iyl - nys historic newspapersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn86071739/1936-04-03… ·  ·...

Medford Ave. School Perfect Attendance During Past Month PKKh'KCT ntteiitluiit'e in the Alctl- I' ortl Avenue school during Miii-cli was ntttiineil by tlie following, Piiiiripnl l!oy J. .Siiimbii nays : lu 'iideixai'tea —- Ronald Gordon , Fivtlerifk Grey, ii'inwii'd Aiexy, lUur- iciiret iliifltlemiui , Kutliuriiiu ilnchow- ,| ' ili , Rose Marie Nn .. ol , Doris Norton , Helen Si'hatier, Hlanclio Schoen , Rita Slc(, '«l. J" A" 11 Zwiesele. (j,.,, , !,. . |—Koom 0: Ralph Fr-ink- lin , Junius Gillette , William Hallock , Jack Kwelt, John Cussello, Kicliard Scverns , Fred Suvorns , Lorraine Con- lalin . Audrey Derlelh , Janet WoJin , Aiuui iiiey, Joan I'niiewlcli , Uuth Popp, Marion Shrlmpton. tirade 22: Joseph llcrgo, Don- ald Ci'evoisel'a t , Htiymond Siinwulil , (jeor-je Scarier, - , Theodore Whooler , Leonard White , Hetty Jane Heuer- maini , Marilyn Hayes , .- " .nine Uen- drirk.son, Marjorie McKonnu , Itutli .Satterley, limy Usher , ICIsio Schlock. Grade a—1: John Illiuim, Douglas Hiler , Stanley Smith , Herman Stover , James Daves, Doris Densing, Laura Gottlieb , Anna Jttchowdik. Grade 3—'I ' - Joseph Canbimone , Kenneth Fourney, Albert Searles, Frank Tirelli , Calvin Wheeler , Her- man Schlock , Marjorie Jurjcensen , llui-biii'u McKibbeii , Marion Mogor , June Monsell , Itcriiadette Westiake , Pauline WestluUc , Kathleen Wheeler , Caroline* Cussello. Grade *l—3: iVieholas Alisero , Te- tcr Hannszuk , George Ueiinetl, Ed- ward IJryan , Itobert Budd , Francis Coghlaii , Frctl Dreyer , Eugene Over- ton, Clifford Senriott , Josep h VI ag- ner , Edward Steinhaus , Irene Bris- coe, A ngelina Cnrdnnione , Shirley Freeman , Veronica Patrick. Grade *l—6: Lilwin Clark , Arthur Conklin, Russell Crevoiserat , Eugene Farina , Vincent lilos, Richard Mayer , George Reich ' , Robert Schoen , Ku- Rene Smith , Fred Zwiescle, Dominick Dassello, Kathryn Densing, Hose Schauer. Grade 5—12: Joseph Baker , Ken- neth Coupe , Henry Densing, Billy Hayes , Robert Szmnla , Marie Gill- ette , Marilyn Hendrickson , Vivian Hose. Grade 5— 10: Itobert Herknieyer, William Briscoe , Alilo Cardamone , Thomas L' mbro , Frank Fourney, Charles Daves, Eleanor Carlson , Shirley Do Itoo , Gladys Grupposo , Josephine Kwiatkowski , Barbara Moe- bus , Pauline Otis , Charlotte Overton , Alva Shrimpton. Grade 0—-11: John Caputo, Wal- ter Gillette , Richard Hodkin , Teddy liollman , Jack Margolis , Eleanor Case , Kathleen Dreyer , Louise Gold- en , Jean Harless, Anita Kottman , Jewel Jfac Scmmelratli , Marjorie Shabcr , Lclia Truman , Rosemary AVestlakc. Grade 0—13: Thomas Otis , Wal- ter Fijalkowski , George Strifflcr , John Vetter , ¦ Bernard Wagner , Ada Gerrish , Florence Holzer , Wary Mil- ler , Genevieve Patrick , Florence Strifflcr , Elaync Weinberg, Itose- marie . Wheeler , . Frances Zicroba. Grade 7—7: Daniel Baris , Arthur Bridge , Ernest Case , Robert Henkett , Stanley IClos , -Marvin Perry, Ernest Schwab , Harry Soiman , Robert Ter- ry, Winifred Blank , Florence Blaum, Etoys Conklin , Lucille Foiubcrg, Eu- nice Fogarty, Ruth Seiman. Grade 7—Lunch Room: .Donald Bubb , George Juchowdik , Kennetli Smith , Jean Conklin , Jeanne Frank- lin , Ruth Watts. tii'iulf 8—Hi Henry Ctiputo, Curl- tun Mayer , Wilbur Newton , Robert Ptitriilliu , llorniee Iloddy, K OKI ; J UC - liijwillk , Marion Klos, Laura Lessey. Grade. K— Ki Km i Uuhnie , A He Van Kloof , Uobevt Wulillituicr , Minor Watts , Karl Weidner , Joseph Wri ght , Virginia Clayton , Irene Conklin , Anna Cook , Ruse Gottlieb , I' earl Miirphy, Rose l'nrret , Alice Peterson , Rose I' utriiHia , Martha Itoscr , Thel- nia Sidenlti . Ameliti Woli r, f Eastport J Lei lu ill, Ii. Journeay j f\VKU $1(1 was realized from the ^ spi-iny (lance on March 20 , the last iiioiiey-iiiul diiK event of the Sen- ior class heforu the trip to Washing- ton nt Faster time. Mrs. Rudy Leu- thtt rdt , faculty advisor , will be one of the chapei'imes. Tho Woman ' s cluh gave a banquet on Saturday evening in the High school cafeteria for the girls ' und boys ' basketball teams , cheer leaders and vouches. Kucli person hud the privilege of bringing a guest. Danc- ing followed in the auditorium. Third ({Hurler examinations were held nt the school on Monday untl Tuesday. fhe annual Field Day events will take place on May 1. The January Academic examination papers of thc Eastport school , as marked by the state have been re- turned ami the finals are: Geometry —Ben Lucas SO, Irene Tuttle 79 , and Muriel Mott 83; intermediate algebra —Joe Lucas Sti, Sophie Lubniewski 05 , Irene Tattle 05 and Gordon Ray- nor 69; commercial law—Adolph Chomicki 80, Philip GrilTin 91, Peter Lasehuk 86, Irene Tuttle 71, John Mosoley 91 , Barbara Mottola 88 , Rob- ert Pitney 93, Anthony Sulanione 83, Lois Seaman 80, Alice Tuttle 70, Har- vey Tuttle 15 , and Glenn Warner 8-1. physics—Robert Pitney 77; typing— OI g.it Dyke 87; geography Betty Benjamin 92, Sophie Mandzy 70, Ev- erett Pel tens 75 and Hubert Raynor 7il; arithmetic—Virginia Becker 94 , Henrietta Carlson 79, Mildred Cozine 81, Marie Kurz SO, Helen Monaca 02 , and Ruth Morpeth 94; spelling—Vir- ginia Becker 94 , Mildred Cozine 83, Marie Kurz 91, Helen Monaca 90, and Ruth Morpeth 99; English—Dorothy Kurz 82, John Vignati 76 and War- ren William s 77. Eastport Boy Scouts have changed their meeting night fro m Thursday to Tuesday. Practice will soon start for the District Camporee some time in May. Basketball is being enjoyed be- tween the higher grades of the East- port school. The fifth grade is working on In- dian projects . antl desi gns, also a vil- lage of Indian homes and pottery. The fourth grade will present an As- sembly program May 6. (Center Moriches) hinmu ill, Smith j Wj KM 13 KRS of the Kiw i lOnd Dein- iYl oei'utie cluh held a big card par- ty with 21 tables In Goldsmith' s hall lust Thursday evening under tliu di- rection of Mrs. Martini Kdwurds , Mrs, Andrew D, Havens , Mrs, Russell For- rev , Miss Lulu Raynor. Mrs, Charles Tod , M rs. Catherine Allen , Mrs. An- gela Mottola and Clifford Hawkins. There were 00 prizes. Kdwurd Hell won firs t in 501) with u score of 13850, Betty Tliurber tvus llrat in bridge -with 12*10, Mr, Ionian Ilrst in pinochle with 7.11)0 und Mrs. T, Ja- cobs first in bunco with it score of 10. Other winners ut 500 were Mrs, 13d. Collins , Mrs. Al. Smith , Mrs, M. Mur- dock , Mrs. Nichols , Mrs. Raymond Smith , Mrs. Hyldti lloehn , Mrs. Schwebke, Lillian Penney, Mrs . Ed- ward Hell , Mrs. M. Kane, Helen lane, Clifford Hawkins , H. Bishop, Mrs. B. B. Tooker, Mrs. Bnuiii , Mrs. A. Cup- pa-sola, II. S. Edwards , Mrs. G, R. Smith , Miss A, Pipola , Ray Smith , Mrs. Alice Edwards , Al iee Dunlap, Mrs. Edwin Murdock , Edwin Mur- dock , Mrs. Donovan , Delatield Ha- vens , Mrs. R. Robinson , Mabel John- son , George IV. Carter , Dorothy Frie- del , Joseph Tuttle , Mrs. 31. J, Levy, Mrs . George Carter , Helen Woloski , Mrs. Charles Albin , W, J. Friedel , J. Sprngrue , A. Alurdock , Ethel Took- er , Mrs, J. Zingale , Mrs. George I-Iow- ell; bridge—Harold Davis;, pinochle- Mrs , M. Runipt , L. Frobizp, William Jacobs , George 'Hako) , G- . A. Birdsall , Philli p Dipoolo , Paul J. Vicik , A\ r il- liam Geyer , Rose Jacob , Theresa Av, - zalo , A. Dipoolo; bunco—Willinm Ja- cob , Mrs, H, Bongini , M. Smith, 0601*50 Smith, Mrs. Sennlan , Nation Floyd , Vivieiino Marissal , AVestervelt; non-player ' s—A . Vicik. Mr. and Mrs. J. 31. Keegan of Freeport were guests of. Mr. and Mrs . Frank N. Evanhoe Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Babcock of Brooklyn spent Sunday at their sum- mer residence in this village. CMFTY" members and friends, includ- *• ing n number . of guests fro m out of town , gathered at the Moriches Woman ' s club house Tuesday after- noon anil enjoyed a most intersting. talk by H.. Stewart OrtlolF, a distin- guished author and lecturer , who spoke on the "Appreciation of Small Gardens. " He . ' told of the importance of laying out grounds and balancing formal gardens. stressing lines, as be- ing more - ssoiiMul tlmn color. IK- mentioned dlll' urent types of gardens. After the talk tea timi punch wore served in the library, A dessert bridge will be held at the club house on Friilny nl' lcniuon , April 17' , at ii o ' clock in charge of Mrs, Hogur Uritldo nml lier cominiltcc. At the meeting of the club , on April -JS Mrs . J. T. 'Nullheiiltu - , president , will show Japanese prints and give a talk on tbem. The club has Joined other organizations in subscribing* toward tliu Neville Memorial fund. On Monday evening of this week Mrs. Wright of Iho l -utrhoguu Klecti-ie Light eonipuuy, gave u I'liuhinu' dem- ons!: ration in the i-I(ibi' <ioni:i for the Torch and Flume groups of the chili, The April meeting nf the Woman ' s Altar Guild of St, John ' s Episcopal church will bu he-Id ut the limno of Urn. Cornelius Vuiidebt'i-g, Mastic Buat-li , next Monday nt ih'IO o' clock. Mrs, Martin C, Dekker returned to lier home Monday lifte r spending the winter with friends anil relatives in Rockville Centre and Wliiloslone. Mrs. J. T. Nolllicnhi s leaves to- morrow for a trip to Kansas City, whore she will visit her sister , Mrs. Arthur C, Smith and family. Mary Rosilio was taken to the Southampton hosp ital Tuesday morn- ing where she hud nn operation. The Rev. Father Steininullei*, pro- fessor of scripture in the Catholic Seminary at Huntington , gave au il- lustrated lecture on "The Earthly Homo of Our Lord , " before nn ap- preciative audience in St. Joseph' s auditorium Wednesday evening. On account of the main character being ill , the play "Chintz Cottage ," to be given in the Methodist church this ¦ evening by friends from East Quogue , has been postponed indefin- itely, Granada Film Based On Building of Dam "DOTJLDER DAM , " a drama of *-' thrilling action , heroic deeds and glamorous romance , i.s scheduled for four days commencing tomorrow at the Granada theatre. ' The picture is based on the build- ing of this mighty project , antl thc lives of the daredevil workmen who blasted their way through solid rock and, sealed the walls hundreds of feet above the river , is painted in the pic- tu re in colorful detail. Patricia Ellis , Ross Alexander and Lyle Talbot portray the leading roles , supported by a strong cast. Irene Ware and George O'Brien in "O' .Mnllcy of tlio Mounted , " coming to the Granada tomorrow for four dnvi. Western Romance IMLS S Kostdic Junes of Jersey City, ivi N. .1., :.|i..r,t tltaj week-end with lier parents , Mi, and Mrs . John S. Jones, Miss Anna I' ulotisk i left, on .Sun- day lor l ' . *.|und Park to visit friends lor a lew weeks, Tin. ' Iirt'iiit'ii ' s (I IIIK 'U held ut the lire hull .Saturday ni ght wus largely attended. 1.. K, Miii-cliaiil i.s ill, Mr. ami Ales , Kraiiiiiier and daugh- ter of Brooklyn spent the week-end :\, Cam)) SU. 'j . fried, ^lr. and Airs. Cornelius Zyervolt , ili uiii.igi. '1-s of the llynwuld bulb farm , ino to red to Chester , i' u., to visit Mrs . i*iyurvelt' n mother during the Ibotl In that section, Mr. and Mrs. Warron Coonies of Ploml Park , Mr. and Mrs. Weiss and Mr. ami Mrs. Kran' .iner of Brooklyn , also Mr. uad Mrs, Ceorge W. An- drews of Patchogue , visited James Coomes on Siiiiduy. Mrs. George Buker returned to hor home Saturday after being ill In the hospital for the pns t six weeks. Mr. and Airs . David Jones attend- ed thc buiuiuut given for tbe princi- pals of schools in Ilrookhaven town held ut Islip Priday night. On ¦ Sunday night-another forest (ire wus discovered in the woods on the county almshouse property. Tho nre - department was culled out and the ulnae was . uulckly extinguished. Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Ku/.ul of Croat Kivur spent the week-end with lUrs. Ranel' s pui-iits ut tholr farm, Aliss Leselletita Krummor of Brook- lyn ami II own nl Hunter of Brook- haven spent Suntlay tit the home ol! miss Madeline Davis. Air, nntl Mrs. John Davis , Jr., spent the week-end nl WesUuimptuii Bench , visiting relatives. All*, and Mrs . Williams untl friends from Brooklyn spent the week-end ut llielr bungalow on the Middle Island 1-UUlJ. f Yaphank J ^ P **» ¦ .¦¦... u.WlW< ,, ,„.itf l ^ Ti'l. fnlcliKBUO 378 Tel. Pntclioitue 1127 WILLIAM S. TAYLOR Kleen-Heet Oil Burners Alaaaa Bcrvlcaj R . an-BtnliiUvo tor tYiitiir*- nml Ncabltt Ull llunu-M , 207 EAST MAIN 8T_ ATCIIOtilJE, N. ft. Speonk-Remsenburg Leila M. B. Journeay ¦"THERE were 16 tables of players I at the dessert-bridge party held at thc home of Mrs. S. Ransom Jag- ger on Monday afternoon, given by the Westhampton Woman ' s club. The highest scorers eaeh received a white salad plate as a prize. The receipts were over $30. Mrs. Fred Baynor entertained Mrs. Charles Thursby, Mrs. Walter Henry and Mrs. Edward Hulse at bridge last Friday. "DOU1N HOOD of Eldorado ," with -*• ^- Warner Baxter In the lead , plays for the lust time today ut the Gru- iiaila theatre. The lllni is a romanticized slice of one of the most glamorous periods of America ' s frontier history—that era which began in 18*18 with tlio discov- ery of gold in California. Saga of Frontier History Plays at Granada Today WINTER TIME TABLE Bridgeport and Port Jefferson Steamboat Co. IK EFFECT JANUARY G, VJ36 Leave Port Jefferson on Monday Wednesday —¦• Friday at 9:00 A. M. ¦ Returning leave Bridgeport 3:00 P. B/L PASSEN&ER , - FREIGHT, AUTOM OBILE TRANSPORTATION GEO. M. TOOKER , General Manager Bridgeport , Conn. Port Jefferson , * N; Y. ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ . . . ' ¦ " _ ' . ' i* MManHMIi ^iHM. ^M^^H^MMn.n ^^HH ^HMHH. ^H^^HnM.,HM W m ^ ^ ^mm ^^m .^ K ^ m^mmt^eee^mm^^eemm^m^mmmmmemmeeee ^^mmammeeemmmmeeeeeemmmmmmi ^mmammemem. _ - - . ' ¦ ' - - , -r'. . ' V fflieg-m®!'© gi&aii nfost ©asrs ' c|aim ## i '^V " i m V ' agj^^^ " it' s ' tops' of all ihe cars I' ve ever owned. " JN our showroom, " owner talk" means more than ji ¦ ' , I " sales talk." We ' re content to let claims take a (u Tuc . ftvu >... ,. ricin back seat while owners give you f ads. ln ,nt *•*»»¥ . rnlbt rlCLU On performance , you needn' t take the word of TERRAPLANE IS anyone but the man who .knows how much easier his Terraplane handles in traffic ... how much bette r it n»STINSIZEflNO RO0M-Longcst-t .vhcel- takesitrai ght-aways or curves... how much faster it l ^.^ l^nches . Mostroom...l45 is on the get-away. His economy figures talk louder „„„„ .„ „,._„ v than any salesman' s claims.. .even ours ! He can tell "¦" •" ^^ T^^ZSF ™* you facts about Terraplane ' s long life that would "' S8 or 10°- AMc amooihesil sound boastful if toe said them. flR ST IN SAFETY —Body really all of - JzZt iilT?™ , rr r ' , *•? ir wotil i f ^co^ ti^r izu^tti just what it means to sit at the wheel of this car and Duo-Automatic Hydraulic Brakes drive! With the Electric Hand shifting the gears, (patent applied for). . , W/r hands stay always on the wheel. Just a llkk of FIRST IM COWFORT-Tru-Line Steering, the fbfler ...and gears shift! And your front iloor The-Rhythmic Ride. ' is all clear . .. Terraplane is thc only low priced car _ _„ 1U _ _,_ ,„ „„„ ,, - , Sar oTbrr £fer? *" _,& ^ 4" A ''' "> 55^PJKWS 6"2K gear or brake levers to stumble over ! partmont. The Electric Hand (ciptional Steering is truer. There ' s an amazing riding at small extra cost). And mans move, smoothness. At thc brake pedal , safer stopping than you'll find in any other car, with two braking systems 88 or 10° lL p- - -*-5-«nch wheclbaso - .it your command and sri 'JJ a third from the easiest ff BBl! jflEBjL B __ handling parking brake you ever sa-w. You ride over KSStk _S _i_ S _|_L ' ¦ the world's first safety eng ineered chassis . . . in a |B __ P jm ^ tJmu body really all of steel , with solid roof of seamless , , * HB " , *" r steel. On every side, something new to discover and mdupforDe LtixtmodekJ.t.b. XAcitait. c. i , a- aara * -A . 1. Standard group of accessories extra enjoy. Stop in now and take this Discovery Drive . * ' j . . . see for yourself what * change. Terraplane has SAVE—wilh tho now HUDSON.CT.T.6^ naade in motoring. .. " . ' . Tiroo Paymen t Plan... low mcwlhly ROBERT L, ROE , Terraplane Dealer |_ payments \ Let Pateliogue Owners * Tel! ' You Why They Bought TERRAPLANES * \ HERE ARE A FEW . . . OT HER NAMES ON REQUEST ' , STEPHEN G. JORDAN . . 168 No. Ocean Ave , ROBERT M. SHARP .... Railroad Avipiue* EUGENE ; KRE1SS1G .... Cedar Avenue THOMAS ROSER Marvin Street - : ¦ ¦ ~ ~ T —~ \ ALBIN , ROE• ;. .& ' TERRY BLDG. ^74-271. Eo Main Sit., . Pateh<pgae f TeS * 99 Btmr.B' -r HUDso::-Ti:r.p.. '' .?iAi;z. S5ss AKD. U?, * iruDsor? si . sno AND irc>* HITDSOH SUPER sTHAiGtrf ' EIGHT. 5760 A'lD UP, F. O. E. DETEOIT a Why Gulf is the @as for April ¦ ¦ " e SSPi^^^ -%^ / / ^AT r^J ^ZL ' +t *mm - " " I RYTEX DOUBLE CHECK PRINTED STATIONERY ; - s < ?^ i \ New colors - as fresh as a ; ^ ^ r\- ' . f : \ spiin-j- breeze - in Blue , x ^. * ^ r 7.i, 4- ' 1 - " ¦ - ' \ Orchid , Green and Ivory i , ¦ .y ' ' - - ¦ ' -\ ' ¦ ¦" - ¦ - ¦ '" » 200 SINGLE SHEETS \ " ' " " . " - ¦ ¦ \ 100 ENVELOPES \ ' ¦ -- - " . " \ V ' . 'VI T- ' " ¦ \ too DOUBLE SHEETS \ ' ¦ " - . '- ' ¦ ' ¦ . ioo ENVELOPES ' ¦ " a " ' - ¦ V - \ a ¦ * > V" " ¦ ' ¦?^"" - "' ' '* /-\ ^if \ ¦ . '' '¦ ¦ y \— a / , 1 ^ S i IS?»»~~ ~ : ~~~ ~ ~' INCLUDING I'lilN 'riNtl j / , / Check tin; (|ualit y - larjLtc baronial sheets and I , V envelopes of line smooth Vellum. I Check llio" i|iiiintili' - 200 Single Sheets or 100 I / Double Sheets and 100 Envelopes printed with Mono- \f gram or Name and Address. All for $1. Kenieir.ber DOUBLE CHKCK is on sale for April Only ? i Buy boxes antl boxes for future use. -. . 10 CENTS EXTRA IF MAILED The Argus and The Patchogue Advance Telephones: Pateliogue 100*0 - 10OI 11. IS North Ocean Ave. Patchogue , N. Y.

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Page 1: iYl - NYS Historic Newspapersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn86071739/1936-04-03… ·  · 2015-10-06—Joe Lucas Sti, Sophie Lubniewski 05, Irene Tattle 05 and Gordon Ray-nor 69;

Medford Ave. SchoolPerfect Attendance

During Past Month

PKKh'KCT ntteiitluii t'e in the Alctl-I'ortl Avenue school during

Miii-cli was ntttiineil by tlie following,Piii irip nl l!oy J. .Siiimbii nays :

lu'iideixai'tea —- Ronald Gordon ,Fivtleri fk Grey, ii'inwii'd Aiexy, lUur-iciiret iliifltlemiui , Kutliuriiiu ilnchow-,|'ili , Rose Marie Nn .. ol , Doris Norton ,Helen Si'hatier, Hlanclio Schoen , RitaSlc(,'«l. J" A"11 Zwiesele.

(j,.,, ,!,.. |—Koom 0: Ralph Fr-ink-lin , Jun ius Gil lette , Will iam Hallock ,Jack Kwelt, John Cussello, KicliardScverns , Fred Suvorns , Lorraine Con-lalin . Audrey Derlelh , Janet WoJin ,Aiuui iiiey, Joan I'niiewlcli , UuthPopp , Marion Shrlmpton.

tirade 2—2 : Joseph llcrgo, Don-ald Ci'evoisel'a t, Htiymond Siinwulil ,(jeor-je Scarier,-, Theodore Whooler ,Leonard White , Hetty Jane Heuer-maini , Marilyn Hayes, .-" .nine Uen-drirk .son, Marjorie McKonnu , Itutli.Satterley, limy Usher, ICIsio Schlock.

Grade a—1: John Illiuim, DouglasHiler , Stanley Smith , Herman Stover,James Daves, Doris Densing, LauraGottlieb , Anna Jttchowdik.

Grade 3— 'I ' - Joseph Canbimone,Kenneth Fourney, Albert Searles,Frank Tirelli , Calvin Wheeler , Her-man Schlock , Marjorie Jurjcensen ,llui-biii'u McKibbeii , Marion Mogor ,June Monsell , Itcriiadette Westiake ,Pauline WestluUc , Kathleen Wheeler,Caroline* Cussello.

Grade *l—3: iVieholas Alisero , Te-tcr Hannszuk , George Ueiinetl, Ed-ward IJryan , Itobert Budd , FrancisCoghlaii , Frctl Dreyer , Eugene Over-ton, Clifford Senriott , Joseph VI ag-ner , Edward Steinhaus , Irene Bris-coe, A ngelina Cnrdnnione, ShirleyFreeman , Veronica Patrick.

Grade *l—6: Lilwin Clark , ArthurConklin , Russell Crevoiserat , EugeneFarina , Vincent lilos, Richard Mayer ,George Reich', Robert Schoen , Ku-Rene Smith, Fred Zwiescle, DominickDassello, Kathryn Densing, HoseSchauer.

Grade 5—12: Joseph Baker, Ken-neth Coupe , Henry Densing, BillyHayes , Robert Szmnla , Marie Gill-ette , Marilyn Hendrickson , VivianHose.

Grade 5— 10: Itobert Herknieyer,William Briscoe, Alilo Cardamone,Thomas L'mbro, Frank Fourney,Charles Daves, Eleanor Carlson ,Shirley Do Itoo, Gladys Grupposo,Josephine Kwiatkowski , Barbara Moe-bus, Pauline Otis, Charlotte Overton ,Alva Shrimpton.

Grade 0—-11: John Caputo, Wal-ter Gillette, Richard Hodkin , Teddyliollman , Jack Margolis , EleanorCase, Kathleen Dreyer, Louise Gold-en, Jean Harless, Anita Kottman ,Jewel Jfac Scmmelratli , MarjorieShabcr , Lclia Truman , RosemaryAVestlakc.

Grade 0—13: Thomas Otis , Wal-ter Fijalkowski , George Strifflcr ,John Vetter, ¦ Bernard Wagner, AdaGerrish , Florence Holzer , Wary Mil-ler , Genevieve Patrick , FlorenceStrifflcr , Elaync Weinberg, Itose-marie .Wheeler , .Frances Zicroba.

Grade 7—7: Daniel Baris, ArthurBridge, Ernest Case, Robert Henkett ,Stanley IClos , -Marvin Perry, ErnestSchwab, Harry Soiman, Robert Ter-ry, Winifred Blank , Florence Blaum,Etoys Conklin , Lucille Foiubcrg, Eu-nice Fogarty, Ruth Seiman.

Grade 7—Lunch Room: .DonaldBubb , George Juchowdik , KennetliSmith , Jean Conklin , Jeanne Frank-lin , Ruth Watts.

tii'iulf 8—Hi Henry Ctiputo, Curl-tun Mayer , Wilbur Newton , RobertPtitriilliu , llorniee Iloddy, K OKI ; J UC-liij willk , Marion Klos, Laura Lessey.

Grade. K— Ki Km i Uuhnie , A HeVan Kloof , Uobevt Wulillituicr , MinorWatts , Karl Weidner , Joseph Wri ght ,Virginia Clayton , Irene Conklin ,Anna Cook , Ruse Gottlieb , I'earlMiirphy, Rose l'nrret , Alice Peterson,Rose I'utriiHia , Martha Itoscr , Thel-nia Sidenlti . Ameliti Woli r,

f Eastport JLei lu ill, Ii. Journeay

jf\VKU $1(1 was realized from the spi-iny (lance on March 20, the

last iiioiiey-iiiul diiK event of the Sen-ior class heforu the trip to Washing-ton nt Faster time. Mrs. Rudy Leu-thtt rdt , faculty advisor , will be one ofthe chapei'imes.

Tho Woman 's cluh gave a banqueton Saturday evening in the Highschool cafeteria for the girls' undboys ' basketball teams , cheer leadersand vouches. Kucli person hud theprivilege of bringing a guest. Danc-ing followed in the auditorium.

Third ({Hurler examinations wereheld nt the school on Monday untlTuesday.

fhe annual Field Day events willtake place on May 1.

The January Academic examinationpapers of thc Eastport school , asmarked by the state have been re-turned ami the finals are: Geometry—Ben Lucas SO, Irene Tuttle 79, andMuriel Mott 83; intermediate algebra—Joe Lucas Sti, Sophie Lubniewski05, Irene Tattle 05 and Gordon Ray-nor 69; commercial law—AdolphChomicki 80, Philip GrilTin 91, PeterLasehuk 86, Irene Tuttle 71, JohnMosoley 91 , Barbara Mottola 88, Rob-ert Pitney 93, Anthony Sulanione 83,Lois Seaman 80, Alice Tuttle 70, Har-vey Tuttle 15, and Glenn Warner 8-1.physics—Robert Pitney 77; typing—OIg.it Dyke 87; geography — BettyBenjamin 92, Sophie Mandzy 70, Ev-erett Pel tens 75 and Hubert Raynor7il; arithmetic—Virginia Becker 94,Henrietta Carlson 79, Mildred Cozine81, Marie Kurz SO, Helen Monaca 02,and Ruth Morpeth 94; spelling—Vir-ginia Becker 94, Mildred Cozine 83,Marie Kurz 91, Helen Monaca 90, andRuth Morpeth 99; English—DorothyKurz 82, John Vignati 76 and War-ren William s 77.

Eastport Boy Scouts have changedtheir meeting night from Thursdayto Tuesday. Practice will soon startfor the District Camporee some timein May.

Basketball is being enjoyed be-tween the higher grades of the East-port school.

The fifth grade is working on In-dian projects .antl designs, also a vil-lage of Indian homes and pottery.The fourth grade will present an As-sembly program May 6.

(Center Moriches)hinmu ill, Smith

jWj KM 13 KRS of the Kiw i lOnd Dein-iYl oei'utie cluh held a big card par-ty with 21 tables In Goldsmith' s halllust Thursday evening under tliu di-rection of Mrs. Martini Kdwurds , Mrs,Andrew D, Havens, Mrs, Russell For-rev, Miss Lulu Raynor. Mrs, CharlesTod , M rs. Catherine Allen , Mrs. An-gela Mottola and Clifford Hawkins.There were 00 prizes. Kdwurd Hellwon firs t in 501) with u score of13850, Betty Tliurber tvus llrat inbridge -with 12*10, Mr, Ionian Ilrst inpinochle with 7.11)0 und Mrs. T, Ja-cobs first in bunco with it score of 10.Other winners ut 500 were Mrs , 13d.Collins , Mrs. Al. Smith , Mrs, M. Mur-dock , Mrs. Nichols , Mrs. RaymondSmith , Mrs. Hyldti lloehn , Mrs.Schwebke, Lillian Penney, Mrs . Ed-ward Hell , Mrs. M. Kane, Helen lane,Clifford Hawkins, H. Bishop, Mrs. B.B. Tooker, Mrs. Bnuiii , Mrs. A. Cup-pa-sola, II. S. Edwards , Mrs. G, R.Smith , Miss A, Pipola , Ray Smith ,Mrs. Alice Edwards, Al iee Dunlap,Mrs. Edwin Murdock , Edwin Mur-dock , Mrs. Donovan , Delatield Ha-vens , Mrs. R. Robinson , Mabel John-son , George IV. Carter, Dorothy Frie-del , Joseph Tuttle, Mrs. 31. J, Levy,Mrs. George Carter , Helen Woloski ,Mrs. Charles Albin , W, J. Friedel ,J. Sprngrue , A. Alurdock , Ethel Took-er, Mrs, J. Zingale , Mrs. George I-Iow-ell; bridge—Harold Davis;, pinochle-Mrs , M. Runipt , L. Frobizp, WilliamJacobs, George 'Hako) , G-. A. Birdsall ,Philli p Dipoolo , Paul J. Vicik , A\r il-liam Geyer, Rose Jacob , Theresa Av,-zalo , A. Dipoolo; bunco—Willinm Ja-cob, Mrs, H, Bongini , M. Smith,0601*50 Smith, Mrs. Sennlan , NationFloyd , Vivieiino Marissal , AVestervelt;non-player's—A. Vicik.

Mr. and Mrs. J. 31. Keegan ofFreeport were guests of. Mr. andMrs. Frank N. Evanhoe Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Babcock ofBrooklyn spent Sunday at their sum-mer residence in this village.CMFTY" members and friends, includ-*• ing n number .of guests fro m outof town , gathered at the MorichesWoman 's club house Tuesday after-noon anil enjoyed a most intersting.talk by H.. Stewart OrtlolF, a distin-guished author and lecturer , whospoke on the "Appreciation of SmallGardens." He .'told of the importanceof laying out grounds and balancingformal gardens. stressing lines,as be-

ing more -ssoiiMul tlmn color. IK-mentioned dlll'urent types of gardens.After the talk tea timi punch woreserved in the library,

A dessert bridge wil l be held at theclub house on Friilny nl ' lcniuon , Apri l17' , at ii o'clock in charge of Mrs,Hogur Uritldo nml lier comini l tcc . Atthe meeting of the club , on Apri l -JSMrs . J. T. 'Nullheiiltu - , president , willshow Japanese prints and give a talkon tbem. The club has Joined otherorganizations in subscribing* towardtliu Neville Memorial fund.

On Monday evening of this weekMrs. Wright of Iho l -utrhoguu Klecti-ieLight eonipuuy, gave u I ' liuhin u' dem-ons!: ration in the i-I (ibi' <ioni:i for theTorch and Flume groups of the chili ,

The April meeting nf the Woman 'sAltar Guild of St, John 's Episcopalchurch will bu he-Id ut the limno ofUrn. Cornelius Vuiidebt 'i-g, MasticBuat-li, next Monday nt ih'IO o'clock.

Mrs, Mart in C, Dekker returned tolier home Monday lifte r spending thewinter with friends anil relatives inRockville Centre and Wliiloslone.

Mrs. J. T. Nolllicnhi s leaves to-morrow for a trip to Kansas City,whore she will visit her sister , Mrs.Arthur C, Smith and family.

Mary Rosilio was taken to theSouthampton hospital Tuesday morn-ing where she hud nn operation.

The Rev. Father Steininullei*, pro-fessor of scripture in the CatholicSeminary at Huntington , gave au il-lustrated lecture on "The EarthlyHomo of Our Lord," before nn ap-preciative audience in St. Joseph'sauditorium Wednesday evening.

On account of the main characterbeing ill , the play "Chintz Cottage,"to be given in the Methodist churchthis ¦ evening by friends from EastQuogue, has been postponed indefin-itely,

Granada Film BasedOn Building of Dam

"DOTJLDER DAM ," a drama of*-' thrilling action , heroic deeds and

glamorous romance, i.s scheduled forfour days commencing tomorrow atthe Granada theatre. '

The picture is based on the build-ing of this mighty project , antl thclives of the daredevil workmen whoblasted their way through solid rockand, sealed the walls hundreds of feetabove the river, is painted in the pic-tu re in colorful detail.

Patricia Ellis , Ross Alexander andLyle Talbot portray the leading roles,supported by a strong cast.

Irene Ware and George O'Brien in"O'.Mnllcy of tlio Mounted ," comingto the Granada tomorrow for fourdnvi.

Western Romance

IMLSS Kostdic Junes of Jersey City,ivi N. .1., :.|i..r,t tlta j week-end withlier paren ts , Mi , and Mrs . John S.Jones,

Miss A n n a I'ulotisk i left , on .Sun-day lor l'.*.|und Park to visit friendslor a lew weeks,

Tin.' Iirt 'iiit 'ii 's (I IIIK 'U held u t thelire hull .Saturday ni ght wus largelyattended.

1.. K, Miii - cliaiil i.s i l l ,M r . ami Ales, Kraiiiiiier and daugh-

ter of Brooklyn spent the week-end:\\, Cam)) SU.'j . fried,

^lr. and Airs. Cornelius Zyervolt ,ili uiii.igi.'1-s of the llynwuld bulb farm ,ino to red to Chester , i'u., to visit Mrs .i*iyurvelt'n mother dur ing the Ibotl Inthat section ,

Mr. and Mrs. Warron Coonies ofPloml Park , Mr. and Mrs. Weiss andMr. ami Mrs. Kran'.iner of Brooklyn ,also Mr. uad Mrs, Ceorge W. An-drews of Patchogue , visited JamesCoomes on Siiiiduy.

Mrs. George Buker returned to horhome Saturday after being ill In thehospital for the pnst six weeks.

Mr. and Airs . David Jones attend-ed thc buiuiuut given for tbe princi-pals of schools in Ilrookhaven townheld ut Islip Priday night.

On ¦ Sunday n ight -another forest(ire wus discovered in the woods on

the county almshouse property. Thonre - department was culled out andthe ulnae was . uulckly extinguished.

Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Ku/.ul ofCroat Kivur spent the week-end withlUrs. Ranel's pui -iits ut tholr farm,

Aliss Leselletita Krummor of Brook-lyn ami II own nl Hunter of Brook-haven spent Suntlay tit the home ol!miss Madeline Davis.

Air, nntl Mrs. John Davis, Jr., spentthe week-end nl WesUuimptuii Bench,visiting relatives.

All*, and Mrs . Williams untl friendsfrom Brooklyn spent the week-end utllielr bungalow on the Middle Island1-UUlJ.

f Yaphank JP**» ¦ .¦¦...u.„W lW< ,,,„„ .itf l

Ti'l. fnlcliKBUO 378 Tel. Pntclioitue 1127


Kleen-Heet Oil BurnersAlaaaa Bcrvlcaj R .an-BtnliiUvo tortYiitiir*- nml Ncabltt Ull llunu-M

, 207 EAST MAIN 8T„ _ ATCIIOtilJE, N. f t .

Speonk-RemsenburgLeila M. B. Journeay

¦"THERE were 16 tables of playersI at the dessert-bridge party held

at thc home of Mrs. S. Ransom Jag-ger on Monday afternoon, given bythe Westhampton Woman 's club. Thehighest scorers eaeh received a whitesalad plate as a prize. The receiptswere over $30.

Mrs. Fred Baynor entertained Mrs.Charles Thursby, Mrs. Walter Henryand Mrs. Edward Hulse at bridge lastFriday.

"DOU1N HOOD of Eldorado ," with-*• - Warner Baxter In the lead , plays

for the lust time today ut the Gru-iiaila theatre .

The lllni is a romanticized slice ofone of the most glamorous periods ofAmerica 's frontier history—that erawhich began in 18*18 with tlio discov-ery of gold in California.

Saga of Frontier HistoryPlays at Granada Today


Bridgeport and Port Jefferson Steamboat Co.IK EFFECT JANUARY G, VJ36

Leave Port Jefferson on Monday— Wednesday —¦•Friday at 9:00 A. M. ¦

Returning leave Bridgeport 3:00 P. B/L


GEO. M. TOOKER , General Manager

Bridgeport, Conn. • Port Jefferson,* N; Y.¦ ¦ ¦¦ . . . • '¦ " • _ '.' i*

MManHMIi iHM. ^M^ H^MMn.n ^ HH HMHH. H^ HnM.,HM

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JN our showroom, "owner talk" means more than j i ¦ ' , I"sales talk." We're content to let claims take a (u Tuc .ftvu >... ,. r ic in

back seat while owners give you f ads. ln ,nt *•*»»¥ .rnlbt rlCLUOn performance, you needn't take the word of TERRAPLANE IS

anyone but the man who .knows how much easier hisTerraplane handles in traffic ... how much better it n»STINSIZEflNO RO0M-Longcst-t.vhcel-takesitraight-aways or curves... how much faster it l

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is on the get-away. His economy figures talk louder „„„„ .„ „,._„ „ vthan any salesman's claims.. .even ours! He can tell "¦"•" ^ T^^ZSF™*you facts about Terraplane's long life that would "'S8 or 10°- AMc amooihesilsound boastful if toe said them. flRST IN SAFETY —Body really all of

-JzZtiilT?™, rr r', *•? ir wotili f ^co ti rizu^ttijust what it means to sit at the wheel of this car and Duo-Automatic Hydraulic Brakesdrive! With the Electric Hand shifting the gears, (patent applied for). . ,W/r hands stay always on the wheel. Just a llkk of FIRST IM COWFORT-Tru-Line Steering,the fbfler . . . and gears shift! And your front iloor The-Rhythmic Ride. 'is all clear ... Terraplane is thc only low priced car __„ 1U _ _,_ ,„ „„„ ,, - „ ,

Sar oTbrr £fer? *"_,& 4" A ''' "> 55^PJKWS 6"2Kgear or brake levers to stumble over ! partmont. The Electric Hand (ciptionalSteering is truer. There's an amazing riding at small extra cost). And mans move,

smoothness. At thc brake pedal, safer stopping thanyou'll find in any other car, with two braking systems 88 or 10° lL p---*-5-«nch wheclbaso -.it your command and sri'JJ a third from the easiest ff BBl! j flEBjL B__handling parking brake you ever sa-w. You ride over ™

KSStk _S_i_ S_|_L '¦the world's first safety engineered chassis . . . in a |B__P j m tJmubody really all of steel, with solid roof of seamless , ,*HB", *"r

steel. On every side, something new to discover and mdupforDe LtixtmodekJ.t.b. XAcitait.c. • i , a - aara * -A . 1. Standard group of accessories extraenjoy. Stop in now and take this Discovery Drive • . * ' j

. . . see for yourself what * change. Terraplane has SAVE—wilh tho now HUDSON.CT.T.6^naade in motoring. .." . ' . Tiroo Payment P l an . . . low mcwlhly

ROBERT L, ROE, Terraplane Dealer |_ payments \

Let Pateliogue Owners * Tel! ' You Why TheyBought TERRAPLANES * \

HERE ARE A FEW . . . OT HER NAMES ON REQUEST ',STEPHEN G. JORDAN . . 168 No. Ocean Ave , ROBERT M. SHARP . . . . Railroad Avipiue*EUGENE ; KRE1SS1G . . . . Cedar Avenue THOMAS ROSER Marvin Street- : ¦• ¦ ~ ~ —T—~ \

ALBIN, ROE•;..&' TERRY BLDG.74-271. Eo Main Sit.,. Pateh<pgaef TeS* 99Btmr.B'-r HUDso::-Ti:r.p..''.?iAi;z. S5ss AKD. U?,* iruDsor? si . sno AND irc>* HITDSOH SUPER sTHAiGtrf '

EIGHT. 5760 A' lD UP, F. O. E. DETEOIT


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Check llio" i|iiiintili' - 200 Single Sheets or 100 I/ Double Sheets and 100 Envelopes printed with Mono-

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Kenieir.ber DOUBLE CHKCK is on sale for April Only ?i

Buy boxes antl boxes for future use. •-. .10 CENTS EXTRA IF MAILED

The Argus and The Patchogue AdvanceTelephones: Pateliogue 100*0 - 10OI

11. IS North Ocean Ave. Patchogue, N. Y.