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IXDEX OF SUBJECTS. Acenaphthenone. condensation of, with o- chlorophenylmagnesium bromide, 176. Acenaphthylene from natural gas, 157. Acetic acii ethvl ester, carhafkorvjation of. 137.138. Acetylation, catalytic, 129. Acetylenes, catalytic reactions of. 131. /roji^-2-Acetylfyr/ohexyl p-toluenesulphon- ate. reaction of. with silver acetate, 122 . Acetyloleanohc acid, esterificatien of, 140. svnthesis of, with boron fluoride catalvst, ' 130. Acid chlorides, volatile, preparation o t 141. Aconite alkaloids, 206. Aconitine. 206. Aconitine. 206. AttnutMm heterophyllum, akaloids from, 207. Acorn/urn napellu-t, alkaloids from. 207. AoomJMm mchalinen^e, alkaloid from. 207. AcvnituM Uda&sicum, alkaloids of. 206. Acridine, hydrogenation of, 199. Acridone. compounds of, with phosphorus oxy chloride. 199. , Acrylonitrile, reaction of. with fluorene and with ryrfopentadiene. 140. d/-Alanine, structure of. 105. Algae, auxin content of, 229. lipoid constituents o t 229. \ li7^rin metallic lakes of, 166. Alkali metals, atomic reactions of, 36. Alkaloids, aconite, 206. cinchona, 206. Erythrina. 205. ErylMrophlfVm, 208. hellebore. 207. Lycorit, 205. pyridine, 202 . ■Vsoquinoline, 203. sabadilla, 207. Senecio. 202. Solanvm, 208. utilisation of. by etiolated plants, 238. Alkylation, catalytic, 134. Aik ylquinu clidines. 201. Alpinetin. constitution of, 192. Alpinia cMinen^U. 192. Amanita phaUoidts, poisonous constituents of, 198. Amides, substituted, synthesis of, with boron fluoride catalyst, 130. Amino-acids, acetyl derivatives, partition coefficients of, 236. iodinated, structure of. 111 . Amino-ketones. preparation o t from Schiff bases. 136. Ammonium fcejMfluosilicate-ammonium fluoride, structure of, 103. Ampelopsin, 192. Ampelopsis mdicffotia, 192. Amylase, bacterial and malt. 233. Amylolyose, 233. Ahgiosperms, differentiation of, from gvmno- sperms, 143. Anhydrides, sodium enolates of, 137. Animals, trace elements for. 211. Anisotropy, induced, hypothesis of, 126. Anthanthrene, halogenides of, 167. Anthocyanins, utilisation of. by plants, 238. Anthracene, j>erchlorate, 167. derivatives, synthesis of, 175. group, reactions in, 186. maleic anhydride compound of, 170. photo-oxide, 188. reaction of, with maleic anhydride, 190. reactivity of benzologues of, 161. spectrum and structure of, 169. structure of, 162. Anthracene, 9-amino-, acetyl derivative, and 9-nitro-. maleic anhydride compounds of, 170. 9-bromo-, maleic anhvdride compound of. 169. 9: HWichloro-, maleic anhydride com pound of, 169. Anthracenes, reactivity of, 190. synthesis of. 177. Anthraquinone, action of Grignard re agents on, 179. dyes, acid, structure of, 165. structure of, 164. Anthrone, chloro-, 188. Antibodies, H- and O-tvpes, heat stability of, 222 . H- and B-types, 224. production of, 220 . purification of, 221 . reactions of, with antigens, 222 . valency of. 223. Antigens, 215. alcohol-soluble, 218. artificial, 218. bacterial, 215. reactions of, with antibodies, 222 . valency of, 223. Wassermann, 218. Antisera, precipitation of, with nucleic acids, 220. j Araban. 234. Arecaidine, synthesis of, 202. Argon, liquid, structure of, 100. Armepavine, 204. Aromatic compounds, polycyclic, 155, 174. Arvlamines, restricted rotation in, 119. Asymmetric synthesis, 126. partial, 127. i transformation, 125.

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Acenaphthenone. condensation of, w ith o- chlorophenylmagnesium bromide, 176.

Acenaphthylene from natural gas, 157.Acetic a c i i ethvl ester, carhafkorvjation of.

137.138.Acetylation, catalytic, 129.Acetylenes, catalytic reactions of. 131. /roji^-2-Acetylfyr/ohexyl p-toluenesulphon-

ate. reaction of. w ith silver acetate, 1 2 2 . Acetyloleanohc acid, esterificatien of, 140.

svnthesis of, w ith boron fluoride catalvst,' 130.

Acid chlorides, volatile, preparation o t 141. Aconite alkaloids, 206.Aconitine. 206.

Aconitine. 206.AttnutMm heterophyllum, akaloids from, 207. Acorn/urn napellu-t, alkaloids from. 207. AoomJMm mchalinen^e, alkaloid from. 207. AcvnituM Uda&sicum, alkaloids of. 206. Acridine, hydrogenation of, 199.Acridone. compounds of, w ith phosphorus

oxy chloride. 199. ,Acrylonitrile, reaction of. w ith fluorene and

with ryrfopentadiene. 140. d/-Alanine, structure of. 105.Algae, auxin content of, 229.

lipoid constituents o t 229.\ li7^rin metallic lakes of, 166.Alkali metals, atomic reactions of, 36. Alkaloids, aconite, 206.

cinchona, 206.Erythrina. 205.ErylMrophlfVm, 208. hellebore. 207.Lycorit, 205. pyridine, 2 0 2 .■Vsoquinoline, 203. sabadilla, 207.Senecio. 202.Solanvm, 208.utilisation of. by etiolated plants, 238.

Alkylation, catalytic, 134.Aik ylquinu clidines. 201.Alpinetin. constitution of, 192.Alpinia cMinen^U. 192.Amanita phaUoidts, poisonous constituents

of, 198.Amides, substituted, synthesis of, w ith boron

fluoride catalyst, 130.Amino-acids, acetyl derivatives, partition

coefficients of, 236. iodinated, structure of. 1 1 1 .

Amino-ketones. preparation o t from Sch iff bases. 136.

Ammonium fcejMfluosilicate-ammonium fluoride, structure of, 103.

Ampelopsin, 192.

Ampelopsis mdicffotia, 192.Amylase, bacterial and m alt. 233.Amylolyose, 233.Ahgiosperms, differentiation of, from gvmno-

sperms, 143.Anhydrides, sodium enolates of, 137.Animals, trace elements for. 211.Anisotropy, induced, hypothesis of, 126. Anthanthrene, halogenides of, 167. Anthocyanins, utilisation of. by plants, 238. Anthracene, j>erchlorate, 167.

derivatives, synthesis of, 175. group, reactions in, 186. maleic anhydride compound of, 170. photo-oxide, 188.reaction of, with maleic anhydride, 190. reactivity of benzologues of, 161. spectrum and structure of, 169. structure of, 162.

Anthracene, 9-amino-, acetyl derivative, and 9-nitro-. maleic anhydride compounds of, 170.

9-bromo-, maleic anhvdride compound of.169.

9 : HWichloro-, maleic anhydride com­pound of, 169.

Anthracenes, reactivity of, 190.synthesis of. 177.

Anthraquinone, action of Grignard re­agents on, 179.

dyes, acid, structure of, 165. structure of, 164.

Anthrone, chloro-, 188.Antibodies, H- and O-tvpes, heat stability

of, 2 2 2 .H- and B-types, 224. production of, 2 2 0 . purification of, 2 2 1 . reactions of, w ith antigens, 2 2 2 . valency of. 223.

Antigens, 215.alcohol-soluble, 218. artificial, 218. bacterial, 215.reactions of, w ith antibodies, 2 2 2 . valency of, 223.Wassermann, 218.

Antisera, precipitation of, with nucleic acids, 220.

j Araban. 234.Arecaidine, synthesis of, 202.Argon, liquid, structure of, 100.Armepavine, 204.Aromatic compounds, polycyclic, 155, 174. Arvlamines, restricted ro tation in, 119. Asymmetric synthesis, 126.

partial, 127. i transform ation, 125.

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Ataxia, enzootic, 213.Atisines, 206.Auxin, association of, w ith leaf proteins, 229. Avena, coleoptiles, auxin in, 230.Avidin, 230. fcjci/doAza-alkanes, 200.7-Azaoxindole, 196.

Bacillus anthracis, antigen from, 215. Bacteria, antigens from, 215.Bacterium dysenterice, antigens from, artificial,

218, 219.-Flexner, antigen from, 216.Shiga, antigen from, 215.

Bacterium typhosum, antigens from, 216, 218. Bebeerilene, 205.Bebeerine, structure of, 204.4 : 5-Benzacridans, 195.1 : 2-Benzanthracene, antim ony trichloride

complex, 168. derivatives of, 158. oxidation of, 187.

mesoBenzanthrone, halogenides of, 167.structure of, 164.

Benzene, bromo-, chloro-, and iodo-, reaction of, w ith sodium, 45.

Behzene-2 : 4 : 6 -tri-p-azophenylarsonic acid, antibody to , 2 2 1 .

Benzoic acid, esterification of, by propylene,129.

Benzoylbenzoic acids, dehydration of, to an- thraquinones, 177.

o-Benzoylbenzoic acids, cyclisation of, to anthraquinone derivatives, 176.

2-Benzoylfluorene, 9-aci-nitro-, optical activ­ity of, 117.

Benzoylformic acid, ( —) m enthyl ester, conversion of, into active atrolactinic acid, 127.

1 : 12-Benzperylene, 173. from coal tar, 157. preparation of, 184.

3 : 4-Benzphenanthrene, carcinogenic deriv­atives of, 183.

derivatives of, 158.3 : 4-Benz-l-phenanthroic acid, 184. Benzpyrenes, 156.3 : 4-Benzpyrene, derivatives of, 158.

diazo-reaction with, 191. structure of, 180.synthesis of, 182.

4 : 5-Benzpyrene', synthesis of, 181, 182. Benzretene, constitution of, 184. Bikhaconitine, 206.Biochemistry, 209.Bios substances, 231.Biotin, assay of, 230.

preparation of, 230. structure of, 105.

Boron fluoride, catalytic activ ity of, 128. (M-Brazilic acid, 195.Brazilin, synthesis of, 194.Brucella bronchiseptica, toxins from, 217. Bush sickness, 212.Butane, 2 : 3-ciibromo-, reaction of, with

silver acetate, 1 2 1 .

2-Butanol, 3-bromo-, brom ination of, 122. Butea frondosa, colouring m atter of, 192. Butein, 238.Ay-Butylene, catalytic polymerisation of, 133. isoBulyrylisobutyric acid, ethyl ester, from

ethyl isobutyrate, 137.

Cabbage, dehydration of, 210.Cadmium halides, reaction of, with sodium,

39.Calcium aluminate, structure of, 100.Calgon, inhibition by, of complement, 226. Cameras, X-ray powder, 96. cS-Camphor, resolution of, 140. Cannabiscitrin, 193.Carbalkoxylation, 138, 139.Carbon, structure of, 99.Carbon disulphide, reaction of, with sodium,

44.Carbonic anhydrase, zinc in, 212.Carbonyl compounds, reagent for, 140. Carboxypeptidase, pancreatic, 226. Carcinogenics, hydrocarbon, 157.Cardiolipin from ox heart, 218.Carotenes, 237.Carotenoids of algae, 229.Carrots, dried, 210.Cassaic acid, 208.Cassaidine, 208.Cassaine, 208.Cassanic acid, 208.Catalysts, boron fluoride, 128.

with mercury and trichloroacetic acid additions, 131.

Catalytic alkylation, 134. esterification, 129.hydrogenation, stereochemistry of, 117. nitration, w ith boron fluoride, 136. sulphonation, w ith boron fluoride, 136.

Cathepsin, 228.Cattle, diseases of, deficiency, 212, 213.

due to toxic trace elements, 214. Cevadine, 207.Cevanthridine, 207.Cevanthrol, 207.Cevine, 207.Chlorine, reaction of, w ith m ethane and

sodium, 38.Cholanthrene, preparation of, 183.

synthesis of, 178.Choleic acids, 168.Chondrodystrophy, 213.Chromans, polycyclic, 194.Chromatogram, new, 237.Chromatography, use of, in investigation of

protein hydrolysates, 237.Chrysene, derivatives, substitution in, 187.

synthesis of, 185.Chymotrypsin, specificity of, 228.Cinchona alkaloids, 206.Clayden effect, 64.Clostridium welchii, antigens from, 216.

a-toxin, opalescence produced in sera by,225.

preparation and purification of, 225. 0-toxin, 224.

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Coal ta r, hydrocarbons of, 155.Coast disease, 212.Cobalt, as trace element-. 211.

deficiency of, in form animal?. 212, 213. Complement, 225.

amount of, fixed by antigen—antibody complexes, 226.

Composite, pigment of, 238.Compounds, molecular, 167.Configuration, relative, 124.Configurational relationship. 124. (i-Conhydrine, structure of, 202.Conidendrin, 149.Coniferyl alcohol, 142.Copper, as trace element. 211.

compounds in mam m alian tissues, 2 1 2 . deficiency of, in farm animals, 212, 213. function of, in animals, 213.

Coreopsis douglasii, pigment from, 239. Coreopsis grandifiora, pigment from. 239. Coronene, from coal ta r , 157.

synthesis of, 173.Corydalis ophioearpa. ophiocarpine from. 203. Corynebacterium diphtheria, antisens from,

216.Corynebacleritim lwfmannii, antigens from,

216.Cotton-wood. See Popidvs macdongali. Coumingidine, 208.Coumingine, 208.Crocoite, structure of, 1 0 0 .Crokdaria gr/mtiana. grantianine from. 203. Crystals, structure analysis of, 96. Crystallography, 95.Cyanoethyl groups, introduction of, into

compounds w ith active methylene groups, 140.

Cyanogen, reaction of, and of its halides with sodium, 42.

Cyanuric triam ide, structure of, 106.Cvmene peroxide, 190.

Dahlia variabilis, pigment from, 238. Deamination, 142.Decevinic acid, 207.Dehydroeugenol, 149.Dehydrotetrahvdroelliptone, synthesis of,

194.Derris malaccensis, constituents of, 194. Deuteropyrroles, spectra of, 195.Dextrins, crystalline, from starch, 233. Diacridens, 200.1 : 2 : 5 : 6 -Dibenzanthracene, antigens con­

taining, 219. carcinogenic action of, 158.

1 : 2 : 7 : 8 -Dibenzanthracenc, preparation of,183.

Dibenzphenanthrenes, preparation of, 183,184.

1 : 2 : 3 : 4-Dibenzphenanthrene, carcinogenic action of, 159.

3 : 4 : 5 : 6 -Dibenzphenanthrene, structure of,173.

Dienes, syntheses with, 184. arf- Diethvldihenzyl series, stereochemistry

of, 115.

Diethvlmethylamine, di-8 chk>ro-, condens­ations of, 199.

5 : 10-Dihvdroarsanthren. stereoisomerides of, 119.

Dihydrobenzpyrene, 181.Dih vdro-^-conhvdrinemet hine, oxidation of,


10 : 10'-Dihydro-9 : 9 '-d iphenanthrvlidene. halogenides of, 167.

(fl-Dihvdroheliotridanmethine, synthesis of, 202.

Dihydrohexacene, structure of, 160.Dihydroniquine, 206.9 : 10-Dihydrophenanthrene, spectrum and

structure of, 168.9 : 10-Dimethoxyanthracene, photo-oxidation

of; 189.3 : 7-Dimethoxy-l : 2 : 5 : 6 -dibenzanthra-

quinone, 177.3 : 3'-Dimethoxydi benzyl, 6 : 6 '-</iiodo-. heat­

ing o f w ith copper bronze, 183.2 : 7-Dimethoxv-9 : 1 0 -dihvdrophenanthrene.

183.1 : 4-Dimethoxy-9 : 10-diphenylanthracene,

photo-oxidation of, 189.9 : 10-Dimethyl-l : 2-benzanthracene, 179.

carcinogenic action of, 158. 159. photo-oxidation of, 189.

4 : 9-Dimethyl-5 : 6 -benzthiophanthren, car­cinogenic action of, 158.

1 : 2-Dimethvlchrvsene, carcinogenic action of; 159.

preparation of, 183.6 : 7-Dimethylchrysene, 172.Xy'-D im ethyldiacriden, fission of; w ith

sulphur, 2 0 0 .4 : 5-Dim ethvlphenanthrene, synthesis of,

172.Dimethylquinolines, 199.9 : 10-Dimethyl-l : 2-(2' : 3 '-thiopheno)an-

thracene, 158.D im roth-V an’t Hoff rule, 125.9 : 10-Di-a-naphthylanthraeene intsodi-

chloride, 163.Diopside, structure of, 97.Diphenic acids, substituted, optical activity

in, 119.Diphenyl, spectrum and structure of, 168.9 : 10-Diphenvlanthracene, me&xitchloride,

163.synthesis of, 178.

9 : 10-Diphenylanthracene-l : 5-dicarboxvlic acid, esterification of, 169.

• ajS-Diphenvl-a-(9-phenanthryl)suecinic an­hydride, 174.

Diphenylselenium dibromide and bichloride, structure of, 107.

Diphtheria antitoxin, crystalline, 221. fission of, 2 2 1 .

toxin, 224.Diseases, deficiency, 211, 212, 213.Dispersion, ro tatory , equation for, 125.Dithio-/3-t3 oindigos, 197.Di-p-toluidinoanthraquinones, 166.Drude equation, 125.Dyes, sensitising action of, 52.

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Eggs, dried, 209, 210.Egg white, antibiotin factor in, 230.Egonol, 149.Elements, trace, 210.Elljptone, structure of, 194.Emetine, synthesis of, 201.

proteolytic, 226. specificity of, 227.

Equation, Drude, 125.Equisetrin, 193.Equisetum arvense, equisetrin in, 193. Erechtites hieracifolia, hieracifoline from, 203. Erysodine, 205.Erysonine, 205.Erysopine, 205.Erysovine, 205.Erythraline, 205.Erythram ine, 205.Erythratine, 205.Erythrina alkaloids, 205.Erythrophleic acid, 208.Erythrophleine, 208.Erythrophleum alkaloids, 208.Esters, sodium enolates of, 137.

synthesis of, with boron fluoride catalyst, 130.

Esterification, catalytic, 129. Ethoxyfluoboric acid, ethyl ester, 129. Ethylene, catalytic polymerisation of, 133. Ethylene riibromide, reaction of, with sodium,

40.Ethylidene dibromide, reaction of, with

sodium, 40.Ethylphenylcarbinol, reaction of, with hy­

drogen bromide, 1 2 0 .

Fischer reagent, for determination of acids, alcohols, anhydrides, and water, 139.

Fish, dried, 210.Flames, diffusion, reactions with, 40.

dilute, reactions in, 36. nozzle, 37.

Flavan, derivatives, 19L.Flavanones, synthesis of, 191.Flour, protein from petroleum extracts of,

235.Fluoranthrene from natural gas, 157. Fluorene, chemistry of, and its derivatives,

185.from coal tar, 157.reaction of, w ith acrylonitrile, 140.structure of, 163, 171.

Fluorenone, oxidation of, 187.Fluorenone-2 : 3-dicarboxylic anhydride,

Mills-Nixon effect in, 163.Fluorides, complex, structure of, 102. Fluorine, as toxic trace element, 211.

diseases due to , 214.Fluorosis, 214.

in man, 214.Foods, dehydrated, 209.Fourier series, summation of, 97.

machine for, 98.Fum aric acid, trans-tra?i.s-methyl ester,

structure of, 105.Furans, synthesis of, 195.

Gas, natural, polycyclic hydrocarbons from, 157.

Glass, crystal analyses of, 98.Globulin, antibodies from, 220.

serum, antigenic properties of, 2 2 0 . Globulins, association of antibodies with, 222. /3-Glucuronosidoglucoses, coupling of, w ith

serum globulin, 219.Glycogen, identification of, w ith cupric

chloride, 234.Grantianine, 203.Graphite, carbon-carbon distances'in, 99. Growth substances, 229.Gums, plant, 229.Gutta-percha, structure of, 108. Gymnosperms, differentiation of, from angio-

sperms, 143.

Hsemocuprein, 212.Haemocyanin, copper in, 212.Haemoglobin, structure of, 111.Haemophilus parapertussis, toxins from, 217. Hoemophilus pertussis, toxin from, 217. po/j/Halides, inorganic, reaction velocities of,

42.Haptens, reaction of, w ith antibodies, 222. Heliotridan, 202.Hellebore alkaloids, 207.Helminthic diseases, 213.Hemicelluloses, 233.Hepatocuprein, 212.Heptacene, and its hydrides, 161. Heptacenequinone, <e<rahydroxy-, 161. Herschel effect, 51, 64.Heteratisine, 207.Heterocyclic compounds, 191.Hetisine, 207.Hexacene, structure of, 160. Hexahydrobenzoyl chloride, 140. Hexam ethylethane, structure of, 104. C!/efoHexane, reaction of, with benzoyl per­

oxide and oxalyl chloride, 140. cycZoHexane, 1 : 2-rfibromo-, reaction of,

w ith silver acetate, 1 2 1 . trans-1 : 2 -dibromo-, form ation of, 1 2 2 .

Hibiscus cannabinus, glucoside from, 193. Hieracifoline, 203.Hunnemanine, 203.Hunnemannia fumaricefoUa, hunnemanine

from, 203.Hydrazinium difluoride, structure of, 102. Hydrocarbons, acetylenic, reactions of,

catalysed w ith boron fluoride in presence of mercuric oxide, 131.

aromatic, alkylation of, by olefins, 135. polyoyclic, compounds of, with poly­

nitro-compounds, 167. carcinogenic, 157.

from coal tar, 156. ethylenic, polymerisation of, catalysed by

boron fluoride, 133.Hydrogen fluoride, cyclisation of acids by

means of, 181. peroxide, structure of, and of its urea

derivative, 103. sulphide, reaction of, with sodium, 4 4 .

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Hydroivamino-acids. isolation of, in protein hydrolysates. 236.

Hypaconitine. 206.Hypaphorine. 205.“ Hyperol,” structure of, 103.

Immunochemistry. 215.Indaconitine. 206.Indene, condensation of, w ith methylene-

anthrone, 185.0-t«>Indigo. 197.Indigotin. colour and structure of. 198. Indogenides, colour and resonance in, 198. Indole, alkylation of, 196.

and its carboxylic acids, 141. synthesis of. 196.

Indoles, acetylation of, 196.Indophenines, 196.Integerrimine. 203.Intervaleney angles, 116.Iodine, in animals, 211.Iris pecudaconis, carotenoids of. 238.Iron, in animals. 211.Isatidine, 203.Isatinecine, 203.(3-Isoprenesulphone, structure of, 110, 195.

Jaconecine, 203.Jervine. 207, 208.

Karanjin, 193.Keratin, structure of, 111./J-Keto-esters. preparation of. 139. Ketotetrahydrobenzpyrene. 180.Kidneys, proteolytic enzymes o£ 22$. Kobusine, 207.Kynurenine, structure of, and its derivatives.


Laccase, copper in, 2 1 2 .loeichacSlui oa-sti e. use of, in biotin assay,

230.Levans, 234.Lappa-conitine. 206.Larch wood, arabogalactan from, 234. Lariciresinol. 149.Lecithovitellin. reaction of, with q-toxin, 225. Lecksucht, 213.Ltuconostoc mc&nteroidts. antisera from. 216.

217.Lichenin. 234.Lignans, 149.T.ignm, analyses of, 144.

butanol-, extraction of. 154. constitution of, 142.

Erdtm an’s views on, 149.Freudenberg’s views on, 145.H ibbert’s views on, 150.

cuproxam. 143. glycol-, 143.hydrogenation of, 152, 153. jute. 143. methanol-, 143. physical properties of. 143.

Linario vulgaris, glycosides of, 193.T Jnarin, 193.

n-fpLinarin. 193.Liquids, containing non-spherical particles,

shear o£ 19.Longilobine, 203.Lucigenin, 200.Luminescence, 48.L-upinus lutru-'. utilisation of alkaloids bv,

238.Luteins, 237, 238.Lycopenes, 237.Lycorenine, 205.Lycorine, 205.LycorU alkaloids, 205.

Madura pomifera, pigments from. 193.Magnolia fvscaia, magnoline from, 204.Magnoline, 204.Magnolol. 149.Mala ecol. 194.Maleic anhvdride, addition of, to anthracenes,

190.Malonic acid, substituted esters of, from

monocarboxylic esters, 138.(W-Mandelic acid. ( — Kmenthyl ester, d ia­

stereoisomerides of, 117.Manganese, as trace element, 211, 213.Marasmus, enzootic, 212.Meat, dried, 210.Melamine. structure of, 106.(—)-MenthoL reaction of, with phosphorus

pentachloride, 1 2 0 ./-Menthyl .Y-aminocarbamate. as reagent

for carbonyl compounds, 140.Mercury halides. reaction of, w ith sodium, 39.Mesaconitine, 206.Methane, reaction of, with chlorine and

sodium, 38.Methane, bromo- and chloro-derivatives,

reaction velocities of, 42.Methoxyanthrone, 188.Methoxvfluoboric acid, and its mercuric salt,

128'.m ethyl ester, 129.

10-Methvl-l : 2-benzanthracene. oxidation of, 191*

Methyl bromide, reaction of, with sodium, 45.Methyl oS-rfibromo-S-phenylethyl ketone,

optically active, formation o£ 127.2-Methyl-3-butanone, 2-hydroxy-, 132.20-Methylcholanthrene, carcinogenic action

o£ i58. diazo-reaction with, 191. synthesis o£ 178.

Methyleneanthrone, condensation of, with indene, 185.

Methylenecs/c/obutane, structure of, 104.4 : 5-Methylene-9 : 1 0 -dihydrophenanthrene,

structure of, 169.4 : 5 -Methvlenedioxvchrvsene. preparation of,

183. 'y-Methvl-a-ethylallyl alcohol, rearrange­

m ent of, 124.(-t-)-y-Methyl-M-heptane. ro tato ry power of,

in various solvents, 117.y-8-M ethyl-2-naphthylbutyrie acid, cyclis­

ation of, 171.

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1-Methylphenanthrene, preparation of, from retene, 183.

9-Methylphenanthrene, synthesis of, 178.2-Methylpyrrolizidine, synthesis of, 201. Methylquinolines, 199.Microscopes, X-ray, 97.Milk, dried, 209.Molecular compounds, 167.

rearrangements, 123. weight, viscosity and, 2 0 .

Molybdenosis, 214.Molybdenum, as toxic trace element, 211.

diseases due to , 214.Muconic acid, trans-trans-methyl ester, struc­

tu re of, 105.Mushrooms, copper in, 212.Myosin, structure of, 111.

Nagler reaction, 225.Nakuruitis, 2 1 2 .Napelline, 207.Naphthacene from coal tar, 156. Naphthacenequinone, structure of, 164. Naphthalene, catalytic alkylation of, 135. Nickel n itra te ammoniate, structure of, 102. Niobium ciisilicide, structure of, 101. Niquidine, 206.Niquine, 206.N itration, catalytic, with boron fluoride, 136. Nitriles, carbalkoxylation of, 139.

synthesis of, w ith boron fluoride catalyst, 130.

pofo/Nitro-compounds, compounds of, with arom atic hydrocarbons, 167.

Nitrogen organic compounds, cyclic, 195.oxides, reaction of, w ith sodium, 44.

Nobiletin, synthesis of, 192.Nucleic acids, precipitation of, with an ti­

bacterial sera, 2 2 0 .N utrition, 209.

Oat seeds, constituents of, 234. Octacenequinone, <e<rahydroxy-, 161. Octahydropyrrocolines, synthesis of, 201. Octamethylanthraquinone, 184.Oleanolic acid, esterification of, 140. Ophiocarpine, 203.Optical activity, due to molecular dis­

sym m etry, 119. due to symmetrically-placed deuterium and

hydrogen, 119. induced, 125.

Orange, osage. See M adura pomifera. Organic chemistry, 113.Osajin, 193.Otosenine, 203.Oxidases, copper in, 212.Oxindoles, preparation of, 196.Oxygen, reaction of, w ith sodium, 43.

ring compounds of, 191. structure of, 1 0 0 .

Oxyhexafluoniobate ions, structure of, 102.

Palm oil, lipoid pigments from, 237. Pantothenic acid, analogues of, growth effects

of, 231.

Pantothenic acid, assay of, 231.Papaver armeniacum, armepavine from, 204. Papaya latex, enzymes of, 228.Pectic substances, 229.Pectolinarin, 193.Pelletierine acetal, synthesis of, 202. Penicillamine, 237.Pentacene, reaction of, w ith sulphur in

trichlorobenzene, 161. structure of, 160.

Pentacenequinone, addition of Grignard reagents to , 165.

cycfoPentadiene, reaotion of, w ith acrylo- nitrile, 140.

Pentamethylanisole, 135. cycloPentene oxide, reaction of, with sodium

ethyl m alonate, 123.2 : 3-cycJoPentenophenanthrene, 175.Pepsin, chemical composition of, 226.

crystalline swine, fractionation of, 226. specificity of, 227.

Peptidases, intestinal, activation of, 226. Perinaphthenone, basic properties of, 168.

halogenides, 167.Perosis, 213.Peroxides, transannular, form ation of, 188. Persicaria hydropiper, persicarin in, 193. Persicarin, 193.Perylene, from coal tar, 156.

halogenides, 167. synthesis of, 181.

Phalloidine, 198.Phenanthrene, derivatives, synthesis of, 175.

substitution in, 186. synthesis of, 174, 183.

y-2-Phenanthrylbutyric acid, cyclisation of,181.

y-3-Phenanthrylbutyric acid, cyclisation of,171.

/3-3-Phenanthrylpropionyl chloride, cyclis­ation of, 171.

a-(9-Phenanthryl)stilbenes, stereoisomeric, 174.

Phenols, catalytic alkylation of, 135.O-methylation of, 141.

9-Phenylanthracene, structure of, 169.10-Phenyl-l : 2 : 3 : 4-dibenzphenanthrene,

174.p-Phenylenebisiminocamphor, adsorption of,

on lactose, 117.2-Phenylindole, reduction of, w ith copper

chromite, 196.Phenylm ethylearbinol, reaction of, with

hydrogen bromide, 1 2 0 . Phenylpyridylbutadienes, 199.Phosphates, acid, hydrogen bridges in,

100.Phosphorus pentochloride, model of, 101. Phosphorylase, potato , 232.Photographic development, 58.

effects, 60.emulsions, gelatin-silver halide, latent-

image formations in, 49. impurities in, 55. sensitivity specks in, 57.

hypersensitisation, 61.

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Photographic interm ittency effect, 63. latent image, formation of, 49.

size of, 55. materials, reciprocity failure of, 61. sensitivity, effect of tem perature on, 62.

Photometers, integrating, 96r Photo-oxidation, 189.Photo-oxides, 188.Phthalic acids, condensation of, to anthra-

quinones, 177.Phthalocyanines, structure of, 99.Phthalyl chloride as reagent in preparation of

acid chlorides, 141.Picene, preparation of, 183, 184. Picenequinone, structure of, 166.Picvlene ketone, structure of, 166.Pigments, 237.Pine disease, 212.Pinoresinol, 149.Piperidines, 199.Plants, etiolated, substances utilised by, 238.

growth substances in, 229. hemicelluloses of, 233. trace elements for, 2 1 1 .

Plant pigments, 237. *Plant products, 229. •Platinum oxide, structure of, 100.Platynecine, 203.Pneumococci, polysaccharides, combination

of, w ith antibodies, 224. type H I, polysaccharide from, 217.

antibody to , 2 2 1 .Polyisobutylene, viscosity of, 26. Polychloroprene, structure of, 108.Polymers, high, solubility of, 27.

osmotic pressure of, 9. viscosity of, 19.

Polysaccharides, 229.Polystyrenes, mol. wts. of, in chloroform, 23.

solubility of, 27. a-Polythienyls, 195.Pomiferin, i93.Populus macdoagali, hemicelluloses from, 234. Potassium, reactions of, w ith halogens and

halides, 37.Potassium fluoroiodate, structure of, 107.

dihydrogen arsenate, 1 0 0 .Potatoes, polyphenol oxidase of, copperin, 212. Precipitin reactions, theories of, 223. Propargyl halides, structure of, 105. 2'-a-woPropyldiphenyl-2-carboxylic acid, 2'-

a-hydroxy-, brucine salt, 125.Propylene, catalytic polymerisation of, 133.

esterification by, of benzoic] acid, 129,130.* reaction of, w ith salicylic acid, 130.

Proteins, 235. hvdrolvsis of, isolation of products from,

236.'iodinated, structure of, 1 1 1 . stereochemistry of, 115.

Proteinases, a ttack of peptides by, 227. Proteus morgani*, use of, in pantothenic acid

assay, 231.Protolignin, 142.Pseudomonas pyocyanea, reaction of, with

lecitho-vitellin, 225.

Pterophine, 203.Purapurine, 208.Pyrans, 199.Pyrene, antimony trichloride complex, 168.

chemigtry of, i 8 6 . chemistry and structure of, 163. from coal ta r, 157. from natural gas, 157. oxidation of, 187.

Pyrene, 1-hydroxy-, 172.1 : 2-Pyrenequinone, 172.Pyrenoylpropionic acid, reduction of, ISO. Pyridine alkaloids, 202.Pyrrole, pigment derivatives, 197.Pyrroles, reduction of, catalysts for, 196. Pyrrole-blues, 197.Pyrrole group, 195.Pyrrolidine, preparation of, 195.

Quenching, 48.Quercetagitrin, 193. epiQuinidine, 206. epiQuinine, 206.Quinolines, Friedel-Crafts reaction with, 199.

2 : 3-disubstituted, preparation of, 199. i'soQuinoline alkaloids, 203.

Radicals, form ation of, in reactions of sodium w ith organic halides, 46.

Reactions, fast, measurement of ra te of, 36.ionogenic, 46.

Retronecine, 202.hydrogenation of, 203.

Rhenium bisilicide, structure of, 101. Riboflavin, assay of, 23Q,Rosmarinecine, 203.Rosmarinine, 203.R otatory power, theories of, 116.Rubber, equilibrium distribution of, 28.- gel and sol forms of, 31.

mol. w t. of, 8 .molecules, form of, in solution, 2 0 . solubility and fractionation of, 27. solutions, entropy of dilution of, 18.

osmotic pressure of, 8 . in benzene, 15. in toluene, 16.

physical chemistry of, 7. viscosity of, 19.

structure of, 8 , 108. swelling of, 33. vulcanised, swelling of, 34.

Rubicene, synthesis of, 179.Rubidium A«cofluogermanate, structure of,

103.Rubrene, structure of, 169.Rubrenes, photo-oxides of, 188.

Sabadilla alkaloids, 207.Salicylic acid, reaction of, w ith propylene,

130.Salvia officinalis, seedlings, etiolation of, 238. Scarlatina toxin, 224.Selanthren, structure of, 108.Selenium as toxic trace element, 211.

I Selenophens, synthesis of, 195.

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Selenophthens, 195.Senecic acid, 203.Senecio alkaloids, 202.Sheep, diseases of, deficiency, 212, 213.

due to toxic trace elements, 214.Silk fibroin, structure of, 220.Silver arsenate, structure of, 100.

bromide, photolysis of, 50. halides, crystals, discoloration of, by

light, 51.electrical and optical properties of, 51. ionic processes in, 54. photoconductivity of, 53. spectra of, absorption, 51.

sulphide, in photographic emulsions, 58. Sodium, fluorescence of, quenching of, 49.

reactions of, with cadmium, mercury, and zinc halides, 39.

with carbon and hydrogen sulphides, and with nitrogen and sulphur oxides, 44.

with chlorine and methane, 38. with cyanogen and with its bromide and

chloride, 42. with ethylene dibromide, ethylidene

dibromide, and trim ethylene bromide,40.

with halogens and halides, 37. with halogenobenzenes, 45. with hydrogen halides, 42. with m ethyl bromide, 44. with organic halides^ 41. with oxygen, 43. with stannic halides, 39.

Sodium triphenyjjnethyl, m etal enolate condensations with, 136.

Solatium alkaloids, 208.Solanum auriculatum, alkaloids from, 208. Solanum aviculare, alkaloid from, 208. Solarisation, 64.Solasodine, 208.Solasonine, 208.Solauricidine, 208.Solauricine, 208.Solvents, effect of, on ro tato ry power, 116.

for viscosity measurements, 26.Sophora japonica, glucosides of, 193. Sophorabioside, 193.Sophoraflavonoloside, 193. .Sophoricoside, 193.Spleen, proteolytic enzymes of, 228. Squalene, mol. wt. and viscosity of, 24. Staphylococci, enterotoxin and toxin, 224. Staphylococcus aureus, polysaccharides and

proteins from, 217.Starch, action on, of Bacillus macerans, 233.

maize, structure of, 232. natural and synthetic), 232. structure of, 232.

Stearic acids, <n'hydroxy-, diastereoisomeric,118.

Stereochemistry, 115, 168.Stereoisomerism, 117.Sterols, of alga;, 229.cis-Stilbene, conversion of, into trans­

form, 134.

Stilbene, Jnnitro-, brom ination of, 126.Streptococci, haemolytic, polysaccharide of,

217.Streptolysin-O, 224.Strychnine, antigens containing, 219.Substitution in polycyclic arom atic com­

pounds, 186.Sugars, substitu tion reactions in, 123.2-(/}-Sulphanilamidoethyl)pyridine, 199.Sulphonamides, antigens containing, 219.Sulphonation, catalytic, with boron fluoride,

136.Sulphur oxides, reaction of, with sodium,

44.Swayback, 213.Swelling, theory of, 33.

Tagetes erecta, glucoside from, 193.Talatisamine, 207.Talatisidines, 207.Talatisine, 207.Tantalum disilicide, structure of, 101.Tellurium <e<rachloride, structure of, 107.Tetanus, antiserum to , purification of, 221.Tetracarboline-y-carboxylic acids, Adam-

kiewicz-Hopkins reaction for, 198.Tetradeuterothiophen, 195.Tetrahydrobenzpyrene, 181.( + )-Tetrahydrof'urfuryl alcohol, 126.y-5 : 6 : 7 : 8-Tetram ethyl-2-naphthylbutyric

acid, cyclisation of, 171.1 : 2 : 3 : 4-Tetram ethylphenanthrene, car­

cinogenic action of, 159.Thioindoxyls, condensation of, with thio-

naphthenquinones, 197.Thionaphthenquinones, condensation of, with

thioindoxyls, 197.Thiophens, synthesis of, 195.Thiophen series, 195.Thiopyrans, 199.Thorium disilicide, structure of, 101.'Tin halides, reaction of, w ith sodium, 39.Tobacco viruses, mosaic, combination of,

with its antiserum , 224. molecular structure of, 2 0 .

3 - p - Toluenesulphonyl-4-acetyl-6-triphenyl- methyl-2 -methyl-a-methylaltroside, re­action of, with alkali, 123.

Toluidine-blue, structure of, 165.Toluidine-green, structure of, 165.Tomato viruses, bushy stun t, antigenic pro­

perties of, 2 2 0 .Toxins, 224.Trace elements, 210.

essential, 2 1 1 . toxic, 2 1 1 .

2 : 4 : 6 -Triethylbenzoic acid, esterification of, 140.

Triethylenediaminochromitrichloride, adsorp­tion of, on quartz, 117.

Trilobine, 205.6 : 6 : 9-Trimethyl-3-?t-amyl-7 : 8 : 9 : 10-

tetrahydro-6 -dibenzopyran, 1 -hydroxy-, optically active forms of, 118.

2 : 4 : 6 -Trimethylbenzoic acid, esterification of, 140.

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• 2 : 5 : 5-Trim ethvl-2-butvl-l : 3-dioxol-4-one,132.

Trimethvlene glycol, polvesters. structure of, 103'

2 : 4 : 6 -Trii.*opropvlphenvl iaopropyl ether,135.

Trypsin, specificity of, 227.Tryptophan. derivatives. 198.

^Tryptophan, hydroxy-, structure of, 198. Triptycene, structure of, 170.Tropinonecar boxy lie acid, esters, prepar­

ation of. 139*.Truxillamie acids, molecular rearrangements

of, 123.Tungsten, as trace element, 211.Turatin, copper in, 212.Tyrosine, iodination of, 227.

Ulra ladmca. rhamnosan from, 235.

Vaccinia virus, antigens of. 218.Vanadium disilieide. structure of, 101.Van’t H offs law. theory oL 12.Vegetables, dried, 209.Velocity of reaction, flame methods, 36, 40.

life-period method, 44.Veratramine, 208.

Vibrio cholera:, antigens of, 218. Vinvlacetvlene. m ethvl alcohol addition to ,

' 132. '1-Vinylanthraquinone, 184.V iolaianthin, 238.Viscosity, intrinsic. 19.

solvents for m easurement of. 26. moL wt. and, 20.

Vitamin-B1 as growth substance, 231. Vitam in-B t as growth substance, 231.

\Valden inversion, 1 2 0 .W heat, Indian, mucilage of. 234.

Xanthurenic acid, 198.

i Yeast, polysaccharide from, 234.Yeast cellulose. 235.

Zta, coleoptiles. auxin in, 229. i Zta may*, glycogen in. identification of, 234.

Zeaxanthin. 23S.Zein, hydrolysis of, 235.

j Zinc, as trace element, 211.compounds in m ammalian tissues, 2 1 2 . deficiency of. in mammals, 214. halides, reaction of, with sodium, 39.