itn diversity and inclusion report 2020

Diversity and Inclusion Report 2020

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Post on 28-Mar-2022




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Diversity is about recognising difference. It’s acknowledging the benefit of having a range of perspectives in decision-making and our workforce being representative of our customers and audiences.
Inclusion is where people’s differences are valued and used to enable everyone to thrive at work. In an inclusive workplace, everyone feels that they can be themselves, their contribution matters and they can perform to their full potential, no matter their background, identity or circumstances. It enables us to benefit from diversity of thought, ideas and innovation.
A message from our Chief Executive
Goal and Pledges
Gender Pay Gap Data
Ethnicity Pay Gap Data
Data and Analysis
Independent Television News Limited 200 Gray’s Inn Road | London | WC1X 8XZ Registered in England & Wales Registered Number: 548648 +44 (0)20 7833 3000 |
We have been formulating our Diversity & Inclusion strategy for many months but, as our EMpower network so succinctly put it, we need: ‘headlines, deadlines and actions’. And we need them now.
This is a critical moment. The depth of feeling and sense of outrage over the killing of George Floyd have forced the world to wake up. His tragic death and a global pandemic have challenged current systems like never before, and many companies, including ours, are expressing their commitment to driving real change.
Creating a vibrant, inclusive, collaborative culture – a culture where people feel confident to speak up - is central to my vision for ITN. This is a special and unique company. Our services reach millions of people across the UK every day. We drive transformation by telling the truth about what is happening and by holding those in power to account. But our values of truth and transparency also demand we look inwards. What is clear is that we have not educated ourselves enough, listened enough or done enough and while we have made progress – parts of this report are extremely encouraging – we are not where we need to be.
Getting this right is central to our creative and commercial success and for me, it all starts with the data. This strategic process – data collection, mapping, interrogation - is vital to ensuring a pipeline of talent and progression at every level. We will be among the first media companies to publish this 2020 data and due to the challenges of COVID-19, some are unlikely to publish at all. Additionally, ITN is not legislated to publish all the representation and pay gap data you see here, but we pledged to do so because we are determined to make sure everyone gets the opportunities, the rewards and the recognition they deserve.
We should all be proud of the progress we have made on representation, and achieving some of our targets two years early means we are reviewing our next set of goals. We should also be proud that we have reduced our gender pay gap by more than a third in the space of a year and that presents some optimism when it comes to hitting the target for our 2022 BAME pay gap, which has improved only marginally this year. Clearly that remains a huge disappointment. However, we will be working closely with our leadership teams, our employee networks and all of you via a series of workshops beginning in August and running throughout the autumn, to drill down into the data and to accelerate our action plans. We’re already seeing green shoots: in the past five months, 35% of new hires at ITN are from ethnic minorities and 60% are women and it’s only by working together that more progress will be made.
I want to use my privileged position as ITN’s leader to do all I can to create lasting, structural change. We can control many things – who we hire, how we progress talented people, which voices we have at senior levels, which information we share as a company, the targets we set ourselves and of course, what we put on our news bulletins and in our programmes. And I am taking personal responsibility for our accelerated plan of action. This plan is not something to delegate – and I have been instrumental in its development. It was the number one priority at our recent Senior Leadership away day and has the commitment of all my senior team. Today I commit that I will never stop listening and progressing this work.
The time for change is now.“
“ Anna Mallett
Chief Executive Officer
1 2 3Speak Up Balance Represent
We have a zero tolerance approach to any form of discrimination.
We are committed to driving equitable representation at all levels to ensure our creative vibrancy as storytellers.
We will represent diverse voices in all our editorial decisions, in the workplace and on screen.
To be recognised as a diverse and inclusive employer that encourages, supports and celebrates the diverse voices of
our employees and reflects the audiences we serve.
One goal.
Three pledges.
Data and Analysis: Census overview
We asked questions about gender, ethnicity, socio-economic background, location and age. Confidentiality was and is paramount, and therefore we have produced summary results across ITN which cannot identify any individual’s personal response.
To ensure the results were representative of the majority of ITN, we wanted to communicate the detail once a completion rate of 80% had been achieved. In fact, we have now surpassed that target as 85% of the workforce has now completed the survey. We will of course continue to strive for a 100% completion rate.
To broaden the depth of our census, this year we included questions around socio-economic background to understand issues around social mobility. These questions were selected from the Social Mobility Commission which consulted 200+ companies in 2017 about the relevant factors reflecting socio- economic status. Hand in hand with this were questions about where our employees come from to identify our regional representation.
Census in numbers
In October 2019, we conducted a major census among our workforce. The survey was sent to every employee, to help us better understand the makeup of our company.
*Male: 49%
Data and Analysis: Representation year-on-year
We are on course to hit our 2022 diversity representation targets early.
6% 8%
Diversity of voice in our newsrooms and ensuring we as an organisation are reflecting our viewers across the UK has been an important driver of our diversity and inclusion strategy and, since 2018, ITN has made substantial changes to the look and feel of our organisation.
We have moved steadily towards equal representation in gender, and in terms of the number of colleagues from BAME backgrounds we have already met our 2022 target of 20%. We have doubled the number of people who identify as LGBTQ+ at ITN compared to 2018 figures, which is also to be celebrated. Twice as many people with disabilities are working for us in 2020 compared with two years ago, and we are on track to meet our 2022 target of 5% in this area. Nevertheless, we remain well below the national average and are launching a new disability policy to help us address these issues.
It’s important to remember that these figures are targets and not caps and we will continue to analyse and update our goals to ensure we have a culture of inclusivity and broad representation across all the four areas we measure.
These figures are based on our census, which was completed by 85% of our workforce.
Data and Analysis: Education
Around two-thirds of our census respondents went to state schools, and approximately 21% attended private or independent schools.
Journalism has traditionally had similar limited entry into its ranks as professions such as law, accountancy and medicine. All of these have working within them a higher proportion of people from higher social classes than the entire population and a much lower proportion from the lowest social backgrounds.*
In our 2019 census we included a section focusing on the background of our employees to help us build up a picture of our workforce. Questions about responders’ education as well as the professional status of their parents and carers were framed with reference to the government’s Social Mobility Commission. The results have presented us with an accurate picture of our socio-economic mix which shows that our business as a whole is staffed predominantly by people who attended state-funded schools. The results show that 20.8% of our employees attended an independent or fee-paying school with nearly 7% attending school outside the UK.
ITN is committed to recruiting candidates from diverse backgrounds and regions and we work with our clients and partner organisations to run a variety of initiatives to enable this. Each year, we work closely with ITV on schemes such as the annual Breaking Into News and Newsroom Open Day events, while we have also supported Creative Access in delivering masterclasses to aspiring young journalists from diverse backgrounds. ITN hosts around 120 work experience placements every year, with 5 News offering approximately 45 placements to students from outside London and from under-represented groups. In 2018, Channel 4 News launched the Sarah Corp Fellowship, helping to train a new generation of journalists in memory of the late Sarah Corp, a senior foreign affairs producer. We also work with organisations like the John Schofield Trust, the Rory Peck Trust and the Creative Diversity Network.
Attended state school
Attended school outside the UK: 7%
Independent or fee-paying school: 21%
Prefer not to say: 5%
Don’t know: 0.4%
These figures are based on our census, which was completed by 85% of our workforce.* Diversity in Journalism, Report for the National Council for
the Training of Journalists by Mark Spilsbury, November 2017
The majority of our census respondents are from England, with around half coming from London and the South East.
Just under 9% come from overseas. Wales and Northern Ireland, the North East of England and Yorkshire & Humber are the most under-represented regions.
In 2020, ITN opened a new production base complete with state-of- the-art edit facilities in the city of Leeds.
“ “
Where our census respondents spent their formative years:
These figures are based on our census, which was completed by 85% of our workforce.
What do we mean by pay gap?
A pay gap is the difference between the average earnings of one group of people and the average earnings of a different group of people, for example men and women, or BAME people and white people.
At ITN, we measure and report two different pay gaps. The gap between the average female and male earnings is the Gender Pay Gap (see page 10), which we are required by legislation to report, and the gap between the average earnings of Black, Asian and other ethnic minority (BAME) colleagues and the average earnings of white colleagues is the Ethnicity Pay Gap (see page 11), which ITN publishes voluntarily.
How are the pay gaps calculated?
Both gender and ethnicity pay gaps have been calculated according to the UK government’s published methodology. The pay data of 670 employees was analysed as at 5 April 2020. This number includes all UK-based full time and part time ITN employees, but does not include freelance contractors, international employees or those not receiving full pay on 5 April 2020, i.e. those on maternity leave or shared parental leave.
The ‘mean’ is the average and the ‘median’ is the middle. To explain median, imagine that all employees were lined up in a female line and a male line from lowest to highest in terms of rate of pay. The female and the male in the middle of each line are compared, this is what gives us the median gender pay gap.
Is a pay gap the same as equal pay?
No, they are two different things. The gender and ethnicity pay gaps show the difference between the hourly rates of pay between all men and all women - and all BAME employees and all white employees - on a mean and median basis.
Unequal pay is when a man and a woman - or a white employee and a BAME employee - are paid different amounts for doing the same work. This has been unlawful under equality legislation since 1970.
National Average
The UK’s median gender pay gap in 2019. Source: ONS

Gender Pay and Bonus Gap Gender Pay Gap Gender Bonus Gap
Gender split at ITN* People receiving a bonus
Mean Mean
Female employees
* The figures in the gender split charts are based on our census, which was
completed by 85% of our workforce. Some colleagues chose not to answer.
Male employees
Pay Quartiles
When we first reported our gender pay gap at ITN, we set ourselves an ambitious target, namely to halve our mean gender pay gap by 2022. In achieving a 35% reduction year-on-year from 2019 to 2020, we are pleased that we have exceeded this target ahead of schedule. However, we cannot be complacent: we recognise that we still have more to achieve, and we recognise that one key driver of our gender pay gap is lower female representation in senior roles, something that we will continue to focus on in the forthcoming years.
22.1% of male and 26.3% of female employees received a bonus in 2019/2020. While these numbers are lower than in 2019, bonus payments in several ITN divisions were delayed until May 2020 due to the COVID-19 crisis and therefore will be reflected in our 2021 pay gap reporting.
Pay quartiles
Pay quartiles are calculated by listing each employee’s hourly pay from highest to lowest, before dividing into four equally sized groups. This chart shows the proportion of male and female employees within each pay quartile at ITN. We have increased male representation in our lower quartile and increased female representation in our upper quartile since 2019.
We’ve seen significant improvement in our gender pay gap figures, with a 35% reduction in the mean figure year-on-year, and a 19% reduction in the median figure.
54% 33%52% 43%46% 67%48% 57%
Ethnicity split at ITN* People receiving a bonus
BAME employees
BAME employees
White employees
White employees
20% 24%80% 24%
Our ethnicity pay gap has very slightly reduced for both the mean and median calculations. While representation of Black, Asian and other minority ethnicity employees has increased across all quartiles for the second consecutive year, it’s disappointing that our ethnicity pay gap has not moved significantly and continues to be largely driven by lower BAME representation in more senior roles. This is why we are acclerating our progression action plans in order to improve diversity in senior positions (see page 14).
24.4% of Black, Asian and minority ethnic and 24.0% of white employees received a bonus in 2019/2020. While these numbers are lower than in 2019, bonus payments in several ITN divisions were delayed until May 2020 due to the COVID-19 crisis and therefore will be reflected in our 2021 pay gap reporting.
Pay quartiles
Pay quartiles are calculated by listing each employee’s hourly pay from highest to lowest, before dividing into four equally sized groups. This chart shows the proportion of Black Asian and Minority Ethnic employees and white employees within each pay quartile. For the second year running, representation of BAME employees has increased across all quartiles, however, a major priority will be to increase the number of BAME employees in the upper quartiles.
While we have seen an increase in the number of Black, Asian and other ethnic minority colleagues working at ITN overall, we know that this alone is not enough and there remains significant work to do to ensure that BAME colleagues are represented at every level of seniority throughout ITN.
Q1 Lowest paid
Pay Quartiles
Mean Mean
2019: 22.9% 2019: 33.0%
19.4% 63.7%20.8% -4.7%
* The figures in the ethnicity split charts are based on our
census, which was completed by 85% of our workforce. 11
1 2 3 4Recruitment Progression Culture Accountability
Focus on diverse recruitment, particularly at senior levels.
Break down barriers to progression within ITN.
Increase share of voice in editorial & management.
Improve culture of transparency and accountability.
One goal. Three pledges. Four strategic priorities.
2019 Progress
We have already implemented new and improved ways of recruiting staff to ITN that draw on different talent pools and paths into the recruitment market. We now have a policy of open recruitment for all roles. Once the shortlist has been made, all interviews now have mixed gender panels and a minimum of one female and one BAME candidate for every external role. Unconscious bias training is already in place for all  decision-makers.
2020/21 Priorities
Alongside the progress we have made in our recruitment practices, we are also focussing on building the external profile of ITN in order to attract and identify diverse talent, especially for senior roles. Tools for mitigating bias are also part of our enhanced strategy to ensure we have a recruitment process with inclusivity at its heart. This includes unconscious bias reminders for all hiring managers, trialling anonymous CVs, and BAME representation on every interview panel. Building relationships with younger people is also on our agenda to create a pipeline of diverse talent into ITN. #ITNBacktoSchool is a programme that enables staff to visit schools to talk about ITN and our work, and ITN Pathways is an early careers programme that also feeds into this priority.
01. Recruitment
Broaden diversity of applicants to ITN using e.g. ‘ITN Pathways’, #ITNBacktoSchool, social media campaigns
Trial anonymised CVs for all roles launch in August-November, review November
Focus areas
Use innovative approaches to identify and proactively encourage diverse applicants
Build strong external profile and networks to attract a healthy pipeline of senior, diverse talent
Utilise diverse freelancers as a talent pipeline
Mitigate unconscious bias in selection processes
Above: Channel 4 News colleagues take part in a Creative Access Masterclass on broadcast news for an audience of aspiring journalists.
2019 Progress
Having effective succession planning tools in place is pivotal to maintaining a diverse workplace at all levels of the organisation. Succession planning is now in place across all departments. Understanding the reasons employees leave is key to formulating policy, so analysis of our exit interviews now feeds into our retention and progression plans. We have also now established an annual mentoring scheme; flexible working options available across ITN, and the option to take a ‘flexi- month’ at any time of the year, as well as the ability to purchase an additional 10 days’ annual leave. A proactive review of women’s pay as they return from maternity leave has also been introduced.
2020/21 Priorities
Creating a diverse and inclusive workforce particularly at senior levels is our key priority. We intend to identify high-potential diverse talent from inside the organisation for regular SLT discussion, supported by the succession plans already in place. Developing the experience of talented individuals by introducing specific schemes will enable progression up and across ITN. These schemes include managed moves across departments and a work-shadow programme as well as taking steps to enhance the existing mentoring programmes. Inclusion training for all employees will be mandatory going forward and the work we’re already doing analysing and reviewing exit interviews will feed into our progression and retention strategy.
02. Progression
S T R A T E G Y : R E C R U I T M E N TS T R A T E G Y : R E C R U I T M E N T
Fund five SLT sponsored pan- ITN attachments for top talent in next 12 months from agreed ITN training pot
Launch mandatory inclusive leadership training for SLT and all employees
Re-launch reverse mentoring for the SLT and middle managers from September, and introduce mentoring for women returning from maternity leave
Review all exit interviews quarterly by department . CEO to offer exit interviews with senior diverse leavers
Use the revolution of remote, flexible working to improve recruitment and progression of diverse talent 
Grow our internal talent by creating new opportunities for development
Support and encourage flexible working options to retain talent
Inclusion training roll-out to all employees
Identify and promote high-performing talent
Focus areas
2019 Progress
Last year, we created the role of Head of Diversity and Inclusion, which has supported ITN in articulating and driving our strategy. ITN’s newly-formed Inclusion Action Group and employee network groups such as ITN PRIDE, EMpower and the Working Parents’ Network have been established and have a strong, positive presence in the organisation. To encourage an open, supportive work environment, we have an ‘open door’ policy from CEO down, giving access to senior colleagues if any issues need to be raised. We have applied the same openness to our news agenda too, as all newsrooms now have editorial meetings to enable and encourage discussion and analysis of diverse story ideas.
2020/21 Priorities
According to our census results, BAME representation is above the national average at 20%, but we are committed to ensuring that this diversity is reflected vertically across our organisation and in particular in our senior leadership team. To address this, we will invite a range of speakers on Diversity and Inclusion to join the SLT and also address ITN as a whole. We will also enhance our processes to engage and support continued diversity through awareness-raising programmes such as reverse mentoring. We want to maintain and improve the level of on-screen diverse talent - presenters and contributors - and will continue to monitor the balance after every programme. We will also explore ways of measuring on-screen diversity for other output across ITN.
03. Culture
S T R A T E G Y : R E C R U I T M E N TS T R A T E G Y : R E C R U I T M E N T
Commit to enhanced ethnic diversity on SLT and senior, off- screen, editorial roles
Drive diversity in editorial decision-making with bespoke initiatives in each area
Promote process for discussing concerns over career progression and editorial decision-making
Maintain and grow on-screen diverse talent; continue to monitor and record after each news programme
Launch disability policy, hold focus groups and create employee network
Ensure diverse voices are present at decision- making levels within ITN (including SLT)
Promote diversity of on-screen talent to reflect and represent diverse voices
Create an environment where everyone feels they can speak out
Embed different channels for colleagues to be involved in addressing inclusion
Focus areas
For more information about our networks see page 16.
Top: Colleagues gather for the launch of EMpower, ITN’s BAME employee network.
Middle: Mary Nightingale interviews SAS: Who Dares Wins star Jason Fox in an internal event for Mental Health Awareness week.
Left: 2020 saw ITN celebrate a virtual Pride Week during the national lockdown, with a range of digital activity and an intranet takeover.
EMpower BAME Network EMpower was set up in 2019 and is a place for ITN’s Black, Asian and ethnic minorities to discuss the organisation’s diversity strategy and come together as a group to influence measures to increase representation at every level. At the time of writing it counts over 75 members.
ITN Inclusion Action Group The Inclusion Action Group’s purpose is to ensure ITN is an inclusive place for all who work here while promoting our ‘One ITN’ purpose, vision and values, supporting the inclusion strategy and initiatives and driving action. It works in partnership with HR, business units and the Employee Network Groups and provides feedback to the SLT.
ITN Voice Employee Forum ITN Voice is a network of people from across ITN, elected by their peers to give a voice to every part of the company. ITN Voice works to create positive change, influencing decisions that affect everyone and coming up with ideas for how we can continually improve life at ITN.
ITN Pride LGBTQ+ Network Co-chair Minnie Stephenson says: “ITN Pride is the first ever LGBTQ+ network at Gray’s Inn Road. Our mission is to ensure that LGBTQ+ employees are represented across ITN and at every level. We know in 2020 that many people are still uncomfortable to be out in the workplace, we hope Pride plays a part in changing that.”
Thrive Women’s Network Our newest network will be fully launched in the autumn. Thrive welcomes all female-identifying staff at ITN and will focus on giving women the chance not only to share experiences, but also the opportunity to organise events and raise issues of particular concern to our female colleagues.
03. Culture Representation
EMpower BAME Network
Parents & Carers’ Network
Inclusion Action Group
Chairs: Minnie Stephenson Reporter, Channel 4 News Marcus Taylor-Nylund Head of PMO, Technology
Nick Hafezi News Assistant, Studios
SLT Sponsor: James Scorer General Counsel
Chair: Hilary Platt Operations and Finance Director, ITV News SLT Sponsor: TBC
Chairs: Ronke Phillips Senior Correspondent, ITV News Liliane Landor Head of Foreign News, Channel 4 News SLT Sponsor: Lisa Campbell Director of Corporate Communications
Chairs: TBC SLT Sponsor: Richard Lawson Director of Commercial Production
Chairs: Kiran Bance Head of Diversity and Inclusion Rachel Corp Acting Editor, ITV News
Chair: Cait FitzSimons Editor, 5 News
2019 Progress
We made a commitment to sharing gender and BAME pay gaps each year which we are fulfilling in this report along with our strategies to address issues raised. We have reviewed part-time working to ensure ITN adopts a consistent and market-leading approach. If a member of staff feels they may not be receiving equitable pay when measured against a comparator, they can make use of a salary check process. Last year, we also linked the bonuses of the senior leadership team to their diversity and inclusion targets.
2020/21 Priorities
The first step is developing a transparent reward and recognition programme. We will drive better decision-making by feeding the analysis from the census, pay gap reports and exit interviews into future action planning. We are creating enhanced diversity dashboards for the business and setting milestones for achievement on recruitment, progression and retention. Making ITN an attractive employer to those with disabilities is a priority. We will carry out disability focus groups to understand areas to prioritise and launch a new policy. We also commit to reviewing all of our our targets.
04. Accountability
S T R A T E G Y : R E C R U I T M E N TS T R A T E G Y : R E C R U I T M E N TA C C O U N T A B I L I T Y
Develop a transparent reward and recognition programme and finalise all pay benchmarking across ITN
Divisional pay gap dashboards to be reviewed by SLT on a quarterly basis. Mean and Median data published annually.
Quarterly review of divisional dashboards by CEO, including the introduction of specific LGBTQ+ data
Review all 2022 Diversity and Inclusion targets and amend where necessary. Share SLT bonus targets on D&I measures
Re-launch independent procedure for reporting all forms of discrimination at ITN, with additional trained hearing managers to be identified for any grievances surrounding discrimination
Reaffirm commitment to narrowing pay gaps
Ensure senior leaders are accountable for driving change by linking success to their incentives
Increase transparency of reward and recognition processes
Focus areas Actions
Our Senior Leadership Team
Ian Rumsey Director of TV Production
Ben de Pear Editor
Chris Shaw Editorial Director
Geoff Hill Editor
David Conway Chief Financial and Operations Officer
Richard Lawson Director of Commercial
Lisa Campbell Director of Corporate
Stategy and Development
For sixty-five years, ITN has been at the heart of the media landscape, internationally recognised for our quality, integrity and creativity. Combining our experience honed as one of the UK’s foremost media companies with cutting-edge technology and expertise, we are the home of compelling content and technical innovation.
We make the award-winning daily news programmes for ITV, Channel 4 and Channel 5, providing comprehensive and impartial news to the British public and reaching millions of viewers.
ITN Productions, our independent production division, produces high quality content across seven distinct areas: television production; sports; advertising; industry-specific programming; education content; entertainment and news footage syndication; and post-production.
About ITN