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TOP 10 Learning Concepts Ch 17: Designing and Managing Integrated Marketing Communication Jan Kenneth Obar April 7, 2011 http://jankenneth-obar.blogspot.com

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  • 1. TOP 10 Learning ConceptsCh 17: Designing and Managing Integrated Marketing Communication Jan Kenneth Obar April 7, 2011 http://jankenneth-obar.blogspot.com

2. Outline:

  • 8 Elements of Communication
  • Marketing Communication Mix
  • Consumer Response Model
  • Developing Effective Communication
  • Determine Communication Objective

http://jankenneth-obar.blogspot.com 3. Outline: 6)Communication Design 7)Global Adaptation 8)Select Communication Channel 9)Sales Promo 10)Coordinating Media http://jankenneth-obar.blogspot.com 4. Concept 1:8 Elements of the Communication Process http://jankenneth-obar.blogspot.com Media SenderEncodingMessage Decoding Receiver Response Feedback Noise From Philip Kotlers, Marketing Management 13th edition 5. Concept 1:Companies needs to communicate with customers http://jankenneth-obar.blogspot.com Media SenderEncodingMessage Decoding Receiver Response Feedback Noise From Philip Kotlers, Marketing Management 13th edition 6. Concept 1:Companies needs the right media and message http://jankenneth-obar.blogspot.com Media SenderEncodingMessage Decoding Receiver Response Feedback Noise From Philip Kotlers, Marketing Management 13th edition 7. Concept 1:Competitive clutter is the noise that interferes with your message http://jankenneth-obar.blogspot.com Media SenderEncodingMessage Decoding Receiver Response Feedback Noise From Philip Kotlers, Marketing Management 13th edition 8. Concept 1:If customers believe your message they buy your product or service http://jankenneth-obar.blogspot.com Media SenderEncodingMessage Decoding Receiver Response Feedback Noise From Philip Kotlers, Marketing Management 13th edition 9. Concept 1:Customer Satisfaction or delight can be measured informally of formally http://jankenneth-obar.blogspot.com Media SenderEncodingMessage Decoding Receiver Response Feedback Noise From Philip Kotlers, Marketing Management 13th edition 10. Concept 2:Marketing Communication Mix, 4 Modes of Mass Communication: MASS 1) Advertising 2) Sales Promotion 3) Events and Experiences 4) Public Relations/Publicity 11. Concept 2:Marketing Communication Mix, 4 Modes of Personal Communication: Personal 1) Direct Marketing 2) Interactive Marketing 3) Word of Mouth 4) Personal Selling 12. Concept 2:For effective communication: MIX and Match the 8 Communication Modes Personal 1) Direct Marketing 2) Interactive Marketing 3) Word of Mouth 4) Personal Selling MASS 1) Advertising 2) Sales Promotion 3) Events and Experiences 4) Public Relations/Publicity 13. Concept 3:Consumer Response Model: Buyers Passes through 3 stages in order. Cognitive Stage (learn) Affective Stage (feel) Behavior Stage (do) From Philip Kotlers, Marketing Management 13th edition 14. Concept 3:Consumer Response Model:If the target audience is unaware of the object, 1 sttask is to build awareness Cognitive Stage (learn) Affective Stage (feel) Behavior Stage (do) Awareness From Philip Kotlers, Marketing Management 13th edition 15. Concept 3:Consumer Response Model:Target audience may have brand awareness but not know much more. Cognitive Stage (learn) Affective Stage (feel) Behavior Stage (do) 1) Awareness 2) Knowledge From Philip Kotlers, Marketing Management 13th edition 16. Concept 3: If target audience knows the brand, how do they feel about it? Cognitive Stage (learn) Affective Stage (feel) Behavior Stage (do) 1) Awareness 2) Knowledge 3) Liking From Philip Kotlers, Marketing Management 13th edition 17. Concept 3:They might like it, but do they prefer it over others? Cognitive Stage (learn) Affective Stage (feel) Behavior Stage (do) 1) Awareness 2) Knowledge 3) Liking 4) Preference From Philip Kotlers, Marketing Management 13th edition 18. Concept 3:Develop a conviction about buying the product. Cognitive Stage (learn) Affective Stage (feel) Behavior Stage (do) 1) Awareness 2) Knowledge 3) Liking 4) Preference 5) Conviction From Philip Kotlers, Marketing Management 13th edition 19. Concept 3:Lead these consumers to make the final step. (offer at a low price, premiums, sample) Cognitive Stage (learn) Affective Stage (feel) Behavior Stage (do) 1) Awareness 2) Knowledge 3) Liking 4) Preference 5) Conviction 6) Purchase From Philip Kotlers, Marketing Management 13th edition 20. Concept 4:8 Steps in Developing Effective Communication Identify Target Audience DetermineObjectives Design Communication SelectChannels EstablishBudget Decide onMedia Mix MeasureResults ManageIntegratedMarketingCommunication From Philip Kotlers, Marketing Management 13th edition http://jankenneth-obar.blogspot.com 21. Concept 4:Start with a clear target audience in mind. Identify Target Audience

  • -Potential Buyers of the Product
  • Current Users
  • Deciders
  • Influencers
  • Groups
  • General Public

http://jankenneth-obar.blogspot.com 22. Concept 4:The most effective communications often can achieve multiple objectives Identify Target Audience DetermineObjectives

  • 4 Possible Objectives
  • -Category Need
  • Brand Awareness
  • Brand Attitude
  • Brand Purchase Intention

http://jankenneth-obar.blogspot.com 23. Concept 4:Formulating the communications to achieve the desired response. Identify Target Audience DetermineObjectives Design Communication http://jankenneth-obar.blogspot.com 24. Concept 4:Selecting efficient means to carry the message becomes more difficult as channels of communication become more fragmented. Identify Target Audience DetermineObjectives Design Communication SelectChannels http://jankenneth-obar.blogspot.com 25. Concept 4:One of the most difficult decisions is determining how much to spend on marketing communication and promotion. Identify Target Audience DetermineObjectives Design Communication SelectChannels EstablishBudget http://jankenneth-obar.blogspot.com 26. Concept 4:Each communication tool has its own uniqe characteristic and costs. Identify Target Audience DetermineObjectives Design Communication SelectChannels EstablishBudget Decide onMedia Mix http://jankenneth-obar.blogspot.com 27. Concept 4:Senior managers wants to know the outcomes and revenues resulting from their communication investments. Identify Target Audience DetermineObjectives Design Communication SelectChannels EstablishBudget Decide onMedia Mix MeasureResults http://jankenneth-obar.blogspot.com 28. Concept 4:Evaluates the strategic roles of a variety of communication disciplines. Identify Target Audience DetermineObjectives Design Communication SelectChannels EstablishBudget Decide onMedia Mix MeasureResults ManageIntegratedMarketingCommunication http://jankenneth-obar.blogspot.com 29. Concept 5:Determine Communication Objective: Four Possible Objectives DetermineObjectives

  • Category Need
  • Brand Awareness
  • Brand Attitude
  • Brand Purchase Intention

http://jankenneth-obar.blogspot.com 30. Concept 5:Establishing a product or service category as necessary:Ex: Electric Cars DetermineObjectives

  • Category Need
  • Brand Awareness
  • Brand Attitude
  • Brand Purchase Intention

http://jankenneth-obar.blogspot.com 31. Concept 5:Ability to recognize or recall the brand within the category. DetermineObjectives

  • Category Need
  • Brand Awareness
  • Brand Attitude
  • Brand Purchase Intention

http://jankenneth-obar.blogspot.com 32. Concept 5:Brand perceived ability to meet a currently relevant need. DetermineObjectives

  • Category Need
  • Brand Awareness
  • Brand Attitude
  • Brand Purchase Intention

http://jankenneth-obar.blogspot.com 33. Concept 5:Self-instruction to purchase the brand or to take purchase related action. DetermineObjectives

  • Category Need
  • Brand Awareness
  • Brand Attitude
  • Brand Purchase Intention

http://jankenneth-obar.blogspot.com 34. Concept 6:Design the Communications: Desired response will require solving three problems. Message Strategy Creative Strategy Message Source http://jankenneth-obar.blogspot.com 35. Concept 6:What to say? Message Strategy Creative Strategy Message Source http://jankenneth-obar.blogspot.com 36. Concept 6:How you say it? Message Strategy Creative Strategy Message Source http://jankenneth-obar.blogspot.com 37. Concept 6:Who to say it? Message Strategy Creative Strategy Message Source Message Strategy Creative Strategy Message Source http://jankenneth-obar.blogspot.com 38. Concept 7:Global Adaptations: Multinational companies wrestle withchallenges in developing globalcommunications program.http://jankenneth-obar.blogspot.com 39. Concept 7:Many products are restricted or forbidden in certain parts of the world. Product Alcoholic beverages cannot be advertised or sold in Muslim countires. http://jankenneth-obar.blogspot.com 40. Concept 7:In some countries (Norway and Sweden for ex.) no ads may be directed at children under12. Market Segment To play it safe, Mcdonald'sMarketed itself as a family restaurant in Sweden. http://jankenneth-obar.blogspot.com 41. Concept 7:Comparative ads are common in US and Canada but is illegal in Japan, Brazil and India. Style http://jankenneth-obar.blogspot.com 42. Concept 7:Companies are attempting to build a global brand image by using the same advertising in all markets. Local or Global http://jankenneth-obar.blogspot.com 43. Concept 8:Select Communication Channels: Situation in Pharmaceutical Industry 94,000 Sales Reps Only40%of sales calls lead to seeing the Doctor A Med Sales Rep only get 2 minutesof Doctors Time http://jankenneth-obar.blogspot.com 44. Concept 8:Pharmaceutical companies turned to other Communication Channels such as: 1)Ads in medicalJournal 2) direct mail 3) free samples 4) telemarketing 5) Sponsoredconferences - http://jankenneth-obar.blogspot.com 45. Concept 9:Sales Promotion: Tools used to draw a strongerand quicker buyer response. -Coupons -Contests -Premiums http://jankenneth-obar.blogspot.com 46. Concept 10: Multiple Stage Communication Campaign New Campaignabout anew product Paid AD with A response mechanism Direct Mail OutboundTelemarketing Face to FaceSales call Ongoing Communication http://jankenneth-obar.blogspot.com 47. Summary:

  • 8 Elements of Communication
  • Marketing Communication Mix
  • Consumer Response Model
  • Developing Effective Communication
  • Determine Communication Objective

http://jankenneth-obar.blogspot.com 48. Summary: 6)Communication Design 7)Global Adaptation 8)Select Communication Channel 9)Sales Promo 10)Coordinating Media http://jankenneth-obar.blogspot.com