ipv6 prefixassignmentforend customers persistentvsnon ... · •in order to facilitate...

Best Current Operational Practice for operators: IPv6 Prefix Assignment for end- customers - persistent vs non- persistent and what size to choose Jordi Palet [email protected] BCOP IPv6 Prefix Assignment for end-customers – persistent vs non- persistent and what size to choose 1

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Page 1: IPv6 PrefixAssignmentforend customers persistentvsnon ... · •In order to facilitate troubleshooting and have a future proof network, you ... •Prefix exclude option for DHCPv6-PD

Best Current Operational Practice for operators:

IPv6 Prefix Assignment for end-customers - persistent vs non-persistent and what size to


[email protected]

BCOP IPv6 Prefix Assignment for end-customers – persistent vs non-persistent and what size to choose 1

Page 2: IPv6 PrefixAssignmentforend customers persistentvsnon ... · •In order to facilitate troubleshooting and have a future proof network, you ... •Prefix exclude option for DHCPv6-PD

Authors:• AndrewAlston• Gert Doering• JanŽorž• JenLinkova• JordiPalet• KevinMeynell• LeeHoward• LuisBalbinot• MarkTownsley• Primož Dražumerič• SanderSteffann

BCOP IPv6 Prefix Assignment for end-customers – persistent vs non-persistent and what size to choose 2

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Draft v2 meeting

BCOP IPv6 Prefix Assignment for end-customers – persistent vs non-persistent and what size to choose 3

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RIPE BCOP TF•WorkinProgress:

• https://www.sinog.si/docs/draft-IPv6pd-BCOP-v7.pdf

• https://www.ripe.net/ripe/mail/archives/bcop/2017-August/000173.html

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Table of Content1. ExecutiveSummary2. WhatisaBCOP?3. Introductionandincentives4. Sizeofend-customerprefixassignment:/48,/56orsomethingelse?



5. End-customerIPv6prefixassignment:Persistentvsnon-persistent5.1.Whynon-persistentassignmentsmaybeperceivedas“easier”thanstaticones5.2.Whynon-persistentassignmentsareconsideredharmful.5.3.Whypersistentprefixassignmentsarerecommended

6. Acknowledgements7. Glossaryoftermsandacronyms

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Executive Summary•MakingwrongchoiceswhendesigningyourIPv6networkwillsoonerorlaterhavenegativeimplications…• IPv6isnotthesameasIPv4.InIPv6youassignashortprefixtoeachend-customersite,sotheyareabletohaveasmanysubnets(/64s)astheyneed.

• Itisstronglydiscouraged toassignprefixeslongerthan/56.Ifyouwantasimpleaddressingplan,/48foreachend-customer.

• Inordertofacilitatetroubleshootingandhaveafutureproofnetwork,youshouldconsidernumberingtheWANlinksusingGUAs.

• Non-persistentprefixesareconsideredharmfulinIPv6asyoucan’tavoidissuesthatmaybecausedbysimpleend-customerpoweroutages,soassigningpersistentprefixesisasaferandsimplerapproach.

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BCOP and Why?•Describebestactual practices•Target:ISPsdeployingIPv6• LackofexperienceorfollowingIPv4practicesbringunexpectedorunwantedresults• IPv6“brokenness”=ContentprovidersrejectionofyourAS• LackofcompliancewithnewstandardssuchasHomenet

• Completeproduction networkrenumbering,etc.

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Size of end-customer prefix• /48,/56orsomethingelse?•Changeyourmind,thisisnotIPv4!• IPv6hasbeendesignedtoassignprefixesnotaddresses•TonyHain“maths”:• IPv6lifetimeover480years,andkeepdoingthatseveraltimes• Scarcityofaddressesisnotgoingtobeournextproblem

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Numbering the WAN link1./64outoftheend-customerprefix2./64outofadedicatedpool3.Unnumbered4.ULA

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/64 from customer prefix•Usethe1st /64fromthecustomerprefix• https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-palet-v6ops-point2point• Simplifiesroutingandprovisioning

•SomeCPEsmaynotsupportRFC6603• PrefixexcludeoptionforDHCPv6-PD

•EvenbeingrequiredbyRFC7084• BasicRequirementsforIPv6CPEs

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/64 from dedicated pool• Mostcommonscenario

• DedicatedpoolforWANlinks

• CPEperformsrouterdiscovery• Ifitisahost(PPPoE),setupiscompleted• Ifitisarouter,willrequestaprefix(DHCPv6-PD)

• /126,/127,/112or/64?• RFC6164suggest/127

• Notallhardwaresupportsit• /64isfutureproof• Hardwarelimitationsforlongerthan/64prefixes• Allocate/64,use/127topreventNDattacks

• Ifthereis*always*aCPE,youcanapplysecuritypoliciesw/oharmingcustomers

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Unnumbered• Don’tuseGUAs

• InsteaduseLink-Local

• Doesn’tworkforallthedevices,whichcan’trequestDHCPv6-PD• NoGUAsmeansnotraffic…

• Complicatetroubleshooting• Notabletotraceroutethepointoffailure

• NotsuitableforunknownCPEsornon-CPEsattachedtotheWANlink• End-hostwillstayunnumbered• Somehardwaremayconsumeadditionalresourcesfornumberedlinks

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•ICMPv6fromtheCPEtooutsideISP•ULAsourceaddresswillnottraversefilters•PMTUDwillbreak• IPv6connectionwillbreakifPathMTUisnotthesame

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WAN link summary• /64GUAistherecommendedchoice• FromthecustomerprefixifRFC6603issupported

• Itmaybeevenrequiredwhenmorethat2endpoints•Managedbridges• Repeaters• Redundancy(VRRP,multiplerouters)•Monitoring/troubleshootingdevices

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Prefix assignment options•Alignthesizeofthedelegatedprefixwithanibbleboundary(multiplesof4bits),soitmatchDNSreversezonedelegations•Asinglecustomernetworkis/64• Asingle/64isplainwrong• IETFworkallowsasingle/64foraninterface

•Multiple/64mustbetherule• RIRpoliciesallow/48

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/48 for business, /56 residential• Someoperatorsdothis• Rationale->Marketing/Salesdifferentiation

• Advancedhomeusersmayhaveproblemswiththis• You’renotabletouseallthe4digits(/48-/56)

• Somemayhavealreadyanaddressingplanwith/48(ULA,TB,transition,etc.)• /56forcestoredoit+renumbering• /48justmeanschangingtheprefix

• Alternatively,reserve/48,assign/56• AreyouconsideringSMEs?

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/48 for everybody•Mostpracticalandpragmatic•Lesscall-centretimetosortoutproblems•Single“flat”provisioningsystem•SameprefixsizeasULAs,transition,etc.•Directmappingofexistingaddressingplans

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Less than /56•Notrecommended• Technicallynoreasonforthat,enoughaddresses,thisisnotIPv4!• Over134million/56ina/29• Over16million/56ina/32

•AskformorespacetoyourRIRifrequired•Neverassignasingle/64• Exceptforcellularphones(1/64foreachPDP)

• LTEmodemsstillrequire/56or/48

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Persistent or non-persistent•PersistenttypicallybymeansofAAAorcustomprovisioningsystem• Atcustomerconnectiontheyalwaysgetthesameprefix

•Non-persistentbymeansofabigpoolineachterminationpoint• Atcustomerconnectiontheygetarandomprefix• Ifpersistent,theleasetimemayprovidedays,weeksorevenmonths

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Non-persistent is easier?• Lessefforttodeploy• Issuescomelater• ItcomesfromIPv4practices,DHCP

• ButwehaveNAT!• Lookseasierforaggregation• Notlookingfor“customer”portability

• Maybeanextraservice

•CommonlyusingDHCPv6-PD• Eachend-customerdevicehasaGUA

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However … non-persistent is harmful• Incaseofpowerfailure,CPEhang-up,…• Commoneveninhighly-developedcountries

• CPEdoesn’tsendprefixvalidlifetime=0• End-customerdeviceskeeptheoldprefix• Willtrytouseit,willfail

• Customersclaimstothecall-centre

• ContentprovidersmeasureIPv6brokenness• WillignoreyourIPv6traffic

• Poweroutageoftenhappenseveralconsecutivetimes…• Non-persistentprefixesforcealoggingsystem

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Best choice: Persistent or non-persistent•AllowbroadbandservicesprovidedbythecustomerandtheISP•AllowstableDNSnames• camera1.username.ispname.com


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