it’s great to be eight packet

Dear Parents! What an exciting year! When I was called to be the teacher of 7 turning 8 year olds I was excited! This is one of the most important years in their life. A time when they officially become accountable! With all this excitement comes the opportunity of preparing them to be ready for their baptism and the covenants they make. As I am aware of this I wanted to prepare a little packet of stuff just to help get your brains thinking about neat things you can do with your family during this year! My most memorable moment of my own baptism was a talk that I had with my Father and the suggestion that he gave me in that talk. A couple weeks before my baptism my Dad asked if we could have a chat. In that talk he asked me WHO I wanted to have baptize me. Of course naturally I wanted him but he wanted to make sure it was my choice. Secondly he talked with me about who I wanted to help confirm me. NOTHING was assumed! He talked with me about the importance of these men in my life and how they would be people that I could always talk to or turn to for help. He encouraged me to call all of the people on my list and personally request their presence in the circle at my confirmation. I also remember talking with my Mom in the dressing room immediately after my baptism. I remember that what was said was heartfelt and that she gave me a necklace that was very special that said, “I am a Child of God.” As she put the necklace on me for the first time she made sure that I knew what that meant. I remember getting my first real set of scriptures from my grandparents with my name on them and I remember my family making sure that I knew they were proud of me. My memories of my baptism helped me recognize the importance of the choice I was making, that I needed to make the choice on my own, but that my family would be there to love and support me through it. What a wonderful experience and great memories! The things you are planning to do with your child on their

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Dear Parents!

What an exciting year! When I was called to be the teacher of 7 turning 8 year olds I was excited! This is one of the most important years in their life. A time when they officially become accountable! With all this excitement comes the opportunity of preparing them to be ready for their baptism and the covenants they make. As I am aware of this I wanted to prepare a little packet of stuff just to help get your brains thinking about neat things you can do with your family during this year!

My most memorable moment of my own baptism was a talk that I had with my Father and the suggestion that he gave me in that talk. A couple weeks before my baptism my Dad asked if we could have a chat. In that talk he asked me WHO I wanted to have baptize me. Of course naturally I wanted him but he wanted to make sure it was my choice. Secondly he talked with me about who I wanted to help confirm me. NOTHING was assumed! He talked with me about the importance of these men in my life and how they would be people that I could always talk to or turn to for help. He encouraged me to call all of the people on my list and personally request their presence in the circle at my confirmation.

I also remember talking with my Mom in the dressing room immediately after my baptism. I remember that what was said was heartfelt and that she gave me a necklace that was very special that said, “I am a Child of God.” As she put the necklace on me for the first time she made sure that I knew what that meant.

I remember getting my first real set of scriptures from my grandparents with my name on them and I remember my family making sure that I knew they were proud of me. My memories of my baptism helped me recognize the importance of the choice I was making, that I needed to make the choice on my own, but that my family would be there to love and support me through it. What a wonderful experience and great memories!

The things you are planning to do with your child on their baptism and during this year are the building blocks for their own testimony. This year as I teach them I want to encourage them to pray and look for opportunities that help them gain this testimony. My hope is that they can understand the magnitude of the covenant that they will make and that they will want to be baptized out of their own desire.

I hope to give your family a few resources to help effectively teach and prepare your child for their baptism. This is a collection of some of the things you may or may not know about. And because another thing that I remember from my own baptism is that we forgot dry underwear I am also

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including a checklist of things to remember!!!!

Excited for the year ahead!

Sister Mesha McKittrick

272-4502 home . 702-300-6929 cell . [email protected]

PS - If you would like more resources than included in this packet then just google: FHE baptism Lessons - you will find endless info!

Church Music Player!!!!!- This tool is awesome! It is a piano that plays any hymn

or primary song you want & then you and your family can sing along. At my house this is helpful because we dont know the piano & cant always remember the tune!

Here are some songs about baptism- Baptism- When I am Baptized- Come Follow ME- Father in Heaven we do Believe

Below are a few object lessons they are my favorite because I think they are so effective!

Baptism object lessonPreparation or Objects Needed: hard boiled egg, crayonsSummary: Through baptism we can become clean againHold up the pure white egg and tell how we all come to the earth pure and unblemished. As we grow, we make mistakes which tarnish us.Take the crayons and make marks on the shell of the hard boiled egg as you mention possible sins-lied to my mom, hit my brother, cheated on my homework, said a bad word, stole candy from the store.(Do not use markers as they will bleed through the shell.) Then hold up the egg so all can see the blemishes. Carefully peel the egg to show

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how baptism allows us to shed our wordly self and become pure and unblemished again. Tell the child being baptised that today they will make mistakes in their life, but because they have been baptised and washed clean, they can renew those covenants, repent, and become clean each week by taking the sacrament.

Life stains us allPreparation or Objects Needed: Bottle, half full of water. Food coloring. Bleach.Summary: We can become clean through repentance.1. Show a bottle of clear water.2. Then add a couple of drops of food coloring to the water.3. Now pour bleach in the bottle, which will turn the water clear again.

Lesson Application:1. We come to this earth sinless.2. As we progress, each of us sins and it marks our souls.3. However, through repentance our souls can become clean again.

I believe that if you put vinegar in the water before you add food coloring, the bleach works better.

Here is what you do. You start with clean water and you put a couple of tablespoons of vinegar in it first.

Then you add the food coloring to the water to represent sin or mistakes orwhatever.

Then you add some bleach, and POOF! The water turns back clear again just like that. (repentance, atonement, etc.)

This also works wonderful for a giving a talk at a baptism too.

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Sin interferes with hearing the Holy GhostPreparation or Objects Needed: mason jar quarter or large button dirt spoon wet wipeSummary: Teach children how sins can muffle the Holy Ghost's whispering.Start with a mason canning jar or a clear vase. Explain that this represents the person being baptized (Johnny).

Hold up a shiny new quarter and explain that this is the Holy Ghost.

Drop it into the jar and shake it around.

Ask the children if they can hear the Holy Ghost. This represents the Holy Ghost helping us to choose the right.

Add a small scoop of dirt to the jar and explain that Johnny promised his mother he would clean his room before going out to play, but he forgot. Shake the jar again and ask if the children can hear the Holy Ghost still. (They should be able to.)

Keep adding small scoops of dirt and explain the mistakes that Johnny has made. Soon the children will not be able to hear the Holy Ghost. Explain that when we sin, the Holy Ghost withdraws from us and can't speak to us.

Ask the children how we can make it so we can hear the Holy Ghost again. (Discuss Repentance).

Dump the dirt from the jar, wipe off any excess, and put the quarter back in. Explain that through Jesus Christ's Atonement we can be forgiven of our sins and be completely clean! When we are clean, we are able to hear the Holy Ghost clearly again.

Kids love the dirt and listening for the Holy Ghost. This works well at baptisms if you have a tablecloth or something to keep the mess to a minimum.

About My Baptism

1. What do I wear to the baptism service?Sunday clothes

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2. What do I need to have with me?a towela combdry underwearyour recommend/certificate from Bishopwhite sockswhite baptismal clothes3. Who may come to see me be baptized?Mom and Dad, brothers and sisters, Grandmas and Grandpas, aunts, uncles, friends, teachers, anyone!4. Can I hold my nose when I go under the water?Yes.  The person baptizing you will show you how.5. What happens if some of my hair or one of my toes doesn't go all the way under the water?You will be immersed (put under water) a second time.6. What promise or covenant do I make with Heavenly Father when I am baptized?You promise that from now on you will choose the right and obey all of his commandments.  You will take upon yourself the name of Christ (that is, to become one of his true followers), and always remember to do what he has taught us to do.7. What does Heavenly Father promise me?That his Spirit (the Holy Ghost) will always be with you.  This will help you do what is right so that you can always be happy.  If you do this, you can return and live with him again.8. What does it mean to be baptized by "immersion"?This means that your whole body is put completely under the water and then brought back up out of the water.  Being under the water is a likeness of Jesus' death and burial.  Being brought up out of the water is a likeness of Jesus' resurrection to a new life, and a likeness of your being born to a new, clean life of righteousness.9. Why must I be baptized and confirmed only by a

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man who holds the priesthood?A man who holds the priesthood has some of the same powers on earth that Heavenly Father and his son Jesus have.  Jesus says that if a man is a priest in the Aaronic Priesthood, or holds the Melchizedek Priesthood, he has the right or authority to baptize people in Jesus' name.  A man who holds the Melchizedek Priesthood has the right to confirm people members of the Church of Jesus Christ.  If a man doesn't hold the priesthood, he doesn't have the right to do these special things for Heavenly Father and Jesus.10. How shall I remember the promises I make at baptism?By reverently partaking of the sacrament each Sunday, and by listening to prayers offered over the bread and water.

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Next are a few lessons for FHE

FHE Lesson Plan: “I Will Be Baptized Like

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Jesus.”← Emphasize that even Jesus Christ, who was without

sin, needed to be baptized to return to Heavenly Father.← Talk about making and keeping our Baptismal Covenant.← Baptism

Song: Children’s Songbook #100 “Baptism.” If you wish to have an online music file to accompany you visit: Navigate to the Interactive Church Music Player where you can listen to and print Church hymns and children’s songs.)

Scripture: Mark 1:9–11 9. And it came to pass in those days, that Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee, and was baptized of John in Jordan.10. And straightway coming up out of the water, he saw the heavens opened, and the Spirit like a dove descending upon him:11. And there came a voice from heaven, saying, Thou art my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.

(if you have this…..) Video: Watch chapter 10 from the animated Complete Learning System, John the Baptist DVD.

Lesson Summary:

Jesus came to John the Baptist.When we are baptized our sins are washed away and we are forgiven. Jesus was without sin, but he still came to John the Baptist to be baptized. Why was Jesus baptized? (“And Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.” [John 3:5] )Following in His footsteps.Following in Christ’s footsteps will lead us to exaltation. Our baptism day is a special day. It is the day that we receive the first ordinance of the gospel that leads us back to our Father in Heaven. It is a happy day that should always be remembered. During the Saturday Afternoon Session of the April 2007 General Conference, Thomas S. Monson recalled, “When I was eight years of age my mother talked with me about repentance and about the meaning of baptism...I dressed in white and was baptized. I remember that day as though it were yesterday and the happiness I felt at having had this ordinance performed.” Thomas S. Monson © 2007 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.(Ask a family member to share memories of their baptism day.)How can going to church help us remember our baptism day? (We renew our baptismal covenants when we partake of the sacrament. Discuss the things we should be thinking about and how we should act during the sacrament.)Continuously immersed in the light of the gospel.What do we need to do after we have been baptized to follow the Savior on the path to

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exaltation? (Discuss ideas.)“We begin the process of being born again through exercising faith in Christ, repenting of our sins, and being baptized by immersion for the remission of sins by one having priesthood authority....And after we come out of the waters of baptism, our souls need to be continuously immersed in and saturated with the truth and the light of the Savior’s gospel. Sporadic and shallow dipping in the doctrine of Christ and partial participation in His restored Church cannot produce the spiritual transformation that enables us to walk in a newness of life. Rather, fidelity to covenants, constancy of commitment, and offering our whole soul unto God are required if we are to receive the blessings of eternity.” David A. Bednar, Saturday Morning Session, April 2007 General Conference © 2007

Points to Ponder:Quote:When we are baptized we make a covenant. A covenant is a two way promise. When you make a covenant with Heavenly Father, you agree to do certain things and He agrees to do certain things.What is the covenant we make at Baptism?(We promise to take upon ourselves the name of His Son, Jesus Christ, and always remember Him and keep His commandments.)What does Heavenly Father promise if we keep our part of the Baptismal Covenant?(Heavenly Father promises to give us that we will have His spirit to be with us, to forgive us when we repent and to let us live with Him again forever.)“Baptism is the beginning of a new life for each one of us, a life of purpose.”

Dwan J. Young, Ensign, Nov 1984 © 2007

Story time:Mary sat on the floor, coloring in her John the Baptist activity book, while Mother’s sewing machine quietly hummed along. “I’m almost ready to have you try on your dress.” Mother announced as the sewing machine came to a stop.Anxiously Mary put down her crayon and jumped up. Hurrying to Mother’s side, she watched her remove the row of straight pins, before pulling the dress over Mary’s head.“Turn around. I need to mark the back, so I’ll know where to sew on the buttons.”Swinging around in two and a half big circles, Mary dramatically sighed with delight as she watched the full skirt billow out. Stopping with her back facing Mother she exclaimed, “Oh, Mommy. It is the most beautiful dress I’ve ever seen!”“The most beautiful dress for the most beautiful girl!” Mother exclaimed. “Take it back off now, though. We need to go get lunch on the table. Daddy will be home soon with Grandma-great.” “Oh! I am so glad that Grandma-great will be here for my baptism. It’s been forever since I’ve seen her.”Mary was helping set the table when she heard the back door open. She quickly folded the last napkin and ran to meet her great-grandmother with a big hug. “Hurry quick, Grandma-great. Lunch’s ready and I want you to sit by me!” Mary said as she tugged on her great-grandmother’s hand.“Slow down just a minute and let me look at you,” Grandma-great said. “Oh my you can’t be my little Mary, you’re way too big,” she continued.“It really is me Grandma-great! I’m just grown-up now,” Mary said. “I turned eight-years-old on

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my birthday. That’s why I get to be baptized!”Nettie laughed with amusement at her grown-up great-granddaughter. Just then Cory and Logan dashed into the room. “Woo hoo! Grandma-great’s here,” they shouted before fighting for a hugging position and nearly knocking Great-grandmother off her feet. “You boys be careful!” Father reprimanded his rambunctious sons. “Go get washed up for lunch now. And make it fast. I’m starving!” He said before greeting Mother with a kiss on the cheek.After lunch father shooed the “girls” out of the kitchen. Insisting that he and the boys would clean up. “Quick, Grandma-great!” Mary said, while tugging on her great-grandmother’s arm. “You’ve got to see the most beautiful dress in the whole world, Mommy is making me!” “If I don’t hurry, it’ll never be done in time,” Mother confessed. “There are still eight little buttons to sew on and I haven’t put the finishing touches on my talk for the baptism yet.”Nettie admired the dainty, white dress, “You are such an excellent seamstress, Margaret!”“Thank you, Grandma,” Margaret expressed before giving her Grandmother a peck on the cheek. “But you know it’s just because I had an excellent teacher!” “You’ve far outdone your teacher. I can however, still sew on buttons,” Nettie said. “Just give me a needle and some thread and you go finish up your talk.”Mary sat close to her great-grandmother while she sewed the tiny pearl buttons onto the baptism dress. “Grandma-great! Mommy says that I’ll remember my baptism day forever. Is that true? Can you still remember the day you were baptized?”Nettie smiled. “My, yes! Seems like only yesterday, instead of seventy-eight years ago,” she stated. “It was a cold January afternoon. I wasn’t baptized in a baptismal font either.”“Were you baptized in a river? Just like Jesus?” Mary asked.“Not a river, but close. I was baptized in Cedar Lake.” “My mama told me I should wait until spring. After the ice had melted ’cause I might catch a nasty cold. But I was determined not to wait,” Nettie confided. “So, Papa cut a big hole in the ice...”Mary sat wide-eyed as her great-grandmother recalled the memories of her special day. Mary looked in awe at her great-grandmother, who seemed to be glowing.“When we climbed out of the water and onto the banks, Mama had tears rolling down her face. She wrapped her best quilts around us,” Nettie continued with a far away look in her eye. “Then Papa told me how proud he was of me and how pleased God in Heaven was with me too! Just like He had been pleased with His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ!” “Did you catch a cold?” Mary asked curiously.“Not even a sniffle!” Nettie then looked deep into Mary’s eyes. “You know, Mary! After you’re baptized, you get a clean, peaceful feeling,” she said as she gave Mary’s hand a squeeze. “But the best part is,” she promised, “You can keep that feeling of peace, every Sunday, as you partake of the sacrament and renew your baptismal covenants with God.”by Margie Nauta Lee © 2007 Living Scriptures, Inc.

Activity Time:

Go here to print the activity that goes with this FHE…

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What you need: A copy of the “I Will Be Baptized Like Jesus” activity for each child (artwork included with this lesson), scissors, glue, (2) brads & card stock.Preparation 1. Print out the artwork. 2. Glue artwork to card stock. 3. Cut out artwork. 4. Cut out circles (paper punch works well for this step) and long dotted lines. 5. Place figures through slit in backgrounds (see image) and secure with brads. Activity: 1. Explain: When we are baptized our sins are washed away. Jesus was without sin, yet He was still baptized. Ask: Why was Jesus baptized? (To be obedient to all of Heavenly Father’s commandments.) Read: “And Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.” (John 3:5 ) 2. Ask: Who Baptized Jesus? (John the Baptist.) Ask: What authority did John have to baptize? (The priesthood.) Ask: How was Jesus baptized? (By immersion in the Jordan River.) Ask: What does baptism by immersion mean? (To be baptized by going completely under the water.) Demonstrate: Use the Jesus and John figures to demonstrate baptism by immersion. 3. Ask: Do we need to be baptized to return to live with Heavenly Father? (Yes.) Ask: Who came to Joseph Smith and taught him the correct way to baptize and restored the Aaronic Priesthood to the earth? (John the Baptist.) Ask: How are we baptized? (Just like Jesus; by immersion; by a man who holds the priesthood.) Demonstrate: Use the young boy and priesthood holder figures to demonstrate how we are baptized like Jesus. If desired don’t completely immerse the boy and explain how the baptism has to be redone if this happens. Explain: Heavenly Father was pleased with Jesus when he was baptized; “ And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” (Matthew 3:17). Ask: Is Heavenly Father pleased with each of us when we are baptized? (Yes.) Share: Have family members who have been baptized share memories of their baptism day.

“Immersion” Cookies(Shortbread)

2 cups all-purpose flour1/4 teaspoon baking powder1/4 teaspoon salt1 cup butter (softened)1/2 cup powdered sugar1/2 teaspoon vanilla extractA glass of milk for each family memberPreheat oven to 350 degrees F. Sift the flour, baking powder, and salt into a bowl and set aside. In a mixing bowl cream the butter until light and fluffy. Add the powdered sugar and continue to beat. Scrape down the sides of the mixing bowl once or twice while you are mixing. Beat in the vanilla extract. Slowly add the flour mixture. Mix on low until everything comes together into a thick dough. Turn the dough out onto a floured surface. Press the dough out into a flat patty an inch thick. Wrap in plastic and chill completely in the refrigerator for about thirty minutes. After the dough is chilled, roll the dough out to 1/2-inch thick. Cut the dough into small bite size shapes with cookie cutters or a knife. Place on a parchment lined baking sheet. Bake for 7 to 10

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minutes, or until the bottoms of the cookies are barely golden (watch carefully; cookies burn easily). Place pan on wire rack and cool completely.Treat Time: Immersion is the dipping of something in liquid so that it is completely covered. When we are baptized by immersion we are completely covered with water. When eating “Im-mersion Cookies” completely immerse (dunk) cookies into a cold glass of milk. Be sure to have plenty of napkins on hand, as fingers will get wet). Closing Prayer and blessing on the food.

FHE: Faith and Strength in Baptismal CovenantsScripture: D&C 68:27

Song: “When Jesus Christ Was Baptized,” Children’s Songbook, 102

Preparation: Gather embroidery floss, thin string or yarn (multiple colors can be

fun if available). Prepare the string by cutting it into 9 long pieces and divide them

into 3 sets of 3.

Lesson:Read the focus scripture together and ask the family why it is important to

be baptized and receive the Holy Ghost. Begin a discussion about the importance of

the covenants associated with baptism and its related ordinances. Clarify the

meaning of “covenant” as needed.

Read Mosiah 18:8-10 together. Call attention to the three most important covenants

made at baptism.These are: become a member of the church (come unto the fold

and be called His people), serve God, and keep His commandments. Each of these

things will be represented by one strand of yarn or string.The other items listed are

important parts of the covenant, but for the most part they can fall under one of

these three types of promises. For instance: bearing another’s burden is serving

God by serving those around us, standing as a witness is an example of keeping the

commandments no matter where we are, etc.

Take the three strands and braid them together as you discuss how these

covenants work together and ways they can be implemented in our lives. Moroni

6:4-9 can add to your discussion as needed.

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Explain how you took something thin and fairly fragile to create something bigger

and stronger than each piece could have been on its own. This is the way covenants

work. When we make and honor them through our faith, they can strengthen our

lives through the blessings Heavenly Father gives us in return. Return to Mosiah

18:10 and remind the family what blessings are promised by Heavenly Father at


Explain that one benefit of the baptismal covenant is a gift that can be thought of as

another covenant. When we receive the Holy Ghost, Heavenly Father is introducing

us to someone who can be a very good friend. After we have been “introduced,”

each person decides what kind of friendship we will have with the Spirit. We make a

promise to nurture a good relationship with Him and He promises to stay with us if

we do.

Discuss the types of blessings that can come from keeping close to the Spirit.

Show the next three pieces of string and use 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 (respecting our

bodies and morality), 3 Nephi 11:29 (avoiding contention) 3 Nephi 18:17 (remember

Christ) to show ways we honor that covenant. Braid the pieces together while

discussing other ways we can keep close to the Spirit.

Return to 3 Nephi 18:17 and identify the method of remembering Christ that is

called out. Taking the sacrament is also a covenant. Each time we take the

sacrament, it is a reminder and renewal of the covenants we made at baptism. It’s

also a time to help us correct any mistakes we may have made through repentance.

Use D&C 20:77 to identify your last three strands of promises made and renewed

during the sacrament:take Christ’s name, remember Him, and keep the


We promise that we will continue to obey the Lord’s commandments. If we keep our

promise, the Lord has promised us that our sins can be forgiven and we can

continue to have the Holy Ghost with us.

Now braid the individual covenant braids you created together and explain that

honoring these covenants and gifts keep us safe and strong in the gospel now, but

they also prepare us to keep the greater covenants of the temple when we’re older.

The more we make promises with our Heavenly Father and try to do what is right,

the stronger our faith and testimony becomes.

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End with your own testimony, encouraging your family to work at keeping their

covenants every day.


Younger children— Play with string mazes- take turns using a ball of string to

mark an obstacle course path through home or yard that other family members

must follow the trail of the string (rewinding the ball as they go, as able). Reinforce

the importance of following the covenants and paths that the Lord has laid out for

us in order to make it back home to Him.

Older children— Any type of string or yarn craft your family is familiar with. Or,

challenge each other to braiding races or creating the longest single braid possible.

Refreshments:Braided breadsticks and pizza sauce

Go Here ---

And find all these lessons! Plain Words About Baptism: Why Is It

Important for Me to Be Baptized?  The Age of Accountability: Why Am I Baptized

When I Am Eight Years Old? The Resurrected Christ Teaches About

Baptism: What Happens When I Am Baptized? Covenants at the Waters of Mormon: What Do

I Promise Heavenly Father When I Am Baptized?

The Nephite Disciples Baptize: What Does Heavenly Father Promise Me When I Am Baptized?

A Happy People: How Will the Holy Ghost Help Me to Keep My Baptismal Covenant?

The Nephites Learn of the Sacrament: How

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Does Partaking of the Sacrament Help Me Remember My Baptismal Covenants?

The Army of Helaman: How Can "My Gospel Standards" Help Me Keep My Baptismal Covenant?

Enos and the Power of Prayer: What Other Special Helps Has Heavenly Father Given Me to Help Me Keep My Baptismal Covenants?

Ammon's Example: How Do I Show That I am Keeping My Baptismal Covenant?

Nephi Forgives: How Can We Help Each Other Keep Our Baptismal Covenants?

Moroni's Words to Us: How Will Keeping My Baptismal Covenant Help Me Follow Jesus Throughout My Life?

Baptism StorySome years ago, as a pilot, I was taken by an instructor up in an airplane. By turning the airplane at less than two degrees at a time, the instructor succeeded in turning the airplane completely upside down. My inner ear could not detect the transition because he kept positive gravity upon us at all times. Therefore, I did not know that, when he gave the airplane to me, it was upside down. Everything on the airplane, every instrument, was exactly right except for the landing gear, which was upside down; and every reaction I made had an opposite reaction from what I thought it would have. This is called vertigo, and it taught me a great lesson. I would like to talk for a

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moment about spiritual vertigo. Although we know of the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ, of His obedience, of His willingness to serve and to be an example to us, and of His message to "come, follow me," there are times when we get off course, less than a degree at a time, and do not know that we turn totally upside down...When we go into the waters of baptism, we take upon us His name and promise that we will always be obedient...For that obedience, we are told that we will always have His Spirit to be with us. We will always have the spiritual gyroscope that will guide us so that we will never have to encounter spiritual vertigo and that we will never be off course." Robert D. Hales

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1. How old must you be to be baptized?

2. When we are confirmed we receive the gift of the _____ _____.

3. We must be dressed in _____ to be baptized.

4. Baptism by _____ is the only way.

5. What fractional amount of your income should be tithed?

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6. Babies are _____ but are not baptized.


1. The Word of _____ tells us to abstain from using liquor and tobacco.

2. Who baptized Jesus?

3. Only those who have the proper _____ authority can baptize.

4. Before being baptized we must get a _____ from the bishop.

5. We are commanded to attend _____ meeting.

6. It is important that we have _____ in Jesus Christ.

7. How many other churches have the authority to baptize?