japan, industrial giant asia


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Page 1: Japan, Industrial Giant Asia


Page 2: Japan, Industrial Giant Asia


Nippon or “Land of the rising sun”Capital : Tokyo Population:

26.9million Archipelago: 4,233 islandLanguage:Niponggo Largest city in the worldFour main islands a. Honshu (Largest) b. Hokkaido c. Shikoku d. Kyushu

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Page 4: Japan, Industrial Giant Asia

Chief ports Osaka, Yokohama, and Kobe Climate: Temperate Consist mostly of mountains 17% land arable and 60 active volcanoes

2,000 earthquake shake the country per year September 1, 1923- Most devastating

earthquake destroy 375,000 homes and kills 143,000 people

RELIGION – Shintoist or Buddhist and less than 1% Christians

THE JAPANESE- Aborigines calls Ainus Ainus, Mongolian and Malay- Japanese Race

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Nihongi- Japan ChroniclesKojiki- Book of asian traditionAmaterasu-Sun GoddessPrince Ninighi- Grandson of Amaterasu,

to rule the country Jimmu Tonno- Great grandson of

Ameterasu , First Emperor of Japan and Founder of Imperial dynasty

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Nucleus of Japanese Empire They reach the island Kyushu and Kanto

GREAT PERSONALITIESWani- Introduced the analects and

Confucious written languageKimmei- Introduced BuddhismSoga Family- Court religion and foot

bindingEmperor Mommu-Transferred the capital


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Todaiji- Most famous Buddhist temple Kibi-No-Mikibi- Invented the katana

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Lady Murasaki- Greatest woman novelist in Japan

Taira and Minamoto- 2 military Clans

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YORIMOTO- New warlord Given the title of Sei-I-tai-Shogun He establish the capital in kamakuraMikado (emperor) Bafuku (Shogunate) He introduced feudalismSamurai (soldiers) Bushido (code of

ethics) Divided the country into districts and gave

the retainers to daimyos.

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Buddhist sect, Zen, Jodo, Shin and Nicheren

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Turbulent age of feudal struggles and civil wars

Takauji- Transferred capital at Muromachi Christianity was introduced by St. Francis

Xavier “Apostle of Indies” The 1st European and Portuguese

introduced 1st firearms

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GREAT SHOGUN OF JAPAN1. NOBUNAGA- Son of daimyo overthrew the

Ashikaga in 1575.2. HIDEYOSHI- Son of poor peasant, unified Japan

under his rules - Tried to invade Philippines and Korea - When he died (1598) his dream empire died also - Japanese hail him but Christians writer assailed

him.3. IYEYASU- Succeeded Hideyoshi - Founded tokugawa Shogunate (1603-1867) - Moved capital to Edo (Tokyo) - Banned Christianity and persecuted Spanish

missionaries coming from manila - Seclusion decree 1639- Closing Japan to world

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1. Shall be peace between Japan and U.S2. Opening of Japanese ports of Nagasaki,

Hokodate, and Shimoda to American vessels

3. Good treatment of shipwrecked American sailors in Japan

4. U.S will have consul Japan who would have jurisdiction over American citizens

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HARRIS TREATY- Basis of Japan foreign relation with western powers

Townshed Harris- American consul in JapanShogun Keiki- Last shogun Japan

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Emperor Mushishito gather the nobles and official at his court at Kyoto

Transferred the capital from Kyoto to Tokyo He Abolished Feudalism

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Recognized Emperor as sacred and inviolable

House of peer (nobles) House of representative ( Lower house) Contained Bill of Rights

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CONTRIBUTION OF MEIJI ERA Compulsory military training Gregorian Calendar Decimal System Christianity and other religion Western system education Railways, steamship, harbor, banks and

Printing press

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1. Bushido- Code of chivalry2. Shinto Religion3. Kana- Alphabet written into 2 styles

Haragdana (curve) and Katana (angular)4. Literally forms- Kabuki, Noh and Tanka5. Dignified social customs- Cha-no-yu (tea

drinking ceremony) and Ikebana (flower arrangement)

6. Landscape gardening7. Sports- Judo (self defense), Kendo

(fencing) and Sumo (wrestling)

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1. Tanaka Memorial- Provided the steps to be taken by the Japanese in order to realize their ambition to dominate Asia.

2. Anti-Comintern Pact in Berlin (November 25, 1936)

- Hitler promise to help Japan in case of Soviet intervene.

July 7, 1937- Accused the Chinese firing on Japanese troop at Marco Polo Bridge

Tripartile Pact- Creating Berlin, Tokyo, Rome axis

Atlantic Charter- Counteract the Berlin - Joint declaration of U.S and Great Britain

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July 25, 1894- Japanese warship sank a vessel carrying 1,200 Chinese soldiers.

Treaty of Shimonseki ended the war Gave Japan the Liaotang Peninsula but

Russia jealously force her to return it to China.

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1899 Japan became the 1st Asian country to be rid of foreign extraterritorial rights.

1902 Britain signed the alliance.


Japanese Admiral Togo’s fleet attack the Russian navy port

Pres. Roosevelt as mediator, The 2 country agreed to end the war

September 5,1905 at Potsmouth, Japanese interests at Korea and Russia gave to Japan the Southern half of Sakhalin island and al rights in Liaotang Peninsula Including port of Arthur.

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JAPAN AS GREAT POWER Gained more territory previously belonging

to Germany (Carolines, Marshalls and Palau)

Japan Empire now include the Kuriles, Sakhalin, Korea, Formosa, South Manchuria and German island.

FASCIST JAPAN 1930’s Ultranationalist and military cliques

made trouble for Japan

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Japan created puppet state in Manchurian called MANCHUKUO and made Henry Pu-yi its ruler.

CHINA INCIDENT July 7, 1937 Japan provoke other incident

near Marco Polo Bridge in Peking. Japanese troops precipitated the undeclared war in china.

December 1937 Nankling fell and Gen. Chiang Kai Shek moved his capital to Chungking.

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JAPAN AND WORLD WAR II September 1, 1939 Japanese armies

overrunning China The victory of Nazi Germany impressed the

Japanese military President Roosevelt ordered the FREEZING

of all Japanese assets in the U.S and boycott the trade in Japan

December 8, 1941 made a sneak attack at U.S naval base Pearl Harbor (Hawaii) destroyed the U.S fleet following day the Allied powers declared war on Japan.

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By the middle of 1945 Japan was gradually leveled by  massive U.S Air attacks & Naval Bombardments.

July 26, 1945- Allied Potsdam Declaration on Japan to surrender.

Aug. 6, 1945 - Destruction of Hiroshima Aug. 9, 1945-   Destruction of Nagasaki Aug. 15, 1945 - Japan surrendered. Sep. 2, 1945  - Japan signed the documents amid

solemn ceremonies aboard the battleship USS Missouri n Tokyo Bay.

Gen. Douglas MacArthur- Supreme Commander of Allied Powers in Japan.

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ALLIED OCCUPATION OF JAPAN September 2, 1945 allied occupation lasted

Japanese cooperated with SCAP (Supreme Commander of Allied Powers)

Article 9 contained a unique provision whch pledge the Japanese people to forever renounce war

Japan was completely revolutionized with the following achievements

Democratization Demilitarization Reorientation of values Improvement of Economy Punishment of war criminals

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JAPAN AS INDUSTRIAL POWER Japan economic miracle has been attribute

to following factors: Industriousness and discipline Managerial skills and its industrialist and

businessman Technical skills of people American technical and financial aid Savings and investment of the people

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Japanese politics become so corrupt in modern era that have been several changes of government involving resignation of prime minister and minister involved public scandal graft, corruption etc…

ZAIBATSU- new millionaire composed of six families which control the wealth and business of Japan.

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1. Japanese language a. Nippon b. Niponggo c. Mandarin

2. Largest island in Japan a. Shikoku b. Hokkaido c. Honshu

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3. Japanese aborigines called ______ a. Ainus b. Malay c. Mongolian

4. Sun Goddess a. Amaterasu b. Kojiki c. Ninighi

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5. Nucleus of Japanese state a. Heian Period b. Yamato state c. Wani state

6. He introduced Buddhism a. Wani b. Soga C. kimmei

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7. He invented katana a. Kibi-no-mikibi b. Mekeni-no-miki c.kimi-ni-kimi  8. it is the most famous buddist temple.

a. takaujib. hideyoshic. todaiji

9. she is the greatest women novelist in japan.a. murasakib. mutsihitoc. minamoto

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10. feudalism was established in _______?.a. Nara Periodb. Heian Periodc. Shogunate Government

  11. It is also called “Period of Feudal

War”a.Hojo Regencyb. Ashikaga Shogunatec. Meiji Era  12. Buddhist sec.a. Hojo Regencyb. Yamato Regencyc. Muromachi

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13. One of the Great Leader in Japan who banned Christianity and persecuted Spanish missionaries

a. Nobunagab. Hideyoshic. Iyeyasu  14. American consul in Japana. Shogun keikib. Townshed Harrisc. Commodore Mather Perry   15. Closing Japan to worlda. Seclusion decree 1639b. Seclusion decree 1630c. Seclusion decree 1631

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16. Japan created a puppet state in Manchuria called?a. Manchukiab. Manchukaoc. Manchukou

  17. In what year did ultra-nationalists and

military cliques made trouble for Japan.a. 1980'sb. 1950'sc. 1930's

  18. When was the time Accused the Chinese

firing on Japanese troop at Marco Polo Bridge

 a.July, 7,1937b. July 8, 1937c. August 9, 1937

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19. the exact date when the japanese warship sanked

a. january 17, 1865b. july 28, 1892c. July 25, 1894

  20. When was the time Hitler promise to help

Japan in case of soviet intervene   a .November 25, 1936 b. September 23, 1926 c. August 25, 1936  21. This became the magic word n Japan A.

Demilitarization   B. Reorientation of values  C. Democratization

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22. What article contained a unique provision whch pledge the Japanese people to forever renounce war.   A. Article 8    B. Article 9 

C. Article 10

23. Tea drinking ceremony a. Tanka b. Cha-no-yu c. Kendo   24. Treaty ended the Sino-Japanese war a. Perry treaty b. Shimonseki Treaty c. President Roosevelt Treaty   25. Who is the Admiral who attack the

Russian navy port? a. Iyeyasu b. Togo c. Sakhalin

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1. the japanese capital was moved to keinkyo "city of peace"(kyoto).

2. bushido means "Code of Ethics"

Nobunaga is the son of daimyo overthrew the Ashikaga

4. Opening of Japanese ports of Nagasaki, Hokodate, and Shimoda to German vessels.

5. Iyeyasu tried to invade Philippines and Korea

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6. Millions of Japanese immigrated to other countries in search of better life during the war.

7. Hiroshima is a new millionaire composed of six families which controlled wealth and business life in japan.

8. September 2, 1946 Japan signed the documents amid solemn ceremonies aboard the battleship

9. Gen. Douglas MacArthur s the Supreme Commander of Allied powers in Japan

10. By the middle of 1940 Japan was gradually leveled by massive of U.S air attacks

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11. Allied Potsdam  Declaration called on Japan to surrender

12. President Roosevelt ordered the FREEZING of all Japanese assets in the U.S and boycott the trade in Japan

13. Aug. 6, 1947 - Destruction of Hiroshima

14. ZAIBATSU is composed of five families which control the wealth and business of Japan.

15. Japanese politics become so corrupt in modern era

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16. july 19,1976 was the exact date the sino-japanese war started

17. year 1902 britain signed the treaty of shimonseki

18. The victory of Nazi Germany suppressed the Japanese military

19. December 1937 Nankling fell and Gen. Chiang Kai Shek moved his capital to Chungking.

20. American calendar is one of the contribution of Meiji era

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21. kana is an alphabet written into 3 styles

22. Meiji constitution was influenced by Chinese

23. September 1, 1923- Most devastating earthquake destroy 375,000 homes and kills 143,000 people

24. Jimmu Tonno First Emperor of Japan and Founder of Imperial dynasty

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25. Give some contribution to civilization