itd 04 ucp 600 lc mechanism

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  • 8/3/2019 Itd 04 Ucp 600 Lc Mechanism


    Intl Trade Procedures & Documentation - UCP 600 & LC Mechanism

    Intl Trade Procedures & Documentation

    LC Mechanism

    Compiled by V.V.S. Rao

  • 8/3/2019 Itd 04 Ucp 600 Lc Mechanism


    Intl Trade Procedures & Documentation - UCP 600 & LC Mechanism

    Exporter Importer

    1. Sale Contract sent


    Documents for


    Exporters Bank5. Documents forwarded

    Importers Bank



    International Trade Operational Cycle

    3. Ships the Goods

    2. Contract accepted

    Goods Delivered against




    8. Payment Forwarded

    Payment credited

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    Intl Trade Procedures & Documentation - UCP 600 & LC Mechanism

    Risks associated with trade

    Seller Buyer

    Payment made without

    Receipt of Desired

    quality/quantity of Goods

    Possession of Goods given

    up without Receipt of


    Parties are located in different countries

    Different legal systems Different Regulations and Restrictions

    Different Currencies

    Exchange rate Fluctuations

    Political Instability

    Unpredictable Natural Disasters

    Unpredictable Financial Market Disasters

  • 8/3/2019 Itd 04 Ucp 600 Lc Mechanism


    Intl Trade Procedures & Documentation - UCP 600 & LC Mechanism


    An arrangement by means of which a Bank(Issuing Bank)Acting at the request of a Customer (Applicant)Undertakes to pay / Accept & Pay (Honour)To the Beneficiary of LCA predetermined amount ( LC amount)Before a given date (LC Expiry date)According to stipulations (Terms) against presentation of stipulated documentsAll parties to a credit deal with documents and not with goods / services /performances

    Definition of Letter of Credit

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    Intl Trade Procedures & Documentation - UCP 600 & LC Mechanism

    Exporter /


    Importer /


    Issuing Bank

    Applies for LC

    Advising Bank

    Advises LC

    Issues LC


    Ship the goods

    Negotiating /

    Confirming Bank



    Negotiates &


    Pay / Accept & Pay

    Present documents

    Present docs

    and debit

    Take delivery of


    Sales contract entered

    LC Operation Cycle

  • 8/3/2019 Itd 04 Ucp 600 Lc Mechanism


    Intl Trade Procedures & Documentation - UCP 600 & LC Mechanism

    Types of Documents



    Bill of Exchange

    Commercial Invoice

    Packing list

    Bill of ladingInsurance Policy

    Certificate of Inspection

    Certificate of Origin

    Shipment Advice


    Shipping instructions

    Insurance declaration

    Intimation for inspection

    Shipping order

    Mate's receipt etc


    Exchange Control Documents

    Freight Payment CertificateGate Pass

    Shipping Bill


    Vehicle Pass etc

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    Intl Trade Procedures & Documentation - UCP 600 & LC Mechanism




    Issuing Bank







    Various parties to LC

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    Intl Trade Procedures & Documentation - UCP 600 & LC Mechanism


    Issuing Bank (Opening Bank) Issues (Opens) the LC based on the LC Application of applicant

    Once the documents under LC are received from Negotiating /

    Confirming Bank honour its commitments.

    Or in case if discrepancies are found in documents communicate

    the same to negotiating bank within 5 banking days

    While communicating the discrepancies the same has to be done

    in one lot and not in installments and should state that it is

    holding documents at the disposal of Negotiating/ConfirmingBank awaiting further instructions

    See Article 16 of UCP for waiver of discrepancies

    Obligations of various parties to LC

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    Intl Trade Procedures & Documentation - UCP 600 & LC Mechanism


    Negotiating Bank

    Receive the documents submitted by beneficiary

    Examine the documents in terms of LC

    If they appear on their face to be in accordance with LC

    negotiate the same under LC (pay or agree to pay or accept)

    Negotiation includes pre-purchase of draft, if the bills of

    exchange are drawn on another Bank

    Forward the documents to Issuing Bank

    Claim reimbursement from the issuing bank or reimbursing bank(as per LC) on the due date

    Obligations of various parties to LC

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    Intl Trade Procedures & Documentation - UCP 600 & LC Mechanism


    Confirming Bank

    If requested by Issuing Bank, add its confirmation to LC

    Step into the shoes of the Issuing Bank

    Advise the confirmation (providing additional undertaking)

    to Beneficiary of LC

    Once the documents under LC are received from

    Beneficiary honor the LC commitments.

    In case if discrepancies are found in documents

    Communicate the same within 5 Banking days in one lot stating that it is

    holding documents at the disposal of Beneficiary awaiting further


    Obligations of various parties to LC

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    Intl Trade Procedures & Documentation - UCP 600 & LC Mechanism


    Nominated Bank

    If a Bank is nominated by Issuing Bank for negotiation such

    Bank is called Nominated Bank and negotiations / payments are

    restricted to such nominated Bank.

    Such Bank will become the Negotiating Bank

    If no Bank is nominated, any Bank can be a Nominated Bank.

    Obligations of various parties to LC

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    Intl Trade Procedures & Documentation - UCP 600 & LC Mechanism

    Reimbursing Bank:

    If a credit states that reimbursement is to be obtained by a

    nominated bank claiming on another party, such other Bank isreferred as ReimbursingBank

    The credit must state that the reimbursement is subject to the

    ICC rules for bank-to-bank reimbursements in effect on the date

    of issuance of the credit.

    Obligations of various parties to LC

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    Intl Trade Procedures & Documentation - UCP 600 & LC Mechanism


    Advising Bank

    By advising an L/C, the advising bank signifies:

    An advising bank that is not a confirming bank advises the creditand any amendment without any undertaking to honour or


    By advising the credit or amendment, the advising bank signifiesthat it has satisfied itself as to the apparent authenticity of the

    credit or amendment.

    Obligations of various parties to LC

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    Intl Trade Procedures & Documentation - UCP 600 & LC Mechanism


    Beneficiary to LC (Seller / Exporter)

    Ship the goods within the dates stipulated in the LC

    Submit the documents as per LC terms to the Nominated Bankwithin the dates stipulated in the LC for presentation

    Obligations of various parties to LC

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    Intl Trade Procedures & Documentation - UCP 600 & LC Mechanism


    Applicant to LC (Buyer / Importer)

    Importer is responsible to make payment to Issuing Bank in

    terms of LC application, if all the documents and terms of LC are

    in compliance.

    Obligations of various parties to LC

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    Intl Trade Procedures & Documentation - UCP 600 & LC Mechanism

    Types of Letters of Credit

  • 8/3/2019 Itd 04 Ucp 600 Lc Mechanism


    Intl Trade Procedures & Documentation - UCP 600 & LC Mechanism

    Revolving Credit

    Transferable Credit

    Installment Credit

    Deferred Credit (with undrawn balance)

    Red clause Credit

    Green clause Credit

    Revocable Letter of Credit

    Irrevocable Letter of Credit

    Back-to-back Credit Sight Credit and Usance Credit

    Standby Credit (ISBC of ICC)

    Various types of Letters of credit

    l d d & i & h i

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    Intl Trade Procedures & Documentation - UCP 600 & LC Mechanism

    Single L/C that covers multiple-shipments over a long period.

    Instead of arranging a new L/C for each separate shipment,

    the buyer establishes a L/C that revolves either

    in value (a fixed amount is available which is

    replenished when exhausted) or in time (an amount is available in fixedinstallments over a

    period such as week, month, or year).

    L/Cs revolving in time are of two types: in the cumulativetype,

    the sum unutilized in a period is carried over to be utilized in the

    next period; whereas in the non-cumulative type, it is not carried


    Revolving Credit

    I l T d P d & D i UCP 600 & LC M h i

  • 8/3/2019 Itd 04 Ucp 600 Lc Mechanism


    Intl Trade Procedures & Documentation - UCP 600 & LC Mechanism

    A transferable letter of credit allows the beneficiary to act as a

    middleman and transfer his rights under a letter of credit to

    another party or parties who may be suppliers of the goods.

    Depending on whether the letter of credit permits partial

    shipments, fractional amounts may be transferred to more thanone beneficiary.

    The letter of credit however, can be transferred only once: the

    secondary beneficiaries cannot transfer their rights to a thirdparty.

    Transfer of a letter of credit can be made on specific application

    by the original beneficiary to the authorized transferring bank

    Transferable Letter of Credit

    I l T d P d & D i UCP 600 & LC M h i

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    Intl Trade Procedures & Documentation - UCP 600 & LC Mechanism

    A red clause letter of credit incorporates a clause, traditionallywritten in red, which authorizes the bank acting as the

    negotiating or paying bank to pay the beneficiary in advance of


    This enables the purchase and accumulation of goods from anumber of different suppliers, and the arrangement of shipment

    in accordance with the letter of credit terms.

    Such advances will be deducted from the amount due to be paid

    when the documents called for are presented under the letter of


    Red Clause Letter of Credit

    I tl T d P d & D t ti UCP 600 & LC M h i

  • 8/3/2019 Itd 04 Ucp 600 Lc Mechanism


    Intl Trade Procedures & Documentation - UCP 600 & LC Mechanism

    This type of letter of credit envisages grant of storage facilities at

    port over and above the pre-shipment payment to the exporter.

    In India opening of Green Clause LC covering import of goods inour country requires prior permission.

    Green Clause Letter of Credit

    I tl T d P d & D t ti UCP 600 & LC M h i

  • 8/3/2019 Itd 04 Ucp 600 Lc Mechanism


    Intl Trade Procedures & Documentation - UCP 600 & LC Mechanism

    A revocable letter of credit may be revoked or modified for anyreason, at any time by the issuing bank without notification.

    It is rarely used in international trade and not considered

    satisfactory for the exporters but has an advantage over that of

    the importers and the issuing bank.

    There is no provision for confirming revocable credits as per

    terms of UCPDC, Hence they cannot be confirmed.

    It should be indicated in LC that the credit is revocable.

    If there is no such indication the credit will be deemed as


    Revocable Letter of Credit

    I tl T d P d & D t ti UCP 600 & LC M h i

  • 8/3/2019 Itd 04 Ucp 600 Lc Mechanism


    Intl Trade Procedures & Documentation - UCP 600 & LC Mechanism

    In this case it is not possible to revoke or amend a credit without theagreement of:

    Issuing bank

    Confirming bank, and


    Form an exporters point of view it is believed to be more beneficial.

    An irrevocable letter of credit from the issuing bank insures thebeneficiary that if the required documents are presented and the terms

    and conditions are complied with, payment will be made.

    Irrevocable Letter of Credit

    I tl T d P d & D t ti UCP 600 & LC M h i

  • 8/3/2019 Itd 04 Ucp 600 Lc Mechanism


    Intl Trade Procedures & Documentation - UCP 600 & LC Mechanism

    Confirmed Letter of Credit is a special type of L/C in which another bankapart from the issuing bank has added its UNDERTAKING.

    Although, the cost of confirming by two banks makes it costlier, this

    type of L/C is more beneficial for the beneficiary as it doubles theassurance of payment, especially from a local bank which is better

    known to beneficiary.

    Confirmed Letter of Credit

    Intl Trade Procedures & Documentation UCP 600 & LC Mechanism

  • 8/3/2019 Itd 04 Ucp 600 Lc Mechanism


    Intl Trade Procedures & Documentation - UCP 600 & LC Mechanism

    Sight credit states that the payments would be made by theissuing bank at sight, on demand or on presentation.

    In case of usance credit, draft are drawn on the issuing bank or

    the correspondent bank for specified usance period.

    The credit will indicate whether the usance draft are to be drawn

    on the issuing bank or in the case of confirmed credit on the

    confirming bank.

    Sight Credit and Usance Credit

    Intl Trade Procedures & Documentation UCP 600 & LC Mechanism

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    Intl Trade Procedures & Documentation - UCP 600 & LC Mechanism

    Although not recorded on a letter of credit, back-to-back is aterm used in transactions involving two irrevocable letters of


    Such transactions originate when a seller receives a letter of

    credit covering goods which must be obtained from a third party

    who in turn requires a letter of credit.

    The second issuing bank looks to the first issuing bank for

    reimbursement after paying under the second letter of credit.

    The difference between back-to-back letters of credit and

    transferable letters of credit, is such that in a transferable letterof credit, the rights under the existing letter of credit are


    In a back-to-back transaction, different letters of credit are

    actually issued.

    Back to Back Letter of Credit

    Intl Trade Procedures & Documentation UCP 600 & LC Mechanism

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    Int l Trade Procedures & Documentation - UCP 600 & LC Mechanism

    Standby letters of credit may apply in general to transactions which are based

    on the concept of default by the applicant in performance of a contract or


    In the event of default, the beneficiary is permitted to draw under the letter

    of credit.

    Standby letters of credit may be used as a substitute for performance

    guarantees, or issued to guarantee loans granted by one firm to another,thereby securing payment to the creditor in the event the other party fails to

    repay its obligation on the due date.

    Even if the applicant claims to have performed, the bank issuing the letter of

    credit is obliged to make payment provided the beneficiary produces

    complying documents, usually a sight draft, and a written demand forpayment.

    Standby Letters of Credit

    Intl Trade Procedures & Documentation UCP 600 & LC Mechanism

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    Int l Trade Procedures & Documentation - UCP 600 & LC Mechanism