is it important to question the ideas and decisions of people in positions of authority

Is it important to question the ideas and decisions of people in positions of authority? Authority keeps societies together so people don’t do whatever they want. It’s important to have an authority that makes laws and keeps the order so we can live without the fear that people may kill us. Of course that there still are people who believe they can disobey the authority, but imagine how the world would be if everyone was to do as they pleased! However, from time to time, it’s important for us to question the ideas or decisions of the people in positions of authority. I believe that the best example for people who gained more from disobeying the authority than from obeying it are the ones directly involved in revolutions. All the revolutions, from the American Revolution in the 18 th century to the modern revolutions that still happen around the world, are started so the authority can be changed. In most of those cases, the outcome is better. Questioning the decisions of authority is good as long as the ideas and decisions made don’t respect their own rules or our fundamental rights. Even most of our rights were gained questioning the authority! Without questioning

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Post on 03-Oct-2015




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Is it important to question the ideas and decisions of people in positions of authority?

Authority keeps societies together so people dont do whatever they want. Its important to have an authority that makes laws and keeps the order so we can live without the fear that people may kill us. Of course that there still are people who believe they can disobey the authority, but imagine how the world would be if everyone was to do as they pleased! However, from time to time, its important for us to question the ideas or decisions of the people in positions of authority. I believe that the best example for people who gained more from disobeying the authority than from obeying it are the ones directly involved in revolutions. All the revolutions, from the American Revolution in the 18th century to the modern revolutions that still happen around the world, are started so the authority can be changed. In most of those cases, the outcome is better. Questioning the decisions of authority is good as long as the ideas and decisions made dont respect their own rules or our fundamental rights. Even most of our rights were gained questioning the authority! Without questioning the rules of kings in a moment in time, we would still have a master and wouldnt enjoy freedom or equality. According to the myths and legends, the great heroes were those who fought against the authority of gods of all kinds. Fire was brought by Prometeus disobeying the will of gods, but knowing that what he has done was right and that it would change peoples life. Although they are just legends, they teach us an important lesson: we must disobey from time to time if we want to change our life, but we must be sure that our actions arent selfish and that they can do better.Maybe that knowing if the effects of questioning the authority are good is difficult, but we can see how societies evolve when they do not question any authority in many dystopian books. Although they are just a work of fiction, they can reflect pieces of reality better than what we understand from everyday life. People simply lose all their individuality and are just tools that work for others pleasure. Although most of the people believe they are happy, they are just manipulated by someone to believe so; they have no hopes, no dreams and they can see no beauty, as 1984 by George Orwell and Brave New World by Aldous Huxley illustrate this. Those characters show the effects of not questioning the authority in the right moment, therefore they are not able to do this later. If we let people in authority do whatever they want, they will just continue doing so until they wont like doing anything else so, they wont care about us and the impact of their decisions in our lives.Although questioning the authority in today democratic societies doesnt seem the best idea, we must remember that we gained our position by doing so. From time to time, it is important to question ideas and decisions that are imposed to us, but not questioning for the sake of questioning. We must do it because we believe in our cause and that it can change our lives and not only.