iron ore 2015 registration+_x

16 IRON ORE 2015 Maximising Productivity 13–15 July 2015, Perth, Australia Registration Brochure Gold Sponsors REGISTRATION NOW OPEN!

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IRON ORE 2015Maximising Productivity13–15 July 2015, Perth, Australia

Registration Brochure

Gold Sponsors




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Coffee Cart Conference Proceedings

Name Tags

Technical Sessions

Gold Sponsors

Conference Supporter Note Pads & Pens

Media Supporters

Conference Chair:

Ralph Holmes FAusIMM(CP), CSIRO Mineral Resources Flagship

Conference Co-Chair:Erick Ramanaidou, CSIRO Mineral Resources Flagship

Conference Committee

Mike Bannear, Arrium MiningJohn Clout FAusIMM, John Clout and AssociatesJim Cribbes FAusIMM, GHDRod Elvish HonFAusIMM(CP), Biernacki & Elvish Enterprises Pty Ltd

Bart Follink FAusIMM, University of South Australia

Kevin Galvin, University of Newcastle

Paul Maney MAusIMM, BHP Billiton

Elardus Mare MAusIMM, Fortescue Metals Group

Antonia Riley, CSIRO Mineral Resources Flagship

Phil Savory MAusIMM, Rio Tinto

Kerry Turnock MAusIMM, Ore Solutions Pty Ltd

Keith Vining, CSIRO Minerals Resources Flagship

John Visser MAusIMM, Johen Consulting

Iron Ore 2015




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INVITATION TO IRON ORE 2015The very successful and well-established AusIMMIron Ore Conferences have been held in bothFremantle and Perth in Western Australia since2002 and have now become an important biennialevent. This year’s conference, Iron Ore 2015, is theseventh in the series and will again feature recentdevelopments in the genesis, geology, exploration,mining and processing of iron ores, including

project development, new equipment, logistics, environmentalmanagement and market outlook. The conference will provideunparalleled networking opportunities and time for geologists,geoscientists, mineralogists, metallurgists, managers, engineers,operators, equipment manufacturers and reagent suppliers involved inall aspects of the iron ore industry to reflect on recent developmentsand how they can be put to good use in industry.

As on previous occasions, the conference is being jointly organised byThe Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (The AusIMM) andCommonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO),with the support of FLSmidth, Fluor, Weir Minerals and the University ofNewcastle (NIER) as Gold Sponsors. This time the theme of theconference is Maximising Productivity, which is particularly relevantat present as new projects and expansions bed down after anunprecedented period of major growth and iron ore market conditionsbecome more volatile and extremely challenging following theprecipitous fall in iron ore prices. Iron Ore 2015 will be held at thePerth Convention and Exhibition Centre to accommodate the growingnumber of exhibitors and Australian and international delegates.

A number of workshops for delegates are scheduled to be held bothbefore and after the conference, while after the conference there willbe a number of technical tours. The major tours will provide delegateswith the opportunity to visit a number of iron ore operations in thePilbara region of Western Australia as well as the Arrium Miningoperations on the Eyre Peninsula in South Australia. Tours of key ironore laboratories in Perth will also be available.

On behalf of the Organising Committee, The AusIMM and CSIRO, I inviteyou to Iron Ore 2015 in Perth. I trust you will find it both an enjoyableand rewarding experience. See you there.

Dr Ralph Holmes FAusIMM(CP)Iron Ore 2015 Conference Chair

Dr Erick Ramanaidou, Conference Co-Chair

Iron Ore 2015WHO SHOULD ATTEND?Iron Ore 2013 attracted over 670 attendees from 18 countries. IronOre 2015 will continue to build on the success of previous eventsand will attract both national and international attendees working inthe following areas:

6 REASONS TO ATTEND IRON ORE 20151. Learn from over 60 technical abstracts written by leading

experts on the current trends and advances involved in the IronOre industry

2. Connect with over 600 anticipated attendees

3. Meet face-to-face with conference exhibitors and be introducedto the newest technologies and services

4. Participate in any of the three Social Functions

5. Take part in the many unique opportunities available through theworkshop and technical tour programs

6. Be inspired from hearing from our high profile keynote speakers


• Geoscientists• Mineralogists• Geologists• Mining engineers• Metallurgists• Managers and Directors• Operators• Consultants• Engineering companies• Equipment manufacturers,

suppliers and designers

• Reagent suppliers • Iron and steel makers• Chemical engineers

• Researchers

• Technologists

• Business DevelopmentManagers

• Geologists

• Operations Managers

• Process Engineers

Photo courtesy of Fortescue Metals Group

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Wednesday 8 July –Friday 10 July Sunday 12 July Monday 13 July Tuesday 14 July Wednesday 15 July Thursday 16 July Friday 17 July

W1: Iron Ore, Sinterand Coke OpticalImage Analysis/

Characterisation andCSIRO Software


CSIRO, Brisbane

Exhibition build

W2: TUNRA BulkSolids – Material

Handling and TransferDesign

W3: Iron Ore –Exploration to Market

Xstract MiningConsultants



Technical Programand Exhibition

Welcome Function


Technical Programand Exhibition

Networking Hour

Conference Dinner


Technical Programand Exhibition

Exhibition dismantleConferencebump-out

T1: Iron Ore 2015Pilbara Tour – DAY 1

T2: Tour of BureauVeritas MineralsMetallurgical and

Assay Facilities & ALSLaboratory

T3: Arrium Mine SiteTour

W4: Advanced IronOre Processing, Midas

Engineering Group

W5: Geometallurgyand Advanced

Characterisation ofIron Ores, CSIRO

T1: Iron Ore 2015Pilbara Tour – DAY 2


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Professor Kevin GalvinDirector of the ARC ResearchHub for AdvancedTechnologies for AustralianIron Ores, Newcastle Institutefor Energy and Resources,University of Newcastle,Australia

Professor Kevin Galvin is the inventor of the RefluxClassifier, a novel technology that is now deployed inAustralia and around the world, solving a range ofpreviously intractable problems in the minerals industry.Professor Galvin graduated with First Class Honours andthe University Medal from the University of Newcastle in1987 while working for BHP Research. He then secureda Commonwealth Scholarship to undertake his PhD inChemical Engineering at Imperial College, returning toBHP Research in 1990, prior to his move to theUniversity of Newcastle in 1993. Professor Galvin is aFellow of the Australian Academy of TechnologicalSciences and Engineering. He received a Clunies RossAward in 2014, and the AusIMM Mineral IndustryTechnique Award in 2014. He is presently the Director ofthe ARC Research Hub for Advanced Technologies forAustralian Iron Ores, and the Centre for AdvancedParticle Processing and Transport, which form part of theNewcastle Institute for Energy and Resources (NIER) atthe University of Newcastle.

Michael GollschewskiManaging Director, PilbaraMines – Rio Tinto Iron Ore

Michael was appointed man-aging director Pilbara Minesfor the Iron Ore business inMay 2013. In this role,Michael has accountability for

operational mine sites across the Pilbara, as well as theFleet Strategy and Delivery, and the Mine of the Futureimplementation. Michael is also a member of the IronOre executive committee. Michael has been with RioTinto for eight years, with general manager roles inPilbara Expansions and at Greater Brockman operations.

Most recently he has been chief operating officer PilbaraProjects, playing a lead role in the development of thecontracting and procurement strategy for our Pilbaraexpansion, and initiating a key safety programme whichhas now been widely deployed. Prior to joining Rio Tinto,Michael held a wide range of engineering, supervisoryand management and project roles with CSR and Alcoa.

Michael graduated from the Queensland Institute ofTechnology with honours in Mechanical Engineering andholds a Masters of Business Administration from CurtinUniversity, Perth.

Anna Littleboy FAusIMMResearch Director –Resources, Community andEnvironment, MineralsResources Flagship

Anna is a Research Directorwith CSIRO’s MineralResources Flagship. She

leads the Resources, Environment and Communityprogram which develops technology and processes tosupport sustainable minerals development in a resourceconstrained future.

Anna is a Fellow of the Minerals Institute and a memberof the Global Agenda Council on Responsible MineralsDevelopment. She is a recipient of a CSIRO medal forBusiness Excellence and has authored several bookchapters and articles in the field of global sustainabilityand mineral futures. She sits on the executive of CSIRO’s$80 million a year minerals flagship.

With a background in earth and environmental science,Anna is particularly interested in how the social andenvironmental impacts of innovation affect long-terminvestment decisions. She has established influentialinitiatives at the interface where science informs policy.Her current focus is the transformation of minerals tometals with reduced inputs, a lower environmentalfootprint and a social license to operate.


Dr. Koji SaitoExecutive Counselor, GeneralManager, Head of Division,Ironmaking TechnologyDivision, Nippon Steel andSumitomo MetalsCorporation, Japan

Dr. Koji Saito specialises inthe iron-making process, physical chemistry and thecharacterisation of raw materials. Kojii has presentedover 100 papers and made over 120 presentations.

CONFIRMED KEYNOTE SPEAKERS• John Barkas, Managing Director, Metalytics Pty


• FMG Representative

• Rio Tinto Representative

Bill Marmion BE MBA MLAMinister for Finance; Minesand Petroleum

Bill Marmion, who – alongwith his father – was bornin Kalgoorlie, has a longfamily record of service tothe people and State of

Western Australia. During the 1840s, his great-greatgrandfather, Patrick Marmion, was involved in one ofthe colony’s first mining ventures and became aprominent businessman. In 1890, his greatgrandfather was made WA’s first Minister for Mining.

A civil engineer by profession, Mr Marmion spentmany years working for Main Roads WA. Much of histime was spent in the regions, particularly theGoldfields and the Kimberley. This experience hasgiven him firsthand knowledge of many of theenvironments he now works in as Minister for Minesand Petroleum.

As an engineer, Mr Marmion served as President ofthe WA Division of Engineers Australia and for 3years prior to entering Parliament in 2008 wasChairman of the Engineering Excellence Awards forthe State.

Leaving the public service he co-founded consultancyfirm Syme-Marmion, which specialised in strategicplanning and financial analysis work for bothgovernment and the private sector. He left the firm torun for and win the seat of Nedlands in 2008.

Since that time he has served in a range of rolesincluding Parliamentary Secretary to the Premier andMinister for Commerce; Science and Innovation;Housing; Minister Assisting the Treasurer; andMinister for Water and the Environment.

In his current portfolios, he is committed to ensuringstrong Government finance outcomes and a stableand robust regulatory environment to maintain theexpansion of the crucially important resource sectorin Western Australia.

Joe Knight General Manager of

Exploration, BHP Billiton Iron


Joe has over twenty years’experience in mineralexploration and resourcedevelopment covering multicommodities and countries.


Ministerial Address andOfficial Conference Opening

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Iron Ore 2015 Technical Program – Correct at time of printing, Monday, 25 May 2015

Preliminary Program NOTE - This is a preliminary program only and subject to change

Sunday 12 July 2015

4.00 pm - 6.00 pm Registration Open, Level 2 Reception, PCEC

Day 1 - Monday 13 July 2015

7.00 am – 6.15 pm Registration Open, Level 2 Reception, PCEC

Session 1: Opening and Keynote Presentations I Riverside Theatre, Level 2 Session Chair: Ralph Holmes FAusIMM(CP), CSIRO Mineral Resources Flagship & Conference Chair

8.30 am - 8.40 am CSIRO Welcome and OH&S Briefing: Ralph Holmes FAusIMM (CP), CSIRO Mineral Resources Flagship and Conference Chair

8.40 am - 8.50 am AusIMM Welcome:

8.50 am - 9.05 am Official Opening: Honourable Bill Marmion, Minister for Finance, Mines and Petroleum, Western Australian Government

9.05 am - 9.35 am Keynote Presentation I: Michael Gollschewski, Managing Director, Pilbara Mines, Rio Tinto

9.35 am - 10.05 am Keynote Presentation II: John Barkas, Managing Director, Metalytics Pty Limited

10.05 am - 10.35 am Keynote Presentation III: Joe Knight, BHP Billiton Iron Ore

10.35 am - 11.05 am Morning Tea Break and Exhibition, Pavilion 1, PCEC


Session 2A: Exploration and Geology I (M Kneeshaw Tribute) Session Chair: Erick Ramanaidou, CSIRO

Session 2B: Ore Characterisation and Geometallurgy I Session Chair:

11.05 am - 11.25 am

The Cenozoic Detrital Iron Deposits of the Hamersley Province of Western Australia - A Tribute to Mal

Kneeshaw — R Morris

Advances in Optical Image Analysis of Iron Ore Sinter — E Donskoi, S Hapugoda, L Lu, A Poliakov, M Peterson and A Haileslassie

11.25 am - 11.45 am Geology - The Affirmative Case — D Kepert

A Novel Approach to the Characterisation of Iron Ores and Concentrates Using Recent Advancements in Wavelength- and Energy-dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometers — C Tsouris, A Komelkov and M Rayner

11.45 am - 12.05 pm Related Genesis for Iron, Gold-copper Ores in Western Australia — P B Schwann

Laser Scanning of Conveyor Ore Profiles — T Fares and S Grobler

12.05 pm - 12.25 pm

Geological Setting of Eliwana and Flying Fish Deposits along the North Limb of the Brockman Syncline, Hamersley Province, Western Australia — D Barrett, R Perkins, D Kepert, S Robinson and C Flowers

Real-time Through-belt Moisture Analysis for Iron Ore — L Balzan and A Harris

12.25 pm - 12.45 pm Discovery of the Corunna Downs Deposits — J H Mainwaring, P J Howard and P Darvall

Using Geometallurgy during Process Optimisation Activities at the Southern Middleback Ranges Magnetite Concentrator — J Gerber, C Stanton and D Olwagen

12.45 pm - 1.45 pm Lunch Break and Exhibition, Pavilion 1, PCEC


Session 3A: Exploration and Geology II Session Chair:

Session 3B: Ore Characterisation and Geometallurgy II Session Chair:

1.45 pm - 2.05 pm Evolution of a Structural Framework for High-grade Iron Ore Deposits — M Egglseder and A Cruden

A New Toolkit for Iron Ore Characterisation — E R Ramanaidou and M A Wells

2.05 pm - 2.25 pm

Semi-automated Geological Interpretation Using Assay and Infrared Spectroscopic Sensing Parameters towards Improvements in Geological Modelling — D Mittrup, F Flitti, G Hird, M Haest and O Dominguez

Geometallurgy of the South Middleback Ranges Magnetite Deposit - Predicting Plant Performance from the Pit — J Gerber, D Gerrard and J Begelhole

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Iron Ore 2015 Technical Program – Correct at time of printing, Monday, 25 May 2015

2.25 pm - 2.45 pm

An Overview of the Weathering Process, Preliminary Density and Unconfined Compressive Strength Correlations for Fresh Itabrites in Vale Mines on the Western Side of the Iron Quadrangle, Brazil — T A V Costa, P M Dight, K Mercer and E A G Marques

Unravelling the Factors Impacting on Concentrate Quality by Geometallurgical Data Analysis at Fortescue Metals Group's Iron Bridge Magnetite Mine — A Manfrino

2.45 pm - 3.05 pm Reaping the First Fruits - Infrared Spectroscopy: the New Standard Tool in BHP Billiton Iron Ore Exploration — M Haest, D Mittrup and O Dominguez

Iron Ore Geometallurgy - Examining the Influence of Ore Composition on Sinter Phase Mineralogy and Sinter Strength — M I Pownceby, N A S Webster, J R Manuel and N Ware

3.05 pm - 3.35 pm Afternoon Tea Break and Exhibition, Pavilion 1, PCEC


Session 4A: Exploration and Geology III Session Chair:

Session 4B: Beneficiation I Session Chair:

3.35 pm - 3.55 pm Waste Not, Want Not - Delving Deeper into the Simbili Iron Ore Deposit Using HyLogging Scanning Technology — M A Wells and E R Ramanaidou

Improvements in Service Life and Cost Reduction for Gyratory Primary Crushers through Mantle and Concaves Optimisation - A Case Study — I Elias, S Chaffer and E Moya

3.55 pm - 4.15 pm Rapid Logging of Different Magnetic Phases in Banded Ironstones Using a Travelling Three-component Vector Magnetometer — C A Foss, K Leslie and C Arnold

Effect of Mineral Density for Milling Magnetite Ores — A Jankovic, P Baguley, W Valery and P Holtham

4.15 pm - 4.35 pm

Three-dimensional Mapping of Magnetite and Hematite Concentrations from Reprocessing of Detailed Aeromagnetic Data — D A Clark, C Foss, J Austin and D Hillan

Application of Different Drive Systems for Horizontal Mills — B Wacker, W Kitz, C Murphy, M Neurohr and D Mensing

4.35 pm - 4.55 pm A Downhole Magnetic Tensor Gradiometer for Developing Robust Magnetisation Models from Magnetic Anomalies — K Leslie, C A Foss, D Hillan and K Blay

Iron Ore Final Grinding by High Pressure Grinding Rolls and Air Classification — F P van der Meer, E Lessing and E Matthies

4.55 pm - 5.15 pm Block Model Data Reduction and Sensitivity Analysis — J E Everett

Optimisation of Wash Water on an Iron Ore Spiral to Improve Grade — C M Ramotsabi, W Erasmus and F Bornman

5.15 pm – 6.15 pm Welcome Function, Exhibition Area, Pavilion 1, PCEC

Day 2 - Tuesday 14 July 2015

7.30 am - 7.30 pm Registration Open, Level 2 Reception, PCEC

Session 5: Opening and Keynote Presentations II Riverside Theatre, Level 2 Session Chair:

9.00 am - 9.05 am Day 2 Welcome: Ralph Holmes FAusIMM(CP), CSIRO Minerals Resources Flagship & Conference Chair

9.05 am - 9.35 am Keynote Presentation IV: Recent Progress in Japanese Ironmaking Technologies — Dr Koji Saito, Head of Division, Ironmaking Technology, Nippon Steel and Sumitomo Metals Corporation

9.35 am - 10.05 am Keynote Presentation V: ARC Research Hub for Advanced Technologies for Australian Iron Ore - An Introduction — Prof Kevin Galvin, Director, ARC Research Hub for Advanced Technologies for Australian Iron Ores, University of Newcastle

10.05 am - 10.35 am Keynote Presentation VI: Iron Ore, Innovation and a (Not So) Quiet Revolution — Dr Anna Littleboy FAusIMM, Research Director, Resources, Community and Environment, CSIRO Mineral Resources Flagship

10.35 am - 11.05 am Morning Tea Break and Exhibition, Pavilion 1, PCEC


Session 6A: Mining I Session Chair:

Session 6B: Beneficiation II Session Chair: Taavi Orupold, FLSmidth Pty Ltd

11.05 am - 11.25 am Characterising the Blasting Properties of Iron Ore — A Scott and I Onederra

Gravity Separation of Ultrafine Iron Ore in the Reflux Classifier — D M Hunter, J Zhou, S M Iveson and K P Galvin

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Iron Ore 2015 Technical Program – Correct at time of printing, Monday, 25 May 2015

11.25 am - 11.45 am The Effect of Carbonate Alteration on Detrital Mass Strength and Implications for Geotechnical Slope Design — H Baxter, M Eggers, A Muhairini and J Smith

Test Work and Design of a Gravity Circuit for Iron Road's Central Eyre Iron Project — A G Hunt, G J Showers and P Botman

11.45 am - 12.05 pm Flexigel - A Variable-density Solution — D R Andrew, K T Morrison and J F Tiedgen

Process Amenability Studies on Goethite-abundant Iron Ore Fines — V Nunna, S Hapugoda and T Raynlyn

12.05 pm - 12.25 pm

Case Study Assessing Alternative Data Collection Techniques and Analysis Methods to Assist with Geotechnical Slope Design — H Baxter, C Bellia, A Maldonado and S Strong

Recovery of Iron Ore Fines and Ultrafines from Tailings by Using Wet High-intensity Magnetic Separation - JONES WHIMS — M Steinberg, T Graham and M Gerards

12.25 pm - 12.45 pm How Much Do We Need to Drill? — C Taylor and E Retz Unlocking Plant Capability through Targeted Debottlenecking of Arrium's Magnetite Concentrator — C Stanton, M Mativenga, J Gerber and C Jenkins

12.45 pm - 1.45 pm Lunch Break and Exhibition, Pavilion 1, PCEC


Session 7A: Mining II Session Chair:

Session 7B: Beneficiation III Session Chair:

1.45 pm - 2.05 pm Maximising Productivity through Big Data, Simulation and Predictive Analytics — M S Schneider and M T Grigoleit

What is the Future for Magnetite Projects in Australia and Why Have Some of the New Projects Been so Problematic? — D Connelly

2.05 pm - 2.25 pm Optimising Flow in the Mining Value Chain — A Dunne, P G Laurens, R Kruger and H Coleman

Iron Ore Tailings Reprocessing To Maximise Ore Production — R Jain and I Sherrell

2.25 pm - 2.45 pm

New Discrete Element Modelling Calibration Technology to Facilitate the Increased Efficiency of Ore Handling and Processing Operations — A Grima, D Curry and P Wypych

Geoscan Online Analyser Use for Process Control at Fortescue Metals Group Sites in Western Australia — L Balzan, B J Beven and A Harris

2.45 pm - 3.05 pm Comparison of Min/Max Autocorrelation Factors, Kriging, Co-kriging and Inverse Distance Block Totals – A Magnetite Hematite Case Study — D Kentwell

The Use of Common Business Intelligence and Analytics Tools in the Operation and Optimisation of Iron Ore Process Plants — M R Fry, T Nassis, P Louw and T du Toit

3.05 pm - 3.35 pm Afternoon Tea Break and Exhibition, Pavilion 1, PCEC


Session 8A: Mining and Materials Handling Session Chair:

Session 8B: Agglomeration I Session Chair:

3.35 pm - 3.55 pm Iron Ore Ultrafines Challenges and Opportunities — D Tucker and K Harney

Recent Advances in Iron Ore Sintering — L Lu and O Ishiyama

3.55 pm - 4.15 pm Ore Selection to Maximise Value — J E Everett Granulation Behaviour of Specularite Fines in Ferrous Sinter Mixtures — D-Q Zhu, X-B Li, J Pan and B-J Shi

4.15 pm - 4.35 pm De-bottlenecking Iron Ore Transportation from Mine to Plant — C E Hartford, C P Holmes and T Tan

Iron Sinter Process Control Using X-ray Diffraction — U Konig and N Norberg

4.35 pm - 4.55 pm

Modelling Cohesion and Adhesion of Wet Sticky Iron Ores in Discrete Element Modelling for Material Handling Processes — W Chen, T Donohue, K Williams, A Katterfeld and T Roessler

Fundamental Nucleus Assimilation Behaviour of Hematite- and Goethite-containing Ores in Iron Ore Sintering — N Ware and J Manuel

7.00 pm for 7.30 pm Conference Dinner, BelleVue Ballroom 2, PCEC

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Iron Ore 2015 Technical Program – Correct at time of printing, Monday, 25 May 2015

Day 3 - Wednesday 15 July 2015

8.00 am – 4.30 pm Registration Open, Level 2 Reception, PCEC

Session 9: Opening and Keynote Presentations III Riverside Theatre, Level 2 Session Chair: Alan Pollard, Fluor

9.00 am - 9.05 am Day 3 Welcome: Ralph Holmes FAusIMM(CP), CSIRO Minerals Resources Flagship & Conference Chair

9.05 am - 9.35 am Keynote Presentation VII: FMG Representative

9.35 am - 10.05 am Keynote Presentation VII: Roy Hill Iron Ore Representative

10.05 am - 10.35 am Keynote Presentation IX: TBA

10.35 am - 11.05 am Morning Tea Break and Exhibition, Pavilion 1, PCEC


Session 10A: Project Development Session Chair:

Session 10B: Agglomeration II Session Chair:

11.05 am - 11.25 am Project Development and Regulation Red Tape - A Comparative Analysis: Does it Need to be so Complex? — C Pope and M Tannock

Mineralogical Quantification of Iron Ore Sinter — S Hapugoda, L Lu, E Donskoi and J Manuel

11.25 am - 11.45 am Magnetite - A Higher-grade Blast Furnace Feed and its Potential Benefits for the Ironmaker — A J J Mouton and K Edwards

Production of High-quality Sinter by Controlling the Sintering Reaction — B J Chung and Y K Ji

11.45 am - 12.05 pm Understanding the State of Innovation in the Iron Ore Industry — G Stanway, P Mahoney, D Andrew, C Griebel and D Engelke

Dependence of Flame Front Speed on Iron Ore Sintering Conditions — J Zhao and C E Loo

12.05 pm - 12.25 pm Case Study of Iron Ore Value Chain Optimisation — T Kleinschmidt, J Foo, B Reynolds and K Kennewell

Effect of Concentrate and Micropellet Addition on Iron Ore Sinter Bed Permeability — A M Nyembwe, R Cromarty and A M Garbers-Craig

12.25 pm - 12.45 pm Capacity Evaluation of Iron Ore Processing Facilities Utilising Dynamic Simulations — W Cele, L Furstenberg, M Richter and N Steenkamp

Effect of Titania on the Sintering Performance of Hematite Iron Ores — A Dehghan-Manshadi, J Manuel, S Hapugoda, N Ware and E Donskoi

12.45 pm - 1.45 pm Lunch Break and Exhibition, Pavilion 1, PCEC


Session 11A: New Equipment and Environment Session Chair:

Session 11B: Ferrous Burden Performance Session Chair:

1.45 pm - 2.05 pm Optimised Process Control in Iron Ore via Online Analysis of Light Elements — L Koresaar, J Timperi and J Moilanen

Important Acid Ferrous Burden Properties in the Cohesive Zone of a Blast Furnace — C E Loo

2.05 pm - 2.25 pm Iron Ore Washing - Achieve More with Fewer Resources — S Silge and M Zlatev

Lump Ore Properties and Their Impact on Value-in-use in Ironmaking — T Honeyands and L Jelenich

2.25 pm - 2.45 pm Research and Application of New Dust Control Technologies for the Iron Ore Industry — P W Wypych, D B Hastie, S Wangchai and A P Grima

Reduction Kinetics and Mechanism of Pellets Prepared from High-chromium Vanadium-titanium Magnetite Concentrate — C J Cheng, X X Xue, J X Liu, Z G Liu, M S Chu, T Jiang, B Liu and P N Duan

2.45 pm - 3.05 pm Shifting Waters in the Pilbara's Iron Ore Industry — I Brandes de Roos

High Temperature Interactivity of Iron Ores in the Cohesive Zone of the Blast Furnace — X L Liu, S L Wu, W Huang and J M Zhu

3.05 pm - 3.35 pm Afternoon Tea Break and Exhibition, Pavilion 1, PCEC

Session 12: Plant Optimisation and Cargo Stability Riverside Theatre, Level 2 Session Chair: Rick Hughes, Microanalysis Australia

3.35 pm - 3.55 pm The Use and Optimisation of Ferrous Feed at the Whyalla Blast Furnace — J Tsalapatis, M Middleton, R Keil, S Kerec and G Caddy

3.55 pm - 4.15 pm Guidelines for Selecting Pellet Plant Technology — M Huerta, J Bolen, M Okrutny, I Cameron and K O'Leary

4.15 pm - 4.35 pm Maritime Bulk Cargo Transportable Moisture Limit Requirements for Iron Ore Shipments — K Williams, T Honeyands, R Holmes, R Orense, A Roberts, M Pender, D McCallum and T Krull

4.35 pm - 4.45 pm Conference Close: Ralph Holmes FAusIMM(CP), CSIRO Minerals Resources Flagship & Conference Chair

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W2: ARC Research Hub for AdvancedTechnologies for Australia Iron Ore presents:TUNRA Bulk Solids – Materials Handling andTransfer DesignSunday 12 July 2015

This session will focus on transfer chute design for the iron oreindustry and current best practices. Topics that will be coveredin this session include:

• Introduction to Bulk Material Flow Properties

• Application of Bulk Material Flow Properties

• Introduction to Transfer Chute Design Methods

• Continuum Analysis Methodology

• Discrete Element Modelling.

Cost: A$1100 AusIMM member | A$1320 Non-memberTime: 9.00 am – 5.00 pmNumbers: Minimum 10 – Maximum 20Venue: Perth Convention and Exhibition CentreIncludes: A comprehensive set of course notes, lunch and refreshments

Course Presenters: Dr Tobias Krull, General Manager and Dr Tim Donohue, Engineering Manager, TUNRA Bulk Solids – NIER

Who Should Attend:This course is aimed at engineers, equipment designers, technologists,engineering managers, equipment and system suppliers and those who need abetter understanding of the practical and technical issues involved with thereliable and handling, transfer and storage of iron ore bulk materials.

For further information on the course content please contact: Tobias Krull, University of Newcastle via: [email protected]

Iron Ore 2015

W1: Iron Ore, Sinter and Coke OpticalImage Analysis/Characterisation andCSIRO Software Mineral4/Recognition4Wednesday 8 – Friday 10 July 2015

Hosted in Brisbane prior to the start of Iron Ore 2015, thisworkshop will provide an opportunity to increase yourunderstanding of the geometallurgy of different iron ores andiron ore sinters and to significantly improve your knowledgeof iron ore and iron ore sinter characterisation. Experiencedresearchers from CSIRO, who together have characterisedhundreds of different iron ores from all over the world and studied sinterproduced from hundreds of ore blends, will share their knowledge andexperience with you.

The workshop will cover:

• Different techniques for iron ore characterisation, including practical sessionsutilising hand specimens and optical photomicrographs of different ore types,covering BIF, BID, CID and DID ores.

• Iron ore characterisation using optical image analysis.

• Practical sessions on an automated microscope, working with the modern,unique Mineral4/Recognition4 automated optical image analysis softwaredeveloped by CSIRO.

• Textural classification of iron ores, including discussions on the importanceof ore texture information for the prediction of downstream processingperformance based on practical case studies.

Cost: A$1100 AusIMM member | A$1320 Non-memberTime: 9.00 am – 5.00 pmNumbers: Minimum 10 – Maximum 20Venue: Queensland Centre for Advanced Technologies (QCAT)

Technology Court, PullenvaleIncludes: A comprehensive set of course notes, lunch and refreshments

Course Presenters: Dr Eugene Donskoi, Project Leader, Senior Research ScientistDr Sarath Hapugoda, Research Projects Officer Dr Michael Peterson, Process Mineralogist Mr Andrei Poliakov, Research Projects Officer Dr Liming Lu, Principal Research Scientist Mr Keith Vining, Research Group LeaderMr Venkat Nunna, Senior Research Scientist

Who Should Attend:Researchers and industrial staff working with iron ore, sinter and cokecharacterisation.

Please note that it is not a requirement that you attend the conference ifyou wish to register for this course. All travel costs associated withattending the course in Brisbane are the responsibility of the attendee.

For further information on the course content please contact: Dr Eugene Donskoi,Project Leader – Mineral Characterisation and Process Modeling CSIRO via:[email protected]




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W3: Iron Ore – Exploration to MarketSunday 12 July 2015

The iron ore market has moved significantly into surplus,driven by increased supply and new marketplacedynamics diminishing downstream demand growth.Maximising mine-to-market efficiency, reducing costsand increasing product quality are all critical for an ironore operation. Each component requires the combined skills across the fields ofgeology, mining, metallurgy and engineering. This workshop provides an insightinto all these fields in the iron ore production cycle and is suited to non-technicalpeople involved or interested in the iron ore industry.

Cost: A$550 AusIMM member | A$770 Non-memberTime: 1.00 pm – 5.30 pmNumbers: Minimum 15 – Maximum 30Venue: Perth Convention and Exhibition CentreIncludes: A comprehensive set of course notes and afternoon tea refreshments

Course Presenters: Matthew Longworth, Geologist, Jasbir Khosa, Metallurgical Engineer, Richard Price, Mining Engineer

Who Should Attend:This workshop is designed for those without a technical iron ore miningbackground. The half-day course examines the fundamentals of the iron ore min-ing industry, covering the mining cycle from discovery and mining to market.Delegates will gain a greater understanding of the mining business, geology, oreprocessing and operational mining practices and terminology used within theindustry. Iron Ore – Exploration to Market will be conducted in an open andrelaxed style, allowing time for plenty of questions and group discussions.

For further information on the course content please contact: Andrew Grieve, Xstract Mining Consultants: [email protected]

W4: Getting the Most Out of QAQC DataThursday 16 July 2015

This one-day course will cover the entire QAQClifecycle, including:

• Planning the types and frequencies of QAQC datato be collected

• The mechanics of collecting, transporting and submitting the samples

• Analysing to reveal systematic and trending errors, deciding what is and whatisn’t a failure

• Making the changes in the resource database.

OPTIONAL EXTRA: The delegates have the option of writing an open-book

Certificate Of Assessment exam in their own time. This is an excellent way of

consolidating all that they have learned and will form a valuable part of their

professional development plan and CV. The cost of the exam is $385 for

non-AusIMM members and $327.25 for AusIMM

Cost: A$1309 AusIMM member | A$1540 Non-member

Time: 9.00 am – 5.00 pm

Numbers: Minimum 4 – Maximum 10

Venue: Optiro, Level 1, 16 Ord Street, West Perth

Includes: A comprehensive set of course notes, lunch and refreshments

Course Presenter: Paul Blackney BSc (Hons), MAusIMM, MAIGr

For further information on the course content please contact:

Diana Titren, Optiro via: +61 8 9215 0000 or [email protected]

W5: Geometallurgy and AdvancedCharacterisation of Iron OresThursday 16 July 2015

• Introduction to iron ore geology, mineralogy and chemistry

• Characterisation techniques

– exploration and mine scale characterisation

– optical and electron microscope-based techniques

– novel techniques (eg Raman spectroscopy and CT-scan)

• Effect of ore characteristics on processing performance

Cost: A$880 AusIMM member | A$960 Non-memberTime: 9.00 am – 5.00 pmNumbers: Minimum 15 – Maximum 30Venue: Australian Resources Research Centre (ARRC)

26 Dick Perry Avenue, Kensington – Conference Room Includes: A comprehensive set of course notes, lunch and refreshments

Course Presenters: Erick Ramanaidou, Martin Wells, Sarath Hapugoda,Mike Peterson, Eugene Donskoi, Venkat Nunna and Liming Lu

Who Should Attend:Exploration and mine geologists, process mineralogists/geometallurgists andmineral processors who work in the iron ore industry.

For further information on the course content please contact: Dr Erick Ramanaidou, CSIRO via: [email protected]

Iron Ore 2015



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T1: Iron Ore 2015 Pilbara Tour Thursday 16 – Friday 17 July 2015

The post-conference Pilbara tour on 16 – 17 July 2015 will bea two-day visit to a number of major operations in the world-renowned Pilbara region of Western Australia.

Delegates will take an early morning charter flight from Perthto Port Hedland to inspect BHP Billiton Iron Ore’s Nelson Pointport facilities before flying on to Christmas Creek to tourFMG’s mining and processing operations at the ChristmasCreek mine in the afternoon. At the end of the day, delegateswill fly to Newman, where they will stay for the night. The nextmorning, delegates will fly to West Angelas to visit the RioTinto Iron Ore operations and inspect the mining of MarraMamba iron ore. After lunch, delegates will fly to Solomon fora briefing and inspection of operations at FMG’s new SolomonHub before boarding their charter flight back to Perth, wherethe tour will conclude at approximately 9.00 pm.

Cost: A$2475 per person, including charter flights, one (1) night’s accommodation, dinner and breakfast. Transport to and from Perth airport and allforwarding transport are at delegates’ own cost.

Numbers: Maximum 25

Clothing: Closed safety shoes or boots, long trousers and long-sleeved shirts. Any additional safety clothing will be provided at each site visited.

Luggage: Maximum of 10 kg per delegate, soft luggage preferred.

Notes: All bookings are subject to site approval and attendance is at the discretion of the site. To register for this tour, please complete the appropriate section of the registration form.

Photo courtesy of Rio Tinto

T2: Laboratory Tours: Bureau Veritas OR ALS Minerals ORSGS OR IntertekThursday 16 July 2015

The ALS Minerals Iron Ore Technical Centre provides a unique integration ofanalytical, metallurgical, mineralogical and ancillary testing services specificallyfocused on the iron ore sector. Through this large purpose-built facility in Perth,Western Australia, ALS Minerals has achieved a quantum expansion of analyticaland metallurgical testing capacity, enabling the delivery of best practicestandards for turnaround time and technical service. The tour of the ALS Minerals Iron Ore TechnicalCentre will cover both analytical and metallurgical services.

Bureau Veritas Minerals (BVM) provides specialised iron ore testing servicesacross three laboratory hubs in Australia, located in Perth, Adelaide and Whyalla.The Geoanalytical laboratory tour will encompass sample preparation (robotics andmanual), robotic XRF and LOI and will also touch on other services, including thenew laser ablation technique (mineral spot analysis and fused bead trace elementalanalysis) and spectral services. The Mineral Processing laboratory tour will focus oniron ore processing capability, including sample preparation methods (eg Drop Tower) and laboratorytests used for general sample characterisation and process development.

SGS is the world’s leading inspection, verification, testing and certificationcompany. With more than 80,000 employees, it operates a network ofmore than 1,650 offices and laboratories around the world. SGS MineralsServices has extensive Iron Ore testing experience and offers a wide rangeof services including geochemical analysis, mineral processing, high definition mineralogy & corescanning, geo-metallurgy, hydro-metallurgy, on-site laboratories, in-plant services, trade, inspection,sampling, auditing, certification and environmental services. This tour will be conducted at SGS’s worldclass facilities at Perth Airport (Geochemistry/Trade/Environmental) and Malaga(Metallurgy/Mineralogy). Attendees will be shown around the key equipment at each facility and havethe opportunity to communicate directly with the resident experts.

The Minerals facility in Perth is Intertek’s global “centre of excellence”and specialises in robotic and automated sample systems, purposebuilt and ranging from individual cells to fully integrated systemsproviding complete end-to-end sampling to analysis solutions. Intertek is the largest commercialoperator of automated equipment providing analytical services to the iron ore industry in Australia.The Perth facility encompasses automated sample preparation, XRF and XRD iron ore analysis andcharacterisation by automated and manual systems. The tour of the Perth facility will cover all of themanual and automation systems and the Technical support expertise available to clients throughIntertek services.

Attendees are to indicate which facility they would like to visit and preference will be provided inorder of receipt.

Cost: A$99 per person

Time: 9.00 am – 12.00 pm

Numbers: Limited to 30 persons per laboratory.

Transport: Attendees are to make their own way to a nominated central Perth CBD location and will be bussed to and from this point. Final details will be emailed two weeks prior to the tour.

Includes: Transportation and refreshments. Tours will run concurrently – attendees can only choose one laboratory.

Clothing: Attendees are to wear enclosed shoes, long-sleeve shirts and trousers. Any additional PPE requirements will be provided onsite.

Notes: All bookings are subject to site approval and attendance is at the discretion of the site. To register for either facility tour, please complete the appropriate section of the registration form.


Photo courtesy of BHP – Newman


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T3: Arrium Mining Tour Thursday 16 July 2015

Arrium Mining is in the unique position of being the only Australian operation that produces all of the key raw material inputs to the ironmaking process; magnetite concentrate, pellets and haematite from the same geographical location.

Arrium’s Middleback Iron Ore Operations are located 65 km south of Whyalla in South Australia, and this tour intends to encompass theentire chain, from the Iron Magnet Mine Site through to the export shipping, pelletising and steelmaking processes. Starting with a drive around Iron Knob and thencontinuing onto Baron, OPB attendees will visit the plant and break for lunch. The afternoon will explore the Iron Duke Magnetite plant with a return trip to Whyalla to visitthe harbour and steelwork facilities. The adventure will conclude at approximately 6.00 pm back at Adelaide airport.

Cost: A$1100 per person, including one (1) night’s accommodation in Adelaide on Wednesday 15 July, one-way airport transfer, charter flights to Arrium Operations and lunch at the site.

Please note, flights from Perth to Adelaide and forwarding travel arrangements after the tour are at the attendee’s own cost.

Numbers: Minimum 8 – Maximum 15

Clothing: Closed safety shoes or boots, long trousers and long-sleeved shirts. Any additional safety clothing will be provided at each site visited.

Luggage: Maximum of 10 kg per delegate, soft luggage preferred.

Notes: All bookings are subject to site approval and attendance is at the discretion of the site. To register for this tour, please complete the appropriate section of the registration form.

VENUE AND ACCOMMODATIONPerth Convention and Exhibition Centre21 Mounts Bay Road, Perth, Western Australia 6000Telephone: +61 8 9338 0300Email: [email protected]:

We recommend delegates stay at the Adina ApartmentHotel Perth, rooms start from A$259 per night for astudio apartment. The Adina Apartment Hotel Perth is a4 star rated hotel and located directed opposite thePerth Convention and Exhibition Centre. To book youraccommodation, view a list of alternativeaccommodation options and secure the abovementioned rate, please visit the Iron Ore 2015 websiteor contact:

Ozaccom Pty LtdToll free: 1800 814 611 (within Australia)Telephone: +61 (0)7 3854 1611Facsimile: +61 (0)7 3854 1507Email: [email protected]:


NAME TAGS Each delegate at the conferencewill be issued with a name tagupon registration. Your name tagis the official pass to all sessions and must be worn atall times. Lost name tags can be replaced at theregistration desk.

CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS All delegates will receive aprinted copy of the conferenceproceedings containing fullpapers. Additional copies and aUSB version may be purchased via the registration formand at the registration desk during the conference.• Additional printed proceedings $99• USB proceedings $77

EVENT MANAGEMENT: The AusIMMAlison McKenzie, Senior Manager, EventsCassandra Benn, Senior Coordinator, EventsMatt Hadley, Senior Coordinator, PublishingThe Australasian Institute of Mining & Metallurgy(The AusIMM)PO Box 660, Carlton South, Victoria, Australia 3053Telephone: +61 3 9658 6131Email: [email protected]:

REGISTRATION DESKThe registration desk will be open:Sunday 12 July 2015 4.00 pm – 6.00 pmMonday 13 July 2015 7.30 am – 5.30 pmTuesday 14 July 2015 3 7.30 am – 5.00 pmWednesday 15 July 2015 8.00 am – 3.30 pm


Welcome Function – Monday 13 July 2015

Where: Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre

Time: 5.00 pm – 7.00 pm

Cost: Complimentary for all delegates

Guests: A$77 per person

Networking Hour – Tuesday 14 July 2015

Where: Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre

Time: 5.00 pm – 6.00 pm

Cost: Complimentary for all delegates

Guests: A$33 per person

Conference Dinner – Tuesday 14 July 2015

Where: Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre

Time: 7.00 pm for 7.30 pm

Cost: A$138 per person for all delegates and guests

DRESS CODEDress code for the conference and all social functions,including the conference dinner, is smart casual.


We know that travel and training budgets are tight, and

it can be difficult to get approval to attend events and

conferences. A justification of attendance letter can be

downloaded from the conference website detailing the

reasons why attending Iron Ore 2015 is beneficial for

you and your company.

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Proudly sponsored by

Iron Ore 2015




Page 14: Iron Ore 2015 Registration+_X

SECTION 2 – CONFERENCE REGISTRATION Please indicate (✔) All prices are GST inclusive


Category Rate TOTAL

AusIMM Member and International £ A$1320 A$

Non-member £ A$1810 A$


New Professional Member and International £ A$1210 A$

New Professional Non-member £ A$1452 A$

Student AusIMM Member and International £ A$385 A$

Student Non-member* £ A$550 A$


Category Rate Day of Attendance

AusIMM Member and International £ A$660 £ 13 July £ 14 July £ 15 July A$

Non-member £ A$990 £ 13 July £ 14 July £ 15 July A$

Conference Registration Total A$

How to register

SECTION 1 – PERSONAL DETAILS Please indicate (✔)

Title – £ Prof £ Dr £ Mr £ Mrs £ Ms £ Miss

Last Name*

First Name*

Preferred Name*

AusIMM Membership Number (if applicable)

AusIMM Postnominals (if applicable)




City* State*

Post Code* Country*

Telephone* Mobile


£ Please indicate (✔) if you do NOT wish to appear on the list of participantsprovided to all delegates at the event containing name, position, company andemail address

£ Please indicate (✔) if you do NOT wish to receive future AusIMM eventinformation, professional development opportunities and discount offers

Special RequirementsPlease advise any special requirements regarding diet and mobility below

Telephone: +61 3 9658 6120 Facsimile: +61 3 9662 3662 Email: [email protected] Online:

REGISTRATION PROCEDURESATTENDANCEOnly pre-registered, pre-paid registrants will beguaranteed access to the event.Upon receipt of your registration and payment,The AusIMM will send registration confirmation.

REGISTERING ON-SITEOn-site registrants, with payment only, will beadmitted on space availability.

AusIMM MEMBER RATESTo qualify for the special rates of ‘AusIMMMember’ as quoted on the registration bookingform you must be a financial (paid) member.AusIMM 2015 Membership Fees are due by1 January 2015. Non-member registration feesapply to all non-members and non-financialAusIMM members.

METHOD OF PAYMENT – CREDIT CARD ONLYPayment must accompany all registrations. Weaccept the following credit cards: VISA, AMEX,Diners and MasterCard. All enquiries regardingpayments, please telephone +61 3 9658 6120.

A Student must be currently enrolled full-time ata tertiary institution. Proof of full-time statusmust be submitted with the registration form.

REGISTRATION ENTITLEMENTSFull registration includes:• Access to all conference technical sessions

(excluding tours and workshops)• Lunch, morning and afternoon teas daily• Conference name badge and satchel• Printed copy of technical proceedings• One (1) ticket to the Welcome Function

(Monday 13 July 2015)• One (1) ticket to the Networking Hour

(Tuesday 14 July 2015)**Registration excludes attendance at theConference Dinner and tickets must bepurchased to attend.

Single day registration includes:• Access to all conference technical sessions

on designated day (excluding tours andworkshops)

• Lunch, morning and afternoon teas ondesignated day

• Conference name badge and satchel• Printed copy of technical proceedings

PRIVACY POLICYThe AusIMM is a professional institute thatrelies on the use of personal information toprovide support and services to members and

to non-member stakeholders and customers ofAusIMM services. We rely on comprehensiveand accurate personal information about ourmembers and about non-members who engagewith AusIMM.

The main purposes for which we collect, hold,use and disclose personal information are toprovide services and benefits for our membersand to maintain and extend our membership.We collect information from members andnon-members so that we can provide services,manage our professional relationships, manageour business, comply with our legal obligations,communicate effectively and enhance the levelof service being offered. Please visit theconference website to view the policy.

At the time of registering for this event youhave the option to indicate whether or not youagree to the AusIMM contacting you forpromotion of future events, professionaldevelopment opportunities and discount offers.

PHOTOGRAPHYBy attending this event I consent to my imagebeing taken and used at the discretion of theAusIMM.

CONFIRMATION OF BOOKINGSCongress registrations will be acknowledged asthey are received with payment in full. Pleasecheck the confirmation letter and advise of anyalterations immediately.

CANCELLATION POLICYCancellations of registration must be in writingonly. Refunds will apply as follows:• More than 28 days before the conference –

Full refund• 28–7 days before the conference – Refund

(less A$400 administration charge)• 7 days or less before the conference or

non-attendance – No refund (no exceptions)

An organisation may send an alternativedelegate if registration has been paid and theregistered person is unable to attend due tounforeseen circumstances. In such cases, theEvent Management must be advised of thechange prior to the congress.

WAIVER OF LIABILITYThe AusIMM and CSIRO accepts no liability toany persons or body for any loss, injury ordamage caused, organised, promoted orsponsored by The AusIMM.

Iron Ore 2015 Registration Form


Page 15: Iron Ore 2015 Registration+_X

How to registerTelephone: +61 3 9658 6120 Facsimile: +61 3 9662 3662 Email: [email protected] Online:

SECTION 3 – FUNCTION TICKETS Please indicate (✔)

Please indicate your attendance at all functions and advise if additional tickets are required. Boxes not ticked indicate you will not be attending.

Function Complimentary Guest/AdditionalAttendance Tickets

Welcome Function £ Yes A$77 per person ( ) ticket/s A$

Networking Hour £ Yes A$33 per person ( ) ticket/s A$

Conference Dinner A$138 per person ( ) ticket/s A$

Conference Function Total A$


Note, one printed copy of the proceedings is included with your registration.

Proceedings Price

USB Proceedings A$77 ( ) copies A$

Additional Printed Proceedings A$99 ( ) copies A$

Conference Proceedings Total A$


Function AusIMM member Non-member

W1: CSIRO – Iron Ore £ A$1100 £ A$1320 ( ) ticket/s A$

W2: Tunra Bulk Solids £ A$1100 £ A$1320 ( ) ticket/s A$

W3: Xstract £ A$550 £ A$770 ( ) ticket/s A$

W4: Optiro £ A$900 £ A$1200 ( ) ticket/s A$

W5: CSIRO – Geometallurgy £ A$880 £ A$960 ( ) ticket/s A$

Conference Workshop Total A$

SECTION 6 – CONFERENCE TOURS Please indicate (✔)

T1: Pilbara Tour £ A$2475 ( ) ticket/s A$

T2: ALS Minerals Technical Centre £ A$99 ( ) ticket/s A$

T2: Bureau Veritas Facilities £ A$99 ( ) ticket/s A$

T2: SGS £ A$99 ( ) ticket/s A$

T2: Intertek £ A$99 ( ) ticket/s A$

T3: Arrium Mine Site Tour £ A$1100 ( ) ticket/s A$

Conference Tours Total A$



❏ I herby agree to be bound by the registration procedures

CREDIT CARD ONLY – Please (✔) debit my:

Visa £ AMEX £ Diners £ Mastercard £

Card No.

Expiry Date: CSV Number:


Please print name of cardholder:

Iron Ore 2015 Registration Form

Page 16: Iron Ore 2015 Registration+_X


IRON ORE 2015Maximising Productivity