iso14000 awareness programme slide show by eashwer


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This is just an insight in to the std. It requires constant review inline with the regular amendments brought in by the regulatory body from time to time .


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Easy to Integrate

ISO1400 in toExisting Quality,

Health andSafety systems

It is the most Flexible approach

Which allows you toCritically review the Existing operations and bring them in to

Conformance with yr std.

Many of the Procedures of ISO 14000 are

Identical to ISO 9000 stds.The Doc cntrl ,

Mgt Review, IQA Apply to both.

ISO 14000 is developed by business people , as a market driven approach that allows you maximum control over your business decisions.

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ISO 14000 - HistoryThe ISO 14000 series emerged primarily as a result of the Uruguay round of the GATT negotiations and

the Rio Summit on the Environment held in 1992. While GATT concentrates on the need to reduce non-tariff barriers to trade, the Rio Summit generated a commitment to protection of the environment across the world. The environmental field has seen a steady growth of national and regional standards. The British Standards Institution has BS 7750, the Canadian Standards Association has environmental management, auditing, eco-labeling and other standards, the European Union has all of these plus the eco-management and audit regulations, and many other countries (e.g. USA, Germany and Japan) have introduced eco-labeling programs.

• After the rapid acceptance of ISO 9000, and the increase of environmental standards around the world, ISO assessed the need for international environmental management standards. They formed the Strategic Advisory Group on the Environment (SAGE) in 1991, to consider whether such standards could serve to:

• Promote a common approach to environmental management similar to quality management; Enhance organizations' ability to attain and measure improvements in environmental performance; and Facilitate trade and remove trade barriers. In 1992, SAGE's recommendations created a new committee, TC 207, for international environmental management standards. The committee, and its sub-committees include representatives from industry, standards organizations, government and environmental organizations from many countries. The new series of ISO14000 standards are designed to cover:

environmental management systems ,environmental auditing,environmental performance evaluation environmental labeling, life-cycle assessment, environmental aspects in product standards

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ISO 14001 – Numerous benefits 1. Cost reduction in operating and material

savings thro’ systemic management.2. Global opportunities by living up to standards

expected , or soon required , by customers suppliers in other markets.

3. Process controls that reduce paper work and training costs thro’ a structured approach , thus increasing productivity.

4. Greater access to Financial capital , Lower insurance rates and higher share holder confidence by reassuring the financial community that you are managing environmental risks.

5. High probability of being treated with greater deference and cooperation by Govt regulators looking to shift from costly command and control to free market leadership ; associated savings in avoiding fines and even criminal penalties.

6. Savings through integration of environmental management with quality , health and safety management as ISO 14000 blends with ISO 9000, TQM and other improved cycle based systems.

7. A Continual improvement system in place , that allows an organization to demonstrate improvement and to anticipate future environmental demands.

8. A Certifiable image of environmental awareness , resulting in motivated employees , a marketable public image and measurable sales opportunities .

• The list of tangible and implied benefits of ISO 14001 can go on for pages like :

• To reduce pollution• To Conserve resources• To Improve Quality of Air• To improve Quality of

Water• To improve Quality of Land• To improve Quality of Life

for ourselves and for Generations yet unborn.

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What is NOT ISO 14000 ?

• ISO 14000 is NOT a panacea. It is NOT green washing that gives the appearance of responsibility without actual commitment .It is only an assurance that a company is striving to comply with regulatory requirements and achieving SELF DEFINED GOALS. Yet with genuine Leadership commitment, ISO 14000 will allow your Organization to live up to

Environmental stewardship.

Having an environmental Management system like ISO14001Is like buying insurance for the Future on an installment plan.

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ISO 14000 – Internal / External objectives• What can be achieved • ISO 14001:2004 is a tool that can be used to meet internal objectives:• provide assurance to management that it is in control of the organizational processes

and activities having an impact on the environment • assure employees that they are working for an environmentally responsible

organization.• ISO 14001:2004 can also be used to meet external objectives: • provide assurance on environmental issues to external stakeholders – such as

customers, the community and regulatory agencies • comply with environmental regulations • support the organization's claims and communication about its own environmental

policies, plans and actions • provides a framework for demonstrating conformity via suppliers' declarations of

conformity, assessment of conformity by an external stakeholder - such as a business client - and for certification of conformity by an independent certification body.

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ISO 14000 – Scope and the range• How it works • ISO 14001:2004 does not specify levels of environmental performance. If it

specified levels of environmental performance, they would have to be specific to each business activity and this would require a specific EMS standard for each business. That is not the intention.

• ISO has many other standards dealing with specific environmental issues. The intention of ISO 14001:2004 is to provide a framework for a holistic, strategic approach to the organization's environmental policy, plans and actions.

• ISO 14001:2004 gives the generic requirements for an environmental management system. The underlying philosophy is that whatever the organization's activity, the requirements of an effective EMS are the same.

• This has the effect of establishing a common reference for communicating about environmental management issues between organizations and their customers, regulators, the public and other stakeholders.

• Because ISO 14001:2004 does not lay down levels of environmental performance, the standard can to be implemented by a wide variety of organizations, whatever their current level of environmental maturity. However, a commitment to compliance with applicable environmental legislation and regulations is required, along with a commitment to continual improvement – for which the EMS provides the framework

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ISO 14000 –

Special relationship builder ISO1400

represents A market

drivenApproach to


It has thepotential to set aside the long

perceived image of businesses as The “SPOLIERS” and give us the

Opportunity to become proactive partnersin a new and more productive , era of





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Which Organizations can use ISO 14000 ?ISO 14000 ( ISO 14001) can be used for

Organizations that wishes to …….

Implement , maintain and improve an environmental management system

Assure itself of its conformance with its stated environmental policy

Demonstrate such conformance to others

Seek certification / Registration of its EMS by an external organization

Make SELF DETERMINATION and SELF DECLARATION of conformance with this

International standard

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Environment – Scope and definitions

Environmental Target

Environmental Policy

Environmental Performance

Environmental Objective

EMS Audit

Environmental Mgt system

Environmental impact

Environmental aspect


Environment is the SURROUNDINGS ( from with in an orgn to a Global system) in which an orgn. Operates including AIR , WATER , LANDNATURAL RESOURCESFLORA , FAUNA , HUMANS and their Interrelation.

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Environmental Impact • It is any change to the

environment , whether adverse or beneficial , wholly or partially resulting from an organization’s activities , products or services.

• There is a natural tendency to think of

“ environmental impact” in a negative sense , just as there is a natural tendency to think of “environmental management” in terms of reduction of pollution , waste , or resource usage.












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ISO 14000 – Primary Documentation requirements

ISO 14001

Environmental Policy Statements

Standard operating Procedures- SOP

(Procedural manual)Job Instructions


Documentation is CRITICAL to satisfying ISO 14000As well as ISO 9000. It is objective evidence that Provides certainty that your Company is performingTo these standards.

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• This provides a clear , accurate picture of the Organization’s beliefs and activities of environmental management. Customers , Suppliers employees , Investors, Govt authorities , Public and other related parties reading this document should easily discern the following :

1. The Organization’s Environment vision and guiding principles having approval and support by Top level Management.

2. The environmental policy relevance to the Organization’s operations , products and services.

3. The Organization’s key commitments ( for eg: Prevention of Pollution , Fulfilling legal requirements)

4. The Organization’s intent to communicate the policy to all internal and external parties .

5. The Organization’s commitment to CONTINUAL IMPROVEMENT PLANS.

This policy is a MARKETING TOOL and should be designed to make a GOOD FIRST IMPRESSION . Sincerity and specifity are vital.

The environment Policy can also indicate Organizational goals such as an intent to keep abreast of relevant technology and management practices for enhancing performance evaluation procedures and related indicators.

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Environmental Policy – Pg 2 • It is a statement by the

organization of its intentions and principles in relation to its overall environmental performance and continual improvement which provides a framework for action and for the setting of its environmental objectives and targets .

• Auditors will measure the clarity and conciseness of your company policy.

• It is usually not more than few paragraphs long – summarizing how you approach environmental issues , who approves and supports it (top management) how the policy is appropriate for the organization at hand , and what your organization is committed to.

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Environmental (Quality) objective

• It is overall environmental goal , arising from the environmental policy , that an organization sets itself to achieve, and which is quantified where practicable.

• The quantification can be a combination of a measured number and a time span ( We will reduce solid waste from all our facilities by 50% over the next 5 years)

• It also provides Auditors with objective evidence by which they can measure the effectiveness of the EMS .

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Environmental performance • It is measurable results of the

environmental management system , related to an organization’s control of its environmental aspects , based on its environmental policy , objectives and targets.

• Objective evidence of environmental performance must be expressed as numbers , which are the result of the measurement of that performance .This is important because it lets you know upfront that measurement

( and documentation of that measurement) is a pre requisite for proving that your organization is moving toward or reaching its environmental goals.

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Environmental target

• It is the detailed performance requirement , quantified where practicable to the organization of parts or parts there of , that arises from the environmental objectives and needs to be set and met in order to achieve those objectives.

• For eg: “ To conserve energy by reducing between Jan 2009 – Dec 2009 , the amount of electricity used at all company facilities by 25% as measured in terms of KWH consumed per unit of product , compared with 2008 levels.

• The statement explains in detail what objective is being met ( to conserve energy)

• Targets should be in black and white easily determined Goals Quantification helps to demonstrate whether or not those Goals have been met.

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EMS – System requirements – Introduction• ISO 14001:2004 specifies requirements for an environmental management system to

enable an organization to develop and implement a policy and objectives which take into account legal requirements and other requirements to which the organization subscribes, and information about significant environmental aspects. It applies to those environmental aspects that the organization identifies as those which it can control and those which it can influence. It does not itself state specific environmental performance criteria.

• ISO 14001:2004 is applicable to any organization that wishes to establish, implement, maintain and improve an environmental management system, to assure itself of conformity with its stated environmental policy, and to demonstrate conformity with ISO 14001:2004 by

• a) making a self-determination and self-declaration, or• b) seeking confirmation of its conformance by parties having an interest in the

organization, such as customers, or• c) seeking confirmation of its self-declaration by a party external to the organization, or• d) seeking certification/registration of its environmental management system by an

external organization.• All the requirements in ISO 14001:2004 are intended to be incorporated into any

environmental management system. The extent of the application will depend on factors such as the environmental policy of the organization, the nature of its activities, products and services and the location where and the conditions in which it functions.

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EMS – Requirements details – Page 01

• 4.1 – General requirements (4.0) The organization shall establish , implement and maintain an environmental management system (EMS)

• 4.2 – Environment policy – The top management shall define the organization’s environmental policy

• 4.2.a – appropriate to the nature , scale and environmental impacts of its activities , products and services

• 4.2 b – commitment to continual improvement and prevention of pollution .

• 4.2.c – commitment to comply with relevant environmental legislation and regulations and with other requirements.

• 4.2 d – framework for setting and reviewing environmental targets and objectives

• 4.2.e – documented , maintained and communicated to all employees and related sources.

• 4.2 f – available to the public.

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EMS – Requirements details – Page 02

• 4.3 – Planning (4.2)• 4.3.1 – Environmental aspects (4.2.1)• 4.3.2 – Legal & other requirements (4.2.2)• 4.3.3 - Objectives and targets• 4.3.4 – Environmental management

programs ( 4.2.4)• 4.4 – Implementation and operation • 4.4.1 – structure and responsibility (4.3.1)• 4.4.2 – Training awareness and

competence (4.3.2)• 4.4.3 – Communication ( 4.3.3) • 4.4.4 – Environmental management

system documentation (4.3.4)• 4.4.5 – Document control ( 4.3.5) • 4.4.6 – Operational control ( 4.3.6) • 4.4.6 a – establishing and maintaining

documented procedures • 4.4.6 b – stipulating operating criteria • 4.4.6 c - establishing procedures

relevant to the EMS • 4.4.7 - Emergency preparation and

response (4.3.7)

• 4.5 – Checking and corrective action (4.4)

• 4.5.1 – Monitoring and measurement (4.4.1)

• 4.5.2 – Non conformance and corrective and preventive action (4.4.2)

• 4.5.3 – Records (4.4.3)• 4.5.4 - EMS Audit (4.4.4)• 4.6 – Management review (4.5)

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ISO 14001 – Building an EMS

• Elements to be incorporated in to EMS :1. An environmental policy must be

established and maintained.2. EMS Manual 3. Procedures must be established and

maintained.4. Environmental objectives and targets5. Roles , responsibilities and authorities for

the implementation6. Resources for design , implement and

maintain EMS must be identified and provided.

7. MR to be appointed8. Training needs must be identified

continually and Training procedures need to be established.

9. All Records to be maintained 10. IQA must be established and practiced

regularly11. Management review must be conducted

regularly and documented 12. Customer feed backs and Customer Audit

reports must be maintained.

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EMS Audit • EMS audit a systematic and

documented verification process of objectively obtaining and evaluating evidence to determine whether an organization’s EMS conforms to audit criteria set and for communication of this process to management.

• Again , conventional wisdom aside, an audit does NOT certify that you are doing everything right. It merely certifies that what it examined was free of non conformances to the standard at the time the examination was made.

• The audit team has the option to determine if those criteria are appropriate and adequate for the organization at hand , and it has an obligation to cite as non conformances any practices that violate prevailing environmental laws or Government regulations.

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ISO 14001 – Listing of potential environmental records considered by the authorities of ISO 14001

1. Information on applicable environmental Laws and regulations 2. Complaint records

3. Training records including the verification of effectiveness of training and Training needs analysis

4.Process information including impact identification 5 .Product information

6. Inspection , maintenance and Calibration records 7. Pertinent Contractor and Supplier information

8. Incident reports and corrective action written in response9. Information regarding EMERGENCY PREPARDNESS

and response including RECORDS OF DRILLS10. Records indicating how environmental aspects were

identified and ranked 11. Audit Schedule , results

12. Follow up on Corrective actions 13. Management review records including evaluation of

Technological options and consideration of environmental aspects when planning expansion

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ISO 14000 Family of Standards

• This section concisely describes the essential features of the ISO 14000 family.

• The ISO 14000 family addresses various aspects of environmental management. The very first two standards, ISO 14001:2004 and ISO 14004:2004 deal with environmental management systems (EMS). ISO 14001:2004 provides the requirements for an EMS and ISO 14004:2004 gives general EMS guidelines.

• The other standards and guidelines in the family address specific environmental aspects, including: labeling, performance evaluation, life cycle analysis, communication and auditing.

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ISO 1400 – Other related environmental standards- Page : 01

• ISO 14001:2004Environmental management systems -- Requirements with guidance for useISO 14004:2004Environmental management systems -- General guidelines on principles, systems and support techniquesISO/DIS 14005Environmental management systems -- Guidelines for the phased implementation of an environmental management system, including the use of environmental performance evaluationISO/WD 14006Environmental management systems -- Guidelines on eco-designISO 14015:2001Environmental management -- Environmental assessment of sites and organizations (EASO)

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ISO 1400 – Other related environmental standards- Page : 02

• ISO 14031:1999Environmental management -- Environmental performance evaluation -- GuidelinesISO/TR 14032:1999Environmental management -- Examples of environmental performance evaluation (EPE)ISO 14040:2006Environmental management -- Life cycle assessment -- Principles and frameworkISO 14044:2006Environmental management -- Life cycle assessment -- Requirements and guidelinesISO/WD 14045Eco-efficiency assessment -- Principles and requirementsISO/TR 14047:2003Environmental management -- Life cycle impact assessment -- Examples of application of ISO 14042ISO/TR 14049:2000Environmental management -- Life cycle assessment -- Examples of application of ISO 14041 to goal and scope definition and inventory analysisISO 14050:2009Environmental management -- VocabularyISO/CD 14051Environmental management -- Material flow cost accounting -- General principles and framework

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ISO14001- Environment Procedures – Types

All inclusive Procedure Umbrella Document

Will direct the reader to one or moreWork instructions

Provides all info an employee needsTo know in completing a task.


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ISO14001- Contents of a Procedure • A Procedure must have the following

contents to be a full fledged procedure .1. Name of the department it refers to ….along

with Procedure No , Revision details , Procedure Owner etc.,

2. General description of the activity with Objectives and aims ( with photoes if any)

3. Details of INPUTS and expected OUTPUTS of that particular activity .

4. Details of the Title of the individual or individuals responsible for that activity

5. List of Standards or reference to Standards that list the resources needed to perform the activity .

6. Quality standards of the Input and output along with Control measures and methodology used to measure . Details of Limit samples etc .,

7. Documentary requirements for performing the activity.( Customer contract , Product drawing with revision details etc)

8. Reference to Specific work instructions related to this procedure including Environment Impacts.

9. The details on bench marking for the Quality , Speed and effectiveness of that activity .

10. Details on Safety instructions pertaining to this activity along with remarks on IQA requirements for this procedure. ( Quality objective reference if any )

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ISO 14001 - Management review

• According to ISO 14001 reviews should include :

1. Audit results including the status and effectiveness of corrective actions.

2. Measurements of success in reaching objectives or targets .

3. Gauges of the continuing suitability of the EMS as it stands.

4. The concerns of relevant interested parties

• The purpose of the Management review is to determine whether the EMS needs to be changed , revised or updated to continue to do its job.

• Management review closes one complete cycle of Policy Planning , Implementation , checking and review and opens another .

• A Good EMS is a continual state of evolution , constantly becoming a better EMS.

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ISO 14000 – Identifying environmental impacts 1. Addressing activities identified in UNION


migrating Fowl , Preservation of Local water sheds etc.,

3. Choosing cleaning products for organizational housekeeping based on life cycle considerations.

4. Preventing and avoiding pollution by changes in Mgt practices for Grounds keeping ( Foe eg: Decrease the no of Fertilizer applications on site)

5. Limiting the significant harmful environmental impacts of new development by using integrated environmental management planning and policies.

6. Embracing product design practices that incorporate CRADLE – TO – GRAVE concepts and minimize environmental impacts in production , use , disposal .

7. Decreasing use and waste of resources ( paper products , electricity , water) and pledging to recover and recycle instead of dispose in administrative and employee lounge areas.

8. Embracing environmental awareness philosophies in corporate philanthropical programs by supporting Local educator training programs , scout etc .,

9. Relaying environmental experience to others through professional affiliations and community activities.

10. Urging Suppliers and contractors to establish an EMS.

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ISO 14001 – The Four stage plan for setting ENVIRONMENTAL OBJECTIVES

• Stage : 1 – Choose an activity or Process to evaluate.

• Stage :2 – Identify as many environmental aspects associated with the selected activity or process as possible (packaging, transportation , use , disposal etc)

• Stage: 3 – Identify as many actual and potential and negative environmental impacts associated with each identified aspect as possible. (Eg: The disposal could lead to the following impacts : wasted resources , landfill , litter , incineration , discharge to water , sewer or air , smells and so forth.

• Stage : 4 – Evaluate the significance of identified environmental impacts .and quantify with judgment. The overall cost criteria plays a major role in ranking and classifying impacts .

• List of details of Consideration for ranking and classifying environmental impacts:

1. Overall Business management plans 2. Scale of impact3. Severity of impact4. Probability of occurrence 5. Permanence of impact6. Concerns of interested parties 7. Potential regulatory and legal exposure 8. Difficulty in changing the impact.9. Cost of changing the impact.10. Effect of change in other activities and

processes.11. Effect on the Public image of the

Organization.12. Industry standards and Goals13. Current Technological options.