irnss / gagan and its potential applications geosmart ......irnss system 10 what is unique about...

IRNSS / GAGAN and its Potential Applications GEOSMART INDIA New Delhi March 2, 2016 K S Parikh Deputy Director, SNAA Space Applications Centre, ISRO Ahmedabad 1

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Page 1: IRNSS / GAGAN and its Potential Applications GEOSMART ......IRNSS System 10 What is unique about IRNSS? • IRNSS is an indigenous system – full control • Uses Dual Frequency (L5/S)

IRNSS / GAGAN and its Potential Applications


New Delhi March 2, 2016

K S Parikh Deputy Director, SNAA

Space Applications Centre, ISRO



Page 2: IRNSS / GAGAN and its Potential Applications GEOSMART ......IRNSS System 10 What is unique about IRNSS? • IRNSS is an indigenous system – full control • Uses Dual Frequency (L5/S)

Outline of Presentation


• GNSS Scenario

• Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System


• GPS Aided GEO Augmented Navigation


• GNSS Applications

Page 3: IRNSS / GAGAN and its Potential Applications GEOSMART ......IRNSS System 10 What is unique about IRNSS? • IRNSS is an indigenous system – full control • Uses Dual Frequency (L5/S)

Satellite based Navigation


Page 4: IRNSS / GAGAN and its Potential Applications GEOSMART ......IRNSS System 10 What is unique about IRNSS? • IRNSS is an indigenous system – full control • Uses Dual Frequency (L5/S)

GNSS Scenario


• 4 Global Constellations:

• GPS (24) & GLONASS (29) fully operational

• Galileo (30) – 10 satellites are operational

• Beidu (35) – 20 satellites are operational

• 2 Regional Constellations:

• IRNSS (7) – 5 satellites are operational

• QZSS (7) – 1 satellite is operational

• GNSS (SBAS) Augmentations:

• WAAS (2), EGNOS (2), GAGAN (2), MSAS (1) are


• SDCM (Russia) under development

Page 5: IRNSS / GAGAN and its Potential Applications GEOSMART ......IRNSS System 10 What is unique about IRNSS? • IRNSS is an indigenous system – full control • Uses Dual Frequency (L5/S)

GNSS Scenario (contd.)


• The trend is towards Multi-Constellation and Multi-

Frequency User Receiver development

• Improved Availability, Accuracy

• Dual / Triple frequency for Civilian Users

• Improved resistance to Jamming and Spoofing

• Modernized Signals from GPS/Galileo (by 2020)

• Faster TTFF

• Weak Signal Tracking and Acquisition

• Indoor positioning

• Improved Multipath performance

• Search & Rescue capability

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IRNSS System


• Currently 5 satellites in operation – IRNSS only based

positioning demonstrated.

• IRNSS Constellation to be completed by March 2016.

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IRNSS - Service Area


IRNSS service area is divided into three regions: Indian Land Mass : The area encompasses the Indian Geo-Political boundary. Primary Service Area: The area covered by 1500 km contour from Indian geopolitical boundary inclusive of the Indian Land Mass. Extended Service Area: The area between primary service area and area enclosed by the rectangle of Lat 300S to 500N, Long 300E to 1300E.

Extended Service area

Indian Landmass

Primary Service Area

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IRNSS – Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System


• IRNSS - Regional Navigation Satellite System with 4 GSO + 3 GEO Satellites • L5 and S-band Signals • SPS (Standard Positioning Service) and RS (Restricted Service)

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IRNSS – Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System


Page 10: IRNSS / GAGAN and its Potential Applications GEOSMART ......IRNSS System 10 What is unique about IRNSS? • IRNSS is an indigenous system – full control • Uses Dual Frequency (L5/S)

IRNSS System


What is unique about IRNSS?

• IRNSS is an indigenous system – full control

• Uses Dual Frequency (L5/S) for Civilian Users

• Third satellite navigation system (worldwide) to be fully

Operational by mid 2016

• Uses Grid based model for ionosphere delay correction

(accurate for single frequency users at L5/S band)

• S-band for navigation – first time being used (low ionospheric

delay to benefit single frequency (S band) users

• IRNSS can be used to broadcast short messages (potential to

be used also as a Disaster Warning Dissemination System)

• All satellites to be visible over Indian region for almost all the


• RS (Restricted Services) signal for strategic users

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IRNSS Ground Segment Architecture


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IRNSS Signals, Services & Accuracy


Service Type




Standard Positioning Services (SPS)

BPSK (1) L5 (1176.45 MHz) S (2492.028 MHz)

Single Frequency < 20 meters

Restricted Positioning Services (RS)

BOC (5,2) L5 (1176.45 MHz) S (2492.028 MHz)

Dual Frequency < 10 meters

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IRNSS Accuracy


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GAGAN (Indian SBAS System)


• GSAT-8 (PRN 127) and GSAT-10 (PRN 128) broadcast GAGAN

signals. GSAT-15 is in-orbit spare.

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GAGAN System


Main Components of GAGAN: • GPS Satellites

• A network of Ground Reference Stations over Indian air-space known as INRES

• Indian Master Control Station (INMCC)

• Indian Land Uplink Station (INLUS)

• Geo-stationary Satellites (GSAT-8, GSAT-10 main; and GSAT-15 in-orbit spare)

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GAGAN Services

Certified RNP 0.1

Service over Indian FIR

Certified APV 1 Service

over Indian Landmass.

• GAGAN is certified by DGCA for Required Navigation Performance

(RNP 0.1) within Indian Flight Information Region (FIR)

• GAGAN is certified by DGCA for Navigation Performance Level of

Approach with Vertical Guidance (APV 1) over Indian Landmass

Page 17: IRNSS / GAGAN and its Potential Applications GEOSMART ......IRNSS System 10 What is unique about IRNSS? • IRNSS is an indigenous system – full control • Uses Dual Frequency (L5/S)

GPS Augmentation Systems in the World


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GAGAN Performance : Ahmedabad (accuracy)


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Page 20: IRNSS / GAGAN and its Potential Applications GEOSMART ......IRNSS System 10 What is unique about IRNSS? • IRNSS is an indigenous system – full control • Uses Dual Frequency (L5/S)

GAGAN - Benefits to Aviation

Primary Means of Navigation - Take-Off,

En Route, Approach and Landing

More Direct Routes - Not Restricted By Location of Ground-Based Equipment

Precision Approach Capability - At Any Qualified Airport

Decommission of Older, Expensive Ground-Based Navigation Equipment

Reduced/Simplified Equipment On Board Aircraft

Increased Capacity - Reduced Separation Due to Improved Accuracy

Increase safety by using 3D approach operations

Page 21: IRNSS / GAGAN and its Potential Applications GEOSMART ......IRNSS System 10 What is unique about IRNSS? • IRNSS is an indigenous system – full control • Uses Dual Frequency (L5/S)

GNSS Applications


Precision Agriculture



Location based Services (LBS)




Public Related

Recreation & Sports


Surveying and Mapping


Timing & Synchronization Uses

Page 22: IRNSS / GAGAN and its Potential Applications GEOSMART ......IRNSS System 10 What is unique about IRNSS? • IRNSS is an indigenous system – full control • Uses Dual Frequency (L5/S)

GNSS Applications


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GNSS Applications


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Potential Market for Satellite Navigation Systems

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GNSS Market Worldwide

GNSS Market are forecasted to grow to 250 B€ per annum by 2022.

Page 26: IRNSS / GAGAN and its Potential Applications GEOSMART ......IRNSS System 10 What is unique about IRNSS? • IRNSS is an indigenous system – full control • Uses Dual Frequency (L5/S)

IRNSS Applications


Defense (Strategic) Applications

Civilian Applications

Page 27: IRNSS / GAGAN and its Potential Applications GEOSMART ......IRNSS System 10 What is unique about IRNSS? • IRNSS is an indigenous system – full control • Uses Dual Frequency (L5/S)

Defense Applications of IRNSS


Maritime, Aeronautical & Terrestrial Navigation

UAV and Aerial Delivered Weapons

Gun, Mortar, Launcher Alignment and Short Range Weapon


Aid to Inertial Navigation

Precision Timing Applications

Page 28: IRNSS / GAGAN and its Potential Applications GEOSMART ......IRNSS System 10 What is unique about IRNSS? • IRNSS is an indigenous system – full control • Uses Dual Frequency (L5/S)

Defense Applications of IRNSS


Precision Timing Applications

Synchronizing Secure Radio

Synchronizing Communication Networks

Timing of Navigations Parameters

Launch Complex Synchronization

Page 29: IRNSS / GAGAN and its Potential Applications GEOSMART ......IRNSS System 10 What is unique about IRNSS? • IRNSS is an indigenous system – full control • Uses Dual Frequency (L5/S)

Defense Applications of IRNSS


Marine, Aeronautical and Terrestrial Navigation

Page 30: IRNSS / GAGAN and its Potential Applications GEOSMART ......IRNSS System 10 What is unique about IRNSS? • IRNSS is an indigenous system – full control • Uses Dual Frequency (L5/S)

Defense Applications of IRNSS


UAVs and Aerial Delivered Weapons

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Defense Applications of IRNSS


Gun, Mortar, Launcher Alignment & Short Range

Weapon Navigation

Page 32: IRNSS / GAGAN and its Potential Applications GEOSMART ......IRNSS System 10 What is unique about IRNSS? • IRNSS is an indigenous system – full control • Uses Dual Frequency (L5/S)

Civilian Applications of IRNSS


Transportation Systems

Road Navigation

Rail Navigation

Air Navigation

Maritime Navigation

Page 33: IRNSS / GAGAN and its Potential Applications GEOSMART ......IRNSS System 10 What is unique about IRNSS? • IRNSS is an indigenous system – full control • Uses Dual Frequency (L5/S)

IRNSS based Disaster Warning System

Agencies like IMD, INCOIS,

CWC etc. generate disaster

related alerts

Alerts transmitted via VSAT

network to INC

Alert message is uplinked to

IRNSS Satellite by TT&C Centre

IRNSS navigation message

structure can transmit certain

short messages

Short message is received by all

INRSS User Receivers










VSAT Network

IRNSS Satellite




Page 34: IRNSS / GAGAN and its Potential Applications GEOSMART ......IRNSS System 10 What is unique about IRNSS? • IRNSS is an indigenous system – full control • Uses Dual Frequency (L5/S)

Road Navigation


Road Navigation

Tracking, Tracing and Scheduling

Vehicle Routing

Remote Condition Monitoring

Fleet Management

Intelligent Transportation System

Speed, Emission Control

Load Monitoring

Safety and Security


PAYD Insurance

Accident Reporting

Working time Directive

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Fleet Management


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Rail Transportation


Train control, Signaling

Traffic information

Transportation of dangerous goods (Real time track

surveying, performance monitoring & condition monitoring)

Prevention of collision, derailments and rails switch errors

Asset monitoring and location

Increase capacity and efficiency

Equipment location awareness

Automatic track survey and inspection

Time synchronization of communication systems

Part of a plan for 12 Bn $ Japanese investment over 5 years in India will bring Bullet Trains in India in 2022

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Automatic Train Tracking System


For Indian Railways (12000+ Trains)

Technology used: IRNSS, MSS, GSM/GPRS

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UMLC for Indian Railways


• Use of GNSS and MSS (SATCOM) Technology • Tracking of all Trains of Indian Railways • Automatic Hooter blowing on Locomotive and at UMLC

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Observing sea level changes

Dredging operations

Wreck locations

Laying pipe lines

SAR of sinking vessels

Positioning of oil rigs

Prevention of piracy

Automatic Identification System

VMS (Vessel Monitoring System)

Coastal Surveillance

Maritime domain Awareness

Page 41: IRNSS / GAGAN and its Potential Applications GEOSMART ......IRNSS System 10 What is unique about IRNSS? • IRNSS is an indigenous system – full control • Uses Dual Frequency (L5/S)

E-CALL (Emergency Calling)


Vehicle automatically dials E-CALL (emergency number) in

case of an accident

Sends IRNSS co-ordinate to emergency service

Sends vehicle data (point of impact data)

Improves response time

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Space Exploration:

• Space shuttle tracking

• Launch vehicle tracking

• Inter-planetary navigation

• Re-entry and landing of space


• International Space Station (ISS)

• Orbit and attitude determination of


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GNSS for Agriculture


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Land (Cadastral, Construction, Mapping and Mine Surveying

Marine (Hydrographic and Offshore Surveying)

Currently Professional Surveying Receivers use all available

GNSS signals (multi-constellation & multi-frequency) & other

differential correction technique (e.g. SBAS, RTK, DGPS)

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Time Synchronization of Power Grid


• Power Generating Plants currently depend on GPS. • Such critical infrastructure for energy security should depend on IRNSS.

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Monitoring of Structures & Environment




Dams & Reservoirs

Rail & Road Networks

Sky Scrapers & High Rise Buildings


Mines & Quarries

Power Stations

Historic Buildings and Landmarks


Earthquakes / landslides

Flood Risk and extents

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Disaster Management & Support


Disaster assessment, management and prevention

Monitor possible danger situations that may cause disaster (e.g.

monitor flood levels, tsunami prediction, earthquake)

Rapid emergency communication

Rapid command schedule

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Atmospheric Studies using IRNSS


Ionospheric Monitoring & Scintillation Studies

GNSS Tropospheric Effects & Meteorology

GNSS Reflectometry (GNSS-R)

GNSS Radio Occultation (GNSS-RO)

Global TEC Map Ionosphere significantly depends by solar activity

Page 49: IRNSS / GAGAN and its Potential Applications GEOSMART ......IRNSS System 10 What is unique about IRNSS? • IRNSS is an indigenous system – full control • Uses Dual Frequency (L5/S)

Location-Based Services (LBS)

Amenities: Closest hospital, Filling station, Nearest restaurant, Shopping mall

Weather: Current weather at the location, Temperature, Possibility of rain

Topology: Landform, Height from sea level, Nearest river, Lakes, Mountains etc.

Entertainment: Any sport event near the location on date, Theatre halls etc.

IRNSS Integrated with GIS

Page 50: IRNSS / GAGAN and its Potential Applications GEOSMART ......IRNSS System 10 What is unique about IRNSS? • IRNSS is an indigenous system – full control • Uses Dual Frequency (L5/S)

GPS Applications


Recreation & Sports:

• Hiking, hunting, nature study, biking, golf, fishing, boating, skiing,

formula racing

Habitat behavioral study of animals:

• Fixing GPS Receiver and Radio collar to the animals

• Collect information on the where about of the animals through radio

signals and carry out habitat behavioral study of animals.

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Page 52: IRNSS / GAGAN and its Potential Applications GEOSMART ......IRNSS System 10 What is unique about IRNSS? • IRNSS is an indigenous system – full control • Uses Dual Frequency (L5/S)

IRNSS System (1)


What are the challenges for IRNSS System?

• IRNSS L5 band is also used for ARNS services – DME/TACAN

interference near airports. Mitigation required in user receivers

• IRNSS S band is prone to ISM band interference (2400 –

2483.5 MHz) and other satellite based interference

• IRNSS uses 7 satellites. In urban areas, low elevation angle

satellites may be obstructed resulting in poor DOP and position

accuracy might degrade.

• Current / future trend is to use multi-constellation satellite

signals to increase availability of PNT and improve position

accuracy (more so in urban areas)

• All other satellite constellation (GPS, Glonass, Galileo, Beidu,

QZSS) has at least one signal on L1 band. Easy to integrate in

mobile phone (with single antenna and common RFFE).

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IRNSS System (2)


What are the challenges for IRNSS System?

• IRNSS uses L5/S band, which is different from other

constellations. Integrating IRNSS in addition to L1 band in

mobile phones will need separate antenna and RFFE, which

may increase the cost and size of the mobile phone.

• To obtain precise IRNSS satellite ephemeris and clock

parameters (post processed mode) will need IRNSS reference

stations installed with large base lines.

• Compact wide band antenna to receive L5/S band is a

challenge in dual frequency user receiver equipment.

• Navigation signals are prone to interference (intentional and


• Un-intentional (FM TV, GSM, Wi-Fi, ARNS, ISM….)

• Intentional multi-band Jammers (L1/L2/L5)

• Interference detection, mitigation, localization techniques

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IRNSS System (3)


What are the challenges for IRNSS System?

• Navigation signals can be spoofed (more so for military users

near border areas)

• Spoofing detection, mitigation techniques required

• Multipath signals can degrade position accuracy (especially in

urban areas)

• Multipath mitigation techniques required in user receivers