£ipecja^^ n gwttttattd ^tsjiatch.whelm the tyrant, chin, indeed, sjil we prove unwnrlliy of the...

» gWttttattd ^tsjiatch. SATURDAY.SEPTEMBER 0. 1882. The Tun© to Strike for Uberty-Work for AU to Do. fi n spar11 °* tbmt ,ovc 'or ,|hcrtV BMBm) fired the hearts ol the Revolutionary lathers and moved tis to Like up arms tn 1M61 sur- yin* ls the breasts of Virginians, they will resolve this -Baaj to throw off the yoke and tyranny ot Mabonk. Next year it will not be easier, hut more dittleulL To think that this State should be tor all political and governmental purposes the pro|>erty Ol that man; to think that tbe Legislature ean !>*.<« no bill, elect no Judge or other of¬ ficer, and appoint no clerk without lils i>er- mlsslon; that the President will eommi*- slon no |K>«tmastcr, appoint no postal clerk or revenue officer, or allow no man from this State to romain in a department nt Washinilton without his SSaaSaSJjjWshould rouse the burning Indignation of the j>eo- ple. If, with the posvcr in our hantls Io correct tills monstrous evil, we lat lin- No¬ vember election go by and risc not to over¬ whelm the tyrant, Chin, indeed, Sjil we prove unwnrlliy of the liticrty which was lieqiuatlicd BS. Thf bsSsI between MviioNKand AitTiini mutual Interest. To brcrik it we have only to show that Mahon*-: cannot control Virgtnii in Ai-Tiii k"h Interest. lb- will wnnt nolhlng to do with Mahon*: when bs finds Hint Mahonk has ni'itl.erilie pmvcr to deliver him Its or six Ke|.ul>li.nii coll¬ en **men nor to secure for him the Stalsvart delegation from Virginia to thc KattOBll Republican Convention. If xxc can, there¬ fore, gt\TB Mahonk a exTiaMBgdetest al this election -ll sst but rout and flt-troy him. as it is quite po.il.le for us tu do.wc xviii sunder the bSSld "jBtBfBSB Un and Aktihti and oi>en the way to our recovery of thc SLite government. If the whites ot thia Stab- do truly feel the galling effects of this political slavery they will soon have the opporl unity to lib¬ erate themselves. Neither the Federal of¬ fices that yet remain to be disposed of, nor the campaign fund so much talked about and the bJsb of which ls so purposely exas¬ perated, nor thc prospect of alliance with s party which has ever been the relentless enemy of the South, svill compensate u- for the surrender ot all lot and part in thc control of our ('ovenim, nt ami the man¬ agement of our political affairs. To the ind that tin- people may resume government; to the end that our old BBS* mies may not triumph in our utter (li-.oin- fiture, and to the end that good men may be put up SBd bad men put down, wc beg our friend* everywhere lo Bel to thinking what they can do to bring out a full Demo¬ cratic rets November "th. There i- the poll-tax to l.c paid. PSJ il for yoiu'sclf now and encourage and aid others t,« do likewise. Attend to registra¬ tion, and have a committ. ay al esehpreeinct ready for thc day of bs otiofl to see that tbe hill vote i- polled. No matter if st your precinct you ai'coiitnumbiired three to one, every sod put in will count up in the general re-tilt. Vote and Le uol dis- BSUIaXged. lu the nnau tim. have friendly talks with men you know to be hoiu-t and true, and whopatted fi'.du OS when tiie (le'd (ruction ssas up. Talk to them as neigh* hors. There ire mans- svho svould be glad to rejoin th" parly and come back to the companionship ol old fri. ml-. When our speakers are announced, gu to bear tin ni if you can. (.ive them the enCOlirSgl Illili I ol" Tour presence. Hurrah for our side all the time. There is work for every mai, to do. Do not say, .. I don't sec xvhat 1 cnn do." You must bbb, "Wherever there is one who sincerely desires the overthrow of Mahonk there is help that he can gtvs the party ; tin re is work for him to do. De can post those svho arc no! informed about Ma- honk's record. Ile BBB eotTect CoMlitiOB canards. He can help to qualify and bring out voters. De can spread the truth and chitr tho.-e xvho ila-, ami in a hundred way and on everyday in the year do soine- thiii'. to promote our caine. If you arc opposed to a one-man repub¬ lic*, rs to work. Thc Great Question. We coiim-end lu thc consideration of the political ami -cieiitifie bodies of the coun¬ try this i.ue-tioii: .' lloxv can you accu¬ rately determine when a town ceases to bc a town, and when a eily becomes a city ? " One leann d author say* that M when tue laws prohibit eerws going at levrg/e ,1 iy ar night, and those laws are String, nt ly en¬ forced, thc symptons are largely In favor of thc place being a city.'* Further on he say-: "Tin'baby i* one of our oldest institutions. Then: is no country svhere the baby is unknown. Hence the baby-rarrJage. Ital ix-carriages ure entitled to places on thc sitlesv;ilk, but under no circumstances ought more than three Imby-carriagcs, be allowed to move abreast. II 1 comprehend the current of decisions, lt is that no city will allow four bnby-carriages to go abreast on a side¬ walk." Another authority declares that "the in¬ fallible evidence of the existence of a city as contradistinguished from the village or mere country tosvn ls that the constabulary or police authorities are more mindful of thu reputation tiny univ make by a vigor¬ ous nnd faithful execution of thc ordi¬ nances than iilitrincd l>v fear that in doing their duty liny may offend this, that, or the other magnate." For our part we are djajtsajfl to believe that a truer test ls Unit thc city sec* that Us thoroughfare* (street*) nie kept open ami In Rood order, xx bile the country b»xvn neither objects to seeing thc bjBbbTI gionvn up with gram, uor the roadways and side¬ walks encumbered ssith Mutt xx inch should be stored upon thc premises of thc owner. II tbe street* arc maintained for hubba uses, why should they le allowed to be taken jios.Hei.sion of, in whole or part, for private uses. "H-riiianciit or llSBSUIBlJ J What is tbe good of l«x ing a sidewalk' if people are compelled to walk In the -ut¬ ter.'- What Utkt lise of having . K,llu.r lf that, too, ls obstructed, and people an- forced to walk out Id the middle ol the street r These are questions for thc ar-icutitic mind, and should be considered along ss ith The Urcat yis>liou by wliatever scientific body feels able to tackle the subject. Tbe next regular meeting of t he Common Council ls on the timi Munday In October. lt will he a week before the trudes-parade project can l»e discussed uud acted on. That will leave but three weeks for prejia- rstloii. That time is not enough. If thc Council lu te Lr relied on to furnish tin tuuiu-y, fiju-i i:.i meetings should be called. Five or six weeks, u-s we said yestcrdiix, will hardly be sufficient for arranging aitch M dvinvustfuirvn un will do un credit. Ths T*f*ranny of Assessments. Senator Hoah recently svrotc the follow-1 lng letter, tn Which fcc states the fact tl-^ lt wns the Wish of be Prestdf nt t'-,At .,n office-holder should be ns free to refuse as to give his money for party purposes, nnd yet Mahonk threaten* with dismissal all who fall to respond to bis demanils. 8ays ha: I do not think any national oflleo-holder need have the least fear of any unpleasant consequences to himself. If he sees tit, in thc fne exercise of his osvn Judgment, to refuse a favorable answer to thc circular issued in the name of tho Congressional Committee. When the tirst circular waa Issued the Secretary of thc Treasury, by the direction and ssith the cordial approval of the President, caused a public state¬ ment to lie made that every holder of office -h..ubi feel .ts free to give his money or to refrain from giving it a- bc svould in the case of any private object, t'nfortnnate as was the first circular, this second one ls doubly so. What right bxs anybody who "has once asked a free¬ man or a gentleman to contribute to » public object to inform him that lie is "surprised" by his refusal 1 The relation which practically exist*, ami which even after the pannage of the Bjajefc desired bili to regulate ap|>ointiiicnts, will, to some ex¬ tent, exist between senators and repre¬ sentatives and executive officer", makes it, it sinus to me, c\« dingly indelicate and linproper that the former should be solicit¬ ing contribution* from the latter. The senator passel upon the appointment of many of tin-e officer*-, and may pass upon thc question of their n appointment or re¬ moval. Senators and representatives lire consulted and have large inlbu ixe in their selection. For thia, and other reasons which hasf been s«, frequently and ably stated, l trust the practice ot such solicita¬ tion xxiii stop. _ The South. Thc ludir.ytii'd Smith of this sveek has a hopeful article in regard to tin- future of the South, showing the progress sin- has made in recent Tetra, and summarizing tho prospect aa follows : "In obedience to the requirements of a judicious econ mn under the new order of things, the large plantations and farms ,,f the South ara undergoing divisions and subdisisions. Qrcal railroad system- are extending themselves in nil directions through thc South. Southern cities are trowing rapidly in population and in rude. The old towns of the South are sh,.wino; ,,,.\V nf,. ;,,,,] spirit; nexv tosvns and Villages are fjpringlng np j northern families xx arm!;. welcomed by southern families are seining in the various Stateaof the South* our peo¬ ple of the generation involved in Hie xx ar are becoming more hopeful, and are hard a! ss oik repelling their broken fortunes; our younger men xvho have coin.' upon the stage since the elo-e of the war arc infused xvifh nexv ideas and in-pired wit li new as¬ pirations. Ami, altogether, with ber un¬ rivalled resources, advantages, and attrac¬ tions, the outlook for the South ls as en* I'oiiragiug as the moai sanguine southern heart could desire it to be." The Maboneites are still dolag all thal they fan to impress the Virginia public srlth tbe idea that they xxiii have .. slack- of mo¬ ney." Tiny will ned all tiny get and a peal deal more even lo do one half what Ibey have promised the Administration. There sre al least two hundred thousand roten lu Virginia xvho cannot bc bribed ry office or lacked on to tbs toil of the laity xxhieh pays their poll-tax. Tho young Democrats ol Richmond are it work organlzirj dub-. There ls to bea .lui. in ev.ry ward, and a detail for i vi ry precinct. They are preparing to see that be full vote ol Richmond is polled. IV, ignis Words 1'roiii ti Ile'iiocialic Beeps*!lister in IToritln. Altamont, September 8, 1882. 7',, tht Editor of the Dispatch! A Virgini.".n swatting in a Florida Clime trishes to say a few word-. I sm glad to iee the Democracy ol Virginia are tho* .oiighly aroused, and pray Cod they may te able to sweep this Ifahonc scum.this all-end ol all parties.frem her honored -oil. As a Dcinoei-iti -lb iidiiPti r, I am deeply Interested in my old native spite. Bul a abor! tune ago moat all the promi¬ nent nun oi the Malone paity were Di mo- Brats, and would bc Democrats to-dav had Hancock 1 et ii eli Cted. Bill it appears as if thc kitchen scraps. <>f the While House have I,., n -liilii'ieiil io buy men who once boasted tiny were bora Democrats, would live and die Democrats, And set th,-.very indi are on the -iiiiii;. to-daydenouncing thc Democratic party and upholding bb Ad¬ ministration adverse to the true Interests of the South, bet them attempt no longer to deceive. ""Teemen ol Virginia, be not deceived, ls ii not sufficient to open your exes that a representative from the old T. nth Legion called Paul (should hsve been Saul) voted In < ongresi to unseal white southern ii,en elected by tbe people and put In their place negroes? Canyon not see the poi-oii beneath the wioa ( an yon not see tin In ad Bods the mouth open, and the liui. tail to which Mahone is attached was! Never In lim politic;,i bistory ol thia or any other country has then bees a more unblushing betrayal ol confidence than the Hahoneitei are guilty of. But a short time BgO the negroes ol Choctaw county. Ala- bama, banded together to murder the whitis. Two days before the ticed xvas tobe accomplished the plot waa revealed, and thc leaden arrested. Tins is there- suit of tin- teachings of radicalism, the [.arty to which this scum has SWOTS alle¬ giance. Truly may it be said they'd .. rather rei'.mi in bell than serve in beaven." Let a Virginian rome here and live among this people as 1 have done, and hear them tell of thc wrongs and abuses heaped upon Ibein by Radical State gov¬ ernments, backed by Federal bayonet-, and then support this BCtua of a parly, and I'll say farewell to manhood.fitrexx ell to honor. I inn glad my old friend Hon. John E. Mas¬ ter Bl W the lieltl. Ile knows ali (heir rae* eality, nnd lie xviii tell it all. Democrats, vote for him. He ll genuine and true. Vote for anything anii-1'ailieal. It will BBTS your State from the clutches of the vampires luriicd loose upon you by Radi¬ cal patronage. Say unto this' leann, Tblil far and no farther shalt thou go. RKWI.H sltlt IN Fl.OllUlA. Au A|»|H iii lo > ii -.ininti*. |l ..r Bm ISBjaillli J Two Nos. of a pitiful little sheet called " The Weelgt"' have reached nie through tilt: 'X.st-ollice, tilled XX'itll (SUdatiOBI of Ml'. Paul and other* act in, willi him, and ludi¬ crous caricatures of Mr. Massey and the « Bis Kour," and Indeed ol all whode not bi nd thc knee to Senator Mahone. "Voe Wedge" hails from lb nut di, Fairfax county, Ya., and is evidently in full sympathy with the Radical party, \x hieh claims to be ..the free Liberal party, in favor of a tree vote and fair count,*' and other slang phrases, designed to hood¬ wink and entrap .thc ignorant. Now, if fads, palpable and undenianic, prove any¬ thing, this self-styled Liberal paitx has the least possible claim to the Vitle it BBS S> sinned. It is a perfect slave to the one- man power, lt dar,* not deviate from or disobey tu'iieral Mahmie'* behests, ;in,| \\H. caucuses he directs and controls, on pain of losing caste in the party, or of b. in- ousted from offi.-e. ls lids' liberalism or independence * So far from it, lt i* slaven of the worst type. I happen to be one of Air. Paul's con¬ stituent*, aud 1 judge he or his friends had the notable "Wedge" sent to Secure mv lob- in his favor. It contains a very flat- :enng picture-likeness of bim, and a high¬ ly eulogistic sketch of his life and public i it-rsiees. lt has not at sll increased nix | 'sUmate of his Illness for tin- posttloB BS I '-.ks. I think it a capital elect ionccriiig * loeunient on the Conservative side. I In- \ sad pressuring %%& using it in this i\:iy. j Mr. Paul being iu full sympathv with i ieUvTiil Aliibviie iu all his high-limd"!' 1] KaflMh aa wcU aa wlUi thc Jtadlral par «7, I ask. iran any Consenralivc. Ins ho Pe a-qnstcror not, eonststcntlv vote for bin nt thc coming election t RcKdJns ,nent now no longer ni. Issue, 11 has been a readv settled so far as teglsIaUve aojs cal dolt. Thc courts now have to test ita va "'straws slmw which way thc ssrlnd blows nnd Mr Paul's public votes and acts show unm'istaknblv that BS bl ta WI ^^h} with Itadlcallsm, md ls aiming to tani over Virginia to that detestable anti-south ern heresy. . Thc present svriter has bet n a voter foi sixty years, and If he lives till Xovembei intends giving lils aixty-tirat vote for tin Conservativc-Democralic candidates; ant ll southern men wish (BB I hope .all do) u escape Radical bondage-such as were en ilun il here from 'Ci » '''!.. and by some o our -i-f, r southern States much longer- let them, one and all, eschew Mahmie. Pan A Co. Let none be idle or Indifferent tr the xx, tight* issues BOW pending. Virgini; can yet be saved from the thraldom ol Radical rule if cadi patriotic citizen svil Inform himself as to Ihe mome-iitou- Issnsi at -take, and do hi- whole duty. Octoosbast. Palmyra, Va., September (Bb. ABkiiisT Colored 1 of. s. BOW HON'. .W.KX.XM'KK II. BTBFBgBB AITKAI.S TO rtSS BavTTSS JPPUMPNT OK COl.OltKI MKS.WHAT Bl HAS HUNK rOBTSSBAOB Iii his speech in Atlanta, Gs., Alexandei II. Stephen* said: ''I svish to say ¦om. thing to the colored people who are pre* cut. I wmt their attention/- You have ai much interest in the pi liding contest tu your white friends.perhaps more, "foi know thai I have been your friend. I tnav i.e indulged bx those who do not know bm in stating hots" I hive befriended and bax. felt toward your race. I was for vour ed¬ ucation before Hie svar. I thought il wron.', I thought it was against thc Inter -ts of both races, to deny them education, t thought th.y could lill their places, bet ter willi odue-iiic.il. Thc Legislature ol Georgia, under my entreaty anti Dr. Talma-.'- published communications, ram.' within one vole of allowing educa¬ tion to the colored people tbe year befon sec.-sion. Aft.r the war I divided ms plantation Into five b ncmenta, the heads ol live families'. I did Bot » ll I horse, nor | inule, nor a COW, nor a sheep, nor a pie. I ilivided all my stock xx il ht he li. ad- of fami¬ lies and gave them provisions from my own rrib to run th.-m. The mule-power, tin lioi'-e-poxver, the cows, the calves, tip pigs ihesowi, and the sheep, to every one 1 rave five bead apiece. That i- tbe way 1 let them up. That shows von how I felt toward them, and the xx ludo of lhe.-e fami¬ lies remain there t" thi* day. They know their friends. When there are abort crow I see that tiny do n«>t want. When then ire g >..(! crop- th.y pay out. I patronized the first colored school ever tn thal coun¬ ty-.boarded the teachers. I believed, a> I -aid iii my speech to the l.'L'i-latiit'i n I860, we ought to educate them.xvi night to rive them all civil rights. I idvocated it early..di thc civil rights thej wert entitled to. I have defended th. lives of more. I expect, than anv othei man in Georgia.sjived them from execu¬ tion. I could detail many eases of thi- -ort, bul will not. This very year I bad four colored persons al thc schools In At burta, some ;it thc University and some al iii.' Ministers' school.thc Si minary.tom In ail, educating them for the ministry. will say no more, my colored friends. Ai rou who tran! t" Un.cv whether I am youi frli nd or not, and bave be. n, vin ther have stood b) von in your troubles, gi down where I ara known. Ash liisho] Turner, ol this eitj; ask Bishop il ; \ i: ask Mr, White, of Augusta Th.y li ive all cen al ms house, and I li iv. .ntertain. d them with ali resp ct, according to their condition. Weil. n.xv. In Ibis: cont.-;, from indica¬ tions that 1 have seen, it would appear thai it i- tho Intention ol most of thora.thai seem-to liiixe l'eii tl.e Watchword ti gi nut.to vote solidly against the n'omin e ol the Democratic party.against sic Well bow, 1 would urge you to consider tbii thing, the seosible men ol you, before yoi take thal step. I would admonish you, be cause you must know thal if von take thal -tcp-imply beean.f thc nomination oi lue Democratic party, when you haven, objection, or can have none, to tbe candi ihtc, you iiiii-i know thal ii b xv ilciu-y would be to solidif* the op position. It ls the law of nature ls it wise for you to do it ? I do nol solidi ar ash any man's vole except io fn ia bia Judgment tells him it is bis best in teros! to go, bul Whi ri I have done all Ilii for your race, and many other things, whj should you vote for my competitor? Be¬ cause 1 am a Democrat I Win, he .-ay- that be ls an old' v one and a Ix tb r !>¦ nie* erai than 1 am [applause], thal he was Democrat when l was ferociously assailing it. Is it so? vYby should you choose bin instead of me:- <' in he prodn ..¦ such r.c .ni for your race as I bave} rake then and comp ire them; I submit i' to j om Judgment. Out of his own month bede elan - roundly and repeatedly thai older and better Democrat than I am, What i* y,mr complaint against me? I it simply to concentrate and against the nomination of the Democrat li party:' Consider] Think! li" you dot!,. natural tendency, however painful and re luetsnt it may bc tor patriots who bav. been doing all they can for you to elevab your race, bowes r ri luctanl they may »m< t<> Hie conclusion, the tendi tex vx iii ie. anti there it xxiii end. a rare conflict, is thal xx i-e} 1 submit it to you a* sensible men, men that ought to consider weil whal for your best interests, if thal is made bj you, your best friend-, however reluctant¬ ly, will feel constrained by a btw of naturi t<> go solidly xvith their race on the oppo¬ site side, a nee Issue will be thusjoined, and you inu-t know that you in the end will i.e the Butterers from it I,as youi friend, svould urge you not to present thU I iMiliiionisis uii.l lt. liol,hen,,*, hi Sus¬ sex. BfJSSBX CoiTiTiioi-HK, September 7,1881 To the Editor of ti,. Dispatch .- To-day lasing eourt-tlay. thc Co,'ilifioni-t- aiul Republicans had om their big Buna. Messrs. Van Auken, of Petersburg (office¬ holder); Jude Hooker, of llauipton; H. Libby, of Hampton (< oMlltion candidate); ILirris (colored), who waa defeated in tin' Petersburg di-trict for Congress, ami i- nos bo mad with the Kcgd]listers ol that district thal be falls to canvass for Hooper* Joseph T. Wilson, of Norfolk, and John s! *x\i>,e were on the ground- early in the morning. About Ho'clock a roungnc ro named Jobs J. Smallwood, Jr., ol South- ampton county, pul in bis appearance Smallwood spoke between Wilson md thc defeated Harris, of the Fourth district lt xxa- confessed by sou,,. ,,f n.. leading He Kdjusters that Smallwood mad.- friends for both him-, if nn.l Desendorf, altliough onl* twenty mhtutea xxa- allowed thi* fdttng negro xx herein to anawei Wisc & Co. I do no] care to -av a word to* one parti or the other, bul smallwood can weil call thia a field-da* for Desendorf. lb- also spoke after tbe Cottii. tioni-s eloaed,aod told hi* people to -t md hrm, and vote f,.r Dswsou and Deicndorf He is i young negro sboui twenty-four rests of age, about five feet high, pleasant "I ascending ihe btaftSSSS, and OBS of the ibiest negroes lo Virginia, ii is said thal tie Readjuster party lost negro friends l,v itiemptiBg to treat Smalls-.|M they did He ls brave and fearless. ;t.,| nmpetu to .vhile men and to reason and not to their Meelon. He i* highly respected by both sallies, and i* not ashamed of belara Rc Hiblican. While Smallwood svns speaking the ne. .roes yelled and gare cheer* as ihoiigh it vere their only chance uud only lox. _W. L. U. Professor Duncan I aniplicll, M. D., LL Ih president Royal College IMiv-i,i ins nd surgeon* of Ontario: number Gene- il < "linell linxersily Kdiiihurgh, ftc. IK'll'fillg of the excellence of I.iebi" ( 0111- anv'* (oca Reef Tonie, bb**;. .."ff has i«re than realized mv evpectatioiis." |t,. ar.) of imitfitions. Cum debility, piles, fcirsencss, monthly Miflcj-liig*. STAUNTON ..^ms- or tue rorat or ap- mw^rvSSmr^»lMor valbaslb ii UNT HT I."-"' -y.jjrjaa.A LOSO-LOST rRorritTT.crrr n.**.". .. bon Hir.vn. R|hmi)n(, impair)!, i ,,>r^,n*acc0'^SmrMi,K.i8.1RS-2. The Court of Api*enK whieh >;Upuraed to meet In Staunton on the loth Instant, williotmeetuntil 12th (Tuesday next). The stringent measures instituted by Mayor Co! bran agaln-t th" sprssdo the sniall-,»ox have SMS cffec ual ts entirely stamp ng out the disease. Dr. A.M.1 aunt- leroy, a ...ember of the Itowl of Heil h. re-anted to the Council ruesday night l,,1,,,,, ,.,,.!, of the coBunun ty ls good Thc City Council has elected I aptain Thomas .1. Crowder chief of the Ure De¬ partment. Captain Crowder also com¬ mands the Weat Augusta Guard. The valuable brick property known as th. Mo/art Institute, formerly owned hy¬ the Piedmont and Arlington Life-insurance Company, ssas sold the other day for r*7,u.V) cash to Colonel John Lewis Peyton, of this «ity. ... Captain A. II. Fultz. late president of tbs CKy Council, has sold his handsome residence to Mr. Samuel X. Ki rr, lately from the eountv, who will BOW be a resi¬ dent of the city. The price poid was ISsSfiO cash. The f itv Treasurer's report to the Coun¬ cil shows 'receipts for the month, .-J, 1 isl.Ju : ili-hiirsetnents, 11,712.10. Thc floating debt amounts tosjWfi.61; balance due the <-ltv. 118,188.80; amount held by sinking fund, >.;_',i Koli; bonded debt, ^,700. A stranger inquired ol Captain waters, chi.f of police, tiie other Bight, if be knew a Mis, Klizabt th Hailey in Ibis city; that be had, twenty-live year- ago, when a boy eight sears old, run axxav from iii* home in Staunton, and had not heard from bia family sim e. 'I he (hi'f knew Hie lady and tool thc stranger to tbe house, when, sine enough, they proved to bs mother and son. and there wa* a joyous mid in j-. The barn of Mr-. Lightner, svho lives near Greenville, was struck by lightning the other night and entirely consumed, xvitl. all ber forage and two hundred bush¬ els ol rye. Her wheal wa- ricked about ten feet off, and is estimated at one thou- sand bush. K was saved by the bbobI stn ii- nous elli.rt- of the neighbor-, who kept it xvii by throwing on bucketsful of water till the tire subsided. Her less i- put at 11,000. No insurance. Vox. HAMPDEN SIDNEY. oi'KMM', or IIIK INION' THEOLOGICAL SKM,- SABT ABB nil: mi.i.kui:. Habfbbs Sii'nkv, September7, 1883. I'nion Theologies! Seminary waa regu¬ larly opened tor it- session ol l882-*88 by Rev. Dr. Debney al its iir-i evening exer¬ cises ob yesterday, <ith. All four of the professors are, as impo, promptly In their place* and prepared for vigorous work, forty-four theological stBdents have jalreadx appeared, and ten cr twelve more :ii. expected In a few days. About twenty are new students, and w ill enb r the Junior (or tirsi; class, The proepi els for tbe Semi¬ nary are bright. Hatnpden-Sidney College also opened to¬ day. There are ahoul thirty-five or tort* students present, of whom twi Bty are Bi vv ones. It i- expected thal this number w ill be doubled In a few dava, The freshman class will be unusually large. The six pro* lessors are ;,il r. ady for their work, which will commence in earnesl n< xi wei lc. Professor W. s. < mr. ll. M. A., Pb. D., professor ol tbe English Language, I. lui-,-, and History, and of Logic and L'o- lltical Eeononi*. vx ho vx:i- elei ted las! June, i- pres. u! to take eli irj ¦¦ of hi-1' will ii" doubt Inspire l.i- studi nts w Wi -onie of I.;- " ital -in iti lb"- ;.,' study to xviii' h he bas successfullj d. - x oted iiim-' If. Toe iii ok for the coili ge diirln collegiate year ls encouraging. Tin se two Institutions, under ti" guidance of their able Faculties, are doing a grand work In the cine of education. V ll ,' >!.. .Von*. Thc Abingdon ffit^'nirrn complains ol thc Irregiilarlty ol the mails. Mr. J..lin McClure bas bought the Jone* property at Blue Ridge Spri Mr. Draxton Norville, an old .,;ti/ u ol Amherst county, died at his residence on the sid instant; aged seventy-three, Colonel John Lewi- Peyton, ol Staun¬ ton, i- having a history of Augusta county published, of ix bi.lb be is the author. According to official data Washington county, Va., shipped la-t year more pro¬ duce than any otb< r county west ol Lynch¬ burg. The crops ,r, :- ip rally good. Cereals are abundant; wheal bi something li -- than an average crop; corn look*! vcr* promis¬ ing, The fine cattle have been all sold.. tie Herald. Colonel Thomas S, Flournoy, who ban been a citizen i f 1 lanville for the last four- i. en or fifteen rears, will soon reBiovc with bis family back to Ilalifax county, bia old borne. Mahout' tried to carry tbe state for hi- bogus Hamo, k ti. ki i and gol a pitiful 31,<)0i) votes. Ile is now trying to carry ll f..r Radical Arthur, and, with thc excep¬ tion of a nari of the negro vote, will fall more miserably..Lynchburg Ne\ Mr. W. A. Drooka, ol Richmond, who bas p. en sojourning in Wytbevllle for a week or io, xvas -tii. i,,-n with paralysis thi- morning, and i- now critically ill al .Mr. C. E. UxidMonf*.'-£nlerprlse. Next Mondsyis Botetourt County-Court day, It promises to be a lively one, ai no less than three speakers, ol a- man] differs nt political complexions, will be on hand t.. " norste " to the dear people. Mr. .1. B. Rodefi r, broth, r-in-laxv to Mr. John !'. Maid.-n, of Bristol, was horribly cut and gashed about the head and other¬ wise Injured last Wednesday, while en¬ gaged in unloading a hogshead of inolsssei i.i the tobacco-factory ol Snow Ingham st i .... ai Abingdon. The Boas i- thc biggest of blackguards, :iiul has stock In a lew editors, and comes down upon legitimate criticism a.- assassi¬ nation of character, ami mtSesa hoodlum bowl against all honest men who dare to tell the truth.. PortsmOUth.Enterprise. God bl.ss (he luli.s! Wc hear of their tinder solicitude for the political Integrity .d' their husbands and brother-. Dear creatures] Tiny know \xh:it tbe ''hell broth" is whieh the CoMHtlonlsls fix up for decent whit.- peopl. to take..Danville Wc learn thst tin re are petitions twlth several hundred names to them now circu¬ lating in Russell fm- the purpose of getting Mr. Connaily F. Trigg to announce him¬ self :t candid.-fe for < 'ongre-s. All tic mount tin hind- in Craig eoUttty have been purchased within the last two I years. They are finely timbered and full of ore. Much of the land, which but a short timi ago wa* considered worthless, cannot le puTehust d now scarcely at aux price. Dr. Henry V. Cray, of Huchanan, has been presented by foremen af the shenan¬ doah Valley railroad, under the contract of Messrs. Jouifib *\ Carpenter, a very hand¬ some "Mom wall" silver Watch ami chain, tinily i ngras.'d. and from the hands on the line a pair of solid silver spurs. Mr.,lohn H. Snider, of Walker's < r- ck, raised bb seven Bera of upland eon> ground, xs itl,.hu fertilizers, 209 bushels of wheal, weighing SI pounds tt> the measured bushel, or isij-t bushell bx measure, or ¦11)5-7 by wei .-lit. The wheat waa drilled in OB thc coin stubble. Thi.- beat* the Held, so far as we know. This is what the Democrat ttnys m regard to thc birth of l child in Itu..hanan: " She is a tine girl, uni in regard to her relstious is somewhat einarkablc. (Hi lier mother's side her grandfather, great-grandfather, end gieat-gr, ai-x'.andfather are now liv¬ ing; al-o, thtee grandmother* on the -ailie side. On her father's side both grand- fatln r and grandmother are living." The Hiichanair/yeTiior.rif bil- thc follow- ing double-headed one. If it ever strikes iii it will bc awful: ¦. Thcrf was a double-' beaded snake killed on Porter's mounts Bear here last weefc-e great curiosity, bot! heads being perfectly developed, »«> 0) eyes, tongues, and I gness teeth. It .vii ,,'ipperhead, fifteen imhea longand three Huartcrs ol an Inch In diameter. A gentleman In Lunenburg has a do, that In point of sagacity ls almost et|iial t a human being, and BBB do almost every thing BXCept talk. Ills muster can mak him lead his horse to water, then carr him to the pasture and hold him and b bini graze. This gentleman also make this dog feed his hogs. After unlock in, his corn-bouse door he will tell thc do bosv many cars of corn he must give tn hogs, and'at once the flog svill go into th corn-house and take up an ear of corn i his mouth, carn- it to thc hog-pen and dru lt in, and will continue to do so until li ha* carried the number of cats he was tol to give them. . FarmvHie Journal. Demand it, and take no other iron pn pars! ion except Brown's Iron Hinom. I is the best. _ MA UKI AUM*. Hants*, by L.t. IL C. H'S'l. "ii tba 3011) of Al Kiisi. 1883, nt Charlotte ConrthoBse. \ t, f. BOIJl"BIQUEJ*. ..f llra/il. S. A., to Mi's Mihi lmk. dsn/Mcr or T. H. VenBota, Beeeaeed, Prince Ldwitid, Va. Married, Pspietiilu-r 7th, In ntaaMh. TB*. J.. I th? resldenee of ber brother. Mr. B. IL Pendlctoi I vms w. PENDLETON lo BOBEBT C. bil TLB: li..tli fornn-rly f.r l{lchtii'»i,l. Vu. Vtlim inift"" (N.t.) .V/'tr DlBBBI BOPT. J "TMi'NTMENTAL CIH'I'CH.lbs .Li;. viisifTiioNo..T!ii* eh. ircii win be opes fl divine Barrteeto-hobsowrossNOOsal ii un :il r> P. Si. in Hie M*tSSSOOS. Tiie Min.li.y -di"' will lie open al hair-past 9 A. M. j- ?T 8BVENTII-6TBBBT C II B I S tixn ('MiTH'iL- Tiie pastor,Ber..?. /. tyi.ki will preses ..ii BtrsoAT at ll A. M., Bad st H I M. All wei,-, rn.-. jarrntsT english luthebai CIIUBCB (Sev,.nm streel betwsea Orsee aa Brosd)^-PreachlDB hythe Ber.Mr.Ht n al l A. st. ah asl.nc Bests free. . 'FIRST r B BS B V X E BIA] OHURI B*.The eonirreBattoai of this eharch sn t1^ Grace-Street eharch (Kev. Hr. Brad's) tri worship together In Uie First ehareh. Preaehln Btll V..VI. Ly Hie Bex. A. Mi'-rxvKi.i.. Noserrll at nl/lit. Z3T OBACE-STBEET PBE8BTTE BLAS CllURCH..This i.aregstloa stn «forahl ;,t tim Kir-1 I'm -i.ytcrUti clmrc'.i at ll O'ctsX a.m. PreachBuj by Hi.- Ber. A. shotwsxl. n nihill service at Bte < Iraee-Stroet church. x rr ti 11 ui > r b r. b bte t i: bi ai t IHKill.-.tcv. W.T. Ki'HMM' .--. D. H. "vi pnnciiat ll a. M. Bo serTlees il night* A ehareh BteeUiurwill be held Inmediately afn Um tnornlnB ¦ rrlee. | iT BROAD-STREET METIIODIS' i ill Pi li ,.¦..mer 'I', nil. ind Broad -tr. eta.).SIrs dat.Septemher 10«.Presehlna ;it ll A. m. b Bi v. xv. (,. STABS, I). Ii., pastor. fJubtect* -Wlc -h:iii we do with the Btrancerat Ihe Doorr"1 N ervtca in the afternoon. |3T C E N T i: \ A lt V METIIODI8' (south ride of Grace street between Fourth sn Fifth stn. - rvtce al 11 A. M. and 8 I'. U eoodocled by t: pa Bi r. i'. v. Hi i ebso*. rBINITi MKTnoDISTl III BC] (ci :i,-ref Broadao ITwei ll, trea ts).J. rt m |o,i::-t: pastor..Preacbhur bj pastor il ll M. and at S's P. M. Young incn's prayi :u:i p. si. - METHODIST SUNDAY-SCIIOOI SOCIETY..Thc rcmilar monthly mcetlni nf til .¦. rhrs I Sot Pty i' rwill le I,, Pl ill I., I A PTI.I'.N-," ll . .,'¦ I, I'l Interesting; a "U,er exerel . \| i !. A. L. W'i:-T. Pp i lent. Charil I P. Ratty, I rel irr. I' I HST BAPTIST CI1URC1 (coi 1.1 'i T., Iftli and !;r a l stn el ..Ri \. a. i ll iionxr. D. I)., pa tor, will pn ach .,n Bl"> day Moasixu st ll o'clock. All wei ime. %3f SECOND BAl'TfST CIIUBC] (corner viii', ind Slsth ireets)..Rev, L. w Moore will preach on si xdat at ll A.M. sn 8:15P.M. _ St OB ACE-STBE ET BAPTIS' (in BCH (corner of Fooshee and Grace itreets).- K.v, w. v.. li ATt uer, D. H.. sill preach nt 11 " si. and 8 P. M. _ I.KM.ll BTREET B A I" T I SI CHURCH (corner Ts ty-flfth and Leigh streets tor, Ber, .ions- Pollard, d. D.. wll i reach al 11 o'clock A. M. an l 8:18 o'el k P M xii \ letti rs oor llallj selcomi d. . | TIIE MONTHLY MEETING Ol lill: l:,x li l-l -iMiAi -SI HOOL 11"\ OF RICHMOND AND MANCIIESTE1 win Pc held with thi -.'.', Al TRRMOON al 4 o'clock. Ali Int. rot rramme arranged for Uic meetlnp. .xi wt Iconic. R. A. I li:- WUHnm Kllyt in, V dent \*trsi:'rir>rs. rpiIEATBE- TO DAY. MATINEE, 2*tj P. M. EVENING AT -. I AM RTILIi -Ti.'H i l.V RUSINES I fi H. BISHOP A- P. P. Pilli.MN-. support! ¦! Pi thc beautiful uni talented young Am' ri.'in, actress Mu - ROSE OSBORNE and a powerful I irs matlc r, inpanr. In A. t'. inn t,.cr', i n. ..' I L-reaP -. nu-'.o-tlmm ll pomoly, entitled 81 i:i< lix III -is r--. Matinee pri.-cs.sSsndBOc.j reserve seats,76c Event ur piles, as usual. Il Edi, a V-BARLOW, WILSOB A ro.1 MAMMOTH MINSTRELS, te '.'-If B IS A NF. li A Lt.. ASE-BALL. . ll LBLEB I'. STOKES A CO. GRK8H xvi. BROWN lt CO., ii Haw -Ball Puk. al balf-pasl IP.M, i Ills ,.,(, urd.iv) EVENING, September Btb. ic B-ll I \< I UNIONS. PIC-BICB.Ae. Ru livioM, ^vi, ii\w ii.ii- railroad Co , Passbxurr lu euri mi r. ' Riciimosd, Va., heptember fj, 1882. S r|Mli: TUESDAY AND l-'KIDAV \|- 1 TCBNOOX KXtUltSlONSTO BON VIB wll i,e Dist .,minimi .xi ni; rO-DAY until fur th. nellie. Xi. SLAUGHTER, n: P-21 General !';i--t dbi r Asenf. DALTIMOBE ORIOLE. KFDl i li, BATES xix KUTtviuMi, FBEDERICKBBUBG AM) PO TOMAC RAILROAD. Ob SEPTEMBER Um, IBTB, sad Hru ROUND-TB1P TICKETS will bi .... aile, Rich- "" i"i '¦. c..lom re and return, ff od UH Sept, ber loth, in.-iii-ivi-, at .sJ.J.i BACH. A;,ply al ..ttl, .-. Rlehmons, rrsasileluharf am I'..tenn,- BaUrosd Coaspasy or a. w. Uarlser1 1000 '.t-t Maui street, c. a. TAYLOR, . .'' w-tSel81 _Oeaersl Tlckel v.-, nt. ¦PIIE BEST AND CHEAPEST OF TUE A REASON FIRST EXCURSION ro \VF.ST POINT TOB .... ., lil'V CENTS. inenanaaera bea t-. aaaounee that they hav< ;',." "i.aiii.;i'i,.ciin for ;.. excursion to WEST I MINI on flONDAY, September ll. 1--.J. wp, . iney promise all who may favor th. ni with their Piilronnp. ,i lollv assnl time. «shlmr, B'willi*, BathlnK.sad Dsaeluf, t ra'.-, ind Pl-li-tliefl:,,- l.f n.,.., ,,.,,.. !>,.,."; al th, i.p.v, ii..i fo, bo et nt- No Intoxlca ins w1lTr;o"!f"rccl!M' ,ra'"' n,,'"l''''-l'.l"r.|.i Ticket*. ONLY 6<l CENTS-!., Ik- |,a,l of Uv tunaaers .md ut ihi-imiu. 'irnin leaves V..ii. River Denot al 7'!n v sf rvlur.ili.K.ii,ni,.u, Wl-t Hoin'i;:. I.I'.m! ' R. T. VOX xi-. -.o ,. si. B. PEBDUEs Bsaaacrs. OlITANKS. ^y INCH Kl.L'S oii.-TANKS. Me have isaiaaad Uw price sf bsbm Baparlee I l\K> lollB r..rtl,cUn-K.il|,,ii Putt 'Ut Tank yt Uh tresta Pump; flo f,,r OU-jrallon >Uir: »8 for 50- tall.ia Mar Tank. Tho best Tunks made. 1'IRIT.LL, LAUD A CO., Drip/Ki-"!*, Jy 25 A^iut , _£IPECJA^^ -^^xT^JV^^^ TELL T,IE TALK. BUYERS WILL 00 TO THE PLAOI WHEW THE BEST GOODS IAN BE HAD FOB THE LEAST MONEY. SO LEVY BROTHERS* ls thc place to BSy aL Their GRAND CLOSING-OUT SALE bas already saved lb J ll BBS BS of dollars toeot.su- meranf DRY GOODS. KVNTY GOODS. Ac, «".d Uiousauds more can te saved by those who hart: purchases lo make, only B few weeks left In which you will have to supply your want-, unless you wish t- BS| SJSSB for your Rood* U.au ftSf SSS be hud for at present. A lars:.' sits k of good* suitable for tesl precut *> well n thc approaching seasons yet on hann*: all of which will ba SOM at a r-dt.ctlo.i »t from 10 Ul BO pur seas. Bo fies*l M aysjaafesavxasja pass without Ukin/ tho benoni of lt. Btlll "ii ham! B BUSS a- *"i Intent rfBffBI''' M »' . of evtiry .lescrlpil.'ii; OOODS foe bois" sad ai ..'.. saar t ItEAOV-MVllEliAHMKNI-sfoilii'lles; rjLSTKBS, DUSTEB8 tioi.MANS.fTt'f TL AK-: HAMBURG EDOIHOSsad IMSEBTINGSi L.xtT. EDOINQSsad INBBRTINGSi BLANKETS, klannkl-.i .iMKdKTAHI.IX TABLE-CLOTHS, NAPKIN"*. TOWELS, DOILIES,BIUCI ri.Vi.s. MllKTlN'.-; GOSSAMER OABMENTS for bsbbs wiossea, ead (Illili* :i; GENTLEMEN'S Kl'KNI-'lllNG QOODSofaU tdads; _ An in nu. I.-- stock of -eery cheap CMBBELLAS i WHITE andi OLORED i.hti.'I-. I sKPI OIL-CLOTHS, via ri IV.-. DBUGGET8, WINDOW-SHADES, « INDO W-CUBTAINB, and tlcii-iii'l of Ussr arti, las; all to besotd nt greatly redaeed prto Bsynow, or you xviii atlas tba areal baiwslas that ure h- ing' I ,*. 7 LEVY Pun rill I:-". rtMY <.oods._ s^ t i: v E N 8 MAILB FREE TO ANY ADDRESS Ills NEW CA PAL'x;t P. livs BEEN OPENING LOTS OF NEW" OOODS Tills WEEK. FINE PORCELAIN*! TEA skis, ebotci M Rose '!. eorallon; uni: PORCELAINE TEA BETS, elegant Spray .1. .-..ration; FINE PORCELAINE TEA BETS, wide gold ban.:-ail at rery loss prtet -: N, ty design* of WRITING-DESKS and WORK- BOX! -: Non ii'.- in AUTOGRAPH-ALBUMS; Iel t f >¦: Mr-; Bargains In ENAMELLED F/BAMESal -',.¦.. ll, and |1.2fl; Xii lui. Ice of 8TATUABV. The composition U ¦Imll .r Iii mali ii.il and color to Uic celebrated .. Rog rs" groups, while the price la much lc*-. An Inspection i- well worth your time. lu INDIVID! AL IH" ii: A I ED ill - sn BAUCERSwi an idling fil goods worth 91.00 and »._'.very handsomef.ds. \ larg - ¦.¦rfiiii nt of PHOTO-ALBUMS. I. .ih. 1 rot r, it .'.:'.. and 11 in tun calf tl fl. »1.25. md H.50. rat.i|.."i;.'» ii hires*. i . -1 \ \ .-. 503 Broadstreei. IMIMIMis. IM.K t>IM.S..ff. ¦nBEE EXHIBITION DAILY. L. I.l WI-'- Ul r-GALL RV. \'l thc l.itc-l ni.J. els In PAI> INGS, 1 s,.i:.\- VING8, mdOLI "«.:: VPHS; New PU TURI - c Iring; PLUMB and ...du il: x Ml.-: BRONZE FRAMES. GILT and BRONZE CORNI* vi p.. vt- in Ru la,Silk,anil Pl KASt LS for 1.11 lor and .11 inti': I'll- R. .oid Xi VN I 1 L-MIKR0K3 vv xi.Ni i ;u, I EBONY BR Vi Kl TS; P.li: lill, xx-1 ARDS and PANI LS; API'.-I X PE N'GR xxl'. CMROMOS in i'm,ic.24x30,al -I: 8x10 FRAMES fr 1 upward.fifty dif¬ fer, nt -;> lc-: li: Wu -. m id to t tiler at p.v. -: fb/u In tl,, L. Ll v, IS, lui B12 Si ii,, tn, t. i.itiM 1 Lit s. i.nirons. tte. SALT! SALT! SALT! SAL! s C 8,000 SACKS GROI SD ALI vi -ALI ron 1:1: by DAVENPORT A MORRIS. 1-71 IANNED TOMATOEj>. NEVI CROP¬ S'. B. D.< \ l- BRAND. rOBS xi.i. l:\ 101 li Wi Npi RI fi MORRIS. QYBLT8 AND MOLASSES. xii: \ .ml COMMON 81 RUP! and POB rOBIl 'i MOL ISSI it sale »,y efl-71 DAVI SPORT .x MORRIS. ri V 1: KPUOL FACTOR V-FILLED J -vi 1. DAVENPORT ,x MORRIS, I)-,, h -11:rn. 00 r Pr -ii - irk,"*! .vt-,,'' 1-luina- <>f 1,830 SACKS DKAKINs'S and BUCKLEY'S BRAND!*. st a-71 KED R tSPIiERRI TAM. PKEBEBVED PE M HES, PRESERVED PLUMB, PRI -1 i:\ 11 1 HERRIES PRESER1 TH PIM APPLE, PRESEB1 ED DAMSONS, l'l:i..-i i;\i n Q| in. - at Mi Ai: 1 fix fi ll Vt NEB'S, . ¦*." 31 627 eas! Broad -n..t. APPLE BRANDY, \ INT xlf. PURE CIDER; WHISKEY, X XIM..P- t,|; XIH>.; FLOUR, M\\ HR \M>-: MAXI*. Unit I tip \p| ly, at lowest rate r..i *]<, bj .J.'llN xi. HIGGINS, _ No. lulu (franklin street, - .".--..Tu A Th aw Old Market / lOTTON-l tBNS. JO boles ..-..it. ,| \ 1 nambi ra. Bold only bj the ..»u ia v. x. -1..K1 - x 1... ^'l.i'ii:: ri.m \\\ | ooo barrels Nl-:u FAMILY Kl "I R; . BOO barrels OLD SPRING WUP VT SLOITR. i'l I"' A. X.-KIM -\ ... Sill*. .Vc. rpUBXIP SEEDS TUBXI1 SEED! 1 are now . rnip ski li ;it rt du.. d prlct -. .nd .1 from buy, v\e ..; bav« RELIABLE XX \ 11 1: KALI it ADC. 1 ind, aud SPRING KALE ir,,in Bc. I1;1.;,, ,,nllng p ., \\ 11 xvi h.scott. Druggist, cn,, .-, 11 1,, :,il, uii.l I 1.ink ii 11 ,trts ¦. aua3-lm ut, bm. ud, \ .. I7BESII AM) BELIABLE Tl KNU'- 1 sh' l>^ from 0. LANDRETU an<l UOUEIM BUIST, ii;.. Philadelphia, al 40c. per noan I: 1 I HI.-K XI.I .-lill Ri xs. .1 i:.. ,.,.,- |.,.,.!; sviui.i 11 K VP! f, r rill *>wtug, .t p ,-. ,. UKO CLOY Kl,. 16.60 p,-i ',11-h, i. si __ L. E.SALE'S Drugstore, -Ttl. I ti..*-- it tm Veiia k OYVrK.lt. AND USU III VI I H'S. I \\ -ill.- AND SURA. All la want of GOOD (hoi >.r ispes- i*l) ox bTEBS. -1 Ht V. fie., ctn i*- wp-_ plied at aux ti ne or iii aux .pi.nip t MOB VNuEH A JENNINGS'S. To asartl sgalust dl*sppolnt- incut in gelling -nell thing- sen.! \oiir orders lo t. HANI. KR A JENNINGS'S, ti. -ci I Stu Itali -irc.t. between -1 mi, and seveuth -ir,. i>, when- you cm at all Urnss !«. sum.lied, se --t 1 Qty T4IIIAI CO, IH.IKV atv. |> WHITLOCK, Iii:. Main miikkt, 1 . iiiaiiiifacturi-r of Uic fiiUowlaa lint- baaada CIGARS: MOOKI.. Lil II.E KL"HM. LA ESTELLE. I'll UH 8TERO, PIC-NIC, WHITLOCK'S KIA WEST. Mhz xi! r, 1 UH K, L1L1 IIKLI.K, and OKIKNTAL. Al-., dctlcr lu ttie foll, .win/ brands of KINE To Haiti) ti manufacturers' prli-c* DI VNOBA, EMPEROR, WARD HR SM). II11.ME Ali.VIX, PIONEER. ROUGH AND i'EADY i3c.nla.-sL BALLA KM, -" V IL VNT IC, |C. Beud for pricw-iut. my 27-t..>d N DRY OOODS. de. KW STOKE. NEW GOODS. Having Jost returned from I wlthaNE,T AND FRE"II -Tot"K. wS«QBd»aOf ballas all lat weat os* aaTthlag In oas Hm <. usa coll* ILVMIH'R.. Kin,PM, ANO IB»I p v,, BASH-RIBBONS. LACES. I D'.IN'- DOLLARS,! i'l -. Ri'BBER-i OMBi v\:» il ii tSIERY Ihe Ladles, Gi A*S» AX IM "I NP. KM viv BESIDES kOENEBA AT POPULAR PRU i:. aa mt* r oar SEW Si VND. i i. ¦. | rr i .-ni BB OISSOI.I'TlllY'S St PARTNERSHIP*. /MIAKl.li- BAELZEB woi RESPECTFULLY 1NI oRM HIS FR1I AND PS RONS ti.st I r i ..I:nit: inniMi IND SEVENTH hs «;i dlesolre bj ll Bl BIN ESS WILL Hi CON! TOFORE. BY ULM, at ilii: - wp «!,. ic- bc i CHOICES! MEATS, x \ v ¦. m ill Bu > PIB IT-CLAW Ml % call I -1 RH i" v i. E OE I' viii Si I'SIIIP. iv..' IlliiRN 1-. II. Xi. and M ,. .1 \ ll X'. have .< RAMOS I a COIII up. li ii-. R. IL vp i; JOHN N. fiORIMtt H ? I slthdri* ' Co.,and vi. L. vx IRING. Into Ul Tin " \\ AI.'INi, SCO. -I IPI xv. YRINi SEPI IMBI .: 1- i who ontlnti ie,',- of Un III* ral . up, n the v tin: iii:v ni* El. nil. . saki /i .; 1 I- I Iii- LAX hi- 'LV KM nt. I rm. LEI! III and ii: liv, I ll xi: - -SH /: RI TCHI.R AND I .ll* . l-lct NI.. I" ¦.av d, ,-vlgli . - \R< ill li f ll xi. ..'I vu .1..\ i.i I LEAF 11»l - * ir. m i. -l.i WILLI moo us. sri ftnvrnx i .I'lli'S] \- .1. STA It Iv I A SONS, 1 |. :, Uko in in -. ll'" 'I -i mixx --' Hool., \ \ l> HI-. ELI p.... < \ PIANO -lil i-xti sp . t|.| and I X I -i.l x--r> - .[.. laity. I i / -n. ai* pori i. vii l-l i ions V/ il P'd'vi \\ i nt ki.i pi i: SOI I III l:\ sKK'l. »ll S. m..r. VV ' V rrl." Ann,.' lia- t artistl ai I rem nb ,i. th INTIIE BRI -ll;,": OLD-TIMI - vi vnh I'i»I I H M. I li I IN Illl -.1 li M - IL Vt'. I'l, r .ii.Il. ll. RI pard, '.. -v ,i"i .-.. i. i- ,', nw-, p. i il. v v Ll 'S xl!- i au -J<\ SEW VOJ.I Mi; ul \ IKi.IM.y HI PORTS. x.'l.l Ml 79 VIRGINIA IT POR l^. '-x wu - M.MATTHEWS ro-DAJ price. BS. tock of LAW Bi MIKS low. ¦: xx i -i ,i,.M\-i..\ a " .'liv A \ 'll'UMA III Po Bl -. VOL. 75. M v HI xx- - \ IRGIM i- VOL. |., I MIKS l-d«%w i: \ i-H. GOLDIE I! LIFE in ntl. t-H.MI OE ~ \ IB rilEKN v IRGIM I. by ls .'sn :nx. uris ,t. - .. willi liiti-ir l Uol » XX P. -Ut !. I ll a a Ur IC.;,'. ...' .:¦"¦ prlub d ami ....end lu ih, »,*f i . poat-pal | i lttl, UN vp t vi; i lix t fi PU X .. OKI I.S. Ml lilt IMS. .te*. nLAIB'SI IILOBA1 l in MOL MSI.N rtCt im IMO PBOPtll I x. ii. Pros .-I \".ir BuslBes rroai n .i iu -i.A-tooiu*. I: bus a pita I- probably the Itest gt rn, Ul .1 i- i.s, ,p it in-1« en , ,,i|,:,.,,,i »,-.:, u ti,ni .f the Small-Pox ip il.ni tl, ll thc Medical teliege, pu Viii | t| ,|.. .-¦ ... XV l-l.Iii, Ititi, md able*! pbx .'clan-. Kor Mle by iliuggi.f.. Pri -Hie. J. HP MR, ll Jy IS ,.,,,.. r in¦¦, md N NESTLE'S SW I-- CO SD ES - ED sm K. Iiiaiu.fsctllicd .-lilt il V...i I. we Kuara..(et* ta le the lt's io *i and i BBSS mai kel, and fr-v trout td>,!,< ,U,,ii ul . l lt s.ii t»l-b IBB i-i -i - I a-» " kit:.-1' " bland, Had i ia no,th..-. E.t - tie by all anwars ai.a Iras . THOMAS LEEMING .x i " - kSBSl** ap^O-Om 1? V.l-vv '."Ks. *\.

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Page 1: £IPECJA^^ N gWttttattd ^tsjiatch.whelm the tyrant, Chin, indeed, Sjil we prove unwnrlliy of the liticrty which was lieqiuatlicd BS. Thf bsSsI between MviioNKandAitTiini L« mutual


gWttttattd ^tsjiatch.SATURDAY.SEPTEMBER 0. 1882.

TheTun© to Strike for Uberty-Workfor AU to Do.

fi n spar11 °* tbmt ,ovc 'or ,|hcrtV BMBm)

fired the hearts ol the Revolutionary lathers

and moved tis to Like up arms tn 1M61 sur-

yin* ls the breasts of Virginians, they willresolve this -Baaj to throw off the yoke and

tyranny ot Mabonk. Next year it will notbe easier, hut more dittleulL To thinkthat this State should be tor all politicaland governmental purposes the pro|>ertyOl that man; to think that tbe Legislatureean !>*.<« no bill, elect no Judge or other of¬ficer, and appoint no clerk without lils i>er-mlsslon; that the President will eommi*-slon no |K>«tmastcr, appoint no postal clerkor revenue officer, or allow no man fromthis State to romain in a department nt

Washinilton without his SSaaSaSJjjWshouldrouse the burning Indignation of the j>eo-ple. If, with the posvcr in our hantls Io

correct tills monstrous evil, we lat lin- No¬

vember election go by and risc not to over¬

whelm the tyrant, Chin, indeed, Sjil we

prove unwnrlliy of the liticrty which was

lieqiuatlicd BS.Thf bsSsI between MviioNKand AitTiini

L« mutual Interest. To brcrik it we have

only to show that Mahon*-: cannot controlVirgtnii in Ai-Tiii k"h Interest. lb- willwnnt nolhlng to do with Mahon*: when bsfinds Hint Mahonk has ni'itl.erilie pmvcr to

deliver him Its or six Ke|.ul>li.nii coll¬

en **men nor to secure for him the Stalsvartdelegation from Virginia to thc KattOBllRepublican Convention. If xxc can, there¬

fore, gt\TB Mahonk a exTiaMBgdetest al this

election -ll sst but rout and flt-troy him.as it is quite po.il.le for us tu do.wc xviiisunder the bSSld "jBtBfBSB Un and Aktihtiand oi>en the way to our recovery of thcSLite government.

If the whites ot thia Stab- do truly feelthe galling effects of this political slaverythey will soon have the opporl unity to lib¬erate themselves. Neither the Federal of¬fices that yet remain to be disposed of, nor

the campaign fund so much talked aboutand the bJsb of which ls so purposely exas¬perated, nor thc prospect of alliance withs party which has ever been the relentlessenemy of the South, svill compensate u-

for the surrender ot all lot and part in thccontrol of our ('ovenim, nt ami the man¬

agement of our political affairs.To the ind that tin- people may resume

government; to the end that our old BBS*mies may not triumph in our utter (li-.oin-fiture, and to the end that good men maybe put up SBd bad men put down, wc begour friend* everywhere lo Bel to thinkingwhat they can do to bring out a full Demo¬cratic rets November "th.There i- the poll-tax to l.c paid. PSJ il

for yoiu'sclf now and encourage and aidothers t,« do likewise. Attend to registra¬tion, and have a committ. ay al esehpreeinctready for thc day of bs otiofl to see that tbehill vote i- polled. No matter if st yourprecinct you ai'coiitnumbiired three to one,every sod put in will count up in thegeneral re-tilt. Vote and Le uol dis-BSUIaXged. lu the nnau tim. have friendlytalks with men you know to be hoiu-t andtrue, and whopatted fi'.du OS when tiie (le'd(ruction ssas up. Talk to them as neigh*hors. There ire mans- svho svould be gladto rejoin th" parly and come back to thecompanionship ol old fri. ml-. When our

speakers are announced, gu to bear tin ni ifyou can. (.ive them the enCOlirSgl Illili I ol"Tour presence. Hurrah for our side allthe time.There is work for every mai, to do. Do

not say, .. I don't sec xvhat 1 cnn do."You must bbb, "Wherever there is one whosincerely desires the overthrow of Mahonkthere is help that he can gtvs the party ;tin re is work for him to do. De can postthose svho arc no! informed about Ma-honk's record. Ile BBB eotTect CoMlitiOBcanards. He can help to qualify and bringout voters. De can spread the truth andchitr tho.-e xvho ila-, ami in a hundredway and on everyday in the year do soine-thiii'. to promote our caine.

If you arc opposed to a one-man repub¬lic*, rs to work.

Thc Great Question.We coiim-end lu thc consideration of the

political ami -cieiitifie bodies of the coun¬

try this i.ue-tioii: .' lloxv can you accu¬

rately determine when a town ceases to bca town, and when a eily becomes a city ? "One leann d author say* that M when tue

laws prohibit eerws going at levrg/e ,1 iy arnight, and those laws are String, nt ly en¬

forced, thc symptons are largely In favor ofthc place being a city.'*Further on he say-: "Tin'baby i* one

of our oldest institutions. Then: is no

country svhere the baby is unknown.Hence the baby-rarrJage. Ital ix-carriagesure entitled to places on thc sitlesv;ilk, butunder no circumstances ought more thanthree Imby-carriagcs, be allowed to move

abreast. II 1 comprehend the current of

decisions, lt is that no city will allow fourbnby-carriages to go abreast on a side¬walk."Another authority declares that "the in¬

fallible evidence of the existence of a cityas contradistinguished from the village or

mere country tosvn ls that the constabularyor police authorities are more mindful ofthu reputation tiny univ make by a vigor¬ous nnd faithful execution of thc ordi¬nances than iilitrincd l>v fear that in doingtheir duty liny may offend this, that, orthe other magnate."For our part we are djajtsajfl to believe

that a truer test ls Unit thc city sec* thatUs thoroughfare* (street*) nie kept openami In Rood order, xx bile the country b»xvnneither objects to seeing thc bjBbbTI gionvnup with gram, uor the roadways and side¬walks encumbered ssith Mutt xx inch shouldbe stored upon thc premises of thc owner.

II tbe street* arc maintained for hubbauses, why should they le allowed to betaken jios.Hei.sion of, in whole or part, forprivate uses. "H-riiianciit or llSBSUIBlJ JWhat is tbe good of l«x ing a sidewalk' ifpeople are compelled to walk In the -ut¬ter.'- What Utkt lise of having . K,llu.r lfthat, too, ls obstructed, and people an-forced to walk out Id the middle ol thestreet r

These are questions for thc ar-icutiticmind, and should be considered along ss ithThe Urcat yis>liou by wliatever scientificbody feels able to tackle the subject.

Tbe next regular meeting of t he CommonCouncil ls on the timiMunday In October.lt will he a week before the trudes-paradeproject can l»e discussed uud acted on.That will leave but three weeks for prejia-rstloii. That time is not enough. If thcCouncil lu te Lr relied on to furnish tintuuiu-y, fiju-i i:.i meetings should be called.Five or six weeks, u-s we said yestcrdiix,will hardly be sufficient for arranging aitchM dvinvustfuirvn un will do un credit.

Ths T*f*ranny of Assessments.Senator Hoah recently svrotc the follow-1

lng letter, tn Which fcc states the fact tl-^lt wns the Wish of be Prestdf nt t'-,At .,noffice-holder should be ns free to refuse as

to give his money for party purposes, nndyet Mahonk threaten* with dismissal allwho fall to respond to bis demanils. 8aysha:

I do not think any national oflleo-holderneed have the least fear of any unpleasantconsequences to himself. If he sees tit, inthc fne exercise of his osvn Judgment, torefuse a favorable answer to thc circularissued in the name of tho CongressionalCommittee. When the tirst circular waaIssued the Secretary of thc Treasury, bythe direction and ssith the cordial approvalof the President, caused a public state¬ment to lie made that every holder of office-h..ubi feel .ts free to give his money or torefrain from giving it a- bc svould in thecase of any private object, t'nfortnnateas was the first circular, this secondone ls doubly so. What right bxsanybody who "has once asked a free¬man or a gentleman to contribute to »

public object to inform him that lie is"surprised" by his refusal 1 The relationwhich practically exist*, ami which even

after the pannage of the Bjajefc desired bilito regulate ap|>ointiiicnts, will, to some ex¬

tent, exist between senators and repre¬sentatives and executive officer", makes it,it sinus to me, c\« ,¦ dingly indelicate andlinproper that the former should be solicit¬ing contribution* from the latter. Thesenator passel upon the appointment ofmany of tin-e officer*-, and may pass uponthc question of their n appointment or re¬

moval. Senators and representatives lireconsulted and have large inlbu ixe in theirselection. For thia, and other reasonswhich hasf been s«, frequently and ablystated, l trust the practice ot such solicita¬tion xxiii stop.


The South.Thc ludir.ytii'd Smith of this sveek has a

hopeful article in regard to tin- future ofthe South, showing the progress sin- has

made in recent Tetra, and summarizing thoprospect aa follows :

"In obedience to the requirements of a

judicious econ mn under the new order ofthings, the large plantations and farms ,,fthe South ara undergoing divisions andsubdisisions. Qrcal railroad system- areextending themselves in nil directionsthrough thc South. Southern cities are

trowing rapidly in population and inrude. The old towns of the Southare sh,.wino; ,,,.\V nf,. ;,,,,] spirit; nexvtosvns and Villages are fjpringlng np jnorthern families xx arm!;. welcomedby southern families are seining inthe various Stateaof the South* our peo¬ple of the generation involved in Hie xx ar

are becoming more hopeful, and are harda! ss oik repelling their broken fortunes;our younger men xvho have coin.' upon thestage since the elo-e of the war arc infusedxvifh nexv ideas and in-pired wit li new as¬pirations. Ami, altogether, with ber un¬rivalled resources, advantages, and attrac¬tions, the outlook for the South ls as en*I'oiiragiug as the moai sanguine southernheart could desire it to be."

The Maboneites are still dolag all thal theyfan to impress the Virginia public srlth tbeidea that they xxiii have .. slack- of mo¬

ney." Tiny will ned all tiny get and a

peal deal more even lo do one half whatIbey have promised the Administration.There sre al least two hundred thousandroten lu Virginia xvho cannot bc bribedry office or lacked on to tbs toil of thelaity xxhieh pays their poll-tax.Tho young Democrats ol Richmond are

it work organlzirj dub-. There ls to bea.lui. in ev.ry ward, and a detail for i vi ryprecinct. They are preparing to see thatbe full vote ol Richmond is polled.

IV, ignis Words 1'roiii ti Ile'iiocialicBeeps*!lister in IToritln.Altamont, September 8, 1882.

7',, tht Editor of the Dispatch!A Virgini.".n swatting in a Florida Clime

trishes to say a few word-. I sm glad toiee the Democracy ol Virginia are tho*.oiighly aroused, and pray Cod they mayte able to sweep this Ifahonc scum.thisall-end ol all parties.frem her honored-oil. As a Dcinoei-iti -lb iidiiPti r, I amdeeply Interested in my old native spite.Bul a abor! tune ago moat all the promi¬nent nun oi the Malone paity were Di mo-

Brats, and would bc Democrats to-dav hadHancock 1 et ii eli Cted. Bill it appears as ifthc kitchen scraps. <>f the While House haveI,., n -liilii'ieiil io buy men who once boastedtiny were bora Democrats, would live anddie Democrats, And set th,-.very indiare on the -iiiiii;. to-daydenouncing thcDemocratic party and upholding bb Ad¬ministration adverse to the true Interestsof the South, bet them attempt no longerto deceive. ""Teemen ol Virginia, be notdeceived, ls ii not sufficient to open yourexes that a representative from the oldT. nth Legion called Paul (should hsve beenSaul) voted In < ongresi to unseal whitesouthern ii,en elected by tbe people andput In theirplace negroes? Canyon not seethe poi-oii beneath the wioa ( an yon notsee tin In ad Bods the mouth open, and theliui. tail to which Mahone is attached was!Never In lim politic;,i bistory ol thia or

any other country has then bees a moreunblushing betrayal ol confidence than theHahoneitei are guilty of. But a short timeBgO the negroes ol Choctaw county. Ala-bama, banded together to murder thewhitis. Two days before the ticed xvastobe accomplished the plot waa revealed,and thc leaden arrested. Tins is there-suit of tin- teachings of radicalism, the[.arty to which this scum has SWOTS alle¬giance. Truly may it be said they'd.. rather rei'.mi in bellthan serve in beaven."Let a Virginian rome here and live amongthis people as 1 have done, and hearthem tell of thc wrongs and abusesheaped upon Ibein by Radical State gov¬ernments, backed by Federal bayonet-, andthen support this BCtua of a parly, and I'llsay farewell to manhood.fitrexx ell to honor.I inn glad my old friend Hon. John E. Mas¬ter Bl W the lieltl. Ile knows ali (heir rae*eality, nnd lie xviii tell it all. Democrats,vote for him. He ll genuine and true.Vote for anything anii-1'ailieal. It willBBTS your State from the clutches of thevampires luriicd loose upon you by Radi¬cal patronage. Say unto this' leann, Tblilfar and no farther shalt thou go.

RKWI.H sltlt IN Fl.OllUlA.

Au A|»|H iii lo > ii -.ininti*.|l ..r Bm ISBjaillli JTwo Nos. of a pitiful little sheet called

" The Weelgt"' have reached nie throughtilt: 'X.st-ollice, tilled XX'itll (SUdatiOBI of Ml'.Paul and other* act in, willi him, and ludi¬crous caricatures of Mr. Massey and the« Bis Kour," and Indeed ol all whode notbi nd thc knee to Senator Mahone."Voe Wedge" hails from lb nut di,Fairfax county, Ya., and is evidently infull sympathy with the Radical party,\x hieh claims to be ..the free Liberal party,in favor of a tree vote and fair count,*'and other slang phrases, designed to hood¬

wink and entrap .thc ignorant. Now, iffads, palpable and undenianic, prove any¬thing, this self-styled Liberal paitx has theleast possible claim to the Vitle it BBS S>sinned. It is a perfect slave to the one-man power, lt dar,* not deviate from ordisobey tu'iieral Mahmie'* behests, ;in,| \\H.caucuses he directs and controls, on painof losing caste in the party, or of b. in-ousted from offi.-e. ls lids' liberalism orindependence * So far from it, lt i* slavenof the worst type.

I happen to be one of Air. Paul's con¬stituent*, aud 1 judge he or his friends hadthe notable "Wedge" sent to Secure mvlob- in his favor. It contains a very flat-:enng picture-likeness of bim, and a high¬ly eulogistic sketch of his life and public iit-rsiees. lt has not at sll increased nix |'sUmate of his Illness for tin- posttloB BS I'-.ks. I think it a capital elect ionccriiig *

loeunient on the Conservative side. I In- \sad pressuring %%& using it in this i\:iy. jMr. Paul being iu full sympathv with iieUvTiil Aliibviie iu all his high-limd"!' 1]

KaflMh aa wcU aa wlUi thc Jtadlral par«7, I ask. iran any Consenralivc. Ins ho Pe

a-qnstcror not, eonststcntlv vote for binnt thc coming election t RcKdJns ,nent

now no longer ni. Issue, 11 has been a

readv settled so far as teglsIaUve aojs cal

dolt. Thc courts now have to test ita va

"'straws slmw which way thc ssrlnd blowsnnd Mr Paul's public votes and acts show

unm'istaknblv that BS bl ta WI ^^h}with Itadlcallsm, md ls aiming to taniover Virginia to that detestable anti-southern heresy. .

Thc present svriter has bet n a voter foi

sixty years, and If he lives till Xovembeiintends giving lils aixty-tirat vote for tinConservativc-Democralic candidates; ant

ll southern men wish (BB I hope .all do) u

escape Radical bondage-such as were en

ilun il here from 'Ci » '''!.. and by some o

our -i-f, r southern States much longer-let them, one and all, eschew Mahmie. PanA Co. Let none be idle or Indifferent tr

the xx,tight* issues BOW pending. Virgini;can yet be saved from the thraldom ol

Radical rule if cadi patriotic citizen svilInform himself as to Ihe mome-iitou- Issnsiat -take, and do hi- whole duty.

Octoosbast.Palmyra, Va., September (Bb.

ABkiiisT Colored 1 of. s.


II. Stephen* said: ''I svish to say ¦om.

thing to the colored people who are pre*cut. I wmt their attention/- You have aimuch interest in the pi liding contest tu

your white friends.perhaps more, "foiknow thai I have been your friend. I tnav

i.e indulged bx those who do not know bmin stating hots" I hive befriended and bax.felt toward your race. I was for vour ed¬ucation before Hie svar. I thought ilwron.', I thought it was against thc Inter-ts of both races, to deny them education,

t thought th.y could lill their places, better willi odue-iiic.il. Thc Legislature ol

Georgia, under my entreaty antiDr. Talma-.'- published communications,ram.' within one vole of allowing educa¬tion to the colored people tbe year befonsec.-sion. Aft.r the war I divided ms

plantation Into five b ncmenta, the heads ollive families'. I did Bot » ll I horse, nor |inule, nor a COW, nor a sheep, nor a pie. Iilivided all my stock xx il ht he li. ad- of fami¬lies and gave them provisions from my own

rrib to run th.-m. The mule-power, tinlioi'-e-poxver, the cows, the calves, tip pigsihesowi, and the sheep, to every one 1rave five bead apiece. That i- tbe way 1let them up. That shows von how I felttoward them, and the xx ludo of lhe.-e fami¬lies remain there t" thi* day. They knowtheir friends. When there are abort crowI see that tiny do n«>t want. When thenire g >..(! crop- th.y pay out. I patronizedthe first colored school ever tn thal coun¬

ty-.boarded the teachers. I believed, a>

I -aid iii my speech to the l.'L'i-latiit'in I860, we ought to educate them.xvinight to rive them all civil rights. Iidvocated it early..di thc civil rights thejwert entitled to. I have defended th.lives of more. I expect, than anv otheiman in Georgia.sjived them from execu¬tion. I could detail many eases of thi--ort, bul will not. This very year I badfour colored persons al thc schools In Atburta, some ;it thc University and some aliii.' Ministers' school.thc Si minary.tomIn ail, educating them for the ministry.will say no more, my colored friends. Airou who tran! t" Un.cv whether I am youifrli nd or not, and bave be. n, vin therhave stood b) von in your troubles, gidown where I ara known. Ash liisho]Turner, ol this eitj; ask Bishop il ;\ i: ask Mr, White, of AugustaTh.y li ive all cen al ms house, and I li iv..ntertain. d them with ali resp ct, accordingto their condition.

.» Weil. n.xv. In Ibis: cont.-;, from indica¬tions that 1 have seen, it would appear thaiit i- tho Intention ol most of thora.thaiseem-to liiixe l'eii tl.e Watchword ti ginut.to vote solidly against the n'omin e olthe Democratic party.against sic Wellbow, 1 would urge you to consider tbiithing, the seosible men ol you, before yoitake thal step. I would admonish you, because you must know thal if von take thal-tcp-imply beean.f thc nomination oilue Democratic party, when you haven,objection, or can have none, to tbe candiihtc, you iiiii-i know thal ii b xvilciu-y would be to solidif* the opposition. It ls the law of naturels it wise for you to do it ? I do nol solidiar ash any man's vole except io fnia bia Judgment tells him it is bis best interos! to go, bul Whi ri I have done all Iliifor your race, and many other things, whjshould you vote for my competitor? Be¬cause 1 am a Democrat I Win, he .-ay-that be ls an old' v one and a Ix tb r !>¦ nie*erai than 1 am [applause], thal he wasDemocrat when l was ferociously assailingit. Is it so? vYby should you choose bininstead of me:- <' in he prodn ..¦ suchr.c .ni foryourrace as I bave} rake thenand comp ire them; I submit i' to j omJudgment. Out of his own month bedeelan - roundly and repeatedly thaiolder and better Democrat than I am,What i* y,mr complaint against me? Iit simply to concentrate andagainst the nomination of the Democrat liparty:' Consider] Think! li" you dot!,.natural tendency, however painful and reluetsnt it may bc tor patriots who bav.been doing all they can for you to elevabyour race, bowes r ri luctanl they may <¦ »m<t<> Hie conclusion, the tendi tex vx iii ie. antithere it xxiii end. a rare conflict, is thalxx i-e} 1 submit it to you a* sensible men,men that ought to consider weil whalfor your best interests, if thal is made bjyou, your best friend-, however reluctant¬ly, will feel constrained by a btw of naturit<> go solidly xvith their race on the oppo¬site side, a nee Issue will be thusjoined,and you inu-t know that you in the endwill i.e the Butterers from it I,as youifriend, svould urge you not to present thU

I iMiliiionisis uii.l lt. liol,hen,,*, hi Sus¬sex.

BfJSSBX CoiTiTiioi-HK, September 7,1881To the Editorof ti,. Dispatch .-

To-day lasing eourt-tlay. thc Co,'ilifioni-t-aiul Republicans had om their big Buna.Messrs. Van Auken, of Petersburg (office¬holder); Jude Hooker, of llauipton; H.Libby, of Hampton (< oMlltion candidate);ILirris (colored), who waa defeated in tin'Petersburg di-trict for Congress, ami i-nos bo mad with the Kcgd]listers ol thatdistrict thal be falls to canvass for Hooper*Joseph T. Wilson, of Norfolk, and John s!*x\i>,e were on the ground- early in themorning. About Ho'clock a roungnc ronamed Jobs J. Smallwood, Jr., ol South-ampton county, pul in bis appearanceSmallwood spoke between Wilson md thcdefeated Harris, of the Fourth districtlt xxa- confessed by sou,,. ,,f n.. leadingHeKdjusters that Smallwood mad.- friendsfor both him-, if nn.l Desendorf, altlioughonl* twenty mhtutea xxa- allowed thi*fdttng negro xx herein to anaweiWisc & Co. I do no] care to -ava word to* one parti or the other, bulsmallwood can weil call thia a field-da* forDesendorf. lb- also spoke after tbe Cottii.tioni-s eloaed,aod told hi* people to -t mdhrm, and vote f,.r Dswsou and DeicndorfHe is i young negro sboui twenty-fourrests of age, about five feet high, pleasant"I ascending ihe btaftSSSS, and OBS of theibiest negroes lo Virginia, ii is said thaltie Readjuster party lost negro friends l,vitiemptiBg to treat Smalls-.|M they didHe ls brave and fearless. ;t.,| nmpetu to.vhile men and to reason and not to theirMeelon. He i* highly respected by bothsallies, and i* not ashamed of belara RcHiblican.While Smallwood svns speaking the ne.

.roes yelled and gare cheer* as ihoiigh itvere their only chance uud only lox.

_W. L. U.

Professor Duncan I aniplicll, M. D., LLIh president Royal College IMiv-i,i insnd surgeon* of Ontario: number Gene-il < "linell linxersily Kdiiihurgh, ftc.IK'll'fillg of the excellence of I.iebi" ( 0111-anv'* (oca Reef Tonie, bb**;. .."ff hasi«re than realized mv evpectatioiis." |t,.ar.) of imitfitions. Cum debility, piles,fcirsencss, monthly Miflcj-liig*.

STAUNTON..^ms- or tue rorat or ap-

mw^rvSSmr^»lMor valbaslbii UNT HT I."-"' -y.jjrjaa.A LOSO-LOSTrRorritTT.crrr n.**."...

bon Hir.vn. R|hmi)n(, impair)!, i,,>r^,n*acc0'^SmrMi,K.i8.1RS-2.The Court of Api*enK whieh >;Upuraed

to meet In Staunton on the loth Instant,williotmeetuntil 12th (Tuesday next).The stringent measures instituted by

Mayor Co! bran agaln-t th" sprssdo the

sniall-,»ox have SMS cffec ual ts entirelystamp ng out the disease. Dr. A.M.1 aunt-

leroy, a ...ember of the Itowl of Heil h.re-anted to the Council ruesday nightl,,1,,,,, ,.,,.!, of the coBunun ty ls goodThc City Council has elected I aptain

Thomas .1. Crowder chief of the Ure De¬

partment. Captain Crowder also com¬

mands the Weat Augusta Guard.The valuable brick property known as

th. Mo/art Institute, formerly owned hy¬the Piedmont and Arlington Life-insuranceCompany, ssas sold the other day for

r*7,u.V) cash to Colonel John Lewis Peyton,of this «ity. ...

Captain A. II. Fultz. late president oftbs CKy Council, has sold his handsomeresidence to Mr. Samuel X. Ki rr, latelyfrom the eountv, who will BOW be a resi¬dent of the city. The price poid was

ISsSfiO cash.The f itv Treasurer's report to the Coun¬

cil shows 'receipts for the month, .-J, 1 isl.Ju :

ili-hiirsetnents, 11,712.10. Thc floatingdebt amounts tosjWfi.61; balance due the<-ltv. 118,188.80; amount held by sinkingfund, >.;_',i Koli; bonded debt, ^,700.A stranger inquired ol Captain waters,

chi.f of police, tiie other Bight, if be knewa Mis, Klizabt th Hailey in Ibis city; thatbe had, twenty-live year- ago, when a boyeight sears old, run axxav from iii* home inStaunton, and had not heard from bia familysim e. 'I he (hi'f knew Hie lady and toolthc stranger to tbe house, when, sine

enough, they proved to bs mother and son.

and there wa* a joyous mid in j-.

The barn of Mr-. Lightner, svho livesnear Greenville, was struck by lightningthe other night and entirely consumed,xvitl. all ber forage and two hundred bush¬els ol rye. Her wheal wa- ricked aboutten feet off, and is estimated at one thou-sand bush. K was saved by the bbobI stn ii-

nous elli.rt- of the neighbor-, who kept itxvii by throwing on bucketsful of watertill the tire subsided. Her less i- put at

11,000. No insurance. Vox.


SABT ABB nil: mi.i.kui:.

Habfbbs Sii'nkv, September7, 1883.I'nion Theologies! Seminary waa regu¬

larly opened tor it- session ol l882-*88 byRev. Dr. Debney al its iir-i evening exer¬cises ob yesterday, <ith. All four of theprofessors are, as impo, promptly In theirplace* and prepared for vigorous work,forty-four theological stBdents have

jalreadx appeared, and ten cr twelve more:ii. expected In a few days. About twentyare new students, and w ill enb r the Junior(or tirsi; class, The proepi els for tbe Semi¬nary are bright.Hatnpden-Sidney College also opened to¬

day. There are ahoul thirty-five or tort*students present, of whom twi Bty are Bi vv

ones. It i- expected thal this number w illbe doubled In a few dava, The freshmanclass will be unusually large. The six pro*lessors are ;,il r. ady for their work, whichwill commence in earnesl n< xi wei lc.

Professor W. s. < mr. ll. M. A., Pb. D.,professor ol tbe English Language, I.lui-,-, and History, and of Logic and L'o-lltical Eeononi*. vx ho vx:i- elei ted las! June,i- pres. u! to take eli irj ¦¦ of hi-1'will ii" doubt Inspire l.i- studi nts w Wi-onie of I.;- " ital -in iti lb"-

;.,' study to xviii' h he bas successfullj d. -

x oted iiim-' If.Toe iii ok for the coili ge diirln

collegiate year ls encouraging. Tin se twoInstitutions, under ti" guidance of theirable Faculties, are doing a grand work Inthe cine of education.

V ll ,' >!.. .Von*.Thc Abingdon ffit^'nirrn complains ol

thc Irregiilarlty ol the mails.Mr. J..lin McClure bas bought the Jone*

property at Blue Ridge SpriMr. Draxton Norville, an old .,;ti/ u ol

Amherst county, died at his residence onthe sid instant; aged seventy-three,

Colonel John Lewi- Peyton, ol Staun¬ton, i- having a history of Augusta countypublished, of ix bi.lb be is the author.

According to official data Washingtoncounty, Va., shipped la-t year more pro¬duce than any otb< r county west ol Lynch¬burg.The crops ,r, :- ip rally good. Cereals

are abundant; wheal bi something li -- thanan average crop; corn look*! vcr* promis¬ing, The fine cattle have been all sold..

tie Herald.Colonel Thomas S, Flournoy, who ban

been a citizen i f 1 lanville for the last four-i. en or fifteen rears, will soon reBiovc withbis family back to Ilalifax county, bia oldborne.Mahout' tried to carry tbe state for hi-

bogus Hamo, k ti. ki i and gol a pitiful31,<)0i) votes. Ile is now trying to carry llf..r Radical Arthur, and, with thc excep¬tion of a nari of the negro vote, will fallmore miserably..Lynchburg Ne\Mr. W. A. Drooka, ol Richmond, who

bas p. en sojourning in Wytbevllle for aweek or io, xvas -tii. i,,-n with paralysisthi- morning, and i- now critically ill al.Mr. C. E. UxidMonf*.'-£nlerprlse.Next Mondsyis Botetourt County-Court

day, It promises to be a lively one, ai noless than three speakers, ol a- man] differsnt political complexions, will be on hand

t.. " norste " to the dear people.Mr. .1. B. Rodefi r, broth, r-in-laxv to Mr.

John !'. Maid.-n, of Bristol, was horriblycut and gashed about the head and other¬wise Injured last Wednesday, while en¬gaged in unloading a hogshead of inolssseii.i the tobacco-factory ol Snow Ingham sti .... ai Abingdon.The Boas i- thc biggest of blackguards,:iiul has stock In a lew editors, and comes

down upon legitimate criticism a.- assassi¬nation of character, ami mtSesa hoodlumbowl against all honest men who dare totell the truth.. PortsmOUth.Enterprise.God bl.ss (he luli.s! Wc hear of their

tinder solicitude for the political Integrity.d' their husbands and brother-. Dearcreatures] Tiny know \xh:it tbe ''hellbroth" is whieh the CoMHtlonlsls fix upfor decent whit.- peopl. to take..Danville

Wc learn thst tin re are petitions twlthseveral hundred names to them now circu¬lating in Russell fm- the purpose of gettingMr. Connaily F. Trigg to announce him¬self :t candid.-fe for < 'ongre-s.

All tic mount tin hind- in Craig eoUtttyhave been purchased within the last twoI years. They are finely timbered and fullof ore. Much of the land, which buta shorttimi ago wa* considered worthless, cannotle puTehust d now scarcely at aux price.Dr. Henry V. Cray, of Huchanan, has

been presented by foremen af the shenan¬doah Valley railroad, under the contract ofMessrs. Jouifib *\ Carpenter, a very hand¬some "Mom wall" silver Watch ami chain,tinily i ngras.'d. and from the hands on theline a pair of solid silver spurs.Mr.,lohn H. Snider, of Walker's < r- ck,

raised bb seven Bera of upland eon>ground, xs itl,.hu fertilizers, 209 bushels ofwheal, weighing SI pounds tt> the measuredbushel, or isij-t bushell bx measure, or¦11)5-7 by wei .-lit. The wheat waa drilledin OB thc coin stubble. Thi.- beat* theHeld, so far as we know.This is what the Democrat ttnys m regard

to thc birth of l child in Itu..hanan: " Sheis a tine girl, uni in regard to her relstiousis somewhat einarkablc. (Hi lier mother'sside her grandfather, great-grandfather,end gieat-gr, ai-x'.andfather are now liv¬ing; al-o, thtee grandmother* on the -ailieside. On her father's side both grand-fatln r and grandmother are living."The Hiichanair/yeTiior.rif bil- thc follow-

ing double-headed one. If it ever strikesiii it will bc awful: ¦. Thcrf was a double-'

beaded snake killed on Porter's mountsBear here last weefc-e great curiosity, bot!heads being perfectly developed, »«> 0)eyes, tongues, and I gness teeth. It .vii

,,'ipperhead, fifteen imhea longand three

Huartcrs ol an Inch In diameter.

A gentleman In Lunenburg has a do,that In point of sagacity ls almost et|iial t

a human being, and BBB do almost everything BXCept talk. Ills muster can mak

him lead his horse to water, then carr

him to the pasture and hold him and b

bini graze. This gentleman also makethis dog feed his hogs. After unlock in,his corn-bouse door he will tell thc do

bosv many cars of corn he must give tn

hogs, and'at once the flog svill go into th

corn-house and take up an ear of corn i

his mouth, carn- it to thc hog-pen and dru

lt in, and will continue to do so until li

ha* carried the number of cats he was tolto give them.. FarmvHie Journal.

Demand it, and take no other iron pn

pars! ion except Brown's Iron Hinom. I

is the best._

MAUKIAUM*.Hants*, by L.t. IL C. H'S'l. "ii tba 3011) of Al

Kiisi. 1883, nt Charlotte ConrthoBse. \ t, f.BOIJl"BIQUEJ*. ..f llra/il. S. A., to Mi's Mihilmk. dsn/Mcr or T. H. VenBota, Beeeaeed,Prince Ldwitid, Va.

Married, Pspietiilu-r 7th, In ntaaMh. TB*. J.. I

th? resldenee of ber brother. Mr. B. IL PendlctoiI vms w. PENDLETON lo BOBEBT C. bilTLB: li..tli fornn-rly f.r l{lchtii'»i,l. Vu.Vtlim inift"" (N.t.) .V/'tr DlBBBI BOPT.

J "TMi'NTMENTAL CIH'I'CH.lbs.Li;. viisifTiioNo..T!ii* eh. ircii win be opes fldivine Barrteeto-hobsowrossNOOsal ii un

:il r> P. Si. in Hie M*tSSSOOS. Tiie Min.li.y -di"'

will lie open al hair-past 9 A. M.

j- ?T 8BVENTII-6TBBBT C II B I Stixn ('MiTH'iL- Tiie pastor,Ber..?. /. tyi.kiwill preses ..ii BtrsoAT at ll A. M., Bad st H I

M. All wei,-, rn.-.

jarrntsT english luthebaiCIIUBCB (Sev,.nm streel betwsea Orsee aa

Brosd)^-PreachlDB hythe Ber.Mr.Ht n al l

A. st. ah asl.nc Bests free.

. 'FIRST r B BS B V X E BIA]OHURI B*.The eonirreBattoai of this eharch sn

t1^ Grace-Street eharch (Kev. Hr. Brad's) tri

worship together In Uie First ehareh. PreaehlnBtll V..VI. Ly Hie Bex. A. Mi'-rxvKi.i.. Noserrllat nl/lit.

Z3T OBACE-STBEET PBE8BTTEBLAS CllURCH..This i.aregstloa stn «forahl;,t tim Kir-1 I'm -i.ytcrUti clmrc'.i at ll O'ctsXa.m. PreachBuj by Hi.- Ber. A. shotwsxl. n

nihill service at Bte < Iraee-Stroet church.

x rr ti 11 ui > r b r. b bte t i: bi ait IHKill.-.tcv. W.T. Ki'HMM' .--. D. H. "vi

pnnciiat ll a. M. Bo serTlees il night*A ehareh BteeUiurwill be held Inmediately afn

Um tnornlnB ¦ rrlee.

| iT BROAD-STREET METIIODIS'i ill Pi li ,.¦..mer 'I', nil. ind Broad -tr. eta.).SIrsdat.Septemher 10«.Presehlna ;it ll A. m. bBi v. xv. (,. STABS, I). Ii., pastor. fJubtect* -Wlc-h:iii we do with the Btrancerat Ihe Doorr"1 Nervtca in the afternoon.

|3T C E N T i: \ A lt V METIIODI8'(south ride of Grace street between Fourth sn

Fifth stn. - rvtce al 11 A. M. and 8 I'. Ueoodocled by t: .¦ pa '¦ Bi r. i'. v. Hi i ebso*.

rBINITi MKTnoDISTl III BC](ci :i,-ref Broadao ITwei ll, trea ts).J. rt m|o,i::-t: pastor..Preacbhur bj pastor il llM. and at S's P. M. Young incn's prayi:u:i p. si.

- METHODIST SUNDAY-SCIIOOISOCIETY..Thc rcmilar monthly mcetlni nf til

.¦. rhrs I Sot Pty i'rwill le I,, Pl ill I.,

I A PTI.I'.N-," ll . .,'¦ I, I'lInteresting; a "U,er exerel. \| i !. A. L. W'i:-T. Pp i lent.

Charil I P. Ratty, I rel irr.

I' I HST BAPTIST CI1URC1(coi 1.1 'i T., Iftli and !;r a l stn el ..Ri \. a. i

ll x« iionxr. D. I)., pa tor, will pn ach .,n Bl">day Moasixu st ll o'clock. All wei ime.

%3f SECOND BAl'TfST CIIUBC](corner viii', ind Slsth ireets)..Rev, L. w

Moore will preach on si xdat at ll A.M. sn

8:15P.M. _St

OB ACE-STBE ET BAPTIS'(in BCH (corner of Fooshee and Grace itreets).-K.v, w. v.. li ATt uer, D. H.. sill preach nt 11 "

si. and 8 P. M._

I.KM.ll BTREET B A I" T I SICHURCH (corner Ts ty-flfth and Leigh streets

tor, Ber, .ions- Pollard, d. D.. wlli reach al 11 o'clock A. M. an l 8:18 o'el k P Mxii \ letti rs oor llallj selcomi d. .

| TIIE MONTHLY MEETING Ollill: l:,x li l-l -iMiAi -SI HOOL11"\ OF RICHMOND AND MANCIIESTE1win Pc held with thi

-.'.', AlTRRMOON al 4 o'clock. Ali Int. rot

rramme arranged for Uic meetlnp. .xiwt Iconic. R. A. I li:-

WUHnm Kllyt in, V dent



I AM RTILIi -Ti.'H i l.V RUSINES Ifi H. BISHOP A- P. P. Pilli.MN-.

support! ¦! Pi thc beautiful uni talented youngAm' ri.'in, actress

Mu - ROSE OSBORNEand a powerful I irsmatlc r, inpanr. In A. t'. inn

t,.cr', i n. ..' I L-reaP -. nu-'.o-tlmm llpomoly, entitled

81 i:i< lix III -is r--.Matinee pri.-cs.sSsndBOc.j reserve seats,76c

Eventur piles, as usual.Il Edi, a V-BARLOW, WILSOB A ro.1


BISANF. liA Lt..


ii Haw -Ball Puk. al balf-pasl IP.M, i Ills ,.,(,urd.iv) EVENING, September Btb. ic B-ll

I \< I UNIONS. PIC-BICB.Ae.Ru livioM, ^vi, ii\w ii.ii- railroad Co ,

Passbxurr lu euri mi .¦ r.'

Riciimosd, Va., heptember fj, 1882. Sr|Mli: TUESDAY AND l-'KIDAV \|-1 TCBNOOX KXtUltSlONSTO BON VIB wll

i,e Dist .,minimi .xi ni; rO-DAY until furth. nellie. Xi. SLAUGHTER,n:P-21 General !';i--t dbi r Asenf.


KFDl i li, BATESxix


Ob SEPTEMBER Um, IBTB, sad HruROUND-TB1P TICKETS will bi .... aile, Rich-"" i"i '¦. c..lom re and return, ff od UH Sept,ber loth, in.-iii-ivi-, at

.sJ.J.i BACH.A;,ply al ..ttl, .-. Rlehmons, rrsasileluharf am

I'..tenn,- BaUrosd Coaspasy or a. w. Uarlser11000 '.t-t Maui street, c. a. TAYLOR,.

.'' w-tSel81 _Oeaersl Tlckel v.-, nt.


.... .,lil'V CENTS.

inenanaaera bea t-. aaaounee that they hav<;',." "i.aiii.;i'i,.ciin for ;.. excursion to WESTI MINI on flONDAY, September ll. 1--.J. wp, .iney promise all who may favor th. ni with theirPiilronnp. ,i lollv assnl time.«shlmr, B'willi*, BathlnK.sad Dsaeluf, t ra'.-,

ind Pl-li-tliefl:,,- l.f n.,.., ,,.,,.. !>,.,.";al th, i.p.v, ii..i fo, bo et nt- No Intoxlca insw1lTr;o"!f"rccl!M' ,ra'"' n,,'"l''''-l'.l"r.|.iTicket*. ONLY 6<l CENTS-!., Ik- |,a,l of Uvtunaaers .md ut ihi-imiu.'irnin leaves V..ii. River Denot al 7'!n v sf

rvlur.ili.K.ii,ni,.u, Wl-t Hoin'i;:. I.I'.m! '

R. T. VOX xi-.-.o ,. si. B. PEBDUEs


^yINCH Kl.L'S oii.-TANKS.

Me have isaiaaad Uw price sf bsbm BaparleeI l\K> lollB r..rtl,cUn-K.il|,,ii Putt 'Ut Tank yt Uh

tresta Pump; flo f,,r OU-jrallon >Uir: »8 for 50-tall.ia Mar Tank.

Tho best Tunks made.

1'IRIT.LL, LAUD A CO., Drip/Ki-"!*,Jy 25 A^iut ,





LEVY BROTHERS*ls thc place to BSy aL Their


bas already saved lb J ll BBS BS of dollars toeot.su-

meranf DRY GOODS. KVNTY GOODS. Ac, «".d

Uiousauds more can te saved by those who hart:

purchases lo make, only B few weeks left In which

you will have to supply your want-, unless you

wish t- BS| SJSSB for your Rood* U.au ftSf SSS be

hud for at present.A lars:.' sits k of good* suitable for tesl precut *>

well n thc approaching seasons yet on hann*: all

of which will ba SOM at a r-dt.ctlo.i »t from 10 Ul

BO pur seas. Bo fies*l M aysjaafesavxasja passwithout Ukin/ tho benoni of lt.

Btlll "ii ham! B BUSS a- *"i Intent rfBffBI''' M »' .of evtiry .lescrlpil.'ii;

OOODS foe bois" sad ai ..'.. saar tItEAOV-MVllEliAHMKNI-sfoilii'lles;rjLSTKBS, DUSTEB8 tioi.MANS.fTt'f TL AK-:



GOSSAMER OABMENTS for bsbbs wiossea, ead(Illili* :i;


_ An in nu. I.-- stock of -eery cheap CMBBELLAS iWHITE andi OLORED i.hti.'I-. I sKPIOIL-CLOTHS, via ri IV.-. DBUGGET8,WINDOW-SHADES, « INDO W-CUBTAINB,

and tlcii-iii'l of Ussr arti, las; all to besotdnt greatly redaeed prto

Bsynow, or you xviii atlas tba areal baiwslasthat ure h- ing' I

,*. 7LEVY Pun rill I:-".

rtMY <.oods._s^ t i: v E N 8



FINE PORCELAIN*! TEA skis, ebotci MRose '!. eorallon;

uni: PORCELAINE TEA BETS, elegant Spray.1. .-..ration;

FINE PORCELAINE TEA BETS, wide goldban.:-ail at rery loss prtet -:

N, ty design* of WRITING-DESKS and WORK-BOX! -:

Non ii'.- in AUTOGRAPH-ALBUMS;Iel t f >¦: Mr-;

Bargains In ENAMELLED F/BAMESal -',.¦.. ll,and |1.2fl;

Xii lui. Ice of 8TATUABV. The composition U¦Imll .r Iii mali ii.il and color to Uic celebrated.. Rog rs" groups, while the price la much lc*-.An Inspection i- well worth your time.

lu INDIVID! AL IH" ii: A I ED ill - snBAUCERSwi an idling fil goods worth 91.00and »._'.very handsomef.ds.

\ larg - ¦.¦rfiiii nt of PHOTO-ALBUMS.I. .ih. 1 rot r, it .'.:'.. and 11 in tuncalf tl fl. »1.25. md H.50.

rat.i|.."i;.'» ii hires*.i . -1 \ \ .-. 503 Broadstreei.

IMIMIMis. IM.K t>IM.S..ff.


L. I.l WI-'- Ul r-GALL RV.

\'l thc l.itc-l ni.J. els In PAI> INGS, 1 s,.i:.\-VING8, mdOLI "«.:: VPHS;

New PU TURI - c Iring;PLUMB and ...du il: x Ml.-:BRONZE FRAMES.


vi p.. vt- in Ru la,Silk,anil PlKASt LS for 1.11 lor and .11 inti':I'll- R. .oid Xi VN I 1 L-MIKR0K3vv xi.Ni i ;u, I EBONY BR Vi Kl TS;P.li: lill, xx-1 ARDS and PANI LS;API'.-I X PE N'GR xxl'.CMROMOS in i'm,ic.24x30,al -I:8x10 FRAMES fr 1 upward.fifty dif¬

fer, nt -;> lc-:li: Wu -. m id to t tiler at p.v. -: fb/u In tl,,

L. Ll v, IS,luiB12 Si ii,, tn, t.

i.itiM 1 Lit s. i.nirons. tte.SALT! SALT! SALT! SAL!s


8,000 SACKS GROI SD ALI vi -ALIron 1:1: by



S'. B. D.< \ l- BRAND.rOBS xi.i. l:\

101 li Wi Npi RI fi MORRIS.


and POB rOBIl 'i MOL ISSI it sale »,yefl-71 DAVI SPORT .x MORRIS.


DAVENPORT ,x MORRIS,I)-,, h -11:rn.

00 r Pr -ii - irk,"*! .vt-,,''1-luina- <>f1,830 SACKS DKAKINs'S and BUCKLEY'SBRAND!*. st a-71


Mi Ai: 1 fix fi ll VtNEB'S,.

¦*." 31 627 eas! Broad -n..t.

APPLE BRANDY,\ INT <¦ xlf. PURE CIDER;WHISKEY, X XIM..P- t,|; XIH>.;FLOUR, M\\ HR \M>-:MAXI*. Unit I tip \p| ly,

at lowest rate r..i *]<, bj.J.'llN xi. HIGGINS,

_ No. lulu (franklin street,- .".--..TuA Th aw Old Market

/ lOTTON-l tBNS. JO boles ..-..it. ,|\ 1 nambi ra. Bold only bj the

..»u ia v. x. -1..K1 - x 1...

^'l.i'ii:: ri.m \\\ | ooo barrels Nl-:uFAMILY Kl "I R; .

BOO barrels OLD SPRING WUP VT SLOITR.i'lI"' A. X.-KIM -\ ...

Sill*. .Vc.

rpUBXIP SEEDS TUBXI1 SEED!1 are now . rnipski li ;it rt du.. d prlct -. .nd .1 frombuy, v\e ..; bav« RELIABLE XX \ 11 1:KALI it ADC. 1 ind, aud SPRING KALEir,,in Bc. I1;1.;,, ,,nllng p .,

\\ 11 xvi h.scott. Druggist,cn,, .-, 11 1,, :,il, uii.l I 1.ink ii 11 ,trts ¦.

aua3-lm ut, bm. ud, \ ..

I7BESII AM) BELIABLE Tl KNU'-1 sh' l>^ from 0. LANDRETU an<l UOUEIMBUIST, ii;.. Philadelphia, al 40c. per noan I:1 I HI.-K XI.I .-lill Ri xs. .1 i:.. ,.,.,- |.,.,.!;sviui.i 11 K VP! f, r rill *>wtug, .t p ,-. ,.

UKO CLOY Kl,. 16.60 p,-i ',11-h, i. si__

L. E.SALE'S Drugstore,-Ttl. I ti..*-- it tm Veiiak

OYVrK.lt. AND USU III VI I H'S.I \\ -ill.- AND SURA.

All la want of GOOD (hoi >.r ispes-i*l) ox bTEBS. -1 Ht V. fie., ctn i*-wp-_plied at aux ti ne or iii aux .pi.nip t MOB VNuEHA JENNINGS'S. To asartl sgalust dl*sppolnt-incut in gelling -nell thing- sen.! \oiir orders lot. HANI. KR A JENNINGS'S,

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.. willi liiti-ir lUol » XX P. -Ut!. I ll a

a Ur IC.;,'. ...' .:¦"¦prlub d ami ....end lu ih, »,*f i .

poat-pal |i lttl, UN vp t vi; i lix t fi

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OKI I.S. Ml lilt IMS. .te*.nLAIB'SI IILOBA1 l in MOL MSI.N

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