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Jfr 'MWMWimwfHtwy-- - -- - - MASSES- Jti4&F2ZmEss&& . ' ""'. -,.- JLjWf - " ; "aaBEaat mi iihiiiiiimi tinTu !! i TiTiiW- - in, , ., i , i. .,.... .,.,. mi ainuiiTiBa imi n itifjBaammBmmmmmmrmmmmmHKimtmmmmmmmmiimtmti iMMiwfflaaaraaaaaaaaaaaaTiWBHM tsssflwMiSM w V Smuauim (iartte - I ROBERT CRIEYE & CO. tHf., I aa - - - aaSaaa , aa Hia. . - . i COcta: ar Emtlva.ia a...Ta7 YOL XYIXL-- No. 44.1 HONOLULU, WEDNESDAY, OCTOKEK 81, 1SS3. IWHOLB No. 98J, aa!MWai. nftafra w. i ) y I : lyargr-Doj;.- . fl jimmm lia aaaagar'aaiBaaB rtaaaata.taaaagc XfiM sarwa atK C waa. aarraaaaCMaar anyascf laaia aKaaaaaaagarfcaaay Wimi.il. aaa 111 lMaap ait aai Hi at aaa laawa fcrSiwar aataaW in .iiiaamn V ataair 35sc&&3aYX9b. aaSroi - - ' - 5 in. a al Saggar. fciMtM iimfaL; ! aaBBtaam aSBcrt4ait irtSnwr-- Saaafi 111 ilii. ayfcfcaaaaVjjBr5ltaagt. UbteK fcWs Safety, ta. hMfthKttnE 4.mb-bA- ihogis ffi HBMIttiiMnirwUt tat, mmi br tMBiBMiift Ian. B m rmnMlmMm,maBtrmJH6m:m. JiHa1,tWtwclf ill farfcit wata aMNc far nr m. r mT dTaW fi ii I inlfciiiii kas - nmiifcflif luii'lijiirrfatten wiiIiimi,, I Art MthrtiWimi.iiwl ihiMlUlii fctMF ii ili ig te tMBi. tm 8Z ii imiii far hgp at limm iB A ii gin T t muhiIm f S. TD att ohr axsaf i.trr omh iimifimi iktfiw ai fit wm oaSBfAvKurvc mzbMlfer ktiietaii k kiic feaik far iimi;. (W I W. IB ff i Btf iiimi aec aaam MR f - S4 Tli' i l f i Uglily to. at Fnn- - wtlwt ttmr I ii"rrf f aUs Sa aW aalv mmium n SbbbSi awgcaranKbr ""iSat I llP aafeaiaaaak iUSitais i m-- : tone- few KTrA. Tai ifka mnn A. HBJK VH WB( fMF' tftft WSH CC CfcWMB fcf BMf te naor ; vwfafe irsr far fltiRDk. WW t MUX. s: jew f Boaknat uwjfiir sekI it mac wntritaf i HjEufi.feafwae&atiniiiii afa A- - traissaaMB If junuar ic m taaaaaBr c x I wusl ajRqpB " x Man. Swr jw Mi ta- - al. "4 dhr nn Jar Baa6nD7" aflis.ai? da3a,afiir. pa-B:Mtv'- r Sfar Auc a &sr aaoA Ac kiH4ii3 yiicj auAs wfcat aiafcs vm 'J Wt Inmr emcnH I K7aD& vidli- - te-- e lima; inmrrnM I am. taajai ask ft IT &aj ejBCaas atn. tJ Jafe 'vatW b Ut jmax oa E acre. Ut BMC irafit y 30 6ai6.jiuiama( I nase. Sa Sut rafi. S? M6 Sjnp rgstaa I stv MiaMtmirif t!t lunar noCan t ast. E A St-- an Jaip ? (bb ta aaat an Ifaant rSain& a tfin tefcabrcVaalgnt iiaTaj i "Efa 5c. Loan JKotp ii na E sw ra. eBJaaa. Eia So w 4 aaft pa. vaiajaf ftaBBav oioL ain ftwtiiinwi. Sb- - J. . PiMiTu ii iii af rhwif --1 bM"." At lakC bbmbV a s (aaar aOiaah. A gfeEgf-- uf arar a&aat a-- maliilff ox anal jjUiiniwaaTiia imi nrfa rf nfir aaaaof tftar Baa laaaBKtc. zaa oia ovum BiKyar.IiVi naaaana mootaa. Ns aaa; asacdiF a. caaaaBrr wax alcAsaat aaaar tfka mac ml tadaa C tMxan& Baa .Mff via CaaVKaBBK jfc"iaimt ana Caacoai Biiain iftiiafo aat 6o- - "bHHiW Boar (Sacanxaf SBB9H si tiiiaat ajjaam. (as Hat aftJPJ tajiaf be a. sracu 'iw fatlsfttft' afa atwajjai if ni rtia liBniftmrf intf a bW T'Wihi aaou ""C snnaik ar (6 fan a" aiaaaVtajkaasiVMat aaer annwmr xaSfcMft. JLaataMn amiMlaa jaat 3&a Flamy SO U fiU aVaVC ptaWSnr JJkf 7H mrias. Ic v fe lajamaaaiaf faatffiaV & J 7 aaLiaaifaent aaan c ananas mn -- . .faa faauT Baal r a iilk af rain lina awor katBB &m- - oaaa Efiafaaxfc; mon aaUtasan Aaar CaciEf. Baa a fafl: Bit feny ftat anmsva ana .aVaaata ar? ifcJJaMiafiiW'aCeaaBiB. fa 1ST anamw jjgeay aarr aort ttjWT aannagy. fc i gaawftinran . aaar ItrjWt hataant nannmfl tu.au iiaaTui iiiiiii SaaSMOt BcaBattu. asJ aa JtfJM dLVikju-- i umooilj ftnayic tBs te isBC?eea9r. Sfa aJaaiiiiiaiiir'i dasx but irasajn M ai" mnoies. fa6na. S caJaaimiiiaac ijatit't aafv bV Banff n x biiEif ar dutc 09 Us naiaf ajii. A xnaSoaaa 'oa aaoail? Kctlnisi 85 eiar b-- jjd bW ndaaancac had tabbed, tamv fcfcjit faa mm liw JCir- - joaT ma ami aaafc-e- x Kaa aaftr a- cnxaax wuim ha fiacuaaiaBf ftaa B&ajft. tc uu iiun rvai? nxo s asiaacaaa annf osxna'n : te exexostt cxfiaenr rtafaiiicn 2 v on icctoc aa aafiaao ann. aait ja cibb au wm c fro kuiiikUibI qi T c , , r .I ,.M . ats OiaaciBmiiB: IB acK Iw a. mat j Sgnar ni mt par: mmittL Tl. an,i ,.F . , ii i ustthtjI lEMC I sieaa. a ra it cie '5uia at n:nn,.5i fer-oai- a. waataaoaa. anai efiat ajjas if diam ax t rate tt aaBrnrj EmaSlajaaaBaf it fuiup-n- if dfinmnninT. irrf -- - T"rf 1H uses r&oiSaz. Bin n ana zmi aopaaliDa; dSaadtcx. fa IcfiJ &a CBUaEaaa: rf Ifamic rafet-3B- r afacsiawi EC rffacjaJ wii tilO SiW itt Bs'K' an. MBli)iJifa muaaal Oar tiealb. f c i lowwoal sanafic ni am; 6iniL ta L'SR aaal Iss ilTniiaanii'iiiia n? tBia hihjj iwf Sav eacaB afieaoaaeawi as axci y beaftis anset aaauiuiXEas- sanoi LS. Xiaa. lias a. paaaidafiaai of tWSWtV nadaaE. scs limit S ErepEioa. anrf iUaVW" Cite-a-a- e. ISa aByaarBaJ? pgaiaifflir tatartSiflBB;aTx TiSapr octubf B c XHe bfest rwfTmfT xoau cuu jaUspooa Tjjgj. Stcm5i air tas caaaaz " icii. aonar iSac set afaoe &as& aaBai rf (Sa aagmaenn if jirfaaagetaiTiBiBaiMa rnife SSir -t- -i! i 15 hit ta Sua iSJHSJSC Iks Bajanrnni- g- is30r "EH 3SJiaEaaBBaaajBB3lf Sil. fjJS flnf- ' atvE3Saja9 aar ttanaroilnrtara. anBiSesiBJ .fi!MI. OmttBHbmtx,llrt. iruciaig SOTHOm aHBiiaiu au. b . ., j: cr.ji.. .. n.. i "-- 1 w . nniT .TW.ilT.. riMl HBn. .unH. ' ' - '. P Jl.il yjCst. ast ajiiaw; arBU cassa aooiix Hwaew- - r jog IDS sa!B wraj iHagiBj; - agecaait tflffTW. TBtK Oaatfeasr aajan-rfiracs-tai aa a et (fanra ai K3JM8. a. Safe ir- - iV a2fii &i anas hcjfrriU nnx (fei OiCrf at' i fiauaiHi Eaateasaat f3taBai a aaiyHiJa , rr MMUTtfftipu naSBiss rf ST r asc f r - 1 t . Se ttctt TSaaVa W J1 3W aaar 3KIr IWwsssaasr tils tmsatkc af oucm C3sBKsa a ? tVK. &. r3t aiat TMiwiIWrfiiaJ! meaa2Effi 8r s ECr 'SIL- - aail I . - . ?: . e.. t m ee Bar st csr tnuuwi j wwsi" .,"' ' B E Iba3Ka.fiarasciaC"ii-tacM:- i - ecu! aais ga- - 0 ,fawMK3 ajk. inuiSiianii sat CteaatsstK. Xetaat tax orrcasi-i5tiaj- 5 . 00.. ES9SZ3X& &SB VKCOeSMS 3BMSUTS . i sr U.IUCKt'BLD Jt Ct. .tt. 1 r. jl. cnjLiinai jl. - izamxsz xs zxs. he, si-sax- t MS Bii7cmrc?miiauBnni tsjcsos at sires. itioraej- - i - k So. C EMAaoMi Sttwit Cftc33iiKjxrk lav Jwtetsy yaSa.. WCTrqKmniniiLr fftwaotfawnuiaac ameitt. g ", Ml .wrtMr FUAaaiiBkaMMHli 9 8nwluU "CT-- CSSSCZE. "aiKWT"cxirrcsx- - jv.rr- - i.w fc jail Solar Ttb&L. jLavtm d CM Cimnes r Gilo r.yu . i t ISflCSST. TSSXWSf ualS&ST Carrnn- - Kn imi. IB ttrtn. BtniiiMb. VitBMZrfWvrtmitVaitm Some tBmwusa. siy:r-xss.ACC- L. Drasrslsts & Tobacconists. a apf..r. jjsir TTrr Jmuhii s&tnv akmriam ss ' a .. .. it. .i i.--. .j. ...i . w J, , ,r j, jKT 5a.9Sjmlumimi tamt. maaaUaU. ta h. v ... . .. . ... . n i. . i A ...J..!.. AJV AX L JV. 4MBkn ji SiTnrar iK.83iikaiaMr BJsanUmL iict hqmqi a cuaunJiHiaiiiiame. dan JwDirT'ri4ffff,,TrTBiffH"fti &BtMKt!4 ami Btouifra Hit (fjiBJira. jtacadtHmifaw Oma . . custrueK a c. XJL1AU Jt CO . OOMt5SICsV MSCKAKTS jkl Gnpurocn rf JUt Bnataou m- - Hu?-- tcraun vuf 1TJX. . I lVX A. ct- - $lt jpMtara xsa &esniifl- - JLfvais Kanua.n at. t i gcjli Gipruifijr leseccr. LIS. KTXSf JLXD UCCOS5 " .ual la y- t nwia. arZdSMe Oucrouia titr ton Ihaonis of Kiaa-- 9Bek i ir in Dir CCtn c. w saaBSHsV a vna&m f v. ii . 3irre.i jt t' ,tinx. Irturwi ganira.g!aiininaii K1CMJLKI I'. JSICXLUStTWA. Will 3t2xBtturirnii0-- Caaranm-db- ddbT anitit Kfaox aBkfa Smamrriiii. i--u u a 3i SbtceikHXC SC4 am ftent flkr SaapwanO miMj:mH jl i-- . ruatll t 1XJ 3S1ZZ33 EI" Ki23"iSS '.Ciirf Brj imMCtt. BmftiaiMiCii ann mma.1 3i ?aKaait.l t JI1AX lAXJLJElil3'E. gjafltXH. JJJ Klin IX f3Z2L, 3 yii--i n ittngf. ItnniriWn. g. i I? s.accjj JbsbC ar taia- - Xa&airar&iljsitaas a Ob. SMim -- aa-.'m-i HTV jjjie. b upl rwriauai. HilKt V FJST Mr IHE.ISEa.iWKSti. Vhu tf .f W ar juii LilCliiia rmifRultJv an SaaiC O L r taotmr tacttfrf ig Btian CT . JL1--U- . LnOTTiar. Iflajteaafa saat Zrtattl Bamitr de fenarcti jLtci&siaaw i iu 'vnrrtj- - m tiih rintintir4Hr canmr Sins l"i jau. Tiutiain sauna g . VT. SHESI53Cf 4: CO- - zrsiiKiic ai StattagaEt '! Jt 11 9u9xduaac itraK anwirtwn. g f k c33KT SJXCS31 .a Or r T tbi jfiiia lifaii tMiaiaTH imuflns; 3w.3 JaVadnatl! attma. I TJCli. BE910. JJIMetSAi feIJ?WaCTEEK. JJltT. JxrtAIT rCHDC Xaii r "r " ffTa"M1JwfHl"'T &iaanmiMiiuii fin- - His Iwaarf rf teAn. is; 3i Cjoflnxnnnr t. bmrimn ff. C Tv wot zrvm i iaia- - Illl IMI II II LrWX2 at ataOaaatfOaV. CIUff.T. U17UICK, PUHI iXC. CSttESJt.t. SPStSS ACEJH7-- iflira m KriBrt an. CTBararr mm Kinmii-n- g TTTTTTIVlITrn JiSIat . 1 at faj ORXa- - tttt 2ujnn Vavttir Vifrikr fli- - f jVoitBiia.4tzscc. --w- - WEiJUJ. g CkaiaBn, awa7aait -f-lu aafcaa 2iau Kaata ta aa aaca ar am ajngaaau aaaam?- - aoiiBBa Ararat moi .m x 1. -- t- IV3IOhm teiTi. KI tutansusL .& jntt H"" fa. IffQtL aTaajfj?nWCttaafcB UllaTUSSit. milUIIWIIMIUI 3. KiCHZSSXr fc S02T C3 Leatker, BMes. & Tallow ionnnit Royal 6oop CTozia2"3r. Bonutmtn" r ajmaBwa; tatnuai Aenau Saaanaiav B itSm rTMiiniM nd ir.nwjlii. Lib a u Sav Jl C EsmsqimI nui C iniiiil fasArOt Ta aTaaaaja ranaiim llaiiaacBaarnaaatfliiaK film KnMff Ustc Ji araOMB. tacar SaKaixucrr Tar Putai SaHoa aaora aaaaaa i-t-n lUJD . KOCI.1.03, ju Safnaifaa vVaaef SaaCas a Lcae; zt aSC fc af avrfMrra; oj!Di nr uranaaaaa- rTtrff.IT.r . " ' " CUHJ1 Kiajurt.-'ia- i. itsluu. T mTU11ii 3a.vjmm lirimto iy TOO. . TBEm. jr ZIZ2X IET123; I a r. S J1 'v - . aC.a( ataau. .. auaaaa - . . -- -r ikia. ----y j iatato. atfinr-tr- ' !& giawafes Jhnmar JBrf Jtom. Satrf FTTTifctTrT "if "" irs 3ifiiO-jrt- - tiraa T!br Taj acauK feMTt w!J - - .... . nmj.r . iii.iiutT i?QilrBnt 7.ai tzafcaje StSSIOliaT' 7iint. iHHMftf IVH&fc JueiW " 4MT y n,f jiii jprjgiLrjney Caai sr z zzzrz.. zr.. f gsnstsss cis .Smbk. LOLtttxw. SKHH Jt XfiCKSXQX. ATTOKH EYS AT LAW. MO S? SMrctaK H-- IfeMatoftl. Bt I aaa, t.A.TSMw. "w. cv. saoxxt CO-- SsccX and Real Estate EroXers, Itrl JBOfrTaaaaal S8lfcmoartti.lt. A. Of WatJL JOA!UJ. mot s. iKjjotirTtA5r stssxt. tfm wM. &e JSjam CM-- rvt, JtSwApu JtMr OSS9BS22S iX: T.V.T.Tt? Ef EAX2TSMXS Jij ftiifcga ivianatftfaiwaJytcJtoHfe g CgrnrnnxrtllMiC. Vi (9nirlMNR k lute. tr JUO.ELXXS. Stoclt Broltcr-- : fliiAa-.asi-- a; at Jfcrita- - TMHb Sir "rto. WJKS Witt r JUTST.PZ3SC3:Jt CO. lit milTi. th.iirt iiiiil iwimfl rjnmi rwtj Biafc' fot BSfcn jot. aiui"o. umi (Sauiruf AhAp junii.aemMi laMw wittcsr xitt 'ats. Gsrssirar co. Ga.ta3&i&uiIM Jail Cumih.-ara- . Mrc-- 1 -- x - TT .ra..T.- - TT. I- - t? X. S- - GKlXBJLtat Jt CO- - b 3Bfc lt CJakcaivSt. Stat. TraawsHro.CiI Ml t?1 Ife. VS. 23CESS02C, l jhimijl Jki.fcr o. J.ivci r t-- amm,l lM5! Sxk gpgnKI WMT1B IK W MS. m cvuniauBtt - .r. r d.- - e. i-- xichoxs. Cit Enelneer and Contractor BctT Xbaitv. Sill) LmiBiKjA. auo. Vmoi Jat V rat-- ttiaanMR aVuacus anwilict saiC frawwmm ScaQjr lir tao FtamAH arcqc-a-aa Vr !aimar Kamaiaai. BL L Iflatijm. LieHS" iSS CKHKiS F81SKU3L. ovtna. nn aoiL Staunu. i -- TEtEPHOXE26I iKT ix h HrrcKcocs- - Baui fgioiH r Gdbst en EIo vftKrT Sir via jmtBtjctf WK.atmnsP cftat.TBSar mt tfc- - VlteniK Clrarc.4flai vxJ 3.1M or. 2 b tturta- or 51i. V-- SClXlTCBtr FaUiXTTEX tj 'iVfec6(sae and Retail Crocers, aPCaEB" T3JCaCT SonaritUab. jbL t aoul rwcicMwl ttfmt Sinwo But JaMMraa ftudl will Oft aaTakj Star 3UCMC okjwk 3i. 21. .E- - THJLCE2S. xnx rxsrr- - i 3J s firt ttc atnE rfbur xftrvi jC Dtotwn. a PttaWaaTtfMBit laTaatT3-J- - "itiri'iiaiaiiiii sftn.Ttytfil x Pris ajti Fan "Qteuur Ca ania&-Btt- w ffac patinAm Axcce; a&' Cciase-Vc- r s; Law. t iZtutmmtnw al H omcanst 3ggerftnimtTQa - iEMaQI 2wfctr7- - FoTiisc iziL CaTinsisssziizxjrr a DiL rir 5ftn &ufi af H.atnAiT!uii and. 5a T4. iff OlBrai St 39 3farjmTaini &-t- SftHfJnlkr. S. IL TliKO- - II. fiXriE Sc C UfPTaBt&B- lTnibfrTC3iSEs nclaaA, anvf FniiijiL sstuaaof Ktmarna I Cial4 3BB Ej fflMfPIH't aamral JtaraniaOi Jt HnmiMSW. irTHit'. feCSaSSEHQEI.BOEWtXtr.B. 1 F t' Aatoaat - JglMfala-CaaTlKa-, tfilMt,-- ! ajjjj Sin. OCa K. STiMIOr. Baav 1J.T CABXSX. Ur fta&il ifr:tei:-,-- s i i'.r:ltst 5ionif Stesat, flbsmUaw yporfbr fT WacndiftiH . WaOriliaB, if aA ibniaaf Haiguicttit tut aanaiSaKfiiaT afcrT mMLWuimm grfra biitsLt Obte at- - ,TB7KXC..S3flTH- - .aU&YrSWflaaTCaVCjat. BlfUfl OTlrfhiilF OWTI35 iyiT rf anif Cinrc Bteoni warcfteit (hr Tlti-- ii u Lmrf nr tfact at f at Le arClTlw!iift1lft3k T Tbraat. aoti J6a-- - " r.TOSSA:zsrEr, Snawr Kims. Qamac iHriii- - TftimtftlfaB. ShaJLSif Off iriJU&JlltnEK. sn!)CBV g" BT2riEa3S: indiwaiimifcmtaandlo gmDraaaataaL afir Jamafef far JUuicicta ui hswjut r 3iSPEE2.S, saaaurur. . ; : axwiiuxbLuav :2iiarsiSFsniM. in f jj.icsc: ?llfcr TritiiJl y..i.fc raajin.irlH. ; Umrfiiw sjwy-ia- t JfVirati. CftifJJalkfltaaOE. xarf lS3BXa-- : rOTTLI.ia.IHHSBI- - Jaatn iinwir.aiaaaaHaiillrilcttmtMH-- f Ht tr FtiS'.K, SSGhASb, GSSXA T7 ASh VSiTMb TS.72S, y graVaaaararJBiiiir. - - aamitaiai. g. t. VBULESJLLE GROCEB.S ,ii rticici). 13- - taaiamlar aTimr yaal BHaaaiiMCTaB fc.Lcaact- - at juuiam Ci.TI.r, 4fc COOKE. ivrt JLTJ1 CS33IU2n X223Jt37X Oesies kiCenerziWetctnandlse, 1e.Siauuisajri " JtartaaaaVatWiaaaa. IKaBataacfeasrCai ItooftB. Ha JHaxaadarc 3aV J. ataari JVC- a- afca- -. aacXiaat. TSuioa feaasxHax aiagasxT af Taatntntn r&ct9ar3aBaiCDaK&XMraav Cmaaaf rf aataut Tan torfixisirf'.iraiHnirC-- a !&!. B S. aTaesara Ssij:CiQtfepI Xn4li. SirSBXcBanaa tiaa. KiciaaBi ynrf Tm ZanxMmm 0c.i?a7J3ia.MaciiiJMUia3ZB'9 vaoK. Jt s)SA. S6hjb yarafiiisaraictianTasu- - aa art - . sis afMiif.iJY sy I3JIS$ XXV CURBXSTS. SCJ xad?ja jaz. .1 Bfi: af Stt 5nr-&B- . ea,sciaa,-tw- . Jeiksmnt &. f S&&KOWE KjaaiSiraPaiatr.P-K- Wh wr. Km sm. aw-- . VM, JUIOO. Morolxnri.t Tailor. Nk,rot. mw siiBt5rvw v f" ;n 5LACKSITH AKO WACHJHIST joHjrxorr. Iat7rtr sail Cvo2tc ta. Sfemo. Kjlc. wHi. aaan nssMait VwJK ci?iJfc) Kl'Jrrtmi;':S.-r- - 5wtb. K.I t i 2t OAX COU SATL31AKEKS. laAtkA. T iavkt Vr. TTmv Svitaac. fcvi I iltjii i PKXNZSKSXEAat Candy Kamrfactorr and Bakerr IxaMajit nw3r. ImIt Ci uX ZsXn, MX B8)W.)iieinl NwanHittlut II? FXSHI21-- Chanipssne CJder Manufactorjt lteilMii'iMigiIHitwtntBti am. a otter tiM tinaLli tt. . h. Maui 3&wtt. aniataKkusilttt awwtqaaimcirfyaiiwviAwnt tert am awl S.I f1 6r w. t a. Jt TREETH. Clvil EngHiecrlngandSunrejins ITKt KACWTlI STWtST. Hat r tcrsxr. Practical Watch & Clock Maker and Jeweler, ". lt Kbltr Crwet. EtnwUia. EL .. itffcwlw tlfe ruiiMvr vikr-n- pi curar LTCAJ & JOHSSOy, tCKBUaVXSXS A3JI TTWaaTfftt C Gajerl. itaLmX ilecriaaJiscv Pilatiasr-- . JUL MK 66 FSS.lRKi H h&lt!H.a. rtvrnu ntuci t i. ta atMiti so retire HQiSOr-uL- ioy WOSSS CO. aaiaia iUTiiaip.Bw. awAa4 tCiiiiaiia ITacafcwj cr Eerj Oescnptlon - isBaaflaraaiaasau aaat to SUj Sluxaattxt? jk. joa. aaaa mini m BimaMrtwiiNfc. aegtr XaF.BaXSCXSSv cx3LXj3eary'zrTarag. ncuLt'D 2 Sftifp mr En? Sttwit, pflww Sb IhfimnfrT iT'm "" ail ILmlS- ' miiftax. Wavn n CH of ynattibtr anv3-- c 4Ha at tttfftwHr nnfil e. ii Aniii im-- . SCt?9&IIlk213T7i.CEV3Z TT?HUTZ1IX Cf4nf tan MaV tdLir blaaifit ycumgtiy attmifc it m 9M LX fn.Haii.iiiX or ft or Jirf sm af clw6n9. ta ataikjr VhravK nctattk ur 4a ftiart if wtrrft. thfftRwnKtC Kto-- r it t. CHiS SIMPSOW& REILEY, 3K ?F ICJTiaX 5TSKST PLU.MBERSAND CASF1TTERS, Sfcrre o2al Ei. Tir-- Siet Irvx izd 9tf Tla Vatsr. tjWagjagrit brn ait ata gty Xf William B. McAllister, FSB3U3I3TLT ECCATKD CT HufcotXlT QaTnEaV-Cata- ar Saal ami ract Meraa, "ar . IMmi'i Canaiinr Stats btcimnt aa awart Si. aFuTfnur inwo'Tua ga.f aaAamsn tt Clef pnftic act Are CEO. S. HARRIS, siap m wmi mmmm. 01X12. EXTBJL. HC JJ HUTT S7 Wilm VtKat. JtniirfSu BttSft. jfaaTafaat J JLaSi "iniuriL MonaatK CemkJijftht 3tC Wagm Ate sdoir Sir tike Qat b iaHaaC9Alk SciT ISgftS fee IRgiMf FjpES J5 AR7ESIAH WELL TOOLS Jtf Qnisn Fntrnptty Annabxi to, mad Wwl Gwanmeeri-- Lasaif Pftmmc Jtitl. 37? tec J.WilLUMS&GO, Lc2tg F88TCimf8S f HawMa. YTiier Ciiac r. Ceajas T-- rfi Isi. ex- - OS. PHoto. Cslored tc TW lj CajaaalHr C4Wtia ef Mbnal Tii't. Fenes. 2faBrr seas 3Ioicratos: Utmttslie gredBts. PLAHTATIOF iaBaaaWeciXfaaaaaaiT8 im haivahah sa&p wohssi GREY & CO, 1 a ALL KIHDS OF SOAPS, Xre. Etsr Strut- - flatmlm- - ftiilin at CV Ha Scr- - rr mn: awnCg ttMt-- Mftr TiirxiroioiiTjBnE jiAXswLfTr. C Vf ALLET PrcprEr. Chrvw-n- jfC &S jfbMK w4- - SOLS & SADDLE LEATHER. Tacaed Gnat 2nd Sheep Sldrs C3aTJVSTZ.TSJIJVXI lXBrOSMIZ Fruit Preasernng' Co. Put Up in Cans, 2 lbs. each. Carefiil3r Prepare!, or Sale at TC&oXesale PATEHT NOTICE. TTTKEKE-t- s A PATEJaT "WAt JS-- mf IiaoiWir7 X.T4t. ?!& Ji maavw a asafcl.g ae 6br laf rrtu . aaaVTart tx Aaa ft3fian. Sw fat xart tKaaTaaaa: Caaaicasa&s 7sz3anmUH.sa.aaaC4SKMacaabjai aifaaa?' naas- nwr bo. nun. Jicff SUactlaTsxsdcirCa ESGIJsH FfCSXEw, AferJlTD, JHi I J&S1JJML9 : V9 ?? 7r ttkmteal atd& COJCFBCTIO KKU V I Sa n rcti St. ars KsUi St KEEPS ALWAYS ON HAKD OonTootdloxica: i AlitkMiHlllUtulKi uirtA AT REDUCED PRICES! THE BEST BUWDS OF CHOlfK CICVKS T v r4 . tte mm. THE 5EST K CSna. 5X WITER S OSIBLS mi tm tjj .- - ARCHIBALD SINCLAIR, MASON & BinLXDEIl ts ow rr kju tv rr;NPTv All Kinds of Mason Work. SMVUl..TriSTW ! TV Settiag Sanger Bakeis 0 vesbs and all kinds CooHnsj Apparatus. Chlmnejrs, Foundations, &c, T.T. WORK GUABANTJBUD axan ?fcJtt ik &cM9v4 tv JJKaUkUMk SI N. ! IK. UB Vt. CUTLER jytACHTNE SHOP ! J. 21. 33ATGUE. Proprietor. AH Kinds of Mechanical Ropalrtrig Keatlj and Skillfullr done. BfflKiL HSinatlTO J1?1B2. IICXJ. WJ. iTC Estira Satbiictiua GcjrAJltJ. At Pricm tiut iU OcTjr CasapaUUaai sn jt- - civo mo cnll " " Lf--a.i4i- 3 J. D. LANE'S MARBLE WORKS, mroitr.vrcEtT. tiuaoru. MlNCFiCIDRER OF MOhliMEhTS TiM;'A 2krta Xsitefc. TCt&itavsti Ts imi Tais is Blies ia4"5T4iU Sarbb GARBLE WOHOFEYERT BES3IPT!Bfl 3L1DE TV' KDSS AXIE2 I0TS1ST POSSIEESEilS. Oram fcB Sa Mht EoaaV anfar"! jsraaKalaak MES. THOMAS LACK, Xo. "9 Fart St Haeaicle. liTPORTSR and DZAL2R 15 Sewing Machines, and Cenuinc Parts, Attachments, Oil and Accessaries. WTiiti. Sen lisas, BiTit. CrT2, Eiwfs, aai Plres ilattesea, H isarfj IGathiaa JjhbTm. nil kaaa izoset; is xH eaajan; CUEKS KILE E3fB,HiaifM OOTTWJf. jenrroi Viaaan Btaaaroft Brifaaia Cat ftajar PjCct- - BUn. naaaW, a. aaaj SjaaSaa; GaaaV. S. rawtVr Caaa Maafic CaiaJitjsaL KEROSENE STOVES! ii if xs nrl br WQC3C a tii rii ijajM aa4 afffayaa.nt&. tt.aa't ffcif -- K aTL-- 5 TIQlEffllilMSSTBi c; H Bourht fur Cah, a S(Kk First-CIa- sj Harness FKlinasI 1 aaw ouawa! ta aracaxiaxan I?2a.o !i3crt TTa tocss tve rccczi hkkz. Cheaper than any House ts xoai " DOXT ITHOIASB USTIL TOl HATE SEES JUS GOODS" liar acaS aaat tKaaUa Banxar .C. tU.ttf. aie-gc- i can Sa.clci3.cs, TWE BOTT (X THE ISCjtnW 2- - giiaralii.aaa - aiaaia lata aa dx taacBan Ua fat 4aa Waataaxa Bai,aal CEO. LUCAS, CONTRACTOR & BUILDER HouoIdJh Steam Planing Silte, EsfUaz&t, Dssflaia. n U Xaaattae-ja- a3 taaak af Mouldings, Bracitet3, WinHOYf Frames, BXinds, Sashes, Doors Asia JJT af tPaaaBnak rfaiaa. Tsrasg, Scroll 2J BskJ Sswisg! AU.rSD3 07 Ssitkis? anl Xirsjfcg. OBDEBS PKOXPTLT ATTEXDEP TO Anal T5W Vuanra Ut4 Eifflti4,t7V- - i HSxrMfe ?Jfffrfi Etn Bwrtl of fndt rwrtttr. UWtTt Or ta, lla,raM lUi, "5 ? t WrvTTIttO PMUddpttU BaarJ of I'nJfrwrltfrs. t CXT fa llll llaLMlft. v wi; V (UUIWRKArO r. a. at Aiirim. VaTaitttTtatafJailwttla )ml tt Km4 t riiitni". ctataaa aatbut tin raM.ai aaka tw Jaa aarakaa at ao 9wia ft rw rtlw f ! vaw nwiaa t. v laa VfM taaaaa laaw Insuraaco Xfotloo. rjn.K jbr.it rtinTim nnmn ri a aa hatai Wwuaa nM7lUana M cawfraJJaattaatiaa. Kwlw - at l- - aaiaaCf Jaawaaa awMaant aa aaa mi aja taaaai. aa to a jian t Ma Ivan at la an r "" ? . itar ta. (X. UaH4 tt Miu-nti- mtivtait FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. I. pU:i XNtU f tW kmm Owfuayy, w art ltjtMiHa7a utaifMi TtrrrtiiHttt Mw-j- ifccre) , m jtf jittT y rVcArliWv " HAMBURC-MACDEBUR- C FIRE INSVBAKCB COMPANY or luwn ni- - Br:uinuv rttcrnvMitic. rrn.M. ar luavntaakBM nt aa taa awl tvi.nfc8 ikvm. V JAlVKt, ' ia aaluui Iiaaa GREAT WTESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY. Hd OB.. 20 WallSU K- - Vexk. Taa aawav v aaaat aanas attaaal aa .Waacr at Baaata tar ta Bnulu Uaunavtaa aaauataail la tafca-n- J w aor.pl aaa vni Mana Khaaa aa Xw raajaBar. Ftaeai. Ttvawr. Caail i Miia aaal Rmlla. an aamal mm. J . VV.VLS.Wt ? .Vt..' W aaa laauaaa Bre aad Marine Insurance Company or ctr itvu.Mi. CvriTAL : ; : : 910.000,000 lrni.IMICI) AA AUUXCTal HAVI.Xt) aa iw aaamtaaa lalaaaa. taa aaoar-.aa- J ar ya atari a arrrat rfoaa aaaaaat ajr. bi iaamaaa. itatn. aawaaawa. aaal aaarrtaaaaaa. tai la aaaaMalaiaM. ?tarlvKI.K..mrcK ftafxjao. aallaaii.i . aratt. aa raaiTiVi iliai tcuaalphrn. aair t S WALUUL The City of London Pire In- surance Co. liniited. CAPITAL, :::::: S5,00a000 ! n.ti iiu i.vr uinxui.i) a. .n.cy . at m .i. le.i..it.. .a ttiraaalta prraarwl iv agrrya rlaaa arataaaarraai Mat- ' . . .! fJiH. JWIWIJ. z ia !!. fkraraMc inau. Ly Crwaptlj AUatr4au41'aabrHrrr. co nu:i;)ji, Bll. AyilwiaaaattaaKtaa4. The London anil Provincial i INSURANCE COMPANY !, XiJLiiiitecl. SHtecrihtxl r.VlTTAL 5,000,000 iiAwaeooj T j .opaaT Kara ao ptaabaaal aa Ajacr acr - i i yfaarrd la taAa aosaa 11a rrr- - .rv . . a .uiti tkM iiuai "VH J r ar vtkuoe. Ja- - Aat r ''ij'wj'i .n aajaiipaumjuuiLwr1 it I CAPIXAU I '"l'l"la! ITlHTHWWfk I 5.000000.1 w A. JAECER, 1.-- 11 ? - Ila a - UYtRPOOL and LONDON aad GLOBE INSURANCE CO. Assets, 831,161,000 Claims Paid, SS8.714.000 tsTinUMitn it .tcEsrr i" ntvi: n T a j '' Bvaixan l.jrrl lac la ar iToiaBriLbn 'iSSuDisEi DlII.L.Ll.lll-- ' Oa (aiaaMaurs. IlatlllnsElikan lflllr inramacattnay a t.lral laiarra Tar a pmwl afiaaaaar. far r.8ala la aaata L. jiraoapilj- adjawtci asil ruijaBla' brrr. mtaa faaOPJtli 1S15. 1SS1 oa-X- j FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. OF jTVERFOOI, EXCU1XIJ. Capital - S 10.000,000 UNLIMITED LIABILITY. -- :, laiaiaai af 1.1 ai uilpttaaaa am a aaactaaT at aaaVuli rMra straiaaL r, la aafciatraa. J 5 VAULJTB. Arl Bat Oaaaitaa liliali r S.-- Tar Xaaal fotanace Caaapaa, aaa taa aaxau aa, r--r 1. aaaaaa, m lac aana. aaa 17 GERMAN LLOYD Manns lasurawe Catnpan? of Berfa. FOUTUNA General laswance Company of Berlin. milE ADUItt ITSGBAXrE conpxxioi azir adai ftnf a QraaaaJ Aaaacr Brat, aaal taa aaaUrraaacal. Gtni Axrau aaa aatbaaiaat aa caaa KJaka assist Ike Paasvra el lb fyrut tli Ilnl Cra.aaable Kala-a- . and m tla. Jftf.4. Fja,raJl- Tra- - ki 1, FA S'HASmjiCO.OaaetaJAssau vvTXIdeIr" go., irnala. IIMaJlaiu Istiin!. Ccv rral 4;raU r tV Hniuai Life Insurance Comp'y or SETT TOBH, Largest, Safest and Most ECONOffllCAL LIFE IHS.CO IN THETVOSLDJ Cash Assets, over 590,000,000 I Bar Far UiraaatHi rntmn uac Caaaaaar. aaa tar Baov af laaaaac aaala to w ILJIElt ra"l Jaxau. ar . VUIEXAH. TOiSi-lTLASTI- C FIRE If.SURAHCE COMPANY, Of IMBBtEV. CfBt ibeCmmimi t Bractw.RcaaatateMtba Tacal ttsiaaart mpmM NORTH CEBMAH EIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, of fiAnntTKC. CaaraiiacCaaraae7ta.-r- icasarkU-'ap- 7 - (artr laMoacrCaaaaaira - SjPKfc iU3int hCJIWBIZEBOitHt; I.WI0 RUCK VEBSICHEBU3GS GESELLSCBJJFT OT IVIHTEBTHIJB. Cayaa: a Ut L'aaip ..frac.SJw 'r'JIK L'SIieiUllUSCII.CSjIKBAl.AUKXTS I a aaa lata waaaata Jar tka Hiaallaa biaaab an araa?a4 u iaaarr aaaJOaca fanatan, ktianJlK aaarrraaac xaiaaair. saaar acal aaa M!fl aaa teaarfa fa a aaraar. aaaaaat Saa II liir 11 j'-- - "-- WHij a Jt CO THE New England Mutual Life Insurance Co. MMK,MtH JJCOBroBAKD, JSS. JjVs (Hint Purely irMLttlumtrmct Com tie UaHxlStoia. ItVjUt ItGJti tt sut ItTtitHi TtrsJ. xaanf arSaaFarfrlUire Jtjaa I iwwal aaraaiaai aoara Ptej Jta" aaaaal ?rrsaa eaattaaa Sr IraaaaUaTrJa (iaawat tJaiaB ?aty ftfttSSm t Aaanal 3Atfe&j (Mttata ftjfcr ; lr ijaaaifcaaasjatPafey !?. Si dJ tjwaoto. 5X3,000300: tva PaMlfaraiurti lailB srtr. 540,000 CASTLE & COOKE, AJiHTS J VTaBasJa.awj. L. Jf tu x.' w-yj&- xx Apa f- ff aft UNION INSURANCE COMP.IKT Of (tit Vn.VM0la.PO. 2VXvx-i.nv- . CASTLE t COOXE. ACSNT3 a rar ta II.ctoIUk I.Uot. t SUta KttMK AS3 XWMA3K1S luriice 5oSKX4raTr ur tottMif tt nrtipuH Ittnt)Khcd IOCS. OtflTAt . aj,aaaa Aataaaata4 4 tvMtmt t..3 IIMIK ttn!lltltAK IIATK SVf a aaaMnl Bjrr far aaa auantax taaaa aaalal. .avljaxara a. laar aaala ar a f tajnaa. tr uw baaai tia "' VMaaaBafV. aVhaT faaWTaaWr,J' la, l'Wlaa Waaiaa aaa raraaar. tl il la aarW 4 wiiiiat aJ''.t' I HOTrMlliJUWaa J tv THE PACIFIC MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPAKY or mimtMt. Oiaar 1 laM tt paraaaav Mail m-t- t to nta Tontine JAwstmeat Pobcte? Waata lau la - taJKafxaaaai C -- aa aVawiaalaai em TMaat ar "jaMav... Ft frM Cauaa Mf r. Tk lV4t KnJ.lBwal IVrMtjr aaat t:r JIhImI ImwtMrtat V Taw laaaaaf ika awn tallaWaCaaaaa'x ' v " ZLSZiJ?!2tt4?rt-- ' aMttntTJptaiaV WMHaf ta ? ViaUl ' kv v. utm. !r MU Plumbixsg, Gas Fitting,. Tinsmith &. IIoofbr, ! y x? SrJ OTES, RAIVGES, Lamps, Chandeliers, AM) HOUSE FURNISHING IIA11PWAI1U I v vsrrnKT.i.s. xmv KnocK. FURT TU IT lptKMi- - tiltttli V OIV.I SI BI-l- , iCSMiBTSTlfBf! WHITMAN & WRIGHT, Sarr,nr t'i H J. Hl)sE,. Carriage Maniifacfciirers, Wheelwrights LIB GENERAL BUChSMlTie, Xes. 75, 77, 79 and SI KiRtrSt. HOXOUI-l- . II. I. TV aaaav Ira, fcarnaj aaaaa fpai a Aaa. r ia Wart tail taa a7lfa?aat a4ntaMaa af e lata a. J auea laaaiifj. or a Carriago Shop, Wheelwright Shop, Blacksmith Shop, Paint Shop, and Trlmilng Shop, Ai aavaraaa4taaKafraaan fnraart " M tmj m taa aaan r rairUjr Carriae;e.f FKaetoivt, Bujjjjiesa. Ei pre tea, OamapTTrrr. Brealu, Tnulu. Milk Wages, Pla.nla.tXoa W;ona. 3Tti!e Carta. jOrCbtc JClacd Carta, aVe, &c ataat ta aafcr. ia a aa BLACKSMiTKliiG (a aH lis Branss, Czrriagei ITari, ! TrIf Hhlp Work, .lrlJaT: trwi, Or Hatfclarrr VT?- - Horse-shoein- g a Specialty. VrtaaptajKWraalBWiMa MatJWtlataaaara. aaal aar ItATBXlXi. m At. Oram fnm ta. aar iaataaa naaattT alam. nx.vHnumMnMtieetnsrta.j" j raawxtn aaaaall artrar ,aaiaMar aalmt- - A7TESTISS mm TO REPAIR W0BX. WKHM&& & WEIGHS KNOWLES' SfEA2( AND TACBOM P0tP$ TirB rJKPKIMIOKBB IIAVK.I CST A aaaaMtr AJTaiaM fowa4ahlaj- - Mw)rtiirfAi ?3L52!m awaatnt. wa4!JtJra jaaaiiajwpf W4JX ,ZZ$ (Aaufelaaa M a 1 .. a.1 B a V- - "SCSl COXX?- - Jl JW VnalalAnarjt fcwf wr J tt jW cr r r- - a. r im V JVi.,1 cowsftissicnl DR. JDRDAH fl 1 1 r rw;izj q intdi :;m t: ' wasfc5tl Fremi 5"c" -j Oil t:- - ri - ! DR.oclxxc"' tUc-i- l ! iHt.t4'r : tSCl It? socis. tcr i es iituuivi gn tfcll ttrwitlirvrva- - uiit.-- j NNlW lt rtaaaaai v ... i aj MIM tc aV aai Rafu Ilk TS i..i j c a l)aaiHW-i- i a4CIe.-3- l . irw. 'Ki..i t3tJ.I aii mm 1A i txtt.ta. . enw a-- CwsigrWCits F:.:l u. u rrervl inn aaa. vii.i.ia FisiArI CATUU(.Iatt.'C ." TT SDTFCYTKI SUW: libt.v4 taravrt' " ' Nets and Se res leaa it Saktas j .: - Amer can Htts'J & W.JCOUISlr'SC: c. K Mi a - a.. . ri. ia. acjai Will- - FCa...! w f n..--.. e.. --- - 1 . UeiKi BCstiC c J wjLXjtTi. . ;::rr3B BmjiBti if mm ENGINES iHD arrnut oart. ajaaw j a... :, trumtCMratx , apai ttuU.BJVt rt,a KfUJt ll tii tc rnijftsi 4 r- - m t" tT"at rrr. ' I art HT BBt' lie Mvritfc M l- , ar aaaaiat. at. taaajOtaaya BSMUt- - -- . IM.ii " MA a'eaati4 PUtirik Btrao 1 ' VjM-- "f ' tsralf tar rrMtiBtaiaa.a tat faafra Stool 3Ffcd2 FORTAlMa. Off VEnr'! J?a fl IB .aaal. aajiaf .af-tt aT JaUttJUa-WaX- r 1$ , Wt((M ' 4W .) - -- . .. ..,4l nt: 30; 3 1 Xiitl l II Crtl " l WMfc"MMM"ttMlliMiB aaaaajaaaaaaaaaaaaapaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaraaaa .- - jjU SmmmmmJlJr ,' ' " mmft ' ' " . .mthktJmm&ld . . :i. ??iMmf 1

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Page 1: J, - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · 2015. 6. 2. · XHe bfest rwfTmfT xoau cuu jaUspooa Tjjgj. Stcm5i air tas caaaaz " icii. aonar iSac set afaoe &as& aaBai rf(Sa


'MWMWimwfHtwy-- - -- -- MASSES- Jti4&F2ZmEss&& . ' ""'. -,.- JLjWf - " ;

"aaBEaat mi iihiiiiiimi tinTu !! i TiTiiW- - in, , ., i , i. .,.... .,.,. mi ainuiiTiBa imi n itifjBaammBmmmmmmrmmmmmHKimtmmmmmmmmiimtmti iMMiwfflaaaraaaaaaaaaaaaTiWBHM tsssflwMiSM wV Smuauim (iartte - I


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COcta: ar Emtlva.ia a...Ta7 YOL XYIXL-- No. 44.1 HONOLULU, WEDNESDAY, OCTOKEK 81, 1SS3. IWHOLB No. 98J, aa!MWai.nftafra w. i



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lyargr-Doj;.- .

fl jimmm liaaaaagar'aaiBaaB rtaaaata.taaaagc

XfiM sarwa atKC waa. aarraaaaCMaar


laaia aKaaaaaaagarfcaaay

Wimi.il. aaa 111 lMaap ait aai Hi ataaa laawa fcrSiwaraataaW in .iiiaamn

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! aaBBtaam aSBcrt4ait irtSnwr--

Saaafi 111 ilii.ayfcfcaaaaVjjBr5ltaagt. UbteK

fcWs Safety, ta. hMfthKttnE4.mb-bA- ihogis ffi

HBMIttiiMnirwUt tat, mmi brtMBiBMiift Ian.B m rmnMlmMm,maBtrmJH6m:m.JiHa1,tWtwclf ill farfcit

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far iimi;. (W I W. IBff i Btf iiimi aec aaam MR f

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Sa aW aalv mmium n SbbbSi awgcaranKbr


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A. HBJK VH WB( fMF' tftft WSH CC

CfcWMB fcf BMf te naor ;vwfafe irsr far fltiRDk. WW t

MUX.s:jew f Boaknat uwjfiirsekI it mac wntritaf iHjEufi.feafwae&atiniiiii afa A--

traissaaMB If junuar ic m taaaaaBr c xI wusl ajRqpB

" x Man. Swr jw Mi ta- -al. "4 dhr nn Jar Baa6nD7"

aflis.ai? da3a,afiir. pa-B:Mtv'-r

Sfar Auc a &sr aaoA AckiH4ii3 yiicj auAs wfcat aiafcs

vm 'J Wt Inmr emcnH IK7aD& vidli- - te-- e lima; inmrrnM I am.taajai ask ft IT &aj ejBCaas atn.tJ Jafe 'vatW b Ut jmax oa E acre.Ut BMC irafit y 30 6ai6.jiuiama( I nase.Sa Sut rafi. S? M6 Sjnp rgstaa I stvMiaMtmirif t!t lunar noCan t ast. E

A St-- an Jaip ? (bb ta aaat anIfaant rSain& a tfin tefcabrcVaalgntiiaTaj i "Efa 5c. Loan JKotp ii na E

sw ra. eBJaaa. Eia So w 4 aaft pa.vaiajaf ftaBBav oioL ain ftwtiiinwi. Sb- - J. .

PiMiTu ii iii af rhwif --1 bM"."

At lakC bbmbV a s (aaar aOiaah. AgfeEgf-- uf arar a&aat a-- maliilff ox anal

jjUiiniwaaTiia imi nrfa rf nfir aaaaof tftar BaalaaaBKtc. zaa oia ovumBiKyar.IiVi naaaanamootaa.

Ns aaa; asacdiF a. caaaaBrr waxalcAsaat aaaar tfka mac mltadaa C

tMxan& Baa .Mff via CaaVKaBBKjfc"iaimt ana Caacoai Biiain iftiiafo aat 6o- -

"bHHiW Boar (SacanxafSBB9H si tiiiaat ajjaam.

(as Hat aftJPJ tajiaf be a. sracu

'iw fatlsfttft'

afa atwajjai if ni rtia liBniftmrf intfa bW T'Wihi aaou ""C snnaik

ar (6 fan a"aiaaaVtajkaasiVMat aaer annwmrxaSfcMft. JLaataMn

amiMlaajaat 3&a FlamySO U fiU aVaVC ptaWSnr JJkf

7H mrias. Icv fe

lajamaaaiaf faatffiaV & J 7aaLiaaifaent aaan c ananas mn -- .

.faa faauT Baal ra iilk af rain lina awor katBB &m- -

oaaa Efiafaaxfc; monaaUtasan Aaar CaciEf. Baa a fafl: Bit

feny ftat anmsva ana .aVaaata ar?ifcJJaMiafiiW'aCeaaBiB. fa 1ST anamwjjgeay aarr aort ttjWT aannagy. fc i

gaawftinran . aaar ItrjWt hataant nannmfltu.au iiaaTui iiiiiii SaaSMOt BcaBattu.asJ aa JtfJM dLVikju-- i umooilj ftnayic

tBs te isBC?eea9r.Sfa aJaaiiiiiaiiir'i dasx but irasajn M ai"

mnoies. fa6na. S caJaaimiiiaac ijatit'taafv bV Banff n x biiEif ar dutc 09 Us

naiaf ajii. A xnaSoaaa 'oaaaoail? Kctlnisi 85 eiar b--

jjd bW ndaaancac had tabbed, tamv

fcfcjit faa mm liw JCir- - joaT ma ami aaafc-e- x

Kaa aaftr a- cnxaax wuim ha fiacuaaiaBf ftaa

B&ajft. tc uu iiun rvai? nxo s

asiaacaaa annf osxna'n : te exexostt cxfiaenrrtafaiiicn 2 v on icctoc aa aafiaao ann.aait ja cibb au wm c fro kuiiikUibI qi

T c , , r .I ,.M .

ats OiaaciBmiiB: IB acK Iw a. mat j

Sgnar ni mt par: mmittLTl. an,i ,.F . , ii i ustthtjI lEMC I

sieaa. a ra it cie '5uia at n:nn,.5ifer-oai- a. waataaoaa. anai efiat ajjas if diamax t rate tt aaBrnrj EmaSlajaaaBaf itfuiup-n-if dfinmnninT. irrf -- - T"rf1H uses r&oiSaz. Bin n ana zmi aopaaliDa;

dSaadtcx. fa IcfiJ &a CBUaEaaa: rf Ifamicrafet-3B- r afacsiawi EC rffacjaJ wii

tilO SiW itt Bs'K' an. MBli)iJifa muaaalOar tiealb. f c i lowwoal sanafic ni am;

6iniL ta L'SR aaal Iss ilTniiaanii'iiiia n?tBia hihjj iwf Sav eacaB afieaoaaeawi as

axci y beaftis anset aaauiuiXEas- sanoi LS.Xiaa. lias a. paaaidafiaai of tWSWtV nadaaE.scs limit S ErepEioa. anrf iUaVW" Cite-a-a- e.

ISa aByaarBaJ? pgaiaifflirtatartSiflBB;aTx TiSapr octubf B c

XHe bfest rwfTmfT xoau cuu jaUspooaTjjgj. Stcm5i air tas caaaaz " icii. aonariSac set afaoe &as& aaBai rf (Sa aagmaenn if

jirfaaagetaiTiBiBaiMa rnifeSSir -t- -i! i

15 hit ta Sua iSJHSJSC Iks Bajanrnni- g-

is30r "EH 3SJiaEaaBBaaajBB3lf Sil.

fjJS flnf- ' atvE3Saja9 aar ttanaroilnrtara.anBiSesiBJ .fi!MI. OmttBHbmtx,llrt.

iruciaig SOTHOm aHBiiaiu au. b. ., j: cr.ji.. .. n.. i

"--1 w . nniT .TW.ilT.. riMl HBn. .unH.' ' - '. P Jl.ilyjCst. ast ajiiaw; arBU cassa aooiix Hwaew- - rjog IDS sa!B wraj iHagiBj; -agecaait tflffTW. TBtK Oaatfeasr aajan-rfiracs-tai

aa a et (fanra ai K3JM8. a. Safe

ir- - iV a2fii &i anas hcjfrriU nnx (fei OiCrf at' ifiauaiHi Eaateasaat f3taBai a aaiyHiJa ,

rr MMUTtfftipu naSBiss rf ST r asc fr - 1 t.Se ttctt TSaaVa W J1 3W aaar

3KIr IWwsssaasr tils tmsatkc af oucmC3sBKsa a ? tVK. &. r3t aiatTMiwiIWrfiiaJ! meaa2Effi 8r s ECr 'SIL- - aail I. - . ?: . e.. tm ee Bar st csr tnuuwi j wwsi".,"' ' B EIba3Ka.fiarasciaC"ii-tacM:- i

- ecu! aais ga- -


,fawMK3 ajk.

inuiSiianii sat CteaatsstK. Xetaattax orrcasi-i5tiaj- 5 . 00..


U.IUCKt'BLD Jt Ct..tt. 1

r. jl. cnjLiinai jl. -

izamxsz xs zxs. he, si-sax- t

MS Bii7cmrc?miiauBnnitsjcsos at sires.itioraej-- i -

k So. C EMAaoMi Sttwit

Cftc33iiKjxrk lav Jwtetsy yaSa..WCTrqKmniniiLr fftwaotfawnuiaac ameitt. g

",Ml .wrtMr FUAaaiiBkaMMHli 9 8nwluU

"CT-- CSSSCZE."aiKWT"cxirrcsx- - jv.rr-- i.w

fc jail Solar Ttb&L. jLavtm d CM Cimnes r Gilor.yu .


t ISflCSST. TSSXWSf ualS&STCarrnn- - Kn imi. IB ttrtn. BtniiiMb.

VitBMZrfWvrtmitVaitm Some tBmwusa.

siy:r-xss.ACC- L.

Drasrslsts & Tobacconists.aapf..r. jjsir TTrr

Jmuhii s&tnv akmriam ss '


.. ..it. .i i.--. .j. ...i. wJ, , ,rj,

jKT 5a.9Sjmlumimi tamt. maaaUaU. tah. v .... .. . ... . n i. . i

A ...J..!.. AJV AX L JV.

4MBkn ji SiTnrar iK.83iikaiaMr BJsanUmL iict hqmqia cuaunJiHiaiiiiame.

dan JwDirT'ri4ffff,,TrTBiffH"fti&BtMKt!4 ami Btouifra Hit (fjiBJira. jtacadtHmifaw Oma

. . custrueK a c.


jkl Gnpurocn rf JUt Bnataou m- - Hu?-- tcraun vuf

1TJX. . I lVX A. ct- -

$lt jpMtara xsa &esniifl- - JLfvaisKanua.n at. t

i gcjli Gipruifijr


" .ual la y- t nwia. arZdSMeOucrouia

titr ton Ihaonis of Kiaa-- 9Bek i ir in Dir CCtn

c. w saaBSHsV a vna&m fv. ii . 3irre.i jt t',tinx. Irturwi ganira.g!aiininaii


Will 3t2xBtturirnii0-- Caaranm-db- ddbT anititKfaox aBkfa Smamrriiii. i--u u a3i SbtceikHXC SC4 am ftent flkr SaapwanO

miMj:mH jl i-- .ruatll t 1XJ 3S1ZZ33 EI" Ki23"iSS

'.Ciirf Brj imMCtt. BmftiaiMiCii ann mma.1

3i ?aKaait.l t

JI1AX lAXJLJElil3'E.gjafltXH. JJJ Klin IX f3Z2L,3 yii--i n ittngf. ItnniriWn. g. i I?

s.accjjJbsbC ar taia-- Xa&airar&iljsitaas a Ob.


-- aa-.'m-i HTVjjjie. b upl rwriauai.HilKt V FJST Mr IHE.ISEa.iWKSti.

Vhu tf .f W ar juii LilCliiia rmifRultJv an SaaiCO L r taotmr tacttfrf ig Btian CT

. JL1--U- .

LnOTTiar. Iflajteaafa saat Zrtattl Bamitrde fenarcti jLtci&siaaw

i iu 'vnrrtj- - m tiih rintintir4Hr canmr Sinsl"i jau. Tiutiain sauna g

. VT. SHESI53Cf 4: CO--zrsiiKiic ai StattagaEt

'! Jt 11 9u9xduaac itraK anwirtwn. g f k

c33KT SJXCS31.a Or r T tbi jfiiia lifaii tMiaiaTH imuflns;

3w.3 JaVadnatl! attma. I


JxrtAIT rCHDCXaii r "r " ffTa"M1JwfHl"'T &iaanmiMiiuii

fin- - His Iwaarf rf teAn.is; 3i Cjoflnxnnnr t. bmrimn ff. C Tv

wot zrvm i iaia- -

Illl IMI II II LrWX2 at ataOaaatfOaV.


CSttESJt.t. SPStSS ACEJH7--iflira m KriBrt an. CTBararr mm Kinmii-n- g

TTTTTTIVlITrnJiSIat . 1 at faj ORXa- -

tttt 2ujnn Vavttir Vifrikr fli-- f jVoitBiia.4tzscc.

--w- - WEiJUJ.g CkaiaBn, awa7aait -f-lu aafcaa

2iau Kaata ta aa aaca ar am ajngaaau aaaam?--

aoiiBBa Ararat moi .mx 1. -- t- IV3IOhm teiTi. KI tutansusL

.& jntt H"" fa. IffQtL aTaajfj?nWCttaafcBUllaTUSSit. milUIIWIIMIUI

3. KiCHZSSXr fc S02TC3

Leatker, BMes. & Tallow

ionnnitRoyal 6oop CTozia2"3r.

Bonutmtn" r ajmaBwa;tatnuai Aenau Saaanaiav B

itSm rTMiiniM nd ir.nwjlii. Lib au Sav Jl C EsmsqimI nui C iniiiil fasArOt

Ta aTaaaaja ranaiimllaiiaacBaarnaaatfliiaK film

KnMff Ustc Ji araOMB. tacar SaKaixucrrTar Putai SaHoa aaora aaaaaa


lUJD . KOCI.1.03,ju Safnaifaa vVaaef

SaaCas a Lcae; zt aSC fc af avrfMrra;

oj!Di nr uranaaaaa-rTtrff.IT.r .

" ' "CUHJ1

Kiajurt.-'ia- i.

itsluu.T mTU11ii 3a.vjmm lirimto iy

TOO. . TBEm.jr

ZIZ2X IET123; Ia r. S J1 'v - . aC.a( ataau...auaaaa-. . -- -r

ikia.----y j

iatato. atfinr-tr- ' !& giawafes Jhnmar JBrf Jtom.Satrf FTTTifctTrT "if ""

irs 3ifiiO-jrt- - tiraa T!br Taj acauK feMTt w!J- - .... . nmj.r . iii.iiutT i?QilrBnt 7.ai tzafcajeStSSIOliaT' 7iint. iHHMftf IVH&fc JueiW " 4MT

y n,f jiii jprjgiLrjney Caaisr z zzzrz.. zr..

f gsnstsss cis.Smbk. LOLtttxw.


aaa, t.A.TSMw."w. cv. saoxxt CO--

SsccX and Real Estate EroXers,Itrl JBOfrTaaaaal S8lfcmoartti.lt. A. Of


mot s. iKjjotirTtA5r stssxt.

tfm wM. &e JSjam CM-- rvt, JtSwApu JtMr


Jij ftiifcga ivianatftfaiwaJytcJtoHfeg CgrnrnnxrtllMiC.

Vi (9nirlMNR k lute. trJUO.ELXXS.

Stoclt Broltcr--:

fliiAa-.asi-- a;at Jfcrita- - TMHb Sir "rto. WJKS Witt r


lit milTi. th.iirt iiiiil iwimfl rjnmirwtj Biafc' fot BSfcn

jot. aiui"o.umi (Sauiruf AhApjunii.aemMi

laMwwittcsr xitt

'ats. Gsrssirar co.

Ga.ta3&i&uiIMJail Cumih.-ara- . Mrc-- 1--x - TT.ra..T.- - TT. I- - t?

X. S-- GKlXBJLtat Jt CO--b

3Bfc lt CJakcaivSt. Stat. TraawsHro.CiIMl t?1

Ife. VS. 23CESS02C,l jhimijl Jki.fcr o. J.ivcir t-- amm,l lM5! Sxk

gpgnKI WMT1B IK W MS.m cvuniauBtt- .r. r d.- -

e. i-- xichoxs.Cit Enelneer and Contractor

BctT Xbaitv. Sill) LmiBiKjA. auo. Vmoi Jat V rat--ttiaanMR aVuacus anwilict saiC frawwmm

ScaQjr lir tao FtamAH

arcqc-a-aa Vr !aimar Kamaiaai. BL LIflatijm.


ovtna. nn aoiL Staunu.


ix h HrrcKcocs--Baui fgioiH r Gdbst en EIo vftKrT Sir via jmtBtjctf

WK.atmnsP cftat.TBSar mt tfc- - VlteniK Clrarc.4flaivxJ 3.1M or. 2 b tturta- or 51i.


'iVfec6(sae and Retail Crocers,aPCaEB" T3JCaCT SonaritUab. jbL t

aoul rwcicMwl ttfmt Sinwo But JaMMraaftudl will Oft aaTakj Star 3UCMC okjwk

3i. 21. .E- - THJLCE2S.xnx rxsrr--i 3J s firt ttc atnE rfbur xftrvi jC Dtotwn. a

PttaWaaTtfMBit laTaatT3-J- -

"itiri'iiaiaiiiii sftn.Ttytfil x Pris ajti

Fan "Qteuur Ca ania&-Btt- w ffac patinAm

Axcce; a&' Cciase-Vc- r s; Law.t iZtutmmtnw al H omcanst 3ggerftnimtTQa -

iEMaQI2wfctr7- - FoTiisc iziL CaTinsisssziizxjrr a DiL

rir 5ftn &ufi af H.atnAiT!uii and. 5a T4.iff OlBrai St 39 3farjmTaini &-t- SftHfJnlkr. S. IL

TliKO- - II. fiXriE Sc C

UfPTaBt&B- lTnibfrTC3iSEsnclaaA, anvf FniiijiL sstuaaof Ktmarna

I Cial4 3BB Ej

fflMfPIH'taamral JtaraniaOi Jt HnmiMSW. irTHit'.


F t' Aatoaat -JglMfala-CaaTlKa-,

tfilMt,-- ! ajjjj

Sin. OCa K. STiMIOr. Baav 1J.T CABXSX.Ur

fta&il ifr:tei:-,--s i i'.r:ltst5ionif Stesat, flbsmUaw yporfbr

f T WacndiftiH .

WaOriliaB, if aA ibniaaf Haiguicttit tut aanaiSaKfiiaTafcrT mMLWuimm grfra biitsLt Obte at- -

,TB7KXC..S3flTH- -

.aU&YrSWflaaTCaVCjat. BlfUfl OTlrfhiilF

OWTI35 iyiT rf

anif Cinrc Bteoni warcfteit (hr Tlti-- ii u Lmrf nrtfact at f at Le

arClTlw!iift1lft3k T Tbraat. aoti J6a-- -

" r.TOSSA:zsrEr,

Snawr Kims. Qamac iHriii- - TftimtftlfaB.ShaJLSif Off iriJU&JlltnEK. sn!)CBV g" BT2riEa3S:

indiwaiimifcmtaandlo gmDraaaataaLafir Jamafef far JUuicicta ui hswjut


3iSPEE2.S,saaaurur. . ; : axwiiuxbLuav:2iiarsiSFsniM. in fjj.icsc:


TritiiJl y..i.fc raajin.irlH. ; Umrfiiw

sjwy-ia- tJfVirati.

CftifJJalkfltaaOE. xarflS3BXa--


Jaatn iinwir.aiaaaaHaiillrilcttmtMH-- f Ht tr


y graVaaaararJBiiiir. - - aamitaiai. g. t.


,ii rticici).13-- taaiamlar aTimr yaal BHaaaiiMCTaB

fc.Lcaact- - at juuiamCi.TI.r, 4fc COOKE.

ivrt JLTJ1 CS33IU2n X223Jt37X

Oesies kiCenerziWetctnandlse,

1e.Siauuisajri " JtartaaaaVatWiaaaa.IKaBataacfeasrCai ItooftB.Ha JHaxaadarc 3aV J. ataari JVC- a-

afca- -. aacXiaat.

TSuioa feaasxHax aiagasxT af Taatntntnr&ct9ar3aBaiCDaK&XMraav Cmaaaf rfaatautTan torfixisirf'.iraiHnirC-- a !&!.B S. aTaesara Ssij:CiQtfepI Xn4li.

SirSBXcBanaa tiaa. KiciaaBi ynrf Tm ZanxMmm

0c.i?a7J3ia.MaciiiJMUia3ZB'9vaoK. Jt s)SA. S6hjb yarafiiisaraictianTasu- - aa

art - . sis afMiif.iJY sy

I3JIS$ XXV CURBXSTS. SCJxad?ja jaz. .1 Bfi: af Stt


ea,sciaa,-tw- .

Jeiksmnt &.f S&&KOWEKjaaiSiraPaiatr.P-K-Wh wr. Km sm. aw-- .

VM, JUIOO.Morolxnri.t Tailor.Nk,rot. mw siiBt5rvw


joHjrxorr.Iat7rtr sail Cvo2tc ta. Sfemo. Kjlc.

wHi. aaan nssMait VwJK ci?iJfc)Kl'Jrrtmi;':S.-r- - 5wtb. K.It

i2t OAX COU SATL31AKEKS.laAtkA. T iavkt Vr. TTmv Svitaac. fcvi I

iltjii i

PKXNZSKSXEAatCandy Kamrfactorr and BakerrIxaMajit nw3r. ImIt Ci uX ZsXn,MX B8)W.)iieinl NwanHittlut II?


Chanipssne CJder Manufactorjt

lteilMii'iMigiIHitwtntBtiam. a otter tiM tinaLli

tt. .

h. Maui 3&wtt.

aniataKkusilttt awwtqaaimcirfyaiiwviAwnttert am awl S.I f1 6r w. t a.


Clvil EngHiecrlngandSunrejinsITKt KACWTlI STWtST. Hat r

tcrsxr.Practical Watch & Clock Maker

and Jeweler,". lt Kbltr Crwet. EtnwUia. EL .. itffcwlw tlfe

ruiiMvr vikr-n- pi curar


Gajerl. itaLmX ilecriaaJiscv Pilatiasr-- .

JUL MK 66 FSS.lRKi H h&lt!H.a.rtvrnu ntuci t i. taatMiti so retire

HQiSOr-uL- ioy WOSSS CO.

aaiaia iUTiiaip.Bw. awAa4 tCiiiiaiiaITacafcwj cr Eerj Oescnptlon

-isBaaflaraaiaasau aaat to SUj Sluxaattxt?jk. joa. aaaa mini m BimaMrtwiiNfc. aegtr

XaF.BaXSCXSSvcx3LXj3eary'zrTarag. ncuLt'D 2

Sftifp mr En? Sttwit, pflww SbIhfimnfrT iT'm "" ail ILmlS- ' miiftax. Wavn n

CH of ynattibtr anv3-- c 4Ha at tttfftwHr nnfil

e. ii Aniii im-- .SCt?9&IIlk213T7i.CEV3Z TT?HUTZ1IX

Cf4nf tan MaV tdLir blaaifit ycumgtiy attmifc it m9M LX

fn.Haii.iiiX or ft or Jirf sm af clw6n9. ta ataikjr VhravKnctattk ur 4a ftiart if wtrrft. thfftRwnKtC Kto-- r

it t. CHiS



Sfcrre o2al Ei. Tir-- Siet Irvx izd

9tf Tla Vatsr. tjWagjagrit brn ait ata gty Xf

William B. McAllister,


QaTnEaV-Cata- ar Saal ami ract Meraa, "ar .IMmi'i Canaiinr Stats btcimnt aa awart Si.

aFuTfnur inwo'Tua ga.f

aaAamsn tt Clef pnftic act Are

CEO. S. HARRIS,siap m wmi mmmm.01X12. EXTBJL. HC JJ HUTTS7 Wilm VtKat. JtniirfSu BttSft. jfaaTafaat J

JLaSi "iniuriL MonaatK CemkJijftht3tC Wagm Ate sdoir Sir tike Qat b iaHaaC9Alk

SciT ISgftS fee IRgiMf FjpESJ5


Jtf Qnisn Fntrnptty Annabxi to, mad WwlGwanmeeri--

Lasaif Pftmmc Jtitl. 37? tec

J.WilLUMS&GO,Lc2tg F88TCimf8S f HawMa.

YTiier Ciiac r. CeajasT-- rfi Isi. ex-- OS.

PHoto. Cslored tcTW lj CajaaalHr C4Wtia efMbnal Tii't.

Fenes. 2faBrr

seas 3Ioicratos:Utmttslie gredBts.

PLAHTATIOFiaBaaaWeciXfaaaaaaiT8 im

haivahah sa&p wohssi

GREY & CO, 1 a

ALL KIHDS OF SOAPS,Xre. Etsr Strut- - flatmlm- -

ftiilin at CV Ha Scr- - rr mn: awnCgttMt-- Mftr

TiirxiroioiiTjBnE jiAXswLfTr.

C Vf ALLET PrcprEr.Chrvw-n- jfC &S jfbMK w4- -


Fruit Preasernng' Co.

Put Up in Cans, 2 lbs. each.

Carefiil3r Prepare!, orSale at TC&oXesale


mf IiaoiWir7 X.T4t. ?!& Jimaavw a asafcl.g ae 6br laf rrtu . aaaVTarttx Aaa ft3fian. Sw fat xart tKaaTaaaa: Caaaicasa&s7sz3anmUH.sa.aaaC4SKMacaabjai aifaaa?'naas- nwr bo. nun.

Jicff SUactlaTsxsdcirCa



ttkmteal atd&


Sa n rcti St. ars KsUi St


OonTootdloxica: iAlitkMiHlllUtulKi uirtA


T v r4 . tte mm.THE 5EST K CSna. 5X WITER S OSIBLS

mi tm tjj .--


MASON & BinLXDEIlts ow rr kju tv rr;NPTv

All Kinds of Mason Work.SMVUl..TriSTW ! TV

Settiag Sanger Bakeis 0 vesbs and

all kinds CooHnsj Apparatus.Chlmnejrs, Foundations, &c,

T.T. WORK GUABANTJBUDaxan ?fcJtt ik &cM9v4 tv

JJKaUkUMk S I N. ! IK. UB Vt.


J. 21. 33ATGUE. Proprietor.AH Kinds of Mechanical Ropalrtrig

Keatlj and Skillfullr done.

BfflKiL HSinatlTO J1?1B2. IICXJ. WJ. iTC

Estira Satbiictiua GcjrAJltJ.At Pricm tiut iU OcTjr CasapaUUaai

sn jt-- civo mo cnll " "

Lf--a.i4i- 3


mroitr.vrcEtT. tiuaoru.MlNCFiCIDRER OF MOhliMEhTS

TiM;'A 2krta Xsitefc.TCt&itavsti Ts imi

Tais is Blies ia4"5T4iU Sarbb



Oram fcB Sa Mht EoaaV anfar"! jsraaKalaak

MES. THOMAS LACK,Xo. "9 Fart St Haeaicle.


Sewing Machines, and CenuincParts, Attachments, Oil

and Accessaries.

WTiiti. Sen lisas,BiTit. CrT2, Eiwfs, aai

Plres ilattesea,H isarfj IGathiaa JjhbTm.

nil kaaa izoset;

is xH eaajan;


jenrroiViaaan Btaaaroft Brifaaia Cat ftajar PjCct- -

BUn. naaaW, a. aaaj SjaaSaa; GaaaV.

S. rawtVr Caaa Maafic CaiaJitjsaL


nrl br WQC3C a tii rii ijajM aa4afffayaa.nt&. tt.aa't ffcif -- K aTL-- 5



Bourht fur Cah, a S(Kk

First-CIa- sj Harness FKlinasI1 aaw ouawa! ta aracaxiaxan

I?2a.o !i3crt TTa tocsstve rccczi hkkz.

Cheaper than any Housets xoai


liar acaS aaat tKaaUa Banxar


aie-gc- i can Sa.clci3.cs,TWE BOTT (X THE ISCjtnW

2-- giiaralii.aaa - aiaaia lata aa dxtaacBan Ua fat4aa Waataaxa Bai,aal


HouoIdJh Steam Planing Silte,EsfUaz&t, Dssflaia. n U

Xaaattae-ja- a3 taaak af

Mouldings, Bracitet3,WinHOYf Frames,

BXinds, Sashes, DoorsAsia JJT af tPaaaBnak rfaiaa.

Tsrasg, Scroll 2J BskJ Sswisg!AU.rSD3 07


Anal T5W Vuanra Ut4

Eifflti4,t7V- - i

HSxrMfe ?Jfffrfi

Etn Bwrtl of fndt rwrtttr.UWtTt Or ta, lla,raM lUi,"5 ? t WrvTTIttO

PMUddpttU BaarJ of I'nJfrwrltfrs.t CXT fa llll llaLMlft.v wi; V (UUIWRKArO

r. a. atAiirim.VaTaitttTtatafJailwttla

)ml tt Km4 t riiitni".ctataaa aatbut tin raM.ai aaka tw Jaa

aarakaa at ao 9wia ft rw rtlw f !vaw nwiaa t. v laa VfM taaaaa laaw

Insuraaco Xfotloo.rjn.K jbr.it rtinTim nnmn ria aa hatai Wwuaa nM7lUana McawfraJJaattaatiaa. Kwlw - at l- -aaiaaCf Jaawaaa awMaant aa aaa mi aja taaaai. aato a jian t Ma Ivan at la an r

"" ? . itar ta. (X. UaH4tt Miu-nti- mtivtait


I. pU:i XNtU f tW kmm Owfuayy, w artltjtMiHa7a utaifMi TtrrrtiiHttt Mw-j- ifccre) , m

jtf jittT y rVcArliWv"HAMBURC-MACDEBUR- C


Br:uinuv rttcrnvMitic. rrn.M.ar luavntaakBM nt aa taaawl tvi.nfc8 ikvm.

V JAlVKt, ' ia aaluui Iiaaa


Hd OB.. 20 WallSU K- - Vexk.Taa aawav v aaaat aanas attaaal aa .Waacr at

Baaata tar ta Bnulu Uaunavtaa aaauataail latafca-n- J w aor.pl aaa vni Mana Khaaa aa XwraajaBar. Ftaeai. Ttvawr. Caail i Miia aaal Rmlla.an aamal mm. J . VV.VLS.Wt

? .Vt..' W aaa laauaaa

Bre aad Marine Insurance Companyor ctr itvu.Mi.

CvriTAL : ; : : 910.000,000

lrni.IMICI) AA AUUXCTalHAVI.Xt) aa iw aaamtaaa lalaaaa. taa aaoar-.aa- J

ar ya atari a arrrat rfoaa aaaaaat ajr. biiaamaaa. itatn. aawaaawa. aaal aaarrtaaaaaa. tai laaaaaMalaiaM.?tarlvKI.K..mrcK ftafxjao. aallaaii.i . aratt.

aa raaiTiVi iliaitcuaalphrn.

aair t S WALUUL

The City of London Pire In-surance Co. liniited.

CAPITAL, :::::: S5,00a000 !

n.ti iiu i.vr uinxui.i) a. .n.cy. atm .i. le.i..it.. .a

ttiraaalta prraarwl iv agrrya rlaaa arataaaarraai Mat- '. ..! fJiH. JWIWIJ. z ia !!.fkraraMc inau.

Ly Crwaptlj AUatr4au41'aabrHrrr.c o nu:i;)ji,

Bll. AyilwiaaaattaaKtaa4.

The London anil Provincial i


XiJLiiiitecl.SHtecrihtxl r.VlTTAL 5,000,000

iiAwaeoojT j .opaaT Kara ao ptaabaaal aa

Ajacr acr - i i yfaarrd la taAa aosaa 11a rrr- -

.rv . . a .uiti tkM iiuai"VH J r ar vtkuoe. Ja- - Aat

r ''ij'wj'i .n aajaiipaumjuuiLwr1 it


'"l'l"la! ITlHTHWWfkI 5.000000.1

w A. JAECER, 1.--11 ? - Ila a -


INSURANCE CO.Assets, 831,161,000

Claims Paid, SS8.714.000tsTinUMitn it .tcEsrr i"ntvi: n T a j '' Bvaixan l.jrrl lac la ar

iToiaBriLbn 'iSSuDisEiDlII.L.Ll.lll-- '

Oa (aiaaMaurs. IlatlllnsElikan lflllrinramacattnay a t.lral laiarra Tar a pmwlafiaaaaar. far r.8ala la aaata L.jiraoapilj- adjawtci asil ruijaBla' brrr.mtaa faaOPJtli1S15. 1SS1



Capital - S 10.000,000UNLIMITED LIABILITY.

-- :, laiaiaai af 1.1 ai uilpttaaaa am a aaactaaT ataaaVuli rMra straiaaL r, la aafciatraa.

J 5 VAULJTB. Arl Bat Oaaaitaa lilialir S.-- Tar Xaaal fotanace Caaapaa, aaa taa aaxau

aa, r--r 1. aaaaaa, m lac aana. aaa 17

GERMAN LLOYDManns lasurawe Catnpan? of Berfa.

FOUTUNAGeneral laswance Company of Berlin.

milE ADUItt ITSGBAXrE conpxxioiazir adai ftnf a QraaaaJ Aaaacr Brat, aaal taa

aaaUrraaacal. Gtni Axrau aaa aatbaaiaat aa caaaKJaka assist Ike Paasvra el lb fyrut tli

Ilnl Cra.aaable Kala-a- . and m tla.Jftf.4. Fja,raJl- Tra- -

ki 1, FA S'HASmjiCO.OaaetaJAssau

vvTXIdeIr" go.,irnala. IIMaJlaiu Istiin!. Ccv

rral 4;raU r tV

Hniuai Life Insurance Comp'yor SETT TOBH,

Largest, Safest and MostECONOffllCAL LIFE IHS.CO

IN THETVOSLDJCash Assets, over 590,000,000 I

Bar Far UiraaatHi rntmn uac Caaaaaar. aaatar Baov af laaaaac aaala to w ILJIElt

ra"l Jaxau. ar. VUIEXAH.



CfBt ibeCmmimi tBractw.RcaaatateMtba

Tacal ttsiaaart mpmM


of fiAnntTKC.CaaraiiacCaaraae7ta.-r- icasarkU-'ap- 7- (artr laMoacrCaaaaaira - SjPKfc



OT IVIHTEBTHIJB.Cayaa: a Ut L'aaip ..frac.SJw'r'JIK L'SIieiUllUSCII.CSjIKBAl.AUKXTSI a aaa lata waaaata Jar tka Hiaallaa

biaaab an araa?a4 u iaaarr aaaJOaca fanatan,ktianJlK aaarrraaac xaiaaair. saaar

acal aaa M!fl aaa teaarfa fa a aaraar. aaaaaat SaaII liir11 j'-- - "--

WHij a Jt CO


New England Mutual Life Insurance Co.MMK,MtH

JJCOBroBAKD, JSS.JjVs (Hint Purely irMLttlumtrmct Com

tie UaHxlStoia.

ItVjUt ItGJti tt sut ItTtitHi TtrsJ.xaanf arSaaFarfrlUire Jtjaa

I iwwal aaraaiaai aoara Ptej Jta"aaaaal ?rrsaa eaattaaa Sr IraaaaUaTrJa

(iaawat tJaiaB ?aty ftfttSSmt Aaanal 3Atfe&j (Mttata ftjfcr ; lrijaaaifcaaasjatPafey !?. Si dJtjwaoto. 5X3,000300:tva PaMlfaraiurti lailB srtr.

540,000CASTLE & COOKE, AJiHTSJ VTaBasJa.awj.

L. Jftu x.' w-yj&- xx Apa f- ff aftUNION INSURANCE COMP.IKT

Of (tit Vn.VM0la.PO.2VXvx-i.nv- .

CASTLE t COOXE. ACSNT3a rar ta II.ctoIUk I.Uot. t

SUta KttMK AS3 XWMA3K1Sluriice 5oSKX4raTrur tottMif tt nrtipuH

Ittnt)Khcd IOCS.

OtflTAt . aj,aaaaAataaaata4 4 tvMtmt t..3IIMIK ttn!lltltAK IIATK SVfa aaaMnl Bjrr far aaa auantax taaaaaaalal. .avljaxara a. laar aaala ar a ftajnaa.

tr uw baaai tia"' VMaaaBafV. aVhaT faaWTaaWr,J'la, l'Wlaa Waaiaa aaa raraaar. tl

il la aarW 4 wiiiiat aJ''.t'I HOTrMlliJUWaa J tv



Oiaar 1 laM tt paraaaav Mail m-t- t

to ntaTontine JAwstmeat Pobcte?Waata lau la - taJKafxaaaai C -- aa

aVawiaalaai em TMaat ar "jaMav...Ft frM Cauaa Mf r.

Tk lV4t KnJ.lBwal IVrMtjr aaat t:rJIhImI ImwtMrtat V

Taw laaaaaf ika awn tallaWaCaaaaa'x 'v "ZLSZiJ?!2tt4?rt-- '

aMttntTJptaiaV WMHaf ta ? ViaUl 'kv v. utm.



Gas Fitting,.Tinsmith &. IIoofbr,


y x?


Lamps, Chandeliers,AM)



v vsrrnKT.i.s. xmv KnocK.FURT TU IT lptKMi- - tiltttli

V OIV.I SI BI-l- ,



Sarr,nr t'i H J. Hl)sE,.

Carriage Maniifacfciirers,



Xes. 75, 77, 79 and SI KiRtrSt.

HOXOUI-l- . II. I.

TV aaaav Ira, fcarnaj aaaaa fpai a Aaa. ria Wart tail taa a7lfa?aat a4ntaMaa

af e lata a. J auea laaaiifj. or a

Carriago Shop,Wheelwright Shop,

Blacksmith Shop,Paint Shop, and

Trlmilng Shop,Ai aavaraaa4taaKafraaan fnraart "

M tmj m taa aaan r

rairUjr Carriae;e.fFKaetoivt,


Ei pre tea,OamapTTrrr.


Milk Wages,Pla.nla.tXoa W;ona.

3Tti!e Carta. jOrCbtcJClacd Carta, aVe, &c

ataat ta aafcr. ia a aa

BLACKSMiTKliiG (a aH lis Branss,

Czrriagei ITari,! TrIf

Hhlp Work,

.lrlJaT: trwi,Or Hatfclarrr VT?- -

Horse-shoein- g a Specialty.VrtaaptajKWraalBWiMa MatJWtlataaaara.

aaal aar ItATBXlXi. m At.

Oram fnm ta. aar iaataaa naaattT alam.

nx.vHnumMnMtieetnsrta.j" j

raawxtn aaaaall artrar ,aaiaMar aalmt--




Mw)rtiirfAi ?3L52!mawaatnt. wa4!JtJra jaaaiiajwpf

W4JX ,ZZ$(Aaufelaaa M a 1 .. a.1

B a

V-- "SCSlCOXX?- - Jl

JW VnalalAnarjt fcwfwr J

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intdi :;m t:' wasfc5tl

Fremi 5"c" -j

Oil t:- -ri-

! DR.oclxxc"' tUc-i- l! iHt.t4'r : tSClIt? socis. tcr i es

iituuivi gn tfcllttrwitlirvrva- - uiit.--j


lt rtaaaaai v ...iaj MIM tc

aV aai RafuIlk TS i..i j c

a l)aaiHW-i- i a4CIe.-3- l. irw. 'Ki..i t3tJ.Iaii

mm1A itxtt.ta. . enw a--

CwsigrWCits F:.:lu. u rrervlinn aaa. vii.i.ia

FisiArICATUU(.Iatt.'C ."TT


libt.v4 taravrt' " '

Nets and Se res

leaa it Saktas j .: -

Amer can Htts'J &



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aaaaiat. at.taaajOtaaya

BSMUt- - -- .

IM.ii "MA a'eaati4

PUtirik Btrao 1 'VjM-- "f '

tsralf tar rrMtiBtaiaa.atat faafra

Stool 3Ffcd2FORTAlMa. Off VEnr'!

J?afl IB .aaal. aajiaf .af-tt aT

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1$ , Wt((M '

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raninxCsttaca-arra!rai-rfiaraTCi!S- atjr

.orcteasat- -.5b. Ueffl 2ut I3ar toaz- -t at 31 aTas3 c. acaaaC a

Sfiab. 3&acSeK-tca-9kctit3- Saaaot jcasat.cnciaaaff-a&a- ataaStoalr aarta5a-- I BTrrTTS- -a rait j

iJiiiiT...- -. - ..T.H i.i ii. a r"aa &z baastTa

fcitiiHar-haraaiMaljta8irttMa- 5.




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MM afcaf 3d WMMllt war

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fin Him fC f

wavsiZjvr xax!LWt

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A;mmmtta mm ft St ifrnKwrnantmr maim


SaMmiimi Hcttc&t t( is irs.


.! rf taf GriweACh.KBmrrsarnr.

c irowTr : : rr eak-- a Bn tagm.

T'wsig nniili of

C I iLfiar ni ki?BKrrrfFomFiAi.

ic cnmt jcnHttcs r. h fatlfe at 3Ett5Br EAag jjw s Ski

aaiafV. toit(; list s tikas.

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at Abs s as . Ba kBahtn Gamp ? ! & oe! a dbarwraraagraCAFiitiHr zodoM wfcf kanv

s not Y0 nBDOKW0U at nv wtcv as.

a A taifat -

iliii,- -, s b (rsianrhn tie Prrr CwafcraL

yeSksltaGLrix. Iwa k : tt .

eCArCBfarfett? twxttteilCB t B

t.G MWwtnrr- - --si e-

rntiu. Kr !.bm.lrttuimwr Mn-A- i rrnfcowM be r

bw. as r ptar if a- - rtwMwa KMBarot to ppirat

Has las ksar tkcsr m--t . -- ilmaGmiG()" BCV pK BaSos-- a BD BBfSntf ax $- -;

-- BfaV aad o--

:.na-- ! ate nurrtinr, a aMKO!-E- T

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aa- -i ia a j t- - t !

L"T - f"rl?"OT"itfc I. .

? aa -- k? m.Laixomxai- ta iagw. a M(j I

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r 'niaiiiiift OicftiBB t;ii Batart anlf : az-- C t--m at

Hiinlihi -- . , Wr tjj G-b-H-

b - taaa c aae ct crt!- -

azaae cf tt as ib f-- to rT -- k5&Fa-ti- ll ! ' of a xsr.aaal m aon- - AnFmr --oakitf iat as

L B ttOra-ca- g- Sf imtas WsjSs- -r tk r iaar : ckaKTflbb. aa t-- asB rf ic ; onSJ "S' pcnu Ti toUr as tollv cn-et-sK

!- - ip fa --rtti:itir ? aser--t Mas- dab. an. Bccn-- t--

aai. jb r to at--a- rTcK Oa --far t-- r kss--L .far9f-- K of "Wcttb Satrv nm i.a las an. oil cro rfxBlHK&iBttfLba acft- -

tfOR-ei- nr

bt --agijfcaM-a-sttanc.

iF jte--f tidsrfioe kan. Of cc s is Tiarr

ok Ids p-- sad e codk-- 10 twto 4jxr i5a of . as-OrOna- c

aat Ucwi SL rr.ln; at g oar I.aya g-,-


ioabtat. Be caast g ic'irbb.dxmt.a. jn-- E -i-3Boc-WcUb z c iiB?r-vsfc:- E ?n f


:et i-- u fil stents- v b r c

f tot Jfear jas: ior i r

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BB ZEES5-tWt m


I i f a

E- '- - autuguas 3DEjac f

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a- -- ti aOR- a: ! S I

l3Z 1 1 2E. 32.T aTSibrGrxsK. Vf- - ccaii V aCS !- - ;

rr .tf -

: "1- - r

. mrfjtariaq, a, 5.xIHtaB Ma a -

a i-- ania&ar arf sbv Bbjcsi tf mtittti'''!! 09K.HU C1J!1C UlfrSU--,! "prf



a&a b--r

A.tbfSaK.? r

i r i.., rt. I., in, ,.- - , -- a .. saaa I ny aaaa at fanxc

at of Bat faaeaaraa T1aati n tCOtillLiaU'iB-- a. iiia.L- -l & ..

tto 83 af aaattr MSMESiaa W rf &'1., 'fr an

aa.. ste jianir t jct ar5aKTrnaE t lyf iff ji

HFnll-i iQBlUSj2KL.... soa ar c tae Grasaa r

IMCfeOnj Ifc. nsd ;arias, this

aad &? -- r fA,.- - Jlar. tavtI&f a ie tds m0 .rse bbe. (soir . Mr

Mr. .Ei tedamrlw

eacaer feirt sfeOfe. ts :

tie . s. as art asL rnir- -XBEt Sr.CSa2S3 Brfraeb fe iaeot frSr tslsaiS&f

GE SSater Ata.-- patT W2t jsc" bceevecl --i is. fct nwJf T-3-

F pSES-S- DVW-a- r-: GfacB

3 .fcaa-- , zKSr -,- 'Hiaa.x A. ajjiaiS- - ttiT (ct fcciasi afi.sSt.isai.-isrl.rS.- ss

arfdfea lnT.. --y i. -- -a t. r ... i .--.. ' aKMbprMi-- tt. ar -- n. thr.Cec 3&sBees iorii? Zfltlcf tEaT- - Pces 'j


0i5.ii- - iC" " fX?a f "(KvC- -r

wc- - v svv-r- y k4 fcv- - Jtr i- - I. iv3Sv Sb CfaA.T jiWci

Im tt B r bf fv- - Trar cit fc jryos bcts

T sz YMT 3T KR fnKhf tG .3krnR int&Tr fry ti nam.&-- 3i

Ifc ?-- sifx --s

fcaSC tc c.i-R- i fv-BO-

ffif TSS5 5f J- -! ! a sjvfbrd i-- v tifvcatafisoa. wt nssIs. ex - r miari 5 (v ,

ax --oet. vt4cj

. I aVuailMjy 'v law fe. tkoB VyVniipjc)s qC3j Sia -r--

rtr Bf HB r HI EV .

(cr r f !'- -- l Wbmhwiy aaaiBBMt

;xitia. a . tkw as' isasictwftni jt ii tec Kat taT TlHtr !- -

inii-i)-i( issd cafcMtMliM. .UiMtflafKaWCAajr iWu w tta- - ta

SB? Ml P.wk! t kw y fc

V-a- aE jwcran. -tir Twir. aasi Sio tt trw-- )?

- JMeGfeLi, umiu4j-----ur4 at - Tarf S

aW fc- -a i3ww t i feicr ync aV

B magsh arx '& dk- -

tIL T aa I'? &- --

IKWwa .gw, a s x nwuft-e- a l"ajn 8a8y aetmniwrr b Bjcvctvcs can w iwvnrrinttTk ii--w tksk t-- w k e

Bfme iraa w rasswi Stop kwr v"jraw) a&. liscBBC tl Tiyyn!a;--siB- Bl

ivod74 a 5l ir Ssswci-ilaii-cTrWffrriUrr ri btw n !no heBaev AeTnaST. , r tv

'as favrpj 4aari 3Ww-i- r. bw osxs4 w SKwn&ar 4w

Hr. Sn j.-a-. iae tsAn ffia ajM oes- C- b

iTKii mi Iftii luajgi Kin m naliiT--T r-l- .'$ jewaV IV t

A3WT ! w affi

r aB l-iK-BM fwtwi

r d & & dwn- W xwa- - apani.

Usc-- m- SkaMs ( t& tnajtar jaft,tr yaadjr ax ks bets iaftVi.ttt . C&rlir.SHK-- e our ra-M- d Stat? caut -- -

r afeont Siaf.- A fcr tfcrK do.il kaf NftM N eai

as aesa. t t&a- -r a -XqK.

1m -- mt axx-a- tr bnrC Unas a to- - la pro-ta- rn.

() l0SVa- - lajCf -

! Hnr Fivet MBt !FaK--ar h-- ad K t-- m

MaaT 6 far Tacrn r --- .

( .nam fe a6 beJ93B Famo Ckfe niaifiimny hatcr - acr sbr lMn-- ai

kr Ptvewt .

trcm. --w Q nun ii fa T

r Ptoiwwr w aa a adnt- -.

ant at ag a aa-ae-fet ,

St' is franceadn - Sw: t

at it ka- -i Kf: t oa --K. --sad s Haats of i e-e- r

bal anKOEvd tx t et-- as .Bmwx. --W Fniec

o? or nag- - aec tta pa:..03 of9ai tar se. aw Bear smo- -t

iwu-- at W tw p- -


se br fiwlar ne feed. --be- FenscEOfiw 9Tr a Sjjr bean as

Br A limeker nrnn-fa- nf as Saaafar yir-i- r-

sy BsajfiaJ sfai-- r. Bo fe. ant in im

jUBDP BMt al s tx tfan of . IFKt bsasr essS mi- -t

& cs3 pcr a k" sot-- it rniT. aat

fWlL.,"Tmifci-r- f rtir iimrnrir f riifir-- V- rr rr

nil) . i3r --f wujeis by sapgeiorte.

rifiis at boTI nm ln liai tal. FrcB

(far tear if --Tmi l.A. Tcsariotikp jntci i--T aB praeis. tS aSiamcc.

ocuf boa c. Ute- wnrEK? &u"V3Ei dTS33atBd--L

was & facts oeafatml K HiaiE- - r tbra;.LJbM. attsi-t--

Ubrs a ranr for 5ae-- Setstat, dfcranl IW mnadtacsuKof-Uia- Ki


-- s r Taa9ociner asd --tiber flrMnrggahars aff ywcrr ia iibf 3aaebl (far --jwi)Sisc

JacsaT. sad iwt tie&fir- - faa baa --b aA --t & lry inlKdacsa ii--b fitsie --ftepis

brat triid aad aait,- -

fiii-ri- f Hr HWri llrr TrtrT- it--fctian nagte to- Traa-f- cr ar

Use Nrfconafr w4

$nnr tiht ?-- the tcaas&ptwk ac--r taEtgtBf jJar ofccs. act aB ttbc ct--t cf nqMs.apiats. sdsfiesasai-bf- v f2aBatcas. ab-E--


ffite. Kiiaih. Hmmtrta , fe

bfaer a wiai-- L V3 oair k.'ix to CccS:or Tuacoamr fcf . aB anjf C0i.iBCtB--

Wc --as tfap owiajtSr tfci-- sBes IBoar 3&d dap; a? Sea T t

TTii'HiiiifUii Soaaa. i bs5iTf x.cltirE ostnf .f CLiaSsiafiKC- - sacl Sr4xSt s-- ? tbc HTra i mbasr is d- -

ios. li-C--b

i- - Aa&s&taai&a. i- - t3e dTfeB. cr faier .. cf Gwk. vxs tbtre aS2lrf-j- irianr SjEe-- ' near br.ca.

jF"J.t" JUS Jtaw cLZn- - x xk nprec zsismeAaas-C- t. JirB-- L- ic tr &:: c iotajaJ"i . r:5-- - r-- gra-faui- ysbt --ZTn- aa ac aos-r- a

x.o KHCO .X iri'.tfiC t?l? o--btlt anfrri ?srr r . iva-pv- fSj-- t I !... i. Vccc. id

CaSrr " F cr ccs- -

'TS lsr zi ajja-:i-


iiii sitT Hx-sz.- as fi-- : cf i s:. i3s a .eg.fr-3Us: !.!. i- - a r--n rr j .. .j raiba? fi:---- c ii itf zjrsj;atfc c seif

lr Ijaoi asti!. zf lESMl HeCS -Et- C X2. .Jcr- - 3 Z3-S- ZX1 St sv;-i-.-t ;.p- jti . nrr be- - i-- r

. ha -t-f- CES-.I- ..if acj sott- 32: aaal

&w " --ar VjirJr.c r- - frrf

.,-- .. i ,.J! TSi.. - - - -- aa. a.aaa.Tt--. .,

. . ..ac 7ik.akc- -

iAJij- - 5y xxt .; m - Kv--- !

saaocra-ii- r iie i r iob. a- - irf.Ts Stf Kri fcy ta-- iut-- i3 jits. cKja--hi- la $rr us --jac ' -- jcr to erT asftct- -

jnti- - CFonsa SstrianiaBar . C30eatSE. Ji- - -- ugGa ijt pss cA irv drr sasar siaai k actacc

--rpasfi safa. hirr tnKaa.hadbkf: jcjt-as- , iaitbi iu; cc bwpii n?r tifc

C BUT ;tSt-- . ffia. Mr CS-.-3S

A .naif- r--

! br iasi:. l'l '"mrrit f --kjs aoi --vi. Is bj--r i S- r-

jtafe srwt iJKal5MISrj- -

at-i- . . iIa .i SO Trn att J....------ --

&! Iaeotor- - XSao ksr. f.Qrar'-,- " KOiii,i!J. ' 7-- 3 oKin-r- . .IT li.. SSTJ-i rsarr to.,

Bok. S .sanSttf -Tto Ft-- f tas rf e.t -- jirftr ftoVi a3E- - 'ol se ,. .t..-a oc-

mBwat aasto

mmS at- ". ri&.


oodL b3 taec tM-B-tx tat- - ad m tTm-T-rl r g " "aaa- - n-- amy aa qui. j

fa taaat 'w ul- il!nrT ast iaff k fari ajaanr. Gta-n- txaJ!?. tv!csTK, - aau

ttM aers ranr nr o rf l max atk siac KtSi r jaia tDt ac tor ITn" iifil "iri jti Ht t jj raifrri'iit c



to '--as sase



-- : t cU" iait

r3s3i- - csIs

C sta ?


Siss.BaM.aii.. --. x














-- -



atefniZC-c- -- ftukpz.


sb- -

cftitm-- T

SEvatltK- -

av ..








Ijf KK

l e- -

tjrt)9KE - of



'-BB -a a WtTir sr tar saar ,

piric; 4Mil l 'J aal t"'' rmm ja. aitaaa aCMSUaB

--J. -- - - f Ta. - . Ir j i itmr tamiiii-- r arm wfciWT a.J jijw5 tnfWn HUM a. al - a it atlaldt tF T . 0. I!. St at wit: ! fcatiax Itauower tbt ant; Ii. i ;

77tf ato abto. Tj lam- . ta

toeif aia- p- trtj JMijabiNC acaaaf fcf --act. aev .aa. -i si.... --iii- tBsa i aaaari .

aERF ea tx3ua.i.a-- i aar toax of tto iar3 ---

ftaca, 4a-- n --feci ar Iran, af tto fo- -sfat --few Zbbk G- -s

Ito Hsu. Fae-ar- xat afa ! jjdaaac at Str ..-- y . lj. TIarannf Tta-a- -r. au ffc 1- - Ats-c- -

taaax t n. -- . n'i, ant. j. attKKBW

"D.HMaia:.ti &. H.A.jU-CEir- -'



fi. aaat of ,: 5t. If. Tr. aaato. iSc aTancc e TS-- - - ftaUaatatc.

fifgyrt. xtai OfrTaTaHarmi- f- of Zeesati-l- ermri a--. s Ji.ar- - iaa j T - .--Jt-e. nsb: As 3k ; . f

Wxiaw 19rZ:cf i artfT.StrfL atatft aaeaa iigscSSr - SS

-nil--FtcB'ae t a5aaa j- - -- - u-, carr aar s rrr sseaa Sr.-i- a. b-- -j.j," ;: . . a - .j. i r.. ' t . - - ... .we i--

tfae rUi --arcazETaczttai,E-- . lamcc OTaa-affia-aa- tia

J r - act jo.--v- 5 tw-c- i k"; r ,. ,j, . --,-- & IV .M.3mm4

. . . . ..at

tKt atnv jsv !; xsMaaa?-twfe JStwaeiMKu aai Stat S w w Aj t

?! urt,yn:ttotKi(c-yA- . tl.y: wi t

n s !MBjaMi aa tt- -

am fran gata. twwrt aa Alf .in . 9

tVw- - ,.. iaa --a-. M I:. . . an tnniMIH Mat

&u te wwc i W iriiafufclii. Ibtiw cut --y t JftTr.y Be-- JK&aa-- i! Mtu fc- -i m twaat tmV mtv

tt-S- - lCTat Wyu,cwM-C-- M Xtaat t mitu-l? fce twvH. yamtatEkMaar Ui t tajvtw.a--l !

tm.iii I canr t fw r MaKliiroiMMwV mt Mnapwtfc, TaIAi(- art M-t5- iw

aiii , u i,iuiiim ? r J, j;wan. lat4Mawax

-- -. -- -.stsinjm.ni. iImiUi 'wte -u-al-rm.ttoaWt-lia- a. tc-- -. I mmi itawl ji"aa, nsiitMlin!ii.ii. hka j- - w wa turtn Ui- to laMa amM --

- J""'"t""-a- i- aw -- faur-- M aa (a. tt ra&ht iax-ji-c w

t ken tt tas wnm n nnrwstHt. (- -- .Mk

li ataMtttitliirao joat mm odtsttic ata !r toa thdftJuw-ftete-rmd-u.

vmbE vkvmUji kao. 1 ma imjiit imi tai -- . a tt tj. Tiaaw.I

- ! ltiiiiaii tat kat. lll i, ui-ti----

1tnattcpaas)(iaCk vtecfain.Ht ncML. KBt w adta i--age wy-nt- aiwiauii..awiw -- ai aa --to twa." s ? -a-fflwaw iuir.. -)ri

annnnHat-aiiin- iil a iavw vaat - iatk-nla- ).

Jan. a- -rf rfaat Miami oa --

aim Hh J03wf ihrlc tiat sjan mf am. xi faa(t-i- c Mr jaiaiiuai.ail W

Ai a" -J-ftn saw." --

9AneT gvtemufc40i; wtt 4taeiL mlOm

waniatt." aiwv uiawianHJ untes- - uCmv nouK uoi! VoA. aattu

mh Kw atyc9. f.--t xx acnt--ha lywfflwir -- aftwfetc- b anw to itt CkvOK.

ASMrttas waac-wia- a atataOm x r a- -

laaantw n vacaaaKaN

JLxSi-rf- ti it P.l.-rt.-r- . sHMJLM---- ;.

-- 54'&a oeackaM ftfk

Sag- - Jbaim-l-fcy-- mrniiotrnt tJ W-Btl Sdnwfrill alaiaan Mini Hit iiiiHiin Tn

a Vsaan as tt MCI. HaJLaalivlainfna.atfiitaraafcaawuaaattfirfl.Br gmfciJ&.

Tint tea tau. xt ap.uaajuUnt- anuaavio anaoic waaaaimcm1 &..gir Lin W i aaat Baa. A S.Ow-k- x. BaawJL Tsmmm- J-- W. t ftwaAot- - nf t I ii. C X.

oae- -. ant nagewii4wt aa aat-n- c r 9k-- w a cna taa-- eXm Hiatal aarniOaiinf ttOBaamtajiuumnaltatEaia. t iiaaai nitBmMi t-- Mr a .u aa r4aaacwa a K--t

awa !tkt Itamaliiii' at ttalmKiliail

ft(. gaayjMian III aaypemacaa-aiiia-

ii'IT' ' 1"'tia'Jf y1" ccavclaa rtmtf Baa. hte4eM.tt.tithfkmwtaraawaaaaaat mt aCatOnaca atiat. aist fiaoLd-n- a. mia 3k&e au leaattr aBdmini rf ttam ak Jaaa. jaorf aaa 8bf f laaihirtafias ieaaiA aalfiar irflaiin SSgiafts. Thrirsian-a- a

IS W a caaaaa-B--T -u-

taw Sam was m ite mt tibt BEMKU- -t Baset.aBMB part - iDlllilll --- m aa-i--

4S,.cl & aa tttait iftar., t aaait aaA amatite a: as aa a.rfiiiif-- 1 gather m bjuaaa.

anK saw t B- - It . so scaafeata-- a --

- mliv llan

ta ati AiunJK u n iMIaia n . TamSaan atFiTft-- nf Kjo9ism .actbtfi.il iM.rjaaai imni.1wBV ax 5tf Eta. a daatcn aa euataaMB.rvittS-aaa-- at tifap w. aaat aBfr

as Uji Sank t a ftaoi thaw ---t-3-K9Baiaw-rtnal

tola, t af U. Cais jaftgiat-a--

aftsaatjuftirmiwt aaa-.-ttt- rananAtilaa aaaas if cwmt. hilaauia fis.aaic-- v

a a- - -k- -ar aaad. ant joa jusBa CTIiar I imrii a 'Laajtar.1bantadK awnt nitiflai at aatt.

k n (Sat 1 safceA capat. A aa--ar sail -t-aaLtaay aalaw-B-- Ta-3G- i- hcaaanl timaii-m- n. fimit tacalkar at ttcaarHi

tiiw. vaet-- T aw pfit&jr,btr aoant a tatr a--. Til

! UaaaHtaa--t. HiiiBi m at awtaf aataiian.ii --taiatntmathr tteCTggi.an mII bkm ax skacr ntK aaai --wlbai

auawa- aaa:nijwiwi sage --oictHK(nm-iu-C- T. Tlii i ill i IBM 1)1

iafimr mt at aCjmttf t&v Ml Wu ata- - S&xt -.

jsaG arf bc a tmaau hawaF ttosc 4oa faaaauttjJk jipii aaa attar Mr.

Btyw ifirfhr dr Jmb aanD-a- aaca tiYtadfcs fiij naniii- - afaear waacac laa teaavraC Oeo

--4 t--a aaa-tn-- a-t imaral aiaefct--( CtBJttlKa-lcl-.-- f 3accljaautsv aaawa aa uaa nianiaajaii n' - itatKioA)ftaaatttirdaEcns-- 3 aB-Saoo- n.

n Bbr Eaa. rawtlriCT f --ttnjal at Gaauuar. JLpjaa. cc

vftget. ttw JUl-- as sil aa kse sxna . jt&- at

item ste BUM m niaDMl Hat 'iiiinm oataBccati wai a fast tSss aant r staff -- m$ B-.

I fc

fXiSwctkBt4-- U 1lBcac.Banaca.aMsstf l Omar ataea ktas acficaniv ajt acm i. mmM x

aaosl saaivaaJBBX s fcf--n&t BBaDaiatariKiB-a-

aT atst. i fca, iiwill, sh aoec- a- ccatcr. --taivs ajcaoa aoon-v- cr C aaebes jmrrfhr- - is p$-a-a P aa

nsuaiTin ma 1 1 ai a Ian u

twin & a krtlws3caa-ics--a-Ba- -9 a.aa. maainij. ibbv aa as a-- xiar ftts-- -- aB

i dat airnl an met s,Mt fact aAm catfcafi t&oa sail, asat 2aca:ttiesa9arjLl-BEaaB- e

.i- ' m nw una rir w.w v r tICUK!bA3Iff CaSttl Ittttbt fU-M- .MUMlbT !fcf. uipn--.- nwt tfTHWlT W XUa&EB. -l

sftkf- c ftfat Outcs-n--

3olv the C U sopcs ac At bhS- -

vtic-- t ben itaaftaoic k

i gB, . latf IS luT

irnmrMFff ei aaaagTarf ji wiilrfii.Kg a ifaanatt Uiaui. a coritbfBcizaixBtail ssecf jflnnl v! dfacnt luiy an vbc I

8br aa, aa--fi vfto. xfiKr ht Lt-- cIbr aqr at ,to' scss mtSBBS&i r &.Kat vatssc i vmM 4srf 1 in iff &accnct fausba ttifar - CawB-- c "t4 teta-txa3M- 2MCb3K

tihe haiy am; ia- - to aca-w- r ftrt i

SK SSaVCaT 9tXtKBKKBsbSBmtKttTtatft-fg--

t, aaad-a- e. tar a aw-c- tri feehim- - 1 sat. at i daa tor as

axaecl ae ftani a fate f Hat sw-rf e( --I trk t.ate turn c-- at M-- c naa et irxn-rnn- a..

afiaica ai d&SBta 1( jaaatefetT-pjald- -r tatfaaiap j ilia

a za fiii via a tfe.aizakons &kr itiwiti aad aeati-W- p

a ataaawat jj Ik. itjstrnStu --B- ttc wtaa ta UartayaftfceBffitcsasB aav aa aaaBf yaaoct 4t sat. imb bob.atfinaatt ts vtaa aar aB uuttt .gainna-H- -. aakaatar aiaRtoicnd. sr qpaitcl-Mr.-try-

jwta Atadi aaauuwiataat-ia- b

aa s lawiiHiae m sflat Ueo- -t rcc- aai hanawr."uit-- a an waftNLcaal sbf Cacfi tfaat.

paaai tan la the jaaanr --saa-- acaev a

taaal ste Jkar a Co J a bt vapiif tetatAi aDatnesaa: ata- aaa aa ub--k. aaaa -- y iijagaol bnafaaai 3. -i- a.Ma.M aaaa, iiie:--


1 to spoator zafaxa t, aa caasccsasK mck fas teeeto --Eomt tiwrw bii rta gfcaagc ajutk aoyeamdax sraaaal . tto A3CE-C- awnaillai . ga5g aa

W cf --W-fcx

k a stei-e- r aa teo oC ittrf MBtT rtHL seal s

aPWritatr.tendaaatatoBT. -- ar. Ho, Kp rf tto feat aaai tto t ta. cs.

ct JtJtW4it aaoac3:'c-toa.Tc- x stamaaStd rat aa ,

of llaialnt ste iftacc-sa- f. cuuaat a nntritfiaa Tn iiu altm . - . .. : - . jr?, 7 "-- -! "rrT.r"r??-- : - a.- --

..i-- - v& faaBOBCa to Oft--' 1 Aa aQC acasn tA in xzt tc

Ix iliaifn dar ijjaalm -5 --. a .rr--aaBaatas att ia aUan tk aat worn.? "i .SITgS'SSttot tto aac-- a of tto nra to a tcnar -

tc-aaapraa aaraaaataal a.aiaft -- -

L!fgLJe Br!?t. i a caoi im mi a iinfafc in ant mi am il llaaqli al n intaaa ir mil naili aaii la fliMaa i

C! aaat aaa c ra- . Ifliaae..', M Mr. Brjf jcl cg ire .t4i.Ei. M; F. r

i jaac taa ia ni...iaaa ano-a- i. ; it aamcaaew r sr--

ttrf sciKScd. atae Uxxc tftaadzctce t.ffa. llll ' at I f all au4 -aaii aaaa a.aa woim iit BMLPa al ait.- - - - - a t - - Wtaai.fc ua a Ltii,ia, MWm tx it .EIaaaaa.

SZT-H-Dwa- abani tie , i: -

(to i.a- - f tat. i

saaaaecaoe aaa ttoa&- - L F. JnAfL totaer --i. . r r - ;

-ateM tat aaent cf am-f- c. aatt b liar jBBS jaa-- oat ami nauga naa - .ac aicr

faa. sto iiiainanur abas taa- atofea . rut tsaracaaaa c tn ib--T3-- Wailxia

Atiam aek-avraa-e. acaf tr-- r

'-Maee - -- tato ttojSlaaac catelaqac ta- -c Iter tfapp fce hmubt fc MtOiJ pBtrtstf aae bet r9 1 n nwi tf

Krai. ftaaatal Sbe tg, cu,j.g cxj ftcsK--tte amdeaxsttmimtvm na -

j IHMTfti J rrrmm V !rr TSar- -., . . aT4 lS-Lr- - .

as uttaa,:- - '"fe- -

tT JSABE. l.--l V F K. E S u. ir fnXmJt M..L. .Jis sol i --- Br adl --- -.

!-- ."

ir. afco Tfao-iaa-L latSrstX7-3aQl.- . --


asaocddi rau SUess Tie a3Trxiis52U-.ioTcS7-2a- ar. Btoin: TxataJca is . i ia f ifct

--t aartrrnrr. - TCaaas. asat--art adtsp la !- - TLeaarBMtb.rtl

-a --ssts.Wfa. or ric4i s;p ao tfcii 8rr7raasy aajiaarcaeseafia-r- s ihtXtiJss. IxasuMd iaes caaae &rxa Jsm tit cseEcT cf L

ix aatfcv' "" i- -.srcr.-T-. t ari3 triiisfa. rt--p cf at net Xbrxttttttxn--- rr--tij f r

I 3 3t-&- -r tlas iji--r A- asd. aattywaa-t- -- toaoi fi & ask skat!Mb-tjb-

-e oliti!taw"arai

ProrK...-- ,CZMaaaa.




TrCMJS(ij.rtt!Ea?-Ct?f- c


stO fa4










rlsosc the ejotrk crrrOKnyicYA XttM-- n IVilU-c- al

Q&n&--t- j- TfcTk. 1t

ait V ,jr-ji- illl

tauWr SM(atWiNIW! fiMi.ij. (- -s vr- - Wwnt --gattl&ttto Skw-v- h. (VmkT -- t tto Surf-- it Khatis fti. la wj f (m . a wartr t as

ica-- wa i5My4 iy airr Ay -- wfe k- eftarf antra k ..-- -. H (Auh & kiry.i ac ks ui Tor xlStlAMva- t-riot k J WD-- ac it tW - Vjttkwaaiv "iHV- -t ttk anna. MMialtuxa ioJitn attiia-l-k tKdtf XVI -- ) t--

Wi?K v.. awuvfkaikWt r.-- -

w. r-- .? S2J jX55$SaS ii.tifn.iti.

"- - Xj- - rsj iti55 I,- .- ; t

' ""III 5 SII?I55S

lit riMIHi.'5

Its - ?illl f5?a I "!" 55 f

. " a a

?apji -- ak Irg5E? ,f";t..-- f !iflii? fJ? f;JJSJfI

..' kSk t---.

fif"'a- - " -- ?. AtlkMBi.hM-m ut ( aoAc- - ta i mil i UK--H

5.'?su'- - ,!-, !-. aaaw--vt M far r- -. ant tfcr dan .--tjucit- -. aa ut naaavf3r . Kan nHvbuaa-aM- . utw,-. rSw mx la --&.. rallaaM.e -- m- aiiirw Ifruva iha --hf aaaW tto

--T ,v fsv.atMLja.a.Vaattt(Bll- - Saarn --filaniiiiiaiiiiiiiii?- aata. tto N a--r Or--aauaiMi, mm aKTtf .aca "$r? " " " W

i ..i k --- . y ". ' tmtm mmmt aa aaaaa h--pi Sjac- -t ftantoiaaaa at ttw -- - 7tani(vtte $Cteaam.M?t?',-,-''1-K- a

lf n,ttB,l!- - ha-ait- at

v t& fMrngm--t - af ,( ,, ,,

R? if. tltai-afaB- aU kad tfar baaaal

" MJrJt"' frito"L?q7 .aatat. WaaM ta aaa -atjIM- C- (Mkt naa. to aar tto law--- - ia)cai and t aar axmm cat mm Wiiuiattawawto

a aK w snap ci lotto -- It,vMgknat.'- as--r B HaaaaataitkaBta; Ttooaaanasa Boas inn car b IL Tto Pa.

ci.- - ;car - bay rt. It autoat aataaaa was r mtuual a atatr. tat a datamtat jMaanaAaaan ttrsamtaaaW itotr .tea Bt n-- a aa aBL

- awanai ax iaa fvaMtfataott te tto ttaaarkini in iiaaika.1 ao , canatja i UrtaToo. naiil aa tr aaai ktk --Mt Cacanaaupiiot d Dwaaatof M. I aaaaa kaaaatkal ttor..J wiaiaitatw o--mt Mracott:. TteOoaa--aaajiajQBHCv nK t

--t axfaKtan. tint tto ptktat aa cxator ta--kBk acotwS.ii7 ka tlaa aawaaf at GttMm B--J-atad. ta rir ta ant ail il ai il

i--C Sir aaet.

Itr rra. Z-- S- - Sfuvl ilscSaaar Fixx. Ud.i.t,

BaoaaGuBtix: Hk h laifctil Utu alnaau an. jaafrat aaal agr

Saaiat! grus nanaak ta aaaka aHaaaaar Baaa fkuss.f JOsaiaMa t. JjMktlat

aaai naaatcr aas at it a--M-u,

btJP-- e atf -kk ta a Haraa urit a Htmm4r -- " rar af ttaii Iiiaaa.naa: --axawc an5af l m aar at fiaau :

thnaca-a-az.3-- 1 airl ilkna.a.r- - a aot. aad atakii

--MKaa& aa. aiaa--a

tteakatoftataadUtaoc tram mH.mt a r fmiiaia i mninfii alaat Itar lonts ides kat Itft m tka farA war l--5 taasc an bas tkiaaan j--- A--

av aki ttatl tanaatfamnetkcffcMytl-rigata- J far tto aka .

iaa tto--v an astos-- oeturaaca. toadca tto aatftoot m It i aasH hy tlM toaal cfOit-- k at ett aa- - C tto tt at aaaau. -J -- wat -t-o-a- a.jc! sirl$ bm a laiiiwm Ii fjrra-T.T- -.i. I iiaiala m.-i-- f rai-ai- rs iw nt Iton maaKaasaaslT to .s vwrnina te laaa-- p. i..--'tto tir. 2ki --&.:. .. xwrf tor ma to aamto j a Mtaii-atUdlTtx- ttot ito

of tto i"iaiinwn aaal tto -- ..!. ----CTT m aaahta ataaaaiaasa to aaaa a

a - --!.- -- f WK Ot Ito (to. Ik.. .- -3f3A.uaaageBac.llT. ka aaad nnt stndto3 ssnxwticasacs- -i asaaa ttas --mc --n t. tk.j iit-- 7 :Ttto Itt BeapnarT ajk

itBf tcffiiCT-- . ta ogaam attktto saaeaiicatJl Tn-- - Tlll.MIfc.il. ii m-- . . - ta aaaariBam aa rr

saas. car is. tiastr t an daadtd toOf 03C-3- TOO Ius tauuatutta) aaaa-- ijr nftto Mil -

i-- Ijtl Ser.3 wr tnmasad aa Mpi- - a.fima a 33 Cat bad. aa w faicbs: -b-- omj . Wtai nf jrnjtfxYi aai i y- -. laaaM orar far tto

Wu-irf- c. to to faoad, tt loaac naaa ml tto-c. toaaa ef sto ml aaaau la IrtS tto

La-ta- s jiTrfri. tto Ib1mk atiad it tto tto iB-tp-c

aal tamaa ramaas. oaa todl aa 139C tijgal f lire; --stat ltoaatliUrTtaaaiits ( . u. c4l;. f ji: J m T ait. ,

IN- - ansa ran. ttasa tto coaattrj tolatta ttol'i-M- rr ass lalc taaji! sa caaala-- d

o. fc ruica ttoa tto bad atf -a- i- a pan tto Viiini iia m forrns9caaaE wak tto East aand Soatk, ft --cantf fraaa tka ml oftto vti. st a by lior aadanoa aad ca n laawnac.--. aajr. Sot xatI lc w . f4os:fd k tto ataes ot tto tart bfmi, -!." - a-- .- - zv. aa aca. a

3Tir -- aaad- s . -- J eat cst of 9UBii--ka-

- - "--t saHtt of a- -ljrs-aa- e- aa to a c?!taarc tto TacartaL It at tto ca tttaaaai at ttojwzeta-E- ac jacaaaj. pat ea.afaiteal tki?tiaaLO-ajBa- . -- aadsa aiiaaiaufciil totot. sr-e-a za tfnaoacaaa. aj aaS t lniai at ttojn.s .tbum r aaaaaofft itnr. It

aa sto aaaBaeattav ao- - las ana;.aV in- -a raaaaaare taaaT aak St r T k

aaaaOaeat. it ksaos ot tto bl-- sad,,aB coc af tka taat Xe-ii-M. aa tto Nartfc-gta- kttoi iaar-i- n aa atoaa afcta rhU- -. acii cznraaa. ntrri aa aaaj alaan exiMtla ste sbjcct of ear Inatjr iB laiuifTi Jttrila d saaa Wi ton ska aaaaa toasat t J- -r GSmkr, aa f9-r- jc aad --

Siiiit jatr a rtrtio-- r tka afDtayencf. Tto aaraapap-- n of 5am J?aat analit to tto aacoeaa of aa br mdt-a- ftto ixxxOxxotx of tto ffvfmt.--TjnayaaB- toe nasi oc St lci. --f

acbtr ia faef thsx laiAmiia -emjt y toot f,cae .gar ttar aad tt ptec"' " ?rv.' r 3k wwi woeSLL-JSLf2ISl!e- L

7 - -: IIMBIHUM-- ,

OTf".ts !- ot auai Aalfcoa.,-

- aaj.jcT tnr OTBt aaar t arfZ!fr ?L M ttb:- -

-- " 3m-- o iniaanj an at a M notTbaa&acr taaO

or ar la.'.fc- -aaettaggrniT meiiiul fnj--t ike old atria at

Ito- -i la a i al i af III .ac, t soaeai tbmodl amu. at aafaof aaaaal

rankKaEttaoJcetioaaaad&iaaafaarlo eicfetaatoa Tto at . nr aa at aca.l.rt. caada tto fanaia et ataeat. aad tu.ucer.-- C rrTira Uaab tfars ap Ltr aad

filar --.si. al tto taaa there aa natir lt tto ta cor ktala" aa tto aac call tt. tto fiaarfaaraackcamktec-B2ftTcackadal-- ca. Ttoitiiljota-aigaa- a. atkdcna (roaa ttwpra-c-

at tfaas to. ficcr Fraara a etaaa, vtnea at..,iaaiT tttoliiiatti,aoa tkat tto itfeof

ttevaasitctsstta-c-- i--(isEaadoo!.' Ito Aoar

it aaaan jtaaawaa azal aol aa atanftr. --ad ttoai ttostto

aaraf tto old tarr i 3 ) taapafcabi to raxaaffiot ttookl atria u j 'I'mii ansJa Uboac2Ct lisaat. ayainiiaKa kaaraa --eaa w Kaiaad.saltan, aaod ia fact fancttj aaack 9 orar ttoiter. tBte to aatb maikafa aa a reactod atuc-aB-- art aiat ae fta tsaa. ri naa aa

aat taa &Jt- -a Pae-fe- e lJara7 aa taaa--MHU a maj taman Kifte aitfcar ta

in r'ir aam wa asoe taa aaa- - e aaarr toxtar kaar ttaaa tac tt 'aaajar?


ia-J-af atras tT-at-, aunt tto baaarf .td oca. i italfiiliiaial ttor tara t;talmiHWtciabalaia lkoa: It

kiauat aatfi rue mil i j J to at tto qaaeaaai, UN naiof tto zra. aaat t- - at --oa.

jajfcat pir-a-l- .T nniaaiif, aad to ae Iktr.jadStr ina. siat Ito aukaa. ofetauutat an5. itai-- - I tiwaM tto cad a arqddaoiaaperatatottaoliilit t-- telajsa --rjea St to 0 sajcar ba m a dajr '. Bore

aj. ptatcr-Bae-a- rr part of Ito ax thatac aaoc aa-- sf a anaKaafaasa.aad ttorcttarrnaiiTttmaaaot faaafcot tomta laamaa ttotacaorrx-lttota-a- e.

geoae f tto kar aa pp a. tarr-- . netrj.acas aqsarr bav. aad meat an aaetod Ir

1 .litim if, aad a-n-af am aitka .Mfatilj tkat m3ta. I tn-a- d a --wr to a to taaagrslliwra aa Aiara raarfi, aaai it raccsasd SO

ili-- E Sacsatd not kolaL ifet oa rrrrrrrrfK-- g I Cu--

rncW aoi brarii tkxt fc ai, U read- - ttoSasz, aaat tau (aid tkattkt tenss vtl bcHfarlaeciraawKltlisa aad iii-r- f aar iiui .'1'af reiab taatata.

BnajtUsg adaa tto taBiaaacdttedaBebr asasast-n-- . tto tats KEjt-- f mb taafelrSo at-i- t Tortrvi gcoasda of tit--e eeasi,ata-oefc- : Has ?! it ca-n- tome Baft 13 raafaarr can. raw trutmrArvatt ti; iiUU-n- . ad ito fiser zi-- 9 ostslat o? ir--

. tamtert cTjr tie at. taJ--l., katr,aaS t9aa-ptj- t &ca,asdtfat-V- -te

avca3aalert7ttTi ef ttoaiajini.i.Tfcrts tn cst Ui0ssi ji I: Pad cad

HasaoiXit-- a. aicaif'-i-i aiiil aos&t fj

t cf rirwt lacs Ktoe fodfeZi. .sraciJIlit-- f loai josr brad acts adit isttiU-laq-

ot c. tfeaiare ajcaj.ff.a. fr3 aflra ca tto rra?a cf taaaecass&a aca--t

Wrzfvfq. OS tiw aPTTyirtrtf Hiff.twi,aii .scTcrUd "iUo tirxasdt cl :a3yxn at :ttt

rfJwrsSw fc Ui(vt aa Sa 11yrulfh.

tfcj j t Jttep.-i- t n)t UUvtkv, scw irt tei u. ktxMVterfrlst3iStfs.TaaC? if skaJtwJl!wws t taSvtvvnKrvwwfeilt- - fcs. U,' VSMbh t s ttt la--.U. tvwalt-- . aast & .!AsctJUrttaunKv4!t- - JV Sas t(rarv-a- . tt trr- - --- it tina tt kO. H tto-- I rf MiatJtv' . al twn Tataa L. rfkj.". -- vaav- rt ttxatnaat ortr W--al Dm mmh-- Ktt

m-- T I.Wi. urtj m! letTk tVmt- -lW. tto mmwut-i- k Cvrwa

lmlkMvkti-M.u-VHl- itr a ktata.Mw m ---B an tajtev0htae (au uu.H a - . w &U.a) CtKT

.0-- -l taJ x nvMtlkMt . UMttnlVfl;.jMVWtoJktB Ik rcr.t war tkmmini Km Ht--L t fci 1" taaae ejva tMtw Mc

NiBav.wMwtM;rjctunlk.u',aUJml tto -

cata- -i aiait. to 1J naH f ak (iak'liiMliB;ixitCTj H tto jitij.Jrt to kij!M -- ,r-- kbf- e- ttortivtaknat atrcM 'aajara av. .

Tt wsk k --akisAr tW NHwOndk aasl tto Urd axtardw at- -r '

ttoiwrfalUawLkuctBUvf t tkHI

k Panto cw, aad Kirl tint aj .M.i!(HIlHaih.nt'e Jicin; tswaa

a tkaMrt .W rMamk I tatl Ik Mm t tot tit Jbatatom Ht-- ad att to x al (joowa to tto rnttor4 ; at toato. AtrNHtr tWrt itOkt4taaiMBtAal(ditatCktia aadJanuk-a- d .VaraMurf tto h I jv" '- any .iprct wuiMvaa xtH t tto t

Mtttrta ftwafc-- .

OataUN.-ntttlWukt.Ia- Nti.Vfttyftl, atona tontof aa Iw Ut rr-- 'a ef tto utuait. TVrlkto v WKtai.Sap

hak itiawk Itors i at a Uaaa to rriaCratnaajaat at iroah. rcMany reu-r- tt ranktto aai.

1 ka kUd aaaaur (ihtwmi f iatrnvt talKaaarfA toaaiUi tto i wt. at jr ban

"ar((i-tfito6- r mt tkN e.aarai aaaaM .t nw t rrof7wtj vttkiaipi.il m fvt a ar 9tara at tkv aarf trl(at aa (vvsaair. J ooaaftra-t-aatli- to

tto mtaaiian bcvc Iktr--ay to laactwattUw IVtmaat --ad Mtort.K--fa tto !Ma Ft--n Ctoa-- a u kto a Uv


lttr gdrriliitmrqtx.


LYCANLIST OIT1Kxaos fMtB J? to $;0O.Oncaa JnMt 440 to 40.

Gaiters hum. $1 to 10J.Atciaas fra $2 ta $.Violins rroa $5 to $S0lnotes froan Ji to 4W.rttgtktt- - from SI to $S.

CUrtotwtu fn. S3 to $30.Jfasic Boxes from $1.50 to $125.

Fin'niture in Paploi9 Sets,Consisting of Pieces, Ranging in Price

From $90 to $200.Odd PttHor Cfctirs f J10 to $50 each.Rattan Rocker, for duMrea and sdnltj,

ii to $16.Diautg 0 Oti 1.73 to J2.50.

CENTER TABLES-Ebo- ny, Ebony and Plush, Walnutand Walnut Marble-To- p from $9.50 to S75.

W..o froca $1S0 to $25.Drai- n- IVhles from $1.25 to $4.30 per fboiia Asa aad Waloat.Bedroom Stu from S to $175.

OIL PArNTINGS FROM $1.50 $200.Water Co from 510 to $70.Steal Kb-.-- u- from .2 to $90.Aatotrp from $1 toColored Photocr-p- as from $3 to 40.Chtmosi:eokralIocrap-.-50rj- t --$40Btkx t aod Site of Pietore Frames'from 10 eeata to $100.Window aad DoorCorakes from ,i to 550.Hangiac BeAete from 50 ceats to 58.



and Careful

The Geccral PoMcfice is locattd ea ibe cornerToe cSee a ciod on all Iltvanaa HnMir.

On Satnrdar, tke o5ce il dcaed at S o'cloctateaaxr ra Ibe aftetaooo of that dar.

cent per sutae- - Parcels not --BailablettU.

J jh tv.-a- j

ttitk Uwil --Aaaat r l ,v"4





Mll1 "-,---

Ji ew to MnKtnKl feCt aal jww " ! ' ' "t Mcttwtkl rlaaaa. t fr , '

lk ITM --v to (l . i n ' "1 ttorwk..' -

Maaf tkf4hr ,i- - i - f

WTTa, l" 'X ft MM tto fv . I -

i M i .' - i "ladMN at t -- ! t '.'toans at to I"1" ''n "'' '' ,hr"'ttWrtut tto Vancaaw. :v vi N rv,;V!v

JMrVC 5lw-- .- t all aaa.i vMt .V M .MtLltK

e t 1 !. t " ! ' M

a-- V a4- ---- t a.- - I S.nMr t. . jtlt.vit tt ""

Jjl Alt timm a4 r ; .--t . --I U1

A lr i,.-v- ia

WIW,M. 'nKikj it " s.

r. RISHED KOCXS--Mt a.j . ralltat Haial to kad fr aa .rs rHAi .

, H ti.AKICv I.VNR

AmcrleAn VTatalutn VTattiihaaItf

rt tw tTaHtoa, VrlNnatai lal rilW-a- : KMtl,iw.

Ttomt. aM Katal. a.-- . r--- r.i. - vJ ("

tt pua. -a- -, TJi

Tto w--kt Xi ai. rn. .' .? n -- . nw M- -J

ala. tlataM. MS.

Ttoaa'aakt laacwiaf .!- - --

to m aawt a haat mt mmtm lawtalla. Kcty?.Jtaa WaiOwak Bw," 'a!Ua Watrkn.

aalaaaJUaaia4 A W t :.. 4- .u. w--

araaaaa aa ilaaia AararKa rn.. aW'alttoaa. Mao. trt s it

t'UFKF,v at - a t ;u-- i .


B !


Iajb. Awa $3.50 to laiXTaoaboariow & 8 to 10.

Coatattiutt fro J2.50 1. ?0.ilasac Bain from $5a.Htmonieat tVoot S5 ats to S.

Gaitar, Ttin and Hanjo Strmys t ,"

Mats to $1 tack.Viotim, Banjo and CHo Bndgtw.

Rtfairs for til kiadt Mosical Inslramcau.

DoagUs OScv Chairt fraa ft to .

Iltgk Chaos from tl.-- O to $&Grectaa Chaurs from $16 to $2.Wood Seat Chain from 75 eeata to $1.

Vritinff Dat-- s from 5.50 to loO.Sick, fioa-r- t--w 0 to l0aKinon from $1.50 to $75, ranging .

firoaa SilO to .90 wcImb.

Pol and Raoga from iiO tlr: each.Bnoiteto from 25 cents to 318, m Wtln it.Bhoajr, Kboav A Gold,

Hoqoet TabliH, aad Smoker's TaMe-- . fr..trfS2J0 to $35.Book She-Te-

a, from SidO to 11.Baset from ST. cants to $7.50.Artbt's Bateb from 51.00 to $2.Work Baskets from --2.50 to S20.

to $12


of Merchant and Belhel atieais. Uon Inlo

P. M , except nn Ihe irrirjl or .rpirlarc 'f1, 2, 3, s, 10, ii, 15, 18,

and rejly poault cf 2

ta foreign eonatriea (except hi--k only) if



i I.V


Al, Kj tteacrtptjaa of



iiejiiiomisiETC .tOSRACTfH fO.

water PiPEanmaGs, i,..SM A;rali ia Uwk (aWarf f iir

Montague Range,IU K71. IS TK

c'Kauas ti fskb sa fpucitxs

Xnias. New .Easter and BirfchdayFrom Cents

Every Style and Price in ToysDoJls, Game, Base Ball Goods,

sete, Ten-Pio- s. Masts,1ot Pistol!. Paper Caps. Dresftnjr Caees.

inlet bets, ases, .apaaete Teo ben,Knstack Caps and Saoc,

Parian, Bfljoze, Clay, aad Ptaiter Kyar,Steam bgiaee, Koak'e Arki.

e--i , t, At, At

Orders Irom tbe otlier Islands vrill Rfinpi-o- -

Prompt Attention.









Praauge stamps of the toBoariac aeaomiaBiiooa can be porcfcaant. - and It ceaati. Abo, Postal CartU of t, 2 aad 3 cento eacl.cu each.All letter, aad aeartp.p it abroaO --jstt be prepaid l Hawaiian aumpa otlj.

- Vt"' f " " " regiiterel to aaj pan of tbta Kingdom, on Ttnt cf a fee oltea rob, m iihlilaja to the redar postage; aad to any ctmntrj-- in ie Poatol Union, oa

of Fifteen Cesu, in additioa to tfaa ordiaa 17 naotagn.r5!S.0lPrc8, rf """-ad- K or other aaflahie artidea, not etceedias for r.qodt 1.1

netgfat. iH be iceeired and cssreiei in the tater-Ma- ad aaila onT. 00 nrenaricent of oreare

3L3Coixe7- -




OS IXATTAlr. OS MAC.. OS KAC.tr. "t-li- t.


PAHA LA. 21 Mbjwt Ordnr Offleea.

'oreigria. J&tLoja.&y- - l. z-- rs.After the Ut of Jaaaarj, leol, appiicalwaa f..r Jbmtj Ihiitn, ;, .Sladot, ar be made at ar Haj Order OS w lliia Ki.l..tn : j! --

Ike Geoer.1 Fot Ofiee. Iltoolala, on any Haaer Order Ofi - ... lU (' . 'i --

iu- U ao by naftriiia; at ajr Uaarahvaa e.

Li..ai, HotejOrAtra aaaj in ifcr fniicl .t.i-- a, ,'icr i i14. t atrj- - Hot--rr Older OSec in lW Ki;du- -.

Posiraasis-r-G-sriera- lHonolals, OeUXer .1883.

jto. 5 inroAinT street, hos-oi,iti,u-,

Agents Tof the 'SupepioF' tove


'' r" Q

M&p "I jC - rii!gi----a---.

tgi--i gimtfrimtty.


Mna-Ka-H-V i

- a .-- f i a.in-KRS- rorirv or rum. .twa laa a t aa. 9m akKMK' ) t rim Vjt. fartl if w-- a.

, t , , ,. j..T! ,w pmM, , m ... j h m mtikaii

., - . - -- t jHK-- i- ,. ..i.t-ai- w ,w-- av A

"fWJ1i. k.. K. rmr ltlV 'viw.H lt "N rai'w',l- -

. .. ---.j iv. flawT it., mat m j.v swwa (:l;x ka .MN!rl maar- -

s ,.--- 4w aawtiT . ajuiiaal - oj amat "" -- "' a aaawaiov w - .aa aa .

i .- -a imI mi ar i awrara 4. tW aua a- -. rmr . 4,tmt

. a a.-- 1, itwiaa .. . . . a a- -, .wa a ,aHakaiatjaBWJ'. .. t itaast

Wi. v

Sp"' -AMaSr.al.flnk



aad.t .


--i- arV ? 1i ..m ... tnvia


VI t. . rJiM.Ktfar'kc - aiiai aa.!... a- I. Iftff .

ci risivit wrr or 1f ILtrO ! I. rai 'altoic.i.- - - ..Mini '. r:T. nv-- tt. .. I V l ta-- - tafWr . t'a .wHK P

..i-- ( j at" . if-t- ta aaAkaat... . . i ..... ... i kte ateaaaiM al- ..f it. .'i .rf --m. ti faai aaa af 1

.1., 'tela 11 l -- "- aaawto titof a aal-. an i:-

- a?r. ikaaiii-aaj- Hm. J ut --Wl le "a aM V aaaaaaiaf aaUto--r... a ikai f -- - V aa at 4Mrik fc it p 'fw i.w.n'a.f a .kat toaap. to ajala ma. Ik.b --a.i.-. aaal -- jaaBv " atikra. K--lu Ivai t1WnnaaTj.atadaatiil.ra.r

h!,- -. It .H.Mt 1 ! a af t1yaA It ram, Ka a. arw -- at aatJiw, a. tf ata ' at aaaaaaftaW9 CBtfl laltf WtMmW 099 apMajfivy a W

t r kiarat aaal aaCHiw. taaiaaA4 tofK taiaa.aii iaaa tka atal .aar. aaaaw aaa4tan iraajtkay to-- a, ! iaaa.iBaat.ii it

-i- aila-f atna"3ftaa akaiMaatliM w um awl I nam. JkaiiitatntiauaMa. onaaaaaaaai laaaaaaa, aa raaaaaaa tataa a ami aaa 1 aalatat 4aatfi

l tkrra aaaaaara a--A lilili tto ruaalMVaUtamJ .. H l. ILL. ikt. Or. A 9 "

a Fm.t-a.-- ra tw -- 'at'lU'.l Ht-a- T A- -

onKK3iK corirr or ths h.v--IC --tlaaa lau l iw aaahft af aMUtttail-.t- a kaatiaa'

w --. ik ahl faaaaW .'aafcap . I

V .. tk - aar -ra a4jwA-- a4 t kaafc-a- ta a a t.i.-- n. t kl-- f JiakL --i Aa aaakaaaa I

Xoit. t! m aJ ito.' w' Wt-aal- ka

a Ik aM a faa tapj iaatr ana. aaM aat j-- a aaaaaaaamaaaataaikirtfarmw ,aiT. i- - ta KavaataUaaarra aa aaaaar

- iiiil n atl a.T . rat aay at llawt .1 - ifWm,m IMW.

v. a . ai law toon aaaa a iaaaa aa antalk Uaaaaaatalaarfc-a- U tm raaaiaaaaj law. uw taiai

Danal aiaaiwla, a I . -- AtoaiTarttoMM. ?Saai a

QCP-UOt- E COCHT Of TMLIt a- -k ' aattlaa laaa. n IHatl, tkaaaw --I US LOT. al Bax --aaaatal

d n a.aa. CkaW JtaKaaJti lltaal tto aaritaa. sar IM

t HaatkatCtato.aCa.au at .kaaaaaa. lalvta).anaaaa;ltolt-atanW- a aa iJt--t UUMaaala aaM aa. at aa ar it l ma. aaa aaaataa ttotlaaaatat aaaaaaaia

a It H ali.id ttot W ANaaMaKaaajEa.j. 4aaioaaaa rf tka aalan af toa taa aad to if. afaa'i ao!t :. TrBMatT. Mr SMt atoSrar 0 ItAWtaalkaaiaaiaaMatatotaaaaiiME . prvrt Wmarr tM aaat Ctaaf Jpattlo

tb- - n taa " Cart. a aiaakaa.a )i aa- - aad ara tx f naaa rati itiiat aaa ajaaar aaf.. im- -. If aa j tkvj ka--. St. atl tSMHa akaaM.. k-- craatad. aaa --to tora to aaalaatot ao4haK.-i-l aad Kaaaikaa liofaaa-- n to tola aaaaat

a la tkT Lavaaaa Uaaanra aad xtotao aaaatatvrr 19 U.atala.

iW- -j uuii. u . ii.unat, a mila. r jraj).

tn-- x .Trtrata .'Ma-- ar aarta.1 at Claaa.

crriuuiB coikt ok tun ila- -t' WkUAB I90.A999. la I'M lataadafeak

lattada. t dokmaatKtiviro, aau. a aaoaaaaa eacaapoialtu tuaa far fraki WafTfTDaa I

ratma aatke tit Aa--. aanarttaa aa aa n aaaa aaa.da.taa at O.II--JI aaaaaaad. ta aa an tto aw

Uar at (Vatot.V tbait Caan. And a yUltlaa to .tof.wr fci'lia a. ami aa alava taaaaaaa laa aaTTaai aaaaVTi'nara W. Ball aad T C. Jaaaa. -- tor(kaaHZt. Hui D Hall

I. I. tTTk ardrrad, ttot BOStr, alADTr-aai-er A- - LL .r.-J- . a h.araaMaaaIk? Caaat Banaa ar aaal taart, la JUdaaaataVaZmaU Haoalala to. tud ltoaataa.attn.lt aw a aatlto

tkv lua Jmr frav-aa- c aat WW aad aaaaSaltmSuna. -- ra aaa -- anr aar aaaaaaa aiamiiliaaaif to.piar aad taata- -t ik , aad mi.r.

Il i .tot aati tamatrpaktlcatMa. fHr lla.a a...iirfa aaaalani --.Aaarra. n a.iaf.i aaataken--

ItaMd Baawlala. U. I Jtlitia tatft. ca.t ta --vao.

.tr- -t CWaf Jaaarhea fatfaai "SiRa--at am. Gaaan lla

HextnerXf aflbietttroraaadSala.tx AcroEUAXC- -. wni a row- -A it4 .p cjtktaad ta a raaara araav aT Laaaai I ' TT n' - TI mla I. 'A' o . J, iA C.ataI. Iikrr .parrt K aad fc-- aad tjr Mtttl

. j lA bJ SaaanaaWI aaWaaTjMa; V U tk it Wrrrkr tiara ttoc tc aa.lear. r ito BMcrsaBar tataoda atoFataamM.aHa-rarr far WaKra. aaat asna

I M a. II at nbto aa.tta. aa tto jar t 2SJJJ?a .M... ... sATvaoAT. mm aaaat a. 'a MCK aaaa ar Iaa car aaa faaaaam a

tn taid I aaaamaLcaa rf Mal law ,.iaai4 J W aaaiaalia-- t. "

at WillI i. i.r it. or af s aiv fan a. nT to

t- -. aai'.ta Brt-f- a- aaa tu m. faMortssM't INtiM rflmiMH &TMeT .UAtlKUAICE WRK A 1W.A r Mr Oc ctfaiaiad n. a I ilala aaaaaaa aMr ax Kerb. V .aactoakdtHdtto'Bair

aaa naaa. ia aarr . . mas aw aarkarray Ttaa uaf aaaa aaoaacaaaa naaaMid aKac r eand.Oim toaton. aad at aaMfiauwaair otii iwpaaaiaiaatatojmpaof Lraa A IrrrrMta, - a ar tan. aa Ha'rtoalt afaaldSTtar ataiM.aaac&cd.

itod la aaat aaaajaea aa taajS

Kcrtkrr tortacaltra caai.nararfa-aa- at-- v a.aasaaa

Tto anar-rr- r ta to Mid aaaaaaa atat!uire la aad la tfc wOaariM laaaaa cf aatHH

latd at Brta. K.alaain.. kafad af taa, ton1 laar rnaaa Kaaaan a ann aca

A v a . rr 'Itor B, tmUm a.. - Lrtar ma Jaka BcKtaajar m A Ctoag.navr aa. loiaa u.

Vaaar ttaaa tanara Kraih.HalaaT. taeaaadkaaa.mrardrd IlkrrSt. (

!raa. Jala Mctaa- r- t . aa A Ahi Immt. mCndcd l.kn . 1Mb M.

feaaa rata cKaaaaa to AA Chan atMIA

aa.tomettoaaariiijaaat .jaaor ty trr-- i aaaamt da-- al MM af Aaa. fSana aiaA a larar attwaaaa mmrnrn ar 1rkr aai.L 1aad ail rthrraatoraaHa pfrftoiMortgagWa Settee ef Pwrrrlatere aad a.

rN cfoRUA'CK wrnt a iott1 eraf i all laalalnial la ' a

t knar Kaaa saa la Ak A--a Taaa ia.aitaaaaat net ncardad ia akar 7 aaajaa BBCB19 acarar xraa aan aaaac aoar pmti aa artya jg lav caadManmm RMtaaa.a aaii ari at aaanc aaaiaaoaamaUlloo r e Ckaat atac. at aatataa. lamia? I

aa THCteB.t T. Ito Kt day rf Saraaakar MMof aaid day. tto aiaafaa aad Im.aa la daaata

aad aaataaaa aa kaaaar aaaaaaad.raitkrr aartanaa. caa W tot of C T.

wrarr-avCaa- r. Baaalata. Eon TT.T5riaaaurana lai tatoaaatan- - tiata.Utlr aad arm. mt td Ckaaa Ban au tk aad aaaal

!!' ., ftataadaawiatilkitanatamWIli ttiaaallat fxe plaaim m aaidnMaa aad mP ar.oaa-- aatk raattaa af Mid I Maaaj aad r ak aaa. naaa--

.rr vkaraaa aaM laarraat bataakara ia tto toMraftl rf adH an atior a

ArfmiHiftraUr's Xotfco.r!-n- E LSPEWIG'-- 5 lAVX'A kr tsly aMiatrd Vr tto Baa. a

t .nail Jam-- r- a Id Dkrtrtc. aa aalaa-- al

Ika rotate af Baatrv (al. Mla af Wtltotrca-- L tmky zirm antler ttot afl ift ikt '.lac M9a aiaue a par (ar aaana .a aaa.taa--r ara-aa-c .ar aakt lata', lac.Uil-- i .ia aaoalW. .aa daiv --a tkry toaarrra. a a.i iaa ra aaaa faa'an..yan Taaaac u raaia tau.

oa aarkrt aar-- v a. WaUaka ir w 3.Adatlatataur af totaf of Ba-t-a T(. dm

a a' lata. JUKI. Oct iftk amiaXerteageec' Sotioe ef Iateatma tr ttVOTfCE Irf UEBKIIT trne'il tut V --T tm raalaritod aacerudat inin-UK- f 4r-- t t. aaiki mmmfeT Flo rM. vT KakcM 2. HiJb Har.-- i u taaviirht of lln4nJ Oifcu a(4up ad -l A J ( Nhl 111 IicWm O Ir-l-r. - y eafa.Mt.ff ii,fflMl w pfr a tcti rir & n.i r the faamana ai

aaayaaaa aaJ am khw4 sji- - wy ikat a. - .

ad ncifl tMxiUlstt. aid tjr--cn ,,) tfi-- r Jmt MUd If' W m! Vtt aastttM ttc aarfiaf Mr Imdi. thf cofi-- ii !"- a -

Th rp.-- y r d sit;-- MfHMgi3ti-i- s kein7.rf 'Miro Hfi.aM kfn, a - JTa,jlU Oi kflCt. ts Af ui I 'a; tan ,i w mi yjiptkn j r J iior.. r . SrM aw

FT. - f. r-- .MPfT F rAH ' ri m k&ftm KtX t ' -

- i a- - a s f rT 5i . K

y i.'l'jtiKi

J mmmWmW" 94rall.BHF I

!' is

'-- HiaTL. saperrmls al mitt 8etlrv


coso-aXc- al of fuel.LUUa fa xi

EaaJar of Tnutrnrtctifi.'- -.


r ralidaaMtaaa4taacaaan tkat.l ayta.

W. E. ROWELL, HsfMfrtul.KOTlClb


at G:Vei a9t-o't- k "S2rik c






?-- i

Page 3: J, - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · 2015. 6. 2. · XHe bfest rwfTmfT xoau cuu jaUspooa Tjjgj. Stcm5i air tas caaaaz " icii. aonar iSac set afaoe &as& aaBai rf(Sa


i jr


I. XA'li..ag-- .

fZ"mf W?!W .' p


m 4.

coaasscuL.J? has bt (km fct km tr u

taaraajna tto ether rahmat traattorte fere ,,...rkeaaWaf rhtoatrarju. u Iiumi t )an

itjTte- - t eat n, toaTsTa tetania abeat th aaar rtww ceMEirvw.

- .

$i&&ftSL-g&- ;a Bent n no u,

th ptallme theaaa.-toaa- a rtbrBra- -far ah cm.i7Z at- m,ii 'liiiiiiimt U --- Tmfci'aMd

pr.The a Tift Ike I It ia..,w wsm rwciAaaar Hjllii Im it . t adl Tte M...stma;eaaaam. Ikttint2 Ay

& ruaotKK. CL 9

BabSnrlfcan. has the bmn af Mm tarrtherftmli.itr fe ivr-v- rsrTS"J.'MM"'' f the taxJi"R" "JW: aaa .racepasta ale nwi la that aartet aa jMinim mi in ii ii

BlCa-J- te tato a Xiskr; np u. I

' Kx PiT 32k Qir, I?3kg- - " - IT-- 3t. t fcJSj

uu-- a

""Ttl,l ill

IPXMBVISk OKMSiSit " .' r.CtfBMMcJk - lm- - rV '" - tn

lORT Or H0S0LT3I.n.

cy A

B$Si - WfMR, tMtx Bas ImB

On . --Am kkttr KJk. Inr. - r

am w: c b n.iiin n ii

&rtt?AM kK Bks V tUMT4fc tmr,. mm


na.Kim uhMKi t a Fit mufcKn ike Mmn- -

IMPORTSiran r--


VJTiltwnnM, mt fMiJi Of. Ciii.rME4P 1W


HthanKCIU.. Blj. . aT,tli.9 ax ailK.DMMlinw.tf.Mil: !


FaaMMtart a Jlaat. r Lfcaa, jt - riaaty T Hararr. T Ctaaaah c iS4arkT.BTanaar.A ji saaaaL

Kaaai.r l Ba.Un-- IAtr saahA. F BarAAalu. L TclawarVaatSahala.. act aaac Baa. tka S--AtavrriTnav;;.K Uaaaaa, A aaa aW Kk. a VrjftamanlaaaarrrarianA.4ja-- lrCai. aaagtaktateaa


amLaaaLaaZj. rrl.0wliVkikkmkjM BlWIi

Iks CMSHKtaRdhanF and kwiai wat



niailinaaal.aaMpraaaarr aayy ta(taataal aaMinniiia ml oa nanate k ta

at that OkatcanrtC

4 ar r aa Mt i Kcaaa.I r-- f ft -- ami raka ii fWaaa aac tfc ar anv. nfr aat chat.

aaca. air BaajaaaaV (Set aV-- J Dm- -

SlCiVa at.a i HtaaaaaaJaaaj.aiii.A iriraaat..atvaecaaart;.ACaaaa. atEtakaM ii Mita ar nnt. s r

ataaaak . riaaiiim ehiau.jrirWe -ar a Z aaaakarzr. A 1 ar - - - A Iran.AAtyn; S Ikaaaei -- C Btaa.ao.aaa.a in in u; lAiaku ilaRaBaaavaar ar tataoe. .

Fat AaeAauat aac liiiriala or J

aHhUl;. A HwrfcurfS !.- - Qiiirc. J (tliaiiln. AUi L Larn


iahaaHTarrtte . . rki .fin aat. tat !.." - -v

Itauaurrat kreuaracr. tVnuaUHrm.Ik faaaaa; wtr Kaa aan tad (waaaaaaa? .r.- -

aaaa. at caw tram 3. Aaerar taaaaacau.rjaakiaMt

Tie Eriijrd Spartan''

jfcabriiirlAJlkaaaattAM-FtAATra- t .JKaaartaaakawaraaWdccca;aJkx.Hate.

araaatkcdtaci l at ursa. aTananC.B!tcc.

tJaaaohahoaaaai. ii.iiraataau.dthe.aU IM a.. VOtSV V. a7afcaCT. WaMCli taSK. --S t 'tsiy.iaMr? i

cmxoBT am at sx arAi ,

. v aaj ia. aaaw aaaa wraa at a- -

ill ML. t rf tac tVtiiniail laaaadc. t raaaam j

laaKcrMaMswallaiCRaBtamlaaasaaasa Tceriiraasalbiadaa accwarp That aa Sias arjraal.Asbuaa .. ... .... ftaJap.nihr.ia in tkai taBaacaittaratwaTarri -hjiAararhi&brrkaawi ttr ratrrJ fraat

. Foraaata. Aac Mck. ISSS.

JtraAaaraaT Ktlial atari taa: J Maaanfaai aajfaeyaa an liitgnaw attkenlaiiitff I

aawiijaaLiM. "a aa arr. aar kW Hand of AjraaMatv the Iniaa al aa 9

thatafiaht air tt araad aad r-- vit aaflt to sana act t " n :

T laaitllia. iiiib . aa aa aaaa aar--

TtMaaltak aaanciaxaaar thtrjatncVaadTCKa-sta- iiiatjaa.toai III iMtaat taaaacaaar aaaa aaaatlM f


la WBTM bbbbbbbT- AaaaBT

trvtaaat bafor at tka aaaa koa. aad at I afar- - j r ,acaam Mataaawti j tmecc

lkar atarkrdat bUjlji. aa aaaasjaasfctaiiiial lankaa hah. iTkiMifraate jaaaaac th aaca I kaW Sir. Croashrr

,"ieraw Jat aaaa; Bhr rt or lacks



mmm Beaaajoa. Aakoaaixx tfc aha aad achealM.av taa aaaaa aa avaaoa rjaaaeoB- -

aakr. Ararrbaathai ina tahia the BUne ,

)aaadamBa.aal B.aospapaiaur ;- - etaaavaai ataaal II apaja.IthaaaauaiifiAatb; aadatcartfjcjtarthr I

5tetjycj bat th j

' aad thTien:aataaaii ant tuna. Dra rat eaoraa t

aaaat ah aba thiaaah tfc aaaarr h aaata a tawrcaa the Llaad au annrliir tea

jMfee. dft'laair. fafhd fretxAaajatlaclaa araracstKattaartte j

r ii 1 1 in idtnid a ill liai aatadaii- -

ban aa iaaaBtatSaaathail .

acaaxtaaar- - li aadlocJoctCh 't0adathtataad.ardtijcy

ottaaa. atta.I too I I OB the

lOaai.aaWlr CBIKl fiSK.

At f o'docA r at a anBear a. ate sassBi

Mi mi i --1 -- has w rrtara btau. aid

afcat aait jaltettrery aaauk ilin. rites Oyy j

bait Moaed aad the aarJaa had araxs4tTaeaoatkMeaf tB1 ni lukri If mi ll ikil' nil

B i. Ihbi J mi m tttfi kaa!

lil ti laatnrfli ailiilliii lie milII Ibiiiiii- - beat la taa ar aaa-- to st xasecuiee

tZOMttuSfOCV II anaiiTial TBI amrr

caeitthrrlmfc at Atr aaara aare aoaaressaidatail kaaaeto aaad tkaaa aaaaatueeCffieAaa.!!. Ifcaarjr-- .'aaaa. aad nc to heat aiada ooatWaoc c iiiaBlaW3.aadtkcrebeaiaTaBltasKberr u

rfaraaetoTia-- a laiicar saajaa aac eta af tsy cxav

i aot cat fas. .1 antL iMmrerlaora aa Raaatae. Jtr.z.v

taLdd a a bvaawwhayae. UstberKxb ai"

TVtM fanar; TaaaaaE and I anaBt ta ber to tjs itSnaaaan3lrwcBaToahrt iraar i

I ta4uvs rfSaaiK.TTS tbWdoTe b:7. - j...-.- .jl Hl aKAV aaaaaaaa.

kat ;ha tan a itawe . ss ,

aaaat trttk an of are abes oe. rcarc

ttWdtteaaaatinis. fatiei -

.JtrSJAar?" S TS .- -r a-- at rat:mi-- " . .- - . . wl."i!SV -.-- . .



giiwp.c- -

rptotarnrreatctast' J

"atir.mm a. eka- Idnaaatae seeta ta ptacr a- summer aoa easay ruoat. S.ta?aS hasbeoB cyae ix' rjniic x;caMk bas aaaaaaaacsory ek3x. I re :cx:fcareaakat afcrr aary ke'adtra a. i; ri: c.

a atocb ease t kCh. Je Stif-- t ' t" "

aMaartarjaCTg. I jed :

cable ask she ila'i.a. bat e far 1 1- -

llfcai. 11V l! s la-i- "' - - -ataaiandi aai caaa aaaat i - r

. KEiarsatb a traded Bater- - T --scIbMTaW aa ace at tarsaeavtai : ioptsSSxLtmx tarther aAaifa tjaf thai .iueaaarbc resaergi. Ycaas c arro

lit."Wailslai iEaitea-- s

The aafcer day a srmknrcz ni -"-. "'

fetks rVat OtEee to ajBrt x! shrre - '.fme- kant. si & ezacBsi MMers- Fi.r . H--

,egCT:anij etar t "

rot atffirt: v. -Ie4t3aaer sfcrc &V za-

t2casarr3i- - iaaahe - -

nsaan?raerkt bats aeecJr-K- ia she aapac szsiast Taesdari Aa aeoerti tix iettaa aere :tin T lla aaataaEa: anat t&e sesoecaaraa keren aj y ji; ac issae- - iii j

1 c aa Bora - '

bablart5eycarBS tooast feacaadrr atnc aa-s3- 5

arbetbcz'TJtar ant. 1 the akoee sssszscrftagcgrjagHajatatserraat of the- - pahbe. Twc

3Kzl2Snc s aattt'iir tfc

29adscat 2ijts: ant aocsat. T&c tjr '" alaa itabazatl

f'JTitoaa rang at tme-raia- V tt taada aacaSri asjfaaaff jmt Abfc. "a asatav asau!baiaibxi. c m sauata abat ae

ba2r&ecrta5'Ba bar-- tjaa; cc tr"TaifarTi load foe the pasi sax or racat atr-e-

.. 'laaertUgtlaM &e irat frees the eza -Irvaraatv.

Tin-- alskesir baj Xxsmc Case 2eafez

an ttrs est eSct tsestxaasfcaOaaat:sea, "ttTiic ktS tea Sail Mtiiii the 1st sacSs&asSBbcsvcdK re tewed eeTitsr4a!

ScffrrjeaefxccatSceiriasear2aj-- .est tea toSts J aad 'saQ by

Tjg oacessaftegaose:izSbs ascxSrr tataea ri etsat Ths Ea axatbr 1



The CW Reverb arxired e ceatheraahmst.

Th Cry v Xw rinil!itll Xavk

TlfVVtKrbnKtCtkrSMpmnrCVcrlMM.-- -

Tte AthVtt? 0V kail w wtt rat-jaa- K btthe ladies and children wbo r "w

!.-- uatwn ce: th ratal of tbe te&kn(4 LvClt: pud Jmiro ci 5wti. toend-.-

Tfc nsciu nnaaif the BnolcJc Stx iai

Mds at mmm Iivmi kw h

ti 3Sk last. f Sa rteaencu. ad M(nb 1 nftnwua o( Use sum M kvsV-OHEm- .

Vs&isni. ) TMRkaMd tkr wow iaJPBS OBMMJBBk; la ttar wsn nc rfasix:

Mi liK Sttl CrK tir V;. i- - fUhm3W fcMMwiMi Maaar t t? tnk lMH Ikr r i4iii, m IM9M ianv.mMl rji

Mtnaeti tawo Imner tmmJ tvwc

aMMM Mial t Ian tkMfwrt fora S4K.kjt.MM, Mi, IXhkaaSkk. 4)mm i r--

M tn aktksPmmsmi 4ke3HriM4M iTTim n'--n BV!lrt MtlMT Hi,Mn Ml

t(.kminsuiIiimIiimu a

too pattenn the aMnaa kD.

teatrtlMMl Ml Miwiu ACManai aadFsavbaa a rttm OWMftar

ankIthjrtMol.MaiMMM Bd tkv QM lnKSCaCW

kKWBhwniMaiii that mime U H- -

anix.aanac tlw iiirnu ureii. Ttek hMW rtlM milt shay MOM. . ,

DmU Tahtatj


aaawiitMfataiLl-- j hu4 at thr IVhat raj.O-.wtnlteM-

ateaakxau J aar rsea. Ha Ckaaaaaaa a taaatf aaaBr aaa


miw IIIkMMkM



araatsaMatoa aaatraBataaa Fvnaca









nianaaai aanam. I

Hi inn t Atr. W. At. tiitaao hasehaaatBM

afnrvaocaihr at aaratwatft w ht--ihaTtac aciant to aaj.th me


an aaat !aaaicai, !

athneltabaa Iam "sajar- - I

of Viaarf 'aacttaickaad,ptSanCMaith) Jllaa !

AAanC.MaikVEaa. aaMtHrjaaa jaiiraiufl fartaacaTT. kaaiiiniiT k aaataiaatinri aadhasiKctiaaaanrdaatk Mrastair ot J aa the ieereaar U Ktacaoac. trar attar iw,r !


X- - Caaat. tar aaaar aaara tht aiaaali- - faaafajBerral thrXMMW.at a Ok ekanw of IkLaTiaATi ii fauna I nil lllMllnl aJl H iam hi Tialtl 1r nnailtra T I'- - " J

craants.ll.? - jet a a. afcaai li m t aa ak I

"" ' T?"1""1"" ,- ATUJB- ..,.,..W.,n1 ---I3MftUM ijUBK MfeaTMB. Mlffit "A

fararM.tkftasaac thr Omxs- -at asaareraaainta act

ta aai taaaaas. aa thraataoorr of lbiiaiV.C.r... . & J X. -aaiuairainai aaiu u v "

k huaaht iaiilaalttV a thr aarfacr 7 Ih


Baa. A. Fraacat Jaad hat ah odcjunlatiravn I

teak! lUlal "tart. a aaaa oawra taktata- . .. --k-

acAaaarot tarataarrctaaxaaaKaaarnaaiifthT. A.C.A. ahaataat tat An mum

tkakaOt ajla.raacaWthr Facaac Oaat,a tat tarctaaa UvaaSanta Crat raumiraaini hainr thatkxabtT.

JtK0rtaWaWa1WMkatk ornoSBt ttacat

tka 3tak. aa a kamtc ii naa d oaaaWaa,!tT aE Qgrtaaal arirtk aaaa. Ik retail at a

aaaawaei drraaa by a partyraw taaaaajfea.a

a a. . 'txa. traaMranaa. artrrca a tat- - s ar. Mr. O fin a caaaat.ta

tltaaaic. Hit jat is 8aaxaaaB"ariik,, . ij.--- .-- "

ktaJ. SaaManas. aa ka huairLah. Vaa. Maara that ka hat KT. cb limal)m asra at thr Taua.. M. UWhMHfevM IlilUMaaac vwbw .wBaBviMsv 11.

SSMSSmi "jatraaa i- -r

, ..jj. , tha 'a. arMrtkeknainraftataarht Waacaka troM tt ltObr- - Oaetdthe bass fjaa that aaattxt aa dBCVRt-ca- l

taa natnaarnTi rtiainr tar raeumat ?lxconHniiiliaanMj m,i aat taaav

r.tVclBtkataaFeBRCaba. una inthaaataal tryaiatthf JAici

laaifttiti. Wdiiata tat aaaa bt-- tcatteaac'k nalt aad the 'War. Bt--

rsera the taax tta aVax aaktar aB ptxAaMrbr--aata otaavaar Ittaut aa

I.KB.fr ia arVxa acid r. Jaaaa T. Wfeaw a

kaaartt. a h aaaara aaaatarjOal aaalraaMtk a&ba aa anar taai anaaaaroaa taccanacr mtaaaa nra- -rlr rxaiatd at the iiatrn at Kaksi laacaad

xsaaaa etrwt. am atura aaa errata surer aaMttartaaMBBaaafa' ahuiaii aaffg tataatJ, in ten tb fcaaaar aja. after tftrfc.

tnxaCFto trerrr HUM cat- - in tan aarre aaaaeaabal t fettcrr. by tb aid of aa oahxalrrAOBMBaa. ta tauuuaaE rataret ta'lrta to Seajfxntiari for m t.etljaico arbo aer txaapardykaaiedtatfcatcaryarauattkava-iD- .

Th ohJ abahas cm tk IWaa ajr aAdbaac:tk attaojarrt at a aaaaooai ta aartaar aaarSaaday. paaVd by St aata? aataata. iBaTtett- -

cat axBBataaB aat araaa a aa rrata.iin .nIIIMMI IIB aawill nuawiM liai waaaiuiiiaii.iii

by tfc UMieaai atfca aa an leatpaaaut I

Tbart areaa to adatxadta 1 aaaam wtr mmar rii. in aBttbearaaaaatdaatoaaiarriiTbytTiiiM thaa to aa raaa aad nx.alaTiaa aaacc:ractrefr attar oat tafaaroarsasd aatk thaa theaaaaes af torawr laaaiaaa. A arar taaraBtTnuii'Ti in aas " aad thaa arefc a

law aetgf LiA.nl ill 11 tVar Carraarjcg.

TaaoaacertisrtraibytaeBmditLaaaaScfmrccathrtesrxcf the 9tbiaat aa arj aail at- -

CDaj NHMP I lllhll. .11V WHKaiaMectattv aaaataor ot bene

aai Cbmm. ItMl T'.va.'acac a aaaa!. bB taceaaad, sad tar ana Torsiaad tsatiaaKacal aain taztfcra Brerx "" aat

Aeaadaac to oatract the reaaat of taa, & aaar yaaserawt. a naoa ia ti ynimr aaaa

r Maaraiuf Baa aat Safa face nt XtB taThe aantaraaaaaaafJaaataAaara aaaa at ayaaaaaaat by aaiiaa lafdi

-- ,- LaBakaf ia llonaialc.,

Hr.je.jataartT.actkaadAaeT;: taca.r-oaaaa af that cat?. tatiLujadce tie Zrri'T:root ax oteaScd trs? to Gwji Bntaaa aai Ire-- ,

i.-- .j tfoim Ttx? m) twit,...... a. ... a. J- - XT .u,is: aas affji- - - e lr?""1- - ttzic x .czpesoesi ax yj.t.twr c sar iueKecri art. y Js. iyrsarBr. a ksf asi ties Sviacis 10 J !


""' se r'-"-vot ijtaoix. fc wen pteaxea to vle

s:mar- - Tb

raaatiaaa tatStaVrdaaal dan. "ra

aaaa aaaa aad traltaaes aaaa aaaac to :

at aaar a aaajtkli ta tkaav taie. TTraaWTaiK Btrataaraiaac tatNaatavirk-hMhtMdor- r

adublt rat araac. alLtadj kaae thearra- -

aasea aboat




r?- -























- , n






. . . . .. tt- - - is ..iwr ..-jk- .

irs3--r, jArrataaa.-- ' tT....I. -- . ...- - iSi i. - ..' a vaT.aA " a" "" a. r tavv

i.,.- - ;.. t

:?V - - ' -

- Trv i!-- rr K'.at?-- !c ri. - k

J.- - r i .vc- - : - - -- A

tzz. t5:i. cri-a- x t.r-- r i AA avTiir- - ?i:tir ju.

pJT5fcT2S Sci: s t cf "a h- - jtri t 2s- -i it .

satjecto tsfuvr-.icL.J- 7i Irr --ner 4 1

v e a.- - a - iJ& it ?S zl-- : ; : Vo: I

1ZSZ-- tie ci. - J - ..;-- . - ---ar and t Ua. Jt 7 ..-- j: -

z:assve-- i 'if o? ae"d-tc- r '"vtSiT.iTsrrite t3sJ

ser S. .zL E.-- rt-- - v 4

?tx ,CWi- - i J -

r rj .. ? rvri f - Urf r mL tk a,Tibbm Tin lil ateasx. aaata and Trxrttarfc the ifCMlcal. ItcarEatar: on jnefcIaaept ctaoe naatM-- j ana aataaaasy paoea taarttact. oocsfaitnjt: tfc starestina of Htf Bonar'date pa ta bcmo ba--cr Attaeao of tbt ar- -

astasss by crjaKead. dnssacr Jndd ii'ti' Tf" T AacejoSc tSLtzit. lat dfiar cc tnc SetkK. v

Pce22Z3-nb- i -- 1 Z2M tf--2 iikefc. issc rfee ti.--- oi-i- it iarSvctkaaatn a hsatt. tTaJr .31 u 4Ctsi: am9aer

fft fjiierit-Aina-t- fii nc 103 Kr.Aa3be-- r. CErano tlat the ifai-tui- i --d ace f--

XSa Ifxstj f iic Cd&fss ieFai u j--cC Sgasag. bail. v.

lCcje Kd ii clbe Prpiriicrj- SciKKi, lis2r&iiiiwii2tc is tin: ri aid sse bajiXz. statusta

ilfxiXeii&.lt&2,iia:&&xZ-'- S C. Fjv-c-

. e heal a3 KBK&lBittkl dtTO.




Mr. Forae-i-ei at rceaeertr toarberof drawtac ta

th MMbtMB ? 1 I'lBg. tb 511 JtS f SOnpuMr aad awasirthl a tMar wvcM lewreran.' I we; t.w thf-l- lrdw Snivel of

TVy f-- i a ifatMiuc erf ttawi tctwuhwI t! t . : Cii-- at kW lalMiar IVnuutwi a1 Y. - v.-- .i;g tW MtemtTtrUtirttotht chart, rt

H ttJtiBV!it;s'tK lVttj Omr'..i '. ttaaaaenr a iH3uurtr Muarr etBKtr aMcMatmi that ta eftMtrn unts xaac

t the t&Tf veasca i "

d -- h JWaH rife aSaW HW vhMfctr HaK? rtctiaM l ptvfw opolie r atC"

Tit sroMhi cf M n tt trr aowil aariiiwuj MerUiBMt. anaacna rsrtvianj Ntike bjartLo' wmsc awe salaetata. w bnnuntT laa.wan. JIWs.3 H tw r Mnk am I ajiMratiiltaV l rah ,. that iradwrd m. Ike at .4 tnlaWiDfkMst. tWe m9 few x caamatfcf ooc fWCtsz.3. Krv Jaaa, Mat M-- H aadTata

Qt. w trt UK UwNrm. Mr. Raw,Ti lb. 'ni. aad caw kr MawSm4rMiMsaalaTr. JaWHaatia.

S. rawial aire MaaV

tacvxsolliffr aaB W Mrt mMuhi'ii ar X&w

Aaaa ffcvnav luai atr. Ckasaa. ZkCToarsi. aa k aaawiaMiaMhi ttta ta aB.

--- Ji i

H4 had abje4M aatcaaaaAa a TasiT n- -

JaarTgi fa thrKakala. HpUaJafetytaa-oas- .2b rata ha fitlin tar anar lattaatl

vms ry cate.

aW Kakaaa teat sanaa

4c Ga. TcTi tran &aB

rtadmarthtlaa. Clwi. i. tU 9m amlatlWai alMHHia tataciaaaWaC tc- -

Tk PBMW ataiiWjak at ?mw1 faar camlaaaat am MqUitaVc ljak.1 hgjkt. to

Kr. Cenca. anwhMptaajinaaaaat at HBa.

iUmi rarfialiikiiHiiffih'aTTTrfaiittki ailar aa. .knar at r abanakW.Mrt. fa aaal DTnaVtatarj ahoaaBt (laafi Statti faaajnaaa.

The fMrikt hroaaht ta lfita ay th Kmmm

aatnaTT tt Tft " -- - takMtwiMtarwtaaiiil tkfma Mabi

Tit ra nf IkT TMa-T-ii V y .Vwan.w.h i tir ITaa witlMaal & hwaa a. wai

ta 3aBBUawajoaJJki

McGk TTiiMii a swyvc cart

TL Z. . r--i Jat tbtaai'aaaaa.aad tt at h haaW thI W wM wuai be

kaa k... all ladiacajnjaaAsax aaraa. au Baa

THtava. MiMOif, atrnaal at HtM tm am;.0vb3)k,lfXftSta Fraaxrov. in a

.Am, i!:x"3ksl --,TZE,?rrfr t--:!pahorhof.

IhAw at KaagChaacaVOt-atPaiaaia- a.

aaaacdoanH 4jomr Uc Wacht'. aataAHtavawwja Mf vet-- m. nawaajr ati vwt. m.IkrCtaataanleaiciarai ta eamaraa: aanhc ooxl had taB oaaaraL aad aa ta aaaps

Oa ill Till in am karat ta ta aiuiaail TWafcint aaJ aatrnat taravtl oat. and atth haMacatJar auk toad aad tiaar aaaaatTtal ta aa IhTVuhalka aaar. th met aC th an aa ant

f.Jaarai Bktrallli . Xaafd a n laiamN aa fcVHnl lU Inn lalKf ahral TT Tf Ahaas oaoM s AW. X.4Mb JttVtl W BfcLW-- i Us

aUo.Atr. BsSyV Kvsa at MaAaaaa fe yralaiaii-- .

fa aaaefc. Tlt MtittiM4.nHoiaawntt Mraacaa to WaMaka. 1Tka4ahard oc th Baia-- laal aa akoattkr ytanaW.It fB4akerbx:

Til iiimi mint i",-'-'r- - w atrarVicaloa-- .S aaahaad aaaaWiratxiaaamtaooaa-wtyaac-

at ta At axatfcer. IW bM rata aiBaa art tkiajaa jt kar tej "Waaa-- IViwct- -l

aMftaaCJroraaalattu ara th rVtkt thattraaha-U- T

It bacax t raaa n Ftaaar auBC. Oca. SSta. attboat $ vcteca. aad cavaar cViara as at it had raaacaaaUbac fvr a artace. A bnd atws tkj . "' - w nuJ morr Smm Vain

. ,1 r;w aaca eBad ak drbrit irraa thuha 4BKB aad oawatwara tauaimai at

rupmj urotc! tfceiw. Th tgaJCTal iaai 1 aanaan al ua of tk ataaa w cara aat atai tkiM.9cuL aa that IIIMI lilll mills aM

WBKtiai. JUa,TcsjAuoftairkcThcaaa:oar. StaB. aU tk daaaxr eaasxi oaa b

readUr iDaird. A sa of antatad. MrthpaagaatlllaJCTaalaT

Saltle of Sue Billm.Vanise or Eotsocrxr as StvatxszfrrUA: ok

The kae-ca&c-d ra taatca at raa baB bataata aaaarltaat ijcl,iitaB. aUai. aad tfc aaaotatadab of tb catr, taak to oa th lUrxaauoaajvaaaaht at AUAiaa on Am Saatawlaj ataarancawaaW jaan.Ui a lory htoftaa jt tor ta exrrasad. bar: 1: - sot aata TS that Marrotted, th Vaabcuw ao trr Captain Coda, ot

na dij aiM aim ia! Ttiartfa "Vitrar andtof tuklcaters to Utf oat tor ta

The tMrccAtattill aaata. an dur tk Jut iilaM cfCtjttua CCc. spread tbcanwlrK aboat aadaraaaa the dtaaaaM ia tb laduaam taia:Oaf. w.car: Aunc catcher: rortpea. r!t

atVarn.aaart stca: Soott, kfi UU ; atat Whittiri.nat aeid. Jlr. Jtmts Cxalt, aa aaapu. placed

aag rncua 211a va HtaaKniKaf thr Uioataaias. Th third baB pttrfcrd

MdjrieaaterJaaaaaBaifcehit st otMaatrthSeLfaaa Tracked tfc bat; afaTr, feoeaad,and fit to tb ttirf aa a ptcard baB. Saaakaxfad a tarr-rrt- to left, afcarfc Scatt

aaatty. Vnuttaw al seal a hack baB taaaaaaaaarelaaaAwcacairad ty mu. Tk

of a toaia taft T Man laioraaat. Alaltbrhopetof the barkrrs erf rhaaoraar. arar can-

tered a Ycoxaasin.ak0 9tJnnkaaLbKaarh.toLata, arko kral a. aad Oat vat aria-th- ear

beKartatOCvTiiaaoharC. atlawinnoaoaaa ta the bat. 12 lluiaidatr boys xtkat thtarpaalBKaa a da txti at feuo-- s: Q. Maitfcaaa.rnebcr. B. Voaecnksr. catrlwr: G. VTodrfcoos.Sum bast; Wtatnrt. sreond baa: Sana, thirdbaa : Oij;art taop; Fisbar. ceaater iatd: Winter.aftBna:aia11aTVBt naU. Soott, tkeftrrtstslxr. kit tezk atat to rlhanrr, aad retired.arkattack aaaae three illiatai to nle aad fakbc j;used fine ea 1 tfcraar uf Wodtooase's.and atot aresad. Forbes baared a cxapl otfoxis. aed BaaBr fen a kark fair iaad aaata thedaaavead. wan Weaaaaav oaiaarra. and thtstrtler rctirrd. Sfearrett aanrar ktawelf too oa ataa that aaaeed kkav n liai at kark orar therteht. aad cciiBr are base, teav tnc V'tattirA

tTafaniai anat aat on three scrabw. anaS.aaaaXaBcfS. Sraa--na tar SptedetmOr.

Doasrt: a?el:otkebal tar tfc Bottoisics. aadtaaaradabeu fcopes by seaahnc a aat ba to eanrt.

(ahi aaacaaad at thaat Hi abniaini-.Sr-t- , stcal- -

as trmad, aad rnaraTac ttoM on a pawtl oaltrsfcerhad tx eat tbe baac of Coie s pttehia;.and reared oa tfcree sarrAea. AiarkhaM sent aaaaty-ract- ry left, seeding Dwasat bantr. andrtftlP,wmf tiuri taxsdeif. G. Wodrhnas seat a loaroaa toahort-abagaaje- lnaiHaltwai..ofTlarl:-aAV- .

tk-- oiy aUoaxx: tarttrr drat. WinterdtaBped c! oc tlrce strikes, kataa: G.

vie tkiri-- Seure on.tx ii cr-i:- n aritcataoB Fcnncil scrack aca to tTejujcj. abo passed it to Srs

ararw to : arr.ral tkere ot th? striter. Mortooaaatcat aa a foci arat Laos tent a sty scrapernato W"iiaey's feaods. A coe-ef- x for tpreekats-TtB-

G'.-fto- .

rsr. taw taita Iaat5s.Oa: :.-- . p t&r caic: far tk Boaoi ate's aad

and a bat taatr toararCs canter, rettiac easaiy tofits. xd hjt . teccci. !raa sfcared kiats-- lf

for c eaor: tcu vai debarred tbot texms? bat proaeas at astrUeT. the

araraWeatatejiMten baits an the taaeker afcaebaxtwi nac vuc atziaer aa aaa at

x- - an: ! epecaaixx: xeunai a ar a aat tA mob tos fcisuon too kaarand he aaaoteUreaoct. iatia atintiMi Wat kad ataAaahw arty aroosi to ttardaad ana aasoaaly kofc- -

r tjaris b-- . Wliifim r aantta aad took aI.Mnra ear T aat 9 hfnW IfBlllaBal fnSaaT aMfcaU

,ZTTii rJl.,rT T- -' - -; v-- r - a."" 'v ."r. " "

tut: tatra co paaaaa natt. xtay ;tasirrtd tttreUtraathar and strTataly at

- Willi ac. fOaaCE aa. n amaej aacfc, . f ,, mood. saadtos Whatary

tai --rrrg fcaaaatAf os SUL.tie bait

'r "". " " . Tzz.T : .ii:carjx.lOfEaiaia:aMrtiapaaaB.t- - .tT the aaua tarn tor. had tbr T ..77 ?t. n j. i .

fmj gfjca rf mT UntaT kUttU VaSaam aaaaAt; iirai "aJtoi saaar th Banana far tfcr --tary crops bxt tssc. tsauud of Tfcieb. MarHwei neat toLt,And ciatr aena caBed baas, ofc--

lilt rtt,tbas atrra; flerre taes eat nanaGsy odeckov aas aiao prrraeKed to strad ti

- cf awa TaUtatftdrcaad ana nK aAVmd, -.-.s- cc cntaxi baiSi. Dcmett coaaanr

-- . zji Fuber acxjted ta oa a nan-ir- kail.atrQcAtsTtoSQGrVfxatfctiraUarnacjkicatin Hias. aad Alartban rtacfcl hsaae.

v ifboesc ItTj; oc thud. The caskd bakVsa- - : ta e&et ve tie pKcber. for Oat tool: the fa1 . otBserrx taa aent ta atTaraa arer ceaaer.

tojltuatajK aaal taeatoBer kin rHarnrae:Sa?na.saaltaraaaraaareeittdsaeeau

i;use. Saan feOoaed aarl an striraac. ptaetasCe tali orsr cajatt. akn sraaareraa t&parast. aie u stater okeaiBM tkne basea.ttSatarra sfeczafer. bat at feu lata.! - a, j Sex: . aeid. aad the aVtrr-i- i. biTts; idd-- etdAmnt to tbesratore. TteSLlx. bora sere aot arabocs tr aarr rnees, bat

ii'-..bMdjBaBoJtcesrf!L- tfc- 5 sas2 ciMrsaaas ti . ... -ti- i-E - badaaai; aad 5tabr seared a poa--I- - -tarrt. Ti irrri w see .bare brra inaajH (..;!nss,. rf r--i2 tzx. 1 11 ai ca:a








jntn. s,'i.jAn









1; -














-- ,:.,





eSapCaoed racr-rs-fa good kaaaar aaxs shrtrirs. :nXtt Cre) net oat oa a fend aea 1 yfrsy G. "odaaar. aTktsarA: atraefc msj to taatd.

aacxsr naaeii j 2a-a- to aaaLeaatt: sar sazaer. Focbaa faTWaad ttkjtU"? exaaate. and aatuaara-- x toaard tsard. est anMdaaaetT atoaf to

?7y!eaKnL Eearract atrtlafa tit:KsecSn.-a-lafia3l3taraacaaiil.-sfeKfee- at

tStc sritK 23 sade reterni. Foetes btssz Jet


2rt boys teiicd tfc?

of fcts to rafrn t tierjosal aba rd of beisa a aery fact11 miim ill tQB tie rt-r- -t pasaxzt.atactsscsa arsai i ens no ferrs was.

Soratt airss a daisy csfiex betarear3aadeaDcI.a3doLSzisilx3s btae. Srcct, aj is cpste

1 -- y ritjei tie btS tjrfcilj tj rtrrrf zsd.Wcdefcae aras caaii! mpr-r- i titsaia-asco- aad td-- eaademorsss forrszsLF2s;tita &rrcrtrr to Loess ad rrtirec, Basrtt v"i''ij ts& Krety to (2e

3xriaa'Beinoc en fast and bezsdfcSssaJ a2totJjs tM. IXra-se- aztia be-iI-

Sfiscietaas frit baierifiir theJ fatJat; dd

ret last lies ma tiiy airs aslal SeldaardjtlrraTirta, Sscrtf ftrtli-- ; tS b Rstar al""""i" n ' i eJir. Fiaad aTKrT4 farira rrjc-re- rl fcjG. Volebos3e,ti- -

taoesh ocirtT t ay cuttatan Hh kita asdThay m txsr or t autx.l3atnne Aoex)ot tkar n bat axveSMtKv tka Tklt t )Iut.ktn

lotW en tiT liv r.tciunr k( WMMwcwMki taeJlJaaJwi tir !cc X the t ta IIoia!B R

tvt Mac f.t lataa hat thT roelteaiU vet.ttryqrt lit . It trnilajti. trttrty rK'j; aoveajrwj: a4vts caw, aau utaaipa te cvacirr

; ijfct rrl.t their swat la ta sttth aa4nrtukmr.lan 4rTrrra row gi:i ta tinatta. aptwidi xti atata. IWacMa Mill risjincar(aRt aM aa amrc ec bet ru4p am ri nark aatrl at kV ctone r( t&

Caaw Hki smt Awd S KM tar IkNa to $ TWUt r PdUoartatn tb TMat


'Naw rw R vai LK

ow t I$ II 4 IWatOMC t t

TaaVhaaV ft aIkmcu IF 4 I ' C

Ftaktr Ofarum r 4 t li fiaiA.j It a

Wtttat rtl I ' t

NWHttmat,. Fa a Oat U R

4i LF I '; I

mmiii m a i a

U i J ?

st a'j iMartra ' i a .lata , I ,

--- fSSS 4 at T

trrKOat ot th Haaa.aaaT.IiatM.af ah SrmAiB. lar

mt aai an hoar aad 3K ninam. Nt.IaMri-rtT- -- -' as SMptrcaad Maw.v K 1

Uan aad r--. tvrrj- wcrs.COt JTtfctlTS.

TW atatis; ttaat rt htat-htUt-m froaa Maai.atav th.-- nmm of ta ihaiaiaiMiktai raatrhawr cxrr. ar aaad tk tiwaiiatt of a tnaarraroaWrd tu that SJ the Horlormte h.wa. Jaknh had baaa BUerd is the Sfwcaal aarsa(Mr 1. 1. 111 t ir Till MTii--T 1 - t x-

kealaw. and. atlk Ike;! at Oaakua rhdord.atiaihnm ta aaaaar oas tttTaa. hkcrshmaac tu th tea! Mttat th Sftx KtipraiaBl aa the cecsiaia. act tS'ro ta

irMatr ot thr ctpl taa n( ta weatvOMc atMaAieaH. atatta itc intw-a-aa tw ta aaeorocMr. . C VruiKan. at fITtO, Mr. G.rVr'- - Mr. VT. H. CVnaait. aad tk Gitxrrxaaal AMittrn. all o( ahark r fitlr ratratatrd to.Tk cuoibuK Taca of ta nirwi wrr ani taaaattm a .Joit Gtd Frlknr" ta hootw at Mr.

Dott.itaiWkaAtaFranaaWiJ.Thr Rojal "-- -- Baad ca a rwaevrt at tk

Hat. a tap ctrasaac of tk ink iniltl.t ia aaaorof the Ttttttiv ti4tlirt froot SntrdriiTdlr.(it a tare cronl na yttuaul. aatatthMaediai;Bar ifciaaai aad tb rarctama aarr tecartOjAHi-ad- rl;

tss ueroKO outs.Tk aT aaouc? aeaarwd br tha Haaolala deb

afcaatd aat (Ktmaa ta StwnaatTwVtatta,Aadacoadautr& tras arnaerd. aad nhtrvd cat th1"1k aatnal It aaaM be tedaaai to rrcvttat tfcgaud pktT aaad trr th Buaolatat, aafcrh etwbin:thaat ta scut a total ot 21 ran, or Ike MiMjrrn-a-

ahirh bafal th nraat: teaaa, aad atloanithrca l acor bat tkrr raaa ta th afar raniujrv

Tb sua act quetlt (. laMatc bat aaknar aad forti-- a Kataks. aaaaMrd ia iA rriiIbr thr uddlLijS cine to th v3r bf tbrtr

Bi. atard aaatatat! t bj tk raaal Bttduaj;aTXatua. aad Uuf atcaapt drrtaioai of Mr. O. W.

av rdtaaa. vho adaurabtr alSrd tk panttoa otcaentei

F (oita; at aa atKoaat of th ratn aaad brJt? alairn ta tkrt laat atatah :

Uoaatxaf- -t S. Saaa Vttaar S, H. Wod.kaaa I. DtrawM X FrAer I, MarihaM 1 G.Vada.aav 2. Wm: I : total.!!.

SfttaauTiL- U- Wtrtutk L Joamaoe I. Saar-Mi- l;


Supreate Caart Octaber Terra CalcadarT Oaid Tried

saaranaar jrax cstatctat, cat.Sex aa. Joka KiaUlxn; actus, haaar aithaat

heats: r.rdirt not frsrttl. t. Naatbl far defand-aa- t.

Iun.iialc; batasarr: wrda aot satltj. W.1 UdioKaatD far awaartiat.

Khi t. Daral: tarecciT. 91raitrr- - Ad L. Kaaiakoa"r- - t. . -- r r t. :&- .-fis iana varaaraaa: aaiaraj. niaa,. caanj.Oat at aa diataaaa wa tied, graatlax mw trial aadtbr caa aas ooatmacd for tb trna. W.K-Co-


aadJ.BtwWltot oafaratantCITXZ.CtS&k

M-- w ejcctiacct; far

J. FAalafci HnUlADi t L: esMtaarBt; Trriietfor nbialaf. Jl daraaees. VT. K. C.atie forptatn- -taa. A. I li.iaaln car aanmiann

&S.Knaita. Wuafcfai; ejitriMal; jadtiaiatidreadaaa.W.B. Castie frxphunttr:, S. R Dotfor di fiwlint

laal (aiatlaii Kin 11 tTitiiiin rafatetB; arpeal front IxKracdi iry Ooart; eerdtet for PtaiatiJ.w. A. Kinney for niaatiC, J. L. Kaalatoa far

anprtbtnt.Pamat SttflaJaTa. H. K.H. IJiaaitanl at at;

litem nt; tdualaf ttoatatTrrf W. R. Oastlr forjaia. E. neaaca for dofeacUtrt.XtXBS JtTAT.

Has aaiestr et al.ta. Samael Parker; ejectment;caae fir ' ' and settled oat of Ooort- - E.Pnatcc. C. 1. L. Saalatoa for paiattf.,i.RDo6f,Stcirt rhsrslaa and F. M. Hatch forih ftiwTiin

Mskelta as. Wot. JtrXadkat: aaaaaieit; appealfoat Iajtadauy Conrt: jary aad en?nailiiiMil fin lTn tmai J.I.KaaaaAoBfatp)ain.ttat acxaltatu. F. AE. Batch for defendant.

T5 JlABM. ji4taaai:Ttdietfor detertdant. F. It. Batch forrdatntid, W. JLITirnn for defendant.

Hit Majesty TvTint : eamaUdisoaa-tsaed- .E. Preetoo for pUtnUB", W. A. Wnitnts

and F. AT. Hatch fcc defendant.S. frrt "' aa Wss. atyen cjuUMutr acceptaacet issdaiocr tied aad on dtsconttBaerf. J. Bas-ac-

fc m-'nii-f, E. Pinion tor artendaio.W.JL Ottuoa, FTeaatoat of tfc Board of

rjenaxat: jadrjaeotfor plai&taf. MV. daaaarea. W. A. Wkitint; forpwattta'. J. L-- Ktalarm for deftratant

VT. H. HotBKS ts. Makalaa: treipat.H appealtoes district Jcds ot Hiratrnt, Haaan:

tor term--.fabt and Kanbaa tb. Cfcas. lavason: trespass;

appeal frata Hiki Ftito Conrt; rnotaaardforterat.nantss asar ctuxiu. cuas.

Bex . Ackack aad Afcankt assaott aad battery:anatl from IVittt latter of Bonolara: plsa ofeaxttr: taitiueat on extennatjon: sentenced topay a arte ot 30 ceSi and cost. . Rasaetl aadSanta, aad Tisarston, far detendaata.

Bex es. Lee fet;; ligsor in paseeaaaon; ap-

peal troM Foiaae Jnttara of Uonotnta: TerdactceiliT. Strati an) Tkcrstoc. for defendant,

crrtx caszs.C. T. Gakcfc es. Ian ChaaA : aasaasput; datojn-taane-

TT. S. Catttr, for nUttid.X. S-- snaJaaaT a. F. jLher: damtjD; appall

fran FuiKa Jojiice of Bonctal : salarfaerain ofndstaent ated. Saauk nd Tbaraton, for pbdatsf,pprlUsU F. M. Batck. fc--r defendant.

T-- AJaa n. W. C. Farke: treanaas: dfejailiaaed-W- .R.Caaie. for pbuarxf; E. Fresaon, (or defend-ac- t.

C A. Catrtn ts. T. P. Tisotle tl ml; coTeaast;Terdact for paunnnT. B. Preatoo. for ptarntil: F.M. Uatca. tor detearAant.

G. Wettax. A. B. Earn aaanil: dataalt: trtalon dastasea. rentes for pbnntte?, JMS. w- - B.

ft pLiiatrJI.i. F. BacAfcsd rf d, anngrnees of Chnnc; Faa. ts.

La Lo' xAsstnpsu: crAttntned for the term. S. B.DJc. ;or tbe

A. C. Tartoc by ha gaardtan Jamet CaapbeU,tsl dacAfeid i C-o- laaacapat: eoannard for tbeterm. E. Preatoo. for pUmnf: Saaitk and Tkars-to- o.

for oeteeadant..F. T. Ti"-fr.- d, f" of Lee Chat ts.

La Lct. asMapnt: oat iimd for ft term. CW. Ajhf.etL for fhrettAkest'p. rs. Wce aa Man J; trrapaeK ap-ps-

frto: Coqti; Tenbct for plata-tr- d

Z Utz.iiea. C. Kroas aad 1. At. Monsarrat.for aefezaatttr. apfeHaata: S. B. Dose, for paiE-tt-

Vra. BVm ts. KoVaa Satmr Company: daBM-ce- e:

&earrcr aitrsed and oteaiuled. S. B. Dote.tec ptactid: SmiiA aad Tbarstaa, for defuiii-it- .

Acfe t :t ba next fnend La Lan t. AefcacA;Uesnass. for fiatotd. WA C. W. d.

for pUatui: Satufc aad Tbsrstoo, for de-

fendant.Henry - i ts. Ab Cbccor: trespass apreal

from Uniedtarj Conn: Texanct forabaatrf fScoa(xa f.r arar srxtl desjed. 4. L. fcaalsloa, forriurusT. ioeilm: E. Preston,

I Way Tt. C. r. Gaiack. Aftatater oftbelate-nor- ;BarntATe: tcartnr cci onmaxren otaaiea

b. B. Dole, for prnrrrJt. M-- Berrme es. r. r. trnbek. Mmteter ot tse

Intcnce: .. Laruon dnuanet: ontnacacj. B. ioie. fur ptuntta'.

j. H. Eerr-s- ; n. C. T. GelicA. UutiCrr of tbeinaertar: dattts: txrrnptMdezrretdcnaBrreratkaed: ptea a Su. orerraled. S. B. DaiaaadW. A. Kinney, f r piuattsT; W. A. rTkaoas and C.jr. Ajoforilur dcte-it-anl

ilzi Wataort ts. T. B. Walter, damate; aprealfrola Pot - imaa at Hopotala:C Bum. for defesdart, tppeOaax: E. Prntoc,ft pEtisttf. :?nodt2.l- -

a X.KO.risuir. i i. 11 Prticerjiie llanutios Ce--:

eraul. arfea- - out..3ed for tbe term.for tUcttS. nipocxjti:: F. X. Hates.

c itfeidLit. tjeltact.det Matesty rnma Klefeocalam t. Comexas-anQe-

of Croa-- Lands: vrtt cf enor: enafinsedfor the tern-- rT. At Cast!, fur pirntntT. reepoeid.eot: E. Prtw.ccj. far drfeadaats, appHfctati.

Eaacobaaa u. Ktiauha: appeal trata ad Cir-ca::; opeataa Tt V. C. dvnea, for plaiariff.ipjeii-it- : i. V. Kstat. for teapoodeEt- -

xLatxat -- ' t Batine a Oou aateal froaCoeextnncaM-.- - Wxa-- r Bmfcts: coal lie il forarm. F. M.iUsuasdr Broaa, tor rrarleatanta:f. A. Kaaakn. r piintia' and ratjocaeata.

Sritfeaarnl v; ifecsd-ut- Jbatsa7peal rice Q:nt-- n aajcers of Bgoanbraea;

toe tens. F. M. Hales, for C Bt Barbae.-- -- .. aspeiti.-- . -- E. 1U-- . tat TairiWo Estate.pruUjcaFr.

Cecal Bf.u Ti. Btshnp t Co.: eiretstiorii; cot--. foe ne trr:. t. It. rtatca. tor raatntta.

appeiUnt: Sesith and larstoa. for deKadatrtx.. F. Baefefaid ' .'. lrar-r- rs of Ettatai and

tjssnx ea. fes; CVyr. Kqarty aptoi; contissedIn tees. W. K "ii A C Broaa. for thXtmd-u- :.

iTpetisia- - K. r . Strfcerus. for piaratiat.E. B-- tjboaasa t. Treea of Estate;

ataaal fMM1 j'.r " oa aaaxd, coctacoed fortk term. & B. - f r detestdaata. apptsraatj;1. Knseitfcr xOL&.

W. K. GitaKC. PrersJenr of tbe Board ofdeaafc Tt. stexiastup Xainr. AebasattT appeal.F. K. HateB. far pptsaaat; E. FrextoaaBargs.forrrifwy.nVrts

J. Wfla tj. rioaot Saaax Casnpaa y: apptal frocath 12l CireaS ea., dtacniftatw!. iraiA zadTaarttoo for cVleriiTi4a, ntpostdeatj.

Oztof a total af ltdisarxe cases broaakt beforett Gasrt tor itajaa. st ended, - were eeo- -

andcea srna

Tfce Sccrexerj of tne C. S. 5a ry ta ikefistd toraaa ti-- aoaeecrt ot Cotxtatcder eus--rn- - tta Ur-in-d Stttca setugr tA

of CaeiB CarynrteT, crrnla l.'aitag tat Uirtfwni.la rr-V- m kxzzzsi tc empiojiaz taktoa kaT--

Z nrrtart poru cc tse Paoas sAalsoa. It tr titJaflir--g orcte thai ptlota cfcafl not be exscAiryeocc 3tTil Tsatcss tsltn absosatety Beceswtrj. A

snis cf ?ITjSi asA eected bytiitorfcxUstyezr.

Es: tides asdsfrens- - pstRaoa Sie Tg- -

sit cooti. 3Tjy intice evrtoes are terorterite SeTcra tazsa a ejrviff fxoSed. Vesee& arri--

T'-e- T.

fyiHl.lH..lim.iril'IJHllU!llHl-Ul- M

LATEST FORE.CW MEWS.Br tk antrta t tb P. M. S. S. t niaer

Xwaiihi in port k the b mat. t,irsa.prdateA to tb Wtk taaV, wetoMee, !v, !a r.retred. Sabiraaed are tka rateat-w.- l n -taateaa rteeas:

rtmtiav tVtabr t. J. I. C haA tatntittca5 t V1 tor his ere-t-t irotter J KeJ're.lltta rprard at (. rat d.eliwa it, a.ir hitPrice M fhtVaW. MM b amaM lake aAKhtne (rat.XoeertraanMiiiebT a MtasHMtwtr twan. It :

taJrrf.xl to b oa tufcittol taaaKNiorr Kra.w-.- .

CworrrriFtx. tVlabtr irvh-ala- Jam4tto prorerty and treat Ins f bt ba brett cBrdby an earlkqaal: eat tk tettanta betaeeaCeuaad jHeaar. naunUi Caaoa ainl T.vt.-ia- .w IA watkecm omm ut tkaQaJt otSayrna. AUTtsVues ta that eeataa at dtr.et tt

tiS 1'inaja, prttabril rtlrwrn of ta iHsMtar at ajferlns taorrs:

A reeapMe pant retrain.Sew Yrax. CVeebtr. H-T- kr ett-.t- rc f Urt

lease standards by Mw 2ea Vurk Ratiear tVaaan-tie- aarpetrs ta tatee tana met atta genet-i- t aairo.

TaL Tm ft Jan aara; Cadet tb art ayateaa alata A trTi oet rtw a butt aUy attaoaihaTeagixcivilanto rfcanaa hit watch. He b.u onlyta rrisember that atwa th Kati tae-tn-a It

strtof tMabaihi-e- a n tb Dan-T- rBtTtfMet aad e4ek . th Pacul Ska.

TetreaetaanBnatrthaaaatwvaci: utr J.ysr.aaarptrer to aipktr Nor UatotM ttaa retaraed hiMilbjiilaa. rarer attackta, tb pitty rbenWl deAth.

The taatttM ot Dr. CVtrto K. NatMtttaal ot. Yatk r iwaaaVal (we. Mth. at tk LaMoyea faraaee at Waafcteaetoa, Pa.

Ortettaro kas sarteSkirrai to Ut Itrtirt ma-dea-

attd aia be taotojed to XabU.Keorr, Oct. Ik Aeeatta. aar Rrraaa. h ' en

Vwaed. Oa tkoasand faraaa ma bwar' . ,Brain, Or. IT. Von Moltfc m t.--. Ut.

& rcrassasaa. Oat. IT. Tfc Cu oai t.3ktiBa1.1 aaertrm U1 lay tnaroraet-atoo- a tt ;ttocltarctito be ereeaad anon lb tttu: anerc Etn.;w Alex,andit A5 trdled. Tkaeereaaatsa vtU bit ttarMutK.

ArtrtM, a.-- Th Oirerncaert a; :miaaips to ta Oteema altfciaidaji atta eapplaMrortb KtSerers by th eaisAaank. Iter Uonwltaa kaadred and toa bajkaa war rccvreMrd newChalet, notch had been antoraued. i be earthnear AUtea ttaarallT aaairjaea ap Hivasa acdpear.

Loxrox. October Bt-- rb British Cuosol atChka reparts treasons on tk nainlaed killed

nd Traaatded by th atrthoaike. Aaauao Manrrtuiv raUfd for. Tat Isrd Mayor o.uartiu totrasstail cootrtrjatiora for tb rrtarf t anflVnra.

Nre lcax. October 19 ike " :.' su : Mr.Lanatry Ttntad Vll street oa WrdarsKUt tooaUnroa bee Uayers. Sbaaa tetxaiutaed by pisaar-b- y

aa sh ajarktoi front her CHtrnaee. A croadMa tyttheted to star aad buol at her. Streetarcatas called aktad far Fmidtr." and pntedher vtth rvtBorA taor or ks cuopltuarntaryapoat nex parsoa.

ViUfs October Is. A btUtr ts reportrU ut Mad-agascar between tfc Horaa aad aJtaUeaa.

Oaltbar aas prepanng to rcatun lb odea-etv- e

oa tb ctatet. aaar tfc Hiirat bad rcoantaxxdseTeral plaeeo. Tb Bnjtbafc aaral antboctttea aredewnbrd a reey aatrk to th Preank.

Iivto.a. Octobar 19. Suxn Ut nuts at Canton there bate been same ot husutriy on the partof aattre toaard th INanatatii. Oae ot tbe rob-boa-

at Caatoa has on board rVwtnraa. aaioh-raa-a

vboH rmaraad atlfcdroaaum a Chiuoin,tk tncsdeat afctek lad to tk recent not.

Auxisnui, Oct. n. Tb Tillage in aa ikrCanteen fcat brokaa oat eeeapnl the dtsrsa.-- abenit aas edeMie. Tie tearaMranc ta attnbatedto tnaltrattoas of ta otaal rumtaa; titrortrk tkrttttara ot XrK front tk eetaeltnea ht attic theefcrdera ttettaat ar interred.

Vtasav,Oet. la. Nibtttat procUraAUiHt Appearalaaoel datlr. Nanjoers at punans attstiecad ottetas; thctr aatbora, indndtna sereral stttdenta.bare been arrested.

LasPOcJ, October 15 A Viernta vltspatch stye: ATioreat storm on L--k LamKv andtnetialf otFtedaad oaaaai a ateat tosa ot Ufa and atui&a.&utrtrsaan.tBBded. The body of atttetarerajas hata baaa lavorered.

Loxnov. October 19 Aa eanaaaoa Konrred inWharatlia Cartoon Collary, Vorkabire. Tester,day. Tbare r taeaty-d- e taen to thv pit attka time and it is betawed all perBbed. threeroMea kare already beaa teaaeatad.

Xra- - Yobk. Ootooer ta. Ta OHaircratioo ot Dr.Potter, s asastaat btsfcop of the ihucom of SeaYork ta Orar Caarcfc ntaorraa ta expected to bethe atoet tmpraint ttntaooy isthN Cbnrrli tathMConntry. It is etprcteJ torty-Sv- c l.hs vtlltwnreeent.

Sixn BitBtu. October Rl Last eeecittg atsaaset and for an bear and a craarter aftur. theaettern say au ailed altb a most bnlliaat dta-pk-

of nadtacal lathi. Scarlet and cord warmctliBaid from tb konaw t the nntts. TtttsaaKainc a staatbtr aioa-- am men.

Wassfrsaros, Oeaaber tSttu-Cb- tef JtnxkeCole-ridr- e

amsed taMrreniaa. and was met at tfcedepot by Attsaane-f- l antral Bntaatcr and a eont- -natttee irom IB nar Aaanetauon- - last nitrot tnaCkMJaetka aaeajrea arueptR.n at lb hoanot Secretary reliatpVtatit. .Vnton: thus presattt.rre i.Miaai a.s o,. t,iiB f vges.TetrtrajnalaBtoht.

Chkibo. October SWl.-T- rM TtiUmt'i MenTack speeaat says: tmyTiUe, a tittle TiltacLaas Iswad, aa last night the acette of a sencosriot. dartK: which arreral persona tten y

rajcrei by beans: baates and dabbed. The dis-turbance took pbee m tha kfetbodat Conrcfc,arfcer aa oyster sapper ras to progieas.

The Seitaa ut a banaeet WrrlneailiT nteht attjaatoattaopfcv to Ijord and lady traaeruti Bit

4r treated kta coots atth Brent cortUAltiaconferred a decoratiua on lAdy DnaTertn. la

the coarso of coatT9Vtkia tut tbe Saltan. LordDaferin aseared JI Majeateof the syn: patty andfrieatiiato 1 Bagtaad far Tarkay.

Taa TJattod State nasehip Bstrlfmrt left the bayOf laaAlatCB theMthof Sfptetstter far a CTBataloac tfc coast, which will terminal a: SanTran-ctso-

Aa Early MarBlas; 3Ueatt ilAa'eSaeAia tbamornizL2 of She 30th natt.

the beta front lb fir tower pealed forth thatrrotatat Dates, tn wamoti; t the sleepers of theerty. tkat tk ar Bend aaa present ta their madst.To those who promptlr tamed oct and lookedtoaard tha tbe tartd treht which illum-ined the sky in that direction located the spot, andas the dames shot npwrrd tbey were reflected ontfc Palace. Oinwiawnl Boone and other hmh'"a,t"1T aad tk DWioatiaEa tints tooam

a dtsastrons rrmdanrataon- - TEaflacoea, aet-ra- p

as a beacon, goaded firemen and stfht-srer- a tothe seeti of the are, attach an found to be locatedoa Hotel street, ht the baddus; sitnatrd in tbrear of tbe retin and corecxaoaery store ofMr. F. Boat, ased by htm at a bakery andcandy factory. Ia cant proximity to the kerning2adtne; three wet artnated tbe Pantheon StaMee,Enterarts Phuung aUL and a asmber of otherauotlta UilhHiiAii. located both ut front, rear Andon th saoVs, all the tecjaaatea for an eitenste anddastattoaa cnaaErataao being near at hnd. Thernanacerof the atabita bad all tha tncrribie mate-rial ia tbe sfaapt ot waeons. hnein carts, and altothaanmaahs tmmaaiatrly teauuaed- - Loaaers mtfce Taramt boardins hooeei pacAed ap and quck-- J

raltoaed nut, aad th Brat on the sroard weresaet vtth a barryiail crowd, each carrTtng some-tai-

away from tk daraserocs locality.There aa a little delay in tbe srrirat ot the

bnt eraa arken they dad net on tbe ervondtfcey ccaU not work on aeconot of the rcarciiy ofwater. Pnally Easiiaer Wtlan pasord the aordto the ninexnea of tfaooiata So. 1 to "look cat forwater, aad aoon after a powerfal ana haeystream went thronsh their pipe to tbe rntns of thebakery, tented naaekly oa tbe routs and aide ofcosple ot cottairea akack had already araitcd, andaeata diteUed at tbe front of the wooden

ot Mr. Horn. &tsia Co. ho. 5 also tfwater oa miiiojy. aad ander the tttraetaon of EarineerMoitMrratdMeaectinaerrKe. Chart Nott.who wai also aariy on tbe graaad, had placed afane of tfc PaeiSc Boat Ca in th rear, and thefire that aaitunndad was aaicsly snbdonl: at 330the beanrn whack had trateaasfat fire betas; bata mass ot nanlina taaaaand all oaseer put.

Mr. Horn bad jntt pticei in poaoton a lot ofnlcablc laatliiitiij ta tbe '""ft barred, andwith the stock and tariWhia; deatnyed, bis Ionfoots ap ht tb rartrhborbood ot jtOJUtt. oo whichhe haa a partial iaaniami

The eaase of tbe fire nt at iiipnin tmknoas,there atamat been no See latfcted in the faience ofthe bakerr- - BaneaJT there was tail little wind, orotherwise the probability tt that a moat diaaMr-n- se3c3trrxtMa aordd hare ocenrrrd.

Ocean Stcan Sexrlee- -

Tbe fc4lowtnc tabic, preptred by Mr. Da-ri-

Maaakn, Chief Oerk in tbPoat Ofite, snowstb nreeted artitala ot tteataatitta at tnta metdariac the next tan months, whtrh t: adl be wellfar rax readers to tareeerre:Msillaaa fram sjaa Fraacirco dae ea or hev Kcv tCity at frhiar. fraM Boarkosr rtt Toit'aaxu

daeaaaraaaat Xat 10City af Sew Torfc. tna i. a Ajdaty

dataorakPal Sot ISAtasaeaa. Ram See rraacirco dae e c-- see: 5er SAariraaa. fram Aectaad A vrdaer da oa aaaaa Xni CChy af yydncr. from ran fraaeirca doe a or

Hartpata, friim 'ita i'raacmca disc os jt stoat Dee.Ataateas. fram aa ftncin dae ca ar Abeat IVc rtAartnB. hoar laa ttacOco oae aa or ibort tire. -

The frdtowin? wtll be the demrtnrea daneff thaHuxe period, aath tb dratnntaat. of tbe Kextn--satcstAaaamds, tar 3ta 'li InTcoaor

aarat st 1

City rradaa far aa Fraacleco alii .earaaaraaaai er jo

Jtarlpafa. mr am acaacto :11 icartoo orSot 13

City tf sWTtlL"rsT' Sai Friezeteareaaaralea 5r :s

AaaraBa-- tor StaFraaciro ai.: iejv- - oa orakaat .... Sar jj

Alacatds. far tfm rmtatco a.i tT- oa oraheat . . Dec. J3

City at Sydney for AsclJsnd A ailisraTeaaar utoat Dee i

Msrlaam. tar toa rrsarisca will rfiie a erVat Dec. 15ZtsAtaea. fre taa FraactVeci at::

abat Dee ita. for AaraJaad A tfivrj ill lexreaar aaaat Dec 9

Abaatda. far Su rraaeiKO will tear on oraaoat laa.

Dniac a texaal of CdtTs. frumKor.l to Jan.I. there tna be eteren departanji of auiMlliii

ct wines wat nc tor nan rrncneo on caatrJaCTOtcTBTy taitn aaywaaTrje frtajekt eap- -aeMy tar M.1II tan --f aT Tf TliBftHe

Tribsto to CUef JnsUee Jtaid.The eyre HtnU arm i. oa the e le

braied trbel salt brocceht xtvtnet lbat says:It is rather a pate that we aVekt hsre ' s tothe little kinadam of Hmn to t

a mart setKSht rabasr feam tk Cti--Etatterof otttl thaa ae h.Tr ben

able to elicit from car own ",Jiire Ojart. In?rcraast ozt whom the Hawaiian pabbaber

wat a cWpsty thitig; bst it wu ct tutpsbiic acts, lei has anrate tefe that was referredto, and ye: ht pcirato hfe wily aa betas "aa to be rrnrfmrtly mraniTfd to a pempabcAcra; Ids oSce. A erffrBtaent oflerr hasAAI "fit rit to the protrctaaa ot the taa as asaprmse perjon. and tha Hiattus Jadae rcryproperly eayt, "I do sot p to lie exeat ot aayiAAthat whticTcr the psbtic priala ary abont a pabBecCeer, wbether trse or ontra. is priTiletted--Thx- tis corstnoo sense, and a?e betlrre it tobeesodlxv. TbedcfcadtaU it appears went Dt';pstffTtus. aad expeafed thrfr srtcarth cMai'.mFronsthag;itbcT tbe mud IrheUotu aatterrTegrlheTfrota the isdstoest that in til thetBtuMjcaceeedetL It it enrUy ca 'ia poiBl thailLo etaecsef orizil foor with that of Atvdeaoor. Fairfax, aud it fa the rsliszof the "anitaxaei Jsilkeonlhtsp-jiattbitijiijtnirij-o isleretissoci. yoa Sad that

xsads ia Uat cefendastt iprsTed to te ntt--r!iJl- 7 trt&axd aucfewi:.SfxA ootiTrx. xcdn-iU- i S JcytitUe psrpoes .;

taSextams. to hare tbe tcaolil rtTOTTK!.tiruToscstt scjiit the giffrlarrlA." lbat stri'tes

H Ilaillllllllll.1

il)iVMlt4"l"llJl"'''r,11r HII'IIIMIIIIINIHIIIIIHIB !


waTj.iNttt wt$3TtM ftrytfc dttrtrlrfl aateh Mr. vlUre ItntislMefbt hjb.'t.ttvUraHTrnSyti'WTt 4d if tt H txMc ttjastHtoUavul H.Gat ho Mtrts the CketiN lltM brOtn thhtr5il It Hm any ia4eMRaiitanUtbatM4!wtarta oar aan at Mmahfael t S.. tr tretatt, tkft mi pit v bar teen(e6rcrtit!ltMraib4eeet. aad la

.rdt radval aMttt rWtlly tk Jade Md readap tha at H t ti ssthfeet. aad jnMidttimw'i taarrne l at .M. taoaT .. HkmfJ. eavnaw.Kh i c hi (aaiaeaa tor tatwatlw.

MfttoatfataofTMa.IbepresiBcf ota repiaTr amiaistit Ibca aha

ary br aettax ut an valaaral maar tt oftenkvhed apra by Vhe HratrHrH i M Itttrsssa.ami rrraarit ar ataarHmn mad by ta tattra-etle- d

that kt preare.ee ta "tKHaanred." boellprxaBk tacnM mtnrntatt thai rmef at tthta ndlweetn aad daea ant reeatd thtomarraajMa4VrTetdahem.lBaVc.mrl a aarkt pmatratUiwx". to tra tk a aas a

tleanat setlcae ot dnvb At ta ana-- of rateoka a ban tooaarlti in baeohaatn aeeiss.Mult a seeret rerwsa at t ha th head f a rarartetakath if aird at Ik faetar Matr waM mmHtnatbkt. V repeeeeatatite reporter

tat tkts eaanatrdamTrtrlKt taoatasiroaatt dpUw to cattlwlaamtr taa ami.. wn a iaperMr vara yoameet kta ta ctaetttottable ptiera, b artti not taeerterr nitk Taar ira.iaiT. brtac reueraHy ataratr a" kaaWroa la vVaat.''

ilttr giirnlistmtnli.

Situation Wnntnl.V VIM MJ 4Ut.KAX. WILlIXa. TO

fcMltlMVl yHTm) mm

tk Wte bt AN th4 H "fcwl U tEMKV

KW Maaet 9IIVM Mr .

Notice to the Put)lic.

'riiv: sKxnixo or coixL tkiHMk tk Maat-eUb- ee lianlat ae mertsamtUU naMaty aitcklaesa: aad PlllMaitiel see

tat4ae.ciart7aie aaataratas; tasele.akaatedtotoratT atiL Cats taat.lt Ttokvilea at tha aattra. wtU kta tarn ot ta aaiteaMaVfa tt . ae aeitker tee rail tMil trasrraaeat aar (hetnrawieat Till to lleaiaalak Sar IA lawirrstar(Sat tMatlra af tktt earlee.

B. WafTNBY. P at aHotKlala. Orl tWA. tssn. mj ta

SOTICR !rstttcrvtittttvtttxttti tt tttu ttt.trv At- -a bataltal WMaHl M Ktaaaaf CaBMa ACa. af ranks

rka Kohala. atrray rtt aatle that leJtfca akarastaat Koae t'bea A fa. atat to a

aita.a s aoaiaa rnai dale, ar tka aaaa ad a ft.erer asreetl, aad u pusaat aatat aaM Aral at reueiteit t.. m&Ae iMatteraraaealtatkaaaaaiiaai 4

Hoar KoxuArateaer

llasolam. Oct. Jt. IWt 'HI

8500 KEWARD !

rSIHl! MKlVK nun till) HI 1.1. UK PA 111a t,t ta'sraarlaa laadlac a tkr eaaTatiaa at ta.

- ivreraaaaanaraaTlaaeet Mate taa rtaeareati rKottcCheax Ce. at PiKoka la. Hawaii, ea the atxkt tt "fidaeidae. jUrtakerHa !JtB. J r nAlRPBAD

mow aoNt..Ar4s' af lawat Ckeax A l'

Ailaiinlstratar's Xotire.T1IK L'XOKIWIOXBD 1LVVKO

bem apaoit'led tdatrnlstratar at Ik aatat ofniuua tltati. at aTai.iae. Kaaai. Ill I. aaaee uttrrat cirea ta alt peraat aarlaqr cataaa aealaal tk.aid cVtatr ta areaeat ike mm dalyaatatattcatad arttkth malt enaeate. waetker afcared to MiatlMa araUerau ta taa aaderOeae witkla era Msalhi rtaatkr data hereof a aey wtll to hwerer barred, aad ailterKas ladehted to tk avid ratal am ketltid I aadtlaaaedtale aarateat to tar aadrretaaed at kls aalte. atrTiacT.UIeaatailaa. Haaaat. BaaL

. J.VXBS X. UIBM)..AdMialttratat Irtay t WIlHat Bodre. dead.

tUaalrL Oct 41 aeJA aa let

Tax Collector's Notice.

1WYKKS t' THIS UI'tTRICTX are bereST aettfled that tea aadaeuratd attl

tbe cellecttaa at Tasa aw tk eatreat atat atkta re. sukai of tkr tovtaaral Beat.

Oh ThnrMlay, November 1- -t, 1SSS.Ia caafonaltT w.ik SKriioa .1) of tee era Tat laa

stl eereaat .ajjeel to laxatioa are rrea'rrd ta aaakeperaaeat at tbe tame tn Ala oa a before tk

13th Day of Dacombor, 1883,Or tkr; wH! biT.ue UaMe to sa addttJoaal 10 per realadded tbrretii. u n. Li it.Ta. CHecter. BaaahtUt.

Tax Oatc. Or!., r JO. UtO art la

Skidegate Oil.In Tins of 5 Gallons.

Tt.NS IN t CttSl



Snsar Hills and Island Steamors.sar riiCMU nt

TT. ECacig-lTolca- . CtJ Co.I9H1 Sat


Oak Ox Carts!iVOLI.D CVXaHTItK

trttctr totBTOfce at


test Laadrl froa " Bartka Darlt. '

eel to be ra at tkr tTareaoase et tk eadcr.ixaed'at ia C. BREWER At CO.

'rime TsilalePacific J-jJ-

-t Steamship

Mail "aSSe Comp'y.POH A'! FaMSClSTO

litrofPtkta oa ot akaat See ta" - 'CltyotSewTork JJ" " 'Aertralla

Zeabtadia - - - Bee" " " aaCltTofSTdaey aa


Zealiaoja aaaraaaat On. 3S

Ciryatardaey ; - Be. I" "iattrafi- a- .2Zmaadm. - - - Jaa.a




Satorday Evening, Nov. 3d,

AT S O'CLOCK P. 31".,




ermre--Alda.-' TllsMahsl aatefc. ViralBOBH.n.c giafmni cxra

-- ToesDA afcCAsrTSXT

: -- Daett Pisaotad Tlalla as Baertt..KISS C CASTLB A rBOF TAeOrDLET

l Vocal Sole "TbtMciSae" BruteatkalBBS CBCZA-- e

j --CHrlcoet eol TbeaiaMB B A XXAFT

t StrtarCtatBt-nt- Dreyrriork Doat Autrtil'-o- '


PART SECOND tT Orerrarr Piano w:,r

l3 b iii;rrzB- -

Th' orchttral ran oa a teroed rkao br Bi. Ctl- "ole The frx aac act." iwttb arrir:ral

anat 03

- ttr.BzXrehttrtie- ibr KaToeiti- - tiivtia.JWrrfc.rai

uosolcxi; TBpnj:i 1 ib:o - ZlJi Sam-- Ahaearsa-e- k aad aarharha .


II easloJwtwOrckrrtra "Larky BlfSSleiMB C B1CHIKL

TICKETS 15 Cents, wri ti 23 CesU extraacr reaer-re- seats, toh lud at ToVertalts.Galltrrr. SO Cents.


TIJK KIlUr Olf IYCAN&.IOHXiOXkeen tht ear dteuleed to aaatasl eaaaeat. sal

oeftaaata: IrsMMha tad all sVtoa dae la Ike IraaiC ae --- by l.ycaa k ta X. LTCA.


rriIK CXIJKKSIONED ItErjIlJINGX la Ifaaata! kere tkle day feratMS rfarmeiMp

torarry a the baaleea at taw Maate aad faraMareMure f ike late arm af Lrcaa A Jahaaaa. art

eader tae aaat sad etrtr af Lrcaa A Cot.7X. B BTCnA'Sa HA'.:KeaotiJc. Oct Htb. Ft 7 x



HiWE "WOUX.D BEG TO XOTIVYTI Ike pfihihiv that m Jotat 8A:k Ceaaear aa. saa

Censied xtttiT tktt lswa at tbM Klaspaoaa, aad aadu IA.tvaov tje as--4 artyi-- r, tor dw ptry) o lek-- y -13 rjomum UK IMaggfartnre of Caxxia :.- - ad ItVafittaM.Z4 the MtTt-JH- ak lii-s- . f the Mr. -- f O. Va--

Xr. t. treat bos aeaseatd tar aaasaeeaaast at tWsrlscee. s4 Ike crperatioa toRcttt caatlnaaaer afhe karlsen beshxrrd spa tbe late ana ' iiS ttkei this ajipartaaliy t tank i far aa .t tirrTlaarsiiaji Cau-Tla- AJaaattctttTtA; Ca.aua EC V.ESXiXt sy.


C ASM AIirjtTTTJTJSBJSr, -- K07. lit

atraaaa.klMafclaw4Btoaasg-a- .

Furrtitur", TebBoto 04 CaUSasrar w--r

A Line of Fresli Groceries.ttaava aakidr f Ut aa A

tvAearaa.C.SW tiaaap TiTkeC,aai ayt'tatx tvaff4


Also, Two Firs Proof Iron Satis.MOST tttkt, aaafeB

Valnablo Hoal EstaicAT jSJJOTIQM.

BT. see lakvetad all Paata AaM we te.

Saturday, November 3rtf,a tta'raek aaaa. at aaiieia. at Mi em

All that reiB IVe--af Ut . LawKw

llnelfra: And Coraeaa Hkare.Br ta a reataJ at BAT aa aeaah. irara. JSank earae atiai

. allii.t Beaaball, beaa ar ktkta3BWaa aek a

ar at aa, aa m pataa tat awa ..- -a as taamcr aat a n. , .

ataTtaaaa --I ma ak -aata a kfca tkak Vm I at D - J

lAaaaaU Aaaaa a. eWrri'a. - at etsnt. tPar fartka an,.-- . - - -

TVU-- pr.-.- i . 1...-- .

taaeemtety arrrr '

Certain Piece of Land,aadtaaadtdaad r.v., ,. ., M .etaatae sa Mettk aaa. V . . X as w

mbataarll' tail .. - v ear a - -

tsars AtV aK .i . - tttar--IB B tree Bt to l me f. n " es .Map t, area-- ! ,e.

Valuable RFv ST 1 '


Household FIJENITliKB!a sVala T AtTTVKf


W taW - ' V - ipbii AtaartarmB . Ttrwn -

ruiU kavr- r- 4 ttaakiiii ., -

riHafJ., BHaaalFi, rnaar HsleB-- l. rtt SlktBt -

daf tb- - ft.-- I wHe, M BBImV W tWatw WW Baait''JaW-- wBetaaa-- j t W.

Entire HesclH)id FutnUiirad eaVrtJ taatat M jart M "auaa. rw-

iiiiwailei.a eta. Baaalto Babx AV . tiDtalaa Takl. i.kata. Catkra sx taa a,ware. Caab Sea and riM ill eat I ta .

I Airraat keek aadtSBAmaa C4teraaRarrtctarea. l !iii aatat BafcajeaatatV' to. itad Baarry. ' ra 8aaAaa.eat.iaB).

tvt as xt ta taTViri a


Lands at AuctionpttitrittM. ar -

Pidoliiiiiui Enla, Maiii

W, N..'- - remres taatnir:iaa. Sitta t i OttaKLU Bet., ra aata (ae - ' aa aama

af aktck dee a.4v aift to civ..

tbe .ifr Valaaat. laJ caraelIm aaan m aba.- - tk .4 a. af taa JT t ....aaaa tad aakkt f braar OV parts- - af rs

or C tt AVia Art aad ea - l

T H .Oaaa I . ea.

car rtaas sad aetreeattear af tb Ir ieea.ttkerear.if d D MmaABBlT t- -

k CSS. . f ta. tatre.tat.VTVSeaLBTCT.

PACIFIC RUBBER PHUTMixed Haadj far b. Aarj

Oae Orb ApfOy It.

Tse the Pacific11 nail her JPaiut

DURASLE. GLOSSY MS EWWraLti m 'ti ti ay. otij t


San Francteco, Cat.Per Sal. .y tat lMpaaa It an at aaaate

ap la H, Ih tat. 4 taB caa aad I i m r..tt mil got CHAUL PCCI. r t aaT. ft u Madia

otttta Bt"-- t Pweastf HatatUaa.

IMrrtrW WstitP latWel. ObJI-t- af ZtaW.

I'tirr Li--J Oti, (ttMraeerp ltraaad ---. ' Ta03Hi aM.CT:T i

The Beet India Ruber.

PIONEER WHITE LEAD?--T r,,uu:r Latatt tea - KTI r

tk --- -zir&zsitsKr: .kaalct I Ctoafeal latyait aad a. H I--T -PIONEER WHITE LE0 tali

moaarasaelil srrtra ker P .itaraed sevatach tad 'a laaarlt.--i- -

la roan1 . a I naurajit t aaad ! aat la las - -

wj .t" i

Tvr rtvMU tratrrB t Cal ru als riXKB UBOt XB 'Am est 4.H.l aCPBBKlB BIPT xi. r f '

TTBat aad . wttbaot a eaaa.tuania'X'.a;tI7.lt adS itu. pt'ta. aad a ft r.. .mitotark

A Pat ape y finMi'i -aan. la BVaalala. a

WHITTIER, FiftLEtCterra' rt of aTktv Lead aad

Paiata Cetera . rat?sr- -

mtffial aadSJ7 SJaa rrae-laa- a. ranaawla


Just 'RtxfrntifX'Oklj tt Sl-e-- ry'

In Tins and Kegs,

tar A.tn r tAtmnt

:SL&.tz7iTsJ:elL cfct Ofcm tat

jroTria. i

Koloa Sugar Cotnpasy.rt- - . . . aa'

,i T TIlK ,t.AI- - MKFtV 4ri . i. ki.(jt arattB w i

HM aa - 'fc . waft a-

fee .x era ae--e ' aar -- -

't ll a--, rttal - ' '. lJe'n ra afa E i .V ,..,,. OSaitA ttl. a

I! T eamidl.-- at II Aaar--

A.i at HBr tk taraa f At aan-- r i - ' aeataa

Makbohst. .bar a. ladtiV-a-- -af ,i Sarrvibe vorp-awlk-a ka4 -

da- rkesa r

' ' d by aa.aaea ke mMf ar aafi f- aaVB.

k. s aaai "

NOTICE.a KErrrrNt, tr th i nrriH li- -At BteatuT i .- - . nil '

keel at Bis tie tta son '- - "- - -larafaUnii a

OrTeet . rrast'otrea.T,iBWrkEfct

ttacaaaui 4 1i.y tbe ''tart, --t lee. aftafSV -aeatarkaaater.ii. !..! , be ar. or

tka aaar. ar Bkae. teal er CltfBtlaa

HAWAJXrurasxi tzzz&sosz emarr

noductn cf Xatas- -


aam.Wlt.ttoTe'naa.a-iefeat.l'amaa- r e.tAKtfc. dtetriet ef Banidcia wtO vrrtri a ta ataiii. ill itti I rtr

rwracagwiaia ftoi.:aarurir ht aHtM



AT ,VNW ALL I'AatXtaei Ttkt -XXIbaa ntoaJBc a kks Plaeaa a pnr

kAader iaaw attaM Ckee Aladed a aaa. tb. iii. lafaat Biaiaka tea. BatTjV SBjekat . Wae Caa". Isiaait jBateaaatWaa tan say aeiaiaia lam a a --Wateek aa k aaa er.ana. araat aesrea atat traawrbtc tk fart week to m isaill. BJ

jB la w- - JaeaBwtHatTA .TRESPASS SirllOl.

tTNTirnthlCXia fTetleVrXI:'rW aU tea ttff'WrjSH IVi JK JSaaarsB)a.aieaTaa.aa

aarOaketlea. a ifcr rl sweet aera

S , r&-- Ci ti Hjfi,ifai.aiij





9T V '!


ti et

j OaaOjNriCi Cw"t


j-- 01

r r- -


SwataXYfltaJ ln



j Wah TO Oucer ZZ,

C. WEST Prtafa9kp4awfOf9. RraUt

nealrer 7 cZ 1

Oterriage TIAkaaaat

BAIIf tz; srat

Bz- -l

Vi.--CA? -


PriaB.tor 2


i SUttAB M.--l



4 It I t'e

t p


t a '



iiBBr'Claramers rtac Cl

0q" - Bra It:

,100 BABImUMMlfi lil

Bed SalEts 17Jf


m. jp. adJaeTtaaajBtaec . C Z

r !i i

- - :- -

ri- - -

-. I-- ";

r nix a

a- - .taar -& jwBfcar -

BBaeiT'J ISmt- --

tmBatBaaaie. "


msK ,U fadK -

XW.- -1

Page 4: J, - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · 2015. 6. 2. · XHe bfest rwfTmfT xoau cuu jaUspooa Tjjgj. Stcm5i air tas caaaaz " icii. aonar iSac set afaoe &as& aaBai rf(Sa







-- s.









m ta!Hf VBwBWI smW8rilMiHu1mnmmtw4Vm r i 'J

3u --Jijr ! Vi.


... - .... . - r - -






ttinefPtrxrrs aftatrassM:


JfledalffB-.?- vsf i. f hnu t '&mt&6- - i - tfw Tw "rr rcEr-- 4

! --,


The Only Gold Kedal; also, Tvro Special andPonr Pirst Prizes for Watches.

Tae iir ct at xi- - a- s- his- -

Dnxvciixn iMI ELE"


fllivpni t .titt rr nrtitrti r rv w'M- - rw: :?eaa-a-fan-e

- n ill I nln it m ii nae.a. ia.. there are several Worthless Watchestrie marks of Walthnm Watetievs.eadert a -- e e iae peaae a. ernua

aaaaiai-arajuaii- i- Tbe aaain at kirt eJnt te tec Tbr art e"--lerSna Wn 1 " - twTr-- ir rreTirmm . oxsnsijxrs-- .s" Acent for the HavraHan Islands.

At the Old Stand. No. 8 Xaalmmaim Street.


PLUMBING, in all its branches ;

Aon-esia- "Well Pipe, all sizes:

ST!- -- xtu.- ir- - W .ii Nies niiwo sun jriMm

EcK-- to--qJ. io a Coj

Galvanized Iron Vater Pipe, all sizes, and laid on at

lowest Sates: Cast Iron aadlead Soil Pipe.

House Furiiisliing Goods, ail kinds:


l5ir TuPtaa WserOi5te-JIrtl-f SUbs aBols.EnBikdTffdi SUads.

Cliaxideliers, Lamps, Ianterns


viae ctf vftbuc tpxiM


At - ai r V


rif'i- :r wc j rMihi-- d


St i



.vw w" MSS.af Jkr . "' .a


Is- -


j b sa i




ate Ie tk-- , --, - I -

. m laaraaooea ExbibtUna re

, ixir--aa ire Eik-hne- e I lamm j tbe

" F OF iSt - Perrr Mr FTOEATTSe.

& Mr

3C 3. TTTHTTfEr.

x i thi Xerz Stxu' z z ti ptfer at xtow

wt4nrj th i k;ii f


:it ibe r ted urf ct jj4 arr nilTlhJ

I Just !

pr "lke of fona Lfrrrpool,

ja.lMX 'CS. hat.m! iONE MILE OF

Portable Railway Kails,


S.E.-T- alt EaUvay tattaale for Asbaa rwcr.ALSO FOE SA1E

Utrafcht Ml IUILMIi lis. to the jard.Fortc waillftg af 3r.JokalViyirCo. txB--

,31Z eaaaorea. ta osairitrMd to ref r totf.i.fTeeiaif,)..?!! alercaSselj

FerfBTIfcerRuttfslirf a appli' toW L.OEEXS.rc. tr. iiACFjjmsE Jt

S at for Joac rrw

For fell rKAOJbO aE t.V


33?T A TT.Tc;TrTT nT

Importing and Manufacturing Stationers,Publishers, Printers, cc and

The Oldest, Largest, and CheapesStationery Establish-- !

rrsent in the Kingdom. Keep constantlyTon hand.



L& LARGE Assortment of STATIONERY3-- Of TT 3DosscrirtiOixs. "

Xn Our Subscription Bepartin't

is ii ibhiie iimmil's mtht:"W"e 2Sate All Deseriptioii Blank Books,

siBrt. Lrir ..-Tfc. ia MJit riu p- - i r---t pt Ron e- -

HavingaFirst Class Euling Machinefftatri"? :.--


bin the PRINT1NC DEPARTMENT, we are prepared to do ALLBOOK


Vrkrrvr Wnt

iMtftsseaAi. wii xr rccc.n THELATEST FlEt E" j ih r peW? e At Sffc':

SAIL1Y & CO.'S--a?

IO Cent Store !

Tort Honolulu,



"Orisss from tie othertraBiiy!Iea respect-- 1










(Smrrzl JHrrrfcrnritsc





rsoii BBEMEIT,

A Lnre Asst. of Dry Goods,


Trnimr nyD3k. Ifc&iar-Ttetc- r Ktd. M

Msiwos.blEckafiEl colored, 4 qsaStles

IDiress Goods,Pskt rriatj.T-rttj-F!T- r Xw, Sijl.

rrtttod SattMBK. nsafadoErs. IVris,Oi-h- ii TiUKtt Iatzs. Sas Steyw.

'WkBS&afOi!M. TviBs. Sesr.Tmytr:.' aaacMsaMahg.Bhcfc sad Oi4o Trims.



BhUik. JHwiaBalc. Tortds, Ovdc,&jqjWsaiM',Tii iIiibi QjLiimutii!,&

A Splendid Asst. of Shirts,

KesiBi OMbalJBientdns,"WhiJe Bmn Btt. t--


Km Btaefc ChKh Preek Onte aad Bute.taBSacb.rulc!iaSae,ftlt. Stotair. Ural. tea Mctia tats.Boj" anrw ud CkaMm "s JckK.MaakT and Sflor Jacicte.L B. Coals tsd Lceibcx. Oir SSsr.aftmdLC PiatnlliL loATsuSk,raacr aud TnntnrSba'Bis.OattDB mad Tzrtosfc Tow.WlaJ asd Fancy QoOts.Frit Bags and Brauris Oarjras.

Bam BUnkrta. WhAf aad Pancr Haoirt.J:aBCT Kd WoQBB. two SESLSeatfat. Oriafst. Wlate 'K'ootea.Saad t rank.ThNattk, Iaf, 22MSOC, Scarf. e.Silk d Trine Hibbowt.Satires for Sssta. Ooatc Pants. Bneeee,


GtanBt n de Ooiqgw. Lataa's Sxiiaots.Tonal daana. nakKOBM, UMtr US, Uoaabsjurrors. ioscne bauccs. jLK.Balla.BaiiijuMtaa.BIABbbk OoH Leaf. Jevrirj. WbMmc

VHCTXA FUBKITCRB:Bn hi amy A tan. Blag Boom aad l'aHaf

Chafas, m.CaHttaas, Girths, SUnmp LaHhaK,

CRATES OF ASSORTKD CROCKElll',Oaaliaiaia PtaXt. Peps, Ttapjta. Bwh,CauaWn,KR DhI aad

Saae BottlesTadGtaajait.MofliaBdTarTI!ortHap aad L B. Packras, Coal Baskets.

Sugar c3 lEtico BagsOf an bbbe aad amataMs,

Ooal Baffs Ganmea, TnsBadaicVToripad: aad Trtlrf SadaaiiLfflea How,

GROCERIESSaittmw m half aad nsamg bangs.H. aad F. HSfn-rt-f. Sak m jars,Oasaor Ofl m TSix.SeCaadteE. L3 aad6,man iwa. ."oaaaic un, n asa siae,

HrfE4-lJse- i Paratoe. H VarieWiuw aiiel'aart.


IVIiaifri&aadfioalrilaas BrftBdy.aadVuicr Isaisdfs

Rum. Gm. St. Paal Beer, . aad Forur.Port Wl. Sherry. Hian TAfee,Fox and Table CtaRte, Chawmgas.G. H. Uras Oa, Sfarknsf; Hoci.Dtj Hadwicl. Xomniie. Cb. iarm.

German and Havana CigarsP!iarai Sp. Forks Crates, Tea Sets

Caps. Ac

HARDWARE::fcaaas Batcher Earns, ScissarsSbwp Skats. tedJes, Sroaas, FUes.Sjurri. Gainuuard Basns, Hoop IronKicfimte, Hazmbets.Tenor 3Ieai aad CoEirafirtjoE Kaib,Babbitt Metal, bwrar Ooc4r.Iran Tanks, CtanSers e. Also,

Portland Cenient.Pire CUt. BlaokCTutfc CoaL Firt Bncte.Tiles, Etnptr Barrels. Oak Beats. Ac, 4 c Jrc

tr fron tlic he lriaacf carelalljanead?d to br


WILDER f CO.Importers and Dealers in










ZESCI5C-- TZ lit lias

A Host Complete Stcct o!






DRY REDWOOD!Scantling; Plant, tsrfacc sod roaga

Boird, surfaced aad rough ; Batters,Preketi, r.ntUc, Lattice, Clapboard.

Fant and.Whitevirash Erushes,WI11TE tEAD,






Of Eastern and California Make.FOR SILE IX QI1KTITIES TO SUIT



BOLOGNA SAITSAGE IK TIX CSfia aeda ptiftet order.


gHicaiian (gazclfe.MTEPXESPAY. OCTOBER ?. !SS5- -

PrckH Bd SoytTaat i tins I lear .xl roar fctber e

UK a Tc ib a. kr roods Hare?" M tfce

rwry ati tJoeldb(T,.as hetaakaba;-te- rtryer aad ran h ioto a pStrrikK a few flairs.

HrT teit tag uniftebaa im; a mmkresale clerks treed ee the snrires, aad tat thecseaiers asd all of thes sCTeasnas bfcmdy

BMnver, uc Unt s aoar-tralk- er kit ta ertrthe head vitha roll f paper caaferic aadsoawhedr taraed cs a Sre alarav Bow tr

M WeO. if toc 3! kee KaUh fee ra. at thedear, 1 xriH IB TtCiUlfcoaii,' said thtbaj." iOJDthedr has tM fn tiut I vas at the bot-tom of the irhole besisess, aad vbee a analores craUeace ai bov, aad roll a atrsakUap aad carries it hirarsallr, it staadsabsyiahaadtskeephis eye pednL

Tc see, pa has bees in the habit ktajr of

Eac to the store a 5d deal a laHysatrar;vital t'ae ciri ckrks. Ay strt that ail. Mailaa pa and leek street catches hiaa, aad bewaeld sit cs a sttwl ia fnet of the coaster teasears a day, jctteodiac tc vast to bar sobwkiadof fria7ewccstswsoaaehBraad hmU bMr nlV ikr orss off the cjis. Hi5oa't Gkc Uat all, ad sh told pa he oofht tabe ashaated of htssett, 'caase ue pits trereDatysaknafao of hiea, aad all the peopteia the store ur US.r at bim. bat pa saidSar her to shat op her yawp, aad he kept atrriactc Sad estases te p tc the store. M

told aw abeet it, aad the Wt leal sorrj, aad,bs- - jn&s, it Blade te taad to sea aa old ana,ok eoooh to hare peat or paralysis rr;ueead ansbiac clerks is a store, aad 1 toM

if she ireaki let Be I weald break p ap iathat Port of hasioess, aad th told an to soahead aad ankehiai jeajchke aboxcarjSet'other day an gave pa a piece of ribbocto antch aad a eoret to cbaBgc for a largercn,tad apMrfcfeTtontBrabocaaetbsthatat of ohe a( 'eta was tipped off, and told

bhb to bar tear yarik of baby iaaoeL aad seehaw aaRh k aoaM cost tc have aer seaiekiadoak taGaed, aad to se if her aew hat wasanae. Ba acted if thoark be dnlat want toj to the stare, bat ma aad aw kaew that beleaked abea i: as a picaic. aad he blacked lwe

bMts aad chaaped cads with his caff, aad petoa Ms Bcwred aecktic, aad sfaaTed hnascll,aad axed ap as .boexk. he was rninc tr beBMrried. I asked bis to let bm go along aaiitwry the packages, sad he said he didn't mindKldidgo.

Too bare seen these injy robber rats thejlave at the rabber stores, haveo't yoo? TVjlook so aear like a aitaral rat that yoe etc ttell the difference unless ytm otfer the relfeerrat sock cheese. I got oae oi those rats aadtied a 3ae thread 1o it, with a sbpaaose oa theead, aad when pa got ioto the store I pat thetlipBoose over the hind battoa ol bis coat tail,aad pot the rat on the fioor, aad h fallowedbim i)oaj. aad I sttow it looked s aataral IwaaUd to kick it Pa walked akoj; saufcar.aad stopped at the ribbaa ooeater, and wiakedat a tri,aad she beat over to see what hewanted, aad then she saw the rat, aad shescreaawd aad crawled ap on the shelf wherethe boxes were, aad pat her led ander her,and said take H away, kill iL' aad she ueo-fah-mt

all ever. Pa thwaght she had poee iaU.

a it 'caase she was paralysed oa hw shape.d he tamed blae, aad weat on, 'caae he

didn't want to kill her dead; aad ache walkedakaar the rat followed him, aad jast as behewed to foar girU who were steadies; tofrether talkaMT about the fan they had at theExposities the aieht before, they saw the rat,aad they br-- ia to Jrll.aod chaob ap thiafs.One ef 'then got on a stool and polled herclothes tight aroond her ancles, so a lire ratcocWo't haveD got ia her stockier:, let alone arabber rat, anuTall the girls saoealed jast likewhea yos tickle theajs the nbs.

Pa be looked scaredj as thoagfa he was afraidbe was breaking tbeai all op with his shape,aad be kept on, aad another fiock of girls sawthe rat, aad they jonped op oa the coeateraad sat down oa' their feet, aad yelled rat.'Thee the tarts yelled 'rat,' and in a nuonleaboot a baadred girls were getting ap onthings, and saying shoo, aad one of them goton a pile of blankets aad the pile fell off oathe fioor with her, and the awn bad to dig heroat. Pa's face was a stady. lie looked atone girl, and another, asd woudered what wasthe antler, aad finally the fioor-walk-er camearoog aad sec what it was, and he took pa bythe collar aad led him oat doors, sad told himif be ever case in there agaia he woald sendthe police after hito. I had gone by the tieepa sot oat on the sidewalk, and he picked apthe robber rat aad fosad it was hitched to biscoat, and he weat right boate. Ma says thatbe was so aad that be stotterod, and shethinks I better board amend for a day or two.She tried to reason with oa ttat it was dosefor bis good, to show hua that he was seatinga loot ot himself, bat be does not loos: at it inthat light." PeoVsfaa

The Xaval and MUitiuy Power of ChlnR

Tin: SAvr.The Chiatse nary, which dates back to a

period before the focndation ef the Britishnavy, is so longer (saj s a "ew York contemporary) a nary of war jenks viln niga ks

and pentagonal porthoUs, aad with gunsmoenied oa immovable carriages. ChineseBaTal arcbitcctcre is now aot anlike that ofPowers of adraaced drihtatioi. Millions barebeen snent in the coostrBctios of war steamersof modern type, and in the establishment ofdockyards aad arser.au, in wnich numinousof war of all kinds may beprodoced. Abootfoaiteen years ago M. Miguel, an cScer of thePreach nary, begac building a dockyard onthe rirer ilin, a few miles below tbe treatyport of Foochow, aad which can be easily for.tied. At the end of seven years iron works,rolling anils, eogioc factories and boildingsbps in fact, all the plant of a naval yard-w- ere

in foil workinc order, in which time tbeengines, and in some cases the armament, fordo less than fifteen vessels were built. Therewas' also a school for naval ofScers formed;also a training chip was attached to the estab-lishment. In I 76 a navy yard was establishednear Shanghai, and, tkoogh tbue are a fewEnglishmen and Americans holding posts in it,the control of It is exclusively in the bands atthe Chinese The Chinese, however, do notrel v on their own dockyards aad coostroctorsalose, for, in addition to tbe fleet of nativeprodoctioB,tbtybava recently had coostracttdin England a series of ganboats of tbe latesttypes, armed with the rovs'. improved andheaviest gnus. In iris Sir William Armstrong built for the Chinese Government foorgunboats the .Vpka, litkt, Uttaunaa.ua wma.The rt two are lis feet in length, 27 feetbeam h feet draccht. 319 tons harden, andeach carryiBg a MJ. too gnn. The two latterare 120 feet in length, 30 feet beam, S feetdraught, 400 tons boidec, and each carryng a3s ton gun of Brusu pattern. Ifiey are boiltof iron, and carry 50 lens of coal and SO roundsadmonition. Foor other gunboats were bcil;on the Tyc aad were delivered In the ChineseGovernment in 1679, each being armed 'ntha 33 ton gun of the Anastroog type. Tbcrare of sobstantnlly the same design as thosedescribed above. Tbe most important difference is that they are built of steel instead ofiron, and arc docble ended (that is, theirsternand bow lices are of tbe same model and fittedwith rodders oa each cod,) to enable them tosteam forward or backward with almost eqoalfacility. TLey were originally named theEptHtm, ZSa, ui and TktSa, bot were after,wards renamed to something more Chinesethe Gb'a Pa, dun $m, Fid Tug and Ijwfixmq. Their principal dimensions are; 125feet in length, 29 feet breadth of beam, 12 12

feet depth of held, 9 J- - iect draught of water,410 toes borden, and with an effective speedof 10 knots an honr. Each has two pairs ofcompound engines, and is propelled by twinscrews. TLeir hulls are divided by foor trans-Ter- se

bulkheads, and by longitudinal centralbulkheads forward of the engines, thus givicgthem nine distinct watertight compartmentsThe engines, boilers, and magazines are undertbe water line, aad are further protected fromthe shot and shell of the enemvby a horizontalunder water deck over thea. The 35 ton gunis pivoted forward. Besides this heavy gun,each has two 12 pounder breech loading gunsastern, and two 10 barrelled Galling guns ofii calibre, to be fired from various positions,broadside or raking astern. Tbe cost of thesewas S 170,100 each, or $151 a tec, machinery,rigging and all complete. (The Totted Statessteamer Sick, of 410 tons, cost SStl,S2, orSi .503 a ton: tbe 3Voc. of tbe same sire. 230.012, or 55S3 a ton; the Ealcrpnic, CIS tons,cost 169,152, or $Sll a ton; and the .But,015 tons, cost $477,111, or S700 a ton.)These Cbiaeze gunboats are primarily intendedler coast cetence, bot will no aocbt give agreat deal of trouble to tho French war reuelsshould they attempt to inrade the sascty oftbe Uetesuai waters.

Tbe Chinese also hare eight small iron gun-boats of from 100 to 200 tons each, and eachcarrying from two to seven breech loadinggoes. At the Fcociow arsenal have been built17 composite (wood and iron) vessels, eachmounting one seven ton or cne race ton UD,with other light guns; also one composite cor-vette carrying II gons one of 11 toss weightalso three steam tnrapcrtt. Tbe Chinese barealso built at Shanghai, two wooden frigatesaad five iron gun vessels. The Chinese havealso had coastrncted aenppijof torpedoboits,each 52 feet is length, 7 feet breadth of beam,3. feet draught of water, and with a speed of10 knots an hour. They arvlsilt of steel, inwatertight compartments, and arranged towork, three par toipcdoca. Tiro years -- gothe Chinese Uorernment had built two steeltain screw cruisers of 1,350 tons burden each,drawiog 15 feet of water and with a speed ofit Knots an near, rarn resin is provided

f liawaJa .4 ft TKaOw. .IT fc J .. Imi sum iMvuuuoiv tsuuAJuu iiuvBf ana iwo i'10 ina breech losdins pirot rifies, placed at

tfce bow aad sm resrctirlj TVey are 113feci ia leasts, aad 32 (net breadth f beam.Tbe Chinese also bavo eevtrU steel torpedohosts ringed tor the xTaitehtad aad pr

$ fee: loeg ami IS feet beans.

ths tax?The TiaMs r" JbaWa calls atteeckai to the

caraatar stride which Wmb has (node ia tbeoVrelopaMOt rf her pnaH.r aeKtaitea war.like rrcoarees. She i aBppoMd to have astandnar army of l,rt,tV awe, bat the des-

potic rater ef 3ajtM,Mu peope ei aevcrlack tor soldiers there an sack taiag as aChaatse ansy ii the faase ia wluaii w sfeakof aa Rnghth or a Prasaiaa anay. Fadi pro-vi-

ands its its owe amy wapKm tc Hselr,the GoreJrsH ainsrcaJissao,owhcir.tbe cAdeacy '.i the force depends-- Heacewhile there are Hbm proviccsal ararics whichGoastitate a mere labhle tnatrl with

thereare others whichbavt attorned' a a high state 9f ettcieacy , andare armed with the best ef awderanaes.Taas L Soaj Taag. Soven of the provinceof Pichi-li.b- as aader him a Sjtce of 7JM reryeScieet troops, arawd with lb Reeaiagtparifte. ""e have already stuwn the lafeieatyof Ilie Kang-s-a anay with the great militarynfaraaer. Tso Ts,aa Taas. Xtie weak point iathe Chaws military systta k the oficirrs, thesetdaer'a protSKie raaktar; rery low ia Cebjs--Uai opiaion -- .owner rs umi itanaem oi.4rma rain,,(rar more rwrjbly carried intoaffect than in China Still, thong the Ories.taaU oV aot lontate the radical Tefbres

br their octebbars ia lacaa. it mastnot be sapposed that they lag very far bnhtad.Of late tbcr have despatched nambors, of voaagesea to Eneuac aad Germany to ream the artef war bv land aad by sea. Chiaa is well snr-ph- ed

with ordnance of the hastEaropeaiKrapp aavtag already sapalied her

withlS siege gans and S7 SeW piece, andwith runs in nositioa lb Chiaesaean fightwell, as we discovered to oar cost at tbe monthof the Pei-- br A aamber of seaboard towns,sach as Xtea-tsi- a, Shaachai, Xaokie, Caatoe,etc.. ccoitain arseaak where gaai, both lightaad heavy, are cast, aad where breech kadiae;ri&s cf theaeaest pattera areteratdoat iathoasaads, with aaimaattKai loauhtch. At thearscoal of Krang-Xa- n, Ouacee workaMa pro-dac-ed

ia lfTt, tweaty 4 uoaadet Arawlrooggaos, which on bebnr tested by Earopeaa

mere declared to be raaal to anythingthat had ever left Etswick or Woolwich. The

jfrcacbes to ibe more important seaports areguarded by heavily armed forts, which Francewet.! have considerable troable ta "

neeotia-trr- g

X r ccsld the French have it all theiroan wav on the c SL Aniac Ikrod.



Bv tbe Hear; Janes tram cv Tork duett aad br rail. aa Fraactsre.

DiUingltamBreftkingPIow'. 3 sizesTO PLOW i aude .pO-- br SIG1R PUfN

TATto aad is caierof ay PATLST iatae Baaabaa Kwrtkm

Dlrfesgham Double Furrow Plow, 3 sizesAU MciIlj atluecf2 to Saicetr

Tfcu FU)w has be rirf-- 3 vttk fttat care. IMit it beiieTY-- S itwi it t.U W fou4 rn-r-k I autfcUjcat la Uad j latradaned una the aartet. t.VUUal

fc flTLXr ia t- - l.MTLO Ar.UI.

Jillmghain Eice Plows,rnojisi.NciirA iph tnns.

atzrelj aea sies eaade tiaai oar ova atttctas toreank derfexs ia Ural MrJ Flaws for kite canair

cond ploanar aa. Csae ealtiTatMa.Tke aeore rLOWS are all ataee br tV eriaHaal

John Deere Jioliue l'low lVorks,

Tae Wr'rra Fiow Vaavfactorr aa taeLirye-- t Mfel Pl Works ia the worM

WE ARE SOLE ACENTSPer tar FLU S rC Ihi- - auaatattare

A Laige Stoclc of PlowsOf Xhaercal MxBBfactare Aad Fattetaa.

--c3t; Tjoxrcst Rates.Batroar of Diferral Fauxras.Calttvatcrs aad Bcrse itoes.Ox Takes. Iroa aad nuod Bows, Oi Ckaias.Trace Castas. ToomU ChairAaaaied Feace wire tea Maplebalraaised Barbed Feace Wire.Dnlrreauai Pniiej StocksHrdtaark Jacar

Hardware for Plantation Userorfi-icu-r- loniUlU, Hmmiay MUU.

(rardirs asd latul But

Studebaker Bros.' Wagonsand Carriages.

OIJ-i-S n J2peciixlty.LalKaticrO.! iltatj t jliaoeiOil CompoomL


KEROSENE OILIn yai-l'l- k to Sa.it

KEROSENE OTX STOVESAmerican and English Paints and Oils

lYrj-- .t- - 1" ulli'i Wlii.ib BP.IMIE5.


t'jti'im Ao I'Arcit bacvMagness-Calcit- e Fire-pro- of


Sliol :i3ax'ca.-r7tra.rc- .

in i,r.ii: lAKirrra.



-- W aim 10 leep EVEHYTUIXJ Beqair-- d laoerLiaeaadto

Sell at Lowest Possible Figures.DILLINGHAM A. CO.,

" Fort Street

Vc want tho Public to under-stand that the

Union Feed Company,Is Bud? sad TV,Uac to Famish aO the


AT THE LOWEST RATES.A f : to tuke rooa for a lairrr

tock oa the itCWMl ordcrf proBpti? attraded to Ooodj delii-crt-

gg" Telephone Ho. l7g."gTT8


Fancy Colored Glass,Jort aad For Sale el AberzeMie,

nm LanaMi. aj

CEIO. XjTJO.,Honolulu Steam Planing Mill.



itaj be ttnau at the btrr tUWljiiiiin..; ALSO

Plate Glass,3X13 FEET ASD 13X12 FrET.

The Above is Offered at UeaonaIj!e Kale.-- lS URLT CUL IS S)UCITEll.-- n

GEO. LUCAS,VTJ ECaitoliUafcLemji rUnijayMilC


P O "757-- ID E3 :iS.:H2 "27ASD OTHER

Fertilizers in Quantities to Suit.

or rOB. 6AI.E CV

THEO. H. DAVIES & Co.,TTT tc Armti Pider FmlllltBr Co

ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION!nnnE GvacN'Asinsi of tztx noXsoiola AUiirtlc AxtceUUoh U tnr open n tlheve

ef tti'zibm rrfrr fiir iStodipt excepted) k 7p JWoUy &ad Tait.day for Uii, An4 yrtvfea-l-

TIaciAif PdJaiil mr,A SatverTaaa 4m nlli fa.. ... . ..a tff a f dL afimcutTSj mil I prm oca erioicz la ufof riacs (

g b feotE

grrra errribtjjfHe.

(IPioneer" Line





Till, II. MIS i GO.


From, the Cargoes !


ASD . . .

Otlier recent VesselsTHE ru.owisu

DRY GOODS AND CLOTHINGTnats ot latest itv'.e , fast colors ;Blae Dratms, Whilo Crodon SheetingUorrocV's Loos Clothsllrowa Linen DrillsWaterproof Tweeds, Towels & Towelinjs,Ola$ Towels, Table Gfoths, do. KapVins,Pare I.tacns, Shawls, lircnadioer,


Colored S Un. Grass Cloths,Aruanal rkraersand FeathersCtottcn Handkerchiefs, bdk HanOkcrcbiets,Mooten Tabes CVjvers. OolM Satu-- na i CtapetFancr. Mtxtare. lQse and Grar FUaaelsVietorta Lawns. Bmaks' Svwol Cotton,Lace Crbuxis. blue aaJ abite:Caves: LWadoX Fasej Drt&s Goods,Faaev llaids, KeatU Shirts. Wool btirt.

Vblte aad Colored Cotton bhirts.rmot Keefers India llabber Coatv Cam and

Lessta.Man's White. Itnjttn and Colored Half Uoee,Ladies' Uose. Men's limlj Mad Oothmc,Men's liaU, Btae aad Grar Uorse BUnltU,Woolen ItUnkets.a!tlers, sires i WEht,

YclTd Carptts, Yclict Hugs, Trtrclau"! Tipcstry lloor Hat.


A Foil AMortaMnt oi GeaU. Ltdies,' Girls'and itov Saddles,

AiewJOCRBT SADDLES,Undies, baddle Cloths. Charneis Sluns,

Susar BAGS, 20xG; Coal BAGS,26tS7:

Filter Press Bags.22 2C 3 6.

SonicthiiiirXe'iv and hi Great llemanil

A KCtV OSLV RrjIIM.C,C3-- Tbne BAGS arc made to Fit OUo Pierce, aaw

are of lor rtl re aad aeoeer tcjtare



CORRUGATED ROOFINGla , 7, e. ft leadb. (SI gctfi. ierem i tVajber


Aantaleit Feace VTire. Kos. , 5, 6, 7, and Staples,Gaiv Iron Backets, all sires;Galr W ash Basras, Galv Garden Bordenne

and Xettiass,Tinned Iron Saacepacs, all sixes;Tea Kettles. Real Japan Btaexhe,

PAYING BRICKS, GAKIJES TILESGarden Hollers, Latrn Seats and Chairs,CmbreUa Stands, Iron bcrapers.Hat Iloois aad Uails, LAWS' TENNIS SETS,Clothes Baskets, Band Baskets, W urk Baskets

Crockery and Glassware,Faney Guh Flower Stands, Fern Baktts, etc.


Fire CUr. Wbtttas, Chalk, lellow Ochre,

FJ-OOtlT-is Slates

Liverpool and I'xk Salt,

ZIKCS. PAINTS AND BOILED OILSWorcester Sauce aad Groceries.

English, American & Hawaiian Flags

3, 5, and 7 anls lengths.

TOPSAIL SHEET CHAINSAdmiralty Test sizes. ', Jf, and

Powell riifiryn Steam CoalSTATIONEKT, IHON BEDSTEADS,



STEEL HAILS,1Sft Lragtlu 1Mb udlSlb pet Yard.

Fish. Plates, Bolts and Nuts,Rtlinillll l. TV HATCH



VERTICAL ENGINE&c &c' &c. &c.




Has Received, Per Late ImportationsA large iaa Viried of

Optical Groods,0" S3 "V57 ELR "S",

IbOoM biiTcrmd Pitted Wrc isdoftbctATEJsT DESIC56

.WatchesFrmi tV Fjctoriw of the M on ApprOT-e- d

Hikrrs. in Gold and SIJt-- t.

CURIOS From All Parts of Oceania.m CALL ASD EXAJirXEMT STOCK. Ij


Washing Made Easy,Bjr the KALAKflUA Al.

Washing Machine !

Pxtcuttd mud Hausfactsretl bjttht

Hawaiian Washing Machine Man'fg. CoShoiH jon rrant jor

Cltrlliet to mr welt.Get thta Xaitliine

Asd tATe bo Tear.

It trill pay foi; iUclf In less Uian a yearCT- - FOR SAL ET

K. O. Hall Ac Son.Cor Fort ted Ez Streets. Boaolala. B. I.,

Townoq all Older ihootd be addrefted iSizLSALAMANDER FELTING

toeCovering Hoi !crs, Steam Pipes


Saves 25 per Cent, of Fuel-PEIC- E


&Slj ArraU.TT-ST-.-- GrOSSXF.

rpiIEREIS XOLDIE GOSSIP JIOW--X erer, that the anderilrael vtltUaaPortraltala

anr etx or vteva ta order ts tba belt ftrie of tbe

. .ycc, lut .1 .IB.J. .uu mu no ...u w y.iereronea-a- can be rolled; aad serer treated aaroneoatorthttriT; and Jierer win neat as rose cthemlMha a etaMuaimalniaw tlMota It.r. ..!uua i (iiuvti sumvi v Nut ijruu vjiMtPr ai 1

ytlf WVlnJ IX. Im PHAJ9X, I


o Mlat


. X t b.

.49 ?

.I l,:0l& ABf 'fly? If I tA

IPat7.ii'W jjf


4trtIpHdic- -


K4 f.tfF


Wew by liUte ArriydkFROM SAN FRAUGISCO,




Suitable for Plantations, Country StoresOr Onlrn. 111M t Netto-aW- tl iHtt SmO-lactio- n

to l'Hrclier. AttHtIeH k Callnl te Our

Improved. 2?aris PLO WTH OBXTISI fAEI PLOW 1 or ITIIL, u4 taaaMKaaaJ.lt aa Brt..iaa aaj w. Bra., at ri a laa hrtn H..J.t.Horse Hare Plaaat ji, Caae ajii.e. ma&c --t Msaala4.AxtsadFhkXatl.-ck- . P 'a. He .tdae.laataerKlUas ' bmsaaiiir l.au..wn,.. i.w'fl... aio.-r- wrtaMe-i- i i ul Abe.it Mcaai Patkixa. Beat nai




Babbet Metal. Lace Ln brr J Laclac- - ladla aaaaae Sieaai FlHIaa aaaadaad1 aw a.ejr.Aaaeataa ajtlar Carenlr and ama Sip. Macaaaar; W.. lara, aarta aaa ajaadVe; Baaa Vaa


MniUti'iiHi nic amantiaimaii ataajaaaaa, Wi rtaae i a MaiCat aad Wreaxel StiU a.) tte none aad ala.a aaa Satfe, CMr Mia, Cat taOaaa aaaat A

Latest ImprovementsHabVecK a!. LOU alTcrjboa BMa. BaViack'.BlaacMaaiBarbed

Wake aad B SMH.Iaranarlae c .' Suaa r d. Irri(tarJa aad Vaeaaai raaaaj, amia'i

Wire. Plata Fractal Wire. tialTaalaed taacac.

S 1? A- - 3P T--. S3 3Z JESTS? est-- o o X S fUeaiau Saadtoa. Tickiaai AC V. Baad P WeacJudead teaatri iln i. ai 1 Win aBnn aad Blaacked DrllliLiaea Sfccrtiait otl la. ad ! ramiA nae A5aamaiat ot Wbite Man

STAPLE GROCERIES, Golden Gate, Star & Sufvim mCalambU Hirer Jalrnon Bayo Bcao, Al." t.iforalaUM. Pmlaad aad Btiee (nm

For kerosene Oil "We Offer PA1ACE, and Gtxaraateeitcannotbebeatfor quality or price: THE

VUJLCAJf. a good oil and above teste

WOODWARD & BROWN'S CELEBRATED PIANOS!The Clieapot Uotxl l'Uno: ew HrH 0rrn (.N rrlr Orraa.

JOSEPH E. WISEMAN,SXailui.1 r, Uor oil H. 1


And General Businaee

Uone ami Laails

Leael and M I

In All Part ef lai KioaTloat'


.a 1.1 LU AMIMJIH-IIILS- . LaaOloraaaafOwa-er- a

at Ileaaaa aad Real eaaate artn bw ia ailed taat I

ia tbe oarj retanlsed Beat Batata Axeat sad UaaaaBMker on rae Iitaad aad It wt.1 bo to yoar latarcat epbeie roar Laada. Teacaieiita aad Sowae late eij aindelot dtaaoaal

rarllcalaranearioB aivra lo prwirias rr.pua.IbleTeaaaU, fall charge talea of r ' abarauaiIaataace B.paln Taxe and Wn.r ttiei'atett altended ta




AftbUuidMitsrreor Plinlauui Miltf--en, ad TvadcxBc aad all capkyct rku ttotrocattrfnl Mleathm lo Uielr buisc mM do areJ taBotifj me whtB i evcjtiacirt xit


Ou friesda alntatd wko contraBptau Tii;us m rrtrfdittj pCTMacaUjr oa thoe Ifauuft) t.l ted it adrsatagto i tktr confotta to call on on ttirlr aj7t-- al

aadaelcct their aonea, aad taonr dettfia; Ka4ormrat nil! be IlkcwlM provided

GENERAL OFFICE WORKOferery dcriptijn aUcadVd to Bi ! t)cied kjal ,

laprrf ofalikiad. draira. Book and acaoiuu kpand aollcitfai, aad care taken u mfL lie iatt?rrt at mil

mrcsfumcriUitior acatl; arraapd wj brr gHc departmea toth new lire-pro- Brick Bpildiar adjotas th (

Cxtxettc1 cdiact, I an failr pipaid to meet mnracxtesifTedejaaDaft fa baalneM taaa krrtfton aadwith SJ ealarred ficllltiea I invite the patroaaac ofcitises on tb utbtr tfiaada to auk their asrcaaeaIn Uevotala tkioacii me fBaraauiax t TtTcaUontcncteac aUcvtloa, aad to avrchaM aii and ttry kind ofacrdULBallK solicited ptocorioc LU. mr . u Jm bwmaiVeublc tcrnu tbe city aAcrdr

Solicitlsc Agra! for tav


oe yoiuiCtTAckaowUdzed U be tan Iirzevt Pafe asd '

eeare Life Innnnct Company ic the world

f. X UBTKB. r eaajux.


eSKlaiht . HonolalB. a I atrial! l:r.i.Firewood and Feed.

We woW notifjr tbe pabttc asd ia pasticaUr. that vt keep oa aaad aad for mV la qaaatitle to wit paiclaat era sad at Lowe rtrt fuvi atroflo-r-i: Ilard aad t$o4HWaod.c taaa; traca.tbrt turcfijL Z.SM. Vtwmtie Lemfr. ikotct. C ol- -

aad 1W tMaratad WeUloxtoa iaeutfmamam xmm.om, mmo


7V above am be ordered by lekaaosr or otbenru f

ana lau&cBKto weaveiy oaataaued.

GIVE US A CALL!Telephono Ho. 305.


Ssiy scxxkSL Osits,Oallforaia and Saw ftenltmi :

Cora, Whole and 0 loaned; Bran,Barley, Whole and Groand; Wheat.

Jliddlinas, and otberFead.I5T" Order the abora Ibrooat


and mwitnot trslck daiirarp, aad frll aaJKM.vmurrs irom tae otner manaw aoucma.

FREE DELIVER Yto all parti of tbe eit. Renumber

82 Banc Street, and Ha-18-



tonibd fxoa Saa Fraaeiaco. aad baa evened' aa

Cream Saloon !


The ELITEra cossKcnostrtTB

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HoxoLn.r, Octolier 13, 1SS3.

I'itlefri ami Sf,areJto!Ien of Ranter? lator am) Supply Omijtant,:' committee on sugar manufacture feels deeply theresponsibility which rots on its shoulders. Tin? subject Is of such "greatimportance, aid cove-r- vat a field that the more An? studv it, the moreVIe rea"ze ''Pw much Investigation and reflection it requires.

process ofannfaeturing ugar from cane coni-tsT- f three ct

operations":1. VExtrartion of the sugar or juice'from the cane.

"ii?e ,lcfcca,ion or darification of the juice or sugar liquor.rrSsr6 erystaliation and separation of the sugar from tlio juice orliquor.

Xt us turn our attention to the initial operation, and consider themethods of extraction in use, or practicable.The universal custom on thee Islands, with one exception, is to extractthe juice by three-rolle-r mills.The one exception Is the Hawaiian Commercial Company which hnon iMaiil, adopted a system of double crushing, and pasis through a

three-roUe- r, and then through a two-roll- mill. The latter mill has ahydraulic attachment on the upper roller which give, a continuouslyuniform pressure.

Are we .satisfied with the results obtained from our three-roll- er millU we observe the number of improved processes or extraction whfdihave lieen tried or suggested from time to time in other countries, wemay reasonably conclude that sugar manufacturers in other parts of theworld are not. We have no statistics to inform us of the percentage ofjuirc .extracted by the three-roll- er mills of thi country; tat it I prettvcertain that very few of them extract as much as 70 iercent. of juice,while it is well known that average cane contain 00 to 95 er cent ofjuice.

The uninitiated would suppose that this must le an extraordinarilylucrative business that can afford to 1 indifferent of a lo-- s of 25 per cent,of raw material that has cost in cultivation w much monev, labor, anvietv,and --kill to Induce the soil to produce.

V. Our usual excuse for this apparent waste is, tliat coals are expensive,and we must have good trash or megas- - to produce the steam necessaryto drive our machinery, and evtqiorate the water of the juice.

Are we not apt to forget that with our trash we burn too of --ugarwhidi, if manufactured, would fetch SI.--, iier ton, while coal can belought even in Honolulu for $10 per ton.

i eniap n onex review of some of tiie must noteworthy processes or ex-tracting from cane witl not be out of place here.

The three-roll- er mill i too well known here to require more tlmn apassing notice. Suffice it to say that it usually extracts from 50 to 70 percent, of juice, and that the larger the mill, and slower it is run the bettoras a rule, are the result. Nevertheless, it isa matter of the greatest

that the feeding of all mills, large or small, I properlyattended to. Many small mills, well fed, do better nrk than the largestwhere the feed is thin or irregular.

The Sugar the Journal for September contains an interestin" notice ofStewart'-- , hydraulic attachment for three-roll- er mill. This can, we un-derstand, be applied to any ordinary mill, and has the advantage of main-taining a erfectly uniform pressure, no matter lww irregular the feed.The result i- - an unifonidy increased extraction of juice.

Multiple roller mill-.- , some with as many as nine rollers, have Iteenadopted in various part of the world, generally with the result or anincreased yield of juice. The great co-- t, however, and the additionalIower required to keep such large and heavy mases of iron in motion,prevents their general adoption.

An ingenious mill known a the " )e Mornay " is being manufacturedby laueett, Preston A Oo. In it two emniratively small rollers are sub-stituted Sot the front lower roller of the ordinary three-roll- er mill. Thesetwosniall rollers wwk directly under the top roller. It i said to requireless power to run, and to -- ive better results than the ordinary mill. Alight fluted drum, or breaking roller, has been applied successfully tobreak the rind of the cane before it enters the mill proper.

defibrator lias attracted a good deal of attention, and is said toliave given 78 to S2 ier cent, of juice when applied in conjunction withordinary three-roll- er mills. The defibrator consist of a toothed drumwhich, with the assistance of two-tooth- plates, reduces canes to fibre,Which then passe evenly through the milL This can be attached to anvjuill.

Bessemer, the well-know- n inventor or the process of manufacturingsteel, which is called after him, jiatented a system of extracting juicefrom cane by crushing it with plungers working in horizontal cylinder.This process has not yet heen apnUcd successfully. About two year-- , agothcMr.cwpapers contained glowing accounts of M. IJonnefin's washingprojg.'S. By this canes are entirely disintegrated bv n series ofreiolvlug saws, and may afterward be reduced to pulp, from which thejuice is easily extracted. AVe regret that we have been quite unable toobtain any information as to trial of, or results obtained, bv this invention.

fThe maceration process has been tried in many ways, and has been sub-jected io considerable discussion. Maceration inav be aimlied in itsiniplest form by moistening the luegass with steam or warm water aftertMeavcs the ordinary mill, and the it. In this way a gooddeal more sugar and juice L-- extracted. There are many advocates of

but reiwrts as to its success are very various ami conflicting., Qne of the newest processes is that named the Eknian, after a German

gentleman who invented it. It consists in cutting the cane into small--lices, which are boiled under pressure with certain chemicals. Till weknow more alout the procea-- , what the chemicals are, and what theiraction upon the cane i- -, it would be rash to offer an opinion as to the prob-ability or it succeeding or not. As, however, the megas- - is entirelydestroyed as fuel, it is difficult to see in what rerject such a roces can besuperior to diffusion, which is the last process to which we propo-- e todraw your attention.

The diffusion process is the only one that extracts the whole of thesugar in the cane. It differs from all other proees-e- s in thi importantrespect, tliat tlie sugar is obtained so far a possible without rupturing the

juice-ccl- of the cane, even extracting the rice. Though this proces.-ha-sliecn known for over forty years, it has as yet been but little' tried in

'application to sugar cane-- and where tried the succcs- - has not been somarked a-- might have been exiected. Nevertheless, it is IwmxI ou suchwind'prinriplcs, and ha attained such uujKtralleled success in abdication

to the leet root sugar industry, that it deserves more thau a iwssing notice.Tlierc are, in fact, strong grounds for believing tliat eventually it willsupersede all other methods of extracting sugar from cane. Thi- - processdepend.- - in principle on the discovery by Graliatn, an eminent llnglishclicinlst, of the possibility of separating crystalloid and colloid substancefrom each other when in solution by the method which he named dial-lysi- s.

Crystalloid are Midi sub-tanc- es as sugar, silt, etc., which areisrpaUb (bfcrys!alli7,ation. Colloids are glue-lik- e gummy substances,whlcli will not crystallhse, Graham that crystalloids in solutioncould jass through water-lig- membrane-- , such as bladder, parchment,or plant-cel- l, into water on the other side of the membrane. If a slice ofsugar cane or beet root L immersed in water, the sugar in the cells willpas.-- tluvugh the cells into the water, but the gummy and albuminousnutter contained in the juice remains in the cells.

Dabruufaut, a distinguished Frendi chemist, to whose ability the beetroot sugar industry is indebted for many valuable inventions, was thefirst to suggest the application of this to the extraction of sugarfrom beet roots. It was in Germany, however, tliat the process first cameinto general Use. At first it was slow of adoption, lait latterly it hagained ground with amazing rapidity.


In JS72 there were Sll beet root sugar factories in Germany, of whichonly fifty-tw- o had adopted the diffusion process. In 1SS0 there were 3JSfactories, and only thirty-seve- n had not adopted diffusion. In IS S3 everybeet sugar factory in Germany uses the diffusion proee.-s- . In fact it isfound that, with the present low prices of sugar, no beet sugar factory canlc made to pay without the diffusion proccs- -. AVith it, however, some ofthe most successful eonqianies are paying 50 per cent, dividend. Theprocess lias been proved quite as applicable to sugar cane as to beetroot;but, as at first with the latter industry, it gains ground very slowly. Theapplication of the prindple is now, however, so mudi better understoodthan formerly that it ought to succeed much more easily than could liave

en cxiiectod fortv vears ago. The application of minute quantities ofrecently-invente- d antiseptics; serves to prevent fermentation, which witformerly n great Uilheulty to overcome.

Diffusion liquor can be made the same density as the juice in the cane,so that there need 1h no more evaporation to make a ton of sugar thanfrom expressed cane-juic-e. The lnegass--

, however, has been in the pastentirelylost as fuel, but the extra quantity of sugar obtained should farmore than compensate for the extra expenditure of fuel. The exhaustedcane-slic- es form a most valuable manure, aud it may be that, if partiallydricd, they might be used as fuel in the Jams furnace. Diffusion liquoris perfectly dear, and requires no skimming ; it may be boiled withoutfurther darification. The sugar is extracted front the cane with hardlyany impurities.

Dr. Collier, the scientific chemist of the United States AgriculturalDepartment, lias been experimenting ou the application of the diffusionprbcessjtb -- orjrhum. His "experiments have been quite succes-- f id on asmall scale, and the principle is about to lie applied on a large sxsde. Forfurther information on this process, we would commend the attention ofthose interested to n paper on the subject, read by Mr. Koelling before themeeting of this company on the 15th instant. Mr. Koelling has had

in working the process both in Germany ami the United States,and is intimately acquainted with all its details.

Since the last annual meeting, your committee has made some effort tocollect, bv correspondence, information which might lie of value or intercst. Letters were written to Messrs. Icerv. Bernard, and Sherman, ofMauritius and to Mesr-- . Monteflore, Joseph & Co., their agent inSydney, for information about the new magnesia process, patentedbv the" first three gentlemen. Details of the process could not be furnished,but we apicnd to this report Messrs. Montefiore, JosejJi A Co.'s letters,with memorandums of terms on which the process might be used. A sampleof Miar made bv tiiis pnwess is submitted for inspection. Such sugar asthis sample would be too light in color for the United States market underthe existing treaty ; iit if, by the ue of the process, a larger yield ofsugar can lie obttunetl without snen mgu cwor, it mignt oe wonn tryinghere.

Dr. ScheibbT, the well-know- n chemist to the German Beet root SugarManufacturers Association, has recently invented a process lor extractingMi-- ur from molasses by the use of strontia. Mr. Koelling i- - informedthat n large factory has lieen erected at Hildesheiu, in Germany, solelyfor extracting --ugar from molasses under this patent. We believe itwonld be In the interest of planters here tliat further particulars should beobtained, aud that if found likely to be advantageous, the patent right forthese Islands should be purcha-e- d.

IiCtters liave been written on behalf of the committee to more thanfnrh-- . mill-owne- rs or managers on the group, solidting information andstatistics nlwut their methods generally, and more especially as to theirtreatment or niour-se- yield of sugar per gallon ot juice, percentage offirst second, and third sugars, cost of manufacturing, and experience withnmd presses.

Fourteen gentlemen, viz. : Mr. Koelling, of Hanalei ; Mr. Dole, ofJKapaaj: 3Ir. O. Isenberg, of Kekaha ; Oapt. Boss, of Hecia j Mr. Turton,nf Lohaina : Mr. Ewurt, of the Star Mill ; Mr. Otto, of Paauhau ; Mr. J.

afoar Uamakua 3IU1 ; Mi. waisn, jor.uessrs. iucxanaer j. jiaxuwm,of JPaia; Mr-- Tuna, of liana; 3Ir. boper, of Ookala; Mr. Kay, PacificSugar Mill, Kukuihade ; Mr. Williams, Spreckelsville ; and Mr. Baldwin,of Haiku, have kindly sent replies giving interesting facts and figures ;

and two other gentlemen have replied, regretting their inability to fur-

nish the information requested. Had a larger number responded, somevaluable statistics migut have been compiled.

There is so little difference in prindple in the methods of the mill.ma&igeis who have sent accounts of their ways of procedure, tliat therej Mftle novd io report on.

ThcjpSan of liming adopted at Spreckelsville seems worthy of imitationelsewhere. By each stroke of the juice-pum-p, a certain quantity of Iimc-watc- r,

or milk of lime, is injected into the juice, thus securing promptiinuorm liming, une quunuij injecieu can ue reguiaieu us uiariii.-u-

i iHactice "cnerally seems to consist of straining the juice as it leaves.... - . Z. .1 i ?! - :il r i: S. 1 1

IflCJPeBeJS, pumping Jt imoa cuuner nuere iuu ui iuuuiuwcu nucuthe darifirr if hall full, mixing and heatxag when lull to cracking point.

a After whiehonife planters skim the claiifier, while others am off the.4(fiar afco djaeavc the scum as it nsas when hoiled in open pans lor

ftl' Tyc "'worvt -- ?? K?

' "

TI . . JWIUMli MtmjfelrrL.tMHK-Mm- T "rrt, - , mr,mwiinnm

that purpose. It is next concentrated in open pans, or in double or tripleeffects, boiled to grain In vacuum jans, and Immediately dried In centri-fugal machines, The molasses is usually "blown up," with the additionin some cases of more lime, skimmed, boiled at a temperature of 140- - to130- - Farenheit, and run into coolers, where it is allowed three or fourdays to granulate. Second molasses is treated in the same way, butallowed ten to fifteen days to granulate.

Seven of the gentlemen from whom replies were received, treat theirskimmings in Otto's mud-presse- s, and appear quite satisfied with theresults. One gentleman claims to save 20 to 30 gallons of juice on everydarifier. Another says he saves equal to one darificr in every twenty-tw- o.

The yield of sugar per gallon of juice and the percentage of 1st, 2nd and3rd ugar varies greatly.

The following are return from eleven different mills :OnDceper









Fercentago ofsogar,

1st 2ad 3rdTo 10 13 ..Uses Otto 8 aud press.C61 3





70 IS




Uses Otto's mad press, nod Las a double effect..Granulates 1st nioUssts in TAcnom yon.

.T7os Otto'n xned press.

.do. do. do. do.

. do. do. do. do.

Uses Utto's mud rrtsJ. and li.a a doable effect.

Two gentlemen make a fourth grade of sugar by running' the 3rdmolasses into large reservoirs where it is allowed to remain till the end ofthe crop. Two other mill owners contemplate doing so. Two gentlemensay they are in the habit of granulating their first molasses in the vacuumImui, ond one sometimes does so. It is, however, noticeable that one ofthese gentlemen get 29 per cent, of 2nd sugar but only CI per cent, of 1stquality.

Two gentlemen mention that they allow the juico to settle for abouttwenty minutes before cleaning it after it leaves the clarifiers.

Six replies were given to the inquiry as to cost of manufacturing, fromthe delivery of the cane at the cane carrier, to the output of the sugarfrom the sugar room. They were rcspectlvdy $25, SIS, $10, $9 and f3.The highest included iutercst and all expenses on the mill between thegrinding'seasons, which may liave been omitted in the lower ones.

Mr. L. J. IJonaron-- , a gentleman of extensive experience in sugarmaking in Demerara, Queensland, and other countries, in reply to a noterequesting suggestions or comments on our practice here, suggests thatthose who have double or triple effects should take the juice direct fromthe clarifiers into the double Or triple effect and concentrate it before clean-ing. Mr. hionarous informs lis that by this plan fuel would be saved andbetter result obtained. AVe consider the suggestion a pertinent one andworth the attention of those who have double or triple effects. One gentle-man that we know of, w ho has tried this plan ou these islands, fiuds it towork well. Mr. Uonarons also speaks strongly of the importance of juiceheaters to heat the juice as it is pumped from the mill to the clarifiers..

The committee tenders its be- -t thanks to all the above named gentle-tleme-n

who have been so good as to give account- - and stati-tic- s of theirpractice in sugar manufacturing.

llefore conduding thi report we would again for the third timelait strongly recommend that the Company should take

immediate steps to obtain for the planters of ,be-- c Islands the services ofa really sdentific chemist, it is science that ha- - brought the beet rootsugir industry to its present state of perfection, and without scientific aidwe shall never obtain equally good results iu our imlu-tr- y.

In the course of this report we love had occasion to refer to severaleminent dicmists who liave each benefited the sugar industry by inven-tion of great value.

AVe deeply regret that one of tbe-- e gentlemen, Dr. leery, who lu'sperhap devoted more attention to the cane sugar industry than any otherchemist, died lat April. Our industry lias lost an able and assiduousservant.

AVe condudo4uis reiwt by laying before you :ui interesting and prac-tical article on boiling house management by AV. Koelling, from whichsome valuable hints may be obtained.

Signed on behalf of the committee.It. A. Machk, Chairman.

19th April.R. A. Macfie, Jli., Esq., Chairman of the Committee on Sugar Manu-

facture of the Hawaiian Planters' liibor and Supply Company, KilaueaPlantation, Kauai, Hawaiian Islands.Dear Sin: In reply to your favor of the ICth of March, we beg to in-

form you that we are the attorneys for Messrs-- . leery, IJcmard, & Ehrmann,and have full power to treat with any planters desirous of using theirpatent. By next mail from Mauritius, we hope to receive a lull accountshowing the particulars of their process, when we will address you again.Arrangement will have to lie made for payment of altoyalty, or, we--hould be prepared to treat with you for the sole right to use the intent inyour Kingdom, leaving you to make whatever arrangement you plea'cwith the other planters.

AVe are, dear sir, your faithfully, Moxtkfioih:, JosKPH.

Svjixev, X. S. AV., Jth June, 18S3.It. A. Mackii:, Jk., Esq., Kilauea Plantation, Kauai, Hawaiian Islands.

Dear Sin, Your favor of the 11th May is to hand, and we regret tosay that we have not yet received the full technical details of the iatentof leery, Barnard & Ehrmann for manufacturing sugar.

In the event of yourself, or your Planters' Association, desiring to ob-

tain the practical demonstration of the process, there is a gentlemanhere iu the colonics whose particular business it is to make theprocess known, and your Association would no doubt find it worthwhile to make him an oiler to visit your Islands. AVe may, how ever,state that the principal points of the patent consist in the use of sulphuricacid gas, lime, and superphosphate of lime in combination, the resultbeing the production of a fine dry white sugar. We liave not a sampleby us, but expect tliat some 10,000 or 12,000 tons will be made this seasonalone in Queensland, and we look for a much wider extension of the useof the process during the ensuingyears. You will oblige us by informingu- - wiiat steps are necessary to obtain latent rights in your Kingdom, andthe probable expense. AVe should prefer, however, your sending someone here with full authority to purchase from us the patent rights for theHawaiian Islands ou his seeing a satisfactory result of the process in actualworking. AVe annex form of agreement we arc uing in Queensland,and vou will see that we have made the conditions as favorable for theplanters as iu order to induce the general adoption of the proce-- s.

AVe are, dear sir, yours faithfully, Moxtekiohe, Josr.nr.P.S. AVe have found a small sample of the sugar made by I. B. & E.

process, and endo-- e it. It has had a good deal of handling, and thecrystals do therefore look their best.

MEMOHAXDlOr OF AGREEMEX1' made the lUy of16 between the Honorable Paul Laurent Edmond leery, Leon Ehr-mau- n

and Clare Uernard all of Port Louis in the Colony of MauritiusChemists on the one lrt and

ofof the other part. AVherea the said Paul Laurent Edmond leery, LeonEhrmann and Clare Bernard arc the holders under Grant from the Crownof Letters of ltegistratiou for a Patent having for its object the Purifica-tion of juice from the sugar cane and the syrups produced in the courscofconverting it into sugar, and also for obtaining a large yield of sugar by anew proccs-- . And whereas tho said Paul Laurent Edmond Itery, LeonEhrmann and Clare Bernard have agreed with the saidto grant him a licence to use the said invention to the intent and subjectto the restrictions covenants and agreements and upon the terms herein-after expressed and contained. Xow this agreement witnesseth that inpursuance of the said agreement and in of the royalties orsums hereinafter reserved or made payable to the .slid Paul IaurcntEdmond leery t Leon Ehrmanu and Clare Bernard (and of the covouantsand agreements on the part of the said hereinaftercontained). They the said Paul Iaurent Edmond leery, Leon Erhmannand Clare Bernard (hereinafter designated "Patentees" which expressionshall lie deemed to include their executor- - administrators and assignsunless such intruction is excluded by the context or i- - otherwise incon-sistent with the provi-ion- s herein contained) do hereby grant unto thesaid (hereinafter designated "Licensee")his heirs administrators and permitted assigns licen-- e to use and exercisethe said invention during the unexpired residue of the term of the saidLetters Patent yr,any renewal or exteu-io- n thereof and to sell and se

of all sugar manufactured according to the said invention when and asthe said licensee sliall think fit for his absolute use and benefit. And itis hereby mutually covenanted and agreed by and between the said

jurtics hereto a- - follows namely,1. That ou or before the first day in July of each year during the

existence of this contract the licensee shall name to the patentees or theirduly appointed agent oragents the several place or places factory or factoriesestate or estates where he purposes making use of tins patent dunug theen-ui- twelve months and the liccn-e- e shall furnish the patentees ortheir agent every month in each year of the continuance of the licen-- e

with a true account of all sugars made under the patent, the same to beand regulated by the weight book of the sugar when weighed

in the mill sugar room and comiKired with the waybill receipt Iiook ofsugars sent from the estate to market And the said licensee shall in thefirst week in every month succeeding any month in which he shall havemanufactured any sugars under the proce.--. furnish to the patentees ortheir agent a true account of all sugars so manufactured and prewired asbefore described and shall pay to the jiatentees or their agent in cahsum of six shillings sterling with ten per cent, added or say six snulingsand seven pence farthing per ton for every ton of sugar -o manufacturedand for the purpose of computing the royalty payable under the agreementthe period at which the sugar shall be considered to be manufacturedshall be the time at which it i packed in the mats, bag or other recei-tael- cs

provided for its conveyance to market at which period it shall alsobe weighed.

2. Tliat the liccn-e- e shall at all times during the continuation of thislicense keep accurate and regular accounts in Iiooks containing full entriesand particulars of all sugar manufactured or made by him under thislicense and of all other particulars in relation thereto which may bematerial for the purpose of shewing the amount payable to the patenteesby way of royalty as aforesaid. And the said books of account and allother documents in the possession of the licensee, relating to the saidinvention, manufacture and premises, shall be kept at the place of businessof the licenee and liall at any time, if required, be produced for theinspection of the patentees or their duly appointed agent or attorney, whoshall be at liberty to make copies of or extracts from any account or mat-

ters therein contained.3. Tliat the said patentees shall lie at liberty at any time during the

existence of the said licence to enter ujion any factory or place of businessor the said licensee, iu which the manufacture of sugar is wing earned on,at any reasonable hour to Inspect the same aud the works thereof and allsugar manufactured or in course or manufacture in sudi factory or place.

i. That the licensee shall not cither directly or indirectly and citherby himself or any agent or agents use or exercise the said invention other-Wi- se

than in accordance with these presents.5. That the said patentees or their agent shall give to the licensee sudi

reasonable assistance and information respecting the said invention andthe mode of working and using the same and all processes connectedtherewith as may be necessary or enabling him to use and exercise thesaid invention fo the best advantage.

C. Tliat if at any time or times during the continuation of this licensethe said xateutees sliall invent discover or make any improvement orimprovements in the said invention or the mode oi working or using thesame or which may be applied to tho said manufacture or shall becomethe cwner of any such improvement or improvements (whether patentedor not) then and in every such case they shall communicate such improve-ment or impiovcments to tho licensee and give him full and sufficientinformation, instructions and assistance respecting the mode of workingand using tho same and so far as practicable render the same available atthe expense of the licensee for ills benefit during the period aforesaid andthe licensee shall he entided to use and exercise the same without layingany Xurther or tjher royalty, premium or compensation to the patentees inrespect thereof.

7. That the licensee sliall not at any timo or times hereafter disputethe validity of the said patent.

S. That the liccn-e- e shall not assign or transfer this ltccnco 6r any parttlicrccr or grant any -e to any person or persons whomsoever(without the consent in writing of the patentees). And, this license is forthe whole remaining term of the patent, subject however to such Inter-

missions of working the patent as the licensees may from time to timedeem desirable and of which the said licensees shall give one dear day'snotice to the patentees or their attorney or agent resident atfailing whldi he (the said licensee) shall le deemed to have been workingunder the said patent nnd stall pay royalty on sugars made during suchtime as he shall hae tjecn working without giving the said notice.Xotice of resumption of operations under the patent must alo bo givenone clear day before work is resumed. Provided always nnd it is herebydedared that If the royaltie or sums hereby made payable or any partthereof shall at any time bo in arrear or unpaid for twenty-on- e days afterthe same shall have become duo ard afttr flue tlrmnmt in trriting by thepataitcer or their agent, or if tho licensee shall beconie bankrupt or enterinto any arrangement or composition Avitli his creditors or ball makedefault In performing or any of the covenants agreement'" orconditions herein contained and un his part to be performed or observedthen and In any sudi case it shall lie lawful for the said patentee bywriting in notice given to the licensee or Ictt for htm at hi usual or lastknown place or abode or ss to e this license which shall there-upon become void without prejudice to any right of action or remedy orthe patentees for the recovery ofauy moneys then due to them hereunderor in respect of any antecedent breach of any of the covenants or agreements or the licensees herein contained. Should patentees at any timereduce the price of their right for using the said process or in any waymake better terms with fresh constituents the licensee under this agree-ment shall receive notice of same from patentees and lie allowed from thodate of such notice to participate in any advantages attached thereto.

9. That a doubt may rise from time to time as to what sugar is to beconsidered a manufactured under the said process the subject of thisliccn-- c nud what Is not It is hereby exprcsMy set forth, determined nndagreed that when the licensee shall see tit from deficiency of plant or anyother reason to manufacture his second third or forth sugars withoutretreating the molo es from which they are made by tho proccs and shallso manufacture them then in uch case the second third or fourth sugarsare not for the purpose of this license or of paying royalty to be consideredas manufactured under shis license although the cane juice from whichthey were extracted was originally treated by this proce-- s and the firstsugars made thereby subject to payment of the royalty ed iu thiagreement. And the tmtentees do hereby for tbcm-clv- es their heirsexecutors and administrators covenant with the licensee that notwith-

standing anything by the pntcntccs done omitted or knowingly sufferedthe said letters patent arc now valid and subsisting and tliat the patenteenow have power to gTant a licence to ue the said letters patent duringthe term and in manner aforesaid.

1 0. That nothing herein contained (except as herein expressly provided)shall affect the right of patentees to grant licenses to any other pcr-o- n orjicrsons to ue or exercise the said invention for tho purpose, of manufac-

turing sugar or otherwise. Provided always that in case any differenceshall ari-- e between the said patentee and the said licensee in rcgaid to theconstruction of any of the provisions herein contained or any matter orthing relating to these presents such difference shall be forthwith referredto two arbitrators, one to ba appointed by each party in difference or by anumpire to be chosen by the arbitrators before entering upon the considera-tion of the matters referred to them, and it either partic. in difierencoshall neglect to appoint an arbitrator for the space of fourteen days aftera notice in writing so to do shall have been given to him or them by theother party or shall appoint an arbitrator who shall refuse to net then thoarbitrator appointed by the other party shall make a final decision alone.

In witness whereof the parties to these presents liave hereunto set theirhands the day and year first above written.

Signed by the said Paul Lauhext En.Moxt) ItKUV,Leon Ekiieaxx and CiAnn IliuiKAnn by theirAttorneys in the presence of

signed by tho said

in the presence of

II.vxai.ki, Kauai, October 3d, 1S83.

It. A. Esq., Kilauoo.Deai: Sut: The boiling houo at Princeville isiun as below. The juico

leaving the mill is run to the clarifiers and there clarified, as given in an-

other paper, to you ; from thence, it goe to settling tanks, where itfor from 20 minutes to halt an hour, then pas-e- s on to the

sweep ids, and Troiii thence to evaporation, which is a large singlevacuum pan worked entirely by exhnu-- t steam. Here the juice is con-

centrated to about 23" or 30 llsiume, and then passes on to the granulatingpan. As to the cost per ton of sugar manufactured, I will give you theaverage of four (1) weeks work: 311 clarifiers, 700 gal, each ; averagedensity, 9 per cent. Ilauine; yield per gallon, 1.70 lb. ; whole amount,190 tons, 973 lbs.; cost per ton of sugar manufactured, including fuel,S9.00; residue left per ton of sugar, 11 gals.; sugar obtained, first, 72percent., second, 20 per cent., third, 8 percent., total, 100 percent.

AVe granulate the tlr-- t sugars, but second nnd third are Ijoilcd to proofaud run Into coolers, where it seems to work best with u. The matterof molasses should have more attention than it lias had hitherto.

In Germany, near Ilildeshinn, a large factory has been erected solelyfor the purpose of working up mol.is-e- s. This factory poscses a patentin which strontium is used to purify the mohis-e- s, preparatory to lioiling.It is alleged that they obtlin very much more sugar by this new proccs.It would jierhaps be well for our sugar indu-tr- y if tills patent right wasbrought aud applied here.

I have only given a brief outline and hope you may receive more in-

telligent uqvts from other parties, bearing on this point, but if you thinkthat any jiart of this will suit for the report, ploa-- c inert it.

Yours very truly, Ciia. Koeu.ixc, Manager P. P. Co.

Pai.v, JIaui, H. I., Oct. oth, 1SS3.It. A. Macme, Jit., Chairman Committee on Sugar Manufacture :

Dilyk Sin, Your letter of inquiry of the 21st ult. at hand, and inreply would say that our method is to allow tho juice to run first into theclarifiers from tho rollers, where it is treated with lime and brought to aboil, then allowed to settle a short time and is drawn off into the cleanersthrough a piio which enters the clarifiers aliout one inch above the bottom,the residue is then drawn off info a tank and put through the Otto mudpress. The juice which is drawn off into the cleaners is then clarified,and then evaporated in a double effect vacuum kiii, thence to the vacuumpan, where it is crystalized and run into a tank, thence through the cen-

trifugals where the molasses is separated from the sugar and allowed torun Into tanks underneath, from thence It is pumped into a tank, intowhich is a perforated hteam pipe, where it is boiled or blown up nndtreated with lime, and from thence it is drawn into the vacuum pan andboiled to proof, then run into cooling tanks, where it l unwed to stayuntil it granulates, which it does in from three to six days, then it is putthrough the centrifugals, where the sugar is separated from the molassesit still contains, and that molasses put through the same process, makinganother grade of sugar, then the molasses from that run into largo reser-voirs, there to remain until tho end of the season, when we dry out thereservoirs and get a coniderable quantity of sugar from them.

Some times we granulate the first niobsses in the vacuum pan, then wereduce it with water while in the blow up to about 35 Baunic, thena frequently as the sugar lioilers thinks neccsairy, introduce water intothe vacuum pan through u pipe affixed for that purpose, In order that themolasses may not get sticky. AVo have intended to make experiments,In order to find out which was the liest method, but have not yet done so.

I give you the yield of two field per clarifiers of 507 gal., juice densityor 10 Baunic just atter being clarified, we have a yield ol 885 lbs., 71 percent. A., 22 percent. B., 7 per cent. C., 21 oz. per gal. for field. Anotherper dariticr 507 gal., 25 oz. por gal., 895 His., 73 percent. A., 23 jiercent. B., 4 percent. C, density of juico 11 after clarification. These Icon-id- er fair averages; we have some better, and some not so good.


AVe have every reason to le satisfied with the one wo have, Otto's, andI will have to refer you to an article 1 wrote on that subject, which youwill find In the April Xo., A7oI. II., page 15, of the Monthly.

COST OF MANUFACTURE.As I have not the exact figures, I cannot give you the cost of manu

facture. Mr. Baldwin will be down to the October meeting, anil ierhnhe may be able to give them tn you.

Yours truly, E. M. AVai-si- i, Manager Paia Plantation.

IlAXA, 29th Sept., 18S3.It. A. Maci'je, liu

Dear Sir: Your favor of 20th inst. I received this day, hut no mailleaves here liefore 3d inst.

Our last crop we Iwiled to sell as refinery sugar, and hero aro the re-

sults :500 Im. gns., First First SecondAVatson effs. Sugar. Molasses Sugar. 3Ioluse Sugar.Number 1IJ. lb. lbs.

1009. 1,327,738. 258,216. 155,571.Total of sugar, 1,711, 5S8 lbs.; or 912 ll. 1.0-10- 0 ozs. per darifier.

Juice average, 9.15 Bcauine.As yet we evaporate in open ovaioralors, but when circumstances per-

mit it we will liave a double effect. A'e can therefore not show as goodresults as should If we used double effects. AVe ue 1 ton of coal for 3tons of sugar.

AVe convey cane partly by bullock and mule carts, partly by rail. AA'e

liave laid down 2 J miles railway, but we require li miles more to getproper condition. AVe cart to the railroad, and reload ; our place is notsuitable for movable tracks, lieing hilly and tortuous ; a stationary lineis exceedingly profitable in long distances. As I am not grinding oushares for others, I have not occupied myself with figuring on the cot ofmaking the sugar from the time the cane arrives at the mill until it passesout as --ugar. 1 have Chinamen raising cane, paying them n certainamount per darifier of juice. If I furnish a planter my land to plant on,fence it for him, furnish him with s"ed, he doing the mere cultivation orthe cane, when subsequently I cut and cart the cane, I consider hi outlaya very small one, jierhaps $75 per acre ; and in comparison with mine,say 5100,000 for mill and works, besides wear and tear, the planters are Inmany instances iid too much ; some tables on these subjects might provevery interesting. Mud presses are very useful; for doing our work werequire four mud pres-e-s ; and I "hould lie glad to have presses thatwork more expeditiously. If 3Ir. Loebenstcin's press is what lie saysabout it, I would prefer It to the Otto press, that is too slow for my fancy.About molasses boiling, I would like to be instructed. The application ofcarbon gas to the juice, as in Otto's method, ought to inilueiice the qualifyor the molasses ; I doubt much tliat if it does. Using double effects and

vacuum mns ought to mako the molasses sugar run off freer.and I hear from Mr. Bock, at Knu, that it does. A"e have not had anychance to test it If there is anything iu these disjointed remarks that isworth noticing by you, it is for you to judge.

I have nothing of any especial importance to communicate to yuu.I am, your obedient servant, A. Uxxa.

Xou neus venous !

ICapaa, October 1st, 1883.It. A. 3Lcfie, Jis. ., Chairman of Committee on Sugar 3Ianufacture

of the Planters' Labor and Supply Company.I)Kut Sin: Your esteemed favor of the 18th ult. has been received,

nnd contents noted.In compliance with your request, 1 herewith furnish you with

facts and statistics, relative to our methods of manufacture and yield ofsugar, etc.

To start from the beginning, the juice after coming from the mill passesthrough a heating tank where it is warmed with waste steam before en-tering the clarifiers. In the darifiers, it is subjected to the usual procswof liminj,' and is heated to the boiling point, alter which it U run into'along shallow deaning pan, made on the principk1 of aforghura pan, whereit Is boiled and skimmed as much as time will allow, there lieing a eonstant stream flowing into and out of the pan. It is then evaporated in thedouble effect to a density of 58 or 30, after which tt is again Subjectedto a cleaning process in deep tans. It lias been found that this cleanningof the juice after evapqr "iemoves much of the gum' and other ira- -

i' jr. fli - ,, ,

rvnvitffta v1tlli If m r?tfflilf it umnmfn it it Inwn .TftiiaBM- -

less heat Ls required than when the juice i- - lighter. AVtwsi nonow --ratiarises to the surface, the Juleo or yrup Is let Into tanfci wfcre tt RWltuntil cool enough to be taken Into the vacuum put.

AVo have never tried mud presses, but simply ran the afctaHNfete- - ttrtthe dariScrs and various cleaunlng .i into a teak. WlMva a RM( Ilime Is added, and the liquor I brought io a bott, ott thw aS.H istand nnd settle until the next morning, generaMv safctaf aftwai vgallons of good Juico to a day's work.

In regard to molasses, It is our practice to noil it Km 3ft .Uy ftfrom the centrifugal tank Into a bkw-u- kotdiar hbewt )ix to

drcd gallons, where five pounds of lime I mixed with M, rlHt-- . Wyblown up with steam until the denIty Is rednced to 33. wt I-- bm- -i I J 1 1 f; ft 'THIto not over 200", all the dirt lIng on from timecollects on the surface.

Our average yield (average density of jua mM W fortb fcwt)was lbs. of sugar to the standard gallon of jotce, or 1,77S Uta. thImperial gallon, anil the percentage of the variottR platan s&Krper cent first sugar, IS por cent, second, aau i par ecu. tMM.

The cost of manufacturing sugar at oar raiu, ttuiawrae




f n 7

and improvements, running expenses, etc. from tha aaHvtry ta jcane at the cane-carri- er to the output of tb mptr from the nnpn nn." I

amounts to about $18.00 per ton. j

I fear, that you will net find mudi tnat i origin! or f intf-re-- ta Ok jaliove, still, if you can make any n-- e of it, plew d" --i. 1

remain, yonr. w. !l. li.I

It. A. MACFIK, Esq.DKAnSin: Yours of Sept. is to hand. I eml y.i an jcroaat of j

process of making sugar, which Mr. A. Mcmcv. in hrge v4 raBK h- - i

written out for me. AVo liopo next year to have a more ceaiftetr rw-- d j

as we shall this ensuing crop le able t tell exactly ! umn? gaKw I

juice we grind in a day.Hoping you will oxcuso this hort report. I im. ur-- inly,;. Wii.ij.vjw.


The juice after Mug extracted from the caae, pa- -- nrorffc tfcre-scre- ens

arranged In tho juice tank, two of these are os im- - cratrUaiplscreens; from this tank it i forced by a small steam pump ; the tank bthe clarifying house, a distance ol about 1.10 feet: m is- - iv. s, Hconducted through a heater connected to the mill eugini--- . i. r h jakflias passed through the heater, lime water fc fored into !t i- - . . iU Umu--

pump attached to the juice pump, and hy an arm att.v ! ikpiston rod of the pump, o that with each stroke of the ixiuif. . taiaquantity ol lime water is d, regulated by a valve in ihv -- i. ti 'ii othe lime pump; this can bo set very correctly, any variatieu . I , . ttcrbeing very enitive on the juice, by thh means, any le-I- .)'-- " ! 'F "'lime water can be applied regularly, ami thoroughly mixed :'i. ,iw.

Our method of clarifying differs from that adopted at tin- - '! - .'the Island. The darifier is made of wrought iron, 21 fet i ' . frrtwide, by 21 inccs deep, having a false bottom and .: iim)-- . I'm i ithe detmlng pan, 20 feet long, by ." feet wide. J i.i-h-

. !. tiejuice lieing cojducted through a piiH' from tic upper t.. h. .. ,?.aud liy means uf guards conducted from near tne httiu ol t'i. i.i

Iu the moniing, we fill the claritier to a certain height. ;!.'!. '!juice to a crack, and clean it thoroughly, after which wetHw-- i i

tho juice tank, and permit tne juice to pum in a iu.il! -- m-.im

clarificr, having to pas? to the other end, mixing as it dm-- iihJuice, the foreign ul)stances, dirt, etc, ri-- o freelj th t j.skimmed off as they collect, and conducted through a : pi)cum tanks. Steam is applied to the fle bottom- - ..nt; n

to simmer slowly from the bottom to the -- urf.n .

accumulates, it overflows hi the cleaning pun, ir ahirh n iihthe end coil only, as commonly applied at all mill : fr. m V noverflows to tanks, from which it i pumped to the tripl. i ffi- -

after the juice is once denned in the mornings, a -- tnaiiistantly through the clariflurs, cleaners and triple eifo t. thn- - ! i




--tOUB h'

i?COO- -

heat first applied in the Juice all the time.AVe liave not applied filter pres-e-s thus far; with fur jo.. uut

system of clarifying, don't think they would pay, mt nil. rty.gummy juice, we would save some of the juice when we i J.-- . tto stand long enough to settle, but w would aho retain il- - :' tinswhich we are terribly bothered In cane planted out of --eason

Prom the triple effect the Juice i forced to the por room. i.r .; u lading n frco discharge enables Us to boll it very tifT. The ihi.'- - - ranthe ugar is blown up as it leave the machines', and iniiii elthe pan room of the molasses house, where it is blown up 'ig-.-.- i.nl : mminto the in. As it is not allowed to stand long, we do nt tKd it u w-sar-y

to apply lime, but boil it to a tring ami let it down mt" v,allowing it two days before drying, in which tine, with fair m - . . .anbe almost handled as a cake. The motasnes ftom till- - - NiUi) ;

similar manner, but allowed to -- tatid from ight to ten dr- - I"h

molasses from this is conducted to a concrete ta:ik outside, fr un 'i. ii itoverflows to the saver. For next year we are making preparm.-"- - wH

our third molasses, and save all in concrete tanks.As we have not been able to the quantity of jm.v Un we

have worked, it pressing through the dariflers continually, .jiartstato tho quantity of sugar iter gallon, but will be able to do - r.oi: ta.Again our mills havo been run so unsteadily taM year, tho n.i - "

lor cane, aud this year only running two mills, and all in. 1 mtnlvery much out of season, tho mill have not had fair Hi i . u lien.we get a crop of fair cano to hike off, we wW take plea-ur- v m mf. 'minjfyou of all statistics connected with the maim factoring of ugar .it - -- .

(Xjkah, iMol.-- r

It. A. Macfiu, Esq.Deaii Sin: Your favor of the 18th ult. came duly to .

I would state that as our coolor --tigar for tlw crop of 1 : ii i

dried off, my figures for tho anson are not complete.The yield per darifier ofVSO gallons, was I, IBS I- I- -- .ig-.

density of juice HI'. t vThe percentage of Xo. I, 2 and 3 sugar for a portioii of i'i

follows: Xo. 1, 70 percent. ; Xo. 2, 20 percent : N'. '. i i rThe cstimateil cost of manufacturing sugar, after tin- -

to the carrier, is $10 jicr ton. The filter press effects a m- - "fto 30 gallons per dariticr. Owing to the limited cooler ruom ua iKjrtion of tho 1st mohis-e- s lias tieen worked over with llie jun .

this time there has lieen considerable dinVnlly on account ofwater for condensing more than onee, the water "apply .


to nllow a continual stream of cold water. For weel" together th"

Jeaaai-- '





nuli- -



?.Hvered:rKi 2n mill,ltutVlent

has been at u tempcraturo of 101, and in very weather a- - high a-- lia.I remain, yours truly, Jv II 'in

It. A.


ja- -t




Hkkia P1iANTatk, Koi.i.ai , (inn ,

October 7th, -.,

MACl'lE, Jit., K--t., Chairman of ( 'oniniiitee on Sugar M.imif.imirr,Honolulu.

ilEAliSm: In reply toyourauf 2litli ult., as to the proce--- . .' ujurmanufacture at this mill, I herein eheerfuliy comply, and willto make tho subject as dear and at the same time a condensed i-- p"-'1- -

Tiie cane Juice from the rolls is conveyed by gravity thnmgii an irnapipe to the darifier, there milk of lime standing at IB Baunie - .i!.Mdaccording to the indication by litmus Iper, and which I in-i- -t ui.u ' nigapplied ut intervals during the day work, no matter whether theare continued from thesamc field or not ; no rule of thumb allom d in :hlprocess if I know it. Tho five darifien are connected a t'xir im h pipleading into an iron trough. When the clarified jui'" - draw.; fT. tliaresiduum is then thinned and run off' into aid trough and then-ali- Andto precipitate, the liquor drawn off by tlw person attending the i hinersThe skimmings are carried by gravity into a small How up, in.1 .iftertreatment there are conveyed to tlieeoncontrators. The whub ii irranK-n- t

so simply and compact that it requires no extra labor or ran , and in. r.fore cn-ur- attention. It is perhaps In place to remark ja-- t that Ihave frequently shewn to the sugar-boil- er that the wahtng4 from 'lieclarifiers saved in thi way weigh from lj' to 21 more th.in thejucfrom the rolls or that run off after clarification.

The Juice after being clarified is conveyed to open imns termed I. ner.containing copper coils ; from the cleaners to tic ewndenvrt .iitu.niicopper coils, nnd open to the atmosphere, next to tiie ordinary '! '4vaccuum pan, where it is further reduced to gram-talio- n, nnd thene tothe centrifugals, and of the latter by the way, there has ju-- t lm i -- !

four erected of ii new style of arrangement, and which I tl mk an n..r'1-j- r

of strong recommendation to the attention of pianten for their mim tform and entire safety or the attendnnU from breaking of Mt- -

AVith regard to the other matters, of proportions of yield to :1k- - cult-- aof Juice, and cost or conveying canes, 1 very much regret being unai' i

comply at this writing, as the gentleman to whom I gave the menioran.dum is teinjionirily absent in California ; however, the yield, j- - a- l- illcost of conveyance, varies on this plantation, owing to the uititibeing both bottom and upland cultivation ; the gravity of the juice rmtho rolls varying from 01 to fully 12.

Itespc-ctfull- remaining your obedient --eraui.John Bo, Sujierintendeat If. I

I'AUinC Slii.l MlLI,, K( KVlll vn .

September 2Mb. I .

It, A. Macfie, Emj., Kilauea.Deai: Sin: Your favor of the 2fh int. ii to hand, and I --h.dl i n--

deavnr to furnish you herewith tho information you require.Our mill i a Mlrrless, Talt & AVaton', of Glasgow, ! an itit toa

par day capacity. AVo luivo I darifien, 2 cleaning pan and anvacuum pan, and three centrifugal. AVe ran and have maik- - vti!b

this plant 12 tons per day, In nine liour'a work, with 32 hands all toldIk) far, nothing lias lieen done with the motaiw- - here, !mt I .un ih'

season constructing cisterns for the purpose of fdlerling ihe o. tmclosses, and making sugar from them, I am satisfied that it ill mywell to do o.

AVe have had two of Otto's mud pre in operation thi cwi, awlthey liave lieen a valuable adjunct to our mil). I should advocate thintroduction of presses into all mills, lait more dnraHe awl --implertiian tiiose of Otto's, though one man, with the nenwional help of am.thrlias lecn sufficient to attend them.

Our output for 1883 has been l"lfi tons ; yield jier gallon av rag' , 1 ;

average denity, 10 ; percentage of sugars lias been about, nil jb-- r cast,forflrst, 20 percent, for second, and 10 percent, for third.

The cost of manufacture on the above crop ha been at the rate of XZ

per ton, including all expon-e-, such as interest, labor when Ube bpJH fc

been idle, etc.3Iy time has been too short to place before you all that I sanafcl tike to

say in connection with this subject, a I might hac tesa able to tutvwplaced liefore you some or my opinions gained, in connection with wIndia manufacture.

I am, sir, youw very truly, Tlio. M Kxt.

llAMAKI'AMlLL COWPA5Y, i'AAl IU,ILvwah, October 11, l3.

lt A. Macfik, Efip, Cliairman of Committee Sr 3IaaJartrt.Sin : Your interesting communication of the ultimo arrived bf

t TVflll 1 Ilia Tumiii ntwft11v tiniiiut IV WII) " IMM IA.VII .ZliUjr JVtUVU(lu reply to your " general " question, so to pik, tj mafhoifci hi

vogue," etc., I can only ay tliat it apiiears to me that to asswar ek aquestion fully would require a somewhat lengthy and debiHed i!tslp8aHof the manufacture of sugar, sudi as I liave not leisure te draw vv, aadwhich when done if I may be allowed to ? so would U fittedas matter for tho pages of an Encyclopedia tlarn for th fwpectioo o? ahotly of gentlemen, as fully conversant with tho prindptes ot Hr am-factar- o

as myself.With regard to the specific question-- ! of "treatment f niolaa," ad

" experience of filter-press- ," I may soy that the fitter-prft- a r aa Jayexperience goes, works fairly well, and fa, perhap, the bt mituttvtexpressing juice front dkinimfnga that Iim yet appeared.

In treatlijg first molasses (from No. 1 scgaiil aiwajv am HiyXe Jsugar In fho vacuum ian, aa iiitWy opinion diere Bs great savinj; ot Uand hibor In the manufacture, tW n better quality pf Ko. 2 wgar b produced. Second molafecsj froOTJy). 2 rntgar) i hoil i vacfwmpan, and grain off in the coohS&v

T i ... I

tntlM - 'I


























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H-5,- !?? S--S'Vt1



I should liere like to say a few words on the, to mc, mistaken idea ofHalmlng a superiority In the art of boiling sugaron the score of irmlucinga fourth and even fifth grade of nigar. My experience of sugar lxiiling

oes to prove that the man who produces grades Iieyond the third degree,tnuld, if he liad so desired, have extracted an equal number of poundsweight of 2gar in three toiling, nnd very poibiy nave gnmcu miniproportion of ?o. 2 sugar.

I must say, however, that I do not wish to appear as an advocate ofhard set rules in cugar toiling. Of course if a manager thinks thatsufficient saccharine matter remains in his third molasses to warrant afourth tolling, he is unquestionably justified in doing H), but, as I beforestated, with ordinary appliances for the manufacture of tugar, three boil-

ings or juice frhould in my opinion liave sufficed to produce all the sugarobtainable from such juico.

I regret to say that circumstances do not permit of my fumi'hing youwith the of this company's work in the lst.

I have the honor to remain, sir, your obedient servant,.Tajus 11. Itiaiox, Agent 1I.3I.C.

Per r. II. "W. Ros.

I'aauhav, October II, 18S3.

Mi:. It. A. MAOwn, Jiu, Honolulu.Deah Sik : Your favor of tiio 0th ultimo arrivetl here too late to be

l- - explicit in my answers to your questions as I wished to be if I hadtnore lime. I will give you, however, statistics of sugar we haveturned out er one elarifier of 800 gallons :

1 . 12 acres ratoons. 1001.2 lb. wigar 31 tons Mtgar per acre.M plant cane 1071.2" " H " " "

:i. 9t " rate-Oti- s ...1088.5 21 " " "Thi is of Nos. 1, 2, and 8 sugar; beMis, we are making .Xo. 1 sugar,

whicii will add about 15 lb, sugar to a elarifier. The density of the juiceIrnm the rollers varied from 01 to 101 llaume.

The percentage or sugar of the different grades is about as follows :

C ier cent for No. 1 polarizing from 3G to 07 per cent.".-

-,i Ko. - " " 80 to 01 "

7 " No. 8 " " SC to S7 "I am ming In Uie Panuliau Mill my skimming proves, with tlie Jiiost

stifartorv results, for abmit two years now, and olaim that I save fromtlir and settling;, in the pain the juice of one elarifier in every2T to 1--

We an-- working with a double effect m the Paaau 3IHI with greatsatisfaction ; no fuel but tra-- h i- - d, and even that we cannot u-- e allit is accumulating.

Tlie atove figure-- are a part of thi soaaou's work. We are still grind-

ing, at present, jilaiit-cmi- e of a 13.r.-ae- re field. ThNcnne had buffered muchf last year's drought ; the juice stands only S IJaume from the rollers,

and will yield about 8 ton of tugar icr acre.Hoping thi- - Information will a satisfactory to you, I remain yours,

r.xvtfull,v, A. Otto, Manager l'muilMii Mill, by E. Klciiian.

.STAT. Mll,l, Kuhai-a- , October, J2tli, ISS3.Mi.. It. s. Macpje, ,1k.

Pi-a-k Sik: Yours to Imnd. In reply say, our No. 1 molusst wo

Wow up" ami lime, thiHi grain in the ian. Our No. 2 molnes we treatin the way with the exception that e do not grain in the 1111. Donot bo a mud lire-- . The last piece of cane (ratoons) we ground yielded:52 ot. iht gallon. Juice standing 1 1. Vroiwrtlou of No. 1 sugar CI perrent : No. 2, 29 per cunt.; No. 8, 10 ier cent.

Yourt, truly, G. I!. EwaixT, per Y. U.S.

Kekaiia, Ortotor lltli, 1SS3.Mu It s. Magpie, Honolulu.

If.A Sir: Your faver of 10th ult. came duly to hand, in answeringVbt ame I beg to eay that J prere my inolasHiS as follows : I put sojiim-l- i steam bjhJ wnter in the motaseee tliat it stands SO3 and then (toil itm a very ctean jn ami lttt the lead not come higher tlian 152. Our mudlrc-t-s arc doing very well and quite to our satisfaction.

V. c get i i oc of sugar ier gallon. Tlie cost of manufacturing sugar Imuld not sy, tm we do uot cart tiie wine to the mill.

I remain, yours very truly, Orro Isexbciig.

Laiiaika, Oetober 10th, 1SS8.R. A. MAt-riK- , 3i:q., Honolulu.

Deae bin: Your favor of the 2Gth is duly to hand, contents noted. Inregard to your enquiry about how we treat molasses at Jjahaina, I will-- imply SB- - tliat our molasses is Mown up (as I supjiose others do). Afterliming and carefully skimming, it is taken into the pan and toiled topiwf (as we don't grain our No. 2), then run into cooler- -, and left tothoroughly cool, say 4 or 5 day.-- . This is a "strike," one in full,

oMSOO gaU., from which we get about S tons of sugar, more orl.--, I wiii to be a litue in-i- the mark, forborne would .ay, 2JJls. iergal not lew. With our fimt molasses toiled in this manner, I use from

1 1' T gal- -, lime to each 500 gals, molasses, making from lo to 21 gals, totin- - --trike." 1 Hse no dry lime, but the cream of lime weighing 10. ThisI believe is the proper way to use lime, yet many use it dry. My No. 3j- - toiled ami ekimmed with an additional quantity of lime, say from 9to 12 gaK per 500 gals, of No. 2 molasses ; I have always found this theprojier way of treating moiasses.

In rrgartl to mud or tciim pre-e- e, 1 know but little about them. Saw one.t IliU n Ualawin's, was plea-e- d witli its working. Mr. Baldwin thoughtit si ed about $26 worth of juice or sugar per day. This was the OttoIn-- L, first cost of which i4- - $1200; I think every plantation ought to have

m Our first --ugars or rather juice is treated as I believe all planterstlii. a add our lime, 11 gal., when the juice is warm, or say 1 elarifier,

well before it is toiled. Afetr skimming thoroughly, then runinl-1- cleaning n, and there made ready for double eirects. From eachelarifier wo get 1 lb. er gel, or 000 lbs. of sugar. Our average amount

ugar per acre is about 3 J tons, as we are restricted to a certain amountr number of acres of land, and thi- - is all cut and ground every year, and

our crop looks as well this year u- - It did in '65, as our irrigation streamsfunii-l- u- the fertilising material, thereby keeping up the crop.

You ask about the aenge cost jier ton of sugar. This is a very diffi-

cult question to answer, for I believe buffer can answef the thing cor-m-t- lv

: however, I will say, that as near as can figure, my sugar is cost-

ing about s-- or s?9 per ton, and I believe but few can make for less ; I am--jxwking now of tnanufHCturing only, as I have nothing to do with plant-ing. My labor Is considerably reduced by the improved machinery IIwtv- - the Jarvis' iunnces in, and they are doing admirably,: from trashdinx-- l from mill, we keep up GO lbs. of steam ea-il- y, and the only diffi-

culty now i. I can't get the cane to the mill fa- -t enough, lut hope to dototter. We arc hauling cane 5 miles on a good road and a Baldwin loco-n4iv- e.

yet can't keep up.Yours very truly, H. Tcktox.

It A.Hoxou'iA', Ctli October, 18S3.

Macfik, Jil, Uiiairman Committee on Sugar Manufacture,P. L. & S. C.

1eak Jim: There fnlk but little for me to remark on the system ofluanufacture on these Islands, n tlie treaty with the United Slates

ImbiI the manufacturers to only make such quality which differs in qualityto tint if oilier sugar producing countries ; but it appears to me in a goodmany instances that some of the machinery is misapplied, viz.: tlie tripleeffect.

Tlie general method in these Islands of concentration "f the juice whentriple effects arc used, is done iu tlie following manner: The juice isfirst clarified in darifiers, and from there it is draw u into open evaporators,wIktc it is tolled for some time. The reason they do this is to enablethem to clean the juice tofore entering the triple effect. Would it notbe a proper suggestion for me to make, instead of taking the juice intotlie-s- c open cvaiorators from the clariliers, to take it direct from theelarifier to the triple effect, provided that your triple effect will not bta-k- ed beyond the quantity of work it wis meant to perform. It will boMild that if the nine juice is passed from the elarifier to the triple ciTect, itwill not be sufficiently cleaned. Tliat may be so, yet the sugar producedwill to quite as good, because it has lcen demonstrated by practice that asecond kinuniug of the syrup after leaving tlie triple effect (which is then

. in a much smaller quantity) secures to it absolute brightness and purity.Instead, therefore, of elntomtc skimming on 11 great number of openjian-- , which after nil does not accomplish its purpose, because impuritiescontinue to form ns long iu-- concentration is continued, let the first

be dispensed with, heat up in elarifier after discharge from, tripleeffect, and from receiver supplied by that elarifier, draw at once into thevacuum pan. Viider such a system the value of your triple effect wouldlie more correctly than by a combined mode of evaporation,and the ue of fuel greatl, reduced. Hut licsido saving in fuel, greatpower ml rapidity of working may well be claimed for this method ofevaporation, and In the ca-- e of stiga-- solution it mean- - gain both in thequantity and quality.

This asert ion will not to disputed by all who have carefully watchedthe progress of manufacture from the cutting of the canes to the finishedproducts. This supplementary clarification of syrup is not only theory butin nctual practice in other countries.

. Another economy can be practiced, that is the vapour from the thirdjran on its way to tlie injection condenser and airpump can be drawn

.iHrough as cane juice heater. Tlie latter apparatus having the enu juice' frottv the mill pumped up its tubes, would serve as a surface condenser tothe triple effect and as a partial heater to tiie cane juice.

Tlie trouble of cleaning n triple effete is found to be less than for openjians. In coaclusion, I will add in regard to open pans that the greatamount of evaporation, provided tlie ingress is good, proves nothingagalast the triple eject. The ingress or any other fuel or steam as a heat-ing medium, can giro out no more heat than it possesses, and in theojicn pans the effect of the heat used is single and that of the tripleeffcat is treble, of course the saving of fuel of tlie latter must be propor-tionately great.

I would call the attention of piautors to tlie use of cane juicoheaters, as I consider no mill is complete without such n heater. Tiiepurpose is to bring Uie juice into immediate contact with beat, therebychecking fermentation which sets in as soon as tiiejuice comes into contactwith tlie air, and another great advantage derived thoreby is that thejuice is heated to a temperature of 150 fah. before mauy seconds from thetime tho jnicc enters tlie cylinder to the time it leaves --it The heatercan eithttr be trorked by exhaust or direct steam from the toiler. Thecost is small compared with benefit derived by its use.

Yours respectfully, Louis .1. Lioxakoxs. .

JLvxaijoi, Kai'ai, Sept. G, 18S3.

21r. II. A. Macfie, Jk., Chairman of Committee on Manufacture ofSugar, Planters' Labor and Supply Company.

- Beak Sin: In tlie folloAvlng I shall try and u a little sketchIsSating to the manufacture of cane sugar, Avhich you may gi-- o a place inyoar report to the Planters' Labor and Supply Company, if of sufficientinterest I shall try and depict what a sugar-boil- er has to attend to intheJwilingJuTUse. The duties of a sugar-boil- er commence Avith the clari-fication of U.c Juice.

First of ait he should sec tliat his clarifying pan is thoroughly clean;sad when the steam pipes are d with juice, sufficient steam shouldto turned n to heat Uie juice to ISO- - Rircnheit by tho time tlie panis3)tL ItcmoA-- e most of Uie scum and matter before lime isadded, as it Arill preA-cn-t tha unnecessary extraction of coloring matter?rhich wdc55 tend to darken the sugar.

Next find the quantity of lune required for a. good clarification ; this isHiostIrm5rtact point, as the success of all depend

XBBcb on a proper clarification.!Ehere Is much diversity of opinion on this subject ; some maintain tliat

iH acidity h the juice should bo remoA-c- d ; but, in my experience, I ha-- e

Jeend that a slight acidity is no hindnmcc to obtaining all thechrystal-issblo-g-a

in tte Juice. It Avorks more freely in the pan, aud Imparts aJasire to Uierystjus. Whereas, if .a perfect clarification is obtained, theeaaarSsjialc, aud hi facta part of obtainable sugar is destroyed by thoiaTJ!HaHn?srfii!ac,ucd for perfect clarification.






ivjfljg w jupierjcocc ncn AnuiUruwii attet immersion lit tbe juice,tho original color MS turned red. It shows tliat more linie Is wanted.

rum!cl .ar7 to iviih limrnmfii ?i ItfimK olicArvnhte ;1i:tttn of red. Jlek. ail not to terebex to en even hllie. I

3jJ Ukjwhk ttmef8ttube, atotttfiCx ipf --pure white giaS should J

be employed, as it will, after a time, become of valuo to the sugar-toile- r

in ascertaining the amount of lime in tho juice. I find that by a practicalclarification if the test tube is employed, tho sediment in the juice willquickly --Tttie to the bottom and a clear, sparkling liquid remains. Iftoo little lime was used the liquid is pale, tho sediment settling veryslowly ; if too much, the sediment docs not settle at all, but K working upand down like down in tho air, and the test tube if turned to the lightexhibits through the centre a column of brown color.

If dark brown all through, lime lias been used excessively. Lime shouldbe applied as milk of lime from 5 to 7 Baumc, and added to tho elarifierwhen full and heated to 180 Fab. Tho juice should be well agitated whenpouring in the milk of lime so as to insure a thorough mixing, after whichthe juice should be heated to the toiling point.

We now come to the cleaning pans. To facilitate the cleaning, theclarified juice should be allowed from 15 to 20 minutes to settlo in con-

tainers provided for the purpose. I shall make no remarks concerningcleaning as various methods have been adopted, and Ave may hear fromother sources something about cleaning juice.

We now come lo evaporation, and various methods have been adoptedliere also, from tlie common vacuum pan to double and triple effects, oreiu u. nere tlie juice is simply concentrated to from 15 to SO" Baumc,and is then taken to the granulating pan. This process has been knownfor About thirty years and is considered the most practical method at pre-

sent I shall try and describe the method of granulating the sugar.If the sugar boiler is well acquainted Avitli the mechanical operation of

tlie imn, he will first draw in as much of the concentrated juice as will fillthe pan above its steam pipes. Then commence toiling and be carefultliat tiie 111 is about one-thir- d full by tlie time he is ready to commenceforrrjug tlie cry-tal- s. This is done by the following method : Boil themass down to a light finger proof, which means, tliat when a test is madeby tlie proof rod and the matter taken out between the thumb and thefore-finge-r, the finger is brought down upon tlie matter without pressingit and again withdrawn about four or five inches.

The matter ought then to draw a line thread without breaking. This isthe most correct method if large crystals are required. This point of con-

centration having been readied, the feed valve is opened, and a cliarge ofabout one inch of juice it taken into the pan ; this is again boiled down tothe former jioint, and the same operation performed over again. AVitlinormal juice, four or fi-- e charges are sufficient to furm the nucleus of thtcrystals, which can be observed more closely by putting the matter on apiece of window glass, and holding it perpendicularly against the light,when they aviII show themselves by giving on famt sparlcs of light. Tinsjioint reached, the mass in the pan which Avas a sort of paste during theoeration, is getting more freo and will probably require more toilingbefore taking in more juice, but when the former proof is reached, juiceshould lie taken in agaiu, but this time, from 2 to 3, and this carried onuntil the crystals are well developed, Avhen 8 or four may be taken in, andthis continued until the pan is full. The proof taking is generally doneby the proof rod, but there are other methods which ought to be ob-

served as well, .such as the standing of the vacuum metre, Athich shouldnever be less 11181120" for the granulating pan.

When the feed valve is open the ncuum metre Avill slowly fall back aninch or two, owing to tlie fre-- li juice introduced, Avhich emits 50 muchmore viipor. It is generally the case that when tho metre has reached itsformer point to a nicety the pan slioulii lie recharged.

It is also Avell for the sugar boiler to accustom his cyo to the iuociiientof the mass in the pan, Avhen toiling, and an expert is able to tell Avith

:is great accuracy the point of proof, by watching tlie mass through theeye-glns- s, as a less? expert can tell by the proof rod.

When this test is applied, the point is when the mass iu the pan afterhaving been recharged, is toiling freely, and squirting up its mass insmall jets all over the pan from 12 to 18 inches in height, the tops of whiciibreak off iu a little ball, gradually sub-ide- s, and moves AvaA'e-lik- e fromside to side. This point reached, a new charge should be takeniu. AVlieu the pan i nearly filled say four or five charges before strik-

ing jt should be toiled a little stiller one after the other, in order toreduce the syrup between the grains, and obtain as much first produce asiwssiblo. A great point to obtain nil the sugar in the mass is not to havetoo much syrup between the crystals, as undue boiling will eoiiA-cr-t somecrysiallizable sugar mto grape sugar.

During the whole of the operation the sugar boiler should be constantlyon the watcli as n change in the steam, Avhcther higher or lower, mightspoil the good beginning of the strike, and the result bo accordingly. Nosugar boiler should tolerate any fermentation of waste matter around theboiling-hous- e, as tlie germs of fermentation are easily transferred.

Yours very truly, Ciia.. KoixiaXG,Manager Princcvillc Plantation Company.


Gkxtmoikx oi- - Tin: Pivsriais' Lahoi: and Surixv Cojipaxy:The intelligent efforts made during the past year for tiie development andimprovement of our live stock is Avorthy of commendation, and likely tobe of general benefit.

This subject raiiks with the cultivation of sugar cane in its importanceto our planting interests, therefore it is to be regretted thai thediffidence of the gentlemen avIio avcII understand stock should preventthem from aiding actively in the discussion, Avhich might mako effectivefor good.

A disjiosition is being manifested to import and breed heavy drafthorses, the Norman stock having tiie preference. Several fine colts ofthat breed have been foaled this year from a stallion imported by thoMiles Brother-- , who deserve credit for the importation of fine runningand trotting stallions, iir. Spreckcls presented some time since a Normanstallion to Mr. S. T. Alexander, from Avhich this years' foaling showsmany fine animals.

" Waterford's " produce, this year, indicates that wc can raise us linosaddle lioie- - as can be found anywhere. His stock is being supplementedby such No. 1 stallions (thorough-bred- ) as Miles Brothers' "Laugford, Jr."

" "Hancock," "General Garfield," "Basswood," and somefew trotting stallions, such as "Boswell" (Almont), and "Triumph"(Cn-si- us 5.. Clay), owned by Colonel C. II. Judd : and " Young Venture,"all of Avhosi? colts are Avell Avorthy of the inspection of those Avisliing topurchase Urst-cla- trotting stock.

Tiie enterprise of those gentlemen avIio have spent so freely of theirpri"atc means for this object deserves the encouragement of all who usehorses. I would recommend the formation of a breeders' association withstock lrnoks for recording pedigrees and speed records. There is nolonger a need for us to go from this country to pu.chasc first-cla- animals.For lak of proper records this fact is not generally known. We Avould

urge, however, the selection of Hambletoniau trotting stallions in caseany more are to be imported, ns there arc already enough of 'runningstallions to supply the demand and in breeding trotters, always breedfrom trotters, no running blood is required. From such breeding cariagehordes may be had quite equal to our needs, and pacers and lopers Avill

come as Avell for ordinary Avork. The enormous price paid for importedmules is amazing in A'icw of tlie fact that home-bre- d mules from largemares and imported Kentucky jacks nre offered here for $100 each. Theinference is that tlie Island stock is not so well trained us that imported.If this be so it Avill pay breeders to encourage the employment of capabletrainers Avho can get constant employment by spending a few AVecka ateacli breeding ranch, making regular rounds at stated times. I am awarethat 1 am trespassing somewhat upon Aviiat more properly belong. to nlive stock association, but until such nn association is organized jt is wellfor us to consider this matter. In Kentucky and the Southern Statesgenerally riding horses are trained carefully to an easy gait, Aviiicli iscalled "singlefoot," and adds much to the riders comfort lis also to theappearance of the horse. The proper diffusion of knowledge upon thesesubjects will help much to oA'ercomo the transportation problem. Aninteresting article, entitled "Among tlie Blue Grass Trotters," in JIarpcrsMonlMy for October, is well worth reading, and takes the ground thattrotting stock lasts much better than running slock.

Fked. The large expenditure of money for imported feed takes fromthe country much money which should to kept here to pay dividends.

Sorghum is perhaps the most easily grown of our forage plants, and hasthe advautage of furnishing a forage from the plaut, and a meal from thegrain, the only objectionable part of the seed being tiie hull, Aviiicli caneasily be remo-ed-

. in the States this meal is highly regarded as feed,and forms a targe profit of sorghum culture of Aviiicli so much is now said,in fact, AVitliout this it is doubtful if it will ever prove a profitable crop.Peas and liean-- , the latter of Avhich can be freely grown here at littleexpense, when ground into meal and slightly mixed with oats or barley,prove to bo a aIuable nutriment for horses and mules.

Alfalfa - n very ricli forage producing enormously in llieso island.Sorghum Halepense, or the false Guinea Grass speaks for itself onJudge McCuIIy's farm, and wherever else grown as well. Efforts madewhilo in Washington to obtain seed of the real Guinea Grass from thoDepartment of Agriculture failed, there being no supply, and efforts madethrough other sources haA-- e succeeded no totter.

AVhorcATr cane Avill grow, all of the above-mention- plants Avill do well,though more likely to do so at altitudes of 1,000 feet or less.

The algnrolw seed is cosily produced and answers avcII in place of oil-

cake meal.Discaskp, Ac. We are suffering from lack of proper laws upon the

suppression of diseases among stock. A pleasant travelling acquaintancewith Col. A. F. Babbitt, of Cheyenne, Wyoming territory, resulted In thereceipt of a copy of the "By-law- s, Secretary's Iteport, Kesolutions andList of Members of the Wyoming Stock Growers' Association, and theI.aws of Wyoming to protect stock growers." Many of these are soadmirably suited to our needs that I haA-- e incorporated them in my report.I piote from page 18 of U10 Secretary's Iteport "From data a billwas draAVu up by the Secretary which was passed by the Legislature andbecame a law. Tho main provisions are the appointment of a skillful andscientific veterinary surgeon by tlie Governor upon the recommendationof thl Association, Avith a salary to be paid by the Territory." This isjust what should be done here, and your committee do now recommendits endorsement by this Association of I.iavs similar to the following, andtho use of our influence to have them passed by our next Legislature :

Fage 27, sec. 5 page 28, sec. 7 J page 28, sec. 1 ; iwge 30, sec. 3 ; page32, sec. 10, 11 ; page S3, sec. 13, 14 ; page 45, sec 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, S, 9, 10,II, 12, 13. (Sec Appendsx,)

A sure remedy for a disease whicii has destroyed many mules on Maui,aud is called glanders by some, although answering better to tlie descrip-tion of Button Fureic, is corrosive sublimate crystals 10 grains, powderedgentian 2 grains, ground ginger 1 grain, mixed with flour aod molassesformed into a ball, and given to tlie animal onco a day. This treatment.should, however, be preceded by a dose of 1 pint of raw linseed oil.Increase the ingredients gradually to twice tho quantity, and give greenfeed, AitU enough grain to keep in good condition.

The stoek-gpjwe- of Colorado and Arizona, AAliere tlie conditions offorage are .similar to ours, are largely in faA'or of the Herefordshire cattlefor beef, claiming thai there is less waste material to feed upon the short-legge- d,

compact bodied and small boned animals of that breed tlian uponthe Durham, hitherto the e stock.

In issnclusion, your committee feoi that this Association should umjevery means in its power to carry out advanced by the Com-

mittee on Forests, and thus ensure the preservation of our r.iir. supply,and thercAvith our pastures. Respectfully submitted.

W. H. Bailey, Chairman of tiie Committee.


FKOjr AVYOMISO 6TATUTJS.Pago 27, Sec. 0. Any cattle droA'er, or other person avIio shall drive any

neat cattloof another intentionally, orthrough neglect, oft" the range 'wheresuch cattle arc accustomed to graze and feed, shall, 011 conviction, pay alnc not exceeding one hundred dollars, one half of Avhich shall bo paid to

Uie person or persons agrio"ed.Page 28, Sec 7. In any indictment or complaint under this act, the

description of any kind or class of neat cattle shall be deemed sufficient,if described as cattle, and for the purpose of this act, the proof brand shallbe doomed sufficient to Identify all classes of live stock mentioned in thisact, audshtul be prima faciao evidence of ownership of such stock.

Pago28, Sec 1. That no mustang or other inferior stallion, over tho.age of 'eighteen months, nor any Texan, Mexican, or Cherokee bull, or"other inferior hull, over the age of ten (10) months', jiornny Mexican orother jtfWerior ram over the age of eight (3) months, shall he permitted torun at fifge in tha Territory of Wyoming, aor shall any stallioh over theage of igniecn (in) montns 00 pera jttea to run mviarge in tncsaut tem-- 'j


tory ; the owner, or person in charge of such animal or animals as areprohibited from running at largo by this section, who shall permit suchanimal or animals to run at largo, may be fined for oacli offence not lessthan fifty (50) dollars nor more than two hundred 2Q0) dollars, and itshall bo lawful for any stock grower to castrate, or cause to bo castrated,any such animil found running at large ; Provided, that if any personshall castrate a stallion, bull or ram, nnd it shall on proper evidence,tofore any competent Court, be proven to the satisfaction of said Court,that such animal Avasnotof a class of stock prohibited from running atlarge by this act, said person shall be liable for damages to tho amount ofirectc me of said animal so castrated, and costs of suit ; Providedalso, that for the purpose of this act, that any stallion possessing one-qua- r.

icr mustang hlood shall be deemed a mu-tan- g stallion ; any bull possessinger Texan, Mexican or Cherokee blood, shall be deemed a Texan,

Mexican, or Cherokee bull, as tho case may be ; and any ram possessinger Mexican blood, shall bo deemed a Mexican ram.

Page 30, Sec. 3. When the stock of any person shall be driven offits range within Wyoming, against his will, by the drovers of any drove,and the same shall be found among sucli drove, every person engaged asdrover shall be liable to indictment for larceny, and may to fined in anysum not exceeding one thousand (1,000) dollars, and shall to liable fordamages to the party injured, to the amount of two hundred (200) dollars,for each head so driven off, together Avith all costs accruing in the trial ofsaid cause, and said herd or stock shall be liable for tlie same, or a suff-icient number to cover all damages nnd costs.

Page 32, Sec. 10. EAcry butcher slaughtering neat cattle, shall keepthe hides of sucli cattle at his place of slaughtering for a period not lesstlian seven days after such slaughtering, and such hides shall to subjectlo inspection by stock governors and their agents and employees. Allliersons, other than butchers, avIio occasionally slaughter neat cattle forbeef, shall exhibit tho hide, or hides, of such beef, at the time and placethe beef is offered for sale.

Same page, Sec. 11. It shall bo unlawful for any person, other thanthe owner, or his agent or employee, to skin or remove from the carcass,the skin, hide or icU, of any neat cattle or sheep found dead.

Page 33, Sec 13. Any person Avho shall AViIfnlly do any act prohibitedby this Act, or Avho shall wilfully neglect or refuse to do any act hereinrequired, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, on con-ictio- shall topunished by imprisonment in the county jail for a period not exceedingtwo years, or pay a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars, or both, intlie discretion of the court.

Same page, Sec. 14. All persons other than butchers who occasionallyslaughter neat cattle for beef, cither for home consumption or for otherpurjioses, shall keep the hide or hides of such animals slaughtered, for aperiod of twenty days, subject to inspection by any person or persons.

Page 13, Sec 1. That tho .overnorof tlie territory is hereby author-ized to nominate, whicii nomination may be made upon the recommenda-tion of the stock growers' association of the territory, and by and Avitli theadvice and consent of the council, appoint (without unnecessary delayafter the passage of this Act) a competent veterinary Migeon, avIio shall boknown as the territorial A'ctcrlnariau, and on entering on his duties shalltake au oath to well and truly perforin his duties as provided by law.

Same pace, Sec. 2. Tiie duties of said veterinarian shall be as follows :To investigate any and all cases of contagious or infectious discaso amongdomestic animals in this territory of which ho may have a knowledge, orwnlcn may bo brouglit to Jus notice by any resident in tlie locality w;lieresuch disease exists. And it shall also be his duty in the ab-en- of specificinformation to make visits of inspection to any locality where he mayliaA'e reason to suspect that there is contagious or infectious disease. Andto inspect under tiio regulations of this Act ail domestic animals that mayarrive at any railroad station in this territory, when these animals aresuch as to warrant the presumption tliat they are intended to remain iuthe territory, and are to be, or maybe, ucd for breeding purposci therein.And it shall be the duty of the owner, or in ids absence, of tho person incharge of sucli animals so arriving, to notify tho territorial veterinarianwithout delay, and not to allow such or any of them lo 1cua--c the place ofarrival until they shall Iuia--c been examined by the veterinarian and hiscertificate obtained that til! are free from disease. And no animal nro- -jiounccd unsound by tho A'ctcrinarian shall be turned loose, remoA-cd-

, orpcrmuicu 10 escape, out snail ixj ncld subject to tlie order of the

Any person failing to comply Avitli this provision shall bodeemed guilty of a misdemeanor, aud upon conviction shall be fined notless than fifty nor more than five hundred dollars for each offense.

Page 40, Sec. 3. In all cases of contagious or iufcclious disease amongdomestic animals in this territory the A'ctcriuarian shall have authority toorder tlie quarantine of the infected premises ; and in case sucli diseaseshall become epidemic in any locality in this territory, the A'eterinarianshall Immediately notify the goA-crn- of the territory, a1io shall there-upon issue liis proclamation, forbidding any animal of tlie kind amongwhich said epidemic exists to bo trau-ferr- from said locality without acertificate from the veterinarian showing such animal to be healthy.

Same page, Sec. 4. Iu any case of epidemic disease where premiseshaA'c been previously quarantined by the territorial veterinarian, as beforeprovided, lie is further authorized and empowered, when in his judgmentnecessary, to order the slaughter of any or of all diseased animals uixmsaid premises, and of all animals under the following restrictions. Saidorder shall to a Avriltcn one, and shall bo made iu duplicate ; and thereshall be a distinct order and duplicate for each owner of the animals con-demned, the original of each order to be filed by tlie veterinarian Aviththo and the duplicate given to said OAVncr. And further, beforeslaughtering any animal or animals that have been exposed only, and donot show disease, the veterinarian shall call in consultation with him tworespectable practising A'etcrinarians or physicians, residents of tiio terri-tory; or if this be impossible, then two reputable and well known stock- -owners, residents of tho territory, and shall have the Avritten endorsementupon his order of at least one of said consulting physicians or stock-owne- rs

stating that such action is necessary, and tlie consent of the owner, orperson iu charge, before such animal or animals shall be slaughtered.

Page 47, Sec. 5. WhcucA'er, as herein provided, tho territorial veter-inarian shall order the slaughter of one or more animals, lie shall at thetime of making such order notify in writing the nearest justice of thepeace, avIio shall thereupon summon threo disinterested citizens (whoshall be stock owners) of the neighborhood to act as appraisers of thovalue of such animals. Said appraisers, before entering upon tiie dis-

charge of their duties, shall to sworn to make a true and faithful appraise-ment without prejudice or faA'or. They shall after making their appraise-ment return certified copies of their valuation, a separate one being madefor each owner, together Avitli an accurato description of each animalslaughtered (giving all brands, s, wattles, age, sex and class asto Avhcther American, half-bree- d or Texas) to the justice of the peace bywhom they Avere summoned, avIio shall, after entering the same upon hisrecord and making an endorsement upon each, showing it to have beenproperly recorded, return it together Avith the duplicate order of the vet-

erinarian to the person or persons owning the animals slaughtered, aud Itshall be the duty of the territorial A'eterinarian to superintend thoslaughter of such animals as may be condemned, and also the destructionof the carcass, Avhich latter shall be by burning to ashes, and shall includeCA'ery partof the animal and hide, nnd also excrement as far as iiossiblc.He shall cause the said slaughter and burning to be done as cheaply aspracticable, and shall pay tlie expense from tho contingent fund herein-after provided, taking proper for the same.

Same page, Sec 0. The territorial shall make a report attho end of every year to the of all matters connected Avith hiswork, and the governor shall transmit to the soA-er- boards of cpuntycommissioners sucli parts of said reports as may bo of general interest tothe breeders of live stock. The governor shall also give information inAvriting as rapidly as he obtains it to the A'arious boards of county commis-sioners, of eacli cause of suspicion or first eruption of disease in eachlocality, its course, and tlie mo.isurcs adopted to check it.

Pago 48, Sec. 7. "Whenever the governor of the territory shall haA-- e

good reason to tolie-- e that any disease covered bv this act shall becomeepidemic in certain localities in another state or territory or that conditionsexist Aviiicli render domestic animals liable to convey disease he shallthereupon, by proclamation, schedule such localities and prohibit the im-

portation from them of any live stock of the kind into this Terri-tory except under such instructions us he may deem proper. Any corjio-ratio- n

or any person or persons, who, after the publishing of such procla-mation shall knowingly receive iu charge any such animal or animalsfrom any one of said prohibited districts, and transport or convey the samewithin the limits of this territory shall be deemed guilty of aand upon conviction lined not less than one thousand dollar- - noi more thanten thousand dollars' for each and every offence, and shall further becomeliable for any and all damages and loss tliat may to sustained by anyperson or persons by reason of tlie importation or transportation of sucliprohibited animals.

Same page, Sec. 8. It shall to the duty of any person or persons whoshall liaA'e or suspect that there is upon his or their premises any case ofcontagious or Infectious disease among domestic animals, to immediatelyreport the same to the lcrritori.il veterinarian ; and a failure so to do, orany attempt to conceal the cxi-ten- of such disease, or to AvilfuIIy ormaliciously obstruct or resist the said veterinarian in the discharge of hisduty as hereinafter set forth, shall bo decuicd a misdemeanor, and anyperson or persons Avho shall be convicted of any one of the aboA'o acts oromissions shall be fined not less tlian fifty dollars nor more tlian fivehundred dollars for each and eA"ery sucli offense, shall forfeit all claims toindemnity for loss from tlie territory, and upon conviction a second timeshall, in addition to the nbovc-nauie- d fine, to Imprisoned for a term notless than thirty days nor more than six months.

Pago 49, Sec. 9. The following rcgulatious shall to observed in allcases of se covered by this Act : I"t. It shall be unlawful to sell,give away, or in any manner part with auy animal affected with orsuspected of contagious or infectious disease ; and in tiio case of anyanimal that may be known to have been affected Avitli or exposed to anysuch disease within one year prior to such disposal, due notice of the factshall be given in Avriting to tlie party receiving the animal. 2nd. It shallbe unlawful to kill for butcher purposes any such animal, to sell, giveaway, or use auy part of it, or iu milk, or to remove any partof the skin.A failure to obscn'e these provisions shall bo deemed a misdemeanor, andon conA'ictiou bhall be punished by n fine not less than one hundred dollars nor exceeding five hundred dollars. It sliall be the duty of the owneror person having in cliargo any animal affected with or suspected of anycontagious or infectious disease, to immediately confine the same in asafe place, isolated from other animals, and with all necessary restrictionsto prevent dissemination of tlie disease until the arriA-a-l of tho territorialveterinarian.

Tlie above regulations shall apply as Avell to animals in transit throughthe territory as to those resident therein ; and the territorial veterinarian,or Ills duly authorized ngcnf, shall luiA'e full authority to examine,Avhetlicr in car or yards, or stables, all animals passing through the terri-tory, or any part of it, and, on detection or suspicion of disease, to takepossession of and treat and dispose of said animals in the same manner asis prescribed for animals resident in this territory.

Page 50, Sec. 10. All claims against the territory arising from theslaughter of animals under thra provisions of this Aet shall, together withthe order of the veterinarian, and the A'amation of the appraisers in eachcase, to submitted to the liTritorial auditor, Avho shall examine themwithout unnecessary delay ; and for each one that he finds equitable andentitled to indemnity under this Act, sliall issue his Avarrant on tlie terri-ri- al

treasurer for the sum named in the appraisers' report. In auditingany claim under this Act, it shall be the duty of tho auditor to satisfyhimself that it does not come under anjAciass for whicii indemnity isrefused by this Act, and he shall require tbc affidavit of the claimant tothisTfcctj or, if the claimant be not cognizant thereof, then of some repul-ab- lc

persoiKWho Is cognizant thereof, and also the certificate of the veter-inarian (whoscxluty it shall be to inform himself fully of tho facts), thatin his opinion thetlaim is legal and Ju.t; and the auditor, at his discretion, may require furtcer proor. The indemnity to i granted shall betwo-tldr- of the ordinsry value of the animal as determined by theappraisers, Avithout reference to its diminished value because of its beingdiseased. " It shall be paid to the owner upon his application and tlie presentation of proofs described herein; and it shall be the duty of suchowner to make such application within six months of the slaughter of theanimal for Avhicli payment Is claimed ; failing which, such claim shall bebarred by limitation.

These payments shall bo madeT by tho territorial treasurer as beforejirovlded and from fhe fundsjirovidcd by this Act

The right to indemnify qader Oils Act is limited to animals destroyedby reason of tho existence for suspected existence of some epizootic dis-ease, gbnerallysfatal and insurable, such as rinderpest, hoof and mouth

disease, pleuro-pnoumoni-a, anthrax or Texas fever among tovines, gland-ers among horses, and anthrax among sheep. For the ordinary contagiousdiseases, nqt in their nature fatal, such as scab or hoof-ro- t in sheep, andepizootic influenzas in horses, no indemity shall bo paid.

The right to indemnify shall not exist and payment of nuch shall notto made in the following cases: 1st. For animals belonging to tlie UnitedStates. 2d. For animals that are brought into tho territory contrary totne provisions of this Act 3d. For animals that are found to bo diseasedor that are destroyed because they have been exposed to diease before orat the time of their arrival in tho territon-- . 4th. hen an animal waspreviously affected by any other disease which form its nature anddeA'elopment was incurable nnd necessarily fatal. 3th. When tho OAvneror person in charge shall have knowingly or negligently omitted lo com-ply Avith Sections 8 and 9 of this Act. Gth. When the owner or claimantat the time of coming in possession of tho animal knew it to to ascascdor received the notice specified in tho first clause of Section 9 of this Act

Page 51, Sec. 11. The territorial veterinarian shall receive for his ser-vices the sum of twenty-fiv- e hundred dollars per annum together Avith hisactual necessary traveling expenses when in nerformanco of his duty.These payments shall to rrado from tho fund provided by this act, Uiesalary from the appropriation for salary, and the traveling expenses fromthe contingent fund, upon ouchers signed and SAVora to by him andapproved by the governor, separate vouchers being made for salary andexpenses. Xo person shal' be competent under this act to receive theappointment of territorial veterinarian Avho is not at the date of hisappointment a graduate iu good standing of a recognized college ofveterinary surgery, either in the United States, Canada or Europe. Heshall hold his office for two years ; he may be renioA'ed for cause by thogoA'ernor, who shall also have power to fill a vacancy. The appraisersherein provided for shall receive five dollars for each day or part of a daythey may be actually employed as such, Avhich shall to paid from thocounty fund upon tlie certificateof the justice Avho summoned them. TheJustice shall receiA'o his ordinary fee for issuing a summons, to be paid outof tho county fund. The members of the Hoard of Health, veterinarians,physicians, or stock holders called iu consultation by the veterinarian shalleach recelA'e five dollars for each day or part of day they may bo actuallyso employed, and ten (10) cents per milo mileage for distance actuallyiraA'eieu, wntcn sums snail be paid from thoA'etortnartan'scontiugent itimthereafter provided. For tills and other incidental expense connectedAvith his Avork and made his duty by this act, such as his travelingexpenses, causing animals to be slaughtered and their carcasses burnorl,and disinfecting infected premises, the veterinarian sliall lwve at his dis-posal the sum of three thousand dollar, which shall be known as theA'eterinarian contingent fund.

Before entering on the discharge of his duties ho shall give good aadsufficient security in the sum of ilA'e thousand dollars for the propermanagement cf the same. Ho shall mako a sworn statement semi-annually to the governor, supported by full vouchers of the amount ed

; any part of the three thousand dollars not used shall to coveredinto the territorial treasury. Xo constructive mileage shall to paid umlerthis Act

Page 02, Sec. 12. The liability of the treasury for indemnity foranimals destroyed under the pro'isIons of this Act in any tAvo years islimited by nnd shall in no also exceed tho amount appropriated for thatpurpose nnd for that period.

Same page, Sec. 13. Hereafter it sliall be the duty uich year of theterritorial Board of equalization at the time of making tho annual assess-ment to levy a special tax not exceeding one mill on the dollar upon theassessed Aidue of all cattle, sh 'ep, horses and mules in the territory, to toknown as the stock indemnity fund. Said tux shall to levied and col-lected by the several counties, and paid to tlie territorial treasurer in tinmanner provided by law for the IcA'ying, collection and payment of otherterritorial taxes. Said fund shall constitute the indemnity fund specifiedly this Act to to used iu paying for animals destroyed under tlie provi-sions thereof. It shall be ued exclusively for that purpose, and shall bepaid out by the territorial treasurer as hereinbefore provided for.

Page 53, Sec. 11. fliis Act shall take effect from and after fts pastwge.Approved March 8th, 1882.


Nos. 25 and Merchant SU Honolulu.



First - Class Workmanship.

Published every Wednesday. Subscription $5 a year In odranco

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p. o; box it.




Of which we are receiving




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Keep coniitaii'tly on hand an assortment ofCAP, LETTER AND NOTE PAPERS,


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Sub3cnpti6ns received ibr all tliq Foreign Newspapers anilPpriodical3, all tho Island Papers, Planters' Monthly, etc

Esd Rubber Stamp Agency,j 8


Will have fttickDiijr.e &rt wTar Tnii 4IV f 2?Jj k nr-r.ra- m



the currnt Mm"W. H.2IHfO&B

nW'jtSTT Xmk.

Will hats QaiikDupitea fer tttsfeys jwtm n. & tann ft

A. FRANK COOSCK,Arrr ro tub rouatrtxo tumtfch

WaloII. Jerj JW.LXn. Jfftfc' "Wl5l.

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Will Hun llogular for Keea amJXmiFrom Mountain at i p.m. r

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rStmr. C. K. BISHOP,

Lmim HmmMk ewcy XtntaT.at S ajau.Sp

RUrnise. Imbm XsiriHwW Hrtrr Tr&etEvening.

Stmr. JAS.McftbXALP

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ta Dream In ihe Otberland, IKPOBIEBS AM) DEALEBS IK HABDWABE Candy Manufactory and bakcrv EM T-- &M jLj.Xk.U illOUXUKOX. lUjlli.ili. Is. B. SOLE, 14Grncral Merchandise, 3J. XtorUNTU17 Goods, Taints, Oils and mill: B.tpritsiusiin,iij,TisflKBoj Counsellor at Law and Notary Public W3 ly Comer Fort and King Stf. Practical CcnftctJQPjr, Pastry. CooltanO1icr, ICJLCtA.lifrMt )i'f.,ainifrnf Iortnna.Mcrcnanlsirccii'. no

.i A Blighted Idle.J '- -

"I'aBB tlio butler."Out beneath tho star gemmed at', and ho

sturdy old oalwB tbatliad bid defameIodic storms of centuries, Girofle llabaffjand George 17. Simpsou were sitting thatbeautiful Juno night, tbo balmy breath cftbeevening that as being wnfled in sighingkisses from the everglades of Florida madevocal by the chirp of tho cricket, and thelow, mellow noto of the dissipated torn cat,as ho wandered listlessly around tlio backyard, now and then dodging in a nonchalant,languid Jashion the latest bootjack as it cameliurlingithrougli tho air with cruel force, or

'stopping "beneath a window to seo if his howlwas still within reach.

Upon from tho v cstward came tho sound ofHie scans its silvered loam plashed in nllimiccadence on the while sands of the beach, and

,tllrongii thejnasscs of foliago that encircledUricrton Villa could be seen, ctcr and anon,especially anon, tlio fitful flicker of the ice

.creanfhairs that decked the horizon in ccrydirection.

It was a night for n oct's pen, a irainter'sbrush, or a largo schooner or Weiss beer, andas Glroflc "Bat there in the gloaming herthoughts wandered back to tlio dajs of a jearagonc, whenever' moment of her life was

qbrimmingovcr with jo,and every day setmeda rose-tint- dream from which one wouldnever oaro to w aken.

And now all WjB changed. Standing outhe verge of womanhood and watching withwistful c cs for tho mists of futurity to rise,berilife Bhould liavo bien a hapjiy one nsIIopo called to her with jocund oico amiYouth laughed batk response

Uiit instead of this tho darksome shadowsof doubt and fear fell ever on tbo pure, ) oungface, and in tlio sweet, brown ejes there wasb wistful, yearning, heaven-kno-

look that waspitiful in its sad beauty.

"l'ou can not lovo inc. George," she taj s,at last, "or you would not leave mc in thismanner go away for two whole days, when

jou know that my heart will be breaking forJyou,,tibdthat every moment of your absencewill bo an age of tor turo aud doubt" andcoming to his side tbo places her arms abouthis neck in a Blry, hesitating,

fashion thatrtollaits own sweetstory of a lovo that willnever fade or fallcr aB long as the collateralsecurities bold out.

And so they and there, Iho moments pass-

ing by uubecded, the girl nestled in his anus"secure in tho deep trustfulness of an over-

powering passion, whilo the man, smoothingber fair forehead gently, bcuds ov cr her nowandithcn to kiss the rosy lips that aro

to his, and then woudcrB, in a dreamy,jdyIic,North-sid- o fashion who was the last manthat held a Bimiliar situation on Girofie's staff,might have been.

Suddonly the girl breaks tho silence she,had broken tbo man on the last matinee day." And you must really go?" she says ; "real-

ly and truly t"'1'ei," ho answers, "when duty calls wo

must obev, and I have seldom known duty tocall on the poorest band."

"But I can not let you go," she sajs, pas--Innnlnlv " Tt IB ornci to tCStlUV loVC SO

eoreljr" and, breaking down in a 6torro of

B0D8, SUC ClingS 10 U1IU HlOtO Liuati luau u, wAnd then jast as ho fears for her reason, sotcrriblo does the blow seem, the Bobs that arcmaking tbo lithe form quiver with anguishcease, and Gcroffo looks up to him with ahappy smile upon her face. "I will bo

brave," she says, ' but you must make mo

one promise; a holy, saered promise, thateven death itBClf may not absolvo yon from.'

" I will do it gladly, my precious one," bomurmurs, "What is tlio promise!"

"You must promise," she Bays, "to lendme your razor."

"Why, uf course I will, Bwctchuart, hercplicB, gayly. " I promise you that, cheer-

fully, lint, why do J ou make such a strangerequest ?"

Because," she says, in those low, mellowtones that would luro a man through Infernoor to Harvard junction, "I liavo u largothrobbing bunion." Chicago IVibme.

- "Do you know tho prisoner well?" asked

Western attorney.a"Nov or knew him sick," replied tho wit--


Hawaiian Gi,"No levity," said the lawyer, sternly." Now, sir, did jnu ever sec tho prisoner atthe bar?"

" Took many a drink with him at tho bar."Answer my question, sir," jelled the law-

yer. " IIow long have you known tho prison-

er?""Troiii two feet up to fi'o feet ten inches' Will tho Court make tlm "

"lliave, jedgc," eoid tlio wiluess, antici-

pating the lavvjer; "I have answered thequestion. I knowed the prisoner when hewas a boy two feet leng and a man five feelten- -"

"Your honor ""It's afac', jedgo; I'm under my oath,

persisted tup witness.Tlio lawver arose, placod both hands on tho

tablo in front of him, spread his legs apart,lojned his bodv over the table, and said: "Willvou toll the Court what volt know about thiscase!" m

" That ain't his name," replied tho witness,"What ain't his fame?"" Cubc,""Who said it was?""You did. You wauled to know wlml I

know about this Onsc. Ilis name s Smith."Your honor," him led the lawjer, pulling

his hair out by tho roots, " will you make thisman answer?"

" Witnesb," said (lie judge. " vou must an-

swer tlio questions put to you.""Land o' Goshen, jedge, lnin't I bin doiu

it? Let tho blamed cuss fire .may. I'mready."

" Then," said tho Iawv cr, 'don't beat abouttho bush imy more. You and this prisonerhave been friends."

"Never," promptly reejiondod Hie witness."What! Weren't vou summoned hero ns a

friend ?""Xo, sir; I waB summoned here as a Pres-

byterian. Nary ono of us wcro ever rriciida.lie's an old lino Baptist, without a drop ofQuaker in him."

"Stand down 1" jelled the lawjer in dis-

gust."Hoy!""Stand down.""Can't do it. I'll sit down, or stand up" Sheriff, removo that min from tho box."Witness retires, iiiuttcnnc. " Well, if ho

aint tlio cnas I over laid cjeaou I"


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a.vu urtii.it

Fertilizers in Quantities to Suit.

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THEO. H. DAV1ES & Co.,orr cm Agents Pacific Fertilizing Co

ICE O E?- - Ei .&-- "B& !

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Ice Cream Saloon !



Tim tsroh HOlTSIi Jlrasrs Hart Bros havo


rrim U2fjeksicx-j:- iiavj; just- -

JL received per Amy Turner, from Boston, a full as-

sortment -- f these celebrated Pnmps, which arc guaran-

teed to be cheaper aadbcttir than any other style ottmmp Imported VV c call tho attention of planters

to the Vacuum Pump, which is leas compllcatcd and more scrvlcablc than other pumps.

077 m ' 11HKVVEU till

fokTso days 9o

. . j ... . rn l Aral

rlfflfflfi i MUWH . IKR ST. SB'

Cbas. 5". Fishei will OfTeF

Astounding Bargains in Millinery

A Grand Clearance Sale of MiUineryTo Mate Room For Our Extensive Stock,

iMISS EMRIOK in person, and nre lo ARRIVE HEREl.BYkcU will Pjjjb juddle 01' NOVEMBER.

,tx-- o nuvniXE T?rmnnntR in all Dcnartmcnts at HALF

Buyers to do apprcciatca. i

FoVariety and Low Prices, we Cannot be ExcelledW- - lit J.JXLS UXX A i

of EVERYBODY to call and sec those BARGAINS,Itfe bo to tho INTEREST


CHAS. J. FISHEXa,ThlXeadiBg MilliBery House,

Cornei Tort and Hotel Streets.

BrancH Store Corner Merchant and Nuuanu Streets.




164 ot . aacoxxoi-uii-

meat on the Premises.- iSi't

azette sapJB!JAT,JPaBi

Stationers and News Dealers.- Knnnlinii ;nzcIlo IHocU.STMcrrliniit St.

Have Just Jtccelted ex JIarlpoea, a FineAssortment of



Letter racr.Xote Taper.

Tools Cap,Lrsal Cap,

JUII Cap,liroad aud narrow; by tlio ream; WocLed. or by Quire

Mcniorandnm lllocks, tc, .Ve, Ac.

Ill.AMC HOOKS :Fall llonml. Half Jlonnil.

Boand to I'leatfI.M(srAXHi

Banl,es, Large, Cankers' femall,la fact, wc have InksUnda for 1J


OI'l'ICE Xii:TTi:it SCAbUCARTER'S Combined Copvinr i. Writln

nnarts, pints and M plntInrTrrrn vvniTTN'G rLUIM.

In nuartA. pints, Yi pints and cunca.Violet Ink, qts, pu, pints & cones.

Indelible Ink, assorted.VUNULD'S Writing Fluid,

In quarts, jilnt", 4 pints & conesfaTAlFOI'.IF.S In quarts and pints

Egyptian Perfumed Iuk..1HC'II.v;i:: In qts, pts,!iplan.l cones.

Perfect ilucllajc Bottle,MASVSC'lll'VlIiiOHS:

10x12 full bound and half bound,10x14 full bound and naif bound.

Mann's CouTlnz Taper.I.'r.S'jAIIwMH.rtN in great varieties;

Automatic Pencils, Copvinj Pencils,xaoer a i cnciis iisuu e j envno, t

lilt WVIG l'.vl't.lt: plain aud mounted:a Manila Dcull Taper,

ENVLKUI'I-- S l 1M0O0 assorted;PLAYING OAItDfer round comer Jfc plain,

.tll.JIlil: V.MH II Iioulis, a large varleiy:TIME COOKS, assorted; Gummed LabeR

bkipplng Tags, Tourist Tags.

Invitation Paper & Envelopes to match,

Ball Programme Cards. Tenclls and Tassels,MEMJ CARDS,


Rubber Bands, all sizes;IlltE I1VI.IA. Ua's,

il 1D1-- S andbtOItrJItOOKS,ninrimtY ca,,v ,.,,, K2klVM

And lnmyolUcr articles too numerous to mention.received for any Foreign

Taper or Jlasazlne published at any time Also, forall the Local Pipers and Magazines, Seasides, Brook-side-

Tamlljr Library, etc, always on band, and specialnumbers sent for to order.

KIT SPECLVL Orders Received for BOOKS, ETCALbO


anil Agents for the Encjclopcdla Drilannica.

tar All Island orders filled Promptly -- iP

J. M. OAT, Jr. & CO,,Totf OAZtrri: Illock.Sj Merchant bt


Oiler for Sale the Cargo of (lie




OX CARTS,Light Express Wagons,

Ex, Top Carriages,



B.osin, Soap,ICE CHESTS, XOS. 2, , AND 5 ;

Hoe Handles,Lobsters, lib. tins; Beans, 31ib.tns


f1lil'lU.lll:So 7, S, 10, ll.ondll'ij

Leather Belting,Centrifugal Lining, I4in.;

Comp. Nails, I

Mammotli Rockers,Bales Excelsior,


Excelsior Mattresses,Galvanized Fence Staple?,

FARMERS BOILERS, 20 and 25 Galls.;

SISAL ROPE, Assorted;

Ash Plank,Dump Barrows,

Ames' &hovels,ii

Y. Metal Sheathing,1C. IS, SO. 2, &nl S6 oz ;

Hsiij aiattresMses I

Grindstones, Rubber Hose,Hide Poison, Barbed

Wire, Refined Iron,


Screws and Washers(8TT)

Chinese Intelligence OfficeBY- -

i C. IWonting and Kee Sang,iiiitvrcr KffllPIXf3 AQEXT.

L B.-Mill- iiiery and Dress-makin- g Establish-Jgff?ag-"- --

Fof Itbotn to 4o loo wort, or work l.r thedMVnoCcmralflonlChried. "

piemen t Oct 31'GO.,!ADoiher lovoice dTewlJoods

a Y rv x. v.?


Two-Seate- d Cut-und- er Family or Express Carriage3IAIACJEI) Exi'inasiw roil Tiir.

I&oiiolulu suaiiagre II eiiwsi tory,roiir br ,111011: norci. hi-.-

, oitositi: tiikimstkion htaiillh.

FRANK J. niG-GHIS't- : : Proprietor,by Tin: ni:M'iion.v iiiiji or

B. F. Briggs & Compaiiy, of Amesbury, Mass.,,i.vl or the buisuur ami most beuadle CAitnlAor. 3iAMJi'ACruiti:iw

Ixx tlxo TJaaitoca. Stntos.Read the Following, From the " San Francisco

Journal of Commerce : "" Tlio firm of It. 1'. H1UGGS & CO. havo their I'actory at Aioeisburv,-Ma6B- . It comprUcs four largo

bnildince, ill connected by an elevated bridgeway. 'Iho first Urco buildimr, l)i8r, feot, is tbo 'utoryfor whicis, odies and war. It contains all the latest improved machinery for prodocinB alt tho

parts that co to make np carriages and all other kinds of vehicles. Of the second, a brickbuildina ICOiCO fo t, the first floor is occopied as tho blacksmihinj; shop, whero there aro inn daily

fires. All tho i'ronms of carnaces is done hero The second department is used ns a and,""'-iT- Frk. ., ,- - ..-i- hi, third nmi fnnrth arn n.d for pear finnhiEg and trim--

mint! of bodies, and ns varaishin" rooms. Tho third brick strncture-thr- ce stories hioh- -is a packini;and store honse ; when full it has a capacity of stonriR H carnages. 1 no lonrtn amibuildimi,xl5,fc tfco section devoted to painting tho bodies, and general blacksiaitmng.This factory 13 complcto ia overy part. It employs ono hundred and fifty mechanics In mo umerenidepartments, and tarn ont from 2,500 to 3,000 per year, consisting of soma for tydi T"!'""vehicles, nsing tho very best material. Ihe spokes and felloes nro made from tbo best 2?"vrhito hickory, whilo the hubs are made from tho beBt gum, white and yellow dm. All their wheel

Tho factory turns ont a variety of fine carriages, boggles, puretons and wagons, and with tLo facili-

ties and of twenty years tho proprietors nro enable to produce in stylo, quality and bmso M'J?......,. i .. i..rn..ji !, tinitorfKiotoa In nnrti.ita fewdavsaeo in the

branch house in San Francisco we found a complete stock of carnages and buggies, and ncvBU8nrnra- - and on the way, nil of which are especially raadowitli a view to standing tho climate of thoPacific Coast."

.Also on band and io arrive per fetcanicra a full Assortment of

Fine Carriages & WagonsCOA'lISTIMJ or

Briffff's Three-Seate- d Extension Top cut unaer,(M:AriMi six rr.oi'i.1.).



Carriages, Buggies, Phtotons, Hack Carriages, &c.Whips, Saddles and Carriage Furnishing Goods

hs. on ECaxtcirar Mr CAKKIAOES are all Jlannfaetored jrlth aviw too.eir. JbU ClliMU Itat

UAiutiAui. i.arn.eu u, v,.,. c.w.. -Itcndlnj: I'jrcliaacrs before linjlnj Every


loiiolulii CarriiiKC Repository,

Prank J. Hig-gin- s

Fort Si. above Hotel St., opiiosito thePantheon Stalilcs,



J3 I TRUSSJES 2 ffaaiiSSKi

LL8STIRl Large Invoice of the Celebrated

1JCELLULOID TKU!!E$Direct OFi-oxa- tlio Factory.

Wo Havo Especial FACILITIES for Adjusting 1 ROSSES.

Hollister & Co,Cor. Tort and Merchant Sts., & 59 Nrniann Sf



Siii'i fllfilEII,



Have Just Received the I argest





MEALED FENCE WIRE j Over Fifty Different Odors of tlie Celebrated

j Odor-Oase- s, Fancy Boxes, 33otfcl.es, &c

Hollister & Op.,Agents for DBCia-Wiaiia.- 3a :KLiia.sca.'oxr.

59 Nuuanu St, and Cor. Forf and Merchant St.




Ex b(r. Mrfpoea sod bark Calbcrkn avrdlKharslcft,


Hire rfcelted a lare and t?Urte aat. f

Standard Fresh GioceriesWhich will be delirertd iaanantltiM W sail 6 any

part of Ihe city, or shipped to any part of tW Ishsida

Other Shipments constoottj on tho way.

Call, examine and be convlntad that we eaa pleaieyott In every respecL

iii:..edi: a. to.Family Uroceri, Campbell's Ulect, Hotel !t

ISTTelephoneSo.310. r, r. Boi 597.

Depot of Woodlavvn Dairy,973 Artesian Ice Works.


Fine Jewelry, Watches,Plated Ware, &c.

Have Just Beceived ex late Arrivals, aFine Assortment of


Bracelets, Brooches,Earrings, Fingor Rings,


Diamonds & other precious StonesALSO- - An Elegant Display ot



Acall ! Invited from lotfnrtlnffpartfcawTt to an eli-mination of our magnificent tifOCX and rtt fMassured they will not IcaTe without matinea psrc&aiefrom amriBetbeminr atwllas articles arra;f btJretteir attonUhcd rliion.

Tne are parllcnlirlj inrlted to tt a4inc oar Jiiie hbito cioce 01 nupcticr Jewairy

WM. WENWER & CO- -hire tlo been appointed Sole Acents for thII

an KluUom, for

King's Celebrated Eye Preaervexffi


--TijawiiiiiWfttiSitafe ladjj 4L

bo bave been Initmctwl in the ot hlj internfor tet tin? Ibe human eyesThe Glaeves are deicrrrdlr noMiiir. and Um

ten Hon of those Interested If called to their

.- - i




871 Fort Stroot.

Invito Special AttentionTo their precentSUKk,contafnln.aUdotlvlir- -

iii ninuuut mrj nare cTrrnaa at any ontime, iciitlnc or ai roltar:

Nor1 West & Redwood Lumber,or ALL HIZI7I;

Eastern Whlto Fine,Port Oxford Cedar,

White Wood. Oak, Ash,Black 7Inut, Koa,

Eedwood and White CedarSlxlxxsies,


tfAH.S--3- 0. fine io 60d--als- o,

Cllvit, Finishing & Galranlicd.

builders' hardware"Wall Paper and

Ceiling Decorations,


ATLANTIC l'lOXCEn, 1 1 CH litOf.

WHITE LEAB,Patent and French White Zinc,

ucnnccK' ijoiijjd axd raw

IiIHTSIUBD Oil.A luxt Aiioilmnit of

COLORED PAINTS IN OILPaint Brushes. White Wash Brashes,


TeUow Ochre,Vcnltian Red and

PriTecs Metallic Paint.Wc b4Te tlio jnit rneirn s luge Stock of

Pacific Rubber Mixed Paint1'acVcd In Tins from lib. to 5 tfallonsnd

of a Great Varlttx 0r 'HliiiiiSS" TBI IT - ' j

Cliaiices C3-ias- s

rnoM 7X9 Tl 10X33 IX CIIE8, tZ ie.

Leavers & Cooke.

Page 8: J, - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · 2015. 6. 2. · XHe bfest rwfTmfT xoau cuu jaUspooa Tjjgj. Stcm5i air tas caaaaz " icii. aonar iSac set afaoe &as& aaBai rf(Sa

Miner, i tic uonsity oi mo jun.eume. '

t grades is "i"t-"- a foiimi-iv-?

from OC to" SO to' 6 to

dmming p1H)V, andJie juiee o

r' thgjliiger, isjbrouglit down upon'the matter withqut pressing I the beet is offered forsale. , j 1 county fund upon the certificate df 'Uitfjukicc who summoned thorn. TheIbuttrt tlgSm witlitlntv 11 about four or fl-- o inches. , Same iiage," Sec. 1 1. It shall -- be unlawful forusiny-perso- n, other than Justice, ."hall recelvo his ordinaryTec for issuing a summonf, to bo paid out

" ' " " ' .-- rrj.'.i i.i I !! ntrpntnr nmiilMvir.tn slcin JJin.r-irra- i- I TIia twntniu1.t ,.r tf.iTrrftltlii'.nlfirTnnrrnf'i


,. A Histor of Cholera Epidemics

It is idle, no doubt, to at presentnpon tlie hence and the --"hither of theepidemic of cholera reported from Egypt. Asbecomes a place which lias experienced 10attacks of cholera (some of them -- evcre)within tho last SO years, Mecca, open theoccurrence of an outbreak, ordinarily takesprecedence among tlio gravely-suspect- ed

sources of disease. During tbo whole of lastsummer cholera prevailed to an unusual extentin Japan. There wan also about tho sametime a very destructho epidemic raging in thoSouloustcl and Philippine archipelago.

"For the last 100 years or raoro cholera hasbeen treated as an "institution" of India,and the mortality bills there are on a largoscale. The last notable outbreak in Indiawas amongst nn assemblage of pilgrims atAUanaoaa in January last year. The lirsthistorical academic, so far as Europe is con-

cerned, commenced towards the close of 1629.Cholera then reappeared in Persia, and, gain-ing a footing in tho Caucasian provincesbordering upon the Caspian, it entered Itussiain Europe. Tho capital-- , old and new , andother parts of the great empiro came undertho scourge. Gravo alarm spread over Europe,whore the dread disease had put itBclf inevidenco for the first time. It passed fromItussia to Austria, Hungary, and Germany,tho victims in tho latter country alone num-bering more then 300,000. Upon tho 22nd ofOctober, 1831, it was brought in a ship fromuermany to huniicrlaiiU; on icuruary C, 1832,it appeared in Edinburgh, and on .February 13inltothcrhithe and Limehouse, and on March13th it was reported from Dublin, and duriugthejearit prevailed extensively throughoutalmost the entire kingdom. Tho exact num-bers are unknown, as thero was then noregistration or deaths, but tho deaths of 52,-3- 17

person were reported through varioussources to tho Hoard of Health. France,Spain, and Italy afterwards got their turn.Between March and August 18,000 pcoplodied of tho disease in Paris, v here, as inHungar-- , tho people, being suspicious ofoccult poisoning, were ''excited to madnessand murder." From Franco tho choleracrossed tho Atlantic, and spread throughXorth and Central America. From Germanyit had previously tratrllcd into TurLnt. A

little while alterwards it pressoatcd itself inArabia, Egypt, and tbo Nile district, and itwas general throughout North Africa in 1835.In 1811a great epidemic broke out in Indiaand China, and, developing upon tho lines ofthe former epidemic, it reached Europe in1817, and, passing oi er tbo Coutinent, tra- - cledto Atacrica and the West Indies, thero being10,000 cases in Jamaica in 1800. It was inOctober, 1818, that the first caics becasnoknown in England. On Juno 3, 1819, thedeaths in Fans numbered 110. On June 11

.the General Board of Health in England re-ported that sinco tho latter end of March thodisease had broken out in twclvo differentparts of in 21 towns in L'ng- -iuuu aim uaies, ana i low ns in Scotland,Up to this time thero had been iu this countryabout 7000 deaths out of 15,500 attacks. Dur-ing the week ending September 15 tho deathsin London wcro3183, the ordinary aicragethen being 1008. By order of the Queen, thefollowing day, Sunday, prayers were offeredup in all the churches for tho roruoval of thescourge. Tho number of deaths from cholerafrom Juno 17 to October 2 in Loudon alonowas 13,101. Tho sickness disappeared in theraiddlo of October. Out of a population of17,501, 050 in this country 53,203 died ofcholera, and 18,8S7 of diarrhoea.

.cog-an- uas nan experience oi lour epi-demics of Asiatic cholera. The two remain-ing outbreaks of which w o hat o to speakwero much milder in character than thosoalready described. On September 1, 1853,tho disorder again broko out with great sovcrity in Newcastle, and North Shields and otheradjoining towns suffered greatly. In July,1854, it again made its presence lelt over tho

t whole of tho metropolis. The epidemic reachedits height in tho second week of September,almost on the same day that tho .pidemic of1SI0 occasioned tho highest mortality. Indeed,as jur. ouincriana reported to tlio GeneralBoard of Health, thero w as a rcmarkablosimilarity throughout in the progress anddevelopment of both epidemics. In tho weekending September 0 there were 2050 deathsfrom cholera in London. Tho epidemic

'reached its maximum in nine weeks, but thomortality did not tell to that of the first weekuntil 13 weeks after the maximum period.Trom tho 1st of July to tho loth of Decembertho total mortality from cholera in Londonwas 10,075, and from diarrhoea 2001; whilefrom typhus, it was 1317. On the north sidoof the Thames thero was one death in a.ia inhabitants; of the south side tho proportionwas one to evcrv I0S. Diir'nt. tl, .i.it.mnthe terrible disease appeared in many parts ofthe kingdom, and in some cases the epidemicwas severely felt. It was in Iho September of

uio cur mat iioru raimcr6ton issued his'famous rebuke to tho Presbytery of Edin-burgh, which had suggested a national fast.iiPCn,m'H has done his utmost for his own

safety, said the Homo Secretary, "then isthe timo to invoke the blessing of heaven togive effect to his exertions." In Julj, 1851,tho alarming intelligence reached Englandthat the cholera had appeared arnoDg ourtroops in the Crimea. EegimenU wero reducedto 300 or 400 sickh men. It tool; tho Guardstwo marches to get over tho ten miles ofground lying between Alladvn and v...During an expedition to Kortcudji nearly 3000Frenchmen were swent -- war. Vnr . -the epidemic prevailed extensively on thowuunr.ni, iv.uuu persons dying at Naplesand it also Bproad with great wrulcnce overNorth and South America. Tea years elapsedbefore tho awful scourge again visited Europe.From Jane to July, 1805, it had raged atAlexandria, and in August it was causingdeaths at the rate of 2000 a day in Constan-tinople. Tho deaths in Constantinople hadreached nearly 50,000, when the great fire onSeptember 6, which destroyed 1500 housesbesides mosques and other public buildings'pretty summarily closed tho career of theepidemic At Ibis time, also, it was to bofonnd Bussia, Italy, Spain, and France,and Anstna lost 10,000 lives. In April, 1866the cholera reached England, via Bristol andLiverpool; bnt tho number of deaths, it tr. .great satisfaction to those persons who bad

-- beta interesting themselves between epidemicsin the promotion of sanitary reform to knowndid.no materially affect tho returns of mor'uuuy ior uic wnoio Kingdom for the year. Inluowoura oiEincr, cowevcr, 0973 personsdied of cholera and 31 97 of diarrhoea, princi- -parly in tho East-en- d. In describing "thocatastrppbe in which 4500 penshed in East'London," Dr. Farr hints not obscurely that itwas very largely traceable to tbo character ofthe water supply, Wbithin a few necks

0,000 was raised for the relief of tho dis-tress in London, tho Queen subscribing 500The dese of the year saw it extinct in London,out a longer time elapsed before it was ban-ished from the Continent. Since then onlyIsolated grounds of cases have been reportedin our quarter of the, nrnWntfA "


,fpj?' ,r 1 S.B. DOLE, Preside






New Goods of Various DescriptionsIN

Chinese and Japanese Ware!ALSO, LATEST STILE OF


FINE SETS OF TIGER CLAWSSilk Handkerchiefs (hemstitched).

All colon and qnalltlcA riMS ASSOItTMEIiT V

Japanese Lacquered WareAlso, o. 1 Iticc Tor bale.

013 ly

J. D. RAMSAY,GrGxiex--.- l G-roc- or


Provision Dealer,no.G7IIOTM.-sT- , : 1 :

Goods Delivered to Customer's Kcsi-denec-

Frco of Charge,Jnet Received late arrivals, a fresh line of

Garden Seeds & Fresh Groceries,37- - ALL ORDERS FILLED WITH PROMPTNESS. UE)


To the Proprietors of Sugar Mills.A t AGENT rOK TIHST CIiA&SA A11T1SANS. Hit undersigned! prepared to Con-

tract for building 1'crforatctl llot Air rurnbete iwllhrrrat dispatch) according to tho design- - or ttiulatccelebrated Chemical I'rofes-o- i I'tnncv, formerly pro-fessor of Chemcstrjr at tbc Anderioiilan Unhcrtily,Glasgow, bcotland.-Protcct- inc all parties from anyimasinarr Vatcnt Infrinecmcnts or lto;altls whichImpair the solidity of tlic work anldinilnlsli tho re-sults obtained from birolnc the nicgass direct fromthe rollers, effecting paramount objects, viz: bavin;- - offoci lador.drving sheds, tratmrats. wagons, etc

!K3 3ni c. in nccn street


A Good Business Chance.

Good Will of the Business with FourYears' lease of Premises.

A. A. MONT.&HOffers Bar Sale His

holographic 'ikiikvy


Furniture, Fittings, Instruments, and crervthin" requeue ior carrying on ine Business, wllnanumerous stock of egatlves, Pictures, Mats, Frames,Etc.

The Business Is well established, and bclnir run on apood paying basis, and uonldprovca profitable invest-ment to the rlcht party.

The present proprietor's reason for wishing to dis-pone of this valuable business Is In consequence ofhating important ranch interests which require his

1 Onalllr, ood the best Inthccltx.

Terms For particulars oppljr to A A.3IOK-TAM-

rhoiojraplilc Oallcry, corner of Klnz and Fortttrcet. llonolnln 11 I. vm lm


PALUHRfeTfiAsJlIfiR113 Fort St., - - - Honolulu, H. I.




ercr prodaced bcroro Id this Ktnsdom

Iui-- e F"rnit Lcid-a- i

Delicate Flavors andArtesian Water

Onlj- used In tt Mannfucture of the abore JnjtlrCELHnSATED BEVEIUOES

Soda Water. (ner Jn-,- i;n..Ginger Ale ' 75SarsaparjUa 50cU

bole Agents for the Htw-ll-- n Itlandi, for

Nature's GreatmtiEEiic A?r usiti-i- :

Bethesda Water !

f" On Bransht acd Bottled to Order


T"ory Boot, G-ra- fec.




Paciflc MntnalLifc Insnrauco Company,OP CAL1FOWCIA,



tSTTSlEPJIOXEso. 147. m tf


Suggestions to the Public,uilh Heznlatlons Hcl-ll- to the

Mailing and Registry of Letters


Kates of Postage to Countries in and outof tho Postal Union.

1 Mail all letters, tie., at forty at po$tilkctpeehiIT when nt in larco numbers, a it freqneMJj theca with nenepapn-- and circular The labor of the

c UmacJidlniln.c-he- It Ittre, when mailcUIn laro nsmb&B- - are tied in bundltf, ivllli the addreecesiU In one direction

S SlaLe the addrea on all foreign letters legible andcomplete, divine the name of tlie tac Matt,when addriMed to the t nite-- i btatet The name ofthe street uoU number of the hoatc should alto bef;lren, where s are cniplo-fcd-

, while thewill CTcntoally reach Us dettlntllon wlikont a

number the omission i nfien a wmxnf hiiMHm- -

and deloj In the caec of Icturs for fortln couatrlcand especially n Canada, In wluco couitiy there iniitufji uiiviH-- ; me name lumes ns jiosi unicesJn the Unittd States and Lngloiid, the came of thecuumry as wen as mo sLould be RlTea hjfall Isctlcrs addressed. Sot instance, merely to " Lon-don, luthout adding "England," aro frequently sentto Loudon, Canada, and net vena, thereby causingdelay, uid often srrtuus loss Letters addressed tollarlingtoa K, bcotla),oflecgo toUarlfngton, ew ork, on account of the resemblance betweenH and "i Mben carelessly written

3 Always write the address with Ink, and not withPencil Of ailT kind, as marten nftmi Imr.mtrascd and the address rendered IlUcible

4 M old, as mnchas .possible, using envelopes madeof thin paper, especially where inure tlian cue i licet ofEaper, or an uthei article than aner. Is cncJwcd

often handled, and especially In ttic omUcdmaillogs carried on horeebock, uch envclopts not unt reqacntly spUt open.xlTinc cause cf complaint agaiitatolilcialB n ho arc entirely innocent in thti matter

5 erer tend money or any other article of ralactbruach the mail, excent elllipr r tho nfmoney-orde- r or In a recUttred letter.

C Postage etamjis should be placed on the upperrlht hand corner of thSnddreseideof the mail matter.

7 The cattlncr of uosUnre stain ia In Iwn nr m--

pieces Is prohibited, and no letter faring a mutilatul(lamp on It will be forwarded.

8 PttfitfifTC Arc n.f i,. -- lof them on credit is fatrlctly prohibited '

9 --Anything in addition to an addrew written orprinted on tiie address side of postal cards rendersthem nn ma liable

a domestic letter being forwarded inthe 1LJ.L--, It mue--l hare not less than two cents Inpostage tarai affixed If less than tho full pontazehas bten iald, double the amount due most be iaid bytbc party reckvlni; it

II A enbecriber to a newspaper or twriodlcat whocuatRC his rcsldeut and siioald at oncenoitfr thCDQblie-herc- f the rhanro .mrl ! nn).ti.cation sent to his new ad rcssli I'nbtishcrs and new agents mailing printed

matter in quantities will racillate its distribution, andoften hasttn lis bvasrtln? nrh msti.i-h--

fcutesnndT.rTitoneinndtLcJarer cities, if foreign,or by Ieland, If domestic

! All Inquiries, whether from iwt masters or thenubile, rclatne olost nrmisslnir mtl ..-.- .

description, both foreign and domestic, ordinary andrcjrifctercd, should be addressed to the Oeneral c,

Jlonolula, and losses or irrcgahirillt- should bereported as soon as knowledge is had of their occurenceII Siud all letters uewspapers and small parcels

to the post office As a rule they will so safer audreach their destination more quickly in the malls thanWhen sert In flnr rtlher ivst Mn.infihn-nmi.i-u- i.about tho noa receipt of K iters are traceable to thtlciviiig tvui uj iuujcv ivuveyancc ouisiue ID' mails

15 Domestic postal cards, costing one cent each,can be purchased at every Also, two-ce-

portal cards mailable to the United Mates, Canadaand Mexico, and three-cen- t postal cards, mailable toany country in the postal union.

IC Double postal cards, called "return postal cards,"Intended for an Immediate reply to a correspondentwill eoon be prtpan-- the cost being Scents 1 centfor the inquiry card, and 1 cent for' the return card

17 Leitern and papers addressed to persons residingin Honolulu should have the trect and number, orsome other desiicnattd place of delivery, as it Is thepurpose of the Depart men t to establish letter carriersin Honolulu as ou a practicable

IS The issue of moncv-onler- s nn U trrUtitrprohibited, and no money win be received by a post-master In payment for money orders Issued, exceptthat which is legal tender, or bank check, orders andcertificates of deposit.

10 Letter boxes will be prctuircd as soon as practlcable. In all the s In the Kluedom, and allpersons who are In regular receipt of letters and

to their convenience to haveboxes20 A letter deposited in the mill can be recalled

only by the writer, and then only on civlng a writtenreceipt for the same After a letter leaves the officewhere It becomes the property of tbepirsonto whom it Is addressed, or his legal representative.

BATES OP POSTAGE.Domestic Postage Hates :

&KOF Lettehs or clreulara In ssafa rnwlnnn Inludelivered at the office where denotltcd, t cent each halfounce

Doau:-Ti- c I ettebs, io any part of the Kingdom. Zcents, if Ie than M oi , and 2 cent, for each addition-al !i oz

KWsJlPEn- - printed Io the Kingdom, and mailed tofrom offices of pnbiication, ore frte in the

Inter i'land nulls. j:0ll of papers tent to azentsand nt to bona fldc -- nlMcrlbers, cannot claim theuencllt or the free poatuc law

Books (printed or blank.) carila.cngrarlnza vatchet,jcneJry, roots, bolb, cnttlnp, sample, of dry snraror rice, photographs medicine except llrnlds. articlesof clithlns samples of merchandise of aurklnd,andall articles not included in elms 1 or 2 of the lairs orIS7S when weighing not raoro than tovr ixrvnilt or 64ownora one cent an ounce or fraction thereof Allarticles likely to damage the malls are strictly pro-hibited

Packages asd Parcel, containing books or mail-abl- e

merchandise of any kind any letter, newspaper orparcel that may be mailed may be registered, on payment of a fee of 10 cents In addition to the ordinarypostage

TtKwsrArxns. pamphlets almanacs, calandars, handbills, mscaiin.M. maps, occasional and other publica-tion" (not bound), 1 cent for each " onncei or fractionthereof Circulars, in unsealed enclopee, 1 cent each

I'Anxu of merchandise of any kind will In receivedand forwarded in tbc IntcHalaad mills at the rale ofout cent am ouan This regulation does not Includethe foreizn mail service A If In n d parcels conbe regiat-re-d.

Postal Union Eates.


Cnlted SblearJ Aaerlca. Dominion of Canada and Merlen .. j r terMOr

Japan l'orta In uninanavies i'o-t- cnionoffice, straits Settle- -menu and Manila .t tOe

ureal unuin, trance,eHn...,.,).!!).! '

er countries and Col--

2- a

oniesiniQei.niTersBi i

I'oiul tnion tllOc 13c 10c gel

Hooks .tPrinted





cPocfacWherc a return receipt for reentered matter ia

wanted. 5 cent extra la efear-ce- makJnr tbeieinuatlKifee 15 centa.

tWith & mlnimnrn cUafjr of lire ctuta for boolj aidprinted matter, and 2 cents for aamplet

Postage to Countries not in tbe Union.To the Australian Colon!ioAci7 ZealandTo Tasmania (Ilobart Town)To framoaTo FijiTo Slam, tia Ean Francisco

u ci. uazTQoioiueiT..-- .To Caot of Gnod nnnttTo r

To hu Helena . . .


13 cent for each 4. ..IS centt for each ! ox. .isccnia lorracn 'j oz

IS cents for each. 13 ccata for each H t

.16 cccti for each 4 oz19cenuforcach "ioz

.21 centa for each 4 oz...23 cents for each H... S3 cents for ach 4 oz

ErsAXBJ, rrc. The postage on newiptpers toAnstralian Colonies aSew Zealand Fiji, and Samoa, Is3 cents each paper On boots and other printed mattcr, i cents for each toat ounces or fraction of fonrounces.

For the oher coantrlM named, rt--- icharged, irhlch can be learned by inquiry at the eEieein lionol oln

fn or ont of theGr Ail posusea to any cooniryVosUi Union mast be paid tn Hawaii



tamps only5Stm h. Kl. Whltnoy, P. M. C.

WA.TEH. H011CE I-- lVli-c; TO THE SCAKCITV OVV. WATBK. the Hoars for --rilt to limitedt4 4 bonra per day from 6Lo8a. oand from 4 to 6 p.m., until frnier notice CIIAS B W1LSDX,

Sopt Water TVorts.llonololn, lUjlti. 1ES. SM a


True to the Test !

IVTacneale & Urban Safes.

-- L CJUEUD.C. O.BERGUR, Esq.. ACentMacnoalo & Urban Safes,

JlUtOLCLU, 11. I.

Deab Sir I take creat pleasure to Inform yon thatther-- 3 JlacncaleJt Urban Safe purchasedsome years ago has passed through the disastrous lireof last night to my entire satisfaction. I opes cd thesame on the combination (tips, etc-- , handle harlnmclfd off), without any difficulty, and found contentsIn perfect condition Tours Very Truly,

L. WAY.Honolnlu.il I .June S3th,lS83

X Larjre Assortment of tlie.se Jnstlr Cele-

brated Constantly on hand.


C. O. BERCER,Sni (Jen). Affent Hawaiian Istande

leaverSaloonH. J. KCVTE, : : : : Proprietor.

He-- to announce to his friend and thepublic fn cencril

That lio has opened tho above Saloonwhere first-clas- s Refreshments

will be served from 3am tilt 10pm, under theImmediate supervision of a Competent Chtfde Cultlnt

tup vrviN-- miiTiVQ nv ?

Tobaccos,Cigars, Pipes and

Smoker's Sundrieshoetn byn personal selection from s l.

has been cbtafned. and will bo added ta fromtime to time

Oi 5 of BrunswkL L Ealke's

Oi'lobrjted liilliard TablesIs connect! with the establishment, here lorers

of the can participate. R7



deceived !l'l.K 31 lRlroS A. CI,AIS NI'ltl.Cltl.I.N,

Largo Additions to their Stock

lonelcting In part of

Lbla Extra Mess Beef,llbls 'nmc SI ess 1'ork,

Kits balmon llclllcs,..,.,, " Mtckerel. LsCtecse,.".i " P1-- " rlB pork' 'fbbl ramllr Beef,

llbls Otlbalmon, Cum Onion',

Cal. and New Zealand Potatoes.Hay, Oats, Bran, Barley,

Beans Peas, V, beat.Hams and Ba4u,

Cawa Codlljh,baloon Bread,

Medium Bread,Cl rioda Crackers,

floor and Tea,

Costa Rica and ICona CoffeeLime, Cement ic, Ac,

CANNED GOODS, of all Kinds.n Inroice of those

Superior Manila Cigars.In boxes of 230 and 500 each, direct from Manila,

via San Francisco, all of which will be

Sold at the Lowest Rates.. sr-r-


Contractor & BuilderHe& to notifr his fnends ind tbe pnbllc generally

that he has erected a

Fine lew Shopon the lot lately occupied by bis old Shop,

deitroyed by lire on tbo morning of the 23th nit ,onKING STREET,

where he will be hatmy to recilre and cxecntefaluiucr-- t in ms iicc wiui promptnetf

Telephone 113

113 Fort SU

(35) WAY.

: Honolulu,

Drug-gist- s PerfumersOE1UU IX




. Toilet Articles and


I"--tton- .t Hodlotnos,St JacoVl Oil.

AWrner'a hafi Core.Aonst Floirer,


Bathing and Surgeon's Sl'OXGES,CvnttanUJ on Hand.

A Lare and Care'illr Selected Stock of

Lundbourg's PerfumeryWhich we offer for Sale at Greatly Reduced Uates.

ijssisrss ,war' ."-v-

rudg-- e house,Kona, Hawaii.

THE ITiTDEnSIGNED BEGS TOMe friends and t&epabltc In general that

his n HOUSE it again rcadr to recctterisltors

Tne Uonse Is tltnated S mllea Inland from EealakekuEij. at an deration of aboot I.40D feet and offertnost eharmln? iee IB AAUrn fnlliMOT rtnr mnAbalmr air of the district, the of both tourist andInralid. Bath Homes connecl-- 3 trith the etubllsh- -meni. Jtespectfnllr.










keaso-?abl- e



For Sale byU4J1.S d; fS


CSand In perfect order.

t- - rorSaleby903 B0IX28 dc CO.

The Oldest, Largest, Best and Cheapest

Fnriture Store in the Kingdom.


C. E. WILLIAMS, : : : :

Rs- -! ;. xB (Stjuiiruifiu


jO-- G


Ilavin ; luul 25 years iu the iu I am to aut ihtwants of ell, ns I baro tbo the Latest Ptylea. and HELL AT LO W1HT

I in a of

AA of

&Easy i'ottnt latsnl , Fuut KesU, l'laou Ac

&rjilk Bilk I'luaht, , .Kaw Silks, fast ill. iii-- ar Ifim.Ilmr Clolb and AlfiO Cords, Olma and

btraw, Moos, l'nr-,k- l, Palo, Hair nnd Feather od Iilaat caa aMtaal tttd. ravade toOrder. bp-in- R Ueda, tbe Beat in nee ; will la-- x a Ufa data. ALSO andst.ir apnng iseos anu nana "ire nasortexi tun.

tilndow flam and t'atent Sprinn; HoUera.

Having- - tlieILo Well bnn nr-- wuo Im) had Ijuj fa

of I to do all of Woi k fa tiMttIN

Cot iud Mud in tbe

Aand : a sreat of Fane a.r Um, ..

sizes ; tho Tcry of 1 31 lewto A erf and ran'j andBase Ball c



Jusi Received,




o, uinoJisicr.T. irflauos.jffiisical IiittaBHiaaeiatg, Seiwiiijs-fflaeMueg-

kec9 fen6,cxpenouco Fnrnitnn littsioeiH Honolulu,


Keep Stock Line

Walnut, ilsh, Painted, Stained, Varnished

Complete Assortment Cheap Furniture,Largo

Sets, Lounges, Bed Lounges SofaChain, bpnag Rockers, Ucmipu Ottouams, lKoott,

Full of Upholstering Materials,Compnsiu





Cotoluw, flsanala.Lentber. rntaajsa.

Excelsior, afottntweaChampion llnaforn



of D.known Frnacxsoo Upholaterer Dnper,

Finest Kind UpbolMerT prepared kinds MtowTHE AND 8TTLK.

Curtains, Draperies and Lambrequins.ALSO Locmc Coveni Laiert 8rk.

LARGE ASSOBTMENT OP HIER0RS,Mirror l'latta Picture Olaasi ATjSO raraitf TMtnM Kumlarger latatt style Picture Cornice MotUcUn---, Fiatart ftwMt-- Wa Cerabeemada order. hrco Tarietr Baby CarrwRee Hobea, Child Btsnae WaaonW. CrtWbeclbarrows, Itata,

Violins, Concertinas, Acoordians, Guitars, Banjos, and ail IdniaaoC MBsteal IiHtntBreatenlwnja on LtiiJ and for Sale Cheaper tbaa elatwhet. Tloita, OoHar and JtMfe Straits efthe 1IEST MAKE, at 75 cents per Set or "Ai Oral eaek

!An Elegit., assortment uf thf SmmI ind . Htylen mar found Sham


Beet Mattieea iltker and tbc only Plr-- - i pbotf-tn- - r in the Kintfdomworx uosranieea uruers irom inc iut ui p' mptiy to

KUC. Uonolala. It I.,

Office and Wareruomi- - Fort Tiicphfiif TO amrf



Hearses andoar at

Office. Ho. Ill Fort Street


Fiiiiiitiiic HXamifacton


Jitt US OF fun,AJtD


ALtV.tl.S U.V 11 ASD. ADI)


the ruBsmrEZ

fVn WXaclo t-t- y



No will be SparedTO CITE

SATISFACTION HIS CUSTOMERSUpbolsferf tin; Done to order.

Coffins Always on Hand.SMI fSrCALLASV SBI.-S-- J (lj

xjdxj r g-ossi-

THERE IS "tfOIDIVEGObSIPthe sudenlgaed will Ute Portrait in

any aty.e or Tlew to order In tit bt tyl of tiemotjJzrajlilcAraadcB the most Beafosable Tujo

bat It fa Idle tzoaalp irMch ht" hwt!I not try tknlasi. for he altrxra and will be rtllln Co tMM

and ntTtr treated acyoaont or toe way, aianeierwm iraicoxn in a proper manner, uo not ntioa

mm tor voaTtil- therm fail-ra-

aitory- - (tT77 Za) IX. L. CTU9E



3BxlAnother Addition to my Already large

"W.:rioci Stools.



Parlor Patent Beds,



Sprint HMw TO







3ffo3iilaatci-- y

cTeryosewbocaabefii-ted- ;



LAKGi:!; hXOCK Tll&S XLhX (jthir Pnrnltarc Dtlrr tti iioaoie'ratieixlra

r I'rirrs an LOWBST 1M

E.n- mdTTTHul



riurrulilf au iurcltll7 al'easVa" t

OuFFINS & CASKETSII Dererintioiis anI the Ijje.l Strlc mt Trtntailaiaa.

I mfE2a audBnrlal Re e- - aiwaja vn baava.

C3ar3?iages for 3c?rraes7alsRATES

7S Telcphoaa and Hirht Alarm. He. 76.



tlw Ml












MSB dasm Mi


15 ""s


. .. a--I

Mlail fit - - av - i""" worijtMmjtMsi f ta.

T7P803I SALTS. IJfa- mn lir- ajtaa,

pia- -





MlMim BS


A.-- '


B03CES onrvV-a-PaeJuwret Satetfy

?1J!?f,J RAJSTS8 AXD OXTKRA?TS.-- - tmBOUaiafc

.--W A

