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    ((^^ APR 11 1973

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    PREFACEThe idea of an edition of the three ' Cyprian Orations'

    of Isocrates suggested itself during a prolonged course ofreading among the Attic Orators in search of suitablebooks for class reading. Of late years the study of theAttic Orators by all but the most advanced students hasbeen usually confined to Demosthenes and a few of themore interesting speeches of Lysias. But on readingIsocrates one cannot help being struck by the purity ofhis language, the richness of his vocabulary, and thesimplicity of his constructions, while his style, throughhis imitator Cicero, has had considerable influence onthe formation of modern prose style. He provides read-ing which is easier than Thucydides and more difficultthan Xenophon, thus supplying a serious want. If onestudies the bibliography of Isocrates, it is clear that atone time he was a favourite and standard author in theschools of this country,^ but of recent years he has beenless in favour, the Panegyricus being the only speechwhich is at all often read. These three speeches havebeen chosen for several reasons ; they are simple andstraightforward in construction; they do not involve anywide knowledge of ancient history ; they are entirelyfree from the legal technical terms usually found inthe Attic Orators ; lastly, they are closely connectedtogether, dealing with the fortunes of a single family.

    ' See Sandys, ad Demon, et Pa)teg., note on p. viii.A 2

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    4 PREFACEThese speeches are unedited in English, except that

    a few chapters from the Evagoras and Nicocles are con-tained in Jebb's Selections from the Attic Orators, ^r^Athat Mr. H. Clarke published an edition of the Evagorasin 1885, which follows in the main the German editionof Schneider.My object in the writing of the notes has been two-fold : firstly, to supply sufficient help to enable boys inthe upper forms of a Public School, or a pass studentat a University to read the text with comparativeease ; and secondly, to make the notes a mediumfor teaching the meanings and connexions of words.The latter seems to be one of the most important func-tions which the teaching of Greek can perform, andwhich can justify its retention as a school subject. Thereis no other language of which the vocabulary is so richor in which words have so many shades of meaning. Anappreciation of the subtlety of the Greek language hasa real educational value in these days, when there is agrowing tendency to use language in a loose and slip-shod manner. So many students of Greek, even afterseveral years of study, fail to reach a stage at whichthey have any real grasp of its vocabulary ; they reada greater or less number of Greek authors, looking outthe words which they do not know every time that theyoccur and selecting each time the most suitable wordwhich the lexicon offers, without seeking for any reasonfor their choice, and immediately forgetting the meaningof the word. The only way to improve this state ofaffairs is to stimulate an interest in the words whichoccur in a text by connecting them with one another,and by collecting the various meanings of individual

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    PREFACE 5words and tracing their mutual connexion. If theseobjects can be carried out, some knowledge of thevocabulary of the language may be gained and a con-sequent facility in reading it, and the learning of Greekmay have an educational value in teaching precision inthe use of language.While of course assuming the possession of one of the

    numerous Greek Grammars now in use, I have given noreference to any, but, where necessary, have commentedon and illustrated any grammatical points which arise.

    It is obvious that any one who undertakes an editionof any work of the Attic Orators must be under deepobligations (particularly in the writing of introductorymatter) to the late Sir Richard Jebb's Attic Orators andto the AttiscJie Bercdsainkeit of the late Prof. F. Blass.The other books which have been useful will be found inthe Bibliography (p. 28).

    In conclusion I have to express m.y warmest thanks tomy colleague Mr. J. H. Sleeman, who has read throughthis book both in MS. and in proof and made a numberof valuable suggestions, and to the reader and staff ofthe Press, whose accuracy and acumen are beyond allpraise. Edward S. Forster.

    Tpie University,Sheffield.

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    Introduction :I. Life and Teaching of Isocrates . 9

    II. The Cyprian Orations ... 16III. The Style of Isocrates . . .21IV. The Manuscripts of the CyprianOrations 24V. The Text of this Edition . . 25VI. Bibliography 28

    Text of the 'Evagoras' .... 31Text of the ad Nicoclem ' . . . .48Text of the 'Nicocles aut Cvprii ' . . 59Notes on the 'Evagoras' 73Notes on the 'ad Nicoclem ' . . .noNotes on the 'Nicocles aut Cyprii' . . i^zAppendix I. On the Genuineness of cer-

    tain Passages of the Speech' AD Nicoclem ' . . .151Appendix II. On the Genuineness of the

    Speech ' Nicocles aut Cyprii ' 152Index I. Proper Names, etc. . . . 153Index II. Grammatical, etc. . . -153Index III. Greek Words . . . .155

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    INTRODUCTIONI. Life and Teaching of Isocrates.

    Life of Isocrates. Isocrates, the fourth of the tenAttic Orators, was born in 436 B.C. and died in 338 B.C.He thus lived through the century which saw the gradualdownfall of Athens. Born in the era of Pericles healmost lived to see the accession of Alexander the Great.He witnessed the subjugation of Athens under thedominion of Sparta and the conquest of Greece byPhilip of Macedon. His father, Theodorus, appearsto have been in comfortable circumstances, his wealthbeing derived from a manufactory of flutes. He wasrich enough to perform the office of cJioregiis, that is, toprovide the cost of the production of a play. He gavehis son a good education,^ and, as he grew older, Isocratesstudied under the most famous ' Sophists ' of the day,such as Gorgias, the Sicilian rhetorician, and Prodicus ofCeos, whose insistence on grammatical studies probablyhelped in the formation of his style. He was alsoacquainted, at any rate, with Socrates. In the PJiaedrnsof Plato ^ Phaedrus speaks of him as a friend of thephilosopher, whereupon Socrates prophesies that theoratory of Isocrates will make his predecessors seemlike children, and perhaps he will rise to still higherthings in the region of philosophy. The date at vvdiich

    1 Aiitidosis, i6i, '' Pp. 278 E-279 B.

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    lo INTRODUCTIONthe Phaedrus was written is uncertain, but it seemsprobable that it was composed about twenty years afterthe dialogue which it professes to record, which musthave taken place about 410 B.C., when Isocrates was ayoung man of about twenty-four years. It is thereforedifficult to decide whether Plato is seriously prophesyingof Isocrates' future or implying ironically that he hashardly fulfilled the promise of his youth. As we shallsee, the * philosophy ' of Isocrates differed materiallyfrom the Socratic significance of the word. It seems,therefore, only safe to conclude from the passage in thePhaedvJts that Isocrates undoubtedly had at one timesome connexion with the Socratic circle.

    His studies were intended, no doubt, rather as ageneral education suitable to a young man in comfortablecircumstances than as a special training for a professionalcareer. But the disastrous course of the PeloponnesianWar and the commercial ruin of Athens involved manyof her citizens in calamity and Isocrates among them.The Athenians had little use for the flutes which hemanufactured, and his slaves probably deserted to theSpartans at Decelea. Isocrates was thus thrown uponhis own resources. His want of nerve and the weaknessof his voice were a bar to the adoption of a public career.He seems, however, to have spoken in the defence ofTheramenes in 404 B.C. It may have been after thisevent that he left Athens and migrated to Chios, wherehe met with some success as a teacher of rhetoric. Someauthorities, however, place his residence at Chios aboutten years later.

    After the restoration of the Athenian democracy in403 B. C, Isocrates was living in Athens and following the

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    LIFE AND TEACHING OF ISOCRATES iiprofession of a \oyoypa.(f)os, writing speeches for deliveryby litigants in the law courts. Six of such speecheshave come down to us and belong to the period 403 to393 B. C. But speech-writing for others was not anoccujaation in which Isocrates could take any pride, andhe never refers to his practice of it. His true careerbegan about 392 B. c, when he opened a school inAthens, which was destined to attract a numerous anddistinguished body of students. It is probable that atfirst his pupils were mainly Athenians, but the publica-tion of the Paiiegyricus in 380 B. C. brought him a widerreputation, and pupils flocked from all parts of theGreek world. They included the historians Ephorusand Theopompus, the orators Hyperides, Isaeus andLycurgus, Timotheus, the son of Conon, and probablyalso Nicocles, afterwards king of Salamis in Cyprus.

    Henceforward, Isocrates devoted himself to two formsof activity, those of an educator and a publicist. Thesecan be best treated of in connexion with his actualwritings (see below).

    His death occurred in 338 B.C. at the ripe age of 98.Tradition relates that he died of voluntary starvationfour days after the battle of Chaeronea.^ It seems,however, hardly likely that this can be true, if, as is nowgenerally supposed, the letter - written to Philip ofMacedonia immediately after Chacronea is genuine.In this letter he urges Philip to take up the cause of

    ' Cf. Milton, Sonnet to the Lady Margaret Ley,As that dishonest victoryAt Chaeronea, fatal to liberty,

    Kill'd with report that old man eloquent.2 Ep. ix.

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    12 INTRODUCTIONGreece against Persiaadvice which was prophetic ofthe expedition carried out by Alexander, Philip's son, ona far more splendid and ambitious scale than Isocrateshimself could have conceived, and with more far-reachingeffects on the world's history. It is probable thatIsocrates died a natural death. It is possible that hisfriends desired that his name should go down to posterityas one who took his own life through grief at the disasterof his country rather than as one who wished to come toterms with the conqueror of Hellas, and so invented thestory of his voluntary suicide.We have evidence that over sixty works were attri-buted to Isocrates in antiquity. Twenty-one speechesand nine letters have come down to us. The speechesfall into three classes :

    (i) Forensic Speeches, written for delivery byothers, of which mention has already been made.

    (2) Political Speeches.(3) Scholastic and Educational Works.Political Writings.His political writings are rather

    of the nature of pamphlets than speeches, for they wereneither spoken nor intended to be spoken. Never-theless, they exercised considerable influence on theAthenian and Hellenic world of his day. The earliestof the political writings which has come down to us isalso the most famousthe Panegyricus, in which heurges Athens and Sparta in 380 B. c. to lay aside theirfatal animosity and band together against the commonenemy, Persia. He seems to have thought that by sodoing the Greeks might be welded into a united nationand so work out their own salvation. In the Plataiciis(about 373 B. c.) he puts into the mouth of a citizen of

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    LIFE AND TEACHING OF ISOCRATES 13Plataea a plea addressed to Athens, begging that Plataca,which had been destroyed by Thebes, might be restored.In the ArcJiidavius} which is supposed to be deliveredby Archidamus before the Spartan Assembly, he urgesthe Spartans not to allow the abandonment of Messene,which the Thebans demanded as a condition of peace.His next two political speeches were addressed to theAthenians about '}^$$ B.C. In the Areopagiticus he urgesthe restoration to the court of the Areopagus of itsformer supervision over the morality of the city. In thePeace he advises his fellow-citizens to make peace withtheir revolted allies, Chios, Rhodes and Ceos. Finally,in the Philippiis he returns to the theme of the Panegy-ricus, and in the year 346 B.C. again urges a crusadeagainst Persia, to be undertaken this time under theleadership of Philip of Macedon.

    Educational Ideas. His educational and scholasticwritings are closely connected with the work of hisschool. Two works have come down to us which arereally more of the nature of essays on education thanspeeches, that Against the Sophists and that On theAntidosis. The former, which was probably writtenabout 391 B.C. or a little earlier, is directed against thepractices of the popular educators of the day. In theform in which it has come down to us it is incomplete atthe end. The speech On the Antidosis professes to havebeen delivered in a lawsuit against a certain Lysimachus,^

    ' Dated by Jebb 366 b. c, by Blass 356 b.c.2 Lysimachus is probably a fictitious name for Megacleides, who in

    355 B.C., when ordered to perform the duty of trierarch, had challengedIsocrates in accordance with Athenian law, which allowed any one calledupon to undertake a public service 'XetTovpyla) to challenge any citizenwho he thought could better afford to bear it, either to take his place

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    14 INTRODUCTIONbut in this work, written towards the end of his hfe(354 B.C.), Isocrates takes the opportunity of vindicatinghis career and enunciating his views on education. Thespeech Against tJie Sophists, as we have it, is mainlydestructive criticism of contemporary educators ; in thespeech On the Antidosis he defines his own ' theory ofculture ' {(fnXoaofpLa). While he calls himself a ' sophistin the best sense of the word, he separates himself fromthe ' common herd of Sophists '} These, he says, eitherpretend to impart universal knowledge for a small fee,or else are mere teachers of practical rhetoric whoinstruct their pupils in speaking with effect, thus makingsuccessful oratory the one and only end of education.-That with which he finds most fault in the Sophists isthe narrow view which they take of education. In hisview, ' Philosophy ', the true culture, is to the mind whatgymnastic is to the body.^ Athletic instructors, byteaching the rudiments of gymnastic, do not make greatathletes ; so the educator cannot turn out well-educatedmen mechanically. Isocrates therefore insisted thatnatural ability counts for much, and he also demandeddiligence and application from his pupils ; they must notmerelylisten to the enunciation of principles,but also carrythem out in practice. Also he urged the adoption ofbroader views and Panhellenic rather than local ideals, andproposed for the consideration of his pupils themes ofwider interest than the barren disputations on mythicalsubjects and the petty details of legal pleading which theor to consent to an exchange ofproperty (duTidoais). Isocrates, we are told,was unsuccessful in his suit and had to undertake the office of trierarchand fit out a trireme for the service of the state at his own expense.

    ^ dyeKaioi aoicirai i^Panaih. 18). Against the Sophists, 1-13. 3 Aulidos. 183.

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    LIFE AND TEACHING OF ISOCRATES 15Sophists favoured. The end of his philosophy is a practicalone right action. The wise man is he who has been soeducated that he will know how to act under any givencombination of circumstances.^ There is no absolutescience of Virtue or Justice, but ' philosophy ', the rightsystem of education, will lead a man to deal rightly withcircumstances as they arise. It was, he urged, the un-practical character of the sophistic education which hadled the youth of Athens to spend their time either onfruitless disquisitions, which had no bearing upon life, orelse in unprofitable and harmful amusements - ; educationmust give a practical direction to's activities. Thisinsistence on the practical side of education was perhapsthe most important contribution which Isocrates made tothe science of education.

    His success as an educator can be measured by thenumber and exalted position of his pupils and theirsuccess in after-life. Cicero " compares his school to theTrojan horse, from which none but heroes came forth.The scholastic and educational works of Isocrates fall

    into two classes :(i) Epideictic Discourses or Declamations.(2) Hortatory Speeches.Scholastic Writings.Of the declamations, four havecome down to us. Two of them are concerned with

    mythological subjects, the Helen and the Busiris.Isocrates, as we have seen, condemned the elaboratediscourses on mythological topics, which were so dearto the heart of the Sophist. In these two discourses hetakes two such subjects and shows that even they can be

    1 Atitidos. 271 ; cp. ad Nic. 51.- Atitidos. 286, 287. ^ de Oratore, ii. 94.

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    1 INTRODUCTIONturned to good account, if they are used to convey somepolitical or ethical teaching which has a general interestand practical bearing. Thus in the Helen he discoursesat considerable length on the reforms of Theseus, whilein the Btisiris he discusses the institutions of Egypt.The third of the Epideictic discourses is the Evagoras,one of the Cyprian Orations contained in this selection,the discussion of which can be postponed for the moment.The last is the Panathenaictts, a work of his extreme oldage, which consists in the main of a panegyric of Athensprefaced by a defence of the writer's philosophy andteaching.The Hortatory Speeches attributed to Isocrates are

    three in number. The first is that addressed toDemoniacs, the genuineness of which has been a matterof considerable controversy, with which we cannot dealhere. The other two, the ad Nicoclem and Nicocles, orthe Cyprians, are included in this selection and will bedealt with in their proper place.

    XL The Cyprian Orations.The Evagoras.The Encomium on Evagoras was

    composed for a festival held to commemorate that kingby his son and successor Nicocles. Evagoras was kingof the Cyprian kingdom of Salamis.^ He claimed

    1 The town of Salamis was situated in the east of Cyprus, a few milesnorth of the modern Famagusta. The story of an early Greek colony,traditionally ascribed to Teucer, seems to have some basis in fact.Considerable traces of a ' Mycenaean ' settlement have been discoveredat Enkomi, rather more than a mile to the south-west of the later town,which must have been situated on the sea-coast at a point where Greek,Hellenistic and Roman remains have been discovered {Brit. Mtts.Excav. ill Cyprus, pp. i ff.)

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    THE CYPRIAN ORATIONS 17descent from the hero Teucer, who, according to tradi-tion, had left his native land of Aegina and foundeda kingdom in Cyprus, to which he gave the name ofSalamis, calling it after the island in the Saronic Gulfwhich formed part of the kingdom of his family.

    The Greek kings of Salamis.Though Evagorasclaimed descent from the old Greek kings of Salamis,the dynasty of the Teucridae had not reigned contin-uously, but their kingdom had for some time been underthe dominion of the Phoenicians, who had alwayspossessed settlements in the island. In fact, the earlyhistory of Cyprus was a continual struggle between theGreek and Phoenician elements. The near contact withthe East and the distance which separated Cyprus fromthe main centres of Greek civilization favoured the growthof Phoenician influence. The scarcity of evidence makesit difficult to arrive with any certainty at the exact factsabout the Phoenician occupation of Salamis. It isevident that Isocrates imagined that the Greek Dynastywas dispossessed at a comparatively early date.^

    Salamis in the sixth and fifth Centuries. Ourevidence about the kings of Salamis in the sixth andfifth centuries B. C. is partly literary and partly numis-matic- Herodotus gives the names of several kings.Shortly after 530 B. c, when Pheretime, mother ofArcesilaus III of Cyrene, fled to Cyprus, Euelthonwas king."'^ At the time of the Ionian Revolt the kingof Salamis was Gorgos, who, according to Herodotus,'*

    ' Evag. 19 Kara filv df)\as Krk.2 See Brif. Mus. Cat, of Coins of Cyprus, pp. Ixxxii fT,' Herodot. iv. 162.* Id. V. 104.

    1185 ^

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    i8 INTRODUCTIONwas son of Chersis, son of Siromus \ son of Euelthonfor a brief period during his reign his brother Onesilusseized the throne, but was afterwards expelled from it.A large class of coins, the earliest which can be attri-buted to Salamis, bears the name of Euelthon ; some ofthem may have been struck during the reigns of his suc-cessors who may have placed the name of their forefatheron their coins.^ The Greek inscriptions on the coins ofthis class seem to make it certain that a Greek dynastywas ruling in Salamis from about 560 to 460 B. c. Thenext name which can be read with certainty on Sala-minian coins is that of Nicodamus, also clearly a Greekking, who, however, is not known from literary evidence.His date is conjectured to be about 460 to 450 B.c.^ Itthus seems clear that kings of the Greek dynasty of theTeucridae were ruling as late as about the middle of thefifth century. The next group of coins ^ bears the in-scription of Euanthes, also clearly a Greek name. Wehave seen that Isocrates implies that the Greek dynastywas expelled some time before the birth of Evagoras,and we shall see that there is reason to suppose thatEvagoras seized the throne about 411 B.C. It has,therefore, been conjectured that the coinage of Euantheswas issued during the exile of the Greek princes. Evenso the forty years which intervene between about 450 B.C.(the end of the reign of Nicodamus) and 411 B.C. (thebeginning of the reign of Evagoras) seem hardly longenough to allow for the Phoenician usurper to have

    1 Mr. G. F. Hill {B. M. Cat. of Coins of Cyprus, p. Ixxxviii) thinks thatthe name of Siromus may have been interpolated, and that he was aTyrian,perhaps Hiram, king of Tyre in the third quarter of the sixth century.

    " Six, Rev. Num., 1883, p. 265. ^ B. M. Cat., p. 52.* lb. p. 53, where they are dated circa 450 b.c.

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    THE CYPRIAN ORATIONS 19founded a dynasty which lasted long enough for Evagorasto have been born during the reign of one of hisdescendants.^ It seems, therefore, probable that thechronology of kocrates is at fault, and that, possibly toenhance the achievement of Evagoras in recovering thekingdom, he has exaggerated the period during whichthe Phoenician dynasty ruled at Salamis.The dynasty of the Phoenician usurper, as Isocrates

    tells us, ' barbarized ' Salamis by pursuing a vehementlyanti-Hellenic policy. Finally, Abdymon of Citium ^rose against the Phoenician ruler and expelled him, andat the same time drove out Evagoras, the descendant ofthe old Greek kings, from the island, because he fearedhis growing influence and obvious ability which madehim a formidable rival. Evagoras fled to Cilicia, butsoon afterwards returning and overcoming the usurperseized the throne, and thus re-established the dynasty ofthe Teucridae. The date of his accession cannot be laterthan 411 B.C., since in that year Andocides visitedCyprus ^ and found him upon the throne ; further, hemust have had time to consolidate his position beforethe year 405 B.C., when he harboured the Athenianadmiral Conon after the battle of Aegospotami.Ride of Evagoras.The main facts of the life ofEvagoras are contained in the Evagoras of Isocrates.He quickly established his power and made Salamis anoutpost of Hellenism in the far eastern Mediterranean.He encouraged the settlement of Greeks in his kingdom,

    ' Evag, 21 ruiv inyuvcov ruiv (Kfivov rrjv dpxfiv i\6vTajv 'Evayopasyiyverat,

    2 Theopompus, //-. 101 ^in Hellen. O.xyrh., cd. Grcnfcll and Hunt).^ [Lysias] in Andocideni, 28.

    B a

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    20 INTRODUCTIONand was an ardent admirer of Greek culture and litera-ture. The influence of this Hellenic revival is reflectedin the improved style of his coinage.^ He was a trustedally of Athens, and a close friend of Conon, whom heassisted materially at the battle of Cnidus. He wasmade a citizen of Athens, and his statue was set up withthat of Conon in the Ceramicus at Athens. About390 B. c. he seems to have turned his attention toenlarging his dominions in Cyprus ; the result was thatSoli, Amathus, and Citium appealed to Persia for assis-tance. A war with the Great King ensued in whichEvagoras was at first successful. It is possible that heeven added Amathus to his kingdom, for there is someground for supposing that he issued coins of that town.^His power at sea was such that he extended his influenceover the coasts of Phoenicia. Finally, however, thepower of Persia was too strong for him, and he wasdefeated and shut up in Salamis, though he continuedto resist until about 380 B.C., when he recognizedArtaxerxes as his overlord. He died in 374 or 373B. C.^ Isocrates never states the manner of his death,and gives the impression that he died in his bed.If, however, we are to believe Theopompus,"* he wasmurdered under discreditable circumstances by a eunuchnamed Thrasydaeus.

    It is impossible exactly to fix the date of theEvagoras^ \ but it was probably delivered some fewyears after the death of the subject of the Encomium.

    1 B. M. Cat., p. c. 2 /(!,_ p. xxvii.^ Diodorus xv. 74. * he. cit.' Blass dates it about 370 B.C. ; Jcbb thinks that it is probably as late

    as 365 B.C., possibly later.

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    THE CYPRIAN ORATIONS 21ThtadNkoclem and \.\\Q.Nkocles.It seems not unlikely

    that Nicocles, the son and successor of Evagoras, wasa pupil of Isocrates, and attended his school at Athens.^The connexion between Isocrates and the royal house ofSalamis was established through the close friendship ofIsocrates with the family of Conon and his son Timotheus.The speech ad Nicoclcin is an exhortation addressed tothe young monarch soon after his accession, so that itsdate must be soon after 374 B. c, and therefore earlierthan that of the Evagoras. It sets forth the duties ofa monarch towards his subjects. The speech entitledNicocles, or the Cyprians is a companion speech put intothe mouth of Nicocles, who addresses the citizens ofSalamis on the duties of subjects towards their rulers.The implication ^ that his subjects have already hadexperience of his rule seems to show that the date ofthis speech is some years later than that of the adNicoclem. It is uncertain when the reign of Nicoclescame to an end : Judeich ^' thinks that it probablycoincided with the suppression of the revolt of theSatraps, about 361 B.C. He certainly died some timebefore the speech On the Antidosis (353 B. C.) waswritten.'* Jebb dates the speech between 372 and365 B.C.

    III. The Style of Isocrates.His language.The writings of Isocrates occupy an

    important place in the history of prose style, andexercised a profound influence on succeeding writers andorators. His language is the purest Attic, and he

    1 Cp. Aniidos. 30. ^ N. C. 63.^ Kleinas. Stud., p. 133. ' See Antidos. 67.

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    22 INTRODUCTIONrealizes what words may and may not be used bya prose writer. In an interesting passage in theEvagovas ^ he states clearly the distinction betweenthe language permitted to a prose writer and the widerrange of vocabulary which is allowed to a poet. Healmost literally carries out the principles there laid downas to the avoidance of uncommon words and expressionsand violent metaphors.His prose style. In his view the prose writer must

    rely for his effect on the skilful arrangement of wordsand clauses. The chief contribution which Isocratesmade to the evolution of prose style was a developmentof the rhetorical teaching of the Sicilian School, in par-ticular that of Gorgias of Leontini. Cicero ^ says thatIsocrates was the first to realize that in prose as in versea certain measure and rhythm must be observed. Everyword must be in its right place and every clause musthave its proper position and stand in due relation to theother clauses in the sentence. Isocrates could manage\ht pet'iod 2.^ few Greek writers succeeded in doing. Inreading a long sentence of Isocrates we are struck bythe fact that, however intricate it may seem, it runssmoothly, and its structure is perfectly clear. Thissmoothness is largely caused by his systematic avoidanceQ){ hiatus, which leads him never to allow a word endingwith a vowel to be followed by a word beginning witha vowel.^ His arrangement of sentences and clauses andwords in clauses is the result of conscious artifice. Thiscan be most easily illustrated in the ' Cyprian Orations 'M 9-II- 2 Brutus, 34.2 For the few circumstances under which Isocrates permits hiatus seeIndex II under that heading.

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    THE STYLE OF ISOCRATES 23from the speech ad Nicoclciii, where many of the sen-tences take the form of short and pithy maxims. Hewill often balance two clauses almost exactly one againstanother by the device called by rhetorical writersTrapLcroicns^ Similarly in a single sentence he willbalance individual words against one another.^ Anothercharacteristic device, which is said to have been afavourite figure in the school of Gorgias, is that calledirapoixotioa-is, ' parallelism in sound.' Of this ' figure 'there are several varieties, the most striking of which isan almost complete correspondence between two words."Another favourite figure is that called 6ixi^vv\xia or ' playupon words '.^ The conscious artifices which Isocratesemploys, though at times they may seem laboured, cer-tainly often add to the clearness of his style. Onecriticism which may be levelled against him is that heis too apt to use the same expressions and phrases overand over again ; he even repeats in later speeches wholepassages which have already occurred in earlier speeches.

    Isocrates, though classed among the x'\ttic Orators,was not so much an orator as a literary artist. In thewords of Sir Richard J ebb, ' He was the first Greek whogave a really artistic finish to literary rhetorical prose.'While his political doctrines, such as those, for example,which he seeks to inculcate in the Panegyriais. were

    ^ e.g. ad N. 25 (pav\ovs ^yov fir] tovs avfitpfpuvrais yTTCOfityovs aWaTovs fitra P\a0r}s nfpiyiyyonivovs. neya\6/"C* l^V tovs fid^wTTtpl^aWofiiVOVS KTt.

    2 e.g. ad N. 50 tuv ovx iva twv noWwv dWd TroWwv ^arriKcuovTa, agood example also of c/iiasmtts.

    ' e. g. ad N. 26 KTrjaafiivovs . . . xp'']'^'^P-^^^''> where see note.* For examples in these speeches see Index II under ' pLij* upon

    words '.

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    24 INTRODUCTIONsoon forgotten, the influence which he exercised onGreek and afterwards on Latin prose style was allpowerful. In particular Cicero, the first Latin stylist inprose, owed much to him, and acknowledged the debtand it is upon Cicero's writings that modern prose stylehas, to a great extent, been modelled.IV. The Manuscripts of the Cyprian Orations.^Drerup enumerates 131 MSS. of Isocrates. Of these

    four are of importance for the text of the ' CyprianOrations ' :

    1. Codex Urbinas (r) in the Vatican Library (No. in), of theend of the ninth or beginning of the tenth century. It containsall three Cyprian Orations, and is by far the most important MS. ofIsocrates. ' Codicem Isocratis Urbinatem r omnium, qui ex anti-quitate servati sunt, librorum manu scriptorum prope optimum esseinter uiros doctos nunc certe constat ' (Drerup, p. Ixv), The textof Isocrates rests firmly on the sure foundation of this famous MS.There are corrections by five hands (Fj, Tj, &c.) in the text in minus-cules and corrections in uncials by one hand in the margin.

    2. Codex Vaticanus (a) in the Vatican Library (No, 65) datedin the subscription 1063. It contains all three Cyprian Orations.

    3. CoDEX Laurentianus (e) in the Laurentian Library atFlorence (No. Ixxxvii, 14), of the thirteenth century. It containsthe Evagoras only of the Cyprian Orations.

    4. Codex Parisinus (n) in the Public Library at Paris(No. 2932), of the fifteenth century. It contains the ad Nicocleniand the Nicocles.

    Portions of the ad Nicocleni are also found in t\yopapyri, neither of which, however, is of any importance.

    [a) Papyrus Massiliensis in the Borely Museum at Marseilles,containing the ad Nicodem down to 30 /xero Seouy yiyroyneVa?. It

    ' On the whole subject of the MSS. of Isocrates see E. Drerup,pp. iv fl"., where a full account is given from which these particularsare taken.

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    MANUSCRIPTS OF THE CYPRIAN ORATIONS 25is probably of the fourth or fifth century A. D. Drerup (p. c.) charac-terizes it as 'recentissimum et librarii incuria corruptissimum '.

    [b) Papyrus Raineri (No. 502), of the fourth century a. d. Itcontains an insignificant fragment of ad Nic. 2.

    V. The Text of this Edition.In the present edition no attempt has been made to

    give a full critical apparatus, for which reference must bemade to the editions of Blass and Drerup. As theedition of Blass (Teubner, 1904) is that in most commonuse, it has been thought well to give a list of thosepassages where a reading has been adopted which differsfrom that text. These differences will be found in mostcases to be due to a more complete reliance on the read-ings of the Codex Urbinas (F) as against the combinedauthority of the other MSS. The text here givengenerally agrees with that of the monumental edition ofDrerup, but the more important of the readings whichdiffer from those of Blass had in the majority of casesbeen decided upon some time ago, before Drerup'sedition came into my hands. In a few cases, where thereading of Blass has been retained, other readings havealso been noted. It has not been thought necessary toindicate differences of punctuation.

    Evagoras.Principal Authorities : MSS.F A.5 o-wetSdo-t r : eiSo'crt Tg 9 A, Blass.

    15 eVeiSr) Se MSS. (see note) : eVeiSf; re Blass,17 Tovrav V : rnvTOiv Tr, 9 A, Blass.21 ovTco Sf Kcii r : ovT(t) be 9 A, BlaSS.22 TTji 8e pufirjs anavTas Toiis aywpns F : rrji de pafirjs rnvs

    {deaaajxfvovs tovs) dyavns Blass.

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    26 INTRODUCTION23 eVepoi? r : irepoLS Tia'iv T^ Q A, Blass.32 Trpoj cinavTas tovs ex^povs MSS. : Trpo? (inavTas [tovs f;^^/)oi'y]

    Blass.33 KaTaXiiTTOifii r : KdraXiVoipi G A, Blass.36 Trepiyeyevrjjieioi. T : Tvipiyevo^iivoi Q A, BlaSS.41 virep^aWojXfvos T ; vnep^aXofievos A, Blass.

    Kokas V : ofioiais Kokcos A : opoiw? Blass.42 evTTpayiais T : evTTpayiais koi KaprepiaLS 0, Blass.46 rupaz/i/iKos e A, Stobaeus, Blass (see note) : /zeyaXo^pcoy r,

    Drerup.49 T))!' i/^o-o!' MSS., bracketed by Orelli, Schneider, Drerup :

    see note-go fiovatKip Ka\ TTfpi Ti)v n\Xi]v F : povcnKi]v kui twv irepX ti]U t'lWrp'

    Tg e A, Blass.52 8v(TTvxr](rii(Tr]s rrjs noXecos F^ 6 A, Drerup : 8vaTVxrj(Tas rrjs

    TToXewy r : 8vaTVxrjcras Blass.56 rrjs TToXaiai T : rrjs re naXaias Tg 6 A, Blass.

    TOVTO napaaxovTOs F : tovto re Trapaax

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    THE TEXT OF THIS EDITION 2710 o'las (IP T : nlns Trep up A 11, pap., Blass.11 ^aolXf^o^ r All: f-iaa-iXfvovai V margin in uncials, Blass.13 aya)vi(7TT]v T Blass : dvTaycopi(TTt)v All, pap., Drerup.19 bracketed by Benseler, Versmeeten, and Drerup, omitted bye (in Antidos.), see Appendix I.20 Tifj-a21 fiiKTiKevovTUip eVrt bracketed as above.20 dpxnis Ta)v (jnXiop T : dpx^''-^ ['' i'] Blass : iipxa'LS twv

    TifiS>v A, pap.aXrjdeiais avrals T, Blass : dXrjdfo-TUTats A 11, pap.

    22 Xoyovs ?7 r An, pap. : \6yovs fiaWov tj Tj, afiaprapopevoip bracketed as above.

    24 ovTcos o/iiXft 25 enLXfi-pi^cnv bracketed as above.25 peWei A n : ptXXoL V, Blass (see note).26 Ka.\ popi^enrvxfji bracketed as above.27 aKpLJielsTTpd^oycrw bracketed as above.28 uKoveXeyaaiv bracketed as above.29 fir]8epiavdXX' bracketed as above (but not by Benseler).30 vopi^ea-novddCcop bracketed as above.31 IBaaiXf'is T : (BaaiXeas A n 0, Blass.32 Tpvcj^a35 f-iovXevaei bracketed as above.35 and 36 (iaa-LXfls r : (BnmXeas A IT, Blass.36 KoXcis redvavai F : Tfdvdvni KaXo)s 6, Blass.37 TTjv pvfjfirjv T : ppTjpijp A n e, Blass.39 n-epl fxiKpa)p aKpifdois T (in Antidos.) G, Drerup : dKpi(3cbi nep\

    piKpcop r AIT, Blass (see note).pr]8e Tovs eTTLa-Tapevovs bracketed as above,xpw Tolff elpr]pivoLsTovTwv placed here in the MSS. : Blass

    places them after d^iov (end of 38) on the ground that they standthere in G (quotation in Antidos.).

    41 Tcbv iiriTr]8evpdTa>p T : bracketed by Blass (see note).45 dpeppdroiv V, BlaSS (see note) : padrjpurav A U.47 XrjpovPTas r : Xoibopovpras All, BlaSS.50 liaaiXevovTa V : ovra ripavvov A, Blass.

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    28 INTRODUCTIONNicocles aitt Cyprii.

    Principal Authorities : MSS.F A IT ( 5 o TrdvTcov 9rovv exoiras quoted in Antidos. 253-7: MSS. F).

    2 St' hv Blass : /xe^' hv r, Drerup : hv A n.5 Twi' aXXcov ^(ixav MSS. : TWf ^towj' r e in Antidos., Blass.7 Kai rwv KaXcoi' Kai rajv alfrxpav MSS., Blass : Km rwr al(TXpa)v

    Kni Tcov KoXaiv T Q (in Afitldos.), Drerup.18 (piXoTifxlas MSS. : (fiiXoveLKias Stobaeus : (piXoviKins Blass.22 (pdrjmi ex cit. Coray, Blass : o(p6r]vai MSS. (see note).24 TToKiv r Blass : iroXw rap 'Adrjvaiwp A n.33 Travrax^ T A : 7rav'ra;(oD IT, Blass.38 (dn(Ti\iis Drerup : ^aaiXens MSS. (cp. ad Nic, 31, 35, 36).43 Tr]p8e 8iKMoa-vvr]v Ka\ (xcocppocrvi'rjv T : kch rrjp aai(j)po(Tvvt]v miTijv

    8iKaiO(Tvvr]P An : rrjp 5e 8iKnioavpr/v Ka\ rrjP (TU>(^pO(TVpriv BlasS.45 nXelcrra V : ^dXicrra All, Blass.46 Kai roi)? fjierd T : tovs koi //era A IT, Blass.55 TrpaorepovsT : Trpdovs All, Blass.56. W((Ti r : fjSeari An, Blass.

    eV rois wep F : ep re rais vrrep A n, Blass.57 7rei^p;^eti' r : (iaa-t'kevfa-dai XU, Blass.58 diKaLOTciTop F: jBe^aioTarov AH, Blass.

    TTiarevopTas F : TnaTeva-apTas A n, Blass.59 TCI 7r\ei(Trn F ; nXelaTu A n, Blass.60 ovanep av Kai MSS. : ovanep tiv [koi] Blass.

    oin rrepi F : old xrep Fj A n : old nep nepi Blass.61 7] e'p Drerup : pep F : tj Blass (see note).

    VI. Bibliography.The following books have been found most useful in

    the preparation of this edition :J. G. Baiter and H. Sauppe, Oratores Attici (Turici : impensis

    S. Hoehrii, 1839).W. S. Dobson, Oratores Attici Vol. Ill, hocratis gitac exstant07U7jia. (London: J. F. Dove, 1828.) [Variorum edition contain-

    ing the notes of Jerome \\o\i, Auger, Lange, and Coray, and theAdversaria of Dobree.]

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    BIBLIOGRAPHY 29G. E. Benseler, Isocratis Orationes. (Leipzig : Teubner, 1851.)F. Blass, Isocratis Orationes. (Leipzig : Teubner, 1904.) [A

    revision of the edition of G. E. Benseler.]E. Drerup, Isocratis opera omnia, Vol. I. (Leipzig: Dicterich,

    1906.)Max Schneider, hocrates Ausgetvdhlte Reden, erstes Bandchen([an Demonikos], Euagoras, Areopagitikos), dritte Auflage.(Leipzig : Teubner, 1888.)

    H, Clarke, Evagoras. (London : Swan Sonnenschein, 1885.)P. Versmeeten, Isocratis Admonitio ad Nicoclein. (Lugd. Bat. :

    E. J. Brill, 1890.)J. E. Sandys, hocrates, ad Demotiicum et Panegyricics. (London,Oxford, and Cambridge : Rivingtons, 1868.)S.Vr&wss, Index Isocratens. (Leipzig: Teubner, 1904.)J. H. Freese, The Orations of Isocrates translated, Vol. L(London: G. Bell, 1894.)'Sir R. C. Jebb, The Attic Orators, 2nd edition. (London:

    IMacmillan, 1893.)Sir R. C. Jebb, Selections from the Attic Orators, 2nd edition.

    (London: Macmillan, 1888.)F. Blass: Attische Beredsamkeit. (Leipzig : Teubner, 1887-

    1898.)1 Quotations from this translation in the notes are indicated by (F.\

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    ETArOPA:S'Oputv, CO NtKOKAets, Ti,fxQ)VTd ere tov Tdcf)ov tov -narpos 189

    oi) piovov rco 7rA7/^ei koI tQ> /

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    igoa I20KPAT0T2rats a\y]6e[aL9 k)(j)(iiVTO irepl avT&v, ol re V(OTipoL ^tAort-[JLOTpO)S hUK^lVTO TTpbs TTJV ap^TTlV, elboT^S OTL TOVTOiV (V-Xoyr](TOVTai puXXov a>v av apLeivovs crcpas avTovs TTapdcr-xaxnv.vvv 8e Tis ovK av a6vp.r](Tmv, orav opa tovs pi-ev mpl to, 6TpojtKa Kal Tov^ eTre/ceira yevojxivovs vp.vovp.ivovs koX rpay-lobovpiivovs, avTov he irpoeihrj, //?;' av inreplBdW-i] ras

    b KCvcov dperds, iXTqbiTTOTe tolovtcov knaivoiv d^LcoOi^croixevov;i TOVTUiv 8' air to 9 6 cpOovos, & tovto ixovov dyaObv TipoaeaTLV,

    OTL iiiyicTTov KaKov rots 'iyovcrCv (ttlv. ovroi yap nvesbva-Kokojs 7rcf)VKa(rLV, axrd^ ijbiov av evkoyovp-ivuiv aKovouv,ovs OVK 'iaaaiv el yeyovacriv, r\ tovtovs, vcpi' u>v ev TteTtov-66ts avTol Tvyx^dvovcrw. oii jxijv bovXevreov tovs vovv 7expvras rots ovto) KaKws (jypovova-LV, dXXa twv fxev tolovtcov

    C dixeXrjTeov, tovs 8' dWovs eOLO-reov CLKOveLV, irepl (av KalXeyeLV biKaLov ecTTLV, aAAcos r' eTretS?/ kol Tas enLbocreLSluiiev yLyvop-evas Kal tS)V TexySiv Kal t&v dkXcov anavTiavov bia TOVS ip-jjievovTas rots KadecrToxTLV dWa 8ta tovsiiravopOovvTas Kal ToKp.S)VTas det rt KLvelv tcov /xt) KaXwseXpVTOiV.

    Olba lAv ovv OTL x.ctAeTroV ia-TLV b /xeAXco TTOLelv, dvbpbs 8 7TOLSolov T aVToXs TTOLijcraL Kal bLaXeyop-evovs Kal avvayoiVLCo-ixevovs ots av l3ovXi]6S>(rL, Kal irepl tovtcdv bi]X(o(TaL p.i] p.6vovrots TiTayixivoLS 6v6p.a(TLV, dXXa to, pCev ^evoLs, to. be KaLVols,Ta be p.eTaipopa'LS, Kal pn-jbev napaXnre'iv dXkd irda-L rots

    e etSeo-t StaTTotKtAat r^y 7:oli)(jlv' rots be irepl tovs Xoyovs 10ovbev e^ecTTL tG>v tolovtoov, dAA' diroTop.oiS koX t5>v 6vop,aTO)vrots TToAtrtKots p.6vov Kal t&v rots Trepl avTas

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    ETArOPAS 191aTas irpa^Hs avayKoiov tcrri. xpijcrOaL. irpb^ be tovtoi^ ol 191ixev fXTa /xeVpcoy Koi pv6p.G>v airavTa ttolovctlv, ol 8' ovbevbsTOVTiOV KOWOOVOVCTLV' O, TO(TaVTl]V l^^' XaplV &(TT ttV KULTrj Ae^ei kol rol'i h'Ovp.r]p.a(Tiv ex?? KaKoiiS, opms avral'i rat?evpvOp.iai'i Koi TOL'i (Tvp\xeTplat's ylfv\ayu>yovcn tovs aKOvovTas.

    11 yvou] 8' av tls eKeWev rl/f hvvap.iv avTcov i]v yap T19 ToivTTOu^juarcoz' riav evhoKipiOVVTcov to. p,ev 6v6p.aTa kol ras 8ta-j'ota? KaTakiirri, to he jxerpov biakvcnj, (})can]

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    i92a I20KPAT0T2e7rei8?) 8e /xcrTyWa^e roi' /3toi^, Aeyerat Trapa nXovrcoi't KOtKop?/ ixeyCa-ras rtjuias e^^coi' Trapehpevew Kli>ols. tovtov 8e i6TratSes ?](rai/ TeAa/xcoi' /cat rirjAei/s, wy 6 fxev ^repos p.e^''Hpa/cAeou? em AaojueSorra orpareuo-a/xeros apiaTemvTj^LcaOrj, Yly]\evs 8' ey re rf; p.axj/ r?/ Trpo? Keiravpous'

    b dptorevcra? koI Kara ttoWovs aWovs KLvhvvovs ew8oKt/ji?/(ras0e'ri8t tT] NTjpe'o)?, OvrjTOi ujv adavdrr], crvvu>Kri(r, kol fxovovTOVTOV (pacrl t5)V 'npoyywi]}xivu)V vtto diQv ev ror? ydp,ot9v}xivaLov qa-dijvai. tovtcov 8' eKUTepov, TeAafiwros Atas 17KOt TewKpo? iyevin-Orjv, rTrjAe'cos 8' 'A)(iAAeT;s, 0^ p.yL(TTOVKol cracjiia-TaTOV e\y\ov ^hoaav 77)9 avTtav apeTrji' ov yapev rats avTQ>v TrdAect p.6vov iirpcoTeva-av, ovh^ kv rot? roTrotsei' ots KaTi^Kovv, oXXa aTpaTeias Tots "KWrja-iV iirl tovs

    C iSap^dpovs yVop.4in]s, kol TtoWQv }xkv eKUTepo^v aOpotada'-Tcov, ovbevbs 8e twv dvop-acrToov dTTo\eL(f)di'Tos, iv TOVTOL'i 18Tot? KLvbvvots 'Ax^tAAevs p.ef airavTodv hii]veyKiv, Atas 8e/' (Kilvov ripCcrT^va^, T^vKpos 8e r?/s re tovtuiv crvyyeveiaid^Los Kol TO)V dWojv ovbevbs ^(jeipoiv yev6p.Vos, eTietS?/TpoCav (TUi'e^etAez', d^tKo'/xei'os ets KvTrpoz; ^akapuva reKaTu>Kt(rv, 6pL(Lvvp.ov 7roLi]aas Trj'i trpoTepov avTio naTpiho'i

    d oiJcrr^s, Kot ro yVos to vvv (3aotzn'Kj;? dz'7/p (jjvyas kol TTLCTTevdels vtto tov t6t

    e (3a(rt\(voi'Tos Kal /xeydAas bvvaaTiCas \al3u>v ov xapiv eo-)(e 20TOVTctiv, dAAd Ka/

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    ETArOPAS 193 a21 jSacTuXel T(o /xeyuAo) KaTeoovKcDrrer. ovtcd Oe kuI Tm> irpay- 193

    ixdrcov Ka0(TT(aT(x)V Kal Tb)i< (Kyovoor tmv (Kiivov tip' apxweXoi'TOiV Evayopa'i ytyrerat* Ttepl ov ras [J.ei' (^?//>ias kcu ray/uarretas /cat To.'i u\j/eti ra.'i h' Tol'i {/tti'ois yevajx^vai, f^&v /-tet^orco? av (f)avLi] yeyovui'i 7/ Kar avOpcoTTOi', alpovpiaiTTapaXcTTeiV , ovk aTTL(TTm> rot? Aeyo/i^iu'otv, dAA tva TraartTTOtTjcro) (j)avpbv on toctovtov heu> 7rAa(ra//eros eiTreii' rtTrept rwy e/ceiVoi TTTTpayp.tvu)V, ojore /p.ris roi)s ayoivai ev OX'S eKelvo'i roiv

    23 i]\iKi(i)T(ov eKpaTL(TTev(rev. avbpl be yevo\ ravra re CTTavra (tvvi]V^i]6i] Kal irpo? rowrots avbpia TTpocreyevero Kalcro(j)[a Kal btKaioaiJvri, Kal ravr^ ov peVojs" ovS' uxnrep eTepots,dAA' eKaarov avTdv ets VTrepjBoXi'iv toctovtov yap Kal rats'

    24 TOV (TdjpiaTo^ Kal Tali Tiji ^j/vyifji apeTah biyveyKev a)(Td\uTTOTe p.ev avTov opc^ev ot TOTe jiacnkevoi'Te'i, eKTrXrjTTea-daiKol (liojielcrdai irepl Tiji ap\ri'i, {jyovpLevovi o^x. olov t etvatTOV TOiovTov Ti]V (pvcTiv iv lbt(t>Tov p.epei hiayayetv, oiroTe d8' eh TQVi TpoTTovs aTTOfSXexj/eLav, ovtoj (T(f)6bpa TncTTeveivwot', el Kai rts dAAos' roAp.(i)>; Trept avTovi e^ap.apTaveiv,

    25 vo^ii^eiv Yivayopav avToli ecrecrdaL fioi]96v. Kal toctovtovTTJi b6^r]S TrapaWaTTOva-qs ovberepov tovtojv eyl/eva-drjcravovTe yap t8twrr]? Suv bLeTeXecrev ovTe Trept eKetvovi e^i'i-IxapTev, aXXa TO(ravTr]v 6 baCpnov ecryev avTOv Trpovoiav,oTTcos KaAws" Xi']\peTat tijv jSaaiXeCav, axrd^ oaa p.evavayKOLOV yv TrapacTKevao-OijvaL bi (Krejieia'i, TavTa fxev e

    26 iTepoi enpa^ev, e^ wv 8' otdj' r' yv 6aiu>s kol biKULcoiC 2

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    193 e ISOKPATOTSKa[3eh' Ti]V ap\i]v, Evayopa bL. eh yap Tm> bvva-(TTCvovTiov (Tn/SovXevaa^ tov re rvpavvov airiKTeLve Kal(rvWalSelv Evayopav iTTex.^ipi]crw, yjyovixevos ov bvvijcrerrdaiKaTa(T^tiv Ti]v ap)(j}v, d //?/ KCLKelvov inirohouv 7rot7/o-atro.

    194 bLacfivyibv be tov Kivbvvov Kal acodeh ds So'Aov? tt}^ KiAtKia? 27ov ri]i' avTyjv yi'U)iJ.y]V ^(t\ toIs rat? TOiavTais crvixcpopalsTTepiiTLTTTOvcnv. ol \xkv yap a\koL, kclv ex Tvpai'Vtbos (k-Treo-ojrrt, bui ra^ Trapovaas Tv-)(^as TaTravoTepa^ rot? \}rv)(as)(ov(TLV' (Keu'os 8' eh Toaovrov jxeyaXocfypoavvris ?/A^ez'ojcrre tov aXkov y^povov t8twr?/9 wr, eireibi] (pevyeiv rjvay-KOLo-Orj, Tvpavveiv \x evd(r(f)aXeiq KaTa(TTr]cras Tiepubelv, el TLves avTS) tG>v noXiT&vjior]dijcrov(Ti,v' dAA' evOvs, wcrirep et)(e, TavTi-\s ttj^ vvktosbLeXoiv tov Tei^ovi irvXCba Kal TavTi] tovs p.eO^ avTov bta-yayoi)v TTpo(re(3aXXe irpos to jiarriXeiov. Kal Toy's piev Oopv- 31

    e jSovi Tovs ev rot? rotovrot? Kaipoh yiyvop.evovi Kal tovs

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    ETA rO PA 22 194 6(/)o/3oi'j Tovs tS>v aK\u)V Ka\ ras TTapaK(\(vere is ras K(lvovTL 8et Xtyoi'Ta hiarpijS^iv; yevoixh'MV 8' avrw tQ>v [xev TreptTov Tvpai'vov ai'TaycovLcrrCov, tG)v S' akkow irokiToiv dear&v, bebioTis yap tov p.\v ti]v ap\i']v, tov he ti]V apeTi]v yjrrv- 19532 X"^"'^ ^^X^^'ovTTpoTepov (TTavcraTo jua)(o/xei'09 /cat p-ovosT^posirokXovs Kal jx^t okiyoov irpos airavTas tovs i^dpovs, irplvlAeiy TO (Barrikeiov, koI tovs t eyOpovs eTtfXMprjcraTO koXTOLS (jiikofi e[ioi]di](Tev, (tl bk rai yeVet ras tus Tia-Tpiovs iKopLia-aTo, koI Tvpavvov avTov tt/s TroAecos Kare-rrT)](Tev.

    T,T, '\\ pkv ovv, et Koi jui?;8ei'6s" akkov]adtii)v, akk" bivTavda KaraAei7rotju.t tov koyov, pqbiov eK tovtoov eii'atyrwrat Tip' t apeTijv tijv Kvayopov koI to piiyeOos tcov7TeiTpayp.ii'o)v ov p.i]V aAA' ert ye o-ac^eoTepof irepl apL

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    1956 I20KPATOT2Tyjv avTov KaTrjkOev aXX^ ol fxfv irXelcrTOL TTOToiipTat 8taTV)(^)]V XajiovT^s To.^ ^acriXeias, ol he jxera hoXov kol re'xi'TJsTT(pt.yy(in]ixei'OL T(av ()(^dp(av. aXXa jxip t&v y km rahe 37$-yfyevrjiiivoiv, to-cos 8e kol tu)V cnravTcov, Kvpov tov Mi]bu)Vixkv a0eAo/xeroi' ti]v ap\i]V, ITepcrais 8t KTrjcrafxevov, Koi

    196 TrXda-TOL kol pLaXtaTa davp.a(ov(nv. aA\' 6 pikv rw Ylepa-cav(TTpaTomdco TO Mi]b(tiv eviKrja-ev, 6 ttoXXoI koL rtav 'KXX-^voovKOL tQ>v liapjBdpcov pabCois av TT0i,i](T(iav 6 8e bia Trjs '^vxijsTT/s avTOv Koi tov (TU)[xaTos TO. TrAeiora (paCveTat t&v irpoetpi]-p.evu)V biaTTpa^dpievos. eTietr' ck ixev Ttjs Kvpov aTpaTriyia^ 38ovTio) brjXov oTi KOL Tovs Fivayopov Kivbvvovs av viTep.eivev,eK be Tutv TovT(^ TTeTtpayp-evoov cnracn (f)avepbv otl pqbms av

    b KOLKeivoLS Tols epyots eTreyjeiprjaev. Ttpos be tovtois tw y.evocrtcos Ka\ biKaiojs aixavTa ireTTpaKTat, t2> 8' ovk evcrelSMSevia a-vpi.l3el3r]KV' 6 piev yap tovs e^^povs dtioiXeae, Kvpo'i

    ^ be TOV TTarepa tov r?/s p.y]Tp69 aireKTeivev. &(tt el Ttve^iSovXoivTo p/ TO p.eyedos tS^v (Tvp.ftdvTU)V dXXa ti]v dpeTi]vTi]v eKarepov KpCveiv, btKaiios av F,vay6pav Kal tovtov p,aXXove-naiveaeiav. el be bel avvTopiOis Kal pir-jbev vixodTeiXap.evov 39

    C ju.7/8e be'icravTa tov (f)66vov dXXa TTappr\a(,a \^pr](Tap.evov elirelv,ovbels ovTe 6vy]Tds ov9^ i]p.Cdeos ovt dOdvuTos evpedija-eraiKdXXtov ovbe Xap-TipoTepov ovb^ eva-ejSea-Tepov XajSoov eKeCvovTi]v jiacnXeiav, Ka\ tovtois exeiVcos dv rt? p-dXicTTa TTLcrTev-aeiev, el (T(f)6bpa rot? Xeyopt.evois d7rtcrr7/(ras e^erdCetv eirt-\eLpi](TeLev, ottco? eKaaTos eTvpdvvevaev. (f)avi] yapOVK eK TravTos Tpoirov p.eydXa Xeyeiv irpoOvpiovpLevos dXXd

    d bid Ti]V TOV TTpdyp.aTO'i dXi]6eiav ovto) irepl avTov Opaa-eooselpijKcas.

    El fxev ovv eirl p.iKpol'i bii']veyKe, tolovtmv dv koI tQv 4X6yu>v avTw TrpoarJKev d^tovadar vvv 8' dnravTes dv SpLoXoy/]-(Teiav Tvpavviba Kal Tcav Oeiuiv dya6S>v kox tG>v dvOpojTTU'cov}xeyi(TTov KOX aep-voTaTov Kal T[epip.a)(j]T6TaTov elvat. tovbi} TO KdXXia-Tov T(Lv dvTOJV KaXXiaTa KTijadpLevov rtV dv


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    ETATOPA:: igGd7/ 7rot);r7/s j/ Ao'ycor (vp(Ti]s o^icos tcov Tr^-npay\xiv(x)V k-nai-

    41 Ov Toivvv ev tovtois VTTp(3a\k6fj.(i>os (v tols aAAots eevpOi]a-eTai /caraSeeVrepos yero'/^eros, dAAa irpwTov p.\v V-(jivicTTaTO'i iov TijV yv(i)p.i]v Kal TrAetora Karopdovv bvvd[XVosofxu)^ ovK 0)7/^?; belv okiycap^iv ov8' avTocryj^hia^^iv irepl rSivTTpaypLaTMi', dAA' (v rw ^7;Ttz^ /cat (ppovTL^eiv koI ftov- 197Aevfcr^at rof TrAeioToy rou -)(^p6vov 8terpt/3er, i]yovfxevos jxev,ei KaA(Ss t?jv avrou (fypovqaLV TTapa(TK(va.(Tei., kcAws atro)/cai n/y liaa-iXeMV e^eiv, 6avp.a((DV 8' ocrot rwy ^xkv dAAcoyeVcKtt T7'/s- ^vxT]s TTOLovvraL Ti]v irnpL^Xeiav, avTijs 8e TavTi]'i42 /ji7]8ei' Tuyxdvouo-t (fypovrCCovres. CTretra Kat Trepi rwy irpay-p.aT(DV Ti]v avTijv biavoiav (Txev 6pQ>v yap tovs apiarat5>v ovTitiv eTrt/xeAoi'/xeVofs eAd)(t(Tra kvTsov}x^vovs, koX ras bdA7;^ti'ds T&v padv}xiG>v ovk iv rai'i dpytats dAA' ev ratscvTrpayCais ivovaas, ovbev avf^^iraaTov irapikiTTev, dAA' ovtmso.KpiiSio'i Kal ras Trpd^ets 7'/8t Kat tcov iroKirSiv eKarrrovkyiyv(x>(TKiv, wore \J.r\T rov'i eirtlSovkevovTas avrSt (f)ddveivIJii]Te Tovs eTrtetKets ovras KavOdvav dXka irdi'Tas Tvy\dvivT(av TrpocrrjKoi'TMV' ov yap (^ ^v krepoov yKovev ovt (KoKaC^v covt' iTLfxa Tovs TToXiras, dAA' e^ &v avros avvtjbei rds KptVeis

    43 iTTOtuTO TTpl avToov. iv ToiavTai'i 8' kin\x\^'i.ais avrbv Kara-(TTi'iaas ovbe irepX rwy Kara, tijv i]}xipav kKdaTi]v npocnrnrTov-Tu>v ov8e TTepl kv TreTrAai'Tj/xei'ws iX^^'' ^^^^ ovrco 6(0(})i\&sKol (f)i\ai'0p(aTTU)9 8twKet ti]v ttoKiv, (Lcrre Tov

  • 8/3/2019 Iso Crates, Orations


    igye I20KPAT0TSe TTpos V araKTCos ovb avcoixdAois Sta/ceijueros aAA' ofjLOLCDS ras

    ev TOiS (pyois o/xoAoytaj a)(TiTep ras ev tols koyoLS btacjiv-kdrroov ixiya (ppovwv ovk ttI tois 8ta Tv-)(riv aAA' iirl rots 45bC avTov yiyvop.ivoL^' Toy's \ikv (f)[\ovs rats evepyea-Cais v(f)'

    198 avrio TTOLOTJixevos, tovs 8' dWovs ttj iJ.^yaXoy\rv\ia Karabov-Xovfxei'os' (f)ol3pbs u>v ov rw TroAAots \akeiTaLveLV dAAa rwTToAv Tijv Twv aAAcoi' (pvaiv VTrep^dWew ijyovjxevos tS)Vfjbovwv aAA' OVK dyofxevos vtt' avriav oXtyoLS ttovols iroXkaspacTTcLvas KT(oixei'os aAA' ov bid. jxiKpai paQvp.ias p-^ydkovsTTOvovs VTTokeLTTOixevos' oAco? 0118a' irapakeLTTcov u>v irpocr- 46

    b eu'at Set rot? ftacnkevcrtv, aAA' e^ eKaortj? tt/s' 77oAtreta?eetAey/xei'09 ro fBekvLcrrov, kol bi-jpLOTLKOs p.ev oji' Trj tovirkriOovs dipaniiq, TiokiTiKos be r?J t?;s TTo'Aeco? oA?/s 8totK7/(Tet,(TTpaTTiyLKOs be rij 7rpo9 tovs Kivbvvovs evjiovkla, rvpavviKosbe TO) TTUfTt TOVTOLS bba(j)epeu'.

    Kal TavO^ OTL TTpoarjv Kvayopq, kol TrAetco tovtcov, e^avTS>v rOtv epyuiv pqbiov Karap-aOelv. irapakafiajv yap ti]i< 47^C TTokiv eK^ejiap^apMp.evy]v Kal bid ti]v ^PoiVLKoov dp)(i]v ovreTovs "Ekki]va9 TTpo(Tbeyop.evi-\v ovre Texi'as eT:i(TTap.evr\v ovte/XTTopto) \pMp.ev)]v ovre kip.eva KeKTi]p.ein]v, ramd re TrdvTabiwpduxre Kal irpbg rovrofi Kal ^(apav TTokkijv irpocreKTrjcraToKal Tei)(i] npoa-nepie^dkeTO Kal rpti/petj evavirriyijcraTo Kalrat9 aAAats Karaa-Kevai'i ovruis ijv^iicre t')]V iiokiv coorep.i'jbep.Lds TU)v Kkkrji'Cboov dirokekelcpOai, Kal bvvap.LV Toaav-Ti]v eveTTou](Tev iLcrre "nokkovs (PoiSelcrOat, twv irporepov

    d KaracppovovvTcov avTjJ9. KatroL TrjkiKavra'i cTTtSocrets- rds 48TTo'Aets kap./3dveLV ov\ olov t ea-riv, i]V p./] tls avrds bioLKrjroLovTOLs yOecriv olois Kvayopas p.ev el^^ev, eyco 8' oAtywTTporepov eireLpdOriv bcekOelv. wot' ov bedoLKa /x?/ (f)avu>/xet^oj keycov rSiV eKeivc^ TrpoaovTMV, dkkd p.!] TTokv kiavdiTokeLipOGi T(Jov TTeiTpayp.ev(i)V avrCd. rts yap dv ecpUoiTo 49ToiavTi]

  • 8/3/2019 Iso Crates, Orations


    ETArOPAS igSevrjCTOV kin TrpaoTi-jTa koI [xeTpLOTrjTa '!Tpoi]yayei' ; irplv p-lv eye Ka^{iv Y^vayopav ti]V apx}]V oi/Vco? aiTpocroicrTU)^ Kal)(aAe7rws t)(or, coore Kal tS>v ap)(6vTu>v tovtovs ivopit^oveirat /SeArtcrrovs', otrtres c^ixoTara irpos tov9 "Ek\y]vas hia-

    50 KtpLVOL Tvyxdvotev vvv 8e Toa-ovTOV fxeTarreTTTumaa-iv uxrO^ 199ap-iXkacrdai p.iv, otTLves avT&v bo^ovat (pikeWrives eiratp.akL(TTa, TTaLhoTTOula-Oai h\ tovs irkeCa-Tov} avTwv yvvoLKa^kaixjSdvovTas Trap rjp.wv, yaipuv h\ koX roi? KTijixacri. koITOLS kTTiTrjhevpiaa-i rot? 'EAAj^rt/cois pidkXov ?) toIs irapaacpLcriv avTols, Ttkeiovs be koI tu>v ircpl ti]V ixov crcopLaTt l3ej3aLOTdT7]Veivat Ti]v Trap eKeivoy KaTa(f)vyi]V Kal ttj TroAet Td)(^L(TT avavTov yevea-Qai jSoi-jOov. koI ttoAAu -npoTepov ijbi] KaTcopOoo-Kcb? ovbe TTepl evos irumoTe irpdypiaTos ebo^ev dp.eivov y

    53 Trept TovTov ^ovkeva-acrdar (Tvveiir\ yap avTu) bta Tijv d(j) i^tvTi]v els Kvirpov kuI TTOLyjaai Kal TTade'iv TrAeior' dyaOd. d7Tpa>Tov fxev yap ovk ec^dacrav dkk/]kois 'JTky](rtd(ravTes KalTrept TrAetoro? eT:oii](TavTo (r0a? avTovs i] tovs irpoTepovolKeLovs ovTas. eireiTa Trept re tu>v dkkcav 6p.ovoovvTesairavTa tov xpovov bi.eTekeaav Kal Trept Tijs r]p.eTepas Trokeoos

    54 Ti]v avTip yvu>p.riv el^ov. opatVTes yap avTiiv v-no AaKebai-

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    iggd I20KPAT0T2IxovLots oxxrav kcCi. ixeydXi] /uera/SoAj) KexP'?)^^'^'?^' ^virrjpws

    e Koi /Sape'cos e(f)pov, afxcjiOTepoi irpoar^KovTa TTULovvm' rwfxkv yap j/f (f)V(rt iraTpis, tov h\ bta irokXas koI /meyaAasevepyecrtas vopua ttoXCttiv kumoirivTO. (rKOTrov}ji.ivoLs 8' av-Toi?, oTTOiS tS)v (TViJ.(popu)V avTi]v aTTa\Kd^ov(TL, Taxyv tov

    200 Kaipov AaKebaip.6vL0i Trapca-Kevacrav ap)(oyrS yap twv EA-Ki]V(i)V Ka\ Kara yijv Kal Kara ddXarrav ets tovt dTikrjaTiasrikOov axTTe Kal ti}v 'Adiav kokcos iroLeiv eTT^xeipricrav.XajiovTii 8' eKeu'ot tovtov tov Kaipov Kal Tm> a-TpaTi]yS)V 55t5}V /SacriAecos diropovvTcov, tl \pr}(T(X)VTaL tois irpdypLaa-iV,ebLbao-KOV avTovs JU7/ KaTO, yvjv dAAa KaTo. OdkaTTav Troteirr^atTOV TToAejuoy Toy Trpos^ AaK^haip-oviovs , vop-i^ovT^s, ei /xei^TT^Cov (TTpaTOTiihov KaTacTTijcraLVTo Kal Tovro) -n^piy^voLVTo,

    b ra Trept n/i' ijireipov piovov xaAwj e'^etz', ei 8e Kara dakaTTavKpaTr](T(.iav, duadav Tijv 'EAAaSa ttjs vUtj^ TavTy]9 /xe^e'fetz-.OTTep (Tvv^fiiy TreiaOevTcov yap TavTa toov aTpaTrjywv Kal 56 4-vavTLKOv cruAAeyeVros' AaKe8atp,oyiot //ey KaTivavp.ayi]6i](TavKoX Tijs dp)(f]^ dTii.(TT^pr\6r\(Tav, o\ 8' "EAArjres 7;Aeu^epa>-drjaav, 7] 8e Tro'At? j/fjicoy tt/s TraAatas 8o^rjs juepos ri irdXivdvikalSe Kal tS)V avp.p.dyjx>v ijyep-MV KaTeaTt]. Kal TavT

    C k-npdyOri KoVwyos p\v aTpaTtjyovvTO'i, Evayopov 8e roCronapaayovTo^ Kal tijs bwdpL^cos tijv TrX^ia-T^v TrapacrKva-aavTO'i. vTTp &v //p.ets' fxev avTovi Ttp.i](Tap.v Tal'i /xeyt- 57(TTats TLfJ-als Kal Tas dKovas avToov eorv/cra/iei', ovirep toTOV Ato? dyaXp.a tov StoTT/pos, Tiki]aiov (Keivov re koIaipwv avTMv, dp.(\)0Tip(j)V]p.a, Kal tov p.tyi6ovs ttjsevepy(TLas kol rr/s (/)tAias Tys irpo'S dAA?/AoDS,

    d BacrtAevs 8' ov tijv avTi]V yvcapujv tcrxe Trept aiTwy, aAAoVfa) p.(t(u) Kal TrAeioyoj a^ta Karjjpydo-aiTo, rocrovro) p,aAAoi;e8ei(rez' avTovs. irepl p.^v ovv Koviovo^ aAAo? 7/p.ri' ecrratAo'yos" on 8e irpos F,vay6pav ovrco? eo-^ei', 0^8' at^ros Aa^eu'e^7/r?;o-ei'. (/)au'erat yap p.dXXov /xer o-7roi'8d(Tas Trept roy 58ey KvTTpu) Tiokip.ov 1] Trept rovs dWovi d-navTas, p-ti^^ 8e

  • 8/3/2019 Iso Crates, Orations


    ETAropA:i: 200 aKoi xaAeTTcorepor (Kelrov arrayoyvicrTijv vo\x.i(Tas ?/ Kvpov tovTTfpl T7JS /^atrtAftas aiJ.(f)L(TJ3i]Ti](ravTa. fj-eyuTTOv 8e reKiJ.'q- eptov TOV iikv yap aKovMV ras Trapaa-Kivas toctovtov KaT-cf)p6i'i](r(V U)(TT bia TO fxi] (f)povTi((LV p.LKpov hdv (KaOevavTov em to fiaaiKetov eTrioTds' irpos 8e tovtov ovT(as e/cTToWov TreptSews ecrx^ev uxttc /xera^u Trdo-^coy ev ttoX^ixuvTTpbi avTov e7rextpr;(re, bUaLa p.V ov TTotdv, ov jxijv TravTa- 20I

    59 TTacTLV dAdycos' jSovXeva-dixevos. ijTtCa-TaTo piev yap ttoAAovsKal t5>v 'EAA7;^aJI' Ka\ T(av fiap^apcuv ex Tair^ivStv Kal (f)av\u)Vnpayp.aTow peyaKas bvvaa-Teias KaTepyacrap-ivovs, fi(rddveTobe T1JV Fivayopov p.tyaKoy\/v)(Jiav Ka\ tch iTTLboaeis avr^ KalTTJs bo^rjs Kal T(av TTpaypLaTUiV ov Kara puKpov yiyvop-evasdAAa Kal ti]v (J)V(tlv dwirepjiXriTov e)(^ovTa Kal ti]v tvx;i]v

    60 avTU) (TvvaycoviCopi^vi]v uxtt ov^ virep tQv yeyevi]pi^voi}v b opyt^op.evo'i dAAd irepl t5>v /xeAAdircoi' (^oliovp-evos, ovbkTTpl KvTTpOV p.6vOV bibliOS dAAd TToXv TTepl p.(lC6vU)V 7701?/-(TaTo TOV TToAe/xor irpo'i avTov. ovtui 8' ovv &pp.i](T(.v iL(tteis Tip) (TTpaT^iav TavTi]v itkeov 1] TaXavTa TrevTaKLax^iKta

    6 1 Kal pvpia KaTiivdko)(TV. dAA' o/ucof Kvayopas Trdo-ats diro-AeAei/x/xeVos rais bvvdpecnv, avTiTo.^a'i ti]v avrov yv(s>p.i]VTTpos Tas oCJtcos v-nepp.eyidas TTapaa-K^vd'i, eTreSet^ey avTov ckv TOVTOLS TTokv OavpacTToTepov 1] ToXs dAAot? rots Trpoeipij-p.ivois. oTt pkv yap avrbv etojv eipip'rjv dyav, ti]V avTov

    62 TToXtv p-ovrfv etx^^'" ^Tretbi} 8' ijvayKacrdi] TToAe/xeu', tolovtos7;y Kal toiovtov et^e llvvTayopav tov vlbv tov avrov crvv-ay(ovi(TTi]V, wore p.iKpov pikv iberjcre Kvrrpov airaa-av Kara-(TX^XVf 'PoivUi^v 8' (iT6pdri

  • 8/3/2019 Iso Crates, Orations


    20id I20KPAT0T2(noLJjcravTO, XijcravTes ixkv tov voixov tovtov, ovbev 6e Kun]-aavres rrji FiVayopov rvpavvibos. koL AaKebaLfxovLOiiv [xev 64

    e tS>v Koi bo^av kol bvva\xiv ixeytcmiv exoWa)i; kut KU'ovTOV xpovov evTos TpLwv irSiv d^eiAero ti]V apyj]V, 7To\ixi](Tas eTTj 8e/ca rcav avTwv Kvptov avrbv KoreAtTrer,0)VTTp rjv KOL TTplv l? TOV TToXepLOV (laekOeU'. O 8e TTaVTitiV

    202 beivoTaTov ri]v yap ttoXlv, rjv Evayopas eTepov TvpavvovvTosfXTa TtevTriKOVT avbpav eiAe, TavT-qv /3acrtAei)? 6 jxeyasTO(TavTi]v bvvap.iv e\cov ovx oto's r' eyeveTO yeipiaaaaOai.

    Katrot TTw? av Tts tijv avbpCav 7) ri]v (f)p6vi](nv i] (rvp.- 65nacrav ti]v apeTi]v ti]v Evayopov (pavepcoTepov kinbei^mv7) bia TotoijTCtiV epycov Kal Kivbvvojv; ov yap p.6vov (^at'eiratTovs aWovs TTo\epovs aWa Kal tov tS)v i]p(aa)V virepjiaXo-

    b /xeros", TOV vtto iravTcav avdpioTT(t)v vp.vovpi.evov. o\ p.ev yapjxed^ airacrris r?/? *EAAd8os Tpoiav pLovrfv el\ov, 6 be p-iavTToXiv e\u)v TTpos cLTTaaav ti]v ^AaCav eiroXep-rjcrev' ooaT elTO(rovToi TO ttKtjOos eyKU)p,Ld^eLV avTov i]^ovXi]6i]v totc yevop.ev(t)V, el tovs pvOovs 66a

  • 8/3/2019 Iso Crates, Orations


    ETArOPA2 202dTij'i 'AfTtas KvpLO'i KUT^aTi], AaKedaL{j.6vtoL 8' avrl tov n]vifTTtipov TTopddv TTpl T?/9 avTwv KivbvvveLi> i]vayKa(T6-t](rav,ol 8' "EAAr/i'ts" avrl hovXtia^ avTovo\j.ias trvxov, ^A6i]valoL ebe TocrovTov kTrihoa-av uxTTe tovs irporepov avTwv ap\ovTas

    69 eA^eu' avToh t^jv apx^jv SwcrozTa?. &(rT et tls epoiTO p.,Ti vop-lCm p.iyi.(rTov elvai Tm> Evayopq Ttdirpayp-ivii^v, TTorepov 203raj eTTt/xeAeias^ Kal ras TTapa(TKva

  • 8/3/2019 Iso Crates, Orations


    203d I20KPAT0T2/3a(TtAea Ka\oviJ.i'oi>, tovs 8' avaKtai, ra^ o ardorras. currr'et TLves Tcov TrotJjrwr Trepi tlvos rG>v yyevi]\xivii>v virepfioXais

    e Kexpr]VTai, Aeyopres ws ?/i' 6(bs ev ap9p(a7Toti ?/ hai^xiovdvrjTo^, cnravTa ra TOLavra irepl tjjv (KiU'ov (f)V(nv p'i]6i]vaip.a\i(TT av apuoaeuv.

    T(av fxev ovp is Kvayopav iroXka \xkv otjuat irapaXi'na.v' 73204 v(TTpi(oi) yap rffs okjuj/s ttjs ip-avTov, peO^ rjs aKpL[3e(rTpov

    Koi (})LkoT:ovu)Tpov e^pya(Tap.i]v av top eirawov tovtov ov[xrjv aX\a Kal I'vv, ocrov Kara ti]v p.i]v hvvap.Lv, ovk aveyKco-p-iacTTos i(TTLV. iyu) h\ w Nt/coKAei?, i] p.ev Koka p,h>etrat p.vrjp.Ha Kal ra^ rStv aoipLaTcav elKovas, ttoXv p.ivTOiirkeiovos a^ias ras tS>v Trpd^ecov Kal TrJ9 biavoia'i, a? (vrot? Ao'yois av ris p.6vov roli rexvcKo^s ex^ovat Oeoopi^a-eiev.

    b TrpoKptvoi he Tavras irpooTOv p-ev elhm tovs KaXov^ Kayadovs 74T&v avhpoiv ovx, ovrcos ewt rw xaAAei tov a-cop.aTO'i aep.vvvo-p-ivovi COS CTTt rots ipyoti Kal rf/ yvcop.i] (pLX.OTLp.ovp.4vovs'iireid OTL Tovi p.kv tvttovs avayKaiov irapa tovtols elvaip.6voi tov(Tu>p.aTos (f)V(nv op-OKaa-eLe, Tovi he rpoirovs roi/s aAA?/Aco^Kal ras Starotas rots ev rots Xeyop.evois evovcras pahcov ecrrtp-ip-ela-Qat rots p.i] pa6vp.elv alpovp-evoLS aWa )(J)1](ttoIs elvatjiovkop-evoLs. u>v eveKa Kal p.aWov e'ne\e'{.p'>](Ta ypd(})eiv tov 76-Ao'yoy TOVTOV, ijyovpievos Kal aol Kal rots o"ots Tratcrt Kal rots

    d aAAots rots ott' Fivayopov yeyovocn ttoXv KaWia-Trp' av yeve-(rOai TavTip' TrapaKkricriv, ei rts dOpoCa-as ras operas raseKeivov koX rw Ao'yw Koap-i^aas Ttapahoirj deodpelv vpuv KalcrvvhiaTpifieLV avTa'ts. tovs p.ev yap dkkovs irpoTpeTTop-ev "j-jeirl Ti]v (PtkocrocpCav eTepovs eTrawovvTes, 'Iva ^y]koin>Tes rovsei/koyovpevovs tcov avTdv eKeCvoLS e7rtr?/8ev//arajz' e-nLOvp-dcnv

  • 8/3/2019 Iso Crates, Orations


    ETAFOPAS 204deyo) bk (re /cat Tovi aov'i ovk aKkorpLoa Txapaodyjxacn XP^-fxcvos dAA' oi/cei'ots -napaKakd, Ka\ avfJ.(3ovkevo) Trpoa-eyjeii' eTov vovv, uirco'i kol Xiyew Kal npa.TTUv pLrjbevos tjttov bvvijaa

    jS '^^v 'KWi']V(t)i'. KOL p-i] v6p.L^i pL KaTayiyvuxTKeiv, i)s vvva/jCAets% oTL irokkaKis (tol bLaKek( irepl Tcav avTwv. ovyap oi/r' ejue kekrjdas ovre tovs akkovs, otl koL Trpwroy koL 207p.6vos T&v V Tvpavvibi /cat TrAovro) Kat Tpv^ai^ ovTcav (piko-(ro(f)e'iv /cat Tiovelv litLKeyeiprjKa'i, ovb'' otl Trokkovs tS>vjiacTLkioiV TrotT/creis ^i^kuxravras ti}v (rr]V TTaibevcriv tovtojvrCiv biarpi^Siv iirLOvp-dv, a(^ep.ivovs e eyo) ravr ctScos ovbev Tjttov kol v ov rots bctTroAeAetpijueVots dAAa rots -Trept rj/s vikijs apukkajpLevoL^.

    80 fjuoi' /jtez' ovv epyov /cat rwz^ aAAtoy (fjikoiv rotairra keyew/cat ypd(j)tv, e^ c5i; pi.4kkop.4v ae rrapo^vvetv opeyea-dat tov-Toov wvTTep Koi vvv Tvyxo-veis eTTtdvpLciv (Tol be 7TpO(rr]KeLp.r]bev ikkfLTTew, akk' coaTtep iv rw irapovTL kol tov koirrdvXpovov k-nip-ekeicrdai /cat ti]v "^vxijv aa-Kelv, ottcos a^tos ecrei/cat tov TTaTpbs /cat T(ov akkcov Trpoyovonv. ws airacrt p-ev CTTpo(r7]KL irepl Trokkov TToteto-^at ti]v (f)p6vri(TLV, p.aki(TTa 8'

    81 vpXv rots irkeicTTcov /cat p-eytcrTOiv KvpCois ovaiv. XPV ^' ^^'^ayairav, el T(av irapovTcov ri;y)(dyets ojv 7/8)j KpeLTToov, dAA.'dyaraKreti', ei roiovros /ley coi; avros ti]v (j)vaLV, yeyorcos8e ro p.ev irakaibv e/c Aios, ro 8' viroyvLOTaTov e^ avbposTOLOVTov Tijv apeTijv, p.1] TTokv ototVets Kat TO)v akko)v koItQv ev rats avrats o-ot Tip-ali ovtcov. ecTTi b em (rot p.i] dbtap.apTe'LV TovTutv av yap ep./xeV?/s rf) (jukotro^Cq Kal toct-ovTOv e7rt8t8ojs 6V02' Trep vvv, raxews ye2'?/fret rotoOrosoto'r ae Ttpoa/jKei.

  • 8/3/2019 Iso Crates, Orations



    nP02 NIKOKAEA14 Ot ixh^ eJco^oVes, S) Nt/coKAei?, roi? (3a(TL\(vcnv vyXv

    iaOfJTas ayav 7) x'^Xkov t) y^pvabv dpya(r\xivov i] tmv akkcovTL TU)V TOiovToJV KTrjixaTOiv, 0)1' avTol jjiev evbeds (.laiv, vjxel'i

    15 8e TrXovTeire, Kiav ibo^av etvaC \xoi. Karacjyavels ov hoaLV dAA'eiXTTOpiaV TTOtOVfJ-^VOL Kol TToXll Te\VlK(3)TpOV aVTO. TTU)X0VVT9T(ov oixokoyovvTcov KaT!i]keviv. i]yr\(Taixy]v 8' av yevecrOaL 2TavTTjV Ka\\iTaTrjV koX ixakia-raTrpi-novcrav p.oi re hovvai koX (to\ Xaji^lv, et bvvridei-qvopiaai, TTOLcov kT:LTi]h^v}xaTU)V opeyopLevos kol tlvuiv airexo-p-ivos aptcFT av Koi r?;i' irokiv koX ti]v l3a(nkeiav StotKotJ]!?.

    b Tovs /uev yap iStwra? ecrrl irokka to. Traibevoi'Ta, p.aki(TTa 3ixkv TO p.1] Tpv(f)av dAA' avayKa^eadaL irepl rov jiiov KaOKd(TTr]V l3ovkev(TdaL ti]v r]iJi.ipav, eTret^' ot ro'/xoi, naO^ ovsKa(TTOi TTokiTevopiiVOL Tvy\avov(nv, en 8' ?/ irapp-qa-La KalTO (^yavepGiS e^eivai Toli re c^iAot? kinTxkrj^ai /cat rots kydpol^(TTLdecrOai rats akki']kcov ap.apTiaiS' irpos 8e tovtoi's koI tQvTTOirjT&v TivS tG>v '7Tpoyyev)]p.V(jov v7rodi]Kas w? XPV Cw

    C KaTakekoLTTaatv ojo-r' ef cnravTOiV tovtcov etKos avTovs /3eA-Tiovs yiyvecrOai. tols be TvpdvvoLs ovbev v-napxei toiovtov, 4dAA' ovs e8et TratSevecr^at p.akkov tS>v dkkcov, eiretbav etsT-i]V dpx^]V KaTacTTOicnv, dvovOeTrjToi biaTekovatv oi fxev yapirkelcTTOL tS)V dvOputirodv avTols ov Trk-qo-idCovcTLV, ol be(TvvovTes TTpos xdpiv SpLLkova-tv. Kal yap tol Kvptoi yiyvo-d juefot Kat y^p-(]p.dT(jiv TikeiaTuiV koX irpayp-aTcov p,eyLaTU)V, biato ju,?/ KaAws xprjcrQai TavTais rats d(popp.a'is ireTioLriKacnvojcrre irokkovs dp.(pUTl3riTeu', iroTepov ecTTiv d^iov ekeaOai

  • 8/3/2019 Iso Crates, Orations


    ni'Oi^ NIKOKAEA 15 dTov fiCov Tov Twv i8tajTi'oVra)r ixev, eTrtet/ccos 6e irpaTTovTon',

    5 1] TOV tG>v Tvpavv(v6vT(i)i'. oTav fxkv yap aTTolBKixj/uxTtv eisTas TLfjias Koi tovs ttXovtovs koL ras bwaa-reCas, taoO^ovsaTTavTS vo\xiQ3vcn tovs kv rats fj.ovap\Lats ovTas' (TTCLbav8' (v6viX1]d(0(TL TOVS (fiOjioVi Kal TOVS KLl'bvi'OVS, Koi bu^LOVTfS Copdai TOVS p.ei' vtf)' cSi' v'/Ktcrra XPV^ hu({)dapiJi.h'ovs, Toiis 8'(Is TOVS oLK^toTaTovs i^apLapTiv tjvayKacrfxtvovs, toIs 8' afx-(fiOTfpa TavTa (rvpilie(iT\K6Ta, irakiv OTtaxrovv (ijv ijyovvratXvcTLTckilv jxaWov 7/ ixTa tolovtcov (Tvp-cfyopcav aTiacrris tijs

    6 Wcrtas l3a(nk(Vi.v. ravrrjs 8e ttjs avatixakias Koi rijs Tapayjjs 16aiTLov k(TTii', OTL Ti]V j3aai\(iav axntcp Upuxrvvriv iravTosavbpos eti'ai vop.i^ov(nv, 6 Twr av6p(x)TTLi'(i)V Ttpayp.aTujvIxiyidTov (CTTL Kol TT\ei'(rTi]s irpovoCas beoixevov.

    Kad^ (KCKTTIJl' p.(l' OVV TljV TXfKl^lV, (^ Wi' aV TLS pakicTTabvvaiTo KaTo, Tpoixov bioiKelv koI to. p-kv ayaOa btatpvXaTTew,Tas 8e

  • 8/3/2019 Iso Crates, Orations


    i6d i:SOKFATOT2i(TTiv av yap kv Kecpakaiois tj]v hvpay-iv okov tov -npay-fiaros KoAw? TTepLkd/BuiiJLw, evravd^ a-nojikiTiovTe'S afX^ivovKoi TTepl TU)V fXp(av povfJiv. 6i\xai hi] TTttiTas av 6p.oko-y7]craL TTpo(n]KLV avTOi'i irokiv hvcTTV^ovaav iravcrai nai KakojsTTpaTTOvaav hiacfivkd^at Kal fx^ydkip e/c ixiKpas TroLrj(raL' ra

    e yap dkka ra a-vpL-KLTTTovTa Kara ti]v ))p.4pav kKacmp rovTOivveKa TTpaKTtov iariv. Kal ix7]v eKetro ye (f)avp6v, on 8et loTovs ravra bvv)](rop,^vovs Kal irept TrjkLKOvroiV jSovkevoii^vovs1X7] padvp.dv ix7]b' d/MeXety dAAa (TKOTrdv, ottms (f)poviix(i)Tpov

    17 hiaKeiaovrai tS>v akkoov. 8e8eiKrai yap on roLavras rots[iacnkeLas e^ovcnv, otas av ras avrcov yvu)[xas TiapaaKeva-(XUXTLV. cucrr' ovbevl tS)V dcrKi]Tm> ovrco 7rpo(rr/Kt to cr&ixa 1yvuvd^cLv MS rots iSacnkevcn tijv y^vxw "J^ avT&v drraaaiyap al 7Tavr]yvpLS ovb^ kv pi^pos nOiacn tovtmv r&v adkwv,Trept S)V vix^is Kad^ kKaar-qv dyoiviC^crOi ti]V rjp-ipav. s, oaovTr^p rais

    b n/xats T(DV dkkoiv -npoiy^is, toctovtov Kal rals dpTals avT&vbioiaeis.

    Kal fxi] vofj-c^e ti]V eTnp.k^tav ev fxev rots aAAots irpay- 12[xa(n xpr](T[}xriv eTvai, TTpos he to /BeXrtovs ^/xas Kal (fypon-p.o)T4povs yiyveaOai ixi]hep.iav hvvap.iv ex^LV pj^e KaTayv^stG)V avdpwTTcov Tocravn]v hv(TTvxi^o,v, ws irepl fxev to. 6r]piaTtxvoiS vpy]KapiV, ah avTwv ras yf/vxas rjixepovp-ev KalTTkcLOvos d^Cas -noLovixev, rjpids 8' avTovs ovbev av irpos dpeTi]v

    C (l}(f)ky](TatiJLv, dXA' ws Kal Trjs TratSewecos Kal r?}s ctti-/^eAetas hvvap.ivr]s ti]v rjp-^Tepav cf)va-LV evepyeTelv, ovtco hid- 13Kctcro Tr]v yvcaixrjv, Kal t5>v re TiapovTOiv rots ^portjuwraroisTTkr](rta( Kal tG>v dkkcov ovs av bvvr] juera7re'ju.7rou, Kal p.i]TetS)V T:oii]T(tiV tS)V evhoKipLOVVTiov p.i]T. T(ov (ro(f)L(rTS>v p,-)-jhevosoiov beiv direipoos e'xetz;, dAAa to)v p-cv aKpoaTijs yiyvov,Tcav he p.a6rjTi]s, Kal irapacTKeva^e cravTov tS>v p.h> ekaTTovoiV

    d KpLTi]v, Twv he p.eiC6voov dycavicrTip' bia yap tovtcov rwi-yvjxvacrioiv rdx^tcrr' av yevoio toiovtos, olov VTre6ep.e6a helv

  • 8/3/2019 Iso Crates, Orations


    nP02 NIKOKAEA 17 deu'at Tov opOw'i liaaikivcrovTa /cat tijv ttoKlv &>!> XP'/ OtotK?/-

    14 crovTa. fxaKtara 8' ay aiiTO'i vtto cravTov 7TapaK\i]d(ii]i, elbiivov i]yi](raio roi/s" x^ipovi tG>v jieX-Tiovoiv ap\eiv kul tovsavorjTOTepovs rois (fypovtp.MTepoL'i TTpoa-TaTTdv oVo) yap avpp(i)iJ.evcrTip(i)v aWojv ayvoiav aTLjxacn]s, toctotjtio(xaXKov Ti]V avTov bidvoLav atrKT/cret?.

    15 "Apx.efr^ai fxev ovv evrevdev xp^/ t"^!*' p-eKKovTa^ n tQ>vbeovTMV TTonjcreLV, irpos be tovtols (fnkavOpinTiov elvai hei eKoX CJilkoTTokw OVT yap LTTTTUyV OVT KVvGiV OVT avhpGiVovT aXkov TTpdyixaros ovbevos olov re /caAws dp)(eiv, av p.r\rtj XO-'i-p]] TovTOLs, Siv avTov bet Trotetcrdat tijv eTTip-ekeiav./xeAtVcD (Toi TOV TT\y]dovs, Kal irepl iravTos ttolov Keyapi-

    16 (TpLevojs avToii dpyeiv, ytyvMcrKojv oti Ka\ tcov 6\Lyap\iSiv 18/cat Twy aXKiav TToXtTeioJv avTac TikelaTov \p6vov biap-i-vovcTiv, a'LTives av dpicna to irkfiOos OepaTievoicnv. KakStsbe briij.ay(ji)y)](reLs, rjv pLi]9'' vftpi^eiv tov oxkov eas }xi]d^v^pi(pp.evov -nepiopas, dkka crKOTrfj'i, ottco? ol jSekTicrTOi p.evTots e^ovmv, ot 8' aAAot \j.r]bev dbtKijcrovTat' TavTayap oTotxeta Trpwra Kat p.eyi(TTa xprjo-Tij^ TToAtretas ecrTiv.

    17 Twv TTpoa-TayixaTMV Kal twv eTnTr]bevp.dT(i)V Kivet Kal p.eTa- brt^et TO. 1X7] /caAw? /ca^eorwra, /cat /xaAtora fxev evpeTijsyiyvcv tS>v jiekTicrTcov, el be /xtj, ixl[xov to. irapa toIs dkkotsopdias e\ovTa. C'Ff' vop.ov's to [xev (rvixirav biKaLOVs Kal(Tvp.

  • 8/3/2019 Iso Crates, Orations


    iSd i:S0KPAT0T2d biKaLojv, toairep Toy's voixovi tovs Kakcas Ki/xeVoDs. otKet IQ

    Ti]V ttoKlv oixoiojs uxTTTep Tov irarpiaov oIkov rals ixkv Kara-(TKevois Aa/xTTpws Kal liaaiXtKus, rai'i be Trpd^ecriv djcpi/^ws,Lv' evSoKt/zf/s afj.a kol biapKrjs. t'i]v ixeyakoTrpiTraav ctti-bLKVV(ro ju.rj8' ev //ta rav TToAureAetwz^ twv evdvs a(f)avL(o-fxevcov dXA' h' re tols TTpoeipi^jxevoLS kol rw KciAAet rwrKT)i}xaT(ov Kal ToXs TUiV (})C\u)V evepyecriats* ra ydp TotavrarSiV avaK(i)ixdTa)v avT(o re aol TTapajxeveL koI rois eTrtytyi'o-

    e ^eVots TrAeiWos dfta rwy bebaTTavrjixivcov KaraAe tx/^eis.Td TTpos" rovs Oeovs ttoUi fxev ws ot irpoyovoL Karibei^av, 20

    ?/yo{S 8e dvp-a tovto KaXXicrTov eXvai koX depaTreCav ixeyi(TTr\v,av fl)S fiikTKTTOV Kal biKaioTarov aavTov 'napi^i]s' jxaWov

    ig ydp kXirh tovs toiovtovs i) tovs lepeio iroXXa KorafidXXovTasTTpd^LV TL TTapa T^v OtSiV djaOov. Tt/xa rats" ptev appalstS>i> (f)iXoji> TOVS oi/cetordrous", rats be dArj^etats aiirats" tovsevvovaTaTovs. (f)vXaKi]v d(Tcf)aXeaTdTi]v ijyov tov a(iip,aTos 2etz'at Ti]v re TSiV (f)CXa>v dpeTi]v koX ti]v twv TroAtrcoy evvoiavKal Tijv aavTov (fypovqcnv bta ydp tovtoov Kal KTaaOat /cat(Tca^eiv Tas TvpavvCbas ixdXicrT^ dv rts bvvaiTo, Ki]bov t&v

    b otKOJz; t5>v TToXtTLKo^v, Kal vojjit^e Kal tovs hairaviavTas ditbrwy a-G>v dvaXia-Keiv Kal tovs epya(oixei'ovs ra aa TrAetwTTOielv airavTa yap rd T(av oIkovvtcov ti]v ttoXiv oixeta tS>vKaXois iSaaiXevovTUiv ecrt. 6 id iravTos tov y^povov ti]v dAj/- 22^etay ov'rco (pa[vov irpoTiixoiv ujcrre TTiaTOTepovs etz-'at tovs(TOVS Xoyovs 7/ tovs twv aXXuyv opKovs- d-naai p.ev rots^evoLS d(r(paXrj ti]v ttoXiv T[dpe\e koX irpos Ta avp-^oXaia

    C voixLfjLov, TTept TrAetcrroi; be Ttotov Tm> d^iKvovp-evuiv fxi] tovs(Tol bcopeds dyovTas dXXd tovs Trapd a-ov XajxlSdvetv d^LovvTas'Tip-Qv ydp TOVS ToiovTOVs pidXkov Trapd rots dAAots evboKL-p-y]o-ets. TOVS ttoXXovs (})6(3ovs e^aipei tG>v ttoXitc^v, Kal pt7/ 2;^iSovXov TreptSeets etyai tovs ptrjSer d8tKowras* ottcos yap dvTOVS aAAous irpds aavTov biaOfjs, ovto) Kal (tv Trpds eKeivovse^ets. TTOtet p-ev pLi]bev p.eT opyijs, boKH be rots dAAots,

  • 8/3/2019 Iso Crates, Orations


    nP02 NIKOKAEA 19urav (Tot (catpo? 7]. Setro? fiiv (jyatvov rut pjSeV o-c Aa?'^a-I'etJ' rwj' yLyrojxiriov, Trpaos 8e rw ro? rijuwpta? fAarrof? d770ieio"^at rcSy afxapTavoixtvcoi'.

    24 ^ApxiKos eiyat /3owAov /x?; x"'^f'''o'T7?ri /X7j8e roi a^ohpaKoXaC^LV akka rw Trarras rjTTaadai. tj/s o"?]? 8tarotas Katvofj.t(eu' VTTp TTJs avTCov o-coTJjpta? aixeivov avToiv crk /3ou-Aevecr^at. TTokefxiKos fx^v lctOl tols e7!-t(rri;/xais /cat rais irapa-(TKevoLS, elpi]VLKui he rw fxrjbh' Trapa to hiKaiov itkioviKTiiv.oi/rco? ofxCkeL tu>v TroAecoi' Trpos ras f/Vrous uxnrep av ras e

    25 KpeCrrovs 77/309 kavrbv d^iwo-eiaj. (jjikoi'^UeL ju?) Trept ttuvtcov,akka Trepl m> KpaTr\(ravTi aot /xeAAet (rvvoia-ew. (f)avkovsi]yov fXT] Tovs (Tv\x(\>p6vTU)s i]TTU)ixii'ovs akko, roi>? /xera(BkdjSri^ TTeptyLyvopih'ovs. ixeyakocfipovas v6p.t( fxi] tovs 20jxtiCoii TiepL^akkop-irovi (ap otoC r eto-t Karao-xeu', aAAa rovsKak TTapOVTt jJifTpCu)!' 7ndvp.f]i Kttl b/x?;8ez'oj rovrcoi" arvx^rji.

    27 (ttAovj KTw jut; irdvTa^ tovs /SovAo/xeVou? dAAd rovs r?/^(tt)? (/)Vfrea)? d^tovs oz^ra?, //rj8e jue^' wy //Stora rrm^Sia-TpL\j/L'i, akka' S)v dpicTTa ti]V irokiv bioLKijo-eis. aKptjie.'i'iTTOtou rds hoKip.acria'i rSiV (rvvovTOiV, dbuis otl iravTcs oi p/(Tot TTki](TLd(TavTs ofxoiov (T Tot? XP'^M^'^'"^ eiroi vop-Lovaw.TOLOVTOVi i(f)i(TTii Tol'i TTpdypiacn rots' ju?/ 8td o-oiJ ytyi'Ojuez'ots, C

    28 wj avro? rds atrtas e^oov Siv av (kcIvol Trpd^Mcriv. Trto-rovsijyov p.1] rows oTraz' o rt dz' Aey?/s ?/ TToiijf eTrairovi'ras aAAdroi/s rots d}xapTavop.ivoL^ k-niTip.Sivra'i. hihov nappi](Tiav rotseS (^povova-ir, tva -mpX &v av dfj.(f)tyvofis exV^ ^^^^ o-w8oKt-fxdo-oz'ras. Sto'pa Kat roi)s re'xi'?/ KoAaKci^oj-ras Kat roi/s juer'cvz'otas Oepa-nevuvTa'i, 'iva p.i\ irkeuv ot TTovr]pol rdv XPW'^^'

  • 8/3/2019 Iso Crates, Orations


    20C I20KPATOT2^xuxTW. uKOve Tovs koyovs Toiis TTpl aXki]k(av, kol Tretpw

    d yv(opLC(tv afxa tovs tc Xiyovras, ottoIoi rivis (ten, koL Treptu)V av kiyMcriv. TOis avTOLS KoXa^e {rjjutais tovs ^evbS>9 29bia^dWovTas alcnrep tov9 ^^aixaprdvovTas


    "Apx^e aavTov p.Tqh'kv rJTTOv 1] t5)V aXXuiv, kol Tovd^ 7]yovf3a(nXtK(aTaT0v, av }xi]hep.ia bovkevi]s rm' 7]bov(av, dXkaKparfis ris>v (:TnBvp.iG>v p.aX\ov 1) tcov ttoKltcov. ju)]8e/xiaravvovcTLav dnf] Trpocrhl^ov ixr]h^ dAoytorcos, aAA.' ctt' Ktivai

  • 8/3/2019 Iso Crates, Orations


    nP02 NIKOKAEA 21cws iKa)(^L(TTOfi ujxapTi'jiJLaaL Tre/JiTrtTrr?/?. KparicrTov jxkv yaprfjs aKixiis tQv KaipCiV Tvy\aviv, 7ret8?/ 8e bvo-KaTapLuOi'iruji)(^ov(nVf ekkeiTreii' alpov /cat [xij irXeovd^dv al yap pLerpio- dTriTS [xaWov iv rats erSetat? 7/ rat? VTTp(3oKats ^vhctlv.

    24 doretos eu'at Tretpci xat a-^ixvo^' to jjLfv yap Tjj TvpavvlOLTTpiiTCi, TO be TTpos TCLS (rvvovcrCas app-OTTH. yaKiinaTaTOV8e TovTo TTavTutv eoTt Ttav Trpo(TTayp.a.T(iiv (vpi]. cltt^ dv ctolkoyL^op-evco

  • 8/3/2019 Iso Crates, Orations


    22C ISOKPATOTSTrat-ah' av (rii/ji/Soi'Aeivfrfia?, totjtols uvtos efj-ixiveLi' a^Cov.

    d (TO(f)ovi vofxt^e fJ-ij Tovs irepl [XLKpm' aKpLjBCjs ept^orraj aWa 39Toil? eS Tiepl Tcov \j.eya\(jdv Kiyovras' }xrih\ tov^ tols p-lvaAAot? (vbaLpLOviav vina-^vovixivovs, avrovs 8' kv TroXAat?a-nopiais ovras, aWa tov9 p-erpLa p.ev irepl avrGiV \eyovras,opLiX.elv be Koi rot? TTpa.yp.acn Kal rot? ai'dpumoi^ hvvap.ivov^,KoX /XTj hiaTapaTTop-ivovs Iv raXs tov jBlov p.eTaj3okals, aXXaKaXQs Kal /lerptco? Kal ras ( Kal ras evrvyjia^(jyepcLV T:L(TTa\j.ivovs. \pCi rot? clprip.evoLS i] C'h^'- /3eArtajTOVTOiV.

    e Kat p.1] 6avp.d(Trji, et ttoWo. tcHv keyop.evo)i' iarlv a Kal 40(TV yLyvca(TKii' ovbe yap ep.e tovto irapeXadev, dAA' 7/7ri-(TTap.Tiv, OTL ToaovTOiV oi'TOiV TO ttAt/^o? Kal t5>v aWoov Kal

    23 Tb)v apyovTiav ot p.h' tl tovtcov elpi]Ka(Ttv, ol 8' aKrjKoaa-u',ol 8' krepovs iroLovi'Ta^ kcopaKacnv, ot 8' avrot Tvy\di'ov(ru'eTTtrrjSfvoyre?. dAAa yap ovk kv toXs Ao'yot? XP'/ tovtols 41[rtoi' e7rtr?j8eD/idrcoi'] frjreti' ra? /cati'o'njra?, et- ot? oiJreTrapdbo^ov ovt aTTia-Tov ovt e^co rm' vop.L(pp.ivMV ovhh'l^ecrrii' etTretr, dAA' 7/yetfr^at ro^}ro^' ^apUaraTov, o? dz-rtoi' bi(n:app.ii'(ov (v rat? rwz' dkkcov Staj'otat? ddpoZcrai to.

    b 7rAet(rra Swtj^t; Kat (fipdcrai KciAAtcrra Trtpt avrSiv. iirel 42/cdxetro juoi iTp6br]\ov rjv, otl to. crvp.^ovXf.'uovTa Kal rm'noirip.aTU)V Kal rwr (Tvyypap.p.dTUiV \py]aip.(i>TaTa piev aTraz're?1'op.i^ovcnv, ov p.'i]V ?}'8trrrd y' avrStv CLKOVOvaLV, akka TreTTOv-QacTLv oirep -rrpos tovs I'ovdeTovvras' Kal yap CKeivovs k-nai-vovcri p.iv, TTkrja-LaCav be jSovkovTat rot? (rvve^apLapTayovcnv

    C dAA' oil rot? diTOTpeTTovaLV. (Ti]p.elov 8' av rt? TroLi](TaLTO ti]v 43'Ho-to'Sov Kat eo'yi'tSo? Kat ^oiKykibov TToirjULV' Kal yapTovTovi (fyaal p.ev dpicTTOvs yeyevijaOai (rvp.l3oijkovs tQi ISlu)rw roii' dv6pu)iTct)v, ravra be Aeyorre? alpovvTai (rvvbiaTpi^eivrats dkkrjkoiv dvoCaLS p.dkkov 1] rat? eKeivoiV vTTO0i]KaL9. en 448' et rt? eKke^eie tu>v T:poe\ovTU)v TrotJ/rwy rd? Kakovp.evasyj-cijua?,

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    nPOS NTKOKAEA 23 d7r/3o? TavTa^ Stare^etei" ijhLOV yap av Kco/xwoia? r?/? (f)av\o- d

    45 rarj;s ?/ rcSi' ovVcd rex^z'iKoij TT^TTOi^ixtvoov aKovcreiav. kol tlSet Ka^' ^v eKacTTOv Xiyovra biarpClSeLv; oX.iO'i yap et ^dikoifxev(TKOTTeiv Ta irpay-IxoLTOiv rot? l3e\TLrrT(ns ovt tojv dpep-ixdrMV rois w^eAt/jtoj-TCLTOLS, ak\a TTavTCLTTacnv ez'arrtas" rui aviJ.(f)tpovTL to.^ j/Soj'cts" e\ovTas, Kal boKovvrai KaprepiKovs Kal (})LkoTT6vovs eirai tovs

    46 Twy SeoVrcoy tl TTOLOvvras' uxttc tt&s av ris rots rotovrot?7) TTapatvo)}' 1] bibda-KOdv ?/ \pi](rLp.6v tl Xeyojv dpicreL^v; o't77/30? TOts (IprjixevoLS (f)dovov(rL fx^v rots v (f)povov(rLV, airXovs 248' 7/yow'rat rovs z-oCz' ov;< exoj'raj, ovrco be tcls dki]d(La>iTO)}' TTpayp-CLTiov (pevyovcTti', uxtt ovbe to. a(f)^Tp^ avTm>"Lcramv, dAAa KvirovvTaL pkv Trepl tS>v ibicov Aoyt{ojuerot,\a[pov(TL bi TT(pl rwz' dKXoTpLMV 8taAeyo'/u,fz'oi, jSovXolvto 8'cii' TO) adjfxaTL KaKOTradijcraL /xaAAoi' ?/ r?/ ^j/v^i] Tioi'ijaaL Kal

    47 aK\f/a(rdaL irepC ru'os" roiz' ai'ttyKaicor. evpot 8' di' rt? av-roi)9 a^ p-ev rats" Trpos dAAv/Aous (rvt'ovcrtaLi 7/ ktjpovvTas 7/ b\oLbopovp.(i'ovs, (P be rai? ep7//xiai? ov iSovKevopierovi uAA'V)(^op.evov9. Ae'yo) 8' oii /v koycov Cv'^^^ dAAa H^O^-'i-'*^ } ^tovs p.v9o)b(rTdTovs' aKOVovTes piV yap tGh' toiovto)v X^^'povcTL, OeoopovvTes be tovs dywi'as Kal Tas d/^t'AAas. 8to Kal cTr}V 'Op.i]pov TTOLr](TLV Kal TOVS TTpdTovs evpovTas Tpayoibiai'd^Lov 6avp.d^eLV, otl KaTibovTes ti]V (f)vmv tiiv toji' dvdpca-TTU)v tuls IbeaLS ravTaLS KaTe\pi](TavTo irpos Tip'

    49 TTOLTja-Li'. 6 p.V ydp TOVS dyQvas Kal tovs TToXepovs tovs T(avi]p.Ldeu)i' ep.v6oX6yi]aev, ol be tovs p.v6ovs els dyOtvas kulTTpd^eLs KaTea^Ti](Tai', wore p-i] p.6vov ukovo-tovs iip.LV dAAd kulOeuTovs yeveaOaL. tolovtmv ovv napabeLyp.dTOiV virapyovTOiv d



  • 8/3/2019 Iso Crates, Orations


    24d 120KPATOT2"ji

    8e8etKrat rois eTTiOvixova-L tovs aKpooijx^vov^ \j/vxayu>yU', onTov ixki' I'ovOeTelv koL (TVfJ.jBovXe'ueLP acpeKTeop, to. be ToiavrakeKriov oXs bpGxjL tovs o)(kovs fxaXio-Ta ')(aipovTa[xi]i>eyeiv Totj akkoLS, ixr\be to. cnrovbaia tG>v irpayixaTOiv ixi]b

    e TOVS eS (ppovovvTas twv av6pu>TTU)v rats rjbovoLS Kpiveiv, aXKkm Tdv -y^pi-\aip.(jC)V avTovs boKLp.dCeu>, dAAcoj t eTretS?/ irepl 5[xev tG>v yvfxvacrLoov tG>v ttjs xjfv^ijs ap.(Pi(Tl3i]Tov(TLV ol irepl tijv(f)Lko(Tov Kaipuvdeoopelv (Tvp.l3ovkevovTas, el be p.i], koL kuO^ okoiv tG)V irpay-b pLCLTOLiv keyovTaS' koL tovs piev p.i]bev yiyvoiaKovTas tu>vbeovToov aiToboKLp-a^e' bfjkov yap ws 6 p.r]bev ujv avTos XPV-(Tip.os ovb^ av dkkov ({)p6vLp.ov 7rot?/o-et* tovs be vovv exoinas 53Kat bvvap.evovs opdv irkeov tl toov akkoov nepX irokkov ttolovKol Oepdireve, yiyvMCTKiov ort (rvp.i3ovkos dyados )(jii](np.(.o-TttTOV KOL TVpaVVLKWTaTOV aTrdvTOdV tS>v KTl-JpiaTOOV e(TTlV.ijyov be tovtovs p.eyL(TT7]v crot TTOielv tijv ^acrikeCav, OLTtves

    C dv r?/y btdvoLav tijv aijv TrkelaT

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    Eto"t TLves 0% bvaKuko)^ i^ovai. Ttpbs tovs koyovi koI 26hiaixiiKpovraL tov^ (f)i.\oao(})ovvTas /cat (f)a(Ttv avTOVi ovkap^Tijs aXka irXeoi'e^tai evKa -noulcrdai ras Totavra^ bta-TpifSas. //Sews av ovv 'nv6oiixi]v tS>v ovtco bLaKeiixh'cov, bia tlTovs }xkv tv keyew indviJ.ovvTas y^iyovcn, rov? 8' op^w?7TpdTTLV iSovkofxevovs iTraLvovaiv' el yap al TrXeove^iai bXvTTov(rtv avTov'i, 7rAetoi>s Kal /xetCov? e/c tu>v epycov 7/ to)1'

    2 Xo'ycoi' evpi](ro[XV ytyi'op.epa'i. iTiTa KaK^iv aroiTov, et\e\i]6v avTovi on to. irepl tovs Oeovs (.vae^ovp-ev koX ti]vdLKaLoaviniv aaKovpiev kol tci^ aWas aperas iTTt,T'i]hevop.a', 27ov\ iva T(ai> aXXciov ^Xarrov e\(op.ei', dAA.' ottcos av ws jueranXeicTTOJV ayaOGiV tov jiiov bidyiop-ev. oxtt ov KaTi]yopi)-TOl> TU)V TTpayp.a.TUiV TOVTMV (TTL1', bC S)V CIV TLS p.(T dpiTljiTrXeovKTi'jaetev, ciXXa rdv dvOpiaircuv rdv irepl rci'i npd^e.iskS,ap.apTav6vTU)V 7/ rots Xuyoi^ i^airaTon'Ton' Kal p-i] SiKOtcoj

    2 xpdifxtvuiv avTo'L'i. OavpiciCoi be r(av TavTi]v ti]v yviap.i]v btx6vT(i>V, 0770)9 Oil Ka\ TUV TtXoVTOV Kal TIIV piap.1]V Kal T1]Vdvbpiav KaKOi'i Xeyovcnv. etTrep yap bia tovs e^ap.apTo.vovTa'iKal Tov'i '^jfevbojxa'ovi TTpoi rovs Xoyovi xaXeiTMi e\ovaL,TTpoa/jKei. Kal Tol'i dXXuLS dyadoL^- avTovs iTrt.TLp.dv' (jyavi'i-(Tovrai ydp rtve^ Kal tG)V ravra KKTrip.a>(ov i^apaprdvovTes

    4 Kol TToXXov'i bid TOVTMV KaKM'i TToiovvTS. dXXd yap ovbtKatov, oijT^ el Twe'i tovs diravToJVTa'i TvirTovcTi, tt/s /5a)//?js CKaTTjyopelv, ovTe bid tovs d-noKTeivovTas ov-i ov bel tijvdvbpiav Xotbopelv, ovd^ oAcos" rj/r tu>v dvOpwiiMV iTOi'ijpLave-nl Ta irpdyjuara p-eTacjiepeLV, dAA' uvtovs eKeivovi xj/eyew,

  • 8/3/2019 Iso Crates, Orations


    27C I20KPATOT2ocTOi Tols ayadois kukws \pG>VTaL koI rots a)eAeu' bvi'a-[xivoi^ TovToti jSkcnrTeLV tovs (tv\xt:oXLT^vo\iirovi k-niy^eL-povaiv. vvv 8' djLieA7;o-arrf s tovtov top rpoTTov Trepl kKaarov 5bLOpL^ tmv dkXow ^cacov bia-(f)ipop.v, dWa TToWoiv Kol tQ> TaxeL koL rfj pu>p.j] koI rai?aAAat? einropCais KarabeicTTepoi Tvyxa.vop.ev ovTes' eyyevo- 6p.Vov 8' i]p.iv Tov TTeideLV dAA?;Aous Kal bi]\ovv irpos j/fia?avTovs TTcpl S)v av j3ov\i]6u>p.ev, ov p.6vov tov ^TjpicoSws ^rjv

    e d'nrjkXdyr]p.V oXXa Ka\ avveXOoVTes TToAet? utKta-apLfv KalvopLOvs idip-eOa Kal re'x^^S' evpop.v, Kal a-xebbv airavTa tclbt ijpLOiV p,ep.i]\avrip.iva Kayo's iipiiv fo-Tlv 6 avyKaTaa-Kevdaras.ovTOS yap irepl tuiv btKaiuiv Kal rwr dbiKcov Kal Tm> KakStv 7Kal Toov alX6v (ttiv. p.eTa tovtov Kal irepi 8TOiV dp.(pi(rl3riTr](rLp.u)V dy(ovi^6p.e6a Kal Trepl tS>v dyvoovp.evv

    b (TKOTTovpLeda' rats yap TTLCTTea-Lv, als tovs dXXovs Xeyovnsireidop.ev, rais avTals TavTais ^ovXev6p.voL )(pco//e^a, Kalpi]TopLKovs p.\v KaXovp.ev TOVS iv TU) irXi'idei Xeyav bvva-p.Vovs, (vIBovXovs be vop.i^op.ev, oiTwes av avTol TTpbs av-Tovs dpiaTa Tiepl t&v TrpaypidTutv biaXexdSicnv. el be bel 9a-vXXi]l3bi]v irepl tj/s bwdpiecos TavTi]s elTreu', ovbev Tm'

    C (f)povLp.u)s TTpaTTopLevcov evpi](rojj.ev dX6yu>s yi.yv6p.evov, dAAdKal Tdv epyodv Kal tQv bi.avor]p.dTa)v dirdvToov i]yep.6va XoyovovTa, Kal pdXicTTa \piop.evovs avTQ> tovs irXelcTTov vovv e^ov-

  • 8/3/2019 Iso Crates, Orations


    NIKC)KAli: II KTniMOI 28 cra!>- wore Toil's ruAjuwyras ii\a(r(f)i]^elv Trept rcof TraibiVovTiovKal (f)i\o(ro(PovvTotji' o/xotws' a^Lov fxiadv axriKp rovs 6is raT&v 6i5)V ^a[xafiTdvovTai.

    10 'Eyo) 8' aTTob(x,ofjLaL ixkv airavTa'i tovs Ao'yous tovs Kal Kara\xiKpov TjiMS ct)0eAetr hvva\xh'ovs, ov ixi}V aWa KaWicrTovs di]yov\ (cat /^ao-tAiKcurarous" Kat fxaXtara TrpmovTas (jxatTov^ irepl T(av iTTLTribevixaTcjov nal twv 7TokiTia>v irapaivovv-ras, KOI TovTuiv avr&v ocroL bthd(TKov(TL tovs re bvvacTTevovTa^,0)? hel tS> irki'iOet xpijcrdai, koL Tov'i i^twras, ws xph "^posroi/y dpxovTas Sta/ceicr^af hia yap tovtu>v opG> ras ttoAcis

    1 r ivbaLixoveaTaras kol /xeytWaj yi.yvop.ivas. tov p.ev ovv^Tfpov, cos XPV Tvpavvdv, ^laoKpaTovs ijKova-aTe, tov 8 fX"'*fxevov, a Sei ttokiv tovs apxpfxivovs, eyo) Tretpacro/^at SieA^etr, eoii^ ws' ejcetror inrfp^aKovp.evo'i, aAA' ws -npoaiJKov p.01. neplTOVTOJV ixd\i(TTa biak^yBrivai irpos vims. ei p.iv yap e/xoOIJ.1] br]k(o(TavTos a -noidv vjutas btafxdproLTe ttjs 29e/zf/s yviop.y]s, ovk av et/co'rcos t'/ixti; 6pyi(oip.i]V ei 8e -npoet-TTOVTOS e/xou p,);8h' yiyvoiTO tovtojv, biKams av I'jbrj toIs p.?/

    12 niiOop.ivois p.ep.(^oiiir]v. 7]yoxniai 8' ovrco? ay /iciAicrra irapa-KaAeVai Kat TTpoTpixj/ai Trpos to p.v>]p.ov^viiv vpRs ra prjBivraKal TtH.dap\ avTOLS, ovk i irept ro avp-fiovkeveLV [xovovycvoiixriv koI TavT dTTaptdp.i}(ras cmakkay^iriv, akk et TrpocTrt-bi(.^ai.p.i TTpwTov p.(V Tijv TTokiTeiav ti]v irapovcrav ws a^toV berrrti' ayaTraj' ov p.6vov bia W/v arciyKijr, ovb on TravraTOV \p6vov p.eTa TavTrjs oiKOvpiev, akk' oti ^tkriaTT] tmv

    13 TToAtretwi' eortz', eireiO' ws eycb ravrrji^ IX'^ "V PxV ouTTapavopLUis ovb' akkoTpCav akk' oo-tcos Kat StKatcos Kat 8taTOVS e|^ cipxijs TTpoyovovs Koi bia tov iraT^pa Kal bi epiavrov.TOVTUIV yap iTpoaTrobei.\6ivT(i)V ris ovk avros avTov KaTa- CyycocrcTat tijv p.iyL(TTi]V (ijpiiav, av p.i] TTudapxf] Tots vtt'efjiov (TvpLJSovkevOdm Kal T:poaTa)(d^i(Tiv

    14 riept p.(.v ovv Toiv TTokiT^ibiV, evTevdev yap vTTOTidip.f.vosi]p^dp.i}v, ot/xat Tiao-t boKUV biivoTarov /bter ei^at to t(ov

  • 8/3/2019 Iso Crates, Orations


    29C I20KPAT0TSavTiav a^tov(T$ai tovs xpiiarovs koI Tov'i TToin]povs, biKaLu-Tarov 8e to hiooplcrOaL Trept tovtmv koL jxij tovs avoixoiovs

    d T(av 6p.o[oiv Tvyx^avew, akka koI Trpdmiv koI Ti}xa(r9ai KaraTi]V a^iav kKacrrovs. al jxev tolvvv 6kiyap\iai koI bj]p.o- 15Kpariai rots 6(ToV?;ras' rots pL^ri^ovcn twv TTokiTeiCov ^r]Tov(n,Kol TOVT evSo/ci/xei Trap avrals, ijv pLi]bkv erepo'i krepovbvpi]TaL TTkeov ^x^iv rois 'novr\poi'i (TvpL Kal rets "npd^eLSairavTe^i av tcls Tvpavvibas pxikkov 6p.okoyi](Teiav. Kairotris OVK av be^aiTo tS>v ev (^povovvTOiv ToiavTi]s TToAiretas

    30 p.eTe\eiv, ev fi //?/ StaAj/rret XP'/^'^^^" ^^'> P-d-kkov ?) (PepecrdaLp-eTOL TOV TTk')]6ovs /X7/ yiyv(i)(TK6p.evos ottoio's rt's ecTTiv; dkkap.r]v Kal TTpaoTepav ToaovTia btKaCcos