itb technical approval at 15- 6103/2013 · this itb technical approval at-15-6103/2013 is a...

Series: TECHNICAL APPROVALS ITB TECHNICAL APPROVAL AT-15- 6103/2013 Based on the Regulation of the Minister of Infrastructure of 8 November 2004 on technical approvals and organisational units authorised to issue them (Journal of Laws no. 249, item 2497), in consequence of the approval procedure conducted at the Building Research Institute at the request of: THE MANUFACTURERS listed on pages 2 ÷ 4 of this document we confirm the fitness of the products called: for construction purposes in the scope and on the principles specified in the Annex constituting an integral part of this ITB Technical Approval. Expiry date: 29 March 2018 Annex: General and Technical Provisions DIRECTOR p.p. Deputy Director for Cooperation with Business Entities Marek Kaproń Warszawa, 29 March 2013 This ITB Technical Approval AT-15-6103/2013 is a revision of ITB Technical Approval AT-15-6103/2010. The document of this ITB Technical Approval AT-15-6103/2013 consists of 68 pages. The text of this document may be copied in its entirety only. The publication or distribution of any fragments of the text of this Technical Approval in any other form requires a written arrangement with the Building Research Institute.

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Based on the Regulation of the Minister of Infrastructure of 8 November 2004 ontechnical approvals and organisational units authorised to issue them (Journal of Laws no.249, item 2497), in consequence of the approval procedure conducted at the BuildingResearch Institute at the request of:


listed on pages 2 ÷ 4 of this document

we confirm the fitness of the products called:

for construction purposes in the scope and on the principles specified in the Annex constituting an integral part of this ITB Technical Approval.

Expiry date: 29 March 2018


General and Technical Provisions


Deputy Directorfor Cooperation with

Business Entities

Marek Kaproń

Warszawa, 29 March 2013This ITB Technical Approval AT-15-6103/2013 is a revision of ITB Technical Approval AT-15-6103/2010. Thedocument of this ITB Technical Approval AT-15-6103/2013 consists of 68 pages. The text of this document may becopied in its entirety only. The publication or distribution of any fragments of the text of this Technical Approval inany other form requires a written arrangement with the Building Research Institute.



has been granted at the request of the following businessentities:

# Name

Address1 Adam Sworczuk, ECO-

TRADEul. Gospodarska 10A, 81-068 Gdynia

2ART Form s.c. Grzegorz Malak, Józef Para

Hermanowa nr 96, 36-020 Tyczyn

3AP-Drzwi Sp.j. Andrzej Pawlik, Daniel Pawlik i KamilPawlik

Kobylice, ul. Raciborska 45, 47-253 Cisek

4 “BEM” Sp. z o.o. Mirosław 26A, 09-472 Słupno

5 BKT SYSTEM Sp. z o.o. ul. Elektronowa 1/3, 94-103 Łódź

6 BB System Sp. z o.o. Sarnów 20, 96-514 Rybno

7 CENTURION-R Sp. z o.o. ul. Łany 1, 38-500 Sanok

8 CLASSEN-POL S.A. Zwonowice, ul. Wyzwolenia, 44-292 Rybnik 13

9Centrum Stolarki Nietypowej Sp. z o.o.

ul. Gospodarska 10/1, 81-068 Gdynia

10 “DEWRO” WRÓBEL Sp. j. ul. Braci Dudów 42, 43-512 Bestwinka

11 DOORS E.R.J. Kubiak Sp. j. ul. Poznańska 171, 62-052 Komorniki

12D.R.E. Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością

ul. Nefrytowa 4, Gronowo Górne, 82-300 Elbląg

13 DOMIDOR Sp. z o.o. ul. Siewna 18, 31-231 Kraków

14 Entra Sp. z o.o. Juszkowo, ul. Zdrowa 10, 83-000 Pruszcz Gdański15 “ERBUD” Ryszard Ziółkowski ul. Kuropatwy 26, 02-892 Warszawa

16Okrętowych FAMOS Sp.z o.o.

ul. Gdańska 37, 83-200 Starogard Gdański

17Fabryka Okien i Drzwi“DZIADEK” Sp. z o.o.

Bielice, 13-330 Krotoszyny

18Paweł Paruch, Artur Paruch s.c.

Książnice 42, 32-013 Niegowić k/Bochni

19 SĘKPOL Jan Kowal Sp.j. Gręboszów 160, 33-260 Gręboszów

20Fabryka Okien i Drzwi BAS Sp. z o.o.

ul. Smoluchowskiego 1, 20-474 Lublin

21 GORAN Sp. z o.o. Biała Niżna 441, 33-330 Grybów

22 HALSPAN LimitedMuirhouses, Bo`ness, Edinburgh EH51 9SS, United Kingdom

23HALUPCZOK-STOLARSTWORyszard Halupczok, Edyta Halupczok s.c.

Węgry, ul. Kotorska 19, 46-023 Osowiec

24 HIPAR Sp. z o.o. Wola Rafałowska 191A, 36-017 Błędowa Tyczyńska

25 INTERDREX Sp. z o.o. Bieszkowice 45, 84-206 Nowy Dwór Wejherowski

26 INVADO Sp. z o.o. Dzielna, ul. Leśna 2, 42-793 Ciasna

27 JUWENT Sp. z o.o. ul. Budowlana 3, 08-500 Ryki

28KADIMEX Augustyn – Dusiński Sp. j.

ul. Drewnicka 3A, 05-091 Ząbki

29 K&P Fabryka Drzwi Sp. z o.o. Manasterz 71, 37-522 Wiązownica

30 LEBO DRZWI Sp. z o.o. ul. Transportowa 2, 68-300 Lubsko

31 LIBOR J. Lica Sp.j. ul. Harcerska 25, 84-240 Reda

32 LIS-MEBLE Bogusław Lis ul. Konstancińska 9/42, 02-942 Warszawa

33 LUTOSTAŃSKI Sp. z o.o. ul. Wojska Polskiego 118 D, 16-400 Suwałki

34 LIGNUS Sp. z o.o. ul. Sucha 25, 80-531 Gdańsk

35 MAZUREK Sp. z o.o. Studzianki 19A, 97-320 Wolbórz

36 MERCOR S.A. ul.Grzegorza z Sanoka 2, 80-408 Gdańsk

37 MYSTAN Mysza Janusz Łętowe 200, 34-733 Mszana Górna

38 OMEGA Sp. z o.o. ul. Zawiła 56, 30-390 Kraków

39 POL-SKONE Sp. z o.o. ul. Lucyny Herc 8, 20-328 Lublin

40Porta KMI Poland Spółka z ograniczonąodpowiedzialnością S.K.A.

ul. Szkolna 26, 84-239 Bolszewo

41PPU BUDREX, Włodzimierz Pęczakowski

ul. Południowa 3/5, 97-310 Srock

42 PPHU “PROMED” Roman Pąśko

Borysław 59, 96-130 Głuchów

43Wielobranżowe BIOSERWIS Sp. z o.o.

ul. Św. Teresy od Dzieciątka Jezus 105, 91-222 Łódź

44Przedsiębiorstwo WielobranżoweCelebański

ul. Marcinkowskiego 20, 64-600 Oborniki

45Rykaczewski Zdzisław Przedsiębiorstwo Wielobranżowe MIDAR

ul. Mickiewicza 53 E, 67-200 Głogów

46P.P.H.U. JAGDOR Janusz Gierada

Piskrzyn 20, 27-552 Baćkowice

47P.S.D. MARKOP Sp. j. Ignacy Barański i Zbigniew Barański

Babięty Wielkie 54, 14-240 Susz

48PPU “KOMPLEX DOM”Zmyślony Tadeusz

Czarne Błoto 84, 87-134 Zławieś Wielka

49 POZBUD T&R S.A.Wysogotowo, ul. Bukowska 10A, 62-081 Przeźmierowo

50Producent Stolarki Budowlanej“KORZEKWA” Andrzej

Wilkowiecko, ul. Długosza 12, 42-152 Opatów

51 P.H.U. PROMESA Sp. z o.o. ul. Batalionów Chłopskich 77, 25-671 Kielce

52 POL-PANEL Sp. z o.o. ul. Mitkowskiego 8, 38-480 Rymanów

53 Prestige Art Design Sp. z o.o. ul. Armii Krajowej 88, 05-075 Warszawa

54RAMS s.c. Firma Stolarska, Stanisław Łach,Paweł Łach, Tomasz Łach, Anna Łach

Bielawa 30A, 55-095 Mirków

55SPUH “DRZEW-MAR” MariuszSukiennik

ul. Huculska 87B, 42-200 Częstochowa


ul. Opolska 48, 46-045 Kotórz Mały


ul. Ks. Skorupki 52, 42-100 Kłobuck


ul. Postępu 25, 02-676 Warszawa

59 STOLMAT Paweł Łątka ul. Okólna 8, 33-170 Tuchów

60“MORIC DRZWI” s.c.Moric Celina, Moric Kazimierz

ul. Nowa 28d, 44-352 Czyżowice

61 STOLBUD Włoszczowa S.A. ul. Jędrzejowska 74, 29-100 Włoszczowa

62 STOLMIR Marek Łukasiak Dubów 33, 21-532 Łomazy

63“WESTO” Zakład Produkcji Drzewnej Stanisław Wyszyński

Naterki, ul. Diamentowa 50, 11-036 Gietrzwałd

64Zakład Stolarki Budowlanej“SOSNOWICZ” s.c. Ryszard, Jolanta, Jakub Sosnowicz

ul. Lubelska 37D, 10-408 Olsztyn

65 Zakład Stolarski Tomasz Oniśko

ul. Bawełniana 19/21, 97-300 Piotrków Trybunalski

66Zakład Stolarski WOLBEL Józef Belica, Michał Belica sp. j.

ul. Spacerowa 2A, Słupno, 05-250 Radzymin

67Zakład Stolarsko-Budowlany Zdzisław Serhej

ul. Cmentarna 9, 21-532 Łomazy

68 ZPU “MEBLUX” Piotr Piotrowski Gorzków 31, 32-700 Bochnia

69Z.U.P. STOLCHO Krzysztof Chodorowski

ul. Kwiatowa 13, 63-600 Kępno

70 ERKADO Zbigniew Kozłowski Chwałowice 156, 37-455 Radomyśl nad Sanem

71Zakład Stolarski STOL-BIR, Andrzej Bir

ul. Leśna 28, 83-340 Sierakowice

72Konserwacja Drewna Jan Pęcek

Krzczonów 330, 32-435 Krzczonów

73 DECOPLAST Hubert Piętka Maliszew, ul. Wspólna 72, 05-300 Mińsk Mazowiecki

74Firma Produkcyjno-Handlowo- Usługowa “SOSNA”Sosiński Józef

Wola Mielecka 227, 39-300 Mielec

75KOSPAN Marek Kąpała Spółka jawna

ul. Lubliniecka 28, 42-793 Ciasna




1. SUBJECT MATTER OF THE APPROVAL.................................................................................6

1.1. General...............................................................................................................................6

1.2. HALSPAN EI 30 door ....................................................................................................... 7

1.3..........................................................................................................HALSPAN EI 60 door 11

2. INTENDED USE, SCOPE AND CONDITIONS OF USE..........................................................15

3. TECHNICAL FEATURES. REQUIREMENTS..........................................................................16


3.2.............................................................................................................Hardware and locks19


3.4................................................................................................................Technical features19

4. PACKING, STORAGE AND TRANSPORT........................................................................... 22

5. CONFORMITY ASSESSMENT .............................................................................................. 22

5.1.......................................................................................................................General rules 22

5.2..............................................................................................Preliminary type examination 23

5.3...................................................................................................Production control system 23

5.4..................................................................................................Tests of finished products 24

5.5....................................................................................................................Test frequency 25

5.6......................................................................................................................Test methods 25

5.7............................................................................................................Taking test samples 25

5.8................................................................................................Assessment of test results 25

6. FORMAL AND LEGAL ARRANGEMENTS ............................................................................26

7. EXPIRY DATE .......................................................................................................................27

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ....................................................................................................27

DRAWINGS ................................................................................................................................31


1.1. Genera

The subject matter of this ITB Technical Approval is HALSPAN wooden interior entrance

doors made of Halspan Prima three-layer particle boards manufactured by firmy Halspan Limited

Muirhouses, Bo΄ness Edinburgh, EH 51 9SS, Scotland. The owner of the construction and

technological solution applied in HALSPAN doors is the company Halspan Limited Muirhouses,

whose authorised representative in Poland is the company Kadimex Augustyn - Dusiński sp. j., ul.

Drewnicka 3A, 05-091 Ząbki.

HALSPAN doors are manufactured by the business entities listed on pages 2 ÷ 4 of this

Technical Approval. They have obtained authorisation to manufacture HALSPAN doors from

either Halspan Limited Muirhouses or Kadimex Augustyn - Dusiński sp. j.

This Technical Approval comprises fire doors as well as fire and smoke control doors of the

following types:

a) HALSPAN EI 30 (Fig. 1 ÷ 20) with a leaf thickness of 43 ÷ 85 mm, single leaf or double

leaf, solid or glazed, with a three-sided rebate or without a rebate, with a threshold or

without a threshold and with a dropping seal, left hand or right hand, with a wooden or

metal door frame, with a non-transparent transom.

The dimensions of the particular door elements are as follows:

- leaf width: 300 ÷ 1226 mm,

- leaf height: 400 ÷ 2750 mm – in the case of single leaf solid doors,

- leaf height: 400 ÷ 2513 mm – in the case of single leaf glazed doors,

- leaf height: 1000 ÷ 2513 mm – in the case of double leaf solid or glazed doors,

- non-transparent transom width: 300 ÷ 1226 mm,

- non-transparent transom height: not more than 800 mm.

b) HALSPAN EI 60 (Fig. 21 ÷ 42) with a leaf thickness of 53 ÷ 85 mm, single leaf or double

leaf, solid or glazed, with a three-sided rebate or without a rebate, with a threshold or

without a threshold and with a dropping seal, left hand or right hand, with a wooden or

metal door frame, with transparent or non-transparent sidelights and/or transoms.

The dimensions of the particular door elements are as follows:

- leaf width: 300 ÷ 1226 mm,

- leaf height: 400 ÷ 2513 mm – in the case of single leaf solid or glazed doors and double

leaf solid doors,

- leaf height: 1000 ÷ 2313 mm – in the case of double leaf glazed doors,

- transparent or non-transparent sidelight width: 500 ÷ 1000 mm; height: not more than

2350 mm,

- rounded transparent transom width: 300 ÷ 2860 mm; height at the highest point: not

more than 1300 mm,

- rectangular transparent or non-transparent transom width: 300 ÷ 2860 mm; height: not

more than 1300 mm (glass pane dimensions: not more than 2520 x 940 mm).

The required technical features of HALSPAN doors are specified in item 3.

1.2. HALSPAN EI 30 door

A HALSPAN EI 30 door leaf is made of a Halspan Prima three-layer particle board, without a

stile, with a wooden trim strip glued along the perimeter, such a strip being made of coniferous wood

with a density of not less than 350 kg/m3

or deciduous wood with a density of not less than 500

kg/m3, and a thickness of not less than 7 mm. A Halspan Prima particle board manufactured by

Halspan Ltd is a layered board with an average density of 630 ± 63 kg/m3

; its external layers have a

thickness of 6 mm and a density of not less than 780 kg/m3

, while the middle layer has a thickness of

32 mm and a density of not less than 530 kg/m3. A Halspan Prima board can be covered on both

sides with HDF boards with a thickness of 3 mm and a density of not less than 800 kg/m3


The elements of a door leaf are joined by means of an adhesive with a durability class of at

least D3 according to PN- EN 204:2002.

The surface of a door leaf can be finished with natural or modified veneer, laminate, aluminium

foil with a thickness of 0.5 mm, flat or profiled MDF boards, HDF boards (with a possibility of attaching

decorative elements to the board) with a thickness of 1 ÷ 6 mm or plywood with a thickness of not

more than 6 mm, wooden strips with a thickness of not more than 20 mm, varnish or acrylic coating,

paper foil, HPL, CPL or PVC.

In the case of a fire door with a wooden door frame, according to Fig. 8, intumescent door

seals are placed in the door leaf or in the door frame: along the upper and vertical edges in single leaf

doors or along the upper edge and the vertical hinge-side edge in double leaf doors. These can be

Fire Seal Plain seals manufactured by Halspan Ltd or Lorient 617 seals manufactured by LORIENT –

two seals

with a cross section of 10 x 4 mm or one seal with a cross section of 20 x 4 mm or PROMASEAL® -

PL intumescent seals manufactured by Promat or Palstop P seals manufactured by BRANDDEX –

two seals with a cross section of 10 x 2 mm or one seal with a cross section of 20 x 2 mm, or one of

the aforementioned seals in the leaf and one in the door frame. In the case of a door with a steel door

frame, according to Fig. 8, intumescent door seals are placed in the door leaf or in the door frame:

along the upper and vertical edges in single leaf doors or along the upper edge and the vertical hinge-side

edge in double leaf doors. The door leaf is fitted with Fire Seal Plain seals manufactured by Halspan Ltd or

Lorient 617 seals manufactured by LORIENT – two seals with a cross section of 10 x 4 mm or one seal

with a cross section of 20 x 4 mm or


- PL seals manufactured by Promat or Palstop P seals manufactured by BRANDDEX - twoseals with a cross section of 10 x 2 mm or

one seal with a cross section of 20 x 2 mm, while the door frame is fitted with PROMASEAL®

- PL seals

manufactured by Promat or Palstop P seals manufactured by BRANDDEX – two seals with a cross section

of 10 x 2 mm or one seal with a cross section of 20 x 2 mm, or one of the aforementioned seals in the leaf

and one in the door frame.

In the case of a fire and smoke control door with a wooden door frame, intumescent door seals are

placed in the leaf or in the door frame, and in the case of a fire and smoke control door with a steel door

frame, intumescent door seals are placed in a door leaf, according to Fig. 8: along the upper and vertical

edges in single leaf doors or along the upper edge and the vertical hinge-side edge in double leaf doors. It

is one intumescent Fire Seal Plain seal manufactured by Halspan Ltd or Lorient 617 seal manufactured by

LORIENT, with a cross section of 10 x 4 mm, and one intumescent and smoke Fire Seal Twin Fin seal

manufactured by Halspan Ltd or Lorient 617 seal with a double stub manufactured by LORIENT, with a

cross section of 10 x 4 mm (or two seals being both intumescent and smoke seals) or one of the

aforementioned seals in the leaf and one in the door frame.

According to Fig. 9, in the meeting stile of a double leaf fire door there are two Fire Seal Plain

intumescent seals manufactured by Halspan Ltd or Lorient 617 seals manufactured by LORIENT, with a

cross section of 10 x 4 mm, or PROMASEAL®

- PL intumescent seals manufactured by Promat or Palstop

P intumescent seals manufactured by BRANDDEX, with a cross section of 10 x 2 mm, a fire and smoke

control door is fitted with the following seals:

one Fire Seal Plain intumescent seal manufactured by Halspan Ltd or Lorient 617 intumescent seal

manufactured by LORIENT, with a cross section of 10 x 4 mm and one Seal Twin Fin intumescent and

smoke seal manufactured by Halspan Ltd, Lorient 617 seal with a double stub manufactured by LORIENT

or Pyroplex seal, type SF or TF, manufactured by Pyroplex Ltd, with a cross section of 10 x 4 mm.

The rebate of a door leaf can be fitted with a TPE S 6512/O rebate seal manufactured by Inter


A smoke control door with or without a threshold and with a threshold seal is fitted in the lower part

of the leaf, according to Fig. 4 ÷ 6, with a drop seal: Threshold Drop Seal manufactured by Halspan Ltd.,

Lorient series 8000 manufactured by LORIENT, Schall – Ex P28 manufactured by Athmer, Planet FT or

Planet HS manufactured by Planet GDZ AG, Deventer Bodenturdichtung DRS 1528 SL, DRS 1530 SL,

DBB 1530 or DSD 1530 manufactured by Inter Deventer, ELLEN - MATIC Universal RD or ELLEN - MATIC

- SPECJAL 2 manufactured by ELLEN, UD-CH 2P manufactured by PPH Jasiński, Gallaxplus

or Imacoplus manufactured by GATENAL or UNIFIRE 30 15 x 28 mm manufactured by C.C.E. srl.

In the case of a door with a non-transparent transom, according to Fig. 2 and 6, the rabbets and

joints between the frame and the elements of the transom are fitted with Fire Seal Plain intumescent seals

manufactured by Halspan Ltd or Lorient 617 intumescent seals manufactured by LORIENT, with a cross

section of 10 x 4 mm or PROMASEAL®

- PL intumescent seals manufactured by Promat or Palstop P

intumescent seals manufactured by BRANDDEX, with a cross section of 10 x

2 mm. Non-transparent transoms are made, according to Fig. 2 and 6, of a Halspan Prima board

placed in a stile with a cross section of not less than 54 x 90 mm, made of glued laminated coniferous

wood with a density of not less than 350 kg/m3

or deciduous wood with a density of not less than 500


Door leaves can be glazed with the following types of glass panes: Promaglas with a thickness

of 17 mm manufactured by Promat, Pyrostop with a thickness of 15 mm manufactured by Pilklington,

Swissflame with a thickness of 16 mm manufactured by Saint Gobain Glass, Fireswiss Foam with a

thickness of 15 mm manufactured by CGI International Ltd, Pyrobel with a thickness of 17 mm

manufactured by AGC, in the shape of a rectangle with dimensions of not more than 796 x 1896 mm

(width x height) or a circle with a diameter of not more than 320 mm; the widths of the solid sections of

a leaf, along the upper and vertical edges of the glazing, cannot be shorter than 200 mm, while along

the lower edge of the glazing, they cannot be shorter than 390 mm; or panes made of Polflam EI30

glass with a thickness of 20 mm manufactured by Glass-Team, in the shape of a rectangle with

dimensions of not more than 658 x 1658 mm (width x height) or a circle with a diameter of not more

than 320 mm; the widths of the solid sections of a leaf, along the upper and vertical edges of the

glazing, cannot be shorter than 150 mm, while along the lower edge of the glazing, they cannot be

shorter than 390 mm.

The glazing of door leaves is fixed, according to Fig. 10 and 11, by means of wooden or MDF

glazing beads and sealed with ceramic seals: 8 x 4 mm manufactured by CGI International Ltd, 20 x 3

mm manufactured by Jansen, 20 x 4 mm Keramikpapier or Fibrefax, KERAFIX 2000 with a cross

section of 8 x 4 mm manufactured by Gluske, 8 x 4 mm Promat Glaf-HTI manufactured by Promat,

modified rubber 36/23 manufactured by Odice or sealing compound with a thickness of 2 mm

manufactured by Sealmaster Fireglaze. In the opening along the perimeter of the pane there is an

intumescent seal:


- HT with a thickness of 1.6 mm manufactured by Promat, Glazing Seals or a K sheetwith a thickness of 3 mm

manufactured by Halspan Ltd, Therm-A Line with a thickness of 2 mm manufactured by Intumescent

Seals Ltd or KERAFIX FXL 200 with a thickness of 1 mm manufactured by Gluske.

HALSPAN EI 30 doors are used with the following frames:

- steel door frames with a cross section consistent with Fig. 17, made of metal sheets with a

thickness of 1.5 mm, manufactured by BKT (according to AT-15-8304/2010), Porta KMI

Poland (according to AT-15-7122/2011), Stalprodukt (according to AT-15- 7123/2006), Zakpol

(according to AT-15-7506/2010), REMUS (according to AT-15-8663/2011), Domoferm

(according to AT-15-4389/2008), Rapid Frame Split, Easy, Standard manufactured by

Halspan Ltd, manufactured by Witkowski sp. z o.o (according to AT-15-8617/2011),

- wooden door frames with cross sections consistent with Fig. 15, made of solid or glued

laminated coniferous wood with a density of not less than 350 kg/m3 or deciduous wood with a

density of not less than 500 kg/m


In the rabbet of a steel door frame there is a Batwing seal manufactured by LORIENT, S

7234/O, S 6586/O, S 6845/O, S 7243/O, S 8544/O, S 6692/O, S 9814/O, S 8449/O or S 7038/O

- made of TPE and manufactured by Inter Deventer, while in the rabbet of of a wooden

frame there is a Batwing seal manufactured by LORIENT, SP 6850, S 6577/O, S 6512/O or S

6612/O manufactured by Inter Deventer.

The pockets of hidden hinges, according to Fig. 13, and hidden door closers, according to Fig.

12, are secured with a seal made of intumescent sheet with a thickness of 1 mm, manufactured by

Halspan Ltd. or Lorient, with a thickness of 1.6 mm manufactured by Promat or a layer with a

thickness of not less than 1 mm and made of PROMASTOP – Coating firestop sealant or

PROMASEAL – MASTIC firestop sealant manufactured by Promat, SILCADUR-U 95 firestop sealant

manufactured by Silca or FIREPROOFING + sand manufactured by NORGPOL.

The surfaces of door frames can be finished with natural or modified veneer, laminate, varnish

or acrylic coating, paper foil, HPL, CPL or PVC. Door frames can be fitted with trim strips made of

wood or wood-based materials.

The door frame mounting methods are presented in Fig. 16

and 18. A door is fitted with the following:

a) three or four hinges (hidden, leaf or pintle), fulfilling the requirements of PN- EN

1935:2003/AC:2005, manufactured by: Halspan Ltd, ANMARK, SimonsWerk, SFS, ASSA

ABLOY, Cairney, OTLAV, Eco Schulte, HÄFELE, BaSys or Koblenz,

b) mortice sash locks, main or additional, with or without a door terminal, fulfilling the

requirements of PN-EN 12209:2005/AC:2006, manufactured by: Halspan Ltd, BKS, GU

Polska, ASSA ABLOY, Nemef, Eco Schulte, HOBES, VingCard, HÄFELE, KFV, GEGE,


Częstochowa, GERDA, Schlage, AJM, Zhoongshan Yangge Look Industry Co. Ltd. or

DORMA; locks are fitted with lock cylinders fulfilling the requirements of PN-EN


c) lever handles made of plastic with a steel core, made of aluminium, brass or stainless steel,

with an oblong or divided escutcheon, fulfilling the requirements of PN-EN 1906:2003,

d) closers fulfilling the requirements of PN-EN 1154:1999/A1:2004, manufactured by: Halspan



e) a locking bolt of a fixed leaf manufactured by NOVET, ASSA ABLOY, Eco Schulte, Nemef or

AMIG, or a door sequence selector for double leaf doors fulfilling the requirements of PN-EN

1158:2007, A door can be fitted with:

a) panic bars fulfilling the requirements of PN-EN 1125:2009, manufactured by: ASSA ABLOY,

JPM, BKS, GU Polska, VACHETTE, DORMA, Eco Schulte, ISEO or Nemef,

b) electric door strikes of the following types: ELP-001 ÷ ELP-018 manufactured by ZPH

Biratronik, 71, 571, 114, 14, 5114 manufactured by ASSA ABLOY, effeff series: 131, 141, 142,

142U or 143 manufactured by EFF- EFF, series 441, 442, 447 or 117RS manufactured by

DORMA, or series 1700 manufactured by LOCKPOL,

c) an electric bolt of the following types: 150U, 150M,150DU, 150DM, 300U, 300M, 300DU or 300DM

manufactured by SATIE,

d) an access control system manufactured by ASSA ABLOY or DIAX with cable sleeves or electrical

contacts manufactured by NOVET, LOCKPOL or Winkhaus,

e) electromagnetic door holders manufactured by DORMA, ASSA ABLOY EFF-EFF, NONES or


f) a door viewer of the following types: PANORAMA 200 manufactured by CYKLOP, W16 C (N or P)

manufactured by COMIT Srl, H331 manufactured by LOB S.A. or PEDRET F3 01014-CS (011)

manufactured by Mirillas Opticas, s.l.,

g) a door grille, type LVV 40, manufactured by Lorient,

h) hinge bolts or an anti-burglery strip with bolts manufactured by Metalplast Częstochowa.

With respect to fire doors, the use of hardware other than that specified above, but of the same

type, is possible if such hardware is marketed with CE marking or B construction marking and their fitness

for application in such doors has been confirmed with the digit 1 in the fourth place of the classification

code indicated in a relevant standard or approval, which means that particular tests required under a

relevant standards have been conducted.

Applied alternative hardware should be adjusted to the weight of a leaf and

its operational loads; they should not cause any changes in the structure of a door.

1.3. HALSPAN EI 60 door

A HALSPAN EI 60 door leaf is made of a Halspan Prima three-layer particle board, without a stile,

with a wooden trim strip glued along the perimeter, such a strip being made of coniferous wood with a

density of not less than 350 kg/m3

or deciduous wood with a density of not less than 500 kg/m3, and a

thickness of not less than 7 mm. A Halspan Prima particle board manufactured by Halspan Ltd is a layered

board with an average density of 630 ± 63 kg/m3

; its external layers have a thickness of 6 mm and a

density of not less than 780 kg/m3

, while the middle layer has a thickness of 42 mm and a density of not

less than 530 kg/m3. According to Fig. 33, the pockets of hinges, a lock and hidden door closers should be

lined with Hinge/Lock Protection sheets manufactured by Halspan, Interdens sheets manufactured by

Lorient, Palstop sheets manufactured by BRANDDEX or Promaseal PL sheets manufactured by Promat.

Alternatively, the pockets of hidden door closers, according to Fig. 34, and hidden hinges, according to Fig.

35, can be secured with at least a 1 mm layer of PROMASTOP – Coating firestop sealant or lub

PROMASEAL – MASTIC firestop sealant manufactured by Promat, SILCADUR-U 95 firestop sealant

manufacutred by Silca or FIREPROOFING + sand manufactured by NORGPOL.

A Halspan Prima board can be covered on both sides with HDF boards with a thickness

of 3 mm and a density of not less than 800 kg/m3


The surface of a door leaf can be finished with natural or modified veneer, laminate, aluminium foil

with a thickness of 0.5 mm, flat or profiled MDF boards, HDF boards (with a possibility of attaching

decorative elements to the board) with a thickness of 1 ÷ 6 mm or plywood with a thickness of not more

than 6 mm, wooden strips with a thickness of not more than 20 mm, varnish or acrylic coating, paper foil,


The elements of a door leaf are joined by means of an adhesive with a durability class of at least

D3 according to PN- EN 204:2002.

In the case of a fire door with a wooden door frame, according to Fig. 30, intumescent door seals

are placed in the door leaf or in the door frame: along the upper and vertical edges in single leaf doors or

along the upper edge and the vertical hinge-side edge in double leaf doors.

These can be Fire Seal Plain seals manufactured by Halspan Ltd or Lorient 617 seals manufactured by

LORIENT – two seals with a cross section of 15 x 4 mm or PROMASEAL®

- PL intumescent seals

manufactured by Promat or Palstop P intumescent seals manufactured by BRANDDEX – two seals with a

cross section of 15 x 2 mm, or one of the aforementioned seals in the leaf and one in the door frame. In

the case of a door with a steel door frame, according to Fig. 30, intumescent door seals are placed in the

door leaf or in the door frame:

along the upper and vertical edges in single leaf doors or along the upper edge and the vertical hinge-side

edge in double leaf doors. The door leaf is fitted with Fire Seal Plain intumescent seals manufactured by

Halspan Ltd or Lorient 617 intumescent seals manufactured by LORIENT – two seals with a cross section

of 15 x 4 mm or


- PL intumescent seals manufactured by Promat or Palstop P intumescent sealsmanufactured by BRANDDEX - two seals with a cross section

of 15 x 2 mm, while the door frame is fitted with PROMASEAL®

- PL seals manufactured by Promat or

Palstop P seals manufactured by BRANDDEX – two seals with a cross section of 15 x 2 mm or one of the

aforementioned seals in the leaf and one in the door frame.

In the case of a fire and smoke control door with a wooden door frame, intumescent door seals are

placed in the leaf or in the door frame, and in the case of a fire and smoke control door with a steel door

frame, intumescent door seals are placed in a door leaf, according to Fig. 30: along the upper and vertical

edges in single leaf doors or along the upper edge and the vertical hinge-side edge in double leaf doors. It

is one intumescent Fire Seal Plain seal manufactured by Halspan Ltd or Lorient 617 seal manufactured by

LORIENT, with a cross section of 15 x 4 mm, and one intumescent and smoke Fire Seal Twin Fin seal

manufactured by Halspan Ltd or Lorient 617 seal with a double stub manufactured by LORIENT, with a

cross section of 15 x 4 mm (or two seals being both intumescent and smoke seals) or one of the

aforementioned seals in the leaf and one in the door frame.

According to Fig. 30, in the meeting stile of a double leaf fire door there are two Fire Seal Plain

intumescent seals manufactured by Halspan Ltd or Lorient 617 seals manufactured by LORIENT, with a

cross section of 15 x 4 mm, or PROMASEAL®

- PL intumescent seals manufactured by Promat or Palstop


manufactured by BRANDDEX, with a cross section of 15 x 2 mm; in the case of a fire and smoke control

door there are two seals: one Fire Seal Plain intumescent seal manufactured by Halspan Ltd or Lorient

617 intumescent seal manufactured by LORIENT, with a cross section of 15 x 4 mm and one Fire Seal

Twin Fin both intumescent and smoke seal manufactured by

Halspan Ltd, Lorient 617 both intumescent and smoke seal with a double stub manufactured by LORIENT

or Pyroplex both intumescent and smoke seal, type SF or TF manufactured by Pyroplex Ltd, with a cross

section of 15 x 4 mm.

The rebate of a door leaf can be fitted with a TPE S 6512/O rebate seal manufactured by Inter


A smoke control door with or without a threshold and with a threshold seal is fitted in the lower part

of the leaf, according to Fig. 25 ÷ 27, with a drop seal: Threshold Drop Seal manufactured by Halspan Ltd.,

Lorient series 8000 manufactured by LORIENT, Schall – Ex P28 manufactured by Athmer, Planet FT or

Planet HS manufactured by Planet GDZ AG, Deventer Bodenturdichtung DRS 1528 SL, DRS 1530 SL,

DBB 1530 or DSD 1530 manufactured by Inter Deventer, ELLEN - MATIC Universal RD or ELLEN - MATIC

SPECJAL 2 manufactured by ELLEN, UD-CH 2P manufactured by PPH Jasiński, Gallaxplus or Imacoplus

manufactured by GATENAL or UNIFIRE 30 15 x 28 mm manufactured by C.C.E. srl.

In the case of a door with a non-transparent or transparent transom or transparent or non-

transparent sidelights, according to Fig. 30, the rabbets and joints between the frame and the elements of

the transom and sidelights are fitted with Fire Seal Plain intumescent seals manufactured by Halspan Ltd or

Lorient 617 intumescent seals manufactured by LORIENT, with a cross section of 15 x 4 mm or

PROMASEAL® - PL intumescent seals manufactured by Promat or Palstop P intumescent seals

manufactured by BRANDDEX, with a cross section of 15 x 2 mm. Non-transparent transoms are made,

according to Fig. 22,

27, of a Halspan Prima board placed in a stile with a cross section of not less than 54 x 90 mm, made of

glued laminated coniferous wood with a density of not less than 350 kg/m3 or deciduous wood with a

density of not less than 500 kg/m3; transparent transoms and sidelights, according to Fig. 27 and 29, have

a stile made of glued laminated wood, as above.

The glazing of door leaves in the shape of a rectangular with dimensions of not more than 671 x

1171 mm (width x height) or a circle with a diameter of not more than 320 mm as well as the glazing of

transparent transoms and sidelights is made of the following types of glass: Promaglas with a thickness of

23 mm manufactured by Promat, Pyrostop with a thickness of 23 mm manufactured by Pilklington,

Swissflame with a thickness of 23 mm manufactured by Saint Gobain Glass, Fireswiss Foam with a

thickness of 23 mm manufactured by CGI International Ltd, Pyrobel 25 manufactured by AGC. The widths

of the solid sections, made of a Halspan board, of a leaf, sidelights or a transom, along the upper and

vertical edges of the glazing, cannot be shorter than 200 mm, while along the lower edge of the glazing,

they cannot be shorter than 200 mm in the case of transoms, and 905 mm in the case of door leaves and


The glazing placed in a Halspan board is fixed, according to Fig. 31 and 32, by means of wooden

or MDF glazing beads and sealed with ceramic seals: 8 x 4 mm manufactured by CGI International Ltd, 20

x 4 mm manufactured by Jansen, Keramikpapier, Fibrefax, Promat Glaf-HTI manufactured by Promat or

KERAFIX 2000 manufactured by Gluske, with a cross section of 8 x 4 mm, modified rubber 36/23

manufactured by Odice or sealing compound with a thickness of 2 mm manufactured by Sealmaster


In the opening along the perimeter of the pane there is an intumescent seal: PROMATECT®


with a thickness of 1.6 mm - manufactured by Promat, Glazing Seals or a K sheet with a thickness of 3 mm,manufactured by Halspan Ltd,

Therm-A Line with a thickness of 2 mm manufactured by Intumescent Seals Ltd or KERAFIX

FXL 200 with a thickness of 1 mm manufactured by Gluske.

HALSPAN EI 60 doors are used with the following frames:

- steel door frames with a cross section consistent with Fig. 39, made of metal sheets with a

thickness of 1.5 mm, manufactured by BKT (according to AT-15-8304/2010), Porta KMI

Poland (according to AT-15-7122/2011), Stalprodukt (according to AT-15- 7123/2006),

Zakpol (according to AT-15-7506/2010), REMUS (according to AT-15-8663/2011),


(according to AT-15-4389/2008), Rapid Frame Split, Easy or Standard manufactured by

Halspan Ltd or manufactured by Witkowski sp. z o.o (according to AT-15-8617/2011),

- wooden door frames with cross sections consistent with Fig. 37, made of solid or glued

laminated coniferous wood with a density of not less than 350 kg/m3 or deciduous wood with a density

of not less than 500 kg/m3.

In the rabbet of a steel door frame there is a Batwing seal manufactured by LORIENT, S

7234/O, S 6586/O, S 6845/O, S 7243/O, S 8544/O, S 6692/O, S 9814/O, S 8449/O or S 7038/O

- made of TPE and manufactured by Inter Deventer, while in the rabbet of of a

wooden frame there is a Batwing seal manufactured by LORIENT, SP 6850, S 6577/O, S

6512/O or S 6612/O manufactured by Inter Deventer.

The surfaces of door frames can be finished with natural or modified veneer, laminate,

varnish or acrylic coating, paper foil, HPL, CPL or PVC. Door frames can be fitted with trim strips

made of wood or wood-based materials.

The door frame mounting methods are presented in Fig. 38

and 40. A door is fitted with the following:

a) three or four hinges (hidden, leaf or pintle), fulfilling the requirements of PN- EN

1935:2003/AC:2005, manufactured by: Halspan Ltd, ANMARK, SimonsWerk, SFS, ASSA

ABLOY, Cairney, OTLAV, Eco Schulte, HÄFELE or Koblenz,

b) mortice sash locks, main or additional, with or without a door terminal, fulfilling the

requirements of PN-EN 12209:2005/AC:2006, manufactured by: Halspan Ltd, BKS, GU

Polska, Nemef, Eco Schulte, HOBES, VingCard, HÄFELE, KFV, GEGE, BODA, ASSA

ABLOY, SAB, TESA, KABA ILCO, LOB S.A., BH WANDEX, Metalplast Często- chowa,

GERDA or DORMA; locks are fitted with lock cylinders fulfilling the requirements of PN-EN


c) lever handles made of plastic with a steel core, made of aluminium, brass or stainless

steel, with an oblong or divided escutcheon, fulfilling the requirements of PN-EN


d) closers fulfilling the requirements of PN-EN 1154:1999/A1:2004, manufactured by:

Halspan Ltd, ASSA ABLOY, GEZE, DORMA, Eco Schulte, GROOM, NHN, Mitron,


e) a locking bolt of a fixed leaf manufactured by NOVET, ASSA ABLOY, Eco Schulte, Nemef

or AMIG, or a door sequence selector for double leaf doors fulfilling the requirements of

PN-EN 1158:2007.

A door can be fitted with:

a) panic bars fulfilling the requirements of PN-EN 1125:2009, manufactured by: ASSA

ABLOY, JPM, BKS, GU Polska, VACHETTE, DORMA, Eco Schulte, ISEO or Nemef,

b) electric door strikes of the following types: ELP-001 ÷ ELP-018 manufactured by ZPH

Biratronik, 71, 571, 114, 14 or 5114 manufactured by ASSA ABLOY, effeff series: 131,

141, 142, 142U or 143 manufactured by EFF- EFF, series 441, 442, 447 or 117RS

manufactured by DORMA, or series 1700 manufactured by LOCKPOL,

c) an access control system manufactured by ABLOY or DIAX with cable sleeves or

electrical contacts manufactured by NOVET, LOCKPOL or Winkhaus,

d) electromagnetic door holders manufactured by DORMA, ASSA ABLOY EFF-EFF, NONES


e) a door viewer of the following types: PANORAMA 200 manufactured by CYKLOP, W16 C

(N or P) manufactured by COMIT Srl, H331 manufactured by LOB S.A. or PEDRET F3

01014-CS (011) manufactured by Mirillas Opticas, s.l. or WG 180 manufactured by Vahle,

f) a door grille, type LVV 40, manufactured by Lorient,

g) hinge bolts or an anti-burglery strip with bolts manufactured by Metalplast Częstochowa.

With respect to fire doors, the use of hardware other than that specified above, but of the

same type, is possible if such hardware is marketed with CE marking or B construction marking

and their fitness for application in such doors has been confirmed with the digit 1 in the fourth

place of the classification code indicated in a relevant standard or approval, which means that

particular tests required under a relevant standards have been conducted.

Applied alternative hardware should be adjusted to the weight of a leaf and

its operational loads; they should not cause any changes in the structure of a door.


HALSPAN wooden doors, types HALSPAN EI 30 and HALSPAN EI 60, are to be used as

interior entrance doors in the house building industry, the public building sector, and boarding


HALSPAN doors fulfil the criteria specified in PN-EN 13501-2+A1:2010 for the following

fire resistance classes:

- EI2

30 – in the case of HALSPAN EI 30 doors,

- EI2

60 – in the case of HALSPAN EI 60 doors,

HALSPAN EI 30 and HALSPAN EI 60 doors,with or without a threshold and with a

dropping seal, fulfil the criteria specified in PN-EN 13501-2+A1:2010 for smoke control classes Sa

and Sm.

With respect to strength requirements, HALSPAN EI 30 and HALSPAN EI 60 doors

can be used in conditions corresponding to class 3 of the mechanical strength requirements

specified in PN-EN 1192:2001, i.e. in heavy working conditions.

With respect to sound protection of rooms, the scope of usage of HALSPAN EI 30 and

HALSPAN EI 60 doors (according to the classification referred to in item 3.4.10) should be

consistent with the acoustic requirements included in PN-B-02151-3:1999.

The usage of doors covered by this Technical Approval should be based on a facility's

technical design prepared in compliance with all applicable standards and regulations (in

particular the Regulation of the Minister of Infrastructure of 12 April 2002 on technical conditions

that should be fulfilled by buildings and their location (Journal of Laws no. 75 of 2002, item 690,

as amended). The installation, mounting and maintenance of a door should be consistent with the

manufacturer's instructions provided to the end user together with each product delivery.

HALSPAN EI 30 doors can be mounted in the following types of walls:

- made of solid bricks, with a thickness of not less than 115 mm,

- made of aerated concrete masonry units, sand-lime blocks, checkered bricks or

perforated bricks, with a thickness of not less than 150 mm,

- made of concrete, with a thickness of not less than 100 mm,

- made of gypsum boards, with a fire resistance class of not less than EI 30.

HALSPAN EI 60 doors can be mounted in the following types of walls:

- made of solid bricks, with a thickness of not less than 115 mm,

- made of aerated concrete masonry units, sand-lime blocks, checkered bricks or

perforated bricks, with a thickness of not less than 175 mm,

- made of concrete, with a thickness of not less than 100 mm,

- made of gypsum boards, with a fire resistance class of not less than EI 60.


3.1. Materials

3.1.1. Wood. In the manufacture of wooden door frames, it is recommended to use

coniferous wood with a density of not less than 350 kg/m3 or deciduous wood with a

density of not less than 500 kg/m3.

The quality of wood should fulfil the requirements specified in PN-EN 14221:2007. The

moisture of wood should be 8 15 %.

3.1.2. Semi-finished products made of glued laminated wood. Semi-finished

products made of glued laminated wood should be made of materials fulfilling the

requirements specified in items 3.1.1 and 3.1.6. and should be classified as belonging to

the E1 formaldehyde class in accordance with PN-EN 13986:2006.

Longitudinal wood connections should be made using V−shaped connectors, as specified

in PN-B-10087:1996.

The moisture of particular wood layers in the semi−finished glued laminated product

should be not more than 15%. The wood moisture difference between each Iayer within a cross−

section of semi−finished products shouId be not more than 2%.

Wood Iayers in a semi−finished product shouId be tightIy gIued. Joints shouId be

continuous and tight (fiIIed with gIue). Wood shouId not undergo deIamination aIong the joint

when samples with a length of 5 cm are being split with a wedge or a wide chisel.

The average values of the shear strength of semi-finished products under compression should not be lower

than: - 7.0 MPa after 7 days of seasoning the samples in the standard atmosphere (the

standard atmosphere according to PN-ISO 554:1996 and PN-EN 205:2005 means a

temperature of +20 C 2 C and a relative air humidity of 65 5% or a temperature

of +23 C 2 C and a relative air humidity of 50 5%),

- 2,0 MPa after 7 days of seasoning the samples in the standard atmosphere and

after 4 days of soaking in water at a temperature of +20 C 2 C.

3.1.3. MDF and HDF boards. The elements of door leaves and door frames should

be made of HDF or MDF boards, with a thickness and density consistent with item 1,

fulfilling the requirements specified in PN-EN 622- 5:2010 for general purpose boards

used in dry conditions.

MDF and HDF boards should be classified as belonging to the E1 formaldehyde class in

accordance with PN-EN 13986:2006 and the content of pentachlorophenol should not exceed 5

ppm according to Approval Arrangements GW VIII.21/2011.

3.1.4. High pressure particle boards. High pressure particle boards used in

doors, with a thickness and density consistent with item 1, should fulfil the

requirements of PN-EN 312:2005 for board types P1 and P2, and should be

classified as belonging to the E1 formaldehyde class in accordance with PN-EN

13986:2006, and the content of pentachlorophenol should not exceed 5 ppm

according to Approval Arrangements GW VIII.21/2011.

3.1.5. Plywood. The stiles of door leaves should be made of plywood fulfilling the

requirements of PN-EN 636:2005 for plywood type EN 636-1 classified as belonging to the

E1 formaldehyde class in accordance with PN-EN 13986:2006, and the content of

pentachlorophenol should not exceed 5 ppm according to Approval Arrangements GW


3.1.6. Adhesives. The elements of a door leaf should be glued with water resistant

adhesives fulfilling the requirements of at least the D3 durability class in accordance with

PN-EN 204:2002.

3.1.7. Glass panes. Door leaves should be glazed with glass panes referred to in

item 1, fulfilling the requirements of ZUAT-15/III.16/2007, and approved for marketing.

3.1.8. Glazing beads. Glazing beads and the methods of fixing glass panes in

door leaves should be consistent with item 1.

3.1.9. Steel door frames. Steel door frames should be consistent with item 1.

3.1.10 Seals. Seals used in door leaves and door frames should be consistent with item 1.

3.1.11. Paint or varnish coats as well as veneer, laminates, PV foil or paper foil. Paint

and varnish coats should be based on finishing materials allowing the achievement of smooth

coats without streaks, sags or foreign matters, and fulfilling the requirements specified in ZUAT-


The adhesion of the coats to the substrate should correspond to level 0 or 1 according to

PN-EN ISO 2409:2008.

The finishing layers of door leaves or door frames made of veneer, laminates, PVC foils or

paper foils glued onto MDF or HDF boards should be scratch resistant and their adhesion to the

substrate, checked in accordance with PN-EN 311: 2004, cannot be lower than 0.6 MPa

– if the sample fails in the area of the substrate or lower than 1.0 MPa if the sample

fails in the area of the connection between the veneer and the substrate.

Such a test is carried out in the approval procedure; it is not included in a preliminary type

examination or tests of finished products.

3.2. Hardware and locks

Hardware and locks should be consistent with item 1. Hardware used in door leaves

should fulfil the requirements of the following standards: PN-EN 1935:2003/AC:2005 – hinges,

PN-EN 12209: 2005/AC:2006 – locks, PN-EN 1906:2003 - lever handles with rosettes, PN-EN

1154: 1999/A1:2004 - door closers, PN-EN 179:2009 - emergency closing devices, PN-EN

1125:2009 – panic bars, PN-EN 1303:2007/AC:2008 – lock cylinders. Hardware should be

approved for marketing.

3.3. Workmanship

The quality of workmanship and finish should be consistent with the requirements of


3.4. Technical features

3.4.1. Dimensions. Door dimensions should be consistent with item 1. The

dimensional deviations of door leaves should be consistent with the requirements of PN-

EN 1529:2001, for tolerance class 2.

The dimensional deviations for door frames should fulfil the requirements specified in ZUAT-15/III.16/2007.

3.4.2. The shape of a leaf (squareness and flatness). The shape of a leaf

determined by the squareness of its corners and the flatness of its edges and corners

should fulfil the following requirements:

- deviations from leaf corner squareness should remain within the range of deviations

allowable for tolerance class 2, according to PN-EN 1529:2001,

- deviations from overall flatness should remain within the range of deviations allowable for

tolerance class 3, and from local flatness – for tolerance class 1, according to PN-EN


3.4.3. Resistance to multiple cyclical opening and closing (mechanical

durability). An interior entrance hinged door, after 100000 cycle in which a leaf is opened

and closed, (i.e. for class 5 according to PN-EN 12400:2004), should not display any

damage or functional irregularities. A door leaf should move without any jamming or

blocking in the movement. The whole length of seals should fit tightly relevant surfaces, in

accordance with the design assumptions. Such a test is carried out in the approval

procedure; it is not included in a preliminary type examination or tests of finished products.

3.4.4. Operational correctness and values of operating forces. When it is being

opened or closed, a hinged door leaf should move without jamming or blocking in the

movement. After a door has been closed, the whole length of seals should fit tightly

relevant surfaces, in accordance with the design assumptions. Hinges, lever handles,

locks and other elements of equipment should function in accordance with the

manufacturer's specifications.

The values of operating forces should not exceed the values given for class 2 (according

to PN-EN 12217:2005) – in the case of a door without a closer, or class 1 – in the case of a door

with a closer.

3.4.5. Resistance to the vertical static load acting on the leaf surface. According

to the requirements of PN-EN 1192:2001 for door strength class 3, permanent

deformations resulting from the action of a concentrated load of 800 N on the leaf surface,

according to PN-EN 947:2000, should not exceed 1.0 mm or lower the functional features

or the correct functioning of the door.

3.4.6. Resistance to static torsion. According to the requirements of PN-EN 1192:2001

for door strength class 3, the permanent deformations of the corners resulting from the action of

a concentrated load of 300 N, according to PN-EN 948:2000, should not exceed 2.0 mm or lower

the functional features or the correct functioning of the door.

3.4.7. Resistance to a soft and heavy body impact. According to the

requirements of PN-EN 1192:2001 for door strength class 3, permanent deformation

resulting from the action of an impact load with an impact energy of 120 J on the leaf

surface, according to PN-EN 949:2000, should not exceed 2.0 mm. There should occur no

damage to the door structure or any cracks in the paint coat of the leaf. After the test the

door should continue to function correctly.

3.4.8. Resistance to a hard body impact. According to the requirements of PN-

EN 1192:2001 for door strength class 3, the average depth of permanent deformations

resulting from impacts with an energy of 5 J, in a test conducted in accordance with PN-

EN 950:2000, should not exceed 1 mm, while its maximum value should not exceed 1.5

mm. The average value of the diameters of such deformations should not exceed 20 mm.

There may occur isolated cracks in the paint coat. Permanent deformations should be

poorly visible in scattered light, from a distance of 5 m.

3.4.9. Air leakage. Interior entrance doors should fulfil the requirements for air

leakage class 2, according to PN-EN 12207:2001, in a test conducted in accordance with


1026:2001 and the average air infiltration rating should not be higher than 1.0 m3/hm/daPa/2/3.

3.4.10. Sound reduction index. The sound reduction index for HALSPAN

single leaf interior entrance solid or glazed doors consistent with item 1, (with a threshold

and a dropping seal or without a threshold and with a dropping seal) should correspond at

least to the following acoustic classes:

- class D1-30 and class D

2-25 – adjusted to the requirements of PN-B-02151-03:1999,

comprising products with the ratings of 32 dB RA1 36 dB and 27 dB R

A2 31 dB,

- class Rw

= 32 dB – adjusted to the requirements of PN-B-02151/03:1987, comprising

products with the ratings of 32 dB Rw 36 dB.

The sound reduction index for HALSPAN double leaf interior entrance solid or glazed

doors consistent with item 1, (with a threshold and a dropping seal or without a threshold and with

a dropping seal) should correspond at least to the following acoustic classes:

- class D1-25 and class D

2-25 – adjusted to the requirements of PN-B-02151-03:1999,

comprising products with the ratings of 27 dB RA1 31 dB and 27 dB R

A2 31 dB,

- class Rw

= 27 dB – adjusted to the requirements of PN-B-02151/03:1987, comprising

products with the ratings of 27 dB Rw 31 dB – in the case of HALSPAN EI 30 doors,

- class Rw

= 32 dB – adjusted to the requirements of PN-B-02151/03:1987, comprising

products with the ratings of 32 dB Rw 36 dB – in the case of HALSPAN EI 60 doors.

3.4.11. Fire resistance. HALSPAN doors consistent with item 1 should fulfil

the criteria specified in PN-EN 13501-2+A1:2010 for the following fire resistance ratings:

- EI2

30 – in the case of HALSPAN EI 30 doors,

- EI2

60 – in the case of HALSPAN EI 60 doors,

3.4.12. Smoke rating. HALSPAN smoke control doors consistent with item 1

should fulfil the criteria for smoke control ratings Sm

and Sa, in accordance with

PN-EN 13501-


3.4.13. Marking. Each fire-rated door as well as each fire-rated and smoke control door

should be marked accordingly with a permanent rating plate. Such a rating plate should include

the following data:

- the name of the manufacturer,

- the name (symbol) of the product,

- the year of manufacture,

- a fire resistance rating,

- a smoke control rating,

- the number of Technical Approval ITB Technical Approval no. (AT-15-6103/2013).


Doors covered by this Approval should be packed individually or on pallets, in a complete

set of constituent elements, in accordance with PN-B-05000:1996, with an attached mounting

instruction. Packaging materials should protect the products against mechanical damage and

deformations. Products should be stored and transported in accordance with PN-B- 05000:1996.

Each packaging should bear a label containing at least the data from the marking as well


- the number and date of issuing a domestic declaration of conformity,

- the name of a certifying body which participated in the conformity assessment procedure,

- the construction mark.

The method of marking products with the construction mark should be consistent with the

Regulation of the Minister of Infrastructure of 11 August 2004 on the methods of declaring the

conformity of construction products and the method of marking such products with the

construction mark (Journal of Laws no. 198/2004, item 2041).


5.1. General rules

According to Article 4, Article 5 Clause 1 Item 3 and Article 8 Clause 1 of the Construction

Products Act of 16 April 2004 (Journal of Laws no. 92/2004, item 881, as amended), the products

covered by this Technical Approval may be marketed and applied in the performance of

construction works in the scope corresponding to their performance and intended use, provided

that the producer has carried out a relevant conformity assessment procedure, issued a domestic

declaration of conformity with ITB Technical Approval AT-15-6103/2013 and marked the products

with the construction mark, in accordance with the applicable regulations.

According to the Regulation of the Minister of Infrastructure of 11 August 2004 on the

methods of declaring the conformity of construction products and the method of marking such

products with the construction mark (Journal of Laws no. 198/2004, item 2041), the assessment

of the conformity of the products covered by Technical Approval ITB AT-15-6103/2013 needs to

be conducted by the manufacturer, on the basis of system 1.

In the case of conformity assessment system 1, the manufacturer may issue a domestic

declaration of conformity with ITB Technical Approval AT-15-6103/2013 if an accredited certifying

body has issued a certificate of the product's conformity based on:

a) the manufacturer's tasks:

- a production control system,

- supplementary tests of (samples of) finished products collected from a production plant,

conducted by the manufacturer in accordance with the agreed upon test plan including the

tests specified in item 5.4.3,

b) the accredited body's tasks:

- a preliminary type examination,

- a preliminary inspection of a production plant and its production control system,

- continuous supervision, assessment and acceptance of the production control system.

5.2 Preliminary type examination

A preliminary type examination is a test that confirms the required technical and

operational features, conducted before a product is launched into the market.

A preliminary type examination covers the following elements:

a) leaf squareness and flatness,

b) resistance to a vertical static load acting on the leaf surface,

c) resistance to static torsion,

d) resistance to a hard body impact,

e) Resistance to a soft and heavy body impact,

f) air leakage,

g) sound reduction – for doors with declared sound reduction indexes,

h) a fire resistance rating,

i) a smoke control rating.

5.3. Production control system

The production control system comprises the following elements:

1) specification and verification of components and materials,

2) inspections and examinations within the scope of the production process as well as

examinations of finished products carried out by the manufacturer in accordance with the

established plan of tests and based on the principles and procedures specified in the

documentation of the production control system adjusted to the production technology and

aimed at the manufacture of products with required features. The technical features of

components used in

HALSPAN doors should be confirmed by means of declarations of conformity in the case of

products subject to the requirements of the Construction Products Act of 16 April 2004 (Journal of

Laws no. 92/2004, item 881, as amended), and in the case of other products – by means of

technical certificates (certificates of conformity) issued by respective manufacturers. Such

documents should cover hardware, seals, glass panes, veneers and non-transparent fillings in

door leaves, semi-finished products made of glued laminated wood or MDF boards as well as


The production control system should ensure that products are compliant with ITB

Technical Approval AT-15-6103/2013. The results of production control procedures should be

recorded systematically. Such records should confirm that products fulfil the conformity

assessment criteria. Particular products or product batches and productions details related to

them have to be fully identifiable and repeatable.

5.4. Tests of finished products

5.4.1. Schedule of tests. The schedule of tests comprises the following elements:

2.a) a verification type examination,

2.b) current tests,

2.c) supplementary tests.

5.4.2. A verification type examination. A verification type examination consists in checking the following:

a) leaf squareness and flatness,

b) resistance to a vertical static load acting on the leaf surface,

c) air leakage (does not apply to smoke control doors),

d) sound reduction (for doors with declared sound reduction indexes),

e) fire resistance and smoke control (in the case of doors with a fire resistance rating

declared together with a smoke control rating, the manufacturer may carry out one of

these tests).

5.4.3. Current tests. Current tests consist in checking the following:

a) quality of workmanship,

b) dimensional deviations,

c) marking.

5.4.4. Supplementary tests. Supplementary tests consist in checking the following:

a) operating forces,

b) resistance to a vertical static load acting on the leaf surface,

c) air leakage – for interior entrance doors (does not apply to smoke control doors),

d) sound reduction – for doors with declared sound reduction indexes,

e) fire resistance and smoke control (in the case of doors with a fire resistance rating

declared together with a smoke control rating, the manufacturer may carry out one of

these tests).

5.5. Test frequency

A verification type examination of doors should be carried out at the beginning of

production operations, on one sample door manufactured in the production plant of each of the

manufacturers covered by the Approval.

Current tests should be conducted in line with the established plan of tests, but not less

frequently than for each production batch. The size of a production batch should be specified in

the documentation of the production control system.

Supplementary tests should be conducted not less frequently than every three years.

5.6. Test methods

5.6.1. Examination of used materials. The examination of used materials and emission of

hazardous substances should be carried out in accordance with ZUAT-15/III.16/2007; obtained

results should be compared with the requirements specified in item 3.1.

5.6.2. Door test methods. The tests of the technical and operational features of doors

should be carried out in accordance with ZUAT-15/III.16/2007. Test results should be compared

with the requirements specified in items 3.3 and 3.4.

5.7. Taking test samples

Test samples should be taken randomly, in accordance with PN-N-03010:1983.

5.8. Assessment of test results

Manufactured products should be regarded as consistent with the requirements of this ITB

Technical Approval provided that all test results are positive.


6.1. This Approval replaces Technical Approval ITB AT-15-6103/2010 as of 29

March 2014. Before this date both Approvals may constitute reference documents for

conformity assessment.

6.2. Technical Approval AT-15-6103/2013 is a document confirming the

suitability of HALSPAN doors for use in the construction industry, in the scope specified in

the Approval.

According to Article 4, Article 5 Clause 1 Item 3 and Article 8 Clause 1 of the Construction

Products Act of 16 April 2004 (Journal of Laws no. 92/2004, item 881, as amended), the products

covered by this Technical Approval may be marketed and applied in the performance of

construction works in the scope corresponding to their performance and intended use, provided

that the producer has carried out a relevant conformity assessment procedure, issued a domestic

declaration of conformity with ITB Technical Approval AT-15-6103/2013 and marked the products

with the construction mark, in accordance with the applicable regulations.

6.3. The Technical Approval does not violate any rights resulting from the

regulations concerning the protection of industrial property, and in particular the Notice of

the Marshal of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland of 13 June 2003 concerning the

announcement of the consolidated text of the Industrial Property Act of 30 June 2000

(Journal of Laws no. 119, item 1117). The protection of these rights is one of the

obligations of those using this ITB Approval.

6.4. Issuing this Technical Approval, the Building Research Institute (ITB) does

not assume any responsibility for possible violation of any exclusive or acquired rights.

6.5. This ITB Technical Approval does not release neither the manufacturer of

HALSPAN doors from its responsibility for the proper quality of products covered by this

Approval nor any building contractors for their responsibility for their proper use and the

quality of their installation.

6.6. The content of any leaflets or advertisements as well as any other

documents related to the marketing of HALSPAN doors and their application in the

construction industry should include information on Technical Approval AT-15-6103/2013

granted to these products.


This ITB Technical Approval AT-15-6103/2013 is valid until 29 March 2018.

The validity of this ITB Technical Approval may be extended for further periods if the entity

which has applied for the Approval or its formal successor submits a proper application to the

Building Research Institute not later than 3 months before this document’s expiry date.



Related standards and documents

PN-EN 1634-3:2006/


Fire resistance and smoke control tests for door and shutter assemblies --

Part 3: Smoke control test for door and shutter assemblies

PN-EN 1634-1 :2009 Fire resistance and smoke control tests for door and shutter assemblies,

openable windows and elements of building hardware -- Part 1: Fire

resistance test for door and shutter assemblies and openable windows

PN-EN 13501-2


Fire classification of construction products and building elements. -- Part 1:

Classification using data from fire resistance tests

PN-B-02151-3:1999 Construction acoustics -- Protection from noise in buildings. Sound

reduction of space dividing elements in buildings and sound reduction of

construction elements -- Requirements

PN-EN 20140-3:1999 Acoustics - Measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building

elements -- Determination, verification and application of data

determining accuracy

PN-EN ISO 717-1:1999 Acoustics - Measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building

elements. Airborne sound insulation

PN-B-03156:1997 Timber structures - Methods of tests - Load bearing capacity of glue joints

PN-B-10087:1996 Wooden windows and doors - Finger joints - Requirements and tests

PN-ISO 554:1996 Standard atmospheres for conditioning and/or testing -- Specifications

PN-EN 204:2002 Classification of thermoplastic wood adhesives for non-structural applications

PN-EN 205:2005 Adhesives -- Wood adhesives for non-structural applications --

Determination of tensile shear strength of lap joints

PN-EN 310:1994+


Wood based panels -- Determination of modulus of elasticity in bending

and of bending strength

PN-EN 316:2001 Wood fibre boards -- Definition, classification and symbols

PN-EN 317:1999 +


PN-EN 319:1999 +


PN-EN 323:1999 +


Particleboards and fibreboards -- Determination of swelling in thickness

after immersion in water

Particleboards and fibreboards -- Determination of tensile strength

perpendicular to the plane of the board

Wood-based panels -- Determination of density

PN-EN 324-1:1999 Wood-based panels -- Determination of dimensions of boards --

Determination of thickness, width and length

PN-EN 312:2005 Particleboards -- Specifications

PN-EN 622-4:2000/

Ap1:2002Fibreboards -- Specifications -- Requirements for softboards

PN-EN 622-5:2007 Fibreboards -- Specifications -- Requirements for dry process boards


PN-EN 622-1:2005 Fibreboards -- Specifications -- General requirements

PN-EN 636: 2005 Plywood -- Specifications

PN-EN 13183-2:2004 Moisture content of a piece of sawn timber -- Estimation by electrical

resistance method

PN-B-06079:1988 Wooden doors -- Resistance to shock test method

PN-EN 572-5:1999 Glass in building -- Basic soda lime silicate glass products -- Patterned


PN-EN 1191:2002 Windows and doors -- Resistance to repeated opening and closing --

Test method

PN-EN 1192:2001 Doors -- Classification of strength requirements

PN-EN 1529:2001 Door leaves -- Height, width, thickness and squareness -- Tolerance


PN-EN 1530:2001 Door leaves -- General and local flatness -- Tolerance classes

PN-EN 12046-2:2001 Operating forces -- Test method -- Doors

PN-B-05000:1996 Doors and windows -- Packing, storage and transport

PN-N-03010:1983 Statistical quality control -- Random selection of samples

PN-EN 942:2008 Timber in joinery -- General requirements

PN-EN 947:2000 Hinged or pivoted doors - Determination of the resistance to vertical load

PN-EN 948:2000 Hinged or pivoted doors. Determination of the resistance to static torsion

PN-EN 949:2000 Windows and curtain walling, doors, blinds and shutters -- Determination

of the resistance to soft and heavy body impact for doors

PN-EN 950:2000 Door leaves -- Determination of the resistance to hard body impact

PN-EN 951:2000 Door leaves -- Method for measurement of height, width, thickness

and squareness

PN-EN 952:2000 Door leaves -- General and local flatness. Measurement method PN-

EN 12400:2004 Windows and pedestrian doors -- Mechanical durability -- Requirements and

classification PN-EN 12217:2005 Doors -- Operating forces -- Requirements and


PN-EN 12207:2001 Windows and doors -- Air permeability -- Classification

PN-EN 1026:2001 Windows and doors -- Air permeability -- Test method

PN-EN 1154:1999/


PN-EN 1935:2003/


PN-EN 12209:2005/


PN-EN ISO 12543-


PN-EN ISO 12543-


Building hardware -- Controlled door closing devices -- Requirements and

test methods

Building hardware -- Single-axis hinges -- Requirements and test methods

Building hardware -- Locks -- Mechanically operated locks and locking

plates -- Requirements and test methods

Glass in building -- Laminated glass and laminated safety glass

-- Laminated safety glass

Glass in building -- Laminated glass and laminated safety glass

-- Laminated glassPN-EN 13986:2006 Wood-based panels for use in construction -- Characteristics,

evaluation of conformity and marking

PN-EN 14755:2007 Extruded particleboards -- Specifications

PN-EN 15197:2007 Wood-based panels -- Flaxboards -- Specifications

PN-EN 12365-1:2006 Building hardware -- Gaskets and weatherstripping for doors, windows,

shutters and curtain walling -- Part 1: Performance requirements

and classification

PN-EN 1527:2000 Building hardware -- Hardware for sliding doors and folding doors

-- Requirements and test methods

ZUAT-15/III.16/2007 Hinged and pivoted external doors: entrance and interior doors of wood,

wood-based materials, synthetic materials and metals. General use and

declared fire resistance class and/or smoke control

Test and assessment reports

1. Technical assessment of HALSPAN TM interior, wooden, fire doors manufactured by

STOLBUD WARSZAWA Sp. z o.o. - no. NL-1857/02 and test report no. NL-1857/LL-

183/K/02 - ITB Light Partitions and Glazing Testing Division

2. Technical opinion concerning wood-based panel used in the manufacture of HALSPAN TM

fire doors – no. NL-2316/A/03 - ITB Light Partitions and Glazing Testing Division

3. Periodic tests of “HALSPAN TM” interior doors – no. NL – 4354/C/07 - ITB Light Partitions

and Glazing Testing Division

4. Laboratory approval tests of HALSPAN TM ST V T60 and HALSPAN TM ST IV T30 wooden

interior doors – no. NK-0641/A/09 – ITB Building Structures and Elements Division

5. Determination and assessment of specific sound insulation of HALSPAN wooden, single leaf,

solid doors and output data (with respect to acoustic issues) for ITB Technical Approval – no.

NA-947/A/2002 and test report no. LA/983/03 – ITB Acoustics Division

6. Acoustic classification of HALSPAN EI 30 and EI 60 double leaf doors based on tests

conducted by the British laboratory SRL – no. 1389/10/RO4NA – ITB Acoustics Division

7. Technical opinion concerning fire resistance of HALSPAN EI 30 wooden, single leaf and double

leaf, solid or glazed doors with a an electric bolt of the following types: 150U, 150M,150DU,

150DM, 300U, 300M, 300DU or 300DM manufactured by SATIE

8. Technical opinion concerning fire resistance of HALSPAN EI 60 wooden, hinged, single leaf or

double leaf, solid or glazed doors with a transom and/or sidelights – no. 01389/11/R07NP - ITB

Fire Tests Division

9. Classification concerning fire resistance and smoke control of HALSPAN EI30 and HALSPAN

EI60 single leaf or double leaf, wooden, solid or glazed doors – no. 0935/13/Z00NP - ITB Fire

Tests Division


1. HALSPAN EI 30 single leaf door - views....................................................................................33

2. HALSPAN EI 30 single leaf door with non-transparent transom - view.......................................34

3. HALSPAN EI 30 double leaf door - view.....................................................................................35

4. HALSPAN EI 30 door with wooden door frame - vertical sections A - A.....................................36

5. HALSPAN EI 30 door with steel frame - vertical sections A - A..................................................36

6. HALSPAN EI 30 door - vertical sections A - A............................................................................37

7. HALSPAN EI 30 door - horizontal sections B - B........................................................................37

8. Location of seals in HALSPAN EI 30 door - sections C - C........................................................38

9. Location of seals in meeting stile of HALSPAN EI 30 double leaf door

- sections D - D...........................................................................................................................38

10. Glazing mounting methods for HALSPAN EI 30 door...............................................................39

11. Round glazing and door grille mounting methods for

HALSPAN EI 30 door................................................................................................................40

12 Hidden closer mounting methods for HALSPAN EI 30 door......................................................41

13. Hidden hinges mounting methods for HALSPAN EI 30 door....................................................41

14. Cable transit performance methods for HALSPAN EI 30 door..................................................42

15. Sections of wooden door frames used in HALSPAN EI 30 doors.............................................43

16. Wooden door frame mounting methods for HALSPAN EI 30 door...........................................44

17. Sections of steel door frames used in HALSPAN EI 30 doors..................................................45

18. Steel door frame mounting methods for HALSPAN EI 30 door.................................................46

19. Location of hinges in door frame for HALSPAN EI 30 door......................................................47

20. Wall mounting points for door frame for HALSPAN EI 30 door.................................................48

21. HALSPAN EI 60 single leaf door - view....................................................................................49

22. HALSPAN EI 60 single leaf door with non-transparent transom - view.....................................50

23. HALSPAN EI 60 double leaf door - view...................................................................................51

24. HALSPAN EI 60 double leaf door with transom and sidelight - view.........................................52

25. HALSPAN EI 60 door with wooden door frame - vertical sections A - A...................................53

26. HALSPAN EI 60 door with steel frame - vertical sections A - A................................................53

27. HALSPAN EI 60 door - vertical sections A - A..........................................................................54

28. HALSPAN EI 60 door - horizontal sections B - B......................................................................55

29. HALSPAN EI 60 single leaf and double leaf doors with sidelights - sections B - B...................56

30. Location of seals in HALSPAN EI 60 door - sections C - C and D - D......................................57

31. Glazing mounting methods for HALSPAN EI 60 door...............................................................58

32. Round glazing and door grille mounting methods for

HALSPAN EI 60 door................................................................................................................59

33. Lock pocket protection method for HALSPAN EI 60 door.........................................................60

34. Hidden closer mounting methods for HALSPAN EI 60 door.....................................................61

35. Hidden hinges mounting methods for HALSPAN EI 60 door....................................................61

36. Cable transit performance methods for HALSPAN EI 60 door..................................................62

37. Sections of wooden door frames used in HALSPAN EI 60 doors.............................................63

38. Wooden door frame mounting methods for HALSPAN EI 60 door...........................................63

39. Sections of steel door frames used in HALSPAN EI 60 doors..................................................64

40. Steel door frame mounting methods for HALSPAN EI 60 door.................................................65

41. Location of hinges in door frame for HALSPAN EI 60 door......................................................66

42. Wall mounting points for door frame for HALSPAN EI 60 door.................................................67

43. Descriptions of items marked in Fig. 1 ÷ 46..............................................................................68




min. 2008



min. 2003 10 31


B B Bmin. 50 - 658

9320 min.

150min. 150

5 5 7

C C C C650



Fig. 1. HALSPAN EI 30 single leaf door - views






Fig. 2. HALSPAN EI 30 single leaf door with non-transparent transom - view

Fig. 3. HALSPAN EI 30 double leaf door - view

1313 13










Fig. 4. HALSPAN EI 30 door with wooden door frame - vertical sections A - A

12 1712

12 1712



2112 21




±0.0 ±0.0

Fig. 5. HALSPAN EI 30 door with steel frame - vertical sections A - A


25 3



12 13







Fig. 6. HALSPAN EI 30 door - vertical sections A - A3


3 1224 7 3












24 7


13 1217


2 1

Fig. 7. HALSPAN EI 30 door - horizontal sections B - B

Fire door






33 3

1212 12


7 2412


13 1313


Fire and smoke control door


143 3 3

1212 12






14 1

Fig. 8. Location of seals in HALSPAN EI 30 door - sections C - C

134±1.5 mm

4±1.5 mm

Fire door13


4±1.5 mm


Fire and smoke control door

14 12

Fig. 9. Location of seals in meeting stile of HALSPAN EI 30 double leaf door - sections D - D












1 30 1524 27 15





2815 7







15 27









Fig. 10. Glazing mounting methods for HALSPAN EI 30 door

Mounting of round glazing










Mounting of door grille

Fig. 11. Round glazing and door grille mounting methods for HALSPAN EI

30 door

36 3






Fig. 12. Hidden closer mounting methods for HALSPAN EI 30 door




Fig. 13. Hidden hinges mounting methods for HALSPAN EI 30 door


13 3

5 36

1 3

34 35

Fig. 14. Cable transit performance methods for HALSPAN EI 30 door

52 5254

54 52



12-1612-16 12-16

52 52














Fig. 15. Sections of wooden door frames used in HALSPAN EI 30 doors




27 38 327 38 3




27 38 3

3 27

Fig. 16. Wooden door frame mounting methods for HALSPAN EI 30 door



wall width


48 44,47

27 29 2729


48 44,4744.47




Fig. 18. Steel door frame mounting methods for HALSPAN EI 30 door

Fig. 19. Location of hinges in door frame for HALSPAN EI 30 door

Fig. 20. Wall mounting points for door frame for HALSPAN EI 30 door

Fig. 21. HALSPAN EI 60 single leaf door - view

Fig. 22. HALSPAN EI 60 single leaf door with non-transparent transom - view

Fig. 23. HALSPAN EI 60 double leaf door - view

transom width

Fig. 24. HALSPAN EI 60 double leaf door with transom and sidelight - view


1818 18


12 1218







Fig. 25. HALSPAN EI 60 door with wooden door frame - vertical sections A - A

12 17

12 1217










Fig. 26. HALSPAN EI 60 door with steel frame - vertical sections A - A


25 3










12 18









Fig. 27. HALSPAN EI 60 door - vertical sections A - A

3 8




24 73












24 7 18 312



2 1

Fig. 28. HALSPAN EI 60 door - horizontal sections B - B


24 7 25


1824 7 18 18


2513 2 3




Fig. 29. HALSPAN EI 60 single leaf and double leaf doors with sidelights - sections B - B

C - C

Fire door








12 12 12 7 24



1818 18

Fire and smoke control door1






123 3 18






1318 18 12

7 243 3 14


D - D

184±1.5 mm

18 4±1.5 mm 4±1.5 mm1



21 2 1 19 12

Fig. 30. Location of seals in HALSPAN EI 60 door - sections C - C and D - D



7 3126








1 30


24 27 15



591 24

2815 7



2715 27











Fig. 31. Glazing mounting methods for HALSPAN EI 60 door

Mounting of round glazing










Mounting of door grille

Fig. 32. Round glazing and door grille mounting methods for HALSPAN EI

60 door


Fig. 33. Lock pocket protection method for HALSPAN EI 60 door








Fig. 34. Hidden closer mounting methods for HALSPAN EI 60 door






16 4

Fig. 35. Hidden hinges mounting methods for HALSPAN EI 60 door



5 36

1 3

34 35

Fig. 36. Cable transit performance methods for HALSPAN EI 60 door








12-16 12-16









Fig. 37. Sections of wooden door frames used in HALSPAN EI 60 doors



37 29.44

27 38 3

27 38 3 4 5 1

45,46,47 29,44,47




Fig. 38. Wooden door frame mounting methods for HALSPAN EI 60 door



wall width

100÷450 100÷450

48 44,47

27 29 2729





44.47 44.47


Fig. 40. Steel door frame mounting methods for HALSPAN EI 60 door

Fig. 41. Location of hinges in door frame for HALSPAN EI 60 door

Fig. 42. Wall mounting points for door frame for HALSPAN EI 60 door

# Nam1 Active door leaf2 Passive door leaf3 Wooden or steel door frame4 Surface hinge or hidden hinge5 Lock with electronic terminal or lever handle6 Surface closer or hidden closer7 Rectangular or square glazing8 Round glazing9 Door viewer

10 Additional upper lock or flat lock11 Firestop door grille12 Rebate seal13 Intumescent seal 10 x 4 mm, 10 x 2 mm, 20 x 4 mm, 20 x 2 mm14 Intumescent and smoke control seal 10 x 4 mm15 Intumescent sheet16 Firestop sealant or intumescent sheet17 Intumescent seal 20 x 2 mm18 Intumescent seal 15 x 4 mm, 15 x 2 mm19 Intumescent and smoke control seal 15 x 4 mm20 Threshold dropping seal21 Wooden or metal threshold22 Non-transparent transom23 Steel screws for mounting of non-transparent transom 120 x Ø 6 mm24 Glazing beads – any section25 Wooden frame for transom or sidelight26 Deciduous wood block under glazing27 Steel screws or nails with minimum length of 50 mm28 Glazing mounting plate29 Mineral wool with density of not less than 80 kg/m3

30 Coniferous wood interior element under glazing31 Ceramic seal32 Hidden closer rail33 Flexible steel electric cable sleeve34 Reed relay – contact in door leaf35 Reed relay – contact in wooden or steel door frame36 Milled duct Ø 8 mm in door leaf37 Plasterboard with minimum thickness of 12.5 mm38 Steel runner minimum U 7539 Steel bull’s eye40 Wooden or MDF bull's eye41 Metal angles for mounting of firestop door grille42 External cover of firestop door grille43 Steel screws with minimum length of 150 x Ø 6 mm or mounting anchors44 Firestop caulking foam, Illbruck 1 K-P or any other approved for marketing, gaps up

to 20 mm45 Firestop silicone, Illbruck or any other approved for marketing, gaps up to 5 mm46 Firestop acrylic, Illbruck or any other approved for marketing, gaps up to 5 mm47 Masonry or gypsum mortar48 Brickwork or cast-in-place concrete wall49 Transparent sidelight50 Transparent transom51 Non-transparent sidelight52 Lengthwise glued wood53 MDF board or wood with thickness of 12 to 16 mm54 Solid wood55 HDF board with thickness of not less than 3 mm56 Adjustable trims for door frames57 Mortice sash lock58 Lock face plate59 Insulation seal 36/23 by Odice or Lorient60 Masking frame – MDF board or wood

Fig. 43. Descriptions of items marked in Fig. 1 ÷ 42