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20 ENERGY PROPULSION BIOENERGETICS Volume 8 No.1 2017 $5 Publications & Products

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F U T U R E E N E R G YVolume 8 No.1 2017 $5Publications &


Page 2: IRI Publication Catalog


EM Pulser & EM PulsePad

The frequency Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields (PEMF) pass through your body to reduce inflammation, heal deep injury, restore bones and relieve pain. These four vastly superior PEMF devices sell at very affordable prices. The EM Pulser and EM PulsePad are designed to activate the restorative heat shock protein (HSP 70) within ten (10) minutes, with the "nanosecond risetime" of magnetic pulses. The OsteoPad and MaxiMat are designed to restore the density of bones lost to age, wear, tear or fractures by its unique Spiral Toroid Magnetic Field TM that simulates exercise to restore bones and cartilage health. A Free DVD of Dr Gordon’s lecture,

explaining its effectiveness, and selected articles booklet are included in your order.

$295 EM Pulser, battery charger , 2 batteries, Selected Articles Booklet , Gordon DVD Also available: AC adapter just $10 more

$375 EM PulsePad Control Box, battery charger, 2 batteries, AC Adapter, Gordon DVD

$795 OsteoPad Regular with 20x14 inch Pad , Control Box, Articles Booklet, Dr. Gordon DVD

$995 MaxiMat Deluxe OsteoPad , 5 feet Long for full body coverage with above Accessories

VISIT and for more information

OsteoPad & MaxiMat

The Best PEMF Healing Devices

Page 3: IRI Publication Catalog

l Table Of Contents

New Books...........................................Page 4

Emerging Energy Books....................Page 5-7

Research & Reference.......................Page 8

Energy Reports...................................Page 9

Engineering & Physics.......................Page 10-11

Propulsion & Other Resources.........Page 12-13

DVD’s CDs, Videos.............................Page 14-15

Bioenergy Books & Reports.............Page 16

Membership Sign up Page.................Page 17

Order Page..........................................Page 18

Bioenergy Products...........................Page 19

President’s Letter We are happy to bring you our latest edition of our product catalog, which helps fulfill our mission to research scientific integrity in the areas of energy, propulsion and bioenergetics. As usual, IRI is dedicated to bringing futuristic, green energy technologies to the public and accom-panying them with the educational literature so everyone will understand the product’s significance. We hope you will be able to take advantage of the unique opportunities within these pages. Try the New OsteoPad for regenerative bones and fight-ing osteopenia and osteoporosis, or the EM Pulser for healing and activating the Heat Shock Protein 70 that speeds healing, or the Premier Junior for an amazing bioenergy experience, on a 30-day money back guarantee. Or order one of our new books to get the latest scientific unbiased information on energy developments. We have lots of new DVD’s as well. If you would like to explore our mission further after reviewing our publications and products please visit: for our latest conference information, for all of the details on the bioen-ergy devices just mentioned. For specifics on the OsteoPad, go to We are also expanding our energy related services with affinity products on consciousness at and inventor related educa-tional products at And last but not least, all of us here at IRI deeply thank you for your support in helping us carry on our mission. THANK YOU! Thomas Valone, PhD, PE

Page 4: IRI Publication Catalog


Edited by Tom ValoneAmazingly complete book on Tesla’s wireless transmission of power as he in-tended. Profusely illustrated with papers by renown Tesla experts including Nick Simos paper using classical physics and Maxwell equations to explain wireless transmission. Papers also by Mike Gamble, Mark Seifer, Dr Jim Corum, Tesla’s grandnephew, Bill Terbo, Qualcom’s Roy Davis and many others. # 144 $25 258 pages


The Fuel of the future,

by Thomas Valone, PhD

Our bestselling book is now available in hardcover. Besides all the in-valuable information, it is full with color pictures and illustrations, as well as charts and graphs. A must for your energy library collection. #846 $45 Hardcover

#835 $22 Softcover


by Thomas Valone, PhD

Fully revised edition on the amazing work of T. Townsend Brown, still being replicated by scientists today, including NASA. A longtime bestseller, this edi-tion has expanded articles and papers on the electrogravitic and electrokinet-ics effects he pioneered.

#611 $15 155 pages


Edited By Thomas Valone, PhD

The much awaited sequel to Electrogravitics Systems! Includes proof that elec-trogravitics is more powerful than any ion wind; “Force on an asymmetrical Capacitor” (Army Research Lab), “Antigravity on ”, “How I control Gravitation”, by T T Brown,-1929 and more.

#615 $15 160 pages

ELECTROSTATIC MOTORS , Their Principles, History and Types

by Oleg Jefimenko

The best resource book on electrostatic motors. Includes building details, how to let the atmosphere supply the electricity to power them and much more. Profusely illustrated. Foreword by David Walker, who assisted Prof. Jefimenko for years and built many of the electrostatic motor models shown in the book. #156 $22 159 pages


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Mindbending: The Hutchison Files

By George Hathaway, PEThe only book ever pub-lished on John Hutchison and his famous levitation ex-periments with high voltage. now known as the “Hutchi-son effect” The author was a witness and chronicles these attempts and shows why modern physics is at a loss to explain it.#719 $25 127 pages

T T Brown Electrogravitics Research

Edited by T. Valone

A widely-published report, with added material, it serves to introduce and explain “electro-gravity.” Updated with TT Brown notebooks, chronology, and Valone articles.

#603 $12 60 pages

To Order: Call: 888-802-5243 Online:

Fax: 301-513-5728 Email: [email protected] PAGE 5

Future of Energy

by Thomas ValoneOur latest book on emerging energy tech-nologies. This deluxe edition is hardcover with full color photographs and figures. Destined to be a classic with reviews by prominent scientists from NASA, JP Labs and Professors from Universi-tites all over the world. #847 $20 200 pages

Harnessing the Wheelwork of Nature: Tesla’s Science of Energy

by Thomas Valone

Principles of Wireless Elec-triciity transmission, longi-tudinal waves, using Earth’s ionosphere and magento-sphere energy. Contains: Niagara Falls history, unpub-lished biography of Tesla by Dr Puharich and a dozen expert contributors.

#117 $17 340 pages

The Homopolar Handbook,

By Thomas Valone

The rotating cylindrical magnet has mystified since Faraday in 1831. Includes: commentary on Godin & Ro-schin journal paper, translat-ed journal papers by Einstein not available anywhere else. Over 5000 copies sold. Ger-man edition is also available.

#104 $20 188 pages

Inertial Propulsion Defy Newtonian Me-chanics

by Dennis Allen Jr.Explains the physical ba-sis for Inertial Propulsion which produces a force in a single direction. Inertial Propulsion, with electrical power, can provide an alternative to conventional transporta-tion means. #625 $10 45 pages

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Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion by Paul LaViolette, PhD

This book reveals the secrets of antigravity propulsion from Tesla to TT Brown to the B-2 Advanced Technology Bomber. He discloses the existence of ad-vanced gravity-control technologies, under secret military development for decades that could revolutionize air travel using renewable energy.

#848 $25 500 pages

More Emerging Energy Books

Nuclear Transmutation: The Reality of Cold Fusionby Tadahiko Mizuno

Hardcover book with amazing experiments by this Professor of Nuclear Engi-neering . Excellent summary of Cold fusion research and chronology. A must for the cold fusion enthusiast.

#813 $30 150 pages

Causality, Electromagnetic Induction and Gravitationby Oleg Jefimenko, PhD

Author of “Electrostatic Motors” this book is based on his experiments per-formed at the University of West Virginia. Gravity analog to electromag-netism is proven to apply with simple, understandable equations. A most provocative, well researched book.

#706 $23 210 pages

Cosmology & Zero Point Energyby Barry and Helen Setterfield

This book examines the origin of the ZPE in acccord with known physical principles. From biology to geology, the author explains the effect of ZPE on the macroscopic world

#715 $20 465 pages

PAGE 6 To Order: Call: 888-802-5243 Online:

Fax: 301-513-5728 Email: [email protected]

Page 7: IRI Publication Catalog

Practical Conversion of Zero Point EnergyBy Thomas Valone, PhD

The authoritative guide to the latest developments, tools and physics behind the best source of energy for the future. Practical and comprehensive with specific discoveries about useful conversion of ZPE to electricity and propulsion. Includes all equations, patents and tables. This revised edition contains a com-plete summary guide “The Vacuum Engineers’ Toolkit”, invaluable for serious researchers.

#828 $20 180 pages

More Emerging Energy Books

To Order: Call: 888-802-5243 Online: PAGE 7

Fax: 301-513-5728 Email: [email protected]

Subquantum KineticsBy Paul A LaViolette, PhD

A novel systems approach to physics that has far reaching implications for field theory, astronomy and cosmology. This book includes: Astronomoy, Cosmology, Electrogravitics, Ether, Matter/Energy creation, Thermodynamics, System Theory, Tired Light and Gravity Impulse EM Physics.

#605 $35 318 pages

Antigravity: The Dream Made Reality By John Thomas Jr.

The Papp Noble Gas Engine ReportEd. by T ValoneBest Comprehensive report, drawings, and analysis of the plasma driven engine powered by ionized noble gases. Patented generator and invention of Josef Papp. (Completely revised Papp Engine report)

#718 $15 75 pages

The history of John R R Searl’s amazing electromagnetic flying disks. Contains many photos of Searl craft in flight. Continues to be studied by energy enthusi-asts and scientist alike.

#703 $25 124 pages

Page 8: IRI Publication Catalog

:PAGE 8 To Order: Call: 888-802-5243 Online:

Fax: 301-513-5728 Email: [email protected]

Conference Proceedings & Collector’s Books

Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Future Energy

The Zeta Reticul Incidentby T Dickinson

Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Future Energy

Proceedings of 1st International Tesla Energy Science Conference & Exposition

All the papers including: Sea-water Agriculture, Solar and Silicon, Bioenergetics, Searl ef-fect, Focus Fusion, LENR and the latest on ZPE.

#840 $20 240 pages

All the papers including: Froning, Ludwig, McClay, Rein, Sedwick, Miley, Glenn, Dunn, Goodwin & Valone with topics on ZPE, Bioenergy, Emerging Energy and more.

#849 $20 200 pages

Collectors Item! Out of print color edition from 1976 As-tronomy magazine, analyzing the Betty Hill star map that has all the rare solar mass stars within 50 light years of earth.

#505 $25 32 pages

19 Papers including: Betavol-taic batteries, Atmospheric Electricity, Radiant Energy, Charge Clusters, Wind Power, ZPE, CarbonArc gasification+ Free CD.

#802 $20 240 pages

NPA Proceedings from 2013 Conference

Clearance Priced! Complete col-lection of journal quality papers from the NPA-20 conference with almost 100 papers . Lots of cutting edge physics including gravity, light, quarks, relativity, black holes, vacuum, etc.

#716 $20 383 pages

Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Future Energy

Tesla inventions and history in-cluding Dr Corum’s Development of Tesla RF Power, Meyls’ Tesla Scalar waves”, Earth Ionosphere by Dr Rauscher and Valone’s Tesla Electrotherapy plus many more.

#121 $25 200 pages

Page 9: IRI Publication Catalog


Energy Reports

To Order: Call: 888-802-5243 Online: PAGE 9

Fax: 301-513-5728 Email: [email protected]

Energy Patents: Selected Information for Researchers

Eric Laithwaite ReportEd. by T Valone

HAARP, Patent Collections and Reports

Nikola Tesla & Development of RF Power

A great collection of notable patents including: DOE’s Proton Torpedo, mass modification, Zero Point energy, nuclear battery, MHD saucer, and many more.

#102 $15 100 pages

The Genius Professor from Imperial College, London and Consultant for NASA on magnetic levitation. Featured on BBC-TV. Includes patents, journal papers.

#614 $ 25 200 pages

Report on the different aspects of the controversial High Frequency Auroral project, poorly derived from Tesla’s wireless tranmission.

#839 $20 50 pages

Comprehensive report on the development of RF Power by Jim and Kenneth Corum, the authorities on this subject. Complete with equations, dia-grams and pictures. #714 $ 10 50 pages

Energy Fluctuations Power Conversions By Joseph Yater

Rectification of thermal noise is proposed as a means to create electricity. Theo-retical MW/kg energy is 90% efficient. Includes articles, patents.

#115 $ 15 70 pages

The Invention of Hans Coler, An alleged new Power SourceBy R.Hurst

Page 10: IRI Publication Catalog

PAGE 10 To Order: Call: 888-802-5243 Online:

Fax: 301-513-5728 Email: [email protected]

Engineering and Physics ReportsELF Magnetometer for Earthquake Prediction

Scalar Potentials Fields and Waves

Faster than Light Report. Collection of Articles for Researchers

Engineering Non-conventional AC Electrical Systems

Invented by Dr. Elizabeth Rauscher a highly accurate earthquake pre-dicter and subsequent patent. Ar-ticles and documents explain this revolutionary technology giving days of advance warning. Valuable technology for saving lives.

#201 $6 28 pages

Holding hope for instanta-neous communication across space and other benefits, scalars are just beggining to be understood. Equated with longitudinal waves, report includes articles and patents.

#303 $6 25 pages

Many articles document su-perluminal electromagnetic signals. This report describes, analyzes and provides un-derstandable physics regard-ing a mysterious subject. Ex-perimental documentation.

#708 $6 30 pages

By George Hathaway, PE

The Best Report for any re-searcher, inventor or investor wishing to analyze an AC elec-tricity system. Included Free AC electricity Formula sheets.

#119 $5 20 pages

Observations of Gravitational Shielding with a Massive Torsion Pendulum.

NASA verifies this stange gravitational shielding ana-moly during a solar eclipse. Drs. Erwin Saxl and Maurice Allais report adds experi-mental evidence with this torsion pendulum instrument. #702 $10 52 pages

Complete design plans for building a $100 hot air solar collector on your southern ex-posure rooftop. A loose plastic flap covering the output stops blackflow during night . Works all year.

#821 $5 24 pages

Solar Heat Panel Report & Plans

Page 11: IRI Publication Catalog

Engineering and Physics Reports

To Order: Call: 888-802-5243 Online: PAGE 11

Fax: 301-513-5728 Email: [email protected]

Howard Johnson Motor Report Collected Works of Dr Fabrizio Pinto

Analysis of the 1979 mag-netic motor by Virignia Polytechnic Institute, com-plete articles from Science & Invention and NY TImes. Included are also his later patents which represent a linear motor that propels a four wheel cart indefintely.

#203 $15 65 pages

Certain nuclear substances like tritium generate elec-tricity for at least 25 years. The late Paul Brown shows details of this emerging technology.

#830 $10 70 pages

Comprehensive Collection on the outstanding Zero Point Energy research work by Dr Pinto, formerly of Joint Propulsion lab, now has his own research company. Includes journal articles and awarded patents.

#837 $ 10 50 pages

Permanent Magnet Motor Report

Comprehensive report on the latest findings on permanent magnetic motors. Includes: Perendev, Hartman, Spiral and Roschin & Godin US patent Highly recommended for seri-ous researchers.

#204 $15 65 pages

Nuclear Battery Report: A Portable Energy Source

Magnetic Energy Converter Analysis

Analysis of the magentic motor of Godin & Roschin by Drs LaViolette and Pitkanen yielding a detail perspective on this newly emerging ener-gy source upgraded from the historical Searl Effect Gener-ator.

#215 $15 72 pages

The Water Fuel Cell Invention of Stan Meyer

Complete report with all the scientific data, graphs and charts explaining this break-through technology by an in-dependent validating source. Stan Meyer was the first to patent this technology with sad consequences.

#155 $20 140 pages

Page 12: IRI Publication Catalog

Non-Conventional Energy & Propulsion Database

About 100 annotated references listed twice by author and by sub-ject for convenience.

#502 $5 45 pages

Inertial Impulse Engine of Roy Thornson

Includes his notes and diagrams to build an efficient IP device which creates 8lbs of thrust for 1/16 hp.

# 608 $5 25 pages

Electrogravitics Reference List

Extensive listing of papers, ab-stracts, websites and book descrip-tions. Good aid for research.

#616 $15 55 pages

Inertial Propulsion Patent Collection

Chronological directory of the cover sheets from 100 patents from 1921-1999. Saves hours of research.

#609 $15 65 pages

The Zinsser Effect

The only report on the Cumula-tive Electrogravity invention of Rudolf G. Zinsser.

#701 $ 20 132 pages

Zero Point Energy & The Future

Good introduction for the lay person to the science of Zero Point Energy.

#822 $6 35 pages

The Antigravity Report: A Collection of Articles

Articles and patents that provide impor-tant facts about the nature of gravity and control by EM fields

#707 $ 8 40 pages

The Electrogravity Device of TT Brown

In 1952 TT Brown demonstrated his device to the Navy. Their report is a classic.

# 612 $6 25 pages

Gravitational Control Research

Master’s Thesis by J. Watson, with valuable historical, academic re-search and references.

#704 $7 40 pages

PAGE 12 Propulsion Reports & Resources

Page 13: IRI Publication Catalog

Impulse Gravity Generator of Prof. Eugene Podkletnov

Generator that uses electrokinetics to produce a collumated force. Related to TT Brown’s work.

# 610 $10 40 pages

RC Jennison Report

Easy to read articles by Dr. Jennison who was an authority with simple ex-planations for complex energy physics. Includes: “What is an electron? ” “Ball Lightning” Understanding Inertia” . #820 $15 60 pages

Harvesting Osmotic Power Hydroelectricity

Electricity generated with Water and Salt and 3 Atoms thick mem-brane. High efficiency power gen-eration from natural salt water by osmosis. Collection of 9 articles on this subject as late as 2016.

# 167 $10 60

The Real Periodic Table

Invented by a Corning Scientist, this periodic table is a more accurate representation of the elements . The conventional periodic table is also included free.

# 817 11 x17 $ 5

Tesla Wireless System Report

Complete Collection of Journal papers explaining earth ionosphere wireless electricity.

#827 $ 15 60 pages


Historical poster from the Unit-ed States Patent and Trademark Office. The poster illustrates the different stages for a Patent award or abandonment in a entertaining board game fashion. A collectors item. Donated to IRI by Gary Kunz and Jay Ryan.

#391 $20 18x24

To Order: Call: 888-802-5243 Online: PAGE 13

Fax: 301-513-5728 Email: [email protected]

Page 14: IRI Publication Catalog

DVD’s CDs, Videos

Future Energy Deluxe Double Set

Professionally edited by Transvision this 2 DVD set is a must for your Col-lection. 4 Presentations 60 mins long plus bonus features

#807 $35 Double Set

T.T. Brown Bahnson Lab DVD

Sev Bonnie donated this copy to IRI showing footage of Bahnson/Brown Lab Electrogravitics Experiments. Re-mastered silent film with music.

#606 $20 50 min DVD

Evening with Linda M. Howe DVD

Amazing 2-hr Presentation on her investigation into multilayered Elec-trogravtics specimen & slide show.

# 515 $ 20 120 mins

Breakthrough Future Energy DVD

Discourse on man’s quest for energy throughout history and his future options. Presented at the GlobalBem Conference 2013

#838 $ 20 90 mins DVD

PAGE 14 DVD’s CD’s

COFE7 DVD SET #869 $150 15 DVDs

Individual Speakers DVD

Mike Gamble CMG history (Gyros) # 869-1Carlos Henriques Zero Point Casimir Cavity Forces #869-2Tom Valone Future Energy Trends # 869-3Ryan Wood History of Papp Engine # 869-4Bill Alek Antigravity Technology # 869-5Mike Weiner Electrodevice Entrepreneur history # 869-6Stev Weigandt New Solutions for Cars & more #869-7Moray King ZPE & ThunderClouds # 869-8Thorsten Ludwig Single Atom Experiment # 869-9Bob DiBiase Asymetric Force with Casimir Plate # 869-10Marcus Reid Reid Crystal Cell Energy Pump # 869-11Nick Simos Classical Approach to Tesla Wireless # 869-12Jackie Panting Nanosecond PEMF Therapy # 869-13Tom Valone Spiral Magnetic Motors Updates # 869-14Mike Gamble State of the Art of Inertial Prop. # 869-15

$20 each 3 for $50 6 for $90

COFE8 DVD SETPresented in Albuquerque NM, July 2016. #870 $150 14 DVDs

Individual Speakers DVD

Mike Gamble Tesla Electric Car No batteries needed # 870-1Elliot Maynard Brave NewWorld Advances #870-2Tom Valone Electrogravitics & Electrokinetics # 870-3Linda Moulton-Howe Electrogravitics Laminates # 870-4Bill Alek SpinZero Core Technology # 870-5Dave Froning Faster Than Light Experiments # 870-6Tim Wilson Magnet Monopole Atom w/Demo #870-7Moray King NanoBubble & Cavity Plasma Rev # 870-8Thorsten Ludwig ZPE Magnetism extraction # 870-9Bob DiBiase Quantum Fire Experiment # 870-10Bill Alek Inertial Gravity Mass Modification # 870-11Norm Shealy Physics of Longevity &Rejuvination # 870-12Don Reed Schukelberg Particle Interaction & Mass #870-13Steve Weigandt New Solutions for You # 870-14 $20 each 3 for $50 6 for $90


DVD containing five (5) interviews from SPESIF-COFE 2011 featuring Scott Kelsey on the RejuvaMatrix, Max Forichev-Zamilov on Cavitation Fusion, Chris Provatidis on achieving antigravity with rotating masses, P.J. Piper on the amazing Flynn motor, and Dr. T. Ludwig on the Hans Coler motor .

# 507 $15 60 Mins DVD

Page 15: IRI Publication Catalog

Ectem alit, velessis dolesti nismod ting eu faci ting

Bioelectromagnetic Healing CD

Includes: Complete Bioelectro-magnetic Healing Book, Slide Show, History of EM field effects and more.

#417 $25 CD


Third International Conference.Com-plete collection

#920 $110 11 DVDs


The First International Conference on Future Energy, a milestone in eco friendly technologies

#900 $100 10 DVDs


Individual Speakers DVD

Les Adam & Ken Shoulders Magnet technologies & Charge Clusters # 900-1Paul Brown & Bruce Perrault Nuclear Energy Alternative Generation # 900-2K Robertson & P Pantone Wind Energy & Other Technologies # 900-3Peter Granaeau & D Wallman Biofuels # 900-4David Hamilton & David Goodwin DOE updates in Auto Industry # 900-5Tom Valone , Understanding ZPE # 900-6Steve Greer, Supression # 900-7Ed Storms , Low Energy Nuclear Reactions # 900-8Tom Van Flandern, Gravity # 900-9Martin Fleishman Cold Fusion History # 900-10

$20 each 3 for $50


Second Conference on Future Energy Complete collection.

#910 $150 14 DVDs

Origin of Life Experiments of Dr Puharich Lab Notebooks Vol 1-5

Actual lab notes of famous doctor who discovered transmutation of aminoacids in his resonant water electrolysis experiment.

#422 $15 CD

To Order: Call: 888-802-5243 Online: PAGE 15

Fax: 301-513-5728 Email: [email protected]


Individual Speakers DVD

George Miley Focus Fusion # 910-1James Dunn (2 dvds) Solar & Fuel Cells # 910-2Tom Valone Future Energy Techs # 910-3John Thomas Searle discs # 910-4Fabrizio Pinto, ZPE Potentials # 910-5Dennis Bushnell Seawater Agriculture # 910-6Ted Loder Spiral Magnetic Motors # 910-7Russ George Carbon Sequestration # 910-8Thorsten Ludwig Casimir & ZPE # 910-9Martin Burger Tidal Power # 910-10Glen Gordon Pulsed EMF Healing # 910-11Tania Slawecki Bioadvances in EM Fields # 910-12Pal Asija Patenting Alternative devices # 910-13Chelsea Sexton Electric Cars Update # 910-14$20 each 3 for $50 6 for $90

COFE IIIIndividual Speakers DVD

David Froning ZPE Engineering # 920-1James Bare: Rife Tech Healing # 920-2BEMS Development Panel Discussion. Rein, Bare, Panting # 920-3Moray King Water Electrolyzers # 920-4Wayne Miller, BEMS Financials # 920-5FUSION Panel Discussion E Lerner, G Miley, R Sedwick # 920-6Glen Rein BioEffects EMFFields # 920-7R. Sedwick Aerospace Engineering #920-8 ZPE Panel DiscussionValone, MacClay, Ludwig #920-9Renewables Panel discussionL Ott, Jim Dunn, Goodwin #920-10

$20 each 3 for $50

ZPE Extraction From QV DVD

Comprehensive and highly praised presentation on the feasibility of Zero Point Ener-gy extraction for energy by Dr. Thomas Valone

#821 $ 25 90 mins

Page 16: IRI Publication Catalog

PAGE 16 To Order: Call: 888-802-5243 Online:

Fax: 301-513-5728 Email: [email protected]

Bioenergy Books & Reports

Bioelectromagnetic Healing: A Rationale for its Use

Bestselling book that gives a compre-hensive scientific explanation on Bio-electric devices and latest findings.

#414 $15 125 pages

Energetic Processes Vol. 1 & Vol II

Anthology with 20 journal papers includ-ing: Bob Beck, B. Rubik, Glen Rein, Ted Rockwell, Dr Puharich, Tom Bearden, Jack Houck, T Valone, P Moscow and others#413 Vol.I $25 480 pages#415 Vol.II $25 400 pages

Biophotons. By M Bischof

Seminal report on Biopho-tons, the light of all cells, written by a prominent German Biologist.#425 $15 90 pages

Pulsed EM Fields Health


Includes all the data on PEMFs from journal papers. Essential for researchers.#418 $15 50 pages

Origin of Life Experiments

Dr Andrija Puharich’s trans-mutation of elements re-search. One of a kind report. Also availabe in CD #402 $6 30 pages

The Light By Mike Weiner

How low level light therapy healed the author’s TBI and the struggle to deliver this to those with Alzheimer’s.

#435 $15 80 pages

Macro & Microscopic Quantum Energy By M.Bischof & B.Zeiger

Overview of vacuum Ener-gy in the Biological terrain #437 $15 60 pages

Biophysical Experiments on EM waves by Paul Dobler

Translated german report on measureble effects from water#409 $10 45 pages

Modern Meditation, Science and Shortcuts by T Valone

Scientific meditation with latest findings and Easy to follow daily techniques

#401 $15 37 pages

The Ion Effect

Fredy Soyka’s book on the history and alternative uses of ions for overall health.#437 $15 167 pages

EM Field & Life Processes

Why is our alpha rhythm the same as the earth ionosphere Shows relationship between EMFs and living beings.#301 $6 40 pages

Page 17: IRI Publication Catalog

Page 17

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Integrity Research Institute is a 501 C (3) Non Profit organization, dedicated to helping establish integrity in scientific research and in educating the public on new eco-friendly emerging energy technologies. Your yearly membership of just $39 allows us to continue this vital work of investigating and documenting pioneering energy research, representing qualified inventors, educating the public with reports, presenting to Congressional representatives alternative ideas, networking with other non-profits, lecturing at scientific conferences, exhibit booth presentations, talk show interviews and publishing energy articles, books, CDs, DVDs, and much more.

IRI Member’s Benefits Future Energy Annual: A great summary of the year’s events.IRI Catalog: Annual list of publications and products. Members get 10% discount.Frameable Certificate: Institute’s declaration of your membership status, suitable for framing to disply his or her proud support.Future Energy Quarterly Mailings: This mailings help keep you abreast of the latest developments in emerging energy.

Become a member and choose a Free Gift: (1)BEMS Healing Book, #414, (2)Future Energy DVD. (3)Electrogravitics II Book, # 615. (4)Modern Meditation Book 401.

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Page 19: IRI Publication Catalog

Bioenergy Products PAGE 19

PREMIER Jr. Model 300This model includes the high voltage coil, high impact medium size case and two tubes: 1 small mushroom and 1 Y-shaped Having both tubes gives you complete coverage of all body parts and a choice for your specific need. If you want to treat your neck or extremities, use the Y tube. If you want to concentrate on one area, use the mushroom tube. $ 595.

EM PulsePadSame as the EM Pulser but with the con-venience of the flat, six inch pad with a washable sleeve It provides a conve-nient placement under clothing so that the wire can be discretely connected to the control box which is put in one’s pocket. Battery charger, 2 rechargeable batter and AC adapter included $375

PREMIER Jr. Model 500This model has the same benefits as the others plus 4 tubes: 1 mushroom small, I mushroom large, both ideal for concentrated energy in one area. 1 Y-shaped, excellent for neck and knee areas. 1 comb-shaped ideal for scalp, fingers and toes. Large high impact case included. $795.

PREMIER Jr. 100 or 200 These models include the High voltage coil , small case and 1 tube. The model 100 has a Y-shape which is ideal for neck and extremities treatment and the 200 model has a small mushroom shape ideal for concentrated treatment in one area. Both are just as effective. $ 495.

PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Frequency) and HV Portable Tesla Coils Devices Our PEMF devices are now our bestselling bioenergy products. The Em Pulser, EM PulsePad, OsteoPad and MaxiMat, in different sizes for different applications treat pain and inflammation with PEMF fields. The PREMIER machines energize the body in a very short expo-sure. Invigorating and desinfecting, helps disease resistance. All come with a 30 day money back guarantee and 1 full year warranty for parts and labor.

EM PulserPulsed electromagnetic portable device for pain and inflammation relief without side effects. EM Pulser emits pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF)with nanosecond rise time for acti-vating the HSP 70 protein that speeds up healing. $295 comes with battery charger and 2 batteries. AC adapter only $10 more.

OSTEOPADs Keep bones strong. Restore cartilage.The PEMF field of this device will relieve osteoporosis, osteopenia, any injury or in-flammations with its unique SpiralToroid Magnetic Field designM and simulates ex-ercise to produce bone & cartilage growth

OSTEOPAD (1 pad 20x14 inches) $795

OSTEOPAD MAXIMAT (5Ft long) $995

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FRESHAIR CUBEAir PurifierRemoves airborne contaminants and alleviates symptoms such as coughing, sneezing and itchy or watery eyes . Freshens air and removes odors in otherwise stale-prone environment. Removes dirt and dust from the air to make cleaning easier. Treats up to 1500 sq. ft and has a purge mode for timed high level purification. 6 inch cube.

$375 Ask us how to get a discount!