j.~a the coal strike

W&k mi E giremng TimE5-1{Eii.uWteu^nctrshciirtmu!t. JftritEr, mud™, 3(uIo 21, 1902 KNABE, PIANOS sSagv high-grade piano shonld p<;t prices oil Knabee from mo. I can «ivc> you lowost prices and the benefit of a_ choice from n very largo stock of these instruments. Address Chat. Field, Box 117 Marshalltown, la. rrBIjldlKn DAILY IIV THE TIMES-UEI'IUILIUAN I'tUNTINU CO. terms: One Year. by Mull Hy the Month, by Mail Delivered by Carrier. liy the Month. DR. I. H. FRY ^SPECIALIST 'Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Eyes Correctly Fitted to Glasses. J.,-*' Oflfce No. 19 W. Main. WHY NOT PATRONIZE Kelson's Towel Supply As eveyy person uses towels In their otlice and business house, and 1 will furnish clean towels everv week in any number wanted for ^ the usual price of luunderinp. Leave orders 117H East Linn, or ordo r by postal card. iffis; J. A, NELSON Announcements of rhureh and society en- tertainments. secular meetings. "cards of thanks." obituary resolutions, and similar notices. will be charged at the rate of S eems per line for each Insertion. The State University of Iowa IOWA CITY. Colleges of Liberal Arts, Law, Medi- cine, Homeopathic Medicine, Dentistry, J?harmacy, Graduate College. Free scholarships available except in profes- sional colleges. Co-educational. Summer session. All colleges open Sept. 22 and Feb. 10. Send for anour.ee- jnents. SKEGG'S 'mmmli We haveno competitors. House Painting:, we excel. Interior Dec- orating. Our workmen are the best, our prices the lowest. Ask -your neighbor. Everything in the Paint line. -.v - JAMES SKECC v <* %\r* t v ^ Wholesaler, Retailer. \\6 East Main St. DR. WOOD PROPRIETOR j MARSHALLTOWN. 1A. Dr. Wcod is studying in the eye & ear hospitals of New York City. His address is 767 Union street, Brooklyn, •N. Y. He will be In his office again •Sept. 1st. ; ^ * Office 108 E. Main St. | H. Singer Fur Factory jj. 3E We will have a large line of fur > garments of all kinds for the (9 next season in the latest styles. Ja Our fur jackets are guaranteed 5 to fit and wear. We are showing the latest novelties in scarfs, n neckwear, collarettes, muffs, etc. None to beat the style and qual- I? ity of our fur jackets and neek- fq wear. It is better for the cus- A tomers to buy their fur garments ^3* from the fur factory, where you #1 can get your fur garments at a wholesale price. We also do all V kinds of repairing. Now Is the time to have your garments re- £ modeled. Have them ready to 5 wear before the busy time be- $ gins. 1 1H. Singer Fur Factory 5 . '-?•* £06 EAST MAIIl THE CITY IN BRIEF ' * n ; ; Dr. Bay, 14 East Main^ v Or. Trotter, over 12 West Main. George J. Allen, scientific optician. Drs. Fry, Homeopathic phys,, surg Take your laundry to Flition's or 'phone and the wagon will call. From s until 11 o'clock tomorrow shirt waists for -9 cents. Lee & Bene- dict. For chronic diseases see Dr. Tucker 306 East Main street. Consultation at of lice tree. For Sale or Rent—Six-room cottage, with barn. No. 40S Swayzie street. II. J. Rodgers. Plait's Salad Dressing is excellent for all salads, meat, fish, etc. Sold at Reynolds & Sheldon's. There will be an excursion over the Chicago Great Western to St. Paul and Minneapolis July 27, $3 for the round trip. Mrs. J. L. Mead, of Liseomb. who was in the city Friday to attend the funeral of the late William Baily. returned Sat- urday evening to her home. Saturday evening's Mason City Times-Herald: Mrs. J. M. Smith de- parted this morning for Marshall :own. where she will visit with friends lor a few days. ^ ^ Mr. Herbert Parker, who has been quite ill for the past week, is somewhat improved. As soon as his condition ad- mits he will be taken to Colfax for fur- ther treatment. Barn for Rent—With yard adjoining. Two stalls, buggy and harness room. L.ocated in rear of 410 East Church street. Boardman, Aldrich & Law- rence. court house. W. A. Jacobs, the socialist lecturer, will speak on the court house square Wednesday, July 23. in the afternoon and evening, on "Direct Legislation and Municipal Ownership." C. A. Werlich. of the Iowa' Central general freight department, Peoria, ar- rived in the city Saturday to arrange for the removal of his family and household effects to Peoria. Fletcher Mead went to Orinnel! Sat- urday evening, were, in company with his father. E. R. Mead, and brother, Al- bert Mead, he will remain for a week in charge of a residence painting con- tract. Mr. II. E. Wood, who acted as starter for the race meetng at Finkles Park t.tiring the past week, went to Oska- loosa this morning, where he will act in {' like capacity for the meeting in that city, to be held this week. The Marshalltown Light, Power & Railway Company has placed on sale a 10-cent pleasure ride ticket, whieh en- titles the purchaser to a trip over the entire system, bringing you back to starting point without change of cars. Oskaloosa Journal: George Living- ston, formerly a well-known and re- spected citizen of Oskaloosa. came down from Marshalltown Friday night for a few days' visit in the city. He has been warmly greeted by his many friends. Guy Savage, storekeeper for the Iowa Central at Monmouth. 111., who lias been In the city a few days looking after business matters and visiting his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Savage, two and one-half miles south of town, left Saturday evening for his home. Mrs. F. E. Nortliup is entertaining at house party this week Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Ryan and son Reginald, of Syra- cuse. N. V.: Mr. and Mrs. D. W. O'Hern, of Morgantown. W. Va.. and Mrs. O. F. Neal and sons, William and Edward, of Hampton. The^ ladies are Mrs. North- up's sisters. Try the "Middle West" cigar "The MaUintr of .lano'" at Lu big's. Try the James Cooper 10 cent cigar. Dr. Dullard, osteopath, 2S East Main. fur I cents a yard. tor at •aip- the . Pan! ami tin; -omul at lOii •ilnesday Dr. Janss, surgeon and physician. Do you smoke the "Middle West?" "A Man's Woman." a tale ol the gie.it with his health. Mr. suffering from acute organic Mrs. Shutos has just re- a visit north and was taken He for Challif s tomorrow Lee & Benedict. Watermelon and ice eieam BivcUle's dining hall tomorrow lor ! Pel- - There will be an excursion over Chicago Croat \\ eslern to Minneapolis July _7, if trip _ f'f pi'in to aneti'i the ice cteam sot tal given bv the i olirt of lloiii'l South Second even 1 in:. Mr W S- Bobbins left for Chicago Sundav morning mi consult a >ptii.ili regarding his health and his other for a few days. Mr. J. S. Bailey, of c.rinnell, spent tin day in the city, coming to consult a physician concernim Baile trouble. The Ladies' Cemetery Aid Society will be entertained Wednesday atter- noon by Mrs. George Traimnann and Mis. C. F. Sehoenhut. at the Traill- liiann home, 602 West Main slieet. Mrs. J. G. Pence was called to I. nion Sunday morning by word aiinoum nig the serious illness of her sister, Mrs. L. B. Shutes. turned from ill while away. Sunday Morning's Pes Moines News says: "Ed Porsheimer was arraigned in police court Saturday afternoon, pleaded guilty and trial was set next Monday afternoon on the charge of inctst. No bail was given." The monthly shift of the police force occurred Sunday at 12 o'clock. In the depot district OtRcer Clark will have the night beat and Officer Weaver the day, and up town < itlicer Hanson will be on duty days and Officer Ilurd nights. _ A pleasant family reunion was held at the home of Mr. J. S. MeNeel, olO Bromley street, today. Mrs. .T. S. Ruth- erford and children, of Chicago, daugh- ter and grandchildren of Mr. MeNeel, and Rev. A. W. MeNeel, of Arion, a,son, were present. The Court of Honor will have an en- tertainment on Stewart Eason s lawn ai 10»5 South Second avenue on Wednesday evening. July 23, in honor of the seventh anniversaiy of their or- ganization. Ice cream and cake will be served. Everybody invited. G. R. Haas was in Liseomb Sunday, spending the day at the home of his wife's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Up- dike. Mrs. Updike is quite critically ill with an attack of peritonitis, and it is feared that owing to her advancdJ years the result may prove fatal. Good progress is being made, consid- ering the condition of the weather, on the curbing and gutters preparatory to laying the new asphalt pavement on Third street. The curbing and gutters were finished between Fremont and State streets, on the west side, today. Miss Juliet Allen, who has been in the city for the past month as the guest of her uncle and aunt.'Mr. and Mrs. R. W. ] Chamberlain, left for her home in Mc- Gregor this morning. Miss Winifred Chamberlain accompanied her visit relatives in Dubuque before her return. northwest ice region, at I . h big s. bolt of w lut ents a yard. t >ne nion row lor 15 diet. pique tomor Lee iV Bene' ther, W. M. Kuhns, of Paton. N. M„ Is visiting in the ciiv at the Kuhns home, I and ] rout here will go to Baxter to \imi his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ella former residents ol Slat Kuhns, ii 11 and will and Creseo Tony Navara. a Chicago Great West- j ! ern section hand, residing on May! street, was injured Saturday afternoon j by getting his right hand caught under ;.) rail. The thumb and index finger were | ! n,ashed, and the bones of each broken. ]Te was taken to the Get7. hospital, where his injuries were dressed, lie ! was later removed to his home. j Mr. and Mrs.. -J. E. Wildmin. Mrs. ! Rose Reed, of Pine. Ariz.. Miss Grace j Kimberlv. of Stuart, and Mr. ;:.nd Mrs. | Amos Ball, of Des Moines, are members Mr. M. C. Dak in. Mr. and Mrs. Wil'« Dakin and son McKinley, Mrs. Frank Ball and son Mack, Mrs. J. L. McMa- hon and son Jerome, Mrs. Marion Rich- ards, Mr. and .Mrs. 10. H. Schilling, Mr. A. P. Woolston. Mr. Henry Pl'antz ami Mr. George German, all of State Cen- ter. were circus visitors in the city Sat- urday. ; Do you want a set of dishes for a birthday or a wedding present'.' We have a larger stock to select from than you can find anywhere in the city, either llaviland china or semi porce- lain. We have twenty-five of those elegant decorated semi porcelain sets. Choice for Also ten stock pat- terns in decorated dinner ware to se- lect from. Temple of Economy. Green stamps. Articles of incorporation were filed this morning by the Vail Gasoline Gas Machine Company. The incorporate are John P. Vail. M'-rritt Greene and Sting's R. Anson, with a capital stock of J2r..00H. The board of directors a Mi rrilt Greene. John D. Vail, L. W. Robbins. Sturgis R. Anson and C. C. St. Clair, of which Merritt Greene is presi- dent: O. C. St. Clair, vice president: and John D. Vail, secretary and treasurer. There will be ail exclusion filer the Chicago Great Western to St. Paul and Minneapolis July 27, $3 for ttie round trip. Fireman' J.~A T 11 eath. of the Cent.a 1. who has been in the citv for two weeks, or since his recent injury sustained while at. work on the Illinois division, left Sunday evening lor Monmouth, where he will leport for duty. Mr. Walter E. Gilman left Sunday evening for St. Louis, where he will ic- loain for a fVw days looking altei tin- pi ogress of the work being done on a new railroad to the worlds lai: grounds, for which the Oilman & Mc- Neill Company has the contract. Miss Jessie Sharp is home from Jop- iin. Mo., where she has been tor several months in charge of a large millinery luiswiess. Miss Sharp will remain for a fortnight's visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. <'. Sharp. ".<>6 North Second street, after which she will leave tor Chicago and New York to prepare lor the fall season's frade. Miss Sharp has i not decided whether she will return to; Joplin in the fall or go to another city. | where she has been offered a position. J Secretary J. II. Fellingham. of thej R a ilroad V. M. C. A., left for Lake Ge- j neva. Wis., ibis morning, where lie goes! to sei ure. if possible, a physical diree-| for for the association. Mr. E. A. Rule.! who is with the physical directors at | the Wisconsin lake, has three excellent men in view, cither of whom lie thinks Mr. Fellingham will be able to secure. Mr. Rules leaves the association on the first of September, to resume his work at the state university, and the associa- tion intends to secure some one to take his place. Miss Mabel Weatherbee, of Taylor township, who is soon to be married to Mr. Clayton Thomas, of Green Moun- tain, was given a novelty shower Fri- day at the home of Mr. Charles Eekles. Miss Friend and Miss Iv'kles acting as hostesses. Many novel and useful pres- ents were presented to the bride-elect. Those present were from among the more intimate young lady friends of Miss Weatherbee and were the Misses Isenberg. Ila/.en. McAfee, Classen. Nicliol, Soderbert ters. Randall and Stewart. George E. Crary began suit today in the district court against the unknown heirs of John and Lvdia Carroll, in which he seeks to establish his title as against the adverse claims of the de- fendants to property in Washington township. The discrepancy in the titb- dates back to Oct. 23. 1S0S. when Merri- nian V. Grove, then owner of the land, gave a mortgage of $1,000 to Mr. and Mrs. Carroll, secured by two promissory notes. These were assigned to H. E. J. Boardman in January. 1S«0, and there has been some question, brought to light later, as to the nature of this transfer, involving the question of whether or not Carroll had the right to conduct the assignment. The Mason City Times-Herald of Saturday says: "George W. Met Jill, representing the Clark Coal Company, was in the city yesterday looking at (lie city Saturday night to attend the circus. Messrs- II. E. Burkhart and X. G la sen and Misses Carrie Beach and Stella < Masco, ol /earing. ..were in the city Sat- urday. Mrs Fred Graves, of Gilman, and Miss Nellie Wilcox, ot Montour, \yere in .lie city Saturday night to attend the I M'cUS. Mr. W. L- M. Wciisel. of Melbourne, spent Sunday in the city, being a gues: af the home of his daughter, Mrs. T. J. Shoemaker. Mr. Oscar W*. Peterson, of Oakland. CaL. arrived ill the city Saturday for a visit of a few days with his uncle. Rev. S. Skogsberg. Miss Myrtle Williams, of Baxter, who has been visiting Mrs. Norton, of 207 East Main street, returned home Sat- urday evening. Pr. M. It. Smith, of Laurel. Miss Lil- lian E. Smith ami Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Smith, the latter of Webster City, were ii: the city Saturday. Mrs. Charles Cotton, who has been i I'll spending the past week with Mrs. George P. Powers, li ft for her home in Sabula this morning. Mr. Frank Ward, of Tama, and son Larov. were in the city Saturday night to attend tile circus, and were guests at the W. W. Ward home. Miss Alice Nelson, who lias been- in the city two weeks as the guest of Miss Edna Bromley, returned Sunday even- ing lo her home ill Ame«. Miss Lucy Carlson, who has been in Ibe city for a week visaing Mi^s Nan- nine Pihlgren. returned Sunday evening Quotations on Staple Products Having n her home in Pes Moines. j a Market in Marshalltown. ; - The following prices quoted are Guaranteed Pure. None So Good* Order lrom Bernstein Bros. DANDRUFF WON'T WASH OUT The Germ That Causes It Has to _ Destroyed to Cure Dandruff. j Many a woman spends an lioui twice! a week scouring her scalp, thinking that ; ®sXSXS>5^®GXiiXi\t)®®^^ scrubbing off the scurf will cure the. dandruff. Two hours a week, at the age! of -to years, she ha;-' spent 2*10 days of . ^ t welve hours each, or two-thirds of a | g year of her life, in that vain hope; vain, ; because >' ou can't cure dandruff with-;^) i.ut killing the dandruff germ, and the only hair preparafion on earth that will 1 do that is Newbro's "I lerpicide" aiso : a delightful hair dressing, and thorough; antiseptic against all contagion from j use of other's hair brushe:-'. I I'll brave the storms of Chilkoot Pass, 1.11 cross the plains of frozen glass. ' leave my wife and cross the sea. Rather than be without Rocky Moun- tain Tea. •vienride & Will Drug Company.; ; •'"'it this out and take it to a drug j I..,.,,.., ., m i get a box of chamberlain's. I Stomach and Liver Tablets. The bes. i; ! physic. They also correct disorders oi ; ! rhe stomach. Price 25 cents, i'or sale ^ y druggists. MARSHALLTOWN MARKETS. The Coal Strike should be settled once and for a.H> and so should the question as to who gives the best values for the money. The size of the chunk don't determine the quality of the coal. What yot want is value, dollar for dollar, and that's what we give you in Coal Mrs. Marv and Miss . Sunday in th< evening to alt Miss Myrtle evening from as ob- Wessel. Miss Addle Stowe . nkins. of Grinnell. spent ! nearly correct as it is possi l e o .(tain from Marshalltown dealers. I IK. es paid by deal- Sa turduy city, coming •ml the circus. Long returned Saturday Quarry, where she has Thomas. Evans, Wa- the been visiting for a week with her uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Gada. Mr. and Mrs. II. L. McCaw. of Mason City, were in the city Sunday as guests at the home of Mrs. MeCaw's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William F. Long. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Patten, daughter Rachel and Miss Jessie McMahon spent Sunday in Union at the home of Mrs. Patten's mother, Mrs. J. W. Adams. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Lawrence left Saturday night for St. Paul, where they will remain for a ten days' visit with Mr. Lawrence's father, Col. J. W. Law- rence. Mrs. Jennie N. Williams and son, Mr. Fred Williams, left for Rolfe this morn- ing. where they will visit for a couple of weeks with the former's sister, Mrs. R. P. Brown. Miss Naomi Euziere, who has been in the city for the past three months with her brothers, Messrs, A. L. and Rainia Fuziere, left for her home in Manitou, III., this morning. Mr. Allen Packer, of Union, was in the city Saturday on business. Mrs. Packer accompanied him and went to Ames, where she spent the day at the II. J. Howard home. Mr. and Mrs. F. Z. Whinery and daughter Gail, and Mr. C. L. Rogers and daughter Bea, of Union, were guests Sunday at the home of Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Whinery. Mrs. M. C. Lutz, of Waterford, Can- ada, and Mrs. Joseph Smith, of Sabula, who have been the guests of Mrs. Adah Osmnn for the past week, left for their respective homes this morning. Dr. and Mrs. L. F. Kellogg anil fam- ily left for Clear Lake this morning for coal dealers but not offering to sell j their summer outing. Mrs. Isellog and them any hard coal. He wants to keep up a running acquaintance with them so thi|t when the time does come when coal is on the market he will be able to send them a pound or so. But George had another mission. He has recently taken unto himself a wife and he want- ed to tell the boys of it. For the past twenty-five years he knew that there | was something lacking, but he could ! not understand just what it was. Fi- {nally the charms of a certain young ! lady fastened themselves upon him, j and there was no way of dodging the ; issue, and he popped the question, ! made the deal easier than he ever sold | a carload of coal, the papers were 'made out. the minister secured, paid a 50 cent piece with a hole in it, and the i deed was done. George is a popular •fellow and the newspaper fraternity •and the coal men unite in extending congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. McGill will reside at Marshalltown." . PERSONAL MENTION Conductor W. W. White, of fhe Cen- , tral. who has charge of the Newton jbranch passenger run. brought to the (city Sunday afternoon a train of five tears of stock that were transferred here I to the Northwestern for Chicago. Mr. j White's trip was for a double purpose. While here his engine. No. 2."), in charge of a camping party that left Saturday j o! - F, lf rj n0 or Oscar Seheiding. was taken afternoon for the clay blulfs. four miles ;j n (,, the shops for light repairs. Th- up the river, for a week's outing. Mr. j train returned south to Newton wilh and Mrs. W. B. Wildmaii and family tNV(1 f , x tra coaches to handle the circus will be at the camp during a pjrtion of of Eldora, was in of Tama, was in BEST FOR THE BOWELS If vmi haTon't a resruUr, hcaltlij movement of thf bowels every dav, you'ro ill or vrill hi . Kocp your bowel' openJand'be well. Force, in Ihe shape of no lent phytic or pill poison, is <lai)Bevouii. Thji mnoot lr Et oMloit. most perfect way o? keeping ihe bowels . clear and clean is to take CANDY CATHARTIC EAT 3 EWI LIKE CANDY PUfrK&nt Palatable, i'otcnt. Taste r.oud. Do Uood. Never 8iek'«n, Weaken, or Gripe. 10, 2 -'-l j". c on Ser box. Writo for free amuple, anil booklet on billth. AddroM CHICAGO or NP.W TOliS. - v ITEUMSQ 1U»V COBPAST KEEP Very Low Excursion Rates to Portland Tacoma, Seatle, Vancouver and Vic- .tori a. Via the Northwestern line. Excursion tickets will be sold July 1 lto 21 Inclus- ive, with final return limit by extension until Sept. 15, inclusive, account Y. P. C. U. meeting. Pullman standard and tcurlst sleepers, dining cars, scenic foute. Apply to agents Chicago & I ihe week. Mrs. H. Campbell and daughter. Miss 'Ella, of 312 West Boone street were in Eldora Sunday, where they attended the funeral of the late Frank Merrill, \ the young man whose death as the re- sult of having been kicked by a horse was mentioned In these columns Satur- day. Mrs. Max Johnson, a sister of the deceased, who was called to Eldora at- the time of the accident to her brother, was also present at the funeril. Articles of re-incorporation rf the Times-Republican Printing Company were tiled Saturday with Recorder Packer, because of the expiration of the articles of the former corporation, on Sunday, July 20. The authorized capital stock of the concern is $100,000. The incorporators of the company are its present officers, D. W. Norris, Jr., president; .T. P. Dotson, vice president: Theodore Johnston, secretary . and treasurer. ^ s.'-. The funeral of the late M rs. P. TI. Malloy was largely attended Sunday afternoon from St. Mary's church. \ ery Rev. M. C. Lenihan conducted the serv- ices, and members of St. Mary's choir had charge of the music. Relatives and friends from out of the city present at the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. John J. Coughlln, of Davenport: Mr. TOdward Byrnes, of Chicago: .1. E. Malloy and family. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Malloy. daughter Margaret and sol'.., Michael Malloy, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Fred Niedert and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Robinson, all of State Center: and Mr. Charles Rob- inson, of Des Moines. crowds into Oskaloosa today. The friends of A. E. Viz, formerly of this city, but for several years engaged in the photo business in Chicago, his specially being platinum portraits, the finest made in tills country, as many Marshalltown people can testify, will be pleased to learn that he is very pros- perous and has several Marshalltown I people employed. The firm is known as the Mat/.ene Company, of which Mr. Viz is president. The studio is located at 102 Michigan avenue and the rooms are elegantly furnished. Mr. Vtz would be pleased to see all his old Marshall town friends when in Chicago an l have them make his parlors their headquarters. Louis Tate has adopted a scheme whereby he thinks he will be aide to furnish Gilbert Lynch, a young man of the city, with a new artificial leg. L>nch was formerly a T.-R. carrier boy. and several yt'ars ago, while on his route, attempted to cross between a string of cars, with the result that he had a foot mashed. Lynch has been wearing an artificial limb, but lost it in the Treinont fire. He Is without means to purchase another, and Mr. Tate has hit on a plan to present him w th enough money to purchase a new- ore. Mr. Tate has arranged for receiv- ing returns of the Jeffries-Fir/simmons fight of Friday night by wire, and el arging an admission to hear them. A:? there are a great many sporting men of the city who do not want to w lit for their morning papers a good si-m will undoubtedly be realized from tie venture. The money Is all to be presented to Lynch. Mr. J. L. Spurgeon the city Saturday. Mr. W. S. Stoops. the city Saturday night. Mrs. Clara Iverson. of Pickering, vis- ited in the city Saturday. Dr. George Glick, of Des MoineS, spent Sunday in the city. Mr. W. A. Scott, of Grinnell, was a Saturday visitor in the city. Mr. David Thrift, of Nevada, was in the city Saturday on business. Mrs. S. Gregg and daughter, of Gil- man, spent Saturday in the city. Mrs. J. A. Ward and daughter, of Gil- man, spent Saturday in the city. Mrs. Charles Caruthers, of Union, visited friends in the city Saturday. Mr. W. A. Russell, of Albert Lea, Minn., spent Sunday in the city with friends. Mr. J. H- Skiff left for Mason City this morning for an extended stay on business. Messrs. B. F. Hostettler and W. II. Lauphere, of Grinnell, weie in the citj Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Goodell and Mr. slid Mrs. .1. 11. Brown, of Tama, were in the city Saturday. Mrs. J. H- Bassett and brother, Mr. R. J. Wells, of Steamboat Rock, spent Saturday in the city. Mrs. Mary Stouffer. of State Center, visited in the city Saturday as the guest if Mrs. .1. 10. Lander. Mr. .1. B. Tims and daughter and Miss Grace Thompson, of Tama, were Satur- day visitors in the city. Mrs. A. M. Henderson. Miss E. Laura Ilegland and Miss Boyd, of Story City, spent Saturday in the cltv. Mr. G. T. Thomas, of Troy, O., is in the city for a few days' stay on busi- ness, and is visiting relatives. Mr. C. R. Brown went ty Albia Sun- day night, where he remained today looking after business matters. Des Moines News: Miss Mae Beeson, of Marshalltown, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Hill, of Eighteenth street. Miss Lucy Last, of Chicago, arrived in the city Sunday morning for a ten ilays' visit with Mr. and Mrs. T. J. San- ders. Mr. A. E. Jackson and daughters, Helen and Marjorie, of Tama, were in the children will remain at the lake month, while Dr. Kellogg will return after a week's stay. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tibbits and son, of St. Paul, arrived in the city Sunday morning. Mrs. Tibbits and son will re- main for a short visit as the guests of the former's brothers, Messrs. Charles and Rudolph Henry. Mr. J. M. Holt arrived home this morning from a short business trip to Sykeston, N. D. He met, while there, a number of former Marshall county people who appear to be satisfied with conditions generally. Miss Ella Duke, who has been spend- ing the past six weeks with her cousin, Mrs. George R. Estabrook, left for Ot- tuinwa this morning, where she will visit for a short time before returning. to her home in Shenandoah. Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Auringcr went to Chicago Sunday night, where they will remain for .a few days. Mr. Auringcr* has matters of business to look after there prior to his removal soon to Ne- ligh. Neb., to engage in business. Mrs. J. A. Angier, of I.oup City. Neb., ami Mrs. Nellie Knight, of Strawberry Point, who have been in the city for the past week visiting their brother and uncle. Mr. Julian H. Smith, and family, ieft for their respective homes this morning. Mr. and Mrs. Melzar Dickson and son Glenn arrived home Sunday from a two weeks' visit at Crookston and Duluth, Minn., and points in Michigan. From Duluth Mr. and Mrs. Dickson took a lake trip to Calumet. Mich., and re- turned home via. St. Paul. Mrs. Sarah Mote, who makes her home in this city with her daughter, Mrs. C. II. Hudson, corner of Fourth avenue and Linn street, returned Sat- urday evening from Cedar Rapids. , , , f t h where she had been for a five weeks' . visit with her son, W. H. Mote. Mrs. T. L. Hall and Mrs. C. R: Will- iams left this morning for an extended visit of three months with friends and relatives In Rock Island, Clinton, Dav- enport and St. Louis. While in Rock Island the ladies will visit with Mrs. Hall's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Hol- sa pple. Miss Maude Ballou, of Nevada, spent Saturday afternoon in the city with her brother and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Ballou going in the evening to Liseomb, where she will visit Miss Nettle Patton for a week. Miss Ballou will return to Marshalltown Saturday and be here for a week at her brother's home. Mrs. A. B. Conaway left Saturday for Denisoii. where she will visit her sister. Mrs. D. L. Mizer. In company j j u , r> with Mrs. Mizer she will visit Crystal ike and other Ohio resorts, anil from quotations are tor pilf- ers. corrected this afternoon at 3 o'clock. ' CORN. The Glucose Sugar Refining Com- pany fillers 5l5 cents for old No. .5 ! corn or better and sound, dry new corn ot 7U pounds. LIVESTOCK. Receipts Saturday, 200. Lriitain it Co. are paying the follow- ing prices for hogs in wagon load lots: Selected light, 100 to 200 pounds, fit i o. Selected medium, 200 to 230 pounds, G.T.v.f t Selected heavy, over 230 pounds, 7.1T,. POULTRY, EGGS AND BUTTER. Armour it Co. are paying the follow- ing prices to farmers for different var- ieties of poultry, eggs and butter: liens—T cents per pound. Old cocks—4 cents per pound, Stags—I cents. Springs—10 cents. Old toms—U',2 cents. Cull turkeys—5 cents. Hen turkeys—0 cents. Young gobblers—7 cents. Guineas—1.50 per dozen. Ducks—6 cents. Geese—6 cents. Eggs—in 1 /;! cents. Butter, packing stock—14 cents, loss off. Swift & Co. quote the following prices to farmers for poultry, eggs and butter: Spring—11 cent?. Hens—Per pound 7'i cents. Young roosters—Per pound 4 cents. Old roosters—Per pound 3 cents. No. 1 hen turkeys—Per pound S cents. No. 1 torn turkeys—Per pound 6 cents. Young torn turkeys—7 cents. Cull turkeys—Per pound 5 cents. Ducks (fat, full feathered j—Pei pound 5 cents. Geese—5Vi cents. Guineas—Each 10 cents. Butter, packing stock—12 cents. Uggs—Fresh, 14 cents, loss off. POULTRY AND PROVISIONS. The Iowa Fruit and Produce Com- pany is paying the following cash prices: Old hens—7^ cents. Smooth hens—S cents. Old roosters—4 cents. Butter, packing stock—15 cents, ofi grade 13 cents. Eggs—Fresh 16 cents, loss off. HIDES, WOOL AND TALLOW. H. Willard, Son & Co. are paying the following prices: No. 1 green hides—G cents. No. 2 green hides—5 cents. » n- Pelts—30(?i 60 cents. Horse hides—1.592.25. Medium wool—135} 15 cents. Fine wool—9<fTll cents. , Tallow—No. 1—4 cents. 1 - PROVISIONS. Marshalltown grocers quote the fol- lowing prices for country produce: Potatoes—New, 50 cents per bushel in trade. Butter—IS cents. •' ' Pekay L COKE m LIME COMPANY i & J os jf jt J & ^ J* ^ J* & <5* J* J* J* J* ' DECLARATION or O INDEPENDENCE I Our Declaration A Box of - Lowney's Candies FREE with every Skirt Box sold da- ring the month of July. Brown, UPHOLSTER AND RUG MAKER. New Phone 538. 118 W. Main fc 'A % fe fc fe fc % % fc fc fc fc fc % k % % fc k fc U "I Wish to Thank You for showing; me THELMA/' said a lady in ot»f store the other day. "It is the most delightful odor I have ever used, and it is so permanent." We must confess that^ a good many people are saying that nowadays, and we're «lad, although we knew that would be the result when once they got to using THELMA* May we show it to you. too? McBride 8c Will Drug Co, ^ ^ & jf jf «r j? i? *" i? J?^ ^ af a* 1 J? «P IT aCKUC tf ** IT DAVID AND GOLIATH. A Little Shot Put Old King Coffee Out of Busincs. When medicine fails, they sometimes send sick people away to another cli- mate for their health. Sometimes the climate does it, but more otten they stumble 011 the proper food to take 4 , antl then get well. A lady in San Diego tells of a friend home each December, for | the past two winters, to go to Califor- j ilia for her health. She says:—"Almost I all of her time was spoilt in visiting ! the doctor and sitting in a big chair and watching the clock to note the time for her next dose of medicine. Nervous- ness was her principal trouble, and with others of kindred nature, made lift» for her a burden. On ihe occasion of lier last visit, 1 begged her to give up the use of coffee, and use Postuni Coffee. She replied that she could not stop coffee. I said no more at the time, but the next morning at breakfast, I passed her a fragrant, steaming cup of Postum, making it as it should be made. After that, I had no more trouble, ami my friend drank no more coffee. P.ut the most surprising part of the experienco was the change that soon came ovei: Young Ladies' Favorite. SEE THAT THIS ua//tA MARK TRADE IS BRANDED ON EVERY SHOE. Oxfords $2.50 Other Styles for Street, Dress, House, Outing. HAVE COME. Geo. Trautman. fc % % "% % fc fc % % k fc V, > % fc <3® J* J® J® ^ ^ >5® J®. L there will go farther east, into New- York, for a few weeks' stay at pleasure points. Mrs. Conaway expects to be absent from home until Oct. 1. Conductor ltyron Fowler, of the Cen- tral. and wife left Sunday evening for Madison, Kas„ where tlie.v will remain for a two weeks' visit with Mr. Fow- ler's parents. From there they will go to Indianapolis, Lafayette and other Indiana points to visit relatives, and thence to Chicago and Monmouth. They expect to home about Sept. 1. Clem Kuhns, of 310 South Fourth street, who has been quite seriously ill for a week with an attack of pleurisy, is improving and Is now considered out of immediate danger. Mr. Kuhns' bro- We began to notice It within less than a week. In less than a month, her ner- vousness had left her. ami in three months, she was a new woman in l'aee. figure and health. I had not dared to hope for so much benefit, altho I had been greatly benefited myself by Post- um, but coffee to lu>r system was sim- ply poisonous, and I believe this Is the ease with many others. She returned to her home in December, and was married within less than two months after. She never fails to give credit to Postum for her health or thanks to me for teaching her to make It properly, and well she may, for Post- um lias done for her what travel, doc- tors and medicine failed to do." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek. Mich. DR. F. A. TUCKER CHRONIC DISEASES The Doctor treats and cures Nervous and Private diseases. Old Chronic Ailments of Stomach, Intestines, Liver, Lungs, Heart, Kidneys, Bladder, Chronic Brights Disease, Diabetis, etc* treathed with greatest success. RECTAL TROUBLES 1* t ? cured without the knife. t CANCER cured by painless method. •£ Diseases of women given special attention. ij- Consultation at office free. Call or write, correspondence X solicited. Office 106 East Main St. Marshalltown, la. A Entrance between Parker's Dry Goods store and Seig's Drug store. Brewed in a plant as clean a* the cleanest home kitchen-—always open to your inspection—58,971 visitors last year.

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Page 1: J.~A The Coal Strike

W&k mi E giremng TimE5-1{Eii.uWteu^nctrshciirtmu!t. JftritEr, mud™, 3(uIo 21, 1902

KNABE, PIANOS sSagv high-grade piano shonld p<;t prices oil Knabee from mo. I can «ivc> you lowost prices and the benefit of a_ choice from n very largo stock of these instruments. Address

Chat. Field, Box 117 Marshalltown, la.

r rBI j ld lKn DAILY I IV THE


terms: One Year . by Mul l Hy the Month , by Mai l De l ive red by Car r ie r . l iy the Month .

DR. I. H. FRY ^SPECIALIST 'Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat

Eyes Correctly Fitted to Glasses. J.,-*' Oflfce No. 19 W. Main.


Kelson's Towel Supply As eveyy person uses towels In the i r o t l i ce and bus iness house , and 1 wil l fu rn i sh c lean towels everv week in any number wanted fo r

^ the usua l p r ice o f luunder inp . Leave o rders 117H Eas t L inn , o r o rdo r by pos ta l ca rd .

iffis; J. A, NELSON

Announcements o f rhureh and soc ie ty en­te r ta inments . secu la r mee t ings . "ca rds of thanks . " ob i tua ry reso lu t ions , and s imi la r no t ices . wi l l be charged a t the ra te of S eems per l ine fo r each Inse r t ion .

The State University of Iowa IOWA CITY.

Col leges o f L ibera l Ar t s , Law, Medi ­c ine , Homeopa th ic Medic ine , Dent i s t ry , J?harmacy , Gradua te Col lege . F ree scho la r sh ips ava i lab le excep t in p rofes ­s iona l co l leges . Co-educa t iona l .

Summer sess ion . Al l co l l eges open Sep t . 22 and Feb . 10 . Send fo r anour .ee -jnen t s .



We haveno competitors. House Painting:, we excel. Interior Dec­orating. Our workmen are the best, our prices the lowest. Ask -your neighbor. Everything in the Paint l ine . - .v -

JAMES SKECC v <* %\ r* t v ̂

Wholesaler, Retailer. \ \6 East Main St .


MARSHALLTOWN. 1A. Dr. Wcod i s s tudy ing in the eye &

ear hosp i ta l s o f New York Ci ty . His

address i s 767 Union s t ree t , Brooklyn ,

•N. Y. He wi l l be In h i s of f ice aga in

•Sep t . 1s t . ; ̂ *

Office 108 E. Main St.

| H. Singer Fur Factory jj. 3E We wi l l have a la rge l ine o f fu r > garments o f a l l k inds fo r the (9 nex t season in the l a tes t s ty les . Ja Our fu r j acke t s a re guaran teed 5 to f i t and wear . We a re showing

the l a tes t nove l t i e s in sca r f s , n neckwear , co l l a re t t es , muf fs , e tc . • None to bea t the s ty le and qua l -I? i ty of our fu r j acke t s and neek-fq wear . I t i s be t t e r fo r the cus -A tomers to buy the i r fu r ga rments

^3* f rom the fu r fac to ry , where you #1 can ge t your fu r ga rments a t a

wholesa le p r ice . We a l so do a l l V kinds of r epa i r ing . Now Is the

t ime to have your ga rments re -£ modeled . Have them ready to 5 wear before the busy t ime be-$ gins . 1 •

1H. Singer Fur Factory 5 . '-?•* £06 EAST MAIIl

T H E C I T Y I N B R I E F ' * n ; ;

Dr. Bay , 14 Eas t Main^ v

Or. Tro t te r , over 12 Wes t Main .

George J . Al len , sc ien t i f i c op t ic ian .

Drs . F ry , Homeopa th ic phys , , su rg

Take your l aundry to F l i t ion ' s o r ' phone and the wagon wi l l ca l l .

F rom s un t i l 11 o ' c lock tomorrow sh i r t wa is t s fo r -9 cen t s . Lee & Bene­d ic t .

For chron ic d i seases see Dr . Tucker 306 Eas t Main s t ree t . Consu l ta t ion a t of l i ce t r ee .

For Sa le o r Rent—Six- room co t tage , wi th barn . No . 40S Swayz ie s t ree t . I I . J . Rodgers .

P la i t ' s Sa lad Dress ing i s exce l len t fo r a l l sa lads , mea t , f i sh , e t c . So ld a t Reynolds & She ldon ' s .

There wi l l be an excurs ion over the Chicago Grea t Wes te rn to S t . Pau l and Minneapol i s Ju ly 27 , $3 fo r the round t r ip .

Mrs . J . L . Mead , o f L i seomb. who was in the c i ty Fr iday to a t t end the funera l o f the l a te Wi l l i am Bai ly . r e tu rned Sa t ­urday even ing to her home.

Sa tu rday even ing ' s Mason Ci ty T imes-Hera ld : Mrs . J . M. Smi th de­par ted th i s morn ing fo r Marsha l l :own. where she wi l l v i s i t wi th f r i ends lo r a few days . ^ ̂

Mr . Herber t Parker , who has been qu i te i l l fo r the pas t week , i s somewhat improved . As soon as h i s condi t ion ad­mi t s he wi l l be t aken to Col fax fo r fu r ­the r t r ea tment .

Barn fo r Ren t—With yard ad jo in ing . Two s ta l l s , buggy and harness room. L .oca ted in r ea r of 410 Eas t Church s t ree t . Boardman, Aldr ich & Law­rence . cour t house .

W. A. Jacobs , the soc ia l i s t l ec tu re r , wi l l speak on the cour t house square Wednesday , Ju ly 23 . in the a f te rnoon and even ing , on "Di rec t Leg is la t ion and Munic ipa l Ownersh ip . "

C . A. Wer l i ch . o f the Iowa ' Cen t ra l genera l f re igh t depar tment , Peor ia , a r ­r ived in the c i ty Sa turday to a r range fo r the remova l o f h i s fami ly and household e f fec t s to Peor ia .

F le tcher Mead went to Or inne l ! Sa t ­urday even ing , were , in company wi th h i s fa ther . E . R . Mead , and bro ther , Al ­ber t Mead , he wi l l r emain fo r a week in charge of a res idence pa in t ing con­t rac t .

Mr . I I . E . Wood, who ac ted a s s ta r te r fo r the race mee tng a t F ink les Park t . t i r ing the pas t week , went to Oska-loosa th i s morn ing , where he wi l l ac t in { ' l i ke capac i ty fo r the mee t ing in tha t c i ty , to be he ld th i s week .

The Marsha l l town Ligh t , Power & Rai lway Company has p laced on sa le a 10-cen t p leasure r ide t i cke t , whieh en­t i t l e s the purchaser to a t r ip over the en t i re sys tem, b r ing ing you back to s t a r t ing po in t wi thou t change of ca r s .

Oska loosa Journa l : George L iv ing­s ton , fo rmer ly a wel l -known and re ­spec ted c i t i zen of Oska loosa . came down f rom Marsha l l town Fr iday n igh t fo r a few days ' v i s i t in the c i ty . He has been warmly gree ted by h i s many f r i ends .

Guy Savage , s to rekeeper fo r the Iowa Cent ra l a t Monmouth . 111 . , who l i as been In the c i t y a few days look ing a f te r bus iness mat te r s and v i s i t ing h i s pa r ­en t s , Mr . and Mrs . I I . W. Savage , two and one-ha l f mi les sou th of town, l e f t Sa tu rday even ing fo r h i s home.

Mrs . F . E . Nor t l iup i s en te r ta in ing a t house par ty th i s week Mr . and Mrs .

W. D. Ryan and son Regina ld , o f Syra ­cuse . N . V.: Mr. and Mrs . D. W. O 'Hern , o f Morgan town. W. Va . . and Mrs . O. F . Nea l and sons , Wi l l i am and Edward , o f Hampton . The^ l ad ies a re Mrs . Nor th -up ' s s i s t e r s .

Try the "Middle Wes t" c igar

"The MaUin t r o f . l ano ' " a t Lu b ig ' s .

T ry the James Cooper 10 cen t c igar .

Dr . Dul la rd , os teopa th , 2S Eas t Main .

fu r I cen t s a yard .

to r

a t •a ip -

the . Pan! ami t in ; -omul

a t lOi i • i lnesday

Dr . Janss , su rgeon and phys ic ian .

Do you smoke the "Middle Wes t?"

"A Man ' s Woman." a t a le o l the g ie . i t

wi th

h i s hea l th . Mr . su f fe r ing f rom acu te o rgan ic

Mrs . Shu tos has jus t r e -a v i s i t nor th and was t aken

He for

Cha l l i f s tomorrow Lee & Benedic t .

Wate rmelon and ice e ieam BivcUle ' s d in ing ha l l tomorrow lo r ! Pe l - -

There wi l l be an excurs ion over Chicago Croa t \ \ e s le rn to Minneapol i s Ju ly _7 , i f t r ip _ f ' f

p i ' in to ane t i ' i the ice c team so t t a l g iven bv the i o l i r t o f l lo i i i ' l Sou th Second even 1 i n : .

Mr W S- Bobbins l e f t fo r Chicago Sundav morn ing mi consu l t a >p t i i . i l i r egard ing h i s hea l th and h i s o ther fo r a few days .

Mr . J . S . Ba i ley , o f c . r inne l l , spen t t in day in the c i ty , coming to consu l t a phys ic ian concern im Bai le t roub le .

The Ladies ' Cemete ry Aid Soc ie ty wi l l be en te r ta ined Wednesday a t t e r -noon by Mrs . George Tra imnann and Mis . C . F . Sehoenhut . a t the Tra i l l -l i i ann home, 602 Wes t Main s l i ee t .

Mrs . J . G. Pence was ca l l ed to I . n ion Sunday morn ing by word a i inoum n ig the se r ious i l lness o f he r s i s t e r , Mrs . L . B . Shu tes . tu rned f rom i l l whi le away .

Sunday Morn ing ' s Pes Moines News says : "Ed Porshe imer was a r ra igned in po l ice cour t Sa tu rday a f te rnoon , p leaded gu i l ty and t r i a l was se t nex t Monday a f te rnoon on the charge of inc t s t . No ba i l was g iven ."

The month ly sh i f t o f the po l ice fo rce occur red Sunday a t 12 o ' c lock . In the depot d i s t r i c t OtRcer C la rk wi l l have the n igh t bea t and Off ice r Weaver the day , and up town < i t l i ce r Hanson wi l l be on du ty days and Off ice r I lu rd n igh t s . _

A p leasan t f ami ly reun ion was he ld a t the home of Mr . J . S . MeNeel , o lO Bromley s t ree t , today . Mrs . .T . S . Ru th­er ford and ch i ld ren , o f Chicago , daugh­te r and grandch i ld ren of Mr . MeNeel , and Rev . A. W. MeNeel , o f Ar ion , a , son , were p resen t .

The Cour t o f Honor wi l l have an en­te r ta inment on S tewar t Eason s lawn a i 10»5 Sou th Second avenue on Wednesday even ing . Ju ly 23 , in honor of the seven th ann iversa iy of the i r o r ­gan iza t ion . Ice c ream and cake wi l l be se rved . Everybody inv i ted .

G. R . Haas was in L iseomb Sunday , spend ing the day a t the home of h i s wi fe ' s pa ren t s , Mr . and Mrs . M. G. Up­d ike . Mrs . Updike i s qu i te c r i t i ca l ly i l l w i th an a t t ack of pe r i ton i t i s , and i t i s f ea red tha t owing to he r advancdJ years the resu l t may prove fa ta l .

Good p rogress i s be ing made , cons id ­e r ing the condi t ion of the wea ther , on the curb ing and gu t te r s p repara to ry to l ay ing the new aspha l t pavement on Thi rd s t ree t . The curb ing and gu t te r s were f in i shed be tween Fremont and S ta te s t ree t s , on the wes t s ide , today .

Miss Ju l i e t Al len , who has been in the c i ty fo r the pas t month as the gues t o f he r unc le and aun t . 'Mr . and Mrs . R . W. ] Chamber la in , l e f t fo r he r home in Mc­Gregor th i s morn ing . Miss Win i f red Chamber la in accompanied her v i s i t r e la t ives in Dubuque before he r re tu rn .

nor thwes t i ce reg ion , a t I .h big s. bol t o f w lu t en t s a yard .

t >ne n ion row lo r 15 d ie t .

p ique tomor Lee iV Bene '

the r , W. M. Kuhns , o f Pa ton . N. M„ I s v i s i t ing in the c i iv a t the Kuhns home, I and ] rout here will go to Baxter to \imi his pa ren t s . Mr . and Mrs . E l la fo rmer res iden t s o l S la t

Kuhns , • i i 11

and wi l l and Creseo

Tony Navara . a Chicago Grea t Wes t - j ! e rn sec t ion hand , res id ing on May! s t ree t , was in ju red Sa turday a f te rnoon j by ge t t ing h i s r igh t hand caught under

; . ) r a i l . The thumb and index f inger were | ! n , ashed , and the bones of each broken .

]Te was t aken to the Get7 . hosp i ta l , where h i s in ju r ies were dressed , l i e

! was la te r removed to h i s home.

j Mr. and Mrs . . - J . E . Wi ldmin . Mrs . ! Rose Reed , o f P ine . Ar iz . . Miss Grace j K imber lv . o f S tuar t , and Mr . ; : .nd Mrs . | Amos Bal l , o f Des Moines , a re members

Mr . M. C . Dak in . Mr . and Mrs . Wi l '« Dak in and son McKin ley , Mrs . F rank Bal l and son Mack , Mrs . J . L . McMa-hon and son Je rome, Mrs . Mar ion Rich­a rds , Mr . and .Mrs . 10 . H . Sch i l l ing , Mr . A. P . Wools ton . Mr . Henry P l ' an tz ami Mr . George German , a l l o f S ta te Cen­te r . were c i rcus v i s i to r s in the c i ty Sa t ­urday . ;

Do you want a se t o f d i shes fo r a b i r thday o r a wedding presen t ' . ' We have a l a rger s tock to se lec t f rom than you can f ind anywhere in the c i ty , e i the r l l av i l and ch ina o r semi porce­la in . We have twenty- f ive of those e legan t decora ted semi porce la in se t s . Choice fo r Also t en s tock pa t ­t e rns in decora ted d inner ware to se ­lec t f rom. Temple of Economy. Green s tamps .

Ar t i c les o f incorpora t ion were f i l ed th i s morn ing by the Vai l Gaso l ine Gas Machine Company . The incorpora te a re John P . Vai l . M ' - r r i t t Greene and S t ing ' s R . Anson , wi th a cap i ta l s tock of J2r . .00H. The board of d i rec to rs a Mi r r i l t Greene . John D. Vai l , L . W. Robbins . S tu rg i s R . Anson and C. C . S t . C la i r , o f which Merr i t t Greene i s p res i ­den t : O. C . S t . Cla i r , v ice p res iden t : and John D. Vai l , s ec re ta ry and t reasure r .

There wi l l be a i l exc lus ion f i l e r the Chicago Grea t Wes te rn to S t . Pau l and Minneapol i s Ju ly 27 , $3 fo r t t i e round t r ip .

F i reman ' J.~AT 11 ea th . o f the Cent . a 1. who has been in the c i tv fo r two weeks , o r s ince h i s recen t in ju ry sus ta ined whi le a t . work on the I l l ino i s d iv i s ion , l e f t Sunday even ing lo r Monmouth , where he wi l l l epor t fo r duty .

Mr . Wal te r E . Gi lman le f t Sunday even ing fo r S t . Louis , where he wi l l i c -loa in fo r a fVw days look ing a l t e i t in -p i ogress of the work be ing done on a new ra i l road to the wor lds l a i : g rounds , fo r which the Oi lman & Mc­Nei l l Company has the con t rac t .

Miss Jess ie Sharp i s home f rom Jop-i in . Mo. , where she has been to r severa l months in charge of a l a rge mi l l ine ry lu i swiess . Miss Sharp wi l l r emain fo r a fo r tn igh t ' s v i s i t wi th her pa ren t s , Mr . and Mrs . A. < ' . Sharp . " .<>6 Nor th Second s t ree t , a f t e r which she wi l l l eave to r Chicago and New York to p repare lo r the fa l l season ' s f rade . Miss Sharp has i no t dec ided whe ther she wil l r e tu rn to ; Jop l in in the fa l l o r go to ano ther c i ty . | where she has been offered a position. J

Secre ta ry J . I I . Fe l l ingham. of the j Ra ilroad V. M. C. A., left for Lake Ge- j neva . Wis . , i b i s morn ing , where l i e goes ! to se i u re . i f poss ib le , a phys ica l d i ree - | fo r fo r the assoc ia t ion . Mr . E . A. Rule . ! who i s wi th the phys ica l d i rec to rs a t | the Wiscons in l ake , has th ree exce l len t men in v iew, c i the r of whom l ie th inks Mr . Fe l l ingham wi l l be ab le to secure . Mr . Rules l eaves the assoc ia t ion on the f i r s t o f Sep tember , to resume h i s work a t the s t a te un ivers i ty , and the assoc ia ­t ion in tends to secure some one to t ake h i s p lace .

Miss Mabe l Weatherbee , o f Tay lor townsh ip , who i s soon to be mar r ied to Mr . Clay ton Thomas , o f Green Moun­ta in , was g iven a nove l ty shower Fr i ­day a t the home of Mr . Char les Eek les . Miss Fr iend and Miss Iv 'k les ac t ing as hos tesses . Many nove l and usefu l p res ­en t s were p resen ted to the b r ide-e lec t . Those p resen t were f rom among the more in t imate young lady f r i ends of Miss Weatherbee and were the Misses I senberg . I l a / . en . McAfee , C lassen . Nic l io l , Soderber t t e r s . Randa l l and S tewar t .

George E . Cra ry began su i t today in the d i s t r i c t cour t aga ins t the unknown he i r s o f John and Lvdia Car ro l l , in which he seeks to es tab l i sh h i s t i t l e a s aga ins t the adverse c la ims of the de ­fendan ts to p roper ty in Wash ing ton townsh ip . The d i sc repancy in the t i tb -da tes back to Oct . 23 . 1S0S. when Merr i -n ian V. Grove , then owner of the l and , gave a mor tgage of $1 ,000 to Mr . and Mrs . Car ro l l , secured by two promissory no tes . These were ass igned to H. E . J . Boardman in January . 1S«0 , and the re has been some ques t ion , b rought to l igh t l a te r , a s to the na tu re of th i s t r ans fe r , invo lv ing the ques t ion of whe ther o r no t Car ro l l had the r igh t to conduc t the ass ignment .

The Mason Ci ty T imes-Hera ld of Sa tu rday says : "George W. Met J i l l , r ep resen t ing the Cla rk Coa l Company , was in the c i ty yes te rday look ing a t

( l i e c i ty Sa turday n igh t to a t t end the c i rcus .

Mess rs - I I . E . Burkhar t and X. G la sen and M i s s e s Carr ie Beach and S te l l a < Masco , o l / ea r ing . . .were in the c i ty Sa t ­urday .

Mrs Fred Graves , o f Gi lman , and M i s s N e l l i e W i l c o x , ot Montour , \ y e r e in . l i e c i ty Sa tu rday n igh t to a t t end the I M'cUS.

Mr. W. L- M. Wci i se l . o f Melbourne , spen t Sunday in the c i ty , be ing a gues : a f the home of h i s daughte r , Mrs . T . J . Shoemaker .

Mr . Oscar W*. Pe te r son , o f Oakland . CaL. a r r ived i l l t he c i ty Sa turday fo r a v i s i t o f a few days wi th h i s unc le . Rev . S . Skogsberg .

Miss Myr t le Wi l l i ams , o f Bax te r , who has been v i s i t ing Mrs . Nor ton , o f 207 Eas t Main s t ree t , r e tu rned home Sa t ­urday even ing .

P r . M. I t . Smi th , o f Laure l . Miss L i l ­l i an E . Smi th ami Mr . and Mrs . G. A. Smi th , the l a t t e r o f Webs te r Ci ty , were i i : t he c i ty Sa turday .

Mrs . Char les Cot ton , who has been i I ' l l spend ing the pas t week wi th Mrs . George P . Powers , l i f t fo r he r home in Sabula th i s morn ing .

Mr . F rank Ward , o f Tama, and son Larov . were in the c i ty Sa turday n igh t to a t t end t i l e c i rcus , and were gues t s a t the W. W. Ward home.

Miss Al ice Ne lson , who l i as been- in the c i ty two weeks as the gues t o f Miss Edna Bromley , r e tu rned Sunday even­ing lo her home i l l Ame«.

Miss Lucy Car l son , who has been in Ibe c i ty fo r a week v i sa ing Mi^s Nan-nine Pihlgren. re turned Sunday evening Quotat ions on Stap le Products Hav ing n her home in Pes Moines. j a Market in Marsha l l town. ; -

The fo l lowing pr ices quo ted a re

Guaranteed Pure. None So Good* Order lrom Bernstein Bros.


The Germ That Causes I t Has to _ Dest royed to Cure Dandruf f . j

M a n y a w o m a n s p e n d s a n l i o u i t w i c e !

a week scour ing her sca lp , th ink ing tha t ; ®sXSXS>5^®GXiiXi \ t )®®^^ sc rubb ing of f the scur f wi l l cu re the . dandruf f . Two hours a week , a t the age! of - to yea rs , she ha ; - ' spen t 2*10 days of . ^ t we lve hours each , o r two- th i rds of a | g year of he r l i f e , in tha t va in hope ; va in , ; because > ' o u can ' t cu re dandruf f wi th - ;^ ) i .u t k i l l ing the dandruf f ge rm, and the on ly ha i r p repara f ion on ea r th tha t wi l l 1 do tha t i s Newbro ' s " I l e rp ic ide" a i so : a de l igh t fu l ha i r d ress ing , and thorough; an t i sep t ic aga ins t a l l con tag ion f rom j u se o f o ther ' s ha i r brushe : - ' . I

I ' l l b rave the s to rms of Chi lkoo t Pass , 1 .11 c ross the p la ins of f rozen g lass . ' l eave my wi fe and c ross the sea . Ra ther than be wi thou t Rocky Moun­

ta in Tea . •v ienr ide & Wi l l Drug Company . ; ;

• ' " ' i t t h i s ou t and take i t to a drug j I . . , . , , . . , . , m i ge t a box of chamber la in ' s . I S tomach and Liver Tab le t s . The bes . i ; ! phys ic . They a l so cor rec t d i sorders o i ; ! rhe s tomach . Pr ice 25 cen t s , i ' o r sa le ̂

y d rugg is t s .


The Coal Strike

should be settled once and for a.H> and so should the question as to who gives the best values for the money. The size of the chunk don't determine the quality of the coal. What yot want is value, dollar for dollar, and that's what we give you in


Mrs . Marv and Miss . Sunday in th< even ing to a l t

Miss Myr t le even ing f rom

as ob-Wesse l . Mi s s Add le S towe .

nkins . o f Gr inne l l . spen t ! near ly cor rec t a s i t i s poss i l e o . ( t a i n f r o m M a r s h a l l t o w n d e a l e r s . I I K .

es pa id by dea l -Sa turduy • c i ty , coming •ml the c i rcus . Long re tu rned Sa turday Quar ry , where she has

Thomas . Evans , Wa-


been v i s i t ing fo r a week wi th he r unc le and aun t . Mr . and Mrs . Gada .

Mr . and Mrs . I I . L . McCaw. of Mason Ci ty , were in the c i ty Sunday as gues t s a t the home of Mrs . MeCaw's pa ren t s , Mr . and Mrs . Wi l l i am F . Long .

Mr . and Mrs . R . S . Pa t t en , daughte r Rache l and Miss Jess ie McMahon spen t Sunday in Union a t the home of Mrs . Pa t t en ' s mother , Mrs . J . W. Adams .

Mr . and Mrs . H . S . Lawrence le f t Sa tu rday n igh t fo r S t . Pau l , where they wi l l r emain fo r a t en days ' v i s i t wi th Mr . Lawrence ' s f a ther , Col . J . W. Law­rence .

Mrs . Jenn ie N. Wi l l i ams and son , Mr . F red Wi l l i ams , l e f t fo r Rol fe th i s morn­ing . where they wi l l v i s i t fo r a couple o f weeks wi th the fo rmer ' s s i s t e r , Mrs . R . P . Brown.

Miss Naomi Euz ie re , who has been in the c i ty fo r the pas t th ree months wi th he r b ro thers , Mess rs , A . L . and Ra in ia Fuz ie re , l e f t fo r he r home in Mani tou , I I I . , t h i s morn ing .

Mr . Al len Packer , o f Union , was in the c i ty Sa turday on bus iness . Mrs . Packer accompanied h im and went to Ames , where she spen t the day a t the I I . J . Howard home.

Mr . and Mrs . F . Z . Whinery and daughte r Gai l , and Mr . C . L . Rogers and daughte r Bea , o f Union , were gues t s Sunday a t the home of Dr . and Mrs . J . L . Whinery .

Mrs . M. C . Lu tz , o f Wate r fo rd , Can­ada , and Mrs . Joseph Smi th , o f Sabu la , who have been the gues t s o f Mrs . Adah Osmnn for the pas t week , l e f t fo r the i r r espec t ive homes th i s morn ing .

Dr . and Mrs . L . F . Ke l logg an i l f am­i ly l e f t fo r Clea r Lake th i s morn ing fo r

coa l dea le r s bu t no t o f fe r ing to se l l j t he i r summer ou t ing . Mrs . I se l log and them any hard coa l . He wants to keep up a runn ing acqua in tance wi th them so th i | t when the t ime does come when coa l i s on the marke t he wi l l be ab le to send them a pound o r so . But George had ano ther miss ion . He has recen t ly t aken un to h imse l f a wi fe and he want ­ed to te l l t he boys of i t . For the pas t twenty- f ive years he knew tha t the re

| was someth ing lack ing , bu t he cou ld ! no t unders tand jus t wha t i t was . F i -{na l ly the charms of a ce r ta in young ! l ady fas tened themse lves upon h im, j and there was no way of dodging the ; i s sue , and he popped the ques t ion , ! made the dea l eas ie r than he ever so ld | a car load of coa l , the papers were 'made ou t . the min i s te r secured , pa id a

50 cen t p iece wi th a ho le in i t , and the i deed was done . George i s a popula r • fe l low and the newspaper f ra te rn i ty •and the coa l men un i te in ex tend ing congra tu la t ions . Mr . and Mrs . McGi l l wi l l r e s ide a t Marsha l l town." .


Conduc tor W. W. Whi te , o f fhe Cen-, t r a l . who has charge of the Newton jb ranch passenger run . b rought to the (c i ty Sunday a f te rnoon a t ra in of f ive t ea r s of s tock tha t were t rans fe r red here I t o the Nor thwes te rn fo r Chicago . Mr . j White ' s t r ip was fo r a double purpose .

Whi le he re h i s eng ine . No . 2." ) , i n charge of a camping par ty tha t l e f t Sa tu rday j o ! - F , l f r j n 0 or Oscar Sehe id ing . was t aken a f te rnoon fo r the c lay b lu l f s . four mi les ; j n ( , , the shops fo r l igh t r epa i r s . Th-up the r ive r , fo r a week ' s ou t ing . Mr . j t r a in re tu rned sou th to Newton wi lh and Mrs . W. B. Wi ldmai i and fami ly t N V ( 1 f , x t r a coaches to hand le the c i rcus wi l l be a t the camp dur ing a p j r t ion of

of Eldora, was in

of Tama, was in


• I f vmi haTon ' t a resruUr, hcaltlij movement of thf bowels every dav, you'ro ill or vrill hi . Kocp your bowel' openJand'be well. Force, in Ihe shape of no lent phytic or pill poison, is <lai)Bevouii. Thji mnoot lr Et oMloit. most perfect way o? keeping ihe bowels

. clear and clean is to take CANDY


EAT 3EWI LIKE CANDY PUfrK&nt Palatable, i'otcnt. Taste r.oud. Do Uood.

Never 8iek'«n, Weaken, or Gripe. 10, 2-'-l j".c on Ser box. Writo for free amuple, anil booklet on bi l l th . AddroM CHICAGO or NP.W TOl iS .


KEEP Very Low Excursion Rates to Portland

Tacoma, Seatle, Vancouver and Vic-.tori a.

Via the Northwestern line. Excursion tickets will be sold July 1 lto 21 Inclus­ive, with final return limit by extension until Sept. 15, inclusive, account Y. P. C. U. meeting. Pullman standard and tcurlst sleepers, dining cars, scenic foute. Apply to agents Chicago &

I i he week .

Mrs . H . Campbel l and daughte r . Miss 'E l l a , o f 312 Wes t Boone s t ree t were in E ldora Sunday , where they a t t ended the funera l o f the l a te Frank Merr i l l , \ t he young man whose dea th as the re ­su l t o f hav ing been k icked by a horse was ment ioned In these co lumns Sa tur ­day . Mrs . Max Johnson , a s i s te r o f the deceased , who was ca l l ed to E ldora a t -the t ime of the acc iden t to he r b ro ther , was a l so p resen t a t the funer i l .

Ar t i c les o f r e - incorpora t ion r f the T imes-Republ ican Pr in t ing Company were t i l ed Sa tu rday wi th Recorder Packer , because of the exp i ra t ion of the a r t i c les o f the fo rmer corpora t ion , on Sunday , Ju ly 20 . The au thor ized cap i ta l s tock of the concern i s $100 ,000 . The incorpora to rs o f the company a re i t s p resen t o f f i ce r s , D . W. Nor r i s , J r . , p res iden t ; .T . P . Dotson , v ice p res iden t : Theodore Johns ton , sec re ta ry . and t reasure r . ^ s . ' - .

The funera l o f the l a te M r s . P . TI. Mal loy was la rge ly a t t ended Sunday a f te rnoon f rom S t . Mary ' s church . \ e ry Rev . M. C . Len ihan conduc ted the se rv­ices , and members of S t . Mary ' s cho i r had charge of the mus ic . Re la t ives and f r i ends f rom out o f the c i ty p resen t a t the funera l were Mr . and Mrs . John J . Coughl ln , o f Davenpor t : Mr . TOdward Byrnes , o f Chicago : .1 . E . Mal loy and fami ly . Mr . and Mrs . Michae l Mal loy . daughte r Margare t and sol ' . . , Michae l Mal loy , J r . , Mr . and Mrs . F red Nieder t and Mr . and Mrs . Ar thur Robinson , a l l of State Center: and Mr. Charles Rob­inson, of Des Moines.

crowds in to Oska loosa today .

The f r i ends of A. E . Viz , fo rmer ly of th i s c i ty , bu t fo r severa l years engaged in the pho to bus iness in Chicago , h i s spec ia l ly be ing p la t inum por t ra i t s , the f ines t made in t i l l s coun t ry , a s many Marsha l l town people can tes t i fy , wi l l be p leased to l ea rn tha t he i s ve ry p ros ­perous and has severa l Marsha l l town I peop le employed . The f i rm i s known as the Mat / . ene Company , o f which Mr . Viz i s p res iden t . The s tud io i s loca ted a t 102 Mich igan avenue and the rooms a re e legan t ly fu rn i shed . Mr . Vtz would be p leased to see a l l h i s o ld Marsha l l town f r i ends when in Chicago an l have them make h i s pa r lo rs the i r headquar te r s .

Louis Ta te has adopted a scheme whereby he th inks he wi l l be a ide to fu rn i sh Gi lber t Lynch , a young man of the c i ty , wi th a new ar t i f i c ia l l eg . L>nch was fo rmer ly a T . -R . ca r r i e r boy . and severa l y t ' a r s ago , whi le on h i s rou te , a t t empted to c ross be tween a s t r ing of ca r s , wi th the resu l t tha t he had a foo t mashed . Lynch has been wear ing an a r t i f i c ia l l imb, bu t los t i t in the Tre inon t f i re . He I s wi thou t means to purchase ano ther , and Mr . Ta te has h i t on a p lan to p resen t h im w th enough money to purchase a new-ore . Mr . Ta te has a r ranged fo r rece iv ­ing re tu rns of the Je f f r i es -F i r / s immons f igh t o f F r iday n igh t by wi re , and e l a rg ing an admiss ion to hear them. A:? the re a re a g rea t many spor t ing men of the c i ty who do no t want to w l i t fo r the i r morn ing papers a good s i -m wi l l undoubted ly be rea l i zed f rom t i e ven ture . The money I s a l l to be presen ted to Lynch .

Mr . J. L. Spurgeon the c i ty Sa turday .

Mr . W. S . S toops . the c i ty Sa turday n igh t .

Mrs . C la ra Iverson . o f P icker ing , v i s ­i t ed in the c i ty Sa turday .

Dr . George Gl ick , o f Des MoineS , spen t Sunday in the c i ty .

Mr . W. A. Sco t t , o f Gr inne l l , was a Sa turday v i s i to r in the c i ty .

Mr . David Thr i f t , o f Nevada , was in the c i ty Sa turday on bus iness .

Mrs . S . Gregg and daughte r , o f Gi l ­man , spen t Sa turday in the c i ty .

Mrs . J . A. Ward and daughte r , o f Gi l ­man , spen t Sa turday in the c i ty .

Mrs . Char les Caru thers , o f Union , v i s i t ed f r i ends in the c i ty Sa turday .

Mr . W. A. Russe l l , o f Alber t Lea , Minn . , spen t Sunday in the c i ty wi th f r i ends .

Mr . J. H- Ski f f l e f t fo r Mason Ci ty th i s morn ing fo r an ex tended s tay on

bus iness . Mess rs . B . F . Hos te t t l e r and W. I I .

Lauphere , o f Gr inne l l , we ie in the c i t j Sa tu rday .

Mr . and Mrs . D. E. Goode l l and Mr . s l id Mrs . .1 . 11 . Brown, o f Tama, were in the c i ty Sa turday .

Mrs . J. H- Basse t t and bro ther , Mr . R . J . Wel l s , o f S teamboat Rock , spen t Sa turday in the c i ty .

Mrs . Mary S touf fe r . o f S ta te Cente r , v i s i t ed in the c i ty Sa turday as the gues t i f Mrs . .1 . 10 . Lander .

Mr . .1 . B . T ims and daughte r and Miss Grace Thompson , o f Tama, were Sa tur ­day v i s i to r s in the c i ty .

Mrs . A. M. Henderson . Miss E . Laura I l eg land and Miss Boyd , o f S to ry Ci ty , spen t Sa tu rday in the c l tv .

Mr . G. T . Thomas , o f Troy , O. , i s in the c i ty fo r a few days ' s t ay on bus i ­ness , and i s v i s i t ing re la t ives .

Mr . C . R . Brown went ty Alb ia Sun­day n igh t , where he remained today look ing a f te r bus iness mat te r s .

Des Moines News: Miss Mae Beeson , o f Marsha l l town, i s v i s i t ing he r s i s t e r , Mrs . Hi l l , o f E igh teen th s t ree t .

Miss Lucy Las t , o f Chicago , a r r ived in the c i ty Sunday morn ing fo r a t en i l ays ' v i s i t wi th Mr . and Mrs . T . J . San­ders .

Mr . A. E . Jackson and daughte rs , He len and Mar jor ie , o f Tama, were in

the ch i ld ren wi l l r emain a t the l ake month , whi le Dr . Ke l logg wi l l r e tu rn a f te r a week ' s s t ay .

Mr . and Mrs . Char les T ibb i t s and son , o f S t . Pau l , a r r ived in the c i ty Sunday morn ing . Mrs . T ibb i t s and son wi l l r e ­main fo r a shor t v i s i t a s the gues t s o f the fo rmer ' s b ro thers , Mess rs . Char les and Rudolph Henry .

Mr . J . M. Hol t a r r ived home th i s morn ing f rom a shor t bus iness t r ip to Sykes ton , N. D. He met , whi le the re , a number of fo rmer Marsha l l coun ty people who appear to be sa t i s f i ed wi th condi t ions genera l ly .

Miss E l la Duke , who has been spend­ing the pas t s ix weeks wi th he r cous in , Mrs . George R . Es tabrook , l e f t fo r Ot -tu inwa th i s morn ing , where she wi l l v i s i t fo r a shor t t ime before re tu rn ing . to he r home in Shenandoah .

Mr . and Mrs . G. F . Aur ingcr went to Chicago Sunday n igh t , where they wi l l r emain fo r .a f ew days . Mr . Aur ingcr* has mat te r s o f bus iness to look a f te r the re p r io r to h i s remova l soon to Ne-l igh . Neb . , to engage in bus iness .

Mrs . J . A. Angie r , o f I .oup Ci ty . Neb . , ami Mrs . Ne l l i e Knigh t , o f S t rawber ry Po in t , who have been in the c i ty fo r the pas t week v i s i t ing the i r b ro ther and unc le . Mr . Ju l i an H. Smi th , and fami ly , i e f t fo r the i r respec t ive homes th i s morn ing .

Mr . and Mrs . Melzar Dickson and son Glenn a r r ived home Sunday f rom a two weeks ' v i s i t a t Crooks ton and Dulu th , Minn . , and po in t s in Mich igan . F rom Dulu th Mr . and Mrs . Dickson took a lake t r ip to Ca lumet . Mich . , and re ­tu rned home v ia . S t . Pau l .

Mrs . Sa rah Mote , who makes her home in th i s c i ty wi th he r daughte r , Mrs . C . I I . Hudson , corner o f Four th avenue and Linn s t ree t , r e tu rned Sa t ­u r d a y e v e n i n g f r o m C e d a r R a p i d s . , , , f t h

where she had been fo r a f ive weeks ' . v i s i t wi th he r son , W. H. Mote .

Mrs . T . L . Ha l l and Mrs . C . R : Wi l l ­i ams le f t th i s morn ing fo r an ex tended v i s i t o f th ree months wi th f r i ends and re la t ives In Rock I s land , Cl in ton , Dav­enpor t and S t . Louis . Whi le in Rock I s land the l ad ies wi l l v i s i t wi th Mrs . Ha l l ' s pa ren t s , Mr . and Mrs . W. D. Hol -sa pp le .

Miss Maude Bal lou , o f Nevada , spen t Sa tu rday a f te rnoon in the c i ty wi th her b ro ther and s i s te r , Mr . and Mrs . Vic to r Ba l lou go ing in the even ing to L iseomb, where she wi l l v i s i t Miss Ne t t l e Pa t ton fo r a week . Miss Ba l lou wi l l r e tu rn to Marsha l l town Sa turday and be here fo r a week a t he r b ro ther ' s home.

Mrs . A. B . Conaway le f t Sa tu rday for Deniso i i . where she wi l l v i s i t he r s i s t e r . Mrs . D . L . Mizer . In company j j u , r >

with Mrs . Mizer she wi l l v i s i t Crys ta l ike and o ther Ohio resor t s , an i l f rom

quota t ions a re to r p i l f ­e r s . cor rec ted th i s a f t e rnoon a t 3 o ' c lock . • '

CORN. The Glucose Sugar Ref in ing Com­

pany f i l l e r s 5 l5 cen t s fo r o ld No. .5 ! co rn o r be t t e r and sound , d ry new corn o t 7U pounds .

LIVESTOCK. Rece ip t s Sa tu rday , 200 . Lr i i t a in i t Co . a re pay ing the fo l low­

ing pr i ce s fo r hogs in wagon load lo t s : Se lec t ed l igh t , 100 to 200 pounds ,

f i t i o . Se lec ted medium, 200 to 230 pounds ,

G.T.v . f t Se lec ted heavy , over 230 pounds ,

7 .1T, . POULTRY, EGGS AND BUTTER. Armour i t Co . a re pay ing the fo l low­

ing pr ices to fa rmers fo r d i f fe ren t va r ­ie t i es o f pou l t ry , eggs and bu t te r :

l i ens—T cen ts pe r pound . Old cocks—4 cen t s pe r pound , S tags—I cen t s . Spr ings—10 cen t s . Old toms—U' ,2 cen t s . Cul l tu rkeys—5 cen ts . Hen tu rkeys—0 cen ts . Young gobble rs—7 cen t s . Guineas—1.50 per dozen . Ducks—6 cen ts . Geese—6 cen ts . Eggs—in 1 / ; ! cen t s . But te r , pack ing s tock—14 cen t s , loss

o f f . Swi f t & Co. quo te the fo l lowing

p r ices to fa rmers fo r pou l t ry , eggs and bu t te r :

Spr ing—11 cen t? . Hens—Per pound 7 ' i cen t s . Young roos te r s—Per pound 4 cen ts . Old roos te r s—Per pound 3 cen t s . No . 1 hen tu rkeys—Per pound S

cen t s . No . 1 torn tu rkeys—Per pound 6

cen t s . Young to rn tu rkeys—7 cen ts . Cul l tu rkeys—Per pound 5 cen t s . Ducks ( fa t , fu l l f ea thered j—Pei

pound 5 cen t s . Geese—5Vi cen t s . Guineas—Each 10 cen t s . But te r , pack ing s tock—12 cen t s . Uggs—Fresh , 14 cen t s , loss of f .

POULTRY AND PROVISIONS. The Iowa Fru i t and Produce Com­

pany i s pay ing the fo l lowing cash pr ices :

Old hens—7^ cen ts . Smooth hens—S cen ts . Old roos te r s—4 cen t s . But te r , pack ing s tock—15 cen t s , o f i

g rade 13 cen t s . Eggs—Fresh 16 cen t s , loss o f f .

HIDES, WOOL AND TALLOW. H. Wi l la rd , Son & Co. a re pay ing

the fo l lowing p r ices : No . 1 green h ides—G cen ts . No . 2 g reen h ides—5 cen t s . » n-Pe l t s—30(? i 60 cen t s . Horse h ides—1.592 .25 . Medium wool—135} 15 cen t s . F ine wool—9<fTl l cen t s . , Ta l low—No. 1—4 cen t s . 1 -

PROVISIONS. Marsha l l town grocers quo te the fo l ­

lowing pr ices fo r count ry p roduce : Po ta toes—New, 50 cen t s pe r bushe l

in t rade . But te r—IS cen t s . •' '


L COKE m LIME COMPANY i & J os jf jt J & ^ J* ^ J* & <5* J® J* J* J* J*




Our Declaration

A Box of - Lowney's Candies

FREE with every Skirt Box sold da­ring the month of July.


New Phone 538. 118 W. Main




fe fc fe fc % % fc

fc fc

fc fc

% k % % fc k fc


"I Wish to Thank You

for showing; me THELMA/' said a lady in ot»f store the other day. "It is the most delightful odor I have ever used, and it is so permanent." We must confess that^ a good many people are saying that nowadays, and we're «lad, although we knew that would be the result when once they got to using THELMA* May we show it to you. too?

McBride 8c Will Drug Co,

^ ̂ & jf jf «r j? i? *" i? J?^ ̂ af a*1 J? «P IT aCKUC tf ** IT


A Little Shot Put Old King Coffee Out of Busincs.

When medic ine fa i l s , they somet imes send s ick people away to ano ther c l i ­mate fo r the i r hea l th . Somet imes the c l imate does i t , bu t more o t t en they s tumble 011 the p roper food to take 4 , an t l then ge t wel l .

A lady in San Diego te l l s o f a f r i end home each December , fo r

| the pas t two win te r s , to go to Ca l i fo r -j i l i a fo r he r hea l th . She says :—"Almos t I a l l o f he r t ime was spo i l t in v i s i t ing ! t he doc tor and s i t t ing in a b ig cha i r and watch ing the c lock to no te the t ime fo r he r nex t dose of medic ine . Nervous­ness was her p r inc ipa l t roub le , and wi th o thers of k indred na tu re , made l i f t» fo r he r a burden .

On ihe occas ion of l i e r l a s t v i s i t , 1 begged her to g ive up the use of cof fee , and use Pos tun i Cof fee . She rep l ied tha t she cou ld no t s top cof fee . I sa id no more a t the t ime , bu t the nex t morn ing a t b reakfas t , I passed her a f ragran t , s t eaming cup of Pos tum, making i t a s i t shou ld be made . Af te r tha t , I had no more t roub le , ami my f r i end d rank no more cof fee . P .u t the mos t su rpr i s ing par t o f the exper ienco was the change tha t soon came ove i :

Young Ladies' Favorite.





Oxfords $2.50 Other

Styles for Street, Dress, House,



Geo. Trautman.


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<3® J* J® J® ^ ^ >5® J® J®.

L the re wi l l go fa r the r eas t , in to New-York , fo r a few weeks ' s t ay a t p leasure po in t s . Mrs . Conaway expec t s to be absen t f rom home un t i l Oc t . 1 .

Conduc tor l ty ron Fowler , o f the Cen­t ra l . and wi fe l e f t Sunday even ing fo r Madison , Kas„ where t l i e .v wi l l r emain fo r a two weeks ' v i s i t wi th Mr . Fow­le r ' s pa ren t s . F rom there they wi l l go to Ind ianapol i s , Lafaye t te and o ther Ind iana po in t s to v i s i t r e la t ives , and thence to Chicago and Monmouth . They expec t to home about Sep t . 1 .

C lem Kuhns , o f 310 Sou th Four th s t ree t , who has been qu i te se r ious ly i l l fo r a week wi th an a t t ack of p leur i sy , i s improv ing and I s now cons idered ou t of immediate danger. Mr. Kuhns' bro-

We began to no t ice I t wi th in l ess than a week . In l ess than a month , he r ne r ­vousness had le f t he r . ami in th ree months , she was a new woman in l ' aee . f igure and hea l th . I had no t da red to hope fo r so much benef i t , a l tho I had been g rea t ly benef i t ed myse l f by Pos t ­um, bu t cof fee to lu>r sys tem was s im­ply po i sonous , and I be l ieve th i s I s the ease wi th many o thers . She re tu rned to he r home in December , and was mar r ied wi th in l ess than two months a f te r . She never fa i l s to g ive c red i t to Pos tum for he r hea l th o r thanks to me for t each ing her to make I t p roper ly , and wel l she may , fo r Pos t ­um l ias done fo r he r wha t t rave l , doc­to rs and medic ine fa i l ed to do ." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek. Mich.


The Doctor treats and cures Nervous and Private diseases. Old Chronic Ailments of Stomach, Intestines, Liver, Lungs,

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? cured without the knife. t CANCER cured by painless method. •£ Diseases of women given special attention. ij- Consultation at office free. Call or write, correspondence X solicited.

Office 106 East Main St. Marshalltown, la. A Entrance between Parker's Dry Goods store and Seig's Drug store.

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