jan 31 930 communion sunday final - spucc 31 930... · 2020-03-13 · we are not alone. thanks be...


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Page 1: Jan 31 930 Communion Sunday FINAL - SPUCC 31 930... · 2020-03-13 · We are not alone. Thanks be to God! (adapted from the United Church of Canada) * RESPONSE Black Hymnal No. 42,



JANUARY 31, 2016

9:30 AM

Page 2: Jan 31 930 Communion Sunday FINAL - SPUCC 31 930... · 2020-03-13 · We are not alone. Thanks be to God! (adapted from the United Church of Canada) * RESPONSE Black Hymnal No. 42,

No matter who you are, Communion Sunday No matter where you are On life’s journey, You are welcome here.

Worship begins with chimes. The prelude is a time of reflection and preparation for the worship of God.

Please silence cell phones. Bibles for use during worship are available at each entrance to the sanctuary.


Anybody can observe the Sabbath, but making it holy surely takes the rest of the week. ~ Alice Walker

PRELUDE For the Beauty of the Earth arr. Craig Curry WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Matt Fitzgerald


* CALL TO WORSHIP One: We come to worship this morning from many different places. All: O God, we hear you calling. One: We come for different reasons and purposes. All: O God, we hear you calling. One: We come with joy to hear the songs and stories, and to worship one God who created us all. All: O God, we thank you for drawing near to us and inviting us to feast at your one table of Love.

* HYMN I Come with Joy Black Hymnal No. 349, v. 1-3

I come with joy, a child of God, forgiven, loved and free, The life of Jesus to recall, in love laid down for me, in love laid down for me.

I come with Christians far and near to find, as all are fed, The new community of love in Christ’s communion bread, in Christ’s communion bread.

As Christ breaks bread, and bids us share, each proud division ends. The love that made us, makes us one, and strangers now are friends, and strangers now are friends.

*Please stand if you are able to do so.

Page 3: Jan 31 930 Communion Sunday FINAL - SPUCC 31 930... · 2020-03-13 · We are not alone. Thanks be to God! (adapted from the United Church of Canada) * RESPONSE Black Hymnal No. 42,

PRAYER OF CONFESSION Here we are, O God, ready for communion, but full of doubts and misgivings, long on judgment and short on compassion. Timidly, though, we open our hearts to you. Come in and empty us out, so that we might have room for the gifts of the spirit: for wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing -- even miracles. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.

RESPONSE Black Hymnal No. 23, v. 1

There is a wideness in God’s mercy, like the wideness of the sea; there’s a kindness in God’s justice, which is more than liberty. There’s no place where earthly sorrows are more felt than in God’s heaven; there’s no place where earthly failings have such kindly judgment given.


Jesus came to Nazareth where he had been reared. As he always did on the Sabbath, he went to the meeting place. When he stood up to read, he was handed the scroll of the prophet Isaiah. Unrolling the scroll, he found the place where it was written, “God’s Spirit is on me; he’s chosen me to preach the Message of good news to the poor, sent me to announce pardon to prisoners and recovery of sight to the blind, to set the burdened and battered free, to announce: ‘This is God’s year to act!’” Then he rolled up the scroll, handed it back to the assistant, and sat down. Every eye in the place was on him, intently. Then he started in, “You’ve just heard Scripture make history. It came true just now in this place.” All who were there, watching and listening, were surprised at how well he spoke. But they also said, “Isn’t this Joseph’s son, the one we’ve known since he was a youngster?” He answered, “I suppose you’re going to quote the proverb, ‘Doctor, go heal yourself. Do here in your hometown what we heard you did in Capernaum.’ Well, let me tell you something: No prophet is ever welcomed in his hometown. Isn’t it a fact that there were many widows in Israel at the time of Elijah during that three and a half years of drought when famine devastated the land, but the only widow to whom Elijah was sent was in Sarepta in Sidon? And there were many lepers in Israel at the time of the prophet Elisha but the only one cleansed was Naaman the Syrian.”

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That set everyone in the meeting place seething with anger. They threw him out, banishing him from the village, then took him to a mountain cliff at the edge of the village to throw him to his doom, but he gave them the slip and was on his way.

* A STATEMENT OF FAITH We believe in God who has created and is creating, who has come to us in Jesus Christ to reconcile and make us new, who works in us and others by the Holy Spirit. We trust God. God calls us to be the Church, to celebrate God’s presence, to love and serve others, to care for creation, to seek justice and to resist evil, to proclaim Jesus, crucified and risen, our judge and our hope. In life and death, in life beyond death, God is with us. We are not alone. Thanks be to God!

(adapted from the United Church of Canada)

* RESPONSE Black Hymnal No. 42, v. 4 Glory to God, and love and praise be ever, ever given By all the saints in every age, the church in earth and heaven.

SERMON “Bat Mitzvah Reflections” Avena Ward

* HYMN Black Hymnal No. 42, v. 1-3 O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing

O for a thousand tongues to sing my great Redeemer’s praise, The glories ever echoing the triumphs of God’s grace!

My gracious Savior and my God, assist me to proclaim, To spread through all the earth abroad the honors of your name.

Jesus! the name that calms our fears, that bids our sorrows cease Is music in the sinner’s ears, is life, and health, and peace!

OFFERTORY "The Blood Will Never Lose Its Power" Andrae Crouch

Gospel Trio

* FESTIVAL DOXOLOGY Praise God from Whom all blessings flow, Praise God all creatures here below, Alleluia, Alleluia! Praise God above, ye heavenly host, Creator, Christ and Holy Ghost. Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia! Alleluia, Alleluia!

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THE LORD’S PRAYER Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.


(Please come forward for communion. Take the bread and eat it. Then take the cup and drink. Deposit the cups in the baskets on the way back to your seat. The outer ring of cups contains grape juice. The inner rings contain wine. Return to your seat by the side aisles. A gluten-free option is wrapped and available on a separate tray.)


Gracious God, thank you for this feast of your goodness and grace. Just as you have nourished us here with the presence of Christ, send us forth to feed the hungry, to lift up the oppressed and to welcome the stranger, embodying your love for the world; through Jesus Christ, the bread of life. Amen.

* RESPONSE Black Hymnal No. 349, v. 5

Together met, together bound, in friendship we will stay, And go with joy to love the world and live the way we pray, And live the way we pray.

* BENEDICTION * RESPONSE Lord, Dismiss Us Black Hymnal No. 77, v. 1

Lord, dismiss us with your blessing; fill our hearts with joy and peace; Let us each your love possessing, triumph in redeeming grace: Oh, refresh us, oh, refresh us, traveling through this wilderness.

POSTLUDE Walking Up The King's Highway arr. Brendan Henry

Gospel Trio ______________________________________________________________________________

Following Worship, all are invited for coffee and snacks downstairs in the Gym.

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TODAY’S WORSHIP LEADERS: Communion Coordinators: Jana O'Brien, Kevin O'Brien Communion Servers: Marcia Opp, Pat Ruch * Communion bread baked by Marcia Knudson. Head Usher: Beatrice Jaji Ushers: Brian Hafner and Tim Nowack Acolyte Coordinators: Micki Fayhee, Cindy Zinn Ball Acolytes: Devlin Jozwiak and Nate Weglarz Head Greeter: Greg Mooney Special Accommodations: Dodd Brown Gospel Trio: Brendan Henry, piano; Joel Kelsey, electric bass; David Agee,

drums THE FLOWERS ON THE ALTAR were given by the Weglarz family.


This year the theme of Bible Story Theatre is Peace. All of the church school children are exploring this theme in scripture with song, music, dance, drama and art. We wanted to invite the congregation into the creative process and so we have created the large cross that will be in the sanctuary for the next three weeks. The cross is the best peace sign there is. We invite you to help us transform this cross. Last week we encouraged you to put words or items inside the cross that you feel take away from peace. What causes you stress and pain? What causes violence and harm in our world. This week we encourage you to think of what brings you peace and what contributes to peace in our world. Write it. Find a picture of it. Put those words or signs on the outside of the cross. We will watch the cross transform and in this creative process we will all be transformed. Contact Pastor Sarah with questions [email protected].

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Donations to the Birthday Fund support A Just Harvest We celebrate and give thanks for your life at St Pauls. A perfect way to celebrate

and help St Pauls: give one dollar for each year of your life to our Birthday Fund.

January 31: Vanya Weglarz; February 1: Zoe Gardner, Harrison Rogers, Rick Sensenbrenner; February 2: Rod Sippy, Sharon Phillips, Denise Byrne, Karen Spivey, Brianna Gist; February 3: Niels Peterson, Alexis Miller, Katie Moulton; February 5: Katie Truskey; February 4: Marcia Knudson, Fitz Shipp; February 6: Becca Brown.


MEMBERS AND FRIENDS OF ST. PAULS, in a continuing effort to update our database so we can provide you with the most current contact information please stop by the table in the Narthex and complete a member profile form. Please complete a form for each family member. When you have completed it, please place it in the bin on the table. We appreciate your help. PLEASE PARDON OUR DUST! The church office is being renovated to create a new entrance, a more efficient work place for staff, and more conference space. ST. PAULS BASKETBALL has resumed! Join St. Pauls members and friends for basketball every Wednesday evening, 7 PM - 9 PM. All are welcome! Contact Pastor Matt if you are interested at [email protected]. BUILDING TOUR, February 21, 2016 – 12:30 to 1PM. Walk in to our Sanctuary and the stained glass windows will cast a spell. Look closer and you will notice there are Bible stories and symbols in each one. Walk through our hallways and you’ll see plaques with names from St. Pauls’ past. Want to learn about those windows and plaques? We’ll touch on some of the history and some of the current activities that occur in our building on this Building Tour. If you’re a new visitor just getting acquainted with our church or you’ve been coming for some time, you’ll enjoy seeing things in a new light. Pastor Avena will meet you in the Sanctuary at 12:30PM. THE INTERGENERATIONAL ORCHESTRA will play in worship for both services on Sunday, March 13. Rehearsals all take place after worship beginning on Sunday, February 14. Our orchestra is made up of members of our congregation from pre-teens to octogenarians. We have a ball making music together! Please contact Mark Mosley if you or your child are interested ([email protected]).

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FIRST WEDNESDAY LUNCH - Please join us for our next First Wednesday luncheon on Wednesday, February 3 from noon to 1:30 PM. We will have a delicious catered meal and enjoy live jazz music provided by the Jones College Prep Jazz Ensemble. The Ensemble is under the direction of Mr. Frank Menzies who has performed as a musician for Oprah Winfrey's The Color Purple, the stage spectacular Dreamgirls and much more! Invite your friends - all are welcome to attend! Please RSVP to Leigh at [email protected] or 630.779.0092

JOINING ST. PAULS CHURCH ONE SESSION NEW MEMBER CLASSES are held several times throughout the year. Learn more about St. Pauls’ 172 year ministry of making a joyful sound in the city, meet others exploring membership, find out what we believe and how you can become more engaged. Upcoming classes: April 10 and June 5, 2016 at 12:30 PM. Contact Pastor Matt [email protected] to be registered.

2016 CHURCH COUNCIL ST. PAULS NOMINATING COMMITTEE is presently working to identify and nominate members of St. Pauls who wish to serve on our Church Council. Open 2016 council positions include: Vice President (2 year term), Treasurer (2 year term), Communications Committee Chair (3 year term), Facilities Committee Chair (3 year term) and one At-Large Council Member position (3 year term). If you are interested in serving on St. Pauls Church Council or have questions regarding the responsibilities related to certain council positions, please contact one of the following Nominating Committee members: Hannah Basil, Kristen Mack, David Burnett, Allen Heinemann, David Baker, and Ray Manasia. You may also contact Council President Karen Johnson or Pastor Matt Fitzgerald.


SUNDAYS, 9:30 AM in the Parlor TODAY -- Psychology & Religion - Carl Jung. We continue our series on psychology and religion as we explore the life and work of Carl Jung. His writings enlarge our appreciation of the potential for growth and development across the course of life and deepen our appreciation of essential concerns in religious and spiritual experience. We outline the orienting perspectives of his depth psychology and consider the implications of his contributions for health, well-being, and the common good. Instructor: Bill Borden Reading: Borden, W. (2009). C G. Jung and the Psychology of the Self, Contemporary Psychodynamic Theory and Practice. Chicago: Lyceum Books. Join Bill Borden for another session is this ongoing series. February 7 - Peace & the Bible. How does the Bible speak about peace in our violent world? Join Pastor Jeff Carlson as we look behind the texts from this year's Bible Story Theatre.

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February 14 - March 20 - LENTEN BOOK STUDY - John: The Gospel of Light and Life. Join St. Pauls member and gifted teacher Rev. Rick Newbury for a Lenten season of spiritual growth and life-changing renewal while exploring the major themes of John. John's Gospel, more than any other, is a theological commentary on the life and ministry of Jesus. Rick will be using Adam Hamilton's new book, John: The Gospel of Light and Life as a springboard for discussion. A limited number of books are available in the church office for $15, or purchase from your favorite seller. No experience or advance reading is necessary to attend the class.

GET CLOSER TO GOD. JOIN A LENTEN SMALL GROUP BEGINNING SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14! Instead of giving up something for Lent, add a commitment to join or form a Saint Pauls Lenten Small Group. Lent is a time to practice your spirituality with greater intentionality. This year our Small Groups will meet four times during Lent. At each gathering we'll explore a few of the short, moving daily devotions published in the UCC's Lenten Devotional “Heart, Soul, Mind, Strength.” Copies will be made available to all church members and friends for free. There are two ways to participate. If you'd like to join an existing group contact Pastor Matt at [email protected]. There will be a "Loop Lunch group" on Wednesdays at noon, weekday morning groups on Wednesdays at 10:30 AM and Thursdays at 10:00 AM, weekday evening groups on Wednesdays at 6:15 PM and 6:30 PM, and a Sunday afternoon 12:30 PM group. Please indicate which group best fits your schedule. If you would like to form a group on your own, we will support you! Just gather a group of 4-10 church friends, commit to meeting four times during Lent and let Pastor Matt know. He'll get you the group leader materials. CHRISTIAN-BUDDHIST STUDY GROUP, an interfaith dialogue, meets once a month. Next meeting is March 6, 2016 from 2-4 PM at the home of Pastor Avena and her husband, Tom Corbett, 1613 N Mohawk St., Chicago IL. If you'd like to be on the email list for periodic updates, contact Pastor Avena at [email protected]. SATURDAY BIBLE STUDY - ISAIAH - With deep themes of loss, restoration, and the abiding faithfulness of God, told amid a backdrop of international geopolitical upheaval, Isaiah is one of the richest books of the Bible, and one that you should know. Meets one Saturday a month, 10-11:30 AM. Next study: February 13th. RSVP: Pastor Jeff Carlson, [email protected]. A YEAR WITH MARILYNNE ROBINSON - A group is forming to read the four, fine novels of this Pulitzer prize-winning and UCC author in 2016, with quarterly discussions. We'll begin with her first novel, Housekeeping, on March 17th at 7PM in the Parlor. Read one or all. RSVP to Jeff Carlson, [email protected]. FOOD FOR THOUGHT. Visit our Food for Thought blog to find a weekly thought provoking article at http://www.spucc.org/blogs/food-for-thought.

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PREACHERS ON PREACHING: Did you know Pastor Matt has a podcast? It’s sponsored by the Christian Century. Each episode Matt interviews one of America's most interesting preachers. Past episodes include conversations with Otis Moss, Jim Wallis, William Willimon, Mary Luti and others. You can find it on iTunes, or at http://www.christiancentury.org. UCC DAILY DEVOTIONAL. The UCC publishes a daily online devotional that arrives in your inbox today, tomorrow, every single day! Devotions are short, less than 300 words, and feature some of the UCC's most insightful voices, including our own Pastor Matt. To register for the Still Speaking Daily Devotional: http://www.ucc.org/daily_devotional.


CHILDREN AND YOUTH CHURCH NURSERY. Every Sunday at both services we offer child care at 9:30 AM for infants through toddlers (birth to 2 year olds) and at 11 AM for 0 to 6 year olds by caring, experienced, professional childcare workers in our cozy and fun nursery which is on the lower level off of the Social Hall. CHURCH SCHOOL. Every Sunday AM we have church school for toddlers to teenagers at 9:30 AM. Children in Jr. Kindergarten through 7th grade are asked to come to worship first and will then be dismissed to their classrooms. Youth in 8th grade and above can go directly to their classes. To register your child for church school please go to spucc.org/churchschool.

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ST. PAULS PLAY GROUP for children 0-3 years old in the church Nursery and Toddler Room. Drop in anytime from 10:30 AM -12 PM Wednesdays. NEW MOMS GROUP meets Sundays from 10:20-11 AM in the Pastor Sarah’s office. If you are a mom of a young child and you would like to meet others facing the same joys and challenges come on by. Facilitated by Kelli Fitzgerald, L.C.S.W. JANUARY IS BIBLE STORY THEATRE MONTH for St. Pauls Church School. The 2016 story, "Peace" includes inspiring Scripture that will give us insights into finding and creating peace in our lives and in our world. All children, youth and their teachers from the JK/Kindergarten through High School classes participate in a series of four theatre workshops which began on January 3. Adults are also invited to help make costumes, create sets, play instruments and use their talents. The Bible Story Theater production will be at 11 AM on February 7. Please contact Pastor Sarah for more information at [email protected].

January 31, 9:30 - 10:45 Classes begin in various spaces to rehearse and end in the Social Hall for the finale. February 6, Rehearsal for the principal players, group leaders, and select groups. Please note that the 2 and 3 year olds in the Rainbow Room will have regular classes during the month of January. February 7, 8:00 - 12 Classes report to dressing stations for costumes. Everyone assembles in the Social Hall for Dress Rehearsal from 8:00 - 10:30. Performance during 11:00 AM Worship service. Back Stage Team - The BSTeam continues to work on the costumes, props and set for this year’s BST production of PEACE. The upcoming work sessions are: TODAY, January 31, with Tilly Wilhoite working on costumes and props. The BSTeam will meet in the Social Hall from 9:45 – 12:00. Also, on Wednesday, February 3 in the Social Hall the BSTeam will work from 5:30 – 9:00. On the day of the performance, Sunday, February 7, we need folks to help dress the actors and do make-up. Please contact Tilly ([email protected] or 773-504-3158) for further details.

SPOTS AVAILABLE -- ST. PAULS AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM -- ACT 2 You can still enroll for the Act 2 Winter Session (program continues to March 10) and you can register now for the Spring Session: March 14 to May 26. The program features tasty snacks, performing arts focused sessions, homework time and games/free play for children K-4th grades. You can sign up for one, two, three or four days per week. For more information and registration visit: www.spucc.org/act2 (Scholarships available) YOUTH GROUPS for 5th through 8th graders meet on Tuesday’s from 5-7 PM with dinner.

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A group for fellowship and fun for folks in their 20s and 30s. Email [email protected] to be added to our mailing list.

CHRISTIANITY 101 (Animate:Practices) - Monday, February 1, 7 PM – Parlor. This month's topic: the sacraments. What are we doing when we baptize or take communion, and what are they doing to us? Are the sacraments real encounters with God or merely symbolic? Join Pastor Jeff and fellow young adults for a lively discussion of real-life questions. Animate:Practice begins with a creative, 10-minute video followed by questions and discussion about the topic. No book/preparation required. Please contact Erin Stone at [email protected] with questions and to RSVP. GAME NIGHT - Friday, February 19, 7 PM. Scott & Shannon Banjavcic’s home. Join us for an evening of games, laughs, food, drink and fun! We will spend the evening playing games, eating pizza and generally enjoying an evening among friends. Mark your calendars and please RSVP to the evite today! Contact Christie DeForest at [email protected] with any questions. Can’t wait to see you all! Friends are welcome!

LAY CARE GIVING CONNECTORS reach out providing networking and support for members and friends of St. Pauls. We send cards, make telephone calls, provide food and meals, give rides to doctor’s appointments and the store. Membership is open to all who have the time and the inclination to help. Meetings are held once a month, except in July and December. Contact Avena Ward for more information [email protected]. STEPHEN MINISTRY trains people to give one-to-one confidential care to people who are hurting or need a friend to walk with them. We are building our next training class. Interested? Go to our website: www.SPUCC.org/StephenMinistry, or contact Pastor Avena Ward [email protected].

OUTREACH LINCOLN PARK COMMUNITY SHELTER NEEDS OVERNIGHT VOLUNTEERS. You aren’t expected to stay up all night: you can choose to sleep or use the late-night time to catch up on quiet projects. We have several open shifts (9 PM - 6:30 AM weekdays, 9 PM - 8 AM weekends) in the next few weeks. Contact the Volunteer Manager, Fawn O’Brien, to get signed up: [email protected] 773-549-6111. LINCOLN PARK COMMUNITY SHELTER DINNER. There are opportunities each month to serve: The first Wednesday of each month from 6 to 8 PM, St. Pauls volunteers provide, prepare, and serve dinner for 40 live-in guests of the interim housing program. COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT PROGRAMS SUNDAY SUPPERS. The second and fourth Sundays of each month at St. Pauls. Arrival is 2:00 PM, dinner is served at 3:30, and cleanup is done by 4:00. RSVP to Brent at [email protected].

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SARAH’S SISTERS gather every Wednesday morning to make 40 bag lunches to be distributed to the homeless at the Fullerton Avenue door. Meet at the church at 9:30 AM, no need to RSVP. DONATIONS FOR HAITI TRIP. We are collecting formula and children's Tylenol for the trip to Haiti. We are also collecting empty cereal boxes for jewelry making. Please bring all donations to the church office. COLLEEN HENRY WRITING CENTER NEEDS A FEW TUTORS. CAN YOU VOLUNTEER? Do you like to be with high school students? Do you remember how hard it was to get started writing an essay? We could really use you if you have some time to give to the Writing Center at Lincoln Park High School, where kids learn to do the kind of writing that will help them in college and in the workplace. Training is available. And the payback comes from the faces of the students when they "get it." If you can help with this project initiated by St. Pauls, please contact St, Pauls member Nancy Brandt, [email protected]. DONATE TO THE FLINT WATER CRISIS! Chicago UCC churches are joining together to respond to the Flint water crisis. Your monetary gifts made by February 7th will purchase water for those in need. Checks should be made payable to "Illinois Conference" with "Water Crisis" in the memo line. Return your gifts to St. Pauls and we will forward them to our local UCC leaders. "For I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink." (Matthew 25:35)

2016 GIVING ENVELOPES If you requested a 2016 Giving Envelope, they will be on the table with your name on them. If you have not yet requested an envelope and would like to, you may do so by contacting Laurie at [email protected].

BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENTS Please send any announcements you would like in the following week’s bulletin to [email protected] no later than 10 AM on Tuesday. Please limit announcements to 70 words. Thank you!

LOST AND FOUND Any items left behind at St. Pauls are put in a basket on the shelf of the closet near the Sanctuary.

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• Doug Heyboer at the death of his grandfather. • Jennifer Kew's friend Sharon struggling with continuing spread of cancer. • Rev. Bob Baur, father of Amy Baur Hofer, who is in intensive care. • Lisa Raterman and family upon the death of her cousin, Cynthia Emer. • Ramiro Gonzalez’s father, Miguel Meraz, recovering from a stroke. • Bruce Voice’s nephew, recovering from a heart attack. • Manny, son of Grace Stauskas, being treated for cancer. • Carrie Bruggers’ mother, Phyllis, recovering from a stroke. • Bill Borden’s mother, Virginia, entering hospice care. • Al, for relief of pain. • Philip Smedley’s father, for health issues. • Jonah and Sean and all homeless individuals with severe mental illness living in this city. • Violence Interrupters and Cure Violence that they can bring their skills to gang filled

neighborhoods and reach kids who are afraid and need options. • The Renfrow family as they walk with Wayne, who has entered hospice. • Connie Dec, dealing with some significant setbacks and health issues. • Sol Angelica, Juanita Barlow’s aunt in Puerto Rico, being treated for esophageal cancer. • Betty Beckers for health issues. • Jeff Barlow’s godfather’s sister. • Nancy Heffernan's friend Robert, with spine cancer that has spread as well as her friend Leona,

with aggressive cancer. • Rick Bail's mother Katherine, in hospice care. • Ed Zasadil, suffering from eczema. • Del Arsenault, in hospice care at home. • Carole Crowley recovering from a stroke at home. • Ivy Sanz’ nephew T.J. • Shane Gentzen’s cousin, Jerry, diagnosed with ALS. • Steve Warsh, undergoing chemotherapy. • Tom Palkon being treated for cancer. • Beatrice Jaji’s brother, Jacob, healing for his kidneys. • Family of Lorri Gunn Wirsum: her husband, Karl Wirsum, recovering from a stroke; and her

brother, Jim, being treated for cancer. • Mary Train’s nephew Carl and family. • All service members and their loved ones before, during and after deployment. • All others in need of prayer. (Prayer cards are available in the pew racks. Fill one out and drop it in the offering plate.) NEARLY 1 IN 5 ADULTS STRUGGLE WITH A MENTAL HEALTH ISSUE. Contact one of the pastors today for information about mental healthcare advocacy and resources that can help you and your loved ones. Contact information for the pastors is at the back of this bulletin.

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Making a joyful sound in the city

Saint Pauls UCC has a vibrant history in the city of Chicago. Founded in 1843, we are one of the city's oldest churches. In 1989 we became one of America's first congregations to declare ourselves "Open to and Affirming of” LGBT women and men. From founding Chicago's largest provider of social services to at-risk children to starting a home for the elderly, from housing protestors at the 1968 Democratic Convention to hosting Lincoln Park's first MLK day march against violence on Chicago's streets we are proud to make a joyful sound in the city. Most importantly, over the past 172 years we are glad to have introduced thousands of children and adults to the amazing, inclusive, life changing, uplifting love of God. We do so in worship that is traditional, but far from conventional.

St. Pauls United Church of Christ 2335 North Orchard Street Chicago, Illinois 60614

(773) 348-3829 FAX (773) 348-3858 www.spucc.org

Matt Fitzgerald, Senior Pastor, [email protected]

Avena Ward, Associate Pastor, [email protected] Jeff Carlson, Associate Pastor, [email protected]

Sarah Garcia, Associate Pastor for Children and Youth, [email protected] Tom Henry, Pastor Emeritus, [email protected]

Kurt R. Hansen, Music Director, [email protected] Kevin Dzierzawski, Organist, [email protected]

Brendan Henry, Pianist, [email protected] Nancy Voigts, Children’s Choir Director, [email protected]

Kecia Waldschmidt, Youth Choir Director, [email protected] Karen E. Johnson, Joyful Sounds Choir Director, [email protected]

Mark Mosley, Intergenerational Orchestra Director, [email protected] Kevin O’Brien, Lay Liturgical Administrator, [email protected]

Free Parking is available on Sundays at Children’s Memorial Hospital

2300 Block of North Lincoln Ave. – Vouchers Not Needed

Page 16: Jan 31 930 Communion Sunday FINAL - SPUCC 31 930... · 2020-03-13 · We are not alone. Thanks be to God! (adapted from the United Church of Canada) * RESPONSE Black Hymnal No. 42,


Welcome to those whose hearts are on fire with faith, and to those who bring their doubt inside our doors.

Welcome to our first time guests and our longtime members.

Welcome to single people, tiny children, grandparents and families of all configurations.

Welcome to those who rejoice and to those who grieve. Welcome to each and to everyone.

We are an Open and Affirming church. We welcome all.

We are blessed by your presence and we are glad you are here.