ireland financial crisis

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  • 8/12/2019 Ireland Financial Crisis


  • 8/12/2019 Ireland Financial Crisis



    Financial Crisis

    It is a situation in which the value of financial institutions orassets drops rapidly.

    Investors sell off assets or withdraw money from savings


    Debt Crisis The heavy borrowing of many newly industrializing countries

    that resulted in a prolonged financial crisis

    Debtor nations might not be able to continue makingpayments on their loans.

  • 8/12/2019 Ireland Financial Crisis



  • 8/12/2019 Ireland Financial Crisis


    Background Information


    Ireland is an island to the north-west ofcontinental Europe. It is the third-largest island inEurope and the twentieth-largest island on Earth.


    Divided between Republic of Ireland (Dublin) andNorthern Ireland (Belfast)


    6.4mill (Being 4.6mill in ROI and 1.8mill in NI)

  • 8/12/2019 Ireland Financial Crisis


    Background Information


    Until 2002, the Irish use Irish pound By Jan 1999, pound was succeeded by euro


    Irish Stock Exchange Merged with Britain in 1973 - International Stock Exchange of Great Britain and

    Ireland (now called the London Stock Exchange) Operates 3 markets Main Securities Market (MSM), Enterprise Securities

    Market (ESM) and Global Exchange Market (GEM)


    Agriculture Industry and Service Sector Services, Trades and HighTech Industry

    Irelands economy has made the transition very effectively as it has beenhelped by Foreign Direct Investments and the real estate market

    In the past, Irish practice economic nationalism without much success

  • 8/12/2019 Ireland Financial Crisis


    Ireland Economic Timeline

    1920s 1930s

    Have high trade barriers such as high tariffs, importsubstitution policy

    Economic War with Britain

    1950 Suffers economic inactivity due to mass emigrations Marked that economic nationalism is unsustainable


    Early 1987 Economy start to improve 1990s Substantial economic growth (Celtic Tiger)

    2000 Become sixth richest country in terms of GDP/capita

    2008 -Present

    Financial Crisis

  • 8/12/2019 Ireland Financial Crisis


    Causes of Ireland Financial Crisis

    Celtic TigerYears

    (1995 2008)


    (2000 2006)

    GlobalFinancial Crisis

    (2007 2008)

    Irish Banking

    Crisis(2008 2013)

    Irish Financial

    Crisis(2008 2013)

  • 8/12/2019 Ireland Financial Crisis


    Celtic Tiger Years (1995 2008)

    Period of rapid economic growth

    Transform from poorer country to wealthiest

    Low corporate tax attracts multinational investment

    Led to expansion of credit and property bubble

  • 8/12/2019 Ireland Financial Crisis


    Property Bubble (2000 2006)

    Construction activity grew stronger

    Main contributor towards the country incomes

    FI increased lending for property more than other areas

    FI made external borrowing to provide property loan

  • 8/12/2019 Ireland Financial Crisis


    Irish Banking Crisis (2008 2013)

    Irish banks borrow from abroad for the property marketinvestment

    GFC freeze the world interbank market

    Lead to liquidity problem no money to borrow

    Solvency problem as no money can be provide for new

    property deals

    Value of assets decline with property market and liabilityvalue greater

  • 8/12/2019 Ireland Financial Crisis


    Irish Financial Crisis (2008 2013)

    Demand for residential property decreases

    Price of the property market drops abruptly

    Surplus national budget go deficit of 32% GDP

    Yields of Government debt increased rapidly

    Assistance from EU & IMF of 67.5 billion

  • 8/12/2019 Ireland Financial Crisis


    Impact of Financial Crisis to Country

    Anglo Irish Bank

    Hidden 87 millions internal loan to executives

    Further loans between 2 banks over extended 8 years period

    Considered as Irelands version of Enron

    Growth & Unemployment

    Severe decline in countrys GDP & GNP

    High increase in unemployment

    Lead economy to fall into recession

    Property Market

    House price falls drastically

    Property price crash hit Ireland

    More than the entire gain in Celtic Years erased

  • 8/12/2019 Ireland Financial Crisis


    How Ireland avoid debt crisis

    Ireland protects theircountry from debt crisis

    by control inflation

    inflation in the countryto join EMU must not behigher than 1.5 percent

    compared to the averageinflation rate

  • 8/12/2019 Ireland Financial Crisis


    How Ireland avoid debt crisis

    budget deficit in the country must not exceed 3%of gross domestic product (GDP) of a country.

    public debt mustnot exceed 60%

    of gross

    domesticproduct (GDP)

    Interest rates notmore than 2%

    points comparedto the interest

    rate countries inthe EuropeanUnion.

    Euro areaspermanent

    rescue fund takestakes in the

    Irish banks thatremainoperational

  • 8/12/2019 Ireland Financial Crisis
