is your sap system vulnerable to cyber attacks?

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Is Your SAP System Vulnerable to Cyber Attacks? Critical Tactics to Safeguard Your ABAP Applications

Stephen LamyVirtual Forge


In This Session

• You will learn about specific risks that custom ABAP can introduce into an SAP system and get proven advice to minimize ABAP security risks.

• You will: Learn about the most dangerous ABAP security vulnerabilities View demonstrations to see how an SAP system can be

exploited via ABAP vulnerabilities Get insight into the best practices for developing secure and

compliant ABAP code, such as: Implementing internal coding guidelines and standards Automatically testing all code changes before release


What We’ll Cover

• Risks from custom ABAP code• The realities of ABAP development• Best practices for ABAP code for security and quality• Wrap-up


ABAP Security Vulnerability


The Challenges with Custom ABAP Development

• Espionage or cyber attack

• Application failure• System performance• High development



APP/11: The Most Dangerous Security Vulnerabilities

1. ABAP command injection2. OS command injection3. Native SQL injection4. Improper authorization checks5. Directory traversal6. Direct database modifications7. Cross-client database access8. Open SQL injection9. Generic module execution10. Cross-site scripting11. Obscure ABAP CodeSource: BIZEC APP/11:


The Average SAP Customer System Analyzed Has …

• 1.03 Critical Security/Compliance errors per 1,000 LOC• 51% probability of an ABAP Command Injection vulnerability• 70% probability of an open SQL injection vulnerability• 86% probability of a Directory Traversal vulnerability• 100% probability of defective Authorization Checks

Source: CodeProfiler scan of 453 Million lines of custom ABAP® code from 217 SAP systems (status: Oct 2014)


Security/Compliance Testing

Test Case Probability per Scan

Per x LOC

Sec: Missing AUTHORITY-CHECK before CALL TRANS 97% 4,066

Sec: Missing AUTHORITY-CHECK in Reports 96% 6,154Com: Hard-coded User Name (sy-uname) 91% 8,998Sec: Directory Traversal (Write Access) 86% 8,960Sec: Missing AUTHORITY-CHECK in RFC-Enabled Funct 94% 14,347Com: Cross-Client Access to Business Data 83% 15,254Sec: Directory Traversal (Read Access) 86% 23,254Com: Direct Database Modifications 86% 35,016

Source: CodeProfiler scan of 453 Million lines of custom ABAP® code from 217 SAP systems (status: Oct 2014)


ABAP Risk Assessment Benchmark Results

Metric Average TotalSource Code Lines (LOC)(without comments or empty lines)

2,087,618 453,013,210

Domain – Critical Only Average Per LOCSecurity/Compliance 2,150 1.03Performance 2,463 1.18Maintainability 2,108 1.01Robustness 6,618 3.17Total 13,339 6.39

Source: CodeProfiler scan of 453 Million lines of custom ABAP® code from 217 SAP systems (status: Oct 2014)


Cyber-Attacks and System Downtimes Are Key Business Risks Caused by Custom Changes

• Performance

• Robustness

• Maintainability

• Security

• Compliance

• Data Loss Prevention

… can lead to key business risks:

Cyber-attacks $7.2 million cost per case in averageFraud 5% loss in revenue p.a. per typical companySystem downtimes 14hrs p.a. per company avg.Sources: Cost of Cyber Crime Study (Poneomon Institute, 2013), Global Fraud Study (ACFE, 2014), The Avoidable Cost of Downtime (CA Technologies, 2010)

Custom ABAP Apps …

Custom ABAP Code

Third-Party ABAP add-ons Testing Needed


Costs of Correcting a Single Defect

to correct defect during development$100 to correct defect during development$100

to correct defect found during QA testing$1,000 to correct defect found during QA testing$1,000

to correct defect in production$10,000

cost of attack or system down$$$

The earlier the code is repaired, the lower the cost


ABAP Security Vulnerability


What We’ll Cover

• Risks from custom ABAP code• The realities of ABAP development• Best practices for ABAP code for security and quality• Wrap-up


The Evolution of SAP and ABAP Technology

Past Today Future

• Simple, isolated systems• Fewer users• Less data• Less custom development• Regular but rare releases

• Complex and open systems• More users• More data• More custom development • Frequent release cycles• Reduced staff

• More complex and open• Even more users• Even more data• Even more development • Higher frequency releases• Even smaller staff


Attack Surface of SAP – 1997

Direct UIs

External Systems

SAP ABAP® System


Attack Surface of SAP – Since 2011

Indirect UIs

External Systems

Direct UIs

SAP ABAP® System


SAP Security – A Holistic View

• SAP security and quality must be addressed holistically – including custom code

• Custom code can lead to: System failure Hacker access Slow performance

• Business apps must properly enforce Business Logic (rules)

• GRC and SoD are only effective if they are enforced within application code

Business Logic

Business Runtime


Operating System


Sources of Flaws in ABAP Code

• Manual code reviews/basic testing• QA testing focused on functional aspects• Inability to enforce technical coding standards• External development/third-party add-ons• Limited/no code change monitoring (during emergencies)


What We’ll Cover

• Risks from custom ABAP code• The realities of ABAP development• Best practices for ABAP code for security and quality• Wrap-up


Best Practices

• Ensure ABAP code quality and security through … Online scanning and correction during development Testing of all delivered code (you are responsible for

outsourced and third-party code too!) Automatic scanning of all ABAP changes


Best Practices: Static Online Scanning

• Static code scanning and correction during development• Define clear code standards and enforce results• Give developers the tools they need to test during development Faster feedback means lower cost Provide recommended remediation approach

• Apply automated corrections for larger clean-up projects

Stop believing that manual reviews are all you need!


Best Practices: Testing All Delivered Code

• Testing all code (including outsourced and third-party products) Communicate and enforce SLAs Let everyone know that you will be testing

Test all deliverables before beginning functional testing Don’t waste time with user testing of inferior code Plan for issues! Test immediately! Is this code safe enough for your DEV?


Best Practices: Automatic Code Scanning

• Automatically scan all SAP ABAP code changes Scan all Transport Requests upon release Stop Transport Requests with critical issues Store test results as for compliance audit trail PCI, PII, SOX, FDA, Basil II, etc.

Be ready for emergency corrections Enable override of tests with approval Track who approved exceptions


Continuous Monitoring of ABAP Code Changes


Development Test/QA ProductionRequirement













Recommended Testing

• Security• Compliance• Data Loss Prevention• Performance• Robustness• Maintainability


What We’ll Cover

• Risks from custom ABAP code• The realities of ABAP development• Best practices for ABAP code for security and quality• Wrap-up


ABAP Security Vulnerability


Where to Find More Information

• The Business Application Security Initiative (BIZEC) is a non-profit

organization with a focus on security defects in business applications•

underverse.html Andreas Wiegenstein, “The ABAP Underverse” (BlackHat Briefings,

2011). A Virtual Forge whitepaper on application and ABAP security

• Chris Warring and Stephen Lamy, “Best Practices for Ensuring the

Security of Custom ABAP Code” (SAP TechEd && d-code, 2014).


7 Key Points to Take Home

• Companies are responsible for their own custom code

• If you can’t enforce code quality and security standards consistently, it won’t happen

• It’s not possible to accurately assess the security of ABAP code through manual reviews alone

• Implementing best practices and corresponding tools early in the development process will lower risk and result in lower TCO


7 Key Points to Take Home (cont.)

• Do not wait until it’s too late! Tighten ABAP security while you can

• Don’t forget the 11 most dangerous security vulnerabilities and how testing during development can protect you

• Provide your developers a way to test and correct code easily while they develop


Your Turn!

How to contact me:Stephen Lamy

[email protected]@virtual_forge

Please remember to complete your session evaluation



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