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Ronkonkoma and the Lake Mrs. 8. Davis, KOnk. 3-3690 tt Mrs. Karl Hunninghaus of Tulip street was guest-of-honor at a stork shower given on January 12 by Mrs. Bernard Click in her home on John street , Hauppauge. Guests were Mesdames Arthur Foure of Smithtown; James Hazard , Ed- wa rd Olsen and Edward Hazard , Lake Ronkonkoma; David Mal- cilm , George Swan , Robert Haz- ard and Charles Coljran, Patch- ogue ; Walte r Reeve of Bayport; Charles Vetter , Willis Calkins , Bell port , and Fred Baumfolk and Leslie Erickson of East Patchogue. The center of attraction on the dining table was a cake made in the shape of a cradle. It was the first stork shower ever attended by the guest-of-honor , who came to this country from Germany five ' years ago. Her husband received his citizenship papers in Riverhead January 8 this year. Mrs. Hunning- haus , who arrived in this country six months after her husband , is looking forward to becoming a citizen in July. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Wittemeier of Henkel drive entertained at din- ner on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wicks and their son of Hempstead. Mr. and Mrs. Wicks are former teachers in the schools at Port Jefferson. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mohring of Farm-to-Market road motored to Brooklyn on Saturday to visit Mr. Mohring ' s mother , Mrs. Marie Mohring. Mrs. Laura Ahner has returned to her home on Smith road after a cruise in Caribbean waters. Be- fore taking the cruise Mrs. Ahner spent several months in Brooklyn with her son-in-lav and daughter while recuperating from an illness. Misses Helen and Roberta Fin- lay, Mrs. Edwin Risch and Mrs. Nelson Wilkenson surprised Miss Marie Weber on Monday with a visit to her home on Pond road to help her celebrate her birthday. The group have been friends for many years. Mr. and Mrs. George Morrin of Beverly road had as their weekend guests Mrs. Morrin ' s brother , Ray- mond Rabbidoux of Jamaica. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Craeas of 10 Kayron drive , the Lake, are parents of a daughter born in Mather Memorial .hospital January 8. The following day, in the same hospital , a son was born to Mr. and Mrs. G. Allen Okvist oT Carroll avenue , the Lake. It is their third child. They now have two sons and a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Risch of Henkel drive entertained at din- ner Saturday nig ht Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Michel of New York city and the Lake. Examinations will be held in the Ronkonkoma school on Johnso n avenue January 25 through Janu- ary 28. The school board will hold their regular monthly meeting January 28 at 8 p. m. Mrs. Elsie Hanft of Cherry street celebrated h e r birthday Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Piazza of Ronkonkoma are the parents of a son born in Southside hospital December 30. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Risch , who have many h obbies , one of which is bird watching, report that last week they saw on the grounds of their home on Henkel drive a red poll and a kinglet , two birds sel- dom seen on Long Island. They also saw a yellow bellied sap sucker , ra re to this part of the country but not so rae as the other two birds. The ponds in the area were frozen over Sunday and many children and adults took advantage of the ice to go skating. Lake Ron- konkoma is starting to freeze over , but is far from safe for winter sports at this thime. In "th e good old days " the weather on an ever- age was very much colder and at this time of the year men were busy cutting ice on the lake which was usuall y about 10 inches thick. The ice was packed in ice houses to be used during the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Pierce of 9 Barbara road , the Lake , are the parents of a daughter born in Brookhaven Memorial hospita l January 8. On the same day and in the same hospital , a son was born to Mr. and Mrs. John Morris of 15 Crestwood lane , the Lake. Be wise, place your advertising in The Patchogue Advance, when it will get results ^nd do the most good for you and the c o m m u n i l> in which you do business. —Adv Members of the Thim-day Nigh t Bridge club attended the card party given Thursday aftei noon by Mrs. Lillian Ayres, proceeds from the party to be given to the American Legion auxiliary toward the pur- chase of Braille typewriters for blind children in Suffolk county. Members of the club are Mesdames Joseph Kirk , Joseph Pedisich , Michael Pedisich , Frank Dehe , George Comins , Frank Rummel , Fred Kenneth and Lena Susa. SACHEM SCHOOL JOTTINGS The Parent-Teacher association of the Gatelot Avenue school met January 13. Walter C. Dunham, supervising principal of the school district , was guest : peaker. The next meeting of the PTA will be held February 3. -vhen Founders ' day will be celeb'- ited with a birth- day party. It will also be "talent" nig ht and both teachers and par- ents will take part. LAKELAND FitiE DEPT. The Lakeland File department reports no tires or ambulance calls during tne past week. The department' s Junior Drum and Bugle corps held election of officers last week. The following were elected: George Granata, president; Thomas Lynch , vice president; Shirley Si pos , secre- tary ; Arleen Mulvery, treasurer. The corps is meeting for practice regularly, getting read y for com- petition during the coming season. SCHOOL DISTRICT #11 Walter G. Zakary, supervising princi pal of Ronkonkoma School District No. 11, and members of the school board were in Albany January 10, 11 and 12 to attend special meetings regarding central- ization with Oakdale and Bohemia. Plans for the ninth grade progra m for September, liHiO , in the Ron- konkoma School . "listrict were also discussed. ' Voting on the $4-1 ,000 bond issue for the ninth grade program will take place February 2 from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Personal registration will be held in the Ronkonkoma school on Johnson avenue January 22 fro m 3 to 9 p. m. This is for any- one qualified to vote at a school election who did not personall y register at the school May 5 and 0 in 1959. Approximately 200 registered on those days. Qualifications of a voter are that he or she must be a citizen of the United States , 21 years of age, a resident within the school dist- rict for a period of . 'jO days next preceding the meeting at which he or she offers to vote ; and who in addition thereto possesses one of the following three qualifications: (1) Owns or is the spouse of an owner ( not a renter) leases , hires , or is in the possession under a contract of purchase of real property in such district liable to taxation for school purposes. (2) Is the parent of a child or children of school age , provided such child or children shall have attended the district school in the district in which the meeting is held for a period of at least eight weeks during the year preceding such school meeting. ( Under this pro- vision both father and mother may vote (3) Not being the parent , has permanently residing with him or her a child or children of school age who shall have attended the district school for a period of at least eight weeks during the year preceding such meeting. (Undei this provision but one person may vote , namely the head of the house- hold.) ST. JOSEPH'S CHURCH St. Josep h' s R. C. churc h has Sunday masses at 7, 8, 9:15, 10:30 and 11:30 a. m. and 12:30 p. m. in the church and at 9:15 a. m. and 10:30 a. m. in St. Joseph's school. On Sunday the Rev. S. Thomas Minogue baptized the following infants : Christine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Brown of Clifford p lace , Ronkonkoma; sponsors . Miss Catherine Richard s and Robert Brown. Kathy Marie , daughter of Mr . and Mrs. Joseph Croce of Cheryl drive, the Lake; sponsors, Miss Vincenzia DiSimone a n d Tobias Croce. Mark , son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hogan of the Lake ; sponsors , Mrs. Catherine Kennedy and Anthony Marsini. Josep h John , son of Mr. and Mrs. Josep h John Farley, Sr., of Cheryl drive , the Lake ; sponsors , Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Halloran. William Louis , son of Mr. »ind Mrs. Wil- liam Giatras of Cedar avenue, Pat- chogue; sponsors , Miss Judith Giatra s and Thomas Evans. Mar- cia Ann , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Mokson of Carroll avenue , the Lake; sponsors , Mr. and Mrs. Michael Chichester. Brian Keith. son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schae- fer , Brian avenue , Holtsville; sponsors , Mr. and Mrs. Frank Felicia. On January 17 the Rev. Charles J. Nosser baptized the following infants : Robin Renay Theresa , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Dwyer of Lakewood street , the Lake; sponsors , Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Moran. Matthew David , son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sheil of Wyant avenue, the Lake; spon- sors , Mr. and Mrs. Francis Taran- tian. Cynthia Ann , daug hter of Mr . and Mrs. ' Lawrence Garrity of Map lecrest drive , the Lake; sponsors , Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bozek. Todd Timothy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Ullrich of Ackerly lane , ' the Lake; sponsors , Mr. and Mrs. John Ullrich. Michael O'Brien , son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Connor of Holtsville; sponsors , Miss Irene Haskins and Robert Connor. The School guild of St. Joseph' s church is sponsoring a smorgas- bord to be held January 30. All members of the famil / are invited. Servings will be from 7 to 10 p. m. Dancing will start around 9 p. m. and last until 1 a. m. ST. MARY'S CHURCH St. Mary ' s Episcopal church holds Holy communion Sunday at 8 and 9:30 a. m. and daily at 1(1 a. m. The church meets at 9:30 a. m. Sunday. A vigil light has been given to St. Mary ' s churc h by Mrs. Josep h LaLone in loving memory of Al- bert Maag. HOLY CROSS CHURCH Holv Cross Luthera n church holds services Sundav at 8:15 , 9:30 and 11 a. m. Holy communion is administered at all three services the first Sunday of each month. Mid-week Bible studies are held each Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. The churc h school meets at 9:30 a. in. Sunday. On Sunday the Rev. Chester E. Strohl baptized Herbert Charles , son of Mr. and .Mrs . Herbert Charles Riegelsperger. Sr.; Frank Anthony, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Anthony Deptola , Sr.; Rox- anne Marie , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy M. Rorvik. The Ladies ' guild will meet at 1 p. m. today. It is the first regular meeting of the new year and will be conducted by the new officers. The Youth Canteen group will meet from 7 to 10 p. m. Saturday. The annual congregational meet- ing will be held Sunday at 4 p. m. It is one of the important meet- ings of the churc h year and all members of the congregation are asked to attend to take this op- portunity to learn how their church functions. Baby sitters and entertainment will be provided for families with children. METHODIST CHURCH The Methodist church at Five Corners holds Sunday services at 11 a. m. and a family service at 9:30 a. m. Sunday school meets at 9:30 a. m. The Rev. Howard Coleman will be the supply preach- er Sunday, taking the place of the Rev. William J. Boone , who is on vacation. Two films , "Footsteps of Living- stone " and "Africa is Wating for Christ and His Church , " will be shown in the churc h at 8 p. m. Sunday. January 31 live members of the Chancel choir will sing at the annual Missions festival which this year will be held in the Metho- dist church in Patchogue from 3 to 8 p. m. Many members of the congregation are aiso planning to attend the festival. For more in- formation please contact Dr. Charles Heath , North Washington avenue , Centereach. Special clothing bags have been placed in the narthex of the church for substantial and .-lean clothing for overseas relief. There is no scheduled meeting of the Emotional Health Round- table this month. The Rouudtable coinmittee and Dr. Tous.sant Cele- stin will meet instead with the Men ' s club and the Woman ' s So- siety of Christian Service in order to introduce the nature of its pro- gram and to secure needs and interests. The next regular meet- ing is set for February 15 at .S p. in. and thereafter meetings will be held on the third Monday of each mouth. The monthly meeting of tin- Woman 's Society of Christian Service will t»e held at 8 p. m. January 28. Dr. Celestin , resident psychiatrist at the Kings Park State hospital , will be the guest speaker. National Jewish Welfa re board and , after the war started , their services expanded. They served re- freshments after Friday night services and offered hooks , records and transportation to the men. They also held dances and social functions in their homes for the servicemen. Around this time came the for- mation of both the Men ' s club , which was to become the Jewish Center of the Moriches , and the Deborah Sisterhood , which today is part of the center. They began with a nucleus of 10 men anil 10 women and the groups now both number between 40 and 50. The Jewish center serves not only in a religious capacity for the combined groups but also as a social center for adults , and sup- plies religious instruction for chil- dren. In the beginning, the lay mem- bers conducted services and taught the children in their homes. They met for quite some time at the home of the late Harry Bernstein of Bernstein ' s boulevard , Center Moriches. In l'. 'oO the groups purchased the home of the late John L. Havens on .Main street. Center Moriches , and this building bas since served as the Jewish Center of the Moriches. However , it is hoped that the proceeds of dances , bazaars, book sales , food sales and individual contributions will seme day make possible a new building that will meet all the growing needs of its members. When the first Rabbi came to Center Moriches , be conducted serv- ices and Sunday school in mem- bers ' hnnv.'s and when the center was purchased another seminary student from New York city came out for Friday night services. in 1952 Rabbi Reuben Blum , an ordained rabbi , who also holds a Ph. I. ) degree in international law , became affiliated with the center. Rabbi Blum is still attending to the religious needs of the center in all capacities. Rabbi Blum was married to Miss Annette Kustoff of the Bronx on December 24. His wife will make the weekly sojourn with her hus- band in order to help with the Sunday school. The growth of the Jewish Cen- ter in the past 21 years has been steady but not surprising if the devotion and enthusiasm of the local Jewish community is con- sidered. FnnnrifiiiiifitffiiiHiiiiitnwiiiTf w »iiiiiiHiiiiii i iii i i i i inHini wii»niwi n ni i ii a I MO RTGAGE MO N EY I NEW HOMES - MOTELS - SHELLS 1 at 3 ¦ _ 2 I REMODELING LOANS ] [ FHA Up to 5 Years to Pay 3 B S [ No Down Payment I ¦ j i CALL COLLECT 3 PArk 7-2430 : 3 : A COMPLETE LINE OF | BUILDING MATERIALS I ¦ a : FREE DELIVERY 3 \ FREE ESTIMATING 5 [ RECOMMENDED CONTRACTORS = ¦ PLAN SERVICE \ ________ 3 amT mm UP iTTBiy^m FREE ¦ ¦ fill ¦¦ ¦ U. 0 1 ¦ I 1 | B FREE 3 BBSS I I H ¦ I BBBI BV ^H BBS 1 Bl . ¦ I BBB * aJHUl IIDIM ¦ ii HHm DELIVERY |M I I H I ' Mm Bl l^fallll laWlH DELIVERY 3 ¦^¦¦¦ ¦ B^ HBBI ^MBHBHBI ^^ HH H^^^^^2Ea ^SL^i^^S5a^a^^L^a^aSi2a ^SaSB ¦ ¦ - ANYWHERE ! Bnffl^WJ?V!miT^!fTO9?^aVTfV ^B ANYWHERE ! 3 H11» Ji i I »i 3 Hff.^Ki 'j *i Jm flav * l*JM I w MB [ 415 Roanoke Avenue, Riverhead, N. Y. PArk 7-2430 \ ' l aiaililili ltuilin in ianHil (^xee ttewi eey y g , ; > * -A * -\ ¦ . ' . ' '^fe j jt/. t I *if *&.&* - A- <' A$g^\ )A ;: *? l 'Ai '/^mtml^ ' y rf & ** f ~' , * . , ~* . ,- , * < Ai . 'A ,/ . , ¦ / . ; _ < - ' £ * l&iW^?^* A/ > ' ; ' -^ ' ' ' ' ""' ' -»*" -' -*" ' -- " ' y ' ' j t , ^ f/^ j **&»„ , **•' "*'SS/ 'S,//X 'J?jy S/r Wj A ^ WHV/WMS,/, , ,., ,,, y,, ,. . . ^T S^i£^ flft^M^_. ^f^^Pr * " 1 ' '""WWW-wwnwwwwwmww ^Bua^M^^^^^ *£-*** (. vt^dST ' « *— J i /Py A s/ A A ' "> * A " ' * * ' / ' *< ' ' tAA ' * ' ' A/rSA / "' 0Af ' / * ' ' A ~ *? ' ° ' * 'A / l' 'A %0^M '*«g^y^543*^ Never before lias a motor car embodied such craftsmanshi p without counterpart. We surest you excellence as the Cadillac / ' or 1 960. In both outward investi gate these Cadillac wonders with a demonstra- elegance and inward goodness it sets a standard tion drive and find out. how quickl y and easil y you uni quely its own. These virtues stem from a policy can acquire your favorite model. Your dealer is wait- of continuous improvement and a creed of precision ing to welcome you with some very pleasant news. VISIT YOIJK LOCA L A VTnoiil7. lilA(A?aAtUa(y DEA LER BARRIE BROTHERS , Inc. 318 EAST MAIN STREET, PATCHOGUE GRove r 5-0979 CORAM NEWS ITEMS Mrs . Gloria Hoelier. SElden 2-5363 <$ The Suffolk County Fire Chief' s council will meet Thursday at 8:150 p. in. at the Coram riiviwuse. A tilni will he shown on the Chicajro school fire which took so many lives last year . President of the Council John Hancock urges all local school board members who can possibl y see this film to come to the nieetiiiK. Mrs. Elsie Brown of Mill road , who was a patient at .Mather Me- morial hospital from January 5 to January 1-1 , is now recuperating at home from an operation. The Ernest Greenwood Demo- cratic club will hold a card party , the night of January 30 at the Coram Community club. The C & C Knitting group met January 11 at the home of Mrs. Cathrino A r c h a m b n u lt and cele- brated her birthday. Guests were Mr . and Mrs. William Joline , Mrs. .Mary Still and Norman Still of Port Jeffe rson Station; Mr. and Mrs. Chris W'ittschack, Mr. and Mrs. William Eagle and Mr . and Mrs. George I.yon of Coram. Mrs. Joline made the birthday cake and sandwiches and refreshments were served. Sunday afternoon Paulette Hoff- mann , Rosemary Hoffmann , Bob Hoel/.er , Peter Rudder and Walter Lehmann went ice skating on Mooney pond. Friday n i g h t Kath y Smith , her friends , Dolores Carroll , Jud y Peterson , Dolores Carroll and Rob- ert Hoelzer attended the Rock and Roll show at the Long Island A rena in Commack. The Cora m Four Leaf Clover 4-H girls held a business meeting January 11 at the Coram Commun- ity club with their leaders , Mrs. Julia Morris and Mrs. Dot Rauor. The girls baked pineapple upside down cake , one group making the cake while the others prepared the topping. The following g irls at- tended: Paulette Hoffmann, Rose- mary Hoffmann , Kathy Smith , Marie M.izzmi i , Angela Ruppola , Dolores Carroll and Judy Peter- son. Saturday night. Mr. ami Mrs. Frank I-yon , Mr. ami Mrs. George I.yon , Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lvon , Mr . and Airs. Chris Wittsch ' aek , Mr. and Airs. Rudy Hahn , Air. and Ai rs? Clarence Hough and Air. and Airs. George Alhin at tended the testimonial dinner for Charles Barraud. hi ghway superintendent, and Arthur Murray, assistant superintendent , who was retiring. The dinner was held in the Suf- folk Republican clubhouse in Blue Point. Saturday guests of Mr . and Mrs. Robert Urban of Alt. Sinai road were Air. and Mrs. Edward llincs. Thomas Spataro , son of Air. and Airs. Vincent Spataro of Planters road , returned recentl y from Miami , Fla., with Aliss Jo-Anne .lost , with whose grandparents they vacationed. They wore met at Pennsy lvania station b y Miss Jost' s parents. Wilfred Paquette of Route 112 , whose birthday was January la , celebrated with a famil y dinner .in Sunday. Guests were Air. and Mrs. Roger Mulvey and sons , Urian. Kevin and Nea) , Mr. and Mrs. Donald Paipiette and children, Donald and Kim Marie , Mr. and Airs . Wilfred Pnrmetle, ,], ¦ aI1( j children , Diane , Bill y, Gregory, Paul , .Michael and Douglas. The Alulveys were weekend guests of the Paquettes. Saturday guests of Mr. and Airs. William Rabe of Shady lane were Air. and Mrs. John Zanardi of Astoria. Sunday guests of Air. and Mrs. Frank Pommer of Paul' s path were Air. and Airs. Frank Reynolds and daughter, Priscilla , of St. Albans, and Mr. and Mrs . William Potter of Alaspeth. Airs. Pommer' s birth- day was January 12. The next meeting of the Coram school Parent-Teacher association will be held at 8:15 p. m. Monday at the Coram school. Mrs. Irene Chenel , school nurse , will speak briefl y and present the film , "The Story of Human Growth." CHURCH NEWS At Trinity Methodist church worshi p service is at 9:30 a. m., with church school at the sam- . time. The greeter this week was Thomas Fingar. The 19(i0 Confir- mation class is forming and any- cne between the ages of 12 and 18 interested may contact the Kev . David Hurley. Mrs. Herbert La Sauce ' s class attended church last Sunday with their substitute teacher , Airs. Gerard Bauer. At the M.V.F. meeting Sunday ni ght Airs. George O. Hungerford gave a talk on Africa. At the January 11 meeting of the Naomi circle all the members took on a proj- ect to make some money for the church . A clean-up committee for each month was named; January' s committee includes Alesdames Dot Young and Rosemary Borella. Sayville Jewish Ctr. To Install Officers S A Y V I I, I, E The Sayville Jewish Community center will hold its installation of officers at Land' s End at 8 p. m. Sunday. Rabbi A. Irving rfchnippuj- of Temp le Beth-El , Patchogue, will install the newly elected officers. Out going president Charles Ross d ' Sayville will deliver a message to the guests. An evening of dancing and refreshments will follow. Those officers to be installed nre : Hiinlge Diamond , president - William Friedlierg, vice president; Herbert Davis , treasurer; Gcorg ; Katz , secretary and Jules Godel , corresponding secretary. Simon Pasternak , Seymour Dialer and Charles Ross will serve as newly elected trustees. Jacob liigeleiscn . .Marvin Ehrenberg, Lawrence Greene , Irving Levin and Airs. H. G. Lowenkron will continue in office as trustees. - " ¦¦ — — ——¦ —~ ~ ~————-.—————————————————— ——nnnj* Skinner Insurance Office "The Protection You Require the Economy You Desire " MUTUALIZE a nd ECON OAIIZE FRED G. SKINNER MILLIE L SKINNER AGENTS 19 NO RTH OCEAN A VENUE . I'ATCHOGdE GRover 5-0668 ""' "" "-" - -- - a M m M II W M ¦ r ¦ u ¦ ii mriimnnnjiiinnjin iuiiinjumj- The conventional limitations of a wedding invitation are high- lighted by the distinctive lone of the stationery and the luminous Patchogae Advance printing de- partment. They are experts. Prices always fit the budget . —Adv. T AMDMADIi ' on Ma 'n street , Center L./\i>IJlVlHI\IV Moriches is Jewish Center of the Aloriches. Hourie was purchased in 1950 to serve as home for the Jewish center. By SHIRLEY DEBLER Though a comparatively recent addition to the reli gious life of the area , the Jewish Center of the Moriches has come a long way since its beg innings in 1 939 when a group of Center Moriches residents offered their services to Camp Upton , Suffolk Air Force base , the East Moriches Coast Guard station and the Northport Veterans ' hospital. Their affiliation with the latter continues today. » They became associated with the $> Jewish Center of Moriches Shows Growt h of 21 Years Neither rain, sleet . Ice nor heat or your office of your Patchogue Advance. Only $5.00 a year. Write or telephone the Circulation Man- ager and start your paper today —GRover 5-1000.—Adv. IS MTSMZ 1 ! l*s» » «*5iJ w 'f^^ 1 rr^"*^ «^ Winter *! cold can eon- JBSBHSM^k. seal gretiei and ¦Hms9PSin aludget, thus prevent- ^^p^-^SQUMHg I tiff free flow. Drain- ¥ **+* *&& fields, cesspools, and I *tii^** Yf ¦ eptle tanks must 1 %h ** 00 * * seep freely. Remove A C/fC *MMT I the doubt and fear of flfc;^*fl M an " out of order " mmr ^J^^^r- M aeweras;* system In ^mm^I^A^mW your home. Do It ^^StBSw ,0<U, ' I WINTERIZE with CAMP CESSPOOL & SEPTIC TANK CLEANER QsWilv Opans •> Dttp-Clwu . » ClMftd CvitBtetr Feacfrettt i ft iwiti Ts*ti* ^ „, , . A«f4l Tim r»«fh>« ,W » M» ,lhl,M' •" Miikt lonontlf 1km FMIM traiai Kttp « c«n on hind (or «ny omtro;tncy ttlltr Sot* than Sony! 9AH Iw mil Klirtta ~U* t IMM ¦ ! ¦*•<< !•"»• « —. •< ~—i »!* « ' ""I "»'»«<». Mt«, I bt*i tM> M. HODKIN & SONS 118 W. Main St.. Patchogue GRover 5-0955—5-0fi55

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Ronkonkoma and the LakeMrs. 8. Davis, KOnk. 3-3690 tt

Mrs. Karl Hunninghaus of Tulipstreet was guest-of-honor at astork shower given on January 12by Mrs. Bernard Click in her homeon John street, Hauppauge. Guestswere Mesdames Arthur Foure ofSmithtown; James Hazard , Ed-ward Olsen and Edward Hazard ,Lake Ronkonkoma; David Mal-cilm , George Swan , Robert Haz-ard and Charles Coljran, Patch-ogue ; Walter Reeve of Bayport;Charles Vetter, Willis Calkins,Bell port , and Fred Baumfolk andLeslie Erickson of East Patchogue.The center of attraction on thedining table was a cake made inthe shape of a cradle. It was thefirst stork shower ever attendedby the guest-of-honor, who cameto this country from Germany five 'years ago. Her husband receivedhis citizenship papers in RiverheadJanuary 8 this year. Mrs. Hunning-haus, who arrived in this countrysix months after her husband, islooking forward to becoming acitizen in July.

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Wittemeierof Henkel drive entertained at din-ner on Sunday Mr. and Mrs.Charles Wicks and their son ofHempstead. Mr. and Mrs. Wicksare former teachers in the schoolsat Port Jefferson.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mohring ofFarm-to-Market road motored toBrooklyn on Saturday to visit Mr.Mohring's mother, Mrs. MarieMohring.

Mrs. Laura Ahner has returnedto her home on Smith road after acruise in Caribbean waters. Be-fore taking the cruise Mrs. Ahnerspent several months in Brooklynwith her son-in-lav and daughterwhile recuperating from an illness.

Misses Helen and Roberta Fin-lay, Mrs. Edwin Risch and Mrs.Nelson Wilkenson surprised MissMarie Weber on Monday with avisit to her home on Pond road tohelp her celebrate her birthday.The group have been friends formany years.

Mr. and Mrs. George Morrin ofBeverly road had as their weekendguests Mrs. Morrin 's brother, Ray-mond Rabbidoux of Jamaica.

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Craeas of10 Kayron drive , the Lake, areparents of a daughter born inMather Memorial .hospital January8. The following day, in the samehospital , a son was born to Mr.and Mrs. G. Allen Okvist oT Carrollavenue, the Lake. It is their thirdchild. They now have two sons anda daughter.

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Risch ofHenkel drive entertained at din-ner Saturday night Mr. and Mrs.Frederick Michel of New York cityand the Lake.

Examinations will be held in theRonkonkoma school on Johnsonavenue January 25 through Janu-ary 28. The school board will holdtheir regular monthly meetingJanuary 28 at 8 p. m.

Mrs. Elsie Hanf t of Cherrystreet celebrated h e r birthdayTuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Piazza ofRonkonkoma are the parents ofa son born in Southside hospitalDecember 30.

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Risch , whohave many hobbies , one of whichis bird watching, report that lastweek they saw on the grounds oftheir home on Henkel drive a redpoll and a kinglet , two birds sel-dom seen on Long Island. Theyalso saw a yellow bellied sapsucker, rare to this part of thecountry but not so rae as the othertwo birds.

The ponds in the area werefrozen over Sunday and manychildren and adults took advantageof the ice to go skating. Lake Ron-konkoma is s tar t ing to freeze over,but is far from safe for wintersports at this thime. In "the goodold days" the weather on an ever-age was very much colder and atthis time of the year men werebusy cut t ing ice on the lake whichwas usually about 10 inches thick.

The ice was packed in ice housesto be used during the summer.

Mr. and Mrs. Russell Pierce of9 Barbara road , the Lake, are theparents of a daughter born inBrookhaven Memorial hospita lJanuary 8. On the same day andin the same hospital, a son wasborn to Mr. and Mrs. John Morrisof 15 Crestwood lane, the Lake.

Be wise, place your advertisingin The Patchogue Advance, whenit will get results ^nd do the mostgood for you and the communil>in which you do business.—Adv

Members of the Thim-day NightBridge club attended the card partygiven Thursday aftei noon by Mrs.Lillian Ayres, proceeds from theparty to be given to the AmericanLegion auxiliary toward the pur-chase of Braille typewriters forblind children in Suffolk county.Members of the club are MesdamesJoseph Kirk , Joseph Pedisich ,Michael Pedisich, Frank Dehe,George Comins, Frank Rummel,Fred Kenneth and Lena Susa.


The Parent-Teacher associationof the Gatelot Avenue school metJanuary 13. Walter C. Dunham,supervising principal of the schooldistrict, was guest : peaker. Thenext meeting of the PTA will beheld February 3. -vhen Founders'day will be celeb'- ited with a birth-day party. It will also be "talent"night and both teachers and par-ents will take part.


The Lakeland File departmentreports no tires or ambulancecalls during tne past week.

The department's Junior Drumand Bugle corps held election ofofficers last week. The followingwere elected: George Granata,president; Thomas Lynch , vicepresident; Shirley Sipos, secre-tary ; Arleen Mulvery, treasurer.The corps is meeting for practiceregularly, getting read y for com-petition during the coming season.


Walter G. Zakary, supervisingprinci pal of Ronkonkoma SchoolDistrict No. 11, and members ofthe school board were in AlbanyJanuary 10, 11 and 12 to attendspecial meetings regarding central-ization with Oakdale and Bohemia.Plans for the n in th grade progra mfor September, liHiO , in the Ron-konkoma School ."listrict were alsodiscussed. '

Voting on the $4-1 ,000 bond issuefor the ninth grade program willtake place February 2 from 9 a. 9 p. m. Personal registration willbe held in the Ronkonkoma schoolon Johnson avenue January 22from 3 to 9 p. m. This is for any-one qual i f ied to vote at a schoolelection who did not personallyregister at the school May 5 and0 in 1959. Approximately 200registered on those days.

Qualifications of a voter arethat he or she must be a citizen ofthe United States, 21 years of age,a resident wi th in the school dist-rict for a period of .'jO days nextpreceding the meeting at which heor she offers to vote ; and who inaddition thereto possesses one ofthe following three qual i f ica t ions:( 1 ) Owns or is t he spouse of anowner ( not a renter) leases, hires ,or is in the possession under acontract of purchase of realproperty in such district liable totaxation for school purposes. ( 2 )Is the parent of a child or childrenof school age, provided such childor children shall have attendedthe district school in the districtin which the meet ing is held fora period of at least eight weeksdur ing the year preceding suchschool meeting. ( Under this pro-vision both father and mother mayvote (3) Not being the parent, haspermanently residing with him orher a child or children of schoolage who shall have attended thedistrict school for a period of at

least eight weeks during the yearpreceding such meeting. (Undeithis provision but one person mayvote, namely the head of the house-hold.)


St. Joseph's R. C. church hasSunday masses at 7, 8, 9:15, 10:30and 11:30 a. m. and 12:30 p. m. inthe church and at 9:15 a. m. and10:30 a. m. in St. Joseph's school.

On Sunday the Rev. S. ThomasMinogue baptized the followinginfants : Christine, daughter of Mr.and Mrs. John Brown of Cliffordp lace , Ronkonkoma; sponsors. MissCatherine Richards and RobertBrown. Kathy Marie , daughter ofMr. and Mrs. Joseph Croce ofCheryl drive, the Lake; sponsors,Miss Vincenzia DiSimone a n dTobias Croce. Mark , son of Mr.and Mrs. Joseph Hogan of theLake ; sponsors, Mrs. CatherineKennedy and Anthony Marsini.Joseph John , son of Mr. and Mrs.Joseph John Farley, Sr., of Cheryldrive , the Lake; sponsors, Mr. andMrs. Thomas Halloran. WilliamLouis, son of Mr. »ind Mrs. Wil-liam Giatras of Cedar avenue, Pat-chogue; sponsors, Miss JudithGiatras and Thomas Evans. Mar-cia Ann , daughter of Mr. and Mrs.William Mokson of Carroll avenue,the Lake; sponsors, Mr. and Mrs.Michael Chichester. Brian Keith.son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schae-fer, Brian avenue, Holtsville;sponsors, Mr. and Mrs. FrankFelicia.

On January 17 the Rev. CharlesJ. Nosser baptized the followinginfants: Robin Renay Theresa ,daughter of Mr. and Mrs. WilliamDwyer of Lakewood street, theLake; sponsors, Mr. and Mrs.Gerard Moran. Matthew David ,son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sheilof Wyant avenue, the Lake; spon-sors, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Taran-tian. Cynthia Ann , daughter ofMr . and Mrs. 'Lawrence Garrityof Maplecrest drive, the Lake;sponsors, Mr. and Mrs. RobertBozek. Todd Timothy, son of Mr.and Mrs. Nicholas Ullrich ofAckerly lane,' the Lake; sponsors,Mr. and Mrs. John Ullrich. MichaelO'Brien , son of Mr. and Mrs. HarryConnor of Holtsville; sponsors,Miss Irene Haskins and RobertConnor.

The School guild of St. Joseph'schurch is sponsoring a smorgas-bord to be held January 30. Allmembers of the famil / are invited.Servings will be from 7 to 10p. m. Dancing will start around9 p. m. and last until 1 a. m.


St. Mary 's Episcopal churchholds Holy communion Sunday at8 and 9:30 a. m. and daily at 1(1a. m. The church meets at 9:30a. m. Sunday.

A vigil light has been given toSt. Mary 's church by Mrs. JosephLaLone in loving memory of Al-bert Maag.


Holv Cross Lutheran churchholds services Sundav at 8:15, 9:30and 11 a. m. Holy communion isadministered at all three servicesthe first Sunday of each month.Mid-week Bible studies are heldeach Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. Thechurch school meets at 9:30 a. in.Sunday.

On Sunday the Rev. Chester E.Strohl baptized Herbert Charles,son of Mr. and .Mrs. HerbertCharles Riegelsperger. Sr.; FrankAnthony , son of Mr. and Mrs.Frank Anthony Deptola , Sr.; Rox-anne Marie , daughter of Mr. andMrs. Roy M. Rorvik.

The Ladies ' guild wil l meet at1 p. m. today. It is the first regularmeeting of the new year and willbe conducted by the new officers.

The Youth Canteen group willmeet from 7 to 10 p. m. Saturday.

The annual congregational meet-ing will be held Sunday at 4 p. m.It is one of the important meet-ings of the church year and allmembers of the congregation areasked to attend to take this op-

portunity to learn how theirchurch functions. Baby sitters andentertainment will be provided forfamilies with children.


The Methodist church at FiveCorners holds Sunday services at11 a. m. and a family service at9:30 a. m. Sunday school meetsat 9:30 a. m. The Rev. HowardColeman will be the supply preach-er Sunday, taking the place ofthe Rev. Will iam J. Boone, whois on vacation.

Two fi lms, "Footsteps of Living-stone" and "Africa is Wat ing forChrist and His Church," wil l beshown in the churc h at 8 p. m.Sunday. J a n u a r y 31 live membersof the Chancel choir will sing atthe annual Missions festival whichthis year wil l be held in the Metho-dist church in Patchogue from 3to 8 p. m. Many members of thecongregation are aiso p l ann ing toat tend the festival. For more in-formation p l e a s e contact Dr.Charles Heath , North Washingtonavenue , Centereach.

Special clothing bags have beenplaced in the nar thex of the churchfor subs tan t ia l and .-lean c lo th ingfor overseas relief.

There is no scheduled mee t ingof the Emot iona l Heal th R o u n d -table this month . The R o u u d t a b l ecoinmittee and Dr. Tous.sant Cele-stin will meet instead wi th theMen 's club and the Woman 's So-siety of Christian Service in orderto introduce the nature of its pro-gram and to secure needs andinterests. The next regular meet-ing is set for February 15 at .Sp. in. and thereafter meetings wi l lbe held on the th i rd Monday ofeach m o u t h .

The monthly meet ing of t in-Woman 's Society of C h r i s t i a nService wil l t»e held at 8 p. m.January 28. Dr. Celestin , residentpsychiatrist at the Kings ParkState hospital , will be the guestspeaker.

Na t iona l Jewish Welfa re boardand , after the war started , theirservices expanded. They served re-freshments a f te r Friday nightservices and offered hooks , recordsand t ransportat ion to the men.They also held dances and socialfunc t ions in thei r homes for theservicemen.

Around this t ime came the for-mation of both the Men 's club ,which was to become the JewishCenter of the Moriches , and theDeborah Sisterhood , which todayis part of the center. They beganwith a nucleus of 10 men anil 10women and the groups now bothnumber between 40 and 50.

The Jewish center serves notonly in a religious capacity forthe combined groups but also as asocial center for adul t s , and sup-plies religious instruction for chil-dren.

In the beginning, the lay mem-bers conducted services and t augh tthe children in their homes. Theymet for qui te some t ime at thehome of the late Harry Bernsteinof Bernste in 's boulevard , CenterMoriches.

In l'.'oO the groups purchasedthe home of t he late John L.Havens on .Main s treet . CenterMoriches , and this bu i ld ing bassince served as the Jewish Centerof the Moriches.

However , it is hoped t h a t t heproceeds of dances, bazaars, booksales, food sales and i n d i v i d u a lc o n t r i b u t i o n s wi l l seme day makepossible a new b u i l d i n g tha t wi l lmeet al l the growing needs of itsmembers.

When the f i r s t Rabbi came toCenter Moriches , be conducted serv-ices and Sunday school in mem-bers' hnnv.'s and when the centerwas purchased a n o t h e r s emina rys tuden t f rom New York c i t y cameout for Fr iday n i g h t services.

in 1952 Rabbi Reuben Blum , anordained rabbi , who also holds aPh. I.) degree in i n t e rna t i onal law ,became aff il ia ted with the center.Rabbi Blum is still a t tending to the

religious needs of the center in allcapacities.

Rabbi Blum was married to MissAnnette Kustoff of the Bronx onDecember 24. His wife will makethe weekly sojourn with her hus-band in order to help with theSunday school.

The growth of the Jewish Cen-t e r in the past 21 years has beensteady but not surprising if thedevotion and enthusiasm of thelocal Jewish communi ty is con-sidered.

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CORAM NEWS ITEMSMrs. Gloria Hoelier. SElden 2-5363 <$

The Suffolk County Fire Chief 'scouncil will meet Thursday at 8:150p. in. at the Coram riiviwuse. Ati ln i will he shown on the Chicajroschool fire which took so manylives last year . President of theCouncil John Hancock urges alllocal school board members whocan possibl y see this film to cometo the nieetiiiK .

Mrs. Elsie Brown of Mil l road ,who was a pa t ien t at .Mather Me-morial hospital from January 5 toJ a n u a r y 1-1, is now recuperatingat home from an operation.

The Ernest Greenwood Demo-cratic club will hold a card party ,the night of January 30 at theCoram Community club.

The C & C Knitting group metJanuary 11 at the home of Mrs.Cathr ino Archambnult and cele-brated her bir thday. Guests wereMr . and Mrs. William Joline, Mrs..Mary Still and Norman Sti ll ofPort Jeffe rson Station; Mr. andMrs. Chris W'ittschack, Mr. andMrs. Wi l l i am Eagle and Mr . andMrs. George I.yon of Coram. Mrs.Joline made the b i r t h d a y cake andsandwiches and refreshments wereserved.

Sunday afternoon Paulette Hoff-mann , Rosemary Hoffmann , BobHoel/.er, Peter Rudder and WalterLehmann went ice skating onMooney pond.

Friday n i g h t Kath y Smith ,her friends , Dolores Carroll , Jud yPeterson , Dolores Carroll and Rob-ert Hoelzer attended the Rock andRoll show at the Long IslandA rena in Commack.

The Cora m Four Leaf Clover4-H girls held a business meetingJanuary 11 at the Coram Commun-i ty club with their leaders, Mrs.Jul ia Morris and Mrs. Dot Rauor.The girls baked pineapple upsidedown cake, one group mak ing thecake while the others prepared thetopping. The following girls at-tended: Paulette Hoffmann, Rose-mary Hof fmann , Kathy Smith ,Marie M.izzmii , Angela Ruppola ,Dolores Carroll and Judy Peter-son.

Saturday night. Mr. ami Mrs.Frank I-yon , Mr. ami Mrs. GeorgeI.yon , Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lvon ,Mr. and Airs. Chris Wittsch'aek ,Mr. and Airs. Rudy Hahn , Air.and Ai rs? Clarence Hough and Air.and Airs. George A l h i n at tendedthe tes t imonia l d inner for CharlesBarraud. hi ghway super in tendent,and A r t h u r M u r r a y , assis tantsuper in tendent , who was retiring.The d inner was held in the Suf-folk Republican clubhouse in BluePoint.

Saturday guests of Mr. andMrs. Robert Urban of Alt. Sinairoad were Air. and Mrs. Edwardllincs.

Thomas Spataro , son of Air. andAirs. Vincent Spataro of Plantersroad , returned recentl y fromMiami , Fla., with Aliss Jo-Anne.lost, with whose grandparentsthey vacationed. They wore metat Pennsy lvania s tat ion by MissJost's parents.

Wilfred Paquette of Route 112 ,whose b i r thday was J a n u a r y la ,celebrated wi th a famil y d inner .inSunday. Guests were Air. and Mrs.Roger Mulvey and sons, U r i a n .Kevin and Nea) , Mr. and Mrs.Donald Paipiette and ch i ldren ,Donald and K i m Marie , Mr. andAirs . Wil f red Pnrmetle, ,], ¦ aI1( j

children , Diane, Bill y, Gregory,Paul , .Michael and Douglas. TheAlulveys were weekend guests ofthe Paquettes.

Saturday guests of Mr. andAirs. William Rabe of Shady lanewere Air. and Mrs. John Zanardiof Astoria.

Sunday guests of Air. and Mrs.Frank Pommer of Paul's path wereAir. and Airs. Frank Reynolds anddaughter, Priscilla , of St. Albans,and Mr. and Mrs. William Potterof Alaspeth. Airs. Pommer's birth-day was January 12.

The next meeting of the Coramschool Parent-Teacher associationwill be held at 8:15 p. m. Mondayat the Coram school. Mrs. IreneChenel, school nurse, will speakbriefly and present the film , "TheStory of Human Growth."

CHURCH NEWSAt Trinity Methodist church

worship service is at 9:30 a. m.,with church school at the sam-.time. The greeter this week wasThomas Fingar. The 19(i0 Confir-mation class is forming and any-cne between the ages of 12 and18 interested may contact the Kev.David Hurley. Mrs. Herbert LaSauce's class attended church lastSunday with t h e i r substituteteacher, Airs. Gerard Bauer. Atthe M.V.F. meeting Sunday ni ghtAirs. George O. Hungerford gavea talk on Africa. At the January11 meeting of the Naomi circleall the members took on a proj-ect to make some money for thechurch . A clean-up committee foreach month was named; January'scommittee includes Alesdames DotYoung and Rosemary Borella.

Sayville Jewish Ctr.To Install Officers

S A Y V I I, I, E — The SayvilleJewish Communi ty center wi l l holdi t s ins ta l la t ion of officers atLand 's End at 8 p. m. Sunday.Rabbi A. I r v i n g r fchn ippuj - ofTemp le Beth-El , Patchogue, wil linstal l the newly elected officers.Out going president Charles Ross• d' Sayvi l le wi l l del iver a messageto the guests. An evening ofdanc ing and re f reshments wil lfol low.

Those of f icers to be ins ta l lednre : Hiinlge Diamond , president -W i l l i a m Friedlierg, vice president ;Herber t Davis , t r easure r ; Gcorg ;K a t z , secretary and Jules Godel ,corresponding secretary.

Simon P a s t e r n a k , SeymourDia le r and Charles Ross w i l l serveas newly elected trustees. Jacobli igeleiscn . . M a r v i n Ehrenberg,Lawrence Greene , I r v i n g Levinand Airs . H. G. Lowenkron willcont inue in office as trustees.

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T A M D M A D I i' on Ma 'n street, CenterL./\i>IJlVlHI\IV Moriches is Jewish Center

of the Aloriches. Hourie was purchased in 1950to serve as home for the Jewish center.


Though a comparatively recent addition to the religious life of the area, theJewish Center of the Moriches has come a long way since its beginnings in 1 939when a group of Center Moriches residents offered their services to Camp Upton,Suffolk Air Force base, the East Moriches Coast Guard station and the NorthportVeterans' hospital. Their affiliation with the latter continues today.

» They became associated wi th the $>

Jewish Center of MorichesShows Growth of 21 Years

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