is foreign direct investment

Is Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in retail sector good for India? Its a very important message to each and every citizen of India, so PLEASE DON'T NEGLECT IT. I want to convey my this message to all my dear friends, who took part in this long debate, especially the one who are in favour of FDI. Introducing FDI will be a great loss to our Indian Economy. As we all know that today our nation is counted in one of the developing nation in comparison to other countries of the world, so according to me first we shall try to develop our nation in spite of thinking anything else. We need money to develop our nation and if FDI will be introduced in our country it will take much part of our Indian Economy, by 85%, and for a developing nation really it will be a great loss. FDI is to increase our living standardization. All want himself to be standard, but before increasing our status, we have to be at that level. Unless our country is counted in developed nation, a FDI will just be a sucker of the Indian Economy, and instead of developing it will again be deepening in the terms of standardization as well as a good status in the world. Taking all aspects, government should be very clear to the topic because once introduced, it will not be easy to take it out from the country. Just imagine the situation after 20 years, when our country will be attaining a good position and at that time, any of the FDI company increases its rate very rapidly, where will the citizen, who are poor, go to purchase the things when our Indian market will all be closed. And also there is no doubt that the history may repeat itself and we, the people of India will once again the slaves. Hello everyone !. According to me FDI Helps in transfer of new technologies, management skills, intellectual properties. FDI

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Is Foreign Direct Investment


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Is Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in retail sector good for India?Its a very important message to each and every citizen of India, so PLEASE DON'T NEGLECT IT.

I want to convey my this message to all my dear friends, who took part in this long debate, especially the one who are in favour of FDI.

Introducing FDI will be a great loss to our Indian Economy. As we all know that today our nation is counted in one of the developing nation in comparison to other countries of the world, so according to me first we shall try to develop our nation in spite of thinking anything else. We need money to develop our nation and if FDI will be introduced in our country it will take much part of our Indian Economy, by 85%, and for a developing nation really it will be a great loss. FDI is to increase our living standardization. All want himself to be standard, but before increasing our status, we have to be at that level. Unless our country is counted in developed nation, a FDI will just be a sucker of the Indian Economy, and instead of developing it will again be deepening in the terms of standardization as well as a good status in the world.

Taking all aspects, government should be very clear to the topic because once introduced, it will not be easy to take it out from the country. Just imagine the situation after 20 years, when our country will be attaining a good position and at that time, any of the FDI company increases its rate very rapidly, where will the citizen, who are poor, go to purchase the things when our Indian market will all be closed. And also there is no doubt that the history may repeat itself and we, the people of India will once again the slaves.

Hello everyone !. According to me FDI Helps in transfer of new technologies, management skills, intellectual properties. FDI also can increases competition within the local market and this brings higher efficiencies. FDI helps in increasing exports and increase tax revenues. We can say it is the development of our country.

Hello Everybody,

In my opinion every thing have good and bad side so before forming any opinion about anything we should look at both its side. FDI has both benefits as well as loss.

The advantages of FDI are:

1). New jobs would be created.

2). India will get the facility of the latest technology in the world.

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3). The economic condition of India will improve by the taxes paid by the companies that has received FDI or by the company set through FDI.

4). Competition among companies will generate better product.

5). Bribery, corruption, cronyism will decrease considerably.

6). The living standard of people will improve since goods will be available at lower prices.

The disadvantages of FDI are:

1). Small retailer will suffer.

2). People living in small towns or village will not get its benefits.

3). The main aim of FDI is to make profit so it will not focus on environment of India or health of its workers which are Indians.

So finally I conclude that FDI can be made a Boon to India if the government of India impose proper rules on them.

Hi friends,

In my point of view FDI is helpful for our country but some kind of situations.


- It takes 80% raw materials for our country.

- It employ 90% Indian labours and 10% skill labours which it brings.

- It take care of both farmers and customers means, in this condition farmers sell their Crops at higher prize but customer buy products at lower prize.

- Means taxes are relieved.

So, advantages of our country likes,

- Our country GDP increase.

- Employment is increase.

- Technology and infrastructure are increase.

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- Our labours technical skill increase.

- Quality of product increase.

- Economy of our country increase.

But, another thing is that above all thing already increase without help of FDI if our political department stop the corruption and also lokpal bill will pass.

So in this thing I totally agree with kejrival. Presently we are accepting investment from foreign countries in two ways. One in the form if FII

- Foreign Institutional Investors and other in the form of FDI. Where we know that there is no physical investment in FII, FDI is different. FII can withdraw their investment at any time depending upon the market conditions. So here is the story.

Presently in many areas FDI is allowed like Education, Telecom, IT, Pharma etc. In some of the areas FDI is allowed upto 100%.

Whenever FDI is promoted our country, Indian laws are not humanitarian to the foreign investor. The company cannot take the whole profit to their domestic country, but it should be reinvested in our country itself which makes it more fruitful.

It creates huge tax revenue. As retail sector is not organized, FDI in retail will make it more organized which in turn creates Huge tax revenue for the government.

It will help our country to bring down Fiscal Deficit as well as current account deficit.

It will avoid middle men. We should know that to manufacturing a product, the maximum cost is 25% of the product. Balance 75% is divided among the middle men like C & F Agent, Zonal Distributor etc. So both consumer & manufacturer will benefit by bringing down the product cost.

When FDI is accepted in other areas, these areas had become competitive as well as service oriented. Just imagine if we have only one telecom operator in our country (BSNL) and compare it with present situation.

In a nutshell what our country need is more investment to create jobs as well as contribution to the GDP. Need of the hour should be, how to regulate and control FDI in Retail.

According to me FDI should be allowed as it will create win -win situation for both Consumers base (1.21Billion) and farmers (263million). FDI will benefit us through more efficient processes

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and price adjusted after eliminating middle man share which will help cultivators to sell their crop at higher prices and consumers to buy product at low price.

Advertising is a Waste of Resources Hi, advertising is one of the best way to launch a product in a public. Within few minutes

the concept is explained with the best attributes of the product and their quality benefits.

In advertisement brand value also plays a important role to catch the attention.

Advertisement increases number of consumers in a short time of period. I feel that advertising is a progressive tool for companies to spread awareness not only

in the rural areas but also within the urban circuit. It may give a projection of wastage of huge amounts of money but on the contrary its only making the consumers more knowledgeable and informative.

With each advertisement carrying its own message a consumer is able to differentiate rationally between two products of the same category. For example, dove soap is one of the most preferred brands amongst all the soap brands as it takes care of the skin better than the others as demonstrated via the ads and and is also available to the consumers at nominal rates whereas the other soap of brands like lux etc rope in celebrities to endorse their products but the quality is not comparable with that of a dove. So a consumer can act wisely in his selection of the products with the help of the tool of advertisement.

There may be several cons on this subject matter but the pros supersede the cons and hence one can say that advertisement provides the customers not only added knowledge but also provides a great sense of judgement. Advertising is just a promotional tool to make the presence of your product felt in the market but in that process a company should not neglect the quality of their product which is in itself a huge loss of resources as such products won't be selling huge volumes leading to wastage and dumping of such products.

Hello, according to me advertising have their own pros and cons. People in rural area get the brief idea of product so they can choose the best. Advertising is necessary for social awareness for example add of vaccination, Shiksha abhiyan and so on. One should choose the correct media for advertising. Instead of wasting papers or paying crores of rupees to film stars one can advertise its product on social sites, as the whole world is accessing these sites. People are not so much illiterate that if the famous film star advertise any product that doesn't mean most "revital". How many of you are having

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this product?Lot of money get wasted by promoting the products by celebrities. This money should invested in improving the quality of product.

So finally I want to say that advertising is important but not wasting lot of money. One should choose the best media.

That is all I want to say. Thank you.

Globalization vs. Nationalism Hi, I appreciate globalisation for update in the world but we can't forget our

nation and our nationalism. For example China people are well educated and well ahead in the development but they doesn't forget their nation love, if we want to know there technologies we need to know chinese language.

Globalization privilege us to grab the things of other countries. All things & discoveries can't be made in one country only, so each and every country must depend on each other that globalization and I don't think there is any harm of globalization except that we take it in a wrong manner. While talking about nationality, its our inner attitude or respect towards our country, afterall we are India and born in India it's our mother so we should respect our mother and we should be allegiance towards our nationality.

I think globalization is necessary for every country. It can be understood with an example like ayurveda was discovered in India and now the whole world is taking benefits from it, thats globalisation. That is how a developing country becomes a developed one by using technologies of other countries and spreading its technology to the world. Though nationalism is not an enemy of globalisation but how long can you stick to your old customs, sooner or later we have to get over it and get globalized.

Hi friends according to me globalization and nationalism both are important concept for every country, we need to maintain nationalism to expose our talent to the world and also it need to support our people to show their talent. Whereas globalization is also important no country is independent itself they need help of others so it's also important.

I would like to share 1 example India invented 0 now whole word using 0 for expressing their numerical things it's give world recognition to Indian, also it helps to all countries. When we want show our inventions to world it requires globalization, as well as as a developing country we need globalization but have maintain nationalism too.

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Hi friends as per my understanding both are important but it depend on a national economy conditions which should be the best options to grow the economy. If we talk about developing countries there few sector where we can fight with mnc's where we should accept globalization and for example if a area where we still need to develop than we need only to allow come technology and not globalization so totally it depends on condition of country which is better option to grow.

Indian Economy: Old Wine in New Bottle! I am agree about all opinion but some people is explaining about politics

not Indian economics. Our economic is depend on only villagers people they can be former or labour but our government not supporting to them like new technology, electricity, transportation these facility should be to all former.

Hi friends I fully agree this statement. As our old rules and regulation is so better that we cannot found such law in other arena of this world, but our politicians are forgetting their duties regarding that principle. So now we the energetic youth should run our country faithfully by concerning such old laws and regulations.

I agree with all of you, politics, new economic policies, new RBI governor all are playing a lead role in making India a country worth living but have you ever wondered about a country in which people can dream big. I am a student and can say that we are living in a world in which we are thinking about a secure live rather than a challenging one. Yes there is a need to change the old policies prevailing in India; now we the youths of new India have to come out of our shelter and show some bright light to our people.

We cannot change the world in one day, we can contribute step by step. Firstly we have to gain deep knowledge about the issues our India is suffering from and educate peoples to make them aware of their rights. Its high time and we need to gear up.

The topic of our discussion is "old wine in new bottle". I completely agree with the statement, as old wine indicates old model or method that getting updated by new infrastructure (new bottle). India having their strategies for upcoming years but also we are planning for long run goals which are in pip line and when that will be executed, we need to plan for next long run goal. So basically on going process and it will continue till we are not equal or more then developed countries.

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Though my friends have come up with good points to discuss in favor of the topic, I personally do not agree on Indian Economy being termed as old wine in a new bottle. A lot has changed in terms of economic plans, surely we have come up a long way from the time of independence. Infrastructural policies, educational reforms, foreign reserves and so on have contributed a great deal to help India develop and gain a global recognition.

Rather than discussing the politicians here, I think if we shift our focus to the development that has taken place in India so far we definitely cannot ignore the role played by the strong financial plans that were laid down by manmohan singh in 1990 or the measures that are being taken by the current RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan to curb inflation. Thank you.\

I agree with all of you. In my point of view each every individual is responsible for the condition of Indian economy today. We are not paying the taxes to the government properly and saving all of our money by showing wrong accounts. Most of the talented people are going to other countries because in India the other people are not allowing to grow them, this is known by everyone as there is an example stating that if all the Indian frogs are kept in an container they will not go outside since the other frog does not allows one frog to go out of it.

Agriculture is backbone of our country but the people who are having fields, does not know anything about the crop patterns. Also the people who are designated in the posts like MRO, Collectors also does not have any knowledge about it. What I feel is whether they are studying other courses, the people must have basic knowledge about crops.

Because of government there was increase in prices of all the products and land cost is also increased, so many of the agriculture lands are getting converted to barren lands. Many buildings are constructed on those lands and were sold. Actually a buildings cannot be build on agriculture land but government is not taking any action on this.

Dear friend,

As per my point of view Indian economy is totally depend on political aspect. We should keep in our mind economy is ultimately depend on

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political leader, if political leader will young n free from corruption then Indian economy will be so bright.

Should the public sector be privatized? Hi each and everyone,

First of all why the Public sector should not to be privatized?

The absence of private sector in many departments makes the public sector so lazy. The people working in the public sector is as not so informative to the people as the people working in the private sector. The one and only reason for this fact is that mostly the one who works in the private sector is not an permanent one but the one who is in the public sector is so. It is the major reason which makes them more lazy.

The second thing is that the higher officials of the private sectors are more strict than than an public one because there are under the compulsion to finish the work at the fixed time and in the fixed manner. But the higher officials in the public sector due to political reasons and many there are not as strict as in the private sectors.

I have many reasons for why the public sector to be privatized. They are:

1. Private sectors avail the same facility as that of the public sector in the low cost.

2. Private sectors is more customer friendly than the Public sector.

3. Private sector finishes the job more faster than the Public sector.

4. Negligible amount of corruption in the Private sector. But the Public sector is full of corruption.

5. Private sector people fears on the customers. But the

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customers fears on the public sector.

We can come to the conclusion easily by seeing the following details:.

The public sector is for people but mostly the people is not preferring the public sector. The ticket fare of the Government express bus is higher than the Private Express bus. Though it is not safe the people prefer the Private Bank than the Government Bank because of the worst service of the Banker in the Government Bank. Likewise there are many reasons why public sector to be privatized.

The Private sector is more customer friendly than the Public sector. So the Public sector should be privatized for the best results.

The Private sector can bring Wealth and Prosperity to any of the nation.

Be corruptless.

Work for the nation.

Jai Hind. Hi to all!

From my point of view rather to get the public converted to private the environment and the way of working should be like private. Today the people who are employed in the public sector have become lethargic as they take their duty for granted. Whereas, in the public sector there is nothing like discipline and creativity. So as per my opinion there should be strictness and target oriented as that in the private sector then only the economic growth will increase.

Further, people think that being in public sector there is no one who can kick them out from their job that is why they do whatever they want. Today the private sector is giving fruitful results just because the employees are always in fear of losing their job so for their own sake they try harder and harder to get established in that company.

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So in conclusion, rather than privatization there is a need for proper and strict administration and the promotion should be on the basis of employee achievement and veterans rather than the number of year.

Hello Friends,

Our topic of discussion is public sectors be privatized. In my opinion it should not be done. I don't believe that there is no corruption in private sectors and 'Private means more quality'. As we all know both has +ves and -ves. What should be done is try to implement the positives of private sector in public.

In private sector employment is given on basis of talent and salary is paid on the work done. That policy should be acquired in public sector too. Employees of public sector may be talented, but once they gain a job in public sector, they have a feel that they are safe, and will be employed till 58/60 years regardless of their work. That attitude should be changed by implementing an organisation to keenly monitor their activities and action should be taken against such employees. This will solve the issue of delay and less quality in public sectors.

Reason am saying privatization should not be done is, more than 50% of Indian population is still living below poverty line. Privatization will make life uneasy for them, as there is chance for increase in cost of goods n services. Also its a false belief that corruption doesn't prevail in private sectors. Though it prevails in public sec too, at least we have the right to question it. But in Private sec, we will be given no choice, other than keep mum.

HELLO Friends I want to share my views with you. During independence all the powers are in government hands there are no such thing like private sectors even its quite difficult to open up a new private organization due to strict legal measures. But when public sectors privatized there was drastic change occurred in progress, development, innovation, competition, quality of products.

Like if we take an example of Indian banks before privatization, employees like women working there seem to be doing their own work like knitting etc. They were less interested in doing

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their work properly but after privatization huge change occurs they seem to be focussed in their job because of less security and competition. So to make our nation a developed from developing this could be a one method but also completely making all the public sectors privatized would also deviate from its goal. Because they more involved in money making processes.

And now some public sectors are doing well but in some sectors there is a need of change.


Hello friends,

In my point of view public sectors should be privatised. Because,

1. The work efficiency of employees of private sector is much more high than that of public sector organisations.

2. Government Is trying to minimize the corruption. But it is just for a shouting. Practically too much corruption is there in public sector. But in private sector the organization is very much conscious about corruption. So it will be minimized.

3. The private organization are more eager to implement the advance technologies and trying to increase product value larger.

4. The employee who is loyal and efficient gets more scopes and rewards in private sector.

5. Private sector creates the environment such that the employ learning capacity improves, laziness of employ decreases. So private sector employ become more efficient than public sector. In public sector the good employs learn laziness and become less efficient.

6. Package of employee of skilled persons are too much in private sector.

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7. Moreover for the same investment private sector earns more profit.

Terrorism in India Hi Friends.

Terrorism is one of the issues that should be brought into everyone concern. Reasons for terrorism are many. One of them is poverty. For getting food it is the human nature to do anything. Another one is lack of education due to which people cannot understand which is good and which is wrong. I don't think any religion promote terrorism.

All religions believe in truth. And also our military forces are trying to eradicate this from our nation. Securities, weapons, technology all are getting upgraded every day. Still attacks are happening in our nation. If we read the news about these attacks we can find at least one Indian behind it.

So I think most important measure to eradicate this problem is to reach minds of individuals. It is not an easy task. They should be given proper education and help them tackle poverty by helping them to get their basic needs. Not just government we young people can also contribute to it. We young people are the ones who are going to lead our country. If we raise our fellow people and stand and a wall against this terrorism, it can be easily removed.

Hi friends.

We all know that terrorism is one of the biggest problem in the path of development of our country. We all have lots of examples to be shared. But if we want to eliminate this problem we should know that what is the basic cause of this problem, why it is originated and from where.

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According to me the terrorist are those people who attain wrong way to say what they want. They have a certain objective which they want to fulfill. They traps other innocents and immersed them in their work. The peoples who join the groups are those who not have education and employment and other basic things to survive, so if we want to eliminate the problem we should first educate and employed the people of rural areas. I am sure that this problem will automatically eliminated.

Hello friends.

Terrorism become the biggest problem of world. But in India its effect is more. The reason behind that :

1. Unemployment:- when a person doesn't get any job then to fulfill their basic requirement they have to adopt this path.

2. Human nature:- most of them they want to earn money in shortcut way. And this is the way to earn money in a short time period.

3. Lack of education and moral values.

This are some important reason.

According to me no one want to become terrorist but due to some reason and some situation they are pressured by someone to become terrorist.

But it can be overcome when their will be a job for everyone, everyone got education, and for that Indian government must have to take smooth step towards this problem.

My conclusion is that "terrorism is the big problem not the terrorist". All country of the world they have to become one country and then they should try to understand their problem and try to remove their problem. Hence one day we will get success to make our world free from terrorism.

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In my opinion, terrorism is one of the biggest problem for a developing country. The reason for that is nothing but some disaster minds. Our youths do not get jobs. Unemployment, corruption poverty and lack of patriotism.

Youth should change their mind, should have patriotism. And the most important thing is that government should also think about the employment.

In this way, terrorism will be decrease. Good morning friends,

According to me first we should clearly understand what actually the word terrorism says, it means the killing of ordinary people for political purposes.

For political purpose it means, somewhere behind terrorism there is involvement of political system. We know that when innocent people, also the small children get died in terrorism attack then ministers of our country are always ready for giving rupees, just giving money to families of these people is not the solution to stop it, it is correct to provide help but they should also take some hard measures against them.

Another reason of terrorism is lack of employment, illiteracy, etc.

Now days terrorism is the big issue for any country whether it is america or china and India. Terrorism is increasing day by day as like increasing the population of the word.

Due to unemployment, uneducated peoples takes this step to avoid the poverty. They think that this is the easiest and shortest way to earn money. They do not think anything for their family and there self. As a human my duty is to decrease the rate of terrorism and spread the flowers of happiness all over the word.

Hi everyone.

In my opinion the major factor of terrorism is lack of

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money, unemployment, etc. Terrorism are a very big problem of our world and country. In our world the population and unemployment problem is increased day by day so the terrorism problem is also increased. The first attack of terrorism in our country in Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Any one know the what the main region behind that.

Some politician are also help the terrorist for ex financial help, home, business help, they provide safety also.

If some terrorist are arrest by the police then the politician are help the terrorist for said the police officer to free them.

Thank you. Terrorism in our country is big problem. Every year

thousands of innocent people are killed by these Terrorist.

If You take close look, actually for last 5 year their activity has been increasing continuously. Every year 2-3 major attack must be happened in India. These usually happened in big or metro cities, but from last 3-4 months we also heard that Ranchi, Patna, Gaya which are small cities these are also in eye of terrorist.

Our government have to take major and strict action. Moreover we also help to police and military. If found any suspect regarding these activities you must inform to police.

Some technology like Closed-circuit television (CCTV) , bomb detectors, call tracers and weapons, these technologies must be used to minimize number of practices.

Actually its our responsibility to stop terrorist attack, no foreign country will help us. India is my country and its my duty to make it peace.

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Thank you,

LIBERALISATIONThe main aim of liberalisation was to dismantle the excessive regulatory framework which acted as a shackle on freedom of enterprise. Over the years, the country had developed a system of “license-permit raj.” The aim of the new economic policy was to save the entrepreneurs from unnecessary Harassment of seeking permission from the Babudom (the bureaucracy of the country) to start an undertaking.

Similarly, the big business houses were unable to start new enterprises because the Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices (MRTP) Act had prescribed a ceiling on asset ownership to the extent of Rs. 90 crores. In case a business house had assets of more than Rs.90 crores, its application after scrutiny by the MRTP Commission was rejected. It was believed that on account of the rise in prices this limit had become outdated and needed a review.

The major purpose of liberalisation was to free the large private corporate sector form bureaucratic controls. It, therefore, started dismantling the regime of industrial licensing and controls.

On April 14, 1993, the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs decided to remove three more items form the list of 18 industries reserved for compulsory licencing. The three items were: motor cars, white goods (which include refrigerators, washing machines, air-conditioners, microwave ovens etc.) and raw hides and skins and patent leather. In the case of cars and white goods (which include refr4igerators, washing machines, air-conditioners, microwave ovens etc.) and raw hides and skins and patent leather. In the case of cars and white goods, the basic purpose of de-reservation was to increase investment in industries in procuring cars and white goods so that the demand of the large middle class ranging from 100 to120 million can be satisfied.

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The list of industries in which industrial Licensing is compulsory:

1. Distillation and brewing of alcoholic drinks 2. Hazardous chemicals3. Sugar4. Animal fats and oils5. Cigars and Cigarettes of tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes6. Petroleum (other than crude) and its distillation products7. Coal and Lignite8. Paper and newsprint except bagasse-based units9. Tanned or dressed fur skins10. Raw hides and skins, leather, chamois leather and patent leather11. Plywood, decorative veneers, and other wood based products12. Asbestos and asbestos-based products13. Industrial explosives14. Drugs and Pharmaceuticals15 . Electronics, aerospace and defense equipment: all types


Globalisation intends to integrate the Indian economy with the world economy. Globalisation is considered to be an important element in the reforms package. It has four parameters:(i) Reduction of trade Anomalies so as to permit free flow of goods and services across national frontier(ii) To Create, to ion of an environment in which free flow of capital can take place; % in (iii) Creation of an environment permitting free flow of technology among nation-states; and (iv) Creation of an environment in which free movement of labour can take place in different -countriesThe definition of globalisation to only three components, viz., unhindered trade flows, capital flows and technology flows. They insist that the developing

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countries accept their definition of globalisation and conduct the debate on globalisation within the boundaries set by them. But several economists and social thinkers in developing movement is to integrate the world into one global village, then the four the component of unrestricted movement of labour cannot be left out. But whether the debate about globalisation is carried out at the World Trade Organisation (WTO) or at any other international forum, there is a deliberate effort to black out ‘labour flows’ as an essential component of globalisations.To purpose the objective of globalisation, the following measures have been taken:(i) Reduction of import duties: There has been a considerable reduction in import duties during the last years. The maximum rate was reduced from 5 years. The maximum rate was reduced from 150% in 1991-92 to 110% in 1992, to 85% in 1993-94, and 50% in 1995-96 Custom duties on imports of capital goods were reduced to 80% in July 1991, to 55% in 1992 and to 25% in 1995. Tariffs on imports of raw materials and manufactured intermediates have also been reduced. Besides this, the government has attempted to rapidly dismantle quantitative restriction on imports and exports. It has also undertaken adjustment of exchange rate so as to remove over-valuation of currency. This has helped in stepping up exports.(ii) Encouragement of foreign invest5ment: The government has taken a number of measured to encourage foreign investment. The main measures taken in this regard are:(a) Approval would be given for direct investment up to 51 per cent foreign equity in high priority industries as per Industrial Policy of 1991. There shall be no bottlenecks of any kind in the process. Such clearances will be given if foreign equity covers the foreign exchange requirements for imported capital goods.On the 31st of December 1996 the Cabinet gave its assent to a new list of industries whereby joint ventures with up to 74 per cent foreign equity would be cleared automatically. Among the industries listed for the purpose are: Mining services such as oil and gas field

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services, basic metals and alloy industries, other manufacturing industries related to the item based on solar energy like solar energy like solar cells, cookers, air and water heating systems, small hydro-equipment, construction and maintenance of roads, bridges, tunnels, pipelines, ropeways, ports, harbors and runways, electric generation and transmission and other infrastructure. The basic purpose of this move is to facilitate direct foreign investment in India.(b) To provide access to international markets, majority foreign equity holding up to 51% equity would be allowed for trading companies primarily engaged in export activities.(iii) Encouragement to foreign technology agreement: The Industrial Policy of 1991 undertook the following measures:(a) Automatic permission will be given for foreign technology agreements in high priority industries up to a lump sum payment of Rs. 1 crores, 5% royalty for domestic sales and 8% for exports, subject to total payments of 8% sales over a 10 year period from the date of the agreement or 7 years from commencement of production.(b) In respect of other industries, automatic permission would be given if no free foreign exchange is required for any payments.(c) No permission will be necessary for hiring of foreign technicians and foreign testing of indigenously developed technologies.

PRIVATISATIONPrivatisation is the process of involving the private sector in the ownership or operation of a state owned or public sector undertaking. It can take three forms; (I) Ownership measures; (ii) Organisational measures; and (iii) Operational measures.(i) Ownership measures: The degree of privatisation is judged by the extent of ownership transferred form the public enterprises to the private sector. Ownership may be transferred to an individual, co-operative or corporate sector. This can have three forms:(a) Total denationalisation implies 100 per cent transfer

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of ownership of a public enterprise to private sector.(b) Joint venture implies partial transfer of a public enterprise to the private sector. It can have several variants – 25% transfer to private sector in a joint venture implies that majority ownership and control remains with the public sector. 51% transfer of ownership to the private sector shifts the balance in favour to the private sector, through the public sector retains a substantial stake in the undertaking. 74% transfer of Ownership to the private sector implies a dominant share being transferred to private sector. In such a situation, the private sector is in a better position to change the character of the enterprise.(c) Liquidation implies sale of assets to a person who may use them for the same purpose or some other purpose. This solely depends on the preference of the buyer.(d) Workers’ co-operative is a special form of denationalisation. In this form, ownership of the enterprises is transferred to workers who may form a co-operative to run the enterprise. In such a situation, appropriate provision of bank loans is made to enable workers to buy the shares of the enterprise. The burden of running the enterprises rests on the workers in a workers’ co-operative. The workers become entitled to ownership dividend besides getting wages for their services.Organisational measures include a variety of measures to limited state control. They include:(a) A holding company structure may be designed in which the government limits its control to top-level major decisions and leaves a sufficient degree of autonomy for the operating companies in their day-to-day operations. A big company like the Gail Authority of India (GAIL) or RAM Heavy Electrical Limited (RHEL) may acquire a holding company status, thereby transferring a number of functions to its smaller units. In this way, a decentralised pattern of management emerges.(b) Leasing: In this arrangement, the government agrees to transfer the use of assets of a public enterprise to a private bidder for a specified period, say of 5 years. While entering into a lease, the bidder is required to

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give an assurance of the quantum of profits that would be made available to the state. This is a kind of tenure ownership. The government reserves the right to review the lease to the same person or to grant the lease to another bidder depending upon the circumstances of the cases.(c) Restructuring is of two types: financial restructuring and basic restructuring.(1) Financial Restructuring implies the writing off of accumulated losses and rationalisation of capital composition in respect of debt-equity ratio. The main purpose of this restructuring is to improve the financial health of the enterprise.(2) Basic Restructuring is said to occur when the public enterprise decides to shed some of its activities to be taken up by ancillaries or small-scale units.(ii) Operational measure: The efficiency of public sector enterprises depends upon the organisational structure. Unless this structure grants a sufficient degree of autonomy to the operators of the enterprise or develops a system of incentives, it cannot raise its efficiency and productivity. These measures include: (a) grant of autonomy to public enterprises in decision making, (b) Provision of incentives for workers and executives consistent with increase in efficiency and productivity, (c) freedom to acquire certain inputs from the markets with a view to reducing costs, (d) development of proper criteria for investment planning, and (e) permission of public enterprises to raise resources from the capital market to execute plans of diversification/expansion. The basic purpose of operational measures is to infuse the spirit of private enterprise in public enterprises so that government control is effectively reduced and private initiative is promoted.This is the broader view in which privatisation of the economy can be effected. The basic purpose is to limit the areas of the public sector and to extend the areas of private sector operation, including heavy industries and infrastructure.

wts ur opinion abt reservation in education centers?

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No, I think it should not be allowed. Though there should be some discount in fee on poverty basis but as far as reservation on the basis of caste is concerned, it will be fatal to the reputation and breed of students in good institutions like IITs. There are already very less seats in good institutions and reservations in these will make merit students starve. And one more important point I want to convey here that those who aspire for these institution are already in the position to afford the fee and lifestyles needed. So why reservation??


Guys leave abt hte affordibilty issue of the students who make it.. its clearly mentioned that once a student clears fees is not a contrain for any1. Even IIMS says thisvery explicitly in their prospectus where does the question of reservations come .. when will our govt strt behaving in a immature manner . Why do OBC ans ST/ SC students accept there reforms .. dont you all have the guts and chanllege to make it the way otheres do .What financial problem is there in filling a form of costs harldy few hundreds or thousand. Let govt make some financial reforms rather than taking reservation issues. Its jus nonsense and hurts for students who struggle so hard to get into scuh prestigious institutions

what does our constitution say all should be treated equally so WHY RESERVATIONS. dont u think this step is dividing further and creating a feeling of hostility.

Goverments responsibility is to give primary and secondary education to all so that they strengthen the base of minorities.Reserving seats for them wont help.Many students belonging to general category cannot afford good education so what abt them. what i dont understand is the question should be whether someone is able to afford education or not so he should be given some priviledge irrespective of the cast/Category

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but here what is happening is being a minority whether rich or poor u r getting it fair Admission to premier institutes is highly competitive and a large number of students are left out because they have been born in a general category . they work very very hard today because of cut throat competion so that would lead to mental depression of those deserving students. politicians use reservations for their political gains and create divisions between the communities. But they are not aware that what it feels to be left out inspite of being good academicaly but bcoz of limited seats. And also with time these premier institutes would degrade as the students would not be admitted based on their merit but on their castes.

hi friends amlan hear.. nice to know de thoughts of all u guys on reserviation............i totally agree with u all guys......what i see as the benifits of reservation are: 1 The bifarcation of the society......... 2Filling the vote bank of Govrment......... 3Degradtion on the level of education quality'''' 4big industry leaders have just commended it.........

I feel we all should just it oppose and do all possible help to the people working in disfavoring it.

Influence of Online Social Networks on our Youth

Hi friends I want to share some points with help of movie that movie name is Disconnect From this we can learn three information.

1). Because of chatting on Facebook one school boy was died.

2). Because of gambling a youth lost his business and his wife gave an information to a unknown

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person so they lost their money also.

3). It was also help to collect a data from youth that is how they are arrest by websites?

Final conclusion everything should have limited. Hi to one and all.

I also want to give my mind on this topic.

We are having many social networking sites like fb, twitter, linkedIn etc.

And we all are connected to the world by these sites.

It hardly matters to us whether we know them or not. We just want to spend our time with them, as in the present age we hardly have true friends, relatives.

So we find an alternative to share our views, that is social network.


Even if some of us is having them, than we just neglect them becoz of our daily routine work.

We hardly get time to spend with them. And the result is we have to live with the FAKE RELATIONS, FAKE PEOPLE WITH THEIR FAKE IDENTITY.

And somewhere or the other our attitude does matters, what we accept or not. These social activities lure us and at the end we just becomes so much addicted to it and have no means to live our life in a better way.

Frustration, depression becomes our partners.

Because we are just missing the real essence of life. And that comes by spending time with your KNOWN NEAR DEAR ONES.

And I am not denying the fact that it is having a lots of advantages, but they come with a cost we pay for disadvantages.

Thank you. I feel social networking sites have started affecting the facets of an individual's personality. The

person sitting right next to you wouldn't bother speaking to you, much. But when it comes to social networking or chatting, they are the boss. They can go on for hours together and enjoy learning about you. This is not a good thing that people have started to prefer that "behind the

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desktop" interaction is better than face to face conversation. It is not healthy. Yes, people ho can't afford to meet is a different, matter altogether, but getting less talkative and getting more "typative" is not at all a positive aspect of an individual. But yes, social networking is a merit rather than a demerit as long as we build it on a positive approach.

Friends, I accept all your opinions. Facebook is one of the main reason for the addict of the students. They spend 65% daily in facebook and this make them not to study well and wasting the money of parents. Easy to communicate and connect with others at low price. Low cost advertising, we can advertise the products at low price in this websites.

Spread the important information and also discuss about the present events and current afire. It also advantages.

But disadvantages of social networking.

I) Children at young age should never be allowed to use these sites because at such young age they would be exposed as at their age they are not in a position to decide whether it is right or wrong to be friends with strangers and also exposing them to social networks will erode their innocence. All things should be done at right time and social networking is not a right thing for very young kids.

II) People loose their security by providing self information in this sites. Teenagers and adults show more interest to chat with strangers.

III) Lot of time waste.

IV) Addicted to this websites. My pleasure here to give my intention about social networking on our youth.

Social network has both boon and bane, this depends upon how we are using it.

Social network provides the best way for sharing information, make awareness and etc.

Most of the people using above reasons only some exception case only taking wrong way, we take only good things. As per my point of view it is boon of youth.

Social media is a great tool to be in touch with your friends, family members and neighborhood. I helps us to expose ourselves. Youth generally uses social media to communicate with their friends, upload photos and to know what is going on around. Using it has a lot of advantages as it can connect us from people which are miles away from us. However, there are also some disadvantages of it if we use it for long hours as it kills our time and there are also chances of cyber bullying.

In my point of view, social networking are good platform to learn more about our world day to day activities.

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Social networks like Facebook, LinkedIn are important role in now a days youth. By using this kind of social networks we can maintain a good relationship in our friend circle, and to share our photos new ideas.

This platform is very useful to find job opening etc. Business organization can use social networking for advertising new product and promoting their services.

According to Indian survey Indian youngsters use this kind of social networks 2 hours per day. We can use it limited time to right way means its really very informative,

Thank you.