j guerra copyright and fair use

Copyright and Fair use in the informational Age Explained!! “A Storm of Comets”-http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/imagegallery/

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Revised ppt. with chapters 3 and 4 information


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Copyright and Fair usein the informational Age


“A Storm of Comets”-http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/imagegallery/

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What is Copyright

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What is copyrighted?

• Your lesson plans• The worksheets your

create• A book report written by

a student or educator• A photograph you take• The home video from

your last trip

“Copyright Symbol”-http://www.copyrightauthority.com/copyright-symbol/

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• A form of protection provided by law in the United States to authors of original works.

• Copyright allows the originator – The right to reproduce

and/or distribute their work

– The right to display or perform their work publicly

– The right to prepare derivatives of the original work

“Copyright Law of the United States”-http://www.copyright.gov/title17/

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What Materials are Copyrighted?

• Anything that you create is automatically copyrighted.–Written works: Lesson plans, worksheets

created– Sound recordings, song lyrics and/or music–Works of art– Video and motion picture works

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Copyright Protection

“Simply putting the pen to the paper or in the electronic medium, putting the fingers to the save key creates a copyrighted work.”- Georgia K. Harper

Harper, G.K. (2007):Using materials from the internet. In Copyright Crash Course. Retrieved Sept. 1, 2012, from http://copyright.lib.utexas.edu/useofweb.html


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What license?

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A way to minimize certain use: • add a specific license• CREATIVE COMMON LICENSES

Creative Commons (2012). Retrieved from Sept. 1, 2012, from http://creativecommons.org/

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Role of Fair use

• “Fair use plays a critical role in the analog world where duplicating technology is cumbersome and authors make money by controlling copies. “- Georgia K. Harper

Harper, G.K. (2007):Using materials from the internet. In Copyright Crash Course. Retrieved Sept. 1, 2012, from http://copyright.lib.utexas.edu/useofweb.html

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Fair Use Guidelines

• Are a part of the US Copyright Act.

• Allow teachers and students the ability to use copyrighted materials for educational purposes.

• There is a four part test that determines if the use of a copyrighted material is fair use.

Harper, G.K. (2007):Fair use of copyrighted materials. In Copyright Crash Course. Retrieved Sept. 1, 2012, from http://copyright.lib.utexas.edu/copypol2.html


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The Four Factors that Determine Fair Use

• The purpose and character of the use

• The nature of the copyrighted work

• The amount of the work used

• The effect of the use on the marketplace

Harper, G.K. (2007):Fair use of copyrighted materials. In Copyright Crash Course. Retrieved Sept. 1, 2012, from http://copyright.lib.utexas.edu/copypol2.html


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There is no legal, definitive list of what constitutes fair use

• Items and Discussions have been made by several organizations to try to quantify how much of an item can be used under fair use.

• The only true explanation of whether the educational use of a copyrighted work constitutes fair use is the court system.

Harper, G.K. (2007):Fair use of copyrighted materials. In Copyright Crash Course. Retrieved Sept. 1, 2012, from http://copyright.lib.utexas.edu/copypol2.html


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Don’t Know what to Do?

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Teachers should keep in mind

• Fair use of copyrighted materials must be an integral part of a class.

• Movies shown as a reward do not qualify as fair use.

• Rampant duplication of materials instead of purchasing instructional materials is not fair use (effect on the market).


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Teachers should keep in mind

• Encourage students to use online databases to find images and video used in student projects (Power Library or locally funded).

• Encourage the use of government sites for images.

• Discourage surfing the Internet for factual information and images for student projects.

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Teachers should keep in mind

• Citing a work is not the same as having permission to use the work.

• Requesting for permission to use is always a good option.

• Duplicating a work and changing a few words is not fair use.

• Students have a wider range of rights under fair use than teachers.

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• Educators must understand the basics of copyright.

• Educators have a responsibility to model compliance to copyright.

• Educators should always ask for permission to use works that are likely not fair use.

• Educators must insure that students use information for projects in an ethical manner.


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REFERENCES• U.S. Copyright Office. (2012), Fair Use. U.S. Copyright Law

• Harper, G.K. (2007):Fair use of copyrighted materials. In Copyright Crash Course. • Retrieved Sept. 1, 2012, from http://copyright.lib.utexas.edu/copypol2.html

• Harper, G.K. (2007):Using materials from the internet. In Copyright Crash Course. • Retrieved Sept. 1, 2012, from http://copyright.lib.utexas.edu/useofweb.html

• Harper, G.K. (2007):Fair use of copyrighted materials. In Copyright Crash Course. • Retrieved Sept. 1, 2012, from http://copyright.lib.utexas.edu/useofweb.html


• “Copyright Symbol”-http://www.copyrightauthority.com/copyright-symbol/• http://www.designzzz.com/how-to-create-resume-guide-designers/• Creative Commons (2012). Retrieved from Sept. 1, 2012, from• http://creativecommons.org/• http://www.confusedveterans.com/cms/index.php/component/content/article?id=438-regulation:fairusepolicy&catid=23• http://blog.campaignasia.com/mike-fromowitz/four-things-i-am-certain-of/• http://littlepoets.wordpress.com/2012/05/17/day-18-making-a-list-and-checking-it-twice-poem/• http://www.create-a-healthy-flexible-body.com/pain-relief-using-the-mind.html• http://accelerateddecrepitude.blogspot.com/2012/04/squeezeenglish-beat-rams-head-live.html• http://excruciatingminutiae.wordpress.com/2010/08/11/312 /• http://community.brightstar-learning.com/2011/stressofdyslexia /

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Contact Information

Jose GuerraChemistry C.C. Winn High SchoolRoom [email protected]