isl201 islamic studies life of holy prophet (pbuh) _(2)

L201 Islamic Studies Friends Forever Life Of Holy Prophet (PBUH) _(2) STAR T

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Slide 2 ISL201 Islamic Studies Life Of Holy Prophet (PBUH) _(2) Slide 3 Who was the worst enemy of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) at Makkah? a)Abu Lahab b)Rabi c)Mughaira d)Abu Jehl ISL201 Islamic Studies Friends Forever Life Of Holy Prophet (PBUH) _(2) Press any key to go to Next Question 1/30 Slide 4 Sayyid-ush-Shohdah was the title of a)Hazrat Ali (R.A) b)Hazrat Umer (R.A) c)Hazrat Hussain (R.A) d)Hazrat Hamza (R.A) ISL201 Islamic Studies Friends Forever Life Of Holy Prophet (PBUH) _(2) Press any key to go to Next Question 2/30 Slide 5 When did the Holy Prophet (PBUH) visit Taaif? a)6 th Nabvi b)8 th Nabvi c)10 th Nabvi d)12 th Nabvi ISL201 Islamic Studies Friends Forever Life Of Holy Prophet (PBUH) _(2) Press any key to go to Next Question 3/30 Slide 6 Who was accompanied with the Holy Prophet (PBUH) in the visit of Taaif? a)Hazrat Abu Bakar (R.A) b)Hazrat Ali (R.A) c)Hazrat Usman (R.A) d)Hazrat Zaid bin Haris (R.A) ISL201 Islamic Studies Friends Forever Life Of Holy Prophet (PBUH) _(2) Press any key to go to Next Question 4/30 Slide 7 At what event Salat became obligation ? a)Miraj b)Migration c)Visit to Taaif d)At Madina ISL201 Islamic Studies Friends Forever Life Of Holy Prophet (PBUH) _(2) Press any key to go to Next Question 5/30 Slide 8 In which night the Holy Quran was revealed? a)Shab-e-Miraj b)Shab-e-Braat c)Lail-tul-Aroos d)Lail-tul-Qadar ISL201 Islamic Studies Friends Forever Life Of Holy Prophet (PBUH) _(2) Press any key to go to Next Question 6/30 Slide 9 The age of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) in the year of grief was _______ years. a)40 b)45 c)50 d)55 ISL201 Islamic Studies Friends Forever Life Of Holy Prophet (PBUH) _(2) Press any key to go to Next Question 7/30 Slide 10 Whom among the female companions did the Holy Prophet (PBUH) narrate the event of Ascension first of all ? a)Hazrat Umm-e-Hany (R.A) b)Hazrat Sameea (R.A) c)Hazrat Fatima (R.A) d)Hazrat Safeea (R.A) ISL201 Islamic Studies Friends Forever Life Of Holy Prophet (PBUH) _(2) Press any key to go to Next Question 8/30 Slide 11 Where did Naka the camel of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) stop? a)In front of the Mosque b)In front of Hazrat Abu Bakars house c)In front of Abu Ayub Ansaris house d)None of the above ISL201 Islamic Studies Friends Forever Life Of Holy Prophet (PBUH) _(2) Press any key to go to Next Question 9/30 Slide 12 Where was Mawakhat (Brotherhood) performed? a)Mosque of the Nabvi b)In the House of Hazrat Sad bin Maas (R.A) c)Hazrat Abu Bakars house d)Hazrat Ans bin Malik (R.A) ISL201 Islamic Studies Friends Forever Life Of Holy Prophet (PBUH) _(2) Press any key to go to Next Question 10/30 Slide 13 The charter of Madina was formulated in a)1 A.H b)2 A.H c)3 A.H d)4 A.H ISL201 Islamic Studies Friends Forever Life Of Holy Prophet (PBUH) _(2) Press any key to go to Next Question 11/30 Slide 14 The charter of Madina consisted of _______ articles. a)43 b)53 c)63 d)73 ISL201 Islamic Studies Life Of Holy Prophet (PBUH) _(2) Press any key to go to Next Question Friends Forever 12/30 Slide 15 Transfer of Qibla was ordered in a)1 A.H b)2 A.H c)3 A.H d)4 A.H ISL201 Islamic Studies Life Of Holy Prophet (PBUH) _(2) Press any key to go to Next Question Friends Forever 13/30 Slide 16 The total number of Ghazwat is a)20 b)23 c)25 d)27 ISL201 Islamic Studies Friends Forever Life Of Holy Prophet (PBUH) _(2) Press any key to go to Next Question 14/30 Slide 17 The total number of Sarias is a)50 b)53 c)55 d)60 ISL201 Islamic Studies Life Of Holy Prophet (PBUH) _(2) Press any key to go to Next Question Friends Forever 15/30 Slide 18 Which Ghazwa was fought in the 2 nd Hijri? a)Badr b)Uhud c)Hunain d)Ditch ISL201 Islamic Studies Friends Forever Life Of Holy Prophet (PBUH) _(2) Press any key to go to Next Question 16/30 Slide 19 Which Ghazwa was fought in 7 th Hijri? a)Khyber b)Ditch c)Ahzab d)Tabook ISL201 Islamic Studies Friends Forever Life Of Holy Prophet (PBUH) _(2) Press any key to go to Next Question 17/30 Slide 20 The number of companions during Bait-e-Ridhwan was a)8,000 b)1,000 c)1,400 d)1,700 ISL201 Islamic Studies Friends Forever Life Of Holy Prophet (PBUH) _(2) Press any key to go to Next Question 18/30 Slide 21 Bait-e-Ridhwan was performed in the year a)5 A.H b)6 A.H c)7 A.H d)8 A.H ISL201 Islamic Studies Life Of Holy Prophet (PBUH) _(2) Press any key to go to Next Question Friends Forever 19/30 Slide 22 The Muslims acquired half wealth of the Fidk Garden in a)6 A.H b)7 A.H c)8 A.H d)9 A.H ISL201 Islamic Studies Life Of Holy Prophet (PBUH) _(2) Press any key to go to Next Question Friends Forever 20/30 Slide 23 Garden of Fidk was in the possession of a)Jews b)Christians c)Quraish d)All of them ISL201 Islamic Studies Friends Forever Life Of Holy Prophet (PBUH) _(2) Press any key to go to Next Question 21/30 Slide 24 Wine was prohibited in ? a)4 A.H b)5 A.h c)6 A.H d)7 A.H ISL201 Islamic Studies Friends Forever Life Of Holy Prophet (PBUH) _(2) Press any key to go to Next Question 22/30 Slide 25 The Holy Prophet (PBUH) delivered his last address in a)9 A.H b)10 A.H c)11 A.H d)12 A.H ISL201 Islamic Studies Life Of Holy Prophet (PBUH) _(2) Press any key to go to Next Question Friends Forever 23/30 Slide 26 The Holy Prophet (PBUH) led ________ prayer for the last time. a)Zuhr b)Asr c)Maghrib d)Isha ISL201 Islamic Studies Friends Forever Life Of Holy Prophet (PBUH) _(2) Press any key to go to Next Question 24/30 Slide 27 Who dug the Holy Prophets (PBUH) grave? a)Hazrat Abu Bakar (R.A) b)Hazrat Ali (R.A) c)Hazrat Usman (R.A) d)Hazrat Abu Talha (R.A) ISL201 Islamic Studies Friends Forever Life Of Holy Prophet (PBUH) _(2) Press any key to go to Next Question 25/30 Slide 28 Which was the favorite vegetable of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)? a)Carrot b)Turnip c)Pumpkin d)All of them ISL201 Islamic Studies Friends Forever Life Of Holy Prophet (PBUH) _(2) Press any key to go to Next Question 26/30 Slide 29 The mausoleum of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) is in _________. a)Makkah b)Madina c)Badr d)Najaf ISL201 Islamic Studies Life Of Holy Prophet (PBUH) _(2) Press any key to go to Next Question Friends Forever 27/30 Slide 30 The Holy Prophet (PBUH) married with ________ women. a)10 b)11 c)13 d)14 ISL201 Islamic Studies Friends Forever Life Of Holy Prophet (PBUH) _(2) Press any key to go to Next Question 28/30 Slide 31 The Holy Prophet (PBUH) took part in _______ battles. a)25 b)26 c)28 d)30 ISL201 Islamic Studies Friends Forever Life Of Holy Prophet (PBUH) _(2) Press any key to go to Next Question 29/30 Slide 32 The Holy Prophet (PBUH) demised in the age of __________ years. a)58 b)60 c)61 d)63 ISL201 Islamic Studies Friends Forever Life Of Holy Prophet (PBUH) _(2) Press any key to go to Next Question 30/30 Slide 33 Congratulation you Successfully attempt all the Questions