januar.r to 19s4 kodiak national wildlife refuge kodiak,-al.a

GE ORT Januar to April, 19S4 KODIAK NATIONAL E GE K,- a Pa A. Chao1, ge ger sse R. Hoff, Wildlife get Biologin Po] H. Heale, C Paul K. Foster, Motorboat Operatoineer

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Page 1: Januar.r to 19S4 KODIAK NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE Kodiak,-Al.a



Januar.r to April, 19S4


Kodiak,- Al.a.aka

Paul A. Chapad.o1, Re!uge Manager

Russell R. Hoffman, Wildlife Management Biologin

Po].;br H. Heale:r, Clerk

Paul K. Foster, Motorboat Operatol'!1Engineer

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I. GENERAL "· Weather Condition• • • • • • • • 1 Bo Water Conditioaa • • • • • • • ) c.· Fi.rea • • • • • • • • • • • l

II. WILDLIFE A. Migratory Birda • • • • • • • 1

B. Upland Game Bi�a • • • • • • . ' c. Song Bi.M.a • • • • • • • • • J Do Shore Birda • • • • • • • 0 . ' E. Small. Game Anillala • • • • • • , '· Big Game Animals • • • • • • • 6 G• Fur Animal•; Predatora, Rodent•� eto. U

m. REFUGE DEVEWPMENT AND MAINTENANCE A. Physiaal D.Telopaent • 0 • • • .]J


Ao Bear @ Cattle InYeetigationa • 0 • 1J B� Bear Innnigatione • • • 0 0 • 16

VI. PUBLIC RELATIONS Ao Refuge Vialtora • • • • • • • 20 B:. Refuge Participation • • • • • 20 c. Hunting • • • • • • • • • .20 Do Fiab.i.JI& • • • • • • • • • . 21 E. Violations and En!o!'8eme:nt • • • .21

Vill. OTHER ITEMS A. Itema of Intereat • • • • • • 22


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.Janua%7 to AprU, 1954


Kediak1 Al.aeka


A. Weather Condit.ion.a

The Kodiak Refuge doea not operate a weather station. Weather data is furnished by the Fleet Wea.taer Central., Naval Station, Kodiak, Alaska.

Precipitation Temperature ... F 0

Snowfall Precip. be rage A..Terage Extreme Extreme Inch•! Inchea Me &D.

-Maxi.a\ua Minilma Maximum Mi.ni.mua

Janua%7 21.1 .3.1, 29.6 .34.0 25.1 4.3.0 l!J.O

February 21.8 1.61 2J.J .30.2 20.! .39.0 u.o

March 21.1 .3 • .32 .3l.T .36.6 26.7 Jl.O 15.0

April 2.T l.lJ .36.) 40.6 .31.9 .... ...

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General Remarks


The total precipitation vas one {1) inch below normal, while the snowfall w.a nine (9) inches abon. All :precipitation fell during the firet thirt.een (1.3) days and last eix (6) days of the month. The temperature averaged point six (.6) degree below normal. Due to the long period of fair weather .near the middle or the month, skies were clear more than twice the nor.oo mal amount or tilM. The li8Xi.mum wind gust for the month waa NW 64 knots.

The mean temperature &Terage4 ;.2 degrees below normal. Only in 1950 waa February a colder month than this year iD. the histor.y of the weather station. The a.-rage wind velocity was three '.3) knots aboYe normal and the !I8Jti.mum gust waa NW 59 lm.ots.


The temperature for the month &Yerage4 near normal, al� though the mercury failed to ri" abon 40 degrees during the first. 13 dl9'•• Total precipitation was near nonu.l, but over 90 percent fell during the first halt of the :month. The peak gust occurred on the second day, from tllle west at "10 knota during a se.-re snow stor..


Temperatures averaged .6 degree l;)elow normal, and ranged. between '' degrees on the first and 20 degree • on the tenth. Total precipitation vas onl:r one third of normal. However, this is not the driest April on recordJ only a trace of preci� itation was recorded. in April 1948. There were no wind guilts onr 55 knots this period..

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B. Water Condition�

During this period more snow and less rain was recorded than for the corresponding period last year. The heav.y snowa and light rain fall account for the late spring break-up. All of the larger lakes were still !rosen over at the end of the period.

c, Fire,•

No fires occurred on the Refllge during this period,


A. Mi;gratorz Bird•

The annual migratory- waterfowl surve7 waa conducted during this period. The survey was made possible by the cooperation and assistance of the u.s. Coast Guard Air Detachmen\. A PBY type aircraft vas used duriDg the survey flights on January J and 2� • .l total flight tiae of 8 hour• and 20 mil:lutes covered. approximate� 650 miles of surTe)'ed area at an altitude ot 350 � 800 feet. The flight COT&red the peripher,r of Kodiak and the aouthern portion of Afognak Island.

The areas of concentration, Geese Island11 Sitkalidak Strait, and the Raapberr.r ... Kupreanof, were similar \o those noted during la•t years survey. A total of 35,35' waterfowl

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was observed and estimated during the surve7•

Species Composition


Mallard 3510 1620 5130 lA-.50

Gadwall J2 100 lJl .429

Baldpate 18 14J 16.3 .4�1

Green...w,i.nged. Teal llJ 2.30 .34.3 .970

Pintail 129 280 409 1.10

Scaup 16"(0 lSOO 3170 a.,,

Gold.en....eye 6� lJOO 2109 5.96

Bufflehead 21S 200 415 1.16

Harlequin ,,, 1000 1SJ6 4 • .34

Old Squaw 3067 2000 5067 14 • .3.3

Unidentit.led Ducks 4936 2762 7698 21.71

Scotera aad Eidera 5268 .3000 8268 23 • .38

Hergan1era 241 400 647 1.8)

Emperor Geese 48 20Q 248 .101 -

GRAND TOTAL 20�418 U.,9'JT ''�:nJ

Tae spring migration of waterfowl vas noted during tae latter part. or April and vas still continuing at the close of this report period. On April 17 a large !lock of Canada Geese vas obserYed flT� ing three miles off tile coast of Cape Chiniak. One flock ot eight.

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White�frented Geese were observed on the tidal !late area of Bell' s Flats and ten Canada Geese were observed at Kalsin Bay, Numerous pintail and baldpate ducks were observed passing through this area during the later part of the period.

B, Upland Game Bird�

Observations and reports indicate no change over the population and distribution of Willow and Rock ptarmigan, Very few binia have been taken on the northern end of the iala.nd.. As reported in pre ... Tious reports, the greatest take of ptarmigan is by residente froa the southern end of the island ... notably in the Olga Bay and A.lltak Bay anas.

The usual winter species of song bird• resided on Kodiak Island during this period.

D, Shore Birds

No transient. shore birds were observed this period.

Varying Hare

Observations and reports indicate an increased number of hare throughout the island group,

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Hare were introduced on Woody and Long Ialande in 1952. Surveys of these two islands during January and March of thie year indicate a sizeable hare population.

Field checks during January and March sbo1rr-ed a large poP"" ulation of hare along the Raspberry Strait side of Afognak Islande�

Toward the end of the report period. the hare observed were mottled in color.

F • Big Game AnimA,} s

Sitkan Blaek�tailed Deer

During the period the black-tailed deer on the northern end. of Kodiak are concentrated along the fringe• of the beach, low exposed hill• and sheltered timber areas. It is not unusual to observe 20 M 30 deer during a drive along the road between Cliff Point and Middle Bay. Field trips conducted during January and Y.arch disclosed an extensive deer wintering population along tho north west shore of Kizhuyak Bay near Whale Passage. Deer sign was also noted along the timbered area on Afognak Island near Back Bay.

Weather cond.itioDs during this period were very severe for the black�tailed deer. A heavier than normal snowfall coupled with freeziDg and thawing conditions made the usual low browse and prostrate growths unavailable to the deer. The heavy snows

restricted the range and moYement of the deer. Browse conditions indicate an increased utilization of the deer range in specific local areas than has been noted during previous years.

This period, 16 deer were found dead and the cause of death was attributed to the severe winter conditions. The greatest number of the winter kills were last years faw.ns . When possible, the winter killed deer were checked and upon examination the femur bone marrow disclosed a red8gelatiRous condition.

Last fall, after the de•r hunting season, 22 deer jawe were sent to Mr. Sigurd T. Olson, FWS Biologist, Petersburg, Alaska for age determination.

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The following information was submitted by Mr. Olson.


Clase I (1 to li yeara) ' (27.;3%)

Class II (2 to 2i yeara) '1 {31.8%)

Class III {3 to 3i yeare) 4 {1S.2%}

Cla•., IV ( 4 to 4i years) 4 (18.2%)

Class V! (5t years plus} l {4.,%)

22 100%

Olympic Elk

During this period, one aerial survey of Afognak Island, Whale Island, and Kupreanof Strait was ma.de on January 15. No elk herd concentrations were observed during the survey. Several individual elk were seen in the vicinity of Muskomee Bay. Elk tracks were noted in the vicinity of Paramano! Bay, Malina Bay, Raspberry Straits, Whale Island and Kupreano! Straits.

A survey trip aboard the FWS Shearwater II during the period January 21 through 24, was conducted along Kupreanof and Raspberry Stra.iis. A ground cheok of Kupreanof Straits near Settler's Cove, disclosed elk sign indicating that a

small herd of elk were wintering in this area.

On January 22 a survey was conducted along Raspberry Straits. No elk were obserred but tracks were noted along the Afognak Island side of the Straits. During this survey a snow shoe foot patrol was made with Agent Branson in the head of Muskomee Bay. Tracks along the right hand side of the

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valley indicated that a sizeable herd Gf elk had passed through the area recently. Approximatel7 one mile from the beach three men were. apprehended for the killing of J elk. {2 cowa and 1 spike bull) • The next two days were spent hauling ou.t the meat and prosecuting the cases in U.S. CQmmissionerts Couri. {See violations). Upon questioning the defendenta it was determined that a herd of approximately 125 elk had passed through the Muskomee Bay area moving north.

During a patrol of the FWS Shearwater II on February 15 a herd of approximately 70 elk were observed by Boat-operator Foster along the Raspberry Strait side of Afognak Island. These animals were feeding along a hillside at elevations of 500 to 2000 feet. The snow conditions evidentl1 had not been severe enough to restriet the animals activity to the low timbered areas.

On March 10 through lS, while on patrol aboard the Shearwa.ter II various ground surveys were made along Raspberry Straits and Litnik Bay. All ground surveys were made with the use of snowshoes. On March 12, ten elk were observed near Wasnereska Creek {Raspberr.y Straits). These animals were feeding along the tidal area. One large cow was .. the leader of the small herd, and as the herd was approached she gave a shrill warning snort, the other elk joining behind her in single file as they moved away.

Twenty th ree elk wre observed March 1' on Little Ra.spber1'7 Island. The movement of elk between Afognak and Little Raspberry Islands is quite common. This move100nt occurs during periods of low tide when the elk ean wade across the narrows.

During the periods of hea'97 snow, as experienced during the later part of February and March of this year, the elk are found im the low s pruce timbered areas and their movements are confined within these areas. Examination of areas grazed by the elk during periods of heavy snow disclosed the utilization ot Willow (Salix �J Elderberry (Sambucus racemosa pubens}, Devil ts Club

Echinopanax horridum) Alder {Alnus fruticosa) and Bluebe1T7 (Vaccinium ovalifolium). The bark on some spruce treee was broken off, evidently the elk were utilizing tree lichens and broke off the bark during the process. Where available, the willow brush was the favorite food. The utilization of Devilts Club was very notice­able, the elk to pping off the tips of the Devil's Club.

No area of extensive over browsing was observed.

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Eleven (ll) elk were recorded as being killed this perioa:

Mountain Goat.

7 (cows) 3 (bulls ) l (cew)

illegal kills illegal kills Bear observed eating on carcass. Severe winter conditions attributed to death.

One mountain goat carcass was found in Uyak Bay during the later part of November. Remains of the animal were sent to the local Fish and Wildlife office for identification. The carcass was identified as the remains of a male mountain goat. The goatB were originally released in the Hidden Basin area and the goat carcass found was approximately 70 miles from point of release. The reason for the death of this goat is unknown as mbst of the carcass was consumed by foxes and birds before it was found.

No further observations of goat have been noted or reported this period.

Kodiak Brown Bear

The total known and estimated bear kill this period is 38.

The total recorded kill is 30 and the remainder is illegal and unrecorded kill•• The following tableB show the bear take this period as compared to corresponding periods since 1949 and breaks down tbe kill as to sex, areas of kill and as to the classification of the kills.

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Januarz 1 through April 30


Resident Hunter• 8

Non"resident Huntera 6

Defense of Life or Property 1

Control 0

Scientific Collectors Permit 0

Estimated Unrecorded Kill -


Known natural mortality


Janus.:ry Jt through April 30


Resident Hunters T

Non"resident Hunters 12

Defense of Life or Property 0

Scientific Collectors Permit 0

Known Natural Mortalit7


- 10 ....

1950 1951

4 �

7 10

0 0

0 0

Q 0

... ....

u lS








1952 195.3 1954

' l 10

8 19 15

() 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 l

8 10 s

u .30 34

i ! TOTAL 38

Unknown Total

1 10

0 lJ

0 0

0 1

3 .;. I

4 30

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A Off the Refuge

B Kupreanot Peninsula

c Uganik Bay- ... N.E. Arm Uganik Island Uganik River Viekoda Bay

D Little River Peninsula

E Sbearwater Ba7

F Deadman Bay

G Uyak Bay Amoek leland Spiridon Bay

January ... Apri�



2 2 2 1







Frazer Lake l

I Akalura Lake 1 South side ot Olga Bay 1

Afognak and Shuyak Islands Raspberry Straits 2 Malina Bay 1 Danger Bay l Izhut Bay l

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G, Fur Animals, Predatore, Rodents, and other Mammals


The beaver season this year produced only 19 pelts. The table below compares the total number of beaver sealed for the past five years.

1950 27S

l9Sl 2.35

l9S2 1.38

195.3 27

19S4 19

As shown by the above table the take of beaver has declined considerabl7 during the open trapping seasons since 19?0. & comparatively small amount of beaver trapping is done in areas that are accessible by road, consequently the beaver population is quite law in the Anton Larson, Chiniak, and Pasagshak Bay areas which accounts for the small take of beaver in recent years.

The beaver population appears to be staple on the remainder of its range on the island group,

Land Otter

No change over previous reports. Very few land otter are trapped in this area, even though they are0quite plentiful throughout the island group.


The fox pop\ill.ation still remains very high throughou'tl the island group. Very few fox are taken due to the low price for the pelts, The once highly prized and priced silver fox pelt is worth only approximate ... ly $5,00 on the local market,


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Weasel, Marten, Mink, Alaska Red Squirrel

No change over previous reports,

Ground Squirrels

The ground squirrels were seen out of hibernation during the latter part of April,


A, Physical Development

Patrol Vee .. l No, 156, Shearwater II

The steel anchor cable on the anchor winch waa replaced this period by 200 feet of 1/4 inch galvanized steel cable,

A new steering device was installed to replace the worn out mechanism,

New batteries for the 32 volt system have been ordered,

At the end of the period Boat-operator Foster was beginning to paint the interior of the boat,

A boat grid was constructed this period along side of the FWS Dock. This grid will handle any of the small FWS boats 40 feet and under, and will facilitate working on the boats during normal tide range a,

A much needed improvement to the office was completed this period, A 10 x 18 foot extension was added to the south end of the office building, This addition was broken up into two separate office spaces, This long sought improvement alleviates the crowded condition in the

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Kodiak office. The purchase of the materials was financed by Fishery, Enforcement. and Refuge field allotment monies. One carpenter was hired to supervise the constructio n and all FWS employees at Kodiak pitched in to complete the job•


Four (4} special use permits were issued this period to Registered guides for the use of Refuge lands as sites for hunt-ing camps.

General Permittee Permit. No. Location of Site Period Fee/Year

John Morton 1598? Karluk Lake 2/1/54-1/31/59 $25.00

W Pinnell & 15988 Karluk Lake 1/1/54-12/31/58 $25.00 M. Talifson

" It " 15989 Red River Lake l/1/5�12/31/'}8 $25.00

" n II 15990 Frazer Lake 1/1/54--12/31/')8 $25.00

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The followbg is •ubmitted b7 Wildlife Management Biologi.t Rusnll R. Hortman.

A• , Bear ..., Cattle InTesti,gatioQI

Weather conditions this winter produced another severe winter iD.

the cattle area. Early snow, followed by successiTe snowstorms through­out this period arid together with genera� cold weather, caused the deep snow to persi•t on most of the winter range for cattle. Consequent� ly, the mortality to cattle was again high. The following table showw the mortality this period.


Felton 1 cow ,.. 3 year old Fell owr cliff 1 cow ... 3 year old. Winter loss 2 con ... older than 3 -rr• Winter loss

Kugler 1 cow .-. 3 year ol.ci Drowning S cows " 3 yr. & older Winter loss 2 calve• Shortly after birth 8 colt• Winter los• 1 mare Winter loss

Henle7 0

Zentner lcow Winter los• 1 yearling Winter loss l calf Deformed.

Beebe 1 cow - 3 year old. Winter loss 1 bull yearling Winter loss 1 calt Shortly after birth

McCord. 30 heifer• Winter loss

..... 1, ...

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No mortality to cattle from bear occurred this period. A total of 48 cows and 9 horses are known to have euccumbed to the severe winter conditions this period. Of these, .30 wer& heifers of the McCord ranch on Sitkalidak Island that were brought up here in July of 195.3. This tally was reported to this office by other ranchers and was reported to them by members of the McCord ranch. A visit to the McCord ranch in May will verify this,

Cattle on the ranches were fed rolled oate, rolled barley, cottonseed cake, and some hay this winter. The winter range wae limited to grazing on a narrow margin along the beach line and to browsing and barking the willows and elderberry in the open areas. This stripping of bark from bru.Bh was noted to be mGre extensive this winter as compared to the previous two winter•; the deer also exhibited this characteristic in this area. Break�p came late and suddenly this year and the cattle came through in a gener� poor physical condition, cau8ing aome loss during the calving to both calves and cows,

Calving began in mid-April and by the close of the month was about one-half completed, The cows that died during parturition are. listed and attributed as winter losses,

B, Bear Investigations

The dormant phase of the bear was included within the period covered by this report, Observations showed where bear remained active later in the fall than has been usual. Waterfowl flights on January 5 and 25 revealed bear tracks in four of the large drainage -.ystems on the Shelikof side of the island. A few bear usually remain active throughout the winter period and this year was no exception as bear were seen at Chief Point in Uyak Bay and along Raspberr.r Straits during this time,

Emergence from hibernation began during the early part of March. During the period of March 12 through 16, fresh bear tracks were obserYed on Afognak Island along Raspberry Straits from Muskomee Bay to the Narrows, The greatest amount of sign was seen on a narrow strip along the beach and inland approximately .300 yard.a, One trail was followed fer four miles into the Wasnereska Creek valley where the bear was flushed from its bed. By the appearance of the tracks it was known that the bear went through

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the area at 12 p�. and was flushed from ita resting spot at 12 p.m. the following day. The trail showed that \he bear had not swerved from its general direction of travel but had walked directly to its bedding spot. This ie a span of 24 hours of which, presumably, the bear spent the greater portion in its bed.

The droppings found along the trail and outside or the bed were examined under field conditions. The first was composed largely of a dark greenish bile�like material ver.y similar to the contents found in the intestines of the bear taken from its den in Uganik Bay,i This would indicate that the bear had emerged from hibernation just shortly before this. The other dropping was composed entirely of rabbit.

It appears from this that the bear spend long periods of time resting shortly after emergence from the winter sleep. The bed was located on a knoll in spruce cover and was a depression in the snow which had melted enough to expose the ground at the bottom.

On March 9, a bear wa• successfully forced from its hibernation in a den on the south side of the Northeast Arm of Uganik Bay. The group consisting of Bill Baumann, Leonard Helgason, residents of Terror Ba7; Charles Lang, winter watchman, San Juan Cannery; Paul A. Chapados and Russell Hoffman searched the steep slopes and deep snow for an active den. The ninth cave prod�ced a young female bear.

The den was located on the north slope in a large crevice in the side of a rock outcropping 900 feet above sea level. There was a 6� foot ledge embracing the openi� and the bed proper was located 6 feet below the ledge surface and 7� feet within the cave. The entrance to this narrow cave was 5 feet high b7 l� feet wide and covered by 4 feet of snow, showing only a small hole indicating the entrance.

The bed proper was a small depression in the volcanic ash about 1! feet in diameter on the bottom of the cave. Conditions in the bed and the! eave were immaculate and no droppings were found in or near the bed.

When the bear was first seen, late in the afternoon of March S, it was lying in the bed facing the interior of the cave. The next morning after preparations were completed the bear was "smokedu out of the cave. The bear slowly emerged after a lighted signal flare was tossed into the cave, and then it sped swiftly over the ledge and down the steep slope showing no signs of lethargy.

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UGANIK BAY 800 " OOQt el•T•


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The bear was killed by Paul A. Chapadoa with the primary purpose of studying some of the aspects of a hibernating animal. Examination showed the following:

1. No internal parasites were found. This further substantiates the theor,r that the fish tapeworms do not inhabit the intestine of the bear through­out the winter.

2. The stomach was completely empty and had shrunken to approximatel7 one third the normal aiae.

3o The intestinea were shrunken to smaller than normal size but contained a .mall amount of semi-fluid dark green bile�like material.

4o No anal or fecal "plug" as such was present. A small amount of semi ... solid unidentifiable material was found in the lower intestine . Anal "pluas• have been found in bears killed in the spring and this indicates that the plug is not neceesar.y for hibernation or found in all hibernating bear.

So The bladder was full to capacity.

64 The heart1 lungs, and other organs of the viscera appeared normal; the genital tract was preserved for laboratory examination.

7. The mammae glands were not enlarged.

80 No embryos were found, the animal apparently' had never conceiTed.

9o The skull, femur, and radius bones were collected.

10. The animal was normal and in good. condition with two inches of fat on the rump section. It did not exhibit the normal strong odor characteristic of Dear.

11. The foot pads were Dlaok in color and rough to the touch. Hair growing between the toes and extending downward past the sole of the pad was due to the inactiTity of the bear and to the lack of wear. The thought has been extended that when bear come out of hibernation, the pads are white and tender. This removes any doubt that this happens during the winter but the feet could become tender after the bear is active in the spring.

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Weights and measurements were taken of this bear. The bear was transported to the cannery dock and was weighed whole, and then cut in to sections and weighed for comparison with wei ghts of other bear. Usually the animals are cut into sections and each one weighed individually to get the total.

Weight entire • • • • .317 pounds

Weight sectioned • • • .306 pounds

Difference of two weights . • • U pounds

This difference of 11 pounds represents the fluid loss or .3.4% of the total weight. This compares favorably with the figure of .3% used on all other weights of bear to correct for this loss. Variations occur in the amount of fluid loss depend�

ing upon the area of penetration of th e bullet into the body of the animal.

The general pattern of emergence occurred again this spring. Considering the bear as groups, the males were th e first to be seen active on the mountain ridges,and this was followed by the next group, the females with yearling cubs . The sows with cube of the year are usually the last to appear and remain around and with.in the vicinity of the denning area until the latter part of May and the first part of June when they work their way down to the beaches and river bottoms.

Additional skulls have been collected for age and growth relationships, genital tracts of female bear are being collected in an attempt to determine whether this species undergoes delayed implantation during the period of gestation . The testes of males are being collected to show the exact breeding dates and whether or not a pseudo breeding period occurs in the fall of the year as reported by investigators in Europe as occurring in the brown bear there. Femur bones are being collected in an attempt to determine the growth rate and age of the cessation of growth. All collections are made from hunter-killed bear and several registered guides are very cooperative by aiding in the collection of this material.

Information data sheets were prepared and included in the Streamguard handbook which will be distributed to about 20 men this summer stationed in the Kodiak district. The data sheets vere designed for game animal and bird observations in the

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respective places.

One item of interest 8 two (2) large male bear were killed on Uganik Island this spring.


A. Refuge Visitor•

9 February 18 February 18 February 18 Februar:r

12 March

13 April 14 April 19 April 19 April 20 April 26 April 27 April 29 April

William Baumann, Re sid.ent James Scott, Bureau of Land Mgmt J .E. Burt, Bureau of Land Mgmt. E.J. Huiser, Biologi.t, A.D.F.

c. Fennecie, Biologist

H. Waugh, Registered Guide Lt. Nordgren, Personnel Officer Marcus Meyer, Fish am Wildlife Fred Bitle, Fish and Wildlife W .A. Elkins, Wildlife Mgmt Supervisor R. Gobar, M.D. USS BURTON ISLAND Ray Rockwell Non�resident hunter Karl Lottsfeldt, Registered Guide

B. Refuge Particip!tion

Terror Bay, Kodiak Homer, Alaska Homer, Alaska Juneau, Alaska

Helena, Montana

Moose Pass, Alaska Naval Station, Kodiak Juneau, Alaska Seattle, Washington Juneau, Alaska

Witchita Falla, Texas Anchorage, Alaska

The Refuge Manager and Russell R. Hoffman, Wildlife Management Biologist, attended a conference with Bureau of Land Management personnel in Anchorage during January; and the Annual Game Commission Meeting in Juneau in February.

C, Hunting

The hunting season closed on hare March 31, and the season on

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ptarmigan closed April 15. The trapping season on tax, land otter, and weasel closed Januar,y 31 and the muskrat season elosea May 31,

The season on the Kodiak Brown Bear remained open throughout the period, Local registered guides commenced their spring bear hunting activity during the first week in April,

D, Fishing

By the end of the report period Dolly Varden and Steelhead trout fishing had begun, The Karluk River Recreational Camp, operated by the Kodiak Conservation Club, had begun to reacti1tate their camp for the spring and summer season.

E, Violations and Enforcement

No violations were kno'Wil to have been committed on the Refuge this per:lod,

The Enforce:uent division, with the assistance of the Refuge starr, apprehended U elk violators th:ls period, W. these violations occurred on Afognak Island, The triala were held in the u.s. Commissioner1s Court, Kodiak, Alaska ... all defendents pled guilty and were assessed fineci totalling $5,380,00,

The Enforcement division apprehended and prosecute« one deer violator this period, The defendant pled guilty in u.s. CQmmissionerta Court and was assessed a fine of $500,00,

... 21""'

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A, Iteme of Interest

On the 21st of April a young female walrus waa shot in the Uyak Bay area, The animal was first observed near Ali Island in

a weakened condition; evidently it had been previously shot, This is the first walrus ever reported around Kodiak Island,

May 20, 1954 11

Submitted by: f:f.c� Refuge Manager

'Q� Apprcnoecl : __ c:.n/_;.,.;;....;..�_.;;__ ____ ,__.;Pr-1).. Wildlife Management Superviso�

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APRIL 1954