j13b01 2013.4 ~2014.3 4%Ê'2 6ë 2013.4 ~2014.3 )e)f º x 4 º% >& q) >' - 219...

>యᴫせ@ ḟୡ௦ᛂὶయ⛉Ꮫ)URQWLHU 6FLHQFH RI 1H[W *HQHUDWLRQ 5HDFWLYH )OXLG ◊✲௦⾲⪅ ▼ᮏ 1 బ⸨ ᓅᙪ 2 3 ▼ᮏ ◊✲┠ⓗ 㸪⇞↝⛉Ꮫ㸪㧗ᛂ⟅ᛶὶయ⛉Ꮫ✲◊ࡢࡘ㡿ᇦ ࢺࢡ᥎㐍㸪⏕≀Ꮫ㧗ᛂ⟅ὶయ✀ᛂᛶὶ㛵␗ศ㔝⼥ᆺᏛ⌮ᡂ⾜ᑗ᮶㸪ᛂకὶ⛉Ꮫ㡿ᇦḟୡ௦ὶయ⛉ᏛせᏛၥ㡿ᇦ㔜せᆅ༨ ☜ࡣᐇど㸪≀⌮Ꮫⓗࢫࢭ⇕ὶ⣲㐣⛬ከᮍゎ㒊ศṧ⌧ࡀࡢ㸪ᕤᏛⓗ༑ศ⾜ࡀ࠸ࡓࡀ㸬ᮏࢺࢡ࠸࠾ḟୡ௦ᛂᛶὶయ⛉ᏛᏛ⌮ᵓ⠏᥎㐍㸪᪤ ༢㡿ᇦⓎᒎᆺ◊✲⬺␗ࡋศ㔝⼥ᆺ࠸ࡋ◊✲᥎㐍࠶ࡀࡇࡑᮏ◊✲࠸࠾㸪⌧ᅾඛ㐍ὶయ⛉Ꮫࡓࡋ3 ◊✲㡿ᇦ␗ศ㔝⼥Ⓨᡂඛ㐍ⓗ㸪ḟୡ௦ᛂᛶὶయ⛉Ꮫᡂ┠ᣦ ◊✲ᡂᯝෆᐜ ᮏᖺᗘ⤊ᖺᗘᙜ4 ᖺ㛫ඹ◊✲ࢺࢡ◊✲ศ㔝㛫⼥ࡢ ◊✲ᡂᯝᙧᡂ㸪ὶయ⛉Ꮫ㛵⊂⮬✲◊࡞㡿ᇦᡂᡂຌࡓࡋ㸬ḟୡ௦ ᛂᛶὶ㛵 3 ◊✲⼥ࡢࢺࢡ◊✲ᣦ㔪◊✲⤊⼥ ◊✲ᡂᯝ☜ࡢㄆ⾜ࡓࡗ4 ᖺ㛫ᐇᮏ◊✲⥲ࡢࢺࢡ⼥ࡢ◊✲ᡂຌࡓࡋ 」Ꮡᅾ㸪㧗ᛂ⟅ᛶὶయ▼ࡢࢺࢡᮏ◊✲ᐮᕝ◊✲ ⼥ࡢ◊✲᪂ᆺࢼࡢὙί᪉ᘧ㛤Ⓨ㐍ᒎࡢࡓ✲◊ࡢࡇᯝ㛵⤊ᖺᗘᐇᴫせ⤂ΰ┦ὶయᕤᏛᕤᏛ␗࠺࠸ศ㔝 ᑓ㛛┦ࡀ㐃ᦠ⾜ࡇ࠺㸪᪂ᆺᛂᛶΰ┦ὶయᕤᏛᛂ⏝ᶵჾ㐍ᒎ㸪␗ศ㔝⼥᪂Ⓨ✲◊ࡢᡂᯝ࠾࡞㸪ᮏ◊✲ᡂᯝ㛵 㸪᪥⤒⏘ᴗ᪂⪺ࡢࡑෆᐜᥖ㍕⏘ᴗ⏺ὀ┠㞟2011 10 7 ᥖ㍕῭㸧㸬 ๓ᖺᗘඹ◊✲㸪⇕ὶయ⢏Ꮚ ᚄ᭷ᚤ⣽ᅛయ❅⣲⢏Ꮚὶ⏕ᡂ(ᴟప ᚤ⣽ᅛయ⢏ᏊᅛẼ┦ᄇ㟝ὶ) 㸪᪂࡞ࡓ㉸㧗 ⇕ὶ᮰ຠᯝᇶ㧗㏿⇕⦰➼㧗ᶵ⬟ᛶຍ㸪ᑟయὙί ࢺࢫࢪศ㔝ᶓ ࢺࢡㄢ㢟␒ J13B01 ㄢ㢟ศ㔝 ḟୡ௦ᛂὶయ⛉Ꮫ ◊✲ᮇ㛫 2013.4 ~2014.3 ⥅⥆ᖺ 4 ᖺ┠㸦⤊㸧 - 219 -

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2011 10 7

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J13B01 2013.4 ~2014.3 4

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1) Poly-Si



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Initial resist contour



(a) Effective thermal stress


(b) Internal stress profiles of impinging SN2 particle and deformed resist

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3 5.0MPa

4 5

(Vertical injection)

(Inclined injection)

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[ 1]

1)† 1) 1) 1) 1) 1)

1)) †




1 Gene OntologyBiological process 1.5

457 Gene probe 270 Gene probe

Gene Ontology Growth, immune system process, metabolic process

5 biological regulation cellular process response to stimulusdevelopmental process multicellular organismal process Gene Ontology

response to stimulus response to reactive oxygen species response to stress response to chemical stimulus

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1 HeLa 1.5

Gene Ontology GO Biological processA 276 Gene Ontology

DPPC (dipalmitoyl-phosphatidyl-choline) DLPC (dilauroyl- phosphatidyl-choline) SMPC (stearoyl-myristoyl-phosphatidyl-choline)






tail tail

head head

head tailFrac


2 head


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3 ( )




stick-slip ( 4) HL-60stick HL60

stick HUVEC HUVEC 24 2Pa




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4 Stick-slip HL60 5 HUVEC HL60




7 Soret

6 7

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HL60 HL60





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0 1000 2000 3000





NH3 (ppm)


0.1 MPa

T b(K


















0 1000 2000 3000





NH3 (ppm)


0.5 MPa

T b(K





(a) 0.1 MPa (b) 0.5 MPa CO NOx Emission Index NH3

(a) 0.3 MPa (b) 0.7 MPa


(a) (b)

3 (a) (b)

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(a) (b)

4 (a) (b)PAH


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[24] Shogo Kikui, Hisashi Nakamura, Takuya Tezuka, Susumu Hasegawa and Kaoru Maruta: Pressure Dependence of n-Butane/Air Weak Flames in a Micro Flow Reactor with a Controlled Temperature Profile, Tenth International Conference on Flow Dynamics (ICFD2013), Sendai, (2013) , pp. 670-671.

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[26] Takakazu Onishi, Li Xing, Hisashi Nakamura, Takuya Tezuka, Susumu Hasegawa, Kaoru Maruta, Tadahiro Araake, Susumu Mochida: Study on Jet Flame Characteristics in High-temperature Oxy-fuel Condition, Tenth International Conference on Flow Dynamics (ICFD2013), Sendai, (2013) , pp. 676-677.

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5453221 , 2014.1.10.

45 , , , , , 2013.4.25, .

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25 25 9 5 25 9 11 25 9 15 msn 25 10 23


25 6 30 64

25 7 3-5 2013 6

. 25 10 1


25 12 31 , 2014~16

1 / , 3,

, , ,

. 26 1 16 25 8

in .

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Density [kg/m3]






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[1] Jun Ishimoto, U Oh, Tomoki Koike, and Naoya Ochiai: Cryogenic Single-Component Micro-Nano Solid Nitrogen Particle Production Using Laval Nozzle for Physical Resist Removal-Cleaning Process, ECS Transactions, Vol. 58, No. 6, (2013), pp. 231-239, doi:10.1149/05806.0231ecst.

[2] Naoya Ochiai and Jun Ishimoto: Numerical Study of Single Bubble Dynamics in Megasonic Field for New Physical Cleaning Method, ECS Transactions, Vol. 58, Issue 6, (2013), pp. 77-85, doi: 10.1149/05806.0077ecst.

[3] Jun Ishimoto, U. Oh, Tomoki Koike and Naoya Ochiai: Photoresist Removal-Cleaning Technology Using Cryogenic Micro-Solid Nitrogen Spray, ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology (JSS Focus Issue on Semiconductor Surface Cleaning and Conditioning), Vol. 3, No. 1, (2014), pp. N3046-N3053, doi:10.1149/2.009401jss.


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[4] Naoya Ochiai and Jun Ishimoto: Numerical Analysis of Single Bubble Behavior in a Megasonic Field by Non-Spherical Eulerian Simulation, ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology (JSS Focus Issue on Semiconductor Surface Cleaning and Conditioning), Vol. 3, No. 1, (2014), pp. N3112-N3117, doi: 10.1149/2.020401jss.

[5] Jun Ishimoto, U Oh, Zhao Guanghan, Tomoki Koike and Naoya Ochiai: Ultra-High Heat Flux Cooling Characteristics of Cryogenic Micro-Solid Nitrogen Particles and Its Application to Semiconductor Wafer Cleaning Technology, Advances in Cryogenic Engineering, Vol. 59, (2014), pp. 1099-1106, doi: 10.1063/1.4860828.

[6] , (2014) , in press.

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[8] , , , (B ), (2013), 79(807): 2446-2455 (10 page).

[9] T. Mabuchi and T. Tokumasu: A Revised EVB Model for Proton Transport in Hydrated Nafion Membrane, ECS Transactions, (2013), Vol. 58, No. 1, pp. 261-269.

[10] Y. Sugaya and T. Tokumasu: Molecular Dynamics Study of Oxygen Permeation of Ionomer of Hydrocarbon, ECS Transactions, (2013), Vol. 58, No. 1, pp. 1165-1174.

[11] Tomohiro Kubota, Hiroto Ohtake, Ryosuke Araki, Yuuki Yanagisawa, Takuya Iwasaki, Kohei Ono, Kazuhiro Miwa, and Seiji Samukawa: Prediction of etching-shape anomaly due to distortion of ion sheath around a large-scale three-dimensional structure by means of on-wafer monitoring technique and computer simulation, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Vol. 46, (2013), pp. 415203 (7 page).

[12] U Oh, Jun Ishimoto and Jin-Goo Park: Physical Nano-Device Cleaning Technology Using Thermomechanical Effect of Cryogenic Solid Nitrogen, 2013 ELyT Laboratory Workshop in Zao To-o-gatta, Zao To-o-gatta, (2013).

[13] Jun Ishimoto, U Oh, Zhao Guanghan, Tomoki Koike and Naoya Ochiai, Ultra-High Heat Flux Cooling Characteristics of Cryogenic Micro-Solid Nitrogen Particles and Its Application to Semiconductor Wafer Cleaning Technology, Cryogenic Engineering Conference and the International Cryogenic Materials Conference (CEC-ICMC), Alaska, (2013).

[14] Jun Ishimoto: Multiphase High Density Hydrogen Energy and its Risk Assessment, International Symposium on Innovative Energy Research, Sendai, (2013). (Invited).

[15] Jun Ishimoto: Multiphase high density hydrogen energy and its risk mitigation, safety problems, KTH International Workshop on Flow Dynamics related to Energy, Aerospace and Material Processing, KTH, Stockholm, (2013).

[16] Jun Ishimoto, U Oh, Tomoki Koike, and Naoya Ochiai: Cryogenic Single-Component Micro-Nano Solid Nitrogen Particle Production Using Laval Nozzle for Physical Resist Removal-Cleaning Process, 224th ECS Meeting, San Francisco, (2013).

[17] Jun Ishimoto, Guanghao Wu, and Kazuo Matsuura: Numerical Study of High-Speed Condensable Vapor Flow with LDI Erosion, Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Symposium on Advanced Fluid Information, Sendai, (2013), pp. 132-133.



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[18] Jun Ishimoto, Kaoru Maruta and Takehiko Sato: Frontier Science of Next Generation Reactive Fluid, Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Symposium on Advanced Fluid Information, Sendai, (2013), pp. 136-137.

[19] Jun Ishimoto, Naoya Ochiai, and Kozo Saito: Ultra-High Heat Flux Cooling Characteristics of Cryogenic Micro-Solid Nitrogen Particles, Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Symposium on Advanced Fluid Information, Sendai, (2013), pp. 134-135.

[20] Kazuo Matsuura, Masami Nakano and Jun Ishimoto: Researches on a Sensing-Based Dynamic Forced Ventilation Control of Leaking Hydrogen, Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Symposium on Advanced Fluid Information, Sendai, (2013), pp. 42-43.

[21] 2013 OS-6

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91 2013 (2 page) [23] Tomohiro Kubota and Seiji Samukawa: On-wafer monitoring technique for highly

efficient fabrication process of nano energy devices, 10th International Conference on Flow Dynamics, OS9-9, Sendai, (2013), p. 538, (invited).

[24] Tomohiro Kubota and Seiji Samukawa: Feature Profile Evolution in Plasma Processing using On-wafer Monitoring System, 8th International Conference on Reactive Plasmas and 31st Symposium on Plasma Processing, 5B-PM-I1, Fukuoka, (2014), (invited).

[25] Tomohiro Kubota, Michio Sato, Takuya Iwasaki, Kohei Ono, and Seiji Samukawa: Feature profile evolution in plasma processing using on-wafer monitoring system, AVS 60th International Symposium & Exhibition, PS-ThM12 , Long Beach, (2013), p. 213.

[26] , , , , : , 74 , 18a-C2-2, , (2013).

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