is facebook messing our life?

Is Facebook messing our life? Prepared by: O . Kucukoglu

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Is Facebook messing our life?Prepared by: O . Kucukoglu

Social Networking is growing power

Social Networking is growing power

Social Networking is growing power

Social Networking is growing power

Facts of Facebook

Advantages of using Facebook

Networking: Connect with old friends Make new friends

83% of shy and lonely survey respondents reported that platforms (i.e. Facebook) helped them make new friends

25% of them said that these channels had boosted their confidence

Sharing photos, ideas, datas (such as life, science, politics etc.) in fast and free way

Advantages of using Facebook

Governments Universities International and local

organizations Companies Different groups (cultural,

politicals, scientific etc.)

Follow not only friends, but also organizations, political, scientific or daily magazines

When connection of people was in strong ties,

spread of behavior in an online social networking is faster and farther (1)

Online messages might influence a variety of offline behaviours, not only users, but also user‘s friends, friends‘s of friends (2)

2010 US congressional elections: Messages directly influenced political self-expression, information seeking and real world voting behaviours

Arab Spring was catalysed by networking sites (3)

Advantages of using Facebook

(1) Centola D., Science, 2010(2) Bond RM, et al. Nature, 2012(3) Corbyn Z., Nature, 2012

Life-style advice to patients (i.e. Cancer) in social network: BENEFICIAL! (3)

Emotional supports for diseases

(such as asthma sufferers) (4)

Advantages of using Facebook Socially isolated people have (1)

More accident

↑ risk of disease

↑ risk of developing psychiatric disorders

Shorther lives

1. House et al., Science, 19882. Disalvo D, SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN MIND, 20103. Williams K et. al. British J of Cancer, 20134. Dolgin E, Nature Medicine, 2010

When interacting in person (2), socail networking boosts self-esteem,

stimulating disclosure,



Disadvantages of Facebook

Makes us more lonely in the real world?? Makes people multitasking

associated with symptoms of depression and social anxiety (1)

understand less than those who are able to concentrate.

less creative and less productive than those who do one thing at a time.

Excessive dependence on social-networking sites corresponds to attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) social anxiety and depression 45% of people who are not able to access their social

networks or email feel worried or uncomfortable as a result (2)

(1) Becker M et al. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 2012(2), 2012

Uncontroled sharing results unexpected or unpleasent situations for users

Internet stalking!! People we don’t know Employers to check backgrounds Judicial Officers at a sanctioning tool

Disadvantages of Facebook

Facebook is powerful tool

Social networking is the fact of this century and unavoidable

We need to deal and use in the best efficient way, not ignoring it.

Scientist must explore of outcomes online interactions about science (1)

Just re-establish control over it,

rather than being controlled by it!

(1) Brossard D and Scheufele DA, Science, 2013

Thank you for your attention

“All substances are poisons, there is none which is not

a poison. The right dose differentiates a poison from

a remedy.” (Paracelsus)