j. in - siamese heritage trust · zoo!., ix, pp. 222-226). in the present papet· t!hee more...

A COLLECTlON OF BIRDS FROM THE PROVINCE OF PUKET, PENINSULAR SIAM. BY H. C. IloBINSON AND C. BoDEN KLOss . WITH A MAP. 97 The di:;tri'ct in which this collection waa made is fairly well known nl'llitltolugirally, but the only paper· actually cle::d ing with the .area is th 1r . of "D ie Ornis der Jnsel 8alanga ", 1882, P LJ · 1-96: Naumburg a Saale, originally published as a doctoral dis- sertation an.:l appar·ently reprinted in the "Jour nul filr Ornithologie," 1882. Large collections wertl made in the district by J. Darling on bt'I Ja!f of A 0. 8 um e, which were the subject of scattered notices l.n "St ray Fo,Lthers," u.nrl wh ich are now incorporated in the British Museu111, while the island of Salanga was also visited by Emst Hartert who has made a few remarks on its Fauna Zoo!., IX, pp. 222-226). In the present papet· t!Hee more subspecies are diagnosed, viz :- Oyanops mystacophnnes aura.ntiij?'ons} Mesohucco dnva1tceli stua1·ti nobis, Ohloropsis cyanopogon septent?·ionalis while two species, Pericrocotus rosetts (Vieill.), Peric?'Ocotus cantc•nensis ( Sv;in h.) , are recorded for the fit·st tim e fl'orn the Malay Peninsula. though the b.tter had been collected in Trang as far back as 1910. The collections were nuicle by native collector·s without European superintendence; and details of soft pat'ts, which men of this type can- not note with suffici e nt accuracy to be worth recording, are thP.refore lacki· ng. The localities visited will not be found in any or•din:1ry map and can only be traced in t.he Admiralty Chart No. 2492 and the publi- cations of the Siamese Oflic e, anc1 we have therefo1·e supplied an outline map on which the route of our party is marked. The collect.ion was mnQ.e belween December 20th and Februat·y 18th, and t.hereforfl compt·ises a considerl\hle Humber of seasonal visitors which would not be founJ later in th e yr:a. r. 'rhe occurrence of the comparati \'ely ra.re Cuckoo Falcn 1t , Haza loplwtes, in larg e numbers iH VOL. UI , NO. H, l918.

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The di:;tri'ct in which this collection waa made is fairly well known nl'llitltolugirally, but the only paper· actually cle::d ing wi th the .area is th 1r. of Au~Utit ~1iiller, "Die Ornis der Jnsel 8alanga ", 1882, P LJ · 1-96: Naumburg a Saale, originally published as a doctoral dis-sertation an.:l appar·ently reprinted in the "Jour nul filr Ornithologie," 1882.

Large collections wertl made in the district by J. Darling on bt'I Ja!f of A 0. 8 ume, which were the subject of scattered notices l.n "Stray Fo,Lthers," u.nrl wh ich are now incorporated in the British Museu111, while the island of Salanga was also visited by Emst Hartert who has made a few remarks on its Fauna (~ov. Zoo!., IX, pp. 222-226).

In the present papet· t!Hee more subspecies are diagnosed , viz :-Oyanops mystacophnnes aura.ntiij?'ons} Mesohucco dnva1tceli stua1·ti nobis, Ohloropsis cyanopogon septent?·ionalis

while two species, Pericrocotus rosetts (Vieill.), Peric?'Ocotus cantc•nensis ( Sv;in h.) ,

are recorded for the fit·st time fl'orn the Malay Peninsula. though the b.tter had been collected in Trang as far back as 1910.

The collections were nuicle by native collector·s without European superintendence; and details of soft pat'ts, which men of this type can-not note with suffici ent accuracy to be worth recording, are thP.refore lacki·ng.

The localities visited will not be found in any or•din:1ry map and can only be traced in t.he Admiralty Chart No. 2492 and the publi-cations of the Siamese Sur~·ey Oflice, anc1 we have therefo1·e supplied an outline map on which the route of our party is marked.

The collect.ion was mnQ.e belween December 20th and Februat·y 18th, and t.hereforfl compt·ises a considerl\hl e Humber of seasonal visitors which would not be founJ later in th e yr:a.r. 'rhe occurrence of the comparati \'ely ra.re Cuckoo Falcn 1t , Haza loplwtes, in large numbers iH

VOL. UI, NO. H, l918.


noleworLl1 y, as i:; also the cap! nre of the rare R ock Thrush, Monticolo;

!J1tla1·is. Special acknowledgements a re clue to the kindness ot Mr. D:wid

Heddle of Tongknh, who, took cha1·ge of out· collectO J'S nnd mnde arrange-Jnents for their visit8 to the sutTOlll lding country and to whose efforts t.heir success is vet·y la1·gely due. We are aLso inile.bted to the courtesy of t.he Siamese Government, who granteil out· men permits to shoot and admitted all our collecting material and othet• impedimenta free of duty .

Thanks are also due to M.1·. W. J. F. Williamson for making the IJeces;:;ary arrangements on our behalf with the centt-al Government at Bangkok, and to Mt·. J. Bailey, H. B. M. Vice-Consul at Tongkah, fot· geueral assistance in that island. 'l'he following £we the localitie visited :-

1. Nong Kok, Ghi1·bi o1· Krabi, Pen insular Siam. Some se\ren 01' eight miles frotu the Ghirbi, or Kt·abi, rivet·, in

open park-like land with patches of jungle backed with p1·eci piton limestone hills. A very rich collect,ing greound.

[In Puket or Junk Seylon Island-also known as Salanga OJ'

Tongkah Island] :-2 . . Klong Tung Sai. A low, forest.ed range of hills in the sont.h

central part of the island.

3. Telok Palas . A. large vjllage on the east coast.

[In the Bay between Junk Seylon Island a nd the mainland:-4. Pulau Sireh . An island off the east const of Junk Seylon

ld. neat· 1'ongkah Harbour, separated by a narrow a nd very shallow strait. from the main island.

5. Koh Maprau } Small islands with s mall jungle to the 6. Koh Al:,mg Yai north of Pulau Sireh 7. Telok Poh, Pulan Panjang (Koh Yao Yai) . A village on

the west side of the lat·gest island in the Bay between J nnk Seylon and the mainland.

!:l. Pulau Panjang North ( Koh Yao Noi). An island to the north of Pulau Panjang, separated from it by a narrow shallow strait.

~- Koh Boi Yai. A small island neaJ' the west·ern extremity of Pulau Panjang North .

10. Koh Naka Yai. A .,;mall isla.nd between the no1·them parts of Jnnl; Seylon and Pulau Pttnjang.

JOURr-;, "!AT. HII';T . . 'itH' . 8TM1I.


Takua Tung



Klong. Tung Sai


Pang Nga


.g Yai/

I /






96. 30, E.


Pulau Panjang North (Koh Yao Noi)

B N.






:M Lill er'<- paper, reft>r red to a.bove, is qunten a;; "M Uller," ami a report entitled "On a coll ection of birds from the j,]and of Langkawi and other Itilands on the North-West. Coast of the Ma.lay Peninsula,'' by Herbert 0. Robin~on [Jvum. Fen. Mahy States Mus. VII, pp. 129-]91 (19171] is quoted as "Robinson ".

1. LOPHURA RUFA (Raffles). Ogilvie Grant, Oat. 13ir,ls Brit. !I! ns, XX I[, p. 28i (1893). o. Nong Kok, Ghirb i, Peninsular S ia m. W. 268 mm.

2. GALLUS GALLUS (Linn. ). Mi.iller, p 80 ; J(Josl", Il•is 19 I 8, p. 81. 2 o. Telok Palas, Junk St>ylon. 6-7 February 1918. W. 220, 227 mm.


3 o. Nong Kok, Ghirbi, Peninsular Siam. 4-8 January 1918 W. 460, 4·82, 477 mm. Two specimens are in full plumage, while one, though adult, ha~

not yet acquit·ed the "train."

4. TuRNIX PUGNAX PLUMBIPES '(Hodgs.). Stuart Baker, .lourn. 13ombay Nat. Hist. Soc. XXIII, p. 395 (1915), 1'U7·nix plumbipes, M tiller, p. iH. ~ imm. Nong Kok, Ghirbi, Peninsular Siam. 11 January 191 8. ~ ad. Telok Poh, Pulau Panjang. 22 January 1918. W. (ad), 88 mm .


Robinson, Ibis 1915, p 723. ~. Nong Kok, Ghit·bi, Peninsula.t• Siam. 10 January 1918. 2 ~ . Islet near Pulau Panjang. 28, 29 January 1918. W. o, 157 mm.; ~. 157, 163.

In the Malay Peninsula this green pigeon is rare and sporadic south of Trang, and has not been met with at all sonth of Kual ~


6. OsMOTRERON VERNANS (Linn.). Robinson, p. 135. Osmotreron vi1·idis, M iiller, p. 78.

VOL. I!I , NO . II, 1918.


19!8. o, 4 9. N ong l~ok, Ghirbi, P eninsular Rin.m. 5 - 12 Ja.nnnrr

3 o, 9. Telok Puh, Pulau Panjan.g. 19-26 January 1918. o, 2 !il. lsl'"t nea 1· Pulan Panjang. 2~, 30 January Hl18. W. o, 14.2, 148, 150, 146, 14.7 mm. 9, 147, 140. 14·1, l3ti .

139, 141, 143.



7. TRERON CURVIROSTRA NIPALENSJS ( H odgs.). Robinsnu, p. I ~i\.

o vix ad . Klung- Tung Sai , Junk Seylon. 19, 20 Decen1bn

W. 139, 133 mm.

8. CARPOPIIAGA ATINEA ATINEA ( Linn.) . Robin son, p. I M:i; I\ I• >SS , Ibis 1918, p . ~3. 9. ·r,~ Iuk Puh, Pulau Pauja ng. 25 Januat·y 191 8. W. 222 mm.

9. CoLUMBA PUNICEA (Tick.). Robinson . p. 136. o. Telok Palas, Juuk Seylon . 7 February 191 8. W. 214 mm.

10. 8TREPTOPELIA SURATENSIS TIGRINA (Temm.). Robinsnn. p. 137. 1'urtw· tign·nus, Mi.ill er, p. 132 .

!il. Kloug Tung Sai, Junk Seylon . 26 Decembt> r 1917. W. 143 mm.

11. GEOPELIA STRIATA (Lion.). Rohin>on, p. 137 ; i\1 iill er, p 79. !il. Noug Kok, Ghit·bi, P eninsular Sinm. 3 .Tannn ry 1918 . W. 98 mm.

12. CHALCOPHAPS INDICA (Linn.). Robinson, p. 137. o, 2 !';? , Nong Kok, Ghi rbi, Penin sular Siam . 3- G J a o u!lr !l

!il. Koh .A. lang Yai . 8 F ebruary 1918. !il. Koh Maprau. 10 February 1918.

w. o, 149 mm. ; ~ . H-4, 143. 138, 14<4.



13. R .ULIN.A E'ASC'IATA (Raffles). R obinson, p. 137. ~ sex ad. Pulnu S ireh. east side of Junk ~Pylon. 18 Febm-

ary 1918. \V. H:3 mm.

1-L A.\JAUHOR~l:-; Pum~rt.THA C lll:\1'~\'RIR (Bodd.). H oh in son, p. 138 . hi·l'y tltra photnicnra, l\Ii'dlt'l', p. 1-:6 . (J . 'relok Poh, Pulau Panjang. ~ . ]slet near Pulau Panjang . W. o, 173mm.; ~. 1G7.

21 January ](1] 8 .

31 -l annary HllH.

l:i. S AH C'OUH.-\ .\DJCR 1:\DIC.\ .\'I'Hf:\L T II .\ LIR .lenl. J: ,>l•inwn. p. 138 : Klos3, lbis 19l8, p. 8:j. / ,ubinmelf•ts utl'illucil(tl/s, Mli.llPr. p. 82 .

;\ong Kok, Ghirbi, Pe ninsular ~iaru. 8 Jannary 191 8. T e lok Poh, Pulat: l'anjang. 20 .fn.ntl:l.lT l!J IS.

\V. ~B. 222 mm. lfi·. TIU:\C:OlDI<:R 11\'I'oLJ.:l't' L'R (Lin11.).

l~ ob in"•• IL I'· 1-IU: \f Uller. p. 83. ~ - Nong Kok, Ghirbi, Penin sub1· Siam . 8 -l:tllllrtl'.\ ' 101 8. d . 'l'c·luk l'olt, Pulan Panj:w g . 21 -lann:tt'j' 1 !l 18.

W. c~, 10/ mm. ~. 10;3 .

11. (;_,J.LT\.\(:1) RTI·::--;n:.\ ( Bp. l ll olJin so n. p. 14!. ~ . 'l'c lok Poh , Pulan P~tnjan g.

~. l slet ,near Pnbu Pnnjan g. \\'. 128, 127 llllll.

:2 1, .Jn.nnn.ry Hl1 8 .

31 -lan1tn.ry Ull 8.

lH. P~I·:L'I>OT.\ ?\' I 'AJ.L' N LEL' CUCEI'II.\LU; ( Penn.). 11 ohin~on, .J omn. l''l'd. 1\lalny S t.nt es :\Ins.\-, n· ss (191 3). ~- imm. i\fong Kok, C hirbi , Peninsnbr Siam. 11· .]annn.ry 1018. \\'. ·1-.)0 111111.

\\' ing CO I'L'I't.S clnll bt'OII'll, terlin.rifs n1,~· pin];,

l~l. ])rs:-:;oL· H.\ EPl:->C'IIPl'N ~ Bod<l.). :\liiller, p. 1):,, ~. l\ong 1..:-o:;, f:hirbi, P en in,:nla r Sin. tn. 3 ! Dc'Cl' lllhor 1!118. \V. 11-DO ntm.

Y(IL. Ill. \0. 11 , 1!11 .'.


20. LEPTOPTILUS JAYANICUS (Horsf.). Leptoptiln& clubilts, Robinson & Kluss, Ibis 1911 , p. 1 G. cL Koh Kaka Yai. 4 l"ebrnary 191 8. \V. 6~0 mm.

Th e specimen reco ed ecl by ns as L. dubius ( loc. ciL supra) tnrns out, on re-ex~mination , to be a large male of L. jc6vanimts in breed in g plumage. It has a coppet·y bton?,e snbt.erminal band to the eerond::ny coverts aiu l no black t ips to t·he nn <'let· ta il-co vert s.

21. GnArTucn: rH .HL'S DAYT~o-:-:r ( llum e). 11 t>b illS<>Il, p, 14 I. V <mdihis jwJiiblona, 1\li.il lcr , p. H6.

~ - "!'long Kok, Ghi1·hi. Penin ~ ul::u· Siam . ::l l Dl>cc ml> PI' J 0l8. 2 ~. Koh \'"aka Yai. ·I l:'c·hrn:1t'\' 1(11 8.

w. 3~l;J, .. wu, 3\-lO mnt.

:2:2. D!OriE(:l{l( l'T\ S\l'L1~ (C:lll.)

·ll ob inson & Kloss, l his 1911, p. J:i. c< ~ 'l.'elok Poh. Puia11 Pat>jang. 21 .fatttta r.r 1DI8. o .f~ oh Boi Yai. ~ Fnhrnnt -y I q 18 . \\'. 0 . 280. 2/~J: ~ ~(j (J 1\1111.

A 11 t hree bil'(lS are in the gwy phnsP :w d in bi'PAding ulum nge.

23. HuTOBI.DW:> .J AVANll'A ( Horsf.) . Hub inson & Kl uss, Hi ~ 1911. p. ] :) : Mi.iller, p. 84-.

o. ~. Telok Puh , Pulau Pall,i :t ng . 21-2() .fanna l'j' 191 8. W . cl' 175: ~ 167 m111 .

:?-J.. AlWKOLA. UHAYI (::)Y l\L•:s).

~ - Telok Poh, Puhn Pa11 jang. 10-25 Janna 1·y 1018. W. o. 220: ~ 20G. mm. . 'J.'h ese birds are in wi11ter plunnge and cann ot be ident ified ~Yith

any great certainty. Th ey nre, howerer, ratlier small fot· A. IJar.chu r

( Hp .). wh ich occut·s in t he same (li st ri ct.

:2.!'l . ..'\SARl' OTC\TS ::;C [ ' 'L'Ui.\T.I. LfWCOPT E HA ( Blyth). Hubi11 son & 1\los~ , Ihis l !Jll, p. 20 . 4 cl' . Nong Kok, Ghirbi, Pe nin ~nbr Sia m. 1- fl .Ta.nuary 191 8. \\' . :3 7::!, :]tjJ,, :)50, 3/) j. llllll.

J Ul'H :'i . li' :IT . Hl~1'. ~UC. S l.o\~1.


All the fout· birth lw.ve the knob ou the angle of the wing well pronounced. One, apparently very adult, is entirely black be-neath; the three others rusty bt·own with a more or less pronounced black pectoral collar. .

i6. DE~DROCYCNA JAVANICA (HorsE.). \ H.ul>insv11 & Klo~s, Ibis Ill 1 J, p. 21.

2 o, 2 ~. ad., 2 ~ . imm. Nong Kok, Uhit·bi, Peninsulat· Siam. J -3 ,Jannal'.'' ] 918.

W . o 175, H•0 ( moult ): ~ . 170, - . 176, I t:3 mm.

r :. I . Loi'll0:3l'IZIM:i TRf\'IRGA 'ITS ( Temm. ). ~ imm. Klong 1'nng Sni, .Jnnk 8rylon. ~7 Decr mher 1918 . \V. 2Ll-O 111111. :\'ot a very common bit·cl in t.he ~lab~- Peninsula .

.i~. ;ARTGH BAI>IUSPOJ,lOPS IS (!Jnllw) .

Hobin so n &. 1\los:;, Ibis 1~11, p. 22; Kloss, lbi :; Hll~, p. 8/.

1 ~ imm. Klon g Tung Rai. J nnk S<')' lon. ] 9 De!'e mber 1 ()18. 3 ~ a(l. J. ~ imm . 'l'elok l'oli , Pnbn Panjnn g. 20--26 Jnnn-

ary 1018. W. ~ acl. 216, 211; ~ imm. 216. 205 mm. 1'he adults at·e without any tmce of a post-cen·ical rufous !'ollar .

.i9. SPIZAE'l'US LDJ\'.-\T~Tl :-; ( r-Iorsf.). 11 ol>i nson & K loss, p. 23. r:J . Nong Kok, Ghirbi, P.eninsnb.J· Sinm. 8 J :mn :Hy 1918 . o. Koh Nn.ka Yai. tJ, F ebt·nary ] 918. \\'. 380, 383 !11111 .

30. BuTASTUR IKJHCliS (Um.). H.obin .-;on & Klotis, Ibis H!ll, p. 23 1

~. Nong Kok, Gltirbi, Peuinsubt· Siam. I January 19! 8. W. 330. mm. Hare in the Peninsula, the ouly ddi1tif e reconh bei11g :1 speci-

men from Singapore Id. :t.11d tll'o f't·utn Langl;::tll'i.

:i 1. H ALIASTUR INDFS INTER}mmn; Gt•rne\·. lfolifl.<illl' i}l(lu.<;, J! iillrr, p. 7G.

\ 'UI.. Ill , 'iO. 11 , ~~~ -~-


~ . Nong Kok, Ghirbi, P ninsnht· Siam . 8 .January Hll 8. \Y. 407 mm.

82. BAZA LOJ'lTOTEs ( Temm.). Hul, inson & I\.lo~s , Jbis I. Qll. p. 2.·,: KJ m,~, I bi ~ 1018, p. 8R:

llllil!Pr, p. 125. '3 o, 4, ~. Nong Kok, Ci hirbi . P enin sular Siam. 2-10 .Jan-

lH\1'.}' Hl 1 8. 2 <;? . Klong Tnng Sai , J nnk Sey Ion. 2li Dece mber l fl 18 . 1 ~. 'relok Poh, Pnhu Panjang. 23 J anuary 1018. 1 o. hlet off Pnlau Panjang. 29 ,January 19 18. W . o. 23G, 232, 236, 2dG. : Q . 248, 240, 23 1, 2!H. 224, 23",

2l3G mrn. J\ 11 fully arlult b inls , probably nn mi g ral ion .

. 13. Po LTn.A...l·~Tl.:' i' I CHTIIY.\ i .': Trs \ flnl' ;;;f.). l! obinson & Kl os~ . l b i ~ l !ll l , p. 30. ':/ . Koh Alang Yai. 9 Febrnary 1018. 0 imm. Nong Kok, Ghirbi, P enill fm lrtt· Siam. 2 -hnn:1ry 101 W. ~ acl . ·1.G2: cS imm . 1.70 mm.

:H. KF. 'ITI'.\ KE'lTI'.>. ( llor:-;f. ) . J(,.tupu j ucwleus/.->, ll ol,in ~o n & 1\ luss, ] h i~ I ~ 11, I'· 30 .

o. Q. 1'elok P oh, Pnlau Pa.njrtng. 10 .hnt i:Lt',\' Hl1 8. Q . K o!t Abng Yai. 0 February J018.

W. ci . 3.30: <;? 338, 3'11 mm .

8:1 . <)n·s i"C'1w.- ~t.\L.-\ \'.\ .•. \ ( l l: t., ·) . Il ol,in son, p. 145. c) . 'fe!ok Pains, .Tnn k St•y Ion. G Feh rn a J ·~· 101 8 . \V. 1£13. ntm. J\. \·ery pr.le g rey bi rcl.

(\(). :.\f\'IJX ~tT' ITL .\'1' .\ .\1 .\LA CC I ·: \~1~ ( Eytn tt ). ·n t)\ ,in son. p. 1 4·~1 : !\loss. Tbi" I Q 18, p. 89 .

~ . Klong Tun g S.Li , J nnk Sr> ylon. 2 1 D,•rt• mlwr] 0 1 S. w. 100. 111111.

1\pprtrent ly lJp]ong,; to ll1e chrker, sm:tl!t' r res itl t~ ltt fnrm .

3 1. SYt.lXH' ~ I ~EI.<l l '(" l'n ( l lorsf' . ). l(pl•insnn & 1\to;;>, lt , j ~ Hll l , p. :31.

• I

\ \ \

J ll l ' IC\. :\.IT . IJ IST . ,<.:: ()(', !-' 1.\~£.

___________________ i ________________________ , ________________________ _


o. Koh Hui Yai. 2 L?elmwry Hll8. W. 342 mm.

38. EuRYSTOMUS OIUENTALJS OlURNT~LJS ( Linn. ). Robinson, p. 151. 0 ~. Nong Kol;:, Ghirbi, Penimwlar Siam. 2-7 Jannary 1918. W. ] 77, ] 85, 185 mm.

39. EURYSTOMUS OIUENTALIS CALONYX Sharpe. 1 o, l ~, 1? Nong Kok, Ghirbi, Peninsular Siam . 31

December·-5 January 1918. 1 ~- Klong Tung Sai, Junk Seylon. 26 December 191 7. 1 ~. Islet offPnlau Panja11g. 21-29 January 1918. W. o 191; ~ 199, 195, 186; sex? 196 mm. Extremes of the two races of E. o1·ientalis are readily separated,

but thet·e are many intermediate birds which it is hard to assign to either form .


40. ALCEDO ISPIDA BENGALENSIS Gm. Robinson p. 146. Alceclo bengalensis, Miill'er, p. 44. I o. Klong Tung Sai, Junk Seylon. 26 December 1918. 1 o, 1 ~. Telok Poh, Pulau Panjang. 19-26 January 1918 . l ~. Koh A.lang Yai . 8 February 1918. W . o. 73, 69 ~. 70, 71 mm.

41. ALCEDO MENINTING Hors£. :Muller, p. 45 : Robinson, p. 146 . c . Klong Tung Sai , Jnnk Seylon. 21 December 1918. W. ti~ mm.

42. .HALCYON S.MYRNENSIS l!' USCA (Bodd .). l:tobin~on, lbis 1915, p. 73~. 1 o, 2 ~ . Nong Kok, Ghirbi, Peninsular Siam. 1--7 January

1 o. Tt~lok Poh, Pulau Pttnjang. 24 January 1\:!18. 3 o, 2 ~. Islet off Pulau Panjang. 28-31 January 1918. W. o 118, 116, 115, 117, 120; ~ 122, 121 , 118, 117 mm.

43. HALCYON PILEATA (Bodd.). Robinson, p. 148. Entomobia pileata, Muller, p. 4.6.

VOL . III, NO. II, 1918.


l s;1 Tel ok Pa.la.s, Jnnk Seylon. 7 F ebruary 191 8. 1 o Koh Ma.prn.u. 10 ]'ebruary 1918. W. o 12H, s;1 138 mm.

44. HALCYON CHLORIS ( Bodd. ). R obinson, p. 149. Sauropatis chloris, M iiller, p. 46.

I o, 2s;1 Telok Poh, Pulan Panjang, 19-26 January 1918. W. o gg s;1105,97 mm.

45. DICHOCEROS BICORNIS (Linn. ). Robin son, p. 1 :iO ; M tiller, p 50. o, s;1, Nong K ok, Ghirbi , P eninsular Siam. 3- 7 January

1918. 2 o. .Klong Tung Sai, Junk Seylon. 20 December 1917. W. o 480, 480, 477: s;1, 440. mm.

46. ANTHRACOCEROS ALBIROSTRIS (Shaw & Nodder). Robinsou , p. 150. Hydrocissa a/bi1·ostris, Muller, p. 47. li1. Nong Kok, Ghirbi, P eninsular Siam. 2 January 1918. W. 252 mm.

47 , RHYTIDOCEROS UNDULATUS (Shaw). Robinson, p. 150 ; Mi.iller, p. 48. o s;1, Klong Tung Sai, Junk Seylon. 18-20 December 1917. W. o 472; li1 407 mm.

48. UPUPA EPOPS LONGIROSTRIS Jerd. Kloss, Iuis 1918, p. 92. • Upttpa longi1·ostris, Muller, p. 43. o Telok Poh , Pnlau Panjang. 24 January 1918. 7 o, 2 li1. Islet near Pnlau Panjang. 28-31 January 1918. o Pulau Sit·eh , east side, Jnnk Seylon. 13 February 1918. w. 0 . 150, 141 , 137, 135, 135, 138, 139, 142, 137. s;1 135,

134 111111 .

'fhere seA m3 much vat·iat ion in size in the Hoopoes obtained in Siam and th e Malay Penin sula, but as rthe birds are largely migrant it is possible that the different sized birds have different breE>cling rangE's .

49. MELITTOPHAGUS LESCHENAULTI SWINHOEI Hume. Robinsou, p. 152. Jlllerops quinticolor, Mi.iller, p. 44.



1917 0

1 g Nong Kok, Ghirbi, Peninsula!' Siam. 4 o, 5 g Klong Tung Sai, Junk Seylon.

11 January 1918. 19-27 December

2 o, 1 g, Telok Poh, Pulau Panjang. Hl-24 January 1918. W. o 104·, 104, 108, 108, 105, 10.:i; g 107, 106, 109, 105, 106,

103, 102 mm.

50. NYCTIORNIS AUICTA (Temm.). o Nong Kok, Ghirbi, Peninsular Siam. 9 January 1918. w. 128 111111.

51. LYNCORNIS CERVINICEPS (Gonld). Hobinson, Ibis 1915, p. 735; Robinson & Kloss, Ibis U)}J, p. 38.

2o, g Klong Tung Sai, Junk Seylon. 21 December 1917. W. o 296 ~ 292. mm.

52. CAPRIMULGUS MACRURUS AMBIGUUS f-Iartert. Cap1'imltlglts nwcnwus bimaculatlts, Robinson, p. 153. Cap1·imulg1tS maC1'1/.1'll·S ambigwus, Kloss, Ibis 1918, p. 94. Cap1'imulgus macmms, Muller, p. 5L.

o. Klong Tuug Sai, Junk Seylon. 24 December 1917. g. Pulau Sireh. 14 February 1918. W. o ~01; ~ 190 mm. Not materially different, eithet· in size or tint, from birds from

Selangor and the vicinity of Malacca.


53. PYROTROGON ORESKIOS UNIFOR'MIS Robinson. Robinson, p. 149. Py1·otrogon ol'esl..ios, Kloss, Ibis 1918, p. 97 . Orescius goulcli (Swains.).

2 g Klong Tung Sai, Junk Seylon. 21-27 DecPmber 1917. W. 120, 121 mm.

54. SURNICULUS LUGUBRIS DICRUROIDES (Hodgs.). RIJbinson, p. 156; Kloss, Ibis 1918, p. 97. Cacangeltts lugubris (Horsf.), Muller, p. 52.

1 o, 5 g. Nong Kok, Ghirbi, Peninsular Siam. 1-4 January

3 o, 1 ~, 3? IGong Tung Sai, Junk Seylon. 20-24 De-cember 1917.

1 g . Islet off Pulau Panjang. 31 January 1918.

VOL. Ill, NO. II, 1918.


'N. d 1:3 :3 , l3D, 1::3 7, 107; ~ IJ7 , 13fi , 137, 135, 136, 13·1, ] Si); SI:'X ":' 142 . 135, 135 lllll1.

55. HmnococcYx SPARvJ<:momr<:R (Vig.). Itobinson, p, ! f>\1 o Nong Kok , Ghirbi, Peninsular f::liam. 3 January 191 8. o Isl et off Pulan Punjang. 30 J anuary 191 8. w. 227, 232 111111.

56. PENTHOCERYX SONNERATI PRAVATA (Hors£.). Robinson & Kloss, Journ. F .JH.S. Mu~ , Vlli, Pt ii, p. 135 (1918) . Penthocer.?J."C sonne·rati, Mtiller, p. 52. Nong Kok, Ghirbi , Peninsular Siam. 6 January 1 \:J.l8. W . 110 mm.

57. CACOMANTIS MERULINUS QUERULUS Heine. Cacomantis querulus, Heine, J. f. 0., 1863, p. 352. Cacomantis thrmocles, M iiller, p. 53. Cacomantis merulinus quemlu8, Kloss, Ibis 1918, p. 98. 2 o ad.; 1 o vix aCl. Nong Kok, Ghirbi, Peninsular Siam

4-9 January 1918. 1 d, 1 ~ imm. 1'elok Poh, Pulau Panjang. ~5. 26 January

1918. W. o 106, 109, 102 (vix ad.), 106 ; ~ 105. H.ather smallee on the average than the true 0. m. q1~entl~ts from

Tenasserim, but larger than typical 0. m. mentlimts from Java and with a darker b elly: larger than 0 . m. th?·enodes Heine, from Malacca.

58 . CHALCOCOCCYX MACULATUS (Gm.). 'R.obinson & f{]o s>, Ibis l9ll , p. 41 . o ~ . N u11 g Kuk, G hirbi. Pe ni ll su lar f::liam. G, 7 January l Dl W. d 108; ~ 107. mm . A ve ry rare bird t hwngh oul· t he l'e 11in s ula, bn t co mmone r 111

1 he n o rth.



Robin son, p. 160; Klos~. Ibis 1918,p.99. F.:udynarnis malayan·us, .M [iller, p. /)4.

3 o, l ~ . Isll:'t off Pulau Panjang. 28-30 January 1918. 2 o. K oh Naka Yai. 4 F ebrua ry 1918. 1 ~. Pulau Sireh, east coast , Junk Seylon. 14 February



2 ~. Koh Alang Yai. 8 February HJ18. W. o. 203, 203, Hl3, 196, ~05: ~. 186, 200, 201, 197 mm. W e have placed all this series under E. o. mc~layana, though two

females fr·om Pt1lau Panjang and Koh .A.Iang Yai appear to agree with E. o. honoTata (Linn. ). The size of the whole series is un the maximum limit of E'. o. honomta and the minimum of E. o. malc~yana, and we are not convinced that the continental birch are r eally separable.



Houinson, p. Hi7. Centrococcy.r rufipennis ( 111. ), M iillcr, p. 59. :3 Nong Kok, Ghirbi, Peninsular Siam. 3 January 1918. 2 ~ Klong 'rung Sai, Junk Seylon. 20-23 December· 1917. ~ Telok Poh, Pulau Paujang. 23 January 1918. ~ Islet off Pulau Paujang. 28 January 1918. W. c 203; ~ 200, \:104, 215, 204 mm.

Gl. Rno:roDYTES DIARDI (Less.) . .Robinso11 & !\loss, Ibis 1911, p. 42. ~ Nong Kok, Ghirbi, Pen insular Siam. 10 January 1.918. W. 128 mm.

62. U110PODYTES smrATRANUS (Raffles). Robin son, p. 158; MUller, p. 57. ~ Nong Kok, Ghirbi, Peninsular Siam. 10 January 1818. W. 135 mn1.

6;-). UHOCOCCYX EHYTIIROGNATIIUS (Hartl.) . Rouin.o11 & l\los~. Ibis l!lll, p. 43. Rhwnpococry.r· erythrognathus, l\l[illcr, p. 57.

2 c, 2 ~. Nong Kok, Ghirbi, Peninsular Siam. 4-8 January

2 ~. Klong Tung Sai, Junk Seylon. 24-26 December 1917. W. o, 175, 177; ~. IN, 165, 175, 165 mm.

64. CALORHAMPHus IIAYI (J. E. Gray). Rouiu~on, p. 1G5. ~ Klong Tung Sai, Junk Seylon. 20 December 1917. w. 8b 111111.

Almost at the notthern limit of its range.

YOL. IJI, NO. 1.1 , HJ18.


65. CY ANOPS )1YSTACOP£IA :SES AURANTIIFRONS, subsp. nov. !Jiegalt£met myslacophanes, M tiller, p. 7 5 . Differs from all other forms of th e species in having the fore-

bead orange, merging more gradually into the cr im son of t,he or.:cipnt, not c lear brig ht yell ow sha.rply defin ed th erefmm.

1'ype. Adult male. Nong Kok, Ghirbi, P eni nsular Siam. 3 January Hll8.


Wing, 99; tail, 56; tarsu s, 27; bill from gape, 42 mm. Specimens examined:-2 o Nong Kok, G·hirbi, P e ninsular Siam. 3-5 Janna ry 1918. o, o imm. Pulau Sireh, neat· Junk Sey!on. 1,1 February

\V. 99, 99, 99,92 (imm.). Vve have compared with this se ri es a male fl'Om the B en coolen

district of Suma tra (typical of th e spec ies ), 3 males ( 1 imm . ) from Sarawak, typi cal of 0 . m. h~tmii Mat·shnJI, which is very doubtfully distinct., and 11 nclults from var ious parts of the Malay P eninsula, which .also agree with th e Sumatran birds but have been named 0. q~•adricolo1· ( Eyton , P. Z. S. 1839, p . 105; On Malaccan birch). Mullet· ( loc. cit. supra) has already noted th e differences cited above.


Xantholcema Duvattcelli, M tiller, p. 7 5. A form allied to M. d. cyanotis and, like it, with blue ear-CO\'erts

and n poorly developed black pectoral patch and pale reel sub-ocular spot intermixed with yellow; but post-nuricular and post-ma lat' spots deep red nncl. the siz ~ noticeably smnl ler.

Type . Adult male. Collected at lGong Tnng Sai, J nnk Sey lon on 22 December, 1917.

W. 78, 75,* 73; Tail, 49, 49,"" 49; Bill from gape, 24.5, 25.0,* 24.5 mm.

This is the bird which we hnve hitherto regarded as typicnl ltf. cl. cycmot1:s (Biyth), which is not the case. Mesobucco duvattceli 01·ientalist Robin son, a larger bird with yet paler red areas on t.he hend, is possibly synonymous with the true M. cl. cyanotis, a point

• Type. tibis 1915, p. 738.



which can be on ly decided by e:xam in atiou of the types or other specimens ft·o111 Aralwn.

Rcwt:;e. As at present knowu, Ba.ndon to Tra.ng. Specimens examined. Nine (wings, 73-79). Wing, M d.

oriental1:s, 83-84 mm.

67. XANTHOL1EiVIA H.iEl\IACEPHALA (P. L. s. l\li.i.ll.). nuuinson, p. 165, 1\[i.i.ller, p. 75. 2 o, '1· ~ 'l'Plok Poh, Pulau Panjang. 21-26 January 19 18. 1 o Islet near Pulau Panjang. ~9 January 1918. w_ 0 84, 78, 84 111111. ~ 79, 78, 76 (worn), 76 mm.

6tl. GECINUS VIRIDANUS (l31yth). Oecinus viridwws, Rouin~on, Journ. F. i\l. S. Mn,; ., 1·ii, p. 1 G4;

L\.loss, Li.Jis 1 918, p. l 04. Gdcin ns weberi, Miillcr, p. 69. 2 ~. Klong 'l'nng Sai, Junk Seylou. 21--26 December 1917. o, ~ . Koh .Maprau. ll Febt•u::try 10ll:L cl' . Koh Boi Yai. 2 Pebrnary 1918. cl' , ~ . Telok Poh, Pttlau Panjang. 20-25 January 1918. d' . Pulau Panjang North. RO January 1918. o, ~. Pulau Sil'eh. 13, 14 Feb!'uary 1918. o. No ng Kok, Ghi rbi , Peninsular :.:liam. 1 January 1918. w. o, 130, 138, 135, 129,136, 135. ~. 131, 136, 138, 136, 132. Junk Sey Ion specimens were cl escribed as a d i st i net species by

11Ullet• uncle!' a misapprehension, as he eo m pares them th roughout with G. st1·iolat·ns ( Blyth) an cl G. vittattts (Vieil!. ), but does not mention the

• present form. The above series , and others from J'nlau LontaJ', Pnlau Muntia ancl Pnlau Telibun, agree with those fl'om the mainland, though there is considerahlr> variation in the limit of g reen above and below, some being much ru ore bronzy than others.

69. GECIXULUS VIRIDIS ROBINSONI 1\.loss. E. loss, I his l!J 18, p. 105. ~ Nong Kok, Ghirbi, Peninsular Siam. 2 January l!H8. \V ~ 127 111111.

The distinctions on which this race is founded are somewhat fine,~but are still perceptible when a large set·ies is exam inPd .

70. lYNGIJ>ICUS CANICAl'ILT.US B\yth. Bohinson & Kloss, Ibis 191 I, p. 4-6

VOL. Ill, NO . 11, 19.8.




2 o, ~. 'l'elok Poh, Pulau Panjang. 21-24 January 1918. ~. Islet off Pulau Panjang. 28 January 1918. W. o. 83, 78; ~ 84, 83,81 mm.

71. MICROPTERNUS BRACHYURUS ( Vieill.). 1 c3. 1? Nong Kok, Ghirbi, Peninsulat· Siam. 31 December

w. 112, 117 111111.

72. CALLOLOPHUS MINIATUS MALACCENSIS (Lath.). Calloloplws malaccensi~, .Muller, p. 68. 1 o, 1 ~. Nong Kok, Ghirbi, Peninsular Siam. 10 J anuary

l ~- !Gong Tung Sai, ,Junk Seylon. 25 December 1917. w. 0 127; ~ 127, 127 mm. Showing no approach to 0. ?n. pe1·l-ut~•s from Koh Lak, S. W.

Siam {Kloss, Ibis 1018, p. 110).



(Tickell). Chrysocolaptes ,q·uttacristatus i11do-malayiws, Robinson, p. 162. Jndopicus strict us, M illler, p. 61. Ghrysocolaptes guttacri~tat'lls gttttacristatus, Kloss, Ibis 1918, p. 111. 2 o. Nong Kok, Ghirbi, Peninsular· Siam. 10-12 Janua1·y

1 o, Klong Tung Sai, Junk Seylon. 21 December 1917. Q Islet off'Pnlau Panjang. 9 January 1918. o Koh Nalm Yai. 5 February 191 8. W. o 151, 155, 158, 153; ~ 155 mm. The specimen from Junk t:leylon is an absolute topotype of

Oh1·ysocolaptes g~.ttac?·is~at1ts indo-malayicus, Hesse { Omith. Monatsb., p. 182 ). We think ho\veve r that the author has diagnosed his form by comparison with the large Himalyan and not with the typical central Indian race, and that any real differences therefore remain to be demonstrated.

7 4. SASIA ABNORMIS EVERETTI Hargitt. Sasia abnormis, Robinson & Kloss, p. 48. Q Nong Kok, Ghirbi, Peninsular Siam. 10 January 1918. W . 535 mm.



75. 0ALYPTOMENA VIRIDIS Raffles. Muller, p. 41. ~ Klong Tung Sai, Junk Seylon. 22 December 1917. W. 107 mm.

76. 00RYDON SUMATRANUS (Raffles). ·Muller, p. 43. 2 ~- Klong· Tung Sai, Junk SE>ylon . 20-22 December 1917. w. 136, 138.

77. 0YMBORHYNCHUS MACRORHYNCHUS MALACOENSIS Salvad. Muller, p. 42 . 1 c3, 3 ~. Nong Kok, Ghirbi, Penin sulat· Siam. 2-12 J"anu-

ary 1918. . W. o 100 mm.; ~ 97, 97, 94. The m'1.le has a ,,·hite spo t on the ,l.th p::tit· of ta il feathers ; on e

female has 3 pair2 of tail feath ers spotted, on e has 4 pairs spotted and a spot on the inner web of the fifth pair.

78. EUCIOHLA GURNEYI Hume. Robin son & K loss, Ibis l!-!11, p. 49. Pitta gw·n e.yi, Hnme, Stray Feathers, Ilf , p. 296, pi. IlL o Klong Tung Sai, Junk Seylon. 21 December 1917. W. 102 mm. Apparently not nearly so common on this' island as on the main- ·

land of Trang, further to the south.

79. HIRUNDO BADIA Cass . Robin son, p. 166. 1 o, 2 ~, N ong Kok, Ghirbi, Peninsular Siam. 2 -S January

1918. W. 139; ~ 138, 137 mm.


HemichehrlonfulirJinona, Hodgs. P. Z. S. 1845, p . 32. ~. 1 (?) imm. KlongTung Sai, Junk Seylon. 18-27 Decem-

ber 1917. W. 27; imm. (?) 70 mm . The lilnsexed bird is very much darker above and below, with a

smaller bill ancl rufou s buff eclgings to the wing coverts well marked :

VOL HI, NO. II, Hl I 8.


it is probably younge r t ban t lte other specim en. Th e ~ pec i es is rare in the :Malay Peninsula. vVe have ha lf a dozen speciute11 s from Tmng to Selangot· shot in December, January or April.

] 918.

81. ALSEONAX LATIROSTRIS (Raffies). Robinson, p. 168 ; Miillcr, p. 11. d Nong Kok, Ghirbi, P enin sular Si am. 2 Jannnry 1918. o, 'i , .Klong Tung Sai, Junk SPy lon. 26, 27 December Hl17. o Telok Puh, l'ulau l\mjang. 19 January 1918. 2 ~ I slet near Pulan P a njan g . 30, · 31 January J 018. w. o, 67, 68, 67; ~ 66, 68, 68 111111.

82. CYORNIS MAGNIROSTRIS Blyth. RoLin son & Kloss, lbi ~ 191 l, p. 51 (Trang '. [!;1 ] o imm. Nong K ok, Ghirbi , P eninsular Siam. 12 .January

o, !;1 , Klong Tung Sai, Junk Seylon. 21 December 1917. W. o 78, 74 imm. 76 (imm. Tran g); !;1 75. 'l'he specimen sexed [ !;1 J by the collector ~but almost certainly

.an immature male, as it lns a few blue feather;; on the forehead) pre-cisely agrees with the immature males from Chong llill, Traug, obtain-ed by us in December 1910.

83. 1VIUSCITREA GRISOLA GRISOLA (Blyth). Rouiuson, p. J6H.

c Telok Poll, l'ulau Panjang. 20 Jannat·y 1918. w. 86 111111.

84. GERYGONE lVIODIGLIANI PECTORALIS Davison. Gerygon e pectoralis, Uaviso n, lui s 189:?, p 99. Gery,qon e griseuo, Gylclcnstolpt>, OrniLh. 1\<lon~:~tsb. p. 27 ( 1916) : id.

Kungl. Sv. Akacl. Hand!, 56, No. 2, p. 78, PI. 2, fig. 2 (1917). ~ I slet neat· Pulau Panjang. 28 January 1018. w. 48 111111.

We have dealt el sewhere with Ge1·ygone g'l'iseus, found ed on a single specimen fl'orn Kok Laic The form appeat·s quite inadmissible evet"t as a subspecies, but it is fntile to attempt to divide t he speciPs into local races b:-~ s erl on sing le inr1ividuals.

85. HYPOTHYlVIIS AZUREA 1'HOPHATA Oberholser. Rouinson, p. 170; Kloss, 1bis 1918, p. 191.



o imm. Nong Kok, Ghirbi, Peninsular Siam. 4 Jannary 1918. o Klong Tung Sai, Junk Seylon. 22 December l\:.)17.

· 2 o Telok Poh, Pulan Panjang. 23-26 January HJlS. W. o 69 (imm.), 70; ~ 72, 72 mm.

86. RHIPIDURA JAVANICA (Sparnn.). Kloss. Ibis 1918, p. 192. ~ Koh Boi Yai. 3 F ebruary 1918. W. 73 mm.

87. TEitPSIPHONE PAEADISI AFFINIS (A. Hay). Rubinson, p. 170. 1'erpsiphone '!!Jlni.<, l\1 uller, p. 11. r! ~ Nong Kok, Ghirbi, Peninsular S iam . 2-10 January 1918. o, o imm. ~ imm. Klong Tuug Sai, Jnuk Seylon. 10-25

December 1917. o Telok Poh, Puhn Panjang. 23 January 10 l 8. W. o 87, 87, 84 (imm.) t8; ~ 87, 79 (imm.),

88. LALAGE FIMBR.IATA NEGLECTA (Hume). Campophaga 11e,r;lecta, Robineon & Kloss, ll>is. 1918, P· 54. 1, o ad. Klong Tnng Sai, Jnnk Seylou. 18 December 1917. o ad. Telok Poh, Pulau Panj:mg. 20 Jamuwy 1018. ~ Islet off Pulau Paujang. 29 January 1918. w. 0 07, 104; ~ 100 llllll .

'l'h e species gntdes from a form with g rey hear], \Yhite under tail-coverts and broad white tips to the I ail feathers= L. f. neglect a

(Hnme) supra, to one with black head, dark grey under tail-coverts and ouly faint grey tip;; to the tail feathers=J:. schie?"lmmcl£ Pelzeln, from Borneo.

89. PER.ICROCOTUS ROSEUS (Vieill.). Oates, Faun. Brit. Ind. Birds, ii, p. 486 ( 188!l). , ~ Klong Tung Sai, Junk Seylon. 21 December 1917. W. 87 mm. This species also has not hith erto been t•ecorded from south

of .Mergui.

90. PERICROCOTUS CINEREUS Lafr. Robinson, p. 168, Mi.ill~r, p. ! 3 .

VOL. Ill, NO. II 1 1918.



~ Nong Kok, Ghi rb i, Peninsular Siam. 9 January 1918. w. 93 111111.

91. PERICROOOTUS OANTONENSIS Swinh. Sw inli ., Iui~ 186 1, p. 42. P ericrocotu.s cinereus, llouinson & K loss, luis 1911, p. 55 (pn r tim ). ~ Nong l.Cok, Ghirbi, P eninsular S iam. 5 January 1918. 2 d' , ~ ~. K long Tung Sai, Junk Sey lon . 19-23 December

W. d' 92, 87; .~ 86, 87, 89 mm. We have two specimens fl'om Chong, Trang, shot on the 1Oth

D ecem bel' HJ09, which were er~·on eous l y identified as P. cinm·e'US in our paper on that co ll ection. The specie;; can always be separated frotn females and young of P. cinm·ens by the pale clay-coloured rump and upper tail-covert s, th ese parts being uniform with the mantle in the former spee;ies.

The b ird ltas not hith erto been recorded from the Malay Penin~ sula. I t has l"•ee n obtained at Malewoon, S. Tenasserim, by Mr. Oates collec tm 'S (Stray li'eathers, X, p. 200 ( 1887).


92. AEGITHlNA VIRiniSSI.M:A (Bp.). Hobinson, p. 171.

·1 d' K long Tung Sai, Jnnk Seylon. 23 Decembet· 1917. w. 60 111111.

93. AETHOHHYNCHUS LAJ•' IU•:SNAYEI (J-lartl.). · lam Lafre.snayei M lil lPr, p. 15. •

3 d' ,~ Nong Kok, Ghirb i, Pe ninsular Siam. 3-12 JanuatT

1 d' K long Tung Sni, J"unk :•3'eylon. 23 December 1917. w. cl' 70, 72, 70, 73 111111; ~ 69.

94:. CuLOROl'SlS ICTEROCEPHALA (vV nld.) . Rouinson , p. I 72. Phyllorni.s icterocephalo, Mnl ~e r , p. 3±. 2 ~ K long Tung Sai, ,Junk Seylon. 22-25 Decem bet' 1917. 1 ~ Pulau S ireh, E. sitl e Junk Seylon. 13 FE\bt·twt·y 1918. w. 79, 78, 76.

JO OH :-1 . NAT. lll ST. SOC. SIAl\'I.


\1.1. CtfL!lRIII'i·ns cY.\X<li'<H:Il:\ SEPTE:-I 'L'llfO~ALLS suhsp. noL

Th e north e m hire!;; <lo ll'n to abont K eclah differ from southern [\~ t·ak , S t'lang-or, l'ahapg antl Nt>g t·i S e mbilan and also 11orn lj.~llh spec i-mens in having a clen.l'iy derult'tl, though narrow , y ellow lint div idin g the black of the tht·oat from th e gt·een of the brea st. Tlte fot·eheacl altio is cl istin ct ly yello,,·er in t.he northern bird s. Th esf' d i5tinc tiom; a re qnite constant in th e ltrge series of spec imens availabl t\ , though w e

hn.1·e unfurtnnately been unable to examine ttdu lt males from tlumatrn.

'J'ype of th e subspec ies rJ and ~ N ong K ok , Ghirbi , Penin sulat· Siam . 11 and 8 January 1918.

d Wing, 80; tail, 68; tarsus, 18; bill ft'om gape 19 mm. ~ Wing, 70; tail, 60; tar:ms, 18: biil fl'om gape, 19 mm.

3 c acl. , 1 c) imm. ~ . N ong K ok , Ghirbi, P enins ular Siam. 2--11 .January 1918.

] 009 .

] iil7.

101 8.

2 o ~ atl. Ch ong, Tmng, Pe nin s ular Siam. 3-J(j December

~ c) a<l . l'erli ::; , ~h!:ty St.at.es, Siam. 3--21 N ove mhet· !9 !8. d' ~ C:urnn. Kecla!t , \laln.y Stat t>~ . 14 D ece mhe l' 191 5.

\V . o 80 , 81, 78, 80, '/G, 73. 8 1. 78 mm.;~ 70, 15, 75 111111.

0G. I 10.::\o\ l'L'ELL.\ JTI•:LLA ( Lntlt.) . lr<' llll Jlll r· lltt , :\[_iil!Pr, p. 2!1 .

Q N ong Kok, Ghirbi , Pe nin sular Siam. !I Jannary Hl1 8. 11, cf ' l Q !(long 'L'nng fhi , .) llllk S nylon. 18-25 n~cP mht' l '

;; c\ . 1 ~, cl imm . Te lok l'uh , l' ulan l'an_jang 21-20 :January

\\'. 0 124., 123, 121·, 120, 1~5 , 11 8, !HI , 120; ~ - 11 '1-. I!)) nun.

\)/. }JtCilUT.-\.llSL'S \!1-:L.'..:\tlCF:I'li.\LL'S (<Jm.). Hol•in >o n. p 17:1. l' roser'/ 11/fl llleittii OI'fjlflf.l !rc , ~lii Ht• r. ]'· :! !1.

0 cf N ong 1\.ok, Ghii'!Ji, l'dnin s nln.t· Si~m. 1- 12 .J .um:uy i0l 8. l 6 , 3 ~ 'L'e lok l'uh , Pulau Panj ;tng . ~0 -- :21· Jann:1ry 10 lS. ] 6 hlet off l'u I an Panjan g . 30 Jannn.ry 191 8 . \V. c) 78, 78, 70. 70, 78 : ~ 78 , '18, 77 llllll.

YOL. 11.1, :10 . 11 1 JVJi:i.


~JR. C'R I :\IC7F:I! o c nnAC'R.Gs (\lo o 1n~ ).

('rini.qu rubunisi, i\ liill ~ r. ,1. r. o. 1882, Jl· 284 .. C'rioi_qer sorclidus, Ric h111 ond , Proc. U . S . Nat . l\ [cc s., p. 320 ( 10Ll0). ('rini.r;er· sa lrw.qae, Shrtrpr, Ha.ncll. Ilirds, [ll, p. 31G ( l!lOI). ('riniyer or/U'(r tf lt 8, llo iJi ii S(>II . fhi s ID l :'>. p. 7 4.r: .

fi1 Nong Kok, Ghirbi, Penin sular S iam. G .l<nn:ti'Y 1!) 18 . \ V. 90 mm. ' l'h e Gltil'bi bil'd is sufficien tly c lose to the type loca lity of 0.

n dl/cnisi .J[iill. ( J Llll k St>y lon) to enable u;; to p1·ecl icat e t hat no d iffe r-e nces occur in specimens from the two localities. The a bove speci-m en agrees exactly with a paratype of 0. so•,.,lidus ani! others from Tran g which we have e lsewhere shown to be i.n a ll prob.1bility r efe rable to 0. ochmcens Moore, t he type of wh ich was obtain ed by H eife r pro-bahly in the M erg ui cli st ri ct of T e nassP rim.



S"l9. TR,\ C IIY l'O ~I OS OC IIIWCEP II .\Ll' S (Ci111.).

1 ci , 3 fi1 ~ong Kok, C: h irbi, Penins!llat· S ia m. 8- 1'2 .Janua1T

W . d 11 8: fi1 1 ~2 , 118, 1~0 mm.

100. PYC' Col01\0 'J'[JS .\:'\ALIS ( I rorsf. ). ],oerlonmu analio, \! nll <:! r, p. 27. cl' I slet off Pnl:w Panjang . 30 January ]01 8. W. 8u mm.

101. P YCXONOTUS FINL.\YROXI (Strid:l.). Robin~on, p. 17 2. L oedoruna jillla/J8Soni, 1\l nllc r, p 28 . 1 a, l fi1 No ng K ok , Ghirbi, Peninsular S iam. 3-11 January

1 fi1 Klong Tung Sai, .Jnnk St>y lon . 19 D ecemhr l·1917. w. cl 78; fi1 79,80111 111 .

1()::!, PY C\' OXO'L'l' S I' LOI OSl'S Bl ,·tll. fl oh in son, p. ] /~. / ,or·r/o,.,l/ltt ttf ti/1/0 .<I!s, M nllc>r. I' · 27.

2 c Nong K ok, !1hirl.1i , l'rn in snlar Siam. 2-12 .!anllal'.\' 19 18. 1 cl' Kl ong'l'nng 8ai . . Junk S.·ylon. :2 1· !l r c t' mlw r 1!117. :3 ; , 3 Q rr ,l lok Poh, P1tlan l)anjang. 2n-~G .January ! 018.

,\ ~ l,.: l<'t ~> If' 1'111 :1. 11 l'anjaPg. :30 . :3 1 .Ta:111ary J\!1 8.

Jtli'IC\. :\ .IT. 11\.<.;T SO( '. :-: U \ L


1918 .


9. Koh ?\a I\ a l'ni. ·L .February 1!) 1 8. W. o 83, 87, 8!5, 8!), 85, 8G, 8:3 : ~ 82, 83, 8 1, 8G, R 1. mm.

10;). PYCXOXU 'IT~ TIHl'XXI·:r~ (BJytl1). P.IJCilli!lll//1,; simjdP.t' , [lpJ,jn ;;on, p. 17 -1. 1 o, 1\oqg Kok, Ohirbi, l'Pnin ::;u lat· Siam. 7 .Jnnn::II'Y 1918. o ~ Klong T11ng Sai, .r11nk f-ley lon. 10- 22 l)ecP mhet· 1917.

\V. o 8G, 8G; ~ 80 mm.

JQ .. {. 0' 1 '<tCU~1l'S.'\. E\IEHI:\ (SkilL) IJtocoiiiJWL JI.IJrrho tis ( Hmlg. ), '!\I iiller, p. 2G. 1 o. 2 ~ . Xong Kok Uhirui, P enin::;nbt· Siam. 1~--7 Janurtl'.\-

1 o, 2 ~ . l'ulan Sireh. 14 F ... hl·nnt·y HJL8. \V. cl' 78, 71; ~ 77, 79, 77 , 73, 75 111111.

]();) . (hOCOM l'SA FL .\YTVF.:\'1' 1~1~ \11:\1111 1\Joss. !hi,;, 1!!11-1. jl. 20) . o . Nong Kuk, (: hirbi , l'eninsulrt t· Si.am. 1. January 1 ~) 18. ·wing 82 nttll.

:\.grN' 5 witlt tlte type of this :; li gltt.ly tlifL·rl'ntiated snb~pecit"~.

lOG. P~<:t , LllH'>El'\1. sl.'BOC 11HA CE I'" ~\\' inlt.

H.ohinson, p. 115. P~llorneum ltlinor, !\1 iille r, p. I !J. ~ o, 3 Q Nong Kok, Gltirbi , F\~ ninsnb t· Siam. 2-ll .Jannary

2 c~ ]{long Tu ng S:.ti, J u11k Sey Ion. 22-2 7 Dece mb L' t' l9L7. W. 65, G.), 50, 60; ~ 57, GO, G L mm.

10/. ::\1,\l ,ACOCI:\'CLA Al111<1'l"1 'T (BJytlt). J'richus/01WI ab/,otti. M Lilkr. p. 2R. JlalrlcOciuc!rl ab!Jntti, Hol•in~(ll1. p. l7,e,. J[u/ai'OCillci tl obb!Jtti u!Jbutti, Kl <;s.-, J\,j ~ l n 18, I' 202. 2 o, 2 CJ, 1 ::' !\'long Tnng Sai, .J ·unk S<,ylnn . 10- -:2·1· DccP nt-

her Hl17. 4 r) , 2 ~ '1\·lok !'oh, Pnlan Pa11jang. 10-20 .Lwnnry 19i R. 1 Q I s lt>t; orr Pnlnn Pan,iang. 28 Jannary 1018. ] ~ I\' oh Boi Yai. 2 February Hl 18. W. o 70, /.i, 7G , 77, 73. 73; Q G!-1, 72. 72, 7'!., 70. J:3 mm.

\'tiL . Ill. ;\(l. 11. 1~111<.


108. 'f1 · 1m f ~ l ·~ '.\ 1..\. GXI I ~O~' J' IITR l\1oOt·e. d. 1\:long Tn ng Sn.i, Jnnk 8ey lon . 2~ Dc'cembe l' , 101.8. W. 7G rnm .

109 . T u rw ri'i"US .\t Ac Ro rncT¥L US (S trickl. ) 1\!nl lPr, p. 18. cS . Nung Kok , Ghirbi, Pen im ula t· Sin. 1n . 11 .Ja nn:n y H) 18. W. H7 111111 .

'l'hi ~ loca lit y mn. rks t he nol·ih e l'nm ost extension of t hi s l\fal::tyan Ground-Babb ler.

110. CYANODERMA ERYTHROPI'ERUM (BJyth ). }lapode;; erythroptera ( Blyth) , .!ll tdl er, i'. 10. C:lfanorlenna. er,1;throptuwn sorrlida., Stna.n l3nker, Bnll. Bri t. Orn. Cln b., xxxvrrr, p. 10 (1 9 17). 2 cS Klong Tnng Sai , J unk Seylon . 10-24 Dece mber 191 7. vV. f 9, Gl mrn . These specimens rL l'e no <hrke r t hn.n l> it·ds from Negr i Sembilan ,

i n close vici n ity i'o t he ori g ina l ty pe locn.li t·y.

111. MrxonNIS JWBRI('AI'TLL A co~N fWl'Exs Kloss.

1\ IM,.:, lhi ;; 1!1 18, p. 207. J ! i.,.nrnis I'IIIJJi!'rt;Ji/lu ruhrimpillu , nr ~ n hp-;. nn\·., n, ,, !J jn;;;n n, I'· 177. Jft'.l'rli'l1is ;;ufuris, :\1 ii lk r, jl· I H.

~ Nong Kok, f: hirb i, l'eninsnbr Sin.!n. 11 J n. nn n. ry 1018. cl' . ? . Klong rr,mg Sai , .J n nk f.lry Ion. 2 :;, 2G Dece mber . W. 58, oO, GO mm .

112. MYTOPHO~E:us lWGE:'\EI CR.\ SSIROSTRis Ro binson. Tio\Ji nSOII, Jl· l /8. G d, 2 ~ . Nong Kok nh irbi, J'eni ns nhl' S in. m. 81 Der.e mbe1·,

1917-9 J'ann ary lf) l 8. \V. cS 180, 17 2, 16 ·1., 173, 170, l G,t; ~ 170, 107 111111. All t.li rse bit'll s have pa le t ips to ll w ll' in g- cove l't s and strong ly

m n.rker1 wlt it.et· bast>s t·o t hR horly le:tt lt n"' . n. qd cn. n1H>t t lt Prdo l'e lJ ,., refe rred t;o AI . en:rene i ,,·lti cli ocenra n,t, J( ,J h 1;-.k. 250 milea to t lt r nor t h. ( l'ilffl lbi s HlJ 8, p. 2() 7 ).

11 3. G E Or ' f r' ll l. .\. (' fTIH ;:\ A C' fl'HTXA ( L::tth . ). J: ohi ,, ,, n,, p. I 19 .

2 :td. , 1 cS i111 111 ., 3 s;l, ::\ong f('ok, ( ; h irbi , 'l' t> nin s 11 lar Sia m. J - 12 .)ann:t l',l' l DI .

JOU H ~ . :\ .\'f. TI IST. SOC. SI A\ l.



2 o, <11. Kl ong Tang Sa i, Junk Seylon. 18--2G D ecember

2 o, 4 <11. Pulau S ireh , nea r Junk Sey lon . 10, 14 F ebruary 101 8. 2 o, 3 ~ . rrdok Poh, Pula u P anjang. 19-24 January 191 8. 2 o, ~ sex ad . Koh Boi Yai. 2 F ebruary 1918. W. c 110, 11 5, 11 2, (imm.) , 122, 11 2, 118, 117, 117, 112, ll3,

110; <11 11 3, ll 2, 111 , 11 4, 112, lJ l , 11 3, 109, 11 2, 11 6, 118, 109 mm. 'rhis fin e se ries show~ that old femal es approach t he male in

colonration , t houg h they al ways have so me mark of ocl11'aceous on the mantle.

Some imnu1tun~ bir(ls have darker ear-coverts wi t h a pa ler mR-dian transver;;e b:1r, t he 1·ain agTee ing wi t h tJn H aina n bir(l , "'1\wdns" r;it1·inns anrimncnla, Hartert., Nov. Z oo!., XVH, p. 20G (1910). On e b ircl onl y has no s ig ns of whi te on t he wing· co n ve rts . In contra-!list inct iun to Oa.tes ( .B'. Llln . Brit;. lnll ., Rirds, ii . p. 14·1 (1890), we ha ve n ever seen a bi1·d so ll th of T1·ang whi ch has no white on th e wing co-verts, and doubt if th ey occ nr. \V" rlo not be li.e1re the sper. iPs is fonntl in Malacc:l. in the moLle m se nse of th e. ,,·orcl.

114. Tt ·nm·::; OHSc t·r.t ·s (Gm.).

Hohin so n, p. 180 . Jren•la ob8r·tn·a, M i'dl er, p. ii.

2 ~ ad . N on g K ok , Ghirbi , Peninsular S iam. IJ , 12 .Tannnry 1fl1 8, <;1 ad. 'J'e lok P olt , Pulau P a n,iang . 23 Janua1T 1918. Q afl. Pnlau S ireh , \V . si(1e ,Junk Sey lon . B ~'ebrna1-y 101 8 . w. 123, 117, 1H, 11 8 111111 .

11 5. ~l!l \'T[C OL.-\. s o r~f ' L\HH's 1) .-\ \' D(l() (8ykcs) . P..oLi nson, p. I RO . M o1'1 tico la do iitol'ias . M til le r ( p:uL.), p. r,. ~ N ong K ok , G hirbi, Peninsular Siam. 12 January lfl1 8. 2 o vi x acl. [(oh A. la ng Ya i. 8 b'ebma l'}' 10 18. ~ imm. Telok P oh , Pulau Pa njang . ~ 5 January 10 18. w. 0 1]4., 116 ; <11. 120, 11 3. Ag ree ing with spec imens from the islan(l3 fnrth e r sout h.

116. Mn wr iCO LA. SO LT'TAn rus rmLTPPRXSTS ( P. L. S. )ltlll.) . Uobin son, p. 1 RI. Mrm ticola solitul'ius , :\'liil lr r, p. 5 (part ).

YOL l'fT , '10 . JT , l !l! S.


cl' vix ad. d tmtn. ~ . N ong Kok , Ghirb i, Peninsulat· Aia m. ,1,- 12 J anuary 1918.

W. o 120, 11 3; ~ 110 mm . The nearly adult male has the vent and nnde r-ta.il coverts chest-

n u t , t he immature ma le has t races of chestnut on the belly .

117. l\IJ ON'l'ICOL A GULARIS (Swinh .) . lhrtcrt, Vog·. rn laarkt.. r~a un . , [, p. 673 ( 19 10): ll oiJi JJ SOn, I bis

19 l5, p. 752 . o Nnng Kok , Ghit·bi, P eninsn! n. t· S inm . 5 .Jan tlUt')' HJ1 8. \V. 98 n;m. A rnre species ht·eedin g in Mn. nchmin, aml E-ts1· S ib.., rin, . \Vin -

t Arin g in R. Anna m, Oamho(li a n.ml Rin. m. One specimr. n is n. l::lo on rccorll f\ ·om th e l'erak Hill s.

] \) 18.

llR. H)' I) JW( ' L<'HI. .\ Fl lOXT A Llt-; (131yth ). o, ~ imm Kl ong Tnn g Sa i . . JJ tll k St~y l on. 20, ~6 Dc'·C'C' Ill lw r

\V. er R: ~ss mm .

liD. L.\B V f\ ' (JJ : .~ (' L \ \ E.\ ( PH II .). li obin ;;on , p. ] l-) I . er ad. T e lok Poh, Pt;l:m T'a njnng. 21 .Jantt fl, t'.)' 19 18. ';? arl. w. d' .


!\: long Tung Na i, .Jnn k f-; py]on, 2~ Dece mber l \l 17. 71 mm . ~ . G7 mm . Co i 'SYC' H Us sAU L A H[t-; ~~ cs iCl'S ( Haffies ).

(:np-'!Jr:lllt.< mindnnPnsis , 1\f ii.ll er, p. 6. o. K long Tu ng Sa i, Junk Seylo n. 2G DC'cember 1017. \V. 94 mm . Th e pale ashy b row n colonration on the sides of the 1hnks is

m uch more marked t han in most Malayan spec imens.

Hl l 8.

121. KrTTOCI NC LA MACRURt:s '11IACHURUS ~Gm.) . lloh in m n , p. 18 1. Cop~ychus macro·w·us, Mull er, p. 8. 3 c, ~. No ng Kok, Gh irb i, P e nin s ula t· S ia m. 2--12 January

o, ~ Klong Tun g S ... i, J u nk Sey lon . 21--24 D ece mbe r 19 17 . d Teluk Poh, Pula u Pa njang . 20 J anuary 1918. o K oh Boi Yai , E. sicle J unk Sey lon. 2 February 1918. W. <5 9 ~, 04, 93, 91, 92, 94,; ~ . 85, 85 mm .

JOUHN. NAT . B IST. SOC. 81Ai\f.




191 8.

122. 0RTITOTOMUS ATR1GULAHIS ( Temm. ). Robinson, p. 182. c3' Islet off Puhn Panjang. 30 January 1918. Vv. c3' 45 mm.

123. FHANKLINIA RUFESC.FNS BJyth. Fra.n klinia ·rufescens becwami, Kloss, Ibis 1918, p. 211 . 2 c3', 2 ';1 , Nong Kok, Ghirbi, Peninsnhr Siam. 0 Janwtry

"\V. c3' 11, 43; t;1 39. 4.1 mm.

l:H. AHUNDINAX AEDON (Pall.). Lu.sciniolo uedo n, Scebohm , Ct1t. .B. Drit .. lYlns. Y. p. 121. 2 o. Nong Kok, Ghirbi. Penin snl:u Siam. l - 11 J:m11a1T

W. 74. 77 mm. Th is is t he fir st n.uthent ic record of t his spec ies for the Maluy

Penin sula, t hough it has been obtained by Davi son as fa1· so nt.h ill

Tenasserim as Mal ewoon (Stray Feath. VI. p. ;J39 (1878). 125. P I[\' LLOSCIIPC"S ~WPF.HC'[LIOSA SL'PEBCIL10SA. ( nm. ).

Hll S.

Hobinson, p. l 8ll . 0 No ng Kok, Gh irbi, Ptlninsnl:.tt· Siam. 0 Jn,nnary 1918. cf lsld ne:n Pnlan Panj::~n g . 30 January 1918. W. GG, 57 mm.

l:2G. PnYLLO::-><.'OI'l's BnnE.\.Lis BOHEALLs (nlas.) . H.obin w n. p. 18;!, 1-d' , 2 ';1, ~ong 1\: ok , <:hirbi, l:'enin sularSiam. 2-9 .Tanuary

3 c3' . I( lo11g Tung Sai, .r Lln k S <ly Ion. 20-25 Dece mber 101 7. 2 Q. Is let 11 ea t· Pu hn Panja 1t g . 30 January 1918. W . d' , 61, M, G2, 63, 03, 66, 6~; Q, 61, 6L, !37, G2 mnt. J'hese specim ens have t he fit·st prim.:try very narrO\\' and short,

e xtendi ng beyond the primary covt>rts. c3' Nong l(ok, G-hirbi, Ptl ninsilla t· Siam. 12 January 191 8. c3' Klong •rung S Li, Junk Seylon. 25 0 t'ce mber l~ll7· o ·relok p,,h, Pnbn Pa11j:-tng. 21 Jannary I 018 . w. 64,, 62, 6~ 111111.

Th e3e bir,[s ara sli ghtl y darker n.bove, with the fl1·st primary

VOL. 111 , !S O. IT, l !llR.


hl·o·tclly and c1ecidet11y longe r; but in v1 ew of th eir si:;;e th ey can hn.nlly be co ns itl~rell P. h . . mnlhotlryas Swinh. 'l'h e wh ole se ri es have the second primary betwt,en th e 5th & Gth in kngth.

127. PHYLLoSC'OI'l'f.; cnHO~'L\' 1 '.\ (TelllllL & :--;cltkg·.). i\li.iller, p. 10. cJ , ~ . Kl o n ~rTnng Sai, Junk Seyl on. Hl- 26 Der1·mber 1917. \\-. er Gl ~ 57 mu1.

I ::2X. Tt·: I'JI Hooo H?\rs l'ELYICTS ANX E C:Tr:xs Ho h. & Kloss . . Jnnm. 1•\•,l. i\Ldny ~lnl t • s . :\fns .. YIIT, p . 22~ ( 191 8). 'l'!phrorl ol"llt,, .'fllllll"i-~. :\1 i.i1kr, p . 1 !1. Go . Kion g 'l'ltll g :~hi, Junk S t>.rl un. 20 - '26 Dt' cembt'r 1917. W. 102 , 103, 1011·, 10 5, 108 mm.

120. PL.\TYLOL'TLL·s .\HllEsl.\lTS C'ah. Hu1>in ~o n & l\:l os~, 11·i ~ 1~)11, p. 60 .

o, ~- ~ong Kok, Chirhi, l't' llill " ltlar Sinm. 11 . l<~nll::tl' }' 191 8. w. l-J.3 , 137 111111.

[;~(). L .\\'I("S ( ' lliST.-\ ' IT:-: ("JUS'I'.\ ' ITS Lillll.

Hn1•in,;nn , p. 1 R L

:2 cl' . NcJilg- 1\ok , C:l1il'l.li, l'enin sular S ia111 . :3, 1- Janu :ll'} 101 8.

r~. !\lung '1'1111g Sai , .) Llllk 8 eylon. "27 I) L'GL'Illber l0 17. ~ J ·let off Pnl::tn Panja11g. 3U Jann:11·.r ·1018.

\V. cl' S:'"i, St: , tj !. , ~ . 87 mm.

\31. ::\fEL.\X(I('l i LOI~.-'. SL"J.' I'.\XE .\ FL.\\"(I( ' J:IsT.\T .\ ( f..nf'r.) . J: ohin ;;ou & 1\.l n~ ,;, J1 ,j,- 1 !111. I'· 70. :\I iillt•r, I' · ilO. cf . .1\ong Kuk. Clh irbi , l)eninS11hr Siam . 0 .J::tnn:uy l\11 8. \V. 09 111111.

1:~:2 . C(lJ:\'l"S ~1.\(' J~(II{I lY \"('II l " S (\\rngJ.). ]( , ,1,in ~"ll & l~ ], ,~~ - l l·i ~ 1 D 11 , p 11 .

~ - ~o ng 1\:ok. C:hirbi , PL1 nin ~ nlar Siam . :31 Dt>t: t>mh r r 1917. \V. :3 17 mrn .

J ;),) . !'L.nYs~ll" H L·s UTC<l PT 1-: 1a·:-: ( Tc.·um1.). Hn1 •ill sn n & I\ l o,;~ , I his 1 !l: 1, p. 71. (; /t'/lf l/".ifll·' /ellCI! j i/1' /" 11 .,, :\]1!1 \l' r, p. 41.

JOl' H'l. \ A 'I'. III ST. SUC' . S I :I :VI.


2 o, 2 ~. Nong Kok, Gh irbi, P eninsular Siam. 5-- 11 Janu­

a t·y 1918.

W. o 192, 185; ~ 194, 181 mm .

134. DICRURUS ANNECTENS ( H odgs.) . B.obi " son, p. 186, Mi.iller, p. 31 .

1 o art Nong Kok, Ghirbi, P eninsu lar Siam. 1 January 1918. 4 c ad, 3 o imm, 2 !l1 ad. 2 !l1 i rnm . Kl ong Tung Sai , Junk

Seylon. 18-26 December 19 17. 2 ~ imm. 'relok Poh, Pulan Panjang. 21.-26 J anuary 1918.

2 o ad. ' '· !l1 a[l. l ~ imm. Tslet off J>ulau Pan,inn g 28-- 30 .Tan nat-y I f)] 8.

1 ~ imm. T elok Palas, .Jnnk Sey lon. 7 L"eb t·nary l9l8.

l c) ,~ - arl. Pul:tn S ireh. 13 J<'ebn:a1·y 1018. \V. o l 4u, l4·L, ]4.1, 152, 146, 144 , 13P, 145, 14.0, 139, 14G;

~ . 14,(), ]4 1. 14·2. :1:32 , J4.2 , H'~, 147. H 5, 142, l4· \ 1,1,8, 139,

141 mm.

No bit·cl of t.his species has eve t· lwen obt.ain e<l in t he micldl A of

t he winter in Jn<lo- China nort h of about 15° N. , Ot' in midsummer in

'1\•nasseri m and the Malay P euins t1lar sout.h of about the same latitude,

so that we mu st conclude (as indeed is confi I'm eel by obse rvati ons in

the Straits of Malacca) t hat thi s species is a str ictly mi g ratory bir(l

and that Edoli-ns atfini.~ Bl yth, has therefore no existence as a distinct

form . A r e-exam ination of the type se ri es of D. Cb. siarnensis Kloss

(Ibis 1918, p. 2:1f:i ) shows th :L t they are prohably not. conspecific with

t th is b ird.

13.1. BucHANUA LoNti-LC.·\ U ilATA 1:\ ' L' J •:Il\ II~ IH A Blvth . • J on rn. A siat . Soc. Bengal. p. 298 ( 1846) . /)icro-urus lw rophaPu .;; . MUll r. r, p . i.i I. /J ir:r1u·u.-.; nigre6Cf tJ.s Ont,r, , Fann. l'.ril. [n<l. , Bin!". i, J>· ~~Hi (1 889 .)

:J o, l !l1 . h lt•t off Pn lan Pa njn.ng. 29, 30 J annary 1918. w. 6 131, 120, 126; ~ 1;)4 111111.

This fo rm rl•ws 110t e x1;encl furt her south t.h:1n IZ f <hh t own.

when ce we ha \·e font· spec imens shot in Nove mber 19 1.}.

136. BUCHANGA LEUCOGRNYS 'Valdcn. Dtc1·w·us leuco_qen,'IJS, Robin son & !(loss, I hi s 1911, p. 72. DicJ·ow· us leucugenys var salmt,<7Pll ->i-<, R ehnw. , N om rncl. M us, llci n .,

p. 6:J. (JB'.lu) .

YOL TII , :'\0. II, 1918.


Butlw?1ga leucogeny~, ~1 ii ller, p. 31.

3 o, 2 ~. 1 ? .Nong Koh: , Ghi rbi , Peninsula t' S iam. 2-9

,Janua ry 1918. o, ~ . Klong 'run g Sai , Ju nk Sey lon. 25, 26 Decembe t·

1917. Q. Telok llalas, J nnk Seylo n. 7 February 1918. 2 o, l 'i . h let off I u la u Panjang . 28 -31 Jamw.ry 1918. w. d', 140, ]4.0, 186, 139, 1 4~. ]:1,(): ~. 140, 132, 141, 137;

(?) 144 mm.

1:1/ . DJ ~SE ~ll ' 1n ; ::; PAHA nrsr:es.

Nong Koh , Ghi1·bi. Peninsular S ia m. ·t J'a nual'.)' 1918. ,V. 136 mm .

T he prec ise cle finiti on of races of .D. pcwndisens i s rend er­

ed <l iffi cul t by lack of kn ow let1ge a:; to t he exact, loca li ty in S iam of

t he t y pical spec imen of B ri sson .

"Sia m " as a g·eograp hica l en tity is inhahi tecl by form s to which

at least t.wo s nb~pecific n am~s hn.ve been a p pli ed. hes irl e t h e typ ical on e

vi?.., n 1'· 1 ' 1(1/.~fOOnmw's hy t+y lrl t> n,;to lpe a nrl D. J'· nudttymu:ig by Klo,;"·

I ;)X . UH J f li , L' ~-> r;'\ ni c L·::; .Tel'd. Aliil ler. p. 38 ; R.ohin ,;nu, p. 188.

4 d' a1l ., 6 ~ arl. , 6 ~ imm . Nong K ok, U hirbi Peni nsultt l'

Hiam. 1-1 2 Janua ry ] 9] 8. 2 o arl.. 2 ~ arl. , 1 ~ unm. 'J't'lnk Poh . P nla n Pa njang. 20-

24 . • lannnry 1918. • 2 o acl .. 1 ~ ad .. 1. ~ !Jllm. L let ofl: Pn lan P a njnng . 28--30

.hnunry 191 8. 1 ~ im111. Pul:tn S ireh. 13 Ft!brn nr .\- 19 18. W. o 1<18, i't9, 151, 1<11, ] 4.(-i, l 'Jd), 14:}, l o l : ~ 153, 150,

150, 152, U A., 1'13. 14·2, 145, 14.4 mm.

'l'h e arlnl t. fema les, in aclrli t ion t o t he ir g ree net• backs, appea r to

cl iffer from adul ts m ::Ll t>il in be ing slig h t ly paler y ellow b eneath , whi le

ei'P il i n t h e most n.rl ul t bird s t he re re mai n fa int tr:tces of sha ft strip.;s

on t lw lowr r b J'Pnst. feath ers.

139 . Omows :\lEL ANOCEPTI ALIGB ( Linn .) . .\l iille r, p. 41); Robi nso 11 , p 181.

J <Jt:H:'\. :SAT. H I ST SOC. RIA:',f.


Oriot-u.s luteolus tl.aiacoua, HarLcrt, Bul l. Drit. Orn . Club, XXXVIII, p. 63 ( 1918).

~. Nong Kok, Girbi , P eninsula!' Siam. 3 January 1918.

-vv. 126 mm.

We have elsewh ere g iven our reasons for considering that the

Inilo-Chinese form of th is Ot·i ole cannot be regarded as a valid race.


1-±0. (';.RACULA .TAVANA INTER)IF.DIA (A. Hny). El/lobles intermedia, i\[nller p. 3G.

] 6 , 1 ~. Nong- Kol, , Ghirbi , Peninsnhr Siam. 5. 6 .January

8 ~ - Kl ong 'rnng Sa i , Jnnk i-leylon . 23- 27 December 1017.

W. cJ 164. : ~ 155,161 , 156, luB mm.

-rhese specimens, all with ve t·y sma ll hills, [].re tt·ne G. j . inlN­

~!U'clin which OCC!li'S, together IYith G. j . . farana, in Tt·ang.

SpE>c imens from t,he islands of t,he Rn.nilon Bight., re fe rt· ,~c] hy us to this fot·m , :He int c rm ecliate bet~Yeen the two races.

1-U. APLlWIS l'ANAYF.Nsrs sTRI'GA' IT 's (HorsE.). Hohiusnn. p. 1 R5. Colorn is chul/lbwus. i\ ! iill c> r. p. :lf1·

3 o, l ~. N ong K ok, Ghi t·bi, P eninsular S iam . 3-10 Janu-

ary 1918. 1 cS , 1 ~- ·relok Poh , Pulau Panjang. 25 J::mun.t·y 1918.

l cJ , 2 ~- blet near Pulan Panjn.ng . 28 , 29 Jannat·y 1918. W. cf 9 -1·, 99, 103, 102, 99; ~ 98, 97, 97 , 07 111111.

1 t:~. A\1 PELlC'J•:Ps cr,J:oX.\ 'JT:o; Hl \·th . • M iil lrr. p. 36. 2 o, 1 ~ N ong IZ: ok , Chirbi , Penin sular Siam. :J l D ece mher

- - 2 J anunry 1918· \V. d 12\:l. i:Z fl: <;1 1~7 111111 .

Slightly immature lllales ha,·e the feat.hf' l',; of th e crown mixed

\\'it h black ·

1-U:I. PLOCKCS JIEGAJW.YNC IH.T ~ l:SFORTUNATCt:> Hmtert. o, ~ . I s let off Pnlau Pan.iang . 29 ,Tn.nn:u~· Hll 8.

\V. cJ 69mm .

1-:1:-1. 'JIOTAC iLLA FLA \'A SUULLT .\I A Llartert. \' og . l:'ah<ll'k o. Fa1111., i, l'· 289.

V'tJL. Ill, SO. 11, 191 8.


Q. Nong Kok, Ghil'IJi, Peninsnlar Siam. 8 January 191 8.

·w. 80 _; '1'. 81 mm.

A rare binl in the Ma lay Peninsula whet·e M. b. melanope far onl.n u mbers i r.. \V e ha\·e hvo sp3cimens ft·om Temedoh, Perak, 11-26

January 19Ll , and one from Pulau Lalang, Se mbilail I slands , 15 Octo­

ber 1911. They can be most readily sepa rn. tecl from other local

wagtails by tltei r sh ort tail.

14.1. l>KKD110::-< ANTnus nmrcos (Gm. ). 3 o, Q. Nong- Kok, Hh irbi , Peninsular S iam. 3 1 Dec.-1

,Jan. 191 8.

] 918.

3 cl' 1 r Klong Tung Sai, .Tunk Seylon , 21-25 Der.embe t·

\V . o 77, 79. 17, 75, 77, 79; ~ - 79 . 5; U). 76 mm.

1 -1-G. ANTlll.!!:' n.ll'H A IWf \LALA YE'\S i s EYton .

ltobinson, p.1K6: Kloss, Ibis 191 8, p. 220 . ('r~r,ljdo/lrr m"1",1fP'!Isis, M i'1ll cr, p. 9.

Q Nong Kok. (,}h irbi, Peninsnlat· S iam. 8 .T:mnat-y 191 8.

Q Tslet tt flar Pulan Panjn.ng. 21 .fannary 191 8.

W. 77, 7:> mm.

l -~ 1. _\.l.:'i'HO I'Y!: .\. SIJ>.\H.\ .JA ( ' A IL \ ITtlllH" •

. I P/ho1'i/.lf'L r:,ro, l\1 i.illcr. p. 22 .

. I elhnt'.lf.qrt .~iparajrr mnr., H.obin~o n, p. 1 !lO.

1 Q . !\long l'nng Ra i, .funk Sey lon. 2;3 Decemher 1918.

] Q. Pulau S it'eh. 1:3 FebriHl.l'). ]918.

w. 48, 50 llllll.

J4K. ('YHTOS'['(J:IJC'S Fi.A\DJ.\ :\.I I.LAJ{ I~ ( Bl.\·th ). Hobinson p. 190: l\Jlllle r p. 25.

Nong Kok Ghirhi, Peninsnl::u S iam. ] 1 :ranual'Y 191 8 .

·-1 Klong 'l'nng Rai, .Jnnk 8 eylon . 24 Dece mber 1917.

cS . ~. 'l'e lok Poh, Pnlau Panjang. 20 Jannary 191 8.

2 6 Puhu .Panjang North. 3 1 January 19 18. 3 0 l Q. Koh :\lapl'au. 10 li'ob ruat·y 1918. ] o. Koh Boi Yai. 3 b'ebl'L1ary 1918.

\V. o 52, 50, 53, 52, 5 1, 54, 51, 50, 51: ~ 51, 48 mm .

1-±9 . ANTHOTUREPTES HYPOGR.\.\HIJCA ( MiilJ. ). c) . 1\: long 1'1111g Sai, Junk S .:~ylon. 23 Dec,,mbel' 1918.

W. G7 1111 u.

JOUB:\'. :\'AT. TllST. SOC. SlA:\1.


150. ANTIIOTHREJ>TES i\IALACCENSIS (Scop.). RoLinson, p. 1 () 1 ; Muller, p. 23. 1 d', ::! <;! Pulan Panjang Nort;h. 29-3 1 Januat·y 1918. 5 ci, L ci imm; 4 <;!. Koh Maprau . 10, 11 Februat·y 1918. W. 68, 67, 65, 66, 65, 69. 66 (i mm ) ; Q . 64, 60, 63, 62, 61, 67. mm.

151. CHALCOPAIUA SINGALENSIS ( Gm. ). RoLinson, p. 191. d' arl., r! iuun., !i1 Klang Tung Sai, Junk Seylon. 25, 26 De-

cember 1917. W. 53, 53 (imm.); rJ 53.5 mm. · Theae three sp~cimens are neat·e r to the typical fvt·m hom the

vicinity of ;\<hlacc:t. t !w.n th ose frvm Terut;:m anrl B:nlllon refel'l'ecl to above. 'rile northem. bird, 0 . s. lwtatMsz:s Kl o~s . pre;e nts marked differences.

152. AR.,\.CH~OTHE 11A LOKGlROSTRH; (Lath.). ~li.iller , p 25. d' Nong Kok, Gl1irlJi , Paninsular Siam. 21) .J:\111t:1:L.'f 1918. W. 64.· mm.

1.53. DICAEUM CRUENTATA IGNIT.-\ (Beg lie ). Robinson, p. 1 ~!-J. Dicaeum cruentatwn, .MiHicr, p. 2l. o. Q. hlet off Pulau Panjang. 3 L January 1918. W. r! 51 ; ~. ,14_, mnt.

154. DrcAEUM TRIGONOSTIG.\IA ( Scop.) . RoLin son, p. 18!.1 ; ~Inlier , p. 22. o, <;!. Lslet off Pulau Panjang. 30, 31 January 1918. W. 6 53 ; ~. 46 m m.

155. DrcAEUM CHRYSORRHEUM: Temm. R-obinson , p. 189; Mnller, p. 22. 1 o. Nong Kok, Ghi rbi, Peninsular Siam . 12 Jannary 191 8. W. 61 mm.

VOL. III, NO. II, 1918.