itoriesjredotaft oltn altlts 4ji1 11sali upand › dips › xt71rn303x94 › data...

jM1 r I u 4 ir I Tier Week In Society J SANS SOUCI rl Il r t Although inlay drink deer today a Ktlrrupcup of sorrow 4a 4JI1 nptlbato with lllppnnt talc Hut toilit a glad tomorrow Then heros n- t laugh thcughI I ma- tjuaff n e 9 Tllc hemlocks palsontMl portion Tho only nails untouche l I by gales f Cruise on attainted ocoan i Away with woo that crouches low And whines a doluful liar Travailing night with dnwnV gray light tw e > Urings forth her child Li glory tI Tho cares t l int fret whon lilt besot- Are t merely April showers That rain on life nnuih of strife To beautify fts flowers I f i i Thcro blooms a roso for bvcryi rote And d wdrallI Joy In wocplng t For ovary heart Uoro lives n heart t Somewhere taht love Is keeping Tho IJohemlan Uutoun rnu eta The Dolphlc club will meet oi Timsday liionilnu at tho Carneglo ii ¬ brary Tho program Is 1 Greats Temple of Knrnak Mrs Jahjoa Rudy I t t 2 Abu Slmbol Mrs Frank Scott I 3 Moneptoh Uoies Tho Exodus I Mm Oeorgo C Wallace 1 4I Struggle In Asia and Incline of t l JrandcurMIss Whitencld f rIll iJXornry department of the t I oiimn9 club will have a Meredith DeMauparMint morning on Friday at tI C Uw club house The program oit t llno In L Mfb of George Meredith Mrs W 11 Ciolcinan 1 2 MsrfldlthB WorksMrs Thomas f fiitncr 3 Life of Guy do lMaupassantMHss- Sadie Paxton 4 Do Mnupaseants WorksMrs frank lloyd The Magazine club will meet on Thuridiy anernoon tlthillss Franc CM Gould at Tho Forns The maga- r xlnM teporlod wlI be + Norlh An ert tic iMMrroits ixiKisi tiKitricnu Beanie Us Ionnulii I U Sulritilli < I to them r t Alexfltulpr McMillan M D iijirotn Inorit phyiclaii of Lansing Mich p s rifathree canes I Jnvo toM- b t ¬ ld iiltp l rnofor dandruff and the ro gult hits boon nil that could bo do tlrdJ I Herploldo I Is made upon nn entirely a now principle that IL pat dandruff t and falling hair are caused trnni n mlcrobo that InfesU l tho hair bulb and by dwtroylns the microbe ones hnlr Is bound to grow luxuriantly I la tho only hair remedy that claims to and really does destroy the dandruff Bermi Sold by longing drtiKslsl Two r t rhea 1 liOn ± and 100 Send 10e In t I stamps for sample to The Hcrplclda Co Detroit Mich1V If> Mclher ton Special Agent can HOvIew by Mrs George C Wnl1 r loco and ftllss Anna Webb Outlook by Miss Frances qmild and Mrs Mil ¬ j dred 11SAlI T Davis Century by Mrs A S yThe Kalosophlc club nt US meeting on 1rIJay morning at tho Woman clubhouse will present tho following program i 1 Jullils Caesar Statesman General ManMiss Philippa irughes 2 Anthony nnd Cleopatra Miss Faith Lnngstaff > 3 Character Sketchesn Porn ley b Clccro Miss l Uthcl Morrow I It Current l Kvclits Mrs John Scott 4 t hound AMicliitlon Concert Ilogrtini I t Tho concert under tho auspices of thd Paducah Alumni Asoclallon ghcn for tho benefit of tho manual training fund will take place on Wednesday cvuhlng nt Iho High school auditor Him The iirogram Is flll esj cclnlly delightful one and will Include some of HaducaliH most rpjircsentStlvc uii ideal talent liS follows Persillnbarde I ken 11nkon and NodE Ncvln Mcgdanips lewIs Gray Wcllle hart Mwsrs Mall Hobortson BagbyMac Mftlcn 2I Yiano solo Mrs Icorgo D JIll rt III Vocal sola Miss Mamyo Dry fuss IV Violin solo H Trovntoro MIssAHno BaGby i Vf V Scottf VH Vocal solo Mrs James VellloVI I L Vocal duet Whprt Wo Were Maying Musdames Lewis and GriyIX Vocal solotlr MncMIllen X Piano duet Mlaes IJrazelloiI and Purycar e A Tixns AXYtliling of In lrmit HITC Announcement cards have been ro celTod In Paducah as follows VMr 1 and Mrs W C Stripling an ¬ nounce the marriage of their daugh ¬ ter Anne nnd Mr KdmunJ J Mnntz Tuesday January 14 1905 Fort Worth Texas The bride fa n charming and brll llnnt Klrl She vMKcd Miss Marjorl dolightfulImpression and MUs Scott were classmates t at Montlcello Seminary Godfrey 111 and were graduated from that notably Initlttfttou together MUs Scott visit oil hiss Stripling In tmttorly winter and the marrJago was then i u for the spring Mr Mantz Js a prominent young capitalist of Fort Worth They have gone to California for 11 twoI months honeymoon trip 3- 11urkI The one great theme oinpfcaslzed l throughout the branches sub diris ¬ tons and work of the I Federated iWo mans clubs Is education uplift To this end each club seeks to present sumo fine lectures and entertainments of inspirational value and force each year those In addition to tho regular olen meotJhgf of tho club which A Siicrlllco In Clow Choice of eight Cloaks for l25tl Choice of 1S Cloaks 4 kfor 8Gtf each Clinic of twenty 1251 Cloaks week for 750 of thirty Cloaks t week for 5 each t All Furs at half price next we- S f J Never Furs sold such A clearance Skirts ut half price l next week Choice of 15 Rain Celts for women at each next week Stylish Difss Coons In on 1rlciV r 190i 1 a feature S ono department thoc ub Jk 1 1pccIIlH year the PaiRjcoh Womans for only thrco enter on a big scale and sought i possibloi or as Xrt Literature Music wero the three forces to bo brought out In thla I Tories of lectures most delightfully jredoTaft a Studio give n charming practical glimpse of the real thing In an artist and sculptors work Monte vlllo Flowers tho Impersonator showed the power and charm of ¬ afore In his renditions from Wal ¬ laces masterpiece Den Hur Music will not bo behind her sister graces for the Skovgaard Concert company on January 2S fsn distinct musical event for Paducah Tim company Includes Sliovgaard himself a Dan- ish ¬ violin xJrluoko who Is a famous enough nrtirt lobe allowed to play qhtlstlnnsblrlhrlll Noripay and Sweden vied In contrib- uting genius nnd talent for the occa- sion MUs Klconoro Olson a mezzo soprano of rare power and sweetness and MBS dale L Davidson piano soloist nn American girl and pupil of renowned Sherwood To give there artists the proper Bolting the tlutwill them at the Ken- tucky ¬ theaterzo they can be heard toilto t bet advuiiluKu To told educate along musical lines by giv the best Is to hound to the people of Paducah Is the clubs de- sire In featuring concert ThoE prices are made as low as can be Hong to pay these artists the sum lh lru position and talent demand The club has accumulate nothing on thet profit sldeJn this series of entertain ¬ ments fO1t ls truly a laborof lovet J In good 1 measure that these club woJ men aro giving and with what mca ure yet mete It shall 3o given you again abounding mid + unnlng over 11we t Six Oclock Dinner Superintendent John A Carnagcy and Mrs Carnaguy entertained Nthe teachorif of the Lee building most pleasantly at dinner on Thursday eve ning at their home on South Seventh street The guest covers Included Mire Kllon Wilcox Mrs Lena Humn Misses Mary Bondurant Jessie Cloys Laura Thomas Lillle BurdIne Carl v ollne Ham Mr J M I Calvin r K- WCoiniilliiuiitnr lo Mm IfosUrll Mrs Frank IL Scott entertained the phurch Furnishing society of the First Christian church I pleasantly I on Thursday nfterpoon at her hone ton North Ninth street Jn honor of Mrs Fonettn Safgcnt Hnskoll of St louls who was her house guosti A dOlIght 1 till musical program was tendered f1 > Mrs W C Gray Mrs George II- h 1 Hart Mrs Lcla Wade Lewis Miss I Erllno Boone Miss Courtlo Purycar I and Mr Scott taking ItnrtI Mrs Hnskcll gave several charming selections In Impromptu recital A I A VMAXS APPEAL h Toal knc wlblrfupflehhrumollmwbtlbtrL mutcnlnror of the joint itlnlti lublOOP dpslna which his repeatedly curt all ol thce torturer Rhalftlt It her to seeSt to nil suaeren PKUK voucureyoarseliatltomeesll1sosands wilt testilyno change of climate hchtr nteea aor Thli lmpldi c3Triv biuiilirn inlcmcid Iclnjrlrltit l MltM l I I I t I I Latest War News t Our gent Mo klim luxni luvolcctl amt lower prices Imvo nrrlvwl Von limo thought llio HuiU wn rnirlifif bra I week Our cut prices t fur iiixl werkan well nigh uiiliilleriilili vane rpcctliiB inert iiuuliti i tier ices linn others turn wllliij It You will out be illsupiNiintcil t laniinotli Snit 25 next week each ten next next Cliolco 80 were at Usurer big In forty 10 and 5 Our Vnr i oIJ1 cat Low the present help ing there this most Richard duty limy Oc values at 23c SOc values at 3oc 37c and 3Sc C5c values at iCe 4Sc aij < l 4Sc 11M values at C5c tiflc 75s and 79c Great days for saving money on KmbroIdcrluB tlliol Mittens Kid Cloves Dells Slietluiid Floss and all notions I jnojiey savings In oar Do Linens CrObhes Muslins f Sheojs anti White Goods LOc Uleachad Irkh Linen nUll Mercerized Table Damans 39e a yard f 12 ic IJlcaohcd1 Muslin and jour Cloth at 9c yard 100 full size Hod Shouts for 7Jc 90c lied Sleets forCc 1 1- s a s TFeervco Sloe EIFlrst t l Side Hack or iclctyollen Joints Alt asjgwarIn nwlc I Blood nnlni Thou oltn Cured Ily Miss altlts Use Itentre Noi PLK ImEE TO AM- BClntlcal at her liar lumbago Japaneserime yon soy ol nymptnmi of sized thron f Illicnmntlitnl none and In the paitin sciatica or upand tl orvo iliouldor blades a pretty sill + < swollen muscles V movingy t Province WJ tto use you crutches Japanese 1 thin or skin 11 pale skin prize a si and burns shiftin Miss Ulan pains bad breath tld balm D U C appointed TjoVBymptonl beaus- Tho fiveiii tingling flood of ilood direct to the IIVIBollih 1 1 makingLong In Bard OfMJ B Invigorates the ntWallace WJnstcad Con 4 mme Itheumatlem Clam lt n Torrcl Philipp IJews or curls f Bagby SIJ1Ih 1 undlclued tot N bret Pnrks Clara hfjo ° Wllln II D lnJpll teubio Cobbxoely u bnIL t Alt DciMriinrut OJKII Me i Tho Womans dub met In r2F an Thursday afternoon atthtH club houte The open meeting watt the auspices of tho Art depart menl Miss Anna Webb the chair unn presided very delightfully An ttractlve program of Italian Sculp uro and Art was carrled out Mrs J Dorian discussed Early Chris flu and liyzantlne Art very Inter singly Qhlbortl was charmingly resented by Miss Compton Vcr sill wag brilliantly sketched by Mrs Victor Vorls Michael Angelo ttractlycly featured by Miss Jonnlo JlUon 1 D Ilvtty Afirrilooti Cluil Inity Thursday afternoon Mrs Richard tAMlIlamsventertalned at her apart- ments In the illecht late In honor of fcl friends with a Ford party Tho first prize a sot of Christie pictures vas captured by Mlles Veil Thompson and the booby prize a handpainted vase was won by MUs Jesslo Hell Thorn were three tables After the game a doliglitful luncheon was sewed e Mar hrg Tho Literary department of the Womans club met on Friday morning lug at the club Manse It was an es acially Interesting meting Mrs Arch Sutherland featured Thomas Hardy and Ills Work Her t few point was not that of a Hardy enthu and the criticism sparkled with humor and strength There was an Interesting discussion of Hardy lifter Mrs Sutherlands talk Mika 1 Dow iiusbanda gave a delightful resume of Henry James find Mrs George A PIpurnoy attractively featured some l his most notable worKs llov Pnrtlrs nt Madam IJuttorlly rune artistic Japanese opera Mad- am iiutterfly on Friday evening at the Kentucky theater was made t tablo social Brcaslon Society was largely represented and tho boxes and I 7Gc Bed Sheets for 55c 12 He Spring Style Des Glnts hams for ll tic 125 Bed 89c lCO Red Comforts at 115 200 lied Comforts aL 131 110 Ited Colufbrts at Sic roc Outing Klanifbls In Pinks Blues Cream 11gtito and StrliHs a- l7c IVat tin Underweau True Childrens 23c Union Suits nt ISo gnd tile Boys Sc Heavy Fleeced Uud r shirts and Drawers for 1 ISc and 11 c All other So Winter Underwear at ICc I8c and 19c r 1 I John Jr Rochester secretary Th dore Atchison W E Dennett fa 1 Bortht 6 T George A Kempjjmdgl W John J Rgcllesterj Gt H Tlcllenor JnL GovernorsJVoyerrior < un- able We bo present sent these mem ibcrs ofd WfvBtafr Gen Arsehe Perrl lint Col ITS J rtc t la Vergno and Major George Inker Hear AdmlrnSlnger comraan of the navaf star on and his dvv and several officers rom Jackson Brfrf racks Were oleo pt eaent The sin l boat Dubuque asls or ship of the Pa- ducah was repreaer ted by almost he full quota of ofllw rs among wha were Commander T C Ilof Lieutenant II A H JpbUrn LIeu 1V W Smith SUr eon If j I Ensign N n WJ lit and K C McIntosh The Italian cruiser EJi port was represented by uniformsg lieutenant Commander P Lloutenane I tea Lieutenant Gafctaldl I Ravenna Ensign Do Van MiJahlpman Arlotta With the Italian consul Ltonello From 2 oclock until after 330n tugs for the aft service made trips tg and t horo as rapidly as one load sengers could be landed at tie calls side Unitedu S crowd of guests gathered Beside the launches of the Paducah and Du uquc two additional Jaunchg front l vat station wore used to bandit d lrb Ing the Guests o Flouranests arrived on board Pit no soloY were receIved by- L1sztt MIss Mar Grilt1i and hIs ofh- Vo I soloMlsctieCki i which was y cat BOIO Sty th > 1I tI decorate d aft DJlldShIlW ° d tli guest Vocal qutrtetTh from tilE t the Rye Bishop MIesdaihd prc noy Lewis Hart Wellle r b G Carpe Diem J Club eMiss Theresa KIrchoff was hostess to the Carpe Diem club on Tuesday evening entertaining most pleasantly atlier suburban homo on tho Pines road The head prize for the girls went to Miss Marie Roth iMJss Au- drey ¬ Taylor won tho lonehand prize and iMIss Elizabeth Kelly the consola ¬ tion prize Mr Clifford Blnjkburn carried off first honors for tho boys Mr Gus Igeay received the lone hand and the consolation went to Mr George Mollcr Delightful refresh ¬ ments were served Tho guests were Misses Marie Roth Hazel Ashoff Maggie Lydon Elizabeth Kelly Au- drey ¬ Taylor Anna Harlan and The- resa ¬ KlrchoiT Messrs Clifford Black ¬ burn Joseph Roth Albert Roth Al ¬ fred Legea August Ixgeay Oscar Grief and Mrs Frank KIrchoff The next meeting of the club will be with Muss Mario Roth at her honk on Harahan boulevard r0 Evening Ciml Party Mr and Mrs J A Wurtz 312 Jackson street entertained a few of their friends very delightfully at cards on Thursday evening at their honjo An attractive luncheon was served by the hostess after t tho game e Surprlso Party for Birthday A surprise tacky party was given on Tuesday evening at the home of I Mr and Mrs P J Deck nbnth In honor of the birthday of Miss Etta J Ic f r O r Department Store 4 North Third Street Just Oil Krondwny l All Gpc Heavy women for girls boys and for men at 37c3Soand Underwear at 59c fiSc and Wnr on Hosiery Prices pairs mens BJo Socks for 1117 pairs mens 23c Socks for 51c Mens IGc Socks for lOc Hoys ISc Heavy Ribbed Hoso for 12cJ Womens 25c Fleeced lined Hose for19c Womens regular 40cHose for 23c CVIT Vas Such lading Helling Known In limitary- t ISf Suits at 1900 hevi viva vaP the jectsThos the I- terrier icl basin any mem be the monke broitghit fr n The g stn did nut 1i rly dark 1be ere d- MIc trTho ub a burg was fntortajned Misses aiae and Lillian their home IC4 1 Clements freshmcnts were served and aTi able tuna was spent Those wore misses Mae and LJIIJan Bob geno Annie Virgin Minnie VllUon Ruby McDonald Eunice Quarles Au gusta Ingram Edith Marsl Messrs Lawrence Jones Velvln Quarleg VIr gil Cooper Are Simmons Lloyd Powell Mrs Bougeno Rev J C Vir gin Knlosopliic Club The Kalosophlc club held a pleas ant meeting Friday morning at the Womans club building The Con quests of Italy by the Goths and Visi goths was discussed by Mrs David Flournoy Miss Kathleen Whlteneld gave a resume of the Relative Strength of Rome and Carthage Punic Wars Cornelia and tho Gracchi was featured by Mss Hallle Hlsey Miss Blanche Hills presented Current Events e Drlplilc CluhI The Delphic club held nil especially Interesting meeting on Tuesday morn of hundred 1008 Spring just rccclvwl JnckrlM stock now Spring vfllllio display neck Sprlui and other new vvI ll- t 3 a a woo for ra9 for 3e J 1500 20 Sults E1rSutte at 1004 liCO Suits at 7 OO suits Dos Suits JJOO Buys Suits for 2 logs Suits for 20jo- vOO Boys Suits for 330 Mens SOc Shirts at 3flc Mens Shirts at 4Jc Miens jlOO Shirts Mens 121 hlrts SJc- MenB 150 Gloves 1J1 Hats at 79c JJens C00 Pants at 2Jt pair Pi4 1j father tha 1D- ceremo r In tlietel ttan girlOliver IOungdof February be the Winer T hereI 1a 3ms fat Sulllvlln and Mfr Alonzo lie xOllver marriedon oclockit parentsMr e t pBroadway church will frm it will ben ceremony without stylish coat suit p wh1LaI wear hwblte ConCnued Page Sixl Fresh Arrivals Bright New Spring Sfvciiil ney Slylo Skirls t showing Spring Sifin Suits and Spring Waists A Rival of brlnlit Dress Goods oh next Showing SlOW jliislianis Wash Coals 1 x 1 OUR S JANUARY SALE GREATER THAN EVER NEXT WEEK r > N l t Greatest January frnveever known Will keep values to the very end Heres for itnext week two great events one the openingof new Spring Goods other the greatest Under priced Clearing Sale have ever tempted If you dont see what you come anqskfor itjthe price cut price bristlingreal bargain price e v 1 t i 1 t eaclJf next liter 3 11 a spicesles 11lkcliintatics a i Blankets 2 1 1 Ann ± LOO 7bcr J 3 3 >< l 1 t > I t i ¬ ¬ t ¬ ¬ ¬ I I + t i I r + > + j or Suits at = 0 j i t fi 900 at ICCOr < J250 forVjiSO 00 J350 i V 7fic S at C9c at Kid at 113 a pairMens > Fur a 1 = Id of lIssS1IJan I tionnectwith 1wraR I Lor t Tho t I a I on r t we up we want be rashes i1111113honcs commissioned KnItUnderwearf9r Sintoft Goods the will at1i0yy Tliousands of ruin of Shoos and nub hers In the heat Battle of Ik Clearing oat broken assortments ate + tOo to l a palt less than value v Another lot of volncns Golden Drove Lace and Hutton U and 360s Slices have just reached uit t Wlr on Carpet Pricey 5io Wool Ingrain Carpets at 39c- 73c Brussels Carpets at 89c 101 Velvet Carpets In two pat ¬ terns at G9c a yard > 3Sc 7foot Window Shades atJ5c War on Grocery 1rlc Setting the pace for jffSsperlfy Rousing sales In every lirauch of our r business i 1 L r 1 y- i t a

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Page 1: IToriesjredoTaft oltn altlts 4JI1 11SAlI upand › dips › xt71rn303x94 › data › 0066.pdfStylish Difss Coons In on 190i 1rlciV r 1 a feature S ono department thoc





ir I Tier Week In SocietyJ


r t Although inlay drink deer todaya Ktlrrupcup of sorrow4a4JI1 nptlbato with lllppnnt talcHut toilit a glad tomorrow

Then heros n-tlaugh thcughI I ma-

tjuaffne 9 Tllc hemlocks palsontMl portion

Tho only nails untouchel Iby galesf Cruise on attainted ocoan


Away with woo that crouches lowAnd whines a doluful liar

Travailing night with dnwnV graylight

tw e > Urings forth her child Li glory

tI Tho carestl int fret whon lilt besot-


merely April showersThat rain on life nnuih of strife

To beautify fts flowersI f

i i

Thcro blooms a roso for bvcryi roteAnd dwdrallI Joy In wocplng

t For ovary heart Uoro lives n heartt Somewhere taht love Is keeping

Tho IJohemlan

Uutoun rnu etaThe Dolphlc club will meet oi

Timsday liionilnu at tho Carneglo ii ¬

brary Tho program Is1 Greats Temple of Knrnak Mrs

Jahjoa RudyIt t 2 Abu Slmbol Mrs Frank Scott


3 Moneptoh Uoies Tho ExodusI

Mm Oeorgo C Wallace1 4I Struggle In Asia and Incline of

tl JrandcurMIss Whitencldf

rIll iJXornry department of thet I oiimn9 club will have a Meredith

DeMauparMint morning on Friday attI C Uw club house The program oit

t llno In

L Mfb of George Meredith Mrs W11 Ciolcinan

1 2 MsrfldlthB WorksMrs Thomasf fiitncr

3 Life of Guy do lMaupassantMHss-Sadie Paxton

4 Do Mnupaseants WorksMrsfrank lloyd

The Magazine club will meet onThuridiy anernoon tlthillss FrancCM Gould at Tho Forns The maga-

r xlnM teporlod wlI be +Norlh An ert

tic iMMrroits ixiKisi tiKitricnu

Beanie Us Ionnulii IU Sulritilli < I tothemrt Alexfltulpr McMillan M D iijirotn

Inorit phyiclaii of Lansing Michp s rifathree canes I Jnvo toM-


t ¬

ld iiltp lrnofor dandruff and the rogult hits boon nil that could bo dotlrdJI

Herploldo IIs made upon nn entirelya

now principle that IL pat dandrufft and falling hair are caused trnni n

mlcrobo that InfesUl tho hair bulband by dwtroylns the microbe oneshnlr Is bound to grow luxuriantly

Ila tho only hair remedy thatclaims to and really does destroy thedandruff Bermi

Sold by longing drtiKslsl Twor

t rhea 1liOn± and 100 Send 10e IntI stamps for sample to The HcrplcldaCo Detroit Mich1V If> Mclherton Special Agent

can HOvIew by Mrs George C Wnl1 r

loco and ftllss Anna Webb Outlookby Miss Frances qmild and Mrs Mil ¬

j dred

11SAlIT Davis Century by Mrs A S

yThe Kalosophlc club nt US meetingon 1rIJay morning at tho Womanclubhouse will present tho followingprogram i1 Jullils Caesar Statesman General

ManMiss Philippa irughes2 Anthony nnd Cleopatra Miss

Faith Lnngstaff >

3 Character Sketchesn Pornley b Clccro Miss lUthcl

MorrowIIt Current lKvclits Mrs John Scott

4 t

hound AMicliitlon Concert IlogrtiniI

t Tho concert under tho auspices ofthd Paducah Alumni Asoclallon ghcnfor tho benefit of tho manual trainingfund will take place on Wednesdaycvuhlng nt Iho High school auditorHim The iirogram Is flll esj cclnllydelightful one and will Include someof HaducaliH most rpjircsentStlvcuii ideal talent liS follows


ken 11nkon and NodE NcvlnMcgdanips lewIs Gray Wcllle hartMwsrs Mall Hobortson BagbyMacMftlcn

2I Yiano solo Mrs Icorgo D

JIll rtIII Vocal sola Miss Mamyo Dry

fussIV Violin solo H Trovntoro

MIssAHno BaGby i

VfVScottfVH Vocal solo Mrs James

VellloVII L Vocal duet Whprt Wo

Were Maying Musdames Lewis andGriyIX

Vocal solotlr MncMIllenX Piano duet Mlaes IJrazelloiI

and Purycar eA Tixns AXYtliling of In lrmit HITC

Announcement cards have been rocelTod In Paducah as follows

VMr1 and Mrs W C Stripling an ¬

nounce the marriage of their daugh ¬

ter Anne nnd Mr KdmunJ J MnntzTuesday January 14 1905 FortWorth Texas

The bride fa n charming and brllllnnt Klrl She vMKcd Miss MarjorldolightfulImpressionand MUs Scott were classmatest atMontlcello Seminary Godfrey 111

and were graduated from that notablyInitlttfttou together MUs Scott visitoil hiss Stripling In tmttorly winterand the marrJago was then iu for thespring Mr Mantz Js a prominentyoung capitalist of Fort Worth Theyhave gone to California for 11 twoImonths honeymoon trip

3-11urkIThe one great theme oinpfcaslzedlthroughout the branches sub diris ¬

tons and work of the IFederated iWo

mans clubs Is education uplift Tothis end each club seeks to presentsumo fine lectures and entertainmentsof inspirational value and force eachyear those In addition to tho regularolen meotJhgf of tho club which

A Siicrlllco In ClowChoice of eight Cloaks

for l25tlChoice of 1S Cloaks

4 kfor 8Gtf eachClinic of twenty 1251 Cloaks

week for 750of thirty Cloaks

t week for 5 eacht All Furs at half price next we-

SfJ Never Furs sold such

A clearance Skirts ut halfpricel next week

Choice of 15 Rain

Celts for women at each next

weekStylish Difss Coons In on

1rlciV r190i1


feature Sono department

thoc ub J k11pccIIlH year the PaiRjcoh Womans

for only thrco enteron a big scale and sought

ipossibloior asXrt Literature Music wero the three

forces to bo brought out In thlaITories of lectures most delightfullyjredoTafta Studio give n charming practicalglimpse of the real thing In anartist and sculptors work Montevlllo Flowers tho Impersonatorshowed the power and charm of ¬

afore In his renditions from Wal ¬

laces masterpiece Den Hur Musicwill not bo behind her sister gracesfor the Skovgaard Concert companyon January 2S fsn distinct musicalevent for Paducah Tim companyIncludes Sliovgaard himself a Dan-ish


violin xJrluoko who Is a famousenough nrtirt lobe allowed to play

qhtlstlnnsblrlhrlllNoripay and Sweden vied In contrib-uting genius nnd talent for the occa-sion MUs Klconoro Olson a mezzosoprano of rare power and sweetnessand MBS dale L Davidson pianosoloist nn American girl and pupil of

renowned Sherwood To givethere artists the proper Bolting thetlutwill them at the Ken-tucky


theaterzo they can be heardtoiltot bet advuiiluKu To toldeducate along musical lines by giv

the best Is to hound to thepeople of Paducah Is the clubs de-sire In featuring concert ThoEprices are made as low as can be Hongto pay these artists the sum lh lruposition and talent demand Theclub has accumulate nothing on thetprofit sldeJn this series of entertain ¬

ments fO1t ls truly a laborof lovetJIn good1 measure that these club woJmen aro giving and with what mcaure yet mete It shall 3o given youagain abounding mid + unnlng over11wetSix Oclock Dinner

Superintendent John A Carnagcyand Mrs Carnaguy entertained Ntheteachorif of the Lee building mostpleasantly at dinner on Thursday evening at their home on South Seventhstreet The guest covers IncludedMire Kllon Wilcox Mrs Lena HumnMisses Mary Bondurant Jessie CloysLaura Thomas Lillle BurdIne Carl vollne Ham Mr J MI Calvin r


WCoiniilliiuiitnr lo Mm IfosUrllMrs Frank IL Scott entertained the

phurch Furnishing society of the FirstChristian church IpleasantlyI onThursday nfterpoon at her hone ton

North Ninth street Jn honor of MrsFonettn Safgcnt Hnskoll of St loulswho was her house guosti A dOlIght 1

till musical program was tendered f1>

Mrs W C Gray Mrs George II-



Hart Mrs Lcla Wade Lewis Miss I

Erllno Boone Miss Courtlo Purycar I

and Mr Scott taking ItnrtIMrs Hnskcll gave several charmingselections In Impromptu recital A I


Toal knc wlblrfupflehhrumollmwbtlbtrLmutcnlnror of the joint itlnlti lublOOPdpslnawhich his repeatedly curt all ol thce torturerRhalftlt It her to seeSt to nil suaerenPKUK voucureyoarseliatltomeesll1sosandswilt testilyno change of climate hchtr nteeaaor Thli lmpldi c3Triv biuiilirn inlcmcidIclnjrlrltit l



I t


I Latest War Newst Our gent Mo klim luxni luvolcctl amt lower prices Imvo nrrlvwl

Von limo thought llio HuiU wn rnirlifif braI week Our cut pricest

fur iiixl werkan well nigh uiiliilleriilili vane rpcctliiB inertiiuulitii

tier ices linn others turn wllliij It You will out be illsupiNiintcil


laniinotli Snit25 next

week eachten next

nextCliolco 80

were at Usurerbig In

forty 10 and5

Our Vnr








ing there






Oc values at 23cSOc values at 3oc 37c and 3ScC5c values at iCe 4Sc aij < l 4Sc

11M values at C5c tiflc 75s and79c

Great days for saving money onKmbroIdcrluB tlliol Mittens KidCloves Dells Slietluiid Floss and allnotions I

jnojiey savings In oar Do

Linens CrObhes Muslinsf Sheojsanti White Goods LOc UleachadIrkh Linen nUll Mercerized TableDamans 39e a yard

f12 ic IJlcaohcd1 Muslin and jour

Cloth at 9c yard100 full size Hod Shouts for 7Jc

90c lied Sleets forCc

1 1-

sa s


EIFlrst tl Side Hack oriclctyollen Joints Alt

asjgwarInnwlcI Blood nnlni Thou

oltn Cured IlyMiss altlts Use

Itentre Noi PLK ImEE TO AM-BClntlcalat her liar lumbago

Japaneserime yon soy olnymptnmi of

sized thron f Illicnmntlitnl noneand In the paitin sciatica orupandtlorvoiliouldor bladesa pretty sill +


swollen musclesVmovingyt

Province WJ tto useyoucrutches

Japanese 1 thin or skin11 pale skinprize a si and burns shiftin

Miss Ulan pains bad breathtld balm D U Cappointed TjoVBymptonl beaus-Tho fiveiii tingling flood of

ilood direct to theIIVIBollih11makingLong In

Bard OfMJ B Invigorates thentWallaceWJnstcad Con 4 mme ItheumatlemClam lt nTorrcl Philipp IJews or curls f

Bagby SIJ1Ih 1 undlcluedtotN

bret Pnrks Clara hfjo °Wllln II DlnJpllteubio Cobbxoely u

bnIL tAlt DciMriinrut OJKII Me iTho Womans dub met In r2Fan Thursday afternoon atthtH

club houte The open meeting wattthe auspices of tho Art depart

menl Miss Anna Webb the chairunn presided very delightfully An

ttractlve program of Italian Sculpuro and Art was carrled out Mrs

J Dorian discussed Early Chrisflu and liyzantlne Art very Intersingly Qhlbortl was charmingly

resented by Miss Compton Vcrsill wag brilliantly sketched by MrsVictor Vorls Michael Angelottractlycly featured by Miss JonnloJlUon

1 DIlvtty Afirrilooti Cluil InityThursday afternoon Mrs Richard

tAMlIlamsventertalned at her apart-ments In the illecht late In honor offcl friends with a Ford party Thofirst prize a sot of Christie picturesvas captured by Mlles Veil Thompson

and the booby prize a handpaintedvase was won by MUs Jesslo HellThorn were three tables After thegame a doliglitful luncheon wassewed eMar hrg

Tho Literary department of theWomans club met on Friday morninglug at the club Manse It was an es

acially Interesting meting MrsArch Sutherland featured ThomasHardy and Ills Work Her t fewpoint was not that of a Hardy enthu

and the criticism sparkled withhumor and strength There was anInteresting discussion of Hardy lifterMrs Sutherlands talk Mika1 Dowiiusbanda gave a delightful resume ofHenry James find Mrs George APIpurnoy attractively featured some

l his most notable worKs

llov Pnrtlrs nt Madam IJuttorllyrune artistic Japanese opera Mad-

am iiutterfly on Friday evening atthe Kentucky theater was made t

tablo social Brcaslon Society waslargely represented and tho boxes and

I 7Gc Bed Sheets for 55c12 He Spring Style Des Glnts

hams for ll tic125 Bed 89clCO Red Comforts at 115200 lied Comforts aL 131110 Ited Colufbrts at Sic

roc Outing Klanifbls In PinksBlues Cream 11gtito and StrliHs a-

l7cIVat tin Underweau True

Childrens 23c Union Suits nt ISo

gnd tileBoys Sc Heavy Fleeced Uud r

shirts and Drawers for 1ISc and 11 c

All other So Winter Underwear at

ICc I8c and 19c



I John Jr Rochester secretary Thdore Atchison W E Dennett fa 1Bortht 6 T George A Kempjjmdgl

W John J Rgcllesterj Gt H TlcllenorJnL

GovernorsJVoyerrior <

un-able We bo present sent these memibcrs ofdWfvBtafr Gen Arsehe Perrllint Col ITS J rtct la Vergno andMajor George Inker

Hear AdmlrnSlnger comraanof the navaf star on and his dvvand several officers rom Jackson Brfrfracks Were oleo pt eaent The sinlboat Dubuque asls or ship of the Pa-ducah was repreaer ted by almost hefull quota of ofllw rs among whawere Commander T C IlofLieutenant II A H JpbUrn LIeu1V W Smith SUr eon If

jIEnsign N n WJ lit andK C McIntosh

The Italian cruiser EJiport was represented byuniformsglieutenant Commander P


tea Lieutenant Gafctaldl I

Ravenna Ensign Do VanMiJahlpman Arlotta Withthe Italian consul Ltonello

From 2 oclock until after330ntugs for the aftservice made trips tg and thoro as rapidly as one loadsengers could be landed at tiecalls side

Unitedu S

crowd of guests gathered Beside thelaunches of the Paducah and Du

uquc two additional Jaunchg frontl vat station wore used to bandit

dlrb Ing the Guests

o Flouranests arrived on board

Pit no soloY were receIved by-

L1sztt MIss Mar Grilt1i and hIs ofh-

Vo I soloMlsctieCkii which wasy cat BOIO Sty th >

1I tI decorate d

aft DJlldShIlW°d tli guest

Vocal qutrtetTh from tilE

tthe Rye Bishop MIesdaihd prcnoy Lewis Hart Wellle r bGCarpe Diem JClub

eMiss Theresa KIrchoff was hostessto the Carpe Diem club on Tuesdayevening entertaining most pleasantlyatlier suburban homo on tho Pinesroad The head prize for the girlswent to Miss Marie Roth iMJss Au-


Taylor won tho lonehand prizeand iMIss Elizabeth Kelly the consola¬

tion prize Mr Clifford Blnjkburncarried off first honors for tho boysMr Gus Igeay received the lonehand and the consolation went to MrGeorge Mollcr Delightful refresh ¬

ments were served Tho guests wereMisses Marie Roth Hazel AshoffMaggie Lydon Elizabeth Kelly Au-



Taylor Anna Harlan and The-


KlrchoiT Messrs Clifford Black¬

burn Joseph Roth Albert Roth Al ¬

fred Legea August Ixgeay OscarGrief and Mrs Frank KIrchoff

The next meeting of the club willbe with Muss Mario Roth at her honkon Harahan boulevard

r0Evening Ciml Party

Mr and Mrs J A Wurtz 312Jackson street entertained a few oftheir friends very delightfully at cardson Thursday evening at their honjoAn attractive luncheon was served bythe hostess after ttho gameeSurprlso Party for Birthday

A surprise tacky party was givenon Tuesday evening at the home ofIMr and Mrs P J Deck nbnth Inhonor of the birthday of Miss Etta

JIc f

r Or

Department Store4

North Third Street Just Oil Krondwny


All Gpc Heavywomen for girls boys and formen at 37c3Soand

Underwear at 59c fiSc and

Wnr on Hosiery Pricespairs mens BJo Socks for 1117

pairs mens 23c Socks for 51cMens IGc Socks for lOcHoys ISc Heavy Ribbed Hoso for12cJWomens 25c Fleeced lined Hose

for19cWomens regular 40cHose for 23c

CVIT Vas Such lading HellingKnown In limitary-

t ISf Suits at 1900





the I-

terriericl basinany mem bethe monkebroitghit fr n

The g stn did nut1i rly dark

1be ere d-


trTho ub


burg was fntortajnedMisses aiae and Lilliantheir home IC41 Clementsfreshmcnts were served and aTi

able tuna was spent Thosewore misses Mae and LJIIJan Bobgeno Annie Virgin Minnie VllUonRuby McDonald Eunice Quarles Augusta Ingram Edith Marsl MessrsLawrence Jones Velvln Quarleg VIrgil Cooper Are Simmons LloydPowell Mrs Bougeno Rev J C Virgin

Knlosopliic ClubThe Kalosophlc club held a pleas

ant meeting Friday morning at theWomans club building The Conquests of Italy by the Goths and Visigoths was discussed by Mrs DavidFlournoy Miss Kathleen Whlteneldgave a resume of the RelativeStrength of Rome and CarthagePunic Wars Cornelia and thoGracchi was featured by Mss HallleHlsey Miss Blanche Hills presented

Current EventseDrlplilc CluhIThe Delphic club held nil especiallyInteresting meeting on Tuesday morn


hundred 1008 Spring just rccclvwl

JnckrlM stock

now Spring vfllllio display neckSprlui and other new





a a






150020 Sults

E1rSutte at 1004

liCO Suits at 7 OO

suitsDos Suits

JJOO Buys Suits for 2logs Suits for 20jo-

vOO Boys Suits for 330Mens SOc Shirts at 3flcMens Shirts at 4JcMiens jlOO ShirtsMens 121 hlrts SJc-MenB 150 Gloves

1J1 Hats at 79c

JJens C00 Pants at 2Jt pair


1jfather tha 1D-


tlietelttangirlOliverIOungdofFebruarybe theWiner ThereI1a3ms fat Sulllvlln and MfrAlonzo lie xOllvermarriedonoclockitparentsMre


pBroadwaychurch will frmit will ben ceremonywithoutstylish coat suit pwh1LaI wearhwblte

ConCnued Page Sixl

Fresh Arrivals Bright NewSpring

Sfvciiil ney Slylo Skirls t showing

Spring Sifin Suits and Spring Waists A Rival of brlnlit

Dress Goods oh next Showing SlOW

jliislianis Wash Coals




N l t Greatest January frnveever known Will keep values to the very end Heres for

itnext week two great events one the openingof new Spring Goods other the greatestUnderpriced Clearing Sale have ever tempted If you dont see what you comeanqskfor itjthe price cut price bristlingreal bargain price e v

1 t i1
















LOO7bcr J














+ t







orSuits at=


ji t

fi900 at ICCOr< J250 forVjiSO





S at C9cat

Kid at 113 a

pairMens> Fur


1 =Id




tionnectwith 1wraR









we up

we wantbe









at1i0yyTliousands of ruin of Shoos and nub

hers In the heat Battle ofIk

Clearing oat broken assortments ate+ tOo to l a palt less than value vAnother lot of volncns Golden

Drove Lace and Hutton U and 360sSlices have just reached uit t

Wlr on Carpet Pricey5io Wool Ingrain Carpets at 39c-73c Brussels Carpets at 89c

101 Velvet Carpets In two pat¬

terns at G9c a yard>

3Sc 7foot Window Shades atJ5cWar on Grocery 1rlc

Setting the pace for jffSsperlfyRousing sales In every lirauch of our rbusiness i

1L r




