japanese farming ap

Japanese Farming

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Post on 06-Aug-2015




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Japanese Farming

How are why is Japanese farming changing?

• As part of a volcanic arc Japan is made up of a lot of very steep slopes and not much flat land.

• Fewer and fewer people are attracted to the industry as it pays little and is hard work. More and more people are moving to the city to find a job.

• P118-119 of PPT.

How and why is Japanese farming changing ?

• Look carefully at the sheet in your booklet on Japanese Farming.

• Read it carefully and highlight the key points.

• How is the farming system different to the UK ?

Japanese farming and technology

• Japanese farmers are trying to improve their yields and use the space available to them as efficiently as possible.

• This include hydroponics…


• This is an arable method of farming that does not require soil!

• The plants are grown in water that has a mixture of fertilisers and nutrients added.

• Ideal for Japan…

• …but why?