iw^tnibjii the rtciimoni) a1-,t.o*a4l.n«!.-ri*-. mi field...

Iw^tniBjii -- FIELD OF POLITICS. THE DEMOCRATIC PROSPECT. Coeerln* Bean* at A,aa» R**»r.tn,. ta* Pr**idrBiial «aiaa»--"--*a»*i-a*r (l«»a- taad'e Mail. An Alluinv *|>cclsl *bsy*: In(ormiiion continue* to nrrivc st RM KxccuHve ob mi- ar from si! i-sti* ot Ihe (*ountr.v s* t" !hc t-wcoiirsgtng | rncrevs of (ion nior Olevc lnnir* canvas*. A«»-!cc>i'lof thcc-impalirn aprioaclir* (tovrrnor I 1. veland's mail bo- esimcs more voluminous. Peoonsl leter* are fbi (rom even Male in »hc DatOB .is- trig assurance* of Ihe »ucec«* of the Hun ,. eratic nalional Hcki t. Thc newspaper mall also rrtitv* ktre-cr dsy Ly dey. Pnbli.b.r* eeitti the ,,nv«nior marked article* in tin ir Vsriov* puhllenlinn* M lo lhe |Mvlittcal out- look in their rc-tv,dive |.,,n,,,..«, The BSMBrtn pajier* roBtatoi iinuvually borieful views of 1be outhvik. n vm viv or vite stn anaSL Tbe ti bole sititaHon was to-day SBBBxBV riat-d bj an Astute politician a*"follow* .. 'I he |S1 ot tbe conni rv give- a prt-Hy good indi x nf public ..pinion, ll lia. he* n our babi, dining BBMJ prc-Md.Tiiini cam- paigr.s L. look enrrfiillv alter tba estimate* 00(1 cit|ii|>*r;* ii e nj. ls i,ess.ii,ji rs mit- BtfieSf Ibis Slate. Wc imsi tin I Hie con- IrcM sinkini (j mole bearable in Rn* nie pBikiii Mata in l*s>i». From the rural proa **. barn more sec,irately the cnn*,-* of Uta Itttb- kcitn nf ltt-|iiibiic.iri iii*, intent in tbi* or Hm! ItM-thiv. Wbtak cinnot ,». SOSB- prcbcHired in s bread, national ur even Mille -nii.niaiv ot tbs iftastlOB. If thea newe-wisr* an- sin*, ly -Hulled JfOB mil tina that Htcre I* a ciiiislsnM.v-gmvving un- aeaurreat tor Oovernor < kvetand for safe butlne** rCMOBS, coup!" I With B fm ni (Braire (or s cliange. of eouree dat s -n- Billi ration I'ltist be ul!,,sae,J lo (Tlt!ul»iistii- lever ' v. haefflBSJ il nc.' " BTXnSJBBBBJ not to hr icvnunn. " M vs In ii H-e Kimi' rh uilt I'atl.ilvl-T, Io un-a tletit',, ii- newspaper name, sis* 'John Smith, a h adnu' UH -reliant ol mir vllbdre. bilheHi. s Republican, announce bis lile: Ho-* to vote nnd ii*.- tn* Influence for < hu rmd,' and then gos* on and nive* Ibe nvni(»(.r hal! nd"/0M other*, of np;.,.* te political faith who Intend to do th.- same in thc vill.gr of Riiiderhiu.k, depend upon ll th: t Hun- vend ground for savin;.' Hicre 1* sometiiiiig VMM willi tbs Republic ir, TsBrei in Kiiuii-ii,c..k. Let ay bbb. ia. tin- iural pspill f Ihi* --Lite and look tin ni tbniiigli cart-fully and he will find a good macy Joan BbbBIbi mining btit (>r Cleve- land'. A-'un rjnie IbsM Joba Smitbs In Ibe 4L.fls.HT (i.svn* and tillage! ol Hie State and it valli I S (ntinil nat Hu ¦-. r, ir.nt aiiliual- #11lu! le | nwi r. VVba' Hie Oraton nf nhl have done fur ti* tbe in sv-jnp. r* nf tu paseal day ate doing. In no Mall degra are (l:i*e silllie papers ,l,e guules iiml in- rtruuieiif. which .-.intro! -md give BMthod a tao wakings ol tbe party raablBsrj sf both tin STeel I'ltli's." ttl.I lll.I* AS ni IMi'N ni' lil Aivr.. An inti resting letBU tn* ju*t ban PB- rt ist d nt ll:. Bxi i misc ci'iinil r fi B Ml Henry R. Bas, a I hleogo. who ba worked tar and mtctl tbe lb-public-n Hebel (.r over itvintv-rive yean. Bc now declares hi* inteiilniii to sot.- (ur < levi land and Hendricks. Mr. Rn** wa* anana tbs Irst 4o (I. HLind th, tn.ni in alt SJ of A I.rahal,i l.ln- onln in ls.v. lb- estabiisned anewspapa ba (.gie scanty, Ithoote; lm* r,,r overs (|ii:ir,i r o( I c ntiiry baa BBSMtatod wltb tbe workingmen, sad ll k tarong advocate ni trade- natara, Amoag otb, i lhitigs Mr. JV.** cavil: "1 cnn md Tote fur Blaine Im*. mu*, ba represent* the bud clement in thc Republican piny, tun! because I hi lievre him aad bi* hu Held* lo tm thoroughly cor- rei,. Be basn-vcr been IdentiSed wltb any paaB bmsbvbts tor tbe public good, bul has ii record that BOBBOCtl him wuk I bu .i- I* r cf V,r> (liaci. Lt.tble ,,'nr.il ion... ll, bus giovrn rich ,n Hie public rervtae on a asia ry notoriously sstaeteut only tot a de- rtsnl livellhtsod. Ilnsv lie lia* Brained hi' wecllb can nely be gtaaed at fruin sv.li- kbow n tatar in Mscaie, r. BB***aaaoa 11 k*Ta*fjUB>'i Baavatcaa, ..On lbs cniitrriis. Mr. Ch v.-land's [nih- Rc career, though l.rief. i* (friatrngulsbed for saaansMai sad utMigbtnee*. Eta inf won rcjititaiinii bj hi* ifr.its to secures prcjiir (xceuiion of ofiVial duties on Ibe par, nf his «ul.nrdin.i,e*. While mia g eire. fi.I about bte esra executive dara. Tbe aJJ'-'-rsf-t bi twit ti bun sud Mr. Ullin, in tbi* rr*,*''*! '. *' (i'vided tba! I cnn hardly *((.' bow un m'.'." ii'diccti mna, ontrammi i- bd ly pens ti!., rai', saallats In Baking bis sheas. rv'KCKS-dTV FOB A OBABOB. ..Tlierc i* aiicibcr weighty nana la tatikiiiL a ehangc in the parties holding the rein* sf Goveraareat The Republican party harv lt i ii In power I il n- arly a r/Bsr- Bsr cf a ant, iy. During aU lats Bea we have hid no auataBg nf Hie public lund* or r\einin uion m lae public Blairs, ssc pi by i-sitisan* lateraled In avering np any wrong (hat might exist. Occasionally the curtain bus ben drawn aside, ami we have bad gBapsa of corruption *ii:!i.i-,,: ta ai>pai! iiny wi ll-wi*bcr if bis eonntry. We all kiuiv* thal a lb tnoei.iti,- Rn sid,-nt and Oaagras sroBld make each an examination M ls required (or |iaili*an iiiterc*,, ff lor nothing cl«e." (si, iv,; ( n TUi: OOIBBBOB. Arooir.g ,h> lisltari lu thc , in lerner to¬ day vide Oeorg) S Wilcox, ol Caldwell, M. J.; Ar*tiur jiiikisia, tvr^i^'- Jsmcs w "' » WKabnlT Vsiderhoof, Via,., " -rVig", i * u Brooklyn; (x-Senator Georgi " ,r Janes L. Boott, Rall-:.:.; lir. Pom*-. ' Mt."sc*:.t,t. N. Y.: Hie Kev. A. W. Vllen, 7-iii-hrtt'* Harbor; charl,- vv. MeCun°, Bufinlo; W. Wilkinson, Rirminidiain, Conn.; II. Cbs.land Beach, clinton. Cen ii.: Eugene L. Hutt.m. Plainfield, N. ,L; sad ea-ttanstor Jama Fitzgerald, J. P. 1'.s.-.ii, John EdwardBaglcv, WalterT. ('lu-ii t. Joseph VV. More m. and - Wood. Ni ss York lits. li BJT I IRGINlA'tt I OTK W (arrlol l.stitnnirv BIM tbr Mate te Hu Da- Banaei bl B Lar., llnjerlti. A Bnattagton, W. V l, hiter to tbe Herold Mys: After a two-weeks* tour of tbi* State,embracing visit* to more than half n( tbs BBy-1 ur counllus, an l after having met and rs Bvened wl!h many infnruicd people ol all the tlii en! MBtses, youreorresp !n- conclcsinu* m to thc general situation may base some lnlerc«t 1 thiise svi. din ii"I to Rii« 0 tuber Slate. I'anies herc jirinr toll b far, with an oata*umal iKci.ten. havs n Into Demo* ratio, Re-publi in, an i l lmck. In i*s" Hsnoock i"'lled (,.r Preei- dint .*.7,o',!l: Onrii, rd, ii'.,-!'.; sml Weaver, B.07fJ-i:ijk.t-. s total rot, ol 112,71:: hianonek's plurslllv over UsrnetdWM ll,- 14ri. am! bis saiorttj os(r bab opponents w.-n %bt9, H i* ,taliaid snd wini r.,,,.i res.( n. Hint tbs tnUl vote af 1660 is ,- nt m jar Ol nt. las '.hun the actual num¬ ber c( ciel KT*, or ll.'HVI. i-f which 7.". J*"T rn.!, were Dcm.,, mt-, a tJMhX rmd BM Itara tat-at-noBMn suti d Ibe msiorityovei all w..ubi b is. I,, -iia»>ovc 7,in*i. torortpor ol ibi* elaiiti ii i- said thal -i'1 iii Bepubll' cans wi.rktd more /cibmsiv lien Hie Ii. in oeral*. unti basing fewer Bombers, Rn ii vite wa« niue b mote fullv 0 died, while tbi i'd. ...rats, kiidwiiig tbaer asinrti alwuvs Leen large. Sad Bet work to si ev a (nil rea, isaasMBg snaaas as certain Olin r tacts lca<l lo the conclusion that lb aggr'grite ot voters was grealcr than td tote polled. Tbs Anditor ol stat,- ropor, tbe niuiibcr <.( natta oas twenty-one yea, who wt ie a*st*sssble for srh,.,d piin,u*t * in. l. IBs lear loilowing >',. (luina! i-lec*"i(,!i. st 126,461, or 18,708 mot thin He I-dal VSAS n( I860 In is", il. Mme officer reports thc uambi r i 1**»*,065. sn Increase of '-'.Ol over lb -tear Bra lons. In (bsl year the total vol ta toltarne Judge wm but 90, .lpg iud, narri ii- 0 »J roten . horne. The tcportt ,f ihe av. . Mid lo he not tlitiriuigl.lv accurate, R; number sf peBs bi ing aBdtaSwBBl rsAb, tliin , theiss,m. 'Hjo conclueion, lana, thal, making a Rbsrsl i*,lni..te(or immigr tlen and thc mt ural increaae, the , .! BSMBber «>r pcaou oatHtad to vet,- m We. Viririnia in l*>vi taom 1'1s.'k-*i t-t 110,00 lt ten |*r relit, abntilil rennin ewav fTOi ldc mm pb steetlaa (tay lbs ballots en would uuu.ber (rom I'.M.ihnj to 1BL0Q6. E*!iBiiroKTiii: vim:. Wl.at Wiil lee tbs Jen-elltsge o( stay-* hon.t*t and tb* aa,,portion wsir nassbt will bar to (be different junie, larolv, the i|uc*Hon st tu bow W,-*t V ir. uni vs seas iu Oetober, Msay weil-p . bon* !.< lie*. Hist the reieivv vote likely be JndifldiTit to teAbng in ni onlm.tr piciildiHsl-eli-cHori v.nr ls much great. Isl ii.WM). OsearaaJaeksoa his opinion tba! these bgure* «biiuld raised tn b(!sv.en l,*-.(Hii) and .ll.ooo \.h- sud be agrees in locating tin.-* Isstitka i lhe vote in such »,n,iih' Deaaoeeelle com tia as Wain., I ...gen, Hampt'iir.. Ac Now, if iv Baeaaaat efturt iAes(Bvy-s bornes can (>c ndue,,! tn but.', iusU-ad sf I per cent., then the 14.000 would hart (.ike iron it 7,oov vote*, of which ne would go to tbe Dciiincrata, giving them net gain of S.BOO ami liierealng the nu],, Hy ot 18(10 to aU,iit fl.flOO. This tetjmtnU Inned un thc tuppi-tUion (hut thcOleel tsek vote of i*sij<i.v.07!r>--yct reBala ii t.iL snd will be iransbiniJ btulily t tie Ht publicans. But such s couch lina as to this third-party vote would be entirely siippostHnus. Tb.- Iiesl-lnfornifi! (Ire* nl'tckeia .lc. not tsnimt on moro than 0,000 reoiaitiins members of the Oreo mock or»soir.iH(m, while other* equally aa well InfoiTiirrt. not menitiers or tha*. mit*, pal the tuiml'c-r at la-t ween 5.("*X) ino ,*>,.ViO. of "Ball a percentage villi not fuse on the Mate ticket with the Republic in*, hui will vote for "Wilson for Ootornor. lt is safe, th. rtef.m', to rstimnle the nuui'.-r of this element that will vote willi ttie '.opuhlicin* against Wilson ru nut exec, dim: .'¦."" INCBBAkB OS VHS liKMoeKATIC MIDB. I jika* to (Jartiehl's vol,- nf (ti.dn) an Inrn-ase by Immli-i-uHon of lu ts t "-nt. and a nsiiir.il laaraaa* (timse coming of age in mos nf (lentils and removals) of Kl per rent . find ashlin.,- IhoA.Ocn of ('reonhnck- ers. and Wilson'* opjionont would relive 60.u(i(i votes, or alioin "".in*' mon than ll in- mk n elia il in UMB. Sow. Il wUI be mn, if Ih(-( f1».i.r<s ure suhstinthlly cor¬ ri ( t, Hitit to make it p 'S*lhli for lioiui'ih- onn success ono mint s««iiiiio tho utterly fnllaoictis the.'iv I lint thor hit not l.ocii any it*!*" In tho |i( uiiioritio "rat* h*f renou nf tistut -I I.'' I iso. itlltllkTation, or "BflBB* llOfla fn in tl,. (.ni nieck putta, lt well Iviiuivn Ihat hundreds of Orcenhnokrr* have Joined the Donioerntio lian? itoSS MSB,Bid th" th.'-.' far BSBBUIIlbtl th iso Wk* hav, coin- info tho UepuMi'an rank*. Two I'tioii-iind would In- a safe rattmite nf Ihe nd i.ceeks.nn* floni Hil* <|ll.<rt-T. Admit ttint taara aaa baal (ral* aa tacrrsse ly ilnll)L'l:iti"ll of file per a "it nfl llin- r-o. k'- vote, iiioro vv oana1 from thlsaoarec i.e BsIb. (i nt least MM fltan rates. Then add tm i< '( m. ini')* for n-itiir-tl Inc araklBg over *...V"i. ami tba !». aweratle lu* .:.:.-. -w, ld up p. 10.000. \iid tin- io lbs k vote .-.ml von will have ,;: BfBiflSl Ci.'""'. S*tvfffl* tho State .(. Wil-oii Iv ..v. "7,00Os Vvill. Iho.Tloit which v-nir .. rn ipondi nf know-. ntflg ofl bj Detnu- oiiitu | Bitlsaai tn Bal oal a fuller vote linn u-i al, it'd raaktas aBowaaee for u.-puMi- 'il .ii lin- p inn- direction, which i- I i.slud with . nec'i nnd t.ict. ip lear-) 8,000 n n ¦( mi -: (ely be added, whick will t'ivc the -lille tithe llon-nornl! in Orttihcr bj 10,(10(1, prov iil.-d l.tti Ifs*.OOOy deyseasl Un lr lii.iluis. if tbe number iboald ba ifrester life Democratic majority niil belaerrwasd .I! |ll.| ortioll. TUB votb ny UOUB1IBB. The coiinliis «<¦*( of tho Kanawhs. nine in iiuiiiIk r, none of which ari- lt. ptitilioun. will i/iie 5,000 iiutjotity. Tho BMUBtain ri untie* in an-t to (i|,j Vii/uua. (pi, in iiiiinl'tr. all !»<-inocrtitic. will give 8,500 msjority. 1'niir counties nf tho Kana-ilia Valley will »:iie utiotit I.omi BepflUleaa majority, Three nf tiiein areao elora thal fn tn 100 lo 'Jin votes will vat ry them either way. iiml tbe nilier, Ranawba, i* oalymade tareel* Republican by reason of an aliooti eomphi» fusion or l.i'-.i Onenbacki rs wah the h. pul.lit -itui. The interior glaring counties, twelve In Bomber, ol which but two inc lil pulillesa. will --iva 1,000 Detao- erith' majority. Tho counties sear tbe Obk) liver. ;iti"V( the Iv.maw,'in, in¬ cluding thc Pal Irindi.. eleven in number, of wittel sin sn- Bepu'dican ..mil Ave are Demoeratlr, will give probs- hly 100 majority to thi Bepuhlicans. Tbe et lil,li' I I!,rei .'h wliif'I the lieiiu I,'iili. of thc Halt iiioro i.iul Ohio railroad run- ind tlies,. bordering Penaaylvania nnd Mary- Isntl. ii-'ht in i.iri.li r. "Hiv tm .-nf which are Democratic avi'l give l,*s ti.au 2,000 Bepubllcan mcjoriir. Be*capUulated, the Demi eratic maj< ritli* will be it.., (¦; i;.- pul,hcitii. 3,100; mt I ii mooral ic majority, Of tbe fifty-four cotrotlea bal fifteen ein bc c rtain j counted ai Bepuhllcan, with a posslbilUj "f one more. Tb* <. vv ul likely iri?.-.'.'.I " i;> ui.ii. an majority, while the Ibirtv-nine or f..rt> D. i.Tattle eountlea vvill ilk. i> ni)i 10,000 majority. I I BflBBTS OP WT! -<>.*.'< l'"l IT.lltlTV. In staking tbeaa Igtire* no at ount i* ^k. ii ol ac esslons to the It' publican part; from tbe Dentocrsts, for there are none worth) of ni ttei. sod what few lhere are are more than offset by RepubReaiis who an dissatisfied with the fordon arrange* im tit 'mil by tit rm.ni Lt publicans in nome of tin- ,-iii. s un,i larger towfis, who have joined the Democrat!. Kor has any atten- Boa been given lo R>*my hundred* of the Bil or el. li.' ut ll lin Will lute f"f Will n for lin ii n-nii thal lin v nie la Sympathy with biaaitii-!i.'ii:o|ioiv legislation,and approve ol bl* record, weal Virginia is naore like- iv to, ii ,i Wilsen by a majority greater laen Pur 0 than lo cu bs low ii. OHIO DEMOCRATS ABO I SEO. ¦seater! levelaad Demeastraiiea ar i .iinm. I ut-'l tu (ii? Hutmill cl with I)-nm, r-its from lovell* nnd lt um I Districts. A (oiuuii,!!.* speeiiil of Tbnraday to thc NcwYort! HVn,'.< e.iy-,; ll- - '¦. mts*" [ BafBrtlhg ..r tho < Uv el pul at,.! H. lulrirk- dui - held I'te t'l-d.v ittrposerd la point <f numbers BBd enthusiasm any similar demonatratlot ev< r held In Ohm. T fifi w ann r brought out the population of -roundingcountry,and all day haig iMueoianc ililli- f r. iiu v.:: ii ii- -ni.ns of iii" st.ii.- arrin .! ca ri ry tr tin until tin- <iiv wu* crowded with uni. foin .1 nu ti du orated a nh bads ¦ Martial nu.mi- brought t-iti. rai lo tbe street* sad irowded every tboi fun. ah o? r ii..- etti ii. national flag floated, inisin..-linn-- wen bandsomelj led, nnd ti.'mi private rc wert omi ii d v-.ith bunting. TbeCoshoo- i ii Guard* were iir-t to appear, ipproprt* alely uniformed, secomp mit d by on hun- iii. d ci1,.:, ni. The !. igan ( ounti l levi land .aiid IP ndrlcki < lubs came ncsl with '('Si nun ii; hi., ; tl,, u '"he V, v.iiil ' < minty I Club, Biiniltr-rlng 100; the Union county ; deli "''''.") i-' " strong and acconipinl ¦¦! bj a hand ol musT**. Poinl I'lensant, W Va., New Delaware, Jforrow, Hamden. Lima, Akron, Licking, St wa*"k,and rarlou*other town* and counties ent chiba and delega- COYEI " 1 At I o'. bII Hm ( v- ml ll- ii tri. r. th. l-l-::, was 1., ld Bt i oc.-l...Tv'- !. I! ,. (...v. m..i Hendricks and parly, fruin Indian '. arri', d nnd wt rc Mcorl d to tl.i ball. A royal reception was .-in t, tb v ii i-i n aid. ni:.'! nominee al ;:' W!,, ti ie uti :¦- .1 thc ... .plauit followed. '1 tte stage "f tbe Op. -: -il.u- w..- Bppropriatcli decorated with Bowers In v:t-e- .uni larious haud-oiue ti d t drinan John fl, li..t- a short -ketch nf the Columbus Cleveland iiiui Hendricks ( tub and tha origin of lo- .! i's demonstration. He apoke of tbe great i nibuslnsm shown and pn diet* I in (,.To',., i-and ion-o.|Utnt vi.:.uv in Ni- v, n.t., i. T he name ol /! lian (¦. Thunnnn vv.-.* im..I,v applauded. Senator* Bayard, Pi iulit lon. Si iiatni-t h. t ll. B. Hay,". len¬ na! Patrick A. Oolllna, c. ll. il ( i. al Our!,in Ward, and other distill- i.ui-ln(i nu ii nei nj ..i- la on tlw stage. BPI!' li ti -rs cn.u nev viii'. l!r. Tl.iirnian Introduced Senator Bar. nrd, who said, In subatanee: "It li to od hun ol republican Pl, ut that I appear among voil. I believe it was only last night tba! as-real l;e| ubllesn party leader raid Iromtbi* pl it* ft,nu thal ht ara* -'irv that lb* ii u i-m il ctn [: ii;li vv s UBtng such tl iv 1.1 Ilia" li,vate letters. My Mends, 1 with we could k" into a .-'inri ol v inadencc with Ht pui'lieaii". Retiublleani wereforeed lo in ci | .1 suv addi! nui- tn tin ir rinks without -inn.ii/ their cltaraeter, beeauaa they I, th ii Un ir help. Thus tit- > have oior!"(.ked vvr"in:s In t loir COO- e 1 veatlea*. I bellev* lt I oas liail of thc IU piil'lii'sn p.iitv ni th. ir own hearts * ! did nol believe that Hayeeand Wheekr . I. i ti d." Mr. I'sy.ird traeed the workiiik'-i.f lbs li. ul.li.un party I peal twenty-four yean in coovsatlon, ei.s.w ma.- thal ki,i'm'* liouiiiiiitioii waa tba loci, ai .,itc,.iii. et thc party. HU clause. tu is hi.c ihstottbe BepubUesn party. " Wa un not eaio vi bethel Ibey k-1 Into onr pris not. v.', have a -food r rd, ii e i. it ii. r Bghl wotnen n .li, h. \\\-do not personal!' attack. B I ! j <>r saaffali tteapt as Hwy represent ' I tl'.-ir Party. Tltaj ar* not tho di.- ,r n«c-il,,y ft|t* Uk sviiitit..!!')*." *jfr> **>,v- ard mil r fort'-d t.. thc- Independcnl [j m. v Benth Kew*Engl"uidandthe"Middl -: Mates. -T ot pe ,p|e tbcrt s.u,i (,, -hi?.- "i 'iu. lui ihat maatd-aintstratlon * h. tm long nonga, aad l ivor tbs eltctinnof l.i"?i (Toiel.itp.l and Tli"ina* A. ih ".-li irk-. Tun h.,\, ia-¦¦¦¦!..¦! from wini ikey otnt.i-,<...! hi lori. u ',it ire the ¦ it » if tbe Bf ptihlit sn party in Ihi* "MUB* ."alga*- Tho u*e of iiul.iic iso,vu-far pri¬ er vale uses ls eeef-jrwhare pnvaltnt. ll you Bl ju*tifv it you justife a hroiich of trust.- Il ill i* a suit sf woik thal mikes .lune* Q, r* illume thc r-aadtdate of faa BTapublican to jMirtv tor President of the United -Mates. ¦¦¦ . BrgstsSttea it nut ll.t \un ii ¦.rn .i rdaa nt »:t.vinim.iit. Thc QoaarBiBeal ii vvi-f.ul.ej tn p,.i,i,,t, the happiniss ,,f >e all, and nol a part, or even for tho ero nest s. j liaber. Thc mice of tin- pnor and feeble ¦lld ainu?* Ik- heard and Kali flit] lo, 11 Ti-in Iii s tho hroad humanity. Uta broad idel of Jia-tii.. lhai has u,ado uie a Dciriu- erst. Wc can t m*ke weak Baw fs*a*e*"-**i hut Wc csn soo thal all have eijuslitv Of "p- Ti . isirtunitich. 'Hi.do|'iislliunsnf Mr. ltleim, Mr. Mulligan, Mr. Wiirivn Fisher, taken st time of hivcstigiiHon, he hud ned .ire lull)' Im canst' it wa* hil duty. N I un¬ biassed man .1' ii ld read them and know things lb-re described and then consider Mr. Blaine tit for thc trust which thc u.-. . uhlican |*riy pfopeaatl to give him." Nuiulxn ol letter* wire read from **iafa> THE KLUHJH. Brui tleni-aerat*, among them fcinrie! J. tsntlall. Jns-ph E. al el ional I. A. <».-'¦¦¦;- fn. Ii. W. BRR um. llui-h J. Jewell, Jo**ph Mititrer, A. T. Merrick. Winiam F. Vitas, tlirsm H. KewlH, Jobn W. Hrecklnridgc iVIIIium S. Holman, W. 8. Oroeebeck. HF.NITOB-EIBIT lATNt'S HI'tKCL lldirv IL Payne, in a long and able rpeteb, referred lo the corruption nf the publican partv, and concerning the ttniT iud : Wbst dinger t<> Ut 1 arni from UM ¦na. Min ti, Into law ol the Dsasseaxsns poll- tv In regard to thc tariff, lt I* evident bal Hie Republican party I* determined ks li-.,i.s but OBS !»«iicduring lill* campaign, uni that I- the tarin. Thinking L> pul tb- Tdii..ends on the defensive, aad lb. rds hiehl thor ( sn maladministration (nun nvtiflgalinti and exposure, th' v bara the mdaeitv to eharite tbat we are Free Traders md Ims'tile BB American lahui and (b'tiie-lic ndistiles. Till* nu n,lad ni* .-Haig.- I amt..** tn ince, with IBS broadest denial. tad will «how tbat it i* utterly In- St ta ami 'alv. lt would be a ii«ele.s oonsnmptiot of 'inn-,,t review tbs oonlroventa ova tbs rnrilY I'li-simi* ,., issi. Thc act nf tint it, lissi.f the land and (innot bc IBM filed "r n pah d vc Bl b] IBS t incur- (eiirrirlii'ii of ibe two taluses of Ooagras md the ai rpovsl (il Um Bztwutlve. lt u- reseted hy i Bepnbllcan emigres*; the ai,iii ii-- puisne,! in its psassgewars btttar- I* partisan nnd arbitrary, and wbstevi. af nu tit or (lenient i, enn'ain* iiriist be ered- Wed sad del iud in the account of that paity. 'lhe aeaston fir ii- peauge iva*'Hie general deniand tor a reduc¬ ion of reveane. An BBormoot surpin* ad acciunuliilci, In lhe Treasiirs l.iva- inti lintier H..- btw ol 1887 bsd bec em-fr ir- [nllv burden-nine: hi ncc an itnr*Tiiise ts fnr i r.-visi di ol fl"' I trill svitli ti inn to a in ibdial reduction of du,ie* Od inijinrtr. To Rial [Killey all p niles rind in¬ ti ii -ts assented. A co,nrn!*«inti of exp -,¦:-. iftersn elabor.tie Inquiry and much careful -nf.'id(-talion, ni'dillli-ii'lcil ail BVeragB ledin tit-n of lOpereenf. 'I be siwa finally I, in the estimate of the Finance*'mi¬ nnnie nf tl... senate, would reduce the revenues |4o,000.000. Bm tbe result* ave disappointed all psrtlee, and aw ratBtaeAori lo un (lie. Instead of '-"' per c.Tl,., ldc re,lue,ion lins Im-.-h le** Hian 4-in¬ tent of 1^,000,000, il ha* no! reached 120,000,000. li ba* triii-* signally tailed to .oeompih-h the mata purpoaof (t* cniet- tm nt. The puvtisc licet.-itv fer relief from executive raseana and rordeasotas iteration wa agslB prtaeated t., (ingress i>y Hie Treasury DepsrtaMBL lt dsearcd hit rebel mu*,'onie from ntluced iluiics in Imports, sod hvored adding lagetyte itu- fm Hst. taxing rcitele* ol naccMlty, . uch a* t.-i. coffee, sugar, Ac. more lightly IhU i.rlieb* of luxury, favoring raw mate¬ rial* Mid rtonsestic IndnstrieB, Pbhtaueb lol Hie DOUcy nf (be Adniitli*!! it inll. Tin-R< publican platform admit* the im- perfeetions ol Ibe preanl law nnd |ifedca ii*t If,,, i r. s |sinn in (inhr .'tn correct Its lillies " snd " rtidua tbs snrnlm " I.*"*,uh nu tl ...(I*, as will relieve iVae tax¬ payers without Injuring the Isborortbe neal productise Interests ol tbeeountry." Thi* in ciiiratio'i ii sugar-coated and int. r- fardrd ssirh sweetly toned general platl- ludes, bul speeds ing univ Ric single item f svn.il. av tn which it off ng ¦ r -,-',le snd illusive promise. As to Use dalia ol bs- .i sun. . for n fen n.vcr luxuries snd if russ mau liiil* ova tbe Bnnutaetured ar« lide. i, it ominously silent. The I', tiioei .ii,- plaifonn pledges the ans lo fl nvi*i"n of tbe tari fl n nd a reduc¬ tion of taxation < finally rrith tin- Republican platform, but U mure explicit and forelbh In (ti t'liu-. In renard to boms indusln nd American labor it employ* nnequiro- cal language, ii declare! thal .. in making n d nettan of taxes it dors nol prop ii,ii n ans domestic industries, bul to pro- mole tbelr baltby growth." ..Moreover m .nv ii tiuitri. bare oome , rely on legis¬ lation for *iicce.*j,il rniiiinuaii'T. *n Hut ts chsngeoflaw must be at every step re- gard!ul of Ibe labor and eapit.it thu* in¬ volved." " Tlie proensof reform mus, be sillied rn Hu-i ".edition t.'Hil- plain die- li,it ol |ustia." "Tbe oeeeeMry redne* lion in taxation must iK. iii,i(,.| arith ml depriving Ann rican labor o' the abilit] t i-'diipt te *iieei«sfuil> iv it li loreign labor, ind without Imposing Iowa rata of duty than will be ample to cover any inereaot ¦.o*t of production which mas exist In eon- tequence of the higher rate* nf wsgapro I ailing in ihi* country." OBI ST Dnno*4*sTRAT!oa AT Ml.HT. At night Capitol Square wm nacki In .iif'roi ati-di. Toe 89,000 itrsagen who .warmed Into tbs cltj were tolned bj si cns ti!"it (min thi- etty, nnd Hie crowd fairly raptured the streets. Tbeprowc*ion lu jan I,, move al,, ni B o'eloek. The th in¬ lands ol uniformed men, tbe waving ban- n>T*. ii,. toreb-ltgh(i and IDomlnations made nj' a magnificent ipectacle. All il l- tlc line ol march from the doors and windows and bonsetons tbouandi wared Bags and handkerchiefs and cheered With¬ ou! ia ssstion, During tbe parade speaker, occupied stands a! s,ii',;i* points in the .-t lte-U0U SiTd and -pols' !,, ;i mu]|J{ |d of list, itt*. Among tl<- spesken were Governor Hendricks, Governor R. ll, McLane, (large H. Pendleton. J. A. McMsbon, G. II. Bargar, Toorna F. Baysrd, J. lr. l> s lim,, lienrv R. Payne, General James Craig, J. P. Polk tt, Speaker Jobn G.Car¬ lisle, Gen, rsl MaMiir, Gi n, rsl Durbin Ward, l». r*. Goo ling, General f lui s. Patrick A.' ollini. Govi rnor lloadly, Gen¬ eral Denver, snd I'..'..Mc<ai Hist Senator Thurman, li r, Introducing Governor Hendrick read a letter ol regret from Govemor Cleveland, wnieb ssa* heartily applaud, ri. Governor Hendricks then aroa Bod a i applause broke ora tbe vast crowd. He sp, kc fer ai*oul thirty minut, -. v\:is frequently and loudly applauded. His speech na carefull) prepared, and ni::'is ol Hu ;¦¦ nts In I tbi |- lb y and pur- ll ul ,,ian pans side mi li r force id t. ll* ul I that tatt year a, '!, et- ni Rom (lie cople, i'-.'.. eave bim op ,ts ...i aria! ii- as tbs l-io'ii'it, '.'. ol Ci and fi profligate bum ' iiblic f:in'!s. Tte platform, as promulgated bj the party at (bil ago, wi . -ri -tn by nini tii-e: --. with especial clearm*!* and d.r. .I,, n. 'i he Icture of the Republi in party nuking Ins-- '.nih. (ierman< nnd lri-h Ssa- a.ltllil.lblv lil I'S n ::| riled forth e'l- thustastic ai -pl ai- 'I be -peech through¬ out wm an arifumeU ol timple, direct word -. ¦¦,,'. mat I) pro ntatlon ol f. ts t.osi c. Ht ii'l, iel,* wm in splendid s .Ice mid-lints. Tin crowd ssa- jg thorough -i L patbj .-. it'd him nd v. ndi .1 il .tb nulli, ll* v -it to the -inti- will ma¬ terially sir. ngthi ii ih-1 national : Senator Pendleton sv.i* next introduced aiid n t:se,i b warm welcome. Governor Hendrick, tiri rs on Iii* orereosl during .-' Bator Pi ;u!n di's *;.. .fli.aiid, complain¬ ing ol (be caid, -te; pi d from tbe stand and walked alone across tbe State Hons, ds. He s,a- joined by j .ur n,,. ipondcntand responded in an-sstr to thi lon: ..Governor, bow have you found 1 bi lit tuition In ohio nnd Indiana." .. I lia1,, -dds risited Isvu jHtinl* in Ohio I. prirtgfleldand Columba. Attbelormei the iiliiii-ii.sin ss-.- s,ry gnat. While i: ibis city tbs tbHi'in-irai'iiui i* lomethlni lemarivabl,'. Fruin the knowledge 1 bavi of snafra In tbli sup- I would expect Un Democrat! lo np-rn the ineeessa t,( ii,, bat fen sear* and elect their ticket by i gi d iiiiijorits.'' .. v\ hat or Indiana I" " 1 elm ab ls rn; thal if tb, iplril whlcl bow prevail! tbere continua until tbe Ko remhei election tbe Democratic ticket .s;i itv', ive a baadeofla imd(M^emenL no fa thc prapatanra ol tbe hbrbat.'' bpeaker carlisle arrived brr-, bte trail being d.layed several hour*. He Stoke t a lalee en sui ,d people and draw forth ea tbiuiBstUeapptause. Tue en,in- iffalt* sra admirably conduct, d, and tbs inn-res siiuwii f.ircbly express ra bow thorough.); pis ol this ie Tun are SIOUS64, Tm- bili-,.ss ing BRter wa* read , Elta'VtlTB Maxbiox, I Aistw, ,*-. ptember lsd. s srjMy Dar BB, I verj much regret thi pre-ma-11 ofBelsl dutie* prerenti iiivjolc yon at tbe mating to be bel! In "inn 'i tbe 1Mb instant. I bone tbe nieetin ssiii i.r a eaaplete success, sad thal ;t sri tu the u:ea!,« of merBBSmg ttl¦. ratiniliBBI slr, idy :.ri".j*''il f.,r the csbm I g ernriieiit. I believe thal the TOteri ofttl country arc (illly alive tu tbeneoaitt] ailing sn sdailalrintloa or pabll all'eir* whi. h shell l.e truly their ¦.*¦. not oBly because i, is the n-ult t tin ir ebola, bul beana ns aleet, tl Instr, mentalities ar.-directly from thc hedy, the ju ojiie ami impressed with lbs p smrh thought* and senlintent*. Thry ire tirei 1 think, ni a nih- *o long continuori that bat bred and fostered a class sLinding b. tween them and tlieir jxilitical actitn. sn vs 1,,,-c int, rt -t in * Hairs end wiih partial 7ral end ad»anccHieflt of personal advai trgc. Lit me remind ibo Beeph that if tin se, k to make their psjblk tseVBBtS (c their direct reaiM.ristbility t them, an careful of tutti ili'i-ri-t*, their (.bjec Will not be accomplished by blinded », In renee to a party which liv* gn.sv Bringan! with long-cunt inned BBST8 Lei BM iiuprcs* upon il,.* BBBfJ Hist BflBM involved In tbe pending IXBBVB hi tbeestablisbment nf a pure and hone BdrnihlMrnlion Bf Ibeir Hovcrnnient. L BM -how Hutu a way In thi.*, and wa, tuei.'i sgniiict any cunniugly-dalgueJetlb fPilF i/ior/i**-**1 oj lo lerd them Into olhir piths of Ind. vant discussion. With thia- consideration* he- fore Hit m. snd, with *" «"£'',r*.***> Hon ot our claims to tie ".o'lndenoc <>' 'he DBflflle .nil of their r-sfoonsl il Itv. we need nntfosrlhercMilt of Heir intcllligcnt ac¬ tion. Youri very truly, UBSVBB ClaEVKIAM). 7*,, Allen tl. Thurman. One of the platform* MBAm down durlnif th.-evening, and Ocncml J. W. Denver was seriously hurt. UESERAL NOTES. elctclBBdlJalalaa Ila? "*»»¦*-I nataal Rs- publics* DisarTu Ilea. The Kew York lErald -uv*: l>r. Miller. of fiehrsska, who was one if Hie aaBars st liotu.K'ralic hca.|.|ii»rlcrs vest.idar. tdd thai in his Journey hero fnm th W.*t h- niitlccd in iBiraaaifl** tooAunexA in fare* of thc I>. tn", nti' ticket BBsiflg IndepaMlaal people, nnd particularly nt |rdnts in f,c in* lorior of the Mate nf New Yarli. Another of the miler-., Mr. (.-.len A. Carter, of Miiniford. <onn..a nieiiiin-r nf die I numeral ie l'l-unif UoflOBttta of Ihat town, -nhl : " Tho <;, rmvi r-Otcn in Stamford are nil lu (Tove!.itu! excepting onlv three or four. The i;,- nubllcsn ilisairtctton is v. ry hairy, itu! with sll Ik* If" pul.Moan talk shoal Irish Blaine nun. linn- 1- BO dl-in". lion tobe round. wTe sped I* 'any rverj t..,vn. .| I.rn,pail n -n < .niin-.Hi "-t 1- viv <. irn- o-t aiui Int ¦Iv. Tfc* nicoli ni; Bl Irldgepofl last night a' which ('"lui'l Fellow* and Governor rValles spoke wa* ta* largest public m.. tiiikr ovtr hold Hi.tb, aad Ike display in tba proceeaioa wa* Hi la il veraaw in tba Bt*rt*. 1 tc.-m. piaaibllily I ..,,;., til'ut Mttflg te go for < -vt land .uni Waller." -, i.-itor .lona-, of Loelsiana, a mtmb r "f tbe Nation'I i'oiniiiiltei'. Mid* "I b»V* notici tl a dispatch beaded, .!'. Chance* In Louisiana,* ha a aewipiper ol thismonilBg, which claims Hist the Betiab- lioan electoral tidal -"¦biacea the ri ai influential mon of the Sf ito. ail of winni, except (olnntl Beattie aad Mr. M vero Democrat*, a year ago, Pal* iv :,. .mir. Mr. Min.T himself claims 1" hive I" n an nhl Whig Bfld never a 1 ti merritt: .Mr. Cooney, of Caddo, ga !. 11 a R. pri'lie-in for years ; Mr. Mo4*gan, Of ' luichiia. i* also an ..lil I'epul.li-an ; Mr. .fohn Mah, m 1. ol N-'W OriBBBB, Wat a II,Hillier "f Ik* BBl Legislature, elected a- an Independent, .'ikT.inst the DefBO 'ralir nominee. Tlic Ueket, while nape adda bo Btreagth whatever ra the Miine mon,ni nt. BBd will nc iv-no more vote* limn would he elven to an? ether Ml of Blaine clo, t.-r*. Thc rtareraeo! thal lu Lotjikisna ""hs Irish ippaarto ho flearly nil for Ulallie' is utterly untrue, ind there is iud thc least groend ra lae world tor ciaittiiisy Ike Mate (OT Wain..'' I VIV ll!!-VI. KIT-IT! KAN OOJABBtCttOM, Kx-A-Minl'lvinan PoBeker, of ii-w.'S", (..lid at heail'|ii"ail'I'-; "OswegO county is all right H i- tiioroii'.'hii orgsala d.net¬ ti r than aver before. We will tl infer thrui in IBSQ, winn Uarflsld got si...ut :;.'.i") majority. Blsioe will ti .j..hp. our int ml- iii Onondaga cotiot* are aiuiciiit!'' Slid ooipideiit of a sr il ti ¦ -ult. Lii-Seiiiitui Steven* leila nw that Sprigg* «'!l hiv.- 1,600 majority for Congress, and thal tbe Dtnnoerstic na¬ tional ticket i- mrs "f 1,000 majority in om 1.Ia county. All iboul thc Indtca- tioniar good. Tho Irrltationa thal esta in lome pla. - are purely loeal snd teran - ,n. rmd are rapidly disappear ng. 1 h Colint'V illstrila* Of the Male Will, in my opinion, tl" much better than New York- ,s \p,rt. I be Republican di- ci willi li;.im i- universal and r-ubslantlsl, ami will esceed tbe estimates on election* din. Blaine*! Inp will make DO convertl 'hun. !: v. .ll io ki lea d iya' bunal among thoa* *un ly for bira any way, bul will uni affecl i'-nil-." A remarksble-looklng risitor t-> incut- Hons! 1>< mocrutie- beadqaarter* yestcrda* vv.,- Richard, belier known as ¦.Dick' Vaux, formerly mayor ol PklJadelpbia, tn a celebrated beau in Iii*- linn , wiiii tbi re- puUtloo ol li.tv log (Kneed wuii the ('.I' en ol England when tba was Princes* \ iii >- ria. Ile la a man ol seventy, lead* without Biasses,and ibowi no Ink of rigor. Ile wear* a great meas ol wari gray Sa ir, fill¬ ing down un Ins coat-collar behind, and sunfloaatcd by a a bite beaver of tbe IJncI Ham pattern. He l* an old-fashioned D- rnocrat, and 1- in fsvor of ( len land. Be ¦, oki on Both r ai even a worse eh ...¦.¦ than Blaine, beeanaa al bia greater depth of cunning. , a, ot un,ive, ABVICBB. Letters to tk* DeiaocrBtle eommiUeai -1.1 day fn in all perta of thee unit ry wen i,f a lui cf ni aiui. ncouraging 1 adeocy. A letter from Elgin, 111., ssys: "Tbenameol ,,1 diiii 1- tin German Independent Cleve¬ land and Hendricks < lu,., an I om mem- 1. rsbip i- MO, mad,- np tag, ly >f wi-, vi.re form, riv Republi. ms. Ta c*-owtfa of lbs Cleveland sentbnt ni t- re kinpai-e*anything 1 ii... ...¦.->-..:). Tba Uermans sre limos! a unR f ir Ibe Dem - candidate.1 A kiter from .in-ev Cltyaaya: "Two to,1.tin d young i», mociatic i.t n Second Assemblj dlstricl of Jersey ('.ty ha?,- formed a uniformed club under the linnie if Ike Bobert Davis Ligbl nurd*. 1 be nnifoi ma ure- of tba Uni -1 «tj lc and tba appearance and marching .." iii.- Guard* cannot I* inrpassed. g.nain are w< tha! the Democratic cindi,Mis aril) !»¦ elected thatwebavi decided to participate in th. Inaugural ceremonies accompanying ( mv.T.iiu'i ocrnpaacj of the presidential chair." Among tbe visitor* at Democrat's head¬ quarters w.re Dr. Milk r, ol .\< braska t". I. Pillsbury, of M i-siehii- tt-; .1. vp i\.-'. ii. ..f t.r 11 R [dds, Ml th,* C II. .1. -, ol .lack*, nv Hie, I ia. .! 11 - ... B. rn it. "f Maryland; William 1 li in y . nd V. K. Steven* m, .lr.. ..f Si a York oi:;. UK. Iii.Id kV- oviii.. It is tbougbl tbe n ply of Mr. 1 ;i. .pl olutlons p.. ti. hun bj a commltti. appointed al tbi ( lui ego (' OOM lil'il w Pl !. le.ulv 1 ind "i th.- wuk. Ii wool,I bay h n rea Ij much .'-¦!' r hut foi a lin rroin wlu.h Mr. Tildi n bas 1.- n siitl* iinji for -"ai. !'"i' past, lt i-1 expected he will make an loo.ueul and erstiaslvc tl,., people lor tbe election "f' in f:ii,-r of 1 ' tl>c 1;, 1 n! lea 11 in tin I ld. li tlilli alii oIL. r I ll sol. .!..) He. I'ai, p.. iinii a I- rowdi 1 1*1 n mass-meeting of workingmen, held nude the auspi. - of Ihe 1 oung M'n - Demo miic 1 hilt ol this (itv. for tbe purp .'.-., ndorsins lb( nomination of Cit* lan am n. i.di irks. Tbe bard-banded son ' formed a large majority "f ibe audit-nee ami wore v.ry quick to appreciate tts 0. inls Uta,le by the -peak. 1-. Th.- chair vV;.s t ikea by Park**1 ommit aton* 1 rlmmtns, who, after ibe un alni >u .. of a resolution endt eratic presidential candida*. -. introduce. Mr. Algernon B. Sullivan to the audienc* Mr. Milln.ni wm received with great ap plallso. In the course of lu- speech Mr. KulUva referred to tbe prevail nee ..f t Dnaercii distress, tbe sospeti-aio(" of work in feel rice, and the cloatng ,.1 min.- and the ¦bo! tink' ont tberefrom of toborera. Ile sal thai lbs*Bapnbliean party ibould bebri responsible for tbli condition ol things, lo il hail hedi iii tho control of th '. .1 ri meal for on r twenty yean. In alluding to tin-claim that Mr. Ullin was the friend of Inihnieii be said hedi -ned io tay with as great in emphasis a iKMsible that in.-h a claim was com plate! false, uni abel it wa* known vbej (sets were he tkouikl it Brail require coi ..chick ' en Hu- purl of M Hlaiiit's fii> mi* ti make H. A- Bl Ir:-; man aad Ike dwreidail af aa iriih fnmll more than a thonaand yeats. ,,i.j, ;-,fi e,; * 1 had a riga! Ul cvp:,** Mi ,nKiy hit oplnio ,d inch a fflal a. He then rerlesled ti t- in th- ic f Wai-h. tba ''«ii-|i et, who WM an lii-h pri- m wll .ni; trial, and asked Ike nie, tine; ,f f, showed frieinlliiusi to Iii-linn 11 on it part of Mr. Illili'.¦. lin ip. ak, v wilt answared bj aa ii phelia .. Ko." Major tiuuilaa. of Pbllsdelpbii, wa* tl neal ipeak. r. Ile mid that Bm Iv 7*401 -talc would rs csrrii'd fur Cleveland ].*,,n:k) ma] irity. In a von able rrpeeeh reviewed thi qiwation ral Ike tariff; aft which the inn Ting adjourned. Bill IIB ACAIMV Ht.AINK. Th, n vTcio several politics! l-ct. BM ; on Hie stock EiefBBaae yest.nlsv. 1 ,, r witk'irt of fi.iss, io f'.ss) thal would carry this Mate wore hooked, and two other eas,* h.ts of tuarn even wt uri'!, thal Ch v. lind would h.- -looted. Mr. William H. Travers, for the flr-t til 111 e. v.-rul year-, ipiHiirotl oj th, tl,.,r thc Mock Kxohiini/f .("tonia?, lp- vv given a nuisy and demonstrative w, I¦-,,. j hy several hundred al kal colleague*. | J Trsvir- asked for the mil nf the Chaatfl I and ll.ntlricks Cttih now b*SBf BBrflMd thc Mock Fa. han-.'.-. When he had sign Ins name a* a ni.mher thc Cleveland ni 011 thc floor gave bim three ronsing ct.ee ( (.POMS'. Dl'DLKr'B BID EXABPLB. I Si w geri Times.* t I Commissloner-oM'enslons Dudley I t I his otlicc early In AUifiist to pm shouhlor lo Hie lagging lllaine wheel. uni...! last baturday. and bauded a *.. """ ... -. -. t a .-"..ja *. mtmm. eeCTetary Teller hi. resignation, with Hie pro*l*o«--at lt shoiibi rmi tnko effect until yovcmtar 10th. ,,,, Mfuirtav* he hur¬ ried back tn Obi,, to take om man d o( the brtaade of Government offlctale who have been detailed Li work (ur Blaine In (bat .-tate. After thc Ohio SSSetJ ol he will do thc sam*,ort..I work in Indi¬ ans. In vb w ,.f th,*,, (arts tonR! of (ne derk* of lae Pension 0<Ba «mil« when they take (rom their dak* roplaaf a cir¬ cular t taned by Commisainaa Dud!'v. wblrh was «,-ni tn ra,-ti, i.,,l .,- of th" o'(- |os Iii Snstnilu-r. Imso |n ttiU eireulir Colonel lindie y announced Hint lb IIS st lated ll! bi* SfaOfl an evil whr h -h.ul.l BS longer renmin aa a stigma npin it it there ws* |Miwer diotio-i, v,.,t ,| j,, |ljr|1 .((*tup i . and be thougld ibare wa*. TUBB li--ul la thc sttTka: ..In rtiirn (or Ina pas yat receive for your service*, yon mvr tbs O.tvomment and the alni >«t tb-pairing claitimit* Before Ru* ofllc si\- and ons tull 'munni h,n- ist, .mlusl'i ms llbor sa r" working dav, exsent Baturday, and lise an l one halt h,u,» on Ihat das.1 my encroachment* sou make ujion that time for any purjd-e, iir niton nus rxcua, aa only a-tiul stan* ,. .. ,,r k-aveof ibteoer, ls at tbssxpena of your pt rsi,md honesty.'' lb in \t pointed o itthai num ronseterks ss, re In tbs bsbtl ol iiking tba Aileen min*. ates BiccBMtry to gut from ta stree! ,,, their dMks oat ol de lillie tiny should a at stork, and ibo nf Btreteblttg th'' hil.' boar nltowed fa Inncb to nearly au hour. 'll,,** prattles., Colonel Dudley deeteed. Btas* stop, and bs Baaed ail soaarncd thal it hep, ui'ii would inr.-t prompt pan. Ifbmest. Cd j- circular, however, wa* n ,i written in a pn tldeuttal year, and a good many huh ofnari ol tbs GovernmeBl neem tn think Inst in inch a feat tbe provisions of tbe btw limiting sheena ssi'b pay to thins dBi- in cadi yans .1" Bot spplj Sow VuK BLAIRB IM' Hi'TI.tn BLOWBBS. [Vets rca World.i ..If th re ire ans cnthimvdi¦. Blaine Barn who entertain tlie ide ith it the RI urn. | Knii'ht i- going IO bs 'licet*.fie." -ist .lain. « Patterson, ol tbe Bortbaat c,,rn. r of «. s, .di, is. nui .ind I'sventi-'t-vi-nHi street, "tin vern has- an opportunity Ol en 1 v roriog to swell thdr brm*; account bi ;..¦- aptlngsny of tbe following on*crs l am prep ,n d to moke .dine thousand dollar* Bgalncl f/JOO thll < it sa land carri.* On- (Mata ol Ifi W Tork. .. One thous md dollar* veil that Cleve¬ land will have 60,000 plurality. "One tbonand Mtiers against 11,700 tint ( l,v, land cirri'* Ubi". -One tliiiii-and tl"llir« ' sen tbat cb-.e- latul atria Indiana. ..One tbonand dollar* ag tin*t |B H. that Clireland arrla Sew Jen y. .. Twilit v-t: vc hundred dollars even Un' Cleveland svill be elected. ..Om- thousand dollars ren thal Butler will md poll 13,0 si raes iii t cinty ol Ni VV Vi Tr,." KU LIM! IV LIST. !'"B ( TT-S LISSI'. ,*,. li: t-. uta SS'.rld.l toiaaaxATi, .-ep'einbcr BL.Christian Meakin, tin- well-known and influential brewer ol (blt. its. In* decided t mpp ul ci, s. iain! and Hendricks. Unto this time Vic slot il. i'l has Leen neutral, and hi- CS- i ouml of the aaa of tbe Diem icracj u Im ked upon s* an Important rent In p >li- He. hric Ills Influence will no doubt be hil In thc coming > rtow i.ii t, ape- ii.iis ;i, Hamilton count], Acnvrn m mr; bbboi bats rs rxniABA. ,S, v. \ ..ri. SVerld.J Borne id.-i ,,f the bi tlvitj ol th Dem >- cr.d* nf Indiana may ts gathered from tbe iiitiOiinnlf of tba lai-bei1", ii Bhelbyrille r.-tdiias. Porty li,on.iud friend* ol i i, sd.md r ith, red tie re, di roure I thirty st, r*. du -ie p. md no nd "f poultry, : ml ii-!- ned lo ap 11 ba from V'oor!, .», Hillman. ,.i:i\. Manron,rmd s numb*r ol i,upi, nt expounders ol tbe true faith. Iud,ana i* ablaze with Democratic cnttiu- itarro, atsd-Dorsey lin I st s discount th rc this s- -r. Ap|!oititiii?iit*. Room Di bo uric "nTi*^ I 11 iii*, r i iMMii IBB, > AiiviM'ULt. Va., September 19,1(164 > Tbe following appointnmati ir. promul- gateti by and ss ith the e m.nt ol th¬ ar* nauii'l: i nial papen snd party authorities will jib ;i*e L'ise tin*' appointments all possible publicity. Unka otherwise Indicate I, the appoint- on, nts are maur f,.r eountv -seat, and, t- f tr a* p.,*-il,ic, on court-d is I. .lons R. BABB d ii. f li .iith tn. Jl. Shepperd, (Secretary. KLBCTOR9 AT LAROB. SVALI Vi: lt. -CU'I.l'.s. Bl md, Monday, October c. j..nv noons, Tazewi ii. r i~. HIM Ul T ELECTORS, !-. B. SH Milli!.. Grayson, Mon Ut]. St pl n r :':i. Prank lin, Mond iv, Oe! th lb its. Monday, October 16, Patrick, Tu, tday, Octob i Ss. SUM |-'.ITi'."'UV. Koekl ridg ', Honday, October6. kppomattox, Thnrsd iy, October 9. Allcgb ms. -Monday, 0( toiler HO. Kim:,nu.i. Monday, Octobt r 'J»7. Tib.WAS smmi. R c. mrge, Thursday, Od iherl Pl ill, \\ lilian,, M ''(las, ( LT.il.ci- rr. Louisa. Mond iv, Oe! bel ord, VVedni «day, 0 I' lirfax. Mon lay, Oct ilier 2 I. I auquier, M in lay,»' stab r 1~. CANVASSERS AT LARGE. USES V 111 r r. Louisa, Monday, lb tola r 13. Pill " '.,' BR. -1. Mon i.s. " Vail I.; ii. Timi -I' lille, ¦.¦¦in. U 'lober Ll (night). . (UBI . ! ri ART, VI :.'.!. tuber * ». BAX. I bund iy, (J rtob, r 2. ¦. Monday. Octolier 0. j7. s. ii. KEILST. W, si P dnl, Saturday, () rtob, (Jloitccsti i. Mond iy, October6. Caroline, Mi ir 13. J'vcii. rirksburg, rm * lu, Octob r l (ni Alexandr! i. Vi, dues lay, Oel I Mon,he. B. ST. O. Tl CbarioHe, Mon,,.. October t. Vu,I, i-i. Momla; < i Ih.'!,I ind, '!'., id .*. fctob i 38. VS M il!-: .i ii-tiiL, r';. Bob tn.m. Monday, Octolier ll. Hath, Tin-,! iy, Oct, ber 14. i ssl ti, Brrrrn. Floyd, Iii -'! " -i¦.!.. r I I. , armi;, Monday,«»cl .ber .: i. -lulls Il< nrv. Monday, Octobt r 13, MK SI.SII WO I'l--.. Monday, Octob, r i~. LIT'A IllSltiS. lsinj- George, Tbursd ii, (j lob r .. I'iiii'.i.i'lie, Monday, Ocl ib r BL Halifax, Monday, 0 ttob r 27. I. -.. nui ti. Goo,' land, Monday, October 11 H. S. pg] ., K. VHieroarle, Monday, October tl. Henty, Monday, Oetober Ll. Pittsylvania, Blond ir, Oc( ib r 20. patrick, Tuaday, Oetober 86, r, c. wi nit, Sod ihv, Tbursdsy, October l. ci run lita, Mondsy, K-toberO. org , Th, ¦'..¦! fj, did. Monday, Oetober 16, Jens. i. it vi-i:is. Bl bs, H. Tiic-day. Oetob, r 7. A Heart} <n,| Iaatlj . « lady m Rhode bland, abo li o hundred sears, f kge. i rlags la all baot flt¦ '.st'od and thm ipllti it t. ph es, Ip ,'d, dm't you reef If your bio li ibm sud poor, want rou net d u Brow, lu n Ritters. This prince o| tonia e., taint tbs only preparation of Iron that v a R ml, witta »afcty t,, teeth, itcMuaah, a ..ci.ii Iteettb. Mrs. Charla Dtigi /ii.t'iil'' '»-. «ay*. "I aad Rrnwn's Ir Bitters foi general debility ami nervoi i,, -«, ad 'mi nusv wt ii," t abkiai.kr. itt (.(.ni. ana 1 i /TCOBGE A. AINSLIE A (j sos, ( ABBI APB MANUFACTURERS, A lars-* BBS* *f UH HMuMl-MADB Ci KlAiT-lTsalr low. . r-AlSite.-- ARU liEPAJBlWO aatsetMaltT. j 'iiNE-DOLLAR TAPESTRY CA ffl-TB ii "!.. Bt*sl, aud iru*riutt-»,| for 7tJc. yard. i MKYKR-S, . .tWAsaJI Sixth aud Hn-a. jraaiJkw A1-,T.o*A4l.n«!.-ri*-. nev. W . II? »)r-ili*>* * V|,,Ksrsori, Kcal Kstalc ,v-i ¦¦'litrs-r*, SAo. s noni* S-lttrnlti ¦slcc"*. 1iRir**TEE*?* AlT<*Tl<)V SALK °T HtAM"i DWEI.LIX.i...« i.t -il PINK STBSf-T. C.'BfAIBtNli WINK I(«M)V1» -IO ^!,K,,f twi.deod.nf inuit fr in I. M. 'i""*'"^ ^,". ,...ti."r*l »n ''lehmofld CTgMTr**** rdTmi) ".»¦!a.p in. -it,,.n. i. \'i 4 is respeellvet?. I*!,.., th-ret., r-s,otrcd tte tteticeel-irv. default hating i«**n made, wo will iintlllet.*.-!.)!*".-"'-' "''"t* l*.M..».l 11'TtrD**'! Bl rreviiui: .7, 1R84. .iv- si.nvr-d-»erl*"-d DttUBABI.S |Mlili,'*ltTV. 25,ld M^r.Kav,. 1 ,.- ,, ,....., . lr, ajM .7.1. .1 rsellte. enavealeiir. e ni,-...nt. I"' ?irr-.r.tswe.l tide I')"'-. '" I ,.le-r. i"' iaVTa*^Btr BWBia*, BBBlaa r-t M BsrVeasi '"Srtn -vs. Wh'ltt ih* '¦." ¦'* "'fi'n' ("Ml M_J t),e lcr.t-eri.--~l "."'' Into".-""¦. .1 *l.e**l> aad e«, naesTd* sale. *«.. OB* f.'U'.f. Ll elsi,, and t»* h.f*f,eTei.iTurelve. and eighteen .....mn* f-r n^r U.U non; I..U'ost added and -ocr trutH aaal aaa M .«*<{, ,A ,.,.,¦,... (N, .1 M.i.nlililN. -ala _T.-_-__ II? Mltt.llt A <".. Br*. Mala Uaaaj v,i.-tt,,.-r. lin- Main -tro'l. Accnos bali or twovi ri A pim nv BCiLUlBO ' ¦'!. ;-..;:' ".' ,,,!' nt; Tin-- \ .Hill «'1'K 0. 1 MU-., I. lire- 'e. MN ¦tll'ill'llll VM. ¦lilli-! V.r'illtCT 1-. III CHI 111!.!. -Vt ta r no nf ,.sneer wi tull* . "¦" "-Ucl. :, ,.I ll* ii . s. ,,|| SAITBDAT, SBr-lflBBBS '-I*, l-l. ».-,.< ..vt..-kl'. M.. the ah.e«l< '...! i-'' "J* f..-iiii.t». SS feet ead.n.eiieri.i -idf.t l ,. lr.Ids laaek a ile] ' ' 1<! fea* wide mil \ar(!oie(.rs._ TJiRESH MU.' 1! mus AT AUCTION Ol -v 11 BDA1. ,, 11 ,,', 1, ¦. -B| Will B ll tl " T !,'¦!! i/tir.'- l*:t- franklin -.-. .-' "r ll..lt 1 vi lil s! Pi HlOB FBB9H VI!!.' I dee* ai th. ir rides.aad Um dil rv-" fi in- lv i.iiip. s.s. They tn iv 1 be - > g. P. C(K)!v. DICHMO.VD BAZAAR, ggs ...... u lg AMD (I" I R IB*K1 '.. -' 'BJ .-... TODAY al 10 ..-,'..¦ i..-.. .. let "ii- ¦.. wdlo rs "-i-'it ¦¦fa Beinber nf KX< ll.I.i VT ll.>'(-'- UULI -. !.-. I'll.Vl I'.Vr-. VV V...1N-- 1 viii ot LOCK, EIGHT -I!'! Hint: vin., |j ..nw- A\f» CALI ""¦ lo "he - a'- nf which -. tt. 1U0 1 - ni a inti er -eli' ~l' Pun cs waatl na ihunld attend. ., ._.;. 11 I-. ll. I'll. .K, Vm ll"tic-r. AIC'ION * "i*.*."" -riilni-i* Havw n> w. 11. Lyne I I Baal 1st.'.tc Ak-, uti mut Au'tc.ti 1 I III Malu .incl. rpBL'STEE'fi AUCTION HALE OF I BK A I UrO-isTOUV-AND-H I 1: i Vtt I r\| vii,- ! n-.v Pl.: ISO Mo BOD. .IS 1, IP U 1 si kllif ..!¦ TV. l-l .¦¦.¦..iii ll! I VV IT V CI. vi INI' I.ii'.11 - tcallori nf t deed ..f tn t mi Mt ii nre pan te tni iring tl i-- 7Ui if Ap. Il, 1 -.-.'. i .I rc-..r.''-1 in I), ll. l-l" ¦¦ ti.- i, tin.1.rei ni ry Ceiirl -, - -.. ... ri re 1. m..11 lng re ,-un ... m d -a,,i deed, 1 rm 1-1 v. ',a vv H'M -nw. inmuMt B, IBM, nt *'- " *¦!-¦ th* it): * 1. "ii || ..o' d -1. lill ..I I IS a'. ,.- Ute I, I!,. I.ni hil I 'r int nf sb "il lt .1-1K f. w. -1 lu.e ..( Twenty- -.. .'¦' Iel lines. f in : 1. mil Uv I.VV r I I.! M. 1* 11 ii'it amt rea- lalnlas *>>, al - usa il r-.:ivi aleut . II 1.vi 1 1-' 1 lo capote lofatl and Ul soto * ,.r.-"io .!--¦ ul,- d ,:. ,-vi .Iel ,r .al', |l|"l T TITl'l :: U.K. T.TM p.y far 1 Real I v. I r li'IO Bain ilreet. 4 TTBACTIVE kVCl ION - W.i: OP /\ '.pt: SEW tl VIII. DWI s,,s. :,. ". I.e.". WI. 'Ill WV-Y lil li \ SHUT IN AS KKNNY* I til.l IS. -1 Will ;: ral*. .-ii THUBSI1A1 BBS, .it r, e'eteck P. vi., sra desirable 1 1 p. v. s i ind ar.* ne. tip 'I lr pr"tnii.. " I... I'-1 ¦. n ley. a ,.1 i. ,.' n Isl 11 lt 1 r ,|. ' ride.) 1 purri ia,.; -. Tarsi*.- (mt fo r;¦. ¦ celnslx,twelft . lyhtcen. and iw. nlv-four '..ia ri -I sd.li>d a .- I KM IS Tl "'I'i 'I a 97 ' la H. Con '.il N,ililli "lr.. .. OEREMPTOBY I VI.K ol' BALANCE ,1 t.p -lei .-¦' ¦¦¦ '. 1 Vi Pis. 0 11 i -11 v v , \ r. st in ..' lock. rill -i ll :ui,| Msia -li PVI>'1-. DllaS TWO 1.*!¦. SltillT -ifiivv -1 v-i ('!,( Mil' - iii peremptory. i Hy I;. 1 . .. flWM - r EES' SALE OF [" KAMI 1 ll'.V PI I ITsfi V M. I. C .,*.¦ li III Ik III AM. lite ATI H -I Ul l-.ilr, .1 deed "f tm t t ,111 I 1 recorded, deft ... v. I .hy Uie .i.-.l. v.. mil sell, en ti, - vi Illili .... :' .:,i R 1. I--*. v; . rvii Billi Iv lill t !.¦. Tl.-! lian- VVU s Cltdlcl . . :. vs iv ii. ii'i 1. Ill 1 . ll V .\ i iv,- I_ ,. S'l :;'- - vi 1, ur v 1' iu* \ IS ti : ni lt" UiUAV, CKt . in. ronialnliia T'WolII'VlH'KIl kSH KUI ... I1I1 1 tn . lian - IIA< ii- IN..-ll., .¦i I' rr ms:( . B !). ... SpecUl I . ICAINSI VV v rv 1.1 ^l lt. I.. Alli .- nu riva. I.B. iv , - lt . t rll, 1--1, lita r * co '. 1- - 1. lt. i.ilV M l.s.lS. .-,-. ...!m 1. in , C'lert IMBUBAMI E < i.Sl'lM. yiKOISl \ -T ATE INSURANCE O BT, Bl 'IM >VI>. I\< 1,PP. il: VT ill) IS! I-.;.-.. L Aril CAPITAla. - DV i'm. MKBOUA ir -. IND Ol III :: !¦:: 'l-KUTV isae hy ure. IlIBI roRa: P-. Pr. v- \\ ...;., v Wi: 1.1 wi M. Ilvvi' .-.. J ABB* Vii tao **OM v vis-,,.. BO. I l. ' ll IBU '¦- .'il. B, i,t;.\\ gt c. tai* Bj*. ... 'IA! IV, s. -.I-. Alli ', t) ME PTAIB AND ll \ HUI SSI I- Vlil'i 1 IQ a'n! -, "l-UA -Ul MKV I-'IlS.sSxtlian.lltrrai. im. PLEATED BA! KtfEl -I .-li:, ratl bow fla si..-,j,ut .. _l-\V,<-i MI VKK't.-iv .: ,, . ELEGANT QBAI AND will lt B LAP-BOBS* 16,M vt. VKip-. Ji vv .t.-ivji ,,.: iir,,( 1.1 sn:, CBMfMMT, -faa. .2;2M BARRKL8 KIMMI Rix l-ANli Plat, p«r Jin. 1 peeled. f,.r ardelow "oom",,, "ll-r. rrv-sli .111,1,11a. Itn-t NliAI.V. AM) .1 HIV KU ! Ml kl- j,,.' ..e.. ., ;. ,- asil. 1, I..ni -uctim In auatiUtlu*. Ala* ,.,, |..u,, fr.., iBTLANll lIMCMr, cij,*'., i I v-II lt. Pl.A-Tr.UlMj ll.vllt, I riBB-BBlGX, ABD CLAY. ... , _ vi Aitseii vt.MiitF:. i.nli.nMin.ll'la*t.!r.Suii.e.".i,d tlirk Jm f-sionusauth .irsat, ."'lltsid.. 1,,, .**»! .1 a_LABft_OIB. tn. Hie tsvlcriratod - cai, p ,,.. Kllm." dall) ikisrk..,l ,wr ., I,.*,,,,.. |,. u. ir^rUiAl l.r "sile law rrora do.-! h? ^.-»-H0bM.-iluau'U7 "TUaMBUlsir. AI'I-TIOB[^ MAf.RBr.raiaa> »»*%,^, Ky OCOrRC r «t'riwf.;rd. Real r".»t-ti* armit nnd A-K'.inreHir, 1003 Usn! . reel. TH AM .vuiivsl. li.cb'W tllfisltie el star-.e.---. offer dr isle at BOeMao, u|*>b Uh- premise*, IRIHVV, iKTwiirn m. at 4'< i.Vlo. I 1*. VI., Hie ll-ovc-dri. ribed I B PBBTV . , Trans : Siinotinrr., al si'.. ,...,... ,,,, liKdki,*. K. C1IVVV! RH- ..; ...-,, l.o.l sa .** hrassassa BSosms i ir. .'. aaaBtasa BaaetaBSBse, lill Mila s:r*"t. riiHlsrCKs. HALE OF W^VM 1 IHTLIHN'. LOT (>S I.AtTILL Sflil. r. ta sell.UM I'l' o - " VSITiM rliVV '" l "HBB I, IS'-*. BfB.V,.-kl'.M..l,.r_l:i..Vl. i- I. I'l -' -ali, ,-.cd.l- rn B I- oil ll »i,t III. '¦'" I fl ri iw**b [ai-.ii,! line- 11- r,..-i looa sta » ¦" ) ' 1.7. anil ,,.-.,.., it n i>i ¦** rrai wu bi nu rited parti** r. ".JJ"^-.*iw* V, .1 I' Ml BROWS I ''.'.¦ V'" '.' _______ Lsd. I li- inn.". Hi'"*.' ¦'. R*0l Ci'.- lei nt-.md Au lion lill Sl-i'n risi'l *.; RE'S 8 M li "I' DESIR kBLE 1 i-.l ILl'IM, L"l OB LA' !:; ¦.¦ ".' :" do di - ¦. SI i' Irtl.ar.., |ne.|-, I . i a ha, i., i, . ide. and heliis reniUr*d io tu .. i mn .. t ss iisc-i'sv. it* runt < nt.-.,', led. I*. SI.. H.- UK VI. ! -I SI ¦. ms i lot ob tl i, . ... ! ll :b r* it on tv., ti . ' .''* '' ' vs)' r ¦ .1, md -I .7...'v url il , ii -ii, bl . eaniwa ,, |, pr, ii t.crit:- icrmi wi mci. \ .1. TlH.sil--.is !' . UV VI i IL Ll i:...i Kivale / \ .ni \rERY I'l SIR vc v tri i d.\s E- sirv! t.v.. c.; s\ .) n :: v AMl-K*. 1 v '. ¦> 'S i ". I s- I S I I RI AL'Cl i"V ss, iball, os. ll- r. -L*n s v. -ir. Bt8 r. I. sm i;!-",'¦-. r ¦, . re. ail r. s sn s\ llll .i M Pl rh* LOT lu* a tl .:-,,. SS ILL! Ml ll. CV tOld I PEREMPTORY il 1 ION s\|.E OP I in, *«i ..' .' ni \ r* o\ cit s;r um ,1 i . v , \ ii » I;' I s. s. i : : i Itu . li' lr* IT RM* ¦i t, 4 !'( ITO> * si.;. ..!' THE BRI K . V :. S' I l. I. i v. ,, KRS'I ll -IHI l-l. Ill rvs K.LN I1',"." ' > . c. st., , i ; *i- ,. - . 1834, I'Koi'FRl V tat, .. I ¦¦! « . MU 1 il.-' I - . ' -. -,r,.l I.) trr URI uti '. mi ':*"','. . C Vl.i: OF \ ERV s vi.! AI'.I.K RE VI. ..: s :>. mn AM* l!t(.INTI S'OVVN s* . rut HI T a I sirs* ., ii ns t. I ' I2.*i arru and). r " dlr. Iwi sui wi Lt rt i -nsv SS" . 'I ir * \l I. Vi .' s. llll -IlAl vt i nt- l \ LT (. . 111 Vllltl n v !.] ' Vs I, sud i ¦ itv nu ll i i id* a i, width" o |,||, | ll.- lo'.. 1 1 »licd tina -nv. ti, prnr-eri rlu H. * Mini iii a-...: -.nt..-lSe..f I!., lld J. B. IVIs, , rr. ni d ts .d .-.I Up' n tin || li ¦'¦ ¦¦ .- i :: UH KAI I.Hil AD HMS. t UIE8APEAKB ABD (Hil,) B \\ \ ss av-*, in tut. : ts ir: :¦:¦ : 1 IT; 1, i I.r.AVl- lllCIIMliM) - I .'.. IT 1 V. B| .," - V. fSjOl . ind tvs-.nt .. Jv, , I vHlr.atlJC,, nt Hu ttl at all i 4TS I'. M. I'- r S. wi--H's V,.w. f*0V I riniaiLc, .-! v. ,-. "Hiani let-) mond to l lue lunar I ss and I Inri,ut. tom*. M. Ker A.ltl.tiil. Kv. Mat, U&^fotnZ"*"'* SHIMS 1 HlCHMuM, -linday l'v-ur-,l,.i, u, Newisurt'a V..w. .... i. I', int -.in leave la-hn, .nd ha vi Kb 1 '"oi' 6 SO !'. M. ,.-,.rnl.ii' * ' *"4 *l,lv' riirtibi*. -ev. i.ttsriitii aad Itr.Kid streela. ll. iv. rn.i.vu c. vc. MviT.t.,;- at Bntaaaff'1'1*1'' *£* ¦ARPET-Bl YERS mu,,., liol Isl!,., ,»,¦ ii,. tKM imtgxiut oe,^,^ **s*wmtaa -ixiSS . -sail "***!» MW RTciIMONI) A Mi OABVILLB Ba M. HOAD I tiwi'*!*-. IBjtuigBISj-l) BOMBSsVLBB. IK rrri.TsiAi'Ai.'-rrraBiiaa-ij.^aj l.eair ..¦ KP irndst.¦. Arri?* *». Bnraetille. k.?i?l-le. ( liase fl'?- Ive )*rs*v.. loni) ri*e. *.i|n run's..**. l)ai.itll» . *. leeasbsra........ Ualelr* "salem. Miiisl.i.rv. llarl-'tW . ...¦ 'p. r'-'d *. i.r.'t'i ' Anani* Thr..ii»"> | TB'*-iek Pea*, rrala" **...5e/. r*aUv. I I -.7 p Bj I l-l* A ii .17 r * . | *.. - i * ki ll I t. kl tllp I I' M ' 1 - jinn Ko. BO (Bli* . 1-"' ..Statis*.. .Hoes-tln* -ri and M ra.!r»t,i Juli With B II an'l-rri ii RSI " ' >^-nS (-r S . I.reenebom'iot a,: ia,int. un -»''« st * -at. tar *- . . 11 f r a i - - >. ntbwets rn i. .Ne. S'i 'ih^ ¦. . - . ll.,. Millie Iou,»,He till' all f! » lil Inn. ..is'ii '...'..»-. ' ki . ii eal. ra Bra - . . . r -.rsl p s I I st* -.' P. VI III IN ' r Tral I ., Ill ' ,| ii . 1 . ll! i I lll.i'.. i , s ... tm Tri ind l a an end \. -r . - .ti ricki' . sasfl i .< . . t k . j .a-eng ..». « t P.i*. t- - . A. I.. Bli Bs.I J I. e "rm: vouk un eu t a Weet f ', r li . tl ' i.i IIMOKI) IBU iii! ni. vv. i. . )' ell I..'M. V ll.i.IM v - » uah \. i -I sn vi VI I "". - V I. -. P. M . P. V|. Pa- ¦¦. . .* . . f IB, v fr! - A'. I.A ' > . .r. kalk -l k> -i. et ., i.oio . \,.. 7 . .. .. I ._,'*' 4 I LAN iii< OAST LINE. Kie'UBUBI) ami Pl l.-i iv,. ItaOtBOAB imp-; vii r. is rvrn r.n iv I, i .- TJj Hi : Il' A.M. * B . A. ll . . ' I ¦ s. . ' 1 . ... - . v 111 . ¦ _. . at I Pt M.ll AN CA s * ." . * i . lin N>..(e. il* " ¦ "a. r v fi'i'i l*.M.|> . ., l . s v i t HP vu a P. M Mill . > I t * U ... ' . *. k ¦ . » leola. (1 ** l.t."-. vs . i i Iii si*"! *. -.¦a li - ... . S '-as... . , api . . . a . SI r . Bea .- t «. -. .-..'¦ J ' . - -. -a j. . . , scil-,n at Ul s. - Pifls- le West, 1 . i .-' Pig* ' /, , 's k le s « i. . i , .- . - U . B .. . r -rad t R v .ik D, EB1 . - po Ml iv Tiii.ci'i.ii v -i: ni. ii- r-1'KKi..n r imt T V N M I'll IA. MW VeiltK. IM) -s AlU W i i.s .lill*. "VIV 1 VVklt V lt...sn am, i ttl is k v n OIK I i lo**. s ... i, , . - . t rt'- * . v. v 1 ty 1 ..---,! r i KU 1! MOS !..»1 tl v sn p.>i..v. ... KAU i. . . . i I v , -., t i , V ll-OS v. Sa-, I.*-, i -1 i - i... i.., ... * ^ .rt., . nu... its' Sra U*M A. VU am., s i. Hit.(.Sir-.. v BI|S-|* Il . . Vi > 1 r* . Vt .v Ss I. - 1". B. arnvv, a t'.vr t--u*»- «.* .fl ii. j- at 1'te.tertek.l' ... M l-i and Jaactloa « ¦ i ll .»!- Ingten to i ¦_ 1 3d, Sinv.s *( t'.vr.l-.-l.ev. Illtt.. (cii'.pi Punda it AttUJkBD TBAIBI llAILV Ik. kl r -, so vi' .V. flu, l.ssvis 1 ¦ . - v - . 7i; v n -i.< i al I -*.-y au kilt.v. 4:00 I*. M., a. i . .-....«'¦ Skaki.t.; alain* al k J, and Bl 5 I. BsO'J P. MttfaBSa* llha; arnie* al Aailand ta li ll I' ll 8:30 A ll. arrives at ).t**; <-a?ai AB k-.ua ti Mal I.B. ti} 1 IL, a.'1-.'inui.HUM.'ii. arr.tes si Hi-cavl- Stn* l ikat',.>ii; >«av. . is, i li A. ll. 3 37 r. M.,siriv.st ai KlDa; lea?** AttuauJ . « B:U P. M. C.v. iVtaOB,Oaaaeal r--*.- A."erk E. T. li. Vi V ai. v. i.isvnl aivat.iuuj-iv.ak, ,v.- in rd - t fr"n V

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Iw^tniBjii --


Coeerln* Bean* at A,aa» R**»r.tn,. ta*

Pr**idrBiial «aiaa»--"--*a»*i-a*r (l«»a-

taad'e Mail.An Alluinv *|>cclsl *bsy*: In(ormiiion

continue* to nrrivc st RM KxccuHve ob mi-

ar from si! i-sti* ot Ihe (*ountr.v s* t" !hct-wcoiirsgtng | rncrevs of (ion nior Olevclnnir* canvas*. A«»-!cc>i'lof thcc-impalirnaprioaclir* (tovrrnor I 1. veland's mail bo-esimcs more voluminous. Peoonsl leter*are fbi (rom even Male in »hc DatOB .is-trig assurance* of Ihe »ucec«* of the Hun ,.

eratic nalional Hcki t. Thc newspaper mallalso rrtitv* ktre-cr dsy Ly dey. Pnbli.b.r*eeitti the ,,nv«nior marked article* in tin irVsriov* puhllenlinn* M lo lhe |Mvlittcal out-look in their rc-tv,dive |.,,n,,,..«, TheBSMBrtn pajier* roBtatoi iinuvually boriefulviews of 1be outhvik.

n vm viv or vite stn anaSLTbe ti bole sititaHon was to-day SBBBxBV

riat-d bj an Astute politician a*"follow*.. 'I he |S1 s« ot tbe conni rv give- a prt-Hygood indi x nf public ..pinion, ll lia. he* nour babi, dining BBMJ prc-Md.Tiiini cam-

paigr.s L. look enrrfiillv alter tba estimate*00(1 cit|ii|>*r;* ii e nj. ls i,ess.ii,ji rs mit-BtfieSf Ibis Slate. Wc imsi tin I Hie con-

IrcM sinkini (j mole bearable in Rn* nie

pBikiii Mata in l*s>i». From the rural proa**. barn more sec,irately the cnn*,-* of UtaItttb- kcitn I« nf ltt-|iiibiic.iri iii*, intent intbi* or Hm! ItM-thiv. Wbtak cinnot ,». SOSB-prcbcHired in s bread, national ur even

Mille -nii.niaiv ot tbs iftastlOB. If theanewe-wisr* an- sin*, ly -Hulled JfOB miltina that Htcre I* a ciiiislsnM.v-gmvving un-

aeaurreat tor Oovernor < kvetand for safebutlne** rCMOBS, coup!" I With B fm ni(Braire (or s cliange. of eouree dat s -n-

Billi ration I'ltist be ul!,,sae,J lo (Tlt!ul»iistii-lever ' v. haefflBSJ il nc.' "

BTXnSJBBBBJ not to hr icvnunn."M vs In ii H-e Kimi' rh uilt I'atl.ilvl-T,

Io un-a tletit',, ii- newspaper name, sis*

'John Smith, a h adnu' UH -reliant ol mir

vllbdre. bilheHi. s Republican, announcebis lile: Ho-* to vote nnd ii*.- tn* Influencefor < hu rmd,' and then gos* on and nive*Ibe nvni(»(.r hal! nd"/0M other*, of np;.,.* te

political faith who Intend to do th.- same inthc vill.gr of Riiiderhiu.k, depend upon llth: t Hun- i« vend ground for savin;.' Hicre1* sometiiiiig VMM willi tbs Republic ir,

TsBrei in Kiiuii-ii,c..k. Let ay bbb. ia.tin- iural pspill f Ihi* --Lite and look tin ni

tbniiigli cart-fully and he will find a goodmacy Joan BbbBIbi mining btit (>r Cleve-land'. A-'un rjnie IbsM Joba Smitbs In Ibe4L.fls.HT (i.svn* and tillage! ol Hie State and itvalli I S (ntinil nat Hu ¦-. r, ir.nt aiiliual-#11lu! le | nwi r. VVba' Hie Oraton nf nhlhave done fur ti* tbe in sv-jnp. r* nf tu

paseal day ate doing. In no Mall degraare (l:i*e silllie papers ,l,e guules iiml in-rtruuieiif. which .-.intro! -md give BMthoda taowakings ol tbe party raablBsrj sfboth tin STeel I'ltli's."

ttl.I lll.I* AS ni IMi'N ni' lil Aivr..

An inti resting letBU tn* ju*t ban PB-rt ist d nt ll:. Bxi i misc ci'iinil r fi B MlHenry R. Bas,a I hleogo. whobaworkedtar and mtctl tbe lb-public-n Hebel (.rover itvintv-rive yean. Bc now declareshi* inteiilniii to sot.- (ur < levi land andHendricks. Mr. Rn** wa* anana tbs Irst4o (I. HLind th, tn.ni in alt SJ of A I.rahal,i l.ln-onln in ls.v. lb- estabiisned anewspapaba (.gie scanty, Ithoote; lm* r,,r overs(|ii:ir,i r o( I c ntiiry baa BBSMtatod wltbtbe workingmen, sad ll k tarong advocateni trade- natara, Amoag otb, i lhitigs Mr.JV.** cavil: "1 cnnmd Tote fur Blaine Im*.mu*, ba represent* the bud clement in thcRepublican piny, tun! because I hi lievrehim aad bi* hu Held* lo tm thoroughly cor-rei,. Be basn-vcr been IdentiSed wltbany paaB bmsbvbts tor tbe public good, bulhas ii record that BOBBOCtl him wuk I bu .i-

I* r cf V,r> (liaci. Lt.tble ,,'nr.il ion... ll,bus giovrn rich ,n Hie public rervtae on aasia ry notoriously sstaeteut only tot a de-rtsnl livellhtsod. Ilnsv lie lia* Brained hi'wecllb can nely be gtaaed at fruin sv.li-kbow n tatar in Mscaie, r.

BB***aaaoa 11 k*Ta*fjUB>'i Baavatcaa,..On lbs cniitrriis. Mr. Ch v.-land's [nih-

Rc career, though l.rief. i* (friatrngulsbedfor saaansMai sad utMigbtnee*. Eta infwon rcjititaiinii bj hi* ifr.its to securesprcjiir (xceuiion of ofiVial duties on Ibepar, nf his «ul.nrdin.i,e*. While mia g eire.

fi.I about bte esra executive dara. TbeaJJ'-'-rsf-t bi twit ti bun sud Mr. Ullin, intbi* rr*,*''*! '. *' (i'vided tba! I cnn hardly*((.' bow un m'.'." ii'diccti mna, ontrammi i-bd ly pens ti!., rai', saallats In Bakingbis sheas.

rv'KCKS-dTV FOB A OBABOB...Tlierc i* aiicibcr weighty nana la

tatikiiiL a ehangc in the parties holding therein* sf Goveraareat The Republicanparty harv lt i ii In power I il n- arly a r/Bsr-Bsr cf a ant, iy. During aU lats Bea wehave hid no auataBg nf Hie public lund*or r\einin uion m lae public Blairs, ssc piby i-sitisan* lateraled In avering np anywrong (hat might exist. Occasionally thecurtain bus ben drawn aside, ami we havebad gBapsa of corruption *ii:!i.i-,,: taai>pai! iiny wi ll-wi*bcr if bis eonntry. Weall kiuiv* thal a lb tnoei.iti,- Rn sid,-nt andOaagras sroBld make each an examinationM ls required (or |iaili*an iiiterc*,, ff lornothing cl«e."

(si, iv,; ( n TUi: OOIBBBOB.Arooir.g ,h> lisltari lu thc , inlerner to¬

day vide Oeorg) S Wilcox, ol Caldwell,M. J.; Ar*tiur jiiikisia, tvr^i^'- Jsmcs

w "' » WKabnlT Vsiderhoof,Via,., " -rVig", i * uBrooklyn; (x-Senator Georgi "


Janes L. Boott, Rall-:.:.; lir. Pom*-. '

Mt."sc*:.t,t. N. Y.: Hie Kev. A. W. Vllen,7-iii-hrtt'* Harbor; charl,- vv. MeCun°,Bufinlo; W. Wilkinson, Rirminidiain,Conn.; II. Cbs.land Beach, clinton.Cen ii.: Eugene L. Hutt.m. Plainfield, N.,L; sad ea-ttanstor Jama Fitzgerald, J. P.1'.s.-.ii, John EdwardBaglcv, WalterT.('lu-ii t. Joseph VV. More m. and -

Wood. Ni ss York lits.



(arrlol l.stitnnirv BIM tbr Mate te Hu Da-Banaei bl B Lar., llnjerlti.

A Bnattagton, W. V l, hiter to tbeHerold Mys: After a two-weeks* tour oftbi* State,embracing visit* to more thanhalf n( tbs BBy-1 ur counllus, an l after

having met and rs Bvened wl!h manyinfnruicd people ol all the tliien! MBtses, youreorresp !n-conclcsinu* m to thc general situation maybase some lnlerc«t 1 thiise svi.din ii"I to Rii« 0 tuber Slate.

I'anies herc jirinr toll b far, with an

oata*umal iKci.ten. havs nInto Demo* ratio, Re-publi in, an i llmck. In i*s" Hsnoock i"'lled (,.r Preei-dint .*.7,o',!l: Onrii, rd, ii'.,-!'.; sml Weaver,B.07fJ-i:ijk.t-. s total rot, ol 112,71::hianonek's plurslllv over UsrnetdWM ll,-14ri. am! bis saiorttj os(r bab opponentsw.-n %bt9, H i* ,taliaid snd wini r.,,,.ires.( n. Hint tbs tnUl vote af 1660 is ,- nt

m jar Ol nt. las '.hun the actual num¬

ber c( ciel KT*, or ll.'HVI. i-f which 7.". J*"Trn.!, were Dcm.,, mt-, a tJMhX rmd BMItara tat-at-noBMn suti d Ibe msiorityoveiall w..ubi b is. I,, -iia»>ovc 7,in*i. torortporol ibi* elaiiti ii i- said thal -i'1 iii Bepubll'cans wi.rktd more /cibmsiv lien Hie Ii. in

oeral*. unti basing fewer Bombers, Rn iivite wa« niue b mote fullv 0 died, while tbii'd. ...rats, kiidwiiig tbaer asinrtialwuvs Leen large. Sad Bet work to si eva (nil rea, isaasMBg snaaas as certainOlin r tacts lca<l lo the conclusion that lb

aggr'grite ot voters was grealcr than tdtote polled. Tbs Anditor ol stat,- ropor,tbe niuiibcr <.( natta oas twenty-one yea,who wt ie a*st*sssble for srh,.,d piin,u*t *

in. l. IBs lear loilowing >',.

(luina! i-lec*"i(,!i. st 126,461, or 18,708 motthin He I-dal VSAS n( I860 In is", il.Mme officer reports thc uambi r i1**»*,065. sn Increase of '-'.Ol over lb-tear Bralons. In (bsl year the total volta toltarne Judge wm but 90,.lpg iud, narri ii- 0 »J roten .

horne. The tcportt ,f ihe av. .

Mid lo he not tlitiriuigl.lv accurate, R;number sf peBs bi ing aBdtaSwBBl rsAb,tliin , theiss,m. 'Hjo conclueion, lana,thal, making a Rbsrsl i*,lni..te(or immigrtlen and thc mt ural increaae, the , .!BSMBber «>r pcaou oatHtad to vet,- m We.Viririnia in l*>vi i« taom 1'1s.'k-*i t-t 110,00lt ten |*r relit, abntilil rennin ewav fTOildc mm pb steetlaa (tay lbs ballots enwould uuu.ber (rom I'.M.ihnj to 1BL0Q6.

E*!iBiiroKTiii: vim:.

Wl.at Wiil lee tbs Jen-elltsge o( stay-*hon.t*t and tb* aa,,portion wsir nassbtwill bar to (be different junie, larolv,the i|uc*Hon st tu bow W,-*t V ir. uni vs

seas iu Oetober, Msay weil-p .

bon* !.< lie*. Hist the reieivv vote likelybe JndifldiTit to teAbng in ni onlm.trpiciildiHsl-eli-cHori v.nr ls much great.Isl ii.WM). OsearaaJaeksoahis opinion tba! these bgure* «biiuldraised tn b(!sv.en l,*-.(Hii) and .ll.ooo \.h-sud be agrees in locating tin.-* Isstitka ilhe vote in such »,n,iih' Deaaoeeelle comtia as Wain., I ...gen, Hampt'iir.. AcNow, if iv Baeaaaat efturt iAes(Bvy-s

bornes can (>c ndue,,! tn but.', iusU-ad sf I

per cent., then the 14.000 would hart (.ikeiron it 7,oov vote*, of which newould go to tbe Dciiincrata, giving themnet gain of S.BOO ami liierealng the nu],,Hy ot 18(10 to aU,iit fl.flOO. This tetjmtnUInned un thc tuppi-tUion (hut thcOleeltsek vote of i*sij<i.v.07!r>--yct reBala iit.iL snd will be iransbiniJ btulily ttie Ht publicans. But such s couch

lina as to this third-party vote would beentirely siippostHnus. Tb.- Iiesl-lnfornifi!(Ire* nl'tckeia .lc. not tsnimt on moro than0,000 reoiaitiins members of the Oreomockor»soir.iH(m, while other* equally aa wellInfoiTiirrt. not menitiers or tha*. mit*, palthe tuiml'c-r at la-tween 5.("*X) ino ,*>,.ViO. of"Ball a percentage villi not fuse on theMate ticket with the Republic in*, hui willvote for "Wilson for Ootornor. lt is safe,th. rtef.m', to rstimnle the nuui'.-r of thiselement that will vote willi ttie '.opuhlicin*against Wilson ru nut exec, dim: .'¦."" '¦


I jika* to (Jartiehl's vol,- nf (ti.dn) an

Inrn-ase by Immli-i-uHon of lu ts t "-nt. anda nsiiir.il laaraaa* (timse coming of age inmos nf (lentils and removals) of Kl perrent . find ashlin.,- IhoA.Ocn of ('reonhnck-ers. and Wilson'* opjionont would relive60.u(i(i votes, or alioin "".in*' mon than ll in-

mk n elia il in UMB. Sow. Il wUI bemn, if Ih(-( f1».i.r<s ure suhstinthlly cor¬

ri ( t, Hitit to make it p 'S*lhli for lioiui'ih-onn success ono mint s««iiiiio tho utterlyfnllaoictis the.'iv I lint thor hit not l.ociiany it*!*" In tho |i( uiiioritio "rat* h*f renou

nf tistut -I I.'' I iso. itlltllkTation, or "BflBB*llOfla fn in tl,. (.ni nieck putta, lt i« wellIviiuivn Ihat hundreds of Orcenhnokrr*have Joined the Donioerntio lian? itoSSMSB,Bid th" th.'-.' far BSBBUIIlbtl th iso

Wk* hav, coin- info tho UepuMi'an rank*.Two I'tioii-iind would In- a safe rattmitenf Ihe nd i.ceeks.nn* floni Hil* <|ll.<rt-T.Admit ttint taara aaa baal (ral* aa tacrrssely ilnll)L'l:iti"ll of file per a "it nfl llin-r-o. k'- vote, iiioro vv oana1 from thlsaoareci.e BsIb. (i nt leastMM fltan rates. Thenadd tm i< '( m. ini')* for n-itiir-tl IncaraklBg over *...V"i. ami tba !». aweratle lu*.:.:.-. -w, ld up p. 10.000. \iid tin- io lbs

k vote .-.ml von will have ,;:BfBiflSl Ci.'""'. S*tvfffl* tho State .(. Wil-oiiIv ..v. "7,00Os Vvill. Iho.Tloit which v-nir

.. rn ipondi nf know-. i« ntflg ofl bj Detnu-oiiitu | Bitlsaai tn Bal oal a fuller vote linnu-i al, it'd raaktas aBowaaee for u.-puMi-

'il .ii lin- p inn- direction, which i-I i.slud with . nec'i nnd t.ict. ip lear-) 8,000n n ¦( mi -: (ely be added, whick will t'ivcthe -lille tithe llon-nornl! in Orttihcr bj10,(10(1, prov iil.-d l.tti Ifs*.OOOy deyseasl Un lrlii.iluis. if tbe number iboald ba ifresterlife Democratic majority niil belaerrwasd.I! |ll.| ortioll.

TUB votb ny UOUB1IBB.The coiinliis «<¦*( of tho Kanawhs. nine

in iiuiiiIk r, none of which ari- lt. ptitilioun.will i/iie 5,000 iiutjotity. Tho BMUBtainri untie* in an-t to (i|,j Vii/uua. (pi, iniiiiinl'tr. all !»<-inocrtitic. will give 8,500msjority. 1'niir counties nf tho Kana-iliaValley will »:iie utiotit I.omi BepflUleaamajority, Three nf tiiein areao elora thalfn tn 100 lo 'Jin votes will vat ry them eitherway. iiml tbe nilier, Ranawba, i* oalymadetareel* Republican by reason of an aliootieomphi» fusion or l.i'-.i Onenbacki rs wahthe h. pul.lit -itui. The interior glaringcounties, twelve In Bomber, ol which buttwo inc lil pulillesa. will --iva 1,000 Detao-erith' majority. Tho counties sear tbeObk) liver. ;iti"V( the Iv.maw,'in, in¬cluding thc Pal Irindi.. eleven innumber, of wittel sin sn- Bepu'dican..mil Ave are Demoeratlr, will give probs-hly 100 majority to thi Bepuhlicans. Tbeet lil,li' I I!,rei .'h wliif'I the lieiiu I,'iili. ofthc Halt iiioro i.iul Ohio railroad run- indtlies,. bordering Penaaylvania nnd Mary-Isntl. ii-'ht in i.iri.li r. "Hiv tm .-nf whichare Democratic avi'l give l,*s ti.au 2,000Bepubllcan mcjoriir. Be*capUulated, theDemi eratic maj< ritli* will be it.., (¦; i;.-pul,hcitii. 3,100; mt I ii mooral ic majority,Of tbe fifty-four cotrotlea bal fifteen ein

bc c rtain j counted ai Bepuhllcan, with a

posslbilUj "f one more. Tb* <. vv ul likelyiri?.-.'.'.I " i;> ui.ii. an majority, while theIbirtv-nine or f..rt> D. i.Tattle eountleavvill ilk. i> ni)i 10,000 majority.

I I BflBBTS OP WT! -<>.*.'< l'"l IT.lltlTV.

In staking tbeaa Igtire* no at ount i*^k. ii ol ac esslons to the It' publican part;from tbe Dentocrsts, for there are noneworth) of ni ttei. sod what few lhere areare more than offset by RepubReaiis whoan dissatisfied with the fordon arrange*im tit 'mil by tit rm.ni Lt publicans in nomeof tin- ,-iii. s un,i larger towfis, who havejoined the Democrat!. Kor has any atten-Boa been given lo R>*my hundred* of theBil or el. li.' ut ll lin Will lute f"f Will n forlin ii n-nii thal lin v nie la Sympathy withbiaaitii-!i.'ii:o|ioiv legislation,and approveol bl* record, weal Virginia is naore like-iv to, ii ,i Wilsen by a majority greaterlaen Pur 0 than lo cu bs low ii.


¦seater! levelaad Demeastraiiea ar i .iinm.I ut-'l tu (ii? Hutmill cl with I)-nm, r-its

from lovell* nnd ltum I Districts.

A (oiuuii,!!.* speeiiil of Tbnraday to thcNcwYort! HVn,'.< e.iy-,; ll- - '¦. mts*"

[ BafBrtlhg ..r tho < Uv el pul at,.! H. lulrirk-dui - held I'te t'l-d.v ittrposerd la point<f numbers BBd enthusiasm any similardemonatratlot ev< r held In Ohm. Tfifi w ann r brought out the population of

-roundingcountry,and all day haigiMueoianc ililli- f r. iiu v.:: ii ii- -ni.ns ofiii" st.ii.- arrin .! ca ri ry tr tinuntil tin- <iiv wu* crowded with uni.foin .1 nu ti du orated a nh bads ¦Martial nu.mi- brought t-iti. rai lo tbestreet* sad irowded every tboifun. ah o? r ii..- etti ii. national flagfloated, inisin..-linn-- wen bandsomelj

led, nnd ti.'mi private rcwert omi ii d v-.ith bunting. TbeCoshoo-i ii Guard* were iir-t to appear, ipproprt*alely uniformed, secomp mit d by on hun-iii. d ci1,.:, ni. The !. igan ( ounti l leviland .aiid IP ndrlcki < lubs came ncsl with'('Si nun ii; hi., ; tl,, u '"he V, v.iiil ' < minty

I Club, Biiniltr-rlng 100; the Union county ;deli "''''.") i-' " strong and acconipinl ¦¦! bja hand ol musT**. Poinl I'lensant, W Va.,New Delaware, Jforrow, Hamden. Lima,Akron, Licking, St wa*"k,and rarlou*othertown* and counties ent chiba and delega-


1 At I o'.bII Hm ( v- ml ll- ii tri. r.th. l-l-::, was 1., ld Bt i oc.-l...Tv'- !.

I! ,. (...v. m..i Hendricks and parly,fruin Indian '. arri', d nnd wt rc Mcorl d totl.i ball. A royal reception was .-in t, tbv ii i-i n aid. ni:.'! nominee al ;:'W!,, ti ie uti :¦- .1 thc ... .plauitfollowed. '1 tte stage "f tbe Op. -: -il.u-w..- Bppropriatcli decorated with BowersIn v:t-e- .uni larious haud-oiue ti d

t drinan John fl, li..t-a short -ketch nf the Columbus Clevelandiiiui Hendricks ( tub and tha origin of lo-.! i's demonstration. He apoke of tbe greati nibuslnsm shown and pn diet* I b«in (,.To',., i-and ion-o.|Utnt vi.:.uv in Ni-v, n.t., i. T he name ol /! lian (¦. Thunnnnvv.-.* im..I,v applauded. Senator* Bayard,Pi iulit lon. Si iiatni-t h. t ll. B. Hay,". len¬na! Patrick A. Oolllna, c. ll. il( i. al Our!,in Ward, and other distill-i.ui-ln(i nu ii nei nj ..i- la on tlw stage.

BPI!' li ti -rs cn.u nev viii'.

l!r. Tl.iirnian Introduced Senator Bar.nrd, who said, In subatanee: "It li to

od hun ol republicanPl, ut that I appear among voil. I

believe it was only last night tba! as-reall;e| ubllesn party leader raid Iromtbi* pl it*ft,nu thal ht ara* -'irv that lb* ii u i-m ilctn [: ii;li vv s UBtng such tl iv 1.1 Ilia"li,vate letters. My Mends, 1 with we

could k" into a .-'inri ol v inadencc withHt pui'lieaii". Retiublleani wereforeed loin ci | .1 suv addi! nui- tn tin ir rinks without

-inn.ii/ their cltaraeter, beeauaa theyI, th ii Un ir help. Thus tit- > haveoior!"(.ked vvr"in:s In t loir COO-

e 1 veatlea*. I bellev* lt I oas liail ofthc IU piil'lii'sn p.iitv ni th. ir own hearts

* ! did nol believe that Hayeeand Wheekr. I. i ti d." Mr. I'sy.ird traeed the

workiiik'-i.f lbs li. ul.li.un party Ipeal twenty-four yean in coovsatlon,ei.s.w ma.- thal ki,i'm'* liouiiiiiitioii waa tbaloci, ai .,itc,.iii. et thc party. HU clause.tu is hi.c ihstottbe BepubUesn party." Wa un not eaio vi bethel Ibey k-1 Into onrpris not. v.', have a -food r

rd, ii e i. it ii. r Bghl wotnen n.li, h. \\\-do not personal!' attack. B I

! j <>r saaffali tteapt as Hwy represent' I tl'.-ir Party. Tltaj ar* not tho di.-,r n«c-il,,y ft|t* Uk sviiitit..!!')*." *jfr> **>,v-

ard mil r fort'-d t.. thc- Independcnl[j m. v Benth Kew*Engl"uidandthe"Middl-:

Mates. -T ot pe ,p|e tbcrt s.u,i (,,-hi?.- "i 'iu. lui ihat maatd-aintstratlon

* h. tm long nonga, aad l ivor tbseltctinnof l.i"?i (Toiel.itp.l and Tli"ina*A. ih ".-li irk-. Tun h.,\, ia-¦¦¦¦!..¦! fromwini ikey otnt.i-,<...! hi lori. u ',it ire the¦ it » if tbe Bf ptihlit sn party in Ihi* "MUB*."alga*- Tho u*e of iiul.iic iso,vu-far pri¬

er vale uses ls eeef-jrwhare pnvaltnt. ll youBl ju*tifv it you justife a hroiich of trust.- Ilill i* a suit sf woik thal mikes .lune* Q,r* illume thc r-aadtdate of faa BTapublicanto jMirtv tor President of the United -Mates.

¦¦¦ . BrgstsSttea it nut ll.t \un ii ¦.rn.i rdaa nt »:t.vinim.iit. Thc QoaarBiBealii vvi-f.ul.ej tn p,.i,i,,t, the happiniss ,,f>e all, and nol a part, or even for tho ero nests. j liaber. Thc mice of tin- pnor and feeble

¦lld ainu?* Ik- heard and Kali flit] lo,11 Ti-in Iii s tho hroad humanity. Uta broadidel of Jia-tii.. lhai has u,ado uie a Dciriu-erst. Wc can t m*ke weak Baw fs*a*e*"-**ihut Wc csn soo thal all have eijuslitv Of "p-

Ti . isirtunitich. 'Hi.do|'iislliunsnf Mr. ltleim,Mr. Mulligan, Mr. Wiirivn Fisher, takenst time of hivcstigiiHon, he hud ned .ire

lull)' Im canst' it wa* hil duty. N I un¬

biassed man .1' ii ld read them and knowthings lb-re described and then considerMr. Blaine tit for thc trust which thc u.-.. uhlican |*riy pfopeaatl to give him."Nuiulxn ol letter* wire read from **iafa>

THE KLUHJH.Brui tleni-aerat*, among them fcinrie! J.tsntlall. Jns-ph E. al el ional I. A. <».-'¦¦¦;-fn. Ii. W. BRR um. llui-h J. Jewell, Jo**phMititrer, A. T. Merrick. Winiam F. Vitas,tlirsm H. KewlH, Jobn W. HrecklnridgciVIIIium S. Holman, W. 8. Oroeebeck.


lldirv IL Payne, in a long and able

rpeteb, referred lo the corruption nf the{« publican partv, and concerning the ttniTiud : Wbst dinger i« t<> Ut 1 arni from UM¦na. Min ti, Into law ol the Dsasseaxsns poll-tv In regard to thc tariff, lt I* evidentbal Hie Republican party I* determined ksli-.,i.s but OBS !»«iicduring lill* campaign,uni that I- the tarin. Thinking L> pul tb-Tdii..ends on the defensive, aad lb. rdshiehl thor ( sn maladministration (nunnvtiflgalinti and exposure, th' v bara themdaeitv to eharite tbat we are Free Tradersmd Ims'tile BB American lahui and (b'tiie-licndistiles. Till* nu n,lad ni* .-Haig.- Iamt..** tn ince, with IBS broadest denial.tad will «how tbat it i* utterly In- St ta ami'alv.

lt would be a ii«ele.s oonsnmptiot of'inn-,,t review tbs oonlroventa ova tbsrnrilY I'li-simi* ,., issi. Thc act nf tint

it, lissi.f the land and (innot bcIBM filed "r n pah d vc Bl b] IBS t incur-

(eiirrirlii'ii of ibe two taluses of Ooagrasmd the ai rpovsl (il Um Bztwutlve. lt u-

reseted hy i Bepnbllcan emigres*; theai,iii ii-- puisne,! in its psassgewars btttar-I* partisan nnd arbitrary, and wbstevi. afnu tit or (lenient i, enn'ain* iiriist be ered-Wed sad del iud in the account of thatpaity. 'lhe aeaston fir ii- peaugeiva*'Hie general deniand tor a reduc¬ion of reveane. An BBormoot surpin*ad acciunuliilci, In lhe Treasiirs l.iva-inti lintier H..- btw ol 1887 bsd bec em-fr ir-

[nllv burden-nine: hi ncc an itnr*Tiiisets fnr i r.-visi di ol fl"' I trill svitli ti

inn to a in ibdial reduction of du,ie* Od

inijinrtr. To Rial [Killey all p niles rind in¬ti ii -ts assented. A co,nrn!*«inti of exp -,¦:-.

iftersn elabor.tie Inquiry and much careful-nf.'id(-talion, ni'dillli-ii'lcil ail BVeragBledin tit-n of lOpereenf. 'I be siwa finally

I, in the estimate of the Finance*'mi¬nnnie nf tl... senate, would reduce therevenues |4o,000.000. Bm tbe result* avedisappointed all psrtlee, and aw ratBtaeAorilo un (lie. Instead of '-"' per c.Tl,.,ldc re,lue,ion lins Im-.-h le** Hian 4-in¬tent of 1^,000,000, il ha* no! reached120,000,000. li ba* triii-* signally tailed to.oeompih-h the mata purpoaof (t* cniet-tm nt. The puvtisc licet.-itv fer relieffrom executive raseana and rordeasotasiteration wa agslB prtaeated t., (ingressi>y Hie Treasury DepsrtaMBL lt dsearcdhit rebel mu*,'onie from ntluced iluiicsin Imports, sod hvored adding lagetyteitu- fm Hst. taxing rcitele* ol naccMlty,.uch a* t.-i. coffee, sugar, Ac. more lightlyIhU i.rlieb* of luxury, favoring raw mate¬rial* Mid rtonsestic IndnstrieB, Pbhtaueblol Hie DOUcy nf (be Adniitli*!! it inll.Tin-R< publican platform admit* the im-

perfeetions ol Ibe preanl law nnd |ifedcaii*t If,,, i r. s |sinn in (inhr .'tn correct Its

lillies " snd " rtidua tbs snrnlm "

I.*"*,uh nu tl ...(I*, as will relieve iVae tax¬payers without Injuring the Isborortbeneal productise Interests ol tbeeountry."Thi* in ciiiratio'i ii sugar-coated and int. r-

fardrd ssirh sweetly toned general platl-ludes, bul speeds ing univ Ric single itemf svn.il. av tn which it off ng ¦ r -,-',le snd

illusive promise. As to Use dalia ol bs-.i sun. . for n fen n.vcr luxuries sndif russ mau liiil* ova tbe Bnnutaetured ar«lide. i, it ominously silent.The I', tiioei .ii,- plaifonn pledges theans lo fl nvi*i"n of tbe tari fl n nd a reduc¬

tion of taxation < finally rrith tin- Republicanplatform, but U mure explicit and forelbhIn (ti t'liu-. In renard to boms induslnnd American labor it employ* nnequiro-cal language, ii declare! thal .. in makingn dnettan of taxes it dors nol propii,ii n ans domestic industries, bul to pro-mole tbelr baltby growth." ..Moreoverm .nv ii tiuitri. bare oome , rely on legis¬lation for *iicce.*j,il rniiiinuaii'T. *n Hutts chsngeoflaw must be at every step re-gard!ul of Ibe labor and eapit.it thu* in¬

volved." " Tlie proensof reform mus, besillied rn Hu-i ".edition t.'Hil- plain die-li,it ol |ustia." "Tbe oeeeeMry redne*lion in taxation must iK. iii,i(,.| arith mldepriving Ann rican labor o' the abilit] t

i-'diipt te *iieei«sfuil> iv it li loreign labor,ind without Imposing Iowa rata of dutythan will be ample to cover any inereaot¦.o*t of production which mas exist In eon-tequence of the higher rate* nf wsgaproI ailing in ihi* country."

OBI ST Dnno*4*sTRAT!oa AT Ml.HT.At night Capitol Square wm nacki In

.iif'roi ati-di. Toe 89,000 itrsagen who

.warmed Into tbs cltj were tolned bj sicns ti!"it (min thi- etty, nnd Hie crowdfairly raptured the streets. Tbeprowc*ionlu jan I,, move al,, ni B o'eloek. The th in¬lands ol uniformed men, tbe waving ban-n>T*. ii,. toreb-ltgh(i and IDomlnationsmade nj' a magnificent ipectacle. Allil l- tlc line ol march from the doors andwindows and bonsetons tbouandi waredBags and handkerchiefs and cheered With¬ou! ia ssstion, During tbe parade speaker,occupied stands a! s,ii',;i* points in the.-t lte-U0U SiTd and -pols' !,, ;i mu]|J{ |dof list, itt*.

Among tl<- spesken were GovernorHendricks, Governor R. ll, McLane,(large H. Pendleton. J. A. McMsbon, G.II. Bargar, Toorna F. Baysrd, J. lr. l> slim,, lienrv R. Payne, General JamesCraig, J. P. Polk tt, Speaker Jobn G.Car¬lisle, Gen, rsl MaMiir, Gi n, rsl DurbinWard, l». r*. Goo ling, General f lui s.

Patrick A.' ollini. Govi rnor lloadly, Gen¬eral Denver, snd I'..'..Mc<ai Hist SenatorThurman, li r, Introducing GovernorHendrick read a letter ol regret fromGovemor Cleveland, wnieb ssa* heartilyapplaud, ri.Governor Hendricks then aroa Bod a

i applause brokeora tbe vast crowd.He sp, kc fer ai*oul thirty minut, -.

v\:is frequently and loudly applauded. Hisspeech na carefull) prepared, and ni::'isol Hu ;¦¦ nts In I tbi |- lb y and pur-

ll ul ,,ian pans side mi lir force id t. ll* ul I

that tatt year a, '!, et-ni Rom (lie cople, i'-.'.. eave bim op

,ts ...i aria! ii- astbs l-io'ii'it, '.'. ol Ci and fiprofligate bum ' iiblic f:in'!s. Tteplatform, as promulgated bj the party at(bil ago, wi . -ri -tn bynini tii-e: --. with especial clearm*!* andd.r. .I,, n. 'i he Icture of the Republi in

party nuking Ins-- '.nih. (ierman< nnd lri-hSsa- a.ltllil.lblv lil I'S n ::| riled forth e'l-

thustastic ai -pl ai- 'I be -peech through¬out wm an arifumeU ol timple, directword -. ¦¦,,'. mat I) pro ntatlon ol f. tst.osi c. Ht ii'l, iel,* wm in splendid s .Icemid-lints. Tin crowd ssa- jg thorough-i L patbj .-. it'd him nd v. ndi .1 il.tb nulli, ll* v -it to the -inti- will ma¬terially sir. ngthi ii ih-1 national :

Senator Pendleton sv.i* next introducedaiid n t:se,i b warm welcome. GovernorHendrick, tiri rs on Iii* orereosl during.-' Bator Pi ;u!n di's *;.. .fli.aiid, complain¬ing ol (be caid, -te; pi d from tbe standand walked alone across tbe State Hons,

ds. He s,a- joined by j .ur n,,.

ipondcntand responded in an-sstr to thilon:

..Governor, bow have you found 1 bi littuition In ohio nnd Indiana."

.. I lia1,, -dds risited Isvu jHtinl* in OhioI. prirtgfleldand Columba. Attbelormeithe iiliiii-ii.sin ss-.- s,ry gnat. While i:ibis city tbs tbHi'in-irai'iiui i* lomethlnilemarivabl,'. Fruin the knowledge 1 baviof snafra In tbli sup- I would expect UnDemocrat! lo np-rn the ineeessa t,( ii,,bat fen sear* and elect their ticket by igi d iiiiijorits.''

.. v\ hat or Indiana I"" 1 elm ab ls rn; thal if tb, iplril whlcl

bow prevail! tbere continua until tbe Koremhei election tbe Democratic ticket .s;iitv', ive a baadeofla imd(M^emenL no fathc prapatanra ol tbe hbrbat.''bpeaker carlisle arrived brr-, bte trail

being d.layed several hour*. He Stoke ta lalee en sui ,d people and draw forth eatbiuiBstUeapptause. Tue en,in- iffalt* sraadmirably conduct, d, and tbs inn-ressiiuwii f.ircbly expressra bow thorough.);

pis ol this ie Tun are SIOUS64,Tm- bili-,.ss ing BRter wa* read

, Elta'VtlTB Maxbiox, IAistw, ,*-. ptember lsd. s

srjMy Dar BB, I verj much regret thipre-ma-11 ofBelsl dutie* prerenti iiivjolc

yon at tbe mating to be bel! In "inn'i tbe 1Mb instant. I bone tbe nieetin

ssiii i.r a eaaplete success, sad thal ;t sritu the u:ea!,« of merBBSmg ttl¦. ratiniliBBIslr, idy :.ri".j*''il f.,r the csbm I gernriieiit. I believe thal the TOteri ofttlcountry arc (illly alive tu tbeneoaitt]

ailing sn sdailalrintloa or pabllall'eir* whi. h shell l.e truly their ¦.*¦.

not oBly because i, is the n-ult ttin ir ebola, bul beana ns aleet, tl Instr,mentalities ar.-directly from thc hedy,the ju ojiie ami impressed with lbs p smrhthought* and senlintent*. Thry ire tirei1 think, ni a nih- *o long continuori thatbat bred and fostered a class sLinding b.tween them and tlieir jxilitical actitn. snvs 1,,,-c int, rt -t in * Hairs end wiih partial7ral end ad»anccHieflt of personal advaitrgc. Lit me remind ibo Beeph that if tinse, k to make their psjblk tseVBBtS (ctheir direct reaiM.ristbility t them, ancareful of tutti ili'i-ri-t*, their (.bjecWill not be accomplished by blinded »,In renee to a party which liv* gn.svBringan! with long-cunt inned BBST8Lei BM iiuprcs* upon il,.* BBBfJHist BflBM involved In tbe pending IXBBVBhi tbeestablisbment nf a pure and honeBdrnihlMrnlion Bf Ibeir Hovcrnnient. LBM -how Hutu a way In thi.*, and wa,tuei.'i sgniiict any cunniugly-dalgueJetlb

fPilF i/ior/i**-**1 oj

lo lerd them Into olhir piths of Ind. vantdiscussion. With thia- consideration* he-fore Hit m. snd, with *" «"£'',r*.***>Hon ot our claims to tie ".o'lndenoc <>' 'heDBflflle .nil of their r-sfoonsl il Itv. we neednntfosrlhercMilt of Heir intcllligcnt ac¬

tion. Youri very truly,UBSVBB ClaEVKIAM).

7*,, Allen tl. Thurman.One of the platform* MBAm down durlnif

th.-evening, and Ocncml J. W. Denverwas seriously hurt.


elctclBBdlJalalaa Ila? "*»»¦*-I nataal Rs-

publics* DisarTu Ilea.

The Kew York lErald -uv*: l>r. Miller.of fiehrsska, who was one if Hie aaBars stliotu.K'ralic hca.|.|ii»rlcrs vest.idar. tddthai in his Journey hero fnm th W.*t h-niitlccd in iBiraaaifl** tooAunexA in fare* ofthc I>. tn", nti' ticket BBsiflg IndepaMlaalpeople, nnd particularly nt |rdnts in f,c in*lorior of the Mate nf New Yarli.Another of the miler-., Mr. (.-.len A.

Carter, of Miiniford. <onn..a nieiiiin-r nfdie I numeral ie l'l-unif UoflOBtttaof Ihat town, -nhl : " Tho <;, rmvi

r-Otcn in Stamford are nil lu (Tove!.itu!excepting onlv three or four. The i;,-nubllcsn ilisairtctton is v. ry hairy, itu!with sll Ik* If" pul.Moan talk shoal IrishBlaine nun. linn- 1- BO dl-in". lion toberound. wTe sped I* 'any rverj t..,vn..| I.rn,pail n -n < .niin-.Hi "-t 1- viv <. irn-

o-t aiui Int ¦Iv. Tfc* nicoli ni; Bl Irldgepofllast night a' which ('"lui'l Fellow* andGovernor rValles spoke wa* ta* largestpublic m.. tiiikr ovtr hold Hi.tb, aad Ikedisplay in tba proceeaioa wa* Hi la ilveraaw in tba Bt*rt*. 1 tc.-m. piaaibllilyI ..,,;., til'ut Mttflg te go for < -vt land

.uni Waller."-, i.-itor .lona-, of Loelsiana, a mtmb r "f

tbe Nation'I i'oiniiiiltei'. Mid* "I b»V*notici tl a dispatch beaded, .!'.Chance* In Louisiana,* ha a aewipiper olthismonilBg, which claims Hist the Betiab-lioan electoral tidal -"¦biacea the ri aiinfluential mon of the Sf ito. ail of winni,except (olnntl Beattie aad Mr. Mvero Democrat*, a year ago, Pal*iv :,. .mir. Mr. Min.T himselfclaims 1" hive I" n an nhl Whig Bfld never

a 1 ti merritt: .Mr. Cooney, of Caddo, ga!. 11 a R. pri'lie-in for years ; Mr. Mo4*gan,Of ' luichiia. i* also an ..lil I'epul.li-an ; Mr..fohn Mah, m 1. ol N-'W OriBBBB, Wat a

II,Hillier "f Ik* BBl Legislature, elected a-

an Independent, .'ikT.inst the DefBO 'ralirnominee. Tlic Ueket, while napeadda bo Btreagth whatever ra the Miinemon,ni nt. BBd will nc iv-no more vote*limn would he elven to an? ether Ml ofBlaine clo, t.-r*. Thc rtareraeo! thal luLotjikisna ""hs Irish ippaarto ho flearlynil for Ulallie' is utterly untrue, ind thereis iud thc least groend ra lae world torciaittiiisy Ike Mate (OT Wain..''

I VIV ll!!-VI. KIT-IT! KAN OOJABBtCttOM,Kx-A-Minl'lvinan PoBeker, of ii-w.'S",

(..lid at heail'|ii"ail'I'-; "OswegO county isall right H i- tiioroii'.'hii orgsala d.net¬ti r than aver before. We will tlinfer thrui in IBSQ, winn Uarflsld gotsi...ut :;.'.i") majority. Blsioe will ti.j..hp. our intml- iii Onondaga cotiot*are aiuiciiit!'' Slid ooipideiit of a sr il ti ¦

-ult. Lii-Seiiiitui Steven* leila nw thatSprigg* «'!l hiv.- 1,600 majority forCongress, and thal tbe Dtnnoerstic na¬

tional ticket i- mrs "f 1,000 majorityin om 1.Ia county. All iboul thc Indtca-tioniar good. Tho Irrltationa thal estain lome pla. - are purely loeal snd teran -

,n. rmd are rapidly disappear ng. 1 hColint'V illstrila* Of the Male Will, in my

opinion, tl" much better than New York-,s \p,rt. I be Republican di- ci

willi li;.im i- universal and r-ubslantlsl,ami will esceed tbe estimates on election*din. Blaine*! Inp will make DO convertl

'hun. !: v. .ll io ki lea d iya' bunalamong thoa* *un ly for bira any way, bulwill uni affecl i'-nil-."A remarksble-looklng risitor t-> incut-

Hons! 1>< mocrutie- beadqaarter* yestcrda*vv.,- Richard, belier known as ¦.Dick'Vaux, formerly mayor ol PklJadelpbia, tna celebrated beau in Iii*- linn , wiiii tbi re-

puUtloo ol li.tv log (Kneed wuii the ('.I' enol England when tba was Princes* \ iii >-

ria. Ile la a man ol seventy, lead* withoutBiasses,and ibowi no Ink of rigor. Ilewear* a great meas ol wari gray Sa ir, fill¬

ing down un Ins coat-collar behind, andsunfloaatcd by a a bite beaver of tbe IJncIHam pattern. He l* an old-fashioned D-rnocrat, and 1- in fsvor of ( len land. Be¦, oki on Both r ai even a worse eh ...¦.¦

than Blaine, beeanaa al bia greater depthof cunning.

, a, ot un,ive, ABVICBB.Letters to tk* DeiaocrBtle eommiUeai-1.1 day fn in all perta of thee unit ry wen

i,f a lui cf ni aiui. ncouraging 1 adeocy. Aletter from Elgin, 111., ssys: "Tbenameol,,1 diiii 1- tin German Independent Cleve¬land and Hendricks < lu,., an I om mem-1. rsbip i- MO, mad,- np tag, ly >fwi-, vi.re form, riv Republi. ms. Tac*-owtfa of lbs Cleveland sentbnt ni t- rekinpai-e*anything 1 ii... ...¦.->-..:). TbaUermans sre limos! a unR f ir Ibe Dem -

candidate.1A kiter from .in-ev Cltyaaya: "Two

to,1.tin d young i», mociatic i.t nSecond Assemblj dlstricl of Jersey ('.tyha?,- formed a uniformed club under thelinnie if Ike Bobert Davis Ligbl nurd*.1 be nnifoi ma ure- of tba Uni -1 «tj lc and tbaappearance and marching .." iii.- Guard*cannot I* inrpassed. g.nain are w<tha! the Democratic cindi,Mis aril) !»¦elected thatwebavi decided to participatein th. Inaugural ceremonies accompanying( mv.T.iiu'i ocrnpaacj of the presidentialchair."Among tbe visitor* at Democrat's head¬

quarters w.re Dr. Milk r, ol .\< braska t".I. Pillsbury, of M i-siehii- tt-; .1. vpi\.-'. ii. ..f t.r 11 R [dds, Ml th,* C II..1. -, ol .lack*, nv Hie, I ia. .! 11 - ...

B. rn it. "f Maryland; William 1 liin y . nd V. K. Steven* m, .lr.. ..f Si a Yorkoi:;.

UK. Iii.Id kV- oviii..

It is tbougbl tbe n ply of Mr. 1;i. .pl olutlons p..ti. hun bj a commltti. appointed al tbi( lui ego (' OOM lil'il w Pl !. le.ulv 1

ind "i th.- wuk. Ii wool,I bay h n rea Ijmuch .'-¦!' r hut foi a linrroin wlu.h Mr. Tildi n bas 1.- n siitl* iinjifor -"ai. !'"i' past, lt i-1 expected he willmake an loo.ueul and erstiaslvctl,., people lor tbe election "f'in f:ii,-r of 1 '

tl>c 1;, 1 n! lea 11 in tinI ld. li tlilli alii

oIL. r I ll sol..!..) He.

I'ai, p.. iinii a I- rowdi 1 1*1 nmass-meeting of workingmen, held nudethe auspi. - of Ihe 1 oung M'n - Demomiic 1 hilt ol this (itv. for tbe purp .'.-.,

ndorsins lb( nomination of Cit* lan amn. i.di irks. Tbe bard-banded son '

formed a large majority "f ibe audit-neeami wore v.ry quick to appreciate tts0. inls Uta,le by the -peak. 1-.

Th.- chair vV;.s t ikea by Park**1 ommitaton* 1 rlmmtns, who, after ibe un alni >u

.. of a resolution endteratic presidential candida*. -. introduce.Mr. Algernon B. Sullivan to the audienc*Mr. Milln.ni wm received with great applallso.

In the course of lu- speech Mr. KulUvareferred to tbe prevail nee ..f t Dnaerciidistress, tbe sospeti-aio(" of work in feelrice, and the cloatng ,.1 min.- and the ¦bo!tink' ont tberefrom of toborera. Ile salthai lbs*Bapnbliean party ibould bebriresponsible for tbli condition ol things, loil hail hedi iii tho control of th '. .1 rimeal for on r twenty yean.

In alluding to tin-claim that Mr. Ullinwas the friend of Inihnieii be said hedi-ned io tay with as great in emphasis aiKMsible that in.-h a claim was complate!false, uni abel it wa* known vbej(sets were he tkouikl it Brail require coi

..chick 'en Hu- purl of M

Hlaiiit's fii> mi* ti make H. A- Bl Ir:-;man aad Ike dwreidail af aa iriih fnmllmore than a thonaand yeats. ,,i.j, ;-,fi e,; * 1had a riga! Ul cvp:,** Mi ,nKiy hit oplnio,d inch a fflal a. He then rerlesled tir» t- in th- ic f Wai-h. tba ''«ii-|i et,who WM an lii-h pri- m wll.ni; trial, and asked Ike nie, tine; ,f f,showed frieinlliiusi to Iii-linn 11 on itpart of Mr. Illili'.¦.

lin ip. ak, v wilt answared bj aa ii

phelia .. Ko."Major tiuuilaa. of Pbllsdelpbii, wa* tl

neal ipeak. r. Ile mid that Bm Iv 7*401-talc would rs csrrii'd fur Cleveland].*,,n:k) ma] irity. In a von able rrpeeehreviewed thi qiwation ral Ike tariff; aftwhich the innTing adjourned.

BillIIB ACAIMV Ht.AINK.Th, n vTcio several politics! l-ct. BM

; on Hie stock EiefBBaae yest.nlsv. 1 ,,r witk'irt of fi.iss, io f'.ss) thal

would carry this Mate wore hooked, andtwo other eas,* h.ts of tuarn even wturi'!, thal Ch v. lind would h.- -looted.Mr. William H. Travers, for the flr-t til

111 e. v.-rul year-, ipiHiirotl oj th, tl,.,rthc Mock Kxohiini/f .("tonia?, lp- vv

given a nuisy and demonstrative w, I¦-,,.j hy several hundred al kal colleague*. |J Trsvir- asked for the mil nf the ChaatflI and ll.ntlricks Cttih now b*SBf BBrflMd

thc Mock Fa. han-.'.-. When he had signIns name a* a ni.mher thc Cleveland ni011 thc floor gave bim three ronsing ct.ee

( (.POMS'. Dl'DLKr'B BID EXABPLB.I Si w geri Times.*

t I Commissloner-oM'enslons Dudley It I his otlicc early In AUifiist to pm

shouhlor lo Hie lagging lllaine wheel.uni...! last baturday. and bauded

a *.. """ ... -. -. t a .-"..ja *. mtmm.

eeCTetary Teller hi. resignation, with Hiepro*l*o«--at lt shoiibi rmi tnko effect untilyovcmtar 10th. ,,,, Mfuirtav* he hur¬ried back tn Obi,, to take ommand o(the brtaade of Government offlctale whohave been detailed Li work (ur BlaineIn (bat .-tate. After thc Ohio SSSetJ ol

he will do thc sam*,ort..I work in Indi¬ans. In vb w ,.f th,*,, (arts tonR! of (nederk* of lae Pension 0<Ba «mil« whenthey take (rom their dak* roplaaf a cir¬cular t taned by Commisainaa Dud!'v.wblrh was «,-ni tn ra,-ti, i.,,l .,- of th" o'(-|os Iii Snstnilu-r. Imso |n ttiU eireulirColonel lindie y announced Hint lbIIS stlated ll! bi* SfaOfl an evil whr h -h.ul.l BSlonger renmin aa a stigma npin it it therews* |Miwer diotio-i, v,.,t ,| j,, |ljr|1 .((*tup i .

and be thougld ibare wa*. TUBB li--ulla thc sttTka:

..In rtiirn (or Ina pas yat receive foryour service*, yon mvr tbs O.tvommentand the alni >«t tb-pairing claitimit* BeforeRu* ofllc si\- and ons tull 'munni h,n-ist, .mlusl'i ms llbor sa r" working dav,exsent Baturday, and lise an l one halth,u,» on Ihat das.1 my encroachment*sou make ujion that time for any purjd-e,iir niton nus rxcua, aa only a-tiul stan*,. .. ,,r k-aveof ibteoer, ls at tbssxpenaof your pt rsi,md honesty.''

lb in \t pointed o itthai num ronseterksss, re In tbs bsbtl ol iiking tba Aileen min*.ates BiccBMtry to gut from ta stree! ,,,

their dMks oat ol de lillie tiny should aat stork, and ibo nf Btreteblttg th'' hil.'boar nltowed fa Inncb to nearly au hour.'ll,,** prattles., Colonel Dudley deeteed.Btas* stop, and bs Baaed ail soaarncdthal it hep, ui'ii would inr.-t prompt pan.Ifbmest. Cd j- circular, however, wa* n ,i

written in a pn tldeuttal year, and a goodmany huh ofnari ol tbs GovernmeBl neemtn think Inst in inch a feat tbe provisionsof tbe btw limiting sheena ssi'b pay tothins dBi- in cadi yans .1" Bot spplj

Sow VuK BLAIRB IM' Hi'TI.tn BLOWBBS.[Vets rca World.i

..If th re ire ans cnthimvdi¦. BlaineBarn who entertain tlie ide ith it the RI urn. |Knii'ht i- going IO bs 'licet*.fie." -ist

.lain. « Patterson, ol tbe Bortbaat c,,rn. r of«. s, .di, is. nui .ind I'sventi-'t-vi-nHi street,"tin vern has- an opportunity Ol en 1 v

roriog to swell thdr brm*; account bi ;..¦-

aptlngsny of tbe following on*crs l am

prep ,n d to moke.dine thousand dollar* Bgalncl f/JOO thll

< it sa land carri.* On- (Mata ol Ifi W Tork... One thous md dollar* veil that Cleve¬

land will have 60,000 plurality."One tbonand Mtiers against 11,700

tint ( l,v, land cirri'* Ubi".-One tliiiii-and tl"llir« ' sen tbat cb-.e-

latul atria Indiana...One tbonand dollar* ag tin*t |B H. that

Clireland arrla Sew Jen y... Twilit v-t: vc hundred dollars even Un'

Cleveland svill be elected...Om- thousand dollars ren thal Butler

will md poll 13,0 si raes iii t cinty olNi VV Vi Tr,."


,*,. li: t-. uta SS'.rld.ltoiaaaxATi, .-ep'einbcr BL.Christian

Meakin, tin- well-known and influentialbrewer ol (blt. its. In* decided t mpp ulci, s. iain! and Hendricks. Unto this timeVic slot il. i'l has Leen neutral, and hi- CS-

i ouml of the aaa of tbe Diem icracj uIm ked upon s* an Important rent In p >li-He. hric Ills Influence will no doubt behil In thc coming > rtow i.ii t, ape-ii.iis ;i, Hamilton count],Acnvrn m mr; bbboi bats rs rxniABA.

,S, v. \ ..ri. SVerld.JBorne id.-i ,,f the bi tlvitj ol th Dem >-

cr.d* nf Indiana may ts gathered from tbeiiitiOiinnlf of tba lai-bei1", ii Bhelbyriller.-tdiias. Porty li,on.iud friend* oli i, sd.md r ith, red tie re, di roure I thirtyst, r*. du -ie p. md no nd "f poultry,: ml ii-!- ned lo ap 11 ba from V'oor!, .»,Hillman. ,.i:i\. Manron,rmd s numb*r ol

i,upi, nt expounders ol tbe true faith.Iud,ana i* ablaze with Democratic cnttiu-itarro, atsd-Dorseylin I st s discount th rcthis s- -r.

Ap|!oititiii?iit*.Room Di bo uric "nTi*^

I 11 iii*, r i iMMii IBB, >AiiviM'ULt. Va., September 19,1(164 >Tbe following appointnmati ir. promul-

gateti by and ss ith the e m.nt ol th¬ar* nauii'l:

i nial papen snd party authorities will

jib ;i*e L'ise tin*' appointments all possiblepublicity.Unka otherwise Indicate I, the appoint-

on, nts are maur f,.r eountv -seat, and, t- f tra* p.,*-il,ic, on court-d is I.

.lons R. BABB d ii. f li .iith tn.

Jl. Shepperd, (Secretary.KLBCTOR9 AT LAROB.

SVALI Vi: lt. -CU'I.l'.s.

Bl md, Monday, October c.j..nv noons,

Tazewi ii. r i~.

HIM Ul T ELECTORS,!-. B. SH Milli!..

Grayson, Mon Ut]. St pl n r :':i.Prank lin, Mond iv, Oe! thlb its. Monday, October 16,Patrick, Tu, tday, Octob i Ss.

SUM |-'.ITi'."'UV.

Koekl ridg ', Honday, October6.kppomattox, Thnrsd iy, October 9.Allcgb ms. -Monday, 0( toiler HO.Kim:,nu.i. Monday, Octobt r 'J»7.

Tib.WAS smmi.

R c. mrge, Thursday, Od iherlPl ill, \\ lilian,, M ''(las, ( LT.il.ci- rr.Louisa. Mond iv, Oe! bel

ord, VVedni «day, 0I' lirfax. Mon lay, Oct ilier 2 I.I auquier, M in lay,»' stab r 1~.


r r.Louisa, Monday, lb tola r 13.Pill "

'.,' BR.

-1. Mon i.s. "

Vail I.;ii. Timi -I'

lille, ¦.¦¦in. U 'lober Ll(night).

. (UBI . ! ri ART,VI :.'.!. tuber * ».

BAX.I bund iy, (J rtob, r 2.

¦. Monday. Octolier 0.j7.

s. ii. KEILST.W, si P dnl, Saturday, () rtob,(Jloitccsti i. Mond iy, October6.Caroline, Mi ir 13.J'vcii. rirksburg, rm * lu, Octob r l

(niAlexandr! i. Vi, dues lay, Oel

I Mon,he.B. ST. O. Tl

CbarioHe, Mon,,.. October t.Vu,I, i-i. Momla; < iIh.'!,I ind, '!'., id .*. fctob i 38.

VS M il!-:.i ii-tiiL, r';.

Bob tn.m. Monday, Octolier ll.Hath, Tin-,! iy, Oct, ber 14.

i ssl ti, Brrrrn.Floyd, Iii -'! " -i¦.!.. r I I., armi;, Monday,«»cl .ber .: i.

-lullsIl< nrv. Monday, Octobt r 13,

MK SI.SII WOI'l--.. Monday, Octob, r i~.

LIT'A IllSltiS.

lsinj- George, Tbursd ii, (j lob r ..

I'iiii'.i.i'lie, Monday, Ocl ib r BLHalifax, Monday, 0 ttob r 27.

I. -.. nui ti.Goo,' land, Monday, October 11

H. S. pg] ., K.VHieroarle, Monday, October tl.Henty, Monday, Oetober Ll.Pittsylvania, Blond ir, Oc( ib r 20.patrick, Tuaday, Oetober 86,

r, c. wi nit,Sod ihv, Tbursdsy, October l.ci run lita, Mondsy, K-toberO.

org , Th, ¦'..¦! fj,did. Monday, Oetober 16,

Jens. i. it vi-i:is.

Bl bs, H. Tiic-day. Oetob, r 7.

A Heart} <n,| Iaatlj .

« lady m Rhode bland, abo li ohundred sears, f kge. i rlags laall baotflt¦ '.st'od and thm ipllti it t. ph es, Ip

,'d, dm't you reef If your bioli ibm sud poor, want rou net d u Brow,lu n Ritters. This prince o| tonia e.,

taint tbs only preparation of Iron that v

a R ml, witta »afcty t,, teeth, itcMuaah, a..ci.ii Iteettb. Mrs. Charla Dtigi/ii.t'iil'' '»-. «ay*. "I aad Rrnwn's IrBitters foi general debility ami nervoii,, -«, ad 'mi nusv wt ii,"

t abkiai.kr. itt (.(.ni. ana




A lars-* BBS* *f UH HMuMl-MADB CiKlAiT-lTsalr low. .

r-AlSite.-- ARU liEPAJBlWO aatsetMaltT.

j 'iiNE-DOLLAR TAPESTRY CAffl-TB ii "!.. Bt*sl, aud iru*riutt-»,| for 7tJc.

yard. i MKYKR-S,. .tWAsaJI Sixth aud Hn-a.


A1-,T.o*A4l.n«!.-ri*-. nev.W .

II? »)r-ili*>* * V|,,Ksrsori,Kcal Kstalc ,v-i ¦¦'litrs-r*,

SAo. s noni* S-lttrnlti ¦slcc"*.

1iRir**TEE*?* AlT<*Tl<)V SALK °T

HtAM"i DWEI.LIX.i...« i.t -il PINKSTBSf-T. C.'BfAIBtNli WINK I(«M)V1» -IO^!,K,,f twi.deod.nf inuit fr in I. M. 'i""*'"^^,". ,...ti."r*l »n ''lehmofld CTgMTr****rdTmi) ".»¦!a.p in. -it,,.n. i. \'i

4 is respeellvet?. I*!,.., th-ret., r-s,otrcd h»

tte tteticeel-irv. default hating i«**n made, wo will

iintlllet.*.-!.)!*".-"'-' "''"t* l*.M..».l

11'TtrD**'! Bl rreviiui: .7, 1R84..iv- si.nvr-d-»erl*"-d DttUBABI.S |Mlili,'*ltTV.25,ld M^r.Kav,. 1 ,.- ,, ,....., . lr, ajM.7.1. .1 rsellte. enavealeiir. e ni,-...nt. I"'

?irr-.r.tswe.l tide I')"'-. '" I ,.le-r. i"'

iaVTa*^Btr BWBia*, BBBlaa r-t M BsrVeasi'"Srtn -vs. Wh'ltt ih* '¦." ¦'* "'fi'n' ("Ml M_Jt),e lcr.t-eri.--~l "."'' Into".-""¦. .1 *l.e**l> aad

e«, naesTd* sale. *«.. OB* f.'U'.f. Ll elsi,, and t»*

h.f*f,eTei.iTurelve. and eighteen .....mn* f-r

n^r U.U non; I..U'ost added and -ocr

trutH aaal aaaM.«*<{,,A ,.,.,¦,... (N,.1 M.i.nlililN.

-ala _T.-_-__II? Mltt.llt A <"..

Br*. Mala Uaaaj v,i.-tt,,.-r.

lin- Main -tro'l.

Accnos bali or twoviriA pim nv BCiLUlBO ' ¦'!. ;-..;:' ".' ,,,!'nt; Tin-- \ .Hill «'1'K 0. 1 MU-., I. lire-

'e. MN ¦tll'ill'llll VM. ¦lilli-! V.r'illtCT1-. III CHI 111!.!. -Vt ta r no nf

,.sneer wi tull* . "¦" "-Ucl.

:, ,.I ll* ii . s. ,,||

SAITBDAT, SBr-lflBBBS '-I*, l-l.

».-,.< ..vt..-kl'. M.. the ah.e«l< '...! i-'' "J*f..-iiii.t». SS feet ead.n.eiieri.i -idf.t l

,. lr.Ids laaek a ile] ''

1<! fea* widemil \ar(!oie(.rs._

TJiRESH MU.' 1! mus AT AUCTIONOl -v 11 BDA1.

,, 11 ,,', 1, ¦. -B| Will B ll tl " T !,'¦!! i/tir.'-l*:t- franklin -.-. .-' "r

ll..lt 1 vi lil s! Pi HlOB FBB9H VI!!.' I

dee* ai th. ir rides.aad Um

dil rv-" fi in-

lv i.iiip. s.s. They tn iv 1 be - >

g. P. C(K)!v.

DICHMO.VD BAZAAR, ggs...... u lg AMD (I" I R IB*K1 '.. -' 'BJ .-...

TODAYal 10 ..-,'..¦ i..-.. .. let "ii- ¦.. wdlo :¦ rs "-i-'it

¦¦fa Beinber nf KX< ll.I.i VT ll.>'(-'- UULI -.

!.-. I'll.Vl I'.Vr-. VV V...1N-- 1

viii ot LOCK,EIGHT -I!'! Hint: vin., |j ..nw- A\f»CALI ""¦ lo "he - a'- nf which -. tt. 1U0 1 -

ni a inti er -eli' ~l'Pun cs waatlna ihunld attend.., ._.;. 11 I-. ll. I'll. .K, Vm ll"tic-r.

AIC'ION * "i*.*."" -riilni-i* Havw

n> w. 11. Lyne I IBaal 1st.'.tc Ak-, uti mut Au'tc.ti

1 I III Malu .incl.


I 1: i Vtt I r\| vii,- ! n-.v Pl.: ISO Mo BOD. .IS1, IP U 1 si kllif ..!¦ TV. l-l .¦¦.¦..iiill! I VV IT V CI. vi INI' I.ii'.11 -

tcallori nf t deed ..f tn t mi Mtii nre pan te tni iring tl i-- 7Ui if Ap. Il,1 -.-.'. i .I rc-..r.''-1 in I), ll. l-l" ¦¦

ti.- i, tin.1.rei ni ry Ceiirl-,

- -.. ...

ri re 1. m..11 lng re ,-un ... m d-a,,i deed, 1

rm 1-1 v. ',a

vv H'M -nw. inmuMt B, IBM,nt *'- " *¦!-¦ th* it): * 1. "ii

|| ..o' d -1. lill ..I I IS a'. ,.- Ute I,I!,. I.ni hil I 'r int nf sb "il lt .1-1K f.w. -1 lu.e ..( Twenty- -.. .'¦'

Iel lines. f in : 1. mil UvI.VV r I I.! M. 1* 11 ii'it amt rea-

lalnlas *>>, al - usa ilr-.:ivi aleut . .¦

II 1.vi 1 1-' 1 lo capote lofatl and Ul soto* ,.r.-"io .!--¦ ul,- d ,:. ,-vi .Iel ,r

.al', |l|"lT TITl'l ::

U.K. T.TMp.y far 1

Real I v. I r

li'IO Bain ilreet.

4 TTBACTIVE kVCl ION - W.i: OP/\ '.pt: SEW tl VIII. DWIs,,s. :,. ". I.e.". WI. 'Ill WV-Y

lil li \ SHUT IN ASKKNNY* I til.l IS. -1 Will;: ral*. -¦ .-ii

THUBSI1A1 BBS,.it r, e'eteck P. vi., sra desirable 11 p. v.

s i ind ar.* ne.

tip 'I lr pr"tnii.. "

I... I'-1 ¦. nley. a ,.1 i. ,.' n Isl

11 lt 1 r ,|.'

ride.) 1 purri ia,.; -.

Tarsi*.- (mt fo r;¦. ¦ celnslx,twelft. lyhtcen. and iw. nlv-four'..ia ri -I sd.li>d a .-

I KM IS Tl "'I'i 'I

a 97 '

la H. Con'.il N,ililli "lr.. ..

OEREMPTOBY I VI.K ol' BALANCE,1 t.p -lei .-¦' ¦¦¦ -¦

'. 1 Vi Pis. 011 i -11 v v , \ r.

st in ..' lock. rill -i

ll :ui,| Msia -liPVI>'1-. DllaSTWO 1.*!¦. ,¦ SltillT -ifiivv -1 v-i('!,( Mil'

- iii peremptory. i

HyI;. 1 .


flWM - r EES' SALE OF [" KAMI1 ll'.V PI I ITsfi V M. I. C .,*.¦ li IIIIk III AM. liteATI H -I Ul l-.ilr,

.1 deed "f tm t t ,111 I 1

recorded, deft... v. I .hy Uie

.i.-.l. v.. mil sell, en ti,- vi Illili .... :' .:,i R 1. I--*.

v; .


Billi Iv lill t !.¦.Tl.-!

lian- VVUs Cltdlcl . .

:. vs iv ii. ii'i 1.Ill 1 . ll V .\ i iv,-

I_,. S'l :;'- - vi 1, ur v 1' iu*\ IS


: nilt" UiUAV, CKt

. in. ronialnliia T'WolII'VlH'KIl kSH KUI... I1I1 1

tn . lian- IIA< ii-


.¦i I'rr ms:(


B!). ...

SpecUl I



rv 1.1^l lt. I.. Alli .-

nu riva.I.B.iv ,


lt . trll, 1--1, lita

r * co'. 1- -1. lt. i.ilV M l.s.lS.

.-,-. ...!m 1. in, C'lert



BT, Bl 'IM >VI>.

I\< 1,PP. il: VT ill) IS! I-.;.-..

L Aril CAPITAla.

- DV i'm. MKBOUAir -. IND Ol III :: !¦:: 'l-KUTV

isae hy ure.

IlIBI roRa:P-. Pr.

v- \\ ...;., v

Wi: 1.1 wi M. Ilvvi' .-.. J ABB* Vii tao **OMv vis-,,..

BO. I l. ' ll IBU '¦- .'il. B, i,t;.\\

gt c. tai*

Bj*. ... 'IA! IV, s.

-.I-. Alli ',

t) ME PTAIB AND ll \HUI SSI I- Vlil'i 1 IQ a'n!

-, "l-UA -Ul MKV I-'IlS.sSxtlian.lltrrai.

im. PLEATED BA! KtfEl -I.-li:, ratl bow fla si..-,j,ut

.. _l-\V,<-i MI VKK't.-iv .: ,,

. ELEGANT QBAI AND willlt B LAP-BOBS* 16,M vt. VKip-.

Ji vv .t.-ivji ,,.: iir,,(

1.1 sn:, CBMfMMT, -faa.

.2;2M BARRKL8 KIMMI Rixl-ANli Plat, p«r

Jin. 1peeled. f,.r ardelow "oom",,,"ll-r.

rrv-sli .111,1,11a. Itn-t NliAI.V. AM) .1HIV KU ! Ml kl- j,,.' ..e.. ., ;. ,- asil. 1,I..ni -uctim In auatiUtlu*. Ala* ,.,, |..u,, fr..,

iBTLANll lIMCMr, cij,*'.,i I v-II lt. Pl.A-Tr.UlMj ll.vllt, IriBB-BBlGX,ABD CLAY.

... , _vi Aitseii vt.MiitF:.

i.nli.nMin.ll'la*t.!r.Suii.e.".i,d tlirk

Jm f-sionusauth .irsat, ."'lltsid.. 1,,,

.**»! .1 a_LABft_OIB.tn. Hie tsvlcriratod - cai, p ,,.. Kllm."dall) ikisrk..,l ,wr ., I,.*,,,,.. |,. u. ir^rUiAll.r "sile law rrora do.-! h?

^.-»-H0bM.-iluau'U7 "TUaMBUlsir.

AI'I-TIOB[^ MAf.RBr.raiaa> »»*%,^,Ky OCOrRC r «t'riwf.;rd.

Real r".»t-ti* armit nnd A-K'.inreHir,1003 Usn! . reel.

THAM.vuiivsl. li.cb'W tllfisltie el star-.e.---.

offer dr isle at BOeMao, u|*>b Uh- premise*,IRIHVV, iKTwiirn m.

at 4'< i.Vlo. I 1*. VI., Hie ll-ovc-dri. ribed I B

PBBTV . ,Trans : Siinotinrr., al si'.. ,...,... ,,,,

liKdki,*. K. C1IVVV! RH-..; ...-,, l.o.l sa .**

hrassassa BSosms iir. .'. aaaBtasa BaaetaBSBse,

lill Mila s:r*"t.

riiHlsrCKs. HALE OF W^VM1 IHTLIHN'. LOT (>S I.AtTILL Sflil. r.

tasell.UM I'l' o - "

VSITiM rliVV '" l "HBB I, IS'-*.BfB.V,.-kl'.M..l,.r_l:i..Vl. i- I. I'l -'

-ali, ,-.cd.l- rn B I- !¦ oil ll »i,t III. '¦'"

I fl riiw**b [ai-.ii,! line- 11- r,..-i looa sta »

¦" ) '1.7. anil

,,.-.,..,it n i>i ¦** rrai wu

bi nu rited parti** r. ".JJ"^-.*iw* V,.1 I' Ml BROWS I ''.'.¦ V'" '.'

_______Lsd. I li- inn.". Hi'"*.' ¦'.

R*0l Ci'.- lei nt-.md Au lion

lill Sl-i'n

risi'l *.; RE'S 8 M li "I' DESIR kBLE1 i-.l ILl'IM, L"l OB LA' !:; ¦.¦ ".' :"

do di - ¦. SI i'

Irtl.ar..,|ne.|-, I. i a

ha, i., i, . ide. and heliis reniUr*d io tu .. i mn

.. tss iisc-i'sv. it* runt <

nt.-.,', led. I*. SI.. H.- UK VI. ! -I SI¦. ms i lot ob tl

i, . ... ! ll:b r* it ontv., ti .

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vs)' r¦

.1, md -I .7...'v url il, ii -ii, bl . eaniwa,, |, pr, ii t.crit:- icrmi wi

mci. \

.1. TlH.sil--.is !' .

UV VI i IL Lli:...i Kivale /\ .ni

\rERY I'l SIR vc v tri i d.\s E-sirv! t.v.. c.; s\ .) n :: v

AMl-K*. 1 v '. ¦> 'S i ". *¦

I s- I S I IRI AL'Cl i"V ss, iball,os. ll- r.

-L*n s v. -ir.

Bt8 r. I. sm i;!-",'¦-.r ¦, .

re. ail r.

s sn s\ llll .i M Plrh* LOT lu* a

tl .:-,,.

SS ILL! Ml ll. CV

tOld I

PEREMPTORY il 1 ION s\|.E OPI in, *«i ..' .' ni \ r*o\ cit s;r um ,1i .

v , \ ii» I;' I s. s. i : : i

Itu .


lr*IT RM*

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4 !'( ITO> * si.;. ..!' THE BRI K. V :. S' I l. I. i v. ,,

KRS'I ll -IHI l-l. Ill rvs K.LN I1',"." ' >.

c. st.,, i ; *i- ,. - . 1834,

I'Koi'FRl Vtat, .. I ¦¦!


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-. -,r,.l I.) trrURI uti '. mi ':*"','.


C Vl.i: OF \ ERV s vi.! AI'.I.K RE VI...: s :>. mn

AM* l!t(.INTI S'OVVN s*

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-.nt..-lSe..f I!., lld J. B. IVIs, ,

rr. ni d ts .d .-.IUp' n tin ||

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t UIE8APEAKB ABD (Hil,) B \\\ ss av-*, in tut. : ts ir: :¦:¦ :1 IT; 1, i

I.r.AVl- lllCIIMliM)- I .'.. IT 1 V. B| .," - V. fSjOl


ind tvs-.nt

.. Jv, ,

I vHlr.atlJC,,nt Hu ttl

at all i

4TS I'. M. I'- r S. wi--H's V,.w.

f*0V I riniaiLc,.-! v.

,-."Hiani let-)

mond to l lue lunar I ssand I Inri,ut.

tom*. M. Ker A.ltl.tiil. Kv. Mat,U&^fotnZ"*"'*SHIMS 1 HlCHMuM,

-linday l'v-ur-,l,.i, u, Newisurt'a V..w. .... i.I', int -.in leave la-hn, .nd ha viKb 1 '"oi' 6 SO !'. M. ,.-,.rnl.ii' * ' *"4 *l,lv'riirtibi*.

-ev. i.ttsriitii aad Itr.Kid streela.

ll. iv. rn.i.vuc. vc. MviT.t.,;- at Bntaaaff'1'1*1'' *£*

¦ARPET-Bl YERS mu,,.,liol Isl!,., ,»,¦ ii,. tKM imtgxiut oe,^,^

**s*wmtaa -ixiSS


-sail "***!» MW


IBjtuigBISj-l) BOMBSsVLBB.IK rrri.TsiAi'Ai.'-rrraBiiaa-ij.^aj

l.eair ..¦

KP irndst.¦.Arri?**».

Bnraetille.k.?i?l-le.( liase fl'?-Ive )*rs*v..loni)ri*e.*.i|n run's..**.l)ai.itll» .*. leeasbsra........Ualelr*"salem.Miiisl.i.rv.llarl-'tW ....¦

'p. r'-'d *.i.r.'t'i '


Thr..ii»"> | TB'*-iekPea*, rrala"


I I -.7 p Bj I l-l* Aii .17 r *

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i * ki ll It. kl tllp

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jinn Ko. BO (Bli* . 1-"' ..Statis*...Hoes-tln* -ri

and M ra.!r»t,i Juli With B II

an'l-rri ii RSI " ' >^-nS (-r S .

I.reenebom'iot a,: ia,int. un -»''« st *

-at. tar*- .

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>. ntbwetsrn i. .Ne. S'i 'ih^¦. .

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ll.,. MillieIou,»,He till' all f!»

lil Inn. ..is'ii'...'..»-.

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'-as.... , api

. . . a . SI r . Bea.- t «. -.

.-..'¦ J ' .- -. -a

j. . . ,

scil-,n at Ul s. - Pifls-le West, 1 .

i.-' Pig* '/, ,

's k

le s « i.


i , .- . -

U . B.. . r -radt

R v .ik D, EB1. - po Ml iv

Tiii.ci'i.ii v -i: ni. ii- r-1'KKi..n r imtT V N M

I'll IA. MW VeiltK. IM) -s

AlU W i i.s .lill*.

"VIV 1 VVklt Vlt...sn am, i ttl is k v n

OIK I i lo**.s ... i, , .

-. t rt'- *

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ty 1 ..---,! r i

KU 1! MOS !..»1 tlv sn p.>i..v. ... KAU i. .

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ll-OS v. Sa-, I.*-, i -1 i - i... i.., ... *


.rt., . nu...its' Sra

U*M A. VU am., s i. Hit.(.Sir-.. v

BI|S-|* Il . . Vi > 1 r* . Vt .v SsI. - 1". B. arnvv, a t'.vr t--u*»- «.* .fl

ii. j- at 1'te.tertek.l' ... M l-iand Jaactloa « ¦ i ll .»!-Ingten to i ¦_

1 3d, Sinv.s *( t'.vr.l-.-l.ev. Illtt..(cii'.pi PundaitAttUJkBD TBAIBI

llAILV Ik. kl r -, so vi'

.V. flu, l.ssvis 1 ¦ . - v - .

7i; v n -i.< i al I -*.-y aukilt.v.

4:00 I*. M., a. i . .-....«'¦Skaki.t.; alain* al k J, and Bl 5 I.

BsO'J P. MttfaBSa* llha; arnie* al Aailand tali ll I' ll

8:30 A ll. arrives at ).t**; <-a?ai AB k-.ua ti

Mal I.B.ti} 1 IL, a.'1-.'inui.HUM.'ii. arr.tes si Hi-cavl-

Stn* l ikat',.>ii; >«av. . is, i li

A. ll.3 37 r. M.,siriv.st ai KlDa; lea?** AttuauJ . «

B:U P. M.C.v. iVtaOB,Oaaaeal r--*.- A."erk

E. T. li. Vi V ai. v. i.isvnl aivat.iuuj-iv.ak,

,v.- in rd- t fr"nV