and years, I would buy an umbrella

new clothes for his first season in London. The man was not fazed. Knew

that women of that family do not usually spend much on frivolities like

dresses and trinkets. As one of the heirs to the fortune of Langland, he assured,

Samantha had more than enough funds to meet your needs.

However, if you knew the true intentions of his client, Mr. Jackson could have

expressed his feelings more carefully. Samantha was instructed to buy what

considered necessary and then send the bills to the office. Words

reassuring brought back a smile to her lips.

Harriet was surprised and then euphoric. Never occurred to him that part of Langland

his family was rich. They have not demonstrated, judging by the modest lifestyle

led, and their parents had never discussed anything about it. Samantha explained to the press

Quakers do not like to admit wealth, and many of them were as rich as

members of high society. Quakers were honest, workers and honored,

virtues that brought monetary rewards when working with trade and


Harriet, of course, broke the news to his beloved, Lord Avery, who was

running report it to Ravensworth. The Marquis mused about the information. Of Course

Samantha would never accept the proposal, now indecent, he had done to him. In addition to


virtuous, she was an independent woman.

Samantha's financial condition had no great importance to Ravensworth,

Page 31

but he knew his lovely heiress would be the target of several suitors. The simple idea

angered, and who ended up being the target of her nervousness was his valet. Denby

wondered if the time had come to resign, because he was not getting any easier to deal

with the Marquis in recent weeks. And a servant with his skills would have no

difficulty finding another job. Still, he decided to wait.

Eager to see its newest model, Samantha opened the box that had been

delivered that night by Madame Godet, a renowned designer whose shop was located in

Seymour Street. She pulled lilac silk dress with silver accents. Euphoric,

Samantha waited for the maid to help her get dressed. The neckline was low, however modest

to the standards of the time, and the short, puffed sleeves were attached to the arm by a

Tape silver silk. The maid closed the numerous buttons on the back of the dress,

while Samantha is admired in the mirror. The skirt just below the beginning of the line

breasts. As Madame Godet said, was all the rage in Paris.

- Thank you, Alice.

- If you want, I can curl your hair - offered the maid.

- No need.

- Miss. Samantha, Miss will be the most beautiful woman in the prom - praised her before

leaving the room.

- That is my intention - Samantha replied seriously.

When looking in the mirror, Samantha saw a stranger. Her eyes, he noticed wonder,

had changed to a mysterious shade of violet, but when he moved, the silvery sheen

her dress altered gray to tone again. Samantha let the hair, which

had had twisted the whole day, then combed until they are glossy. Long

tresses fell over her shoulders, wavy. She held a lock on each side with

combs silver studded by amethysts. The earrings were also amethyst, To

Finally, Samantha spent a little lipstick on her lips.

- You were wrong, Mom - she murmured. - The way you dress Quakers

is not a protection against predators. It is a cowardly camouflage serving only

to incite violence. Believe me, dressed like that, I'll look just another

tree leaf.

On the bed were the accessories that Alice separated. White gloves up to her elbows,

a shawl blue silk and silver to put around the shoulders and a French fan

decorated with tiny pearls. Samantha thought of putting his snuff box in

tiny embroidered bag, but thought better of it.

- Now, young lady, go to the lions' den - muttered to herself.

The residence of Viscount Castlereagh was less than ten minutes

walk from James square. Ten minutes walk, but almost an hour carriage because

the narrow streets were crowded with vehicles of members of society who were

considered the London elite. Receive an invitation to one of the biggest balls of

season was a better recommendation than a ticket to Almack's and well

more enjoyable.

Samantha was relieved to learn that Ravensworth not part of the group. Avery

explained that he was one of the dinner guests of Lady Castlereagh, a unique honor,

but not unexpected for one of the heirs of one of the most prestigious titles of royalty.

The fact is in the Marquis's carriage at the time to bother more

she would admit. If you could give an opinion, Samantha would have refused the offer. Aunt

Sophia had found the

perfect solution to your problems, because he did not like to disturb your driver, who

hated the delays of these great occasions.

Harriet's eyes flashed to analyze the look of the material. Samantha was

stunning, and an aura enveloped her, leaving her charming. Until Lord Avery

surprised. How does the Marquis of Ravensworth react?

Bored, Ravensworth studied ballroom packed. Samantha, he thought,

still had not arrived. Suddenly, his gaze was captured by the figure of a beautiful

woman, a beautiful young woman surrounded by fine gentlemen. His lips curved in a

smile. The glorious loose blond hair involved the oval face. She wore the range with

Page 32

all its charm, causing a devastating effect. With elegance, the Marquis walked

toward the young, preparing one of your smiles for her attention.

Samantha looked up and saw his opponent approaching. His lips

froze a smile. Ravensworth, she noted bitterly, did not recognize. He

boasted a devastating smile.

Taking a deep breath, Samantha bowed and stared at the blue eyes

Marquis. Suddenly, he recognized. Ravensworth blinked once, twice. Us

Her eyes had challenge. In it, fury. After a few moments, Samantha lowered the

head. Why fear? Had done nothing wrong.

Once reached her, Ravensworth took her arm without any


- Excuse me - he asked, turning to the group of gaping gentlemen. -

My cousin and I have a family matter to discuss. - Unceremoniously, levou-

for the hall.

- What do you think you're doing? - He asked angrily. An acquaintance passed, and

Ravensworth smiled politely. Then he turned again to Samantha. - Who you

gave permission to wear your hair like that? Where do you think that is? In a house


Samantha's eyes widened.

- I ... I ...

- And that lipstick on your lips?

Ravensworth pulled a white handkerchief from his pocket and, without asking permission,

removed the

lipstick from her lips. Samantha began to whine. The Marquis was tender. Was

ready to take her in his arms when Lord appeared Edgewood.

- Miss. Langland, this dance is mine? - He asked. - I apologize, my

expensive, but my name is on the dance card of her cousin. - The tone was Edgewood

in derision. For the first time, Ravensworth noticed the card Samantha held in

hand. He pulled it with determination and saw that there were still four vacant spaces. Then

wrote your name in all, knowing that more than two proclamations dances world

had committed to the young man in question.

Ravensworth returned the card Samantha and left leaving her alone with a

his admirers that night.

Harriet's eyes studied the dancers, looking for his cousin. It had been a

night of extreme success for Samantha, which made her radiant. She was the girl more

requested the party. Young gentlemen fought to have her around. Harriet looked at the

man beside her. Avery Lord of devotion throughout the dance satisfy their modest

ambitions, but he became an enigma. Despite the constant presence, his attentions were


- Samantha is dancing with another song Ravensworth? - She asked. -

It is the third time that night. What he want? Will compromise it to demonstrate such

heads up. I need to warn my cousin.

- Do not do it - ordered Avery. - Three Dances with Ravensworth not ruin the

Miss. Samantha. I remember the time when the irrepressible Miss. Grenfell had popped

fingers before such indiscretion.

Harriet was surprised.

- It is very rude of you to throw in my face my old behavior. Was

his desire that I took me a little more dignified.

Avery looked down, embarrassed.

- And then, right? - Harriet asked vehemently. He swallowed.

- Harriet ... - Lord Avery began some time later and with some difficulty. - Have

For some time I have something to tell you.

- Contact.

Her heart raced. To save time, Avery took the pocket snuff box.

How could tell that Harriet had taken dull lately, he

rather she showed a bit more adventurous spirit as before? Avery

thought better. With his usual delicacy, put a pinch of snuff on the wrist. Of

corner of his eye, he saw Harriet waited for him to continue.

Page 33

- Accepts a pinch of snuff?

- How dare you? - She asked, turning away as if he had been slapped.

It was at that moment that a taciturn Ravensworth brought the radiant

Samantha to the side of the press.

- Lord Avery, you allow me to? - Samantha asked, putting a hand on

his arm.

- I forbid! - Exclaimed Ravensworth.

She ignored him and continued to address the viscount.

- Please, Lord Avery.

- Oh no, Samantha - pleaded Harriet. A heated argument broke out between the

four. Determined to end the matter, Harriet grabbed Avery wrist and inhaled with the

maximum gently as he could. He looked at her with admiration. She smiled, a little

trembling. Then sneezed.

At that moment, the snuff box escaped from the hands of Avery and ended the

next to a group of widows. He knocked on the bottom and the lid opened, spreading all


With great presence of mind, Ravensworth took the two young elbow

and guided in the opposite direction.

- And my snuff-box? - Asked Avery.

- Not now. Not now.

The viscount stood for just a moment. A widow sneezed, then another.

Soon a large group of matrons sneezing nonstop.

Lord Avery ran.

Chapter IX In the following weeks, the days have become monotonous. A queue of admirers

headed for the street Half Moon to bring the two materials for a ride. Young changed their

partners as changed gloves, and Samantha found it impossible to create a connection more

stable with any of his admirers. Soon realized that she and Harriet had

gained some notoriety because of the bold conduct in Castlereagh ball. The

incident with the snuffbox not gone unnoticed. The men who had the good

lucky to be seen in the company of two cousins earned a certain status among


Aunt Sophia saw nothing wrong with the amount of interested applicants

the nieces. There was only one cloud on the horizon that worried her. There had been a

relentless late delivery of a scarce tickets for Almack's, a slight

inconvenience soon be resolved. The seizure of Harriet was bigger, and she thanked

God by his parents are far away in Bath.

At first, Samantha was amused by his popularity, but soon saw that the

endless trips to the park they had no grace. The Lord burning

Ravensworth had also decreased. He never was in the midst of other

gentlemen who thronged to the Sophia aunt's door. Samantha told herself

he was pleased with the fact. There was no future for a well-educated young and

questionable moral man.

The fact Ravensworth now know she owned a considerable heritage

was confirmed by his conduct. Of course Avery tell the news to his friend. The Marquis

know, Samantha thought that there was nothing that a man of his kind could

offer to convince a young character and fortune to accept it under any terms.

Even offering his duchy. Miss. Samantha Langland was far from his

reach. And she hoped that the future Duke knew.

The Marquis did not mingle the many admirers of Samantha, and even

so she found him in his frequent excursions to the park and its many

Walking Mayfair. He always showed humorous and treated her in the most

gallant possible. Despite being accompanied by one of his fans every time the

found, Samantha thought nothing easy encounter arm Ravensworth given with

Page 34

a woman. And always stunning.

When talking, she struggled to not look at the Marquis's face.

Did not want to see that provocative look. In addition, he believed that was Ravensworth

mocking her, bearing some kind of power that would subdue.

Before the mirror, Samantha rehearsed a number of looks, but when trying to use them

with Ravensworth, something went wrong. During a brief conversation in a musical evening in

lady home Besborough, he burst out laughing and asked if she was having trouble

see. The look he received then was enough to Samantha never

meet the eyes of the Marquis until he was perfectly trained.

One morning, before most members of society agree, Samantha was

to Hatchard's bookshop. Ironically, found Ravensworth as he left the store

carrying a bag. His intention was to ignore it, but he called her, forcing her to

turn. Samantha greeted with a cold and distant look.

- My lord.

She heard a laugh.

- Miss. Langland, let me introduce you to Lady Adele St. Clair. We are neighbors in

Kent. I think I told you I own a property in the field - said the Marquis.

The Samantha's body stiffened. She looked at the woman before him and made a

bow. Lady Adele stared at her with hostility, despite the gentle smile on his lips.

Samantha realized that the Ravensworth companion saw as the

a rival and felt so sorry for her. Lady Adele was not the kind of woman he

Ravensworth be interested. In contrast to the discrete dress green muslin

Samantha wore, Lady Adele wore a red model that emphasized her curves.

- I do not remember well, but I think both met in winter ball

of Grenfell - commented Ravensworth, malicious.

Lady Adele giggled.

- Knowing so many people as I can remember? - She came closer to

Ravensworth and studied Samantha from head to toe. Pleased to judge the other does not

presented no threat, Lady Adele smiled. - I do not remember Miss. Langland.

Samantha was not surprised at the lack of women's touch and wondered what would have

to deserve such venom.

- We have not met! - She exclaimed. - Well, I certainly would remember.

With the corner of his eye, he noticed that Samantha Ravensworth was beaming.

- Where is your chaperone?

- I do not need a chaperone, my lord. Just across the street that will j

i'm home. What can happen to me in this brief journey?

- Miss still dare to ask after ... - Ravensworth stopped in the middle of

sentence. Samantha knew he was referring to the night of the accident and felt that tried to

protect her

the natural curiosity of the woman at his side. It was a kindness. - I accompany you to the


- But Hugh - began lady Adele - you promised to accompany me to my

counselor. We're already late. Certainly Miss. Langland able to get

home alone. I need your help to explain the complexity of

Count property of the deceased. It is a very complicated matter to me. - She turned

for Ravensworth with a pleading expression in his charming smile.

- Do not ever leave her alone lady - Samantha intervened. - I'm not

a child, and I know perfectly take care of me.

- I have my doubts, Miss. Langland! Does not extend the subject. I do

question to accompany her. We will delay just a few minutes. Adèle, you come


In the name of good manners, Samantha felt obliged to accept the

kindly Ravensworth, but would not admit that the man began to give orders

in your life.

- May I know which book Miss bought? - Said Adele lady in order to

break the silence.

- . Sense and Sensibility is one of my favorites. I left my in Richmond and

can not stand to be without. Do you know it?

Page 35

- Now! - Interfered Marquis. - Romanticism, that women love so much. I

I thought, Miss. Langland, a girl with his intelligence would be above such


- Do not include me in his censure - said Lady Adèle. - I read the book and so burned

I finished. Not my style.

Once arrived at the house of Aunt Sophia, Samantha turned to Lady Adèle.

- I think Miss is playing the aunt intentions author of way

erroneous. Gender is more for humor than for romance. Some people need

read the book two or three times to understand the irony between the lines.

Lord Ravensworth showed interest.

- Maybe I should read the book a second time. Can you give me an example of what is

saying, Miss. Langland?

- Of Course. The first sentence of the book is the author's style key. "It is a truth

universal that a single man and rich search a woman. "

- And consider this fun fact - asked lady Adèle.

- It is hilarious! - Samantha said solemnly. Lord Ravensworth looked at her


- Humor escapes my understanding - said Lady Adèle. - Could you help me

to understand?

- Maybe Miss sees the mood to change the gender of subject and object.

- A single and rich woman seeking a husband - commented lady Adèle.

- It's a ridiculous notion, is not it? - Samantha asked with a smirk.

By observing the expression in the dark eyes of Ravensworth, she knew the Marquis

understood the message,

Lady Adele was no fool and realized the tension between the two. When

fire, Samantha shivered all with the look of enmity and anger that received the


When Samantha found Ravensworth again, was the guest of condition

Avery Lord of the opera. Since it was a new experience, she absorbed the whole show

wide-eyed, full of curiosity. It was Harriet who told him where the marquis

found. He held a small binoculars and was accompanied by Lady St. Adèle

Clair. Her dress was so low cut that her full breasts were almost bare.

Samantha looked the other way.

It did not take long to realize that he did not like opera. After hours

feline cries of an Italian soprano on stage, the first break finally arrived.

Samantha looked around, avoiding the cabin Ravensworth your right. Then

faced with the beauty of three women bent over the box's edge on the floor

above. He recognized them as his three rescuers angels. Instantly, Samantha was

standing and waved to draw your attention.

It was clear that he had been seen by women, but the three turned as if

did not want to recognize it. Passing by Harriet and Avery, who talked

excitedly, she left the cabin.

Ravensworth signaled to Harriet, who realized what the next step

cousin. She pulled by Samantha skirt.

- Samantha, please! Do not get out of here. Do not go talk to that woman. Do You

do not understand ...

Samantha tried to shake the hands of the press.

- Samantha, she is Harriette Wilson, the most famous courtesan of the city. Understood


- Of Course! - She replied, finally realizing. - How was stupid. I

should have known. But as if all treat me like a child?

Harriet relaxed. Lord Avery looked puzzled.

- Can someone get me familiar with the matter, please? Samantha looked at

Ravensworth. He stood, staring at her intently. With a triumphant smile, she

out of the box. The Marquis was chasing.

- Damn! - Cursed Harriet also going after the press.

- I know what's going on? - Avery asked to no one in particular.

Page 36

And he arose and went after the other three.

The reception of the three women was almost cold. His saving prevented from issuing

any word until her sisters had left the cabin. Samantha opened her mouth

to speak, but the woman raised her hand.

- Ready! Now you find out who I am and wants to end his reputation

being in my company! - It proved to be furious. - Did you think my sisters and

I appreciate your attitude? How dare you, girl ?! If you do not care about your

name, at least be careful with mine.

- I do not understand - Samantha murmured.

- You risked my position in society, my dear. I do not want to listen around

that Harriette Wilson went on to corrupt the morals of young innocent. I would be dropped

for all my friends, and with just cause.

- I never thought ... I did not mean to ... - Samantha began, horrified.

- Obviously not. I imagine it will tell me that their intentions were the

best, right?

Devastated, Samantha nodded.

- His intentions were the best. At some point it occurred as the other

could be harmed by his untimely boost? Their behavior is


- I was a fool - Samantha admitted. - Never meant to cause you


- Maybe we can fix it. Where's your date? It is

Marquis of Ravensworth?

Among the numerous protests, Ravensworth finally managed to enter.

Samantha looked down before his furious expression.

- Lord Ravensworth, let me give you some advice - Harriette Wilson said. -

Make sure that this young get out of town until this scandal be forgotten.

My sisters and I are very embarrassed by this incident, and her friends, if

that some will still be treated as such, will be in the same situation. Perhaps in

a few months this deplorable indiscretion has already been forgotten and forgiven, but there

I suggest that Miss. Langland is kept well away.

- Scandal? - Samantha asked shakily.

- Miss thought no one would notice this madness? - Asked

Ravensworth. - Tomorrow, at this time of day, your name will be on the lips of all London.

No one spare, my dear. His conduct showed tonight that Miss is

available. Look around! Note the eyes of men!

Samantha looked around and in horror, he realized he was telling the Ravensworth

truth. Several men waved at the cabin where she was,

- Everything in Miss indicates that it is a woman of misconduct. His behavior,

your hair ...

Samantha pulled away from him.

Harriet entered the cabin at that moment.

- Leave her alone, Ravensworth! - She ordered, furious. He obeyed, and Samantha

ran into the arms of the press.

- Oh, my God! - Harriette Wilson said. - It was just what I needed. The time now is

two! Do not believe this is happening to me. What did I do to deserve this


The woman put her hand on Ravensworth arm.

- May I suggest that take these young people home before they cause a riot?

- I apologize for the confusion, my dear. - He held the door open for

the two go by.

- Wait a minute, Ravensworth. - He turned. - Be gentle with the young. I

like her.

Page 37

Chapter X Sitting in front of Ravensworth, Aunt Sophia heard, haunted, the story of his

nieces. She shuddered at the brutal log and also the cruel words.

Samantha also listened, wondering what the Lord was enjoying his role as

moral arbiter and did not seem bothered by reproaching her so casually. Sitting in

end of the couch, she paid little attention. His mind was focused on the details of

terrible night, in the way Ravensworth the theater torn as if they were

dangerous criminal.

Samantha looked at the other side of the couch, where his cousin cried nonstop. Lord

Avery, who was beside her, handed her a handkerchief. His demonstration

bravery in the face of Ravensworth in opera box was gone. Harriet had

fully aware of having failed with Samantha, and it made her inconsolable. With its

signed place in society, she did not mind a bit, but his cousin was

different. Not bear to see her recriminada without a real reason.

It was the sudden collapse of poor Harriet gave forces Samantha. It does not

hide like a frightened creature. Be rebuked for having embarrassed one

woman with the provision of Harriette Wilson would be accepted without objection. But having

your character

put into play for having inhaled a bit of snuff, for having drunk a few glasses of

wine at one time or another, and for being caught smoking once was something

would not tolerate.

Samantha looked approvingly at Lord Avery stroking hand press. That One

man more matched a true gentleman, a noble, because their behavior

out as helpfully as possible. He had accompanied him to the Sophia aunt's house, having been

instructed by Ravensworth to wait for him there. Samantha thought that the needs of

impatient Adèle had to be met first. Without the least discretion,

Adèle speculated about the Marquis's relationship with Samantha. This was not the

doubt that the beautiful aristocrat count on the sympathy of the future Duke. I hope

them to be happy, she thought, and the lines on his forehead increased.

- But ... Lord Ravensworth - intervened Aunt Sophia with certain timidity - are just

liveliest young than the other. I may have been a little lax in my

role of chaperone, but now that I have knowledge of the facts in question,

will pay more attention in these two.

- Madame, too late to try to correct something. These young people have become

too scandalous to London. The bad conduct them put them in a situation

rather than smooth. The event tonight was the last straw. - The voice of the Marquis

became increasingly irritated. - They entered the Harriette Wilson's box. Judging

by the color of his face, I suppose you know who I mean. These two lost

full judgment.

Harriet wept copiously, but Samantha gritted his teeth and straightened in

its place.

Aunt Sophia took a deep breath.

- This means that girls ruined the chance of getting an entry for the

Almack's? - She asked.

There was a momentary silence, which was interrupted by Harriet's sobs.

- Almack's? - Snapped Ravensworth. - Almack's? I inform you, madam, that the

only place where these two "ladies" will be accepted is in bed all the libertines


Eyes lady widened in horror.

- My salts ... - she whispered, squeezing his throat. Harriet stood in the same

instant, and ran from the room. Avery was back.

- Are you happy now? - Samantha asked, leaning over her aunt to feel-

her wrist. - You have no right to denigrate our image in this way, Lord

Ravensworth. Furthermore, his conduct in the past about my person does not give you

no right to act as custodian of moral principles. Stop this hypocrisy,

please. - Samantha saw the gleam in Marquis's eyes and turned to meeting aunt. -

Calm, Sophia aunt. Do not be so. Lord Ravensworth is exaggerating. Harriette Wilson is

Page 38

a very kind woman. The lady would love to have the opportunity to meet her.

This was too much for Aunt Sophia, which eventually pass out. Ravensworth sat

holding his head in his hands, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

Harriet returned shortly after with a cloth soaked in vinegar, which placed under the

nose aunt. This soon came to.

- It is the Grenfell blood - murmured Sophia aunt. - I should have known that not

would be immune in this generation. Like father, like son; like mother, like daughter.

- What blood Grenfell - Ravensworth asked, thinking that the lady had

lost his mind.

- The girls are infamadas - she lamented, as if he had not heard. - You

blood, you know? I warned her mother, my niece - Sophia said, turning to Harriet.

- I begged him not to get involved with John Grenfell. We, the Woodward, always

we were very circumspect with regard to morals and good customs, while

Grenfell never bother with social conventions. How many duels he fought!

As irresponsible ... But his mother wanted anyway. Now, look at what


- My father? - Harriet asked, shocked by the revelation of the aunt. - I do not believe.

He was always so right, so ceremonious. Do not tell me that my father was a ... fornicator?

- Well, not lately, of course. I must inform you, however, that his reputation not

was the best before marrying his mother. That was long ago, Ah, Harriet,

my dear, is in his blood. - It inhaled cloth with vinegar again.

- What did I tell you? - Avery whispered to Ravensworth.

- And the mother of Miss. Langland? - Asked the Marquis with caution.

- Oh, terrible that young! They were known as Terrible Grenfell. Jane

Grenfell had a knack for mischief. And how to improve the brother was even worse?

He encouraged the act. I'm sorry to tell you, Samantha, but his mother was not received in

best rooms of the aristocracy. Not that it mattered. She snapped her fingers to the world

and continued his life.

The news shocked Samantha.

- You mean, Aunt Sophia, my mother was a libertine?

- Not like you think. Of course not! But ... Well ... How do I? She

was a very stubborn girl, leaning up to. Until the day that Jane has committed

and had to marry his father.

- My father? - She asked, looking at Harriet. The two approached,

finding comfort one another.

- I could never understand - continued Sophia aunt. - The behavior of

Graeme Langland has always been the most clean. He was a gentleman in every sense

the word. But he undertook with his mother. So Jane's brother, Sir John,

forced him to marry her. Of course, at that time Sir John had married and taken

a respectable man.

- But ... but Mom was always so correct, so worthy.

- I agree, my dear. This has in recent years. She and Sir John were the

talk of the town. When they married, all commented on the "domestication" of the brothers

Grenfell. You know, the marriage can fix even the worst character.

Ravensworth suppressed a laugh and looked at Samantha, who sported a gleam

speculation in his eyes.

- I found the solution! - Exclaimed Aunt Sophia in a moment of sudden

inspiration. All looked at her with great interest.

Suddenly, the color returned to her cheeks.

- Of course! You do not see? - She straightened up in his chair. - Girls

need to get married as soon as possible! Sir John will take care of everything. They should build

immediately to Bath. Tomorrow morning! We'll call her brother, Samantha, to

he accompany them. I, of course, I will be in London. I am too old to travel and really

not endure a reprimand from my nephew. In a way - added Aunt Sophia -

I preferred his father as it was before.

- One moment, please - interfered Ravensworth. - No need to

call the young Vernon. He is too inexperienced for the job. Allow me to you I

offer my services, ma'am. And Lord Avery will go with me. - He smiled at Samantha. -

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I'll put my carriage available to you. We will follow the young,

with the presence of a chaperone, I believe that fulfill the conventions


- Case us as soon as possible. Take us as if we were to Bath

criminal. I do not want any of it! We are not her pupils, my lord - said

Samantha clenched teeth. - Harriet, tell him.

- Samantha, why irritation? The moment you entered the cabin

Harriette Wilson, I knew what would be our fate - said the press and the smallest

willingness to fight.

- Enough! - Ordered an aunt Sophia austere. - Resolves! Thank you for your

generous offer, Lord Ravensworth, and I accept it. We will mark the departure for the ten


- No, I think better at eight. At ten o'clock, all city fornicators will be

knocking at your door. - He smirked. - Only a suitcase, my youth. Even

it means that the ladies have to marry their future husbands during

the trip.

Samantha looked at him with disdain. Undaunted and with his usual arrogance,

Marquis lifted her chin.

Samantha opened Harriet's room door and entered.

- I saw the light on and decided to come here - she said. Harriet sat on the edge

the bed combing her golden curls. When he saw the press, left side brush.

- Samantha, I promised Mom would take care of you. I can not tell you

as I am annoyed to have failed. - No more tears to cry, but

Harriet blew his nose scarf holding.

- Harriet! Harriet! Stop it, please! I seem to need a nanny? Do You

not failed me, press. - She shook her head. - You did not think I was me

adapt to the absurd customs of your beau monde, did you? Please tell me no.

Harriet looked up and stared at her cousin.

- If you are banished from society, if people do not want to receive it, I

I'll be ruined.

- Stop talking nonsense! I am heir to take a considerable fortune. Within a

atingirei year of age and able to do whatever it wants. Do not think I have to

intention to marry one of the futile young I was presented and lose

control of my fortune.

Harriet stopped crying suddenly and stared in disbelief at her cousin.

- You really do not care?

- Of course not - Samantha replied sincerely. - I only bothered to

know I caused you so much pain. Harriet, you want to join the society, and I can

have spoiled their plans. Be honest, I ruined your life? I denigrate their


- Reputation? I do not care what society thinks of me!

- So why the sadness? It is because of me? You have not realized that we

the same ideas? Why do you want me to what I such contempt?

- Samantha - Harriet whispered, suppressing a smile - you think you're in

our blood?

- May be. But I'm so out of conviction, not just by blood.

- The Terrible Grenfell - Harriet said, recalling the words of her aunt.

- The raw troublemakers!

- Unmarried arruaceiras!

- The Lamentable ladies!

- Women geniosas!

- Harriet, do you think now we can snuff when we are alone?

- Samantha asked so caught his breath.

Without a word, Hamet took snuff box of her dresser and handed

to the press.

- Accepts a little? - Samantha offered.

The two enjoyed non-stop for nearly an hour. Samantha was pleased

Page 40

by Harriet have recovered some of the usual joy. When mentioned the housekeeping

the bags for the trip the next morning, however, the behavior of the two was taken

more serious.

- I would not want to meet with Mom and Dad.

- What can they do to us? We did nothing wrong - declared


- No, they can not do anything! - Harriet agreed, clinging to


- We have each other, and Avery Lord company will be of some consolation.

- And Lord Ravensworth? - Harriet asked, studying the material carefully.

- We will have to support it. I do not admit that he tries to boss me around. We will

to Bath. It will be a great adventure, Harriet, and we will enjoy every second.

Harriet blinked. After a moment of reflection, she nodded.

- You're right, Samantha, as usual. We did nothing wrong and not

need to be ashamed of. I will not stoop in front of a bunch of gossips.

We will face this problem together.

- By the way, Harriet - said Samantha rising out of the press Room -

You will take your snuff-box, will not you? I have not had time to buy one for


Harriet smiled.

- You can trust me.

Chapter XI When Samantha and Haniet down for dinner, the Marquis informed them that

were staying in the best village inn. Truth be told, thought

Samantha was the only site. If it could be considered that one establishment

inn. While most fortunate travelers rested their bodies in beds

Soft Hotel Castle, Ravensworth had preferred to stay in that little

quaint guest house in a village located twenty kilometers of Marlborough. Acted

so on behalf of the reputation of young people, because he feared finding someone known for

way and worsen their reputation further.

The private room door opened and Ravensworth entered.

- Are you alone, Miss. Langland? - He asked looking around. - Where are

his companions?

Samantha, with the free right touch, but little warmth in his voice, explained that

press and Lord Avery had gone out for a walk in the courtyard.

- Lord Avery thought Harriet's mood would improve a bit with a walk

after tedious journey in the closed carriage. She looked annoyed.

Ravensworth digested this information in silence for a moment, then walked

to the fireplace. Reached out and rubbed them. Samantha turned his attention to the newspaper

his lap.

- I do not need to ask if it's boring, Miss. Langland. - The voice of

Ravensworth was kind. - Apparently not get bored easily.

Samantha noticed reproof behind his words.

- Yes, my lord.

The Marquis sat in the chair in front of Samantha and leaned back against the

pads. Then pulled out a silver pocket box and opened it with elegance.

A glow lit her eyes.

- Do not be foolish enough to think that I will invite her to snuff me.

I hope you do not mind if I smell.

Samantha shrugged, indicating that he could do whatever he wanted.

Again, she looked down at the paper. A few moments later, Ravensworth

broke the silence again:

- Miss. Langland ... Samantha, can I ask you a question? She looked at him

curiosity and waited.

Page 41

- I'm really interested in his version of events. I doubt that

the current situation is leaving happy. Still, you're here, quiet, reading

yesterday's news as if he had not a care in the world. Not

regret having gotten himself into such a predicament and have taken his material from?

A little more trained, Samantha gave him a look of indifference.

- I do not see any harm in any of my actions, my lord. If my

conscience were weighing, would be an entirely different matter. In this case, I

would not be at peace until we put everything in its proper order. But do not think

see me head down for a small transgression of the conventions of society. It would be a

absurdity size.

Ravensworth grunted and felt the bile rise in his throat.

- You have no idea of what is right? His conduct is not at all appropriate

for a young cot and well-educated. To be blunt, Samantha, you disgraced your


- I Disagree! - She bristled up and threw the newspaper on the floor. - Doom? Is not it

too strong a word? What did I do wrong? Denigrate my name before a

social class that contempt? Agi wrong to talk to a woman who was so kind

me in a time of trouble? I admit that I was careless when addressing Miss. Wilson

in opera, but it was through ignorance, not malice. - His voice rang with disdain. -

We live in a distorted world where a young person is convicted of do nothing

of his duty as a man who thinks he can make honored an absurd proposal

a girl of about ...

- Calm down, Samantha - interrupted Ravensworth. - It's been a while since I

I would like to talk about the proposal I made you.

- How dare be ?! - She shouted, standing up.

- Want me to reiterate my proposal? - He asked, confused.

Samantha noticed that the Marquis mocked her, mocking her.

- You know perfectly well that not. I thought I had left quite clear

my position on the matter. Their way of life and conduct are not in line with

my principles. - Samantha's lips curled into a smile. - To be

specific, my lord, the man will not surrender its kind.

The last sentence left Ravensworth furious. Rose suddenly and stepped

threatening toward her. Samantha was going back to his trembling hands

find the dresser against the wall.

He arrived without haste and with affected negligence, put his hands next to the

Samantha's body. The Ravensworth's face was impassive, but she believed

masked some deeper emotion. Samantha smelt the sweet smell of the colony

male and turned his head from side to move away from the disturbing perfume. The proximity

it was intimidating, and Samantha felt the enrubescerem faces. Then her lips parted

to breathe better.

- Touché - muttered Ravensworth without the slightest emotion. - This last comment

was done with the intention to hurt, right? Now that reached its goal, why

surrender? Continue, please. You do not deliver a man of my kind. It was then

it stopped.

Samantha's eyes went quickly to the door and, with a certain sense of

Reluctantly, she wondered if he should try to escape. The voice of Ravensworth, so close to

his ear, warned her against trying:

- Do not even think about it! - He grabbed her chin and forced her to look up. - Speak-

me about a man of my kind, Samantha. I want to hear.

It would be honest, even if Ravensworth stay possessed.

- You are not coherent. You reproaches me for having failed to comply with

rules of society, but found just ask me to be his mistress. Nowhere

worried about my happiness, did not think the peace of mind of my family.

He thought only in their personal development. The man I marry will be ...

- The man I marry - the Marquis mimicked, interrupting her. - Listen

here, Miss. Samantha Langland. The man you marry will be me or no

other. - His tone softened: - You do not understand anything, you fool? - Ravensworth

tilted her face, studying every detail of her feature. - Samantha? - Murmured, as if

Page 42

ask permission to do something.

Although he had no fear of the marquis, she acknowledged that conveyed Ravensworth

certain threat and that if they made love, there would be no turning back. Would be lost

always. The Marquis lips touched his eyes, and Samantha willpower

cooled. Her heart raced so he began to feel a tingling espalhando-

if her stomach. She noted the symptoms as if out of the scene, as if

were a doctor analyzing the evidence of a disease in a patient.

- Samantha? - His voice was slightly persuasive, and stirred something deep in

your being. She tilted her face to invite him to kiss her. Strong arms wrapped and

Ravensworth took her lips with a lovely warmth. Without thinking, Samantha

embedded in his body. Kissing Hugh Montgomery, she thought, was pleased more

splendid that had experienced throughout its existence.

Reluctantly, Ravensworth walked away from Samantha, disappointing her.

- Tell me what you're thinking! - He ordered, devouring her with his eyes.

- I'm thinking that I love to kiss him. It feels wonderful.

- Better than snuff? - Caused the Marquis.

- When I smell snuff, only my ant nose. When you kiss me, the

tingling turns into a real quake.

The answer seemed quite please Ravensworth. He bent to kiss her

again, and Samantha felt the sensation in your body turn into a desire


- Now tell me what you're thinking.

- I want more ... - she replied.

- More what? - Asked the Marquis against the silky hair.

Samantha tried to order his thoughts. Not sure if that was what

wanted. But one certainty had: Ravensworth caused her sensations that made her dizzy.

- I do not know ... More than you offer me - she said, stroking the

black hair.

- My dear ... I want you in full. Samantha could hear his heart

pounding as much as yours. There was a new urgency, a hunger that those lips

the kissing. A wild excitement washed over her. Ravensworth felt her response, and its

strokes have become more ardent, more possessive, urging her to surrender with

abandonment. Suddenly, Samantha was confused and kept him.

- Tell me what you're thinking - she asked breathlessly, trying to read

expression in the bright eyes that stared with such fervor.

- I'm thinking, my beautiful young lady, I'll go crazy if I do not love

with you.

Red took care of Samantha's face, he did not know how to respond.

- Samantha, wait a minute - Ravensworth said, seeing the confusion in his eyes

it. - I have no intention of dishonor her. You need to know what are

my intentions for our future.

Tears threatened to fall from Samantha's eyes, which broke away from the embrace


- Please say no more. Do not want to hear another of his proposals. - She

gave a shaky laugh. - I know what kind of man you are. It was my fault for having

allowed such liberties. What madness! I'm not recognize me.

Samantha shook her head, intending to return to normal. - In my life not

there is room for a man of his character. We both are like water and oil. Quit

near me!

- Samantha, please hear me. I beg your pardon ... The sound of footsteps coming up the

ladder interrupted.

- Hell! - He muttered, heading by the fireplace and recomposing itself.

Harriet entered the room at that moment, happy and with a great appearance. The

ride out a great remedy for the lack of young of mind. Avery came shortly after.

She took the floor of the newspaper and sat in the chair by the fireplace. Then pretended

focus on reading. The viscount smiled at the other two.

The dinner, much better than expected in an environment like that, it was a

very quiet meal. With great relief, the ladies excused themselves and left the

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gentlemen in the company's best bottle of brandy that the house had to offer


When they were alone, Avery stared at his friend.

- And then? - Asked Ravensworth.

- A real catastrophe.

- She refused?

- Oh, no, she accepted. - Avery was happy life. - Let's see what happens


- What went wrong?

The Viscount was serious and looked down for a moment. Then raised them to the


- Something I said Harriet led to believe that Samantha blame for the situation in which

the two meet. This does not make any sense.

- But the fault is it! - Cried the marquis, without blinking. He took a long drink

in his brandy. - Do not think that offends me to say what goes through the mind of

Samantha. She has no idea how to act in society. Like mother, like daughter.

That I have no doubt. The father should have been more forceful with this young woman.

- From what I know, her father was always very strict, but never hit the


- This is a subject I intend to solve very quickly - threatened Ravensworth.

He filled the cup and emptied instantly.

- You want to still have it? - * Avery asked, studying the diamond ring

your finger.

- If I can convince her, yes.

- You know this young transform your life into a living hell.

- I know deal with it. If we establish our residence in Africa, have

sure Samantha will understand very well with society.

Lord Avery smiled.

- Harriet will not like the idea. She loves her cousin. If I may, my friend, I

do not think Samantha is a good company to Harriet.

- I agree with you, Avery. Samantha is not a good company to

no one. It creates confusion for all the passing places. Look at me. To meet you,

I was a reasonable guy, right? You saw me grumpy frequently? I did not

had no concern with the world. - Ravensworth was involved with nostalgia to

remember the happy days of his youth. - Life was so simple back then ... I

loved hanging out with the most beautiful women, even of dubious reputation. My mistake was

have delighted me with a young full of virtues. Take care, dear viscount, not

fall into the same trap as me. This girl enveloped me so that I do not know

discern right from wrong.

- Let's drink, then - said Avery, raising his glass.

Two cognac bottles later, the two gentlemen helped themselves

each other up the stairs, who swore have if taken longer. They fell in

bed clothes, without bothering to take the boots full of mud. Denby, thought

Ravensworth in a moment of lucidity, luckily not this \ a present to witness

the master's disgrace.

Chapter XII Tomorrow following was born gray and threatening. A day to spend in bed, as

said the innkeeper to give the ladies a ticket with the letter of Ravensworth.

The paper reported that the they would not join them before noon, they wanted

take the time to rest.

The materials did not believe. They were awake at night with the noise of

two up the stairs and heading out, staggered to their rooms. The fact that both

are suffering from the effects of the previous night's drinking brought a smile of satisfaction

the lips of young people as Ravensworth and Avery had not allowed them would put

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a single drop of alcohol in the mouth.

- Divine Justice! - Samantha commented, finishing reading the note. Ravensworth

will add a warning in the most direct terms possible, ordering

remain away from the public eye until it was time to continue

trip. The chaperone should accompany them at all times. In The Meantime

this would not be possible because Alice had agreed with high fever and had failed to

out of bed.

When they finished their morning coffee, they returned to the room, where

Alice turned from side to side in the small bed that had been added there. How

Not surprisingly, the Ravensworth and Avery lords each had their own room.

Samantha saw that the girl suffered too much and insisted that she moved to the

his bed, much higher. Harriet stood beside Alice, while Samantha was behind the

owner to ask for a little porridge and hot tea for the sick. The fact of having to

Ravensworth disobey the order to stay away from other guests bothered one

little, but she would do everything in its power to alleviate the suffering of Alice.

For most of the morning, the two took turns taking care of the created. A

Torrential rain began to fall, preventing them from going for a walk in the courtyard in order to

take some air. When Alice fell asleep, Samantha decided to wash your hair and

let him loose. For some reason, Ravensworth not approve your hair and not to

create controversy, she wore braided and pinned into a bun at the nape.

In the late afternoon, and still no news of the gentlemen, Samantha noticed

that Alice's condition had worsened enough and would need to call a

doctor. It would not be a simple matter to solve as in normal circumstances,

because the rain, which did not show the slightest hint of decline, had taken the roads

impassable. The inn, in turn, was full of people looking for a place

to spend the night before they were forced to sleep at some point in the desert

road. In the absence of Ravensworth and Avery, Samantha decided to go behind the driver and

instruct you to find a doctor.

She stood in the hallway listening to the voices and laughter coming from the room

Community. Judging by the phrases that came to his ears, it was clear that there was a

bunch of men gathered on the property, preparing for a great revelry. Do Not

was no footman in sight to call the driver. It had been very unfair of

Ravensworth, she thought, feeling his anger rise, leaving them in a predicament like this.

Decided, Samantha went to his room and knocked.

- Ravensworth! - She called the highest he could. - Ravensworth! Wake Up!

I need to talk with you! - Nothing happened. Samantha tried to open the door. And succeeded. -

Ravensworth. Stand up, please. We need a doctor to Alice. If you do not leave

the bed, I'm going after the same one.

The Marquis moved among the sheets. Then he opened his eyes.

- Get out of here! - He said in a small voice. - Do not you realize that I can not afford

to help her? I'm dying. Do whatever it wants.

Samantha's wrath came bustling in his veins. She slammed the door and down the

stairs. Her hair flew in all directions. When he met the owner at

kitchen, asked him to call the driver of the Marquis of Ravensworth and send the

soon as possible to the living room that had been reserved especially for the group. The

man did not recognize her and opened his eyes to the cascade of golden curls, the

sparkling eyes, voluptuous mouth. Who belong to that goddess ?, he wondered,


Samantha left the kitchen with dignity and began to believe that fears

Ravensworth about a young leave without a chaperone were unfounded.

Got it wrong, though.

When he reached the first floor, a gentleman stepped in his way,

preventing it from proceeding. He leaned in the doorway and straightened his tie.

Samantha hesitated, but to note that the interest of the gentleman was not directed to his person,

he went with the man, crestfallen.

- Excuse me - she murmured.

- Miss. Langland? - Asked the unknown. - Samantha Langland, right?

She frowned, trying to remember where the know. What he saw in

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eyes made her uncomfortable.

- I do not know, sir.

- I'd be happy to rectify this omission. We have a known


- Who would be? - Samantha asked, feeling the nervousness get.

The gentleman grinned.

- Miss. Harriette Wilson. I was in her cabin on the day that you were there.

Harriette did not show us, which was a shame. I am Reginald Overton, Earl of

Grafton, his servant. - His voice was caressing.

- Miss. Wilson helped me a lot in a time of great difficulty - explained

Samantha, trying to pass him. There was something bold in the way the subject to


The gentleman approached and Samantha felt his breath on their faces.

- You are a beautiful young woman - said the count, stroking her hair. Samantha

away, but he took her in his arms.

She was so surprised at the audacity of the man who did nothing to resist.

When his lips brushed up on his, however, Samantha pushed back.

Grafton grinned and tried to get her into his room. Fear took

Samantha account, giving you the strength to fight against the man. She bit her lips

when he tried to kiss her again. Grafton pulled away, and she took the time to

up the short flight of stairs.

Samantha did not hesitate for a moment. He knew where he would be safe and was there

who addressed. Through the door of your room and the Avery, heading straight for the

quarters of Ravensworth. Grafton was behind. Gasping for breath, she opened

the bedroom door and threw up in the marquis's arms.

Ravensworth did not know what was going on. After Samantha had left

her room, her words came into your consciousness, bringing it back to the world

from sober. He had gotten out of bed and buttoned his shirt when she came out of breath.

Strong arms wrapped. When looking at the door, Ravensworth saw the count stopped at the door.

- I did not know you were in Ravensworth - Grafton commented with some

malice. - Maybe we can not reach an agreement. Of course, with his consent.

Samantha did not capture the hidden message behind the words of the count, but

Ravensworth understood perfectly. He pulled Samantha from her arms and walked

to the door. She heard the noise, but did not see what happened. The Marquis was in

top of Grafton count.

- If you dare to lay a finger on the young, I'll kill you - Ravensworth said with a

very calm voice. - Let's settle this with a duel, if required.

Grumpy, Count sat down and rubbed his chin, which had been


- How would I know that the lady is under his protection?

- Ravensworth - called Samantha, beginning to understand what was happening

there. - Lord Grafton saw me at Harriette Wilson company. If you explain what

happened ...

- Quiet, Samantha!

A few moments later, Grafton rose.

- You must ura apology to the young - suggested Ravensworth, masking

a threat.

- Ravensworth - interfered Samantha - explain our situation to the Earl of


- Explain what, my love? - Ravensworth asked, looking at her with a

blank expression. She was surprised, but chose to ignore.

- Tell him that my chaperone is traveling with us, there is nothing

wrong in our conduct.

- You heard the young - Ravensworth said.

- I beg your pardon, Miss. Langland, by my bold behavior. Enganei-

me about the situation. - He took a step back. - Forgive me for the intrusion,

Ravensworth. It was an error of judgment more than natural, if you get my drift.

Ravensworth was silent. Samantha was angered by the insinuations in conversation and

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decided to act.

- Lord Grafton, please listen to me. We are not traveling alone. My

escorts are ...

- Just, Samantha!

When Grafton left, the Marquis closed the door to his room.

- And then, madam, I hope you have a good reason to explain this

small incident.

For the first time, Samantha realized that Ravensworth wore only pants and

shirt, is open until the middle of the chest. She felt a great urge to touch it.

He found himself alone with a man in the room. You should be scared, it was almost

the same situation that had experienced with the Earl of Grafton.

- He kissed her and you bit him - said Ravensworth, having noticed the blood on

mouth of Grafton.

- He molested me! It was depressing! - Defended himself Samantha.

The Marquis frowned.

- You did not feel tingling? He asked, as he continued to dress.

- Not at all. I felt only disgust remembering the mouth glued to his.

- I guess you know what that means Marquis, giving the tie a tie.

- What? - Samantha asked, genuinely curious.

- Samantha, sometimes you disappoint me. Tell me how it happened.

She reported the facts exactly as they had been, wondering trigger

Ravensworth anger.

- I hope you have learned your lesson, young lady. - He seemed not to care

with the predicament in which Samantha had spent in the hands of Grafton count. - A woman

should always be under the protection of a man. A man who can take care of it. If the

world to know that you belong to me, none of this would have happened.

Samantha was disappointed. Perhaps Ravensworth believe that at some point

of insanity, she would accept his indecent proposal. Would issue to make it clear that

there was no chance of this happening.

Samantha straightened before starting his speech.

- In this case, the only solution I see is the wedding - she said with a note of

bitterness in his voice. - I'll find a young Quaker who has the same convictions that

I. A man who respects me and that makes me happy. Yes, a Quaker husband would be perfect.

I would enjoy a freedom that is denied to most women.

- Do not think there is a man on the earth that allows the wife

challenge your authority - said the marquis. - Can be Quaker, Hindu, whatever.

Samantha angered up with the air of male superiority.

- You do not know anything about the Quakers.

- And you know nothing about men. Besides, I already told you what the

your destination. You better get used to the idea.

He smiled with a certain evil.

Samantha gritted his teeth. Ravensworth pretended not to notice. Then he gave his arm to


- Let's see where they have been our companions?

On the other side of the door, the couple encountered Harriet and Avery coming directions

opposite. As expected, they realized that the two had left the room

Marquis. Avery lowered his head. Harriet's eyes widened and mumbled a greeting.

- Harriet - Samantha began nervously, trying to correct erroneous impression of ja

press - there was a hateful man chasing me. He confused me with ... with a friend

intimate Harriette Wilson. - Her voice became more breathless as I tried to

explain the complex history Harriet. - I ran to the Ravensworth room in search

protection. The guy kissed me and wanted to take me to your room, but I bit him.

- Samantha is not referring to me - the Marquis intervened with a twinkle in

eyes. - She went in my room uninvited.

- Of course, I needed help.

- That explains it - Ravensworth said, grim. - Let's take care of the matter

that precipitated this whole adventure. To my knowledge, was a problem with Alice.

Something told Samantha that Ravensworth was enjoying his predicament.

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Some choice words from him would have explained their behavior

strange, but every sentence uttered by the Marquis gave the impression that she invented

the mythical gentleman who had kissed her with such fervor. Soon gave Samantha to explain


presence in Ravensworth room, knowing have done wrong to get there as soon as the

Grafton Earl had retired.

Harriet said she and Avery had sought for a few minutes, and that

had gone through the closed door of the Marquis room more than once. Without knowing

to say, Samantha looked at Ravensworth for help, but he remained silent,

leaving her alone to take care of the problem.

During the rest of the day, Samantha was reading Sense and Sensibility, determined to

not cause more complications in your life. Ravensworth, in turn, could not be with

a better mood.

Fever Alice was so high that the doctor suggested to continue in the

inn for one more day. She would be at risk of death if he left in this weather


A trip that would take two days to take place under normal circumstances

extended to four.

Chapter XIII Despite the brave words of Samantha and Harriet that they would face the stay

in Bath as a great adventure, the increasing proximity of the parents and uncles

frightened. As the carriage began to slow down towards the center of the city,

the conversation between the two stopped. The men, who had remained silent during most

leg, were busy helping the driver to control the nervous animals.

- The beautiful city of Bath is a hiker's dream, but a nightmare for even the

more capable drivers - said the marquis, in the carriage window.

Bath was pretty much thought Samantha. But the conversation with Sir John, who

happen soon and it would be quite tumultuous, stole, the two young, great

part of the pleasure of observing the classic beauty of the city. Despite the fear with which

Slavic to come, both were impressed by the splendor of the full constructs


Sister Harriet, Fanny, and her husband, the Rev. Edward Damell, lived in

Laura Place, across the Pulteney Bridge in a newer part of town. The

carriage stopped near a number of tall, stately residences that ended in

Pulteney Street, the main access to Sydney Gardens. Samantha protected sun eyes

and looked at the fenced garden, where were held picnics, concerts and burnings

fires. It was part of the fun of the oldest residents of Bath. Before Samantha have

time to organize your thoughts, the front door opened and Sir John came down the

small stair steps to get visitors.

- We are waiting for you two days ago - he said in a threatening tone.

Samantha and Harriet looked at each other not knowing how to act. It was a story of

nicer because Sir John had no way of knowing they were on their way. Aunt

Sophia chosen not to warn them of the group's arrival.

- Leave the luggage to the servants - he ordered, as if the girls were

trying to delay what awaited them.

- Lord Ravensworth, I would like to give a particular word with you.

The Marquis smiled at the gentleman angry ahead.

- I completely understand, Sir John. I also need to talk to you in private. But

I hope you do not mind if I go out before Avery and to find a place to

spend the night. Hotel York, as I recall, is very comfortable and pleasant.

- There is a hotel at the end of Pulteney Street - said Sir John. - The ladies will find

a room after hearing what I have to tell you.

Samantha glanced at his uncle. Did not seem fair he take out their anger

the marquis, because, after all, Ravensworth interrupted their business to

accompany them on the trip from London.

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- But ... Uncle John ... - she began.

- Silence!

A certain annoyance bother Ravensworth.

- I suppose you're referring to the Hotel Sydney - he said. - I do not doubt that

there rooms are available, but I prefer to stay in a more secluded place. - Words

were educated, but the Ravensworth posture was the most aristocratic. The look of

Sir John has not deviated from the Marquis's face. A few moments later, he seemed to have

reached a decision.

- I'm sorry for rudeness. I did not want to offend him. I would like to invite you to

dinner with us tonight.

The tension seemed to vanish from the face of the Marquis, and Samantha sighed in relief.

- It will be a pleasure - said Ravensworth. - It would be foolish to enter into long

explanations before all parties involved to rest a bit, do not you think?

The two gentlemen exchanged a look, and Samantha felt that a message

secret had passed between them. Then he looked at Harriet to confirm their

suspicions, but the press was distracted. Lord Avery not bothered to get off the

carriage, and looked away as if he did not take part in the conversation. Samantha

had the impression that would be the only person not to participate in the little drama staged

by his uncle and Ravensworth. The thought worried.

The fear of Samantha grew as the afternoon wore on. She hoped

be called at any time to take a sermon uncles, which never happened.

Although the attitude of both was more reserved and formal than usual, no

censorship word escaped the tight lips of both. When Harriet and Lady Esther

spoken to, noticed Samantha, neither looked at her in the eyes. Only

Edmund and Fanny seemed normal. Even so, she realized that, now and then, they

regarded with pity. What was happening?

Samantha found the nanny on the stairs, and they embraced for long


- Ah, my dear - murmured the nanny, before returning to his duties with the

baby. Samantha deduced that his punishment would be terrible.

The dinner did not diminish his distrust, because when called its presence in

living room, Ravensworth was the only guest. She stopped in the doorway, and his

heart raced.

- Where is Avery? - Asked without preamble.

The Ravensworth smile was intended to reassure her.

- He apologized, but had another scheduled appointment.

- You can not! - Samantha replied without thinking.

- If you think so. - The Marquis turned to Fanny and resumed the conversation

where they had stopped.

The atmosphere at the dinner table was loaded. She felt the hairs on your neck stand

stand on end. When thunder reverberated outside, Samantha was sure that the radius

would fall on his head. He began to wonder what would be the fate that uncle you

reserved. In addition to sending it to the colonies, she could not think what else could

happen to you. Samantha told herself she was being silly and struggled to leave

the side fears. Still, ate very little and hardly opened his mouth during

meal. The appetite of Ravensworth, in turn, was the most voracious.

When the table was cleared and the servants brought small glasses and a bottle of

Port wine, Fanny rose, indicating that women should retire.

Ravensworth approached Sir John and exchanged a few words with him.

- Samantha, please stay with us for a while. - The voice of the

Marquis would not tolerate a negative. Ravensworth went to her and guided her to a place near

him. Edmund smiled encouragingly, and followed the ladies out. They were only three.

Ravensworth put a little port in the cup and passed it to Samantha.

- Drink! You are pale with fear.

- Yes, I'm afraid - she said, taking a sip of drink.

- Who gets? - Sir John asked, looking at the Marquis.

- You can start - said Ravensworth. - I know exactly what to say, but

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assure you that Samantha does not have a clue. I depend on the Lord to put a

some sense in her head.

Samantha took a cup and drank the entire contents in one gulp.

This story is becoming increasingly sinister, he thought.

- Take it easy, my dear - Ravensworth said.

- Where do I begin? - Asked Sir John. - Ah, yes. On Thursday, I

knew, through Lady Harrington, a great gossip, my daughter and my

niece were being reason of reviews in London for his bold ways.

Something related to snuff, as I recall ...

- I can explain - interrupted Samantha.

- Do not worsen their situation even more - said Sir John, - This crap is not what

worries me. Where was I? Ah, yes. Lady Harrington also told me that

my daughter and my niece were presented at the opera, the famous Harriette Wilson at

Honorable Marquis of Ravensworth.

- I can explain - Samantha murmured, in another attempt.

- Do not worry about it - said the uncle with a glare. - I was so nervous

with the woman who came to tell her that if she were a man, I would challenge for a

duel. However, when Lady Harrington introduced me to three young gentlemen, one

of which her nephew, they confirmed the whole story. I was to die.

Sir John poured himself another drink port and drank quickly.

- Is that all? - Asked Ravensworth.

Taking advantage of the Marquis was distracted, Samantha picked up his cup and drank

more. A pleasant warmth spread through her trembling limbs. It was a

much more pleasant feeling than the fear that was around.

- Last night - continued Sir John - in a concert in Sydney Gardens,

when I had decided to return to London, who do you think I found?

- Lady Harrington? - Risked Samantha. His uncle gave a grim smile.

- I was approached by the wannabe Grafton count.

- Really? Now history is becoming interesting - commented Ravensworth

his eyes shining.

He turned to Samantha, and seeing the cup full of it, took out the bottle of wine


- A lovely gentleman - Samantha said. - We found him on the road.

- Charming? - The voice of Sir John was impassive. - Know that the "gentleman

charming "boasted to tell me that my niece had taken lover of

Marquis of Ravensworth.

There was a silence, and Sir John leaned back in his chair with a satisfied smile on


- I wonder what made him think so - said the Marquis air


- The fact that Samantha is in your room, in fact in his arms,

when you were naked.

- I can explain - Samantha began.

- My dear, it is now too late for explanations. No doubt you and

Lord Ravensworth have not done anything wrong. As I said to your father once,

the explanations of his questionable conduct in relation to his mother would mean nothing

in the eyes of society. Are the actions that count.

Ravensworth showed interest.

- I wish I had known this gentleman.

- My father was really a gentleman - Samantha replied with a certain threat in

voice. - He would never have dared take advantage of Mom. He loved her.

- It was an honorable man - said Sir John. - And knew perfectly their


- Oh, sure. Samantha, let her cup on the table and pay close attention - asked him

the Marquis. - Your uncle will give you a life lesson about the cruel world we live in.

- I do not like his tone, Ravensworth - said Sir John.

- Probably not - he said with a disarming smile - but let me

reassure him, Sir John. I am an honorable man. Try telling that to Samantha.

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Sir John did not mince his words when he addressed the niece.

- It is imperative that Ravensworth marry you as soon as possible, before

the news about his scandalous conduct turns into knowledge

universal. His reputation may be tarnished, but with the strong hand of a husband to retain

their wildest impulses, and with his family behind, I do not see any reason for you

be excluded from society.

Samantha opened her mouth in disbelief.

- Marry Ravensworth? Do not be Ridi ... - She felt the voice quiver.

- There is no other solution. Need to marry me - informed with Ravensworth

melancholy conviction. - Without meaning to, you promised me.

- I? I committed you? - Samantha asked, shocked. - May I ask how?

- Who came into my room? Who delayed our trip in two days? Who

almost wrapped me in a duel with Grafton? If you do not marry me, I'll be

ruined. No one will see me. No woman decent want to marry me.

Then not be able to generate a legitimate heir to please my father. Of course, as a

conscious woman, imagine you recognize your duty.

Sir John looked ready to say something. Ravensworth silenced him with a look and said,

- Leave it to me now.

Sir John got up at once and left the room, leaving the future couple


- This is much worse than the colonies - said Samantha, not knowing what to do.

- You know we can not get married.

- No, Samantha, I do not know. - Ravensworth took her cold hand between

their. Samantha took another sip of port in order to try to clear it.

- Ravensworth, I'm sorry. I had no intention of ruining his life.

Given the shaky words, the Marquis felt a wave of guilt invade it.

- I'm not complaining, am I? You know that my intention was always to have it

for me. We can not take the pleasant situation, my dear?

- And your father? - She asked. - He will never accept our union.

Ravensworth hesitated, choosing his words with care.

- Dad has no choice. I just know he would not want to see me excluded from


- I can not understand. When you asked me to be his mistress, this did not ruin

your life, right? And now, if we do not get married, you will be harmed? His father

advise to return to its initial idea.

The wine, Ravensworth noted, began to cause an adverse effect on your

beloved. He was forced to use all your logic to persuade her to accept his will.

- When I asked you to share your life with me - said the Marquis,

cautious, as needed to choose the right keywords for not knock you out -

did not know you were an heiress.

- And the fact that I was heir to a considerable fortune make a difference?

- Of Course!

- How?

- Samantha, my intention was to protect her, love her, get her out of poverty. World

I would have praised by my noble purpose.

- So the world is much worse than I imagined. Ravensworth took a lot

willpower to maintain self-control.

- Now that the world knows who you are, I could ruin your chances of making

a good marriage, even if you have committed myself.

- Do not talk like that! It is a very stupid idea. I do not care what the

world says. And you, Ravens Ravens ... ... Hugh?

The Marquis gave a faint smile.

- I think of my poor father. Never dare deprive him of the heir he so

want. I'm just a child trying to please his father.

- Some young your means will be very happy to marry you -

Samantha consoled him, holding his arm. For some reason, the thought


- - Why not you, Samantha? - He pulled his chair and sat her on his

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lap. - Why not you?

Her response to Ravensworth touch was immediate. Samantha was no longer

newcomer in the embrace of a man, after all, he kissed her on three different occasions.

A simple kiss was enough to melt it all. A few moments later, Samantha

began to fall apart Toar his shirt.

- Behave yourself, madam - muttered Ravensworth.

- Kiss Me, Hugh ... - she asked. - You know how I love your kisses.

The temptation was great, but Ravensworth is controlled.

- No more kisses. I will not kiss her until we marry. Or rather, by

least until we are engaged. See? Are you wanting to take advantage of me

once again.

- I know. Sorry - Samantha replied, turning his head. - This is only

when you touch me.

Ravensworth put it right back in his chair.

- So we combined? - He asked, trying to hide the desire in your


- Yes. - Samantha sighed, wondering if the joy that was due to flooding

drank wine or the presence of Ravensworth. Or marriage.

Chapter XIV In the days before the marriage, the Marquis and his bride across a

problem. Ravensworth was surprised to find that Samantha wanted to be part

the negotiations on the marriage contract, which was not common at that

time. More problems arose then. Samantha had great aptitude for

business and come to the negotiating table with a requirement which would not give up:

all profits of his fortune should be credited to a personal account. Ravensworth

protested because such a large sum would allow his wife to take independent

it in all financial aspects.

- Exact - said Samantha. - I will not give up my money. I make a point

to have my independence.

Ravensworth appealed to Sir John, who did his best to dissuade the niece

such an idea, but she stood firm. His fortune after his death, would be divided equally

among his heirs, but even then profits would be his, and she would manage them as well

understand. The Marquis would have to settle for that levy on behalf of its

future children. Nothing would make his bride change your mind, even when Sir John revealed

value of the agreement Ravensworth was willing to do. Samantha said, with all

reason, that for the heir to a fortune, this amount was irrelevant. Ravensworth clenched his

teeth, angry. To no avail, however. Miss. Samantha Langland would not surrender

completely to the care of a man. Needed to have their own independence.

For a few agonizing hours, Sir John thought the marriage would be canceled,

because Ravensworth offended by the provocative insistence Samantha. He met

for a private conversation with the Marquis and finally managed to convince him that

Samantha, married, despite being a financially independent woman, in reality

would not have the power to challenge her husband's will. Ravensworth thought about it and

relented, but Sir John realized that the Marquis was not happy with the fact

his future wife have questioned their integrity. Samantha protested asking him

to reassure, since, after all, intended to leave the administration of the fortune

husband's care.

Ravensworth could not know that the determination of Samantha in keeping

some independence in marriage was not due to a lack of confidence in him

special, but the Quakers teachings of his mother and other women. The Quakers

were admired for their ingenuity and leadership qualities, and were encouraged to

participate with the same position of man in the administration of any matter

was submitted to them.

Ravensworth knew nothing about the past of the bride, and also did not have the

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less interest to meet you. Whatever it was, Samantha was the only woman in

world that held the power to confuse you. The Marquis of emotions went from one extreme to

other. Sometimes he was seized by a fierce desire to love her and protect her. In others,

wanted to lock her in a dark room. His longing for the woman had

overcome the simple physical desire. Samantha could not live without. Want to share your life

with it. That simple.

The Marquis had played to perfection and not let down by a whim

feminine. A slight remorse came over him when he thought of the great deception that had

pitched for

ensure submission of Samantha, but soon departed, remembering that she reciprocated

their feelings. Not allow Samantha sacrifice the happiness of both by

because of misguided scruples.

His vanity, however, resented because of offenses inflicted by

Samantha, and Ravensworth was determined to show him his power so

put the ring on the left hand of his bride. In the days before the wedding,

Ravensworth was dreaming of a disciplined wife obey her husband without


The ceremony took place a week after their arrival at Bath in Laura Place,

and was celebrated by the Rev. Edmund Damell. At first, Ravensworth agreed to

a Quaker wedding if Samantha wished, but to find that the Quakers

used to make their votes without the testimony of the clergy, he changed his mind. She was

calmer when the Marquis told him that would be unthinkable in doubt, in the future,

in relation to the descendants of both: the children would be heirs of the Duchy of

Dalbreck. In this matter, Samantha succumbed to the will of Ravensworth.

She noticed her boyfriend somewhat distant in the days before the wedding, and

imagined that he was blaming the embarrassing circumstances which

forced marriage. The guard Ravensworth bothered her, because he thought that an alliance

someone so important to someone as simple bothered him in the extreme. Samantha

could not be the appropriate choice for a future Duke, but had to admit that

developed a certain affection for him. Maybe he could not modify it?

The first of the season gala event in Sydney Gardens took place on the

Wedding Samantha and Ravensworth. This was a music concert at the beginning of

night, followed by a burning fireworks. Ravensworth proposed that, before

night program, the family get together for a dinner in one of the terraces of Sydney

Gardens. It promised to be a pleasant evening.

Samantha drank her champagne slowly, under the watchful eyes of her husband, and

analyzed with interest the steady stream of people walking in the park. It seemed that

Bath all wanted to watch the show and have fun. When he heard his uncle ask

Ravensworth what his immediate plans, she ran back to attention to their

table mates.

- Undecided - he said, wiping his mouth with his napkin. - I thought

to spend more time in Bath, staying at The Circus. Moreover, my

property in Kent is excellent for fishing and ride this time of year. I would say

a season in the field after the latest events would not be a bad idea -

concluded Ravensworth, looking for Samantha.

She bristled. He was furious at Ravensworth have not asked your opinion and also

by recalling the events of the past before others.

- You did not consult me about their intentions, my lord - said Samantha

without hiding his irritation.

The glass of champagne Ravensworth led to his lips returned to the table. Then

turned to Samantha.

- Oh, no, my love? - His tone was the most calm, but she noticed that the

was angry. - So let me correct the omission. - Ravensworth pushed the chair

back and stood up. - Let's take a walk through the park. Samantha looked at Harriet

in a silent plea.

- Excellent idea - said her cousin, grabbing her shawl. - Why do not we all?

I heard that the lighting of the park is magnificent at night. - Avery nodded to

sides, warning her in silence, but Sir John was faster.

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- Sit down, my daughter. You do not realize when it is not welcome? I know you and

Samantha does not detach, but I must warn you that Ravensworth and I will not allow

that your relationship continue as before. - Seeing that Harriet opened her mouth to

protest, his gaze became more severe. - It was not clear? Sit down, Harriet.

There was an awkward silence for a moment. So Lady Esther, with its

customary aplomb, decided to intervene to alleviate the tension.

- Take a walk with his wife, Ravensworth. This time we will allow

monopolize Samantha - she joked, smiling. - In the future, try to remember, noble Marquis,

it is not polite to couples behave as eternal love. Send Avery

Harriet and behind you in half an hour.

Ravensworth bowed.

- Your wish is my command, madame - he said, returning the smile. -

I will try to express my feelings in that brief period of time I have been given. -

The look the Marquis threw for Samantha, however, was not encouraging.

Reluctantly, she walked beside Ravensworth, trying not to bother with

exchange so familiar glances between the aunt and her husband. Samantha's conviction that the

husband would soon begin to discount their fury it grew every moment. The thought

led to take the initiative.

- How dare you treat me like an unreasonable child in front of my

relatives? - Asked in a voice full of anger. - Who gave you the right to decide where

we live in the future? It would have been nice of you to ask my opinion on the

subject. His manners are deplorable.

Ravensworth breath.

- She just got married and now want to usurp the authority of her husband! It Would Be

best for you, my beloved wife, to conform to your destination. You can have me

induced to this marriage, but do not think that'll be a complacent husband. As my

lover, you would be in a much better position to dictate terms. As my

wife, has a right to my surname and my bed. - There was a mischievous glint

in his eyes.

Samantha was speechless for a moment.

- You ... you rude! Unscrupulous! - She hissed between clenched teeth. - It is

this kind of gratitude I get for having saved his skin? You know as well as I

that this marriage of convenience is so unpleasant for me as for you.

- Do not bother to deny that the events occurred the way

you expected - he continued, glancing at Samantha. - You stood out from

other women to have caught me off guard. I did not expect this kind of

duplicity in a Quaker girl - added Ravensworth, unnerving her further.

They had reached a more reserved part, and the Marquis stopped walking.

Samantha turned and stared at him. She was beautiful when she was angry, she thought


involving IHE her face with her hands. The idea of the night that lay ahead caused him

chills throughout the body. The desire to possess her and take her his in every way

triggered a wild urgency within it. Ravensworth looked carefully,

wanting to soak up every part of that beautiful face.

- Deny, Lady Ravensworth, you feel something for me.

- Do not count on it - she whispered, feeling the lips of the Marquis on his face.

- I will do everything to make it happen - he said, kissing her on the mouth


They heard footsteps approaching, and Ravensworth let Samantha reluctantly.

His eyes continued to admire her as if he wanted to absorb it, and she did not

could look away.

- Ravensworth, you bastard! - A female voice intoned. Samantha recognized in

and immediately tensed. She turned to face the beautiful Adèle St. Clair, accompanied nothing

more, nothing less, than the Grafton count. Apparently, he had recovered the

bite that had taken on the lip. Her eyes shone with something that Samantha not

was able to identify. Ravensworth, at his side, showed itself completely at ease.

- Adele! - He exclaimed enthusiastically. - What a pleasant surprise! The last

time we were together, you did not mention that wanted to come here. Never

imagined a city so quiet could arouse the interest of a person as

Page 54

party girl.

The bow that Ravensworth did to the guy who tried to rape Samantha was

very courteous.

- My dear, when you told me about your trip here, I figured

could help alleviate boredom, but you ruined my good intentions. Like me

could imagine that you would fall in the web of a young naive? I hope you have been a

beautiful lesson, Hugh. - She smiled at Ravensworth, then turned to Samantha: - My

Congratulations, dear! You captured the most eligible bachelor in all of England. Grafton me

said how did you get, but I do not recrimino. In love and war, anything goes,

does not it? - The threatening tone was unmistakable. Ravensworth seemed flattered, and

Samantha, shocked.

- Allow me to congratulate her - said Grafton.

- Thank you - Samantha replied with as much education that could

demonstrate. Then she turned to her husband for guidance, but he was entertained

in a conversation with the countess. Samantha walked silently side of the Earl of

Grafton, while Ravensworth led the way in an animated conversation with Adele St.

Clair. A sense of abandonment to flooded.

- I owe you an apology - said Grafton. The distance between the two

pairs was growing. Ravensworth not look back in order to ensure that the

wife followed him. Samantha's irritation at being treated with such disdain by

husband on the night of their marriage began to increase, making your blood boil.

- Do not like to remember their horrible behavior on the night in

know - she said, her voice colder possible. - I'd rather forget the

circumstances of that meeting.

The Grafton's smile was enigmatic.

- Mislead yourself if you think I want to apologize for the way I acted that day.

Any man would have done the same. What could I do? - His eyes hid a trace

of insolence. - His appearance at that time was very different from demure lady who

is beside me.

Samantha was confused.

- Why do you want to apologize, then? - She asked, preferring to ignore the

explicit provocation.

- I want to apologize for having brought Adele to upset her. If you knew that

you would be here tonight, I would not have come to her for anything. Please believe in


- How come? What do you mean? - Samantha asked, puzzled. - Lady

Adèle also has the right to have fun.

- With her husband? Samantha's eyes widened.

- How so? Be clearer, Lord Grafton.

- Forgive me if I spoke nonsense. I thought you knew.

- What should I know? Grafton shrugged.

- The long connection with Ravensworth Adèle is public knowledge. Whereby

I know, she wanted to be taken gurney.

A few moments passed before Samantha understand what he was

telling you.

- Are you suggesting that Adele is lover of my husband?

- I've said too much - answered Grafton, showing a certain regret. -

My loose tongue will eventually ruining me. Please forget I touched on this subject.

Samantha was dizzy. In looking forward, saw that the Ravensworth and Adèle

waited. The distance between the two pairs allowed him time to compose himself.

- Do not worry, Lord Grafton - she said, letting out a loud laugh. In

then raised his head proudly. - You should know that ours is a marriage

convenience. I'm sorry for having spoiled the lady's plans. Learn which was not

my intention.

When they arrived alongside the two, Samantha did everything not to show

his irritation. It masked the searing pain in his chest and looked at Ravensworth.

Noting the fragility behind that false brave air, the Marquis knew

immediately what had happened. In a way, he was glad to know that

Page 55

Samantha was hurt. It was as if the wife's sadness compensate all

hassles by which it had passed since he had known. Ravensworth

intended to explain about Adèle at the right time, since she attended the

same circles it. His intention was to protect Samantha of sharp tongues, spare her

unnecessary hassles. Grafton, however, had come before, and the damage

Slavic done. Ravensworth berated for not having confessed his involvement in the

lady before. The fault was his wife, because Samantha would not give up his idealism.

But that night, she would meet with reality, thought the Marquis.

- Ravensworth - Samantha said in a flat voice - Lord Grafton was

telling me the latest news from London, and I can not wait to tell them to Harriet.

Knew a gentleman of our knowledge, which severely condemned my way

to act, is not the model of good behavior that pretends to be. - She noticed the imperceptible

tension in her husband's shoulders and felt victorious. - Harriet, like me, believes that this

kind of hypocrisy disturbs the world.

- Calm down, my dear. We'll be - he said, with the cold look. - Which

you think the idea of Adele? It will give a big party at his home in Kent. Adèle and

Grafton depart tomorrow and invited us to go with them.


- I got to review with you that we are neighbors, right? - Continued

Marquis. - I think a great idea. London is out of the question, at least for

while. Their deeds will not be forgotten anytime soon. Bath, in turn, has no charm

the big city or rural attractions of the field. Kent is an excellent choice for the


He had been about to decline the invitation of Adele, but the sharp words

Samantha and the expression of hostility had done to change his mind.

- I like Bath and I would stay with my cousin. I need her company

- Samantha replied.

Ravensworth breath not to lose patience.

- I think you already too damaged the reputation of poor Harriet. I bet the

her parents will be glad to see her away from his influence by one or two months. We Will

Kent, period. - He turned his back to Samantha and turned his attention to Adele,

a gesture calculated to hurt his wife intractable.

Samantha put her hands to her mouth. Ravensworth reached its weakest link. Was

too much. She stifled a shouted and ran back the way he had come. Heard

Ravensworth calling her, but ignored him. The lady Adele's laughter was in the air. Marrying

a man so despicable out the worst mistake he had made in life, but wanted to fix it

as soon as possible. Ask marriage annulment.

Samantha found no one when he left the park and accelerated steps in

toward the house of his uncles. Upon reaching the door, took fright at the noise of fireworks

Fireworks. Without thinking, she ran up the stairs and locked himself in his room.

Ravensworth out accommodated in the next room, but there was a door connecting the two

quarters. If I wanted to talk to her, the Marquis would have to break the door. I hope

Ravensworth enjoy your wedding night, Samantha thought bitterly. Then

threw it on the bed and cried all your sorrows.

Chapter XV Ravensworth could have snatched all Samantha hairs when

came home, after a search in vain for Sydney Gardens. Found the wife

safe, locked in her room. He knocked on the door for several minutes, but Samantha

flatly refused to let him in. Threats muffled for annulment of

marriage hit him like a blow, even through the closed door. Ravensworth

almost could not control his anger. Realizing that would come to no place and that

began to attract the attention of the servants, he went into his room and sat down in a

armchair. As Samantha dared to challenge it that way ?, wondered many

times. If he wanted, he had full power to destroy it, to banish it from society,

Page 56

to deliver it to oblivion. What else could do to convince the young rebel

that needed to be kinder heart her husband? She had stolen his right than

promised to be a night full of pleasures. The wedding night! At that time, Samantha

should be in your arms, surrendering to passion.

The fact that she has faced saying he would ask marriage annulment was more

than Ravensworth could tolerate. His pride had been wounded. And much. The marquise

find out what was wrong if he thought his will prevail in a dispute

power. He put on his knees, or not called Hugh Montgomery.

- Who is it? - Asked Samantha with timid voice when he heard knocking on the door

once again.

- It's me, Alice. I came to bring you breakfast - said the maid.

Relieved, she got up, put on his robe and went barefoot to the door. The cold ground

the ruffled all. In the blink of an eye, Ravensworth was inside the room.

Alice placed the tray on the table and turned to the couple who

looked at each other.

- For now it's just, Alice - said the Marquis, almost pushing it out

the room. As soon as she left, Ravensworth locked the door.

- Now just us - he said in a threatening tone.

Samantha shook her robe to her chest and looked at her husband with an air of

confidence did not feel. With more effort, she controlled the trembling lest

transparecesse in his voice.

- I meant last night, Ravensworth - she said, before the Marquis

began to scold her. - I'll ask my uncle to take the necessary steps to

marriage annulment. I have no intention of depriving the lady Adele

just reward for services rendered.

The Ravensworth look hardened.

- I will not apologize for what happened in my past, Samantha. It is a

great absurdity. Adèle never meant anything to me. Her place in my life, it is

that can be called place, was negligible. You are my wife and I'm here to

discuss their future. Or rather, our future.

The vision of the unmade bed and Samantha robe began to cause

Ravensworth. He controlled the impulse to take her in his arms. Had decided that its

wife needed a firm hand, so could not weaken.

- As you can see, we are alone in this room - it began in tone

threat. Samantha licked his lips.

- One more word on this subject and I consumarei our wedding

a way that you never want to have challenged me. Is that clear?

She understood and lowered his head with as much dignity as she could

get together.

- Great, see you understand. - His voice was like silk.

- I want your word, Samantha, that no longer hear a word about

annulment. You know the alternative.

Silently, she thought furiously. It was not the place or the time to discuss with

Ravensworth, who looked ready to kill someone at the slightest provocation.

- You give me your word?

Samantha answered only when he took a step forward.

The Marquis held her chin, and Samantha tried to show an expression of

indifference; but when his finger traced the outline of her lips in a slow gesture and

sensual, she looked away not to show the devastating effect of his touch.

Suddenly Ravensworth released her and went to the window.

- Samantha - tried it in a conciliatory tone. - Do not want to test my patience and

not argue with me. At least once in your life, listen to what I have to tell you and not talk

nothing. Leave for Kent in an hour. I'll have Alice rise to help her pack

your stuff. - He hesitated for a moment, but continued firmly: - My

decision has nothing to do with the party Adèle house. I thought only in

me. - When Ravenswoith turned to face her, Samantha thought her husband had

calmed down a little. - Perhaps our marriage has been too precipitate, which

Page 57

did not give him time to get used to the idea. We need a period alone, far from

everything and everyone, a little peace to know ourselves better.

He waited a moment to see if Samantha was some comment. She

continued to look at it seriously and with respect.

- Hell, Samantha, you can not come to the middle of the way to meet me? -

asked the marquis with a voice filled with emotion.

- And Adèle? - Asked her on the spot. - If we go to Kent, we will not have the

obligation to receive it and ...

- Of course I have no way to avoid - interrupted Ravensworth, angry. - And

should I? She has not done anything to offend me and we are neighbors. It would create a


very unpleasant. People will be watching our steps. And I have not

intention to give them reason to speak of my life. All would love to see my

my wife and ... Adele - he corrected himself quickly - arguing for any reason. Do You

not realize it is their indifference, the way you deal with the situation that

disarm? Any other behavior will generate comments of all kinds, and

I do not want to take me target of gossip of people who have nothing better to do

with your time.

Samantha sat back and took a deep breath.

- You're asking me too - she said with dignity.

- Still, you will obey me in this matter, Samantha. - Ravensworth is

turned and walked to the door. She heard him unlock the lock. - Be ready in an hour.

An hour later, the two embarked on the same carriage that had the

brought from London to Bath. It was a tense farewell, despite Samantha's relatives

not knowing what had happened the night before. They knew that something was wrong, but not

what. The behavior of the Ravensworth handed, but Samantha, no. She made

all to behave with the utmost naturalness. When the time came for the

materials say goodbye, Harriet hugged her tightly.

- Find a way to go to Kent as soon as possible - whispered


The two were holding hands for a moment. So Samantha took a

Pocket letter and gave it to the uncle, asking him to hand over his brother. She did not disclose


fact also have called Vernon to go to Kent as soon as he could. It was better than

Ravensworth not know.

Samantha watched the impassive husband to get into the carriage. She

had been forced to marry Ravensworth. And did not intend to be someone other than

it was. If believed he could turn it into a passive and behaved creature, he

soon discover their mistake.

The day after the departure of Ravensworth and Samantha Kent, Harriet and Lord

Avery walked by Sydney Gardens. She almost could not hide the sadness. To

a casual observer, the couple gave all the evidence to be in great harmony, but

someone more curious realize that the two little talking. His behavior

was casual and friendly, but her companion, usually so cheerful and smiling as he was

quite serious. And demure. When Avery invited to sit on the bench

on the source, Harriet nodded with extreme civility.

After a moment of silence, he gathered all his courage and decided to start

a more serious conversation.

- Harriet, I do not intend to have a long engagement - Avery began.

- Engagement? What engagement? - She asked the children's voice that both the

captivated. He looked at her for a moment or two, thinking about what would be the best way to


- I took care of arranging a special license - Avery continued, as

if Harriet had not arisen. - I do not like long engagements, and it's been nearly eleven

months I asked her to marry.

- That engagement was broken a few weeks after the request - she said,


- I know. That's what I get. Our engagements last for a month on average. If

married within a week with this special license, we will discontinue this

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terrible habit you return my engagement ring. - Avery opened a beautiful smile, and

Harriet melted all.

- I can not give something that is not with me - she answered politely.

- In fact, almost not even remember how the engagement ring. He stayed longer with

you than me.

Lord Avery smiled.

- Only by guarantee, my love. Once we get married, I will give back the ring.

After all, the jewelry belongs to you. I just do not want to get engaged again. It would be a

very foolish, since the gossip would resume. You made me a laughing stock. -

Once uttered the words, Avery noticed his mistake and tried to stop the angry response

I was on the edge of Haniet language. He raised his hands. - Calm down, dear!

I surrender! What more can I say? Life is unbearable without you, Harriet. I was one

great fool to try to change their personalities, trying to erase all the qualities that

got me so delighted when we met.

He spent a few minutes in silence.

- Harriet, I have not the slightest intention of trying to dominate it. I admire the

way you are. Alegre. Authentic. Sweet. It was his boldness that charmed me and that

captured my heart. If you consent to marry me, I promise you will not try

turn it into a submissive wife.

Harriet looked at him with some perplexity.

- You mean to tell me that if I accept to get married, you will allow me to smell

snuff, smoke and drink some wine from time to time?

Avery enveloped in a warm hug.

- Everything within the limits, my love. I can even let you kiss me


The Harriet's lips parted in disbelief changes, and Avery took the

lets you capture the irresistible mouth. When he pulled away, he noticed the astonishment on his


Harriet. It was the first time he took such liberties with her.

- Avery, did you feel? - Harriet asked, gasping for breath.

Neither paid attention to the people passing occasionally on

front of them, looking at them with curiosity and amazement.

- What did you feel, my love? - Avery asked with a mischievous glint in

look. Without waiting for an answer, he kissed her again.

- Oh, dear ... - she murmured - you should have kissed me long ago. -

When Avery pulled her a kiss, Harriet walked away. - You are so terrible as

my cousin Samantha. It is impossible to go against convention when I have to maintain two

people on the line. Someone needs to get a sense of what is appropriate in the family. - She

a laugh and touched Avery lip in a playful gesture. His hand closed around

Wrist Harriet.

- Let's get married right away. Here in Bath, if you want. It can also be

in London or in my mother's house in Kent. All misunderstandings we

harassed since the beginning of our relationship will be solved as soon as I have in

arms. I'm tired of being your companion, your dance partner and even your

friend. Ah, my dear, I will be much more if you allow.

Harriet laughed, noting that he tried to keep his emotions in check by

a serious countenance. That Avery fiery, loving, was big news in life

it, and all that desire he had been demonstrating began to shake his balance,

causing you chills throughout the body. Harriet always admired, but hot kisses

it caused a certain fear.

- Please, let's get married very quickly - she said with a simplicity


Oh, how was simple, he thought happily. Under the rules of society and the

insane notion that a well-educated young would revolt with a demonstration

passion. At least managed to wake her.

- Tell me when and where, my Harriet.

- It could be next week? Or is it too early? - She asked with eyes


- Of course not. I need to talk with his father. A thought flooded his

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- Avery, and her mother? - Harriet asked in a small voice. - She almost never leaves

Kent. It would not be good go visit her to tell him the news? Perhaps within a

week or two ...

- Of Course. And, coincidentally, the property of Ravensworth is in the same city.

I bet you also like to spend a few days in Samantha company.

- Is it possible? I know that Samantha is not very happy. I would be much more

quiet if we could meet and talk a little. In fact, she asked me

to go to Kent, and I can not turn my back on my own cousin. We just

taking us very close after she moved Paia my house.

Lord Avery thought of what would be the reaction of Ravensworth if both women

met so soon after the separation. He would not want anyone to meddle in

your life with Samantha. That the viscount was fully satisfied.

- Harriet, my love, do not you think that is not a good time to visit your

cousin? In a month or two, I promise you that we will go to Kent. - He chose his

next words carefully: - I know you are very arrivals, but when a

woman gets married, that kind of intimacy becomes more of her husband. You know, I must


that sometimes feel jealous of the closeness between you and Samantha. When we get married,

my dear, I would like to be the center of their attention and loyalty.

- I promise you that you will be my universe - she said sincerely. - But

I gave my word to Samantha. I need to see it at least once more. Do Not

understand the nature of this alliance with Ravensworth, but I understand that my cousin

need, and much, of a friend. Trust me on this subject, Avery. Please. I

I promise I put no in them, if that's what bothers you.

Harriet waited anxiously for the answer.

- What more can I say? - He said with a resigned smile. - It would not be

educated not visit the couple if we are nearby. Also, I must

they are among the first to know of our marriage. I have a condition

give it: you swear you will leave when I wish to? Has a Ravensworth

terrible temper, and I would not want to see him angry with an intrusion, however

that is discrete. I do not want to lose the confidence of my friend of many years. I feel

very lack of it.

Harriet made a solemn oath to abide by all the decisions on future husband

all matters relating to the future visit. Avery should rest easy, however

got the distinct feeling that their presence in Ravensworth property would


Chapter XVI On the second night of the journey to Kent, the Ravensworth carriage fell into a

large hole in the road and the front wheel on the left side began to swing too.

At that moment, the marquis was leaning against the window, holding Samantha against

shoulder. The carriage stopped suddenly and was thrown in front, taking the occupants of

your comfort. Samantha despeitou the nap and Ravensworth, alert to the dangerous situation,

opened the vehicle door and left, taking his wife with him. He pulled back and then started

give orders to the driver and the servants who accompanied them.

The drivers tried to drop the skittish horses when the dark clouds in the sky

were illuminated by lightning scary. The vibration of thunder shook the ground.

Samantha took a big scare and came closer to the carriage.

Moments later, the rain began to fall. Ruthless. Ravensworth shouted something to

Samantha as she tried to hold the horses but a second flash of lightning and thunder

almost simultaneously drowned his words. A great panic involved. She knew not

was no reason for a reaction like that, but could not help. He felt the same

dry bitterness in the mouth when she witnessed her parents drowning.

He seemed to be reliving the nightmare of that fateful day. With trembling fingers, Samantha

capped ears to muffle the sound scary storm, unaware that its cover

Page 60

slipped from her shoulders and fell to the ground.

The third thunder echoed in the sky; the ground shook under her feet, a soft cry

escaped his lips and Samantha was surrounded by a blind panic, stumbling as

walked on the side of the road. Branches hammered him the face and hands, but she ignored


wanting only to find a sanctuary to protect yourself from your fears.

Samantha was caught from behind and lifted, then found some comfort against

Ravensworth breast. She felt the heat of the male body against his and snuggled in

her husband's arms with some desperation, mumbling incessantly his name. In a

moment Ravensworth wrapped in his cloak, protecting both the pouring rain.

He whispered words of comfort as if you were talking to a child

desperate. The dry and desperate sobs gave way to tears as

a bit of hysteria passed. The fact that they are going to host some

Ahead registered vaguely in Samantha's mind. When Ravensworth placed it

in the arms of one of his coachmen to mount his horse, she protested and did everything

to keep under her husband's protection. Was placed in the saddle before him, and then the

Marquis wrapped firmly around the waist.

When they reached the inn, the rain had subsided, and Samantha continued

in the arms of Ravensworth. As he was putting it on the floor, she hugged him with all

his strength, as if afraid that something bad happened to him. So the Ravensworth

up again and took her to the bedroom. After the door closed, the Marquis took

wet clothes Samantha and wiped it, taking it then to the fireside.

The fact that Samantha not make any protest before such freedoms disturbed

quite Ravensworth. He found a sweater on the wife's suitcase and put it on her.

Then he sat down in the chair next to the fireplace and cradled her in his arms.

While stroking the long hair of Samantha, he felt her relax against her

chest. Murmured words of comfort. That display of affection and a sense of

relief of a great catastrophe brought tears to her eyes. Persuaded with

sweet and soft words, Samantha began to relate his tragic sequence

events he had witnessed and the fateful day when his parents were

swallowed by the waters of Lake Windermore under a terrible storm. Ravensworth

listened in silence to describe the feelings of helplessness as she watched the

disaster happening, and their inability to lift a finger to save people

who had most loved in the world. When finished telling the story, Samantha was

taken by a great feeling of comfort. The steady beat of the heart of the Marquis

was as a remedy calming their shattered nerves. The soft baritone voice of

Ravensworth, his hand stroking her hair and the care he received was sufficient to

make her fall asleep.

Over a long period, Ravensworth did not move thoughtfully. He watched

to his wife, delighted. As was able to coerce that helpless child to be taken

his wife?

The young man who had grabbed him in such awe in the storm and it melted in

his arms with such confidence, submitting to his protection, was practically a

strange. When known, Ravensworth was delighted with the confident stance,

with the air of tranquility that surrounded with the determination of his words. " In a

way, he admired Samantha attachment to his scruples, which had led to a

conflict as open. Never lacked courage Samantha to challenge him. These qualities and

awareness of a latent sensuality had awakened in Ravensworth the desire to

own it at any price.

However, the young helpless that had placed their trust in a husband

unknown, permiting him to undress, triggered a series of new

feelings. Ravensworth never felt anything like it. That was not love Samantha

novelty, since he discovered that shortly after they become known. The

sense of unworthiness that now enveloped her heart was a strange emotion

and undesirable for the Marquis. He knew he did not deserve the love of a woman as

Samantha Langland. She was very good, too innocent for someone with his past

dark, very idealistic, very honest, very virtuous, worthy of a man well

better than him. Not that the idea of handing it to another pleased. No way

all. It was something that was out of the question. Samantha Langland belonged to him, and so

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would be by the end of their lives.

The pangs of conscience he felt before bordered on insignificance before the

wave of remorse that consumed now. In order to satisfy your craving to possess it,

Ravensworth had used all possible tricks to make her surrender to his will,

completely indifferent to the feelings of Samantha. This selfish attitude was natural

for it. Hugh Montgomery was used to getting what he wanted in a way

or another. But what he wanted now could not be conquered by force, bribery or

insistence. Did the esteem of Samantha. He wanted her to return to him with

same demonstration of confidence revealed in a moment of hysteria. Hugh

Montgomery, the Marquis of Ravensworth, would not be satisfied with a feeling based

in hypocrisy. Wanted to win the respect of his wife, be worthy of feeling. In short, he

intended to win Samantha demonstrating that had changed. Your new

attitude bothered him a little, but Ravensworth was determined to put his new

decision into practice.

He rose from his chair with Samantha in his arms and placed it carefully in

bed. With a sense of regret, the Marquis turned away the woman with whom

wanted to make love and covered the soft contours of your body with the woolen blanket. With a

resigned sigh, he turned and went to the door, away from the images that had

haunted his days and nights since the naive Samantha entered his life.

How long it would take for her to succumb to the onslaughts of the new Ravensworth ?,

he thought. Until then, many cold baths and calm.

When Samantha awoke the next morning, she found her husband. Do Not

there was no sign that he had been in that room. Of course, reserved a room for

itself. She let the thought spinning in your mind for a few moments while

dressed with the help of the daughter of the innkeeper. The fact Ravensworth not have

advantage of the perfect opportunity to consummate the marriage was very strange. Would

something to do with the beautiful Adele? Samantha ruled out very quickly depressing idea.

The memory of the previous night's events after the storm was not very

clear in his mind, but the feelings Ravensworth had awakened with her

demonstration of chivalry were well experienced in his memory. Never expected

find comfort size, such devotion, such consideration in a man like

her husband. Samantha had to admit that he had shown a character that surprised her.

The man was a real puzzle. His conduct was so inconsistent that could be

considered almost eccentric. However, judging by recent events, Samantha

concluded that due to the husband a little more consideration. For this reason, she decided,

would behave more seriously.

The anxiety of taking up the lady of Oakdale Court, the property

Ravensworth in Kent, began to consume her. Did arrive soon to start

organize everything. Samantha wrapped her shoulders with a shawl before descending the stairs

to meet her husband, who was drinking coffee in a private room. Now she

saw as the role of his mother had been important to promote wellness

all dependent on his father's estate. The greatest desire was to follow Samantha

the mother's footsteps and be a great ally of the husband who loved the country life. She only

could not understand how he fall in love with a man like Ravensworth.

But, apparently, there was something behind the implacable mask. She almost did not believe


a man as he was able to comfort a woman on the verge of hysteria.

Samantha found the new concern of Ravensworth a bit exaggerated and

depressing, and wondered if he would be upset by his conduct before the storm

night before. When thanked him for his kindness, she noticed some redness in your face

husband, a characteristic of when he was angry.

So Samantha came to the conclusion that Ravensworth upbraided his

conduct. To further worsen the situation, he decided to travel outside the carriage,

along with the driver. It was just before reaching Oakdale Court and she sincerely

hoped that everything would improve when they were in the new house.

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Chapter XVII The situation of Oakdale Court was slightly worse than imagined Samantha.

It was an abandoned property and in need of some urgent repairs. The

gardens were full of herbs, and attachments in a dangerous state of neglect. Nothing

would have been more appropriate for that time of your life. His eyes shone with joy

when he imagined the task that lay ahead. The administration of the mansion and

property was a familiar subject. Henry VIII could not have seen the

magnitude of his court in Hampton most admired eyes than the Marquise de

Ravensworth to analyze their future residence.

Ravensworth acted as guide and proved to be somewhat embarrassed by the

situation of the place. The deterioration smell that hung in the air was an offense to the nostrils of

and both a poignant reminder that no one ever bothered with the house

way it should. He just used to take a few close friends and

notorious "ladies" of high society. The memory of the former debauchery that had passed

within those walls brought a sense of guilt to the Marquis. Might have been a

mistake to take his new wife there.

As they walked the ground floor of the house, Ravensworth noticed the excessive

seriousness of Samantha.

- What do you think? - He asked when he saw her kneel to observe what

had once been a beautiful carpet.

- Aubusson - Samantha said with some regret. - Not beyond repair. The

moths ended the carpet.

- I'm not talking about the carpet, but the house. I think I made a mistake in

bring it here. We better get back to the city, do not you think?

Samantha was taken by surprise.

- And let the abandoned house in ruin? You can not be serious,


She could not bear the husband decided to put an obstacle in the ambitions

had begun to develop. The Marquis noticed the irritation of his wife.

- Calm down, my dear. Your wish is my command. That is, if you do not mind

to put in order the house of a former single. Now I'm about to take me a

family man, I think the house needs a lot of changes.

- Of course - she murmured with distance, approaching the fire. - It is

better ask for the servants to clean up these ashes. Will be very useful for our

garden. Speaking of which, Ravensworth, where are the servants? I would like to meet them.

- There are some people out there who take care of the house - he said. - In addition, Denby

should be coming to London soon with the rest of our luggage.

- Your personal servant? I'm sure it will be very helpful.

- I apologize once again, Samantha. If you knew that the house was

such deplorable conditions, I would have never suggested we go out of Bath.

- Ah, but you never suggested - she said in a tone that Ravensworthencarou

as a provocation. Chose to ignore, however.

- Of course, we need to hire more people to make the changes


- Maybe we can not recruit the army of Wellington? - She suggested with

certain coldness, now analyzing thick layer of dust on the furniture. Samantha

even wrote "cleanse me, please" on the dining table. When he noticed

her husband watched closely, she knew who had managed to irritate him.

- Not that bad. The first step to take is to call the administrator

and tell you what our plans are.

Ravensworth breath and had some difficulty looking into the eyes of


- From what I know, he resigned a few months ago. I had forgotten

full of detail.

- I'm not surprised! - She exclaimed, almost knocking a vase that was going to get. -

I imagine you had much more pressing matters occupying his mind. - The memory

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of frivolous amusements that both held the attention of his brother Vernon and young people


who was related in Richmond came to mind. She looked at Ravensworth with

rebuke of air,

- No, my lord, I do not wonder at the fact that you have neglected their

obligations with his servants. A man in his position should have more issues

urgent to treat, such as tie, the model of your new cover. How worry

with something as banal as the welfare of the people working for you? Better

play, go out with friends to drink, going to parties, having fun with women.

Until that moment, Ravensworth demonstrated tranquility. After the charges

Samantha, however, he felt the fervilharem emotions through his veins. The shock

mixed indignation. There were the words of the wife that the unnerved, but the

fact she have compared with a dandy of London. He admitted that some episodes

his past would be better if forgotten, but nothing to deserve such

reprimand. Samantha's problem was his innocence. Most women in their

position would have the discretion to turn a blind eye to the former husband's adventures. How

could make her change her mind, show him that he was willing to change, not

wanted to know more of that life of debauchery ?, he thought.

- Samantha - Ravensworth said she managed to regain control -

wish you'd stop commenting on my unfortunate past. He was to

back. What matters now is the present. I may have shocked some people, however

my conduct was never outrageous. - He grinned. - That is, not admit being

called womanizer. I never brought a woman to my house. That is, a

woman who worry me enough to offer the intimacy of my home. See

the fact surprises, but it's the truth. I want to be very honest with you,

my dear. I admit I had a great time, but no more than other men. - The

silent wife bothered him to the extreme, urging him to a more passionate declaration: -

Samantha, the fact that I have chosen a woman to stay with me until the end of life should

mean something to you. Her eyes registered surprise.

- This marriage, to my knowledge, we were tax. You never intended

me take your wife. The truth is that I committed. And really sorry,

Ravensworth. I who owes you an apology.

Awareness of the Marquis bothered him.

- Samantha, my dear ... I would like to talk to you about the

circumstances of our marriage. - He dared to look into the eyes of his wife, and

their good intentions disappeared in the act. How to tell that young innocent he

had plotted the marriage? Honesty was the supreme virtue in her eyes.

Samantha the scorn if he knew the truth. He would confess to their

duplicity in a more appropriate time.

- What do you say? - She pressed. - Something about our marriage?

Ravensworth recovered quickly.

- I wanted to say that, despite the circumstances of our marriage, I do not

regret having married you. - He took the hands of Samantha in his. -

I just ask you a chance to prove I'm a worthy husband of her confidence.

We can give us a truce and start all over again? I will do what is within my

range so you do not regret having married me. And a promise.

Word of honor.

That passionate speech left her speechless. Samantha hardly occurred

account to have assented with a nod. Ravensworth wasted no time. He gave it

her arm and guided her to show you the rest of the house. Although he knew that even

there was much to be talked, Samantha was happy. For some inexplicable reason, she

was happy. Happy as never been before.

During the days that followed, Samantha hugged the task of reforming Oakdale

Court. With her husband's approval, she began with a tour of the house accompanied by the

created and extra servants who Ravensworth hired to help them. For a moment,

Samantha believed that he really listened and hired the British Army. And all

worked with the greatest joy, glad to know that so beautiful residence

back to shine in all its splendor.

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Samantha proved a skillful commander, away from the service who do not

judge the height. It was a trait he inherited from his father. There were some complaints, is

course, but dismissed employees could invariably a second chance

with the employer. He had a more forgiving trait in his personality.

Night after night the first week in his new home, Samantha fell asleep in

instant lay in imposing solid wood bed. The Marquis did not have

likewise, despite sharing the same tired. He also did their part to

pamper the property. Samantha's efforts were restricted to the house, and his, to

acres of land around her. Ravensworth put a reasonable amount to

Samantha provision for maintenance costs, and also spent a great

sum investing in machinery for the next harvest.

While occupying your time putting your property in order, Ravensworth

discovered that he had never been so happy in your life. A man with every intention of

have a lot of children around. Samantha fact be exhausted and unable to

say more than two words at dinner was a major obstacle to the achievement

of your dreams. His patience, which had never been one of his great virtues, began to

run out. He turned from side to side in bed every night, wondering

when it would have the honor of sharing the same bed of his wife. It would be a great injustice

the far side keep it from her when he was doing everything to show that there was

changed their way of thinking. Wanted a more regular life, more homely, more familiar.

Ravensworth expected Samantha soon recognize their commitment to display a

more homey man.

As expected, their neighbor, Lady Adele, decided to come for a visit

at a time quite inappropriate. Samantha, wearing an old dress and a cap that

had seen better days, was working in the garden, pulling weeds and

preparing the land to make a small garden. She had just boot a foot

rosemary when he saw a group of horsemen approaching. Ahead came Ravensworth,

impeccable as a dummy. Samantha looked with some envy. These were the

benefits of having a valet to help him dress. Her maid was the new

Helper cook, a slight woman who only deign to work when it was

extremely necessary. Samantha hardly ever needed her help. Preferred to

wear alone.

When the Marquis noticed the unkempt appearance of his wife, made his companions

stop a bit far. Samantha straightened up and put his hands to his aching back.

- You look like a scarecrow - Ravensworth said angrily. - Where are the

gardeners? I will send them by negligence at work. This is not a task for a lady.

- Why did you bring them here? - Asked Samantha with the same irritation and

also ashamed of being seen in that situation. The other seemed to have gone

a portrait, so clean. - Take them home. I find you in the living room

- She said.

Ravensworth turned his horse to meet the request for Samantha, but Adele was


- How are you, lady Ravensworth? - She asked, measuring it from head to toe. -

Hugh does not stop praising its virtues. I see that you are very involved with their

work. Your effort is commendable, worthy of a devoted wife.

- No more praise, Lady St. Clair - Samantha said, with as much good humor

which he could show that circumstance,

- It is not my intention to flatter her - replied the other, looking at Ravensworth,

impassive on his horse.

As a young Quaker, Samantha learned to go to all people with

same education, but to look with disdain on that beauty who tried to ridicule

it noted that he could not stick to the mother's principles. Her lips parted

to give a sharp reply, but all it took was a husband look to stop her.

Samantha remembered Ravensworth have said that the world would be watching all

their reactions, and she did not want to alienate her husband in front of strangers. Samantha

took the gardening gloves and smiled at everyone.

- Welcome. As you can see, the young lady loves Oakdale Court

take care of your garden. - She opened a beautiful smile and walked among them with great

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elegance, as if wearing a model of the latest fashion in Paris. - Ravensworth

do the honors while I change my clothes. I'll have to serve them something in the living room.

How are you, Lord Grafton? - Samantha asked when he saw the count.

Upon reaching the kitchen, she excused herself and left. Away from prying eyes of

its visitors, Samantha ran up the stairs and called Nell to help her get

pack faster. Within minutes she was ready to go down, but not as

charming as his rival. Preferred to use a more demure dress. She, however,

had a gun he used only occasionally, for Ravensworth not like.

But the occasion demanded. Samantha shook her hair, which fell in waves by

his back. The change in his appearance was dramatic. Looking for the last time to

mirror, Samantha left the room and, full of confidence, addressed the room.

Chapter XVIII A quick look at the grim expression of Ravensworth informed that their

loose hair she did not like it one bit. However, as the Countess was sitting next to

side him on the couch, Samantha knew it would not reprimanded at that time. Grafton

presented it to the other members of the group, and Samantha noticed with some surprise that

all were, with one exception, extremely refined.

The visit lasted only half an hour, as was customary in those days. When your

guests rose, Samantha did some banal remarks with her husband,

turning to him for the title. Instantly, the countess turned the attention of

invited to notice the formality between the new couple.

- What is it, Hugh? You push your wife to treat him with the deference of a

created? If the call Ravensworth, my dear - she said with an air of Samantha

innocence - you will be the only woman in London not to show intimacy with this


The review called for some kind of answer, and Samantha noticed the looks

constrained almost all the other guests. Ravensworth seemed to have taken root

the floor. She could not tell the truth and reveal it still felt a strange side

her husband, and he never asked her to call him by his Christian name. Samantha

turned his head and gave a mischievous smile at him.

- Oh, I have a nickname for my husband to use only when we are

alone. I dare not mention it without his permission.

- Take your time - said the marquis, full of confidence.

- If you do not mind, Monty - Samantha whispered with ingenuity.

Ravensworth gritted his teeth and his nostrils flared, but he kept the

pose. Samantha then pulled to his side, wrapping around the waist.

- And short for Montgomery - she explained in friendly tone - But is not the nickname

favorite of my husband. I have a few others, but do not usually use them in front of


Samantha felt a stronger grip on her waist and turned serious. He tried to

Dodge the husband's arms, but it did not work. Ravensworth said goodbye to

guests promising Ihes that would later meet for an informal dinner and a

playing cards.

Once alone, he faced Samantha, who said he had numerous affairs by


- You are an amazing woman, Samantha Langland - said the Marquis, wrapping her

in a big hug. His eyes did not hide his admiration. - It was a great pleasure Vedas

her in action.

- And that quick mind! - She joked.

- Monty! Can I ask you something, dear queen? I would like you to begin using

my Christian name.

- Want to get me through liar? - Samantha joked. - You will

used, Monty. Also, when you hear that name, you know that is your wife who

flame. Take care to meet me quickly when hear the call - said Samantha with

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a bold look.

- Be quiet, my spring.

- Spring?

- This will be your nickname. You remind me of the gardens so admired. I'll

I give permission to do whatever it wants with the property, but for this plant

special - he said, stroking her face - there will be only a gardener. I will cultivate

my spring carefully.

- Growing?

- Yes. And I intend to start right now - he said, taking her face in her

hands. Samantha noticed a bit of uncertainty in his expression usually so

confident. He knew he had great power over the man and was able to destroy the

his confidence with just one word. She opened a slow smile and became involved in

a hug so tight that threatened to crush it.

Months of deprivation with vivid images of Samantha receptive in their

arms tormented him the instant he felt her lips against his.

Ravensworth moaned in pleasure on the female body heat melting against

your. The receptivity of her embrace the inflamed. Her hands stroked Ravensworth all

body of his wife, wanting to have her there.

- I will not leave her in peace, my dear - Ravensworth said. - Pity

me. You know we have a pending issue that needs to be solved as soon

possible. - His lips moved in Samantha's neck. - Come to

bed with me. Now. You will not regret it.

- You can not - she said. so caught his breath.

- Samantha! Do not test my patience.

- We can not. Today is Thursday, and the upstairs floor will be sanded.

All the servants are there.

- Well, we go to the library, then - Ravensworth said in despair.

Samantha proved shocked.

- No curtains there.

- The attic?

- Be reasonable, Hugh. Come to my room tonight. The simple invitation just

with the air of Ravensworth lungs.

- Oh, my dear, as I expected to hear those words - he whispered,

stroking her hair. Ravensworth leaned to kiss her again, but the

appearance of two maids stopped him. Samantha broke free of her husband's arms with

extreme grace and went upstairs. First, however, she gave him a look of flirtation.

Ravensworth stood, wondering what would happen within a few hours.

The Marquis of admiring eyes went to his wife for a moment before

turning to his companion table. I was impatient for the night in the house

Adèle of finish in order to go to your house with Samantha, where would one

unforgettable night. He looked at her talking to a shy young man, a man who would follow

Holy Orders. What would be the topic of conversation ?, wondered Marquis, feeling a

twinge of jealousy.

Ravensworth was not the only one watching Samantha with interest. Lady St. Adèle

Clair, although resigned to the fact that I lost her lover, did not waste a single

chance to torment his rival. Having lost the Marquis for such insignificant girl was

something unacceptable, and she stared at it as a personal offense. What a man with

Ravensworth class had seen in a young and naive as no great


Lady Adele could not know that the modest costume Samantha had been

chosen by Ravensworth. He insisted that his wife used a more model

behaved and hair stuck. His intention was to protect its beauty just for you

same, and not share it with other men. It was something he could not bear. The

Marquis was furious when faced with a desire to glance at its

wife. As a day had been able to find it simple? She was the loveliest woman he

ever met. When caught himself mentally undressing, forced Ravensworth

to start a friendly conversation with Miss. Brown on climate.

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- Hear the word "Newgate"? - Asked Adele to the young man who was talking to

Samantha, Mr.. Guy Sommerville. Samantha looked up and noticed that everyone looked

was his direction.

- Yes - said Mr. Sommerville, with eyes full of admiration for

Samantha. - Lady Ravensworth know Mrs. Elizabeth Fry a Quaker woman

studies the penal reform,

- Never heard of this woman - said Grafton.

- But will hear - said Samantha,

- Lady Ravensworth visited Newgate - Mr. intervened. Sommerville, causing

Surprise murmurs of some of the guests. Samantha looked quickly at her husband

and felt a great relief to see that his expression contained more curiosity than


- Yes, Samantha?

- Yes, Mrs. Fry was a close friend of my mother. When I got to town, I was

visit her and she invited me to closely examine the inhuman conditions of women

living in Newgate, without mentioning their innocent children. I found myself obliged to

accept. My mother would have done the same, and many Quakers women took

commitment to help Mrs. Fry.

- Not the best occupation for a refined lady - said Adèle with certain


Samantha's eyes were as cold as ice as she looked at her hostess.

- Do you know which is the second time that day that tell me something? Luckily, I do not

I intend to be a refined lady. I prefer to stick me of my responsibilities.

- I think that Lady Ravensworth is a woman of great fiber - said Mr..


- You know what I think? - Said Lady Adele, starting to get annoyed at it. -

I think these people deserve to be locked up in Newgate. They breached the

law and are being punished.

Samantha was possessed and refused to accept her husband's warning look.

- Laws! - She said shakily. - What are the laws that protect less

favored? Those women stole to feed hungry children and are

condemned as criminal.

- They should let their husbands and parents alimentassem, if they

there - said one man.

Samantha put the cutlery on the table in a gesture of impatience.

- My dear sir, his learning amazes me, because the real heart of the matter

was evident. Do these women have husbands? Do they have a father? If these men

had just deserted the British Army, the problem would not be so stark. They

should be home with their wives, taking care of their true families.

- Desertion the Army? - By Mr. Sommerville was surprised.

Ravensvv-orth launched a withering glare for Samantha.

- Lady Ravensworth just kidding. Tell them, my dear.

That's what Samantha did.

- War is the most ridiculous way to solve our problems. Look at poor

Napoleon, for example. - She ignored the shock of those present. - Think of all the good

he did for France. Fairer taxes, more precise laws, schools and university

for the masses. Even Americans admire. I do not pretend to say that

it is an example of virtue, but it is not as bad as we were led to believe. The

man has a good heart. We should have it accepted, and not sent to Elba as

a common criminal.

- Madame, do not forget to herself - Ravensworth said, wishing he could

twisting his neck.

- Rest assured, Ravensworth - intervened Lord Grafton. - We are all friends

here. Even Lord Byron is expressed in the same terms. I agree with Lady

Samantha, especially on the Americans. I never understood the reason for our quarrel with

them. Are all British, like you and me. I think all this a big inconvenience.

The Grafton words served to further rile the Marquis.

- Let me emphasize that in certain places such comments would be

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considered high treason - said Ravensworth. - As a member of royalty and faithful

servant of His Majesty, I know what my duties. We are at war with

United States of America. We must not speak or act with indiscretion. Right

Now the British Army may be suffering attack US troops. If

we lose this war, you would be satisfied? I would like the Americans to incorporate the


Lord Grafton showed his indifference, but Samantha had not finished


- Of course not want anything to harm Canada. But who caused this feud

stupid? The House of Hannover ...

- Samantha! - Ravensworth.- exclaimed No more comments on the

subject! - It was an order, not ura request. Noting the dangerous glint in the eyes of

husband, she preferred to stay quiet. For now.

When the servants had finished clearing the table, Ravensworth called it aside

before the men gather in another room to make port wine.

- For God's sake, Samantha, be careful with your language. If you do not think of

you, think in my position. Any questioning my loyalty to the

Crown could ruin me. - He squeezed his arm to show his anger out

more by demonstrating in public than by personal reprimand. - Now, be a good

girl and talk about children and marriages with women.

The conversation of women in the living room was quite tedious. Luckily, Samantha

found in Miss. Brown the same passion she had for gardening. The girl, originating

of York, had great knowledge of medicinal herbs. Samantha was delighted with the

Miss wisdom. Brown. Lady Adele stopped a moment beside the two, but the

realize that the conversation had no interest for her, turned to go join

another group. Lady Adèle had no attempt to hide his boredom without the presence

of men.

- You will be an excellent daughter to the Duke - commented Miss. Brown. - From what

I know, your father loves herbs. The gardens him in Dalbreck Hail are quite famous

Yorkshire. Your husband should certainly have told you about the father's passion for


- I do not know anything about the duke, unless he is a very hard man.

- Severus? The Duke of Dalbreck? Someone deceived, my dear. He is sweet

like a sheep. Ask Lord Ravensworth.

- Do you know him?

- Not very well. The duke did not appear much in public since his wife's death.

And also do not like to leave Yorkshire. I knew he was already confused several times with

the gardener? Like you and me, the Duke loves taking care of your herbs.

- Really? - Marveled Samantha, mentally reviewing the image that made the

father in law. - Anyway, I think that such an important man should have

disappointed with the choice of wife that his son did. - Too late, Samantha

realized there was externalized his thoughts aloud.

- No way. He's crazy for her son. In addition, the mother was Ravensworth

daughter of a simple man. It was a love match, and a great shock to the

Old Duke. The father of Ravensworth is not so. It is much quieter than the child,

inclusive. He does not stand on ceremony with nothing. I am quite sure that both of you

to understand very well.

- Really? - Samantha said thoughtfully. The description of Miss. Brown his father in law

not consistent with what Ravensworth told him about his father's personality. She tried

remember the circumstances in which heard the Duke's name for the first time. Yes, in

weeks before the fateful night when Ravensworth asked her to be his mistress.

Said he could not marry her because his father, the Duke, hoped that his son is

marry someone from their social environment. Liar! All just a scheme

to manipulate it!

- How? - She asked to hear the voice of Lady Adele invading your thoughts.

- I just want to know your opinion, my dear. Do you think it is ethical for a

lady use all the tricks to win the attention of a gentleman for whom

developed a special affection?

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- Honesty is always the best policy - said Samantha.

She listened to the comments of other women with an indulgent smile on


- It seems that we do everything to achieve our goals - said Miss. Brown

cheerful. - Broken carriages, scarves or books overturned in due course. How

are silly!

- Men are much worse - said Lady Susan, a known redhead to have

five brothers that shattered the hearts of young people. - Nothing prevents them from reaching


goals. Our tactics are childish compared to theirs. I hear my brothers

talking and I'm perplexed. The more distant the object of male desire, more

desperate they are to reach Io.

- What can they do so cruel? - Samantha asked, concerned.

- I once heard of a girl who was kidnapped, but not all the gentlemen

usually go to that extreme. However, I believe that a lady is a compromise

trick quite common. Of course, the reputation of a woman is ruined easily,

but the honor of the man in these situations is almost never achieved, he wants to propose

marriage or not.

- How so? I do not understand law.

- Use single - said another young, manifesting itself for the first time. - If a man

denigrates a little reputation, who cares? He earns reputation as a womanizer, only

which is never ignored by society. The fact often highlight its charm before the

women's. As we are silly!

- But a woman in the same position can be ruined life if man

refuse to marry her - opined Lady Susan. - So, any particular gentleman

to have a particularly women need only make some arrangements. Of course, the heirs are

The most common target. Some pretend to be poor to escape the arms of these

unscrupulous fortune hunters.

- You never pay attention to what the more experienced women say -

commented one of the chaperones.

- I understand - Samantha murmured, joining one of his meditative silences.

His thoughts came and went. She did not know how to understand everything

just heard. Something was pretty obvious. Ravensworth was a liar.

Had lied to try to convince her to be his mistress, and also lie when

persuaded to marry him. The man had a wordy and so much! The brightness in the eyes of

Samantha and the pink in her usually pale cheeks gave him a

unique charm.

When he entered the living room with the other gentlemen, looked at Ravensworth

his wife and considered the most beautiful image that had ever seen.

Chapter XIX Ravensworth did not take long to realize the resentment of Samantha, whose

eyes refused to meet his, and all attempts that did approach

were ignored. The Marquis soon gave up because he had no intention of participating to

other members of the household who had quarreled with his wife. The coldness of it was not

calculated to annoy her husband, but when they came up in the carriage to return home, the

hostilities came from both parties.

- It's best to cover your shoulder does not cool - he said, adjusting the shawl

Samantha. - Did you notice how the temperature dropped? It is very common at this time

the year.

There was no hiding the sarcasm in Marquis's voice. Samantha, in turn,

not let down.

- I think the temperature in this carriage will soon be so high that you will prefer

be in hell - she said calmly.

Ravensworth threw his head back and laughed.

- Let's start again, my sweet Samantha? How can I defend myself if

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I do not know what was the offense committed. I doubt he's like that with me just because I have


interrupted the dinner table. - He was more serious. - Learn not like your

speech, but I think I convinced everyone that you would be faithful to her husband any

they were your feelings. - Ravensworth wrinkled her nose playfully.

- You're a liar, my lord husband - she said without any preamble. -

You lied to me when he said that his father would object to our marriage. You tried to get me

transform his mistress pretending it was impossible to offer me marriage. But this

was not true, is not it, Ravensworth?

His heart stopped for a second. It was clear that the ladies had the

placed close to the situation. Sooner or later, she would have discovered. Ravensworth

not just imagined it to happen so soon. He should have confessed her the truth

when he had the opportunity.

- Samantha, you better forget this subject. I am no longer the man who

was then. I was selfish, arrogant, do not deny. Only changed. Why not

believe me?

- Really? - She asked with false sweetness. - And when this change occurred?

Ravensworth took the hands of Samantha and replied in all sincerity:

- Shortly after I made it that indecent proposal. When you fled, and

I did not know where he had gone or what had happened to him. Know that were the worst

moments of my life. I did not know what to do. For the first time, I realized that I

care more about you than myself.

Samantha pulled her hands and smiled bitterly.

- Was that before or after you have discovered that marriage would bring one


- What fortune? - He asked, perplexed.

- Now, Ravensworth, is not cynical. You're the biggest liar I've met in

my life. What fortune? - Samantha imitated.

The Marquis was caught off guard.

- You mean I'm a fortune hunter?

- You set our marriage or not? - She asked.

- Not exactly.

- What does that mean? Tell me the truth at least once in life.

- It means that events occurred the way I wanted. Had the

intention to ask her to marry him, but did not know if you would accept me for my

own merits.

- What merits? I knew you were a fornicator, a moral man

questionable. The first time we met, you were trying to seduce the poor

Adèle. That's what I thought at the time. Shortly after, you asked me if I wanted to be

his mistress. Played with my feelings, believing that I would leave my

side of scruples because you can not offer me marriage. And then planned our

Wedding of the most absurd way, believing that it was my duty to marry you

to save his reputation. Your rascal!

Ravensworth remained under control.

- Calm down, Samantha. I do not deny that there is some truth in all that

is saying. Have not admit my mistakes? If I was not honest with you, there was a

reason. The end justifies the means. If you did not reveal my true intentions, was to

ensure our happiness. You would have refused my court by the most frivolous of reasons.

I know you had created an aversion for me because I proposed it to be my lover.

His pride was hurt, nothing more. I tried to remedy the situation, without success. But

know that all I did was to save his reputation.

- Really, my lord? Know that the road to hell is full of good


Ravensworth not know how to respond, then was silent for the rest of the

path. As he helped her from the carriage, he made a last attempt for peace.

- You mean you will not have the pleasure of your company in my bed tonight?

Samantha stumbled and he held her before she fell. Samantha swore,

startling him.

- I appreciate women in love. The fact that you admit you hate me shows that

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is yielding. A lover only fear indifference.

She walked up to the house with all the dignity he could muster, listening to the

husband laugh behind her.

The first visitors arrived the next morning. Ravensworth returned

home and found Samantha in the library pouring tea for two young gentlemen. He

Vernon acknowledged, but the other was foreign to it. They talked quietly,

observed the Marquis before being noticed. The looks of the three received led him to

believe that had stopped some mysterious plan.

- Ra-Ravensworíh Have you ever come? Let me introduce you to my cousin, Mr.

John Caldwell, who came to visit us from Canada.

The companion Vernon stood up to greet the Marquis. It was a

about 25 year-old man, without major attractions. His black and beige pants cover not

had nothing special, but they were very stylish.

- You are the Grenfell or Langland branch of the family? - Asked the Marquis Tone

friendly. To pick up the cup of tea from the hands of Samantha, Ravensworth felt a certain

tremor in her hands.

- Langland - Vernon and Samantha answered in unison. Caldwell repeated.

- We are second cousins - he said, but the answer did not satisfy


At the end of fifteen minutes of questioning, the Marquis was interrupted by

Samantha, who changed the course of conversation. In other circumstances, he would have


but as his wife insisted on honesty, dismissed the idea that the three

hiding something.

- You want to stay long in England? - He asked amiably.

-. I need not only solve a particular problem before returning home.

I have one more week. I hope not to disturb you with my presence here.

- Of course not - Samantha said. - The family must remain united. We would

very happy if we can help you.

- I agree! - Exclaimed Ravensworth. Shortly after, he got up and asked

leave to withdraw. - We talked more at dinner. - When passai- the chair of Vernon,

Marquis slapped the back of coined. - Do not take her sister very seriously. If

need a friend, do not hesitate to call me.

- Thank U.

When the door closed, the three looked at each other.

- I think the Marquis came to the wrong conclusion - said Caldwell.

- I lied to my husband - said Samantha shakily.

- What happened? '- Asked Vernon, standing up and walking from one side

to another. - There was no need. I would never have brought John here if she knew

Ravensworth not sympathize with the Americans.

- No, no, Vernon! You are mistaken. Ravensworth is loyal to the Crown. That's what he

told me a few nights ago. She even repress me for my demonstrated

aversion to war. I could not prove their nationality, sr. Caldwell. He had sent

the authorities without blinking. To my husband, you are the enemy.

- Still, I think we should tell the truth Ravensworth - said

it. - I'm no threat to England. I persona non grata here at

Just because the war in Canada not to be going well for the British. We, the Quakers,

are considered suspect by both parties by refusing to bear arms.

Allow me to tell the truth to the Marquis. And if he decides to deliver me to the authorities, I

will not be such danger. The government put me in a cell just to the end

the war.

- Tell Ravensworth I lied to him? - Samantha expression

showed all its horror. - Impossible. He would never forgive me. No more touch

in this matter, sir. Caldwell. I could never face him again.

- Me neither - agreed Vernon. - I would not want to lose the esteem of my brother in law

if he found out I attended this lie.

Mr. Caldwell took only a moment to decide.

- OK. Although the idea does not please me, I will do what I was asked. How Much

Page 72

least you know my plans, the better. I'll just say you'll leave at night to

the coast, one day this week. Vernon follow me, then we will go to London.

How Ravensworth considers the two young adventurers, the fact will not surprise.

- How did you meet Mr. Caldwell, Vernon?

- Through some acquaintances who knew our family was Quaker.

They were looking for a safe place near the coast to hide it until

found a boat to take him away. When I received your letter, practically

begging for me to come here, I found the perfect solution.

- Stay quiet, mrs. Ravensworth. Her husband did not know the truth. I even

call the press Samantha. And you call me John. We will have maximum

caution. We just need to decide what our relationship. There is a relative of

you who have emigrated to Canada?

- - Not that I know - Samantha replied thoughtfully. - Actually, we do not

any relatives by Langland, unless an aunt in Shropshire. It was for this

reason Ver-non and I were under the responsibility of our uncle, Sir John Grenfell. Of

Anyway, every family has a black sheep who went to the colonies in some


Mr. Caldwell smiled.

- We need to invent a relationship - she continued. - Let's say my father

had a brother, John Langland, who left for Canada. His daughter married her

father. Ready. What do you think, sir. Caldwell?

- Cousin John - he corrected. - This will be our story then, but not much

thorough about it. Luckily I'll be just a few days, and no one here can

deny our kinship. Her husband will ever know your lies, unless you decide

tell you.

Ended the matter, the three left the library in order to arrumarem for

dinner. Samantha was calmer when Mr. Caldwell assured him that there was no

anyone in the area that could put their relationship into question. Oh, how Ravensworth

would hate her if she knew the truth! She showed an example of sincerity and now

was cheating on her husband's trust. Samantha did not like to imagine the disappointment

Marquis is ever found out the truth. He would never believe in the purity of their

reasons. Two choices were left him, tell the truth Ravensworth, and so play mr.

Caldwell in jail for taívez one year or lie to Ravensworth and help mr. Caldwell the

escape. Samantha had the second option, even though her husband never

understand their motives. And why should you? No, she would do anything to keep the

true secret. Do not want to lose the esteem of her husband. Never.

Chapter XX The fate of Samantha was Andie is not in Oakdale Court, did the maid

settle down until we found out what was behind those gray eyes so

concerned. Ravensworth, in turn, found that she was still uncomfortable with the

discussion a few days before.

His conduct had prevented him from winning the right to privileges of a husband. To

further worsen the situation, Samantha spent hours and hours trying to catch

lost with his brother and cousin. Ravensworth put it on the wife was

punishing for their behavior.

Hurt by the contempt of Samantha, the Marquis went to visit her neighbor, Lady

Adèle, with some frequency. The affection with which she treated him did well for his wounded


In some situations, admitted the Marquis, the lack of originality of a woman in a

conversation was not necessarily a pain for a few hours. Adele could not have

a brilliant mind, but when it came to pamper a man, she was equal to

other. In this respect, his wife had a major flaw.

The fact that Samantha did not complain of her husband's routine absences nothing

forward to reduce his suspicions in relation to its distant behavior. And

that indifference bothered him too. More than Marquis intended to admit. When

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entered the dining room where she and her cousin were having breakfast, Ravensworth noticed

a warm smile between the two, which angered the extreme.

- By the way, my dear - he said, finding it later on the steps -

do not worry about making dinner for me today. Adèle promised help to buy

some horses for his new coach. Tonight there will be an auction in the city and,

Luckily, she will cast off good animals. I can not predict how much we will take.

Samantha looked at him seriously.

- Adele? When you find her?

Ravensworth smoothed an invisible fold the sleeve of his shirt.

- To be honest, my beloved wife, I have spent in Beechwood whenever

I'm around. Day in, day out, more or less.

With satisfaction, Ravensworth saw the shock forming on his wife's face after

his revelation. Shortly after, however, she regained her composure and continued with his

calm countenance.

- It is very kind of you to inform me, my lord. I did not know you used

be so solicitous of its neighbors.

- I'm not so with everyone. The Adèle house is very close to our and, besides, I

known her for a long time. Since the death of the earl, she depends on me. Nothing me

would give more pleasure to have your company, Samantha, but my carriage

accommodates only two people comfortably. I hope you do not mind that I

be helping Adèle.

The feeling of injustice that those words had evoked the perfect antidote

to the burden of guilt that plagued since she told that hideous lie to


- Why should I oppose? - Samantha asked, avoiding meeting the eyes

to hide his hostility. - As you yourself pointed out, their intimacy, say,

friendship with the lady is longstanding. In fact, the first time I saw her was in the library

the house of my uncle, but that scene has been forgotten, it is not, my lord?

Seeing the smile disappear from her husband's face, she felt the taste of a great victory.

- The second time I saw her, when my lord introduced us in front of the bookstore, you

was acting as the lady businessman. As I recall, it was a matter

related to the property of the Earl died. Of course, Adèle never had the capacity to

manage their own business. - The veiled reference to Samantha management

money Ravensworth hit like lightning, but she was furious and nothing would stop.

- The experience of helping the less fortunate is very rewarding - continued

Samantha. - Please do not worry about my feelings on the subject, because

have none. In his absence, I'll be at my cousin's company, since

Vernon has an issue to address in the city.

- Really? In this case, I wish you a good day - said Ravensworth,

before descending the stairs and order a set send preparing his carriage.

The mood Samantha was the worst. She knew she had acted wrong, that was not

honest, but the fact Ravensworth be courting Adele took her balance.

Lifted her skirt and went up to his room. Shortly after, Samantha wore their best

clothing to ride. Ravensworth not approve of such an attitude, but he would not be there for

scold her. Perhaps not noticing it. She had promised to take Caldwell for a

tour the property. His greatest determination was to make it clear for a

certain gentleman who did not admit Samantha Langland be ignored in this way.

The Vernon ride to the port of Folkestone was with the recognition order. He

had used all his powers of persuasion to convince the American not to

venture abroad in such a critical moment. After much reluctance, Caldwell

found the most sensible thing to do. Preferred to keep secret the exact day of his

starting because not want Ravensworth, by obligation, to accompany him on part of

your trip.

When he returned later in the day, Vernon brought not very pleasant news. To

reach the stable, he saw his sister and his friend talking in the herbarium. Ravensworth by

luck was not around.

- No time to lose - he said, holding the horse's reins. -

Page 74

We must leave immediately. The police chief is on the way. He wants to talk

with Ravensworth about an American who has escaped from prison.

Vernon gasped, struggling to catch his breath. For a moment, looked Caldwell

for the friend not knowing how to act.

- You said the police chief is coming here? - He asked so

noted the urgency of Vernon.

- I rode like a madman to get quickly. He must be half an hour ago

me. All foreigners need to show your documents. Therefore, you do not

can pose as Canadian.

Caldwell was silent, trying to assimilate the words.

- And the Heriot? When they expect me?

- They asked me to warn you that you should stay hidden until nightfall. Do Not

is it safe to travel in daylight.

- Where does it go? - Samantha asked, tense.

- It makes no difference. We will hide in the forest, if required! But

we quickly! - Vernon exclaimed, turning the horse.

- Hang On! I'd like a word with her sister. You prepare my horse,


Despite the impatience, Vernon left them alone, but rather asked:

- Be brief. I do not want to meet the chief of police, let alone my brother.

Samantha Caldwell took her elbow and led her into the stable.

- I need to leave immediately. I do not want anyone to find out that the lady me

hid in his house. Could be accused of complicity.

- Do not worry - Samantha said, putting a hand on Caldwell arm

to reassure him. - I know a perfect hiding place. There is an abandoned cottage in here

property, behind the mill. It is used as a deposit by servants. You should

remember, as we passed in front this morning during our walk.

- Yes, I remember - said Caldwell, forcing her to move faster. -

Pay attention to what I tell you. Take all the evidence of our presence in Oakdale

House as soon as possible, you know? It must appear that we ran. Tell

who ask that Vernon and I knew a party in Henley and decided to go there.

The young fashion are unpredictable. No one will be surprised.

- And your stuff? What should I do with them? Caldwell shrugged.

- Vernon can return within a day or two to pick them up. Will I have to ask,

borrow or even steal clothes. But no problem. Meanwhile, hide or

destroy them.

They reached the stable yard at the instant Vernon appeared with two


- Do not be so preocupada- Caldwell said before mounting. - Tomorrow at this time

I'll be safe at sea.

Samantha looked at the animated faces of the two and had the strange feeling

they were about to hurt her.

- Wait! - She cried, seeing them get away. - I will go to the cottage for the evening

take a bit of food and a change of clothes for you.

Caldwell was reluctant, but Samantha had turned to address the


- Be careful - he said following in shot behind Vernon.

Samantha had just put things in a briefcase when Vernon

heard voices downstairs. After making sure that everything was in order, she took the

luggage to your room and put it next to the Caldwell, under your bed.

Barely had time to fix the quilt because there was a knock at the door.

- Milady - called the maid - the chief of police is downstairs and I would like to

speak briefly.

Samantha felt her heart race.

- Tell him go down in a minute - she replied. Needed to calm down

before facing the police chief, Besides protecting Caldwell, Samantha was

protecting her husband. His loyalty to the Crown could never be questioned. The Marquis

would be ruined if the authorities found out that housed an enemy of the state in its

Page 75

own home. And there would be no way to prove his innocence. Samantha shivered. Wherein

trouble had got! But would do anything to get out of trouble.

Half an hour later, she saw the police chief was away from home. Samantha never

thought it would be so easy. I hope to be a great liar, and with so little practice. The

chief accepted the sudden departure of the two as a natural event, as Caldwell

had expected, and seemed uncomfortable at having to ask a woman like her. Soon

upon arriving, he made it clear that their presence in Oakdale Place was just a

matter of formality. The fact that the police chief had accepted his words

as the true left for quieter conversation that would have to Ravensworth.

The Marquis appeared late at night, and Samantha had already collected in their

quarters. His conversation with her husband happen until the following day when

Caldwell would already be far away. Furthermore, the absence of Ravensworth was quite

providential for her organize everything. Once Caldwell left, Samantha was the woman

more honest world, she promised herself, but that night would need all his

courage to help the poor fugitive.

Chapter XXI The night was glorious. The moon bathed all the mountains, all the trees and

stones with its luminous halo, and the stars shone like diamonds in the black dome

the sky. The sounds were numerous. Samantha turned her head to listen to them, and the warm


stroked his cheeks like an invisible lover.

It was an enchanted night, a night for the fairies dance in your circles

magic, to the nymphs emerge from the depths of the waters and charm mortals. It Was

one night for romance.

- Come on, Bessie - she said, stroking the mane mare. - Do not be afraid of

creatures of the night. They are nothing but superstitions. Now, Ravensworth's another story!

He is a creature of flesh and blood and greatly feared.

Twenty minutes later, Samantha stopped in front of the cottage and dismounted. It seemed


- John? Vernon?

The door opened and a light appeared wire. It was Caldwell.

- Where is Vernon? - She asked immediately.

- It was in front of my friends to prepare for my arrival. I do not want

that find me. Nor do I want the lady to stay here more than

necessary. If someone finds us together ... - He left the voice quiver, and Samantha

shivered on the implication of those words.

- No one will find us. I took great care to come here - said

her with a confidence he did not feel. - Here, you must be hungry. I brought a

some food.

The window was covered with an old blanket to hide the dim light of

Lantern. Caldwell sat at the small table and pointed to a chair Samantha do

the same. She put her backpack on the table. A bottle of wine, a few slices of

ham, some chicken, fresh bread and a generous slice of apple pie.

- I did not bring dish nor cutlery.

- Do not worry about it - Caldwell replied, pulling the cork from the bottle

wine already open. - I do not care for picnicking.

Samantha watched him eating with gusto until all the food disappear. When

talked was about amenities. The night had lost its magic. It all seemed so

mundane. She sighed and noticed a glow in the eyes of Caldwell.

- What are your immediate plans? - Asked Samantha.

- Everything is being arranged, as I explained. Leaving tomorrow. For its

protection, it is better that you did not know anything else.

He finished eating and leaned back in his chair with satisfaction.

- It was a real feast. I can not thank you. Caldwell then

offered some wine Samantha.

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- Why not? Do not see any harm in drinking a little wine once in


She took a long sip of drink. And gasped. The cough that struck

made Samantha overthrow the wine in dress. She wiped the fabric with the cloth

brought to wrap the food. Caldwell looked at her for a moment before speaking:

- Milady, I hope you do not mind if I go straight. Samantha looked up

on the seriousness in his voice.

- It is a Quaker reprimand? - She joked.

- Of course not! Just a few words of advice from a friend who,

probably the lady never find.

Samantha was in the deepest silence.

- But never mind! - Caldwell got up, and she did the same. - Be good with


They were interrupted by the neighing of a horse.

- Bessie was never a patient mare. I'd better go - commented

Samantha. - I brought you some clothes that are in a backpack left stuck in


- Do not worry about me - Caldwell soothed, holding her hands. - I

let you know when you can come to Canada. Thank you for all that you did for

me. - In a gesture of thanks, Caldwell took her hands to his lips and kissed them


At that moment, the door opened and an imposing and menacing figure entered.

- Ravensworth! - The word, almost a whisper, escaped Samantha's lips.

The silence stretched for several moments.

- Ravensworth at his disposal - he said without hiding the irony. He stepped in

direction of Samantha and acted without thinking. She took his hands and the hands of Caldwell

stood between the two men, with open arms. This attitude took the Marquis

for real. With a demonic fury, he pulled Samantha of their way, made a fist and

hit a punch in Caldwell. She stumbled on the table and fell to the ground. When he

raising his head, he saw that Caldwell was on his knees. Ravensworth held him by the neck

and lashed back. Samantha screamed in protest, but he did not listen. She

got up and threw himself upon Caldwell to prevent that scene continue.

- You dare to protect this man? - Cried the marquis, possessed.

- He will not fight you! - Samantha screamed. - He will not defend themselves. You do not

Understand? This man is a Quaker. It will allow you to kill him without defend.

The words seemed to calm Ravensworth for a moment. Then all its fury

turned to his wife. He shook his fists and looked at her without the slightest pity.

- Slut! - Ravensworth swung as if she were a rag doll.

- It's not what you're thinking - it was claimed Samantha. Suddenly, the

words penetrated his mind. - How dare you accuse me this way? Let Go-

me, you monster! How dare you utter this nonsense?

Ravensworth the shook again, and Samantha did not try to escape.

- John, get out of here! I beg you! He will not hurt me, I swear!

Caldwell, behind the Marquis, still kneeling on the floor, massaging the neck

sore. He stood up and put his hands on his head.

- No ... No ...

Ravensworth turned as if to strike him again, but Samantha pulled him

by the shirt.

- Hugh, listen to me! He is a Quaker! A Quaker. You can not hit a

man who never defend. For God's sake, be rational. Let him go.

The Marquis turned to the opponent.

- You are the most despicable man I ever met in his life. Coward! Do Not

think of hiding behind my wife. Nothing will save my rage.

In this impassioned speech, Caldwell replied with a negative, fearing

whipped again.

- Are not you proud? Why not fight me like a man?

- The Quakers are different - Samantha replied, trying to get his

husband understood. - We have real horror to any kind of violence. Let the

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go, Hugh. I can explain everything.

The use of the pronoun "we" brought the anger back to the Marquis's face.

- A pacifist - he said dismissively. - A pacifist. I mean I do not have

the right to defend my honor, I can not challenge him to a duel and acertar-

it a shot?

- Do not you want to be considered a true man of honor - answered

Samantha, seeing the first twinge of hope.

- You are a lucky man. - Ravensworth laughed bitterly. - Know that if

have harassed my wife anyway, I will not hesitate to end their

lifetime. As you Quaker or not.

Caldwell coughed to try to regain control of her voice.

- Do whatever it wants with me. I just beg him not to hurt

Mrs. Samantha. I would not dare lay a single finger on it. Milady's like a sister

for me.

I made a mistake by allowing her to help me, but the senlior to believe that not

did absolutely nothing wrong.

- Nothing wrong? And I should imagine to find my wife with a

man in an abandoned cottage in the middle of the night?

- I told you nothing happened between us.

- John is not to blame, Hugh. It was all my frame. How did you discover?

Ravensworth looked at her extreme nervousness, ignoring the question.

- I should have known that his scruples were behind it all.

Samantha, you can never control your urge to do good without thinking of the


- I would like to clarify ... - interfered Caldwell.

- Later - Ravensworth said. - Go home. Later we'll talk.

Caldwell started to say something, but Ravensworth not listen.

- My good man, I do not want to know you here. We will have time

enough to settle our accounts. Is that clear?

- You do not understand ...

- Get out of here! - Shouted the Marquis. - I want to be alone with my wife.

Is it so hard to understand?

Caldwell hesitated, but to see the appeal in Samantha's eyes, withdrew from the chalet.

Shortly after, they both heard the horse away. Ravensworth approached her and

grabbed her.

- Bitch! Witch!

- And lie! And you know very well - Samantha screamed in disgust. Not admit to being

treated that way.

When looking into the eyes of Ravensworth, she saw something that terrified her.

- Oh no, Hugh! Please ... - Samantha asked, shaking his head sideways.

- I do not want ...

He gave no indication that he had heard the request and, as a man acting under

a strange compulsion, Ravensworth started taking hair clips it. A

wave of golden curls flowed by Samantha back.

- Please Hugh, I want to go home.

- Are you refusing her own husband, Samantha? Will invent another

excuse to avoid the inevitable?

- I'm not afraid of you, Hugh Montgomery - she said, looking him straight

in the eye. There was a smile on the lips Marquis. - Hugh, I can explain everything.

You will not like to know the truth, but it is not as bad as it sounds.

- I do not doubt.

- Please Hugh!

- After. After you tell me your version of events.

- After what? - She asked, trying to get away. - Do you think I

permit ...

Before finishing the sentence, Samantha realized he had made a big mistake. Fury

appeared in his eyes before the rejection. She took the opportunity to run.

Ravensworth caught in a snap and took her in his arms.

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- Hugh, I'm afraid - Samantha whispered, swallowing a sob. The

Marquis opened her arms, and she handed the man she loved.

- Calm down, my dear. You know I would never do anything that could machucá-


Samantha cried in her husband's arms. For a moment, she lost control and

remembered the day of the storm, when Ravensworth had welcomed so warmly.

Closing his eyes, took a deep breath and is caught by that man whom

loved. Ravensworth possessed with unrestrained passion, refusing to release her when

Samantha bit her shoulder in pain signal. But the pain soon passed, giving way to

an unforgettable experience. The two embraced remained for a long period,

delighting in the novelty of love.

Chapter XXII When he received the news that Mr. Caldwell had managed to escape and not

was no sign of it in Oakdale House, Samantha did not dare to blink.

Ravensworth came quickly in your room showing some irritation.

- The bastard must have escaped in the night. He did not even sleep in the bed.

I have it frightened. How could he have thought I would do him harm?

- What could have put this idea to Caldwell? - She asked, pulling the sheet of

bed shared with her husband the night before. Samantha stretched, feeling a

great joy.

- You look like a cat that just loll with a bowl of creme-

he joked, stroking it with her beautiful smile. The vision of the sweater in disarray and a

within the show gave another direction to his thoughts.

- I am a sorte- of cat Samantha replied, sighing.

- Bold words for a pure young man who ran away from me like a rabbit


- You can not blame me!

She got out of bed quickly and went to the dressing room.

- I thought you were killing us. And also Caldwell. But do not disturb your

mind with that ingenious young. If I understand right the plan, elect must be in blast

sea, safe and the way to America.

She combed her hair, sitting in front of the dresser when Ravensworth


- In the high seas? America? He's talking about, Samantha? - It has shown


She looked innocently through the mirror as he fastened the hair


- Caldwell could not be here without the documentation, and the chief of police

was behind a fugitive American. No need to worry about it. I assure you

Caldwell who knows what he's doing. The flight was planned in every detail for their

Quakers friends. - Samantha left a staple fall and reached down to pick it up. When

up, was surprised by the puzzled look of Ravensworth. - I thought you


-. How could I not know? I know just what you told me. I Figured

who might be hiding something, but deduced that Caldwell and his brother

were up to something and came to Kent to get away a bit from the bustle of the holidays. I'm


Samantha was silent.

- And then? - The Marquis proved to be impatient. - What do you say?

She felt a knot in my stomach. His eyes, which had previously revealed intimacy,

now were cold and distant. The blue had taken nearly transparent. Samantha

began to explain the circumstances of the arrival of Vernon and Caldwell and how it

offered to help you without involving her husband.

- I did not lie, Hugh. You need to understand - Samantha ended with a

Page 79

note of desperation in his voice. - However, at that time, knowing what was your position

before the United States and the war, it seemed the only solution. How could abandon

Caldwell? You even told me once that the end justifies the means. Under such

circumstances, I found myself obliged to leave my side of scruples. The look of

contempt of Ravensworth the left changes.

- And your conscience, Samantha? - He asked with debauchery. - You did not have the

slightest qualms in telling a lot of lies to her husband?

- No, nothing like that! - She said, flooded with guilt. - What could I

do? It was an emergency.

- You could have told me the truth, to begin with. Am I not

worthy of your trust? I blindly trusted you, and see how I was rewarded! I

should have known that something like that would happen. - The Marquis clenched his fist and

hit a punch in his other hand. - Damn! How was such a fool as to believe in

all your lies? I was willing to turn a blind eye to their

bold behavior. He hoped that, with time, you became my companion,

I could calm your impulses, you would one day be my duchess. Oh,

as cheated! I should have married a woman of my level, as always

intended, a refined woman who knows how to behave in front of any circumstances.

But, above all, a woman who was loyal to her husband first. Oh, how

I was naive to marry for love!

He turned away, as if Samantha view the enojasse. She remained silent,

sitting, letting the truth of those words to come into your mind.

- What can I say? - Samantha muttered shortly after. - My conduct was

unacceptable, but Hugh, you can not find a way to forgive me, to try


The dilemma I faced? It can at least try to give me a break?

Ravensworth not forgive her. He had put his wife on a pedestal. And

Samantha came down there without your help, destroying thus all his illusions.

- Grant a truce? When you granted me a truce? - Asked the

Marquis nervously around her. - I thought I was almost getting his love and

respect. You made me feel worse than a worm. I was a big idiot playing the part

the wise and beneficent owner of the property because you believed that was perfect for me.

It's too much! - Ravensworth gave a nervous laugh.

Samantha dug her nails into his palm in order to control her panic.

She knew she was losing her husband, and it was what he deserved.

- Hugh, I'm sorry - it was all she could say.

- I thought you were different from other women, it was worth winning

his love. And you made me stupid.

- Hugh - Samantha whimpered, not knowing what else to say to her husband

forgive. - Say no more. You are out of control. When his anger decrease a

little, we'll talk more about it. Now, your pride is getting louder.

Without another word, Ravensworth turned and walked to the door.

That was not happening in her life, she thought, getting up in the same

hour. It was a nightmare which will soon awaken.

- Where you go?

- Back to my old life - said the marquis. - That means, are

few virtuous women, which pleased me very much under the current circumstances.

- But ... And last night?

- Do not think too much about it, my dear. One swallow does not make a summer. -

He opened the door.

- Wednesday when I see you again? - Samantha insisted.

- "Never" would be too soon, my love?

The door closed behind Ravensworth, and Samantha flinched as if

caught. Then sat on the dressing table stool, trying to control the

tingling in your body. She had lost her dear husband forever and there was no

nothing to do. And outside foolish to risk his only attractive, virtue. Could never

retrieve it. To hell with the virtue !, she thought. Why can he not love me for what


Page 80

- Harriet? Ah, my dear, are you the same?

Harriet was astonished with the nervousness in the voice of the press. He held the skirts of his

red dress, preparing to descend Avery viscount's carriage

just get to the property of Ravensworth. She blinked twice across the

miserable picture Samantha stop at the main entrance of the marble staircase

Oakdale. Harriet shook Avery's hand.

- My God, Samantha! - She said, impressed by the negligence of the press. -

What happened to you?

Given the concern of note in his voice so dear friend, Samantha came down the

stairs and threw herself into Harriet's arms.

- Easy, easy, Harriet is here to help you. What that brute did to you,

my dear?

- Nothing - Samantha whimpered. - I was the one who ruined my life. Please,

do not put the blame on Ravensworth.

- Where is he?

- Fifteen days left for London. He does not want to see me again.

Harriet was outraged.

- And will not see! Avery will ask you to go to London to ask you satisfaction.

The Viscount was silent.

- Let's come before us to be soaked? - He asked casually,

some time later. - Why do not you take Samantha in while I hand

the horses to the driver? Maybe after a good conversation we get not

solve the problem?

- Please do not be mad at Ravensworth. I cheated. I betrayed my own

husband. I am no longer the innocent girl I once was.

A look of horror went through the usually calm face of Viscount.

- Samantha ... this is a shocking news!

- Do not overdo it, Avery! - Harriet observed with a faint smile away

any rancor. - Go about his business and find us within a hora.-

She hugged the press and led her upstairs into the Ravensworth mansion.

After two large glasses of wine Madeira reserved for occasions

special, Samantha mood began to improve. Nothing seemed so sad when he was

the able counsel of material to guide her. Harriet's wedding news was a great

joy amidst all the sadness that enveloped her since the morning that Ravensworth


- I wish you all the happiness of world.- A tear rolled down her pale face


- Tell me what happened - Harriet asked, concerned with compulsive crying

the press. After a few questions and amidst bitter sobs, Harriet was the

pair of the whole story.

- I see no reason for such concern - she said as Samantha ended

talking. - It's just a fight for love.

Samantha was impressed by the logic of the press.

- Not so, not Harriet. I ruined everything. Do not you realize? He fell in love

by my innocence by my virtue, and I destroy that love.

- Do not be overstated! If you were a little more mature, would not be passing

By this predicament. - She set the glass on the table and opened the bag. After a

moment, took a small snuff box with a diamond encrusted.

- I could not be more perfect - said Samantha with a dash of joy.

- It was Avery wedding gift. Accepts a little? The pleasure of Samantha

gave way will unbelief.

- It means that Avery does not preclude you snuff?

- Of course not! I did not marry a Puritan. It is a mind man

open and likes his wife to stand out amid the society. - Harriet's chest

swelled with pride. - Do not tell me you stop?

Samantha took some of the aromatic powder and took it to his nose.

-. But not Ravensworth not allow me to smell snuff. Harriet looked at her

Page 81


- How does not allow? I do not believe what I'm hearing! Samantha intimidated by

husband? No, definitely not possible.

- I do not let anyone intimidate me, Harriet. - Samantha straightened to

notice the voice of press censorship. -

And know that Ravensworth is a very good man, better than you can

imagine. I admit that his behavior is a little burst, but this time,

exempting it from any injustice. The fault is all mine.

Thoughtful, Harriet looked at her cousin.

- If you had it to do over again, would reveal the truth about Caldwell and

would allow the authorities to capture?

- Do Not! Of course not! Harriet insisted.

- So where did you go wrong?

- Yours Truly? I do not know.

- Samantha, pay attention. You got into a lot of trouble, and only now

Lord Ravensworth allowed to stay with the last word. Right or wrong, you always

sided with him. And Ravensworth admired her for that! Now, look at you! It Seems

a dog left with their tails between their legs. You no longer have that glow of

before, is no longer the rebellious girl.

- I? Rebel Girl? - Samantha asked, laughing nickname anything suitable for

a young Quaker so demure.

- Yes. And that changed the appearance of a sudden. First, the woman

virtuous; later, the femme fatale.

- I know, but it was for a good reason.

- His reputation was put into play when you entered the cabin of court

most famous of London - continued Harriet.

- Do not be unfair! I was just doing my duty.

- That's not all.

- Do Not?

Harriet did not let himself be discouraged by the lack of interest in the subject material.

- No, of course not! Who was almost raped by a loving Lord and

ran to protect the arms of a naked gentleman?

- He was not completely naked - Samantha protested.

- Oh, no? - Harriet asked, somewhat disappointed. - So not me

told the story right. Now, who delighted the heart of the heir to a dukedom that

could have any woman he wanted?

- How do you know?

- Avery, is clear- said Harriet, remorselessly to be ending the

fragile composure Samantha. - My dear, such lapses do not happen

highborn ladies and insipid like rose water. Such a woman hide one

beautiful young woman on the husband's property and leave in the middle of the night to find it?


Samantha lowered her head in shame.

- Facing so, I see that my behavior was the worst. No wonder

the heartbreak of Ravensworth. You're right, Harriet, I'm a rebel girl and not serve

for my husband.

- Oh, Samantha, you did not understand what I said? Did not pay attention to

nothing? Ravensworth not accept a normal wife. He would tire in the first week

of marriage. Contrary to the Marquis may have told you, he admires their boldness.

In the deep, deep, Ravensworth not want to blame her. Believe me, Samantha, I know

I'm talking about.

Samantha opened her mouth to disagree with the press, but suddenly, a flash of

clarification flashed in his mind.

- It's true! It is true!

- Of course it's true. Or do you think he fell in love with its principles

Quakers? No, I do not think that this characteristic was not part of the attraction, but you

Remember the first meeting, that the coach day?

- That was not our first meeting. The first time I saw him, Ravensworth

kissed me.

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Harriet stared, stunned by the daring revelation of the press.

- Samantha! And you left?

- I could not stop him! - She admitted, looking down.

- Well, now we need a plan of action - said Harriet.

The two began to discuss the complexity of the problem. After a while,

Samantha broke the silence:

- Harriet, what will I do? I can not pursue it as a proscribed wife. The

whole town would know our fight.

The press took a deep breath.

- Samantha, you're willing to spend a little to get your husband back?

- I have the money income. How come?

- I found the perfect solution. Avery appeared at the door.

- May I come inside?

- Oh, dear. You can not imagine what Samantha will do for us.

- Can not wait to find out. Harriet's eyes flashed.

- Samantha will offer a dance in our honor. It is a gesture very


- Very - he said, nodding toward Samantha. - And where

hold the ball in question?

- Here.

Chapter XXIII When Ravensworth was in a bad mood, just a thought occupied his

mind: embark on a night of debauchery so that the image of women that captured

your heart not the torment on any instant. Ten hours later, after

a quick trip to London, he was installed in his room at Albany. And soon

then went out for the night life of the city.

That was your first mistake, because after playing and drinking, the Marquis found himself

surrounded by a maudlin sentimentality that caused you a feeling of impotence.

In addition, still want the woman who had placed the interests of a foreign

up of her husband. The betrayal of the country did not bother him much, but the

personal offense was almost impossible to bear.

Although he was in an advantageous position, followed by Ravensworth St. James Street,

passing through St. James park, walking until you reach the Abbey neighborhood. He stopped

before a modest house and knocked on the door with his ivory cane. The door opened

almost at once, and Ravensworth entered. That was his second mistake of the night.

The Marquis of Ravensworth was not unusual in the establishment of Madame

Rainier and his girls. In his bachelor days, he was a regular customer and respected

who liked to spend a few hours having fun in the company of beautiful young women. The

Marquis waved to a known and tried to shake the feeling of guilt that threatened

overwhelm you. Settled in the large velvet armchair, crossed his legs and served a

dose of wine, while Madame Rainier went for the young woman who entertain that night.

The place was as crowded as usual with men in and out, up

and down the stairs. In a way, he found the joy of depressing environment,

although the smiles of nearly naked young women were constant. Not Ravensworth

care about those empty smiles or with the aroma of French perfume that hung

up in the air. The fragrance of Samantha herbs that flooded his home in Kent was much more

seductive, he admitted reluctantly. Given the wife of remembrance, the Marquis took

a long sip of wine.

A shadow darkened his face, and he looked up to see the female form

he walked toward her. Behind the woman smiled, o'marquês spotted a young

blonde with her hair in a bun at the nape.

- This is Angèle, its fun for the night - said Rainier madame in a tone

confidential, pushing the girl into the arms of Ravensworth.

The Marquis choked on the wine. She was the image of Samantha! The Marquis gave

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an angry cry and threw in the fireplace grill the empty bottle, which shattered. There was a

silence in the hall and then everything turned into a living hell. Ravensworth

accused of inciting Rainier Madame innocent girls to Deliver * in their bodies to

men, forgetting that one day had been frequent visitor of the place. The young

like Samantha, one of the customer favorite, stood, stunned, listening

the reprimand of the Marquis.

At first, Ravensworth was mistaken for a Methodist minister whose main

intention was to reform a world that had no intention of being renovated. Access

of Ravensworth was so shocking that Rainier Madame did not hesitate to call his minions

to help her get rid of that subject as inappropriate.

Ravensworth was discharged from the establishment and tried to walk home. In

his stupor and drunkenness, he did not remember much. Denby helped him lie

in bed without making a single comment about the brands which disfigured the beautiful

face of his boss. This was the behavior of a servant who had followed him over


Almost fifteen days passed before the Marquis recover from the beating he had

taken after leaving the Rainier Madame house. During this period, he has not left

home and also not received any visitor. For some inexplicable reason, did not want

no comment about the terrible incident came to the attention of his

virtuous wife. When, therefore, Denby recommended you spend a few days in

field, Ravensworth flatly refused because he had no intention of

go home as an abandoned dog.

The forced downtime gave him time to reflect and analyze their

situation. He was not sure how to act. He had to admit that his life without Samantha not

was funny, did not want to go back to its former existence. In fact, not Ravensworth

was managing to live without his beloved wife. But for the world he would give the

arm twisting. Samantha Langland needed to pay for his betrayal. He let her suffering

for a period, then again when she was willing and ready to accept their


Nice view of the return to Kent greatly improved the mood of the Marquis, and

he even sent a note to Samantha, informing her that would come later in the week

to address some issues related to property. The ticket was taken by his

particular messenger. When he returned the next day, Ravensworth was disappointed

that she had not sent you a simple greeting. However, to involve the youth in a

casual conversation, Ravensworth found that the lady was too busy preparing

a big party. The Marquis was stunned, but had the presence of mind to hide the

created the fact of not knowing anything about the celebration.

That same night, as he rode thinking of the news that you created

brought, Ravensworth was surprised by an old school friend, who thanked him

so much for the invitation to the prom in Oakdale House and informing him that arrive

on Thursday. Ravensworth replied with composure, but as soon as he was alone

again, returned to Albany House and called Denby.

Denby known through the created lord Grafton that they would leave the

dawn to Oakdale House, for the celebration of dance Viscount Wedding

and Avery Viscountess. He had taken the freedom to pack the boss, waiting

only allowed to leave. Ravensworth gave his word.

When the Ravensworth carriage came to Oakdale House, he found the street

main and the stable full of carriages and animals, like an inn

public. Coachmen and servants came and went carrying suitcases. Ravensworth never seen


like, at least not in Oakdale Court. Will Samantha knew what it would cost

all that joke?

Shortly after, Ravensworth entered the main hall of his house where long

buffet tables had been installed, full of all kinds of treats capable of

tempt the appetite of anyone. He studied the faces in the gallery upstairs and saw

Harriet and Avery, who just nodded, giving no indication that would deviate from

group to greet him. The host, no sign.

To ask the maitre the lady of the house, Ravensworth was informed that she

had left to show the garden to a group of guests. The Marquis lost no time

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to go there. Thinking about the wife of the image, he opened a beautiful smile. Oh, how felt

longing ...

- What part of the colonies you come, my good man? - He asked before


The maitre the examined from head to toe.

- From Canada, sir - he said before turning to meet the request for

a guest.

No, she could not be doing this another time! Ravensworth arrived at the sanctuary

Samantha few moments later.

She walked through the rows of herbs explaining the medicinal, culinary and meaning

Cosmetic all. Fascinated, Ravensworth observed the ladies of high society

impressed by the passionate speech Samantha.

- My God, she looks just like my father - he murmured.

- What kind of legacy will be passed to my heirs?

- The memory of his father calmed his temper, but soon the memory of maitre the

brought back to reality.

Their eyes met and Samantha took only a few moments

to approach the husband.

- Ravensworth, you came? - She asked, offering his arm. - If you are going

claim because of your room, I'm sorry, but know that I could do nothing.

- What happened in my room? - Asked the Marquis, increasingly


- Oh, you have not come up? I hope you do not mind, but I settled

Freddie Fielding and a friend in your room. I would not come because he knew he was

quite busy in the city.

- No problem - he said. - I sleep with you.

- Unfortunately, you can not, my dear. Thinking it had taken me a widow,

I settled some of the single ladies in my room. I invited some people wax

for the dance Harriet and Avery, and the house was packed. And, apparently, no one is

matter much with the lack of space. Some want to stay a few more days


Before the prom mention, Ravensworth remembered his serious injuries.

- My dear wife, do not you think it would have been appropriate to consult me about

this party before you start spending? I would rather spend that money on playing

period when I was in London.

- Oh, you also played?

The unexpected joke brought some blame to Ravensworth.

- Samantha!

- Apparently, my lord, you were a den to another - she continued. - Regarding

Costs of the ball I'm offering in honor of Harriet's marriage and

Avery, do not worry. I did not intend to spend their money. As yourself

know, I'm an independent woman that effect.

The Marquis would have responded to those comments up to, but not as

know what your current position with his wife and how much she knew about what happened in

the city,

good manners of thought ignore the issue. For now. Furthermore, they were near the entrance

main house, in front of numerous guests eyes. Ravensworth pulled her aside,

away from the prying eyes.

- I have a very important matter to discuss with you. Tell me about

that giant that is doing the times of maitre.

- Oh, have you met him? - Asked Samantha with the demure expression. Then

bent to pick up a violet. - Look at what a beautiful color!

This was too much for Ravensworth. He took her by the shoulders and forced her to look

into his eyes.

- Stop riot! I want to know the truth. Where did you find that


- The story is that he is a nephew of Mrs. Rowtree, our cook.

- The story is ... The story is ... - the Marquis mimicked in a threatening tone. - I am yours

husband, Samantha! I want the truth, and not a lie designed to fool the boss

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police. He is or is not the American who escaped from jail a few weeks ago?

She remained silent.

- Contact, Samantha!

- No, no! - She said, looking at him with some regret. - I have no right to you

say anything more, and I will not say. Trust me at least once. Sorry about

disobedience, but the story was told to me in secret.

He squeezed her shoulders harder.

- Ravensworth, you're hurting me! Immediately, the Marquis released her and

stepped back.

Samantha sighed when he noticed the hurt look on her husband's face.

- Ravensworth, trust me on that subject. I promise never to take

no action without first consulting him about my intentions. You should know

that my greatest desire is to protect you from unpleasant situations.

The tone constricted Samantha softened the lines around the mouth of the Marquis.

- Samantha, please! Who needs protection is you. You think I have not

no scruples, I would betray their trust in any circumstance? What kind of

man you think I am? Know that I will never tolerate secrets between us.

- Never? Okay, my husband - she said, pleased with fair words

of Ravensworth. - For now a truce is enough? Later the talk

respect, because do not want to let our guests without attention. We have an obligation to

receive them very well. I need to go home, if you'll excuse me.

He started to say something, but thought better of it and said nothing.

- Samantha! You keep the same incorrigible! What will I do with you? Do Not

think escape the authority of her husband! I'll have a full report more

later, you bet. You're right. It is not the place nor the time to discuss this

subject. Give me your arm and let me accompany her to our house.

- With pleasure - she said, controlling the laughter. - But you care for

enter through the kitchen?

Ravensworth frowned curiously.

- A model and a scarecrow - she joked. - The sublime and the ridiculous.

- You will get along very well with my father - said the Marquis.

- Really? Can I ask you a question?

- Of Course.

- The scarf around his neck. I do not recognize this node. Looks new and very

complicated. You must have taken too long to get it.

Ravensworth laughed.

- It is true. It is a node a la Samantha.

There was a moment of silence until it assimilates the words.

- You know, Ravensworth, when you are good, really good, but when you want to be

bad, you are terrible!

Chapter XXIV Later that day, when Samantha left the room he shared with two young

single, was fully aware of the elegance of his new French dress. And knew her

husband would be thrilled. One look at Ravensworth direction confirmed their

suspicions. He looked dumbfounded.

She moved gracefully toward the front steps of the house, where the

Marquis talked to his guests of honor. Harriet watched the frozen smile

of Ravensworth and turned to see what had caught his attention. When he saw the press, she

opened a beautiful smile in approval. Avery looked at his friend, who had no eyes

for anyone else except for his beautiful wife.

Samantha, resplendent in a silver dress that no Quaker lady

never use, noted the three looking toward him and lowered his eyes. On seeing your

neckline, however, she looked away. Maybe he had gone too far, he thought, noting the

husband of expression.

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Samantha left the model of choice for use at the ball in the hands of Fifi, your

new personal maid. Fifi was like Denby. Samantha instructions were accurate.

"Wear me how to dress the consort of the Marquis of Ravensworth, but keep in

mind that I am a virtuous woman who value simplicity above all else. "

The results were very gratifying. Fifi suggested only a couple of pearls and

combining two combs to hold hair. Samantha insisted on using coke because

was the will of her husband. For completeness, a pair of gloves.

Samantha looked at his guests in the lounge and rejoice in the kaleidoscope

colors. Compared to other ladies, she was the most demure.

- Where's the rest of your dress? - Ravensworth asked, approaching the

wife and looking at the neckline somewhat exaggerated.

- Will we ever hear a compliment yours? When that day comes, I'll know that

I look like a nun! Like my hair?

- You are different. Where are the clips?

- Stop it, Ravensworth - interfered Harriet, joining them with her husband.

- You look stunning, press! Loved it!

The four down the steps before the prying eyes of the guests.

- It's the last time you dress well - informed the Marquis. - I do not want

all men stay with eyes all over you. Look at Grafton. It looks like a

silly. But I can not blame him. In his place, I would do the same.

- Do not overdo it. I'm the most discreet of that group.

- Do not play with me, Samantha. As if unsure! You look like

one ... - Ravensworth paused to find the right words.

- With a woman's life showing their skills in a debauchery of home? -

she finished with a controversial twinkle in his eye.

- Samantha, where you heard those words? - He asked, pale. - It was


- I have my sources - she replied evasively.

- I can explain everything. It is not what it seems.

- Do not worry, my dear - said Samantha, controlling the urge to laugh. -

You warned me about what would happen if you were to the city.

- But I did nothing, Samantha! I'm innocent! The marquise shrugged.

- It's what you say.

Ravensworth would have continued, but the orchestra played the first notes and he was

forced to change partner with Avery. As she danced with Harriet as guest of

honor, the Marquis did not look up from his wife, he moved without the slightest sign of


It was a great ball, the biggest gala event in the region. The whole neighborhood was

invited, bringing the number of two hundred guests. The dinner was prepared by

a chef that Samantha had imported from France for the occasion. She organized

a beautiful party for the press, admitted Ravensworth

Later, exhausted from dancing, Samantha took a glass of champagne and

followed to the library, but not before looking at her husband, who was trying to escape the

Adèle of attention.

She sat up in his chair and took off his shoes. Rest in peace for some

moments before resuming the hall.

Samantha closed her eyes and remembered the ball at Broomhill House, so long

before, when he had first seen the beautiful Marquis of Ravensworth. Well, at

less learned to manipulate her husband.

She put the cup aside and opened the small bag, and took out a snuff box.

Gift Harriet. When was open it.

Samantha made a wrong move and dropped the box. The object rolled down

carpet and went under the table under the window.

Once you managed to retrieve it, she sat down again in his chair and prepared

for the ritual that both pleased him.

At that moment, Lord Grafton came uninvited.

- Oh, no! - Samantha murmured.

- Oh yes! - Lord answered Grafton, approaching her to hug her.

Page 87

- What is going on here - Ravensworth asked, leaning on the anvil

door, arms folded, watching the scene. - You know, my dear, I am strange

sense of déjà vu.

- Broomhill House - she said, letting go of the fiery embrace of Grafton. Without

slightest qualms, Samantha opened the snuff box and took some of the powder between the toes.

Then sniffed.

- Delicious!

- I was thinking in our chalet honeymoon honeymoon - said the marquis in good

tone, frustrating the attempt to Samantha's leave it aside that night.

- I'd like to talk about it with you - she said, standing up and

through Grafton, who was still as a marble statue. - I fixed the

Cottage. I did a little reform, put some furniture, a bed.

- My dear, wait a minute. - He turned to Grafton. - Our expensive

Count not need to know of our domestic affairs, is not it?

Grafton, dull, began to apologize.

- No need to apologize, my dear. This always happens, you know? Sorry to

question, but you're Quaker? No, I do not think. Not that it means anything.

I would like to inform you that I would not want a scene like this happen again. I was the clear


- Si-sim - stammered Grafton.

Ravensworth opened the library door and waited for the Count to leave.

- Oh, do me a big favor. Lady Adele's waiting for me in the yellow room,

near the living room. You could go up there and apologize? Tell him that I had a

unforeseen. I'll stay here with my wife because we have some unfinished business.

He was so kind to Grafton found not to be understood right. It would be the effect of

Drink? The count walked out the door and bowed.

Ravensworth slammed the door so the count ran down the hall.

- And our chalet honeymoon honeymoon? - Repeated the Marquis, turning attention to the

wife. - Who want to stay there?

- Who do you think? - Samantha asked with a sly look.

- You are an amazing woman, Samantha Langland. Who would do such a

forecast? You quite sure what he was doing, it is not, my dear?

- Yup.

- You knew I would come back?

- Of Course.

- And sent prepare the cottage to be together?

- Exactly.

- But it was not necessary.

Ravensworth approached the wife, who managed to dodge and protect

behind the couch.

- Remember that not even put curtains here.

- As if I care. - Ravensworth was beside her a moment

later. Then hugged her and pulled her close to his body.

When he bent to kiss her, Samantha turned her head.

- Before we resume our relationship, my dear husband, we need to discuss

some detail.

- I agree. Total surrender of both parties.

- It seems reasonable to me - she said, leaving playing on the couch. - I thought you

were to explain about that slip of iniquity.

Ravensworth looked up.

- What would you say, my love, if I forgot me all the explanations you

has to give me, if you forget all the explanations I have to give you?

- It seems reasonable to me - she repeated.

They kissed passionately, leaving behind all disagreements. It would be the

beginning of a great passion.


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Elizabeth Thornton specializes in writing historical novels. She loves

search. Seeks to create plots in places from the past whose description is as

real as possible. After three years without releasing any book, Elizabeth returns to

shelves with the same success and even praised and prestigious!