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ti ii 1I I I It the Richmond Climax o CHENAULT Proprietor 79A D MILLER Editor Manager WEDNESDAY SKIT 5 1000 1 IPURWUg1LVARyWIflflyy Th9 Climax Printing Co I r < j PlUCK PKIl YKAIt 150 I I DEMOCRATIC TICKET > j i FOB raKfiort rf t WILIIA1 JNZNlJIiY- o A > flakAIcA 1 t rOK VIOK PKKBIDU- XTAULI K S KVENSON- Or 1U1NOI1 rot OOVERVKR J C XV UKOKIIAM or fBUO R OOfOs HON OKO o RRTI OP RKUY 1 TIIK HikiiiHkeiwiif Nw York luivr < lowcrnil their 11tin MuKinlcyV olHdiiii mm 4 to I to 2 to I Pretty ijood riiMid for the first IU days I npAnpdhy tn New York WudneMlay wjth ex < KIV W 1 Stone ot JMsBouii III I clairge jlnatt just its hard to secure his election lvt the isxid work continue IN hand Ii ug unexpected iuiervencips Villiaoi McKinley Jllld never failed to ilinoii traie Ins ability He stand fri nmst HIlIOIII our nhle Ire ldCllts- Ut I > t Ilm I h iiu in where two diHtingulshed Re jiiiiinim dilfar The ahove expreMtec Mr Adunis ojiinion while Governor Ilii ree of ViichiiMii NIJS I have aUvnya txiniendeil that McKinloya t ikuiiiw did not reach far enough t iM H rii his nock to biipport his hram in willpower JfKuj lira Kijn8 of McKinley proa IlMiv thitt the Ianiii rHph hah tin ii U hiihh ovurlookcd or at least we iii III dt1It iiiMvivir Much an item in- i illllllll > lIlt AJKrknti Ruth anti Nail Mills Andersiiii liiiiiunti have nlint down Nine huildrrd mil eighty tllell Wore i ii nwu nut if employment The iuill lii tw tIt imil trust und it instated tiiit tht r iur will tie ermaiien- tlir th11Illetit of its rttad rrt wi cht iiiahovo lot giceil fpiuo in t d lniiiirih and H> t In plain type a ii lay IIi nut IIH iiHtMNturv MoKK cMlinct of MiKilllevu pro i tv j lifmrUl lIhU k 8iltin I fort > tHir iiiiton iiiilln otUilcl- i an MIX K iiir tiinsat Fall KiverI- JI II MIIII IH Kiitit down Tiles id1 llIi1 liiJlJU liamls lit fiii < ni IIIIIIK in Wisconsin iv iitmi IWII The Klurenw Iron II e tug loti The Tildon- ai ner 1OO mill the Pabst iI uwi iifcuit 40 other reductiotiH I niiniy tukeii pliicu cutting the t iv at tiii ii < liijiHii Jnili Mines about J KI tpiin I hv ttgures of lu spring II II v IINCJKBK of Micliivran liaR e- x1IIllh luihiwing lyddite shells in Iht Hhlillil rooks IIw lung will tillS American people IIrIII a HiHte ofatfairx like that in the Plu ijipiiiM ami ChllMi How long will lin eUtfer III Iw ouitrolled hy riiich i lilies o f the ltfiuliiii MX Hanim I IIIVB HWH > oinldinleil that ili Kinii > tmukliHin di1lIt lunch tar iifHigli toward Isik to r iii piirt hi 1IItr will p wrr t I mi II Ittjii liiMii IIIL I hoiiHKty I litvo that with IIH Ohio urowil in niiiiil the lnbt tiling that tijUld hup I iii tu thIS KitpnhiiiMii party thin tall tuM be till riKioHiif lit DMnucrats r TJIK noniiiir H of the two National partifsiinrf Ji > all iiml UcKinfty puryonillly as S jilatrI uuil htronger with the courage of his nviciions limn any nominee of any Ilvviinn convention Whoever heard if one man iliniiinatini an entire con VIii ijui bofure and mint man ever of frrnd tu reject time nutniiintionof agreat f pitrty if not made on hits terms until Mryan lilt On the other hand hiri op I > milit Mr McKinley had no more platf t Wnlil have excetite0 it hash it contained anarchydiwii Mr MrKinluy is IlaiiiiHri olave In the IntM of tIle HannacraiH is much of time JI that Hiilliefl and the silver that tVrailHH hilt the eiaujl of no Jerico Is iirit > ut d to KiiiiMMcyV lincler Thli > wiv tliifi 1IIII1II1I here vim have t gm4nteI tuke or iir irm I mm f8rowerCo LKXINGTON KY re k IllS Way 1 Please Tinre KUI bo no doubt 4 about the best lacefor j YOU to buy y6ur Carpets CnrUainSj f Afuntel or P lJhr- I TL JWISE SliindtJ usa landmark for htl11efur i he s THIS SEASONS V jDodrt Jiro coming in rap idly apd we can assure you they are beautiful THIS TIME 4 Wu want to 6sill your eLeiiLl attention to our stock ot Leather Chairs and Couchc UCome ndf SeeThem u y J C1F1BioiCo11AD J J c Laxwotoiry Xr v r Tr1 hII1 TUE Ilanna magnates begin to see- the handwriting on the wall in more waya than one Their campaign fnnd hey lament and mourn is hnrt thin year Either the trusts are ot contributing as much as usual or he common people are revolting in inmlwrK for theres a screw loose some whir The Republican managers niniiH tho corruption fund will he like be play Hamlet with the old Dane left lutand without the coin of the tealm tlJ aid them they will indeed wander In darkness The knell of the doom of alma GOp has Bounded oppreaolon ind monopoly cannot live in a country iut lundaiuenUlly free as ours and tile end is near at band TJIK f igns of tbe times beFppak peace unit harmon or Kentucky OtmocralJl In the tentsof oiir leaders union sits mod in councils wisdom pre valleth Animosity and strife are things of the past and with forgiveness iu our hearts we urge all Democrats pirdlesH of their attitude in the late itriirjle to come back into the fold nut ayain take on the faith of their fathr liuehel is dead and buriedhis aw on the eve of repeal and with that pitch closing the past let a new era if unity and brotherly love rise Phoe uixlikn from its anhea There Is more rejoicing over a single inior who repents than over the nine tv and nine that go not astray so aypth Holy Writ So it Is with De ¬ mocracy on Pier table lies time fatted calf her Intih string is ereropen and a hearty welcome awaits erring broth ¬ Irs Umwn Democrats forsake not the faith of your ancestors stand not idly by and see corrupt militaryism and Im periiliom triumph by time memory of mr partys glorious past in our State WH Riljnre you tuin not aside hut In utesd put your shoulders tn the wheel and aol us steer our grand old ship of State over rocks mind shoals and help us lead our country into Rreen pastures of prr > cperitv and beside still waters of peace MANY Republicans of note have de clarel fur Democracys prlnciplesin the campaign now on hut only one Demo ¬ crat of allY prominence has given evi ¬ dence of somersault tactics His IMIIIH is Charles Denhy He hails from Indiana where the wicked flee iroiu judgment For many years he wits foul mid clothed by the Jefler soniaiiH in the land but with a syco phuntrt ingratitude he deserted them in their hour of need and tool on new ways and worshiped new gods He now reviles MM out toasters and hum bleu hiniPttlf before huisatucientenomles lleduclrucR nirailillt Rryan and makes ithriKHiire tim MrKiulty in the blissful anticipation of hvixicrits reward in Hvciit of tIme hitters election lint in one rtfpeia Mr D nhy is sadly want iui Hu line ntlti > d the study of physics Hall he puriiwl that branch of It miiiiig with greater success he II tilt hI have cllwoverpil that one Ixxly cHiinot occupy two positions in space Uulli ll puhlican mud Democrat c col ¬ ors hath he worn anil wo know not with wrtiiiiitv even now where the ueiitliiiuin Moulds A limn will conic wliiii iiiiRt ntf by Ut pnhliraiis when liU time of U4ufulnpss is pastand xcorn Ill by time party of lila first allegiance lila eyes to the truth lilt I he shall behold how blessed are traitorslv TAYLOK sometime Governor of Kentucky now touring Indiana as oneoftheclowiis In iovMounts trained band of perfurmers is a victim of hem ¬ IllS prostration has announced to tIme campaign committee that IIH far to travel at night less the Democrats wreck his train and secure lila precious persm This action on his part ills ¬ plays thin littleness of small minds In showing hula estimation uf lila own iui l rtHiice Ho imagines detectives dodi ing his footstepc Htid ever thinks he hears the sound of hula persuers HH seems unable III understand or com prehuud thin reality that no honent IDHII would contaminate himself by iimtract with a wretched fugitive wliose word if dintionoreil and mi wlmm tin Hand of Cain earned by disprting lila hiotber cotmpirHlnrs in their hour of need liiix set its seal Soon will le Hvvak u to thin truth und discover the vision of eyes other than his own when after he has served the needs of the hour for lila friend Mount in nerv ini to alit Indiana Republicans hy ItO11I1r as a sympathy sideshow hut will flint himself dropped by them and Keutucayfrieumilw unit come when they called in Vain Then indeed will he wander shout the world forsaken trying to stifle the IKIIIPS of his guilty conscience Knst nor peace will lie find tIme lino and cry of the avengers of blood will ring ever in lila ears the ghostly figure of his victim will keep sleep from his and the lot of the wanderingJew will be lila KENTUCKY Is not in a position to presentlresldential ship tthould be ready and willing as mill true patriots are to read without preju ¬ dice the declared policies of each of the analI pros ¬ perity to time greatest ntihilier Hut such an idea wilt not in the least be the controlling spirit with many of our itizens anti especially the great mi jority of KepnhHcmts- To us it rtllears that no man who lisa tho leaat particle of respect for himself has un > concern as to what his nd h IOf ttiink III him would allow it to be ¬ come publicly known that he intended this year to act with the Republican party orin any way to encourage or altetit The true history of the action ot that party iu Kentucky will become a Mit of the history ol our State and what will that history be it will read And it came to- PS that one WO Bradley was elected liovernor III the state of Kentucky and on heiiiK inducted lute office at once exhibited a great desire fur military display lie reorganized the State malltlH on a partisan basis and demon ¬ strated a dleposiiion to place in the back ground all civil authority and to Lovermi In all iustatices where posnibiH with tIme military Time sauna W U ttradliiy also begun at once to pardon perooiiB coiifiued Iu time penitentiary vii vie ted of homicidehls record ahovr lug nn average of more than one pardon i week during hula four years term of persons tried and convicted for homi ¬ cide U title the military and the pardon- Ing thuiit was mit hlglrtlcle one W S- rllylor Wits d I re Governor of tIme State Kentucky He poaagpsed the taiiiB denire for military power and dis play as Ins predecessor and hu had possibly higher regard for a murder ¬ er it having been proven that he actually promised pardons before the commfsions of offenses and by hula promises actually bad assassinate tho gentleman who Tutu agkinst him and was contcsting for lila teat Uf this mud1 A non partisan jury found him t suit stratum as well as unfonu iiataior the party the Itepublicanh mulct iirritate convention shortly there utter iiniKindorsed the action of this murderer mint frieuit of murderers Has any sane man the Ist doubt litt time above will be history and time true history of Kentucky Then how will the generation that follows us reo urd those that this year lid itlithr lUpablicim party lit n very shun time it aflears from tho prcwuit trend u ho General Assembly now in ttocsion that itil men will have to register be fore voting If so this will be an index 48 to what will be his outloo iu the Mining election An examination of ttio register In time future will MH W whether ft man then was on the 11111II HW and order or wawa friend to tnur lerers Fellow citizens us yon ilsirs your memory revered 110 ait but imi idviie is to RTOid JtcpublicanlHiti under Us present filthy record MVnom tIme Uoda wish to lestn > y they first made mud Isa true adage The Kepubit audrnallYr his year unless they wandtir abrond imi mnllliite und like tIme prodhml eon suite to iheinenivrn smut relnrn tu tho iarty nf hvw mid righteoasiitns May you do4ilS Is oar prayer hoW amid nlahMnd we will toth r arid that without reproach DothU ud1I1t CMU eulov with M this levelopuienu daily giving hope to De baVIIbeSMR Imperlallscn we will have ce bppy is Jolck r toff tb r Tsw usi Oso bP- 4pI1r at AtlMe C 0 b i Good Beginnings Make Good EndingsY- ou ate making a good beginning when you commence to lake Hoods SarsapariHa for any troabte of your Nod stomach kidneys or liver Pcrsisfentfy taken this great medicine wiS bring you the good end big of perfect health strength and vigor Ioodzh4a aA jJYiJiJIDIilthiJj1Ir IN an editorial bristling with wit and sarcasm the quality of which only Republicans can appreciate our wuteem ed contemporylhe lantalmlphridlcullfI- Gov BecKham for declining Mr Yerkes invitation to A verbal dnclo ConsiBtPticy than art a Jewel eung a poet of lone ago but the Pantograph IB short on tart anti long on wind so we overlook their deficiency in the way of making comparisons If Its editor however were not so blinded by partisanship and if his vision ex ¬ tended beyond the pale of the G 0 P and the emoluments thereof he would fled in the canes of Uov Uecklmin anti President McKinley a parellel as straight as a die President McKinley declines MrBryans invitation to single cambat in the vocal line through fear of loosing his dignity and has not Gov Beclchatn A right to follow a precedent set by so distinguished a source Tin marvelous inconsistent in a man so well informed as the Pantye editor to approve one act and condemn the other and in his longwinded abuse of Beck hams course ho does nothing but reflect on the campaign plans of the Grand Mogul of the White House before whom lie prostrates himself in adulation and whose words are as the dew of lleruion to his ears lie seem bigly forgets that Hanna in his wis ¬ dom hits ordained that McKiulevs voice should not be heard in the land and that the Republican Mammon of Un righteousneSH has decided that silver of the realm ratherthan silver of the voice shtd figure in the National campaign Gov Beckham isa young man we admit and where must a young man look for wisdom if not in his elders If Mc ¬ Kinley a man of age and ripened ex ¬ penance should deem it wisest and best to curl up in hisshelland maintain the silence which is golden does the editor of the Iantagraph condemn A youth for following in footsteps BO repuhates ¬ of his own mouth he condemns him WITHIN the gray walls of our States historical capital is assembled for a season a of lawmakers Earnest in purpose Iud intent on the good of the great common people they have gathered at the call of Gov Beckham to amend the law which lies been the source of such disruption among our people To do this will involve a sac- rifice on the part of some of the Demo ¬ cratic members to whom the memory of our late lamented Governor Is sacred and who are loath to do away with any act that bears time stamp of hula person- ality This feeling is probably the pri rate sentiment of the majority of the body hut they foresee the harm such loyalty would do the party and are willing with no malice hearts to lay aside their individual preferences and enact a new law that will bridge time chasm between the several branches of Dmniicmcy and that wilt put the grand uulul Commonwealth hark in her old miche of Democratic ascendency The greatest good for the greatest num ¬ her is time motto of time present Assem ¬ hh and private feeling and partisan preference will figure but little with titmice who labor for the good of the cause It is with a thrill of pride that we tall attention to the course Demo ¬ crats have perstied sluice last falls campaign Though Goebel hind fallen we were true to him even in death and from IIIH tnmii hv ruled its ills tolicy was followed to time letter amid time has proved the wisdom of those words Be brave and fearless and loyal to the great common people Laying aside violence and force cult v leaders proceeded quietly and lawIIIIDlIlt so won the iignt And now sluice changed conditions require changed laws they are ready and willing to meet the lIe mand of the times how tn the partys needs and make an election law f hall intel the approval of all There is much good in the world yet when violent partisans lay down their ani mosiiie8 and seek h rUlolI in the in ¬ stumbllujblllck of the Goebel law save some probable opposition from the corporation so in ¬ terested in the last campaign and a few Republican black sheep who may oppose nqw what they so loudly pro ¬ claimed their desire for last year since theyhay This thought is surmised let us hope that no such opposition will develop Republicansuiitgitfui ¬ member only that they are men and brothers and aid one another in fram ¬ big a law that will give satisfaction to all Then will the breach be healed between the warring Democratic fac ¬ tions and Republicans can bear no such rancor toward us as of late tim State will settle back in its old calm I tII ill and at last all will be well Verily lieyond tho cloud with Its shadow shines the star with its light Bids Opened For Lighting The City ol Rich ¬ mond Sealed proposal for lighting the city of Richmond have been presented to the City Council and opened for in ¬ spection bv that body The Council cllyhall award the lighting of time city for one three or five years We publish below the proposition ol the Richmond Elec ¬ tric Company in full ofJlichmoivl youfor time oilowimig bids for lighitinefimu city of Richmond 1v with electricity for a term of thre 3 and o years vis FOR TREE YEARS MQHTINO poworlamp 15 arc lamps at f 80 per lamp with in camlescoilij 18 wllhIIIancl 10 or more arc lamps at 75 per lamp lon FIVE YEARS LIUIITINO 140 incandescent 16 candle lamp at 17 jxjr lamp 15 arc lamps at 75 per lamp with In ¬ candescent 16 ILhInllllltlfcent 40 or wore lamps at 70 per lamp upoutill I That we get possession of Electric Plant when sold by the court 2 That time Hoard of Councilmen nutifj us before tin same whether ol not our estimates aro a cepted 3 That we furnish all tIme light re 1 ill I ii1 10 light IIH city of Richmond 4 That wit duiiit jmrrliiho Electric PiHiii tin within Ill < tire void If in the fniiiti within iiiu immmiui stat- I in time fomiacl lime Umiurtliii Cuun riuneu think thitt time vuIy eiiotiM lave in ne tire Itr lnrau l MtMt i injs we ser e hi ftiinitfii wmw prices see Vitml ltv lllullt lilttlUj hit lltnl fcOntUleJ IliClll lWu prop Be to liithl time city accord lime to tile BiHiidnrit lllooullglit adieu mite We alas agree that III the event of I lit contract oeinx awarded to UK that wu will allow tIme police force of the city of Kichtnoiil to keep a record ot allY outage Ol lamps smith we will de > ihiit the same from nur quarterly bills We alno hgree to Hf thin plant of the Richmond Electric Co tugeiliiir with all polq tltierit HIIIKS iic to thIS city 011 Uirhniniid at any liiifn dut lug the lilts if till contract nt It price to bo fixed ua follows TMB Council of Richmond to appoint aunthess price w t by them area to Iw Mndiuitan RldllfmndElcetrla Co anti Uhty UOHBOil ol Richmond IghuIaNrlFmLcity colilIratJoft L l CENTRAL UNIVERSITY Central University will begin its 27th session Wednesday iSevte > D r 1h 1900 It has attempted to offer better educational facilities to the people of Richmond and Madison county each year From a email leginning it hits grown Into a splendid University containing four colleges Philosophy Letters anti Science law Medicines and Dentistry and four Preparatory Schools vUU an enrollment last of 1015 students The College of Arts the College of Law anti the Itichmond Preparatory School are located in Richmond The Umuirersity asks anti feels that it merits a liberal andl5U1pt port nf the people of Iticnmond and of Aladtoon cuuntY > The leading yocu men of the county have been educated here Scarcely tummy other school offers so many advantages jttsncu small expense Time Faculty in strongeach man a specialist in his department Three new men of high character amid scholarship from till best Eastern tit6 have been secured to fill professorships H ili FACULTY FOR J900I90J f f rH BL ANTON LL D Chancellor i J V LOGAN TiL D President to the Faculty professor ol Hthies and Evidences and professor of Psychology and Logic LG BARBOUR LL D professor of History and the Bible J T AKERS Ph D and professor of English Language and Literature and professor of Modern Languages CG CROOKS M A Walters professor of Mathematics A WILKES SMITH D IJ S professor ot Physlo ogyr S A JEFFER Ph D professor of Latin and Greek H n CARPENTER M A professor of Chemistry G E DESMAN B A1 professor of French and English and Physical Director MAJOR It W STEVENSON B S U SV professor of Military Science and Tactics r > > D SANDERSON Adjunct Professor of Latin and Greek 5 Jj C ST GERMAIN Business Course The Richmond Preparatory offers unusual advantages to the people of Madison county who wish to prepare their boys for coll glSor gfvo them a thorough practical education which shall fit them fur any department in busl tle6 The following will be the corps of instructors II B ROSE Mathematics History DAVID SANDERSON IL A Latin Greek W J STIENERT B A English Civics L C ST GERMAIN Stenography Book Keeping and Penmanship R W STEVENSON B S US V Military Science and Tactics Especial attention will be given to tho elementary branches The Military Drill is becoming more and more a feature in our best preparatory schools the object of which ia to Improve the health end physique of students as wellas give that elementary military knowledge whicu every citizen should possess that he may render effective aid to his country or state in case of war or riot r Throughout the year students in this department will be carefully trained in the art of public speaking DISCIPLINE Without discipline no school can be a success Our discipline will be kind but firm characterized more by appealing to the pupils manhood and honor than by using harsh measures However those who fail to observe the proper rules of decorum will on repeated violation bo dismissed from the school Wo shall insist upon regularity of attendance faithful application to study and propriety of conduct For terms both iu tho College and Preparatory and for catalogue giving full information apply to L H BLANTON Chancellor Richmond Kentucky ished by time Electric and Gas Corn ¬ panies Dated at Richmond Ky this the 1st day of September 1JOO ATTEST J W CKOOKK J E GBEENLEAK E hI S B IIUIEI On account of tho length Vater v Light Comuipanys proposal- we oulv give n Svuulsis of timeir five year prll08aI IS as follows utter Light Company otTers to light the present street lamps at S23 tv post per year The Company will lur nieb Welsbach street lamps or similar incandescent burners of at least fifty candle power at 26 a lamp a rear They also agree to furnish the citizens with gas at a price not to exceed 200 per thousand less 10 per cent discount if paul by the 10th of each month or in other words will furnish gas atlS0 per thousand They also agree to furnish gas for fuel at 125 per thousand and for mechanical purposes at 100 Also to fnrnieh licht in the city building for 50 per cent of the charge made to there consumers They also give the city the option to purchase the Water Light plant at any time on sixty days In consideration of the city accepting this bid time Water Light u tiers to make the following reJuced water rates DWELLING HOUSES For single family four rooms or less SO For single family five rooms or more- S The following charges are for these fixtures when taken iu addition to the regular family rate One bath tub 5 Each additional bath tub J One selfregulating water closet fS Each additional eelfreculatiug water closet S3 Sot laundry tubs 3 PRIVATE STABLE Not exceeding two animals includ ¬ hIlt use of hose for washing carriages4 For each additional animal 2 IIANIJ nose For ordinary lawn of not over 100 front feet When used in addition to domestic rate 5 Hose with lawn sprinkler when used in addition to domestic rate f I ° Alone with no other rates12 or2l- ler month Hose for sprinkling can bo used only during daylight and before eight oclock a III and sifter four oclock p m Hose rates are waite for the use of hose when held In tho hand Hose let run ¬ ning will be charged as lawn sprinklers For additional families musing same fix ¬ tures an increase rate will be charged BOARDING HOUSES The charge for boarding houses will be the same as for private families with 150 additional for each sleeping room STORES siiors AND GBOUND FLOOR OFFICES Including ono set bowl and use of how for sprinkling and nut requiring more than an ordinary supply of water flO OFFICES Offices with one set bowl 5 Offices in building occupants having use of sink or closet in common 3 Ollices in building occupants having use of sink and closet in common G SALOONS For fixtures behind the counter anti upwards according to estimate use of water f20- Olher fixtures according to their lespective ratesA- POTHECARIES LACXDR1ES BABUER SHOPS BAKERIES BUTCH Kit SHOPS VISIt MAR ¬ KETS AND RESTAURANTS Meter or special rates according tn the estimate use of water LIVERY AND ItOAttUIXO STABLES Meter or special rates according to estimate ue of water UrlllalJ BUILDING PURPOSES For each cask of lime or cement 10 cent In no case will water bt turned on for the above purpose fur less than f 1 MBTEK RATES For manufactories 15 cents per 100 cubic feet For hotels and other large consumers 20 cents per 100 cubic feet Fur domestic and and all other pnr iiows except as above 25 cents per 100 uhic feet In case tho consumption uf water does not amount to 20 uer annum time consumer will he obliged to pay a quar ¬ terly sate of 5 in advance Whin water is required for purposes not specified iii thu atiove schedule ol rates title will be made by the Company uitur wi1ll i nnpplicd only 80 long ax the rules and rcgiilnilona of lh Ilich u 10 net Water Light Company are complied with Wilier closetH hut Bclfrcenlating not allowed Full rates will be efmargeulor water closets and other fixtures run by waste water If thlo bill is accepted a cOlltrlt shall j bo executed between time city of Rich ¬ mond Ky and the undersigned Coin puny and time rates hereto vetforth for water and gas to private consume o Khali go Into effect January 1 1801 but hmh1I timhound k Light Company M KtchmWO JCy tab SepKHbr 11 MO- RICHXOVD WATM 1k LjaKtlC By J A SCLLIVA ktvi 1nrJItoPa t rfcr IIm1- I o J lea living in houses of four rooms is 24 for three openings including bath tub and closet with a charge for each addi ¬ tional opening Under tbe proposed beI i yearAn inn the city will come betore the regular meeting ot the council Thursday nicht which meeting the public catuutend Time Water Ligtit Cou proposal will be published in full next week RICE STATION Mr Win Crouch attended the G A R encampment at Chicago I dauJhterMis Thursdayfrom sale of 50000 trees Simp Wagers is the most successful horse swapper hanggv buyer and watch tinker iu this locality Mrs Thomas J King returned Thurs- day ¬ from Jessamine county whore she I visited relatives two weeks j The fruit ClOp is a success and our people are enjoying tho result Poaches and watermelons are extra fine i Kirby Bros have moved their saw mill to Rice Station where they will KOOII start in cutting the large body of timber belonging to W C Finney Protracted services are being carried on at Providence church by Rev Shearer of time Baptist denomination attending ¬ Harrodsburg of Adam Pritchett of this place with his wife is visiting the family of Adam Fritchett Bryan Beckham and White are galnluu friends every day Why cer ¬ thisfail and work hard fur our worthy nominees nntionnlhnnks NewYork Hows This We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ¬ ward for any case of Catarrh that can tmreF O- We the undersigned have known F beliee ¬ business transactions and financially madeby DmngistTOhtaiu OHalls ¬ ly acting directly upon time blood and mucous surfaces of the system Price gisl8TeRllmonlals Halls Family Pills aura tho best Fbilc Zal of Lad I will between the hours of 10 and II oclock a m expose to public sale One Hundred and Twenty Iio CM Acres of Improved land situated on the wales of Otter Creek near SC1ldderfanu WeanCSQY e tci DJ 1 tbereouI100d located and desirable neighborhood close to schools and churches Also at the same time thirtytwoacrea u part of the old Terln tract Said land is also In a desirable neighborhood Postcsxlon itcOParties small train and make such improvements as may be wanted Sate positive and without reserve Terms easy and wade known on day of sale MRS JULIA A SCUDDER anr294vr Eyrau1 rtmratar TPC GiCCATSTpfYMNM itor fItE AGE eutVIT great this Separator It does awajr with expensive maebleery and j jiros no power or fuel to run It Xo tater with two or mice covs ca r ifssd ta W wthe t CM T- Le4sfseierd I Ui stass Me s I mtt S 1l1li4 Sse4u u dmiIpi 1 4pims4s 4wntw- wajtt dM rV HusSy 1 WississsW J EU CuskuWUTXM Z4i J I > 1 Warningiihould the earliest stages decay can be ar rested anti the TEETH 3aved Later it may be two late fur1many experience and every patient is successfully treated Oar artificial teeth with or with- out plates are the most perfect construction Fine Solid Gold Crown 550 Allworkis fully guaranteed DR IIOBSON Dentist I Ricldnond Ky Bldgin ¬ fice OPCJI all night q IStC A CARD I I s JI I greatly apprecIate J the e I tI JJ Itf J lAtL AN O t 0i1 1Mft 0 0 WIlLfl WkVb o f4J I had All I can say to V andJ J amine my Falland l Winter Goods pedectJ fit lI t for all patromigo I remain H S STOUT c THE TAILOR eoe o I A CLEARING r UP n n Ii ODDS AND ENDS SLE jJ It begins at our stor WEDNESDAY AUGUST 29 and continues for one week During that week we shall clear out all the Odds Ends and Rem I nants of our Summer Stock and an the lot youll find many articles you need at prices you coufd never buy them for before even her and our customers recognize us as leaders in low prices ++ +++ ++ + + + ++ ++ + ++++ Ladies Slippers 125 J5o and J75 values all go at 99c Misses and Childrens foot wear suffer a like cut n Percales Ginghams Figur ed Lawns P Ks andCotton JOc and 12 J2c grades all go at 8 J3c I Fancy Parasols Fans Wash Ties Duck Skirts Torchan and Bal Laces all go at ONE HALF price 3S + + + + + + + + ++++ + 4 ++ + AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK I Cor Main First St A FAZE OFFER I will fill any order for yon at the jewelryj l logue that you may have thereby say ing yon expense of ordering Respectfully janSlyr DP ARMER Master Commissioners Notice to Creditors MADISON COUNTY COURT ZT Rica Ac Plaintiffs Ox PEIITIOX All persons haTing claims acalnut the estate of Taylor Rice are hereby notified to tile the same legally verified with the undersigned or Z T Rice Adinr on or before the Jith day of September 1000or same will be barred 8 E SCOTT M O M C C aUJt22tw 1f k 71 71 71 171 F 3- O LEXINGT N INVE TMENT jj M Pays You 300 for Every < 4 > Dollar Invested tA ot Branch office front room 1over Joplints furniture store L P TODD MGR 5wSEE OURhI tt Richmondee H Champion tWheat Jjrillst f Jn if DisctPIows and 4 I ilbufn Wagons BEFORE YOU BUY 4 d The Page Fence iJj t1is the bit Woven Wire pence made t4 4 JJ nu GUS SJMMUN 3se IllQJm ITOTX9 TIft4ILj M < t I 7 ifiiJ atQjl1 I ¬ I 1 i t I 1 > + + ++++ +++ + ++ + + + ++ + + IMens Shoes worth 200 250 and 300 all go for 175 150 grade at 99c Boys Shoes that we solda formerly at J25 J50 and 175 all go at 100 You get pickof the best in the house at that price These are but samples of our pricecutting for this sale All lines are affected by it get your moneys worth ComeI + ++ + + + + + + + + ++ ICALL Inc- hilyiiit OWEN MCKEE Richmond Kentucky ARRIAGE BUGGIE T HAONI In fact everything in the Carriage line can be hi foundat our shop Only the best material carriagebuggy c1cky arriae Works i c JOHN DONELSON Proprietor 1 1 r II = IT IS WORTH WHILE jiDrc I toreOur line of t- RNxLIfla Jt I I p Iit o s t I Of all grades is now complete and the low f p pricesas well as the articles are sure fl to give satisfaction I I Chamber Suites Oaks or Mahogany also odd Bedsteads bestf I Couches tufety upholstered in vcloUt tapes > I 4jRocker tt 1Chiffonis Odd Dressers and Stands i k Roomghairs > I strong and durable And many other bargains too iJumclOUS to nfention T N o 1 III Catpetsri I I V aJri 1111 tI l ft tUflckrthet- hrecdiJoi11 JOPLIN lIht J JDa Phon 13 i I fi

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Page 1: J75 solda Bldgin q Ks tIItf IStC yearAn lI andJchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86069162/1900-09-05/ed-1/seq-2.pdfti ii 1I I I It the Richmond Climax o CHENAULT Proprietor 79A D MILLER

ti ii

1I I IIt the Richmond Climax

o CHENAULT Proprietor79A D MILLER Editor Manager


1 IPURWUg1LVARyWIflflyyTh9 Climax Printing Co I

r <j PlUCK PKIl YKAIt 150 I



A >flakAIcA 1 t


Or 1U1NOI1


or fBUO



1TIIK HikiiiHkeiwiif Nw York luivr

< lowcrnil their 11tin MuKinlcyVolHdiiii mm 4 to I to 2 to I Prettyijood riiMid for the first IU days

I npAnpdhytn New York WudneMlay wjth ex< KIV W 1 Stone ot JMsBouii III

I clairgejlnattjust its hard to secure his electionlvt the isxid work continue

IN hand Ii ug unexpectediuiervencipsVilliaoi McKinley Jllld never failed to

ilinoii traie Ins ability He standfri nmst HIlIOIII our nhle Ire ldCllts-

UtI> t IlmI h

iiu in where two diHtingulshed Rejiiiiinim dilfar The ahove expreMtecMr Adunis ojiinion while GovernorIlii ree of ViichiiMii NIJS I haveaUvnya txiniendeil that McKinloyat ikuiiiw did not reach far enought iM H rii his nock to biipport his hramin willpower

JfKuj lira Kijn8 of McKinley proaIlMiv thitt the Ianiii rHph hah tinii U hiihh ovurlookcd or at least weiii III dt1It iiiMvivir Much an item in-

i illllllll >

lIlt AJKrknti Ruth anti Nail MillsAndersiiii liiiiiunti have nlint down

Nine huildrrd mil eighty tllell Worei ii nwu nut if employment The iuill

lii tw tIt imil trust und it instatedtiiit tht r iur will tie ermaiien-

tlir th11Illetit of its rttad rrt wicht iiiahovo lot giceil fpiuo in

t d lniiiirih and H > t In plain type aii lay IIi nut IIH iiHtMNturv

MoKK cMlinct of MiKilllevu proi tv j lifmrUl lIhU k 8iltin

I fort > tHir iiiiton iiiilln otUilcl-i an MIX K iiir tiinsat Fall KiverI-JI II MIIII IH Kiitit down Tilesid1 llIi1 liiJlJU liamlslit fiii < ni IIIIIIK in Wisconsiniv iitmi IWII The Klurenw IronII e tug loti The Tildon-

ai ner 1OO mill the PabstiI uwi iifcuit 40 other reductiotiHI niiniy tukeii pliicu cutting the

t iv at tiii ii< liijiHii Jnili Mines aboutJ KI tpiin I hv ttgures of lu spring

II II v IINCJKBK of Micliivran liaR e-x1IIllh luihiwing lyddite shells inIht Hhlillil rooks

IIw lung will tillS American peopleIIrIII a HiHte ofatfairx like that in thePlu ijipiiiM ami ChllMi How long willlin eUtfer III Iw ouitrolled hy riiich

i lilies of the ltfiuliiii MX HanimI IIIVB HWH > oinldinleil that ili

Kinii > tmukliHin di1lIt lunch tariifHigli toward Isik to r iii piirt hi1IItr will p wrr

t I mi II Ittjii liiMii IIIL I hoiiHKtyI litvo that with IIH Ohio urowil in

niiiiil the lnbt tiling that tijUld hupI iii tu thIS KitpnhiiiMii party thin tall

tuM be till riKioHiif lit DMnucratsrTJIK noniiiirH of the two Nationalpartifsiinrf

Ji > all iiml UcKinfty puryonillly asS jilatrIuuil htronger with the courage of his

nviciions limn any nominee of anyIlvviinn convention Whoever heardif one man iliniiinatini an entire con

VIii ijui bofure and mint man ever offrrnd tu reject time nutniiintionof agreat

f pitrty if not made on hits terms untilMryan lilt On the other hand hiri opI > milit Mr McKinley had no moreplatf tWnlil have excetite0 it hash it containedanarchydiwiiMr MrKinluy is IlaiiiiHri olave In theIntM of tIle HannacraiH is much of time

JI that Hiilliefl and the silver thattVrailHH hilt the eiaujl of no Jerico Isiirit > ut d to KiiiiMMcyV lincler Thli >

wiv tliifi 1IIII1II1I here vim have

t gm4nteI tukeor

iir irm

I mm


rek IllS


PleaseTinre KUI bo no doubt

4 about the best laceforj

YOU to buy y6ur CarpetsCnrUainSj f Afuntel orP lJhr-

I TL JWISESliindtJ usa landmark forhtl11efur i he s

THIS SEASONSV jDodrt Jiro coming in rap

idly apd we can assureyou they are beautiful

THIS TIME4 Wu want to 6sill your

eLeiiLl attention to ourstock ot Leather Chairsand Couchc

UCome ndfSeeThem




C1F1BioiCo11ADJ Jc Laxwotoiry Xr


rTr1 hII1

TUE Ilanna magnates begin to see-the handwriting on the wall in morewaya than one Their campaign fnndhey lament and mourn ishnrt thin year Either the trusts areot contributing as much as usual orhe common people are revolting ininmlwrK for theres a screw loose somewhir The Republican managers

niniiH tho corruption fund will he likebe play Hamlet with the old Dane leftlutand without the coin of the tealmtlJ aid them they will indeed wanderIn darkness The knell of the doom ofalma GOp has Bounded oppreaolonind monopoly cannot live in a countryiut lundaiuenUlly free as ours andtile end is near at band

TJIK f igns of tbe times beFppak peaceunit harmon or Kentucky OtmocralJlIn the tentsof oiir leaders union sitsmod in councils wisdom prevalleth Animosity and strife arethings of the past and with forgivenessiu our hearts we urge all DemocratspirdlesH of their attitude in the late

itriirjle to come back into the foldnut ayain take on the faith of theirfathr liuehel is dead and buriedhisaw on the eve of repeal and with thatpitch closing the past let a new era

if unity and brotherly love rise Phoeuixlikn from its anhea

There Is more rejoicing over a singleinior who repents than over the nine

tv and nine that go not astray soaypth Holy Writ So it Is with De¬

mocracy on Pier table lies time fattedcalf her Intih string is ereropen and ahearty welcome awaits erring broth ¬

Irs Umwn Democrats forsake not thefaith of your ancestors stand not idly byand see corrupt militaryism and Imperiiliom triumph by time memory ofmr partys glorious past in our State

WH Riljnre you tuin not aside hut Inutesd put your shoulders tn the wheeland aol us steer our grand old ship ofState over rocks mind shoals and help uslead our country into Rreen pastures ofprr >cperitv and beside still waters ofpeace

MANY Republicans of note have declarel fur Democracys prlnciplesin thecampaign now on hut only one Demo ¬

crat of allY prominence has given evi ¬

dence of somersault tactics HisIMIIIH is Charles Denhy He hails fromIndiana where the wicked fleeiroiu judgment For many yearshe wits foul mid clothed by the JeflersoniaiiH in the land but with a sycophuntrt ingratitude he deserted themin their hour of need and tool on newways and worshiped new gods Henow reviles MM out toasters and humbleu hiniPttlf before huisatucientenomleslleduclrucR nirailillt Rryan and makesithriKHiire tim MrKiulty in the blissfulanticipation of hvixicrits reward inHvciit of tIme hitters election lint inone rtfpeia Mr D nhy is sadly wantiui Hu line ntlti > d the study ofphysics Hall he puriiwl that branchof It miiiiig with greater success heII tilt hI have cllwoverpil that one IxxlycHiinot occupy two positions in spaceUulli ll puhlican mud Democrat c col ¬

ors hath he worn anil wo know notwith wrtiiiiitv even now where theueiitliiiuin Moulds A limn will conicwliiii iiiiRt ntf by Ut pnhliraiis whenliU time of U4ufulnpss is pastand xcornIll by time party of lila first allegiancelila eyes to the truthlilt I he shall behold how blessed are

traitorslvTAYLOK sometime Governor

of Kentucky now touring Indiana asoneoftheclowiis In iovMounts trainedband of perfurmers is a victim of hem ¬

IllS prostration has announced totIme campaign committee that IIH farto travel at night less the Democratswreck his train and secure lila preciouspersm This action on his part ills ¬

plays thin littleness of small minds Inshowing hula estimation uf lila own iuil rtHiice Ho imagines detectivesdodi ing his footstepc Htid ever thinkshe hears the sound of hula persuersHH seems unable III understand or comprehuud thin reality that no honentIDHII would contaminate himself byiimtract with a wretched fugitivewliose word if dintionoreil and mi wlmmtin Hand of Cain earned by disprtinglila hiotber cotmpirHlnrs in their hourof need liiix set its seal Soon will leHvvak u to thin truth und discover thevision of eyes other than his ownwhen after he has served the needs ofthe hour for lila friend Mount in nervini to alit Indiana Republicans hyItO11I1r as a sympathy sideshow hut

will flint himself dropped by them and

Keutucayfrieumilwunit come when they called in VainThen indeed will he wander shoutthe world forsaken trying to stifle theIKIIIPS of his guilty conscience Knstnor peace will lie find tIme lino andcry of the avengers of blood will ringever in lila ears the ghostly figure ofhis victim will keep sleep from hisand the lot of the wanderingJew will belila

KENTUCKY Is not in a position to

presentlresldentialship tthould be ready and willing as mill

true patriots are to read without preju ¬

dice the declared policies of each of theanalIpros ¬

perity to time greatest ntihilier Hutsuch an idea wilt not in the least be thecontrolling spirit with many of ouritizens anti especially the great mi

jority of KepnhHcmts-To us it rtllears that no man who lisa

tho leaat particle of respect for himselfhas un > concern as to what his nd h

IOf ttiink III him would allow it to be¬

come publicly known that he intendedthis year to act with the Republicanparty orin any way to encourage oraltetit The true history of the action otthat party iu Kentucky will become aMit of the history ol our State andwhat will that history be

it will read And it came to-

PS that one WO Bradley was electedliovernor III the state of Kentucky andon heiiiK inducted lute office at onceexhibited a great desire fur militarydisplay lie reorganized the StatemalltlH on a partisan basis and demon ¬

strated a dleposiiion to place in theback ground all civil authority and toLovermi In all iustatices where posnibiHwith tIme military Time sauna W Uttradliiy also begun at once to pardon

perooiiB coiifiued Iu time penitentiaryvii vie ted of homicidehls record ahovrlug nn average of more than one pardoni week during hula four years term ofpersons tried and convicted for homi ¬

cideU title the military and the pardon-

Ing thuiit was mit hlglrtlcle one W S-

rllylor Wits d I re Governor of tIme

State Kentucky He poaagpsed thetaiiiB denire for military power and display as Ins predecessor and hu hadpossibly higher regard for a murder ¬

er it having been proven that heactually promised pardons before thecommfsions of offenses and by hulapromises actually bad assassinate thogentleman who Tutu agkinst him andwas contcsting for lila teat Uf thismud1 A non partisan jury found him

t suit stratum as well as unfonuiiataior the party the Itepublicanhmulct iirritate convention shortly thereutter iiniKindorsed the action of thismurderer mint frieuit of murderers

Has any sane man the Ist doubtlitt time above will be history and time

true history of Kentucky Then howwill the generation that follows us reourd those that this year lid itlithr

lUpablicim party lit n very shuntime it aflears from tho prcwuit trend uho General Assembly now in ttocsion

that itil men will have to register before voting If so this will be an index48 to what will be his outloo iu theMining election An examination ofttio register In time future will MH W

whether ft man then was on the 11111IIHW and order or wawa friend to tnur

lerers Fellow citizens us yon ilsirsyour memory revered 110 ait but imiidviie is to RTOid JtcpublicanlHiti underUs present filthy record MVnom tIme

Uoda wish to lestn > y they first mademud Isa true adage The Kepubit

audrnallYrhis year unless they wandtir abrondimi mnllliite und like tIme prodhml eonsuite to iheinenivrn smut relnrn tu thoiarty nf hvw mid righteoasiitns

May you do4ilS Is oar prayer hoWamid nlahMnd we will toth

r arid that without reproach DothUud1I1t CMU eulov with M this

levelopuienu daily giving hope to De

baVIIbeSMRImperlallscn we will have ce bppy isJolck r toff tb r

Tsw usi Oso bP-4pI1r at AtlMe

C 0 b


Good Beginnings

Make Good EndingsY-

ou ate making a good beginning whenyou commence to lake Hoods SarsapariHa

for any troabte of your Nod stomach

kidneys or liver Pcrsisfentfy taken thisgreat medicine wiS bring you the good endbig of perfect health strength and vigor

Ioodzh4a aAjJYiJiJIDIilthiJj1Ir

IN an editorial bristling with witand sarcasm the quality of which onlyRepublicans can appreciate our wuteemed contemporylhe lantalmlphridlcullfI-Gov BecKham for declining MrYerkes invitation to A verbal dncloConsiBtPticy than art a Jewel eung

a poet of lone ago but the PantographIB short on tart anti long on wind sowe overlook their deficiency in theway of making comparisons If Itseditor however were not so blindedby partisanship and if his vision ex ¬

tended beyond the pale of the G 0 Pand the emoluments thereof he wouldfled in the canes of Uov Uecklmin antiPresident McKinley a parellel asstraight as a die President McKinleydeclines MrBryans invitation to singlecambat in the vocal line through fearof loosing his dignity and has notGov Beclchatn A right to follow aprecedent set by so distinguished asource Tin marvelous inconsistent ina man so well informed as the Pantyeeditor to approve one act and condemnthe other and in his longwinded abuseof Beck hams course ho does nothingbut reflect on the campaign plans ofthe Grand Mogul of the White Housebefore whom lie prostrates himself inadulation and whose words are as thedew of lleruion to his ears lie seembigly forgets that Hanna in his wis ¬

dom hits ordained that McKiulevs voiceshould not be heard in the land andthat the Republican Mammon of UnrighteousneSH has decided that silver ofthe realm ratherthan silver of the voiceshtd figure in the National campaignGov Beckham isa young man we admitand where must a young man look forwisdom if not in his elders If Mc ¬

Kinley a man of age and ripened ex¬

penance should deem it wisest andbest to curl up in hisshelland maintainthe silence which is golden does theeditor of the Iantagraph condemn Ayouth for following in footsteps BOrepuhates ¬

of his own mouth he condemns him

WITHIN the gray walls of our Stateshistorical capital is assembled for aseason a of lawmakers Earnestin purpose Iud intent on the good ofthe great common people they havegathered at the call of Gov Beckham toamend the law which lies been thesource of such disruption among ourpeople To do this will involve a sac-rifice on the part of some of the Demo ¬

cratic members to whom the memoryof our late lamented Governor Is sacredand who are loath to do away with anyact that bears time stamp of hula person-ality This feeling is probably the prirate sentiment of the majority of thebody hut they foresee the harm suchloyalty would do the party and arewilling with no malice heartsto lay aside their individual preferencesand enact a new law that will bridgetime chasm between the several branchesof Dmniicmcy and that wilt put thegrand uulul Commonwealth hark in herold miche of Democratic ascendencyThe greatest good for the greatest num ¬

her is time motto of time present Assem ¬

hh and private feeling and partisanpreference will figure but little withtitmice who labor for the good of thecause It is with a thrill of pride thatwe tall attention to the course Demo¬

crats have perstied sluice last fallscampaign Though Goebel hind fallenwe were true to him even in death andfrom IIIH tnmii hv ruled its ills tolicywas followed to time letter amid time hasproved the wisdom of those words

Be brave and fearless and loyal to thegreat common people Laying asideviolence and force cult v leadersproceeded quietly and lawIIIIDlIlt sowon the iignt And now sluice changedconditions require changed laws theyare ready and willing to meet the lIemand of the times how tn the partysneeds and make an election lawfhall intel the approval of all Thereis much good in the world yet whenviolent partisans lay down their animosiiie8 and seek h rUlolI in the in ¬

stumbllujblllckof the Goebel law save some probableopposition from the corporation so in ¬

terested in the last campaign and afew Republican black sheep who mayoppose nqw what they so loudly pro ¬

claimed their desire for last year sincetheyhayThis thought is surmised let us hopethat no such opposition will develop


member only that they are men andbrothers and aid one another in fram ¬

big a law that will give satisfaction toall Then will the breach be healedbetween the warring Democratic fac¬

tions and Republicans can bear nosuch rancor toward us as of late timState will settle back in its old calmI tII ill and at last all will be wellVerily

lieyond tho cloud with Its shadowshines the star with its lightBids Opened For Lighting The City ol Rich ¬


Sealed proposal for lighting the cityof Richmond have been presented tothe City Council and opened for in ¬

spection bv that body The Councilcllyhallaward the lighting of time city for onethree or five years We publish belowthe proposition ol the Richmond Elec ¬

tric Company in full

ofJlichmoivlyoufortime oilowimig bids for lighitinefimu cityof Richmond 1 v with electricity fora term of thre 3 and o yearsvis


poworlamp15 arc lamps at f80 per lamp with in

camlescoilij 18

wllhIIIancl10 or more arc lamps at 75 per lamp

lon FIVE YEARS LIUIITINO140 incandescent 16 candle lamp at

17 jxjr lamp15 arc lamps at 75 per lamp with In ¬

candescent 16

ILhInllllltlfcent40 or wore lamps at 70 per lampupoutillI That we get possession of Electric

Plant when sold by the court2 That time Hoard of Councilmen

nutifj us before tin same whether olnot our estimates aro a cepted

3 That we furnish all tIme light re1 ill I ii1 10 light IIH city of Richmond

4 That wit duiiit jmrrliiho ElectricPiHiii tin within Ill < tire void

If in the fniiiti within iiiu immmiui stat-I in time fomiacl lime Umiurtliii Cuun

riuneu think thitt time vuIy eiiotiM lavein ne tire Itr lnrau l MtMt i injs weser e hi ftiinitfii wmw prices seeVitmlltv lllullt lilttlUj hit lltnl fcOntUleJ IliClll

lWu prop Be to liithl time city accordlime to tile BiHiidnrit lllooullglit adieumite

We alas agree that III the event ofI lit contract oeinx awarded to UK thatwu will allow tIme police force of thecity of Kichtnoiil to keep a record otallY outage Ol lamps smith we will de >

ihiit the same from nur quarterly billsWe alno hgree to Hf thin plant of the

Richmond Electric Co tugeiliiir withall polq tltierit HIIIKS iic to thIS city 011

Uirhniniid at any liiifn dut lug the liltsif till contract nt It price to bo fixed uafollows

TMB Council of Richmond to appointaunthessprice w t by them area to Iw MndiuitanRldllfmndElcetrla Co anti Uhty

UOHBOil ol Richmond




CENTRAL UNIVERSITYCentral University will begin its 27th session Wednesday iSevte > D r 1h

1900 It has attempted to offer better educational facilities to the people ofRichmond and Madison county each year From a email leginning it hitsgrown Into a splendid University containing four colleges Philosophy Lettersanti Science law Medicines and Dentistry and four Preparatory Schools vUUan enrollment last of 1015 students

The College of Arts the College of Law anti the Itichmond PreparatorySchool are located in Richmond

The Umuirersity asks anti feels that it merits a liberal andl5U1ptport nf the people of Iticnmond and of Aladtoon cuuntY > The leading yocumen of the county have been educated here

Scarcely tummy other school offers so many advantages jttsncu small expenseTime Faculty in strongeach man a specialist in his department Three

new men of high character amid scholarship from till best Eastern tit6have been secured to fill professorships

H iliFACULTY FOR J900I90J f f

rH BL ANTON LL D Chancellor iJ V LOGAN TiL D President to the Faculty professor ol Hthies and

Evidences and professor of Psychology and Logic

L G BARBOUR LL D professor of History and the BibleJ T AKERS Ph D and professor of English Language and Literature

and professor of Modern LanguagesCG CROOKS M A Walters professor of Mathematics

A WILKES SMITH D IJ S professor ot Physlo ogyrS A JEFFER Ph D professor of Latin and GreekH n CARPENTER M A professor of ChemistryG E DESMAN B A1 professor of French and English and Physical

DirectorMAJOR It W STEVENSON B S U S V professor of Military Science

and Tactics r > >D SANDERSON Adjunct Professor of Latin and Greek 5Jj C ST GERMAIN Business Course

The Richmond Preparatory offers unusual advantages to the people ofMadison county who wish to prepare their boys for coll glSor gfvo them athorough practical education which shall fit them fur any department in busltle6 The following will be the corps of instructors

II B ROSE Mathematics HistoryDAVID SANDERSON IL A Latin GreekW J STIENERT B A English CivicsL C ST GERMAIN Stenography Book Keeping and PenmanshipR W STEVENSON B S U S V Military Science and Tactics

Especial attention will be given to tho elementary branches The MilitaryDrill is becoming more and more a feature in our best preparatory schools theobject of which ia to Improve the health end physique of students as wellasgive that elementary military knowledge whicu every citizen should possessthat he may render effective aid to his country or state in case of war or riot r

Throughout the year students in this department will be carefully trainedin the art of public speaking

DISCIPLINEWithout discipline no school can be a success Our discipline will be kind

but firm characterized more by appealing to the pupils manhood and honorthan by using harsh measures However those who fail to observe the properrules of decorum will on repeated violation bo dismissed from the school Woshall insist upon regularity of attendance faithful application to study andpropriety of conduct

For terms both iu tho College and Preparatory and for catalogue givingfull information apply to

L H BLANTON ChancellorRichmond Kentucky

ished by time Electric and Gas Corn ¬

paniesDated at Richmond Ky this the 1st

day of September 1JOO


S B IIUIEIOn account of tho length

Vater v Light Comuipanys proposal-we oulv give n Svuulsis of timeir fiveyear prll08aI IS as follows

utter Light Company otTersto light the present street lamps at S23tv post per year The Company will lurnieb Welsbach street lamps or similarincandescent burners of at least fiftycandle power at 26 a lamp a rearThey also agree to furnish the citizenswith gas at a price not to exceed 200per thousand less 10 per cent discountif paul by the 10th of each month or inother words will furnish gas atlS0 perthousand They also agree to furnishgas for fuel at 125 per thousand andfor mechanical purposes at 100 Alsoto fnrnieh licht in the city building for50 per cent of the charge made to thereconsumers They also give the city theoption to purchase the Water Lightplant at any time on sixty daysIn consideration of the city acceptingthis bid time Water Lightu tiers to make the following reJucedwater rates


For single family four rooms or lessSO

For single family five rooms or more-S

The following charges are for thesefixtures when taken iu addition to theregular family rate

One bath tub 5Each additional bath tub JOne selfregulating water closet fSEach additional eelfreculatiug water

closet S3Sot laundry tubs 3


Not exceeding two animals includ ¬

hIlt use of hose for washing carriages4For each additional animal 2


For ordinary lawn of not over 100

front feet When used in addition todomestic rate 5

Hose with lawn sprinkler when usedin addition to domestic rate f I °

Alone with no other rates12 or2l-ler month

Hose for sprinkling can bo used onlyduring daylight and before eight oclocka III and sifter four oclock p mHose rates are waite for the use of hosewhen held In tho hand Hose let run ¬

ning will be charged as lawn sprinklersFor additional families musing same fix ¬

tures an increase rate will be charged


The charge for boarding houses willbe the same as for private families with150 additional for each sleeping room


Including ono set bowl and use of howfor sprinkling and nut requiring morethan an ordinary supply of water flO


Offices with one set bowl 5Offices in building occupants having

use of sink or closet in common 3Ollices in building occupants having

use of sink and closet in common GSALOONS

For fixtures behind the counter antiupwards according to estimate use ofwater f20-

Olher fixtures according to theirlespective ratesA-




Meter or special rates according tnthe estimate use of water


Meter or special rates according toestimate ue of water


For each cask of lime or cement 10cent

In no case will water bt turned on forthe above purpose fur less than f 1


For manufactories 15 cents per 100cubic feet

For hotels and other large consumers20 cents per 100 cubic feet

Fur domestic and and all other pnriiows except as above 25 cents per 100uhic feetIn case tho consumption uf water

does not amount to 20 uer annum time

consumer will he obliged to pay a quar ¬

terly sate of 5 in advanceWhin water is required for purposes

not specified iii thu atiove schedule olrates title will be made by theCompany

uitur wi1ll i nnpplicd only 80 long axthe rules and rcgiilnilona of lh Ilichu 10 net Water Light Company arecomplied with

Wilier closetH hut Bclfrcenlating notallowed Full rates will be efmargeulorwater closets and other fixtures run bywaste water

If thlo bill is accepted a cOlltrlt shall j

bo executed between time city of Rich¬

mond Ky and the undersigned Coinpuny and time rates hereto vetforth forwater and gas to private consume oKhali go Into effect January 1 1801 buthmh1Itimhoundk Light Company M KtchmWO JCytab SepKHbr 11 MO-


1nrJItoPa t rfcr IIm1-



lea living in houses of four rooms is 24for three openings including bath tuband closet with a charge for each addi ¬

tional opening Under tbe proposedbeIi yearAninn the city will come betore the regularmeeting ot the council Thursday nichtwhich meeting the public catuutend

Time Water Ligtit Cou proposalwill be published in full next week


Mr Win Crouch attended the G AR encampment at Chicago

I dauJhterMisThursdayfromsale of 50000 trees

Simp Wagers is the most successfulhorse swapper hanggv buyer and watchtinker iu this locality

Mrs Thomas J King returned Thurs-day


from Jessamine county whore sheI visited relatives two weeksj The fruit ClOp is a success and ourpeople are enjoying tho result Poachesand watermelons are extra fine

i Kirby Bros have moved their sawmill to Rice Station where they willKOOII start in cutting the large body oftimber belonging to W C Finney

Protracted services are being carriedon at Providence church by RevShearer of time Baptist denominationattending ¬

Harrodsburgof Adam Pritchett of this place withhis wife is visiting the family of AdamFritchett

Bryan Beckham and White aregalnluu friends every day Why cer ¬thisfailand work hard fur our worthy nominees

nntionnlhnnksNewYorkHows This

We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ¬

ward for any case of Catarrh that cantmreF O-

We the undersigned have known Fbeliee¬

business transactions and financiallymadebyDmngistTOhtaiuOHalls ¬

ly acting directly upon time blood andmucous surfaces of the system Price

gisl8TeRllmonlalsHalls Family Pills aura tho best

Fbilc Zal of Lad

I will between the hours of 10 and II oclocka m expose to public sale One Hundredand Twenty Iio CM Acres of Improved landsituated on the wales of Otter Creek nearSC1ldderfanuWeanCSQY e tci DJ 1

tbereouI100dlocated and desirable neighborhood close toschools and churches Also at the same timethirtytwoacreau part of the old Terln tract Said land isalso In a desirable neighborhood PostcsxlonitcOPartiessmall train and make such improvements asmay be wanted

Sate positive and without reserveTerms easy and wade known on day of sale






itor fItE


eutVITgreat this SeparatorIt does awajr with expensive maebleery andj jiros no power or fuel to run ItXo tater with two or mice covs car

ifssd ta W wthe t CMT-

Le4sfseierd I Ui stass Me s I mtt S

1l1li4 Sse4uu dmiIpi 1 4pims4s 4wntw-wajtt d M rV HusSy 1





> 1


earliest stages decay can be arrested anti the

TEETH3aved Later it may be two late

fur1manyexperience and every patient issuccessfully treated

Oar artificial teeth with or with-out plates are the most perfectconstruction

Fine Solid Gold Crown 550Allworkis fully guaranteed


I Ricldnond KyBldgin ¬

fice OPCJI all nightq IStCA CARD I

I s

JII greatly apprecIateJ the e ItIJJItfJ

lAtL AN O t0i1 1Mft 00 WIlLfl WkVbof4JI had All I can say to

VandJJ amine my Falland lWinter Goods

pedectJ fitlIt for all patromigo I remain



eoe o


UPn n




It begins at our stor WEDNESDAY AUGUST 29 and continues for oneweek During that week we shall clear out all the Odds Ends and Rem

I nants of our Summer Stock and an the lot youll find many articles youneed at prices you coufd never buy them for before even her and our

customers recognize us as leaders in low prices

++++++++++++ +++ ++++

Ladies Slippers 125 J5oand J75 values all go at 99cMisses and Childrens foot

wear suffer a like cutn

Percales Ginghams Figured Lawns P Ks andCottonJOc and 12 J2c grades all goat 8 J3c I

Fancy Parasols Fans WashTies Duck Skirts Torchanand Bal Laces all go at ONEHALF price

3S +++++++++++++4 +++AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK I

Cor Main

First St

A FAZE OFFERI will fill any order for yon at thejewelryjllogue that you may have thereby say

ing yon expense of orderingRespectfully

janSlyr DP ARMER

Master Commissioners Notice

to Creditors


ZT Rica Ac PlaintiffsOx PEIITIOX

All persons haTing claims acalnut the estateof Taylor Rice are hereby notified to tile thesame legally verified with the undersigned orZ T Rice Adinr on or before the Jith dayof September 1000or same will be barred

8 E SCOTT M O M C CaUJt22tw

1fk 71 71 71 171F 3-


M Pays You 300 for Every<4>

Dollar InvestedtA


Branch office front room

1over Joplints furniture store



tt RichmondeeH Champion

tWheat Jjrillstf Jnif DisctPIows and

4I ilbufn Wagons

BEFORE YOU BUY4 dThe Page FenceiJj t1is the bit Woven

Wire pence made




< t


7 ifiiJ atQjl1



I 1




1 >

++++ ++++ +++++++ ++ ++IMens Shoes worth 200250 and 300 all go for 175150 grade at 99c

Boys Shoes that we soldaformerly at J25 J50 and

175 all go at 100 You getpickof the best in the house atthat price

These are but samples of ourpricecutting for this sale Alllines are affected by itget your moneys worthComeI++ + +++++ +++ ++










In fact everything in the Carriage line can behi

foundat our shop Only the best material

carriagebuggyc1cky arriae Works

i cJOHN DONELSON Proprietor 1

1 r II



toreOur line of t-




I p Iitos



Of all grades is now complete and the lowf

ppricesas well as the articles are sure fl

to give satisfaction


I Chamber Suites Oaks or Mahogany also oddBedsteadsbestf I

Couches tufety upholstered in vcloUt tapes > I4jRockertt 1Chiffonis Odd Dressers and Stands i

k Roomghairs >I strong and durable

And many other bargains too iJumclOUS tonfention



1 IIICatpetsri II

V aJri1111tI

lft tUflckrthet-

hrecdiJoi11 JOPLINlIht J JDa Phon 13


I fi