january 30th, 2015

imsLn aqy aYbtsPorz dI hrmn ipafrI sKsLIaq bfbf pfl isMG DflIvfl dy sLqfbdI jIvn df aMq Respected Centenarian Passes …….. pMjfbI BfeIcfry dI mhfn sKsLIaq bfbf pfl isMG 100 sfl aqy 8 mhIny dI Aumr Bog guru crnf ivwc jf ivrfjy hn| AunHF df jnm 14 meI, 1914 nUM brnflLf ijlHy dy ipMz cMnxvflL ivKy hoieaf sI| Auh 1932 ivWc kYnyzf afey sI| Auh bI[sI[ dy sLihr imsLn ivwc rihMdy sn| 1942 ivwc AunHF ny afpxf ibjins (imsLn iPAUl ilmitz ) sQfipq kIqf| afpxy ipqf jI dy nksyL kdmF qy clidaF, AnHF ny 18 sfl dI Aumr ivWc gfmf skul afP rYsilMg, hFkgFg qoN rYsilMg vI isWKI| AnHF ny 1945-1947 qWk pRoPYsLnl rYsilMg kIqI| kYnyzf aqy amrIkf ivWc Aus nUM iewk vDIaf pihlvfn df ruqbf hfisl sI| bhuq sfry nOjvfnF nUM AnHF ny Gulxf isKfieaf| Auh cont’d on page 2

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  • imsLn aqy aYbtsPorz dI hrmn ipafrI sKsLIaq bfbf pfl isMG DflIvfl dy sLqfbdI jIvn df aMq

    Respected Centenarian Passes ..pMjfbI BfeIcfr y dI mhfn sKsLIaq bfbf pfl isMG 100 sfl aqy 8 mhIny dI Aumr Bog guru crnf ivwc jf ivrfjy hn| AunHF df jnm 14 meI, 1914 nUM brnflLf ijlHy dy ipMz

    cMnxvflL ivKy hoieaf sI| Auh 1932 ivWc kYnyzf afey sI| Auh bI[sI[ dy sLihr imsLn ivwc rihMdy sn| 1942 ivwc AunHF ny afpxf ibjins (imsLn iPAUl ilmitz ) sQfipq kIqf| afpxy ipqf jI dy nksyL kdmF qy clidaF, AnHF ny 18 sfl dI Aumr ivWc gfmf skul

    afP rYsilMg, hFkgFg qoN rYsilMg vI isWKI| AnHF ny 1945-1947 qWk pRoPYsLnl rYsilMg kIqI| kYnyzf aqy amrIkf ivWc Aus nUM iewk vDIaf pihlvfn df ruqbf hfisl sI| bhuq sfry nOjvfnF nUM AnHF ny Gulxf isKfieaf| Auh

    contd on page 2

  • Friday, January 30th, 2015PAGE 2The Patrika

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    New agri-food tech accelerator in Mission

    Technology and agri-food entrepre-neurs in the Fraser Valley will now benefit from $844,000 in provincial funding for a new agriculture- and technology-focused program, deliv-ered by the Sumas Regional Consor-tium for High Tech (SRCTec).

    The new BC Agri-food Venture Ac-celeration Program based in Mission will provide entrepreneurs and startups in the Fraser Valley with training, coaching and the network to help them accelerate growth. This new program expands on BC Innovation Councils BC Venture Acceleration Program, which now delivers a successful technology accelerator program in 13 communities around the province.

    SRCTec is a non-profit society found-ed in 2006 with the intent to attract technology companies to and promote skilled technology training and educa-tion in the Fraser Valley. For instance, SRCTec works with local First Nations to increase their technical capacity within the rural east valley communi-ties, and the Mission school district to help prepare students for careers in technology.

    The expansion of the Venture Accel-eration Program into the Fraser Val-ley is made possible through a grant provided to the BC Innovation Council from the Ministry of Agriculture to

    drive technology commercialization in the agri-food sector. SRCTec an-ticipates this funding will allow them to take on 12 to 16 program clients per year.

    The $844,000 in funding also allows SRCTec to bring on dedicated exec-utives-in-residence who will provide coaching and mentorship to companies in the program. These are experienced entrepreneurs who have grown tech-nology businesses from the ground up and who provide invaluable one-on-one business mentoring for clients.

    The Ministry of Agriculture is commit-ted to working with farmers, producers and other ministries and agencies to promote the use of new technologies to support B.C.s agri-food industry. The program will help drive the growth of technology and innovation in the province and benefit local farmers, producers and food processors.

    Technology and agri-foods are among B.C.s most competitive business sec-tors and two of the eight key sectors in the BC Jobs Plan - the Provinces strategy to grow the economy. The BC Innovation Council supports these sec-tors through programs and activities that accelerate the commercialization of technology in B.C. and strengthen its entrepreneurial community.

    ieWk bhuq hI siqkfrXog sKsLIaq dy mflk sn|

    1947 ivWc Auh vfips pMjfb cly gey aqy bIbI mihMdr kOr nflL ivafh krvfieaf | AuhnF 3 sfl ipMz cMnxvflL rih ky KyqI kIqI aqy iPr Auh vfips kYnyzf af gey| AunHF nUM hYrItyjL guru Gr aqy Kflsf dIvfn sUsfietI aYbtsPorz vwlN snmfinq kIqf igaf | ies qoN ielfvf istI afP aYbtsPorz vWloN afrzr afP aYbtsPorz aqy istIjn afP df XIar GoisLq kIqf igaf sI|

    20 jnvrI 2015 nUM pUrI sLqfbdI bfad AnHF dy jIvn df aMq ho igaf| AunHF dI pqnI muihMdr kOr vI 4 sfl pihlF pirvfr nUM sdIvI ivCoVf dy gey sn| Auh afpxy ipWCy 6 bWcy ivWkI

    (kirs), bljIq, suirMdr, kmlf (jYk), pfl jUnIar, aqy rOibn (ijm), aqy 7 poqy-poqIaF aqy dohqy dohqIaF ; aYirn, zsitn, cirsf, jYnf, imsLYl, nyQn aqy brYzlI Cwz gey hn|

    Auh suBfa vwlo N hsmuWK, sMjIdf, pirvfr aqy dosqF-imWqrF , BfeIcfry nflL ipafr aqy siqkfr nMU smripq sKsLIaq dy mflk sn | aYbtsPorz aqy imsLn dy sfry BfeIcfiraF ivwc hrmnipafry sn aqy AnHF df pUrf iemfndfr aqy sMGrsLmeI jIvn afAux vflLIaF pIVHIaF leI pRyrxf sroq rhygf| pMjfbI pWiqRkf adfrf ies mhfn sKsLIaq dy sdIvI ivCoVy kfrn pirvfr imWqrF snyhIaF nflL ies dwuK dI GVI ivWc idl dIaF gihrfeIaF qoN sLrIk hMudf hY|

    contd from front page

  • Friday, January 30th, 2015 PAGE 3The Patrika

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  • Friday, January 30th, 2015PAGE 4The Patrika

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    ilMkn idvs df sMdysL kYnyzf coN nslI BydBfv Kqm kro.

    21 jnvrI nUM AuNtyrIE dy lYPtInYNt gvrnr aYiljLfbYQ zfAUzsvYWl ny AuNtyrIE Br dy XuvkF ivwcoN cuxy gey iqMn aijhy nOjvfnF nUM ilMkn aYm alYgjLYNzr avfrzF nfl snmfinq kIqf ijhnF ny smfj ivwc nslI ivqkry nUM dUr krn aqy hF-pwKI smfijk bdlfa ilafAux dI idsLf ivwc vrnxXog Xogdfn pfieaf hY. ieh ienfm hr sfl 16 qoN 25 sfl dI Aumr dy AuhnF nOjvfnF nUM pRdfn kIqy jFdy hn jo nslI BydBfv nUM dUr krn ivwc rol adf krdy hn. ies sfl ieh avfrz QOrnihwl dy jLbyrI awqfrd nUM iewk ividafrQI aYsLosIeysLn bnfAux leI idwqf igaf hY jo nvNy afey prvfsI bwicaF vfsqy gwlbfq krn leI surwiKaq mfhOl muhweIaf krdI hY aqy AuhnF dy svYivsLvfs nUM mjLbUq krn leI Xqn krdI hY.

    ievyN hI Evn sfAUNz dI mYzIsn gwuzivl nUM mUlvfsIaF dy ieiqhfs aqy swiBafcfr nUM skUl aqy kimAuintI ivwc pRPwulq krn leI aqy hYimltn dI Xosrf mUsf nUM mYkmfstr XUnIvristI ivKy aPrIkn BfeIcfry sbMDI iewk iswiKaf df pRogrfm cflU krn ivwc lfimsfl mdd krn bdly idwqf igaf hY.

    ieh avfrz AuNtyrIE dy 24vyN lYPtInYNt gvrnr mfxXog ilMkn aYm[alYgjLYzr dy snmfn ivwc idqy jFdy hn. 2013 ivwc ibwl lfgU hox qoN bfad AuNtyrIE ivwc 21 jnvrI nUM ilMkn alYgjLYNzr idvs vjoN mnfieaf jfx lwgf hY jdoN ik 2014 ivwc PYzrl srkfr ny vI ies sbMDI ibwl pfs kr idwqf sI. hux 21 jnvrI smuwcy kYnyzf ivc ilMkn idvs vjLoN mnfieaf jFdf hY. ilMkn alYgjLNYzr dy isr ishrf jFdf hY ik Auh AuNtyrIE ivwc kfly rMg df pihlf mYNbr pfrlImYNt (aYm[pI[) cuixaf igaf sI. Auh 1985 qoN 1991 qwk ANutyrIE df lYPtInYNt gvrnr irhf sI| 19 akqUbr,2012 nMU ilMkn df idhFq ho igaf sI.

    21 jnvrI vrgy idvs sfnUM Aus hkIkq vwl sucyq rihx leI mIl pwQr df kMm krdy hn jo kYnyzf dI hfly qwk vwzI scfeI hY. ieh scfeI hY ik AuGVvyN aqy lukvyN dovF rUpF ivwc nslI ivqkrf sfzy jIvn df aMg bixaf hoieaf hY. kfly, BUry aqy pIly rMgF vfilaF nUM AuWc ahuidaF AuWqy puwjx ivwc keI aVcxF pysL afAuNdIaF hn. vwzIaF kfrporysLnF dy cIP aYgjYkitv, borzF dy cyarmYn aqy hor ahudydfr hfly vI rMgdfr BfeIcfry dy lokF dI phuMc qoN iksy hwd qwk bfhr hn. ieho nhIN ik rMgdfr lokF ivwc kfblIaq dI Gft huMdI hY sgoN bhuqI vfr nslI PYktr kMm kr irhf huMdf hY. pIl rIjLn ivwc ies dIaF keI imsflF hn ijhnF ivwcoN pIl pulIs dy pMjfbI sfrjMt bI[ jy[ sMDU vwloN pulIs iKLlfPL nslI ivqkry df mukwdmf kIqf jfxf iewk hY. ho skdy ik ieh vrqfrf AuhnF nUM pIVf phuMcfAuNdf hY.

    kYnyzIan ieMstIicAUt afPL aYzYNtItIjL aYNz mfeIgrysLn dI irport muqfbk pyrrIjL ivwc 52% lokF df mMnxf hY ik mUlvfsIaF nUM pysL smwisafvF leI Auh Kud hI ijLMmyvfr hn. ies qrHF dy dUsLx ieMmIgrFtF AuWqy vI lfey jFdy hn. imsfl vjoN iewk vfr PYzrl mMqrI itwm AuWpl nUM aYzimMtn dy iewk klwb ivwc iek aOrq ny AuWcI afvfjL mfr ky itwpxI kIqI sI ik qUM byrujLgfr hovyNgf ieho ijhIaF GVIaF GVfeIaF itwpxIaF nslIvfd df Auh koJf rUp hn ik ijs qihq keIaF vwloN soicaf jFdf hY ik prvfsI kYnyzf dy isstm AuWqy boJ hn. aijhy sOVI soc vfly lok prvfsIaF vwloN kIqI jFdI sKLq imhnq vwl nhIN vyKdy.

    asYNblI afPL Pst nysLnjL dy kOmI cIP Eivz ivlIamjL mrsyzI df afKxf hY ik nslI ivqkrf kYnyzf dI kOmI smwisaf hY aqy ies df hwl lwBxf jrUrI hY. smwisaf bysLwk kOmI hY lyikn ies df hwl sQfnk Bfv lokl lwiBaf jfxf cfhIdf hY. imsfl vjoN jo nukqy ivwnIpYWg jF aYzimMtn ivwc kfrgr hoxgy jLrUrI nhIN ik Auh vYnkUvr pIl rIjLn jF torFto ivwc lfgU hox. lokl smwisafvf dy lokl hwl hI lwBxy pYNdy hn.

    nslI ivqkry nuUM dUr krn vfly idn nOjvfnF leI ies vfsqy vDyry aihmIaq rwKdy hn jo ik kYnyzf df swcf suwcf BivwK hn. kYnyzf dy cMgyry aqy sunihry BivwK leI lfLjLmI hY ik smUh kYnyzIanF nUM qrwkI dy mOky kfblIaq aqy imhnq dy afDfr AuWqy hfsl hox. sfry lok iewk dUjy nfl iml ky kMm krn nf ik nsl nUM afDfr bxf ky cwilaf jfvy.

    nslI ivqkry df koJf rUp Aus vyly hor vI pRcMz ho ky AuWBrdf hY jdoN kYnyzf dy mltIklcirjL bfry mMqrI itwm AuWpl nUM afpxy pirvfr dI hfjLrI ivwc nslI itwpxIaF df sfhmxf krnf ipaf hY. AuhnF nfl aijhf ipCly sfl aYzimMtn dy iewk tYins klwb ivwc vfpiraf dwisaf jFdf hY. iewk gOrI aOrq klwb dy bfhr AuWcI afvfjL ivwc afK rhI sI ik iewk iswK nUM klwb dI mYNbrisLp ikAuN idwqI geI hY? iewk irport muqfbk ibRitsL kolMbIaf ivwc vsdy 81 pRqIsLq cInI aqy sfAUQ eysLIan lokF nUM iewwk jF dUjI iksm dy nslI ivqkry df sfhmxf krnf pYNdf hY.

    nslI ivqkry bfry kYnyzf dy nMbr iewk rsfly mYklIn dI irport muqfibk nslI ivqkry df BUq smUh kYnyzf nUM hI cMbiVaf hoieaf hY lyikn ivwnIpYWg sLihr ivwc iesdI pkV pUry kYnyzf nflNo vDyry hY. cyqy rhy ik ivwnIpYwg ivwc mUlvfsIaF nfl huMdy ivqkry dIaF gwlF lukIaF CupIaF nhIN hn. rsfly muqfbk ivwnIpYWg KLfs krky aqy kYnyzf ivwc afm krky nslI ivqkry dI smwisaf amrIkf nfloN vI vDyry pRcMz hY.

    ivwnIpYWg df myar brfien bfAUmYn iewk mItIjL mUlvfsI hY aqy mYklIn irsfly dI nslvfd bfry lMbI cOVI irport qNo bfad prYWs nUM ibafn idMdy hoey aYnf Bfvuk hoieaf ik rox lwg ipaf. iek myar vjoN AusdIaF keI mjLbUrIaF ho skdIaF hn lyikn iswtf ieh inkldf hY ik nslvfd kYnyzIan jIvn df ihwsf bixaf hoieaf hY ijsnUM dUr krnf swBnF dy ihwq ivwc hY. mUlvfsI aOrqF dy agvf krn aqy kql krn dIaF GtnfvF vfprdIaF hn. iewk mUlvfsI nftkkfr ieafn rOs df ieh afKxf hyY ik kYnyzf ivwc asIN mUlvfsI aOrqF nfloN afpxy kuwiqaF dI vDyry kdr krdy hF smwisaf dI gMBIrqf vwl iesLfrf krdf hY.

    ivwnIpYWg dy myar df nslvfd dI gwl hox kfrn gwc Brnf smJ afAuNdf hY. Auh jfxdf hY ik ijhVy lok nslvfd df isLkfr ho rhy hn, Auh Ausdy afpxy hn. pIl rIjLn dy 59% rMgdfr lokF nUM nslvfd df isLkfr hoxf pYNdf hY. ieh sfry lok prvfsI hn aqy iehnF ivcfiraF leI qF koeI hfa df nfarf mfrn vflf vI nhIN hY. imsIsfgf, brYNptn aqy kYlIzfn jF Pyr torFto afid dy myarF nUM nslvfd dy pIVqF nfl hmdrdI ho skdI hY lyikn Auh ihwk AuWqy hwQ rwK ky ieh nhI afK skdy| sfnUM sfry BfeIcfiraF aqy rfjsI, smfijk jQybMdIaF nUM nslI ivqkry dI ies lfhnq nUM mUloN hI Kqm krn dy Xqn dysL ivafpI pWDr qy krn dI aiq jrUrI loV hY|

  • Friday, January 30th, 2015 PAGE 5The Patrika

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    The Lincoln Day Message:

    End Racial Discrimination from CanadaTranslated/Modified by:

    Dr H S Aulakh, CTTIC/STIBC-Certified Translator

    The three such young persons as had made a notable con-tribution to ending racial discrimination and promot-ing a positive change in the Canadian society, were selected from amongst those in the province of Ontario, and were honoured, on January 21, with the Lincoln M Alexander awards by the 29th Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, Elizabeth Dowdeswell. These awards are presented every year to youth leaders in the age group of 16 to 25 years and who play a significant role in ending racial discrimination. This year, this award was presented to Thornhills Zuberi Attard for founding a student association that provides newly arrived immigrant children with a forum for safe, open discussion, and that attempts at boosting their self-confidence and making their involve-ment in the community smoother.

    Similarly, Owen Sounds Madison Goodwill has been presented with the same award for promoting the Aboriginal history and culture in her school and community; and Yosra Musa of Hamilton was the recipient of the same award for her matchless role in developing an African Studies Program at McMaster University.

    These awards are presented in honour of the 24th Lieutenant Governor, the Honble Lincoln M Alexander. Ever after the Bill was enforced in Ontario in 2013, January 21 has started being observed as the Lincoln Alexander Day whereas the Federal Government, too, passed the Bill in this connection in 2014. Now January 21 is celebrated

    as the Lincoln Alexander Day through-out Canada. Credit goes to Lincoln Alexander for being the first Black to be elected as an M.P. in Ontario. He remained Ontarios lieutenant gover-nor from 1985 through 1991. Lincoln breathed his last on October 19, 2012.

    Days such as January 21 serve as mile stones to lead us to be aware of the hitherto stark reality of Canada. The fact is that racial discrimination, overt or covert, has become part of our lives. The black-, the brown- and the yellow-coloured people face several obstruc-tions in getting to high-level positions. Chief executives of big corporations, chairmen of Boards, and other high-level positions are, to some extent, still outside the reach of coloured people. Not that the coloured people are less capable, but mostly the racial factor is at work. In the Peel region, there are several such examples, one of which is a racial discrimination case registered against the Peel Police by Punjabi Sergeant J B Sandhu. This behaviour may be painful to him.

    According to the Canadian Institute of Patentees and Migration, 52% of people in the Prairies believe that the Aboriginals are themselves re-sponsible for the problems faced by them. Similar accusations are levelled against immigrants. For example, once a woman in an Edmonton club yelled at Federal Minister, Tim Uppal, say-ing, ``You will be out of job``. Such ready-made comments are that ugly shape of racism under which many people think that immigrants are a burden on the Canadian system. But people with such narrow thinking overlook the hard work put in by the immigrants.

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    The National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations, Ovid Williams Mer-cedes, says that racial discrimination is Canada`s national problem. But we believe that though the problem is certainly national, yet its solution must be found locally: For the things that are practicable in Winnipeg or Ed-monton, may not necessarily be so in Vancouver, Peel region, or in Toronto. Local solutions, therefore, have to be sought to local problems.

    Days about ending racial discrimina-tion are of paramount importance to youth leaders as they are the true future of Canada. In order to ensure a better and golden future of Canada, all the Canadians must be given op-portunities based on capability and hard work. Let all, at their workplaces, work with a team spirit, treating racial thoughts not worth even a fig.

    The ugly shape of racial discrimi-nation emerged more prominently when Canadas Minister for Multi-culturism, Tim Uppal, had to face racial comments in the presence of his family. Such a thing is reported to have happened last year in a tennis club in Edmonton when outside the club a white woman was loudly demanding, Why has a Sikh been granted mem-bership of this club? And, according to a report, 81% of Chinese and other South Asian people living in British Columbia have to face one or the other kind of racial discrimination.

    On racial discrimination, Canadas Number one magazine, Maclean, reports that the specter of racial discrimination has overcome entire Canada, but in the city of Winnipeg alone its grip is stronger than that in the whole of the country. Remember that instances of discrimination with the Aboriginals in Winnipeg are not a hidden secret. According to the

    magazine, in Winnipeg in particular, and in Canada, in general, the problem of discrimination is much greater than that in the U.S.

    Winnipegs mayor, Brian Bowman, is a Metis (Aboriginal). After the Maclean magazines detailed report on discrimination, speaking to the press, he became so emotional that he started weeping. As the mayor, he may be having a lot of constraints, but the fact is that racism has become part of life in Canada. Ending racism will be in the interest of everyone. Incidents of abducting and then murdering Ab-original women take place. The state-ment of an Aboriginal dramatist that in Canada, we care more for our dogs than we do for the Aboriginal women, indicates the gravity of the situation.

    The Winnipeg mayor becoming emo-tional while talking about discrimina-tion is understandable. He knows that victims of discrimination are none other than his own kith and kin. 59% of the Peel regions coloured people have to be victims of discrimination. All these are immigrants. And there is no one there to speak for them. May-ors of Mississauga, Brampton, and Caledon may empathize with victims of racism, but they cannot say with emphasis that all the communities, and political, social organizations must attempt nationwide to uproot this nuisance.

    Once concerted efforts are under way at all levels to end racial discrimina-tion in our country, we can definitely believe that we really show due respect for our constitution, especially for Section 15 of our Charter of Rights and Freedoms that guarantees that ev-eryone in Canada, whether a Canadian citizen, born in Canada or outside Can-ada, a permanent resident, an asylum seeker or the one on a visit, long- or short-term, is equal before and under the law, without any discrimination.

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  • Friday, January 30th, 2015 PAGE 7The Patrika

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    United in support for B.C.s construction industry

    The Government of British Columbia and the Independent Contractors and Businesses Association (ICBA) are united in their commitment to stand up for B.C. and support competitiveness.

    Together with the ICBA, the B.C. gov-ernment will be requesting a Public Interest Inquiry regarding the decision earlier this year to increase tariffs on rebar imports.

    In June 2014, a trade dispute triggered by the rebar industry outside of B.C. initiated an investigation of dumping and subsidizing of rebar imported into Canada from China, South Korea and Turkey. British Columbias construc-tion industry relies on imports from China and South Korea, as shipping by land is costly and pointedly, Canadian rebar suppliers have been supplying B.C. in very limited amounts.

    The Province supports the ICBA in its efforts to receive a Special Regional Exclusion from the Canadian Interna-tional Trade Tribunal (CITT) because shipping costs across land far exceed those by water. ICBA has determined that even with the duties added, it will not be cost-effective for the industry to ship rebar across land when ocean access is cheaper.

    According to the ICBA, the proposed import duties could raise construction costs significantly (rebar represents 6% to 10% of average construction costs). For example:

    It could add $10,000 to the price of a new two-bedroom condo in Van-couver.

    A project such as the George Massey Tunnel Replacement (bridge and cor-responding overpass work) could re-sult in increased costs to taxpayers by as much as $20 million to $32 million.

    A request for the CITT to undertake a Public Interest Inquiry (PII) must be made by Feb. 23, 2015. A PII is war-ranted when there is a public interest that merits the reduction or elimination of duties, such as increased public in-frastructure construction costs and/or impacts on investment decisions. If an inquiry is successful, it could result in the reduction or elimination of duties for imports into B.C.

    The effect of the ruling by the Ca-nadian International Trade Tribunal

    (CITT) is that effective Jan. 9, 2015, rebar duties (up to 41%) will be ap-plied to imports from China, South Korea and Turkey.


    Minister of International Trade Teresa Wat

    The decision fails to understand the realities on the ground in British Columbia. If allowed to stand, it will increase the costs of construction. We have reviewed our options and together with the Independent Con-tractors and Businesses Association, we are committed to stand up for B.C. and support competitiveness.

    The B.C. government and ICBA will be requesting a Public Interest Inquiry regarding the decision earlier this year to increase tariffs on rebar imports.

    This issue should be a concern to every British Columbian, as these costs get passed along to consumers and tax-payers. It not only affects commercial construction and public infrastructure projects but our competitiveness as a jurisdiction for investment for major industry projects.

    Philip Hochstein, president, Inde-pendent Contractors and Businesses Association of B.C.

    Unfortunately, B.C.s unique regional characteristics were not recognized. In a country as big as Canada, a one-size-fits-all approach does not make sense. With this new tariff, our province has become collateral damage with no offsetting gains for the rest of Canada. With tariffs that could be as high as 41%, this hurts our competiveness.

    Quick Facts:

    The Canadian International Trade Tribunal found future injury only. This means:

    Reasons for finding were released Jan. 26, 2015.

    Duties became applicable as of Jan. 9, 2015.

    Provisional duties applied prior to Jan. 9, 2015, will be refunded.

    A request for the CITT to undertake a Public Interest Inquiry (PII) must be made by Feb. 23, 2015.

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    Bojn dI Gft jF BuwKmrI kfrn, ijwQy srIr ivwc keI qrHF dI Gft pYdf ho jFdI hY aqy srIr df Bfr Gt jFdf hY, AuWQy vfDU Kfx nfl srIr df Bfr byihsfb vD jFdf hY. motfpf hr Aumr ivc huMdf hY ijvyN nvjMmy bflF, bwicaF aqy vwizaF ivwc. Bojn aqy ivtfimnjL dI Gft dI smwisaf nfloN vI gMBIr huMdf hY motfpf. motfpy dI sMKyp ijhI pirBfsLf hY, srIr dy vwK-vwK ihwisaF ivwc vfDU crbI df jmHf ho jfxf. afm hflqF ivwc ijAuN-ijAuN Aumr vDdI jFdI hY, srIr dy ivksq hox nfl ies df Bfr vI vDdf hY. afm qOr qy 50 qoN 60 sfl dI Aumr qoN bfad Bfr Gtxf sLurU ho jFdf hY. iksy KLfs Aumr, ilMg aqy nsl anusfr imwQy hoey srIr dy Bfr nfloN jy 10 iklo vD jfvy qF Aus nUM motfpf ikhf jf skdf hY. pursL hovy jF aOrq, motfpf dohF ivwc hI huMdf hY. nvjMmy bflF/bwicaF, lVkf hovy BfvyN lVkI ivwc motfpy dI dr brfbr huMdI hY pr jvfnI ivwc gwBrUaF dy mukfbly muitafrF ivwc motfpf ijLafdf huMdf hY. grB avsQf dOrfn aqy mfhvfrI bMd ho jfx qoN bfad qF ieh hor vI vD jFdf hY.

    jykr Cy hPqy qoN Cy mhIny dI Aumr ivwc vfDU Kfx-pIx nfl bwcy df Bfr vD jfvy qF sfDFrn Bfr vfly bwicaF nfloN ieh bwcy, iksLor avsQf ivwc aqy vwzy ho ky vI moty hI rihMdy hn. ijMnHF ivakqIaF dy kfrobfr, afdqF aqy rojLmwrf ijMdgI ivwc hlcl, cusqI-PurqI aqy inXmq sYr afid huMdI hY, AunHF ivwc motfpf Gwt huMdf hY. hlcl qy cusq-PurqI dI Gft, bwicaF ivwc vI motfpy df kfrn bxdI hY. swqr iklo Bfr vflf ivakqI jykr iewk GMty ivwc sfZy iqMn mIl qyjL sYr kry qF iewk imMt ivwc pMj kYlorIjL dy ihsfb nfl 300 kYlorIjL Krcdf hY. ieMnIaF (300) kYlorIjL 30 gRfm crbI dy brfbr huMdIaF hn. crbI dI ieh mfqrf BfvyN QoVHI ijhI lwgdI hY, iPr vI jy ieMnI mfqrf dI crbI rojL KfDI jfvy qy sYr jF ksrq nfl kYlorIjL nf Krc kIqIaF jfx qF iewk sfl ivwc 10 iklo Bfr vD jfvygf.

    afDuink smyN ivwc kMipAUtr, mobfeIl aqy msLInF dy afAux nfl jIvnsLYlI kuJ ies qrHF dI ho geI hY ik sKLq imhnq iblkuwl hI Gt geI hY aqy vDyry kMm afrfm nfl bih ky

    krn vfly hn. iesy krky Kurfk ivwc sMjm aqy ksrq dI BUimkf vD geI hY. mfnisk pRysLfnI dOrfn KLfs krky aOrqF keI vfr ijLafdf KFdIaf hn ijs krky motfpf ho jFdf hY. Kfx vflIaF vsqF dI AuplwbDqf aqy suafdly Kfxy vI motfpy df kfrn bxdy hn.

    motfpf pirvfrF ivwc vI cwldf hY jo ik jInjL dy nuks kfrn huMdf hY. pirvfr ivwc motfpf Kfx-pIx dIaF afdqF jF pirvfrF dy Kfx-pIx sbMDI irvfjF qy vI inrBr krdf hY, ijvyN keI pirvfrF ivwc vDyry mfs KfDf jFdf hY aqy keI pIVHIaF imwTy aqy dysI iGE dIaF sLokIn huMdIaF hn afid.

    iewk qMdrusq aOrq grB dOrfn sfZy bfrF iklo Bfr gRihx krdI hY. ies ivwcoN qkrIbn awDf pnp rhy bwcy df huMdf hY aqy bfkI crbI jmHF hox krky huMdf hY. keI aOrqF ivwc ieh Bfr bhuq ijLafdf ho jFdf hY. jxypy aqy duwD cuMGfAux df smF lMG jfx qoN bfad ieh Bfr iblkuwl sfDfrn ho jfxf cfhIdY pr keIaF ivwc kfPI crbI jmHF rihMdI hY. ies qrHF Aus qoN bfad pYdf hox vfly bwicaF

    dy jnm qoN bfad vI iesy qrHF crbI jmHF hoeI jFdI hY aqy aOrq kfPI motI ho jFdI hY. dysI iGE, qlIaF hoeIaF qy vDyry QMdy vflIaF KfD-vsqF qoN pRhyjL krky aqy loV anusfr ksrq nfl motfpy qoN bicaf jf skdf hY. Qfierfiez hfrmon QfierOksIn dI Gft kfrn vI motfpf huMdf hY pr ieh dUjy motfpy nfloN kuJ alwg huMdf hY. ho skdf hY ik DOx ivwc (sfhmxy pfsoN) iglHV hovy. iglHV nf vI hovy qF QfierOkisn hfrmon dI Gft ho skdI hY. aijhf rog mrdF dy mukfbly aOrqF ivwc ijLafdf huMdf hY. ies dy lwCx hn- BuwK Gwt lwgxI, srIr susq rihxf, nINd ijLafdf afAuxI, cmVI KuLsLk aqy motI, psInf Gwt, nbjL DImI, nINd ijLafdf qy srIr Puwilaf hoieaf afid. bfad ivc Brvwty vI JV jFdy hn.

    Bwdf lwgx qoN ielfvf moty ivakqI nUM hor vI keI qrHF dIaF smwisafvF AuqpMn ho jFdIaF hn jo bfad ivwc gMBIr bx jFdIaF hn. mnwuKI srIr ijLafdf dyr loV qoN vwD Bfr Jwl nhIN skdf. ies leI moty ivakqI dy pYr, goizaF, rIVH

    dI hwzI aqy cUilHaF dy joVF aqy hwzIaF ivwc pIV rihMdI hY. pyt dy pwiTaF dI kmjLorI kfrn hrnIaF bx jFdIaF hn. motfpy kfrn lwqF dIaF KUn dIaF nfVF qy dbfa rihMdf hY aqy KUn pUrI qrF idl vwl vfps nhIN jf skdf aqy lwqF dIaF nfVF Puwl jFdIaF hn. iZwz ijLafdf bfhr nMU af jfvy qF sfh lYx ivwc vI musLkl pyLsL afAuNdI hY . cmVI hyTF vDyry crbI hox kfrn moty bMdy nUM keI qrHF dy cmVI rog ho skdy hn, KLfs krky sMnHF ivwc.

    moty bMdy nUM sLUgr vI afsfnI nfl Gyrdf hY. sLUgr rog ho jfvy qF KUn dI crbI imQI mfqrf qoN vwD jFdI hY ijs nfl hfeI blwz pRYsLr ho jFdf hY. vDI hoeI ieh crbI KLUn dy dOry nfl srIr dy vwK-vwK aMgF dIaF KUn dIaF nfVIaF ijvyN idl jF idmfg dIaF nfVIaF aMdr jMm jFdI hY, ijs nfl idl dy dOry aqy bryn strok hox df KLqrf huMdf hY. ies nfl sfDFrn nfloN CotI Aumr ivwc hI mOq ho jFdI hY.

    KUn ivwc XUirk eyisz df pwDr vDx nfl gfAUt df rog pqly ivakqIaF dy mukfbly moitaF ivwc vDyry huMdf hY. motfpy kfrn srIr dI vDI hoeI pYmfiesL

    kfrn hr Bfg nMU KUn pcfAux leI idl nUM ijLafdf jLor nfl KUn pMp krnf pYNdf hY. ieh loz vDx nfl idl df afkfr vD jFdf hY ijs nfl CotI Aumry hI idl df dOrf pY skdf hY.

    afm krky kyk, pystrIaF, brYz, sMGxy/ gfVHy sUp, mwKx, itwkIaF aqy qly hoey Bojn loV qoN vfDU KfDy jFdy hn. cfklyt, snYks, miTafeIaF, bIar, ivskI afid sfry pdfrQF ivwc vfDU mfqrf ivwc kYlorIjL huMdIaF hn. ienHF qoN pRhyjL krnf cfhIdf hY.

    motfpf Gwt krn jF rokx leI Kfx-pIx dIaF vsqF df iewk inXm bxf lYxf cfhIdf hY ijs nUM pUrI sKLqI nfl lfgU kIqf jfxf cfhIdf hY. rojLfnf Gwto-GWt 30 imMt leI sYr krnI cfhIdI hY qF ik kYlorIjL nUM Kqm kIqf jf sky. mwukdI gwl, jy motfpy nUM GtfAuxf hY qF ies qoN bcxf hY qF Kfxf pRhyjL nfl KfE. srIr nUM cusq-Purq rwKo. sYr kro, ijMm jfE aqy Aumr muqfbk ksrq kro qF ik motfpy qoN bicaf jf sky ikAuNik motfpf keI ibmfrIaF dI jVH hY.

    keI ibmfrIaF dI jVH motfpf zf: mnjIq isMG bwl

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    jMgy-afjLfdI dy moZI sn siqgurU rfm isMG

    aMgryjL dI eIst ieMzIaf kMpnI ny Bfrq ivwc 1757 eI: ivwc pRvysL kIqf pr aMgryjL pMjfb nUM 92 sfl bfad 1849 eI: ivwc hI kbjLy ivwc kr sky aqy 12 apRYl, 1857 eI: nUM siqgurU rfm isMG ny aMgryjL hkUmq iKLlfPL afjLfdI pRfpqI leI ibgl vjf idwqf. siqgurU rfm isMG jI df jnm iewk sfDfrn ikrqI qrKfx pirvfr ivwc hoieaf sI. 1837 eI: ivwc afp mhfrfjf rxjIq isMG dI PLOj ivwc ispfhI BrqI hoey. 1841 eI: ivwc afpxI POLj tukVI nfl ipsLOr jFdy smyN AunHF df imlfp hjLroN dy sQfn qy siqgurU bflk isMG jI nfl hoieaf jo gurU goibMd isMG jI dy asUlF muqfibk guriswKI df pRcfr krdy sn. siqgurU bflk isMG jI ny siqgurU rfm isMG nUM dsmysL ipqf jI dy asUlF qy cwl ky pMjfb ivwc iswKI pRcfr krn leI afsLIrvfd idwqf. 12 apRYl , 1857 eI: nUM BYxI sfihb dI DrqI qoN sLurU hoey ies aMdoln ny BfrqIaF nUM hlUx ky rwK idwqf. kUkf aMdoln dy lok sfPL-suQry, svwC aqy AuWcy-swucy afcrx vfly sn. Auh icwtI gol dsqfr, ryv pjfmf aqy klIaF vflf kuVqf pihndy. AunHF dy hwQ ivwc gVvf aqy gly ivc icwtI AuWn dI mflf

    huMdI. nfmDfrI gurbfxI dy pfT aqy nfm ismrn dy pwky inqnym sn| aMgryjL iKlfPL sLFqmeI aqy kfrgr jMg CyVidaF siqgurU rfm isMG jI ny nf-imlvrqn dI lihr clfeI aqy pMjfb dy kony-kony ivwc vwK-vwK ielfikaF ivwc inXukq kIqy sUibaF ny aMgryjL dy bfeIkft df pRcfr kIqf. nfmDfrIaF vwloN aMgryjLI skUlF, kcihrIaF, rylF, nOkrIaF aqy zfkKfinaF df bfeIkft kIqf igaf. siqgurU rfm isMG jI ny BfrqIaF nUM aMgryjL dIaF bxIaF imwlF df kwpVf Cwz ky BfrqI AudXog jf Gr bixaf Kwdr pihnx df afdysL idwqf. aYnsfeIklopIzIaf ib Rt Y inkF iv wc iliKaf hoieaf hY ik-

    siqgur rfm isMG iswK dfrs L ink, s uDfrk q y nOkrIaF pRqI nf-imlvrqn aqy bfeIkft nUM isafsI hiQafr vjoN vrqx vflf pihlf BfrqI hY.

    siqg ur U rfm is MG jI ny pUrn afjLfdI pRfpqI leI ivdysLF nfl vI sMbMD sQfipq krn dI koisLsL kIqI sI. AunHF rUs, ksLmIr, kfbul, nypfl, hYdrfbfd, lKnAU aqy gvflIar dy rfijaF nfl afjLfdI pRfpqI leI sMprk bxfey.

    aMgryjL ny pfVo qy rfj kro dI nIqI qihq pMjfb ivwc QF-QF bwucVKfny KwulHvf idwqy, ijs nfl gurUaF pIrF dI DrqI pMjfb qy QF-QF gAUaF Jtkf ky gAUaF df mfs vyicaf jfx lwigaf. k uJ nfmDfrI is MGF n y bwucVKfinaF qy hmly kIqy qy buwcVF nUM insLfnf bxfieaf igaf. ies qrHF hoey kqlF

    kfrn aMgryjL hkUmq df nfmDfrI sMgTn nfl iswDf tkrfa ho igaf. aMimRqsr, rfeykot aqy luiDafxf ivwc nfmDfrIaF nU M PFsI qy ltkf idwqf igaf aqy 17-18 jnvrI 1872 nUM 66 isMGF nU M qopF nfl Auzf idwqf igaf. ienHF sLhIdF pRqI sLhId Bgq isMG ny iliKaf hY-

    Auh qF qopF sfhmxy vI hws idMdy sn. siq sRI akfl dy afkfsL guMjfAU nfairaF nfl afkfsL pfqfl iek kr idMdy sn. jykr asIN AunHF dI Xfd ivwc bhuq vwzf QMmH KVHf nhIN kr skdy qF afpxy idl ivwc QF dyxoN ikAuN iJjkIey?

    18 jnvrI 1872 nMU alfhI mUrq siqgurU rfm isMG nUM 11 sUibaF smyq jlfvqn kr idwqf igaf| awj qwk Bfrq vfsIaF vwloN ies adwuqI sLKLsLIaq aqy kUkf aMdoln dIaF mhfn kurbfnIaF df Auh mwul nhIN ipaf ijs dy Auh hwkdfr sn. ies df inrxf gurduafrf gjLt dI jUn 1972 eI: dI irport vI ieMj krdI hY-

    Bfrq dI afj L fdI d y sMgrfm df sfry sMsfr ivwc jy srkfrI pwDr qy pRcfr kIqf jfvy, qF ieh gwlF AuWBr ky sfhmxy afAudIaF hn ik dysL dI afjLfdI dI buinafd rwKx vfly bfbf rfm isMG hn. aMgryjL ivruwD nf-imlvrqn dI lihr clfAux vfly jlfvqn kIqy gey pihly isafsI afgU bfbf rfm isMG sn. jykr sfry dysL ivwc qMg njLrIaf nf huMdf qF awj afp Pfdr afPL dI nysLn krky mMny jFdy.

    ieslfmI jhfdIaF vwloN jpfnI pwqrkfr df kqljpfn dy pRDfn mMqrI isjLo eyb ny ies gwl dI pusLtI kr idwqI hY ik ik ieslfimk aiqvfdI gruwp afeI iss vwloN jfrI vIzIE ivwc mrn vflf ivakqI hkIkq ivwc jpfnI pwqrkfr hrUnf XUkfvf hY. hrUnf XUkfvf nUM kyNjI goto nfmk iek hor jpfnI pwqrkfr smyq ieslfimk aiqvfdIaF vwloN afpxy kbjLy ivwc rwiKaf hoieaf sI.ipCly mMglvfr dovyN pwqrkfr ieMtrnYWt AuWqy afeI iss dy iewk gruwp al-Prgn vwloN pfeI geI iewk vIzIE ivwc vyKy gey sn. iehnF dovF dI jfn bKLsLx dy bdly aiqvfdI gruwp ny 72 GMty dy aMdr 200 imlIan zflr dI iPrOqI dyx dI mMg kIqI sI. jfpfn srkfr ny aiqvfdIaF dI mMg sfhmxy Juwkx qoN ienkfr kr idwqf sI. cyqy rhy ik jfpfn srkfr ny ieslfimk aiqvfdIaF ivruwD lVfeI ivc 200 imlIan zflr dI shfieqf dyx df ipCly idnIN aYlfn kIqf si.

    sIrIaf aqy ierfk ivc ieslfimk styt dy nfm AuWqy jhfd clfAux vfly aiqvfdIaF aqy jfpfn dI srkfr dy stYNz nUM jykr asIN iewk pl leI lFBy rwK dyeIey qF gwl sfhmxy afAuNdI hY ik pwqrkfrI pysLy nUM sIrIaf ierfk ivwc vwzy joKmF df sfhmxf krnf pY irhf hY. hflFik mfry gey pwqrkfr hrUnf XUkfvf df pwqrkfrI nfl sMbMD bhuq hI DuMdlf aqy rhwsmeI irhf hY. hrUnf nfl agvf kIqf igaf kyNjI goto iewk pRqIbwDqf vflf aqy pwqrkfrI hlikaF ivwc snmfnXog sQfn rwKx aKbfrnvIs hY. hrUnf bfry qF bhuq lokF dI ieh vI rfey hY ik Ausny jfxbuwJ ky afpxy afp nUM joKLm ivwc pfieaf. aijhf KLdsLf pYirs, PrFs ivc aiqvfdIaF hwQoN ivaMg rsfly cfrlI hYbdo dy pwqrkfr bfry vI kIqf jFdf irhf hY ik Auh jfxbuwJ ky afpxy afp nMU joKLm ivwc pf rhy sn.

    bysLwk bhuq lok cfrlI hYbdo irsfly vloN Dfrimk nyqfvF, pYgMbrF aqy mhfn lokF dy kfrtUn bxfAux

    dI nIqI nUM prvfn nhIN krdy lyikn klm dI afvfjL nUM bMdUk nfl bMd krn df smuwcf ivsLv iKlfPL hY. ievyN bhuq lok hrUnf Xfkuvf dy kMmkfjL dy qrIky nfl sihmq nhIN sn lyikn pwqrkfrI AuWqy hoey hmly dI inMdf krdy hn. vrnxXog hY ik hrUnf XfkUvf sIrIaf ivwc afpxy afp nUM iewk pwqrkfr vjNo nhIN sgoN jfpfnI kMpnIaF nUM surwiKaf krn vfly slfhkfr vjoN pysL krdf sI. aOKy inwjI irsLiqaF aqy hflfqF bdOlq Auh KudkusLI dI vI koisLsL kr cuwkf sI.

    suafl pYdf huMdf hY ik jykr ieslfimk aiqvfdI dUjy pwqrkfr kyNjI goto nUM vI mfr idMdy hn qF ik jfpfn df pRqIkrm kI hovygf? kyNjI nUM irhfa krn bdly aiqvfdI hux pYsy nhIN sgoN iewk aiqvfdI aOrq sfijdf al irsLfvI dI irhfeI mMg rhy hn. irsLfvI nUM 2006 ivwc amfn ivwc qIhry bMb kFz dy islisly ivwc mOq dI sjLf idwqI jf cwukI hY. nvMbr 2005 ivwc hoey bMb kFz 57 dy krIb mjLlUmF smyq irsfvI dy pqI aqy do hor aiqvfdIaF dI mOq ho geI sI. irsLfvI afpxf bMb clf nhIN sI skI aqy pkVI geI sI.

    keI hlikaF ivwc afiKaf jf irhf hY ik ieslfimk aiqvfdIaF vwloN jfpfnI pwqrkfrF nMU agvf krn ipwCy jfpfn nUM sbk isKfAuxf dI Bfvnf hY. jfpfn vwloN ieslfimk aiqvfdIaF dy iKlfPL stYNz ilaf hoieaf hY. ivsLv jMg qoN bfad jfpfn ny iksy aMqrrfsLtrI jMg ivwc srgrm POjI kfrvfeI nf krn dI nIqI apxfeI hoeI hY. jykr aiqvfdIaF vwloN dUjy pwqrkfr goto nUM vI mfr idwqf jFdf hY qF sMBv hY ik jfpfn afpxI POjI nIqI AuWqy muV ivcfr kry. jfpfn ivwc pRDfn mMqrI isjo eyb AuWqy ies sMbMDI kfPI dbfa vwD irhf hY. jfpfn vwloN iksy jMg ivc srgrm POjI sLmUlIaq nf krn dI nIqI nUM Kqm krnf ivsLv ivwc iewk aijhy dOr dI sLurUafq kr skdf hY jo ivsLv jMgI muhfjL ivwc nvy smIkrn pYdf kr skdf hY.

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    A New Years resolution worth making

    We often start a new year w i t h t h e same list of resolu-tions: eat better, get more sleep and exercise more. Even if youve already set your goals for the year or if youve given up on resolutions altogether, I encourage you to actually consider setting a goal about your safety on the road. Take a minute to realistically think about your driving habits. Is there any way you could adjust your driving to reduce your risk of crashing and keep yourself and others safe?

    Whether you glance at the occasional text message while driving, drive too quickly when the conditions are poor and youre in a rush, dont signal every time you change lanes or often arent fully focused on the road when youre busy and in auto-pilot. Set a goal and make a plan to help you fix one of your bad driving habits. There isnt much better motivation to help you stick to your resolution than potentially avoiding being involved in a car crash!

    Despite our best efforts, the reality is that crashes happen. About 717 crashes happen every day in B.C. Thats why we believe its important for everyone to have a good understanding of what happens after youre involved in a crash and what your rights are in case it happens to you or a loved one. Here are some interesting facts that you might not know:

    When you call ICBCs Dial-a-Claim to report a crash, if youre injured, well help you access the medical benefits youre entitled to immediately without any out-of-pocket expenses or signing anything first. This in-cludes physiotherapy, massage therapy, chiropractic treatments and more.

    Well also arrange for an estimate of the damage to your vehicle so you can start repairs or receive compensation if your vehicle isnt repairable.

    When youre ready, well discuss a settlement one based on your personal circumstances, the nature of your injury, lost wages and the impact on your lifestyle. In most cases, customers have up to two years to consider a settlement offer and figure out whats right for them.

    ICBC has a dedicated phone line to help Punjabi-speaking customers who need language assistance with their claim (1-866-906-6163; avail-able seven days a week from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.). ICBC also offers free, over-the-phone translation services in over 170 languages for customers who need special assistance to discuss their claim.

    ICBCs Harvey Kooner is

    passionate about helping to raise

    road safety awareness in

    the community. In 2012, Harvey was awarded the

    Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee

    Medal for his many years of community


    This year, make your safety on the road a priority and do what you can to help prevent crashes. If you are ever involved in a crash, remember that were here to help you recover and get back on the road as quickly as possible.

    Harvey Kooner ICBC road safety coordinator

    Auto Crime Up Significantly in 2015

    So far 2015 has not been a very good year for Auto Crime in the city of Ab-botsford. There have been 121 Theft from Vehicle incidents this year com-pared to 98 in the same number of days in 2014. This represents a 25% increase. The Theft of Vehicle numbers are even more concerning. There have been 44 stolen vehicles reported in 2015 com-pared to 27 in 2014. This represents a 62% increase.

    The Abbotsford Police Department is conducting extra patrols and has focused resources on offenders known to engage in auto crime. That said we believe that crime prevention through awareness and education is an integral part of the solution.

    Citizens can take some basic steps to help combat these trends and to protect their property. In the vast majority of Theft from Vehicle incidents, the ve-hicle was not locked. Thieves only had to force their way into vehicles 25% of the time. By simply removing valuables and locking their vehicles doors, these numbers would be dramatically reduced. Similarly, most of the stolen vehicles did not utilize an anti-theft device, and many vehicles fell within the make and year categories which made them eligible for a free anti-theft device from APD. Locking vehicles up and locking thieves out are ways that we can work together to reduce these crimes.

    FREE Not the Cop, the Wheel-Lock!The Abbotsford Police Department is continuing its effort to equip owners of the top 5 most frequently stolen vehicles in Abbotsford with FREE anti-theft devices.

    Using an anti-theft device is one of the easiest ways to protect your vehicle from being stolen, says Abbotsford Commu-nity Police Sgt. Casey VInet. Help ushelp you by picking one up for free.

    Eligible vehicles include all the follow-ing pre-2002 makes/models: Honda

    Civics, Honda Accords, Dodge Pickup Trucks, Dodge Caravans, and Ford Pickup Trucks

    To take advantage of this offer, please attend the Community Police Office at 105-34194 Marshall Rd with the ve-hicles insurance documents and pickup your FREE steering wheel lock. Office hours are Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

    You wont find a better deal in all of Abbotsford!

    Abbotsford Police Arrest Robbery Suspect

    On January 20, 2015, at 8:00 pm a man entered a business in the 32300 block of South Fraser Way. He approached a cashier and produced a note demand-ing cash. He fled the business and staff contacted the Abbotsford Police Depart-ment. At 8:30 pm, while officers were on scene in the store and searching for the suspect in the area, a second robbery was reported at a restaurant in the 32900 block of South Fraser Way. Based on descriptions provided by witnesses and the security video from the business, it was quickly determined that the same suspect was involved.

    Additional APD Patrol, Bike Squad and K9 officers arrived at the second scene. Within a few minutes the sus-pect was located and after a short foot pursuit, he was taken into custody. The Abbotsford Police Department will be recommending robbery charges against the 44 year old man from Surrey. He has an extensive history with Lower Mainland police.

    The APD would like to commend the staff of both the restaurant and the busi-ness. They were excellent witnesses and handled the extremely stressful situa-tions very well.

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    mIrI pIrI rYsilMg klWb vwloN tUrnfmYNt 31 jnvrI nUM

    mIrI pIrI rYsilMg cYNpIanisLp 31 jnvrI 2015 idn sLincrvfr aYgirk iblizMg 32470 hYzf zrfeIv aYbtsPorz bI[sI[ ivKy ho irhf hY. ies sbMDI hor jfxkfrI lYx leI tUrnfmYNt zfierYktr -cMnpRIq PUlkf aqy mIrI pIrI rYsilMg klwb nflL 778-242-1857 qy sMprk kr sdky ho|

    pMjfbI pihlvfnF dI bwly-bwlybI[sI[ hfeI skUl rYsilMg aYsLosIeysLn vloN 16 qy 17 jnvrI nUM sLihr ircmMz ivKy vYstrn kYnyzf eyjL klfs rYsilMg cYpIanisLp krvfeI geI. ijs ivwc mulk Br dy dUr-durfzy sLihrF qoN vwK-vwK skUlF ivwc pVHdy lVkIaF qy lVky pihlvfnF ny bhuq hI AuqsLfh nfl Bfg ilaf. gurU goibMd isMG rYsilMg klwb dy pihlvfnF dy mYzlF df vyrvf ies pRkfr hY-skUl buafey- mnvIr iswDU 59 iklo Bfr vrg golz mYzl

    jobn DflIvfl- 60 iklogRfm Bfr vrg golz mYzlkzYt buafey- afkfsL muMzy 48 iklogrfm Bfr vrg golz mYzl suKmn ilwDV 46 iklogRfm Bfr vrg islvr mYzljwgI gfKl 58 iklogRfm BFr vrg brfAUNj mYzl idlpRIq rMDfvf- 63 iklogRfm Bfr vrg brfAUNj mYzlsfihl bfjvf 69 iklogRfm golz mYzlkrm sLyrigwl 100 iklogRfm Bfr vrg golz mYzLlqnjoq kfhloN 85 iklogRfm Bfr vrg golz mYzl

    jUvInIl buafey-brfAUNj mYzl- divMdr igwl 66 iklogRfm Bfr vrg, hrmn rwKVf-80 iklogRfm Bfr vrg aqy afsitn gurm 80 iklogRfm Bfr vrg islvr mYzl

    golz mYzl - nvI igwl 72 iklogrfm Bfr vrg, insLfn rMDfvf 100 iklogRfm Bfr vrg, jobn DflIvfl nUM skUl buafey ivcoN vDIaf pihlvfn df iKqfb idwqf igaf.

    imqI 16, 17, 2015 nUM ircmMz ivKy A Western Age Class tUrnfmYNt kIqf igaf ijs ivwc sfrI bI[ sI[ `coN BlvfnF ny ihwsf ilaf. ijs ivwc aYbI rYsilMg klwb df prdrsLn vDIaf irhf. nqIjy ies qrHF hn:-golz-amqoj DflIvfl, nvdIp iZwloN, eyknUr bfjvf, armfn mwlI, jsdIp iZwloN.islvr-sumIq Buwlr. brfAUnjL - pRvI DflIvfl, cMdndIp pMDyr 4th jskrn Kylf, qyjpfl kulfr

    aYbI rYsilMg klwb dy rYslrF ny mfrIaF mwlF

    ipCly idnIN imsLn mYqskUeI PryjLr kYnIan hlky (rfeIizMg) qoN ilbrl dy AumIdvfr jiqMdr isMG (jqI) isWDU dy smWrQkF vWloN vwloN muWZlI mIitMg dOrfn afAux vflLIaF lok sBf (PYzrl) coxF ivwc BfeIcfry nUM AnHF dI zt ky mWdd krn dI apIl kIqI geI| jqI isWDU vwloN cox dPqr jldI Kolx df aYlfn kIqf igaf aqy BfeIcfry nUM iemIgRysLn, pWg sbMDI aqy aqy hor drpysL musLiklF df hWl XkInI krn df Brosf idWqf aqy dwisaf ik ies sbMDI afAux vflLy smyN ivWc hovygI BfeIcfry dI vWzI ieWkqrqf| ies smyN hrgoibMd rYsilMg klwb, Kflsf dIvfn susfietI, hrjIq qlvfr kbWzI klWb, imsLn BMgVf aqy aYbtsPorz kbWzI klWb dy numfieMdy hfijLr sn|

    aYbtsPorz dIaF keI klwbF vWloN jqI isWDU dI hmfieq df aYlfn

    Kflsf dIvfn susufietI vWloN BfeI suKijMdr isMG isLmly vfilLaF dy jQy df golz mYzl

    nflL snmfn kIqf igaf|

  • Friday, January 30th, 2015 PAGE 13The Patrika

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    Exceptional Quality Blueberry Nursery Stock

    BLUEBERRY PLANTS Sidhu Growers is British Columbia's leading quality blueberry nursery. At

    Sidhu Growers, we grow healthy, disease free, virus indexed and true-to-

    name Blueberry plants. We specialize in growing blueberry plants and have

    20 plus years of experience in the blueberry business.

    We are the only authorized nursery in Canada to sell Reka, a northern

    blueberry variety and have documentation from where the variety originated

    from, which is New Zealand, and have proof of it. Make sure when purchasing

    Reka you ask to see the signed authorization from New Zealand. Being the

    only authorized nursery to sell Rekawe can provide youwith this.

    When purchasing blueberry plants, buy from a reputable blueberry nursery

    that specializes in growing blueberry plants. Ask to see virus testing

    documentation. Make sure plants are produced from cuttings. Plants

    produced from tissue culture or cuttings taken from tissue culture plants tend

    to be difficult tomachine harvest and requiremore pruning.

    We are committed to provide you with only the best blueberry plants available

    and guarantee it.

    We offer: Expert Consulting Competitive Pricing

    Exceptional Quality Stock A Wide Selection ofVarieties Complete Customer Satisfaction

    For Further Information or to Place an Order Please Call:

    Kam or Harry: (604) 853-1775 32787 Townshipline, Abbotsford, B.C.

    virus indexing

    Bgq pUrn isMG dI gfQf hY iehu jnmu qumfry lyKyiPlm jgjIvn igwl

    swcI Gtnf qy aDfrq ies iPLlm dI pRmosLn leI sLihr ivwc puwjI muwK adfkfr pvn mlhoqrf, svrn mMdr c mwQf tykx qoN bfad mIzIaf dy hoey rU-b-rU

    aMimRqsr pMjfb dy ieiqhfs ivwc drj Bgq pUrn isMG ny musLklF df sfhmxf kridaF afpxI ijLMdgI dUijaF dI BlfeI leI kwtI. AunHF dy iqafg aqy syvf Bfv qy aDfrq pMjfbI iPLlm ieh jnm qumfry lyKy 30 jnvrI nUM irlIjL hox jf rhI hY. vHfeIt ihwl pRozksLn aqy

    pUnIlYNz stUizE dI ies pysLkfrI nUM bxfieaf hY afl ieMzIaf ipMglvfVf cYrItybl susfietI ny. iPlm ivwc muwK BUimkf inBfa rhy hn bflIvuwz aYktr pvn rfj mlhoqrf, ijhVy ik ies qoN pihlF pMjfb 1984 ivwc iewk jordfr ikrdfr ivc njLr afey sn. AunHF dy nfl njLr afAuxgy arjunf Bwlf, arivMdr kOr, mfstr Xuvrfj aqy suDFsLU awgrvfl. iPlm dy mwuK adfkfr pvn mlhoqrf aqy afl ieMzIaf ipMglvfVf cYrItybl susfietI dI pRYjIzYNt bIbI (zfktr)

    ieMdrjIq kOr sQfnk hotl rmFzf ivwc puwjy aqy mIzIaf nfl mulfkfq kIqI.

    Bgq pUrn isMG dI pRyrk khfxI, pvn mlhoqrf dI lfjvfb adfkfrI aqy iPLlm df hfl ivwc hI irlIjL hoieaf sMgIq ibhqrIn sumyl hY. AumId kIqI jf rhI hY ik ieh iPLlm pMjfbI isnymf nUM iewk nvIN idsLf dyvygI. bIbI (zfktr) ieMdrjIq kOr ny ikhf ik pMjfb dy ieiqhfs ivwc aijh keI nF sLfml hn, ijnHF dI gfQF gfAux lwigaf qF keI sfl vI Gwt lwgx. Bgq pUrn

    isMG jI df dUijaF dI BlfeI leI jo Xogdfn irhf, Aus nUM iewk iPlm ivwc ibafn krnf lgBg asMBv hI hY. Pyr vI asIN koisLsL kIqI hY ik Aus mhfn sLKsIaq dI ijLMdgI dy kuJ pMinaF nUM prdy qy pysL krIey.

    iPlm dy pRomo ivwc pvn afpxy ikrdfr ivwc byhwd ruwJy njLr af rhy hn. AunHF df mMnxf hY ik pMjfb dy ieiqhfs nfl juVI ieh AunHF dI dUjI iPLlm hY.

    PLrk bs ieMnf hY ik ipClI iPLlm (pMjfb 1984) klpnf BrI sI aqy ieh iPLlm swcI Gtnf qy afDfirq hY. ies ikrdfr leI myry qy Brosf bxfeI rwKx leI mYN smwucI tIm df idloN sLukrfnf adf krdf hF. Bgq pUrn isMG jI dI sKLsLIaq dy sfhmxy mYN imwtI dy kxF ijhf hF. Pyr vI AumId krdf hF ik drsLkF nUM myrf kMm psMd afvygf. ies iPlm dy leI mYN mfnisk qOr qy KfsI iqafrI kIqI hY,

    qF ik Bgq isMG jI dI syvf Bfvnf df kuJ aMdfjLf lgf skF.

    iPLlm dI khfxI, ptkQf aqy sMvfd zfktr hrjIq isMG aqy qyijMdr hrjIq ny iml ky ilKy hn. iPlm df sMgIq iqafr kIqf hY gurmoh aqy ivwkI BoeI ny aqy ies dy gIqF nUM Kfsf psMd kIqf jf irhf hY. iPLLlm dy aYzItr aqy aYsosIeyt zfierYktr prm isLv hn.

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    Data Privacy Day: Do you know what your apps are doing?In recognition of Data Pri-vacy Day tomorrow, Tech-nology, Innovation and Citizens Services Minister Amrik Virk encourages British Columbians to pro-tect their privacy online by clicking carefully and ensuring that any appli-cations or apps are not accessing any unnecessary personal data.

    The number of identity theft and fraud reported has grown 50% since 2010 in B.C. with over 2,500 incidents reported to police in 2013. Its more impor-tant than ever to protect your information.

    Here are nine simple tips for protecting personal privacy online:

    Check your apps Smart-phone apps can potentially access your contacts, loca-tion, email and other in-formation on your device. Only download apps from a trusted source and ensure you know what you are

    giving the app permission to do when you install it.

    Think before you click Be careful when clicking on unfamiliar links embed-ded in websites or text, especially when they come from unknown companies. Hackers can create tem-plates that look like a bank or other official websites to make it easier for them to access your computer and online accounts.

    Think twice about email attachments, even from people you know At-tachments may contain software that could po-tentially harm your com-puters performance, steal your personal information and send viruses to other people.

    Be cautious about reveal-ing information on social networks Its easy to end up with personal informa-tion in your social media profiles. Remember to regularly review and up-date your privacy settings.

    For example, including email addresses and phone numbers can sometimes be enough for hackers to figure out your password.

    Do not respond to emails requesting personal in-formation Legitimate individuals and compa-nies will not ask you to provide or verify sensi-tive information through a non-secure means such as email. If you have rea-son to believe that your financial institution needs personal information from you, phone the company using the number in your records, not the one the email may provide.

    Make strong passwords When creating new pass-words, use a mix of up-per and lowercase letters and numbers. Make sure you change your most-important passwords, like banking, every six months.

    Secure your wireless con-nection Make sure to protect your home wireless

    network with a password. When connecting to public Wi-Fi, be cautious about what information you ac-cess. Its easy for hackers to use programs to snoop and observe open Wi-Fi data.

    Upgrade your security Personal firewalls and security software with anti-virus, anti-spam, and spyware detection features are a must-have for those who engage in online fi-nancial transactions. Make sure the computer you are using has the latest security patches. Secure websites start with https instead of http and have a key or closed padlock in the sta-tus bar that appears in the lower right-hand corner of the screen.

    Protect your phone with a password Smartphones can hold as much or even more personal information than your laptop or desktop computer. Add a password to your smartphones or

    mobile devices for protec-tion.

    British Columbias proc-lamation is part of an in-ternational campaign to help educate and illustrate the importance of manag-ing the growing amount of personal information that is being posted to the Internet.


    Minister of Technology, Innovation and Citizens Services Amrik Virk

    With cyberattack and privacy-breach stories be-coming a regular event, its more important than ever to be smart cyber-citizens. Being an informed user of technology is the best way to protect personal data and privacy.

    Internet/social media safe-ty & security advocate, Personal Protection Sys-tems, Darren Laur

    Protecting personal infor-mation should be a priority.

    Everything we post online is public, permanent and searchable, which makes it easy to misuse if not prop-erly protected. Remember to practise good habits, ensure privacy settings are in place and use security hardware and software to ensure that personal on-line information remains as secure and private as possible.

    Quick Facts:

    Data Privacy Day began in Canada and the United States in January 2008 as an extension of the Data Protection Day celebration in Europe.

    This day commemorates the 1981 signing of Con-vention 108, the first le-gally binding international treaty dealing with privacy and data protection.

    Data Privacy Day is a cel-ebration for everyone and is held on Jan. 28 every year.

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    ipMglvfVf brFc ivwc 2 mMdbuwDI lVkIaF smyq mF dfiKl

    (jgjIvn isMG igwl) ipMglvfVf brFc sMgrUr c do mMdbwuDI lVkIaF ijhnF dI Aumr lgBg 14 qy 16 sfl hY dy nfl iehnF dI mfqf nUM ipMz mihl Kurd (brnflf) pMjfb dy srpMc suKivMdr kOr qy ngr pMcfieq vwloN dfKl krvfieaf igaf. srpMc dy kihx anusfr ieh lVkIaF lvfrs hn qy iehnF nMU koeI ipMz Cwz ky clf igaf. ies dI lfpqf dI irport Qfxy ivwc drj krvf idwqI geI hY. zf: ieMdrjIq kOr pRDfn afl ieMzIaf ipMglvfVf cYrItybl sosfietI rij: aMimRqsr dI afigaf nfl sR: iqRlocn isMG cImf pRbMDk afnryrI brFc sMgrUr vloN iehnF nUM dfKl krky ielfj qy syvf sMBfl leI vfrz ivc Byj idwqf hY. ies mOky sRI hrjIq isMG aroVf shfiek pRbMDk (afnryrI) sRI rfjysL kumfr ieMcfrj bRFc sMgrUr hfjLr sn.

    sLok smfcfrjoDpur cImf ipMz dy rxjIq isMG cImf imsLn ivKy akfl clfxf kr gey. ijLlHf brnflf dy ipMz joDpur cImf nfl sMbMiDq imsLn invfsI bfpU rxjIq isMG cImF kuJ smF bImfr rihx ipwCoN acfnk akfl clfxf kr gey Auh 84 virHaF dy sn qy bIqy LlMmy smyN qoN imsLn ivKy rih rhy sn aqy afpxy ipwCy hwsdf vsdf pirvfr Cwz gey hn. bfpU rxjIq isMG cImf df aMiqm sMskfr 31 jnvrI idn sLinwcrvfr nUM dupihr 2 vjy PryjLr irvr iPAUnl hfl 2061 irvr sfeIz roz aYbtsPorz ivKy hovygf, AuprMq aMiqm ardfs gur-duafrf sfihb imsLn ivKy sLfm 4 vjy hovygI pirvfr nfl -604-820-9314, 604-615-4841 qy duwK sFJf kIqf jf skdf hY.

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    Ebfmf- modI dosqIprmfxU smJOqy qy aml df rfh pwDrf

    Bfrq qy amrIkf dy irsiqaF ivwc mIl df pwQr sfbq hoieaf gLYr-POjI prmfxU smJoqf lfgU krn dI idsLf ivwc awj dovF mulkF ny swq sfl lMmI KVoq qoV idwqI. rfsLtrpqI brfk Ebfmf qy pRDfn mMqrI nirMdr modI ivckfr gwlbfq mgroN ieh smJOqf isry cVHn df aYlfn kIqf igaf.

    dovyN mulk hfdsy kfrn prmfxU ira YktrF d y splf ier dI ijLMmyvfrI nfl sMbMDq mfmly ivwc afAuNdy aiVwky aqy pRsqfivq prmfxU plFtF leI amrIkf vloN splfeI kIqy jfx vfly bflx dI ingrfnI ivwc af rhIaF aVcnF dUr krn bfry sihmq ho gey.

    amrIkI rfsLtrpqI qy BfrqI pRDfn mMqrI ivcfly mIitMg mgroN ivdysL skwqr sujfqf isMG ny ikhf, keI sflF qoN afeI KVoq asI qoV idwqI hY. asIN ies bfry smJOqf isry cfVH ilaf hY. vfeIt hfAUs vwloN ikhf igaf ijLMmyvfrI qy ingrfnI dovF muwidaF bfry amrIkI qOKilaF df hwl ho igaf hY. kOmI

    surwiKaf bfry amrIkf dy Aup slfhkfr byn rozjL ny amrIkI pwqrkfrF nUM dwisaf ik BfrqIaF vloN ies idsLf ivwc sfnUM idvfieaf XkIn kfPLI hY. AunHF ikhf ik ieh hux amrIkI kMpnIaF qy inrBr krygf ik kI Auh ies bfjLfr ivc phuMc aqy Bfrq dy prmfxU pRogrfm ivwc sLFml hoxf cfhuMdIaF hn jF nhIN. dovF afgUaF ivcfly hoey smJOiqaF nuM mukMml krn leI dovF ivwcoN iksy nUM vI ivDfnk mnjLUrI dI loV nhIN hovygI.

    sRI Ebfmf ny ikhf ik amrIkf qy Bfrq ivwc rwiKaf BfeIvflI dI idsLf ivwc pRgqI hoeI hY aqy ies idsLf ivwc kfrjsLIl smJOqy nUM hor 10 sflF leI nivafAux df PLYslf hoieaf hY. dovyN mulk afDuink iksm dy rwiKaf AupkrnF dy pRfjYktF nUM sFJy qOr qy ivksq krn qy sFJy qOr AuWqy Auqpfdn krn leI vI sihmq hoey.

    pRDfn mMqrI nirMdr modI ny ikhf ik ies nfl GrylU rwiKaf snawq nU M apgR yz krn aqy

    Bfrq ivwc mYnUPYkcirMg sYktr dy ivsqfr ivc mdd imlygI. afDuink rwiKaf qknIkF dy hor KyqrF ivwc vI sihXog dIaF sMBfvnfvF dI qlfsL kIqI jfvygI. ivdysL skwqr sujfqf isMG ny ikhf ik ijLMmyvfrI qy ingrfnI dy dovF muwidaF qy amrIkf nUM XkIndhfnI idwqI geI hY. AunHF ikhf ik 123 (ingrfnI) aYkt qihq isry cVHIaF ijLMmyvfrIaF Etx dIaF qjLvIjLF aqy pRsLfskI pRbMD, sfzy duvwly kfnUMnI pRbMD qy TyikaF aqy afeI[ey[eI[ey[ dy surwiKaf mfpdMzF dy anukUl hn.

    AunHF ikhf ik dovyN dysLF Bfrq ivwc afDuink jYWt jhfjL ivksq krn dIaF sMBfvnfvF qlfsLx smyq rwiKaf qknIk qbfdlf pihlkdmI(zI[tI[tI[afeI[) qihq cfr pRfjYktF leI sihmq hoey.

    amrIkI rfsLtrpqI brfk Ebfmf ny ikhf ik BfvyN amrIkf qy Bfrq ivcfly vpfr 100 arb amrIkI zflr dy irkfrz nUM CUh igaf

    hY pr Auh ies ivwc hor vfDy dy ieCuwk hn. pRDfn mMqrI nirMdr modI nfl kIqI sFJI pRYs kfnPrMs dOrfn sRI Ebfmf ny ikhf ik ipCly kuJ sflF ivwc dovyN dysLF ivwc vpfr ivwc 60 PIsdI df vfDf hoieaf hY pr Auh ies nUM hor vDfAuxf cfhuMdy hn. pRDfn mMqrI (modI) vloN Bfrq ivc kfrobfr suKflf krn dI idsLf ivwc kIqy suDfrF df svfgq kridaF AunHF ikhf ik vpfr qy ivwc BfeIvflI df kyNdr ibMdU lfjLmI qOr AuWqy sfzy lokF dy rojLfnf jIvn ivc suDfr hoxf cfhIdf hY.

    duvwly ivwqI sMbMDF nUM hor mjLbUq krn dI mMg kridaF pRDfn mMqrI nirMdr modI ny ikhf ik Bfrq qy amrIkf nUM smfijk surwiKaf smJOqy aqy duvwlI invysL sMDI bfry gwlbfq muV sLurU krnI cfhIdI hY. iewQy sFJI pRYs kfnPrMs dOrfn AunHF ikhf ik rfsLtrpqI brfk Ebfmf qy Auh (modI) ies gwl qy sihmq hn ik dovF dysLF ivwc rxnIqk BfeIvflI dI sPLlqf leI mjbUq dy vDdy ivwqI sMbMD aihm hn.

    pRDfn mMqrI ny ikhf ik dovyN pfsy vpfr df vfqfvrn suDr irhf hY. AunHF ikhf ik mOikaF dI insLfndyhI leI dovy iDrF ny keI pRBfvsLflI duvwly ZFcy ivksq kIqy hn.

    Ebfmf isKr vfrqf dy aihm PLYsly ies qrHF hn.-

    Bfrq ny 1500 kroV rupey df jLoKm pRbMDn bImf pUl bxfAux df PYslf kIqf hY. ies ivwc cfr jnrl bImf kMpnIaF 750 kroV df Xogdfn pfAuxgIaF aqy bfkI ihwsf Bfrq srkfr pfeygI.

    rfzfr ryvn nfl sMcflq XU[ey[vI, sI-130-jy hvfeI jhfjL leI ingrfnI Aupkrn, m obfeIl ielYitRk hfeI ibRz pfvr sorsjL qy POjIaF leI sFJf eykIikRq kmFz sYNtr.

    dovF mulkF ivcfly KuPIaf jfxkfrI sFJI krn aqy sFJIaF POjI msLkF ivwc qyjLI afvygI.

    Bfrq ivwc afDuink jYWt jhfjL ivkisq krn dIaf sMBfvnfvF qlfsLIaF jfxgIaF.

  • Friday, January 30th, 2015 PAGE 17The Patrika

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    ishrfbMdI dI rsm jd ishrf isr qy sjdf ey,

    kudrq koeI qfxf qxdI ey.

    iewk idl df rfjf bx jFdf,

    iek idl dI rfxI bxdI ey.

    axizwTI muhwbq Puwt pYNdI,

    vg pYx Puhfry ipafrF dy.

    do idl iml ky iewk idl bxdf,

    iewk nvIN khfxI bxdI ey.

    ivafh vyly lVky dy GoVI cVHn qoN pihlF Aus nUM ishrf sjfieaf jFdf hY. ishrf bMnHx dI rsm kfPI purfxI hY aqy ieh awj vI pRcwilq hY. nHfeI DoeI dI rsm qoN bfad lVky nUM ishrf bMnHx dI rsm adf kIqI jFdI hY ijs nUM Aus dI BYx inBfAuNdI hY. pihly simaF ivwc ishrfbMdI df gIq ilK ky ies rsm AuWpr gfieaf jFdf sI.

    purfixaF simaF ivwc lVky dy ivafh qoN pihlF ishrfbMdI df gIq iewk kYlMzr AuWpr GridaF vwloN Cpfieaf jFdf sI, ijs nUM ishrf bMnHx dI rsm smyN pVH ky suxfieaf jFdf sI. ies gIq ivwc lVky dIaF sfrIaf irsLqydfrIaF nUM sLfml kIqf jFdf sI.

    awj vI bVy cfvF nfl BYx afpxy vIr dy isr qy ishrf sjfAuNdIaF hY aqy BUaf rl iml ky GoVIaF gfAuNdIaf hn. ishry dI rsm vyly lVky dIaF BfbIaF vwloN surmf pfAux dI rsm kIqI jFdI hY.

    ishrfbMdI dI rsm pMjfbI swiBafcfr dy rIqI-irvfjF anusfr aihm rsm hY, ijs NnUM adf krnf aiq jLrUrI huMdf hY. purfixaF simaF ivc ies rsm nMU bhuq hI cFvf nfl GoVIaF gf ky inBfieaf jFdf sI. awj dy smyN ivwc ieh rsm huMdI jLrUr hY pr rsm smyN irsLqydfrF, aFZIaF-guaFZIaF ivc koeI KLfs AuqsLfh nhIN vyiKaf jFdf. awj qoN krIb 25-30 sfl pihlf ies rsm nUM krn smyN jo hfv-Bfv huMdy sn, Auh awj ikDry njLLr nhIN afAuNdy.

    hwsxf mnHf hYiewk vfr rImf swj Pwb ky iPlm vyKx jf rhI sI. acfnk AunHF nUM iewk shylI iml geI. rImf dy TfT dyK ky shylI kihx lwgI, vfh! hwQF ivwc sony dIaF cUVIaF, kMnf ivwc hIry dy tfps, gly ivwc hIiraF df hfr, ieh bnfrsI sfVHI kI qyry pqI ny nOkrI kr leI hY?

    rImf bolI, nhIN , mYN pqI bdl ilaf hY.

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    The Government of Brit-ish Columbia is aligning operating grants provided to public post-secondary institutions to support training for in-demand jobs, starting with $40 million in 2014-15 as outlined in the B.C.s Skills for Jobs Blueprint.

    B.C. is shifting education and train-ing to better align with in-demand occupations, said Advanced Edu-cation Minister Andrew Wilkinson. Aligning post-secondary funding to jobs in-demand will help students get the education and training needed for our economy.

    Previously, the B.C. government targeted about $190 million annually or 10% of provincial operating grants toward specific programs, primarily health-related. Funding for programs that support high-demand occupa-tions will increase to 25% of annual operating grants provided to public post-secondary institutions, up to

    $460 million annually by 2017-18 as part of B.C.s Blueprint.

    The top 60 occupations listed in the B.C. 2022 Labour Market Outlook, as well as priority health occupa-tions, regional labour priorities, Aboriginal people and people with disabilities are the focus of the shift in funding.

    Select examples of how universities, colleges and institutes have aligned education and training to match la-bour market demand include:

    British Columbia Institute of Technology power engineering

    Capilano University business administration

    College of New Caledonia community support worker

    North Island College registered nursing

    Nicola Valley Institute of Tech-nology social work

    Post-secondary funding to align with in-demand jobs Royal Roads University profes-

    sional communication

    Simon Fraser University com-puting science

    Thompson Rivers University law

    The University of the Fraser Val-ley construction electrician and carpentry

    The University of Victoria computer science and engineer-ing

    In a competitive global economy, universities like SFU are commit-ted to providing students with the knowledge, skills and experiences they require to fulfill their potential in whatever field they choose, and

    equip them to respond to changing labour market trends, said Simon Fraser University president and vice-chancellor Andrew Petter.

    B.C.s Skills for Jobs Blueprint out-lines the plan to re-engineer educa-tion and training so that students and workers in British Columbia have the skills needed to fill the one mil-lion job openings anticipated in the province by 2022.

    Government will target an additional $90 million in 2015-16 and 2016-17. Finally, government will target $50 million in 2017-18 to bring the ad-ditional targeted funding to $270 mil-lion, and to reach the total targeted funding of $460 million.

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    Plans underway to grow B.C. organic sector

    The Ministry of Agricul-ture is consulting with the organic sector about developing a three pillar approach to strengthen the awareness and repu-tation of B.C.s organic foods, locally, across Canada, and around the world.

    The consultations in-volve regulating the use of the term organic, developing transitional strategies that support farmers to become certi-fied, creating business strategy and market de-velopment programs, and creating a brand to mar-ket B.C. organic foods.

    The proposed change will require all products marketed as organic in B.C. to be certified under either a provincial or national certification program. Operators pro-ducing and selling their organic products strictly within B.C. will require provincial certification. B.C. companies with customers in other prov-inces or countries will require certification by a federally accredited certification body, just as they do today.

    The provincial certifica-tion program follows the same standard as the national program, but with streamlined record keeping and documenta-tion practices. Provincial certification offers grow-ers access to the local organic market with less paperwork, while still ensuring B.C. consumers have certainty when pur-chasing organic foods.

    Under the model being discussed:

    Following the develop-ment of an effective and efficient administration and enforcement system

    and a suitable period of transition, producers and processors that are not certified under either the provincial or fed-eral certification program would not be able to use the term organic to describe or market their products.

    Producers, processors and handlers of organ-ic products including farm gate sales, farm-ers markets and retail stores, would be required to have documentation verifying their accredited certification.

    Reports by citizens con-cerned that an uncertified product produced and sold exclusively within B.C. was being marketed as organic would be in-vestigated by the B.C. government.

    In addition to conversa-tions with Certified Or-

    ganic Associations of BC (COABC) and individual farmers, the ministry will be distributing an e-sur-vey seeking input from organic farmers about the proposed model. The re-sponses will be compiled and used to determine how the model being de-veloped should proceed.

    Requiring organic cer-tification would assure consumers the products they purchase are grown using recognized organic practices, and promote the highest standards of organic production in B.C. Currently, compa-nies with organic prod-ucts produced, handled, and sold exclusively within B.C., may choose to participate in the BC Certified Organic Pro-gram, which is admin-istered by the Certified Organic Association of BC.

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    BfrqI gxqMqr idvs dy kuJ rMg Bfrq dy mukMml irpbilk bxn dI Xfd ivwc mnfieaf jfx vflf jnvrI dI CwbI qrIk df iewk hor mOkf lMG igaf hY. ieh mOkf sfry dysL dy lokF df sFJf sI. sfzI afjLfdI imlx dy mOky ies ivwcoN kuJ ihwsf kwt ky iewk vwKrf dysL pfiksqfn bxfieaf igaf sI, ijhVf kihx nUM kuJ vI khI jfvy, sqfhT qoN vwD vrHy gujLfr ky vI ajy qwk mukMml irpbilk nhIN bx sikaf. Aus kol ieho ijhf koeI pwkf sMivDfn awj qwk nhIN aqy ijMnI vfr ieh bxfieaf igaf hY, kuJ smyN bfad afx ky koeI nf koeI POjI hfkm ies nUM pYrF hyT mDol idMdf irhf hY. adflqF nMU dysL dI vPfdfrI dI shuM cukfAux dI QF keI vfrI Dwky nfl hfkm bxy POjI jrnYlF ny afpxI vPfdfrI dI shuM cuwkx leI mjbUr kIqf hoieaf hY. aFZ-guaFZ dy hor dysLF dy hflfq vI bhuqy cMgy nhIN.

    ieh kihxf TIk nhIN ik Bfrq ivwc koeI smwisafvF nhIN, pr ieh gwl bVy sOKy qrHF khI jf skdI hY ik Bfrq ny mfVy-moty izwk-zoly dy bfvjUd afpxf irpbilk df drjf kfiem rwK ky iewk imsfl kfiem kIqI hoeI hY. keI isafsI iDrF ies df ishrf cfhuM-dIaF hn, pr asl ivwc ies df ishrf ies dysL dy lokF isr hY, ijnHF ny hr aOKI GVI Jwl ky vI isdk nhIN Cwizaf.

    hr sfl gxqMqr idvs mOky huMdI pryz Kfs igxI jFdI rhI hY, pr ies vfr ieh Kfs ies krky ho geI ik sMsfr dI supr-pfvr amrIkf dy rfsLtrpqI brfk Ebfmf vI ivsLysL mihmfn dy qOr qy hfjLr sI. iksy amrIkI rfsLtrpqI df ies mOky Bfrq df mwuK mihmfn bx ky afAuxf pihlI vfrI hoi-eaf hY qy keI mwqBydF dy bfvjUd sfry dysL dy lok ies qoN afm krky KusL hn.

    ies dy nfl hI kuJ hor gwlF hn, ijhVIaF ies gxqMqr idvs mOky vfprIaF hn aqy Auh afpo-afpxI vjHf kfrn lokF df iewk jF dUsry pwK qoN iDafn mMgdIaF hn.

    pihlI gwl ieh ik rfsLtrpqI ny hr vfrI ies mOky dysL dy nFa sMdysL jfrI krn leI jdoN rvfieqI BfsLx idwqf, Aus ivwc ies mOky srkfr nUM hdfieq dy idwqI ik afrzInYNsF dI JVI lf ky dysL nhIN clfieaf jf skdf, pfrlImYNt df kMm krnf vI jLrUrI hY. srkfr ies coB qoN icMqf ivwc pY geI hY. dUsrf AunHF ny dysL dIaF sfrIaF isafsI iDrF nUM ieh swdf dy idwqf ik Auh pfrlImYNt dy sucfrU rUp ivwc cwlx ivwc mdd dyx.

    qIsrI gwl AunHF ny Drm dy bfry khI. rf-sLtrpqI ny ikhf ik dysL dy vwK-vwK Bfe-IcfiraF ivwc sLihxsLIlqf vDfAux dI loV

    hY aqy Drm nUM vMzIaF pfAux vfsqy ijhVy lok vrqxgy, Auh dysL df nuksfn kr rhy hoxgy. AunHF dIaF khIaF geIaF gwlF ny hr iksy BfrqI df iDafn iKwicaf hY aqy nfl AunHF lokF nUM sucyq kIqf hY, ijhVy pftk dIaF gwlf krdy hn.

    dUsrf pwK ies mOky jfrI kIqy jFdy pdm snmfnF qy hor ienfmF df hY. ies vfr srkfr qoN pihlF hI afs sI ik Auh rfjsI soc hyT ienHF snmfnF leI ivakqIaF dI cox krn dI koisLsL krygI. Aus ny aijhf hI kIqf hY. pfrtI dy afpxy bjLurg nyqf lfl ikRsLn azvfnI dy nfl pRkfsL isMG bfdl nUM vI pdm ivBUsLx dyx leI aYlfn kr idwqf hY, ijhVy ies vkq iewk rfj dy mwuK mMqrI aqy kyNdr ivwc rfj krdy gwTjoV dy aMg hn. ivvfdF qoN bcx leI kuJ nFa ieho ijhy vI sLfml kIqy gey hn , ijnHF bfry koeI ikMqU nhIN krygf, pr bhuqy lokF dy nfvF bfry ikMqU hox lwg pey hn. kFgrs dI agvfeI vflIaF srkfrF dy vkq Bfjpf dy lIzr ieh dosL lfieaf krdy sn, pr hux Auh afp vI Auho sfrf kuJ AunHF vrgf hI krn lwgy hn.

    qIsrf pwK ies smwucy Bfrq dy sFJy mOky nUM kyNdr ivwc rfj krdI BfrqI jnqf pfrtI vwloN idwlI ivDfn sBf coxF leI vrqx df hY. vfr-vfr kYmry Bfjpf dI mwuK mMqrI dy ahudy leI imwQI AumIdvfr ikrn bydI vwl Poks kIqy jf rhy sn. bfad ivc Aus dI AucycI ieMtrivAU vI krvfeI geI, ijs ivwc Auh sfry cox mwudy pysL krdI rhI aqy ijhVf svfl vI iksy ny pwuC ilaf, Aus leI jvfb GuMmf ky idwlI coxF vwl lY jFdI rhI. imsfl vjoN ikrn bydI nUM ieh pwuiCaf igaf ik pryz mOky ies vfr keI tukVIaF dI agvfeI aOrqF nUM sONpI geI hY, ies ipwCy kI kfrn sI qF Aus ny ikhf ik qusIN vyK hI rhy ho myrI pfrtI Bfjpf ies vfrI aOrqF nUM pihl dy rhI hY, iesy leI idwlI coxF dI agvfeI mYnUM sONpI geI hY, Aus nUM ieh cyqf Bul igaf ik isrPL hux nhIN, susLmf svrfj nUM vI kdy Bfjpf ny awgy kIqf sI. iewk mOky pRiqBf dyvI rfsLtrpqI huMdI sI, dysL dI pfrlImYNt dI spIkr bIbI mIrf kumfr sI, ivroDI iDr dI afgU Bfjpf dI susLmf svrfj qy idwlI dI mwuK mMqrI kFgrs dI sLIlf dIksLq huMdI sI. ikrn bydI nUM ieiqhfs vI afpxy qwk ismt igaf jfpdf hY aqy Aus dI pfrtI Aus nUM ies mOky dI aijhI durvrqoN krn df mOkf dy geI hY. gxqMqr idvs qy JfkIaF vI AunHF pRdysLF (rfjF) dIaF pysL kIqIaF geIaF ijnHF ivwc bIjypI srkfrF hn. ibhfr, pwCmI bMgfl, AuVIsf, qfimlnfzU, aqy kyrl vrgy gYrBfjpfeI rfjF dIaF JfkIaF ies vfr vyKx nUM nhIN imlIaF.

    mnwuKI ijLMdgI ivwc ipafr qy siqkfrijAuN-ijAuN iensfn ny qrwkI kIqI hY. iensfn dI ijLMdgI ivwc afpsI ipafr qy siqkfr Gtdf jf irhf hY. ieh vrqfrf sfzy afpxy GrF qoN lY ky pUry smfj ivwc vyiKaf jf skdf hY. iensfn ny qrwkI qF aYnI kIqI ik jMgl qoN mMgl qwk phuMc kr leI hY pr soc aYnI qMg kr leI ik jo vI hovy myry anusfr hovy, ijwdF mNYN khF sfry mMnx, myrI afmdn, myry sky -sbMDIaF aqy guaFZIaF qoN vwD hovy Bfv dunIaF dI hr suwK-shUlq myry kol hovy. iks df Blf krnf qF dUr dI gwl, keIaF dI soc qF iewQoN qk huMdI hY ik jy mYN, myry Brf jF guaFZI dI jfiedfd KLrId lvF qF cMgI gwl hY.

    awj qoN cflI sfl ipCFh vwl ingHf mfrIey qF pqf cwldf hY ik EdoN ijLafdf vsoN ipMzF ivwc sI. loVF ieMnIaF sImq sn ik ipMzF ivwc pwky mkfn vI igxqI dy huMdy sn. afm qF lok kwcy mkfnF ivwc hI irhf krdy sn. ibjlI vI iksy dy Gr hI huMdI sI. Pirwj, tYlIivjLn aqy skUtr bfry qF socxf dUr dI gwl hY. lok sfeIkl vI keI vfr guaFZI df mMg ky sLihr nUM jFdy sn. ijs dy Gr ryizE hoxf, AunHF dy Gr sLfm huMdy hI aFZI-guaFZI KLbrF jF gIq suxn leI iekwTy ho jFdy sn. koeI iksy nUM rokdf nhIN sI. Coty afp qoN vwizaF dy pYrIN hwQ lf ky siqkfr krdy. Auh bhuq hI moh qy inwG Biraf mfhOl huMdf sI.

    awj iensfn pVH-ilK igaf hY. ielYktRfink Xuwg hY. hr bMdf socdf hY, cMgI koTI hovy. kMipAUtr, ey[sI aqy mihMgI kfr myry kol hovy

    pr ienHF cIjLF leI byhwd pYsy dI loV hY. aYnf pYsf hryk dy vws dI gwl nhIN. ies leI bMdf afpxy-afp ivwc JUrdf rihMdf hY. awj bwcy vI mfipaF nUM kihMdy hn sfnUM guaFZIaF dy bwicaF vFg hostl c pVHfE. motrsfeIkl qy mihMgf mobfeIl vI lY ky idE pr Auh afpx mfipaF dI mjLbUrI nhIN vyKdy, ijs nfl mfipaF qy bwicaF ivckfr mn-mutfv vI huMdf hY. keI mfpy qF bwicaF dIaF loVF Kfqr krjLfeI ho jFdy hn aqy Aus krjy dy sfry bwcy lfB vI nhIN AuTf pfAuNdy. iensfn dIaF loVF ny afpsI ipafr qy siqkfr Gr qoN lY ky smfj qk qkrIbn KLqm hI kr idwqf hY.

    iensfn dI sB qoN vwzI smwisaf hY mihMgfeI. mihMgfeI ny awj mnuwK dI kmr qoV rwKI hY. ijs Gr ivwc iewk kmfAux vflf qy pMj Kfx vfly ny AuWQy qF kfto-klysL rihMdf hI hY. kdy afh cIjL mwuk geI, kdI PirwjL Krfb ho igaf. ies vfr ibjlI dy ibwl vDf ky af gey. kmfeI qF afKr sImq huMdI hY. jy ipqf dI jyb c bwicaF dI loV anusfr pYsy nhIN qF bwcy vI iswDy mUMh gwl nHIN krdy. jy ikqy Gr ivwc ibmfrI af jfvy qF smJo phfV hI tuwt ipaf. ipafr qy siqkfr lYx leI quhfzI jyb c pYsf aiq jLrUrI hY. jy quhfzy kol pYsf nhIN qF smfj ivwc quhfzI koeI kdr nhIN pr mihMgfeI dy ies dOr ivwc pYsf ikMinaF ku bMidaF dI jyb ivwc hY? ies leI ipafr qy siqkfr hux tfvyN-twly bMidaF dy ihwsy hI rih igaf hY.

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    akflI - Bfjpf gwTjoV aqy idwlI dIaF coxF

    iewk purfxI khfvq hY ik kdI gwzI byVI ivwc aqy kdI byVI gwzI ivwc huMdI hY. akflI dl aqy Bfjpf dy sMbMDF AuWqy vI ieh gwl lfgU kIqI jf skdI hY. ipCly sfl dIaF pfrlImYNt coxF df ijhVf asr ies gwTjoV dIaF dovF pfrtIaF dy sMbMDF AuWqy ipaf hY, Auh EdoN df hr iksy nMU sfP idwsdf sI. hux ieh asr awgy vD ky idwlI qwk vI ids ipaf hY.

    hfly dsMbr dy aMq qwk Bfjpf dy lIzr ieh kihMdy sn ik pMjfb ivwc nsLIly pdfrQ vycx df DMdf krn vfly lokF nUMU vwzI isafsI hYsIaq vfly lIzrF dI srpRsqI hY. ieh iesLfrf s Blok jfxdy hn ik akflI dl vwl kIqf jFdf hY. akflI lIzr vI kOV Kf ky ieh imhxf mfrn lwg pey ik aPIm dI KyqI rfjsQfn aqy mwD pRdysL ivwc huMdI hY aqy pMjfb ivwc EDroN Byj ky sfnUM bdnfm kIqf jFdf hY. Bfjpf lIzr ies AuWqy ieh coB lfAuNdy sn ik AunHf rfjF dI aPIm jo hirafxy ivc nhIN af rhI qF pMjfb srkfr nUM ieh splfeI pMjfb afAux df kfrn lwBxf cfhIdf hY. iesy cwkr ivwc akflI dl ny iewk idn pfiksqfn nUM jFdy iqMn rfhF AuWqy Drny vI mfry sn. ies nfl idwlI ivwc dovF dy ivDfn sBf coxF ivwc afpsI tkrfa dI nObq vI afAuNdI idsx lwgI sI. hflfq iPr iekdm bdlx lwg pey. gwTjoV dIaF dovF pfrtIaF ny afpo ivwc pMjfb ivwc vI nyVqf dy rONa ivwc imlxf sLurU kr idwqf aqy idwlI ivwc vI cox smJOqf isry cfVH ilaf igaf hY.

    hux jdoN idwlI ivwc dovF iDrF df cox smJOqf ho igaf hY, ies smJOqy dy ipwCy luikaf keI kuJ bfhr af irhf hY. bhuq sfry lok ieh kih rhy hn ik Bfjpf ies vfrI idwlI ivwc akflIaF dy leI pihlF vFg cfr sItF dyx nUM iqafr nhIN sI. akflI dl dI lIzrisLp nUM ieh gwl pihlf smJ af geI sI, ies leI ipClI vfrI vFg solF sItF mMgx nfl sLurU krn dy cfr sItF AuWqy mMn jfx dI QF sLurU ivwc hI soc ky mMg kIqI. Bfjpf ieh jfxdI sI ik cfr sItF dyxIaF pY skdIaF hn qy iesy gwl nMU mwuK rwK ky pihlf Gwt sItF dI pysLks qoN qurI. socIaF hoeIaF cfr sItF dyx smyN Aus ny akflI dl dI pihlF nfloN nrmfeI vyK ky aglf lfB lYx leI ieh dfa Kyz ilaf ik ienHF cfr sItF AuWqy ies vfrI akflI dl afpxf cox insLfn ikqy nhIN vrqygf. ipCly idnF ivwc jdoN ieh mfhOl bx igaf sI ik iksy vkq vI akflI-Bfjpf gwTjoV tuwt skdf hY, EdoN ieh

    Kbr vI idwlI qoN afeI sI ik EQoN dy akflI dl dy iqMn ivDfiekF ivwcoN vI do jxy Bfjpf ivwc jfx nUM iqafr ho skdy hn. hux jdoN cfr sItF dyxIaF mMn ky Bfjpf lIzrisLp ny idwlI ivwc qwkVI dy cox insLfn nf vrqx dI gwl khI qF akflI dl nMU ies nfl Kfs Prk nhIN sI pYNdf. Aus leI idwlI vfly akflI afgU jF ivDfiek Kfs mhwqv nhIN rwKdy, ijhVy aOK dI GVI akflI dl nUM Cwz ky Bfjpf ivwc vI jfx leI iqafr ho skdy hn. mhwqv akflI dl vfsqy ies gwl df sI ik idwlI dIaF coxF nfl joV ky purfxI qryV nMU Biraf jfvy aqy Bfjpf nUM hor iqwKy ivroD dy rfh pYx qoN moVy df rfh inkl afvy. ies leI Auh hor vI nrm huMdy gey. ipClIaF coxF ivwc akflI dl dIaF cfr sItF ivwcoN cONh AuWqy akflI dl dy AumIdvfr afpxy cox insLfn dy nfl lVy sn aqy cONh ny Bfjpf df cox insLfn vriqaf sI. ies vfr Bfjpf dI sfry hlikaF ivwc hI kml df Puwl vrqx dI sLrq nUM rqf ku nrmI nfl akflI dl ies gwl qwk lY afey ik iewk hlky ivc Auh afpxf cox insLfn vrq lYx aqy bfkI iqMn QFeI Bfjpf df cox insLfn vI cwlygf. iksy nUM ieh BulyKf nhIN ik idwlI ivc Bfjpf leI lVfeI bVI aOKI hY. Auh cox ijwqx leI iksy df vI qrlf mfrn nUM iqafr hY aqy eysy leI Aus ny Aus akflI dl nfl afp swd ky smJOqf kIq hY, ijs nUM pMdrF idn pihlF qwk gwTjoV Cwzx dy dfbyy mfrdI sI. mjbUrI ivwc vI Bfjpf nUM ieh pqf hY ik ijMnI loV idwlI coxF ivwc AusnUM hY, Aus qoN vwD akflIaF nUM hY qy ieho mOkf hY, jdoN AunHF nUM kuJ kdm ipwCy htx leI mjbUr kIqf jf skdf hY. ies leI cfr sItF dyx ipwCoN cox insLfn df ryVkf pf ky Aus ny akflI dl nUM ieh dwsx df Xqn kIqf ik pMjfb ivwc jo mrjLI bxy iPro, dysL ivwc rfj sfzf hY qy pMjfb vI dysL df ihwsf hY. afpxy iqMn AumIdvfrF nUM cox lVn leI Bfjpf dy cox insLfn dyxy mMn ky akflI dl ny afpxI

    kmjLorI mMn leI hY.

    afm hflfq ivwc akflI lIzrisLp ny ies gwl ivwc pYr ipwCy nhI sn iKwcxy, pr pMjfb dy hflfq dIaF mjbUrIaF ny ieh kunIn dI kOVI golI cwbx qoN ibnF koeI rfh nhIN rihx idwqf. idwlI ivwc BfvyN sfrI gwlbfq dI kmfn suKbIr bfdl dy hwQ hovy, prdy ipwCy sFJ kfiem rwKx dy leI ieh PfrmUlf vwzy bfdl dI soc nUM pRgt krdf hY, ijs nUM rfjnIqI dI vwD smJ hY.

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    CAREER OPPORTUNITYWe are looking for Life and Health Insurance Advisors, with or without experience, to join a winning team.

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    Fraser Health continues to make strides to improve the patient experience by reducing wait lists and improving timely access to services such as MRIs and surgeries.

    Fraser Health estimates it will provide an additional 1,500 MRI scans and more than 650 extra surgeries by the end of March increases of 4% and almost 7% respectively from the current volumes.

    The health authority reports that a con-tinued focus on falls and injury preven-tion has reduced falls-related injuries by 30% within local hospitals - and believes it can continue to build on this success. A number of initiatives are already in place such as impact resistance floor-ing, a slipper replacement program, increased hip protector use and non-slip socks for patients. It will continue to develop new strategies to prevent falls in its care facilities.

    Further aligning with a focus on patients and families and ensuring it is working to offer the right health service in the right place, new peritoneal dialysis beds in The Residence in Mission residential care facility means seniors in Fraser East can now also benefit from dialysis

    services in their community, avoiding a trip to the hospital.

    Fraser Health has committed to a re-newed focus, which will see the health authority working to put the patient at the centre of the care and emphasize initiatives that will improve the overall health of the population, said Health Minister Terry Lake. These early re-sults show that this direction is already helping to enhance the experience and outcomes for patients.

    Health care is about people. Our job is to look at all aspects of how we run our programs and services to make sure were doing the best we can to improve the experience people have when they come to us, says Michael Marchbank, president and CEO. Our decisions need to be focussed on patients and their families and as an organization we will spend some time determining how to best ensure this always happens.

    At the centre of Fraser Healths im-provement efforts are patients and fami-lies, ensuring quality care is responsive to their individual needs and values, and in the most appropriate place.

    Province ensures fair compensation for truckers

    The Government of B.C. is making two changes to the minimum rates in order to create a fair and equitable system that will provide a living wage for container truckers serving Port Metro Vancouver. This will ensure the contin-ued operation of Canadas largest port.

    In December, the Province introduced a rate structure that included minimum hourly and trip rates for licensed container trucks serving the port. Upon final review and with recom-mendations from Unifor and the United Truckers Association, the Province will make two adjustments to the rate structure.

    The Province will remove the $50 rate initially pro-vided for moves within five kilometres a change truckers said was needed to maintain current remu-

    neration levels. The Prov-ince will also remove the $40 trip rate for employee drivers and the hourly rate provisions for owner op-erators. These changes will simplify driver pay struc-tures, and ensure consistent and fair remuneration for sector participants.

    The Province has been working closely with Transport Canada and Port Metro Vancouver to keep the port sustainable and economically viable while also developing a structure that provides fair wages for truckers. The changes an-nounced today have been reviewed by Vince Ready and Corinn Bell, and build on their earlier recommen-dations targeted toward stabilizing this sector.

    These adjustments are in line with the Provinces goal of resolving issues of undercutting within

    the container trucking in-dustry. In early February, trucker remuneration will be overseen by a container trucking commissioner.

    Upon appointment, the commissioners first pri-ority will be to review the concept of the Round Trip Rate, as requested by Unifor. This ensures the Province has fully met its commitment to the 14 points in the March 2014 Joint Action Plan.

    Port Metro Vancouver and those who support its op-eration are important to maintaining the vitality and growth of the provincial economy. The rates are an essential part of providing the conditions necessary for long-term stability in the container trucking sec-tor serving the port which handles over 135 million tonnes of cargo each year.

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    Measuring Up report released: Abbotsford schools continue to improve

    There is much to cel-ebrate in our public schools, and Abbots-ford School District remains a provincial leader in the three As: academics, arts and ath-letics, according to the recently released Mea-suring Up Report, from the Abbotsford Board of Education.

    We occasionally hear concerns about public education, yet it is our experience here in Ab-botsford that there is so much to celebrate, says Board Chair Cindy Schafer. We applaud the many achievements of our students, teach-ers, support staff, and leaders who make our schools the learning centers we are so proud of. We continue to pro-vide the finest educa-

    tional opportunities we can for every student.

    This is the second an-nual version of the Boards Report on Stu-dent Achievement, and it is available online, as well as at schools and community libraries. It provides an overview of student achievement successes, budget al-locations, as well as the districts ongoing strategic priorities.

    Our Board is com-mitted to meaningfully engaging with the pub-lic, says Chair Scha-fer. The Measuring Up report is one of the important ways that the Board connects with parents and the broader community. We want the public to know that our public education

    system is strong, and that here in Abbotsford we have high aspira-tions for the future. The Boards key strategic priorities remain fo-cused on the vision of providing A world-class, innovative, and individualized educa-tional experience for every student.

    In the report, Super-intendent Kevin God-den observes that the district continues to perform well above the provincial average on almost every measure, noting that Abbotsford continues to be a high-achieving district.

    The full Report on Stu-dent Achievement is available on the district website at www.sd34.bc.ca/district/reports

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    gujrfq dy pMjfbI iksfnF dI bFh ikhVf PVygf?jdoN Bfrq afpxf gxqMqr idvs mnf irhf sI, asIN sfry lok ies KusLI ivwc Ausy qrHF sLfml sF, ijvyN dysL dy nfgirkF nUM hoxf cfhIdY, aYn AudoN iewk axsuKfvIN ijhI KLbr pRDfn mMqrI nirMdr modI dy afpxy rfj gujrfq qoN af geI hY. EQy pMjfbI mUl dy iksfnF AuWqy iPr hmlf kIqf igaf hY aqy ieh hmlf iksy hor ny nhIN, pRDfn mMqrI dI pfrtI dy lokF ny kIqf hY.

    pMjfbI mUl dy ieh iksfn afpxy afp gujrfq nhIN sn gey, koeI pMjfh sfl pihlF Aus vkq dy pRDfn mMqrI lfl bhfdr sLfsqrI ny ienHF nUM EQy iljf ky ieh kih ky vsfieaf sI ik EQy AujfV peIaF jLmInF afbfd krnIaF hn. ijs mksd leI ienHF nUM EQy ilaFdf igaf sI, ienHF iksfnF ny Aus dI pUrqI vI kr idwqI. sQfnk lokF nfl sMbMD vI sdf hI cMgy rWKy sn. iewk vylf ieho ijhf afieaf, jdoN Aus rfj ivc gujrfq srkfr ny ieh PYLslf kr ilaf ik pMjfb qoN afey iksfnF dI lIjL Kqm kr

    ky vfps jfx nUM kihxf hY. ies PLYsly dy ivruwD adflq ivwc kys cwl ipaf. pMjfbI mUl dy iksfnF nUM afs sI ik akflI dl nfl nyVqf hox kfrn Bfjpf pMjfbI iksfnF vwl hmdrdI ivKf skdI hY qy srkfr df PYslf Aultx df isafsI iCwkf mfr skdI hY. AunHF dI ies afs dI QF Bfjpf asloN hI AunHF df AujfVf krn dy rfh pY geI.

    pRDfn mMqrI nirMdr modI jdoN hfly Aus rfj dy muwK mMqrI huMdy sn, pMjfbI iksfnF vfly kys ivwc hfeI kort ny iksfnF dy hwk ivwc PYLslf dy idwqf. ies dy ipwCoN modI iksfnF dy pwK df iKLafl krdy qF EQy vI cMgf huMdf qy pMjfb ivc vI ies df cMgf asr pYxf sI, pr ies dI QF AunHF dI srkfr ny do kMm iksfnF dy ivroD vfly cuwkx df rfh PV ilaf. iewk qF ieh ik hfeI kort dy PLYsly ivruwD gujrfq srkfr vwloN suprIm kort ivwc apIl krky mihMgIaF PIsF lYx vfly vwzy vkIl KVy kr idwqy, ijnHF dy mukfbly df vkIl

    krnf pMjfbI iksfnF dy vws df nhIN sI.dUsrf ieh ik adflq df PLYslf AuzIkx qoN pihlF hI sMbMDq ijLlHy dy izptI kimsLnr ny pMjfbI iksfnF dy AujfVy df hukm cfVH idwqf, ijhVF srfsr byiensfPI hY.

    pMjfbI iksfnF nUM pMjfb dy muwK mMqrI pRkfsL isMG bfdl aqy AunHF dI pfrtI akflI dl qoN bhuq afsF hn ik nirMdr modI nUM iml ky AunHF df AujfVf rukvfAuxgy, pr Auh iksfnF nfl PokI hm-drdI ivKfAux qo awgy nhIN vD sky. ies JgVy dOrfn iek vfrI gujrfq ivwc iksfn sMmyln mOky bfdl sfihb EQy gey qF iksfnF dy hwk dI gwl krn dI QF ieh dws ky af gey ik mYN sdf gujrfq dI gF df dwuD pINdf hF qy Auh bwuZI ho geI hY, ies leI modI sfihb iek nvIN gF iBjvf dyx. ieh muwdf lok sBf coxF ivwc vI pMjfb ivc AuWCilaf sI. bfad ivc suprIm kort dy kys dy kfrn kfPLI dyr ies cwup ijhI CfeI rhI qy sfiraF df iDafn ies kys dy

    PLYsly dI AuzIk vwl irhf. akflI afgUaF ny jF pMjfb dI pRqIinDqf krdy BFjpf dy pfrlImYNt mYNbrF ny kdI pRDfn mMqrI nfl ies bfry jLor dy ky gwl krn dI loV nhIN smJI aqy mfmlf iewk AulJx ivwc ijvyN pihlF Pisaf ipaf sI, Pisaf irhf.

    hux EQy hoey nvyN JgVy df kfrn ieh hY ik kys dIaF loVF leI iksfnF ny afpxI jLmIn dI pYm-fiesL krvfAuxI sI. ies sMbMD ivwc Aus pRfeIvyt kMpnI dy krmcfrI nfl gey sn, ijs nUM gujrfq srkfr ny jLmInI irkfrz df kMm sONipaf hoieaf hY. jdoN Auh pYmfiesL krn ipwCoN GrF nUM jf rhy sn, pRfpq hoeIaF irportF muqfbk EdoN Gyr ky AunHF AuWqy hmlf kIqf igaf. ies hmlfvrI df mohrI Aus ipMz df Bfjpf afgU srpMc hY. sB nUM pqf hY ik srpMc df sMbMD gujrfq qy kyNdr ivc rfj krdI Bfjpf nfl hox kfrn sfrI srkfrI msLInrI vI Aus dy nfl KVI hY. Aus dy nfl qF rfj srkfr dI msLInrI vI qy

    kyNdr dI vI, pr ijnHF AuWqy hmlf hoieaf hY, AunHF dI bFh PVn vflf koeI vI nhIN idsdf.

    jdoN ieh mwudf lok sBf coxF qoN pihlF AuWiTaf sI, EdoN akflIaF ny ies qoN iDafn lFBy krn leI hirafxy dy iksfnF df mwudf cuwk ky ikhf sI ik kFgrsI srkfr EQy pMjfbIaF nfl Dwkf kr rhI hY. hirafxy dy iksfn afpxy kys adflq qoN hfr cwuky sn, iPr vI hirafxy dI srkfr ny ivDfn sBf aMdr mqf pfs krky AunHF nUM vwsdy rwK ilaf sI. gujrfq dy pMjfbI iksfn adflqI kys ijwq jfx ipwCoN vI qsLwdd kr ky AujfVy jf rhy hn. hux mwuK mMqrI bfdl dy ies gwTjoV ivwc Bfjpf nfl pihlF vfly inwGy sMbMD hI hn, jy hux vI Auh gujrfq dy iksfnF dy pwK ivwc pYNqVf nhIN mwlxgy qF iPr AunHF pMjfbIaF dI sfr kOx lvygf?

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    UFVs Wierks, Lavals Philibert-Thiboutot honoured

    Sarah Wierks, a basketball player from the University of the Fraser Valley, and Charles Philibert-Thiboutot, a track standout from Laval University, are the ArcelorMittal Dofasco CIS female and male athletes of the week for the period ending Jan. 25, 2015.

    Wierks, a fifth-year kinesiology student from Chilliwack, B.C., posted a pair of impressive double-doubles to lead the Cascades (8-6) to a weekend sweep against visiting UBC Okanagan, 70-67 and 77-65. The 6-foot-2 centre scored 22 points in each contests, grabbed 18 rebounds on Friday and 19 more on Saturday, and also blocked nine shots over the two-game series, including seven in the second contest. Wierks, who moved up to second place on the all-time Canada West list with 945 career rebounds, leads CIS this season with 14.5 rebounds per game and ranks fourth in scoring with 19.9 points per outing.

    Dalhousie volleyball player Marisa Mota, Montreal hockey player Ariane Barker and Toronto track star Sasha Gollish were also nominated for the womens award.

    Philibert-Thiboutot, a fifth-year public relations student from Quebec City, entered the record books at the McGill Team Challenge in Montreal as he set new Quebec and RSEQ standards in both the 1,000 and 1,500-metre events. The 24-year-old ran the 1,000 in 2:21.02 to break the previous provincial mark by more than one second and finished the 1,500 in 3:43.21, more than two seconds faster than his own Quebec record. The reigning CIS champion on 1,500 metres, Philibert-Thiboutots times in both races are the best in the country this season and are faster than the CIS championship records in both events (2:22.09 / 3:46.85).

    UNB basketball player Javon Masters, York track star Bismark Boateng and UBC basketball player Tommy Nixon were the other male nominees.

    Female nominees:

    AUS: Marisa Mota, volleyball, Dalhousie

    RSEQ: Ariane Barker, hockey, Montreal

    OUA: Sasha Gollish, track & field, Toronto

    CWUAA: Sarah Wierks, basketball, Fraser Valley (recipient)

    Male nominees:

    AUS: Javon Masters, basketball, UNB

    RSEQ: Charles Philibert-Thiboutot, track & field, Laval (recipient)

    OUA: Bismark Boateng, track & field, York

    CWUAA: Tommy Nixon, basketball, UBC

    About ArcelorMittal Dofasco

    ArcelorMittal Dofasco is Canadas largest producer of flat carbon steel and is part of the worlds largest steel and mining company. Headquartered in Hamilton, ON, our more than 5,000 employees are dedicated to being world class as we strive to transform tomorrow with lighter, stronger and more sustainable steel. For us, steel is the fabric of life, as it is at the heart of the modern world. ArcelorMit-tal has a presence in more than 60 countries and an industrial footprint in over 20 countries. Guided by a