ithome devops summit - iot、docker與devops

Linker Networks Corp. IoTDockerDevOps Simon Su @ LinkerNetworks

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Post on 07-Jan-2017




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Linker Networks Corp.

IoT、Docker與DevOpsSimon Su @ LinkerNetworks

Page 2: IThome DevOps Summit - IoT、docker與DevOps

var simon = {/** I am at GCPUG.TW **/};

simon.GDE = '';

simon.nodejs = ‘';

simon.googleshare = ''

simon.nodejsblog = ‘'; = ‘';

simon.slideshare = ‘'; = ‘[email protected]’;

simon.say(‘Let’s go Cloud!');

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Welcome to join us!

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What is IoT?

The internet of things (IoT) is the network of physical devices, vehicles, buildings and other items — embedded with electronics, software, sensors, actuators, and network connectivity that enable these objects to collect and exchange data.

From Wikipedia:

Cloud Platform

IoT Gateway

Sensors / End Devices

Software Developers


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What is Docker?

Docker containers wrap up a piece of software in a complete filesystem that contains everything it needs to run: code, runtime, system tools, system libraries – anything you can install on a server.

From Wikipedia:

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What is DevOps?

DevOps (a clipped compound of development and operations) is a culture, movement or practice that emphasizes the collaboration and communication of both software developers and other information-technology (IT) professionals while automating the process of software delivery and infrastructure changes.

From Wikipedia:

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About LinerIoT

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What LinkerIoT want to do...

● Software Engineer & Maker cooperation

● Management ubiquitous

● Container orchestration

● Everything for data

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LinkerIoT Services

Device Management AgentIoT Management Service

Device Log AgentIoT Log Service

IoT CI/CD Service Device Builder Agent

Device management functions include user portal, CLI and also provide the management API for further development.

Design for IoT devices log collect and transfer for Big Data and Analysis use.

This is a develop continue flow for user to make their software to become a part of LinkerIoT service.

Device agent for long connect to LinkerIoT management server and provide the health information and remote control availability.

Device agent for device log transformation and transfer. It also a role as local gateway for sensor device to pass data to cloud.

Work with IoT CI/CD service to provide the image automatic build env. and hook with source code and repository system.

● Manage● Automatic● Integrate

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LinkerIoT over Linker DC/OS

Big Data Platform

IoT Platform


Linker DC/OS

Other Deploysmanagement

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Core Architecture

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The core architecture

DC/OS Public Cloud

IoT Gateway


LinkerIoT Servers

LinkerIoT Agent

Management(RESTful API)

Big Data Services

Log Agent

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Manage Path


We using websocket as service management protocol, and provide the RESTful API as remote management interface...

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Log Path

Fluentd Forward

Fluentd Forward

We leverage fluentd as log data collect tool, it provides powerful data transfer feature and with large community plugin support...

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Data Path

We use fluentd inside gateway device to help developer to collect sensor data and pass through this gateway to backend cloud service...


Linker IoTGateway



- TCP/UDP- RESTful (HTTP/HTTPS)- SNMP- syslog- MQTT- XBee- Others


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LinkerIoT Composites

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What the opensources and cloud resources in LinkerIoT...

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Open Hardware

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Docker on ARMv6, v7

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Gogs repository

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Docker regostry

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DCOS / Marathon

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GCP - Cloud Logging

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GCP - BigQuery

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LinerIoT User View

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After get the LinkerIoT gateway, you can follow the guide to enable the wifi to connect with management server and start to use it.

1. Update the network interface config from SDCard “/boot” folder

2. Put the SDCard and boot your device

3. Connect to your portal to check your device

User Enable Flow1



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Device list

Every LinkerIoT enabled device will auto managed by the management server after network connect.

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Deploy to Device

LinkerIoT provide the interface to deploy your application and also manage the delete. You can use our user portal to monitor and control your device.

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LinkerCLI is our command line tool for interactive with your devices remotely. We also provide the interactive simulator for more power control with your device.

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LinkerIoT Sensor Dev Flow

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DC/OS Cloud

Gateway Device


App1 App2 App3

App1 log App2 log App3 log

Log Agent

Sensor Group 1

Sensor Group 2

Sensor Group 3

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PM2.5 Setup

LinkerIoT gateway is a raspberry pi device that already have GPIO for user to extend your sensor that directly plug in the device. Here is the sample for you to enable the pm2.5 sensor to collect related data...


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Config SOP

After the sensor created, you can follow the instruction to pull the sample image and setup the config as (2), then you can enable your gateway to collect pm2.5 data to the clod...




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Data View

We also provide a simple data view for the pm2.5 info, and you can also extend your own view using this tool.

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LinkerIoT Developer Flow

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Developer + Maker

● Developer create software

● Build software images

● Maker design hardware

● Configure data path

● Loading images run and test

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Project layout

● Dockerfile● Icon.png● Your application code

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Auto Build Trigger

Linker IoT Platform

builder controller builder

manage center Devices

Linker Version Service

(git repository)

Linker Image Store

(docker image registry)


1. push code

2. web hook

3. submit to builder

4. push to registry

5.2 notify new version to deploy

6. deploy

a. another trigger for deploy


5.1 notify build finished

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We still want...

● More automation● More integration● More support protocol● More documents

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Planning to Open Source...

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Open Source Spirit

● Developer and Maker oriented

● Data collect oriented

● Remote control oriented

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Road Maps...

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Join us…

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