j. o·ur entire stockarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/whit… · trc be...

., . '• ' I (I . . . . ' '• , . . . .. ' .. . . ' "' . . ' . I> I . ' ' F--_.. ........... .... ,.--..,_-.. P. l'f ... ·• . . Printins ... · '; >:.·< .. · · ' 1 I I Job . . ' . ' ' ' . .. . . - . . ' , . , WHITB OAKS, NE·w .MEXICO, THtlR.SDAY JUNE 8. •«Jbs · ·,IfF': THE OloJUOUS FOV.R'rJI. ·. : -Jul.. Aligns tkellrst to Pnt loa Bid Mrs. Ea·oo11l Lnngstoo l'l'tu.rnr.d I ... to bet· borne ut Tucumcnri Tucs- Done Neatly alld a·t tbe Mo6t teasuQable prices -----· NUMBER 40: ..... · ...... :.,;... ·.,_., -' .... tor 11 Ria Celebratlao. .. dMy ·uvcoiug• " ·, ., " .., BA . ', I The patriotiC pedplo of . Philip nod funuly / · ·.- lthat .tivo. and w1de-owako oommu- were from tbl,) 'Spa•ing gulch ;, ' ' LlSCotN> . ty on tbo rippling-- Bonito, arc hut Thn•·sduy sw;lppinflond sbop• ng tbomeelvca foa· rr.ilo. .• . rth of July .colobralion. A ' ,' . hi alf tJUlk061 the Terdtury meotiog was bc;lll tbero on tbc .Sd · .... · --. of Jun<', A. J. •Gilmore' miul• RoJ· Ta·cut is hca·e from Canizo. zo, stopping nt ·bome for a few days. Ho hns'qnit night wqa·k :at rbo hotel down tberc uod thinks of locating at Alumogor•lo • .. ·• .. . •• . . ,_ ' G.· WJ:IAAtoN., ·· · .m.aurmon Qnd J. P. ·Pera·y, J. B. . . . ' ; . A.tTO.RNEY.,,4_'f.LAW, Bul'rc;llttllll'PuoHlt"iflitb, a com· ' .• o·uR ENTIRE STOCK . .uro.aoRoo, _ - mittee of al'rnQgeaucnts, aud tbcst: · " uro w01·king lho mutter np in o l!;ite .. to caeu 10 way tb11t will malso it a. •• i.tuJOhllatl well ftS O&ero ('QUilty. ------ lfrorn tbo uumber of wool saolcii .Jobn Gulluohcr louie Ollt witb bim yosh•rduy DJoroing something go mg. goaog to be lfoocNI, or pltltet· u n- Jiocacd,' out at tbu · raocb l11- tbt! next weok or t\v.o . A •. H. . JoM Y. · - Hewitt 4 Hudspeth, ' B£1\'ITT BLOCJC. oeo. W. PRICHARO, Al'TOKNEY-AT-LA·W , WR11'£ Q,\KS,. . NEW IIEXICO. , ..Prac:l.ice ih all of the '!'ei'ritu,.Y. success. ' Evf.'lry boily and tboir from uwuy buck east ure to he invued. . wall bo unocinnccd tc1• oo. I06.tt ITJIS. Rev. Wylder uncJ Ruv•. Burlio- e:ome, of ()upitim, beg1ln u meet· hi;t in Nogal Fr:duy eveniD;! .hinP 9d •. FOR SALE. Barbed wire. Special prloee In qt,tantit1es. W ELCU & TJTTS'ft ORTII. , CAPITAN. N£w . tiJINING .l SPECIALTY. Ml'lf. A. E. nf A'ngns was , ' · CJf 'Dry· Goods, Clothing, Gent's Furaishil\gs, Sl\oes, Hats etc. · ------------- -- --------- - ' AT ACTUAL COST. For 60 .•. --·- -- .. , _ ___..,. ........ ___ - ... -- ... -.- . ' ' ZIEGLER B - .. a. guest of 1\trs. H. ... 8l'OWD hast week. 'l'wo p:ms of W.bito Otalcs people mndo ns m"ny quarts of sta·uwbcnies and u aullori o; crortm . Societies. 0. A. R. Prof. H. C. Hnrper wus nt Pur- enos hast·S:aLurtllLY somo •.11ocb, i.o lbc Cnpitnn a duy oa· t \VO ago. · T(l1 Uoasoncr· Wtas struck by tbo yot\D* pcoplu'tt clnh ut thou· meet- ing lust Tburstluy rm•l li vcs to tell it \1Jlb " good deal ut ro! iab. " dental work dono by Da·. J. Q. .Rev. · R. P. PolJe, tot'meJ•Iy \Vol11b. The Prof. reJ)orts tb•at Bnptist mmistcr nn churgo tho Eagle Mming ComrJtao.y bus hut nmv .. of E 13 tnnoin, Turr:moc Mr. uod Mrs. P. U. Poters, of Kearn••Y.Post. No.lO, IJepnrtment. rcce:vcd buuvy mlltbinea·y Couoly, through beJ·.,n duy woro'in town ycstcwduy ot-New . · whicb wall bo l'luccd immodtntely. or ·hvo ogo on hi<i· wny tn t(18 fufl of to vis.it among Afeoting11 tirat M.ouday of cJ&ch : supper hold in No- ond otbor points in Lmcoln ond tb&ir fl'lcnde bore, wbacb includes ' mllnth. 6 f b 1 Otero counties, 8 trip of aboot. whole town. Comrade faotn n•her poatl . , .... 1 gad IOf the bene t o t o puh io '" " b -·• f f .... ,, ,fiflcon duys l(ua·ution. t · way• ([fwn 1bo ;Jad .b11nd and 0111 oa'ly- our . uu .urs No•t nigbt ut ci_gbt ··ule.returned. ··::.· . - · ·eoatl.-·--·--·"' . .. · · · J ·a. LIIOWIPJ. · lfr!• . .E :U:'CUP\1(aml of Angu& Snoddy itom · boa; bis loot oru, "The Cootribtl- Jl.;Rl1J>ll.lLLN, Adft. vi&atmg her dnogbtor, Mrs. home, abo bad been vi silane. tion of tim H"hrcw .kuue to Clu Euker , ,,., Uno Cavaliz·ltaon''. TllJ invitntioo K. qf P!! _ JUrtb.,past d'uven monthtor more, Miss.t\lice Jobosoo, who hus nnd Charlie's. smile is now ,as is to ILIJ t•_' _u_o_m_o_. __ _ hecm.visittng in Texas, oxpoot- broud as no un11pht blanket oud Bnster l!J-q. 9, K. 4)( P. arrive bollao the first of" tbo briq:bt ORo uf Now Mqx.ico • nt>gular metJtinJ(It Tbureda.y evbn· .wet•k. .on 11 bod of blooming in;e of onob \\-c3ek, at abe K of P.. ·Ma·. Gco. E1akor modo 11 busi- VOPJ)ios. Hall-. Viait.10g Knights are always ness ta·ip to lut1t week . • weacome. ' Atr. and Mrs. Br:rnum of W,bito JoiJEPH SPENCZB. 0. C. ,._ u. HUDSPE'l'lf, K. of R. llDd s·. ft!l'ilKtt, wbo wcro looking uftea· tbo of tboir cbildreqL_t()ok an •. ,.,.n ba11ket supper. befoa·e return- , W. A. !\fc!vm·s bus secured an inrercst In tho Uoldstuln nod other mining ofuims in the Jicorilhlfl, 11.ntl w.ii!.J!ut np nn reduc- Thoe. Stunerond nod G • HunJy da·ovo 10 from tbo .J ioarillas 1\lemuriul D11y to •lucorutt• the gru ,.o of Guo. W. Stoorrond wbu is bul'ic•l in our ecmotory. Tbi11 i!bows u s(,irit iri u very wny com- mer.dublo, nod sbouhl sot tbc tor oth(lrl!. THE EXCHANGE BANK! WHITE OAKS,. NEW MEXICO, " Trnns,.cte D Gener.al Bank1ug Buslnei!CM-Ieeuos Drafts on nil . Prlncipal of Ute World-At'curdl!l to D01·rowcr!l every accommodation coneieler.t wilb aafdy. AccoouP sohcit<'d. INT.ER.fllfi!'T PA..i.D ON TIME DEl•UHITI!!I. NOOAL CO . ... - ... '11 . , ... jJobn H. C.IJiliDg, Pt"oprletor. I . . A Complete Line of Strictly HIOH·ORADE GENERAL 100 QET I rpE I. O. 0. P. . ' ' · Mr. Jorry Dalton left .for 'fo- ' . -. Golden Rule Lodge N.,. 16, I. 0. cumcarl, whore be (:J:pccttJ tn to. tion a•Jant. &UIDOlOl".. Hu ill At tho Cuogrcgt&tiOQlll Oburcb also moving bis Otltllt ouxt Sunday morntng ot cloven • · from hia r 4 ocb ooor I be b'uud of tho o'clock. lJa. Miller wall talk abont abo \\'bose Littlnnoss 1\l•d Pttis to the . vicinity of ltis Unio. At oiCYbt there will bt• No Trouble to .Show .. 0. F., 'meete Pytbtuo Toe... if be find& a placo to en it him. .. ' . , Clay ofshl•· . .. mbe f it bo · CttA.BL&SISPt!:!tCR, N. G. ·q. no . r n u11D .o ye cnmu . u. *li&PIBOBR, St>crPtary. over Jo auond tbe ba&k..et supper. , Mr.. WdJjum Copclnnd, of Fort . . . claims RQd will first pa·ocoro tbfl 0 service nf ·must; uoJ song, nod necessary wato1·, wbicb n cf'm- short talks notwoon tbo songs. purativelv oasy tusk in tbo JaoJ- This will bA tho firl!lt monthly st>r- rilhas vico of its kind. E\·cry body is coa·diutly invited. Here. .I LOW .EST P088IDJ;.,E PRICEf!il ON FIRST QVA:LIT'Y MEROUANDU!iE · ·· · rr · E Stanton, visited friontb und rclu- . ....... · ·fl·Q I NN · ' tivcs hero tust ... ...._ . . . · We Are Showing a Complete Line of Staple·aDd Pancy D17 Good•, Lace•, Bmbt"o/det"Jel, Ro•le,.,•eonet•, Notmn•, Sblri F al•t•, Uude1we11r etc. . . y >. -. · ·' · · : ' Mr. Henley and fumily ,. :t'l'm O.&xa. New afEXJco. .; of camo up on a visit und fot enjoyBd tbo basket supper· While escelleot. 9uaioe here. · public. .. Shoe.- aDd Oxlot'd•t" Neat Style• and Ktlz OuaJJty. Haq aDd MeiJ'• pod 1/De. PRJCBS ARB RIOHT. GROCERIEs-Always Fresh and· Prices to l\1eet Any a11d AJI Competition. " COFFEES-No but Sellent. 20, 25, 30ct Grades equal to any 25, 30, 35ct Grades• TRY THIS STORE. ' . ' ' . S.C. .. . . .._ •,. . TA.LIA , .... ,_ TaADjNg· .iO{ . . , . ' . . ' . . . . . .' . ... . . r. . .. ' ''<; ' . . . .

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Page 1: J. o·uR ENTIRE STOCKarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/WHIT… · trc be a tb~ m1111 A OB (! 0 0 bill. Tbat wn e m lip ding '-' ht I g ot c b.a 11 In Troy

., . ~ '• ' I

(I .

. . . ' '•

, .

. . .. •



. . • ' "' . •

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I .

' • ' F--_.. ........... ....,.--..,_-.. _.·_:o:i.~· P. l'f ... ·• . '·'"''·''"·~

. e~r.tis.in;! Printins ... · '; >:.·< .. · · • • ' • 1 • I I


. . ' . '

' tb.e.~t '

. ..

. . -. .

' ,

• . , • WHITB OAKS, NE·w .MEXICO, THtlR.SDAY JUNE 8. •«Jbs • •

~ o· · .·.~. ·,IfF': THE OloJUOUS FOV.R'rJI.

·. : -Jul.. Aligns tkellrst to Pnt loa Bid

Mrs. Ea·oo11l Lnngstoo l'l'tu.rnr.d I ... to bet· borne ut Tucumcnri Tucs-

Done Neatly alld a·t tbe Mo6t teasuQable prices

-----· NUMBER 40:

~·-·""'·4:~ ..... · ...... -~_..·· :.,;... ·.,_., ·,...::·.~·:. -' -· .... tor 11 Ria Celebratlao. .. dMy ·uvcoiug • "

·, .,

" • .., oa<J~·-,·6~ BA . ', I The patriotiC pedplo of . 4ogn~, Philip Rc~sooor nod funuly

/ '· · ·.- lthat .tivo. and w1de-owako oommu- were b~a:o from tbl,) 'Spa•ing gulch •

;, ' ' LlSCotN> '· . ty on tbo rippling-- Bonito, arc hut Thn•·sduy sw;lppinflond sbop •

ng tbomeelvca foa· • ~trnod rr.ilo. .• .

rth of July .colobralion. A ' ,' . ·Pr~ct,!ce hi alf tJUlk061

the Terdtury • meotiog was bc;lll tbero on tbc .Sd _....,_........,._~_,,...........,.__..:...,......,.._· · .... · --. of Jun<', A. J. •Gilmore' miul• RoJ· Ta·cut is hca·e from Canizo.

zo, stopping nt ·bome for a few days. Ho hns'qnit night wqa·k :at rbo hotel down tberc uod thinks of locating at Alumogor•lo •



.. .


• • . .


• '

J.~ G.· WJ:IAAtoN., · · · .m.aurmon Qnd J. P. · Pera·y, J. B. ~ . . .

' ; . A.tTO.RNEY.,,4_'f.LAW, Bul'rc;llttllll'PuoHlt"iflitb, a com· ' .• o·uR ENTIRE STOCK

·~· . .uro.aoRoo, • _ - N~\Y M~XIco. mittee of al'rnQgeaucnts, aud tbcst: • · " uro w01·king lho mutter np in o

Bt•~c:iar shentio~ l!;ite .. to caeu 10 way tb11t will malso it a. llowlfo~ •• i.tuJOhllatl well ftS O&ero ('QUilty.

------lfrorn tbo uumber of wool saolcii

.Jobn Gulluohcr louie Ollt witb bim fo~ke yosh•rduy DJoroing something it~

go mg. goaog to be lfoocNI, or pltltet· u n­Jiocacd,' out at tbu · raocb duran;~t

l11- tbt! next weok or t\v.o .

A •. H. . JoM Y. · - Hewitt 4 Hudspeth,

• •

Atto,nugp.at•~aw '




WR11'£ Q,\KS,. • • . NEW IIEXICO. -· , ..Prac:l.ice ih all Lb&'tJourt~t of

the '!'ei'ritu,.Y.

success. ' • Evf.'lry boily and tboir

• • from uwuy buck east ure to he invued. .

~rol[raw. wall bo unocinnccd tc1• oo.

I06.tt ITJIS.

Rev. Wylder uncJ Ruv •. Burlio­e:ome, of ()upitim, beg1ln u meet· hi;t in Nogal Fr:duy eveniD;! .hinP 9d •.

FOR SALE. Barbed wire. Special prloee In

qt,tantit1es. W ELCU & TJTTS'ft ORTII. ,

CAPITAN. N£w ~b:xrco, .

• tiJINING lia~, .l SPECIALTY. Ml'lf. A. E. Lon~ nf A'ngns was

, '

· CJf 'Dry· Goods, Clothing, Gent's Furaishil\gs, •

Sl\oes, Hats etc. · •

• ~~ ------------- -- ~~ --------- -


.•. ~ --·- -- .. , _ ___..,. ........ ___ - ... -- ~ -· ... -.-

. '

' ZIEGLER B n~o·s. • • •

- .. a. guest of 1\trs. H. ~ ... 8l'OWD hast week.

'l'wo p:ms of W.bito Otalcs youn~r people mndo ns m"ny quarts of sta·uwbcnies and u aullori o; crortm look~~sm~lonL ~tboHnnt ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·-~~~~~~-~-=-~-~-~~~~ .

Societies. ~~----------------~-----

0. A. R.

Prof. H. C. Hnrper wus nt Pur­enos hast·S:aLurtllLY h1avi~ somo

•.11ocb, i.o lbc Cnpitnn mountaio~t, a duy oa· t \VO ago.

· T(l1 Uoasoncr· Wtas struck by tbo yot\D* pcoplu'tt clnh ut thou· meet­ing lust Tburstluy rm•l li vcs to tell it \1Jlb " good deal ut ro! iab.

" • dental work dono by Da·. J. Q. .Rev. · R. P. PolJe, tot'meJ•Iy \Vol11b. The Prof. reJ)orts tb•at Bnptist mmistcr nn tbi~:~ churgo tho Eagle Mming ComrJtao.y bus hut nmv .. of E13tnnoin, Turr:moc Mr. uod Mrs. P. U. Poters, of

Kearn••Y.Post. No.lO, IJepnrtment. rcce:vcd ~:~ome buuvy mlltbinea·y Couoly, 111~~tsed through beJ·.,n duy An~us, woro'in town ycstcwduy ot-New ~~~s)uo. . · .· whicb wall bo l'luccd immodtntely. or ·hvo ogo on hi<i· wny tn Nu~l t(18 fufl of busincs~;~ to vis.it among

Afeoting11 tirat M.ouday of cJ&ch : 'fa.!-~-~ supper hold in No- ond otbor points in Lmcoln ond tb&ir fl'lcnde bore, wbacb includes ' mllnth. • 6 f b 1 Otero counties, m~&king 8 trip of aboot. tb~ whole town.

Comrade• faotn n•her poatl . , .... 1 gad IOf the bene t o t o puh io '" " b • -·• f f .... ,, tLbot~t ,fiflcon duys l(ua·ution. t · ~

way• ([fwn 1bo ;Jad .b11nd and ~~· ~~ 0111 '!el~uu oa'ly- our . uu .urs No•t c~·uus~"'y nigbt ut ci_gbt ··ule.returned. ··::.· . - · ·eoatl.-·--·--·"' . .,.jj,~~-· .. • ~~~- Dr.-Milfcr.-w.ill-d.oliv~r

· · m,;~truaane.t''' ~w- caltae~itll -· · J ·a. LIIOWIPJ. P01~ · lfr!• . .E :U:'CUP\1(aml of Angu& Snoddy itom · boa; tor~er bis o~xt loot oru, "The Cootribtl-

·~· Jl.;Rl1J>ll.lLLN, Adft. i~ vi&atmg her dnogbtor, Mrs. home, w~ro abo bad been vi silane. tion of tim H"hrcw .kuue to Clu Euker , • ,,., Uno Cavaliz·ltaon''. TllJ invitntioo

• K. qf P!! _ • JUrtb.,past d'uven monthtor more,

Miss.t\lice Jobosoo, who hus nnd Charlie's. smile is now ,as is to ILIJ t•_' _u_o_m_o_. __ _ hecm.visittng in Texas, \VI~s oxpoot- broud as no un11pht blanket oud

Bnster L~dge l!J-q. 9, K. 4)( P. ~'1o arrive bollao the first of" tbo briq:bt ORo P"~Cla uf Now Mqx.ico • nt>gular metJtinJ(It Tbureda.y evbn· .wet•k. e~n.nlight .on 11 bod of blooming

in;e of onob \\-c3ek, at abe K of P.. ·Ma·. Gco. E1akor modo 11 busi- VOPJ)ios. Hall-. Viait.10g Knights are always ness ta·ip to C~trri~zo lut1t week .

• weacome. ' Atr. and Mrs. Br:rnum of W,bito JoiJEPH SPENCZB. 0. C. ,._ u. HUDSPE'l'lf, K. of R. llDd s·. ft!l'ilKtt, wbo wcro looking uftea· tbo

inlere~t of tboir cbildreqL_t()ok an •. ,.,.n ba11ket supper. befoa·e return­,

W. A. !\fc!vm·s bus secured an inrercst In tho Uoldstuln nod other mining ofuims in the Jicorilhlfl, 11.ntl w.ii!.J!ut np nn El11p11~ts reduc-

Thoe. Stunerond nod 0~ G • HunJy da·ovo 10 from tbo .J ioarillas 1\lemuriul D11y to •lucorutt• the gru ,.o of Guo. W. Stoorrond wbu is bul'ic•l in our ecmotory. Tbi11 i!bows u s(,irit iri u very wny com­mer.dublo, nod sbouhl sot tbc marl~: tor oth(lrl!.


" Trnns,.cte D Gener.al Bank1ug Buslnei!CM-Ieeuos Drafts on nil . Prlncipal Ct&ie~t of Ute World-At'curdl!l to D01·rowcr!l every accommodation coneieler.t wilb aafdy. AccoouP sohcit<'d.


NOOAL MERCAN~ILE CO . "*""~ ... -... '11 . ,

... jJobn H. C.IJiliDg, Pt"oprletor. I

• . .

A Complete Line of Strictly HIOH·ORADE


-T~E ~TO~E W~E~E 100 QET ~ ~QU~~E DEAL~­I ~LL rpE Tl~E.

I. O. 0. P. in~. . '

' · Mr. Jorry Dalton left .for 'fo­' . -. Golden Rule Lodge N.,. 16, I. 0. cumcarl, whore be (:J:pccttJ tn to.

tion a•Jant. tbl~t. &UIDOlOl".. Hu ill At tho Cuogrcgt&tiOQlll Oburcb also moving bis drillin~ Otltllt ouxt Sunday morntng ot cloven • · from hia r4ocb ooor I be b'uud of tho o'clock. lJa. Miller wall talk abont

abo Ktn~ \\'bose Littlnnoss wu~ 1\l•d Pttis to the . vicinity of bia~ ltis Unio. At oiCYbt there will bt•

No Trouble to .Show ~

.. 0. F., 'meete ~u Pytbtuo Hall~ Toe... if be find& a placo to en it him. .. ~ ' . ,

~. Clay ofshl•· . .. mbe f o~ it bo · CttA.BL&SISPt!:!tCR, N. G. ·q. no . r n u11D .o ye cnmu . :~. u. *li&PIBOBR, St>crPtary. over Jo auond tbe ba&k..et supper. , Mr.. WdJjum Copclnnd, of Fort . . .

claims RQd will first pa·ocoro tbfl 0 service nf ·must; uoJ song, nod necessary wato1·, wbicb i~t n cf'm- short talks notwoon tbo songs. purativelv oasy tusk in tbo JaoJ- This will bA tho firl!lt monthly st>r-rilhas vico of its kind. E\·cry body is

• coa·diutly invited.

Ooods~ Here. .I


· ·· · rr · ~"~A E Stanton, visited friontb und rclu-. ....... · ·fl·Q I E~ Q.~.., NN · ' tivcs hero tust ·wee~.

... ...._ . . ~-: . •

· We Are Showing a Complete Line of Staple ·aDd Pancy D17 Good•, Lace•, Bmbt"o/det"Jel,

Ro•le,.,•eonet•, Notmn•, Sblri F al•t•, Fr•pper~, Uude1we11r etc. . .

y ~;.

>. - . ~ · ·' · · : ' Mr. Ch~rlcy Henley and fumily ,. :t'l'm O.&xa. New afEXJco. .; of Htn~~lo, camo up on a visit und

fot butJDe~~· .Q~e,an enjoyBd tbo basket supper· While escelleot. 9uaioe here. ·

iJ\'~j~~~u~g public.


Shoe.-aDd Oxlot'd•t" Neat Style• and Ktlz OuaJJty. • Haq aDd MeiJ'• Purnublngsr~a pod 1/De.


GROCERIEs-Always Fresh and· Prices to l\1eet • Any a11d AJI Competition. "

COFFEES-No Nam~s but Sellent. 20, 25, 30ct Grades equal to any 25, 30, 35ct Grades •


' . '



• S.C. WIENER~~_ ..

. . .._ •,.

. TA.LIA E~RRO , .... ,_ TaADjNg· .iO{ .

. , . ' . . '

~ • .

. . . . .'

. ... . .

r. . ..

' •

''<; '

. . .

' ' ' .', I

Page 2: J. o·uR ENTIRE STOCKarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/WHIT… · trc be a tb~ m1111 A OB (! 0 0 bill. Tbat wn e m lip ding '-' ht I g ot c b.a 11 In Troy

' '


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trc be a tb~ m1111


• A OB (! 0 0 bill.

Tbat wn e m lip ding ,.

'-' ht I g ot c b.a 11 In Troy Ule or dar, ut tb umplr pe .

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1 t the s buoU fo a If . If n tor a

•rumn bfl • B to U)' (JU D h I.

A nnaylv Ia lub wr tn om bt~r I .

tn ; er ore 11 11 In v ey club.

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- -------•· v• r n ," 11y Job Bu

•· hln t vo to lrd." W lc 1r, n h r t• n~> uro, explain tbo t:r 1 11 uln 11y t w llow .

It Ia ell ttn u rl ht, but you will 111ore ro fortnble If ,, ('()II D In . ".

I Nc V r () (!Q lc (I

n Jl ly on biB ob-1!1 r tl ({) omo r Fro c~ hl• lo.

rts n tt, • •

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· ... · YME OUTLOOK'

... GAD, •


lt'a a wine old oaw that cut1 wlu • Ita wlsdom teeth.

-Tb~ nearer tbe root a man .Jlvea th&

lletter outlook be han.

' •' ' • I


·, .. Superintendent of Large Eutern Hospital Has

. Demonatrated Its. EffJctency "

. A. E. Macdona~d, J.j, L. B., Jof. n.. Even at the outset,· however, tJ.w Jlro­

A pesolml11t IH a man wbo 11 miser· medical I!Upcrlntendent of tbe Manbat- tests, whether !rom patients OF their •!llo when he 111 bnppy. tan State Hospital, East. Jdves a ·trlends, were surprisingly few and

grupblc account of tent life -.s trff'd lq.tterly t~ey have been tnote Apt to Compllmcntn on a tombutone might under bls direction. for a large nulflber arise, if at an, over the patfen~'s re-

9roporly ba termt•d epl-tAay. of Insane consumptives. Tho t.ollQW• turn to the bUildings when tb•t b~

-lng ·extracta are from his paper ln the Cf,me ne(lessary. , .

Tbe richest man In the world was DlreetQI'y of Institutions and Soclettes The question ot medication ·lila~ in CIOrn without a cent In his pocket. dealing wlth "Tuberculosis In the tbe '!resent wrfi.Jng l!e dismissed with

United Btatel! and Canilda": . a very brief reference. It haa been Don't go to ntremeo-enpeclalh' That consumptive Insane patients· found )unnec,ess4ry to extend ~~ $J'eat·

to :vour dcallngn wltb been and wllSpll. may be kept, and treated, to. their ad· ly, and lt hils been limited mainly to -

A man seldom carco If his balr cloo1 keep on getting gray-Juot 10 It keept on.

-Tho man who mn.rrloo a wealtbJ

arau widow makee bay while tbe aun at.tn•. I


vantage and Incidentally to tho ad· t.he treatment ot symptoms. sttmula· vantage of tbelr tellow-tnmates. In tlon-alcobollc and tlJ.e like-~ been canvas tents. and throughout the IJeV· found of but Uttle demand or use, .and oral seasons ot the year, baa bcM the quantttles consnmed-alway11 UD· demonstrated In the recent blstol')' of der IndiVidual medical prescription­tho Manhattan State Hospital, Jl:ast. have been fnslplftcant. 0a the other The experiment ftpon the success of band, the clletary has been made as wblcb tbls claim Ia advanced has eov· liberal as tbe lmpoaed restrictions or ere1J a period or forty months. the State Hospital' schedule b&ve per·

One word tendo to another-no 'mat­ter wbotber you arc rending tbe Dible or a dime novel.


In all hospitals for the Insane the In· mitted, both In the way oi regular mates are classlfted according to the diet and extrae, and In tbf! leading es­torm of mental dlsturbanee. To take sentlals-tnllk and eggs-private do­from all tbeoe clll!lses any auaerlng nattona have aupplemented the regular from tuberculosis and put them to- supply. But dependence after all get}Jar In one tent wRS a serious prob- been mainly placed upon tho 'ng10 lorn. Tblo, however, bas been very Isolation and disinfection, and upofi



. The man wbo mako11 the beat ot everything l,o alwayll IIUJ'e· of a market The ftrst picture shows George JL person No, 1 and: b~comes ftlled with a

" &uccessfully done. The original plan the unllmfte4 supply ot fresh afr. ·AI tor hl1 prod octlono.

-l.lfo oeomn to be a drccuy ex-pantt was to u11o the camp only about five an Interesting Incidental ·tact lt may

to tbc boy who ho.n 1.0 wear his dad't months during each su~mer. be mentioned that not only the pa· mad" over trounoro. Tbe camp first established consist- tlents, but also the nur.l.fes llvlngln the

ed Of tWO large dormltOI')' tentfi- camp bave enjoyed almost COmplete twenty by forty feet-eal'!b containing lmmunJty from other pulmonary {!Is· twenty bods, with smaller tents o,r eases. Not a single case ot pneumonia dlaerent shapes, about ten by ten has developed In tbe camp In Its ex-


Wood, sentenced at Somervlllc, N. J., desire to klJI. When the period of at· to thirty years Imprisonment for the tack has passed he again becomes bla murder of Williams, as he appears normal Belt, forgetting In thG trans· when he Is In normal condltlo~;~; the ltlon every act of the Aend, person seconrl aa be looks when memory No. !. His· strange claim seemingly leavea him, when he forgets all about 1 had little eaeet on the jury.


Tho prohlbltlonl~t~~ will kick ju1t Bfl hard no any othe.r -man when be flndo water In the mlllt.

-A womnll should never cease pray·

lnq fur ber huuband; It may not avail nnytltlng, t:ut It will keep her out of L1111Ch!t t.

-Jt always burt11 a girl more or loll

when bf'r belt fellow happens· to call wltb a two-llaya' growth ot wblokera I(Jn ble C'bln.

-·--------WISDOM BY THE WAY,

Perfect people oro very Urln1.

foot, for tbo accommodat)on of the lstence of over three years, though It nuroos, the care of the hospital stores, causes 1'1 deaths In the hospital prop­pantries and a dining tent for such er In that. Ume .. The "common colds" patl(lniJI IUJ were able to leave so frequent among their fellows llvfng beds llnd tents. and go to the table tor upon the wards, or In the Attendants' tbolr meals. Running water was se- Home, have been unknown among the cured by moans Of· underground pipes, tent-dwellers. and tho sate disposition of waste ~nd The popular Idea that the consump-aewago wns also provided for. tlve Is a doomed man unless be -can

As has been said, It was expected to at once abandon home and family ·and continue th~ camp only through the business and betake himself to some summer and as fllr Into tbe autumn remote region would seem to be oega­aa favorable weather might render tlved by our Ward's Island expert· justlftable. But wben In the late au· ence. Tbe Ward's Island camp Is but tumt •t was found that the favorable a few feet above the tide-water level,


Tho road nrcuod.

downhill It aJwa.n experience continued, It was decided Its site Is swept In winter by wlnde of to attempt to carl')'. tbc experiment, blgh velocity, coming over the Ice­

Tbe fltty-Urst annlyersary c:t the ftrst treaty made by Japan with the United States, whlcb was also tbe ftrst treaty which it made with any foreign country, occurred March 31. This treaty, which was negotiated by Commodore Perry, opened Japan t~ commercial Intercourse with tho Unit· ed States; and Is still remembered there, wltb tbe date of the ftrst land· log of the .Americans as the ftrat step ln tbe development that changed Ja· 11an from the "hermit nation" to what B. Uchida, consul general t.or Japan at New York, calls now the "Yanke~ nation or the Far East." W llllam Bpeldeo Gt No. 107 East Seventieth street (now employed In the New York custom houae), one of the few survivors of tbe famous ftrst and treaty vlslta to Japan under Commo­dore Perry, spoke yesterday of his memorial or expedltlone.

on a moderate scale, Into, or even bound waters of tbc rivers and the A mnn·o affidovlt a11 to bla pwn cbar- through, the approaching wfbter. The sound whlcb syrround It, and It suf·

actor Ia not ovldonco. camJ,J. as ftrat established, bad been fore as much as, or more than, any


-. Oonoroalty Ia bat10d on moods and

dltpoalllono. Juatlco Is baaed on prlD· clplo.

-Society Is n body. It IBn't well Ull•

loss lt't well all ovor. A 10111 lltUe toe can make a )Vholo man miserable. -

Bome pooplo 10 through life llkt a cat mcaablog tbroulb a blind altq, without ovor knowing tbero's a bll, roarlnl world beyond.

-Thoro IB no nocd of preachlnr a

aoapc!l for tho Individual. Tb8 lndlvld· ual who hns It In blm to shape bll own onvlrunment will do Jt. Tbt masaea of nranklnd are not atron11 cnourh to overcome tbelr onvlron· monl Any omotont IOBJ)fll tor them muat take account or that environ· mont.

-A tbll\1 11 not rllbt or wronr beo

cauae &Df rellalon ·bal made a pro­nouncement on lt. A thins Ia wron1 wbloh lnJuro• anybody, and lor DC. other reason. It a person enJoJe4 be­IDI pounded lD tho taco lt wou14 bt an a1roeablo aDd oourt.cou1 act to H dp-New York Tlmos.

We don't want the world to blaat with bapplneaa. Juat a little flicker ta a WOOdpile llera and tlaen will bt ellouJb. -

You're ao nearer beavtn wtaen rem pt up Oil etll~. but 10me of UJ wlll never be aaUde4 un we C&ll llaht our piJ* Wlftll a atar. -

Nlte17 t1 mtpt.J aoctabt•l bUt WbeDner JOU eee blm 1ooktD• ralll tor comPDJ juat ten blm 1l'l 70ut 111ll1 4Q' aatl llbout •'8alltll.lla1" -

' ' - .

placed upon an elevated knoll adjacent other part of tho city or New York to tho riverside and purposely exposed from the trying ·changes of tempera­to tho full force of tho summer turo and humidity wblcb are so char. breeze&. For tbe winter experiment aetorlatlc of Ita climate. If, In spite Ill alto was removed to the center of or all these drawbacks, what bas been the Island, where trees and buildings done can be done, and that for Insane Interposed to act aa a wlnd·break to patlenta, what may not be hoped from the sc.woro 1torme from tho cut and tbo extension .of the same methods to northeast which are to be expectQ.Il In the ordinary consumptive or 10und that locality. Tho number of paU~ntl mlnd, anxlou* for recovery and cape.. waa re'l•tced to twenty, those In whoril ble of gtvlng Intelligent asalstanee In tho dlaeuo was moat activo being re- tbe struggle?

"Tbls treat7.," he aald, "was algned em the «econd vlslt whlcb Ailierleans ever maae to Japan. The ftrst oc· • curred the yoa1· before, when our oa-.

talned and tho ot,Jler• being returned, ---- val forcea landed at Gorlbama under Commodore Perry, on fhe 14th of July, 1863. We entered the Bay of Yeddo with four vessels, prepared for an emergency. In other words, eveJT· thing was cot In readiness tot action. Several daJI of great excitement were passed amt4 the preliminaries tor the grand landing, In the end Commo­dore Pe117 carrJed ashore the pres!· dent'• letter to tbe eUlperor of Japan. The commlss101lera appointed to re-

for the time belns. and much agalnat their will, to the buildings, One larco tent auftlcea for the llouslng at ~ght of the reduced number of patients, and one waa act apart •• a alttlng· room for day Ute, wltb the acce11ort tent• before mentioned, and larco stovea were placed In them, here and thor«~, with wire screen• IUmtnndlng them to protect tho paUenu, an4 a Jlboral ueo of a1beetoa and ()tber an­proof material and arra!l1ementa for the proventlOD or ftre.

To make a IODI atory short, It bas remained tn conUnuoua uat~, not only throUJhout the ftrat winter. but tbrouah tbe two eucccedlnr: wll1teta and lnte"enlill tea•on•, up to the date of the pr«~ttbt wrlttn1. The acope of lu t~mplo)'ment hu been IJ'adually enlarpd UDUI all patients In wbom there are active manlleatatton• or tube.-.,uloal...an averace of f~ three out of a total cenaua of atiout 11,060-are l1otated ther«~ln, and tile~ ba .. been parallel tDlar•ement or~ ~o elementa f\1 the plant. ·

Tb• l1olatlon of thl tuberculotll &*· tlenta bu rt4.uc:.t4 ._ A vuatmutll the daaJtr ot tatlotloi ot ~tbtt »tllfluta and or employtt. The patlentl thtJD· eetvu ~ave 1-qltteO no tDJ,uo-,p;r.-.td• &hlp, bot bave. OJ' the c:Kthtrarr. ·baen l.lamJ•tuabJr btll,.ftttt. Tllta ••-•ho-.o, &ltlODI.Otb•r WAJt, b)' & 4~ue ID th' d"tb rat. ~ tnahrscm.arr t.ll~a ... cutotlt, botb •"-•blt• ..r:l\ utl '' • mu-.e~ centtf,l bo4llt •~uaUq. Of Oil tJ) U tit• 11.-1~


erea=:mlarley Entree ,

Savory LenUla Vesetablea

ll_lUibecJ Pot'atoelf · Btrln• Bean• Let1uco with Nut Blltter Dresslnl'

RO&ated Sweet PotatocB Breadll

Salad BandwloheB Corn Puffa ~IIIJert

Bananu ln Syrup

Cream Barley loup.-Wuh a cup of celve It were Informed b:r the commo­pearl barley, drain; and almmer alOW• dore that he would return the next ly In two quarts of water for four .or :rear to receive the CJQperor's answer, Qvo hour•~ adding botllng water trom !'nti that he would bring with bfm the tl"'e to tlme a1 needed. Whe~, {be escort or a tarse fteet. Tbfs piece of b~let- 1(1 *en4•r, JtP.In otr the llejuor. JnformaUOn wa1 not· agreeably r& ot wblch tb~r• ~oatd bl a'bOUt Uire.t celved. Plnt•; '&cld to It a portion · of "In tbe opql~s ot the next rea,..... ~ked wleJ sralal, wt, and 185(-.., lpe!lt neat))' • month tn the or wltfilpea cream, Md ae"e. Chluete ~. to wh!ch we had retlreci, rerred, the beaten ,P,UC·qt an In Prfti'CJ.b'ii- arrutements for the-be Ugd lnlteacl ot ~ill. MCQ!U:l "fltl~ t6 faptD, J)rlJJs bT eta)".

••vo.,. L.tftllf..,.'t'ai<f'···et.ull 4rllle 'b7' Dlibt, •ere he14 'both ashore ot ~ooked bt41tll teh\UI' 'tbt ~¥itftl1ld aft~~ ... ct, In orcter to artord the bea 'rubbed tbrou&h a colander .. eommotlbre an opportunltr lor review· remtfftt .. kta•. br~ad &tr ~Ia ten-ct. em i~ort • Yl•lt to th~

• prince te~e~t of J..oO.choo at bk Ml· .,. at Sl(eucU •• .r.n.n&ed- Boonat•

· ttit• Uae co~odore lulpect.fa ll·•IYeJry veuetatld pronounced them eat·

· ;~o; : earlT t• . .l'cibruatt .~ to.- ~l1t de~ - ,_/. ~ ~ .... ' ~

' t;U" tltJi

in Japan ond IJ'eat landing or Americans was effected. Tbe commodore, as ambasea· dor, with about 60 omcers, 160 ma· rlnes, 240 sallorl! and 3 bands of mu· sic-In all about 600-tormed the par­ty, ftJllng 27 boats. On this occasion 'the answer· to the president's letter to the emperor of Japan through the imperli}J commissioners' was dellv· ered. Tbls Jetter was a remarkable one, In vlew ot the exclusiveness whlcb these people had hitherto main· talned. It contained the following passage: ';But tor us to continue blg· otedly attl}ched to the ancient . laws seems to misunderstand the spirit of tlle age, and we wish to conform rath· er to what necessity requires.'.

"Contrast tbls with the sentiment expressed In the following Inscription repeated on tablets or wood and stone all ov.er the empire: 'So long as the sun shaD warm the earth let no Chris-. .

· tlan be eo bold ae to come to Japan, and let all .know that the . klbg of SpaiD himself, or tHe Chrlattan'a God, 01'1 the great God of all, Jf he violate this command, .shall suaer for It wtth bls head.' lt was an exciting day, when that little band landed and faced more than 7.,000 well-equipped soldiers, both cavalJT and Infantry.·

"During the next three weeki the time was occupied with frequent meet·

both on sea and on shore, and everything was done toward hasten· lil~ the maldng of the treaty, whreh was signed March 81, 185f. When the Americans met tbe Japanese for that ftnal act It wu before a. paYlllOn P.Y· • ly decorated by the Japanese with colored clotbes and flag•."

The following quotation from a let· ter wblch Mr. Speldon wrote home ·Immediately .rter.the evebt wlll-•erve to 1how what Americans of that day thought of tM treat)': "I truly be­neve:• }le ..-Tote, "that the \le• era 'Which ra now allout to talce place iu 'tlte hi~" . ·()f the Japanese empire Will be C.J:le In which br g.Ur -ebanps win occur than we bave thla tlme: PI reaaon to tel=:~ &lid that.~. bef~ JDt.b)' 'fellll pq.-ea:~--New York &Yenta1 1'011t.

-~ . -

ax-sllN~TOtl A MILLIONAIIlL _......_ wun'"" "• Makela :a.ua .Ho~~W

_Mat''~"';"' YIJt. ·

..... ..... rttlllt '" .......... ........ It.,., ..

&:t,. • .. - ...

,-, . 1~1 .. ,..,_~, . ' .

~. . . ~~~tlof.·.J.tul* tfttw Jhee ,.. • ._ . S'ldfe,tac Pc,\

AcUYt~lJ' •' Wo~~ " '!res,., Dill Mr. Wlitkint t() .a reporter,

., iii ts ttne tbali I have bee:u; Ctlfed' of at&Jla by Dr. WJJlliuus' Fink J?ills."

"Are .you ~~ you 11M. ·tooomotOF

.. The docto.ra *b~elvca·liold mo ao. 13ealdes I ~o~i~ th, symptoms~"


·~ Wba.t 'W~ th~,.,.. . . "WeU; the 1l,rd ~tloo~ a , ;;

etiffneaeaboutth'b~jciilt~ . tcame on about f011,1' ~·o.go. · .Af . ntW. ~ter that . ~,. walk ,gpt tq .,. · · I Jo~llwu4clenoie W.IILlJ JIOWOl' to coutrolfihe J:!lOVeplents of :p~7lep. Once, when l waa· m the c~lla.r, t itarted to ~ck up two scuttlea of cO!'lf and my legs gave way Sll4deuly, ancll tnmbled all in a heap In ~ J!.M\:et. I couldn't· cloa(t :my eyea and ~P my ~oe to B!loV& blJ' life. · ~ets X b-.ii f~ palna over my whole bod)" an41 loG oop~ over lilY Jddnen and m.y bOwels." . . ~ .. aaw about '1QT1or poeral health, •• ... Sotuetimes I was ao weak that I bact

to keep my ~ and m.y W'efgbt feU off twent7 poQdl. .TbioP look~ prettr bad tor me until I tian ·acros~~ a yo'!lllg man who had been cured by Dr. Wil-liams' Pint&: PiUB and who adVilecl :qae to Y l;r1 tbem." ·

"Didthele pUla help you rightawaY?" "ldldn'ttee much improv~tu,n.

till had used six 1Joxee. The first bcna­ftt I noticed was a better circolation aocl a picking up iu strength and weight,• 1 gradually got conf;ldm:ace in :my ability to direct the movements of my legs. unt . In the course of sevea or eight month8

~the trouble• had cn.ppeared."' • •• Do yo.u regard yourself aa entlrel;r

wellnow?" . · "X. do the 1\Y.ork of a well mJ'D "t 'Afl7 rate. 1 cau close my- eyea and ataud up all right and move ubout the same a other men. ~e pdna ue aU ·~e ex­cept an occasioJUil twitch iu the ~VC)I of my lege." · ·

Mr. JameaH.'Watldns.nlsldesat No. 'l:.l Westerlo street, ·Albany, N.Y. Dr. Wil­liams' Pink ~Cllll be obtained at any drug ttore. ~ shn~d be used aa aoon u tne ftrat ailP.J:is of locomotot atuia apo JG&r au a ~ nambneaa of the toea. j J •

T'Walk Isn't so che.ap when money talks. • • hat a pity rea.t detectives a111 not

ae brilliant as story-book detectlveB." "Jt wouldn't work," anawt;~red the pollee omcer. "They'd all l'eslgn from the force and write novels."


Painful Eruptions From Knees to Feet Seemed lncurable-Cutlcura

Ends Mlaery.

Another ot those remarkable curea by Cutlcura, after doctors and all eJae had failed. ts t~U1led to by Mr.' M. C. Moss of OafneavJIJe,. TeU!I, In thf) foUowlns letter: ·"For over thirty :rean I anJrered from painful ulcera ~nd an eruption from my Jmeea to feet, and could ftnd aelther doctor• nor medicine to help ~e. until 1 uae4 CnUcura Soap, ·ointment and Pilla, wbleh cured me In .six monibe. They helped me the very tlnt time- i uaed them, and 1 am clad to write this 10 tliat othen suaertng u t 414 may be 1avet1 from mli8JT."


b After a Qll!.n learns th~ base~ll nme,

e ha. .to learn the language of the •P.orUng editor .if be want• to Jmow •bat happened. ------

TEA We consume a great deal

of 'tea, but do· we enjoy it? More coffee; b11t do we ~11· joy it? ........ 1!.':'! roar .d.~....;, ........ -·--~

. '


' .• ~ - r .. . . -

• '

. .. ~.;.· · . .....

• <

< <; ' ,.

' ' . '

• • ' . . .

' .;: '-

'. ' .

I I ' '

·' ' i '

Page 5: J. o·uR ENTIRE STOCKarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/WHIT… · trc be a tb~ m1111 A OB (! 0 0 bill. Tbat wn e m lip ding '-' ht I g ot c b.a 11 In Troy

' ' i.


•• •

t»vaJ. .lO~ck»,oOo Publlahect. • •

1&117 bas a 'taste

' fteelJ for etaht

to perce£Y6 an)' The~ I noUce<l

-Jap,., •• l.o&aea v,ry

• H!llr Warships 9r De•lr!')'et• -Emperor Commend• . Fleet. .

FIVE ALREAOV DEAD; ----Rttporb of 4t1e Terrible Dll!&atell' ln

Gunnl~on. T~o~nnel.

~ ·,DE!nver, · ,TJJne · 1.-J)Ispatcll~ · (rpJr liControse Show tbat ftve taen are al­r.eat;Jy dead aa a result of the eave-in In the Gunnison tunnel Tuesday morn· Jng. 1he dead ·are Charles Hornhart. James Casilid;v., Floyd Woodrul!, Ed Sbqler, H. · 0. Steele.

Ben Taylor and Fred· Gross are In ~b.e ,tqgq,~J a_nd,. st,!ll _ .. l~v~ n ·~ b& IIHed.;thlit't.!W;'will b~ rescued, as the rescuer$ are close to them. Nineteen ;J)leJr-·were rei!C!ued yesterdco,.. when the shaft l"as compl~t~ so tba.~ -.rEli!CWlrll. eoulil enter -the tunnel, and QJllY two !!ave beeii Injured by tbe cave, neither serl&ualy.

-.\t 1~ttl0 Yf.Sterday•plOI'Jllng the men ~~if (he;.tt!~p~rarj lih!lft from ·the suttace reached the 'too'f of- thf) trm· ller~ portion of the tunnel, .where the men were Imprisoned. Upon making an opening Into- the maiD tunnel, nine­teen men were rescued, all allve, and but two (If them 1n.1UJ1ld. They were:

Ed Fellin.~. D. Connor, A. Fator, A. J, Me:~er, Charles Bmlthley, Louts Ciran·

D. Perrt Groudel, James Latham, :p. Bart, Albert

CQnrad Hjlmer-

crew. 1

' ' .._~ .. ~ ,.. ' which ~rows oft a co!cJ •. One 1'~ 10!:4 ~ason vtby lt restores U.e he$lth;of ~ down, nale Bl1d emaciiJOO. p~pl' lavbf• en use ft. first throws out the P.l)lsons t.roi!i tbe liver and ktdnoys. It then beBIV..Itt rec~mstrnctlvo work In bulldfi\1[ liP tleab and muking good, rich, red blOOd. · ·

. I .;;

"I h~ve been • sufferer from IJI,dlcetUOD to:r_!IOme thirtY :veal'!l, at. tlme!l." w1'ltet Mr. • 8. w. · Mullenu. or Oltclevlllc. '\V, Va., "£i:i! bave used medicine from sevem of ur if· ~!ChlUS. Wblcb llllVe IDe only a lltne \i! • ))()rtlg relief. The.r s.Ud l could never lMJ cured: La11t wlnwr I l!:a!l stricken "'th th• wont BDf1.U that I ever had. I suffered wlth

. aueb seven pains. In the pit of m:v st.om~ .

Alcolohl Light,.

Wood alcoh!>l 1!'1 eo~D~ Ink! quite cfineral use for Ugbttng fn France and GennaDY. whore It Is as lne~cmslvo as kerqaene. Tile alcohol l$ Jell tq ll spe­cial burner by a wlck, which .does not require trimming, alld ·with a small Welabach mantle ln a ,alender glass cblmQey, a smokel(lss ·and steady light of torty-flve cudle power is produce4_. Thls very • brUU~t Ught cu be r~gu­lated perfectly and ls qulte odorless.

In Record Ttme. ~ J.lln~r Flats, Tenn., May 29tb.­

(Bpectal)-Cured ln two days of Rbeu­matfsm that bad made his life a tor­tur& tor two years, D. B. Hilton of tbla place naturally wants every. other sul!erer from rheumatism to k11ow what cured hlm. It waa Dodd's Kidney Pllls.

"Dodd's J{ldney PUis are· the grand· eat pill on earth" 1ays Mr. Hilton, "1 1\'0Uld not take any SUJD of monoJ for what they dld for me. 'For two years· I had what tho doctors called rbe1il{latlsm. I could, hardlJ walk arQund the house. !t seemed to be in lilY back and hlp and legs. I trle1· eveeyth~ng but nothing helped me tW I got Dodd's Kidney Pllls."

"Two days after 'i · took the ftrst dose all pain left me and It has never' come back since. I can't praise Dodd'l Kidney PIUs too mucb." .

RheQmatlsm la caused by urld acid In tbe blood. , Healthy kldneya tat:o · all the Urlc Acid out of tho blood. Dodds' Kldne;r Pllla make bealtb7 kld~eya.

TEA Is there a better way to

k~ep the family . longer .at table. to keep it together? Sharp tongue• are

friendships. apt

that I eould noltber work uor 11lee~nd weight wellt down trum one ~n .u I

D Y C J Ch.fl Tb · nlu~~tlve ~wul•ito ono bundtr;; an ala~. 0 ou a·ee l y' ' en rc::~lud!a J11ha~\ t;gufli0~:~~~D~fo~ Pic~~

F • b d A h , 11. O ~ ,Golden Mil leal Dlscolcr;v. B.v the ~!me the everts an c e a ~ ver J ~\r,.~o~~:a;. .. ~e.~~ .:::.~~s ~\~~'lt:S ' , used our botwos o 'Golden Medlc!ll Dla-

covm. • 1 am \11ll:V thankful for the lfl'8at Feel Wom-out, Glue and T.lred 1 Have You benefit wblch 1 . llavo recol'!'cd from your • Frtah Cold, With Frequent Haokllll ~eg~~:: .. ~a can cotdl~l:v recommend lt

. Coua-.' S!!na~on. of ~or'"'" In tile ~·· Or Baokt It St nds Alone :::~rt!i ~~. r::

(fi'cdlents, but Don't let your cold J'Un Into chw:"Onlc also as tho only medicine tor stomach,

bronchitis or ,Jlnoumonia. Tho very best liver and- blood cllsordors, whloh a~ tonic 11olterat.lvo and body-builder o.l. this h1toly ooNTAJ!t NO ALOQBOt.. time Is Dr. Pleroo's Golden l\1 edlcal Dis· covery. Made wltho'Ut alcohol or dan- It Stands Alone as tho best at• gl)rous drugs, and It contains that. rare terat.lyo medl· combination of roots and l\orbs tbo.t will -------- ~no, tho maker1 allay a cough (Irons It out as It were), of which take their patients fully Into restores tho circulation, assists tho appo- tbelr confidence and t.ell them exactiJ tlte and digestion, and consequently re- what they are taking. This Dr. Pierce stores tone to thl) entire system. Tliat Is can afford to do, beeau&o his •OoLDU the reason JKlOPle look hallPY once more 'MEmc.AL DulCOVERY" Is made of snob after taking It-they feel like llvll)g be- lngredlentlk' u.nd after a working formula cause their liver Is notiv(l., tho bloOd In that hns hnudreds of thousands of cures their arteries Is full of that life-giving toj Its credit, pio.clng Its merits above quallty-rlc.h, rod blood. The blood In cr tlclsm. · · turn fCeds the nerves.

No1'VOUSnCSSI\lld neuralgia arc only the It Stands Alone as Nature•• Indication that lho nerves o.ro not foo on oilro for almos' Invigorating blood, This "Medical Dis· -------- all chronic dis• covary" of Dr. Plorce Is nature's own cases bcc~uso tho earth supplies tho In• restorer. It tones up the organism and f;redlents, wblob IU'e o.s follows: stimulates lt.s functions, furnishing to the Goldetl Seal (H~dmstts oanadClflBil~ body one of Ita necessary constituent Q " • • .Stl'" •·· ....... •~ principles of which It Is In need. ueullll roo. •••no .... uuovat .......

This preparation Is of pleasant taste, Stone r<Jot <Colltnsonlll Canadell8i&), agrees porfoctly with rebellious and stln· Cherryba-rk (PMtTlU8 VlruLiauma), sltlvo atomacbs, and Is extremely efJec- Bloodroot (."'tmoutnar/.a Canadmt8CI}, tlve In restoring tone and vigor to t11e Mandrake <PodophvUum Peltatum). entire system. It cures gastric troubles Constipation although a little Ill. be-of the stomach and at the samo time the g.-ts big one~ If neglected. D•. Pierce'• bloQd·vessels are KIVon a stimulation Plonsunt. Pellets cures constipation.


Wl'lte ~. P. Hall, Gea. Ast.. A.., '1'. A 8, F. RJ' ., 1100 Lawnaee Sf.,

Deavel', Colo,

Chicago, St. Louis, St. Paul, Memphis, Kansas City, St. Joseph, and maoy other easte(n points.

. Ooe fare plus $2:00 for round b·ip-

• May 27, 29, June 3, 5, 6, 10, 12, 13, July 1 to tO-limit October llst.

Etasant Serv.ice on the Santa Fe

Save the Babies •. • , '

NFANT MORTALITY is something ftightful.· We can hardly realize that of all the ohildren born in oivilized oountries, twentytwo per cent., or nearly one..quarter,, die before they reaoh one y~ar; thirtyseven per oent., or more

than one·third, before they are five, and one-half before they are fifteen I • We do not hesitate to say that a timely use of Oaatoria would save a ma­

jority of these preoious lives. Neither do we hesitate to say that many of these infantile deaths are oooasioned by the. use ofnarootio preparations. Drops, tinotures and soothing ·syt11ps sold for children's complaints oontain more or leBB opium, or morphine. They are, in considerable quantities, deadly pflisons. In any quantity they stupefy, retard oiroulation and lead to congestions, rlckness, death. Oastoria. operates exaotly the reverse,· but you must see that it bears the signature of Oha& H. Fletcher. Oastoria causes the blood tG circulate properly, opens the pores of the skin and allays ~ever. .

Letters from Proml_nent Physicians '

addressed to Chas .. H. Fletcher.. ~ IJr, .&. 1'. Peeler, of BL Lonl1, Mo., ••11 : "I han procrlbell :rour Cutorla Ill

8WI1 C!UC!I ilt3d haYe alWIJI foWJd lt ID elllclent IJld JPeed:r -remeiJ:r.'' . Dr. Jil, Do1rD. of l'l1u..4elt;lbla, l'a.,. ..n; "I bave preacrlbe4 :r:our Caltorla In 1117: i'ractlce for maar Je&l'l wltli are•t latiJtacuoa to IIIJHlt aaca beae1lt to ..... l)iltltatll." ' -

• :. "1

4have u~ed roar cutorla Ia

lto'::;'i~a:.ad:"::!" eonra1 patlmhl to lid IC.

durlat the put ••• tMnt 1 m011t heum1 c .... a

mollt delicate o 'dllldreli." Cutorla I• au Ideal me41ctu

do aot a4voeate the IDdl• 111 e.Jceptloa for eoJI41Uou

MJI : "TOIJf Ca•torl& 1io1&1 tlle at ... bl no 9tber proprle.-r.r P.re~ratiO!i, U

Oil thlldrtla. ID fact1 It Jll tll UlYtnal •

1 "Oaatorla It 0111 of the .,~ ,.... cbJJcl.rea. Ja IDJ O.lli.Oion /our aJtctrJa'

turDIIb buaomr. o tu •Oillale

"Dnrlar tbe; Jut twfl" Jilin, ot the bflt ~J)Iai'&UOJI 4!1 tM el'tl<l~he Ia ril~i:Yiu chiJ~ priJ*t&U~ cu 11e aaata It

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Page 6: J. o·uR ENTIRE STOCKarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/WHIT… · trc be a tb~ m1111 A OB (! 0 0 bill. Tbat wn e m lip ding '-' ht I g ot c b.a 11 In Troy

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tftlkfr W111'1"' DIHftd te tH ltfertst of , WWtt Olb 1M 1J1ctt1 Ct. ~. I.

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--·---·~-----------Enlart!d co "'""'"' clllllo moll~r, !Wlp~embc1r 11! ..

1001. at I"'"' uflln(' a\ While Onlla, New lluloo

und6f 11111 Ml of OCin.ntlt of llarob 14, 1170. --- .

HVUfWilii'TfON PllWfl.

One Ycur (10 Atlvuncc; ..... f!l.OC•

Jf out puhllnttitlo 6 month11 .. 1.61•

-- . . . . '

W. C. Kenrick, American Con· KUint Juarez, Mexico, died at that vlace June lKt. He was a newKpaper and magazine writer of Kome note, and waK but thi•·lr· two yeurK old.

, -v ..-.. .. m;;;n

ll'll OVI'EJ THI V.di1'1UT­

becauHe our cycK are swollen t with tbc tcnrK Khed over yeeter·

dny'K failure.

• . '

We Mee very little flOOd in life bt-caUKt' we are always Jookine for the worMt of it.

We fuil to Mt'C our nl'ighbor'~ virlUt'l!. bccuuKl' we spt>nd our time Ml'llrchlng out hiM fnultM.

~sr•-•·•·a~v•···-~·-.. .-··wq_.._._


t '

• r ··t ~ '1. 1\t'U The Louis an4rCJark exppsition "".*~"-· l&:IJ,Ut e ,a.n e,,dJf,~ "•iJeD~ed by .P.'nru ic••tw•lli opened at Portland, Oregon, 1U:ne to '1uet Pat •• Gru!re*t fro~ nf tne C:t.'Pi'ttd ~tuck tMt. Vice J?rcsident Fairbanks oflic§! Qf coUec.te<t'of interMl rev"·t· .. ~ \Jul)lJ}JJny au+ 6hnWtJ

t be w ;lbaah . icicle. shed 0: few euue at' El Pasb by the politieiau aUH·k b11ok.- of. ,.aid ~.~ JrPir>rJttiQI.h I warm .rlobuleu of .aurf~ce et(,)-' and. tlte ou~s w~ :wish ~ ge,t. iu. ) ·Ot1Bt1 m•. b· or 110 mtmy t ~~reQf , . quence. tbe button was thumbed · ··--. ··. ·- · .;j·'.lli",Y '" '""'eenry tn ~ 1111118fY. ·~ lll"'ta·

rind the rnacbiqe 8et a-going. ·'J'be Capitan N~ws' ridlr()ad~, judg·,r(.n , .inter"' :aod the eo.~t' •·nd Put :yot,lr ptJOJin~ tank on wheels, cartoon . sbowinJ conditions .o~ ..

1:. expe••ll 8 ~·' eu;;~ ~"·'!;05 ~ret your ~rJ udg9, .After.llreath.. affairs in our neighboring tow~· . Dnt< d rlf

16 ~ ,• T • ·

. - ' . ' d f1 f N • . i b h )I tiONE~ ·~<\FERRO, ang the dry. erJnn.Ie a r o ew u~ e. ao04 oue. l*" s to e op~~-" · S . aJ M 81

r Mexico, a little Pacific fog will do pot oqty for the good of CapitOn ' · peo• ~.!' e '

you good. but for a Jar~ portion of Lin~oln Ne&lce for ra•ueatl ... · - - ~ Cop.nty,. that th1slittle set~ck, .,..·--

Very little oewe of Importance wdl oaJy bo temporary. apd that PEPAl\TMEXt' oi 'l'HE Jl'TEatoR. F·

has come {ron the seat of wardu· the runnin~ of trains on ''tliez 1«114 omceatnQII,n,ti,'N. Hex., ~$J6, •9cn., 1' ring the past week. The great branch" will be resumed at an ~otlco Is tureby l•vo~. c~at t~o to~lowJna-. 1 . t

' 'T -.._ ld pamed settler baa rued·uoUee of bts "''aqtlo11 to gea fight left Admiral Togo but early date. he vu·.&:J:.OOK WOJ! .nsue ftoa& prooUq.supportor bla clatJn, ltnd i·: . little to do until Russia can build ·suggest that the News turn I~S that wd p~olwUl bel mado beloro till! U.s,.

• 1

• 1 tb · -09mmissloJior ~t bla oftbe Jn Uneoln, Nqw or buy another fleet for h1m to 1 Spnng poet oose on. e ~anage~ )loxlco,o•• .Juno21J~ 1006. VIa: v._vld o. Ker, work over and send dow.n to ber I ment of tbe road. There are upon Romeaf.C44 App,Jicatlon No. 4112.1, fll.l' tM

· • ' tb' • th Jd 0 P"'• 1 f(ortb eMt Qtlarterof$l!Ott9.n p, ',1', 1 s .. ~ lll .E, ,, already magnlftcent submarme some mge m 18 wor 8 ~ J ·Do namcHbe tqJJo,vlnc i\-ltnll••J• to 'provll navy, whitt! 0 yama appears to be t!,tetically excruciating that even:~· lit's conunuqn~ rcalduaccyu~n -••4 cnltlvatlon

. . h R . 11 rnnra•:~n must warm ot ••ld ltlnd, viz: . prepanng to send t e . USSlllD a sou ess co ........ ~ . J. A. Simpson, of ooron~, N. !If., land forces in quite the oppm~itc toward them even ~fit does noth• n. r •• owuu•, otcorllna. N.M.,

direction from that taken by the ing more than to get bot under. -~;.~~ ~:.·~:::':·~r!'~~N.M. fleet. 'rbe Czar is the only pofen· tb e collar. uoWABD J,Ef.ANIJ, ncglat


tate on the face of the globe that daesn't know be i~ whipped out of biB war clothes, but if the next battle doea not cause the knowl· ed~e to filter throu~th hia deose perception. then be will be a fit targd for treason, ana.rc by and bombs .

&.. r ., if n 1& p-

Con&c •l Jlotlce.


ftotlee for Publlcat1oll· •

$300 .

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