isual instrument software s. geller. cdr july, 2001ncku ucb tohoku isual instrument software s....

ISUAL Instrument Software S. Geller

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ISUAL Instrument Software

S. Geller

CDR July, 2001NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Instrument Software S. Geller


Topics Presented

• Software Functions• SOH Telemetry• Command Processing• Science Telemetry• Operational Modes• Software Tasks

CDR July, 2001NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Instrument Software S. Geller



• AEP - Associated Electronics Package• DCM - Data Compression Module• PVCF - Pseudo Virtual Channel Frame

– transmission unit for sending science packets to the ground

• SOH - Status of Health– Housekeeping data

CDR July, 2001NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Instrument Software S. Geller


Instrument Software Functions

• Receive and execute Commands• Generate Status telemetry (SOH)• Instrument Control and Readout• Management of Readout Data

– Pass data to DCM for compression

– Generate science telemetry packets

– Make packets into PVCFs; store in spacecraft buffer.

– Transfer PVCF data to Satellite

CDR July, 2001NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Instrument Software S. Geller


DPU processor

• 8085 processor• Programmed in assembly Language• Some code is heritage from IMAGE/FUV• Instrument control software developed by UCB

CDR July, 2001NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Instrument Software S. Geller


SOH Telemetry

• Command Echoes and other real-time status is sent out the Command Status channel

• Some of the short status packets may be directed to:– SOH channel

– Science telemetry channel

– Both

– Neither

CDR July, 2001NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Instrument Software S. Geller


ApID=71C Analog Monitors Packetbyte-offset element size no. elements

-6 1 1 100 0 1 111-5 1 1 Ap ID LSB's = 00000110-4 1 1 11xxxxxx = source seq cnt MSB's-3 1 1 Source Sequence Count LSB's-2 1 1 Packet Length MSB-1 1 1 Packet Length LSB0 10 1 Secondary Header (Time when Housekeeping was sampled)

10 1 1 Mass Mem +5 Current11 1 1 Mass Mem +5 Voltage12 1 1 DSP +5 Current13 1 1 DSP +5 Voltage14 1 1 Array Photometer +5 Current15 1 1 Array Photometer +5 Voltage 16 1 1 Imager TEC +5 Current17 1 1 Imager TEC +5 Voltage18 1 1 Camera Interface +5 Current

Analog Monitors Packet

CDR July, 2001NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Instrument Software S. Geller


ApID=0x71D Digital Housekeeping Packet

byte-offset element size no. elements

-6 1 1 100 0 1 111-5 1 1 Ap ID LSB's = 00000110-4 1 1 11xxxxxx = source seq cnt MSB's-3 1 1 Source Sequence Count LSB's-2 1 1 Packet Length MSB-1 1 1 Packet Length LSB0 10 1 Secondary Header (Time when packed was generated)

10 1 1 Mode: 0=Standby, 1=Aurora, 2=Continuous,3=Burst, 4=Dayside11 1 1 1= Camera Active12 1 1 1= Spectrophotometer active13 1 1 1= Array Photometer active14 1 1 which photometer was selected for trigger15 2 1 trigger level17 1 1 which sun-sensors were selected18 1 1 day(1)/night(0) sensed19 4 1 N PVCFs sent 23 4 1 N Sprites/Lightning Events27 2 1 N MMCBs needing compression

Digital Housekeeping Packet

CDR July, 2001NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Instrument Software S. Geller


Command Processing

• Commands are received from the satellite as CCSDS command packets.

• Commands may be received at any time.• Some commands are executed immediately• Most commands have a Time Tag for later execution

CDR July, 2001NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Instrument Software S. Geller


Command Packet Definition

• Document 8564-X7 defines command packets

CDR July, 2001NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Instrument Software S. Geller


Example of Command Definition

I_RUN Load and Run DPU Program from EEPROMbyte-offset element size no. elements

-6 1 1 000 1 1 111 Primary Header: Version, Type, SecHdFlag, hi 3 bits of ApID-5 1 1 Ap ID LSB's 0x02=Immediate, 0x03=Time-Tagged-4 1 1 11xxxxxx = source seq cnt MSB's-3 1 1 Source Sequence Count LSB's-2 1 1 Packet Length MSB-1 1 1 Packet Length LSB0 10 1 Secondary Header -- time when (time-tagged) command is to be executed

10 1 1 OpCode=0x0111 1 1 sequence number12 1 1 program code (1..7)13 1 1 filler14 1 1 checksum (covering offsset15 1 1 TLR Trailer - 0xAA

Total length of Packet Data Field in bytes Overall length of packet (including primary header)

I_PWR_ON Turn a Power Service Onbyte-offset element size no. elements

-6 1 1 000 1 1 111 Primary Header: Version, Type, SecHdFlag, hi 3 bits of ApID-5 1 1 Ap ID LSB's 0x02=Immediate, 0x03=Time-Tagged-4 1 1 11xxxxxx = source seq cnt MSB's-3 1 1 Source Sequence Count LSB's-2 1 1 Packet Length MSB-1 1 1 Packet Length LSB0 10 1 Secondary Header -- time when (time-tagged) command is to be executed

10 1 1 OpCode=0x0211 1 1 sequence number12 1 1 Power Service13 1 1 filler14 1 1 checksum15 1 1 Trailer - 0xAA

Total length of Packet Data Field in bytes: 16 Overall length of packet (including primary header): 22

CDR July, 2001NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Instrument Software S. Geller


Time-Tagged Commands

• Stored in Time-Tagged List in DPU memory• Instrument software “background loop” continuously

checks command times against current UT• After execution, time-tagged are erased from


CDR July, 2001NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Instrument Software S. Geller


Command Groups

• Commands may be assigned a group number, and stored in the Time-Tagged List

• A single command will cause all commands in a group to be executed

• Group commands use the time-tag for order.

CDR July, 2001NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Instrument Software S. Geller


Group Command Procedures

• Group commands are not erased after execution; the group may be used again and again to execute common procedures.

• Groups may be erased or replaced by specific commands.

CDR July, 2001NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Instrument Software S. Geller


Example Command Procedure

• ; Clear Statistics and Faults



• ; Patch in readout buffer sizes




• ; Patch in relative number of MMCBs per event




CDR July, 2001NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Instrument Software S. Geller


Example Command Procedure

• ;Set Filter


• ;Setup Camera





• ;Setup SPH and APH too ...

CDR July, 2001NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Instrument Software S. Geller


Example Command Procedure

• ;Turn on Mass Memory power

• /I_MM_ON ; Turn on Mass Memory

• /I_DELAY SECONDS=1 ; wait an extra second

• ;Allocate Mass Memory Control Blocks

• /I_MMCB_FORMAT ; format the MMCBs and readouts


• ;Allocate TM area

• ;for building packets, PVCFs and 64 Megabit "files".

• /I_TM_FORMAT ; format the PCVF buffers; start TM

CDR July, 2001NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Instrument Software S. Geller


Example Command Procedure

• ;Turn on DCM


• ;DCM shows "busy" until it completes its internal checks


• ; It's not convenient to check ground telemetry

• ; when running a time-tagged procedure,

• ; so we test the telemetry within the DPU's SOH array


• ; This "SCIENCE" Proc is executed as part of a command group.

• ; If test fails, remainder of command group is ignored

• ; and a Spacecraft Alert packet is generated.

CDR July, 2001NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Instrument Software S. Geller


Example Command Procedure

• ;Copy DSP program from EEPROM to MM

• /I_DCM_PLB PLB=1 ; Copy PLB from EEPROM to MM

• ;Issue CDI commands


• ;tell DCM where in MM it can get its initial MMCB and DSP program




CDR July, 2001NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Instrument Software S. Geller


Example Command Procedure

• ;Turn on HV and other Science Power services





• ;Set mode; Start science data taking

• /I_SPRITE_CONT ; continuous mode

• ; Verify that Continuous Mode got started

• /I_DELAY=5


CDR July, 2001NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Instrument Software S. Geller


Data Compression

• All compression is done by the DCM• DPU allocates Mass Memory and supplies work for

the DCM

CDR July, 2001NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Instrument Software S. Geller


Telemetry Generation

• Telemetry products are generated as CCSDS source packets

• Packets are broken up into PVCFs and accumulated in memory until a 64 megabit Block is filled

• Block is transferred to spacecraft as a series of PVCF transmissions

CDR July, 2001NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Instrument Software S. Geller


Sprite Event Raw

readout Compressed Data

Science Products

---Instruments--- --Mass memory--------------- --Telemetry--

Science Data Flow

Camera frames

Spectrometer sample arrays

CDR July, 2001NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Instrument Software S. Geller


Operational Modes

• Standby• Data-Taking

– Sprite Continuous/Burst

– Aurora

• Dayside Data Processing

CDR July, 2001NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Instrument Software S. Geller


Standby Mode

• No Science Data taken• All science power services off• Command processing active• Status (SOH) telemetry generated• Mass Memory and DCM may or may not be turned


CDR July, 2001NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Instrument Software S. Geller


Power-On Status

• At ISUAL Power-on,status is Standby Mode, plus...

• Mass Memory is off, DCM is off• Time-tagged command list is empty• PVCF storage is empty

CDR July, 2001NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Instrument Software S. Geller


Data-Taking Mode : Aurora

• Camera takes fixed-exposure at regular intervals; various filters set

• Photometer Data sampled at regular intervals and averaged

CDR July, 2001NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Instrument Software S. Geller


Data-Taking Mode : Sprite

• Data taking synchronized with a Sprite Event. DPU gets an interrupt and notes the time.

• When a camera readout is complete, DPU stamps the time and passes the data on for compression and science telemetry.

• Same for Photometers.

CDR July, 2001NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Instrument Software S. Geller


Dayside Data Processing

• No Data Taking• Data Compression from accumulated nightside raw

data• Telemetry Generation.• Command Processing

Note: at any time, a SAFE command will shut off all HV and switch to Standby Mode.

CDR July, 2001NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Instrument Software S. Geller


Software TasksSoftware Tasks

• A task is an independent code thread with its own stack.

• A task which is waiting for something will execute ‘call task'; this transfers control to the next task in a list of tasks.

CDR July, 2001NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Instrument Software S. Geller


Non-Preemptive multi-tasking

• ISUAL Flight Software uses a non-preemptive multi-tasking system. A task switch happens only when a task executes a 'call task'.

• Interrupt service routines do not change the current task, but an interrupt service routine may change the state of something which will cause the current task to do a 'call task'.

CDR July, 2001NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Instrument Software S. Geller


Tasks in ISUAL

• Background loop• SOH task - Generates housekeeping• Supply task - recycles readout memory• DCM task - manages compression• TM task - telemetry Packet Generator• SC task - send PVCFs to Spacecraft

CDR July, 2001NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Instrument Software S. Geller


Background Loop Task

• Command Processing– Receive Commands

– Execute commands from time-tagged list

CDR July, 2001NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Instrument Software S. Geller


O p er a te C M D _ I NS ta te M ac h in e

C o m m an dP ac k et

As s em b led ?

T P AP ac k et?

M B R R ep lyp ack et ?

Im m ed iateE x ecu te

C o m m an d ?

T im e-T aggedC o m m an d ?E c h o as

I n v a lid

E c h o as Q u eu ed .S to r e in

T im e- T ag g ed L is t

E x ec u te .E c h o as ex ec u ted .

S e t f lag :"M BR R ep ly

r ec e iv ed ".

C o p y toBr ac k ett in g

T P A p air

T r y to ex ec u te c o m m an d sf r o m th e T im e- T ag g ed lis t










B a c k g ro u n d L o o p T a s k

CDR July, 2001NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Instrument Software S. Geller


SOH Task

• Generate Event Log packets• Generate Echo packets• Read Analog Monitors• Generate Analog Monitor and Digital Housekeeping


CDR July, 2001NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Instrument Software S. Geller


E c h o esS to r ed ?

S en d E c h o P ac k et

R ead M o n ito r sS en d M o n ito r P ac k et

S en d S O H P ac k et

W ait T im eI n ter v a l

An y th in g inE v en t

Q u eu e?

S en d E v en t P ac k et

S O H T as k

CDR July, 2001NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Instrument Software S. Geller


Supply Task

• If an instrument readout is complete:– Mark the MMCB “ready for compression”

– Put MMCB on DCM queue

– Get another MMCB for that instrument

– Command a new readout address

CDR July, 2001NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Instrument Software S. Geller


M a rk M M C BR e a dy for C om pre s s ion

P ut M M C B onD C M que ue

S upply T a s k W a it fo r I n s tru m e n tR e a do u t C o m ple te

G e t a nothe r M M C BS e t ne w R /O a ddrs

Supply Task

CDR July, 2001NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Instrument Software S. Geller


DCM Task

• Get up to 16 MMCBs from DCM queue• Store in Mass Memory• Signal DCM to do compression• After compression, move MMCBs to TLM queue

CDR July, 2001NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Instrument Software S. Geller


Bu s y ?


YT im eo u t?



D C MF au lt

M M C B L is tw as L o ad ed ?

Un lo ad C o m p r es s edD ata ; g en er a te T M

D C M Q ue ueh a s da t a ?

W r ite u p to 1 6 M M C Bsto M as s M em o r y



S en d 2 C D I s tos e t ad d r es s o f

M M C B lis t

Ac tiv a te AT N

Bu s y ? T im e o ut ? D C M F a ultD eac tiv a te



D C M T a s k




CDR July, 2001NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Instrument Software S. Geller


TM Task

• Wait for MMCB on TM queue• Generate Header Packet• Generate multiple data packets• Release MMCB to supply queue appropriate to


CDR July, 2001NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Instrument Software S. Geller


TM Task

G en er a teS c ien c e Head er p ac k e t

G en er a te m u ltip led a ta p ac k e ts

R eleas eM M C B

to S u p p lyQ u eu e

T M T a s k W a it fo r M M C B fro mTM qu e u e

CDR July, 2001NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Instrument Software S. Geller


SC Task

• Wait for SC buffer to fill• Send MBR message to spacecraft• Wait for reply command• Send PVCFs

CDR July, 2001NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Instrument Software S. Geller


R eq u es t f o rBu f f erF lu s h ?

S en d M BR p ac k et tos p ac ec r af t

W ait f o r r ep ly f ro m s p ac ec r af t

S en d P VC F s

S p ac ec r af tBu f f er f u llo f P VC F s ?

S C T as k