j-'vi.vfrr litxo c'lirg rllp - chronicling america · 2017. 12. 13. · deolinofl tbe...

FVKR,.;TTS WASHUTOTON. - tom UYOrX'tt IVAflHINUTON. Py E»a*aa Tlir J-'Vi.Vfrr litxo PP »** IbflBflflBbflfl At tbe flugg.it ».»«. Li.rd Maoatilay, who had deolinofl tbe rllp.I of tho pr-prietom of the .,BB^«Jop»dia Bntfti.nica," t.. fu'n;sh a biogra- hy ot W.ahinjton Ior tbe new edition now pub- lirbing, Mr. Kvere't wbb NfBflrtai to writ.- a xxxmtM nnder that title: and it i* bere IflBflfli iu sdranoe o* ita apresratioe in the Iflflbfl for which it wa* oiiflmally n.ten-'ed. It is foiindod ch e:ly afl the ftaidard worke of MtixhiH. Spirk', and Irt ing, aith no atvn.pt tt parade the fruiti <>f pemmal rreeareh, wh-ch iu ibe present cafle, woold pr.baMy have ctn.tribut.ed l!ttle to the knowledge flf lii.pnrtai.t evt-nts iu the public career of ita i lufltrioiifl Btibject. The principaJ di#tinction of tbe roluire ia iti aingularly neat and graeeful atjle, ib acnipnlaua and Hcholarlike preci*itm ti atatemeut, and it* frlowing, though temperate, ex- preM-ona of admiiati n for the eharacter of Waah- lpgton. Ab a i\-ndtn.»d, and at the aame time, a b'ghly attractive, »ketch of tbe father nf his flflflM* try, it will BBfl fa«l to flecure a cbenshed place amor.g the b< uaebold bouks of a great number of American familiea. The followirg ocrotint of the prcparation flf the Fart-woll Addreaa preaont* the Kubj.-ct b a clear hght: At lenp»h the laat yeir of General Wasbington i seeosd quadrei nial term ifl ..ffiee arrivt d. BaflMaOOM beg<n to be made to hiu by niBfri.nds lo .king to BDotber re*l ctioo, bnt uothiag conld now ehake bb pnrpoeeto eti'e. a> d he de'erminel to pnt all dOB <i on thal ira' jact at reflt, by a Tery formal annonncemenl of hia parpt se. Httvin* -hi* immediate Wtjoti in vie*-, witb ptrental inter »t in tbe present welfare < f hh eonntrymen. and p-ovid-ul ?ornhooght ft.r the l'ti nre he det.rni_i.ed t > f^nnect win it nn..tlier obj-i-t of bm greaier nlteif-r ia.portaiacr a Farewell AddrflBB t<> h>e leliow-flMBMBfl fcnil>iKl>iog bifl lat oaaaaeb forth il n.etruciion aud guicauo*. TbflBMfalabaB by ttmm i: gtot for Ibe p»t-p-.ra ion of thi* *<-.dri*_t, were mitk. d with more th.n bia uentl i-irciiuBpei ion and care Tbe? have b«*n ihe labjafll afl BBBM ditft r.-nee t.f opitVia atd diernfleion al ditlerent timett, ia which il wonld exc*ed ihe limit* tfl Ibb w«fh ta Bagafla. All tiia knoiBii fafiB «f iBaeBBBBra bronnhi lepBtfleraafl ret fiar:hn witli gieat a -uteutsaai.d pncisiu,bf tbe Hon. Hari.ce Binney, lu the et nv to wl.i.-h aliUBion hhfl b.eu loxtic in ibe prefa ¦ M theae ].*_<.)_., ent t afl " An Jiq»n^ iuto the For iuaiii/U of Wasningiou e Farewtl Acdreflfl " ,_. , It had b.*u ihe mtentn.n of WuBtuni-'ton. fiom an early i*M"d of bia -.dn.iuiotiati.n, (o dflclittfl a re- BbewBSt lhae'oae ofl me tern. ->f oflea for wbbh ha wafltbofl.il i>- 178ft Fa ly b 1781 he considered iba expe-reiicv of a ltir-well a tlrt-et* ia emneitiou willi thb atiuoui rmeit t.f l.m paij -. t I ii e. Aanig otber fotilidential frici d. eovaabafl by Inin flt thii iiuie wat Mr Madiron, wnb wbi m bfl cotinunnictted bnb onuly at Pi ra< .Im ia ano by i.-tt-r alter tbi-rece-s »f Cotgrerfl. Mr Ma m n, in rti.lv t. niit bflflT, aU. r e»mt*t!y di-Mit.'i. u the 1'mider.t from his parpoaa to rttiie trutsu nt-d to him the draft cf an aldiet*, wincii ha* beeu p>»8-rved. It ia of no great hagth, and was BvttaM y b euded not la go far beyond the hint* coctanad in the fie* ditit'e Inter, either iu the choic* or imimrni ol 'tt- tti|.iifl. WflBUDgton baviu- a Lmm indoc*d, by the earni-Bt and untuimoutt B«li iuti.n \ of hi/tritide. w> one-nt to a rteletlion, thie addiewi [fl wa* al etursc laid mido ' iu tkehprug of 1?:'C, and ia the last year of bU e*o<-nd ad . lint-l ation bavii n wa have eeen, mad« op bi. Btitid ltrt Vftabl. tn decline a reno-ninalion, \V_a_ti u gitii again took conneel on the siil.j-.tt of u faieweL BflflMBBa ln ibe progreBB of Ue puliticttl dirin- i.-t-fl of tl ¦ d-iy, Mr. Mad a >t. bafl Oeksea to be ef ths rambflr af hia coLtideiituI adviseri. and the PiaabbM csllel opon Hami'ton to aid him on this occision. Want bgt.-n's tirsi at*-p wa* to pre__4ire hinist'lf a rongb sketrb of a in ew.il Bflflflfl ea. lt BflflMfa ed of a (em praiin_.ir.bry B-utea es, intr.-dacing tbe draft fnr- nirhec by fer HflabeB in I?!'-.' (to »hich, for parJralar reaBfiic,'Wa-h r-g'-on ad tred wit^i e-ime feiwiiyi, and thia was fohowed by Ibfl 'boughtfl and Bentimoht^, wbicb be deenx-d n.ost BMtaffla>efor eath an adur-Bs. An tiiifl pajwr wa« ii.ter.cad .uly to fnrni-.li BlMrbb, Iba' portion afl it whith foliovv. Madi-ion s draught, ai.d wbb it-mpoBrd l-v \\ atbii gt >n bi neelf, is I l r,. .- of rBiuBika and BoggrBtioiis not aindiousiy kmagefl cor abbwalafl lla ptaaabflflba. Tai* p:,;,er bbbi abawB hy WaflbaatoB ie lUmii'm, at PiiUd.-iphia, in the hpr'mg of K'.a', ai.it itt wish flxpfflflfled that ht- wonld "ref'rtrs i-. li was also aaggeatad that, b'didedoiig bt* flaflilbM. tf bfl thongblUiat. ahnnld .. tln-w Ue whole iuto a new firm,' ..ppi .' 1 npon the b utimeMB coutaiucd' in Waahiiigtou'fl d/aoght. Tbi* wa. aoeordinply done. Hara'lton fir-it pre- pared tbe adcreue, ibrown wl-i.lly blO a MaaW form." hi.i1 tf en digteud in another pa.er, in ro iriectioii with Mr. Madits-i. e ehort aticre _., tbe IboqgbM and Biiigej flaafl a; ;>ti did M it, us we have seen.in Wa.liington'B ong.tai dr«tij.'bt. Tb. I'lesid-nt gave a flu'iiled pr.lertnce to tne BflW for n, aid. ainr \ery caraful . \ bbfl I y him, it wae pabiiahi-d ou th'.» 19th of St;.- iBBkhflfl, tttit Of tbe doi'tia Bn-s and pBj,ure cornc-i'ed wi.h tl'.'b bflaaaalbg p*odaeiioa ibflwahava beea pret n ---d. ia aflflbba to most if wti ail the . Miaaaaadaaea betweea Waehmptoii and II. illon, AV_t8bii)_."..ii s original titiih draft of a laie*e'.l iwltifisri, aun HtaiUtaiiB revi-..c afl i' IbBM two paperi. exift OBl| in tbe COpiflfl Uken oy Mr. S^aike tl.e < r y'lnnln baaiogdiBapj atd H(imilt"i, b ."'ginul draagbl "f bb addr*Miatbe " r.ew form.'' There is als (.retarved a-non1.- Hatnil- t>:. _- paaatfl Hk\t a <a ... *.t P&iaU t,. ntw au Add'ee*. wbbh BppflBlfl io have l.nen .ir-iwn up bj Um :is k flalfla, iu paaaafliag his tr ginal draog' t Ilainilt _a'a I'itfitial (fr-Mfht, ae revieea aud t-orncied atd ad .pt d bf \N'..ebin^,on, liatB^ia BflBIfld. Tba rur "»' n.stn- ript of tl.e I art- Wfll AdcraBS, fiom aliMb it W»B prin-ed, b iu oxbb cuce. aafl n b wbofly ia the baadarrhbgofl *^aabbg tu, lt tontainB tt-ry ma y eorreetioBa, -raurtr-, aod i'i*ei!iretii'iiP, wbuti i.ie aleo all in WaahiaglOO'a baidvtritii'g. It wfcs pna.-i.t-ti to the editor of tbe |i;*r b v bbb it waa pabibbed, <"i.iy|iH.le at Ua u- bi Wn-l.ii .n li j. t*. If. aod at Cbypoob'ada (flflflfl it waa | .i hh t-d for twniiy five hundred dol- iare, bv .lamae LaaOJ e-,j ot New-Vcrk, who bot caus-il a very cartfnlly-pr. pan-d edition ot it to be pnvbte.j pOBflafl. willi all ibe vaiialioliD accurakly uotid iu ibfl U'li'xin. Tbfl abi'vesa't uitnt Ixdifved to contaiu the mate- ti*l Ih.-k of tne ii-e, a«. f*r »b tbey a/ipear fr iu th« pa. ¦aiabow in aaialaacai TbalbaiMin tae* pafaaarill loi adii.l a mt.re L,.t libd baaatbatbB of t'i« fpefltun ot flt.io:*Lii'. n',i a nW it be i. 11- li ..^ntiiue vti.h- ont a caiefQ! ex niiaio;. aad como*-isju ot tbe orig- bai papeev b tha raar. Pruaaaoh bb axawbatba n wid, weibink apiehr. ibat tba Fai. aell Adiirt:ie. ar .Jrawn np by BaaaJb n bi i aabUahed by Waflhiogl >n t< the people nf tLe Uafead -s u wi h thy n.aunal )Kir kflMof Mr. Madban l tir;ift "1 ir:'^', jre«ai)'e, in a iii'-re revelop.d forai, l'> vaii-utideue BflBflfliBafl b Waabbgtoi s origibal drai' m d ireu'e, in argnmei tn'.iie cnntttit n tb-, loajbflibaiain a re aj-.'io.-i'ticaily p-rpom d>d, the wbole cowb ned witb rrgintiiecgtee.io'i* of a kimired tyiH* froui li.itailtou'B aWB ptn. Greal rk.il ie etiiice.l y liiui in iuttrweuv- i-.». in l'fl piopt-r pl'.ie wotrj ttgg Bti.-n jiitfiined in \s tbbfltoa'fl draft (»nh a ti'.gle axeaptbo); nor ie ii'tr- balwafld to be auvtl'itgsupernilied nv Baniltoa, o' « li tiie gc-'n at foa8- i*nuoi le found m Wefi- , Ar. fl, io bb in ul if ri ns ootM BM 'Jtii, t, or in OIBCI pnduu UU Ltiqiieetit i.ahly fr im his peu. A t;ngle t j ic f iitflbfld in WasLington b dr*n«l.t wt.* exc nd-n, witn hbflbilaoaaa aadasproba*iwi, fr -a tba pn i.e!.-ti addraaa. The pas«-ge u q cnrie-idil aaygflMblM ol a j. reoi.al intracter--an in- d gi ant albabii lolbaaflbrM mide l.y ''aaflaaoftba g z.-tt- e. of the 1'ii'ed Sttbe," t>y a.is'ej reBentationa s id fa__M.l."<w.f. " io wiUi.o hb re|i'it«tio'i and 1-el- ii«, '_and " »o wekken l' B fl e..tnely dflflkay tbe cin- Maaaa" rep- t*-A hba by the rom.try; a prbud afleer- iion of tle n;righ'iiet« of bia i.itenr >.i«. BbMMbbf .'emai'd of re« a*ci 'or " the gray liuir-. of a flBflfl who 1 _.d paaRflfl ibli pfbaa "t hb Um m 'be aarvioa of tha ry, that mut .' >o cQ_W;d to BBM quietly to a?e;' fliiih a C'.ni'udi: g<T<t)rv<»tK,u tnat bifl fo'- ad n't beeu in.proved oy tbe BMbIbbMMM of of- I hese ideaa, r»uer im-r- c.refully digeBted t.'oin v ther portion of Wai-hiug:..u> oriianil draught, iu tbe pnb ithrd addreaa, ooiittod almost wholly, Ihb witb tha difl-.ioct approbation afl WaBhingtou. it appfara to bave been tbon/ht taai. in a paper aabfl* to d ec^ud to postan y alluniouB to lempnary - afl irritation bad beter ho Biippree*»d. From a puiion wc are c.-atpell^tt, wiib grtat d.lhdenee, to i.t. We Bre nnder ihe itnpreavo-i that tboogh - part of Wflflhiiigton'B drttngnt, like the rest of it it leaa tbaa theotaer portion.,, waa "iu arough _-'.nte tba enbetanefl of il, wiib aome Bofteniug of »be mxafettMO, which waa ueTer intended for pabiica Ibfl Dagbt have b«Mn retained. Tn« oppouente of \\ aabinaton wrre not eouciliatod by iM abflenoe, aod poeterity ha« loet a loflaon ou the lioenei aud farociiy ofl varty defamatiou, nearly ae imp'riant bb anr conumed in tue addn _*. It r.i-i"i ntr w ln«ter on the BMafltf «f Waahii'g'on, that, in a mat'er pen^nal to hiineetf, be defeflTttfU) tba jodgment of hi« tnwtadfrieud; but tiut jn.t^aifiat, in Aie pieeeut o*»e, wa coBcew to Lmko bei-u trrvBeoua. It may flr-aJly he ahtfr.- tVtat WaakingtoD, arlth rcfeiw ce to th.8 addr*ta, m to evary act in lifi, aiau-d, wi'h ihe fiitire taCiiHc of B-if to Bcvoiaplith the d-v _.ired good. He wat BM ue omod, an a inilitary chief laio, u> en p'oy daily tke pena of arUve aud inteliiii'mt Kcr.tariit, in oomminicaii- a hia plana, trin8miuin< lia tt-o n:ai-ia. aid geoenlly curryiiig on bia oorre- H|K>j deute, witV.u: _M tb WgM Uia- tbey wi re aoy the bia tbe -fcUltfl .f bia awa BM d audjudg-iei.t, be .anae.tiivei(din the WBldfl of another. .'bie lubit bec*rriel iCit'i hin. tothe I'lf-idency. frf-ly putJiij, la minirili. 8 Mfl B*d of auoh offinal alnear-aiil |--i- roi in mn deb* iu I i' opi.,ioii woultt bflfltaoabW iii -t peib rm ib* iti'tv i-f Ihfl day. Ii. doing tbia ba W. tnd aid e-.n'M-d eii ii di jieiubnt judgnionk aud be a i p»- ttl lol'ir-n fuiinolnd mhiin hy otbera, wlrch .iii n-t, at,. r n^id acru laj Hai d U.e laM of hit owu _n.tr.el- bm dia aaaaa aad ni artii g wind ai. Kr. in tbo cb-ai' g portion of the nieiui ir, in which lbe flbaraOBBf tt W tabingtoii ia briefly portrayed, we tnke H'l.Tal jurtj(r»|.ti8 that aptly ll'uatrate tbe (jual.tiee ari ich .tTtf at tho four.dation both of bia private and puhlio life. C.) neral ^"aebiigtain a p.r..i.nal BppBBIBaM wan in lmriioi.y wid. hia chai_c.( r; it wan tt mod.-l of manly lb ai d baaatf. lle was a'n>ul itix feet two _Dcbt_8_abigbt and hia pereon Wflli proportionel.inthe earlier part ot 'ite ra'h r apare. and never too etout for itctiveai dgrarefnl movement Thecouiple_ionin7'iti( -! to iheH.ru; ibe eye* aere hlae, and remmkably far apart. a profuaon ol br.) * u bair waa drawn baek from Ibe li.ii'brhd highly powdertd according to the faabion t.f the day, and gathflfi d in a hair betiind. He war K-rnjnlon.ly nai iu hia ditvs, aud while ia c.mp, thonvh he habiiu.lly left hit tent at sonriae, be waa neoailj dre.Bed for ttie day. Uia streng h of arm a-.d hia akill aiid tjia"* hb a horee_oan have been already meniioii. d. llis power of endurauce wae great, and thtie were aaaBMBBa m> at the retieat from Long lal¬ and and tne ba'tlc af Tr not -n, when he wat aca.cely ouiot hit aiulale'or tao daya. Pu nctiliona in hia oba-.rv- ance of tbe iiurt*t<.ei of eo'ciety as pratticcd in bia day, be waa at. n.t-.u vd, dcvtn to the pi-ri d of hia ____-«. ration I'retideut, at tbe bahagivou io hia honor, to tike part la a niinutt or coun'r> -danta. Hw tliary BM* foi ah rtcoi.li-, aomeiimes ahb MBBMBf aBBrtBMB, the pmiae BBMbM of laniea pr.aetii at tbe am-eanhliea. ut whith bt. wae nceived o. um ton-8 thion_h ttie Ual >n. llie critr,.) inaiiaer iu l»rge eocietita, though eaii- nei ti> eoartaaaa, wt.a o.aikt-.i bj a BBttflla nnii ary re- leiTB. ln ina!!. r t.,ii,pi.i.:tH he waaeaay audiill.il.le, bnt i...t talliiitive. Bfl WM tn-qnettly caeereii into -_nyeiy, fct bM lirci-ide, by ihfl M tflfioafl uienioitnt of -be jt iingaLdhHppy, batoftea lelape-d into ,i Ihooght- tul BIOO-, BKrv-W, bie HfB, but utteiing no aa_MA lOiind. WM-btffoB. n lgi~.ua InarBaaaaa were ia hirmony wi b tbe mt .-I ha i-naracter.dtep, rational.aud pra- ti aL OatbJfl topic, ..nr remiiining apace adxita.i" littlt n re thaa a r. f- r> nce lo tne iiiter.etin_' arii.-lo on tb r Mtjaet in tbe fmirtii Baatlaa Ol the BBBBadiB to Mr. fhwlhai i«.ltib M.iiiiiie. Wa«,_iin_(iou w;.a broaghi uj. in tbe EpMooiaJ coMaaBakin. aad waa 8 bar 01 the vea'iy of two chunbes. lle wtia at ell tiiura a NgBBW ht'e'ndi.Lt 08 public worst.ip, and an M -i.i-io! al parthktr of tlie comiuunion; aud ui believetl btbitaallj to bave bfgafl t ta day aiih ihfl reading of u,e St- ijinrea and pn-yer in hia eloaat Uia private ra-rr'-jM 1 d. ine, hia Kaoaral o,tlera, and hia pflbiit acta t.f all kind. c inaiii devont MBOaaMoafl CO a Divine PloaidaaM M tbe geiernnent of tbe world. aad bit abo t tttt t^K'8 v.i,i.(-h. io ihe UillueLce ol a j. tvailng b.i-ei.f e'ikit't.'a it apoiitiiility. In hia laa". m.-rijeiit* hebieiitl.il atrul. piou Bp nt flf IMJBBallBB. Ifl ba ov n btl>'( -ii P vvi.rdB. te oied " hai(l," I.ut tie waa " lii.t airaid to go." Th-mgl- prevented bvtherapid {icigrflM of hir Jiartee, ki.(1 tlie B_&3-tt0-- o:>»lnict,o_ oft e votal orgaaa frou tXffMBbg bM (aelifflB. h.. E ai.ifefi.tl lo tbe laat tbe Mbadadoe offl _.-BM t'hr;-- i.an >.' the at-ill Bl tl.e ^rea- Mf eer. Tl.e BMBBMrf1- (f Napolto-i aadWaBhiagtoatag. MMI a remhrk ou tbe mi ilary cba aa t»r of the la'tti, wbo ia f.t i.aeii'.y diapar-nftd in con'rart wHh tbe gre»t cl ielitt ns ot anc'n t aud m.-deiii t:m.-. Bai no ooin- paiia b mb ba fawdiatad to any valaabla pai a a ba> twata ladlitdaala, whtah doM aat BBtaBdMihaaoaa. tiita i-nd ptrione in which tiiev 'ivt-i, <twl to tbe MBBflfl at btir WiMBlBBd When the. p (ircuaia HUce. ure latm ii.to ihe account, WeBbirgt-.n, aa a ehief.aia, I mn inciimd to (hmk, will aattain tbe aoMpaiiaoa witb iii.v r tbat ft ar ieit or ¦ leru tune. A noaal jadi- e ntt Kier.h writer (M. Kdoaaid LaV 'l'ay-i, ihoaafa great ly adiniring tbe itiart. ter of vVaahitf.1 n, demea B_B tba bnliiaiit mili'a'v g-niua of Jaltflfl Cflrar. It lr, t" ttf Ihfl lenat, MIBWtaia that Ja hM CaMBf, 18* mt.iii'r.g in O'ber refj^cta »b d be waa, ci-'ild BOt hsve condtjc'id the American lievoluiou to a B-ite-ptiil Baaa, aa ti.tt Watt inatoB ooald aot bara aabdaad _aul, tbffOWB an urny MtO (ir.tat Itrittii. rr guiued t*:e bd'.- i'i ..? Phaiaaba. No one h-.Fi tttt dtadad to Waahiag t.i t! e pMBMtioB of tbe bi^tieei <!"|.'!te f p"iyf-ica'. ar>d BOralfl iiri..r, 80 (rie naa evei accJHd hiin of misaing an oppi itiuo-y tc atiike a boid blo t 80 one lua poiit- ed out « Mhiit i-f vigor in tlir bobmM of aail m, or of foreibt ii_b' in tl e plana of hia c.riip -gna: in sbirt, no oue Ihp al'epetl i. faot, fr..:n mbtt h it can be mide even pn bal.le tl at Nrii.ilton or Oaar, working wilh hia BM88I and on bia ne'6 of m f.,n, ( tali bavfl wrong'it o-it giuiiei or befer r-.-a'iba lhaa he did. or tbat. if be hnd teen placf d on a fi-ld of action. and witb a ooairaud ol M8BBB iike tbeim, be would bave ehuwu bitri-e'l BBCqaal (otbe poa-iiun. The-e ia, iu ihia reapect, a grertt BBifltabfl cn th*. anb- ie-t ( f \\-abiig .». a tempcratLeiit, which waa nnuiral- ]y eangu i e. 'lrd-litiemtry aciounta, wbub miirt, h-iw- tvtr. te rtceived wilh g-c«t caui ion ae far aa pnrti nlat BDecdotea are concerned, BathM-M thfl belirf t.l.nt, in eaii) -ife at leaet, bababltuallj v.i-_rei BB__8BB8a war- fare "vviib hie own anb i.t tem^er. At alleveu'*, wh?). be wi*9 p'a ed IbllhtiBiaataBOM. in botl bia wara. wb th ipon bim tlie FaOmu iiolicy, ther* were cova- -1.-, na we lave Bacu iu lle n\riat;o:i, wbaa ba -.- /..J tbe o; poituuiiy of in-.kitiK wbat,if i; bui faUed, woold lave tWeuti.l'.da rarj iiii.vth,ei,t. ThMaBOWBfl tim tbe pofi-a_«.r of au exeanaive capacity; confiiica- ii g \:i '-¦ ktl] MatndM and ktfpinBgOOd he :rt inaal-er- ¦ \ utrti.-ly at B-KKraol OTCuaaga ta. movo witb aigOT flSd B8W88. ^^Ilen we add to thMBBBBqaaa. t-ni-I b.iai.»ea for tbe mtlitarj protBflflkm, who can douM il.ai, if be baii been traii ed iu the Kraal wara of Kiii. j a, I.'i v f-'did uave Btovad l.iti.a II .tj-ial to their MteiaattaMa 1 Itiaa MMN-habla b-t.toal tromtu \...,'., npward be arhwad m )i'iir» r_| aci'y beyond 'hat ot all tbe tift-ied bi,d expt-'. med olbtera w-itb whofl iit waa ataoriatad or brongbl a tt B ti. Tbe ne.le. t ot l ia ady_Mfai I75S, caat thfl aetanu lirad.1 ..i' \ h-.-l lit- l.le biidto-rw ibe val'ey of tba Ohio inti tbe BOWat of ibe Fr.-rb: a-d ail the akill and cl<rgy \iaii,ie iu ibe opfrBliOBfl cl (.en It.r'ie-aby "I k ti il aa reit.v.itd Ifl 1738, wtieinfiiBrd ijU- iiituj I-. \\ aabii gton. AhiBto tba BiaBBMBt agai-Bt |; miiitarj capadty, ji-etitii whathar, in DanHytpea-i-g, Waahiag- lOI Wbaa n hii oi MUBfl.a fjuf-tinn BBttO bi ai- aweicd till rbat w> ;d MaxplaBfld l>r. Johaaoa Ct'Ia il ibat pa.wi-r wbich cc-ua totMapOat," aadii lhat .tii.ii Wa.l'iii-.'t'-H rertainh wm nol and aad w"b it. liitla did he bobwm tne paidaa of tbe ora- tor ibe man "t .itu-. th" Mfllptol tbe paistar, the inutiiian. Thatan Mm hab Jly, nol I -..>. flzela* rivfiy BBproprlaUd to IhMattivapowarwhich enahka ,-i toaxcatni c-itiite, Uteiatara, pnd thafaa arta, tb.iT il (-e wl.oaie dBMItBM O* .t latbMfl departtneuM declandto want it altogether, Bntl enbi ol po'itiealand rciji'niy tkil!; ti rocial intlu- i-.-" il .ti . n.lt i cy, a.t g iv. .nrnei ., agenioi praetkal i.t-;ity; a uoral gaahia of true l.-- ii-'am of nnwlfiah patrio'iBn-, ai'd of Marn pnbtic ity, wbich h uatrough narbsdanaB-oa-unt .-'t-r( giltfloi ini.il'f-t :;i igtn t lon, aod tasM which rotai'atatbflpoMorthaai w i, itad ptingVir- g f i( nt bot B'ori'fnl ci n ra.-t hMweaa ariaa i ,i 1,'e'i.ry ikil). 08 'be OBfl band and IhOM m-.a- itrfal i.it- oa tha Bthar, bj which vi r.- ¦-.,i..ii ¦ .1 i.B'i-.JiH BN BJt 188888, *Vf innat 8'ili uda,:' tbit tbe abo, in i-piu- ofobMaek-Btl a moM formi latda, aad rietiaitadai tbe mon diMfcaaiBg, eoadortt graal wj-i*. to -iiccfraful iaaaaa.-that tbe atataaman wba bar MMdBM angry partiea Mi pBBCO akillfiilly nodaiatM ibi* toai a.1.- i.t oonMitoaoi a*w. u blita, aad, withoat tbere* B'Sicaol rhMwic bu. l.y BatBM Bdahtha tban au- .. f-..¦llrr^ t- l.'rii.aii n ai-d orga__C__OB >l irov- .rnm* ntt, d lo thm adaiioJMrat Ob att iblithet ihem d- 11 t offli al eundnci h r al, bliowiag time, itaadowad wilh a Bit fa»a ariaclpla of Ihoogbl and acti'ii ,ia ,!¦-- t,i ct in it- k;Mi mm tb«t of '»t BMoMhaaM or Mi] n It i- u .- Ml MB flf B I iipnmn.a e .i.ai bfa.tl Aiiil}-ia BUtJ daaCriM ie D M lttatali. ne liii-itber aaa bnl Bfll BOl d."- tBfl thfl uibrior pri. flrpla. It ia a lital elemcnt tt .baracttr. \\ * i.:ay ape_*.k ol prudtnoe. punt tin.'ity, -nl r )fco;iti..l of braaary aad iii-intt'i- ?rlt)r'hi*t, aa we apruit ot aT fljfl tor BOlOf BBd H y*T- f.p'ion of tha traoafal in tbe painter, a a'neil.ility Ui lbe anl- ime, IMI i>ait.ethic, acd iho behniital ia die- c.nrBt; bnt bebiLd aml utiove all tbtae lliera- nuirt be a irtativeaid hi.iiiia.ii'j; pfjadpla; at IbbM aa nacfa iu bari.c-r a* in li-Ull.-i t or art. Thfl OBbUMm Whiflb ptrUin to gmiiia are uot Uie wlole 8I_flfl-Bfl_t_l one csae any n.oro tbaD the otber. Tbe arteriHe, the lui KB, and the fltrvee are eaaentia! to life, batthay BM not li'e it»elf-tbat hi-,'her Boiuething, whith BBBiafl tha OfjaBBI fu.,.'i"na ofthe fratnp in motion. In the jM)eeeaaion of ibat myHteriona oiMlity of character, mauift.-'td in a loii<< life of unan.hitioiia ler.ief*, wbi.h, eaUfld by 8_8MT_f name, inajiirea tbe corDdeow-, 088888888 the reapect and wina the aflec- tion of eoLteBpontiieB, aiid gmwaupoa the admirt'i-.n of BBeOMflhM geneiBtiona for_i''gBBtBBB-ld to wbicb the roerit of otber aen ir laBMiad. and a liviuy pn ol that pore paMlflMaa ia not adilnaK'n, nor virtue au enp'y luiine, nn one ot lbe IflflMMT 8MMBBB8flJ8_M Vit, i ai Waibibbi 7. The appeiidii to the voltiirje rontitiriB an ir.tt.r- BflBfg f8fflfl hy Dr Jtmmtt JmttmtmA ti B-8B8B, tt viJi-!) thht BM-BBT't pbjri .. pfMBBtfl u !u":d -xposit:on a-1 »he 'a-t i leaaa af Waab_b g'<<r, Baj a mtrrttwtoi tbe mtdcB1 'le-i'm fltadoptrd on tf_«t orcaaioa. IHK WTBKfl Ol PRAMdfl BfljCOM t'al n! lr« rp 04 fl ... I T | ,,i Mi *>y l i Ifl flfl H i -d_i .treet. 'it i. ri :i . aUawit of tbe Anitibaa laaBbfl "f Mr. M-, i... ...i: irahb editbs ol Uaaoa'a cimplcte aotl t n,!' BBcea aith 'h<> tlivinioii emitkd " lib'fllf : I' t, ar-.oi ai,' tiit- Vtilnnt'-liow iflflflMfl lowpii-ing Iba ' Btaiaty ofl tV.e Beigawfl Haary VIL," wiib .' 1 he IW pii i ing of lha Iliriory of the B :<n of King IiiT.iv VIII.,' aod oneor tuo iraall. rpiecee. In t'ie mnkwt to Ibe 'IflMarj flfl lletry VII." lha edit >r cmlatfl Ibfl flflBMtba of Sir .lame* IflaabbMaab thnt tl,- woik w as wntrn to g-a ify .latnes I Ibaaaby ini- plybf tbM ii ibaaabbafl Ptumtt ihaabfliMflanfl Henry. Tbfl nadat nay take Bome intereet in. .-mpar ingil.e biet.rr ittelf vtidi tlie zealoux defei.ee "f the . db r. lle wiil probably conclude with Mtckinto-h. tlat if " I_A.nl BBM WBB tbe man of UgwtM hflrfbM t.inngtbe tviit.r_.of hi-tory, be was not tbe greiteat 1 lab iian." The enteipriiw of tbe pablirhers in bnng- ing ort tl.e bflM Kvpbtth ettition of Lfltd Hvoi.e w..rB- b ruib hii appiopriaie rtyle, is entiil. d to f.rn.a! I n. m.nd* ion. Takiog (be prc-ent troluine ne a sp-wimen ofthe roite, it w.U be preiie-ly etith an fldhbaflfl giatitics tbe laa'e of tbe echolai, wh le it i.t in a in-Bt r,i.i.i.i.iit f.rm for reference and cotunlta ion. Tne tj^grajhia.! exerntiou ifl a model of neatnesB and ac- ¦aracy. and tb.- wh-le aaaflanaflflfll tkt rahaM i' every way atimciive. -m OLOMAfKINAW Om, Ten F..KTnr-- ,-r t«. UlBfl ivh ln, Ki kh.m M.iKi,. Hy W. r. iirni.MOO. I-'un. pp 114. Jan.e. t bflflflfl. A Soo. In thifl VabjBbfa contrikotion to the history aiul gtograjdiy of the North-Went, Dr. Ktriiklaud baa uvhilid Linifelf of h great variety ofeourcea and pre- lentsan BBMflfll exbaaeiive view of the coudiuon and proijectaof Ibfl npper | art of Mi higan. Iie cora- metiie* wi-h tbe ea'liest Indian ItyetuN, and euda with tle bteM Btfatietiial repi-rls. His volume atrords a stiil.iu|, illaetrsitii n of tbe racid material developai.-nt ibal i-ortion of the cr.nnt.y, w> iie it predcte a still BM re raaRWt flhb expaitfion f r irn fiton*. i! tidently tl ifl friiit of hbflfliflBB reseairh, and fatniliar knowl- ,d^e it must at owetake a high fkmt as a rti-idard nntbtri'v for nftreuce, nd ht the snum time, it abovadab aaaaflaiaa nnd diaariptlona wbbh give a conittaLt inte.'tM' '.,> -ft- panHflL fOTMtOr fftOtflEf MORRW, WDiuM,. A'.tl.or. li'n.o pp Ml llb*!1*. S, ril-rer. Tbe i>. auiil'ul jMicketedition in purpleitnd gotfl, whieh is l.eie ii+atd of tl t- j..-*-m^ of the favorita Ameriean WBflWlftai t\il! i-e \ti-lt ouied vt ith ent UMii.-ui bj fl birt ofl i.Hn.irers who, witb tbela'e Hormt liinuey WaDaaa, re.ar.i ili* prodactil ns '.f G. l Bral Morris, 49 i.n.j'-' 001 t ii^ina! in t-t.ile, ta'iiraliiiHj'ifii, bea i- ti'.'l wllb tbe ibarin of a'tuiHt fanlik-Be execution, wbit b MBJ aDaagfl tor Ibab autbor the tit'e of the l-umate of Aaericn." With snch Temnkable ui ai i- niiy in t) t- popnlar veriiif, it wonld ba id!e lo indulge baapatflaoaa Bflbgfafla("gOdiag refindd gold, paii.t- iej, the lily,'' A a. e*ie.i. and wo ''a'i only BBaBBBflad thi-j eritivu to oar rti.dere as a worthy ra-ket f .i the fBMB, wbbh ibflj h:.vt flobag borne in their memory and iLtii heart. ? LTOVTBIfl W lH'H.ti) BRPOU T'll' vm ^(; MK.vs t BRI8TIA> AflSOCIATiOM IM fcXKTKR tl.M.I.. l.l'NDON Mlflfl pf Hl Ri.l.rtCtl rt KiUI-.r,. Altlongh BrifbaD) pfapaied ftiran Fnglinh andinncc, Iheaa lecinres can jf.s'ly ahalflBgl a wider int.reit, a' d will mr.t with a b(*pitaMe MBaiflba from anflBRNM readere in this conntry. Tliey emb.ace a gnat tai .ty of buI lect.- BBOial, religiotiB, litemry, and artiitic in t>>«ir cl.ancter, anl accordinely addr*?.-. no limited div?rniiTtf inaVe AaaaBftbfl t") icB of IbflTolllBM ar* tbe " Ititintrie of John Knflfl on f e It-fjnnii'ion bEaabad," "QbbmKbaahafb," MPaacallN " Hiv oartb i<t d 1 ic PbtBlfla," '' Tte World s OHe-t I'tvm," ¦afl (.thers. Sevtial ofthe bfltaiflfl bdiflflb ii"t a little abifity, and b soae cates, are from the pen ol i:i:.i MMt w, ktttottl in'n. a ¦OOVfl Rni imd. AalneflHBaarfoflflaabafKabalflatici Hvtl-Ite.- Brldfl.., M A 1* i'i l: tttterk I Tbel'hlli'raiiPi. the Piali.l. B> A-n.t 1 n. n ily. 1-mo |.p. l'«l. Ihe S ThflWarkflflfFkflBrifl Baeea VtLXl Wm rr. Ml Ilrowa A Tarr».d. R. lien.h, Air. t _->. i <'.-.'ar .treat. Tl.e I-i-ii-v Fii..: v Ba.HI. fat*aU Anet 'rtam. fyPiiel C FHdy. ft mo. pp. _8S»i. AndrcwK.Or.v_-.. N ¦** i.,,*. Bl, Idon a. Co. The I.il-..I Uenr.e AV:,.Mn«.r.i' By F.daa,-1 Btaflflflt 11; r,. pp tiP. flbaMaabCa, A Tle»|,-e fli the A. e ir»I. I.»w rf lt..' PTOfOttf. l'* * U»ahbii'ii, LL.D. troU. Vfli I. Bflfl. ffa flM, l.it'e, flfflfll I A Cr. Oa Ob. ure Dl.-' -' Bnt. mhI I'i- .' II 'finl I'.-, lo.bra Wl.tiiH, M. I». Mfl pp. ttt. Bhacbarfl b Laa _mmmmmmmmmemmt.. UTEEARY. .Tbe ft\iis.iera' New York t-',.'l bafl* Bflb ;.-«: "i-r.Ihy, to the MtkfoMba of all BOBMnad, Tho d. Maad ttt b ¦¦ k- waa moie af a baaJ by and | ba tl.au of n fj-emlotive il.aiacler, aL.I tl.e boobl l.ig! t-t-t in | u'li. appn I fltbB g.i.erilly baoegbl pri.-eB m trly eqoalb il itgabi Mbbm. Ibfl powarof ft^wp- Iba tbattl.re ifl in tbfl M ni:_uuiiity for WOfbBBMfl Beeepaafl ab "staa-dBfld," ^a« abawa hy tl.e mrgt ¦abfl n.ace Ly Mr. I'li'-.-atr. t.f WaBhbfbm Irii-'^- BBfl Bayaid Taylor b ^ ri'ir ^.e. His brobfl, mi ly cocs'i-iiiig of tlu-ie works in vari-.m --tylns. reali/eJ ¦ywarfl .f |I0,006 Mttvrs. TbwaBaad'a aal bai af Ctrpar, aad baaatifal nabflDbbflfl vt-liiue* oftbafa illoatratioofl, ware abfl in giaM dnaaad. Mr. s. ih- ner's abflBBl ki'.t. vdume of " Folk S niua" waa gflMflfl* ully pTi'ditt.d to bfl Bbfl f o; it I;i r favorito Ibr BBXt CbriMBMM, Mc?«»e. i>eriy a JaabaBB'fl **Lflfaaaad II'-n lora l ti l F'.-eta " and " Iai'cr:i;y V\'ora-ju nf the South," Aapoting tle palm wilh it. Dfth.ee worka Bs BMay wara boU asthe pabHabara xsort wflHsala Bnpply. Tbfl BBMmBNtdatloBfl foi the tttt wtre Home- wl at BfBMBld, owiilg to tbe nnfiiiisl.cd BbMfl "f t'ie line Iniloing in M.-.er etrcit daflbBflflfl to theae aitcm- bl_.gt-H, ufl to he bflagaiaiafl next 8prisg; tl.e ntaoM gortl feedrg, h' w*\. i, [ireva'1-.l. A'l in'.. rrupii >n !.> tl. :ib o .'.nred <n Wadaaaday ev Bbc wben tbe ne-nal et-f inl mtetiii; WBI baid, and fldflraflBM WMfl in. it l\ .tiera' gei.tl-rum, appn prii.t.- to the Oflflfl. i-i. ti, tuitii/' to t-.\]it..H ibebaanUfoclbB at ihe paaMBfl aid tbeii i''.t.liil. -i ie iu the Ibtara proipaalty ot "the Tiaae." .The most imi'Oitant artiele in tl - mw TohflM of Ii-I.tr Nomvttit Biograpkie Oemerolt l.talif^, f .Moi.nn.ined, exu-.i-iiing t. 30 ktjkt, by t:ie Ara! il |d "'ar, M. lieiiaml. lt ifl j-rol ahly tl t- \*al e*4fUt l tl..- .-uliect that txietr-. A Ifl flf Magi-llan, BBfl (ir- iiBBiiMilfl.Blin.lijM TflidliMiifl Daads,wbo b to .. yuf/o on ail ii.it rtlates to rortngal, ia an iutertwt- t. ..iit:il.iii: n 'f- ll e histf ry ofl AflflflriflBB di-fovety. The i:..'it e of Kaaaaby ;s farabbifl l.y M. Laoa Joo- b»-rt. Fiom it wt lean ti it*. Ib*iwgjh then- hart been tWB l:>. .'i. tlBl .-'a.ioiiB of hi)> hi.-t.-y tba eesays bave d> t yet Iren introdn.-ed to Fren.h raadaav; and that a Tertion ofl th»in is aniionur. .1 by M. QoiOfllUBjC Qabob 1 l,e vdiiii e BStfladfl frcm laonii-.- tle Siiroie b Malde- fi flBM| and iia {K.-itioii in tbe aarbaaaaBBB t" I'-nder t'i* [> rjowd tomplttion of tl.e woik iu 15 volume-. di .!i- tah, npaacbf thatadaa lagaH bprofattbabBfa. served iu tbat portion of the alphabi t still tu i.ime. .An in:(x rtaut ciiitirmaii'in of .Sir Henry lUwlin- fl.'E s dinovery relatma to K..y|.tiaii Hi-tory in the Ae Byrian iiiKriptiOBB mentioned iu onr snmiaarv of lu v.tek, hitfl laeeo liven by the cminent liieroglyphia .flbehv, Mr. Jflflflfh llonotT..', who stalee tba' the pe- ritKl of tinriecompiieed in the Assyrian memori.il of in- viirioii ai J c)i)-|tif.t, ia a 1-lai.k si-ace In the ni.t,ve Egyptba BDi.ab, whicb thifl discvery RppropriaMly ef.mi'le'rr, wb.le at thesame time it affords nn inde reiidin! ?,-_-timt-:iy tt. tlu- cortectnesa of tlie Brttecio' intervriiaioi.B by wbbb tlie t uueilorm iiiBt'rij.lijii- are detipbered aad explaio. d. .M.-. HafltwaO'i hat waab, NADbflbNM_vya( old ., I. Pbjl it. I'rinl M IUL| to Ibfl V.-.ii 17'Mi, j. iu li/e.-tiig additba to tba ' .! i EngHflh Libiaay. Tboafb i'-. .'ily baad oc tl.e ptaibaahbaaaaf i- . - ..al m t.liiJ.-i, it intludtjfl mnch new maM-r g-thfred by -fr. IT._i -e»l ia tha 8 urae of bit {4hak*fl|i*iii-aa MfldWa _. d p-c**at* iha pl8y« cf the ftboTO d»e, arringed al^.aV?_o»Hy by Ib.initl.a, wi biheaothor-na-tr., ant enob parficn- |, ,. ,ee,a c'lirg tbe plot. 8-IBB ItlBflBB ti pfwf.r.ai.ce, ht* M may have eaoiptd tbe rava«oi of time. Aa BhteWtfcBlfeaa- nferaiolboaiiihor-, aud a val.14.l4 li.t (fcr wh (b Wr. ll.tlhvvtll ..xprecrcs hifl8hlfftB_Uai Jliapubli brr, Mr. .J.hn R.uaoll Stnithj ta piveu tt tbe co-1. 88Ot all the aodi ni IBBffatlfl' 8 m* BBBfl af old E-ffB * 8*1 mm an'' H",,,"r''. *f 9 I''"' H' ¦ -7''""'1 ,ai. be 88 wl atie Mtfl.IhM Ml tbe rf ader throngh or- riiiitry (bi)MilP, BBd where. Mr. BbBImbB'S fljMMt tohotOl ¦¦. i- ttBbahapflBIB Ifl fflBBBiim$ -it-iH.niuch MBbudn a* c nltl Iei xpaaUd on a BTflfl- ot Ihflfl BMg Di-t.le. V.'lrina 1 to IX are p.iln-'i.l, n'.<l ac.'py oc. (irain Mi. Purtrna librnry, iuclndiug the right ti tht .imair,i!er of tbe work. .Mr. Cl arlea li. ade, tl.at periiBB i mt druonncer of hll ii.fnif.'- i.i- nte ia bh tigbta, real or (_Bfltad, gives in bia tew woik, "'Tbe Li_,bih C'ommaedmeiit, many nirienali'tinry natielica flf BflflBBBflB-f-fll t<> BflrfjWf, ui.l tin ilar n atter**, wbich will very liL'ly be (piotf-d ard tnuiaferrad on hi*. uutl.i.ii.y tfl more i-ip.rour woika. It ia to be f.-ared lhat Ml M them BM of 11 tttf BBtt-fltWBaiaty d. a. ripti >n, if the foBawlBf aaiitenoe Inmanoteot Mr. Kead*'a, t) lbe eaii <>r ol ThtLittr ary (ioirllr prin't.l in tbe numl er tor Ani_Ur.! '... ia a ibinple i f lia iinaliticaiiom. fir a bietonan d'liera- nie. " John Mil 08 did not gist BWB| I_,ad.aa XmrnX, Heao'.l ii f..r UIO, toahow hi- BBBBMMB. f ¦ mon*»y, iBja Cttniii_g Camden. Bec.uaa T 8888 t ot.1.1 n >t g'Tt bim any more, aay common aenae aud I." Sarely Mucaula. e I \pa.theiical "Schoolb >y mi-fiit bave kiiov.11 that E-faB-M lac-at wa-. acld to 8ainu»! S'm- mciif, 1667, for ..'Jj down. aud a proapetti.c pav- meiit oi the aaae amonnt if the tale excte.led 1 '4)0 fojiel, na iLiie ia aiaroely a bijyapbicaJ \\_tnt that BBl been ofiecer rt j-eatod. .Tbe ralaSM f " Rm a' a and I.e-via iva, bf Pfcofj Jow.M.Ha.l 11 l'owell, ar.d otbera, wbi.h h.n attia-i*-d MBBBflb atta-ntif-n aince ita rteent BBh_B88-8 B_ I.u- p'nuM'low in preea, aml will be haatd ahorily by Mta IB. V'alkar, Wiae, B Co. of Bo.ton, witb the B-il-hafll li'le, " L'l'teLt taqaiilti in Tbanlogy by Fp_"i*b H unlrr.en,' idi c I, wilh an Introduc ioo. hy tht B8T. f II Iht'.e, I) D., wbo juslly remiirka: "__flB8-G_Btyfl bave a value dii-tiuct En m ¦B-MaaB* uii.i-.' tt.a: of Ihfl ep*( niationa 08 8888-8.088 they eyl' .ly. Tbey rtpreacnt a new era in Ati_.li.-a-. tbeobyy. Tb." topict here diacrr aod are haadlad witb a f.abkiiifa, a l.ieacth, and a i|iritual beroi.m long ?nknown to Malflfl_Mt_-_l EMglid. .Tl e bai aitf n-pt at a --aiiafhctory biagtBp-J ofthe gi-r.l Itihen'' BafWBM '-tfcie tbe II. f.-rma-iou." (ji- rob'.mo Kavoi.iir-lH, the w-ild-fam- ua Piior of St. Wkk-i, ftl Klorei.ce. Iihb been made by Prof. Pe- [BBl Yillori. whoae Bnd v UoBO ot " Tlu- S'-ry rf Savoim- r. '). iu d bi- ThnM, re! it. d a i h tbe Ajri-(ra.|7e .-f 11s w DBCBBMBfla, . ae jui-t ap|-tar..l i.t I I0.-BC8, c:i_c- :ng dt.wn to tttt, Amonu otber BBM facta it MB|fl eut in a tlriking hght tlie inUnee de- v>.tun of Savouan la to the etutly of the ft .i| tiuea. Two eopie.. t.f ihe Bi'.le are yet extaot iu the Kkrentine libraiioe, trtire'.y tilled wilh ma-gir.al nrtea, wiit'en by the trreat Fiiara own hand in *ilnic-*t BdflBMBByk charac'em. witb cominnal abbre- via icua, eo ita to be Karrtiy intelligible tf) tbe moflt (firtful ttuoy. aidtd y a _BBgl il' in" glt-n. Thia mat* ifronimtntaiies wae made meroiy to trntht) bim iu hia apirir-BP, aiid ibnatrate the a.n-e of each iiuporrant MBBBfl in four eigniti. a'ione." Spiiitoal, moral alle- g.iici.i ta.d anaiogicaj.' Ba much inten.-at hail-ieu t x. i'ed hy tha bf-fljiBBJ forward af t.ij fact, that an EogUd geithiiian ri-aiih.nt at Florenco baaeiiiployid rii Italian c«p; iat to make a _N_8BHf| ti the note- of fiMvinhrolKin or.e of tle.e 8-|88a- lhat Bf the Biiael Pil le piinted in IdM, in tbe Mitg'i.herohian Libraiy. Thf-y f. nn 7.',-'. j.aMa in f. lio, aml have bern oireied to 1 »* -.f tbfl BagUflb Yuiveraitiea, to bfl pnblirhed tiii.ler thtir i-Hi et'.'ii. i itl.er in tl.e origiuaJ La'iu, or in BB 1. |li I. tranalatl m, .Mr. I'. V,. Bajaha ;b paiaab^ tthh ¦.' ..ri « .'-". 'nr>vl,ia \\\iv forthe paliBflBiloa of a eoBactloa of " 1:in- aadOrlglBa] DeaaaMBM 101.ii11.in_r tbe Oi.j- f fir.l CoafljaaM af Aaaab-k" A proBi*. tue just i .-1 t-l dflh il.i be ii'tPiiti.-i: of ti". M-riea, nnd fifM t 1 litl. a flf m ier:il cf ti.e woika prrpawed to be printed :n It. N". 1. new rtady, BOBBB-M dcR"riptioti r,f the an.itr.i provin'-ea tf <iiia-aca|an, Iznl o, CB8BB_8n, and < join ii'k, wiih B8 8088881 ot tbe luiiriiuir-a, 1 attoBBB, Bi.fi raBfiaa ..f ___ahhoch__ad-_Mbl.aata, ai.- .ie't r p'ion ot tbe r.-n.a ot Copan. by Don Magfl dt l'hl.icio, !.d.iip«><d to the Ki-f "t Spit'ii in '¦¦,,,. I'i 11 rii<i' i.i S| lah- s_iv< n, witl. at-itnelutit'ii, r.'-te-, aad aa Bi-Btnaad mup. lt ia tbe B-ritoBtaaMaal in rahBsaaaofthandasafOopaa,whith wan riaitad by E_Wio wibin t-.iiy yasn af tbaooagaiM, whoI tluu very liiariv inlnir prcr.nt OOadltloB. Hia oh- ,-t\i: r,a on ihe Indii.i'.-, tt.tir _BB|BBJBB| B ttinera, BBdBBflMBBB, 888 very fal! aml e.vitct. l.arly-ap.-li'a- titui it iiece-i'.iy lo MC8H t'"- f8_B.8, M B-tBBMB t i.n 1.0 c | ie wfll ba ptiBt«d of aay of tha bbHm i i .fii |,.rti.n of ihflM are alr-nt'yaagagad l'-r i:*in...i.y, t'.i'ii. Ita. Mr. ClflU-M II- tv'oiton it tlie bi,- hflM 11+!. tt. .''Thr An bd BudtbaBtflypfli <»r, The Eiupirr-a of BeyUda: aBlatory of Baaabi and Tartary, ttttt tbe nrlip.'t AfM ta. tba- ¥;.l'. tt tl< M nr..| PoWM iii Ea- rope in tbe Kiddla of the Sixt.-ei.th Cantnry, ia tbe thia of a woik BBBOBBfad by Mr. JaBMfl B_k kwoo.l, v. I'icii 1 N8B .-( I t«. 1 H a void in Eag irh l.braries. - H c ap. -.'!-.¦!'.;.bite- rt tlieil Bfl8r__8B88f tlie 'rav- ilaaf tl.e bn'iti- s, iiia^iiitw. it in ladfa aad Caatial Aiia wl ith bave rtacl etl 11- BM MOadB-TBBy 88 ura'e Mpcodaotkaaaf tl.e <-ri^iD:.) aqaartUM l-y Hbbbbbbi BcbbjfSawait. Tbe awfj nt Bt lategiaadi ur -if tbe icy j*aka flf tl . Iliu ; i.-typ 1 i.- preetnted wilh auipriain^ ti.l.'li y ai.o f.-rce. Ti p iPnMrMliBBBM priaMd iu od b\ Btawh atiti Krsmer, of lleilin, wbo bBBB in.de thtn .'tlvte fl B8BM in tl ia new aud rapi'ily-progitru<iiiK dapaMBMatflf BrfBthrgl Some of tbeir mttBl r prii'a. BotaUy thdM iu Mi-lhaaaaa'a Tamtimtm tdner Rettt i-f'tn iVt-.ii.it 1 f't ',/',- '.'- ! 1' i'i ffttittt BpPIOll ircnte very BBBBly lo bn* oil-puiniinga. The Coita'tti 1 I a /:r at S'.nt'pttt ^a isan- i'gnn adidoa ot Bebflltr'l pOBBM,M a part of tbe Sebillei I'.r I% iti. w !,ii n prondtoatoaarpaM dl pr.-vioiia Btt-MptaatthaadflraaMatofhhi worhs. It will ."on- iirl .,f a;--i.t 'in InrK" -| lii-t- p.'i_."'.- il te.xt, witb -ix leaafafl-pflga pbotograpbk iBaattatioaa and t-venty- liveor tbir y mn ler BBOtOfraphB, Mrriag as l.ead- pia111" p«-?ina. Tbe paaar aad prfaM hivu uo MBMi> or, 111.<i tl « a; r. 11 BBfl td thfl |tl Bt8gl8B-fl Wllil"ll 1|||V8 r.u. ,,t,| na are in thfl IdgheM llyla of tie art Tl e edi* t;(.'i afll bfl BBBBplM tl in Ihfl BOBl I of in Myenr. ..A Very .ifi-f.il nnd BM len.ia-pi i- eJ /'¦>,:,,¦¦¦..'. r Hani-mtla ia i ow bah | pabli xhti by Baraaai I'.nr- - inlkibii. IlauMprJBM, in -ix p8f_t, loarof .-. .1 bave reaa ln-d N. .«.'.,.k a BBfaay af tbi ai.i- ii _i kii./.'doni 'r-inb idaatitV aa wafl m pietaiaaqoa I o'.i -l f t view/, and th* illu.-ira'iotia wli.Ii are tery nn- n.. r.aia an fafllj OolfB-d, 8-d a ¦. u-.t 11k«- -t maiuj f.iliota of ai-imalr*. inerecitiit utnrea. .A BBM Bflfl-Bril (lie'liiiary ia noiv in tbe pre-a of Iha iBperbd Acailemy tt -*< ;eitcer in __ I'*| oi.ljnrg; it it a c-nLbt rit-G*rman diitionary. ART IIEVS. a -The World of Ait tlionld ilrop more than one M_aloa_aSBBM over tbe loea of Mr. Ilerl.il ln gram, who pe.ri-.hed nr-rially amoiip tl.e paa^tnirerB -.1 the Ladv EhjfaaB L.tae MJIBllgflB laat we. k. U,r he did BH88 than auy tlir man flf lia tin.* to edufate tbi ani tie t-BhMOf the ee.-] le, and to nive BBulaj ment to artittic tah nt. Ife waa tba inventor -.f the illuatra <-d pa[f*r wbitii haa now ba-. ome nea-eeaary to the ui--4-M.ii.ati n of inteHi^ence amoiip the ma-tet aa tbe daily imirnal. Tbere bad U*.n plenty flf pioiure paj--ra flf laiioai kicde publiabed b-fore bit. time, but iha illuctratetl BBWflfayM ^ nt Ottmfmtkti by him, and, tt ttry iai. ly BBBBBBB wi'h t! e origiintor of auy M-8BM I'T pflflfl. 9t* 'it, bt PBBBBl the Urat mfttte) of bia swi ntrmmtitm, btkI iV'-d It to the hlgfcaut point of . xtflliwoe wbioli It wBflcafv bl* of raarhiog. W mmer Ur lagraai li>d any ar laflb tx-tee or net, we do r. t lix.vt bai le lial thp ioetiint to employ ihoae wtie bad, and the m'flthighly adaflaflflfll c«xtc,i.«a«r ooald f.Bjtlly l,a»edoce Utver, t ithar in the eeleciion of ar- tifl'fl or in ihe flbflbfl <f BRtfcflb to fu tlier hit oij.il*. Il is or.ly llghlaaa year* flinitfl th* fiiHt nnmlar of Hb lUviirnfed Imdon Nrtr* made its pm-ehianrc, ai.d joumala of that c'fts« are now mi <.! | Ue iadii»|On*abie hi<la of eo. ittl cxi-ttone*. Mr I- iZTHlii was a RBWBWfaat b NaMfoflbBflB, K i; i id be tad Ixi-n binl a p'iriler, in hb nt iv.. t-wn tf BasfoM, Bfld flffl BIBI bafl enjoyed BRfllt* l.itaapafliaai'faa oi dbaorar_bg wbat were the p pi- '>r taatfla tatfogthfll pnpara whkb aaaflflbafl pi aaiaa lolfl luttet Uian any others, he flflBflflNad the i lea af pablbbbf BB illustrhtod wn-kly joaintl. T*r lUut- trnttit IdPtkitt A'.tr-., the ni Bflfl ent MMflflM pBhMflbbfl ei terpr ze of the ime, wae ibe re-mlf. It bta not only Leen MMBMbM fll BB il BBtiabM flf flBfiafll eveuta, bm bv pabbaUag BbatnUMH af Ugh Bittatta ninrite, ir. han flaaagaod laraba byadaaatbgtbfl paUbaya to an a[ pn-ciatirn flf what il bbfb IcsUy e.e ll-nti-i art. Mr Itig.aui was a man of flBffaflflbbalB,of gniit l tiBineefl tnct, a Mayi-'iate, nnd a Mt ndur flf rarliaiuent; bfl WBBB Ubflflfll in politi.*, BaiBglBfll .ifimiitr of AmiiicKu inatitntior e, BB BMB "f hbalfl I am flflfl to l>e; I.ut it ia <>nl» aa a promot«T of the in- t«-re_-ts of art flad as the friend ofthe a'tisi that we bai called uptn toallnde to him l.ere. An artist friend of onrsnho met Mr. Ingrata in Qflflflla, aod UBfflbfl witb him lo Niagara, ar.d wbo baa la re/r-t liavitr letoti rnc_L.il* tl him to make thi excureion which had bo Umeatable a te'rmination, wa- greatly imprer-aed by hia simtliiity of mhiinere, tbo tenfler bMBflbflMflfl he I. >ned for his young ton, ai d his ulmost attflf iguo- ranre of Anierira. He was tinaidly apyrehensive of .-teaniboet artiilni-s. aml mentioned tbat he *.ould have li-ight mme fltbar menibt-rof bia family with bim I.ut for biH fear of dai gMI from traveliug. Am ong hia t.ilii-r strange in preesiona al> nt the l uited St itej waa the lelief that the |s opie ofthe -f.iintry liv--1a' aga hei in bot.'lfl. Ab he probably derived many of bta Ameri¬ can idaaa fnitn Iflflfliag Df. Mitckay 'fl leit'-r in Thr lii>i*tr.ited fx'ii'i, his flRBflflflflfl impresaious an- not nitii li to I.e marvelt d at. .We learn tliat the artiataof the Studioi iu Tenth street, anch of them at !ea"t aa ht \*en to le now iu tlu. tity. are titlingsteps towanl maki'-K a speiHl eA.iiiii- lion, to whtab tl.ty iuteiid to imite Ihfl Pifaflfl flfl Wales, that'he future Maj.stycf Knglaid uitv have an ipportuiity tf.be ah'e t> ftrman opinion of the preeent state of art b tbis t-ountiy. 1'nleaa tln-y do thb, B Ii. II. wid haidly ba flbb ta haaw aaythbg of ait b AaMfba, iRaflpI as floaaaclad wlth dbiog; lai.c- ii g, aj.il rjit";. h making. . Mr. Jaiksoe, the aulntor, is about dflfaifllflg froa thta c nt try OB a viait b Ibly. Bfl "ill ewbtrk next ¦ onili fr. ii. BflfltflB for bbflaflBB, and tln-uce go to Horeuce, wbere he intends rflBMbbg some twa teara He takett with bim bis tnodel for the Kane Moi.uiu.-ut. tthiih be wiil execute in ilotvnce. .Mr. Ctiiiith ha.a tjnite recven d from the aflbeb flf t'a rtcent aocidn.t by babg throw a froin hb wngon, and left Nc w-Yt k on Monday ht*t OB a eketching tour to Mi 011 DflflflH. .A hflfll cf tbfl vtiierable Ohifl pUtesrain. Tlnmaa Ka ii g, has rtcently !¦< en wodebd l-y Mr. T. I> iotpe, wbo ie now a resident of Ohlo. Tl.e bu_-t ia higfaly rj okflfl cf by thoee abo hflffl seen it. Jlr. William 1'age bae bbBB tl.e MMflM b tbe Tenth etr>et Stadio building, r>ierit!y OflBBpbd by Mr llie-iliidt, flad wiU iu a few daya K-t up hi-ea__el tl tro flad be at work once more iu Xew-YoiH. .We bara by an aaaoaaeeflBaol in a coi bm| orary jour- iiiJ Ibal "Matth' fl r. tht- wt ll-knowii N'.-w-^oik paJMh >t, i-n:.iii lali/iogbi:: repn ati< n,bi .ab'bgafo. por- traib te aaab of Ibfl ohtaf eitba of tba Weat." I'iaa gord thu g to d ), BBd Wfl are liapj y to ball tiut Mflb- thawfl ii" d..ii .Mr. Htaly, v.'ho at preaent cuV.s hitneelf a citi/en cf Cbbago, 9 ri jottt-d to I.<¦ "' vi itfog t'.x-S mtliern Sti-.te«.' Ti b BtabaMBl la lalbaahihfialia. but it itttt* i.-tit 10 bdtaaM tb». dirft lion ofl bi- ramiiling«. . I'ii BBMttflrof woadortbataoawofthaBBlarfi b> iag Braadway bafldsia, wba ara utterly re^ardiesaof i KBtBflfl ii Btlbbg to ottttlo each other in the mag' '- li.ecce cf t'.eir tvbite niarble antl o'ive complexi-.n 1ai;i.dts. b ve L.ve. lit Bpoa Uie itit-aof a towt-r, loaaa tlbg, bf BBBBByb b the etyle of tne C-uopanile of 1 .t ooa. In wo ilfl be po strikipg b ellf.'t, and uo proixiinent Bl an adverii-eniei.t. The neg? laflflll gtlle'V t-ifctii'gl'j Mr. Dtrby(flbaffl HoUBton Btreet, b, T, t.irt, a tovter aa eompare.i wit'i the buildiogson each fr.ile of it. ipfl iti- fnmt aln nlv rbofl to a greater Ughl t'an the giay gotbb tawan of S:. Thomia'a Chi eb, whbb aia daallBfldara bag b ba ii'*" Thbtitic-ititgalbrywiU!¦..¦.\jthebma IflflBialad 'n-i.iii. ail Broadway,BBd n ilraadi bflfhabi attja-iat'f-ntion by tl.e baaaty t.f ha Malgbuaa. Tr ie ratbartoo nairow b ptodaaaa iii.ee bct,aad Ibathraa embl-iua i.a IgniBfl on the BTond .-tory are ntlbat laaabadn to ttrtt 9u parpaM otearyaiUaa, wbbh -litnld alwnjg appiar flfflallOtlM fladflBBBBI Of the baidlB is.| Ml d ..a tbflBBa II i.-< a gn at misi.:ike, t«)o, to n:nke WlflWldfll BOBbbl ati.i utatnt-r, :0a it tlestrotn Ibai (gtealbha for whtab tbaaaflgaiaa are empl-yed ii aiii.itii'tiiial inlclli?hmeiit. .It baa bfen fie,|i!eD!ly mentn.i ed it, :!ie j 'Urnals of \,.iitrk aad Boatoa thal Mr. Bowaa wn.t t> li (.land to mbke a parbb of Tennywon for Mr. L mgfel. bWj bflfl il waf I'iiyf. I.owellol t'.in.l rfdgfl, wbo H-tfh lioi iba i-onim'.seinn for Tenny.-n-n b portrnit, and Mr. Fn-i-i.-oii wba 1. .mii.-. ioned him lo tako a Boctrab ofl Oflriyb. Mr. Sciiiica of Broadway i.a.. ju-t addadbbta uu'.b iy pbtaiN i arabaaad by bfaa on ms lecaafl visit to Fntoja-, by T. Fn-ae I,inihli..-t CflBfBt, C'otitnric-r. Dba, Fiihet. Mer!i>. LaaflMl di- .Met/. i^irardet, I.am- bcrt, Monfalk-t, aud other arii-ia of the ('^minental rcbt oba The piemature flaatb of DeBebaaqM, tba Frcu.'h pi-iiiier, wiil probably cau.- .nia vtiika to li-e >:i. t'ly in tl.-ir BBBrbfll valne fll tl ey aifl among Iba BKflt l.if-hly prbfd pbtaiflfl af tbfl WodfllB Frei.cli BlbooL At the aa!..' ofthe pbtaraa ofl tha Daba af Orhaaa, alter his death, a tnndl p'tintiiig by Daa* 0 Bfl pa, ti,r wii,h he wh paid bai BM foaaaa, aold f r 1 000. Tbere late Weu ba' few of flflflnhawpo' pii'- turcfl si en in thiB coun'ry, the small badflBflpfl iu tbe pOflBflflabB of Mr. llelmont bflflflg the moe: flbfllM 'er- i:'(i.' ofl hii iiiaiuiiT. 8CIENCE, IMDU8TB\ AND I.\ ENTJON. m SI. II. Thouiaesy bas ptildished Htieflaayon hydrol- tgj. He in ikea bydrologj t>. .-itlei fron bydrofrapl t b 'bat v. hile hydrograpby coutiiie.- itself |0 tbfl sni b . of tl e earth in ita den'.i 'ion ,,f tbe WfltBia, hy^r-'l kgy followa ilitin iuto the di-ptl'.B of the enrili, and flkadbfl tb. ir bflBflBOfl npon thf. formation aud modititation of theeartb s iriisi. Mr. TnoauiBsy se'sav treaW of tba Mi 11 aiul precij.itaion of water and ita return to tbe point of ibpanure, well through rivemou tha ginfate t f tbe earth aa IhlBBgh eubierrant-oiiB paa- nt'^ee. In an ajj>eudi\. be treata ^Meblly flf Ibfl hy- fliebgyoftba Mtaaiwippi,atadybg b aaaaaflrfjatlM abMrbiig funitionji of the river, tlie bflaflflBfl of ita nbterranean BtreamB on the formation of hfl d. It t, aad iis BoaBflg aB tt ou the albMb of Laatabaa. M. llahicet. in tl.e pn bflfl to tbia book, icti.-Ui BBBB lhb i.piart-tiily punidoxii'iil MflbflMBl tbat ibflrfl are r.-i .flfl !'J tbeir aitiin-nts tbau by tlie fountii na at tbe b,.t- lom of tbeir bfld, aml he flflblfl to |irove by a s'lnph-. ||a nhtba Umt uot a .Irt p of water p.wod iuto tbe Soiun by the Voone or Ibfl Marne BBI pos.ail.lv arrive ttt Konen. Dr. BrevHrd, of Orenoble, haa publiahe.1 a p<uu- phlertti whiih he HMtniiin, ud-,. aea safegtunl hk 111,tt tnoft ofthe disuiiterfl at aea, ibat the dtvk» af via«,!a be tnade air-tigbt, md thtit a pawflrfbl Bl fflH . be M ln k. If the ve..*l flpring. a leak, by um,uig Hir iuto tiie hold ;he wu^r cau bo ikiveu ont, auJ Uw tuen reti g»i at it for repaira. If * Tt»_iael be nnk ia watar at a n..x|er»te d pt-, hH* e n in tbi* way be ftllafl wiib ai.- ai.d mi nd, and in cam. ot danger ah* ma? ka rmy. vrr U-d from being Tlran oa to the broaker* l.y boit,g tnt k at a li tb- fliatai.oe from Ihfl *b tt, t'.«* deck keitg iimrta aii-i«ht anl » I >ng gTla-perch* 11 9% r BflRjaflbbl wiib iba h.,ld bafaf alhawwl to II «a', at a*h*4 lo % hni.y. InriUN- of lire eit.k th» v«w*a>l a'lllioiotiil/ Le drown it <aat und thr-n ntis* ber aiain l.y fo illagflfl air. TU sttine apoaia'n*, bo says, could ba inad.- b f iraiflb pliililnl reniibtii. n. -Inactveon tbabaahflof tl.erir.-r (haronto. ht Kra.re, in the departmnit of \ i. BBB, M. Jnly haa di-- .Bl . Md a tooiilomerato of a reetnt go Aoyo A 'f.rrai- noti, wbbh eflBflabta BTnf>n< the peM.'e, Knd .anr*l .e,.eLt wl,irhroni|K,«. h k BflB-ddltahb lyxau'tty af oVjac'fl woiked by tba baad of uaa j, ,!i,lt .r in bo.a. mrh oe kn.vee end arrow-he,,.).. Dn __ tnt..atf>nt. mt palabafl bt.ne, brok.-n ont of t .- m*ea, he Ita, f.mod da- BigiBoftwr-ipiiuJnipeds'm pr,.;;,.. Ui,y .ippnkr ^ ^ ittt. Tlns Ifl BfliMbfll th* m-at aori. ,t epmrmtmof design ftt fonnd in Oaul, and if wa mar \utp hy tba vt- y M'd,. na'nre flf thahMlraMaatfl fwafl j. fcaaaM plaea ardby AaahflaaMaof flaaflalb anyfo-m in the congh BMHflfl ii niay l>e attributrd tfl the vrry flr»t am ofi rifinflba. All rb*aaapMmutt have baaaflMBb ed in Iba Mnsenra at <'Itmy. -TheAIdeu type-seiter 8nd d.rtii'»ui'.r, olneH wo no iied a year or two ago. baa ber. i .o.i.-i.leraSly ia. p .i, d aud-ii»|,ii'ed. f)f I80brarab Iba _aaaB_bb 1,1 bave bBBB dispeii-e<l wkh, tlie mat -iue no *liolda twice a* mr.. h lyp-! an l.t.f<re ai.d a Iw-tter meii «1 of advanf-ii'g t).- Iii,.-a oftyj* ta the macbine ii u-*:!. A pair tf Imgers have Uen anba itnted for the hnkin gii| ing ihe type, so tlat they are sc/el Ha'. wiae i^ ¦Mad tt fdgr-vti.e, BB b fore. The g*n*ra! fo-aaafl aj |t .nu Mfl ofthe macbine are al»o improved. (tit in tetded to stt and Bflbftflfa two liio'ieand oms per bonr. .We bave lu-en sfown a paUnt sa'Cy-tfrirk. tbe in- vi ni ___¦ of <l.«rlea S Mtoie, the ma.t.-r-ina. Iiiairt flt* tbe Dntnge and Abxaadrfa Baibaad iu V'irginia, ky Wbbh the tni'ks Mffarth u tha rtra a/-e held ta rtir- ni|*, flo tbat it a i-ar-wbeol or axle bt-aka, Ue car ia not ibr- ht oll the traek. The 'nventi >r ba* l»eei teat- ed on i e t> aute and Al.x-.ndii. Ko,.i, wherfl a car bae baaa rnn B*veral rail. - wi ua Bflflbaa BRb wuhoat rcnT.ii.g nt! the ir.ck. .I.ar.e hdin-'abh- :i,i-ro-a iiave b-->n p'trtai, hy wat oftSMBfaMBt, BB a lo,-. m .'ive in Ki.^'aid. reftaet- ing to rl e ein.ii <-r a view of Iba who'- train l-e'ind him. Tl iaar.ai)^em.-Dt w.nld pflahahlf bflflB pr- vent- ed tlie gnat Camdea and Am oy Bfaaflh e*, i.i whieh twei.t;-tiva liti-B weie I m-1 l.y MMbbgB traia over a wagon tl.bt Pt* A BBBflN Ibe tra k. .I'rofa.or Way B eleetrit ligh'. in wbirh 'be ht}il is prodaefld by a stream cf elecrieity flpplbfl toa rna- r ing strraiii of mercury a- line na th,- p ,jnt of a tieedle, ismetiiig wiib ninch fav >rin bajaad. I'. i< said that there is no actua! I mbnsioo of tb* me cu-y tte only expense beiri; fr tha ac'da anpplied b the battery. The li^ht ia exoredingly brillimt. -ThepoFuhiiion of China, accoHioL' tutheoensaflea lakcu by tho Ctinr-se, baa ircreased aa followi: r«:.NMM^flflttflCI.tlit-.tflll 1T"'>_.1 e? Mn 13-' Lut Ceua..11I,6>*./M i?n.MA.ea n> .Mre Sliel, cf Lflbiflfl, bflfl founi that l.y p«flaing a cnrrent of electticity thron^h wata-r in which clotaea are bleaching, there ia great econoniy of time, aafl sh« tecuree extraordinary re^ul-a. TIIE STOCK SALE AT ALI!ANY. Onpe before, dnring tho conree of oar flxp^rionoe, we bave attended a s*le of tine -t -t k in a cold pt lting storm. Whether or uot Uie clerk of tbe weather looka favora'.-ly npon our etoik-breederfl, we cannot aay; t nt bB it general tbing, their auction o%\-*e fall npoa pit -i iii t d..ya. Cnder the ktlaence of the heavy raiufl of Tuebday night aud Wed eeday, Ihe iaM ou the .N.-w IScitiKiid Plaiikroad, wbich runa out of Al >any, htd becime mud by WifldflBBBfly ri-ion, and the bara- jbiua and btoi'k-yardii about tiie " Log Tavero,' were l.'ttle l.-etierthan tiuaftniire.. Taa baiidfal of peijona wbagBtbflBBd ttt that j,l__» .<.- to atteud the adve.-tited s;,le if Uo Albany BrBfldbg flBBflflblbM, wei-e o'ijecta flf piiy, BB they wadfld thtaagh tiie aticky mire, ex- poetd to tbe m. rt le a ttr.viug n itii-etete.-. or iTotiibad. lUfBrbg nnder the eavt.t of ttme frienfly iblda ItWBI a bad nay Ior BB auction af any kiud, vt Bl V*' d. >-.-1 .y, aafl v Btflfl tb.'.n all Ior aa aaciion of txpet.bit.- ghoithOBBI iiud ^.,od horses. Tue reenlfc Bl out b oura- MtiMk Wiilitm M. Bullock, ,J',-e|il HiU.n, Wm. II. BtiflfMlafld aml Wdlitot Hiii.-t, toiir farmera Hving in tbe vi' inity of Albany, joiiiid togttbtr ihrc* yeara bf.0 to form a " Breeding Atrotiaiio'i." PaUbgba certam ameniit of c.'pital, tbty f.i!:ed a fund ior the paiflbflBfl of some very ibtire anr e.\|-t-:i«iv.ICBttb, aud ll. ,i, hy i. BBBfliflfl ot y iitiii.-lii;. flrraBgaM ut, seenrtJ bflMflrfltflflb for each thi-nt-i'her BOab Bfbfd to BM akne. Tbey tomtr.' noed by parcbaabg a BBiabar of 8bort4om at !_...- m b (1. Borrb'i iata b ISS6,aad * na ttaM aftarwanl v«n- tortd iu Jiitiiif.' --aDititl Tborafl *. 100 f-r NV-taue, Iba im j ort tl hull wU btOObtba ti rs* prenimffl ,it tbe Na-i i.a! V'.'ii.-'ilmraJ BbflW Bt i'hi'ai'ti: hia. At the BaaM : B. )¦¦ i'-i w,hy(}iau<l o ,t f 1'Vy, brad by Mr Uo'.den,aod taaaaflflflfl ly Bi AtasM -1 r. (i i. i Btrah ¦ af abod waaa na*A at tb | l-etti.t, aid |ha rm.lt i f the i.'ii.t"f ihaaaaocfottaa haa baaa araaypratly lo-.of BflCtb. Two t.f t e paitners hflabf an eye for the plehMire? of !or_..-b."fed'nj. Baflflflbflfld th.uiielvee arith S'r O \\ Adiii.s, the wal kaowfl boree b:eeder at Wiiiteiaii, Bad btvt glaaa a good tbaaoof Mtaalbato ibbflgaelaky. It s'-.-ntd to us that it wonld h*ra bflflB 1-cttiT for them to have re*'ricted t! -msolvea ta one, or nt BBOM two g.,od sallions. iurtcad cf the naai- bflr wlui'li bara sir. .1 tl.eir colts, for a grea'er ,nif..rm- ity of -,t.bltty r.in-t oy tiiat WflaBfl bavo U-eu seaMrad. Ti e i,i i. Bppointad for .'i.e ^al^ tt Waflbaadaa waa DBOMJ I Ut tbe rt, rm ,-armti to bave pniveuU*.! flo BMBypaaalbb bayan froaibabg fa attaadaawfl that whal w'th wahing for bafafl ai.d MaflBB, and o.ie ruug or aaatl cr. it wa.- paM .'. o tiotk bafota ihe tflflflfoaaar BB Bflfled ! is l.-x und. r tbe dripfiagflBrafl of ih-a horee- thed ladaalbdtba tirtt !ot. Baaalbd in tair, f >r IbaraeaaM aoraaBaaae io hbaoaidaaflblaaiabMy ap[*al*. and " AniiH l'.ige,"thec w in .}iu;.-tion. pnllofl barfootfrow oal their deep bed of a i.-ky clay. and WBfl diitr:, nwny. Sotnme lot V. iot '.',, Wmi itkt next faarbfla, al wbbbbMfltarabl % Hlo./m, t»« rectiled, and to\d for $;.'. to Mr. Tionl.ridge of New Jeraey. i.i t I vi ;ie a I'tiy. ;»'> li.-li, radM_ad*wbba -w, hy L< rd Erybafaaa, M 11,713 ont of C l M.Tria'* Ami^s. She had I large i>H__r, acd the Bl 11 d |Bfl flf a mdker-.j'laiihfa'ioii.t tvl.nli madj hei i- y -ar to tbo ett.io' Br, Baflflflbaf tte Ptlaraa Hou.. worth .¦*** |900flfl Whbbabawaa knot-keddown tobira. Tli» ui'ii went ou bilbg bruvely, aod tht.- t-ohi. r.-pt nearer and ntarer to tur maeiows, as we WBBbd f 4 fom^ otM to li 1. It was a Halflfll taak, botvever, tha' of dtir- ing up tbe vaiious Iata in MaOBBflbB, f >r it .e.-taed aa if BB "i rt-seiit would t-»ke tbe beat ai.ioiali iu t^e ya 4 at a cent a| iece; aod so at Ubi, when about tho taea- lieth lot had Uen i«la-d and paeet-d, the auctioaeer re <|ii. .ted lotne getitiecian to uame au anim-tl on whiok be wonld bid. Tha rt*iui of ine deejieraie apiw-al »'«fl tl.e sale afl a llfldfl flflflf vvi h her Bfltf for $'D, thtt flf Kl.ittery. a large, barrt-u Bflri Dafllfl, wuiu- c>». b*t i ,0 to (i.-orget'barles of Al t.inv.aud a lic.e p*ir of H- paaranlfl, Maflahad i>ev..u tv. rk. ig oxen, f.-r |iro to J. V. Moore. Then there wae a paNBB, wbJflh waa si«..u treii to le tiiuil. and *> the other b'lfl flf cowb, ialvt-8 flad tulls (BflftflBfl aud all) weie p«.-*ai, aad tbt- bor, tr ial t-d. Dl'hflflflflflthflffl wi-rerei-i.-teraiiu the BflflflBlgflfl tk Btaad mai-es; :»tbree-yflar* old k'Ks Ifl iv*Ifflflflfl -dd, Idyearlingi: i:i uuder a year; aud eever*! .-t.illioofl. Thtr.- vxtrt more bflflfll BBM iot* thau etjck a»eu on ihe liround, aml we HUal) stipp-ael that there would havo bten iH'tuD \ risker idding when the boreea wera laaflbad, \ um kumi u lha MflfarfU of the hy»taad- Biti t-\ ilt:;ly lad rn-money to n.teet, aud thoafl wh» btJ would uot oliQxx tht?ir h«u4i». Oue ^t-OBiu-a.

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Page 1: J-'Vi.Vfrr litxo c'lirg rllp - Chronicling America · 2017. 12. 13. · deolinofl tbe rllp.I of tho pr-prietom of the.,BB^«Jop»dia Bntfti.nica," t.. fu'n;sh abiogra-hy ot W.ahinjton


Tlir J-'Vi.Vfrr litxo PP »** IbflBflflBbflfl

At tbe flugg.it ».»«. Li.rd Maoatilay, who had

deolinofl tbe rllp.I of tho pr-prietom of the

.,BB^«Jop»dia Bntfti.nica," t.. fu'n;sh a biogra-hy ot W.ahinjton Ior tbe new edition now pub-

lirbing, Mr. Kvere't wbb NfBflrtai to writ.- a

xxxmtM nnder that title: and it i* bere IflBflfli iu

sdranoe o* ita apresratioe in the Iflflbfl for which itwa* oiiflmally n.ten-'ed. It is foiindod ch e:ly afl

the ftaidard worke of MtixhiH. Spirk', andIrt ing, aith no atvn.pt tt parade the fruiti <>f

pemmal rreeareh, wh-ch iu ibe present cafle,

woold pr.baMy have ctn.tribut.ed l!ttle to the

knowledge flf lii.pnrtai.t evt-nts iu the public career

of ita i lufltrioiifl Btibject. The principaJ di#tinctionof tbe roluire ia iti aingularly neat and graeefulatjle, ib acnipnlaua and Hcholarlike preci*itm tiatatemeut, and it* frlowing, though temperate, ex-

preM-ona of admiiati n for the eharacter of Waah-

lpgton. Ab a i\-ndtn.»d, and at the aame time, a

b'ghly attractive, »ketch of tbe father nf his flflflM*

try, it will BBfl fa«l to flecure a cbenshed placeamor.g the b< uaebold bouks of a great number ofAmerican familiea.The followirg ocrotint of the prcparation flf the

Fart-woll Addreaa preaont* the Kubj.-ct b a clear

hght:At lenp»h the laat yeir of General Wasbington i

seeosd quadrei nial term ifl ..ffiee arrivt d. BaflMaOOMbeg<n to be made to hiu by niBfri.nds lo .king toBDotber re*l ctioo, bnt uothiag conld now ehake bbpnrpoeeto eti'e. a> d he de'erminel to pnt all dOB <i

on thal ira' jact at reflt, by a Tery formal annonncemenlof hia parpt se. Httvin* -hi* immediate Wtjoti in vie*-,witb ptrental inter »t in tbe present welfare < f hheonntrymen. and p-ovid-ul ?ornhooght ft.r the l'ti nre

he det.rni_i.ed t > f^nnect win it nn..tlier obj-i-t of bm

greaier nlteif-r ia.portaiacr a Farewell AddrflBB t<> h>eleliow-flMBMBfl fcnil>iKl>iog bifl lat oaaaaeb forth iln.etruciion aud guicauo*. TbflBMfalabaB by ttmmi: gtot for Ibe p»t-p-.ra ion of thi* *<-.dri*_t, were mitk. dwith more th.n bia uentl i-irciiuBpei ion and care

Tbe? have b«*n ihe labjafll afl BBBM ditft r.-nee t.fopitVia atd diernfleion al ditlerent timett, ia which il

wonld exc*ed ihe limit* tfl Ibb w«fh ta Bagafla. Alltiia knoiBii fafiB «f iBaeBBBBra bronnhi lepBtfleraaflret fiar:hn witli gieat a -uteutsaai.d pncisiu,bf tbeHon. Hari.ce Binney, lu the et nv to wl.i.-h aliUBionhhfl b.eu loxtic in ibe prefa ¦ M theae ].*_<.)_., ent t afl" An Jiq»n^ iuto the For iuaiii/U of Wasningiou e

Farewtl Acdreflfl "

,_.,It had b.*u ihe mtentn.n of WuBtuni-'ton. fiom an

early i*M"d of bia -.dn.iuiotiati.n, (o dflclittfl a re-

BbewBSt lhae'oae ofl me tern. ->f oflea for wbbh hawafltbofl.il i>- 178ft Fa ly b 1781 he considered ibaexpe-reiicv of a ltir-well a tlrt-et* ia emneitiou willithb atiuoui rmeit t.f l.m paij -. t I ii e. Aanigotber fotilidential frici d. eovaabafl by Inin flt thii iiuie

wat Mr Madiron, wnb wbi m bfl cotinunnictted bnbonuly at Pi ra< .Im ia ano by i.-tt-r alter tbi-rece-s »fCotgrerfl. Mr Ma m n, in rti.lv t. niit bflflT, aU. r

e»mt*t!y di-Mit.'i. u the 1'mider.t from his parpoaa to

rttiie trutsu nt-d to him the draft cf an aldiet*,wincii ha* beeu p>»8-rved. It ia of no great hagth,and was BvttaM y b euded not la go far beyond thehint* coctanad in the fie* ditit'e Inter, either iu thechoic* or imimrni ol 'tt- tti|.iifl. WflBUDgton baviu-

a Lmm indoc*d, by the earni-Bt and untuimoutt B«li iuti.n\ of hi/tritide. w> one-nt to a rteletlion, thie addiewi[fl wa* al etursc laid mido'

iu tkehprug of 1?:'C, and ia the last year of bUe*o<-nd ad . lint-l ation bavii n a« wa have eeen, mad«op bi. Btitid ltrt Vftabl. tn decline a reno-ninalion,\V_a_ti u gitii again took conneel on the siil.j-.tt of u

faieweL BflflMBBa ln ibe progreBB of Ue puliticttl dirin-i.-t-fl of tl ¦ d-iy, Mr. Mad a >t. bafl Oeksea to be ef thsrambflr af hia coLtideiituI adviseri. and the PiaabbMcsllel opon Hami'ton to aid him on this occision.Want bgt.-n's tirsi at*-p wa* to pre__4ire hinist'lf a rongbsketrb of a in ew.il Bflflflfl ea. lt BflflMfa ed of a (empraiin_.ir.bry B-utea es, intr.-dacing tbe draft fnr-nirhec by fer HflabeB in I?!'-.' (to »hich, for parJralarreaBfiic,'Wa-h r-g'-on ad tred wit^i e-ime feiwiiyi,and thia was fohowed by Ibfl 'boughtfl and Bentimoht^,wbicb be deenx-d n.ost BMtaffla>efor eath an adur-Bs.An tiiifl pajwr wa« ii.ter.cad .uly to fnrni-.li BlMrbb,Iba' portion afl it whith foliovv. Madi-ion s draught,ai.d wbb it-mpoBrd l-v \\ atbii gt >n bi neelf, is I l r,. .-

of rBiuBika and BoggrBtioiis not aindiousiy kmageflcor abbwalafl lla ptaaabflflba. Tai* p:,;,er bbbiabawB hy WaflbaatoB ie lUmii'm, at PiiUd.-iphia,in the hpr'mg of K'.a', ai.it itt wish flxpfflflfled that ht-wonld "ref'rtrs i-. li was also aaggeatad that,b'didedoiig bt* flaflilbM. tf bfl thongblUiat. ahnnld.. tln-w Ue whole iuto a new firm,' ..ppi .' 1npon the b utimeMB coutaiucd' in Waahiiigtou'fld/aoght.Tbi* wa. aoeordinply done. Hara'lton fir-it pre-

pared tbe adcreue, ibrown wl-i.lly blO a MaaW form."hi.i1 tf en digteud in another pa.er, in ro iriectioii withMr. Madits-i. e ehort aticre _., tbe IboqgbM and Biiigejflaafl a; ;>ti did M it, us we have seen.in Wa.liington'Bong.tai dr«tij.'bt. Tb. I'lesid-nt gave a flu'iiledpr.lertnce to tne BflW for n, aid. ainr \ery caraful. \ bbfl I y him, it wae pabiiahi-d ou th'.» 19th of St;.-

iBBkhflfl, tttitOf tbe doi'tia Bn-s and pBj,ure cornc-i'ed wi.h tl'.'b

bflaaaalbg p*odaeiioa ibflwahava beea pret n ---d. iaaflflbba to most if wti ail the . Miaaaaadaaea betweeaWaehmptoii and II.illon, AV_t8bii)_."..ii s originaltitiih draft of a laie*e'.l iwltifisri, aun HtaiUtaiiBrevi-..c afl i' IbBM two paperi. exift OBl| in tbe COpiflflUken oy Mr. S^aike tl.e < r y'lnnln baaiogdiBapjatd H(imilt"i, b ."'ginul draagbl "f bb addr*Miatbe" r.ew form.'' There is als (.retarved a-non1.- Hatnil-t>:. _- paaatfl Hk\t a <a ... *.t P&iaU t,. ntw auAdd'ee*. wbbh BppflBlfl io have l.nen .ir-iwnup bj Um :is k flalfla, iu paaaafliaghis tr ginal draog' t Ilainilt _a'a I'itfitial (fr-Mfht, aerevieea aud t-orncied atd ad .pt d bf \N'..ebin^,on,liatB^ia BflBIfld. Tba rur "»' n.stn- ript of tl.e I art-Wfll AdcraBS, fiom aliMb it W»B prin-ed, b iu oxbbcuce. aafl n b wbofly ia the baadarrhbgofl *^aabbgtu, lt tontainB tt-ry ma y eorreetioBa, -raurtr-, aodi'i*ei!iretii'iiP, wbuti i.ie aleo all in WaahiaglOO'abaidvtritii'g. It wfcs pna.-i.t-ti to the editor of tbe|i;*r b v bbb it waa pabibbed, <"i.iy|iH.le at Ua u-

bi Wn-l.ii g» .n li j. t*. If. aod at Cbypoob'ada(flflflfl it waa | .i hh t-d for twniiy five hundred dol-iare, bv .lamae LaaOJ e-,j ot New-Vcrk, who botcaus-il a very cartfnlly-pr. pan-d edition ot it to bepnvbte.j pOBflafl. willi all ibe vaiialioliD accuraklyuotid iu ibfl U'li'xin.

Tbfl abi'vesa't uitnt i» Ixdifved to contaiu the mate-ti*l Ih.-k of tne ii-e, a«. f*r »b tbey a/ipear fr iu th« pa.¦aiabow in aaialaacai TbalbaiMin tae* pafaaarillloi adii.l a mt.re L,.t libd baaatbatbB of t'i« fpefltunot flt.io:*Lii'. n',i a nW it be i. 11- li ..^ntiiue vti.h-ont a caiefQ! ex niiaio;. aad como*-isju ot tbe orig-bai papeev b tha raar. Pruaaaoh bb axawbatba nwid, weibink apiehr. ibat tba Fai. aell Adiirt:ie. ar

.Jrawn np by BaaaJb n bi i aabUahed by Waflhiogl >n

t< the people nf tLe Uafead -s u wi hthy n.aunal )Kir kflMof Mr. Madban l tir;ift "1 ir:'^',jre«ai)'e, in a iii'-re revelop.d forai, l'> vaii-utideueBflBflfliBafl b Waabbgtoi s origibal drai' m d ireu'e,in argnmei tn'.iie cnntttit n tb-, loajbflibaiain a re

aj-.'io.-i'ticaily p-rpom d>d, the wbole cowb ned witbrrgintiiecgtee.io'i* of a kimired tyiH* froui li.itailtou'BaWB ptn. Greal rk.il ie etiiice.l y liiui in iuttrweuv-i-.». in l'fl piopt-r pl'.ie wotrj ttgg Bti.-n jiitfiined in\s tbbfltoa'fl draft (»nh a ti'.gle axeaptbo); nor ieii'tr- balwafld to be auvtl'itgsupernilied nv Baniltoa,o' « li tiie gc-'n at foa8- i*nuoi le found m Wefi-

, Ar. fl, io bb in ul if ri ns ootM BM 'Jtii, t, or inOIBCI pnduu UU Ltiqiieetit i.ahly fr im his peu.A t;ngle t j ic f iitflbfld in WasLington b dr*n«l.t

wt.* exc nd-n, witn hbflbilaoaaa aadasproba*iwi,fr -a tba pn i.e!.-ti addraaa. The pas«-ge u qcnrie-idil aaygflMblM ol a j. reoi.al intracter--an in-

d gi ant albabii lolbaaflbrM mide l.y ''aaflaaoftbag z.-tt- e. of the 1'ii'ed Sttbe," t>y a.is'ej reBentationas id fa__M.l."<w.f. " io wiUi.o hb re|i'it«tio'i and 1-el-ii«, '_and " »o wekken l' B fl e..tnely dflflkay tbe cin-

Maaaa" rep- t*-A hba by the rom.try; a prbud afleer-iion of tle n;righ'iiet« of bia i.itenr >.i«. BbMMbbf.'emai'd of re« a*ci 'or " the gray liuir-. of a flBflfl who1 _.d paaRflfl ibli pfbaa "t hb Um m 'be aarvioa of tha

ry, that b« mut .'>o cQ_W;d to BBM quietly to

a?e;' fliiih a C'.ni'udi: g<T<t)rv<»tK,u tnat bifl fo'-ad n't beeu in.proved oy tbe BMbIbbMMM of of-I hese ideaa, r»uer im-r- c.refully digeBted t.'oin

v ther portion of Wai-hiug:..u> oriianil draught,iu tbe pnb ithrd addreaa, ooiittod almost wholly,Ihb witb tha difl-.ioct approbation afl WaBhingtou.

it appfara to bave been tbon/ht taai. in a paper aabfl*to d ec^ud to postan y alluniouB to lempnary

- afl irritation bad beter ho Biippree*»d. Froma puiion wc are c.-atpell^tt, wiib grtat d.lhdenee, to

i.t. We Bre nnder ihe itnpreavo-i that tboogh- part of Wflflhiiigton'B drttngnt, like the rest of itit leaa tbaa theotaer portion.,, waa "iu arough

_-'.nte tba enbetanefl of il, wiib aome Bofteniug of»be mxafettMO, which waa ueTer intended for pabiicaIbfl Dagbt have b«Mn retained. Tn« oppouente of\\ aabinaton wrre not eouciliatod by iM abflenoe, aodpoeterity ha« loet a loflaon ou the lioenei aud farociiy oflvarty defamatiou, nearly ae imp'riant bb anr conumedin tue addn _*. It r.i-i"i ntrw ln«ter on the BMafltf«f Waahii'g'on, that, in a mat'er pen^nal to hiineetf,be defeflTttfU) tba jodgment of hi« tnwtadfrieud; but

tiut jn.t^aifiat, in Aie pieeeut o*»e, wa coBcew to

Lmko bei-u trrvBeoua.

It may flr-aJly he ahtfr.- tVtat WaakingtoD, arlthrcfeiw ce to th.8 addr*ta, m to evary act in lifi, aiau-d,wi'h ihe fiitire taCiiHc of B-if to Bcvoiaplith the d-v_.ired good. He wat BM ueomod, an a inilitary chieflaio, u> en p'oy daily tke pena of arUve aud inteliiii'mtKcr.tariit, in oomminicaii- a hia plana, trin8miuin<lia tt-o n:ai-ia. aid geoenlly curryiiig on bia oorre-

H|K>j deute, witV.u: _M tb WgM Uia- tbey wi re aoy thebia tbe -fcUltfl .f bia awa BM d audjudg-iei.t, be.anae.tiivei(din the WBldfl of another. .'bie lubitbec*rriel iCit'i hin. tothe I'lf-idency. frf-ly putJiij,la minirili. 8 Mfl B*d of auoh offinal alnear-aiil |--i-roi in mn deb* iu I i' opi.,ioii woultt bflfltaoabW iii -t

peib rm ib* iti'tv i-f Ihfl day. Ii. doing tbia ba W. tndaid e-.n'M-d eii ii di jieiubnt judgnionk aud be a i p»-ttl lol'ir-n fuiinolnd mhiin hy otbera, wlrch .iii n-t,at,. r n^id acru laj Hai d U.e laM of hit owu _n.tr.el-bm dia aaaaa aad ni artii g wind ai.

Kr. in tbo cb-ai' g portion of the nieiui ir, in whichlbe flbaraOBBf tt W tabingtoii ia briefly portrayed,we tnke H'l.Tal jurtj(r»|.ti8 that aptly ll'uatratetbe (jual.tiee ari ich .tTtf at tho four.dation both ofbia private and puhlio life.

C.) neral ^"aebiigtain a p.r..i.nal BppBBIBaM wan inlmriioi.y wid. hia chai_c.( r; it wan tt mod.-l of manly

lb ai d baaatf. lle was a'n>ul itix feet two

_Dcbt_8_abigbt and hia pereon Wflli proportionel.intheearlier part ot 'ite ra'h r apare. and never too etout foritctiveai dgrarefnl movement Thecouiple_ionin7'iti( -!to iheH.ru; ibe eye* aere hlae, and remmkably farapart. a profuaon ol br.) * u bair waa drawn baek fromIbe li.ii'brhd highly powdertd according to the faabiont.f the day, and gathflfi d in a hair betiind. He war

K-rnjnlon.ly nai iu hia ditvs, aud while ia c.mp,thonvh he habiiu.lly left hit tent at sonriae, be waa

neoailj dre.Bed for ttie day. Uia streng h of arm a-.dhia akill aiid tjia"* hb a horee_oan have been alreadymeniioii. d. llis power of endurauce wae great, andthtie were aaaBMBBa m> at the retieat from Long lal¬and and tne ba'tlc af Tr not -n, when he wat aca.celyouiot hit aiulale'or tao daya. Pu nctiliona in hia oba-.rv-ance of tbe iiurt*t<.ei of eo'ciety as pratticcd in bia day,be waa at. n.t-.u vd, dcvtn to the pi-ri d of hia ____-«.ration u» I'retideut, at tbe bahagivou io hia honor, totike part la a niinutt or coun'r> -danta. Hw tliary BM*foiah rtcoi.li-, aomeiimes ahb MBBMBf aBBrtBMB, the

pmiae BBMbM of laniea pr.aetii at tbe am-eanhliea. ut

whith bt. wae nceived o. um ton-8 thion_h ttie Ual >n.

llie critr,.) inaiiaer iu l»rge eocietita, though eaii-

nei ti> eoartaaaa, wt.a o.aikt-.i bj a BBttflla nnii ary re-

leiTB. ln ina!!. r t.,ii,pi.i.:tH he waaeaay audiill.il.le,bnt i...t talliiitive. Bfl WM tn-qnettly caeereii into-_nyeiy, fct bM lirci-ide, by ihfl M tflfioafl uienioitnt of-be jt iingaLdhHppy, batoftea lelape-d into ,i Ihooght-tul BIOO-, BKrv-W, bie HfB, but utteiing no aa_MAlOiind.WM-btffoB. n lgi~.ua InarBaaaaa were ia hirmony

wi b tbe mt .-I ha i-naracter.dtep, rational.aud pra-ti aL OatbJfl topic, ..nr remiiining apace adxita.i"littlt n re thaa a r. f- r> nce lo tne iiiter.etin_' arii.-lo on

tb r Mtjaet in tbe fmirtii Baatlaa Ol the BBBBadiB toMr. fhwlhai i«.ltib M.iiiiiie. Wa«,_iin_(iou w;.a

broaghi uj. in tbe EpMooiaJ coMaaBakin. aad waa 8bar 01 the vea'iy of two chunbes. lle wtia at ell

tiiura a NgBBW ht'e'ndi.Lt 08 public worst.ip, and an

M -i.i-io! al parthktr of tlie comiuunion; aud ui believetlbtbitaallj to bave bfgafl t ta day aiih ihfl reading ofu,e St- ijinrea and pn-yer in hia eloaat Uia privatera-rr'-jM 1 d. ine, hia Kaoaral o,tlera, and hia pflbiit actat.f all kind. c inaiii devont MBOaaMoafl CO a DivinePloaidaaM M tbe geiernnent of tbe world. aad bitabo t tttt t^K'8 v.i,i.(-h. io ihe UillueLce ol a j. tvailngb.i-ei.f e'ikit't.'a it apoiitiiility. In hia laa". m.-rijeiit*hebieiitl.il atrul. piou Bp nt flf IMJBBallBB. Ifl baov n btl>'( -ii P vvi.rdB. te oied " hai(l," I.ut tie waa" lii.t airaid to go." Th-mgl- prevented bvtherapid{icigrflM of hir Jiartee, ki.(1 tlie B_&3-tt0-- o:>»lnict,o_oft e votal orgaaa frou tXffMBbg bM (aelifflB. h..E ai.ifefi.tl lo tbe laat tbe Mbadadoe offl _.-BM t'hr;--i.an >.' the at-ill Bl tl.e ^rea- Mf eer.

Tl.e BMBBMrf1- (f Napolto-i aadWaBhiagtoatag.MMI a remhrk ou tbe mi ilary cba aa t»r of the la'tti,wbo ia f.t i.aeii'.y diapar-nftd in con'rart wHh tbe gre»tcl ielitt ns ot anc'n t aud m.-deiii t:m.-. Bai no ooin-

paiia b mb ba fawdiatad to any valaabla pai a a ba>twata ladlitdaala, whtah doM aat BBtaBdMihaaoaa.tiita i-nd ptrione in which tiiev 'ivt-i, <twl to tbe MBBflflat btir WiMBlBBd When the. p (ircuaia HUce. urelatm ii.to ihe account, WeBbirgt-.n, aa a ehief.aia, Imn inciimd to (hmk, will aattain tbe aoMpaiiaoa witbiii.v r tbat ft ar ieit or ¦ leru tune. A noaal jadi-e ntt Kier.h writer (M. Kdoaaid LaV 'l'ay-i, ihoaafagreat ly adiniring tbe itiart. ter of vVaahitf.1 n, demeaB_B tba bnliiaiit mili'a'v g-niua of Jaltflfl Cflrar. Itlr, t" ttf Ihfl lenat, MIBWtaia that Ja hM CaMBf, 18*mt.iii'r.g in O'ber refj^cta »b d be waa, ci-'ild BOt hsvecondtjc'id the American lievoluiou to a B-ite-ptiilBaaa, aa ti.tt Watt inatoB ooald aotbaraaabdaad _aul,tbffOWB an urny MtO (ir.tat Itrittii. rr guiued t*:e bd'.-i'i ..? Phaiaaba. No one h-.Fi tttt dtadad to Waahiagt.i t! e pMBMtioB of tbe bi^tieei <!"|.'!te f p"iyf-ica'. ar>dBOralfl iiri..r, 80 (rie naa evei accJHd hiin of misaingan oppi itiuo-y tc atiike a boid blo t 80 one lua poiit-ed out « Mhiit i-f vigor in tlir bobmM of aail m, or offoreibt ii_b' in tl e plana of hia c.riip -gna: in sbirt, nooue Ihp al'epetl i. faot, fr..:n mbtt h it can be mide evenpn bal.le tl at Nrii.ilton or Oaar, working wilh hiaBM88I and on bia ne'6 of m f.,n, ( tali bavfl wrong'ito-it giuiiei or befer r-.-a'iba lhaa he did. or tbat. ifbe hnd teen placf d on a fi-ld of action. and witb aooairaud ol M8BBB iike tbeim, be would bave ehuwubitri-e'l BBCqaal (otbe poa-iiun.The-e ia, iu ihia reapect, a grertt BBifltabfl cn th*. anb-

ie-t ( f \\-abiig .». a tempcratLeiit, which waa nnuiral-]y eangu i e. 'lrd-litiemtry aciounta, wbub miirt, h-iw-tvtr. te rtceived wilh g-c«t caui ion ae far aa pnrti nlatBDecdotea are concerned, BathM-M thfl belirf t.l.nt, in

eaii) -ife at leaet, bababltuallj v.i-_rei BB__8BB8a war-fare "vviib hie own anb i.t tem^er. At alleveu'*, wh?).be wi*9 p'a ed IbllhtiBiaataBOM. in botl bia wara. wb th

ipon bim tlie FaOmu iiolicy, ther* were cova--1.-, na we lave Bacu iu lle n\riat;o:i, wbaa ba

-.- /..J tbe o; poituuiiy of in-.kitiK wbat,if i; bui faUed,woold lave tWeuti.l'.da rarj iiii.vth,ei,t. ThMaBOWBfltim tbe pofi-a_«.r of au exeanaive capacity; confiiica-ii g \:i '-¦ ktl] MatndM and ktfpinBgOOd he :rt inaal-er-¦ \ utrti.-ly at B-KKraol OTCuaaga ta. movo witbaigOT flSd B8W88. ^^Ilen we add to thMBBBBqaaa.t-ni-I b.iai.»ea for tbe mtlitarj protBflflkm, who candouM il.ai, if be baii been traii ed iu the Kraal wara ofKiii. j a, I.'i v f-'did uave Btovad l.iti.a II .tj-ial to theirMteiaattaMa 1 Itiaa MMN-habla b-t.toal tromtu\...,'., npward be arhwad m )i'iir» r_| aci'y beyond 'hatot all tbe tift-ied bi,d expt-'. med olbtera w-itb whofliit waa ataoriatad or brongbl a tt B ti. Tbe ne.le. tot l ia ady_Mfai I75S, caat thfl aetanu lirad.1..i' \ h-.-l lit- l.le biidto-rw ibe val'ey of tba Ohiointi tbe BOWat of ibe Fr.-rb: a-d ail the akill andcl<rgy \iaii,ie iu ibe opfrBliOBfl cl (.en It.r'ie-aby"I k ti il aa reit.v.itd Ifl 1738, wtieinfiiBrd ijU- iiitujI-. \\ aabii gton.AhiBto tba BiaBBMBt agai-Bt |; miiitarj capadty,

ji-etitii whathar, in DanHytpea-i-g, Waahiag-lOI Wbaa n hii oi MUBfl.a fjuf-tinn BBttO bi ai-aweicd till rbat w> ;d MaxplaBfld l>r. Johaaoa Ct'Iail ibat pa.wi-r wbich cc-ua totMapOat," aadii lhat

.tii.ii Wa.l'iii-.'t'-H rertainh wm nol and aadw"b it. A» liitla did he bobwm tne paidaa of tbe ora-tor ibe man "t .itu-. th" Mfllptol tbe paistar, theinutiiian. Thatan Mm hab Jly, nol I -..>. flzela*rivfiy BBproprlaUd to IhMattivapowarwhich enahka

,-i toaxcatni c-itiite, Uteiatara, pnd thafaa arta,tb.iT il (-e wl.oaie dBMItBM O* .t latbMfl departtneuMdeclandto want it altogether, Bntl enbi

ol po'itiealand rciji'niy tkil!; ti rocial intlu-i-.-" il .ti . n.lt i cy, a.t g iv. .nrnei ., agenioipraetkal i.t-;ity; a uoral gaahia of true l.--

ii-'am of nnwlfiah patrio'iBn-, ai'd of Marn pnbticity, wbich h uatrough narbsdanaB-oa-unt.-'t-r( giltfloi ini.il'f-t :;i igtn t lon, aod tasM whichrotai'atatbflpoMorthaai w i, itad ptingVir-g f i( nt bot B'ori'fnl ci n ra.-t hMweaa ariaa

i ,i 1,'e'i.ry ikil). 08 'be OBfl band and IhOM m-.a-itrfal i.it- oa tha Bthar, bj which vi r.- ¦-.,i..ii¦ .1 i.B'i-.JiH BN BJt 188888, *Vf innat 8'ili uda,:' tbit tbe

abo, in i-piu- ofobMaek-Btl a moM formi latda,aad rietiaitadai tbe mon diMfcaaiBg, eoadortt graalwj-i*. to -iiccfraful iaaaaa.-that tbe atataaman wba barMMdBM angry partiea Mi pBBCO akillfiilly nodaiatM ibi*toai a.1.- i.t oonMitoaoi a*w. u blita, aad, withoat tbere*B'Sicaol rhMwic bu. l.y BatBM Bdahtha tban au-

.. f-..¦llrr^ t- .¦ l.'rii.aii n ai-d orga__C__OB >l irov-.rnm* ntt, d lo thm adaiioJMrat Ob att iblithet ihem d-11 t offli al eundnci h r al, bliowiag time, itaadowadwilh a Bitfa»a ariaclpla of Ihoogbl and acti'ii ,ia ,!¦--t,i ct in it- k;Mi mm tb«t of '»t BMoMhaaM or Mi] n Iti- u .- Ml MB flf B I iipnmn.a e .i.ai bfa.tl Aiiil}-ia BUtJdaaCriM ie D M lttatali. ne liii-itber aaa bnl Bfll BOl d."-tBfl thfl uibrior pri. flrpla. It ia a lital elemcnt tt.baracttr. \\ * i.:ay ape_*.k ol prudtnoe. punttin.'ity, -nl r )fco;iti..l of braaary aad iii-intt'i-?rlt)r'hi*t, aa we apruit ot aT fljfl tor BOlOf BBd H y*T-f.p'ion of tha traoafal in tbe painter, a a'neil.ility Uilbe anl- ime, IMI i>ait.ethic, acd iho behniital ia die-c.nrBt; bnt bebiLd aml utiove all tbtae lliera- nuirt be a

irtativeaid hi.iiiia.ii'j; pfjadpla; at IbbM aa nacfa iubari.c-r a* in li-Ull.-i t or art. Thfl OBbUMm WhiflbptrUin to gmiiia are uot Uie wlole 8I_flfl-Bfl_t_lone csae any n.oro tbaD the otber. Tbe arteriHe,the lui KB, and the fltrvee are eaaentia! to life,batthay BM not li'e it»elf-tbat hi-,'her Boiuething,whith BBBiafl tha OfjaBBI fu.,.'i"na ofthe fratnp in

motion. In the jM)eeeaaion of ibat myHteriona oiMlityof character, mauift.-'td in a loii<< life of unan.hitioiialer.ief*, wbi.h, eaUfld by 8_8MT_f name, inajiirea tbecorDdeow-, 088888888 the reapect and wina the aflec-tion of eoLteBpontiieB, aiid gmwaupoa the admirt'i-.nof BBeOMflhM geneiBtiona for_i''gBBtBBB-ld to wbicbthe roerit of otber aen ir laBMiad. and a liviuy pn olthat pore paMlflMaa ia not adilnaK'n, nor virtue au

enp'y luiine, nn one ot lbe IflflMMT 8MMBBB8flJ8_MVit, i ai Waibibbi 7.

The appeiidii to the voltiirje rontitiriB an ir.tt.r-BflBfg f8fflfl hy Dr Jtmmtt JmttmtmA ti B-8B8B, ttviJi-!) thht BM-BBT't pbjri .. pfMBBtfl u !u":d

-xposit:on a-1 »he 'a-t i leaaa af Waab_b g'<<r, Baj a

mtrrttwtoi tbe mtdcB1 'le-i'm fltadoptrd on tf_«torcaaioa.

IHK WTBKfl Ol PRAMdfl BfljCOM t'al n! lr« rp04 fl ... I T | ,,i Mi *>y l i Ifl :¦ flfl H i -d_i.treet.

'it i. ri :i . aUawit of tbe Anitibaa laaBbfl "f Mr.M-, i... ...i: irahb editbs ol Uaaoa'a cimplcteaotl t n,!' BBcea aith 'h<> tlivinioii emitkd " lib'fllf

: I' t, ar-.oi ai,' tiit- Vtilnnt'-liow iflflflMfl lowpii-ingIba ' Btaiaty ofl tV.e Beigawfl Haary VIL," wiib.' 1 he IW pii i ing of lha Iliriory of the B :<n of KingIiiT.iv VIII.,' aod oneor tuo iraall. rpiecee. In t'iemnkwt to Ibe 'IflMarj flfl lletry VII." lha edit >r

cmlatfl Ibfl flflBMtba of Sir .lame* IflaabbMaab thnttl,- woik w as wntrn to g-a ify .latnes I Ibaaaby ini-

plybf tbM ii ibaaabbafl Ptumtt ihaabfliMflanflHenry. Tbfl nadat nay take Bome intereet in. .-mpar

ingil.e biet.rr ittelf vtidi tlie zealoux defei.ee "f the

. db r. lle wiil probably conclude with Mtckinto-h.tlat if " I_A.nl BBM WBB tbe man of UgwtM hflrfbMt.inngtbe tviit.r_.of hi-tory, be was not tbe greiteat1 lab iian." The enteipriiw of tbe pablirhers in bnng-ing ort tl.e bflM Kvpbtth ettition of Lfltd Hvoi.e w..rB-

b ruib hii appiopriaie rtyle, is entiil. d to f.rn.a! I n.

m.nd* ion. Takiog (be prc-ent troluine ne a sp-wimenofthe roite, it w.U be preiie-ly etith an fldhbaflflgiatitics tbe laa'e of tbe echolai, wh le it i.t in a in-Bt

r,i.i.i.i.iit f.rm for reference and cotunlta ion. Tne

tj^grajhia.! exerntiou ifl a model of neatnesB and ac-

¦aracy. and tb.- wh-le aaaflanaflflfll tkt rahaM i'

every way atimciive.-m

OLOMAfKINAW Om, Ten F..KTnr-- ,-r t«. UlBfl ivh

ln, Ki kh.m M.iKi,. Hy W. r. iirni.MOO. I-'un.

pp 114. Jan.e. t bflflflfl. A Soo.

In thifl VabjBbfa contrikotion to the history aiul

gtograjdiy of the North-Went, Dr. Ktriiklaud baauvhilid Linifelf of h great variety ofeourcea and pre-lentsan BBMflfll exbaaeiive view of the coudiuon and

proijectaof Ibfl npper | art of Mi higan. Iie cora-

metiie* wi-h tbe ea'liest Indian ItyetuN, and euda withtle bteM Btfatietiial repi-rls. His volume atrords a

stiil.iu|, illaetrsitii n of tbe racid material developai.-ntibal i-ortion of the cr.nnt.y, w> iie it predcte a stillBM re raaRWt flhb expaitfion f r irn fiton*. i! tidentlytl ifl friiit of hbflfliflBB reseairh, and fatniliar knowl-,d^e it must at owetake a high fkmt as a rti-idardnntbtri'v for nftreuce, nd ht the snum time, itabovadab aaaaflaiaa nnd diaariptlona wbbh give a

conittaLt inte.'tM' '.,> -ft- panHflLfOTMtOr fftOtflEf MORRW, WDiuM,.

A'.tl.or. li'n.o pp Ml llb*!1*. S, ril-rer.

Tbe i>. auiil'ul jMicketedition in purpleitnd gotfl, whiehis l.eie ii+atd of tl t- j..-*-m^ of the favorita AmerieanWBflWlftai t\il! i-e \ti-lt ouied vt ith ent UMii.-ui bj flbirt ofl i.Hn.irers who, witb tbela'e Hormt liinueyWaDaaa, re.ar.i ili* prodactil ns '.f G. l Bral Morris, 49

i.n.j'-' 001 t ii^ina! in t-t.ile, ta'iiraliiiHj'ifii, bea i-

ti'.'l wllb tbe ibarin of a'tuiHt fanlik-Be execution,wbit b MBJ aDaagfl tor Ibab autbor the tit'e of thel-umate of Aaericn." With snch Temnkable ui ai i-

niiy in t) t- popnlar veriiif, it wonld ba id!e lo indulgebaapatflaoaa Bflbgfafla("gOdiag refindd gold, paii.t-iej, the lily,'' A a. e*ie.i. and wo ''a'i only BBaBBBflad thi-jeritivu to oar rti.dere as a worthy ra-ket f .i the fBMB,wbbh ibflj h:.vt flobag borne in their memory andiLtii heart.


LTOVTBIfl W lH'H.ti) BRPOU T'll' vm ^(; MK.vst BRI8TIA> AflSOCIATiOM IM fcXKTKR tl.M.I..l.l'NDON Mlflfl pf Hl Ri.l.rtCtl rt KiUI-.r,.

Altlongh BrifbaD) pfapaied ftiran Fnglinh andinncc,Iheaa lecinres can jf.s'ly ahalflBgl a wider int.reit, a' dwill mr.t with a b(*pitaMe MBaiflba from anflBRNMreadere in this conntry. Tliey emb.ace a gnat tai .tyof buI lect.- BBOial, religiotiB, litemry, and artiitic int>>«ir cl.ancter, anl accordinely addr*?.-. no limiteddiv?rniiTtf inaVe AaaaBftbfl t") icB of IbflTolllBMar* tbe " Ititintrie of John Knflfl on f e It-fjnnii'ionbEaabad," "QbbmKbaahafb," MPaacallN " Hivoartb i<t d 1 ic PbtBlfla," '' Tte World s OHe-t I'tvm,"¦afl (.thers. Sevtial ofthe bfltaiflfl bdiflflb ii"t a littleabifity, and b soae cates, are from the pen ol i:i:.i MMtw, ktttottl in'n.

a¦OOVfl Rni imd.

AalneflHBaarfoflflaabafKabalflatici Hvtl-Ite.-Brldfl.., M A 1* i'i l: tttterk I

Tbel'hlli'raiiPi. the Piali.l. B> A-n.t 1 n. n ily. 1-mo |.p. l'«l.Ihe S

ThflWarkflflfFkflBrifl Baeea VtLXl Wm rr. Ml IlrowaA Tarr».d. R. lien.h, Air. t _->. i <'.-.'ar .treat.

Tl.e I-i-ii-v Fii..: v Ba.HI. fat*aU Anet 'rtam. fyPiielC FHdy. ft mo. pp. _8S»i. AndrcwK.Or.v_-.. N ¦** i.,,*.Bl, Idon a. Co.

The I.il-..I Uenr.e AV:,.Mn«.r.i' By F.daa,-1 Btaflflflt 11; r,.

pp tiP. flbaMaabCa,A Tle»|,-e fli the A. e ir»I. I.»w rf lt..' PTOfOttf. l'* *

U»ahbii'ii, LL.D. troU. Vfli I. Bflfl. ffa flM, l.it'e,flfflfll I A Cr.

Oa Ob. ure Dl.-' -' Bnt. mhI I'i- .' II 'finlI'.-, lo.bra Wl.tiiH, M. I». Mfl pp. ttt. Bhacbarfl bLaa _mmmmmmmmmemmt..


.Tbe ft\iis.iera' New York t-',.'l bafl* Bflb;.-«: "i-r.Ihy, to the MtkfoMba of all BOBMnad, Thod. Maad ttt b ¦¦ k- waa moie af a baaJ by and | .¦ batl.au of n fj-emlotive il.aiacler, aL.I tl.e boobl l.ig! t-t-tin | u'li. appn I fltbB g.i.erilly baoegbl pri.-eB m trlyeqoalb il itgabi Mbbm. Ibfl powarof ft^wp-Iba tbattl.re ifl in tbfl M ni:_uuiiity for WOfbBBMflBeeepaafl ab "staa-dBfld," ^a« abawa hy tl.e mrgt¦abfl n.ace Ly Mr. I'li'-.-atr. t.f WaBhbfbm Irii-'^-BBfl Bayaid Taylor b ^ ri'ir ^.e. His brobfl, mi lycocs'i-iiiig of tlu-ie works in vari-.m --tylns. reali/eJ¦ywarfl .f |I0,006 Mttvrs. TbwaBaad'a aal bai afCtrpar, aad baaatifal nabflDbbflfl vt-liiue* oftbafailloatratioofl, ware abfl in giaM dnaaad. Mr. s. ih-ner's abflBBl ki'.t. vdume of " Folk S niua" waa gflMflfl*ully pTi'ditt.d to bfl Bbfl f o; it I;i r favorito Ibr BBXtCbriMBMM, Mc?«»e. i>eriy a JaabaBB'fl **LflfaaaadII'-n lora l ti l F'.-eta " and " Iai'cr:i;y V\'ora-ju nf theSouth," Aapoting tle palm wilh it. Dfth.ee workaBs BMay wara boU asthe pabHabara xsort wflHsalaBnpply. Tbfl BBMmBNtdatloBfl foi the tttt wtre Home-wl at BfBMBld, owiilg to tbe nnfiiiisl.cd BbMfl "f t'ie lineIniloing in M.-.er etrcit daflbBflflfl to theae aitcm-

bl_.gt-H, ufl to he bflagaiaiafl next 8prisg; tl.e ntaoMgortl feedrg, h' w*\. i, [ireva'1-.l. A'l in'.. rrupii >n !.>tl. :ib o .'.nred <n Wadaaaday ev Bbc wben tbene-nal et-f inl mtetiii; WBI baid, and fldflraflBM WMflin. it l\ .tiera' gei.tl-rum, appn prii.t.- to the Oflflfl.i-i. ti, tuitii/' to t-.\]it..H ibebaanUfoclbB at ihe paaMBflaid tbeii i''.t.liil. -i ie iu the Ibtara proipaalty ot "theTiaae.".The most imi'Oitant artiele in tl - mw TohflM

of Ii-I.tr Nomvttit Biograpkie Oemerolt l.talif^,f .Moi.nn.ined, exu-.i-iiing t. 30 ktjkt, by t:ie Ara! il

|d "'ar, M. lieiiaml. lt ifl j-rol ahly tl t- \*al e*4fUt ltl..- .-uliect that txietr-. A Ifl flf Magi-llan, BBfl (ir-iiBBiiMilfl.Blin.lijM TflidliMiifl Daads,wbo b to ..

yuf/o on ail ii.it rtlates to rortngal, ia an iutertwt-t. ..iit:il.iii: n 'f- ll e histf ry ofl AflflflriflBB di-fovety.

The i:..'it e of Kaaaaby ;s farabbifl l.y M. Laoa Joo-b»-rt. Fiom it wt lean ti it*. Ib*iwgjh then- hart beentWB l:>. .'i. tlBl .-'a.ioiiB of hi)> hi.-t.-y tba eesays baved> t yet Iren introdn.-ed to Fren.h raadaav; and that a

Tertion ofl th»in is aniionur. .1 by M. QoiOfllUBjC Qabob1 l,e vdiiii e BStfladfl frcm laonii-.- tle Siiroie b Malde-fi flBM| and iia {K.-itioii in tbe aarbaaaaBBB t" I'-nder t'i*[> rjowd tomplttion of tl.e woik iu 15 volume-. di .!i-

tah, npaacbf thatadaa lagaH bprofattbabBfa.served iu tbat portion of the alphabi t still tu i.ime.

.An in:(x rtaut ciiitirmaii'in of .Sir Henry lUwlin-fl.'E s dinovery relatma to K..y|.tiaii Hi-tory in the AeByrian iiiKriptiOBB mentioned iu onr snmiaarv of luv.tek, hitfl laeeo liven by the cminent liieroglyphia.flbehv, Mr. Jflflflfh llonotT..', who stalee tba' the pe-ritKl of tinriecompiieed in the Assyrian memori.il of in-viirioii ai J c)i)-|tif.t, ia a 1-lai.k si-ace In the ni.t,ve

Egyptba BDi.ab, whicb thifl discvery RppropriaMlyef.mi'le'rr, wb.le at thesame time it affords nn indereiidin! ?,-_-timt-:iy tt. tlu- cortectnesa of tlie Brttecio'intervriiaioi.B by wbbb tlie t uueilorm iiiBt'rij.lijii-are detipbered aad explaio. d..M.-. HafltwaO'i hat waab, NADbflbNM_vya( old., I. Pbjl it. I'rinl M IUL| to Ibfl V.-.ii 17'Mi, j.

iu li/e.-tiig additba to tba ' .! i EngHflh Libiaay.Tboafb i'-. .'ily baad oc tl.e ptaibaahbaaaaf

i- .- ..al m t.liiJ.-i, it intludtjfl

mnch new maM-r g-thfred by -fr. IT._i -e»l ia tha

8 urae of bit {4hak*fl|i*iii-aa MfldWa _. d p-c**at* iha

pl8y« cf the ftboTO d»e, arringed al^.aV?_o»Hy byIb.initl.a, wi biheaothor-na-tr., ant enob parficn-|, ,. ,ee,a c'lirg tbe plot. 8-IBB ItlBflBB ti pfwf.r.ai.ce,ht* M may have eaoiptd tbe rava«oi of time. Aa

BhteWtfcBlfeaa- nferaiolboaiiihor-, aud a val.14.l4

li.t (fcr wh (b Wr. ll.tlhvvtll ..xprecrcs hifl8hlfftB_UaiJliapubli brr, Mr. .J.hn R.uaoll Stnithj ta piveu tttbe co-1. 88Ot all the aodi ni IBBffatlfl' 8 m* BBBfl afold E-ffB * 8*1 mm an'' H",,,"r''. *f 9 I''"' H' ¦ -7''""'1,ai. be 88 wl atie Mtfl.IhM Ml tbe rf ader throngh or-

riiiitry (bi)MilP, BBd where. Mr. BbBImbB'S fljMMttohotOl ¦¦. i- ttBbahapflBIB Ifl fflBBBiim$ -it-iH.niuchMBbudn a* c nltl Iei xpaaUd on a BTflfl- ot Ihflfl BMgDi-t.le. V.'lrina 1 to IX are p.iln-'i.l, n'.<l ac.'py

oc. (irain Mi. Purtrna librnry, iuclndiug the right ti

tht .imair,i!er of tbe work..Mr. Cl arlea li. ade, tl.at periiBB i mt druonncer of

hll ii.fnif.'- i.i- nte ia bh tigbta, real or (_Bfltad, gives in

bia tew woik, "'Tbe Li_,bih C'ommaedmeiit, manynirienali'tinry natielica flf BflflBBBflB-f-fll t<> BflrfjWf,ui.l tin ilar n atter**, wbich will very liL'ly be (piotf-dard tnuiaferrad on hi*. uutl.i.ii.y tfl more i-ip.rourwoika. It ia to be f.-ared lhat Ml M them BM of 11 tttfBBtt-fltWBaiaty d. a. ripti >n, if the foBawlBf aaiitenoe

Inmanoteot Mr. Kead*'a, t) lbe eaii <>r ol ThtLittrary (ioirllr prin't.l in tbe numl er tor Ani_Ur.! '... ia a

ibinple i f lia iinaliticaiiom. fir a bietonan d'liera-nie. " John Mil 08 did not gist BWB| I_,ad.aa XmrnX,Heao'.l ii f..r UIO, toahow hi- BBBBMMB. f ¦ mon*»y,iBja Cttniii_g Camden. Bec.uaa T 8888 t ot.1.1 n >t

g'Tt bim any more, aay common aenae aud I." SarelyMucaula. e I \pa.theiical "Schoolb >y mi-fiit bavekiiov.11 that E-faB-M lac-at wa-. acld to 8ainu»! S'm-mciif, 1667, for ..'Jj down. aud a proapetti.c pav-meiit oi the aaae amonnt if the tale excte.led 1 '4)0

fojiel, na iLiie ia aiaroely a bijyapbicaJ \\_tnt that BBlbeen ofiecer rt j-eatod..Tbe ralaSM f " Rma' a and I.e-via iva, bf Pfcofj

Jow.M.Ha.l 11 l'owell, ar.d otbera, wbi.h h.n attia-i*-dMBBBflb atta-ntif-n aince ita rteent BBh_B88-8 B_ I.u-p'nuM'low in preea, aml will be haatd ahorily byMta IB. V'alkar, Wiae, B Co. of Bo.ton, witb theB-il-hafll li'le, " L'l'teLt taqaiilti in Tbanlogy byFp_"i*b H unlrr.en,' idi c I, wilh an Introduc ioo. hytht B8T. f II Iht'.e, I) D., wbo juslly remiirka:

"__flB8-G_Btyfl bave a value dii-tiuct En m ¦B-MaaB*uii.i-.' tt.a: of Ihfl ep*( niationa 08 8888-8.088 theyeyl' .ly. Tbey rtpreacnt a new era in Ati_.li.-a-.tbeobyy. Tb." topict here diacrr aod are haadlad witba f.abkiiifa, a l.ieacth, and a i|iritual beroi.m long?nknown to Malflfl_Mt_-_l EMglid..Tl e bai aitf n-pt at a --aiiafhctory biagtBp-J ofthe

gi-r.l Itihen'' BafWBM '-tfcie tbe II. f.-rma-iou." (ji-rob'.mo Kavoi.iir-lH, the w-ild-fam- ua Piior of St.Wkk-i, ftl Klorei.ce. Iihb been made by Prof. Pe- [BBlYillori. whoae Bnd v UoBO ot " Tlu- S'-ry rf Savoim-r. '). iu d bi- ThnM, re! it. d a i h tbe Ajri-(ra.|7e .-f 11s w

DBCBBMBfla, . ae jui-t ap|-tar..l i.t I I0.-BC8, c:i_c-

:ng dt.wn to tttt, Amonu otber BBM facta itMB|fl eut in a tlriking hght tlie inUnee de-v>.tun of Savouan la to the etutly of theft .i| tiuea. Two eopie.. t.f ihe Bi'.le are yet extaot iuthe Kkrentine libraiioe, trtire'.y tilled wilh ma-gir.alnrtea, wiit'en by the trreat Fiiara own hand in*ilnic-*t BdflBMBByk charac'em. witb cominnal abbre-via icua, eo ita to be Karrtiy intelligible tf) tbe moflt(firtful ttuoy. aidtd y a _BBgl il' in" glt-n. Thia mat*

ifronimtntaiies wae made meroiy to trntht) bim iu hiaapirir-BP, aiid ibnatrate the a.n-e of each iiuporrantMBBBfl in four eigniti. a'ione." Spiiitoal, moral alle-g.iici.i ta.d anaiogicaj.' Ba much inten.-at hail-ieut x. i'ed hy tha bf-fljiBBJ forward af t.ij fact, that an

EogUd geithiiian ri-aiih.nt at Florenco baaeiiiployidrii Italian c«p; iat to make a _N_8BHf| ti the note- offiMvinhrolKin or.e of tle.e 8-|88a- lhat Bf the BiiaelPil le piinted in IdM, in tbe Mitg'i.herohian Libraiy.Thf-y f. nn 7.',-'. j.aMa in f. lio, aml have bern oireied to

1 »* -.f tbfl BagUflb Yuiveraitiea, to bfl pnblirhed tiii.lerthtir i-Hi et'.'ii. i itl.er in tl.e origiuaJ La'iu, or in BB1. |li I. tranalatl m,

.Mr. I'. V,. Bajaha ;b paiaab^ tthh ¦.' ..ri « .'-".'nr>vl,ia \\\iv forthe paliBflBiloa of a eoBactloa of" 1:in- aadOrlglBa] DeaaaMBM 101.ii11.in_r tbe Oi.j-

f fir.l CoafljaaM af Aaaab-k" A proBi*. tue justi .-1 t-l dflh il.i be ii'tPiiti.-i: of ti". M-riea, nnd fifM t 1

litl. a flfm ier:il cf ti.e woika prrpawed to be printed :n

It. N". 1. new rtady, BOBBB-M dcR"riptioti r,f thean.itr.i provin'-ea tf <iiia-aca|an, Iznl o, CB8BB_8n,and < join ii'k, wiih B8 8088881 ot tbe luiiriiuir-a,1 attoBBB, Bi.fi raBfiaa ..f ___ahhoch__ad-_Mbl.aata,ai.- .ie't r p'ion ot tbe r.-n.a ot Copan. by Don Magfldt l'hl.icio, !.d.iip«><d to the Ki-f "t Spit'ii in '¦¦,,,.I'i 11 rii<i' i.i S| lah- s_iv< n, witl. at-itnelutit'ii, r.'-te-,aad aa Bi-Btnaad mup. lt ia tbe B-ritoBtaaMaal inrahBsaaaofthandasafOopaa,whith wan riaitad byE_Wio wibin t-.iiy yasn af tbaooagaiM, whoItluu very liiariv inlnir prcr.nt OOadltloB. Hia oh-,-t\i: r,a on ihe Indii.i'.-, tt.tir _BB|BBJBB| B ttinera,BBdBBflMBBB, 888 very fal! aml e.vitct. l.arly-ap.-li'a-titui it iiece-i'.iy lo MC8H t'"- f8_B.8, M B-tBBMBt i.n 1.0 c | ie wfll ba ptiBt«d ofaay oftha bbHm i i

.fii |,.rti.n of ihflM are alr-nt'yaagagad l'-ri:*in...i.y, t'.i'ii. Ita. Mr. ClflU-M II- tv'oiton it tliebi,- hflM 11+!. tt.

.''Thr An bd BudtbaBtflypfli <»r, The Eiupirr-a ofBeyUda: aBlatory of Baaabi and Tartary, ttttt tbenrlip.'t AfM ta. tba- ¥;.l'. tt tl< M nr..| PoWM iii Ea-rope in tbe Kiddla of the Sixt.-ei.th Cantnry, ia tbethia of a woik BBBOBBfad by Mr. JaBMfl B_k kwoo.l,v. I'icii 1 N8B .-( I t«. 1 H a void in Eag irh l.braries.

- H c ap. -.'!-.¦!'.;.bite- rt tlieil Bfl8r__8B88f tlie 'rav-ilaaf tl.e bn'iti- s, iiia^iiitw. it in ladfa aad CaatialAiia wl ith bave rtacl etl 11- BM MOadB-TBBy 88 ura'e

Mpcodaotkaaaf tl.e <-ri^iD:.) aqaartUM l-y HbbbbbbiBcbbjfSawait. Tbe awfj nt Bt lategiaadi ur -if tbeicy j*aka flf tl . Iliu ; i.-typ 1 i.- preetnted wilh auipriain^ti.l.'li y ai.o f.-rce. Ti p iPnMrMliBBBM priaMd iu odb\ Btawh atiti Krsmer, of lleilin, wbo bBBB in.dethtn .'tlvte fl B8BM in tl ia new aud rapi'ily-progitru<iiiKdapaMBMatflf BrfBthrgl Some of tbeir mttBl r prii'a.BotaUy thdM iu Mi-lhaaaaa'a Tamtimtm tdner Rettti-f'tn iVt-.ii.it 1 f't ',/',- '.'- ! 1' i'i ffttittt BpPIOllircnte very BBBBly lo bn* oil-puiniinga.

The Coita'tti 1 I '¦ a /:r at S'.nt'pttt ^a isan-i'gnn adidoa ot Bebflltr'l pOBBM,M a part of tbeSebillei I'.r I% iti. w !,ii n prondtoatoaarpaM dl pr.-vioiiaBtt-MptaatthaadflraaMatofhhi worhs. It will ."on-

iirl .,f a;--i.t 'in InrK" -| lii-t- p.'i_."'.- il te.xt, witb -ixleaafafl-pflga pbotograpbk iBaattatioaa and t-venty-liveor tbir y mn ler BBOtOfraphB, Mrriag as l.ead-pia111" p«-?ina. Tbe paaar aad prfaM hivu uo MBMi>or, 111.<i tl « a; r. 11 BBfl td thfl |tl Bt8gl8B-fl Wllil"ll 1|||V8r.u. ,,t,| na are in thfl IdgheM llyla of tie art Tl e edi*t;(.'i afll bfl BBBBplM tl in Ihfl BOBl I of in Myenr...A Very .ifi-f.il nnd BM len.ia-pi i- eJ /'¦>,:,,¦¦¦..'. r

Hani-mtla ia i ow bah | pabli xhti by Baraaai I'.nr-- inlkibii. IlauMprJBM, in -ix p8f_t, loarof

.-. .1 bave reaa ln-d N. .«.'.,.k a BBfaay af tbi ai.i-ii _i kii./.'doni 'r-inb idaatitV aa wafl m pietaiaaqoaI o'.i -l f t view/, and th* illu.-ira'iotia wli.Ii are tery nn-n.. r.aia an fafllj OolfB-d, 8-d a ¦. u-.t 11k«- -t maiuj

f.iliota of ai-imalr*. inerecitiit utnrea.

.A BBM Bflfl-Bril (lie'liiiary ia noiv in tbe pre-a ofIha iBperbd Acailemy tt -*< ;eitcer in __ I'*| oi.ljnrg;it it a c-nLbt rit-G*rman diitionary.


-The World of Ait tlionld ilrop more than oneM_aloa_aSBBM over tbe loea of Mr. Ilerl.il lngram, who pe.ri-.hed nr-rially amoiip tl.e paa^tnirerB-.1 the Ladv EhjfaaB L.tae MJIBllgflB laat we. k. U,rhe did BH88 than auy tlir man flf lia tin.* to edufatetbi ani tie t-BhMOf the ee.-] le, and to nive BBulajment to artittic tah nt. Ife waa tba inventor -.f theilluatra <-d pa[f*r wbitii haa now ba-. ome a« nea-eeaaryto the ui--4-M.ii.ati n of inteHi^ence amoiip the ma-tetaa tbe daily imirnal. Tbere bad U*.n plenty flf pioiurepaj--ra flf laiioai kicde publiabed b-fore bit. time, butiha illuctratetl BBWflfayM ^ nt Ottmfmtkti by him, and,tt ttry iai. ly BBBBBBB wi'h t! e origiintor of auyM-8BM I'T pflflfl. 9t* 'it, bt PBBBBl the Urat mfttte) of

bia swi ntrmmtitm, btkI iV'-d It to the hlgfcaut point of. xtflliwoe wbioli It wBflcafv bl* of raarhiog. W mmer

Ur lagraai li>d any ar laflb tx-tee or net, we do r. tlix.vt bai le lial thp ioetiint to employ ihoae wtiebad, and the m'flthighly adaflaflflfll c«xtc,i.«a«r ooaldf.Bjtlly l,a»edoce Utver, t ithar in the eeleciion of ar-

tifl'fl or in ihe flbflbfl <f BRtfcflb to fu tlier hitoij.il*. Il is or.ly llghlaaa year* flinitfl th*fiiHt nnmlar of Hb lUviirnfed Imdon Nrtr* madeits pm-ehianrc, ai.d joumala of that c'fts« are now

mi <.! | Ue iadii»|On*abie hi<la of eo. ittl cxi-ttone*. Mr

I- iZTHlii was a RBWBWfaat b NaMfoflbBflB, K i; i id

be tad Ixi-n binl a p'iriler, in hb nt iv..

t-wn tf BasfoM, Bfld flffl BIBI bafl enjoyed BRfllt*l.itaapafliaai'faa oi dbaorar_bg wbat were the p pi-'>r taatfla tatfogthfll pnpara whkb aaaflflbafl pi aaiaalolfl luttet Uian any others, he flflBflflNad the i lea afpablbbbf BB illustrhtod wn-kly joaintl. T*r lUut-trnttit IdPtkitt A'.tr-., the ni Bflfl entMMflflM pBhMflbbflei terpr ze of the ime, wae ibe re-mlf. It bta not onlyLeen MMBMbM fll BB il BBtiabM flf flBfiafll eveuta, bmbv pabbaUag BbatnUMH af Ugh Bittatta ninrite, ir.han flaaagaod laraba byadaaatbgtbfl paUbaya toan a[ pn-ciatirn flf what il bbfb IcsUy e.e ll-nti-iart. Mr Itig.aui was a man of flBffaflflbbalB,ofgniit l tiBineefl tnct, a Mayi-'iate, nnd a Mt ndur flfrarliaiuent; bfl WBBB Ubflflfll in politi.*, BaiBglBfll.ifimiitr of AmiiicKu inatitntior e, BB BMB "f hbalfl Iam flflfl to l>e; I.ut it ia <>nl» aa a promot«T of the in-t«-re_-ts of art flad as the friend ofthe a'tisi that we baicalled uptn toallnde to him l.ere. An artist friend ofonrsnho met Mr. Ingrata in Qflflflla, aod UBfflbflwitb him lo Niagara, ar.d wbo baa la re/r-t liavitrletoti rnc_L.il* tl him to make thi excureion which had bo

Umeatable a te'rmination, wa- greatly imprer-aed by hiasimtliiity of mhiinere, tbo tenfler bMBflbflMflfl he

I. >ned for his young ton, ai d his ulmost attflf iguo-ranre of Anierira. He was tinaidly apyrehensive of.-teaniboet artiilni-s. aml mentioned tbat he *.ould have

li-ight mme fltbar menibt-rof bia family with bimI.ut for biH fear of dai gMI from traveliug. Am ong hiat.ilii-r strange in preesiona al> nt the l uited St itej waa

the lelief that the |s opie ofthe -f.iintry liv--1a' aga heiin bot.'lfl. Ab he probably derived many of bta Ameri¬can idaaa fnitn Iflflfliag Df. Mitckay 'fl leit'-r in Thrlii>i*tr.ited fx'ii'i, his flRBflflflflfl impresaious an- not

nitii li to I.e marvelt d at.

.We learn tliat the artiataof the Studioi iu Tenthstreet, anch of them at !ea"t aa ht \*en to le now iu tlu.tity. are titlingsteps towanl maki'-K a speiHl eA.iiiii-lion, to whtab tl.ty iuteiid to imite Ihfl Pifaflfl flflWales, that'he future Maj.stycf Knglaid uitv havean ipportuiity tf.be ah'e t> ftrman opinion of thepreeent state of art b tbis t-ountiy. 1'nleaa tln-y dothb, B Ii. II. wid haidly ba flbb ta haaw aaythbg ofait b AaMfba, iRaflpI as floaaaclad wlth dbiog; lai.c-ii g, aj.il rjit";. h making.. Mr. Jaiksoe, the aulntor, is about dflfaifllflg

froa thta c nt try OB a viait b Ibly. Bfl "ill ewbtrknext ¦ onili fr. ii. BflfltflB for bbflaflBB, and tln-uce go to

Horeuce, wbere he intends rflBMbbg some twa teara

He takett with bim bis tnodel for the Kane Moi.uiu.-ut.tthiih be wiil execute in ilotvnce..Mr. Ctiiiith ha.a tjnite recven d from the aflbeb flf

t'a rtcent aocidn.t by babg throwa froin hb wngon,and left Nc w-Yt k on Monday ht*t OB a eketching tour

to Mi 011 DflflflH..A hflfll cf tbfl vtiierable Ohifl pUtesrain. Tlnmaa

Ka ii g, has rtcently !¦< en wodebd l-y Mr. T. I> iotpe,wbo ie now a resident of Ohlo. Tl.e bu_-t ia higfalyrj okflfl cf by thoee abo hflffl seen it.

Jlr. William 1'age bae bbBB tl.e MMflM b tbeTenth etr>et Stadio building, r>ierit!y OflBBpbd byMr llie-iliidt, flad wiU iu a few daya K-t up hi-ea__eltl tro flad be at work once more iu Xew-YoiH..We bara by an aaaoaaeeflBaol in a coi bm| orary jour-

iiiJ Ibal "Matth' fl r. tht- wt ll-knowii N'.-w-^oik paJMh>t, i-n:.iii lali/iogbi:: repn ati< n,bi .ab'bgafo. por-traib te aaab of Ibfl ohtaf eitba oftba Weat." I'iaagord thu g to d ), BBd Wfl are liapj y to ball tiut Mflb-thawfl ii" d..ii.Mr. Htaly, v.'ho at preaent cuV.s hitneelf a citi/en

cf Cbbago, 9 ri jottt-d to I.<¦ "' vi itfog t'.x-S mtliernSti-.te«.' Ti b BtabaMBl la lalbaahihfialia. but it itttt*

i.-tit 10 bdtaaM tb». dirft lion ofl bi- ramiiling«.. I'ii BBMttflrofwoadortbataoawofthaBBlarfi b>

iag Braadway bafldsia, wba ara utterly re^ardiesaofi KBtBflfl ii Btlbbg to ottttlo each other in the mag' '-

li.ecce cf t'.eir tvbite niarble antl o'ive complexi-.n1ai;i.dts. b ve L.ve. lit Bpoa Uie itit-aof a towt-r, loaaatlbg, bf BBBBByb b the etyle of tne C-uopanile of1 .t ooa. In wo ilfl be po strikipg b ellf.'t, and uo

proixiinent Bl an adverii-eniei.t. The neg? laflflllgtlle'V t-ifctii'gl'j Mr. Dtrby(flbaffl HoUBton Btreet,b, T, t.irt, a tovter aa eompare.i wit'i the buildiogsoneach fr.ile of it. ipfl iti- fnmt aln nlv rbofl to a greaterUghl t'an the giay gotbb tawan of S:. Thomia'aChi eb, whbb aia daallBfldara bag b baii'*" Thbtitic-ititgalbrywiU!¦..¦.\jthebmaIflflBialad 'n-i.iii. ail Broadway,BBd n ilraadi bflfhabiattja-iat'f-ntion by tl.e baaaty t.f ha Malgbuaa. Tr ieratbartoo nairow b ptodaaaa iii.ee bct,aad Ibathraaembl-iua i.a IgniBfl on the BTond .-tory are ntlbatlaaabadn to ttrtt 9u parpaM otearyaiUaa, wbbh-litnld alwnjg appiar flfflallOtlM fladflBBBBI Of thebaidlB is.| Ml d ..a tbflBBa II i.-< a gn at misi.:ike, t«)o,to n:nke WlflWldfll BOBbbl ati.i utatnt-r, :0a it tlestrotnIbai (gtealbha for whtab tbaaaflgaiaa are empl-yedii aiii.itii'tiiial inlclli?hmeiit..It baa bfen fie,|i!eD!ly mentn.i ed it, :!ie j 'Urnals of

\,.iitrk aad Boatoa thal Mr. Bowaa wn.t t> li(.land to mbke a parbb of Tennywon for Mr. L mgfel.bWj bflfl il waf I'iiyf. I.owellol t'.in.l rfdgfl, wbo H-tfhlioi iba i-onim'.seinn for Tenny.-n-n b portrnit, and Mr.Fn-i-i.-oii wba 1. .mii.-. ioned him lo tako a Boctrab oflOflriyb.

Mr. Sciiiica of Broadway i.a.. ju-t addadbbtauu'.b iy pbtaiN i arabaaad by bfaa on ms lecaafl visit toFntoja-, by T. Fn-ae I,inihli..-t CflBfBt, C'otitnric-r.Dba, Fiihet. Mer!i>. LaaflMl di- .Met/. i^irardet, I.am-bcrt, Monfalk-t, aud other arii-ia of the ('^minentalrcbt oba

The piemature flaatb of DeBebaaqM, tba Frcu.'hpi-iiiier, wiil probably cau.- .nia vtiika to li-e>:i. t'ly in tl.-ir BBBrbfll valne fll tl ey aifl amongIba BKflt l.if-hly prbfd pbtaiflfl af tbfl WodfllB Frei.cliBlbooL At the aa!..' ofthe pbtaraa ofl tha Daba afOrhaaa, alter his death, a tnndl p'tintiiig by Daa*0 Bfl pa, ti,r wii,h he wh paid bai BM foaaaa, aold f r

1 000. Tbere late Weu ba' few of flflflnhawpo' pii'-turcfl si en in thiB coun'ry, the small badflBflpfl iu tbepOflBflflabB of Mr. llelmont bflflflg the moe: flbfllM 'er-

i:'(i.' ofl hii iiiaiuiiT.


SI. II. Thouiaesy bas ptildished Htieflaayon hydrol-tgj. He in ikea bydrologj t>. .-itlei fron bydrofrapl t

b 'bat v. hile hydrograpby coutiiie.- itself |0 tbfl sni b .of tl e earth in ita den'.i 'ion ,,f tbe WfltBia, hy^r-'l kgyfollowa ilitin iuto the di-ptl'.B of the enrili, and flkadbfltb. ir bflBflBOfl npon thf. formation aud modititation oftheeartb s iriisi. Mr. TnoauiBsy se'sav treaW of tba

Mi 11 aiul precij.itaion of water and ita returnto tbe point of ibpanure, a« well through rivemoutha ginfate t f tbe earth aa IhlBBgh eubierrant-oiiB paa-nt'^ee. In an ajj>eudi\. be treata ^Meblly flf Ibfl hy-fliebgyoftba Mtaaiwippi,atadybg b aaaaaflrfjatlMabMrbiig funitionji of the river, tlie bflaflflBfl of itanbterranean BtreamB on the formation of hfl d. It t,aad iis BoaBflg aB tt ou the albMb of Laatabaa. M.llahicet. in tl.e pn bflfl to tbia book, icti.-Ui BBBB lhbi.piart-tiily punidoxii'iil MflbflMBl tbat ibflrfl are r.-i.flfl !'J tbeir aitiin-nts tbau by tlie fountii na at tbe b,.t-lom of tbeir bfld, aml he flflblfl to |irove by a s'lnph-. ||anhtba Umt uot a .Irt p of water p.wod iuto tbe Soiunby the Voone or Ibfl Marne BBI pos.ail.lv arrive tttKonen.

Dr. BrevHrd, of Orenoble, haa publiahe.1 a p<uu-phlertti whiih he HMtniiin, ud-,. aea safegtunl hk 111,tttnoft ofthe disuiiterfl at aea, ibat the dtvk» af via«,!a betnade air-tigbt, md thtit a pawflrfbl Bl fflH . beM ln k. If the ve..*l flpring. a leak, by um,uig Hiriuto tiie hold ;he wu^r cau bo ikiveu ont, auJ Uw tuen

reti g»i at it for repaira. If * Tt»_iael be nnk ia watarat a n..x|er»te d pt-, hH* e n in tbi* way be ftllafl wiibai.- ai.d mi nd, and in cam. ot danger ah* ma? ka rmy.vrr U-d from being Tlran oa to the broaker* l.y boit,gtnt k at a li tb- fliatai.oe from Ihfl *b tt, t'.«* deck keitgiimrta aii-i«ht anl » I >ng gTla-perch* 11 9% r BflRjaflbblwiib iba h.,ld bafaf alhawwl to II «a', at a*h*4 lo %

hni.y. InriUN- of lire eit.k th» v«w*a>l a'lllioiotiil/ Ledrown it <aat und thr-n ntis* ber aiain l.y fo illagflfl air.TU sttine apoaia'n*, bo says, could ba inad.- b f iraiflbpliililnl reniibtii. n.

-Inactveon tbabaahflof tl.erir.-r (haronto. htKra.re, in the departmnit of \ i. BBB, M. Jnly haa di--.Bl . Md a tooiilomerato of a reetnt go Aoyo A 'f.rrai-noti, wbbh eflBflabta BTnf>n< the peM.'e, Knd .anr*l.e,.eLt wl,irhroni|K,«. h k BflB-ddltahb lyxau'tty afoVjac'fl woiked by tba baad of uaa j, ,!i,lt .r in bo.a.mrh oe kn.vee end arrow-he,,.).. Dn __ tnt..atf>nt. mtpalabafl bt.ne, brok.-n ont of t .- m*ea, he Ita, f.mod da-BigiBoftwr-ipiiuJnipeds'm pr,.;;,.. Ui,y .ippnkr ^ ^ittt. Tlns Ifl BfliMbfll th* m-at aori. ,t epmrmtmofdesign ftt fonnd in Oaul, and if wa mar \utp hy tbavt- y M'd,. na'nre flf thahMlraMaatfl fwafl j. fcaaaMplaea ardby AaahflaaMaof flaaflalb anyfo-m in thecongh BMHflfl ii niay l>e attributrd tfl the vrry flr»t amofi rifinflba. All rb*aaapMmutt have baaaflMBbed in Iba Mnsenra at <'Itmy.-TheAIdeu type-seiter 8nd d.rtii'»ui'.r, olneH wo

no iied a year or two ago. baa ber. i .o.i.-i.leraSly ia.p .i, d aud-ii»|,ii'ed. f)f I80brarab Iba _aaaB_bb1,1 bave bBBB dispeii-e<l wkh, tlie mat -iue no *lioldatwice a* mr.. h lyp-! an l.t.f<re ai.d a Iw-tter meii «1 ofadvanf-ii'g t).- Iii,.-a oftyj* ta the macbine ii u-*:!. Apair tf Imgers have Uen anba itnted for the hnkingii| ing ihe type, so tlat they are sc/el Ha'. wiae i^¦Mad tt fdgr-vti.e, BB b fore. The g*n*ra! fo-aaaflaj |t .nu Mfl ofthe macbine are al»o improved. (tit intetded to stt and Bflbftflfa two liio'ieand oms perbonr..We bave lu-en sfown a paUnt sa'Cy-tfrirk. tbe in-

vi ni ___¦ of <l.«rlea S Mtoie, the ma.t.-r-ina. Iiiairt flt*tbe Dntnge and Abxaadrfa Baibaad iu V'irginia, kyWbbh the tni'ks Mffarth u tha rtra a/-e held ta rtir-ni|*, flo tbat it a i-ar-wbeol or axle bt-aka, Ue car ianot ibr- ht oll the traek. The 'nventi >r ba* l»eei teat-ed on i e t> aute and Al.x-.ndii. Ko,.i, wherfl a car

bae baaa rnn B*veral rail. - wi u a Bflflbaa BRb wuhoatrcnT.ii.g nt! the ir.ck..I.ar.e hdin-'abh- :i,i-ro-a iiave b-->n p'trtai, hy

wat oftSMBfaMBt, BB a lo,-. m .'ive in Ki.^'aid. reftaet-ing to rl e ein.ii <-r a view of Iba who'- train l-e'indhim. Tl iaar.ai)^em.-Dt w.nld pflahahlf bflflB pr- vent-ed tlie gnat Camdea and Am oy Bfaaflh e*, i.i whiehtwei.t;-tiva liti-B weie I m-1 l.y MMbbgB traia over a

wagon tl.bt Pt* A BBBflN Ibe tra k..I'rofa.or Way B eleetrit ligh'. in wbirh 'be ht}il

is prodaefld by a stream cf elecrieity flpplbfl toa rna-

r ing strraiii of mercury a- line na th,- p ,jnt of a tieedle,ismetiiig wiib ninch fav >rin bajaad. I'. i< said thatthere is no actua! I mbnsioo of tb* me cu-y tte onlyexpense beiri; fr tha ac'da anpplied b the battery.The li^ht ia exoredingly brillimt.-ThepoFuhiiion of China, accoHioL' tutheoensaflea

lakcu by tho Ctinr-se, baa ircreased aa followi:r«:.NMM^flflttflCI.tlit-.tflll

1T"'>_.1 e? Mn 13-' LutCeua..11I,6>*./Mi?n.MA.ea n>.Mre Sliel, cf Lflbiflfl, bflfl founi that l.y p«flaing

a cnrrent of electticity thron^h wata-r in which clotaeaare bleaching, there ia great econoniy of time, aafl sh«tecuree extraordinary re^ul-a.


Onpe before, dnring tho conree of oar flxp^rionoe,we bave attended a s*le of tine -t -t k in a cold pt ltingstorm. Whether or uot Uie clerk of tbe weather lookafavora'.-ly npon our etoik-breederfl, we cannot aay;t nt bB it general tbing, their auction o%\-*e fall npoapit -i iii t d..ya. Cnder the ktlaence of the heavy raiuflof Tuebday night aud Wed eeday, Ihe iaM ou the.N.-w IScitiKiid Plaiikroad, wbich runa out of Al >any,htd becime mud by WifldflBBBfly ri-ion, and the bara-jbiua and btoi'k-yardii about tiie " Log Tavero,' werel.'ttle l.-etierthan tiuaftniire.. Taa baiidfal of peijonawbagBtbflBBd ttt that j,l__» .<.- to atteud the adve.-titeds;,le if Uo Albany BrBfldbg flBBflflblbM, wei-e o'ijectaflf piiy, BB they wadfld thtaagh tiie aticky mire, ex-

poetd to tbe m. rt le a ttr.viug n itii-etete.-. or

iTotiibad. lUfBrbg nnder the eavt.t of ttme frienflyiblda ItWBI a bad nay Ior BB auction afany kiud,vt Bl V*' d. >-.-1 .y, aafl v Btflfl tb.'.n all Ior aa aaciion oftxpet.bit.- ghoithOBBI iiud ^.,od horses. Tue reenlfc

Bl out b oura- MtiMk Wiilitm M. Bullock,,J',-e|il HiU.n, Wm. II. BtiflfMlafld aml WdlitotHiii.-t, toiir farmera Hving in tbe vi' inity of Albany,joiiiid togttbtr ihrc* yeara bf.0 to form a " BreedingAtrotiaiio'i." PaUbgba certam ameniit of c.'pital,tbty f.i!:ed a fund ior the paiflbflBfl of some veryibtire anr e.\|-t-:i«iv.ICBttb, aud ll. ,i, hy i. BBBfliflfl oty iitiii.-lii;. flrraBgaM ut, seenrtJ bflMflrfltflflb for eachthi-nt-i'her BOab Bfbfd to BM akne. Tbey tomtr.' noedby parcbaabg a BBiabar of 8bort4om at !_...-m b (1.Borrb'i iata b ISS6,aad * na ttaM aftarwanl v«n-tortd iu Jiitiiif.' --aDititl Tborafl *. 100 f-r NV-taue,Iba im j ort tl hull wU btOObtba ti rs* prenimffl ,it tbeNa-i i.a! V'.'ii.-'ilmraJ BbflW Bt i'hi'ai'ti: hia. At the

BaaM : B. )¦¦ i'-i w,hy(}iau<lo ,t f 1'Vy, brad by Mr Uo'.den,aod taaaaflflflfl ly

Bi AtasM -1 r. (i i. i Btrah ¦ af abod waaa na*A attb | l-etti.t, aid |ha rm.lt i f the

i.'ii.t"f ihaaaaocfottaa haa baaa araaypratly lo-.ofBflCtb. Two t.f t e paitners hflabf an eye for theplehMire? of !or_..-b."fed'nj. Baflflflbflfld th.uiielvee arithS'r O \\ Adiii.s, the wal kaowfl boree b:eeder atWiiiteiaii, Bad btvt glaaa a good tbaaoof Mtaalbatoibbflgaelaky. It s'-.-ntd to us that it wonld h*rabflflB 1-cttiT for them to have re*'ricted t! -msolvea taone, or nt BBOM two g.,od sallions. iurtcad cf the naai-

bflr wlui'li bara sir. .1 tl.eir colts, for a grea'er ,nif..rm-ity of -,t.bltty r.in-t oy tiiat WflaBfl bavo U-eu seaMrad.

Ti e i,i i. Bppointad for .'i.e ^al^ tt Waflbaadaa waa

DBOMJ I Ut tbe rt, rm ,-armti to bave pniveuU*.! flo

BMBypaaalbb bayan froaibabg fa attaadaawfl thatwhal w'th wahing for bafafl ai.d MaflBB, and o.ie ruugor aaatl cr. it wa.- paM .'. o tiotk bafota ihe tflflflfoaaarBB Bflfled ! is l.-x und. r tbe dripfiagflBrafl of ih-a horee-thed ladaalbdtba tirtt !ot. Baaalbd in tair, f >r

IbaraeaaM aoraaBaaae io hbaoaidaaflblaaiabMyap[*al*. and " AniiH l'.ige,"thec w in .}iu;.-tion. pnlloflbarfootfrow oal their deep bed of a i.-ky clay. andWBfl diitr:, nwny. Sotnme lot V. iot '.',, Wmi itkt nextfaarbfla, al wbbbbMfltarabl % Hlo./m, t»« rectiled,and to\d for $;.'. to Mr. Tionl.ridge of New Jeraey.i.i t I vi ;ie a I'tiy. ;»'> li.-li, radM_ad*wbba .¦ -w, hyL< rd Erybafaaa, M 11,713 ont of C l M.Tria'*Ami^s. She had I large i>H__r, acd the Bl 11 d |Bfl flf a

mdker-.j'laiihfa'ioii.t tvl.nli madj hei i- y -ar to tboett.io' Br, Baflflflbaf tte Ptlaraa Hou.. worth .¦***

|900flfl Whbbabawaa knot-keddown tobira. Tli»ui'ii went ou bilbg bruvely, aod tht.- t-ohi. r.-pt nearer

and ntarer to tur maeiows, as we WBBbd f 4 fom^ otM

to li 1. It was a Halflfll taak, botvever, tha' of dtir-ing up tbe vaiious Iata in MaOBBflbB, f >r it .e.-taed aa ifBB "i rt-seiit would t-»ke tbe beat ai.ioiali iu t^e ya 4at a cent a| iece; aod so at Ubi, when about tho taea-lieth lot had Uen i«la-d and paeet-d, the auctioaeer re

<|ii. .ted lotne getitiecian to uame au anim-tl on whiokbe wonld bid. Tha rt*iui of ine deejieraie apiw-al »'«fl

tl.e sale afl a llfldfl flflflf vvi h her Bfltf for $'D, thtt flfKl.ittery. a large, barrt-u Bflri Dafllfl, wuiu- c>». b*ti ,0 to (i.-orget'barles of Al t.inv.aud a lic.e p*ir of H-

paaranlfl, Maflahad i>ev..u tv. rk. ig oxen, f.-r |iro to

J. V. Moore. Then there wae a paNBB, wbJflh waasi«..u treii to le tiiuil. and *> the other b'lfl flf cowb,ialvt-8 flad tulls (BflftflBfl aud all) weie p«.-*ai, aadtbt- bor, tr ial t-d.

Dl'hflflflflflthflffl wi-rerei-i.-teraiiu the BflflflBlgflfl tkBtaad mai-es; :»tbree-yflar* old k'Ks Ifl iv*Ifflflflfl -dd,Idyearlingi: i:i uuder a year; aud eever*! .-t.illioofl.Thtr.- vxtrt more bflflfll BBM iot* thau etjck a»eu on iheliround, aml we HUal) stipp-ael that there would havobten iH'tuD \ risker idding when the boreea wera

laaflbad, \ um kumi u lha MflfarfU of the hy»taad-Biti t-\ ilt:;ly lad rn-money to n.teet, aud thoafl wh»btJ would uot oliQxx tht?ir h«u4i». Oue ^t-OBiu-a.