itm power hydrogen solutions/ case studies


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A sample of ITM Power's case studies covering Power-to-Gas, Energy Storage, Clean Fuel, Renewable Hydrogen, Renewable Chemistry, Urea production


Page 1: ITM Power Hydrogen Solutions/ Case Studies

CASE STUDIES 140160012

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In a world in which fossil fuel energy is becoming ever more scarce and expensive and countries are struggling to meet their carbon reduction obligations, hydrogen solutions have finally reached the top of energy agendas.

ITM Power manufactures integrated hydrogen energy solutions that are rapid response and high pressure that meet the requirements for grid balancing and energy storage services, and for the production of clean fuel for transport, renewable heat and chemicals. The international demand for these solutions is increasing.

• Energy storage provision has startedto become a mandatory requirementin areas of the world such asCalifornia; it is recognised asan essential prerequisite forrenewable energy deployment

• Grid balancing and rapid responsedemand-side services are crucial forthe integration of high proportionsof renewable energy supply on theelectricity grid

• Auto OEMs are rolling out Fuel CellElectric Vehicles (FCEVs) that requirea high purity hydrogen fuel. Hyundaihas commenced production, withToyota to follow suit later in 2014and then Honda and others from2015. Hydrogen fuel cell cars are nowbeing sold. Global hydrogen refuellingstation infrastructure programmesare underway

• Air quality regulations are stimulatingthe need for hydrogen as a clean fuelfor clean transport emissions, in cityregions around the world

• Energy security and fuel securityhas risen to the top of the geo-political agenda

• Price volatility of fossil fuels is drivingan industrial substitution to moresustainable chemical processes

Shaping a renewable hydrogen future

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energy StoragepowER-to-gas

Phil DoranManaging Director, ITM Power GmbH

“In Germany there is widespread acceptance that the massive expansion of fluctuating renewable power demands the establishment of large scale Power-to-Gas energy storage to manage the resulting mismatch between energy supply and demand. According to a recent Deutsche Bank report by natural resources economist Josef Auer, Germany’s Energiewende is Driving Power-to-Gas. In our view it will also drive the renewable generation of hydrogen for the transport sector.

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Phil Doran, MD, ITM Power GmbH at the Thüga Group’s Power-to-Gas Plant, Frankfurt

pRojEct thüga group’s power-to-gas plant


total pRojEct funding


badenova ag & co. kg, Erdgas mittelsachsen gmbh, Energieversorgung mittelrhein gmbh, Erdgas schwaben gmbh, EswE versorgungs ag, gasversorgung westerwald gmbh, mainova aktiengesellschaft, stadtwerke ansbach gmbh, stadtwerke bad hersfeld gmbh, thüga Energienetze gmbh, wEmag ag, e-rp gmbh and thüga ag.


power-to-gas Energy storage

“The combination of renewable electrical energy and smart grids together with storage form the backbone of the Energiewende.”

Eveline LemkeRhineland-Palatinate Minister of Economic Affairs

“Our gas distribution network could thus be the battery of the future.”

Michael RiechelMember of the Board of Thüga AG

itm power plc CASE STUDIES

EnERgY stoRagE

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Timeline of Thüga plant deliverables

mar 13

oct 13

may 13

dec 13apr 13

nov 13

jun 13

jan 14jul 13

Feb 14aug 13

mar 14sep 13

apr 14

may 14



ground Breaking

Final acceptance of the plant Final


tÜv permit

First ever injection of

hydrogen into gas distribution


electrolyser arrives on-site

ce marked

given the high volumeS of energy that muSt be Stored, power-to-gaS teChnology holdS great SignifiCanCe. According to Thüga’s analysis, energy storage requirements in Germany could be as high as 17 terawatt hours (TWh) by 2020, and reach 50 TWh by 2050. The municipal gas distribution network can easily absorb these quantities.

Thirteen companies of the Thüga group have combined their know-how and capital in a project platform to jointly invest in the development of Power-to-Gas storage technology. The focus is on testing the practicality of Power-to-Gas technology.

The companies are confident that longterm this technology has the greatest potential to store excess amounts of renewable energy as the development of storage technologies is one of themain challenges for the energy transition (Energiewende), if the integration of wind and solar power is to succeed.

ITM Power’s proton exchange membrane (PEM) electrolyser is the core of the system in Frankfurt am Main.

The plant converts electrical energy into chemical energy and thus facilitates thestorage of electrical energy. The gas mixing plant ensures that the admixture of hydrogen in the gas distribution network does not exceed 2% by volume.

The plant is now entering its three year operational phase, during which time the plant will participate in the balancing energy market and provide negative balancing power.

That means, when too much power is on the electrical grid, at the request of the transmission system operator (TSO), the load of the electrolyser will be increased. In this case, the plant absorbs the excess power and converts it into hydrogen. This also contributes to the stability of the electricity grid.

At the end of 2013, the plant injected hydrogen for the first time into the Frankfurt gas distribution networkbecoming the first plant to inject electrolytic generated hydrogen into the German gas distribution network.Final acceptance of the plant was achieved at the end of March 2014, which reflected the timely achievement of all milestones set.

The project is supported by the Hessian Ministry for the Environment, Energy, Agriculture and Consumer Protection. Following the first phase of the project, the participants are considering a second project, which would use hydrogen and carbon dioxide to produce synthetic natural gas to be subsequently stored.

itm power plc CASE STUDIES

EnERgY stoRagE EnERgY stoRagE

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Clean fuel

Kit MalthouseDeputy Mayor of London for Business and Enterprise

“This technology was invented in the UK and London already has a massive research base around hydrogen and alternative fuels. When you also consider that we already export thousands of vehicles from the UK that adds up to a big opportunity for many new jobs working in cutting edge new technologies. We are doing everything we can to ensure London is ready when the very first commercially available hydrogen vehicles begin to come to the market in 2015.”

hYdRogEn fuEl

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itm power iS leading the ‘iSland hydrogen’ vehiCle refuelling projeCt on the iSle of wight Supported by the uK’S innovation agenCy, the teChnology Strategy board.The project integrates into the power system, a hydrogen energy storage and vehicle refuelling system on the Isle of Wight, through the development and optimisation of a control system to link renewable energy supply, smart grid controls and hydrogen production.

This will serve as an integrated renewable energy-transport model that can be replicated in smart cities, as well as islands around the world. ITM Power will be deploying two hydrogen refuelling stations. Initial planning permission applications lead to ITM Power being granted planning permission for five hydrogen refuelling sites on the Isle of Wight.

Two of these sites were chosen for the 80kg/day and 15kg/day stations to take forward for installation of hydrogen refuellers ready for operation in November 2014.

ITM Power will deploy one modular 80kg/day hydrogen generation unit, the first deployment of a station this size which is intended to form the initial station size in the roll-out of hydrogen refuelling stations in the UK H2Mobility project. This modular design allows generation capacity to be increased at refuelling stations as demand increases.

The other station to be deployed is for a 15kg/day marine refuellingstation to be located at CheetahMarine’s site in Ventnor. In addition to deploying the stations, ITM Power was also granted planning permission for five locations for five hydrogen refuelling sites on the Isle of Wight.

Two of these sites were chosen for the 80kg/day and 15kg/day stations to take forward for installation of hydrogenrefuellers ready for operation in November 2014. ITM Power sits on three Working Groups of the ISO Technical Committee 197, which has as its stated scope the standardisation in the field of systems and devices for the production, storage, transport, measurement and use of hydrogen. Furthermore, ITM Power sits on the British Compressed Gas Association Technical Steering Committees with particular emphasis on Code of Practice 41, which addresses The Design, Construction, Maintenance and Operation of Filling Stations Providing Gaseous Fuels.

pRojEct island hydrogen


total pRojEct funding


technology strategy board, cheetah marine, ssE, ibm, vodafone, arcola, university of nottingham, university of south wales, npl, toshiba


hydrogen vehicle and marine Refuelling

“The expertise required to achieve planning permission and satisfy compliance bodies is often underestimated. I am delighted that ITM Power has been successful in gaining approval to commence the build of two hydrogen refuelling stations on the Isle of Wight. Furthermore, the continued support from the Isle of Wight council and their determination to become a prime location for hydrogen fuel cell vehicle deployment provides a fantastic backdrop to this exciting project.”

Dr Graham CooleyChief Executive of ITM Power

CASE STUDIESitm power plc

clEan fuElclEan fuEl

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global leaderS Sign £31m plan to demonStrate the CommerCial CaSe for hydrogen vehiCleS. HyFive is a pioneering £31 million project involving leading motor manufacturers, hydrogen fuel suppliers, the Mayor of London’s Office and energy consultancies to make hydrogen vehicles a viable and environmentally friendly choice for motorists across Europe.Five different manufacturers have agreed to deploy a total of 110 hydrogen fuel cell vehicles at several European locations (Bolzano, Copenhagen, Innsbruck, London, Munich, Stuttgart) and develop new clusters of hydrogen refuelling stations.

ITM Power was selected by the London Hydrogen Partnership to be the Hydrogen Refuelling Station partner for London. This resulted in an award of contract to supply three ITM Power electrolyser-based refuelling stations. The Mayor of London’s Office announced the award which is funded by the European Union Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking project called HyFive.

The contract is worth approximately £2.8 million to ITM Power and results in three 80kg/ day hydrogen stations being deployed in London. These three new stations will form part of three European regions deploying six new 700bar hydrogen refuelling stations and incorporate 12 existing stations in the project. The fuelling station networks will offer hydrogen as a genuine fuelling choice for end users. Working with other partners in the project, Air Products, Linde, OMV and the Copenhagen Hydrogen Network, will stimulate the network density

required for full commercial roll-out of hydrogen refuelling and FCEVs across Europe. The hydrogen stations are due to be operational in 2015, by which time the vehicle manufacturers in the partnership will have started to put hydrogen fuelled cars on sale in some European markets.

The motor manufacturers who are part of this project are working on developing and demonstrating hydrogen powered fuel cell cars. The prospect of these becoming more widely available is now seen as increasingly likely as the currently high cost of the technology falls and hydrogen powered vehicles become affordable. Supporters of the new technology point to the rapid refuelling times for hydrogen cars and their potential to cover over four hundred miles before needing to be refuelled. They also believe that fuel cells will have the ability to be scaled up to run larger vehicles such as buses or trucks.

pRojEct hyfive Refuelling partner for london


total pRojEct funding


the mayor of london’s office, bmw, daimler, honda, hyundai, toyota, air products, copenhagen hydrogen network, itm power, linde, omv, Element Energy, pE intERnational, the institute for innovative technology and the European fuel cell and hydrogen joint undertaking

£31m (£2.8m to itm power)

vehicle Refuelling

“The 15 partners of the HyFive project will work together to advance the awareness, understanding, viability and uptake of zero-emission hydrogen-powered vehicles, like the Hyundai ix35 Fuel Cell. The collective mid-term goal is to grow a pan-European refuelling network and ensure more vehicles are seen on the road.”

Byung Kwon RhimPresident of Hyundai Motor Europe

CASE STUDIESitm power plc

clEan fuElclEan fuEl

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Stephen Jones, MD, ITM Power Inc. examines the hydrogen refuelling station bound for Hyundai, California.

pRojEct california Refuelling stations


total pRojEct funding


hyundai, powertech, h2 frontier inc, Riverside

$5,125,000 to both stations

hydrogen vehicle Refuelling

“Fuel cell technologies are an important part of an all-of-the-above approach to diversify America’s transportation sector, reduce our dependence on foreign oil and increase our competitiveness in the global market.”

David DanielsonAssistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy

itm power plc CASE STUDIES

clEan fuEl

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aS a reSult of aSSembly bill 32, California iS required to SignifiCantly reduCe itS Carbon emiSSionS State-wide.From a utility perspective, this means that an increasing proportion of renewable energy will need to be introduced into the electrical grid.

As a result California (CA) has set up a Renewables Portfolio Standard (RPS) of 33% total renewable energy by 2020.This is likely to increase to 50% by 2030. The increase in renewable energy into the electrical grid results in the need for storage during times when the renewable energy production may be sub optimum. This has led to the California public utilities commission mandating 1.3GW of energy storage by 2020 and opportunities to leverage the natural gas grid to store renewable energy, an approach that is now near commercial in Germany.

In addition AB-8 bill was passed in September 2013 providing up to $200m of funding for hydrogen infrastructure in the state of California over a ten year period with the aim of at least 100 stations by 2024.

ITM Power’s Chino project was awarded under this program to supply a 100kg per day system to Hydrogen Frontier Inc for incorporation into a refuelling station located at Hyundai’s technical centre in Chino, CA.

ITM Power’s other station award for the city of Riverside California was also through the same program and will see ITM Power lead a consortium of partners to deploy and operate a 100kg per day public hydrogen station. The station is located in one of the prime areas highlighted by the CEC; at the City of Riverside’s Alternative Fuelling Facility close to the 91 Freeway. The refuelling unit will replace a smaller, outdated station and will be capable of generating 100kg/day of hydrogen with the ability to dispense at both 350 and 700 bar. The station will be operational by October 2015.

The NOPA from the CEC comes as part of PON 13-607, the second solicitation in a ten year programme to deploy refuelling stations across California to support the roll-out of Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEVs).

clEan fuEl

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renewable ChemiStry

David WillettsScience Minister

“The British scientific and technological revolution is something to be proud of. By investing in these great technologies I firmly believe that the UK will continue to be at the forefront of the global technology race.”

dEcaRbonising chEmicals

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itm power iS leading a ConSortium projeCt to demonStrate the deCarboniSation of fertiliSer produCtion, whiCh iS reSponSible for a material proportion of global greenhouSe gaS emiSSionS. The funding comes from the UK’s innovation agency, the Technology Strategy Board, under its Agri-Tech programme. The project is to design and build a system for the production of renewable fertiliser.

The integrated electrolyser based pilot scale system will be trialled at the UK farm owned by Waitrose. As a responsible retailer, Waitrose always strives to minimise its impact on the environment. Support of sustainable agriculture is one way in which the retailer does this – and the involvement of the retailer’s own farm, Leckford, in this pilot could support this aim by

helping develop a process that could greatly reduce the environmental footprint where fertiliser is used.

With the growing global population increasing demand for foodstuffs, and as less acreage is dedicated to crop cultivation, yields must increase. 50% of current global food production relies on the use of NH3 based fertilisers and is key to increasing yields.

The challenge addressed by this project is the need to drastically reduce the emissions associated with the production of NH3 based fertilisers.

Commercial production of NH3 is a large scale industrial process converting natural gas (or other fossil fuels) into gaseous hydrogen, which is catalytically reacted with nitrogen to form anhydrous liquid NH3. Hydrogen can be produced more simply and more sustainably by the electrolysis of water using renewable electricity – thus decoupling NH3 production from fossil fuels, substantially decarbonising the process, and providing a means of utilising waste CO2 in urea production in line with EU climate action objectives.

pRojEct Renewable chemistry: uREa


total pRojEct funding


waitrose, technology strategy board


Renewable fertiliser

itm power plc CASE STUDIES

REnEwablE chEmistRY REnEwablE chEmistRY

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in 2013, itm power beCame the operator of a hydrogen mini grid loCated at the advanCed manufaCturing parK (amp) in rotherham, whiCh SinCe itS inStallation in 2007 haS never been operational. The Hydrogen Mini Grid (HMG) is a unique facility consisting of a 225kW wind turbine coupled directly to an electrolyser, 200kg of hydrogen storage, a hydrogen dispensing unit and a 30kW fuel cell system capable of providing backup power generation for nearby buildings.

The facility is currently being upgraded as a showcase for ITM Power’s world-class hydrogen generation equipment and will be used to provide retail hydrogen fuel services within the Sheffield City Region.

The facility will also serve to develop ITM Power’s modular commercial platform for hydrogen generation systems, Power-to-Gas and refuelling solutions. The system is designed so that energy from the wind turbine is used to provide power for some of the buildings

on the AMP, with excess energy being used by the electrolyser to generate hydrogen gas. The gas is then compressed and stored ready for dispensing into hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. Particular focus will be on the national hydrogen mobility initiatives being undertaken in countries around the world.

The M1 motorway was highlighted as a key route for the early deployment of hydrogen refuelling in the UK in the published UK H2Mobility Phase 1 Report. The Advanced Manufacturing Park is just two miles from the M1 motorway network and within reach of the large population centres of Sheffield, Rotherham, Barnsley and Doncaster, giving the facility a very large catchment area and providing the perfect positionfor a commercial refuelling station.

The site already has planning permission for hydrogen systems and much of the required infrastructure and groundwork is already in place, which allows for very low set-up costs to install and use ITM Power’s non-invasive hydrogen generation technology.

As the wind turbine is already installed, it allows 100% renewable hydrogen to be produced on the site. This hydrogen is a fundamental chemical building block for a variety of commodity chemicals and fuels including ammonia and synthetic methane for which there are massive world markets.

pRojEct wind hydrogen development platform


total pRojEct funding


advanced manufacturing park, sheffield university, demontfort university, ups, Rotherham mbc


Renewable hydrogen

“We are delighted to have been selected as the operator for the HMGS in Rotherham. The site has huge potential and ITM Power is perfectly positioned to realise this potential with our unique technology. Together with our partners, we will be able to use the site as a retail hydrogen fuel station for the area and it will provide a repeatable blueprint for similar systems to be deployed around the world.”

Dr Graham CooleyCEO, ITM Power plc

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REnEwablE chEmistRY REnEwablE chEmistRY

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ITM Power plc22 Atlas WaySheffieldS4 7QQ

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