irregular verbs (mary larue)

Irregular Verbs Presented by Mary LaRue

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Post on 22-Jun-2015



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A short lesson on irregular verbs for a basic ESL class.


  • 1. Presented by Mary LaRue

2. You already know how to useregular verbs when talking aboutsomething you did in the past. To make the past forms of regular verbs, just add ed. Examples: I walk to school every day. I walked to school yesterday. I have walked to school every day this year. 3. Yesterday we talked about how theverb to be works. Lets review it: It is totally irregular and you have to memorize it. I am now a student at Truman. You are too. Last year I was a student in Istanbul. You were too. I have been a student for many years. You have beena student for many years too. 4. The verb to go is very irregular.You need to memorize it. I go to the mall every Saturday. Last Saturday I went to the mall. I have gone to the mall every Saturday this year. 5. The verb to do is also veryirregular. You need to memorize it. I do my homework every night. Last night I did my homework. I have done my homework every night this week. 6. The verb to see is also veryirregular. You need to memorize it. I see a movie with my friends every weekend. Last Saturday I saw Star Wars in 3D. I have seen a movie every weekend this year. 7. Patterns of Irregular Verbs There are a lot of irregular verbs! But they come in only a few basic patterns. Well lookat seven basic patterns. 1 2 3 4 5 67 8. Pattern #1: no change The verb to put doesnt change in its past forms. Because of this, you need to use a time word to know when it happened. I put my books in my bookbag every night. Yesterday I put my books in my bookbag. I have put my books in my bookbag every night this year. (Hit also uses this pattern.)1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9. Pattern #2: 3 different sounds:drink, drank, have drunk The verb To drink uses this pattern. I drink coffee every morning. Yesterday I drank two cups of coffee. I have drunk coffee every morning for the last 3 years. (Sing, ring and swim also use this pattern.)1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10. Pattern #3: eat, ate, have eaten I eat pizza every Saturday night. Last Saturday night I ate pizza. I have eaten pizza every Saturday night for the last 10 years. (Give and many other verbs use this pattern.)1 2 3 4 5 6 7 11. Pattern #4: write, wrote, havewritten I write English sentences in class. Yesterday I wrote English sentences in class. I have written English sentences in class every day this year.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 12. Pattern #5: lose, lost, have lost I lose my keys sometimes. Yesterday I lost my keys and my mother was angry. I have lost my keys five times this year. (Keep/kept also uses this pattern.)1 2 3 4 5 6 7 13. Pattern #6: make, made, havemade I make dinner for my family sometimes. Yesterday I made spaghetti for dinner. I have made dinner many times this year.(Say/said and hear/heard also use this pattern.)1 2 3 4 5 6 7 14. Pattern #7: bring, brought, havebrought I bring my books to school every day. Yesterday I brought my books to school. I have brought my books to school every day thisyear.(Think/thought and catch/caught also use this pattern.)1 2 3 4 5 6 7 15. These are the most commonpatterns of English irregular verbs.Use your handouts of thisslideshow and see how well youcan do! 16. More practice pg. 1Write the correct form of the verb in each sentence.Take your time!1. I ________________________ (go) to Philadelphialast weekend.2. I have________________________ (go) toPhiladelphia three times this year.3. I ________________________ (do) my homeworkearly last night.4. I have _____________________ (do) my homeworkevery night this year. 17. More practice pg. 2Write the correct form of the verb in each sentence.Take your time!5. I ________________________ (drink) tea instead ofcoffee this morning.6. I ________________________ (put) my clothes in thewashing machine last night.7. You ________________________ (eat) five slices ofpizza last night!8. I have _____________________ (write) six letters tomy grandparents in Russia this year. 18. More practice pg. 3Write the correct form of the verb in each sentence.Take your time!9. My sister ________________________ (lose) herbookbag yesterday.10. My brother and I ________________________(make) chocolate chip cookies last night. Delicious!11. You ________________________ (bring) the wrongbook to class today!12. You have not _____________________ (brought)your homework to school all week.