jamie shelton portfolio

Portfolio Jamie Shelton

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Post on 22-Dec-2015




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This is a portfolio of visual media projects that I have created. It covers the process I went through to create each individual project.


Page 1: Jamie Shelton Portfolio

PortfolioJamie Shelton

Page 2: Jamie Shelton Portfolio

Jamie Shelton 303-513-5663

175 West 3rd South Apt. #1 Rexburg Idaho, 83440

jamielynns93.wordpress.com [email protected]


Page 3: Jamie Shelton Portfolio

Table of Contents

Buisness Card StationeryLogoPhotodesignBrochureMontageEvent AdWeb PageFlier

Page 4: Jamie Shelton Portfolio

Process:Description: Stationary and Business card for a created cupcake company

Process (Programs, Tools, Skills): Designed the images in illistrator

Message: Professional cupcake company contact information

Audience: Anyone who loves cupcakes, or likes to give cupcakes as gifts

Top Thing Learned: How to create a fun eye catching business card, that’s unique, while still keeping it professional.

Color scheme and color names: Monochromatic, Blue

Title Font Name & Category: Radio Wizard, Decorative

Copy Font Name & Category: Pea Hollee, Sans Serif

Buisness Card Project

Page 5: Jamie Shelton Portfolio
Page 6: Jamie Shelton Portfolio

Process:Description: Stationary and Business card for a created cupcake company

Process (Programs, Tools, Skills): Designed the images in illistrator

Message: Professional cupcake company contact information

Audience: Anyone who loves cupcakes, or likes to give cupcakes as gifts

Top Thing Learned: How to create a fun eye catching business card, that’s unique, while still keeping it professional.

Color scheme and color names: Monochromatic, Blue

Title Font Name & Category: Radio Wizard, Decorative

Copy Font Name & Category: Pea Hollee, Sans Serif

Stationery Project

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Page 8: Jamie Shelton Portfolio


Description: Logo options for my made up company, “Cupcake Cafe”

Process (Programs, Tools, Skills): First I planned out some different design options by sketching them out, having fun with colors, and different lettering. Next, I used Adobe illustrator to develop my logos.

Message: Come enjoy some cupcakes at the “Cupcake Cafe”

Audience: Cupcake eaters and cupcake givers

Top Thing Learned: I learned the different principles that make up a good logo. I was able to practice keeping my design simple and readable, while at the same time giving it the creative edge that adds boldness.

Three Color Scheme and Color NamesLogo 1: MonochromaticLogo 2: MonochromaticLogo 3: Monochromatic

Three sets of Title / Body Font Names & Category:Logo 1: KG Say Something- ScriptLogo 2: Cupcake- Slab SerifLogo 3: KG Radio Wizard- Decorative

Votes on favorite logo: It was a tie between the second and the third, however, even the first one had a decent share of votes. I think it mostly depended on the personality type of the people I asked. Personally, I like the circles in the second one, but the font in the third one. If I had to choose, I probably would pick the third, because it’s the most fun.

Top Logo = 2 Middle Logo = 5 Bottom Logo = 5

My favorite logo is: The third one

Logo Project

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Process:Description: Motivational AD

Process (Programs, Tools, Skills, FOCUS principles): Took high quality images, then I subtly edited the images in Photoshop, which then allowed me to add my overall message and design to the photo.

Message: Motivational AD, reminder to see the good in difficult situations

Audience: Anyone going through difficult circumstances

Top Thing Learned: I learned how to take high quality photos by applying key principles such as focus and light.

Color scheme and color names: Analogous- Cool Colors

Title Font Name & Category: Sans Serrif, Urban Class

Copy Font Name & Category: Sans Serrif, Pea Shelly Belly

Date and location you took the photo(s): Just outside Avonlea Apartments on February 4, 2015

Photodesign Project

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Page 12: Jamie Shelton Portfolio

Process:Description: A brochure for tourist visiting Huntington Beach in California

Process (Programs, Tools, Skills): I first sketched some ideas, and planned out various layouts, ultimately coming up with the design as you see it here. I then used Adobe Indesign to create my final project.

Message: Come to Huntington Beach!

Audience: Anyone in need of a vacation

Top Thing Learned: I learned about different brochure layouts that help create a professional layout of information.

Color scheme and color names: Monochromatic, various shades of orange.

Title Font Name & Category: KG Say something, script

Copy Font Name & Category: Brush stroke, sans serif

Word Count of copy: 250

Brochure Project

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Page 14: Jamie Shelton Portfolio

Process:Description: Inspirational Montage

Process (Programs, Tools, Skills, Steps taken while designing): I combined to personal photographs in Photoshop and created a montage.

Message: Inspirational reminder to enjoy life

Audience: Anyone who needs a reminder to have joy in their life

Top Thing Learned: How to use Photoshop tools

Filter / Colorization used and where it was applied: I use blending techniques to combine the image into the background

Color scheme and color names: Analogous- Warm Colors

Title Font Name & Category: No title

Copy Font Name & Category: Simple, Sans Serrif

Montage Project

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Process:Description: Black and White flier to inform students of a graduate leadership conference.

Process: I started with a series of sketches which allowed me to create my first draft. After my first draft in Adobe Indesign, I went through the critique process to better my draft and end up with my ultimate design.

Message: Inform students of an upcoming Leadership conference that will allow an extra edge in the competitive career world.

Audience: College students

Top Thing Learned: How to work with contrast so that different elements of the message stand out in different ways. I learned the software of Adobe Indesign.

Title Font Name and Category: American Typewriter, Slab Serif

Copy Font Name and Category: Ariel, Sans Serif

Links to images used in this project: byui.brainhoney.com/Frame/Component/CoursePlayer?enrollmentid=25933438


event ad Project

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Description: Web Page to display Cupcake café logo, and talk about the process in creating the logo.

Process (Programs, Tools, Skills): First I learned to write the html code, which gave the web page the structure. And secondly, I was able to style it the way I wanted it through CSS code.

Message: Here is how I created by logo.

Audience: Anyway wanting to learn about the logo process.

Top Thing Learned: Coding, both CSS and html.

Color scheme and color hex(s): Monochromatic, black and #1FF4C4

Title Font Families & Category: Chalkboard, Sans Serif

Copy Font Families & Category: American Typewriter, Serif

Changes made to the CSS: Background, Font, and color’s in the webpage.

Word Count: 258

Web Page Project

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Description: Black and White flier to inform students of a graduate leadership conference.

Process: I started with a series of sketches which allowed me to create my first draft. After my first draft in Adobe Indesign, I went through the critique process to better my draft and end up with my ultimate design.

Message: Inform students of an upcoming Leadership conference that will allow an extra edge in the competitive career world.

Audience: College students

Top Thing Learned: How to work with contrast so that different elements of the message stand out in different ways. I learned the software of Adobe Indesign.

Title Font Name and Category: American Typewriter, Slab Serif

Copy Font Name and Category: Ariel, Sans Serif

Links to images used in this project: byui.brainhoney.com/Frame/Component/CoursePlayer?enrollmentid=25933438


Flier Project

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