j a g o i n d i a j a g o

JAGO INDIA JAGO Its high time we started respecting the DEFENCE FORCES and learn to ignore the “Stars” of Cricket & Bollywood.

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Post on 16-Apr-2017




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Its high time we started respecting the DEFENCE FORCES and learn to ignore

the “Stars” of Cricket & Bollywood.

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When India has won the Cricket “World Cup”, all the cricketers were awarded crores of rupees,

residential flats, real estate, vehicles, life-time free passes in I Class A/C, Doctorate degrees and scores of National Awards,

including Bharat Ratnas, etc.

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• Did the Indians care to think about the brave soldiers who are guarding their country day in and day out ?????

• The selfless sacrifices that they make for the country in the most challenging circumstances, just so that each of us enjoys a safe and secure existence????

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• If Pakistan or China attacks India, do you think our Indian Cricket Team takes their bats and go fight against the invaders ?

• If Indians are attacked by the terrorists, Indians shouldn't complain because they worship the worthless cricketers/film stars, but don’t give a damn about their soldiers who give their lives to protect them.

• Look at USA and other countries, where the soldiers are honored and given special treatment over and above any sports & filmy personalities.

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Hey……. You be the judge !WHO deserves more ?

The Indian Cricket team bus

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Don’t miss the VIJAY RATH

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Now lets have look at the luxury our commandos had after their 60 hr sleepless battle!!!

The Black Cat (NSG) commando bus after operation at TAJ.

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• What a shame and disgrace to every citizen of India that the elite NSG Force was transported in ordinary buses, whereas our cricketer are transported in the state-of-the-art luxury buses.

• Our Jawans lay down their lives to protect every Indian and these cricketers get paid even if they lose the match ! We worship the cricketer and forgive the martyrdom of the brave Jawans.

• The Jawans should be paid the salaries of the Cricketers and the cricketers should be paid the salaries of the Jawans.

• Huh….This is our India……….!!!!!

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• Do not worry about those who have come through Boats, Our forces can easily defeat them.

• Worry about those who have come from Votes…..those are the real Enemies…!

• Let’s utilize our votes sensibly, that’s the least we can do.

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If you are really hurting at this sorry state of affairs in India, please spread this slide show - message far and wide.