j. m. wildman co.nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/np00020005/1928-11-16/ed-1/seq-3.pdf · games,...

f t i t ilg)iinry(iinnmpirii8iniir<i)i nar. i'mnk unit»" H f4 /, * P ft* f .y 7 *"£ ^ ^n^ mmmkm^mmy^mm,'i(ff!«i TlsSi-*, ^'•r^lsV' - : "r^A-^^'-^ -\- Patronize Our Advertisers ffi'\:''\. . ST. MARY'S *«~ MMERL Desks,Safes,Chairs Files 126-132 South km.-PtoneStone 35fO EXPERTS IN SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT New Location The Kiddie Shop ["Everything for the Little Tots"! Infants and Children's Wear 77 CLINTON AVENUE SOUTH Geo. I. Vial*& Son WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. [Highest Quality Paints & Varnish 6-7 NORTH WATER STREET Main 733 BUICK SERVICE 7e are fully equipped to render [the highest grade complete Buick j repair service and general garage i work. Authorized By Experience "PAT" ''BELL" KEATENG & GROELL 11 Wlnthrop St. [Rochester Dyeing & Cleaning do. CLEANERS ft DYERS Masters of Cleaning and Dyeing (20 Clinton Ave., South Slain 2160 (Hotel Seneca Bldg.) Diamonds—Watches and Jewelry on Easy T e r m j ^ J. M. WILDMAN CO. 102 Mam'Street East —•«»»•—>—«•«•«*... •«.».•.••»••••! ...,.., ........ ,., ,1 , ,,, , T . r: , l mi, IT . TlM nn^f.t t--i-II-JL „.j-.T-.t. Study of Child Mind In the U. S By English Doctor WF» London, Nov. 5.—Dr. Uatitia Fair- field, addressing the Manchester branch of the Guild of St. Lukee, SS Cosmas and Damian—-the doctors* guild—gave some impressions of her study of the child-mind in the United States. Besides holding high medical qual locations. Dr, Fairfield is a barrister, having been called to the Bar at the Middle Tempte in 1923. She is a sis- ter of Rebecca West, the. novelist,,.. She told the doctors that in the United States th\» racial question was a great problem which was not -met in England to anything like the same 1 Social Service at the Island. Accord' New Fur Shoppe I Offering an unusual line of [ luxurious fur garmentB. IWrn. Ganss Fur Co. Rochester Theater Building 184 CLINTON SOUTH Canary Birds and Goldfish (AND THE PROPER FOOD FOR THEM Hart & Vicks Seed Store Corner of Stone and Ely Sts. [Seneca Gift Shop, Inc. Precious Stones, Watches Imported Novelties, Jewelry [Hotel Seneca Bldg. Main 1570 j Expert .Watch & Jewelry repairing For Better Service Call MAEN 130 "Cleanliness Means Health" FORD CLEANERS & J DYERS, LNC. 07-01 MONROE AVE. Stone 580-581 We Give Satisfaction extent. In .one New York school she found 33 nationalities represented. Some of these people, Poles for in- stance, came from little villages Vhere the family llvtsd under a kind of autocracy, with the priest at the head. The system broke down when the family was transferred to Amer- ica, where the children were in con- tact with all sorts of new freedoms and sanctions. A good deal of de- linquency, she thought, was due to the conflict which often existed be- tween the State and the Federal laws. The children were thua in a country which did not provide them with & consistent rule of moral conduct. Whilst the English poverty was the cause of much juvenile crime, in America the children had too much money, and they never learnt to deny j themselves, anything. The broken family was the greatest cause of child delinquency, she said. The adults sowed the seed and the unfortunate children reaped the har- vest. Dr. Falrflela spoke of public school children in America suffering from overstrain due to the. system's de- mand for immediate results. Continu- ed education of a uniform type was, she thought, an extremely dangerous thing; the longer a child was kept at school the more its training should be diversified. The speaker praised the vocational schools of America. Christina. Appeal To Aid Ellis Island Immigrants Issued IIIIHil^ftilll»tli|iii.i.H New York3ov.l3.-™Glirlst«ia* on Ellis Island a few. would choose to spend that day in such a place} for many it is compulsory. And however bright their hopea as. they—these immigrants*—atand at the threshold of the "Promised' Laud"; theirs must at best be a Christmas touched with sorrow and memory of recent sad partings, of loved onea. For the moat part they are almost unbelievably- - poorf 4all of 4heir possessions have gone to pay passage to Amerlca.To brighten their Christ- mas is the task of the Immigrant tagly, the N. C. W. C. Bureau of Immigration has sent out an appeal to Catholics to come to tbtelr aid. Clothing for mtm—overcoats, suits, coats, sweaters, trousers, shirts, un- derwear and shoes—-are needed.Ofcher suggested gifts include socks and stockings of assorted kind and st*es, handkerchiefs, aprons, safety raaora, games, books, toys, tablets for writ- ing, pencils and crayons, rubber balls and beads, footballs'and indoor base- balls. - Other suggested gifts aie tooth brushes and tooth pasterneedlesrpms, safety pins, conibs, wash cloths, soap, sclBsors, thread and tawejs. Gifts may be sent to the repre- sentative of the N.C.W.C. Bureau of Immigration at Ellis Island. Catholics Recall Birkenhead's Vote On Mass Bequests ES 0. LEDUE -^EWKLER--r IHamondw, W*te»et-4fc Sttmw*re Expert Wateh & Jf»wel*y *$paitf»« . <3lr«uiatiog JMbxary OpwStgttiMK G&n*©c4 4«*l t«a DKWKY AVENUE ~ ffea* DflyingP*rfc Ave. •jl !••! H1I—III MM "Www i — m i ii urn ii i ii ii ii i wi n mm HOWBH/S BAKES* Where Particular People Tr*d* Qtenwood XtUM? —Mat mw^nii^sw~~^ ••I—I— MNOMMMUHMHI DRWBTCI EAST AVE. at Cfcesta* St. . -v *x -*-»— 'WW^Ww* R ™ fl*J**J l^-IF*** ^SSBjfr' •Sam^asBJ^BBJBX t * Ji E.KIRBY&SON Meats Fish Fresh Vegetables HARDWARE _ *DWO0 PAINTS" WHm* <mm* OJP* uwwy AW* Bochester, M. Y. Glwwoodo*! Bconpniy t)xy ®*mm PRESSING, REPAIRING WD MERCHANT TAH>OR Imdk* Goods a Specialty ,. , r ,,-r^r-jftlBirt ..llffliBtfr.-.,-:,^ BIWUARBS SAMPIJJ WtaWal* ill i —Ian i Hwi —II BII iMiMiiiw ST, ABWSTINE :... »i»M fro« 1« U> 5*H Edottarri't SuMttlc : DriM Skmm l|f l—'. — l»lll|l»|lll ' •WM* "•""'J^T '.. ^ - »1 - .* i' CHAMBERS FIREL.ESS GAS RANGE Cooks with the Gas Turned Off Saves one-half tL» gM. Sawea one-twelfth food weight.. Saves 1 to 8 hours' time daily. Easy Terms.* Free installation In Rochester or Surrounding Towns Barehamand * McFarland, Inc, 86« BAST MAIN STREET =n Free! Free! Free! With every new Coal or Gas Range sold before Thanks- giving Day we will give a TURKEY No other change in Prices Act now and bake that turkey in the new RANGE. L. E. MASON CO. CHAS. R. POULTON, Prop. MAIN 1M5 154 STATE ST. B. A. SPEEDY 214-216 COURT ST. RAT CLEANING SHOES REPAIRED SHOE SHINING PARLOR Rochester's Best Shoe Repairing BALL'S Main 805 4S CLINTONt AVENUE NORTH GRILL and RESTAURANT CANDIES aad SODAS 248 Main S t Bast Main 7762 FURNITURE of all Kinds at Moderate Prices Easy Payment* Ca» fie Arranged For London, NOT.9.—Lord Birkenhead, who has left the CAbinet and. political life to edter business, will be remem- bered in Catholic history as the Lord Chancellor who, in 1910, gave the Judgment of the Lords of Appeal legalising begaests for Masses. Till that time English courts- had been bound to hold that such bequests were 1 void. When a Patrick Egaa died in 1816 he left sums of money to Westmins- ter Cathedral and to the Je^ull Church in Farm-street for Manses fbr^ the repose of his »oul. The Probate court would not allow- the bequest and the Court of Appeal upheld this decision. The case was taken to the House of Lords and Lord Birkenhead tat with four other Law Lords, three of whom concurred in his judgment, one dls* senting. Lord Birkenhead granted that it was a serious step to reverse the Archbishop's Estate Is Left In Debt After Many Philanthropies Prague, Czechoslovakia, Nov. 29.- Debts totaling approximately $48,000 in the estate of Archbishop Cyril Stojan of Olomouc, famed throughout the nation for his philanthropies, will be covered by the Archbishop's suc- cessor, it has been announced! Build- ers of the mission house "Stojanov"p raotlce ot • { he courts" and "set" aside at Velehrad and architects who con- long ^ BtaD i l8fled precedent. Bat he structed monastery buildings at S t ^ i n , . ^ that thege decisions were Hostyn are among the larger credit- f^^ on misinterpretation of the law ors listed by the probate court* Legends are told all over Czecho- slovakia of the benevolence of Arch- bishop Stojan, who died eight years ago. BUs estate, court records show, contains assets of only $915, plus mortgaged property worth $19,000. BISHOP TO CONDUCT MISSION Rosevllle, Cal- 5 Nov, 9.—A mission for Mexican and Spanish speaking Catholics of this vicinity will be con- ducted the last week in November by the Rt. Rev. L. Altimirano D. I>„ Bishop of Huajuapan, Mexico, la St. Hose's church. due to hostility to Catholic doctrine. Only two years before, he pointed out t the House of Lords had affirmed the validity of a will leaving money to an organisation for the purpose of denying some of .the fundamental doctrines of the Christian religion. It would be strange, he said, if the same court persisted in denying the validity of bequests for celebrating the central rite of the religion pro- fessed by millions la the British Empire. St. Mary's Seminary To Lay Cornerstone E N E FLORIST N<IH(.i I .i rnrun^ -!lii'i\ l<>. U .HI.I |i|t.f>i[i <VI|\,-T|, H' • l"l'.i. >.KM.i V A l l . \l.i. I'hm.t Mmi«- -ii>7«i 1Mb MBK'g AND TOCTiG MEN'S WEAR BTTLSS TBAT ARB MGH5T UP TO TUB MEIXTTB 1 1© CLCfTOH AVE. S. 9MART MEITSWKAR OPP06IXB HOTBL SBKBCA ORCHARD PARK Is Greater Rochester's most talked about New Residental Section. Come out and see this beautiful Property located at Clifford Arenas Otoo-ite Winton Road North. Wr**" uoTO ARE SELLING RAPTDLT l»^ ... .. Browncroft Realty Corporation Omm 4S4-4SW WINTOIt ROAD KORTH Baltifflore, Nov. ». — Sfe Ifitfy* Seminary will lay the cornerstone of its new home in Holland Park, Balti more, Sunday, Nov. 18, with Arch> bishop Michael J. Carley presidrng. TJie,toUjBwJiitilWe4t»sday th« Semin- senlus Boyer, S.S., his golden sacer- dotal Jubilee. the solemn jubilee Mass will be celebrated In the Cathedral of Balti- more and Father Boyer, who will slnrtbe Mass, will later be guest of : honor at a meeting of intilum&i of the seminaryr Tuesday* father Boyer will hold an Informal reception of the seminary. New Parish Erected . Near Los Angrele. Los Angeles, Nov, 9.—-To keep pace with the spiritual need* of the fast-growing section known *s West- wood Hills, Bishop CaBtwell7 ha* l»»IIMI^«^IW«l^l>Mt«WIMWI|»,|lW«IWi t | M || >> || M »« )M> » M M>^» M a t> l^ill»»^l»MI»ilM.I»lll»Ml^illW|i M |MIIM.|M i |' M i. w# M ( ^ M>WM <i " *" • .GiMifi«#«8^i;."' -i ^O. WATCMB0 »•—i ijifijiy !Ra 904 Main Street W«t Opp. Si. Marys Hospital Dalrymple Pharmapy *8» Thurstoti Koad PrtKription, Carefully Prepared Ctoesee 6471 * i »•).• fci i(wiii i.i • V i l i f y ! i Attto Jtt^psirinsr ,w Acctsjisftss -^Sfimm *«W4. GoodrtchTtoWa. t.< i a ) i HI i ji nil j HI i i • • )1iiir0i.iiirQg3igr s CINDER BLOCKS ^'Kja&!9Bm~wiomaam-~^ Bidldsrs Supply Cotapaay erected a new Parian m that district. In this territory ate the a r r battd^l lags of the University of Caufornia^at Los Angeles. Charge of this parish has been alv- «—.«- ? W i i - « ; As* G««n»i ., .. .... wVtd AJfD Rev, Eftnry I. Stark, C. 8. P., as tha '"""' first pastor. M«uoHml t o Faro«d Physician S^aa s Fralrc£«co," N6V, S>-«-—afia. coin- Membration of the ttlrth ef Kalglpnj, personal physician to Pope Innocent XII, nearly 300 yean ago, the Ital- ian w American Sotstety will «Ive a 41aniar* wledaesday, at the Jafrmeat - fibteli . H I . . K I . I <+-m tm* •1 •"»!!••• inaai ROOfWG ;' HKATINO -^^VglWaiATlHQ - SBSOm METAL W4^SW QOaUi-Ave.- Stone 157 » • • » • m mmm m m .T « II •<• CLKAIfBRS and TAILORS PALL aad WINTER COATS BeUned Bemodaled Repaired PHONE MONROH 41J ' «58 SOUTH AVENUE We OaR and DeMver WEST CARTING ft STORAGE CO. Inc. Loeal aad Lcag P i s f nee Moving XwTIMATaW i«»—»—i rita* •MMM Angelus Bake Shop *tt*m BUT GOOB" Moaroe lo*-i6o—114 Field Sfc **"!'* TJEBKLACKER BROS. JMotoircyckw, Bicycles * Supplies [LYRIC RADIOS and SnppHes Guns and Ammunition [We Deliver «7P Sooth Ave, Phone Monroe 0029 • l —1—flMil / -t % -- ««• IIIH1 lllll—IIMIHMI—j Butter Hings a Specially John Fouquet's _ BUKBRir 888 Joseph -Aim. sesr Ave, D mmwM I l—IIMIM S sl 'ertice stisfaction CORPUS CHRISTl ~jr(rciairc _^ m, Ml MBM. ±S^2i^&yL PMMI iiili Pbooe: gtoae S04T S0KOJbOW f S BAWATORS—FENOTRS —BODIES Repaired Delivery Swvk* •'••flllllllUll^ »*»>1|»^ wai—iwii tar Bakery M AaMtada BatiSd Ckwds> At Its Best. 45 Birbawad Si. Paoae Main 81M -"•^•"^'''iiiaiiiiwii^-" '— Hsnns Lombcr Co.. W9mtum&: wvBjntsBMD' 183 Mmrrajr Street 1715-171S WORTH jm~999^99)$mmlt* t,^ mmim ^^WfTTrT^ CULVER l i l t fa: *-. ,-,^yf., f- ^OIiJU>y OF ffiRPE^^ 'tff^Xtftf* ,trnma BOOM FCBNITBRB worlcBwn iaat own tbelr eWtt plant Finest Bfatectels 31irondBO«( Individual Ideas Faithfully a^fs^^Bs^wKssSBkSsssssa* 1 ttsW^^stSi ••—I—i [Mata TSSi 11 > Z3& ar ^Ta4 ^gyi&a ^Wssl M y^e^m^

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Page 1: J. M. WILDMAN CO.nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/np00020005/1928-11-16/ed-1/seq-3.pdf · games, books, toys, tablets for writ ing, pencils and crayons, rubber balls and beads, footballs'and

ftitilg)iinry(iinnmpirii8iniir<i)i nar. i'mnk unit»"

H f4 / , * P ft* f

. y 7 *"£

^ ^ n ^



^'•r^lsV' -:"r^A-^^'-^ -\-

Patronize Our


ffi'\:''\. .

ST. MARY'S * « ~

MMERL Desks,Safes,Chairs Files

• 126-132 South km.-PtoneStone 35fO E X P E R T S I N S Y S T E M S A N D E Q U I P M E N T

New Location

The Kiddie Shop ["Everything for the Little Tots"!

Infants and Children's Wear 77 CLINTON AVENUE SOUTH


[Highest Quality Paints & Varnish 6-7 NORTH WATER STREET

Main 733

BUICK SERVICE 7e are fully equipped to render

[the highest grade complete Buick j repair service and general garage

i work. Authorized By Experience "PAT" ''BELL"

KEATENG & GROELL 11 Wlnthrop St.

[Rochester Dyeing & Cleaning do.

CLEANERS ft DYERS Masters of Cleaning and Dyeing

(20 Clinton Ave., South Slain 2160 (Hotel Seneca Bldg.)

Diamonds—Watches and Jewelry on Easy Termj^

J. M. WILDMAN CO. 102 Mam'Street East

— • « » » • — > — « • « • « * . . . • « . » . • . • • » • • • • ! . . . , . . , . . . . . . . . , . , ,1 , ,,, , T . r : , l mi, IT.TlM nn^f.t t--i-II-JL „.j-.T-.t.

Study of Child Mind In the U. S

By English Doctor WF»

London, Nov. 5.—Dr. Uatitia Fair­field, addressing the Manchester branch of the Guild of St. Lukee, SS Cosmas and Damian—-the doctors* guild—gave some impressions of her study of the child-mind in the United States.

Besides holding high medical qual locations. Dr, Fairfield is a barrister, having been called to the Bar at the Middle Tempte in 1923. She is a sis­ter of Rebecca West, the. novelist,,..

She told the doctors that in the United States th\» racial question was a great problem which was not -met in England to anything like the same1 Social Service at the Island. Accord'

New Fur Shoppe I Offering an unusual line of [ luxurious fur garmentB.

IWrn. Ganss Fur Co. Rochester Theater Building


Canary Birds and Goldfish (AND THE PROPER FOOD FOR

THEM Hart & Vicks Seed Store Corner of Stone and Ely Sts.

[Seneca Gift Shop, Inc. Precious Stones, Watches

Imported Novelties, Jewelry [Hotel Seneca Bldg. Main 1570 j Expert .Watch & Jewelry repairing

For Better Service Call MAEN 130

"Cleanliness Means Health" FORD CLEANERS & J


Stone 580-581 We Give Satisfaction

extent. In .one New York school she found 33 nationalities represented.

Some of these people, Poles for in­stance, came from little villages Vhere the family llvtsd under a kind of autocracy, with the priest at the head. The system broke down when the family was transferred to Amer­ica, where the children were in con­tact with all sorts of new freedoms and sanctions. A good deal of de­linquency, she thought, was due to the conflict which often existed be­tween the State and the Federal laws. The children were thua in a country which did not provide them with & consistent rule of moral conduct.

Whilst the English poverty was the cause of much juvenile crime, in America the children had too much money, and they never learnt to deny

j themselves, anything. The broken family was the greatest

cause of child delinquency, she said. The adults sowed the seed and the unfortunate children reaped the har­vest.

Dr. Falrflela spoke of public school children in America suffering from overstrain due to the. system's de­mand for immediate results. Continu­ed education of a uniform type was, she thought, an extremely dangerous thing; the longer a child was kept at school the more its training should be diversified. The speaker praised the vocational schools of America.

Christina. Appeal To Aid Ellis Island

Immigrants Issued IIIIHil^ftilll»tli|iii.i.H

New York3ov.l3.-™Glirlst«ia* on Ellis Island a few. would choose to spend that day in such a place} for many it is compulsory. And however bright their hopea as. they—these immigrants*—atand at the threshold of the "Promised' Laud"; theirs must at best be a Christmas touched with sorrow and memory of recent sad partings, of loved onea.

For the moat part they are almost unbelievably- - poorf 4all of 4heir possessions have gone to pay passage to Amerlca.To brighten their Christ­mas is the task of the Immigrant

tagly, the N. C. W. C. Bureau of Immigration has sent out an appeal to Catholics to come to tbtelr aid.

Clothing for mtm—overcoats, suits, coats, sweaters, trousers, shirts, un­derwear and shoes—-are needed.Ofcher suggested gifts include socks and stockings of assorted kind and st*es, handkerchiefs, aprons, safety raaora, games, books, toys, tablets for writ­ing, pencils and crayons, rubber balls and beads, footballs'and indoor base­balls. • • -

Other suggested gifts aie tooth brushes and tooth pasterneedlesrpms, safety pins, conibs, wash cloths, soap, sclBsors, thread and tawejs.

Gifts may be sent to the repre­sentative of the N.C.W.C. Bureau of Immigration a t Ellis Island.

Catholics Recall Birkenhead's Vote

On Mass Bequests


IHamondw, W*te»et-4fc Sttmw*re Expert Wateh & Jf»wel*y *$paitf»« . <3lr«uiatiog JMbxary

OpwStgttiMK G&n*©c4 4«*l t«a DKWKY AVENUE ~ — ffea* Df lyingP*rfc Ave.

•jl !••! H 1 I — I I I

M M "Www i — m i ii urn ii i ii ii ii i wi n mm

HOWBH/S BAKES* Where Particular People Tr*d*

Qtenwood XtUM?

—Mat mw^nii^sw~~^ • • I — I —


DRWBTCI EAST AVE. at Cfcesta* St. .

-v *x -*-»—

'WW^Ww* R ™ fl*J**J l ^ - I F * * * ^SSBjfr' •Sam^asBJ^BBJBX

t * Ji

E.KIRBY&SON Meats Fish

Fresh Vegetables


WHm* <mm* OJP* uwwy AW* Bochester, M. Y.

G l w w o o d o * !

Bconpniy t)xy ®*mm PRESSING, REPAIRING WD

MERCHANT TAH>OR Imdk* Goods a Specialty

,. ,r,,-r^r-jftlBirt ..llffliBtfr.-.,-:,^


i l l i —Ian i Hwi —II BII i M i M i i i w i«


:... »i»M fro« 1« U> 5*H Edottarri't SuMttlc: D r i M Skmm

l | f l — ' . — l » l l l | l » | l l l ' •WM* "•"" 'J^T

'.. ^ - »1 - .* i'


Cooks with the Gas Turned Off Saves one-half tL» gM. Sawea one-twelfth food weight.. Saves 1 to 8 hours' time daily.

Easy Terms.* Free installation In Rochester or

Surrounding Towns

Barehamand * McFarland, Inc,


=n Free! Free! Free! With every new Coal or Gas Range sold before Thanks­giving Day we will give a

TURKEY No other change in Prices

Act now and bake that turkey in the new RANGE.



B. A . SPEEDY 214-216 COURT ST.



Rochester's Best Shoe Repairing

BALL'S Main 805



248 Main S t Bast Main 7762

FURNITURE of all Kinds at Moderate Prices

Easy Payment* Ca» fie Arranged For

London, NOT.9.—Lord Birkenhead, who has left the CAbinet and. political life to edter business, will be remem­bered in Catholic history as the Lord Chancellor who, in 1910, gave the Judgment of the Lords of Appeal legalising begaests for Masses. Till that time English courts- had been bound to hold that such bequests were1 void.

When a Patrick Egaa died in 1816 he left sums of money to Westmins­ter Cathedral and to the Je^ull Church in Farm-street for Manses fbr the repose of his »oul. The Probate court would not allow- the bequest and the Court of Appeal upheld this decision.

The case was taken to the House of Lords and Lord Birkenhead tat with four other Law Lords, three of whom concurred in his judgment, one dls* senting.

Lord Birkenhead granted that it was a serious step to reverse the

Archbishop's Estate Is Left In Debt After

Many Philanthropies Prague, Czechoslovakia, Nov. 29.-

Debts totaling approximately $48,000 in the estate of Archbishop Cyril Stojan of Olomouc, famed throughout the nation for his philanthropies, will be covered by the Archbishop's suc­cessor, it has been announced! Build­ers of the mission house "Stojanov"praot lce ot• {he courts" and "set" aside at Velehrad and architects who con- l o n g ^ B t a D i l 8 f l e d precedent. Bat he structed monastery buildings at S t ^ i n , . ^ t h a t t h e g e decisions were Hostyn are among the larger credit- f^^ o n misinterpretation of the law ors listed by the probate court*

Legends are told all over Czecho­slovakia of the benevolence of Arch­bishop Stojan, who died eight years ago. BUs estate, court records show, contains assets of only $915, plus mortgaged property worth $19,000.

BISHOP TO CONDUCT MISSION Rosevllle, Cal-5 Nov, 9.—A mission

for Mexican and Spanish speaking Catholics of this vicinity will be con­ducted the last week in November by the Rt. Rev. L. Altimirano D. I>„ Bishop of Huajuapan, Mexico, la St. Hose's church.

due to hostility to Catholic doctrine. Only two years before, he pointed

outt the House of Lords had affirmed the validity of a will leaving money to an organisation for the purpose of denying some of . the fundamental doctrines of the Christian religion.

It would be strange, he said, if the same court persisted in denying the validity of bequests for celebrating the central rite of the religion pro­fessed by millions la the British Empire.

St. Mary's Seminary To Lay Cornerstone

E N E F L O R I S T N < I H ( . i I . i r n r u n ^ - ! l i i ' i \ l<>. U . H I . I | i | t . f> i [ i < V I | \ , - T | ,

H ' • l"l'.i. > . K M . i V A l l . \ l . i . I ' h m . t Mmi«- -ii>7«i


1 1© CLCfTOH AVE. S.



ORCHARD PARK Is Greater Rochester's most talked about New Residental Section. Come out and see this beautiful Property located at Clifford Arenas Otoo-ite Winton Road North. Wr**" uoTO ARE SELLING RAPTDLT

l» ... .. Browncroft Realty Corporation


Baltifflore, Nov. ». — Sfe Ifitfy* Seminary will lay the cornerstone of its new home in Holland Park, Balti more, Sunday, Nov. 18, with Arch> bishop Michael J. Carley presidrng. TJie,toUjBwJiitilWe4t»sday th« Semin-

senlus Boyer, S.S., his golden sacer­dotal Jubilee.

t h e solemn jubilee Mass will be celebrated In the Cathedral of Balti­more and Father Boyer, who will s lnr tbe Mass, will later be guest of: honor at a meeting of intilum&i of the seminaryr Tuesday* father Boyer will hold an Informal reception of the seminary.

New Parish Erected . Near Los Angrele.

Los Angeles, Nov, 9.—-To keep pace with the spiritual need* of the fast-growing section known *s West-wood Hills, Bishop CaBtwell7 ha*

l»»IIMI^«^IW«l^l>Mt«WIMWI|» , | lW«IWi t | M | | > > | | M »« ) M > » M M>^» M a t > l ^ i l l » » ^ l » M I » i l M . I » l l l » M l ^ i l l W | i M | M I I M . | M i | ' M i . w # M ( ^ M > W M < i " * "

• .GiMifi«#«8^i;."' -i •



»•—i ijifi j iy


904 Main Street W«t Opp. Si. Marys


Dalrymple Pharmapy *8» Thurstoti Koad

PrtKription, Carefully Prepared

Ctoesee 6471

* i »•).• fci i(wiii i.i • V i l i f y ! i

Attto Jtt psirinsr ,w Acctsjisftss -^Sfimm *«W4. GoodrtchTtoWa.


i a ) i HI i ji nil j HI i i • • )1iiir0i.iiirQg3igr


CINDER BLOCKS ^'Kja&!9Bm~wiomaam-~^

Bidldsrs Supply Cotapaay

erected a new Parian m that district. In this territory a t e the a r r battd^l lags of the University of Caufornia^at Los Angeles.

Charge of this parish has been alv- «—.«- ? W i i - « ; As* G««n»i ., .. .... w V t d AJfD

Rev, Eftnry I. Stark, C. 8. P., as tha '"""' first pastor.

M«uoHml t o Faro«d Physician S aa sFralrc£«co," N6V, S>-«-—afia. coin-

Membration of the ttlrth ef Kalglpnj, personal physician to Pope Innocent XII, nearly 300 yean ago, the Ital­ian w American Sotstety will «Ive a 41aniar* wledaesday, at the Jafrmeat -fibteli

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ROOfWG ;' HKATINO -^^VglWaiATlHQ - •

SBSOm METAL W4^SW QOaUi-Ave.- Stone 157

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Loeal aad Lcag P i s f nee Moving XwTIMATaW

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rita* • M M M

Angelus Bake Shop *tt*m BUT GOOB"

Moaroe lo*- i6o—114 Field Sfc


TJEBKLACKER BROS. JMotoircyckw, Bicycles * Supplies [LYRIC RADIOS and SnppHes

Guns and Ammunition [We Deliver «7P Sooth Ave,

Phone Monroe 0029 • l —1—flMil


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Butter Hings a Specially

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mmwM I l—IIMIM

Ssl 'ertice stisfaction


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Pbooe: gtoae S04T


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tar Bakery MAaMtada BatiSd Ckwds> At Its Best. 4 5 Birbawad Si. Paoae Main 81M

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Hsnns Lombcr Co..

W9mtum&: wvBjntsBMD' 183 Mmrrajr Street


WORTH jm~999^99)$mmlt* t,^ mmim ^ ^ W f T T r T ^

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